
WORD格式初中英语同义词组1.arrivein/at=getto=reachIarrivedattheairportat10.=Ireachtheairportat10.befine=bewell=beOKI’mfine=I’mwell.=I’mOK.2.befrom=comefromHeisfromChina.=HecomesfromChina.3.bein=beathomeHeisin.=Heisathome.同理:beout=benotathome4.befullof=befilledwithThebottleisfulloforange.=Thebottleisfilledwith orange.5.belatefor=comelateforI’m s o r r y,I’m l a t e forthemeeting.=I’s o m r r y,Icome lateforthemeeting.6.beonavisitto=visitHeisonavisittoChina.=HeisvisitingChina7.beableto=canHewasabletorideabikeattheageof5.=Hecouldride abikewhenhewas5.8.beaway=beout=benotathome如4Heisbusydoinghishomework.=Heisbusywithhis homework.10.bepleased=beglad=behappy Thecoachwaspleasedwiththeirperformance.=The coachwasgladwiththeirperformance.=Thecoachwas happywiththeirpe rformance.11.buysb.Sth.=buysth.for sb Mymotherbuysmeabook.=Mymotherbuysabookfor me.12.beup=getupBeup,Tom!=Getup,Tom.13.catchupwith=keepupwith Icancatchupwithothers.=Icankeepupwithothers.14.catchabus=takeabusCanIcatchabus?/CanItakeabus?15.catchacold=haveacoldOh,no!You’vecaughtacold.=Oh,no!You’vehada cold.einto=stepinto Hecameintotheclassroom.=Hesteppedintothe classroomComedown!That’sdangerous.=Getdown!That’s dangerous.18.dowellin=begoodat Hedoeswellinswimming.=Heisgoodatswimming. 19.dotheshopping=goshoppingI’lldotheshopping.=I’llgoshopping. 20.dropoff=getoff21.enjoydoingsth.=likedoingsth. Ienjoyreading.=Ilikereading.22.haveagoodtime=enjoyoneself Wehadagoodtimeattheparty.=Weenjoyedourselves attheparty.23.falldown=falloffIfelldown.=Ifelloffthebike.24.getthetelephone=answerthetelephone Igotthetelephone.=Iansweredthetelephone.25.givesb.sth.=givesth.tosb.26.givesb.themessage=givethemessagetosb.27.givesb.atalk=giveatalktosb.28.giveaconcert=haveaconcertTheygaveaconcert.=Theyhadaconcert.29.getonwellwithsb.=begoodto Igotonwellwithmyneighbors=I’g m o o d tomy neighbors.30.give⋯acall=give⋯aringIgaveacalltoyou.=Igiveyouaring.31.godown=goalong32.goforaswim=goswimming33.goondoingsth.=goonwithsth.34.goup=goalong35.gotosleep=gettosleep=fallasleep36.havealook(at)=lookat37.haveaswim=goswimming38.havegot=have39.hearfrom=receivealetterfrom=havealetterfrom=getaletterfrom40.helpsbwithsth=helpsbtodosth41.holdameeting=haveameeting42.holdon=waitaminute43.hurryup=bequick44.knockat=knockonstfrom⋯to=befrom⋯to47.lookout=becareful48.lovetodosth=liketodosth49.makeupone’smindtodo=setone’smindtodo50.payfor=spendon51.prefer⋯to=likebetterthan52.ringup=callsb53.sendforsb=asksbtocome54.showsbsth=showsthtosb55.takecareof=lookafter56.takeexercise=dosport57.takeamessage=leaveamessage58.thinkabout=thinkof59.teachoneself=learnallbyoneself60.turnoff=turndown61.turnrightatthe⋯crossing=takethe⋯turningontheright62.walkon=goon63.walkto=goto⋯onfoot64.walkalong=goalong65.atschool=intheschool66.alotof=lotsof68.aquarterpasttwo=twofifteen69.attimes=sometimes70.atlast=intheend=finally71.abit=alittle=afew72.amomentago=justnow73.atonce=rightnow74.atnoon=inthemiddleofaday75.atthatmoment=atthattime=justthen76.atthemoment=atthesametime77.atthedoctor’s=inthedoctor’soffice78.allovertheworld=acrosstheworld=aroundtheworld=intheworld79.amomentlater=lateron80.afterawhile=amomentlater81.allthesame=allthetime82.assoonaspossible=asquickaspossible83.inline=inaqueue84.inthesouthernpartof=inthesouthof85.intheday=inthedaytime86.muchofChina=manyplacesofChina87.morethan=overWORD格式88.nolonger=not⋯anylonger=nomore=notanymore89.notfarfrom=nearto90.NorthChina=thenorthofChina91.ofcourse=certainly92.plentyof=quiteafew=alotof=lotsof=largenumberof=agreatmanyof=agooddealof93.twoandahalfyears=twoyearsandahalf94.getreadyfor=bereadyfor95.soasto=inorderto96.stopsb.fromdoingsth.=keepsb.fromdoingsth.97.becauseof=thanksto98.inmyopinion=Ithink99.bepleasedwith=besatisfiedwith100.inahurry=hurrytodosth.。

初中英语同义词组1.arrive in/at=get to=reachI arrived at the airport at 10.=I reach the airport at 10.be fine=be well=be OKI’m fine=I’m well.=I’m OK.2.be from=come fromHe is from China.=He comes from China.3.be in=be at homeHe is in.=He is at home.同理:be out= be not at home4.be full of=be filled withThe bottle is full of orange.=The bottle is filled with orange.5.be late for=come late forI’m sorry, I’m late for the meeting.=I’m sorry, I come late for the meeting.6.be on a visit to= visitHe is on a visit to China.= He is visiting China7.be able to=canHe was able to ride a bike at the age of 5.=He could ride a bike when he was 5.8.be away=be out=be not at home如49.be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth.He is busy doing his homework.=He is busy with his homework.10.be pleased=be glad=be happyThe coach was pleased with their performance.=The coach was glad with their performance.=The coach was happy with their pe rformance.11.buy sb. Sth.=buy sbMy mother buys me a book.=My mother buys a book for me. 12.be up=get upBe up, Tom!=Get up, Tom.13.catch up with=keep up withI can catch up with others.=I can keep up with others.14.catch a bus=take a busCan I catch a bus/Can I take a bus15.catch a cold=have a coldOh, no! You’ve caught a cold.=Oh, no! You’ve had a cold.e into=step intoHe came into the classroom.=He stepped into the classroom e down=get downCome down! That’s dangerous.=Get down! That’s dangerous.18.do well in=be good atHe does well in swimming.=He is good at swimming.19.do the shopping=go shoppingI’ll do the shopping.=I’ll go shopping.20.drop off=get off21.enjoy doing sth.=like doing sth.I enjoy reading.=I like reading.22.have a good time=enjoy oneselfWe had a good time at the party.=We enjoyed ourselves at the party.23.fall down=fall offI fell down.=I fell off the bike.24.get the telephone=answer the telephoneI got the telephone.= I answered the telephone.25.give .=give sb.26.give message=give the message to sb.27.give sb. a talk=give a talk to sb.28.give a concert=have a concertThey gave a concert.=They had a concert.29.get on well with sb.=be good toI got on well with my neighbors=I’m good to my neighbors.30.give…a call=give…a ringI gave a call to you.=I give you a ring.31.go down=go along32.go for a swim=go swimming33.go on doing sth.=go on with sth.34.go up=go along35.go to sleep=get to sleep=fall asleep36.have a look (at)=look at37.have a swim=go swimming38.have got=have39.hear from=receive a letter from=have a letter from=geta letter from40.help sb with sth=help sb to do sth41.hold a meeting=have a meeting42.hold on=wait a minute43.hurry up=be quick44.knock at=knock onst from…to=be from…to46.like doing sth=like to do sth47.look out=be careful48.love to do sth=like to do sth49.make up one’s mind to do=set one’s mind to do50.pay for=spend on51.prefer…to=like better than52.ring up=call sb53.send for sb=ask sb to come54.show sb sth=show sth to sb55.take care of=look after56.take exercise=do sport57.take a message=leave a message58.think about=think of59.teach oneself=learn all by oneself60.turn off=turn down61.turn right at the…crossing=take the …turning on theright62.walk on=go on63.walk to=go to …on foot64.walk along=go along65.at school=in the school66. a lot of=lots of67. a lot=very much68. a quarter past two=two fifteen69.at times=sometimes70.at last=in the end=finally71. a bit=a little=a few72. a moment ago=just now73.at once=right now74.at noon=in the middle of a day75.at that moment=at that time=just then76.at the moment=at the same time77.at the doctor’s=in the doctor’s office78.all over the world=across the world=around the world=inthe world79. a moment later=later on80.after a while=a moment later81.all the same=all the time82.as soon as possible=as quick as possible83.in line=in a queue84.in the southern part of=in the south of85.in the day=in the daytime86.much of China=many places of China87.more than=over88.no longer=not…any longer=no more=not any more89.not far from=near to90.North China=the north of China91.of course=certainly92.plenty of=quite a few=a lot of=lots of=large number of=agreat many of=a good deal of93.two and a half years=two years and a half94.get ready for= be ready for95.so as to = in order to96.stop sb. from doing sth.= keep sb. from doing sth.97.because of = thanks to98.in my opinion = I think99.be pleased with = be satisfied with100.in a hurry = hurry to do sth.。

