
检查及拆箱图4 15G 冲撞指示器图5 5G冲撞指示器4.2.1.1当产品用于出口工程合同时,货由本公司运到码头后立即检查安装于包装箱外部的冲撞指示器,若冲撞指示器变红,请及时通知本公司。
4.2.2检查包装箱及产品,检查内容包括:--互感器型号、规格是否与订货合同相符;--随机文件是否齐全;--互感器出厂时仅充以0.02~0.03 MPa的SF6气体或根据客户需求充入相应气压的气体,并检查压力表读数是否相符。
5 现场搬运5.1 若未发现损坏,在接着的现场搬运中应采用与运输中相同的防范措施。
5.2 如果互感器在投入运行前将被放置一段时间,则应采取以下措施:将互感器存储在安全、通风条件良好,并且不会使其倾覆的环境中,装箱或不装箱均可;5.3 在打开包装箱后,从包装箱内垂直吊出互感器。
5.4 避免吊车的急动,在水平移动互感器时,防止互感器来回摆动。
5.5 可竖直或卧倒运输到指定位置。

1. 电流互感器的安装1.1 选择合适位置:选择合适的位置来安装电流互感器非常重要。
1.2 安装固定支架:在选择好位置后,需要安装电流互感器的固定支架。
1.3 连接导线:在安装固定支架之后,需要根据电路图将电流互感器与电力系统的相应电路连接起来。
2. 电流互感器的使用2.1 合理额定电流选择:在使用电流互感器时,需要根据电力系统的负荷情况选择合适的额定电流。
2.2 避免过载:在使用电流互感器时,应避免超过额定电流的过载情况。
2.3 定期检测和校准:为了保证电流互感器的准确性,需要定期对电流互感器进行检测和校准。
3. 电流互感器的接线检查3.1 安全检查:在进行接线检查之前,首先要进行安全检查,确保工作环境安全,并采取相应的防护措施。
3.2 接线检查:接线检查时,需要逐一检查电流互感器的各个接线点是否连接正确,是否松动或损坏。
3.3 接地检查:电流互感器的接地是非常重要的,可以提供额外的安全保护。
3.4 箱体检查:电流互感器的外壳应无裂纹或破损,并保持干净。

五.互感器的额定一次电流、额定输出及准确级表型号额定一次电流A额定输出V A(CosØ=0.8,滞后)备注0.2S级0.5S、0.2级0.5级额定输出为5V A或10V A时其下限输出为3.75V A。
LMZ3(2)-0.665~500 5 600 5 5 750~1500 10 10 2000~3000 20 20LMZ1-0.5 LMZJ1-0.55~400 5 5 5 500~600 5 5 10LMZ1-0.5 LMZ(J)1-0.66 750~1500 5 10 10 2000~3000 10 20 20 4000~6000 20 40LMZ(J)1-0.66100 5 150~600 5 5LM-0.55~600 5 800~1500 10 2000~3000 20 4000~5000 40。
电容式电压互感器安装使用说明书 (1)

1. 概述电容式电压互感器在频率为50Hz的高压及超高压电力系统中,接到线与地之间为电气测量仪器、仪表和保护、控制装置提供电压信号并可兼作电力线路载波耦合装置中的耦合电容器。
1.1 产品型号含义1.2 使用条件互感器为户外装置,安装运行地区的周围空气温度为-40~+55℃,海拔不超过2000m(海拔超过2000m的产品,根据用户和厂方双方协商,按用户的要求另行制造),风速不大于150km/h,地震烈度不超过8度,无严重污秽、震动和颠簸。
2. 主要规格及参数2.1 互感器可在1.2倍额定电压下长期运行;用于中性点有效接地系统的互感器可在1.5倍额定电压下运行30s。
2.2 中间变压器绕组的连接组为1/1/1/1-12-12-12或1/1/1-12-12。
2.3 互感器型号中带“H”的产品爬电比距≥25mm/kV(按系统最高电压计算)。
2.4 互感器绝缘水平见表1。
(以铭牌参数为准)2.5 互感器的准确级及相对应的电压误差和相角差及工作条件见表2。
2.6 电容分压器的载波耦合电容C及高压电容C1和中压电容C2的电容偏差应不超过其额定值的-5%~+10%,而C1 及C2两者偏差之差不超过5%。
2.7 电容分压器的介质损耗角正切值不大于0.0015。
2.8 互感器符合GB/T4703《电容式电压互感器》、JB/T19749《耦合电容器及电容分压器》、JJG314《测量用电压互感器》、IEC60044-5的要求。
表1 互感器绝缘水平kV表2 互感器工作条件及误差限值3. 产品结构和工作原理3.1 产品结构本产品由电容分压器和电磁单元两部分组成。