初中英语知识点总结【初中英语词组总结】1 (see 、hear 、notice 、find 、feel 、listen to 、look at (感官动词)+doeg:I like watching monkeys jump2 (比较级and 比较级)表示越来越怎么样3 a piece of cake =easy 小菜一碟(容易)4 agree with sb 赞成某人5 all kinds of 各种各样 a kind of 一样6 all over the world = the whole world 整个世界7 along with同……一道,伴随…… eg : I will go along with you我将和你一起去the students planted trees along with their teachers 学生同老师们一起种树8 As soon as 一怎么样就怎么样9 as you can see 你是知道的10 ask for ……求助向…要…(直接接想要的东西)11 ask sb for sth 向某人什么12 ask sb to do sth 询问某人某事ask sb not to do 叫某人不要做某事13 at the age of 在……岁时14 at the beginning of …… ……的起初;……的开始15 at the end of +地点/+时间最后;尽头;末尾16 at this time of year 在每年的这个时候17 be /feel confident of sth /that clause +从句感觉/对什么有信心,自信18 be + doing 表:1 现在进行时2 将来时19 be able to (+ v 原) = can (+ v 原)能够……21 be afraid to do (of sth 恐惧,害怕……22 be allowed to do 被允许做什么23 be angry with sb 生某人的气24 be angry with(at) sb for doing sth 为什么而生某人的气25 be as…原级…as 和什么一样eg : She is as tall as me 她和我一样高26 be ashamed to27 be away from 远离28 be away from 从……离开29 be bad for 对什么有害30 be born 出生于31 be busy doing sth 忙于做什么事be busy with sth 忙于……32 be careful 当心;小心33 be different from…… 和什么不一样34 be famous for 以……著名35 be friendly to sb 对某人友好36 be from = come from 来自37 be full of 装满……的be filled with 充满eg: the glass is full of water the glass is filled with water38 be glad+to+do/从句39 be going to + v(原)将来时40 be good at(+doing) = do well in 在某方面善长, 善于……41 be good for 对什么有好处42 be happy to do 很高兴做某事43 be helpful to sb 对某人有好处44 be in good health 身体健康45 be in trouble 处于困难中46 be interested in 对某方面感兴趣47 be late for = come late to 迟到eg: Be late for class 上课迟到48 be like 像…… eg : I'm like my mother49 be mad at 生某人的气50 be made from 由……制成(制成以后看不见原材料)51 be made of 由……制成(制成以后还看得见原材料)52 be not sure 表不确定53 be on a visit to 参观54 be popular with sb 受某人欢迎55 be quiet 安静56 be short for 表**的缩写eg: 陶is short for 陶俊杰57 be sick in bed 生病在床58 be sorry to do sth be sorry for sb eg : I am sorry for you59 be sorry to hear that60 be sorry to trouble sb61 be strict in doing sth 严于做某事62 be strict with sb 对某人要求严格63 be strict with sb in sth 某方面对某人严格64 be supposed to do 被要求干什么65 be sure 表确定66 be sure of doing sth 对做某事有信心67 be sure of sth 对做某事有信心68 be sure that sth 对做某事有信心69 be sure to do sth一定会做某事70 be terrified of + 名/动doing 害怕……71 be terrified to do sth 害怕做某事72 be the same as … 和什么一样73 be used to doing sth 习惯做某事74 be worth doing 值得做什么75 be(feel) afraid to do sth 害怕做某事be afraid of sth 害怕某物be afraid that 丛句76 because+句子because of +短语eg : He was late because he had a headache He was late because of his headache77 begin to do = start to do 开始做某事start…with…=begin…with… 以什么开始什么78 between…and… 两者之间79 borrow sth from sb 向……借…… lend sth to sb ( lend sb sth 借给……什么东西80 both = the same(as) = not different(from) 表相同81 bother 打扰bother sb to do stheg : I'm sorry to bother you ,but can you tell me to way to the station82 by the end of 到……为止83 call sb sth eg : We call him old wang85 catch up with sb 赶上某人86 chat with sb 和某人闲谈take sb to + 地点带某人去某地87 come in 进88 come over to 过来89 come up with 提出90 communicate with sb 和某人交流91 consider + doing 考虑做什么92 dance to 随着……跳舞93 decide to do sth 决定做某事94 do a survey of 做某方面的调查95 do better in 在……方面做得更好96 do wrong 做错97 Don't forget to do sth 不要忘了做某事98 Don't mind +doing /从句/名词不要介意……99 each +名(单)每一个…100 end up +doing101 enjoy +doing喜欢102 escape from 从……逃跑103 expect to do sth 期待做某事104 fall down 摔下来fall off 从哪摔下来105 fall in love with sb /sth 爱上什么106 far from 离某地远107 find +it +adj +to do 发现做某事怎么样108 find sb/sth +adj 发现什么怎么样109 finish 完成+doing(名词)110 fit to sb = be fit for sb 适合某人111 forget to do 没有做而忘了forget doing 做了而又忘了112 from…to… 从某某到某某113 get /have sth down 做完,被(别人)做…eg: I have my hair cutTom got his bad tooth pulled out114 get a part-time job= find a part-time job115 get along well with sb = get on well with sb 与某人相处得好116 get along with sb = get on with sb 与某人相处117 get ready for = be ready for为什么而准备118 get sb in to trouble 给某人带来麻烦120 get…from… 从某处得到某物121 give a talk 做报告122 give sth to sb give sb sth 给某人某物123 go fish 钓鱼go swimming 游泳124 go on to do 去做下一件事go on doing 继续做这件事125 go out away from远离go out of 从….离开126 go to school 上学(用于专业的)go to the school 去学校(不一定是上学)127 good way to 好方法128 hate to do 讨厌没做过的事hate doing 讨厌做过的事129 have a party for sb 举办谁的晚会130 have a talk 听报告谈一谈131 have been doing 现在完成进行时132 have been to …( 地方)……去过某过地方have gone to …(地方)去了某地还没回来133 have fun +doing 玩得高兴134 have sth to do 有什么事要做135 have to do sth 必须做某事136 have trouble (problem) (in) doing sth 做什么事情有麻烦137 have…time +doing138 have…(时间)…off 放……假139 hear sb +do/doing 听见某人做某事/正在做某事140 help a lot 很大用处141 help sb with sth \one's sth 帮助某人某事(某方面)help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事142 hope to do sth 希望做某事143 How about(+doing) = What about(+doing)144 how do you like = what do you think of 你对什么的看法145 if : 是否=wethereg: I don't know if (wether) I should go to the partyHe don't know if (wether) we will arrive on time tomorrow morning146 if :如果,假如(全部接一般时态)+条件语态从句eg: I'll go to LuZhou if it does't rainIf they change the plan they will let me know147 in one's opinion = sb think 某人认为148 in some ways 在某些方面149 in the end = finally(adv) 最后150 in the north of… 什么在什么的北方(north 北sowth 南west 西east 东)151 in the sun 在太阳下152 increase 增加eg : They've increased the prece of petrol by 3%153 instead of +(名)代替eg: I'd like an apple instead of a pear154 introduce sb to sb 介绍某人给某人introduce oneself 自我介绍155 invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事156 It takes sb sometime to do sth 做某人花掉某人多少时间eg : It took me 5 minutes to do my homework It takes me half an hour to cook 157 It's +adj +for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事怎么样158 It's +adj +to do 做某事怎么样159 It's +adj for sb 对于某人来说怎么样It's +adj of sb 对某人来说太怎么样160 It's +adj(for sb) to do(对某人来说)做某事怎么样It's +adj of sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事太怎么样eg : It's nice of you to help me with my English161 It's a good idea for sb to do sth 对…… 来说是个好主意162 It's important to sb 对某人来说很重要eg: It's important to me163 It's time to do sth It's time for sth 到了该去做某事的时间eg : It's time to have class It's time for class 该去上课了164 join = take part in 参加165 just now 刚才166 keep +sb /sth +adj /介词短语让什么保持什么样?167 keep out 不让…… 进入168 keep sb adj 让……保持…… keep healthy 保持健康169 key to +名词表示:某物的钥匙或某题的答案170 key to… anser to … (key 可以是答题或钥匙)171 laugh at… 取笑……172 learn by oneslfe 自学173 learn from sb 向某人学习174 learn to do sth 学做某事175 let sb do sth 让某人做某事176 Let sb down 让某人失望Eg:We shouldn't let our farents down177 live from :离某地远178 live in +大地方/at +小地方居住在某地179 look after = take care of 照顾照看180 lose one's way 谁迷路181 make a decision to do sth 决定做某事182 make friends with sb 和谁成为朋友eg : I want to make friends with you183 make it early 把时间定的早一点184 make on exhibition of oneself 让某人出洋相185 make sb /n +n 使什么成为什么Eg:I made you my wife186 make sb /sth +adj 使某人(某物)怎么样187 make sb /sth adj 使某人/某物怎么样188 make sb do sth 让某人做某事189 make up be made up of (被动语态)由……组成190 make…difference to…191 mind sb to do mind one's doing 介意……做什么192 most +名most of +代193 much too +形容词194 must be 一定195 need +名词196 need sb do sth 需要某人做某事197 need to do (实义动词)need do (情态动词)198 no /neithr of hate to do no /neithr of hate doing 199 no +名词200 not anymore = no more 再也不……201 not… (形、副)at all202 not…at all 一点都不203 not…either 表否定,也不204 not…until 直到……才……205 offer / provide sb with sth 给某人提供206 offer sb sth ( offer sth to sb 提供什么东西给某人207 on one's way to… 在谁去那的路上208 on the one hand 一方面on the other hand 另一方面209 on the phone = over the phone 用电话交谈210 on time 准时in time 及时211 one day =some day =someday 一天,有一天212 one of +可数名词的复数形式213 one to another 一个到另一个214 over and over agin 一遍又一遍的215 part-time job 兼职工作fall-time job 全职工作216 pay for… 付……钱pay the bill 开钱,付钱217 please +do218 please help yourself219 pleased with sb220 pool into = pore into221 practice +doing 练习做某事222 prefer sth to sth 相对……更喜欢……eg : I prefer physics to chemisty 在物理和化学中,我更喜欢物理prefer sb not to do sth 更愿意…eg: I prefer her not to come 我不喜欢她不来223 pretend to do sth 装着去做什么pretend that 从句eg : The two cheats pretended to be working very hard224 rather…than 宁可……也不……eg : I would rather be a doctor than a teacher225 regard…as 把……当作……226 remid sb about sth 提醒某人什么事remid sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事eg : he remids me about cooking (he remids me to cook227 remid sb of sth 使某人想起什么228 return sth to sb 还什么东西给某人229 say to oneself 对自己说230 say to sb 对某人说231 sb spend somemoney on sth 花了多少钱在某事上232 sb spend sometime with sb 花了多少时间陪谁233 sb spend sometime(in) doing sth 花了多少时间做某事234 sb with sb +is sb and sb +are235 see sb do 看见某人做过某事see sb doing 看见某人正在做某事236 seem to do/be +adj 显得怎么样eg : You seem to be tired You seem to be happy237 send +sb sth 送给某人某物238 send…to…把什么寄到哪里去?239 shock 使……震惊240 show sb sth 向某人展示某物241 show sb sth = show sth to sb 拿什么东西给某人看242 show sth to sb 向某人展示某物243 some…others… 一些……另一些……244 start…with… 从……开始begin…with… 从……开始245 stay away from 远离……246 stop doing 停下正在做的事247 stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事248 stop sb(from) doing 阻止某人做某事249 stop to do 停下正在做的事去做下一件事250 such +名这样,这种251 suit sb 适合某人252 surprise sb 使某人惊奇to one's surprise 令某人惊奇253 take classes 上课254 take sb to 把某人带去eg : I take you to the hospital255 take walks = take a walk =go for a walk 散步256 ①talk to 对谁说②talk with 和谁说③talk of 谈到④talk about 谈论关于…… 257 talk with sb 和某人说话258 teach sb sth 教某人做某事259 tell sb do sth 告诉某人做某事261 tell sb sth 告诉某人某事tell sb that 丛句tell sb not to do sth262 tell sb 〔not〕to do sth 告诉某人做什么263 tell…from…区别264 thank you for +doing265 the same +名词(doing)+as……266 the same…(名)…as as…(adj adv)…as 相同267 the way to do sth =the way of doing st做某方面的方法the way to +地方去哪的路e g :Do you know the way to learn English Do you know the way of learning English268 the way to…(地点)到哪的270 transalte ……into…… 把什么翻译成什么271 travel with sb和某人去旅游272 try one's best to do sth尽某人最大的努力去做某事273 try to do sth 想干什么,但没成功try doing sth 想干什么,已经做过了274 try…试衣服have a try 试一下。

中考英语同义、近义短语归纳1.look up ——try to find out the meaning of ……查找2.enjoy oneself ——have fun in doing sth / have a good time玩得高兴3.What about (doing) sth?——How about (doing) sth ?(做)某事怎么样——shall we do sth?我们做某事好吗?4.Why not do sth?—— Why don`t you do sth?为什么不做某事呢?5.join —— become a member of参加;加入6.be in ——be a memeber of参加;加入7.give up —— stop doing sth放弃8.remember to do sth ——don’t forget to do sth记得做某事9.be afraid of ——be terrified of害怕10.s uch as—— for example——for instance例如11.g o to bed —— go to sleep去睡觉fall asleep——get to sleep入睡12.w ould like to do ——want to do—— feel like doing想要做某事13.g et to——reach——arrive in (at)到达14.o wn 拥有——have wear ——be in穿着15.b e good at——do well in擅长于16.t he other day ——not long ago不久前某一天17.a t present——these days/now目前、现在18.u nusual——special不寻常的;特殊的known——famous著名的19.b e happy with——be pleased with对……满意20.r emind sb of——make sb remember 是某人记起21.p refer… to…——like…better than…比起……更喜欢……22.p refer to do sth rather than do ——would rather do sth thando sth——prefer doing sth to doing sth宁愿做什么也不做什么23.o n show——on display在公开展出cross——go across穿过24.p rovide sth for sb——provide sb with sthoffer sth to sb——offer sb sth 为某人提供某物25.b e supposed to do sth——should do sth应该做某事26.t ake it easy ! ——no hurry!——take one’s time别着急27.i n the future——from now on在将来28.c heer up ——make sb happy使振作29.i n the end ——at last ——finally最后;终于30.b y accident ——by chance偶然,碰巧,意外地31.r eply to a letter——answer a letter写回信32.g ive sb a ride —— pick up sb 让……搭便车33.s et off——start out 动身,出发34.c onvince sb of sth——make sb believe sth使某人相信某事35.o n time——neither late nor early按时;准时36.t hree quarters ——three fourths四分之三37.g rown up ——adult 成年人 drop by——visit顺便拜访38.b e different from——be not the same as与……不同39.a t table ——be having meals在吃饭;在吃饭时40.f irst of all ——at first首先41.b e angry with ——be mad at ——be annoyed with 生某人的气42.t hanks to ——because of 幸亏;由于43.w hat do you think of…——how do you like…——what do youfeel like …你认为……怎么样?44.W hat time is it?—— What's the time?几点了?45.W hat’s your age?——How old are you?你多大了46.W hat do you do ?——What’s your job?你是做什么的?47.H ands up——Put up your hands 请举手48.c ome along!——let’s go!一起走吧!49.C ome on!—— hurry up!快点50.k eep quiet ——don’t make noise保持安静51.B e careful——Look out!小心52.W hat’s up ?-What’s the matter (with you)?-What’s the trouble (withyou)?- What’s wrong (with you)?(你)怎么了?53.j ust a moment——wait a moment 稍等片刻54.h old on for a moment——wait for a moment 请稍等55.I’m not sure yet——I haven’t decided yet我还不确定56.C an I help you?——What can I do for you?——May I help you?57.I t’s a pleasure——with pleasure 很乐意58.a round the world ——all over the world——throughout theworld全世界59.with one’s help——with the help of sb——thanks to one’s help在某人的帮助下pencil case = pencil-box文具盒60.b y ship=by sea乘船 by plane=by air乘飞机 by train=by land乘火车61.a photo of one’s family= one’s family photo 某人的一张全家福62.living room= sitting room起居室;客厅63.look after =take care of = care for 照顾;保管;照料64.look like = look the same as…看起来像……65.see sb off =say goodbye to sb 为某人送行66.hear from sb =receive/ get a letter from sb 收到某人的来信67.begin with=start with以……开始68.at last=in the end= finally 最后;终于69.as soon as possible= as soon as I can 尽快70.all the time=always 总是;一直all the same=anyway 仍然71.warm-hearted=very kind 心地善良的72.be supposed to = should = ought to 应该73.be born=be given birth to 出生be sure 肯定;确信=be certain74.be full of= be filled with 装满;充满75.be away =leave =go away不在;离开76.be weak in = do badly in 在……方面差77.be similar to 与……相似=be almost the same as78.be proud of =take pride in 为……骄傲79.be known as= be well-known as= be famous as 作为……而出名80.be tired of =be fed up with 讨厌;对……感到厌烦81.be crazy about= be widely excided about 对……极其兴奋82.be worried about = feel anxious about 担心83.be afraid of = be terrified of 害怕84.what…for =why为什么 something to eat =food 一些吃的东西85.on one’s own= by oneself = alone独自;独立地86.a quarter to seven= six forty-five 六点四十五87.a few= several = some几个;一些88.remind sb of sth= make sb think of sth 使某人想起……89.regard…as…=consider…as…=treat…as…把……看作……90.play a joke on sb =make fun of sb 开某人的玩笑91.lose one’s life =die失去生命92.introduce sb to sb=get sb know to sb把某人介绍给某人93.convince sb of…使某人信服= make sb believe94.cheer up= make sb happy使高兴;使……振奋起来95.believe in =trust信任;相信belong to =be owned by属于96.get dressed = put on clothes 穿衣服be in= wear 穿着97.keep fit = keep healthy 保持健康98.keep on doing sth =carry on doing sth 继续做某事99.keep sb from doing sth= prevent sb (from) doing sth= stop sb (from)doing sth阻止某人做某事100.stop doing sth 停止做某事=no longer do sth101.shut down 关闭= turn off work out= solve 作出;计算出102.have a try =want a go 试一试do wrong = make mistakes 做错事;犯错103.do with =deal with 处理;处置 in a hurry =quickly 匆忙地104.do one’s best= try one’s best 尽某人最大努力105.hurry off =go away quickly 迅速离开106.run out of用完=use up come back 回来=get back= returne up with =think up想出;想到 go over =review 复习;检查108.go on doing sth =continue doing sth继续做某事109.have sports =take/ do sports 做运动110.have a drink of …=drink…喝…… have a rest =have a break 休息一会儿 give…back to =return… to 把…….还给111.get lost =be lost= can’t find the way 丢失;迷路112.get to =reach = arrive in/ at到达113.get around = go sightseeing 观光give sb a hand =help sb 帮助某人114.send for =ask sb to come 派人去请115.hand out = give out 分发;发放116.take interest in = be interested in 对……感兴趣117.take pride in = be proud of 为……而感到骄傲118.take/ have a seat = sit down 坐下119.give sb a call =make a call to sb 给某人打电话120.call up =ring up 打电话给……121.take the first turning on the left = turn left at the first crossing 在第一个路口向左转122.keep quiet =Don’t make noise保持安静。

初中英语同义词组1.arrive in/at=get to=reach2.be fine=be well=be OK3.be from=come from4.be in=be at home5.be full of=be filled with6.be late for=come late for7.be on a visit to= visit8.be able to=can9.be away=be out10.be busy doing sth. =be busy with sth.11.be pleased=be glad=be happy12.buy sb. Sth. =buy sth. to sb13.be up=get up14.catch up with=keep up with15.catch a bus=take a bus16.catch a cold=have a colde into=step intoe on=come alonge down=get down20.do well in=be good at21.do the shopping=go shopping22.dropoff=get off23.enjoy doing sth. =like doing sth.24.have a good time=enjoy oneself25.fall down=fall off26.get the telephone=answer the telephone27.give sb.sth. =give sth.to sb.28.give sb.the message=give the message to sb.29.give sb. a talk=give a talk to sb.30.give a concert=have a concert31.get on well with sb. =be good to32.give…a call=give…a ring33.go down=go along34.go for a swim=go swimming35.go on doing sth. =go on with sth.36.go up=go along37.go to sleep=get to sleep=fall asleep38.have a look (at)=look at39.have a swim=go swimming40.have got=have41.hear from=receive a letter from=have a letter from=get a letter from42.help sb with sth=help sb to do sth43.hold a meeting=have a meeting44.hold on=wait a minute45.hurry up=be quick46.knock at=knock onst from…to=be from…to48.like doing sth=like to do sth49.look out=be careful50.love to do sth=like to do sth51.make upone’smindtodo=set one’smindtod o52.pay for=spend on53.prefer… to=like b etter than54.ring up=call sb55.send for sb=ask sb to come56.show sb sth=show sth to sb57.take care of=look after58.take exercise=do sport59.take a message=leave a message60.think about=think of61.teach oneself=learn all by oneself62.turn off=turn down63.turn right at the…crossing=take the …turning on the right64.walk on=go on65.walk to=go to …on foot66.walk along=go along67.at school=in the school68.a lot of=lots of69.a lot=very much70.a quarter past two=two fifteen71.at times=sometimes72.at last=in the end=finally73.a bit=a little=a few74.a moment ago=just now75.at once=right now76.at noon=in the middle of a day77.at that moment=at that time=just then78.at the moment=at the same time79.at the doctor’s=in the doctor’s office80.all over the world=across the world=around the world=in the world81.a moment later=later on82.after a while=a moment later83.all the same=all the time84.as soon as possible=as quick as possible85.in line=in a queue86.in the southern part of=in the south of87.in the day=in the daytime88.much of China=many places of China89.more than=over90.no longer=not…any longer=no more=not any more91.not far from=near to92.North China=the north of China93.of course=certainly94.plenty of=quite a few=a lot of=lots of=large number of=a great many of=agood deal of95.two and a half years=two years and a half初中英语同义词组1. arrive in/at=get to=reachI arrived at the airport at 10. =I reach the airport at 10. 注意这里不能用 arrive in2. be fine=be well=be OKI’m fine=I’m well. =I’m OK.3. be from=come fromHe is from China. =He comes from China.4. be in=be at homeHe is in. =He is at home. 同理:be out= be not at home5. be full of=be filled withThe bottle is full of orange. =The bottle is filled with orange.6. be late for=come late forI’m sorry, I’m late for the meeting. =I’m sorry, I come late for the meeting.7. be on a visit to= visitHe is on a visit to China. = He is visiting China8. be able to=canHe was able toride a bike at the age of 5. =He couldride a bike when he was 5.9. be away=be out=be not at home10. be busy doing sth. =be busy with sth.He is busy doing his homework. =He is busy with his homework.11. be pleased=be glad=be happyThe coach was pleasedwith their performance. =The coach was gladwith their performance. =The coach was happy with their performance.12. buy sb. Sth. =buy sth. to sbMy mother bought me a book. =My mother bought a book to me.13. be up=get upBeup, Tom!=Get up, Tom.14. catch up with=keep up withI can catch up with others. =I can keep up with others.15. catch a bus=take a busCan I catch a bus?/Can I take a bus?16. catch a cold=have a coldOh,no!Y ou’ve caught a cold.=Oh,no!Y ou’ve hada cold.17. come into=step intoHe came into the classroom. =He stepped into the classroom18. come down=get downCome down! That’sdangerous. =Get down! That’sdangerous.19. do well in=be good atHe does well in swimming. =He is good at swimming.20. do the shopping=go shoppingI’ll do the shopping. =I’ll go shopping.21. dropoff=get off22. enjoy doing sth. =like doing sth.I enjoy reading. =I like reading.23. have a good time=enjoy oneselfWe had a good time at the party. =We enjoyed ourselves at the party.24. fall down=fall offI fell down. =I fell off the bike.25. get the telephone=answer the telephoneI got the telephone. = I answered the telephone.26. give sb.sth. =give sth.to sb.27. give sb.the message=give the message to sb.28. give sb. a talk=give a talk to sb.29. give a concert=have a concertThey gave a concert. =They had a concert.30. get on well with sb. =be good toI got on well with my neighbors=I’m good to my neighbors.31. give…a call=give…a ringI gave a call to you. =I give you a ring.32. go down=go along33. go for a swim=go swimming34. go on doing sth. =go on with sth.35. go up=go along36. go to sleep=get to sleep=fall asleep37. have a look (at)=look at38. have a swim=go swimming39. have got=have40. hear from=receive a letter from=have a letter from=get a letter from41. help sb with sth=help sb to do sth42. hold a meeting=have a meeting43. hold on=wait a minute44. hurry up=be quick45. knock at=knock on46. last from…to=be from…to47. like doing sth=like to do sth48. look out=be careful49. love to do sth=like to do sth50. make upone’smindtodo=set one’smindtodo51. pay for=spend on52. prefer… to=like better than53. ring up=call sb54. send for sb=ask sb to come55. show sb sth=show sth to sb56. take care of=look after57. take exercise=do sport58. take a message=leave a message59. think about=think of60. teach oneself=learn all by oneself61. turn off=turn down62. turn right at the…crossing=take the …turning on the right63. walk on=go on64. walk to=go to …on foot65. walk along=go along66. at school=in the school67. a lot of=lots of68. a lot=very much69. a quarter past two=two fifteen70. at times=sometimes71. at last=in the end=finally72. a bit=a little=a few73. a moment ago=just now74. at once=right now75. at noon=in the middle of a day76. at that moment=at that time=just then77. at the moment=at the same time78. at the doctor’s=in the doctor’s office79. all over the world=across the world=around the world=in the world80. a moment later=later on81. after a while=a moment later82. all the same=all the time83. as soon as possible=as quick as possible84. in line=in a queue85. in the southern part of=in the south of86. in the day=in the daytime87. much of China=many places of China88. more than=over89. no longer=not…any longer=no more=not any more90. not far from=near to91. North China=the north of China92. of course=certainly93. plenty of=quite a few=a lot of=lots of=large number of=a great many of=a good deal of94. two and a half years=two years and a halfthink up=come up withgive out=hand outuse up=run out ofcall up=ring upinstead of=in place oftake after=likeset up=eatablishbe angry with=be mad oflose one's way=get losetry one's best=doone's bestgo to sleep=get to sleep=fall asleepin the end=at last=finally=at the end of make a decision=decide to dobe surprise at=be amazed ateven thought=even ifno long=not...any longertake pride in=be pround ofgive up=stop doingworry about=be worried aboutbe confident of doing=have confidence in doing not....in the slightest=not at allplenty of=lots of=a lot ofget along with=get on withbe anxious about=be worried abouton diaplay=on showwhatever=no matter whatexpect sb. to do=wish sb.to dostay away from=keep away fromconsider doing=think about doingcontinue doing=go on dingtake after=be similar tobe filled with=be full ofat once=right awaydonate...to=give away...tobe used for=be used to doby accident=be chance同义句转换训练是初中英语学习的重点,也是学生学习的难点,同义句转换虽不是中考的专题了,但它可以出现在听力测试、选择题、写作中。