一、电流互感器的安装1. 安装位置选择:根据实际需要选择电流互感器的安装位置,通常应选择在电力设备运行稳定的位置,离电源和负荷较近,并保证容易安装和维护。
2. 确定安装方式:根据电流互感器的型号和规格,确定合适的安装方式,可以选择侧面安装、上面安装等方式。
3. 安装固定支架:根据电流互感器的安装要求,选择合适的固定支架,并通过螺栓或其他固定装置将其牢固地安装在所选位置上。
4. 安装导线连接:根据实际需要,选择合适的导线连接电流互感器的绕组。
5. 安装绝缘保护:在电流互感器的绕组和导线连接处,应添加绝缘保护措施,以防电流互感器受到外界的损坏和干扰。
二、电流互感器的使用1. 连接设备:将电流互感器的引线分别连接到电力设备的进线和出线上,保证连接牢固且绝缘良好。
2. 调整初始值:在初次使用电流互感器时,应根据实际需要调整其初始值,以满足电流测量的要求。
3. 运行监测:电流互感器正常使用后,应定期进行运行监测,检查其测量精度和运行状态,如发现异常情况应及时处理。
4. 维护保养:定期对电流互感器进行维护保养,清除灰尘和污垢,检查绝缘情况,并及时更换损坏的部件。
三、电流互感器的接线检查模板1. 接线部分:(1)检查电流互感器的导线是否牢固连接,无松动、脱落现象。
2. 绝缘部分:(1)检查电流互感器绕组和引线之间的绝缘情况,无破损、裂纹、腐蚀现象。


电流互感器的安装使用及接线检查范本一、电流互感器的安装使用1. 安装位置选择电流互感器的安装位置选择应考虑以下因素:(1) 电流互感器应安装在电流变送器附近,以便方便进行接线。
(2) 避免长时间暴露在阳光直射下。
(3) 要避免安装在易受冲击或振动的位置,以免损害电流互感器的精度和可靠性。
(4) 确保电流互感器安装时方向正确,应遵循产品说明书或相关标准。
(5) 要根据电流互感器的额定容量选择合适的安装位置,并确保其能够无妨碍地通风散热。
2. 安装注意事项(1) 在安装电流互感器之前,必须切断电流回路供电。
(2) 使用电流互感器时,应提前做好接地措施,以确保人身安全。
(3) 进行接线时,应根据电流互感器的接线图正确连接,确保接线的可靠性和正确性。
(4) 在接线检查过程中,应仔细检查接线螺母是否紧固,接线端子是否松动或接触不良,以免影响电流互感器的工作性能。
二、电流互感器的接线检查范本1. 检查前准备(1) 首先,确保电流互感器与变送器之间的连接线良好连接,并处于正常工作状态。
(2) 其次,确认电流互感器和其他电气设备的接线端子是否紧固。
(3) 确认电流互感器接线端子的标识是否清晰可辨,以便正确接线和检查。
2. 接线检查步骤(1) 检查电源接线:将电流互感器的电源线与电源端子相连,确保接触良好。
(2) 检查变送器接线:将电流互感器的输出信号线与变送器的输入端子相连,确保接触牢固。
(3) 检查设备接线:将变送器的输出信号线与显示仪表或控制系统的输入端子相连,确保接线正确。
3. 接线检查注意事项(1) 在进行接线检查之前,务必切断电源,以免发生电击事故。
(2) 接线检查时应仔细观察接线端子的状态,如发现松动、脱落、氧化等异常情况,应及时处理。
(3) 检查完毕后,应按照正确的顺序通电,并观察电流互感器及其连接设备的工作状态是否正常。

--互感器出厂时仅充以0.02~0.03 MPa的SF6气体或根据客户需求充入相应气压的气体,并检查压力表读数是否相符。
7.6 SF6气体成份检测
8.储存------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
1.产品结构--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
2.工作条件和环境------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
0SY.412.086SM TYD500型电容式电压互感器使用说明书