初高中英语同义词组、句子总结(值得收藏)初中英语备考:同义词、词组、句子转换大汇总各类试卷题型都用到一同义词互相转换1 walk/ go…on foot2 should/ought to/be supposed to3 population/people4 quit/stop/drop/give up 35 maybe/perhaps/may be5 whenever/no matter when6 arrive in(at)/=get to=reach7 continue/go on8 cost=spend=take=pay9 cross=go across10 sometimes/=at times11 die/=lose one’s life12 now/at the moment13 else=other14 then=at that moment/at that time15 like/love/enjoy/be fond of/be interested in/care for16 will/be going to/be about to17 want/would like18 can/be able to/have the ability to do19 visit/call on20 favorite/like best21 happen/take place22 decide/make a decision/make up one’s mind23 found/establish/set up24 finally/at last/in the end25 leave/be away26 return/give back27 why/what for/how come28 over/more than29 whatever/no matter what30 alone=by oneself31 actually=in fact32 also=too=as well33 another=one more二同义词组互相转换1 a lot of/lots of2 all over the world/around the world3 not as(so)…as/less than4 as…as possible/as…as sb can5 at risk/in danger/in trouble6 at the age of…/when sb.+be+…years old7 because of/due to/as a result of/with one’s help/thanks to8 be careful/look out/take care9 be worried about/worry about10 both…and…/not only…but also…11 be good at/do well in12 be proud of/take pride in13 come up with/think of/have an idea14 ride a bike/go…by bike15 come from/be from16 have a good time/enjoy oneself/ play happily17 have a pain in head/have a headache18 hear from/receive(get) a letter from19 had better do/It’s best to do20 how about/what about21 in order to/in order that/to do/so that22 keep off/keep away from23 in/wear She is in/wears a white dress today.24 keep sb. from doing/stop sb. (from) doing/prevent sb. (from) doing25 learn …by oneself/ teach oneself26 like …better than/prefer…to…/prefer to do…rather than do …27 long, long ago/once upon a time28 look after well/take good care of29 no longer/not …any longer30 shall we/Let’s..31 take part in/join in/participate in 32too…to/so…that…/enough to…同义句型互相转换1 运用两种时态(一般过去时和现在完成时互相转换)(1) He left last year.(2) He has been away for one year.(3) He has been away since a year ago.(4) It is a year since he left.(5) One year has passed since he left.2 最高级和比较级的互相转换(1) He is the tallest student in his class.(2) He is taller than any other student in his class.(3) He is taller than the other students in his class.(4) No one else is taller than him in his class.3 运用两种语态(主动语态和被动语态互相转换)I clean my room every day./My room is cleaned every day.4 感叹句的两种句型之间互相转换What a careful girl she is!/How careful the girl is!5 运用关联词语合并句子(1) Amy can’t dance. Susan can’t,either. Neither Amy nor Susan can dance.(2) I has eaten breakfast and my mother has eaten it, too. Both my mother and I have eaten breakfast.6 运用复合句和不定式互相转换(1) I hope that I can visit the moon one day./I hope to visit the moon one day.(2) He told me how he could use a computer./He told me how to use a computer.7 运用不同的句式结构互相转换(1) She wants to go shopping and her friends want to go shopping, too./She wants to go shopping, and so do her friends.(2) He went to bed after he finished his homework./He went to bed after finishing his homework./He didn’t goto bed until he finished his homework.(3) Come on, or we’ll miss the early bus./If we don’t hurry, we’ll miss the early bus.(4) The man gave us a talk last week, and he will give us another talk this week./The man who gave us a talk last week will give us another talk this week.8 用it做形式主语互相转换(1) He can finish the work easily./It is easy for him to finish the work.(2) We found it hard to shake./We found it was hardto skate.。

1. 一……就……as soon asthe moment2. 尽可能as …as possibleas…as you can3. 乐意做……be glad to do sth. be pleased to do sth. be happy to do sth. be delighted to do sth. have pleasure to do sth.4. 准备做……get ready for sth. get sth. ready be ready for sth. be ready to do sth. prepare forsth. prepare oneself for sth. prepare to do sth. prepare sth. for sb. be prepared for sth.5. “邀请”与“请求”Would you like to do sth.? Wouldyou like sth.? Would you please do…?(回答:I'd love to.)6. 四个“没用”It is no use (in)doing sth.There is no use doing sth. It is useless to do sth.It is no good (in) doing sth.7. 如此表示“结果”so …that… enough to do sth.too …to…8. 八个“花费”sb. spends some time/money on sth sb. spends some time/money (in) doing sth. sb. payssome money for sth. sb. buy sth. for some money. (sb sells sth. for some money.) sth. costs sb. sometime/money It costs sb. some money/time to do sth. It takes sb. some time/money to do sth. It takes sometime/money for sb. to do sth.9. 五个“为了”so that (引导目的状语从句) in order that (引导目的状语从句) so as to do sth. (引导目的状语,只位于句尾) in order to do sth. (引导目的状语,可首可尾) to do sth. (引导目的状语,可首可尾)10. 两个“以至于不”too…to…not…enough to…11. 两个“习惯”be used to doing sth. be accustomed to doing sth.12. 三个表示建议的表达What about sth./doing sth.? How about sth./doing sth.? Why not do sth.?13. 四个“出什么毛病了”What's the matter with…?What's wrong with…?What's the trouble with…?What happens to…?14. 两个“为什么不”Why not do sth.? Why don't you do sth?15. 三个“不但……且……”not only…but also not only…but…not only…but…as well16.“劝阻”、“阻止”stop sb. from doing keep sb. from doing prevent sb. from doing discourage sb.from doing sth.17. 六个“相处”get on with sb. get on well with sb. get along with sb. get along well with sb. mix with sb. mix well with sb.18. 五个“因为”thanks to due to because of asa result of owing to19.两个“形式”It's + adj. (for/of sb. ) to do sth. (形式主语) find/think/feel it + adj. + to do sth. (形式宾语) 20. stress 句型汇总be stressed out be under a lot of stress takestand the stress 忍受压力put stresson sth. 强调21. 两个“弥补”make up for compensate for22. 五个“在…看来”in one's opinion to one's mind in one's view in one's eye according to sb.23. 三个“丢”be lost be missing be gone24. 八个“著名”be famous for sth. be famous to sb. be famous as + 职位be famous to sb. as+ 职位be known for sth. be known to sb. be known as+ 职位{ 获取更多初中学科资料,请搜索关注微信公众号:增彩生活(qiaoyingtong)}be known to sb. as+ 职位25. 四个“满意”be satisfied with be pleased withbe happy with be delighted with26. 四个“为……而高兴”be pleased for sb be happy for sb. be glad for sb. be delighted for sth.27. 两个“祝贺”congratulate sb. on sth. congratulations to sb. on sth.28. 两个“道歉”apologize to sb. for sth. make an apology to sb. for sth.29. 三个“玩得高兴”have a good time have fun (doing sth.) enjoy oneself30. 九个“决定”decide to do sth.make a decision to do sth. determine to do sth. be determined to do sth. make a determination to do sth resolve to do sth. make a resolution to do sth. make up one's mind to do sth. set one's mind to do sth.。

中考英语常考同义词总结1.Look after----take care of 照顾2.Make up one's mind ----decide 下决心3.Decide to do ---- make a decision to do 决定去做某事4.No longer----not any longer 不再5.No more---- not any more 不再6.Speak highly of ---- praise 高度赞扬7.Teach oneself ---- learn by oneself 自学8.Stop doing ---- give up doing 放弃做某事9.Sometimes ----at times 有时10.Spent...on --- pay...for --- cost --- It take s sb... to do sth 花费11.Take pride in ---- be proud of 骄傲于12.Prefer... to ---- like... better than --- prefer to do ...rather than do 更喜欢...而不是...13.A quarter ---- one fourth 1/414.Return---- give back 归还15.See a film---- go to the cinema 看电影16.Soon---- in a short time---- before long 不久以后17.Lend... to---- borrow... from 借18.Leave---- go away from 离开19.Look out---- be careful---- take care 当心20.Arrive at/ in---- get to---- reach 到达21.Once---- right away---- right now 立即22.Be in---- be at home 在家23.At the moment---- right now---- now 此刻24.Whoever---- no matter who 无论是谁25.Be from ---- come from 来自26.Be good at---- do well in 擅长27.Be filled with---- be full of 充满,装满28.Be quick---- be in a hurry 匆忙29.By air---- by plane 乘飞机30.go on foot---- walk to 走路31.Go shopping---- do some shopping 购物32.Given name ----first name名字33.Have no idea ----don't know 不知道34.Have a look---- take a look 看一看35.Go by air---- fly to 乘飞机36.Do one's best---- try one's best 尽力做某事37.Enjoy oneself---- have a good time 玩的开心38.Even if ---- even though 即使39.Feel like doing ---- would like to do--- want t o do想要做某事40.Catch a cold---- have a cold 感冒41.Mend ----fix up 修理42.Take after---- be similar to 相似43.Ride a bike---- by bike 骑自行车44.take a bus /train ---- by bus/ by train坐公交车,坐火车45.Be lost ----get lost 迷路46.Can ---- be able to 能够47.Must ---- have to 不得不48.Get married ---- be married 结婚49.What do you think of...?----How do you like...?你认为...怎么样?50.Because---- because of 因为。

初中英语近义词、同义词、词组、短语辨析大全-从A ...................................................... .......1.at the moment\in a moment\for a moment\at the moment=right now"此时此刻",用于现在时。
in a moment = very soon “很快,立即”,一般用于将来时的句子。
for a moment “此刻,一会儿”表示时间的延续。
[例] He is out at the moment.此刻他不在家。
I will come back in a moment.我一会儿就回来。
Hold on for a moment.请稍候。
...................................................... .......2.a few/ few(1)a few, few 用来修饰可数名词。
(2)a few “有一些”,表示肯定概念,few 几乎没有,表示否定意义。
[例] The man has been here for many years, so he has a few friends.这个人在这里住了很多年了,他有一些朋友。
I am a new comer here, so I have few friends here.我刚来到这里,所以我在这里没有几个朋友。
...................................................... .......3.a little/ little(1) a little, little 用于修饰不可数名词。
(2) a little “有一些”,表示肯定概念。
little “几乎没有”,表示否定概念。
[例] There is a little water in the glass.杯子里有一些水。

2021 同义词组1. A few = several = a couple of2. In one’s opinion = according to3. In favor of (doing) sth =for ( doing ) sth4. Not only , but also = as well as = and ……as well5. As well = too6. Apologize to sb for sth = say sorry to sb for sth7. reach =arrive in/ at = get to8. at once= right now = right away= for the time being9. Now = at present= for the time being10. be bad for = be harmful to = do harm to11. be careful with = with great care= carefully = look out12. not the same as = be different from13. be fond of = be keen on= be interested in= show interest in14. be good at=do well in15. at ten-minutes walk=ten minutes’ walk16. have responsibility = take charge of = be responsible for17. be made up of= consist of18. on both sides of = on either side of19. because + 句子= because of + 名词20. because of his serious illness= because he was serious ill.21. Go home by bike= ride a bike home22. take a train to Pairs= go to Paris by train23. fly to France= go to France by plane24. walk to school= go to school on foot25. take care of = look after= care for26. love/ like = care for27. use it again= reuse it28. be over= come to an end29.realize my dream= my dream came true30. do sb a favour = give sb a hand31. enjoy oneself = have a good time32. Not near= far(away ) from33. without paying money= for free34. from time to time = sometimes= now and then/ again35. continue= go on36. review= go over37. see a film= go to the cinema= see a movie38. don’t know= have no idea39. receive a letter from sb= hear from sb40. everywhere= here and there41. throughout the world = all over the world42. hurry off = leave in a hurry = leave hurriedly43. altogether = in all44. in surprise = to one’s surprise = be surprised to see45. one hour and a half= one and a half hours46. actually = in fact47. in his fifties= when he is over fifties48. in order to do = so that + 句子49. in the end= at last= finally50. some time ago= in the past51. instead of (doing)sth = take the place of52. keep fit= keep healthy53. be angry= lose one’s temper54. make a decision= decide to do = make up one’s mind to do55. improve= make progress56. no longer = not ….any longer57. support sb = on sb’s side58. be dressed in a red coat= wear a red coat59. from Monday to Friday= on weekdays60. not modern= out of date61. go to bed late= stay up ( late)62. catch the ball= take hold of the ball63. put off the meeting= delay the meeting64. play a trick on sb = make fun of sb65. prevent /stop/ keep sb from doing sth66. look for sth = search (sp) for sth67. be able to = manage to = succeed in doing68. use up all her money = run out of her money69. begin to do sth = set out to do sth70. live alone= live by oneself71. be happy / glad to see= to one’s joy72. consider = think about73. continue = go on74. the whole day = all day long75. thank T om= be thankful to Tom76. miss the train= fail to catch the train77. go swimming = go for a swimming78. over= come to an end79. begin his hobby = take up his hobby80. prove to be true= turn out to be true81. in addition to = besides = what’s more82. solve = work out83. visit Europe= pay a visit to Europe84. want to do sth= would like to do sth85. prefer doing A to doing B= would rather do A than do B= like doing A better than doing B86. what to do = how to do it87. how to deal with = what to do with88. process= deal with89. rely on = depend on90. be independent= not rely on = not depend on91. be satisfied with= be pleased with92. return to school= come back to school93. return the book= give back the book94. lie in Pudong= be located in Pudong95. often do sth in the past= used to do96. lose one’s way= get lost97. start my hobby= take up my hobby同义句子1. The film began half an hour ago.=he film has_____ _____for half an hour.2. He died ten days ago.=He has_____ _____for ten days.3. He borrowed the book a week ago.=He_____ _____ the book for a week./ since a week ago.4. He left school two months ago.=He has ______ _______ from school for two months. 5. I write more carefully than T om.= Tom doesn’t______ as/ so_______ as I.6. Trains run more quickly than buses.= Buses _____ run as _______ as trains.7. T oday’s computers are less expensive than before. = Today’s computers _______ ________than before.8. This is the most wonderful film I have ever seen.=I have _______ _______ such a wonderful film.9. T om studies harder than any other student.= ______ _______e studies harder than T om.10. You will fail unless you study hard.= You will ______ if you ______ study hard.= Study hard,______ you’ll ______the exam.=Study hard, ______you’ll ______ the exam.11. She was late for school because she missed the bus.= She ______ the bus , ______she was late for school.12. The book is not cheap, but it’s very good.= ______ the book is _____cheap, it’s very good.13. I’m sorry.答句:N ever mind/ That’s all right/ That’s OK/It doesn’t matter./ Don’t worry.14. Would you mind opening the door?答句:不介怀。

初中英语经典短语及同义词组初中英语同义词组1.arrive in/at=get to=reach2.be fine=be well=be OK3.be from=come from4.be in=be at home5.be full of=be filled with6.be late for=come late for7.be on a visit to= visit8.be able to=can9.be away=be out10.be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth.11.be pleased=be glad=be happy12.buy sb. Sth.=buy sth. to sb13.be up=get up14.catch up with=keep up with15.catch a bus=take a bus16.catch a cold=have a colde into=step intoe on=come alonge down=get down20.do well in=be good at21.do the shopping=go shopping22.drop off=get off23.enjoy doing sth.=like doing sth.24.have a good time=enjoy oneself25.fall down=fall off26.get the telephone=answer the telephone27.give sb.sth.=give sth.to sb.28.give sb.the message=give the message to sb.29.give sb. a talk=give a talk to sb.30.give a concert=have a concert31.get on well with sb.=be good to32.give…a call=give…a ring33.go down=go along34.go for a swim=go swimming35.go on doing sth.=go on with sth.36.go up=go along37.go to sleep=get to sleep=fall asleep38.have a look (at)=look at39.have a swim=go swimming40.have got=have41.hear from=receive a letter from=have a letter from=get a letter from42.help sb with sth=help sb to do sth43.hold a meeting=have a meeting44.hold on=wait a minute45.hurry up=be quick46.knock at=knock onst from…to=be from…to48.like doing sth=like to do sth49.look out=be careful50.love to do sth=like to do sth51.make up one’s mind to do=set one’s mind to do52.pay for=spend on53.prefer…to=like better than54.ring up=call sb55.send for sb=ask sb to come56.show sb sth=show sth to sb57.take care of=look after58.take exercise=do sport59.take a message=leave a message60.think about=think of61.teach oneself=learn all by oneself62.turn off=turn down63.turn right at the…crossing=take the …turning on the right64.walk on=go on65.walk to=go to …on foot66.walk along=go along67.at school=in the school68.a lot of=lots of69.a lot=very much70.a quarter past two=two fifteen71.at times=sometimes72.at last=in the end=finally73.a bit=a little=a few74.a moment ago=just now75.at once=right now76.at noon=in the middle of a day77.at that moment=at that time=just then78.at the moment=at the same time79.at the doctor’s=in the doctor’s office80.all over the world=across the world=around the world=in the world81.a moment later=later on82.after a while=a moment later83.all the same=all the time84.as soon as possible=as quick as possible85.in line=in a queue86.in the southern part of=in the south of87.in the day=in the daytime88.much of China=many places of China89.more than=over90.no longer=not…any longer=no more=not any more91.not far from=near to92.North China=the north of China93.of course=certainly94.plenty of=quite a few=a lot of=lots of=large number of=a great many of=a good deal of95.two and a half years=two years and a half初中英语同义词组1. arrive in/at=get to=reachI arrived at the airport at 10.=I reach the airport at 10.注意这里不能用arrive in2. be fine=be well=be OKI’m fine=I’m well.=I’m OK.3. be from=come fromHe is from China.=He comes from China.4. be in=be at homeHe is in.=He is at home.同理:be out= be not at home5. be full of=be filled withThe bottle is full of orange.=The bottle is filled with orange.6. be late for=come late forI’m sorry, I’m late for the meeting.=I’m sorry, I come late for the meeting.7. be on a visit to= visitHe is on a visit to China.= He is visiting China8. be able to=canHe was able to ride a bike at the age of 5.=He could ride a bike when he was 5.9. be away=be out=be not at home10. be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth.He is busy doing his homework.=He is busy with his homework.11. be pleased=be glad=be happyThe coach was pleased with their performance.=The coach was glad with their performance.=The coach was happy with their performance.12. buy sb. Sth.=buy sth. to sbMy mother bought me a book.=My mother bought a book to me.13. be up=get upBe up, Tom!=Get up, Tom.14. catch up with=keep up withI can catch up with others.=I can keep up with others.15. catch a bus=take a busCan I catch a bus?/Can I take a bus?16. catch a cold=have a coldOh, no! You’ve caught a cold.=Oh, no! You’ve had a cold.17. come into=step intoHe came into the classroom.=He stepped into the classroom18. come down=get downCome down! That’s dangerous.=Get down! That’s dangerous.19. do well in=be good atHe does well in swimming.=He is good at swimming.20. do the shopping=go shoppingI’ll do the shopping.=I’ll go shopping.21. drop off=get off22. enjoy doing sth.=like doing sth.I enjoy reading.=I like reading.23. have a good time=enjoy oneselfWe had a good time at the party.=We enjoyed ourselves at the party.24. fall down=fall offI fell down.=I fell off the bike.25. get the telephone=answer the telephoneI got the telephone.= I answered the telephone.26. give sb.sth.=give sth.to sb.27. give sb.the message=give the message to sb.28. give sb. a talk=give a talk to sb.29. give a concert=have a concertThey gave a concert.=They had a concert.30. get on well with sb.=be good toI got on well with my neighbors=I’m good to my neighbors.31. give…a call=give…a ringI gave a call to you.=I give you a ring.32. go down=go along33. go for a swim=go swimming34. go on doing sth.=go on with sth.35. go up=go along36. go to sleep=get to sleep=fall asleep37. have a look (at)=look at38. have a swim=go swimming39. have got=have40. hear from=receive a letter from=have a letter from=get a letter from41. help sb with sth=help sb to do sth42. hold a meeting=have a meeting43. hold on=wait a minute44. hurry up=be quick45. knock at=knock on46. last from…to=be from…to47. like doing sth=like to do sth48. look out=be careful49. love to do sth=like to do sth50. make up one’s mind to do=set one’s mind to d o51. pay for=spend on52. prefer…to=like better than53. ring up=call sb54. send for sb=ask sb to come55. show sb sth=show sth to sb56. take care of=look after57. take exercise=do sport58. take a message=leave a message59. think about=think of60. teach oneself=learn all by oneself61. turn off=turn down62. turn right at the…crossing=take the …turning on the right63. walk on=go on64. walk to=go to …on foot65. walk along=go along66. at school=in the school67. a lot of=lots of68. a lot=very much69. a quarter past two=two fifteen70. at times=sometimes71. at last=in the end=finally72. a bit=a little=a few73. a moment ago=just now74. at once=right now75. at noon=in the middle of a day76. at that moment=at that time=just then77. at the moment=at the same time78. at the doctor’s=in the doctor’s office79. all over the world=across the world=around the world=in the world80. a moment later=later on81. after a while=a moment later82. all the same=all the time83. as soon as possible=as quick as possible84. in line=in a queue85. in the southern part of=in the south of86. in the day=in the daytime87. much of China=many places of China88. more than=over89. no longer=not…any longer=no more=not any more90. not far from=near to91. North China=the north of China92. of course=certainly93. plenty of=quite a few=a lot of=lots of=large number of=a great many of=a good deal of94. two and a half years=two years and a halfthink up=come up withgive out=hand outuse up=run out ofcall up=ring upinstead of=in place oftake after=likeset up=eatablishbe angry with=be mad oflose one's way=get losetry one's best=do one's bestgo to sleep=get to sleep=fall asleepin the end=at last=finally=at the end ofmake a decision=decide to dobe surprise at=be amazed ateven thought=even ifno long=not...any longertake pride in=be pround ofgive up=stop doingworry about=be worried aboutbe confident of doing=have confidence in doingnot....in the slightest=not at allplenty of=lots of=a lot ofget along with=get on withbe anxious about=be worried abouton diaplay=on showwhatever=no matter whatexpect sb. to do=wish sb.to dostay away from=keep away fromconsider doing=think about doingcontinue doing=go on dingtake after=be similar tobe filled with=be full ofat once=right awaydonate...to=give away...tobe used for=be used to doby accident=be chance同义句转换训练是初中英语学习的重点,也是学生学习的难点,同义句转换虽不是中考的专题了,但它可以出现在听力测试、选择题、写作中。

初中英语同义词组1.arrive in/at=get to=reachI arrived at the airport at 10.=I reach the airport at 10.be fine=be well=be OKI’m fine=I’m well.=I’m OK.2.be from=come fromHe is from China。
=He comes from China.3.be in=be at homeHe is in。
=He is at home。
同理:be out= be not at home 4.be full of=be filled withThe bottle is full of orange.=The bottle is filled with orange。
5.be late for=come late forI’m sorry, I’m late for the meeting。
=I’m sorry,I come late for the meeting.6.be on a visit to= visitHe is on a visit to China。
= He is visiting China7.be able to=canHe was able to ride a bike at the age of 5。
=He could ridea bike when he was 5。
8.be away=be out=be not at home如49.be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth。
He is busy doing his homework。
=He is busy with his homework。
10.be pleased=be glad=be happyThe coach was pleased with their performance.=The coach was glad with their performance.=The coach was happy with their pe rformance。

ask sb. to come请(让)某人来
set off动身;起程
leave for动身去某地
take part in参加;加入
join in参加;加入
think about思考;考虑
think of考虑;认为
throw away扔掉
hear from收到……的来信
get a letter from收到……的来信
help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事
help sb. (to)do sth.帮助某人做某事
hold on等一等;别挂断电话
hang on(打电话时)不挂断;等待片刻
live on以……为主食;靠……为生
feed on以……为食
look like看起来像
be similar to与……相似;与……相像
look out留神;当心
be careful小心
pay for付款
speak to和……说话;同……说
talk with和……交谈
send for sb.派人去叫(请)某人

初中英语近义词、同义词、词组、短语辨析大全1. look for, find, find out﹡ look for 是“动词 + 介词”结构,意为“寻找”,表示正在进行的动作;﹡ find 意为“找到,发现”,多指偶然性的,表示look for 之后的结果;﹡ find out 是“动词 + 副词”结构,意为“找出查,明”,指通过观察而发现事实的真相,调查后找出原因等。
同时要注意课文中出现的find句型:find sb. / sth. doing sth. 发现某人(某物)在做某事;find it hard / difficult to do sth. 发现做某事是难的。
例如:What are you looking for? 你在找什么?They found the lost child hiding in the cave.他们发现走失了的孩子藏在山洞里。
Did you find out why he was late? 他迟到的原因你查清了吗?★............................................★............................................★2.worth 的用法worth,worthy,worth-while都为adj.意为"值得"。
1. worth: be worth + n.当名词为金钱时,表示"……值得……"be worth doing sth."……某事值得被做"The question is not worth discussing again and again.2. worthy:be worthy of +n.当名词为抽象名词时表示"……值得……"be worthy to be done "某事值得被做"The question is not worthy to be discussed againand again.3. worth-while: be worth-while to do sth "值得做某事"worth while: It is worth while doing sthIt is worth while sb to do sth. .............................................................................典型例题It is not ____ to discuss the question again and again.A.worthB.worthyC.worth-whileD.worth while答案C. 由worth的用法可知,此句只适合词组be worth-while to do sth.。

、初中常见的同义词或同义词组1.be friendly to each other =get on /along well with …2.all right =OK3.alone =on one’s own=by oneself4.a little +n. = a bit of + n.5.at the moment =now6.be a Russia = come from Russia = be from Russia7.be good at =do well in8.be OK=be all right9.be working =be at work10.be weak in =be bad at11.be busy with =be busy doing12.be proud of= take pride in….13.but =except (除外)14.do one’s best to do sth. =try one’s best to do sth.15.each other =one another16.everywhere=here and there17.fall asleep =go to sleep18.fly to…=go to…by plane/air19.get to=arrive at/in = reach20.have a good time =enjoy oneself=have fun21.have enough money for・・・=afford to buy ・・・22.just now=a moment ago23.learn ・・・by oneself=teach oneself24.leave・・・=be away from25.look after =take care of26.mean・・・=the meaning of27.more than=over28.not again=no more=not any more29.prefer sth. to sth.=like sth. better than sth.30.receive a letter from sb.=hear from sb.31.ring (up)sb.=call (up)sb.=phone sb.=make a phone call to sb.32.say no to sb.=refuse sb.33.sleep well=have a good sleep34.see a film=go to the cinema35.start(开始)=begin36.start(出发)=set out37.take a car to go to sp.=go to sp. by carpart in=be in39.visit sp. =pay/ have a visit to sp.40.catch the bus=take the bus二、反义词或反义词组的替换1.after=before2.(A) borrow …from (B)-(8)lend…to…(A)3.catch up with-fall behind4.catch the bus-miss the bus5.early-late6.easy-difficult7.find-lose8.get off-get on9.in front of-behind10.miss=catch11.near -far away from12.remember-forget13.something/anything-nothing14.switch off-switch on /turn on15.the same as-different from16.write to sb. -hear from sb.三、形容词、副词比较级的不同形式的替换1.He is as tall as I . =He is the same height as I .2.He is as old as I .=He is the same age as I .3.This box is as heavy (long,wide,deep)as that one.= This box is the same weight(length, width, depth) as that one.4.Bill did better than Lin Tao.=Lin Tao did not do so well as Bill.5.I haven’t as many story-books as he.=He has more story-books than I .6.Japanese is not so popular as English.= Japanese is less popular than English.7.It’s so important a match that we must see it.= =It’s such an important match that we can't miss it.常见形容词/副词/的句型1.as +形容词/副词+asthe same+名词+as2.not so (as) +形容词/副词+as形容词/副词比较级+thanless +形容词/副词比较级+than3.such a/an +形容词+名词so+形容词+a/an+名词四、合并句子1. too+形容词to do / so…thatHe is very young . He can't carry the box.-He is too young to carry the box.-He is so young that he can't carry the box.2.形容词/副词+enogh to do…Edison was very clever. He could invent a lot of things. Edison was clever enough to invent a lot of things.3.either・・・or■…You can do this before class, and you can also do it after class.You can do this either before class or after class.4.neither・・・nor■…There is no air on the moon. There is no water on the moon.There is neither air nor water on the moon.5.neither of■…Your answer is wrong. My answer is wrong, either. Neither of our answers is right.6.none ofTom hasn't passed the exam. Peter and Ken haven’t passed the exam, eihter.None of the three boys has passed the exam.7.both・・・and・・・He knows English. His wife knows English,too.Both he and his wife knows English.8.not only・・・but also・・・Mrs. Smith is my teacher. She is also my good friends. Mrs. Smith is not only my teacher, but also my good friend.…that…How fast the little boy is running! I can't catch up with him.The little boy is running so fast that I can't catch up with him.10.without.…I won’t work well if you don't help me.I wo n’t work well without your help.11.exceptAll are here, but our English teacher isn't .Everyone is here except our English teacher.12.It is +adj. of sb. to do sth.You help me a lot. You are really nice.It's really nice of you to help me a lot.13.…if(条件状语从句)The weather won’t be fine tomorrow. We’ll have to stay at home.We'll have to stay at home tomorrow if the weather won't be fine.Start before 4 o’clock. Or you may miss your plane.You may miss your plane if you don't start before 4o'clock.五、单句与复句互换1.so…that…(从句)・・・too・・・to do・・・■■■enough to do….The room is so small that my family can't live in.-The room isn't big enough for my family to live in.-The room is too small for my family to live in.2.find that(从句)find sb. +宾语补语We found (that)he is a good pupil.We found him a good pupil.3.…what/where/when/how(从句)…what/where/when/how to do …-Please tell me where we show our tickets.-I am not sure what I should do next.-Please tell me where to show our tickets.-I am not sure what to do next.4.hope that (从句)hope to do …I hope that I can see you soon.I hope to see you soon.5.It is ・・・(some time) since (从句)did…some time agoSb. has been…for some time -It is ten years since his grandfather died.-It is five years since she became a nurse.-His father died ten years ago.-She has been a nurse for five years.6.It seems (seemed) that (句子)Sb. seems(seemed) to do sth.It seemed that they won the match.They seemed to win the match.7.It took sb. + some time + to do sth.Sb. spent+some time+(in) doing sth.It took me two hours to buy the book yesterday.I spent two hours reading the book yesterday.8.sb. spend + some money +on/doing sth.Sb. pay+some money +for sth.Sth. cost +sb. +some moneyHe spent 180 yuan on that toy.-He paid 180 yuan for the toy.-The toy cost him 180 yuan.9.If…,you’ll…Do…,or…If you don't hurry up, you'll miss the train.Hurry up, or you'll miss the train.10.It is + 形容词+of sb. to do sth.Sb. is +形容词to do sth.It is very kind of you to help me with my maths. You are kind to help me with my maths.六、意思相同或相近的句型的替换-What's the weather like today?- How is the weather today?- What do you think of Shenzhen?-How do you like Shenzhen?七、改写句子专项训练I .同义句或同义词组的替换训练题1.I don't have enough money to buy the dress.=I can't afford (to buy) the dress.2.Lily learned Chinese all by herself.=Lily taught herself English.3.Did you sleep well last night?=Did you have a good sleep last night?4.She lived alone.=She lived by herself/ on her own.5.I said no to him.=I refused him.6.I did my best to study English.=I tried my best to study English.7.I don't know the meaning of this word.=I don’t know what this word means.8.I am going to fly to Beijing next week.=I am going to Beijing by air/plane next week.9.They often go to see a film on Sunday evenings.=They often go to the cinema/ the movies on Sunday evening.10.Which sport are you in today?=Which sport do you take part in today?11.He usually goes to work by bike.=He usually rides to work.12.I won’t do it again.=I am not going to do it any more.13.He is a Russian.=He is from Russia.14.He is looking for his pen everywhere?=He is trying to find his pen here and there.15.The man reached Beijing yesterday.=The man arrived in Beijing yesterday.16.Every day, Yao Ming receives letters from thousands of baketball fans.=Every day, Yao Ming hears from thousands of basketball fans.foreigners have visited the Great Wall.=The foreigners have been to the Great Wall.18.Mr. Brown left London six years ago.=Mr. Brown has been away from London for six years.=It is six years since Mr. Brown left London.19.Mr. Smith is working.=Mr. Smith is at work.20.Lin Feng is weak in English.==Lin Feng is bad at English.==Lin Feng isn’t good at English.21.The boy will be OK if I do one small operation on him.=The boy will be all right if I do one small operation on him.22.Jim rang you up a moment ago.=Jim called you just now.=Jim made a phone call to you just now.23.They are playing football now.=They are playing football at the moment.24.Did your parents have a good time in Shenzhen?=Did your parents enjoy themselves in Shenzhen? 25.Jane prefers English to maths.=Jane likes English better than maths.26.The Smiths flew to London for their holiday yesterday afternoon.=The smiths left for London by air for their holiday yesterday afternoon.went to see me last week.=Jim visited me last week.28.The nurse looks after the baby carefully.=The nurse takes care of the baby carefully.29.Can you look after my dogs when I’m away?=Can you take care of my dogs when I’m not here/at home?30.The boy wanted a little milk to drink.=The boy needed a little milk to drink.=The boy wanted to drink a little milk.31.Mother was busy with some housework when I got home.=Mother was busy doing some housework when I got home.32.The boy’s teacher was very proud of him.=The boy’s teacher took pride in him.=The boy was the pride of his teacher.33.He couldn't fall asleep all night.=He wasn’t able to go to sleep all night.34.My mother went to Guangzhou last week, and she is there now.=My mother has been in Guangzhou since last week.35.The children are wearing beautiful clothes.=The children are in beautiful clothes.II.反义词或反义词组训练1.Her parents haven’t writte n to their daughter for a long time.=The daughter hasn’t heard from her parents for a long time.2.Remember to turn off the lights when you leave the room.=Don’t forget to turn off the lights when you leave the room.3.I think it is different from Chinese names.=I don’t think it is the same as Chinese names.4.If you don't hurry up, you’ll miss the early bus.=Hurry up, and you’ll catch the early bus.5.Can I borrow a knife from you?=Can you lend a knife to me?=Can you lend me a knife?6.The runner couldn't catch up with the others in the race.=The runner fell behind the others in the race.7.He can't hear anything.=He can hear nothing.8.The station is near the bus stop.=The station is not far from the bus stop.9.They knew something about it only after you told them.=They knew nothing about it before you told them. 10.The tree is behind the house.==The house is in front of the tree.11.Summer comes after spring.=Spring comes before summer.12.I think he is wrong.=I don’t think he is right.13.Remember me to your parents.=Don’t forget me to your parents.=Give my regards to your parents.14.May I borrow your bike?=Can you lend your bike to me?15.My computer is not the same as yours.=My computer is different from yours.16.Lily didn't go to school yesterday, Lucy didn't go to school, either.=Neither Lily nor Lucy went to school yesterday.III.形容词、副词比较级的训练题1.The earth is bigger than the moon.=The moon is smaller than the earth.2.Jim is not so careful as Bob.=Jim is more careless than Bob.=Bob is more careful than Jim.3.Jim runs faster than any other student in his class. =Jim runs the fastest in his class.4.I don't think history is as interesting as art.=I think history is less interesting as art.=I think art is more interesting as history.5..Jim runs faster than the other students in his class. =Jim runs the fastest in his class.=Jim runs faster than any other student in his class.IV.合并句子训练题1. I don't want any meat. I want some vegetables.=I want some vegetables instead of meat.2. This shirt doesn't look nice. That shirt doesn't look nice, either.=Neither of these two shirts looks nice.3. He hasn't been to France. She hasn't been to France, either.=Neither she nor she has been to France.4. The old woman was angry. She couldn't say a word. =The woman was too angry to say a word.=The woman was so angry that she couldn’t say a word.5. Jane prefers English to maths. So does Ann.=Both Jane and Ann like English better than maths.6. I am a League member. He is a League member, too. =Both he and I are League members.7. She is very short. She can't reach the apples on the tree.=She is too short to reach the apples on the tree.=She is so short that she can’t reach the apples on the tree.8. The room isn't very big. It can't hold a lot of people. =The room is not big enough to hold a lot of people.9. I don't know Russian. He doesn't know Russian, either.=Neither he nor I knows Russian.10. The hat is too big for me, and that one is too small for me.=The two hats are either too big or too small for me. 11. We can't finish the work if you don't help us.=We can’t finish the work without your help.12. Hurry up, or we’ll miss the early bus.=If we don’t hurry, we won’t catch up with the early bus.1 3 . You may answer my question in English, or you may answer it in Chinese.=You may answer my question either in English or in Chinese.1 4 . Mr. White is a teacher. He is also a musician.=Mr. White is not only a teacher, but also a musician.1 5 . He was very careful in the exam. Then he made few mistakes.=He was so careful in the exam that he didn’t make any mistakes.1 6 . He’s too young to go to school.=He is not old enough to go to school.17 . When he was young, he could not read. And he could not write, either.=He could neither read nor write when he was young.28 . He heard a boy crying for help outside, then he rushed out of the room.=He rushed out of the room as soon as he heard a boy shouting for help outside.39 . I have something to tell you. It’s interesting.=I have something interesting to tell you.40. Her father can't help her with her lessons, and her mother can't , either.=Neither her father nor her mother can help her with her lessons.V. 单句与复句的互换训练题1.I don’t know what I should say at the meeting.=I don’t know what to say at the meeting.2.Lucy took a basket and went out of the house.=Lucy went out of the house with a basket.3.Could you tell me how to get to the post office?=Could you tell me how I can get to the post office? 4.The teacher told us that we would not meet at the school gate.=The teacher told us not to meet at the school gate. 5.He told me that I should not make any noise in the=He told me not to make any noise in the library.VI.意思相同或相近的句型的替换训练题1.How do you like our city?=What do you think of our city?2.How is the weather today?=What’s the weather like today?3.What’s wrong with you?=What’s the matter with you?4.It is time for class.=It is time to have class.5.What a cold day it is today!=How cold it is today!6.He went to bed after his father came back.=He didn’t go to bed until h is father came back.=He didn’t go to bed before his father came back.7.Lucy gave Jim the flower at once when she got it. =Lucy gave the flower to Jim as soon as she got it.8.Mr. Smith has been in China for over ten years.=It is more than ten years since Mr. Smith came to9.It took me three hours to finish writing the article. =I spent three hours finishing writing the article. 10.I paid over 100 yuan for this dictionary.=I spent 100 yuan on the dictionary.=The dictionary cost me 100 yuan.11.He bought the book two weeks ago.=He has had the book for two weeks.=It is two weeks since he bought the book.12.He can finish the work easily.=It is easy for him to finish the work.13.It’s good for your health to take exercise often.=To take exercise often is good for your health.14.Not all of the people in the USA are rich.=Only some of the people in the USA are rich.15.Maybe they will tidy the garden today.=They may tidy the garden today.16.What’s wrong with you?=What’s the matter with you?17.We had a good time at the party.=We enjoyed ourselves at the party.18.We got to the school at half past seven.=We arrived at school at half past seven.19.Why don’t you do it by yourself?=Why not do it on your own?20.When he was ten years old, the boy died.=The boy died at the age of ten.21.He is as tall as I .=He is the same height as I .22.I spent 60 yuan (in) buying the ticket.=I paid 60 yuan for the ticket.23.Thank you very much for your coming.=It is very kind of you of you to come here.24.I found the film was interesting.=I found the film interesting.25.The teacher told the students that they should not play in the street.=The teacher told the students not to play in the street.26.She didn’t go to work because she was ill.=She didn’t go to work because of his illness.=She was ill, so s he didn’t go to work.27.The box is too heavy for me to carry.=The box is not light enough for me to carry.=The box is so heavy that I can’t carry it.28.The boy is only ten, but he speaks English very well.=Although the boy is only ten, he speaks English very well.29.There are three buildings in the school.=The school has three buildings30.The leaves became yellow.=The leaves turned yellow.31.Don’t forget me to your parents.=Remember me to your parents.32.You are right to do so.=It’s right for you to do so.33.We had a good time.=We enjoyed ourselves.34.He plays tennis well. She plays it well, too.=Both he and she play tennis well.35.I don’t speak Japanese and he doesn’t speak Japanese, either.Neither he nor I speak Japanese.36.He did not go until night.He left at night.37.I was too excited to go to sleep.I was so excited that I couldn’t go to sleep.38.If you don’t get up early, you’ll be late.Get up early, or you’ll be late.39.I forgot I had locked the door.I forgot locking the door.40.He paid 20 dollars for the dictionary.-He spent 20 dollars on the dictionary.-The dictionary cost him 20 dollars.41.English is not so difficult as maths.-English is less difficult than maths.-Maths is more difficult than English.42.It’s dangerous to climb that tall tree.To climb that tall tree is not safe.43.Miss Zhao went to look after the man hurriedly.-Miss Zhao went to take care of the man in a hurry. 44.The snow was heavy last night.It snowed heavily last night.45.How old are you?What is your age?46.Our teacher left the lab after he had got everything ready.Our teacher didn’t leave the lab until he had goteverything ready.47.It took us two days to prepare for the English evening.We spent two days getting ready for the English evening.48.We came home when it was six o’clock.We came home at si x o’clock.49.The dictionary cost me 106 yuan.I paid 106 yuan for the dictionary.50.He went on reading the book.-He didn’t stop reading the book.。

同义单词、短语与句子汇总(适用于初中同义句替换题型与综合阅读题型)1. not….enough to do 与too…to 和so….that 之间的转换He is not old enough to go to school.He is too young to go to school.He is so young that he can’t go to school.2. favourite (favorite) 与like …..best 最喜欢….My favorite subject is Geography.I like geography best.I like pears best.Pears are my favorite fruit.3. prefer sth to sth与like…better than 喜欢…胜过….Grandma prefers wood to electricity.Grandma likes wood better than electricity.4. What’s wrong with you?与What’s the matter with you? 你怎么了?(生病了或发生其他的事情了?)5. want to do 与would like to do 想做…..Tommy and his friend want to fly like birds.Tommy and his friend would like to fly like birds.6. 形容词最高级与形容词比较级+thanTom is the tallest in his class.Tom is taller than the other students in his class.7. be+形容词比较级+than与be less+原级+than (前后主语与宾语颠倒位置)Kitty’s diet is healthier than Ben’s.Ben’s diet is less healthy than Kitty’s.8. be+形容词比较级+than 与be +反义形容词比较级+than(前后主语与宾语颠倒位置) Sam is older than her sister.Sam’s sister is younger than her.9. mustn’t do 与Don’t do 与No doing 不许做…..We mustn’t throw rubbish on the ground.Don’t throw rubbish on the ground.No throwing rubbish on the ground.You mustn’t smoke here.Don’t smoke here.No smoking here.10. walk to sp 与go to sp on foot 步行去某地Kitty and Alice walk to school together.Kitty and Alice go to school on foot together.Miss Green went to the supermarket on foot.Miss Green walked to the supermarket .11. be far away from 与be not near 距离某地远Beijing is far away from Shanghai.Beijing isn’t near Shanghai.12. arrive at (+小地点)/ in(+大地点)与reach 与get to (到达某地)My uncle arrived at the airport on time.My uncle reached the airport on time.My uncle got to the airport on time.13. What job do you want to do? 与What do you want to be?你想做什么工作?14. How much +be + sth? 与How much +助动词+ sth cost? “…..多少钱”How much is the watch?How much does the watch cost?15. Let’s do 与Why not?/ Shall we do? (提出倡议时的句型)Let’s buy some chocolates.Why not buy some chocolates.Shall we buy some chocolates?16. no与not any 没有The students in our school did no exercises today because of the weather.The students in our school didn’t do any exercises today because of the weather.17. be less +形容词原级+ than与be not as ….as /be not so…as. “….不如….”V olleyball is less popular than football.V olleyball isn’t as/so popular as football.18. ………, too. 与both…and…Bob is good at Chemistry. Peter is good at Chemistry, too.Both Bob and Peter are good at Chemistry.…….., either. 与neither…nor…与both…and…Mary doesn’t like music. Tony doesn’t like music, either.Neither Mary nor Tony likes music.Both Mary and Tony don’t like music.19. be able to 与can/couldHe wasn’t able to sleep at night.He couldn’t sleep at night.20. give up 与stop 放弃,停止She gave up all her work for a while.She stopped all her work for a while.21. good 与fine ( 形容天气时)The weather was looking good.The weather was looking fine.22. more than 与over 多于…..More than 5000 Wushu lovers from all over the world came here.Over 5000 Wushu lovers from all over the world came here.23. famous 与well-known 著名的The most famous is Shao Lin boxing.The most well-known is Shao Lin boxing.24. Prevent sb (from) doing sth与stop sb (from) doing sth 阻止某人做某事We should prevent others (from) polluting the environment.We should stop others (from) polluting the environment.25. receive 与get. 收到He received a lot of gifts on his birthday.He got a lot of gifts on his birthday.26. stay +sp与live in + sp 呆在某地Roma should be free to stay France.Roma should be free to live in France.27. make up one’s mind 与decide 决定He has made up his mind.He has decided.28. describe 与explain 描述,解释More described a nice world in his Utopia.More explained a nice world in his Utopia.29. essential 与necessary 必要的Work is essential for every person.Work is necessary for every person.30. early 与ahead 提前They help the students have college on their minds early.They help the students have college on their minds ahead.31. finish school 与graduate 毕业We are going to make sure they finish school.We are going to make sure they graduate.32. reply 与answer 回答,答复We hope that he can give us a reply as soon as possible.We hope that he can give us a answer as soon as possible.33. all over the world与throughout the world/ around the world/ in the world全世界He became well-known all over the world.He became well-known throughout the world.34. difficult与hard 难的It’s as difficult as the college entrance examination.It’s as hard as the college entrance examination.35. perfect mark 与full mark 满分He got a perfect mark.He got a full mark.36. express 与show 展示It’s a way to express agreement.It’s a way to show agreement.37. no one 与nobodyNo one knows for sure.Nobody knows for sure.38. not any longer/more 与no longer /more不再He’s not here any longer./more.He’s no longer/more here.39. wish 与hope 希望He wishes to see me.He hopes to see me.40. a few 与several 一些41. feed 与support/ raise 养活China has to feed the most people in the world.China has to support the most people in the world.China has to raise the most people in the world.42. stronger 与more powerful 更强大China is becoming stronger than before.China is becoming more powerful than before.43. not possible 与impossible 不可能的It’s not possible to work out the problem in such a short time.It’s impossible to work out the problem in such a short time.44. have to 与mustThey have to wear their school uniform in school.They must wear their school uniform in school.45. join in 与take part in 参加He takes part in the activity on behalf of the class.He joins in the activity on behalf of the class.46. don’t agree 与disagree 不同意…They don’t agree with her.They disagree with her.47. turn on sth 与start sth 启动I took a deep breath and turned on the engine.I took a deep breath and started the engine.48. place 与put 放置The book is placed on the top of the bookshelf.The book is put on the top of the bookshelf.49. talk about 与discuss 讨论,谈论关于。
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初中英语同义词组1.arrive in/at=get to=reach2.be fine=be well=be OK3.be from=come from4.be in=be at home5.be full of=be filled with6.be late for=come late for7.be on a visit to= visit8.be able to=can9.be away=be out10.be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth.11.be pleased=be glad=be happy12.buy sb. Sth.=buy sth. to sb13.be up=get up14.catch up with=keep up with15.catch a bus=take a bus16.catch a cold=have a colde into=step intoe on=come alonge down=get down20.do well in=be good at21.do the shopping=go shopping22.drop off=get off23.enjoy doing sth.=like doing sth.24.have a good time=enjoy oneself25.fall down=fall off26.get the telephone=answer the telephone27.give sb.sth.=give sth.to sb.28.give sb.the message=give the message to sb.29.give sb. a talk=give a talk to sb.30.give a concert=have a concert31.get on well with sb.=be good to32.give…a call=give…a ring33.go down=go along34.go for a swim=go swimming35.go on doing sth.=go on with sth.36.go up=go along37.go to sleep=get to sleep=fall asleep38.have a look (at)=look at39.have a swim=go swimming40.have got=have41.hear from=receive a letter from=have a letter from=get a letter from42.help sb with sth=help sb to do sth43.hold a meeting=have a meeting44.hold on=wait a minute45.hurry up=be quick46.knock at=knock onst from…to=be from…to48.like doing sth=like to do sth49.look out=be careful50.love to do sth=like to do sth51.make up one’s mind to do=set one’s mind to do52.pay for=spend on53.prefer…to=like b etter than54.ring up=call sb55.send for sb=ask sb to come56.show sb sth=show sth to sb57.take care of=look after58.take exercise=do sport59.take a message=leave a message60.think about=think of61.teach oneself=learn all by oneself62.turn off=turn down63.turn right at the…crossing=take the …turning on the right64.walk on=go on65.walk to=go to …on foot66.walk along=go along67.at school=in the school68.a lot of=lots of69.a lot=very much70.a quarter past two=two fifteen71.at times=sometimes72.at last=in the end=finally73.a bit=a little=a few74.a moment ago=just now75.at once=right now76.at noon=in the middle of a day77.at that moment=at that time=just then78.at the moment=at the same time79.at the doctor’s=in the doctor’s office80.all over the world=across the world=around the world=in the world81.a moment later=later on82.after a while=a moment later83.all the same=all the time84.as soon as possible=as quick as possible85.in line=in a queue86.in the southern part of=in the south of87.in the day=in the daytime88.much of China=many places of China89.more than=over90.no longer=not…any longer=no more=not any more91.not far from=near to92.North China=the north of China93.of course=certainly94.plenty of=quite a few=a lot of=lots of=large number of=a great many of=a good deal of95.two and a half years=two years and a half初中英语同义词组1. arrive in/at=get to=reachI arrived at the airport at 10.=I reach the airport at 10.注意这里不能用arrive in2. be fine=be well=be OKI’m fine=I’m well.=I’m OK.3. be from=come fromHe is from China.=He comes from China.4. be in=be at homeHe is in.=He is at home.同理:be out= be not at home5. be full of=be filled withThe bottle is full of orange.=The bottle is filled with orange.6. be late for=come late forI’m sorry, I’m late for the meeting.=I’m sorry, I come late for the meeting.7. be on a visit to= visitHe is on a visit to China.= He is visiting China8. be able to=canHe was able to ride a bike at the age of 5.=He could ride a bike when he was 5.9. be away=be out=be not at home10. be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth.He is busy doing his homework.=He is busy with his homework.11. be pleased=be glad=be happyThe coach was pleased with their performance.=The coach was glad with their performance.=The coach was happy with their performance.12. buy sb. Sth.=buy sth. to sbMy mother bought me a book.=My mother bought a book to me.13. be up=get upBe up, Tom!=Get up, Tom.14. catch up with=keep up withI can catch up with others.=I can keep up with others.15. catch a bus=take a busCan I catch a bus?/Can I take a bus?16. catch a cold=have a coldOh, no! You’ve caught a cold.=Oh, no! You’ve had a cold.17. come into=step intoHe came into the classroom.=He stepped into the classroom18. come down=get downCome down! That’s dangerous.=Get down! That’s dangerous.19. do well in=be good atHe does well in swimming.=He is good at swimming.20. do the shopping=go shoppingI’ll do the shopping.=I’ll go shopping.21. drop off=get off22. enjoy doing sth.=like doing sth.I enjoy reading.=I like reading.23. have a good time=enjoy oneselfWe had a good time at the party.=We enjoyed ourselves at the party.24. fall down=fall offI fell down.=I fell off the bike.25. get the telephone=answer the telephoneI got the telephone.= I answered the telephone.26. give sb.sth.=give sth.to sb.27. give sb.the message=give the message to sb.28. give sb. a talk=give a talk to sb.29. give a concert=have a concertThey gave a concert.=They had a concert.30. get on well with sb.=be good toI got on well with my neighbors=I’m good to my neighbors.31. give…a call=give…a ringI gave a call to you.=I give you a ring.32. go down=go along33. go for a swim=go swimming34. go on doing sth.=go on with sth.35. go up=go along36. go to sleep=get to sleep=fall asleep37. have a look (at)=look at38. have a swim=go swimming39. have got=have40. hear from=receive a letter from=have a letter from=get a letter from41. help sb with sth=help sb to do sth42. hold a meeting=have a meeting43. hold on=wait a minute44. hurry up=be quick45. knock at=knock on46. last from…to=be from…to47. like doing sth=like to do sth48. look out=be careful49. love to do sth=like to do sth50. make up one’s mind to do=set one’s mind to do51. pay for=spend on52. prefer…to=like better than53. ring up=call sb54. send for sb=ask sb to come55. show sb sth=show sth to sb56. take care of=look after57. take exercise=do sport58. take a message=leave a message59. think about=think of60. teach oneself=learn all by oneself61. turn off=turn down62. turn right at the…crossing=take the …turning on the right63. walk on=go on64. walk to=go to …on foot65. walk along=go along66. at school=in the school67. a lot of=lots of68. a lot=very much69. a quarter past two=two fifteen70. at times=sometimes71. at last=in the end=finally72. a bit=a little=a few73. a moment ago=just now74. at once=right now75. at noon=in the middle of a day76. at that moment=at that time=just then77. at the moment=at the same time78. at the doctor’s=in the doctor’s office79. all over the world=across the world=around the world=in the world80. a moment later=later on81. after a while=a moment later82. all the same=all the time83. as soon as possible=as quick as possible84. in line=in a queue85. in the southern part of=in the south of86. in the day=in the daytime87. much of China=many places of China88. more than=over89. no longer=not…any longer=no more=not any more90. not far from=near to91. North China=the north of China92. of course=certainly93. plenty of=quite a few=a lot of=lots of=large number of=a great many of=a good deal of94. two and a half years=two years and a halfthink up=come up withgive out=hand outuse up=run out ofcall up=ring upinstead of=in place oftake after=likeset up=eatablishbe angry with=be mad oflose one's way=get losetry one's best=do one's bestgo to sleep=get to sleep=fall asleepin the end=at last=finally=at the end ofmake a decision=decide to dobe surprise at=be amazed ateven thought=even ifno long=not...any longertake pride in=be pround ofgive up=stop doingworry about=be worried aboutbe confident of doing=have confidence in doingnot....in the slightest=not at allplenty of=lots of=a lot ofget along with=get on withbe anxious about=be worried abouton diaplay=on showwhatever=no matter whatexpect sb. to do=wish sb.to dostay away from=keep away fromconsider doing=think about doingcontinue doing=go on dingtake after=be similar tobe filled with=be full ofat once=right awaydonate...to=give away...tobe used for=be used to doby accident=be chance同义句转换训练是初中英语学习的重点,也是学生学习的难点,同义句转换虽不是中考的专题了,但它可以出现在听力测试、选择题、写作中。