3.11 绝缘水平 3.11.1 标准雷电冲击全波耐受电压:1675kV (峰值 ) 3.11.2 电容分压器绝缘水平: a)高电压端子短时工频耐受电压:740kV(有效值), 1min b) 额定操作冲击耐受电压(峰值) :1175 kV(峰值) c)低电压端子(即通讯端子)短时工频耐受电压:4kV(有效值) ,1min。 3.11.3 二次绕组、剩余电压绕组之间及对地短时工频耐受电压:3kV(有效值) ,1min。 3.11.4 互感器接地端(E)短时工频耐压:5kV(有效值) ,1min。 3.12 绝缘电阻 在室温下,各二次绕组、剩余电压绕组之间及对地绝缘电阻应大于 1000MΩ,一次绕组接地端 E 对二次绕 组、剩余电压绕组对地绝缘电阻应大于 1000MΩ。
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TYD500/ 3 -0.005 型电容式电压互感器
5 页 第 4 页
套的伞裙起吊产品。 5.3.3 产品安装地点应符合第 2 条规定,并直立安装在水泥金属框架或其它足够坚固的基础上,产品与基础通过 产品底脚上的 4 个 Φ24 孔用螺栓固定。每台产品的电容器编号必须与产品铭牌规定相一致。 6 使用和维护 6.1 对本产品应采用适当的避雷器保护。 6.2 产品使用条件应符合第 2 条,使用电压应符合 3.1 条规定。 6.3 在使用期间应经常检查产品的电气联接是否可靠正常,油箱应可靠接地。出线盒内 az、a 或 2az、2a 或 3az、 3a 或 daz、 da 为阻尼器接入端子, 出厂时已用接线板联好, 应长期固定在绕组两端, 使用期间不允许有松动现象; 用于载波通讯的 N、E 端子,出厂时已短接;作载波通讯时,N、E 端必须打开连接片;不作载波通讯时,该 N、E 必须可靠短接,严禁开路;载波通讯端子右侧为过电压保护间隙(如果有)出厂时已调定(约 0.5mm) 。一次绕组的 接地端(E)应始终保持可靠接地。 6.4 使用期间应经常检查产品密封情况,检查底座及电容分压器下部是否渗油,如发现漏油,应停止使用,并及 时与生产厂家联系。 6.5 用户在现场监测观察窗的油位线时,按照 20 ℃时油位线在中心线位置,在最高最低温度内变化时,油位偏 差在上下 15mm 以内,即为正常运行。 6.6 在接触产品前,须将产品从线路断开,再将产品的导电部位通过接地棒多次放电。 7 验收试验 a)外观检查 仔细检查 CVT 在运输过程中可能引起的损伤,如瓷套破裂、渗油变形等。 b)绝缘电阻测量; c)互感器电压变比测试; d) 检查电容分压器低压端 N 与一次接地端 E 之间的保护间隙及 E 端在二次出线盒中与油箱相连并通过油箱接 地; e)电容分器电容及介质损测量; f)互感器准确度试验(有条件时做) ; g)极性检查。 8 友情提醒 8.1 安装产品时,严禁利用电容分压器起吊。电容分压器编号应与产品铭牌指定的编号相对应。 8.2 验收产品严禁进行下列试验: a)对产品整体进行工频耐压试验。 b) 对一次绕组接地端(E)进行工频耐压试验。 (否则会影响避雷器的正常工作, 建议用 2500V 兆欧表进行绝缘 电阻的测量,绝缘电阻应大于 1000MΩ 方可投入运行。 ) c)从二次侧用感应的方法做空载励磁特性试验。 8.3 使用前检查二次回路,严禁出现下列情况: a)电磁单元的一次接地端 E 开路或接地不良; b)当不使用载波设备时,电容分压器的低压端 N 与接地端 E 开路; c)阻尼器接入端开路或接触不良; d)二次绕组短路。 8.4 使用维护过程中,禁止出现下列情况: a)超出本说明书中规定的使用要求; b)无人看管; c)在停电检修前,不对产品的高压侧进行多次放电处理。 8.5 为安全起见,本产品的维修操作人员必须做到: a)熟悉 CVT 并能熟练操作; b)仔细阅读本说明书及相关资料。 9 订货须知

TYD220/√3-0.01H TYD220/√3-0.005H 型电容式电压互感器安装使用说明书大连互感器有限公司1.总述1.1本型电容式电压互感器是户外型产品,在额定频率为50Hz、中性点有效接地系统中,接到线与地之间为电气测量仪器、仪表和保护、控制装置提供电压信号,并可以用于电力线路中载波通讯。
1.2 产品型号含义T Y D 220/√3-0.01 HT Y D 220/√3-0.005 H污秽型产品用于Ⅲ级污秽地区电容分压器额定总电容值(μF)电容式电压互感器额定一次电压(kV)电容器式电压互感器成套装置1.3 产品外形图,安装尺寸见图 2外形尺寸为:821×725×2040安装尺寸为:500×5751.4 产品重量:840kg2使用条件2.1环境空气温度类别-40/A最高40℃24h平均最高30℃年平均最高20℃最低-40℃2.2 海拔不超过2000m2.3 产品在1.2倍额定电压下长期运行,在1.5倍额定电压下运行30s。
3 主要技术性能参数3.1 原理线路见图1C1-高电压电容器C2-中间电压电容器A-电容分压器高压端子N-电容分压器低压端子E-接地端子A’-N’-中间变压器一次绕组的接线端子B1-B10-中间变压器一次绕组匝数调节线段A L-X L-补偿电抗器K1-K8-补偿电抗器绕组匝数调节线段1a-1n-二次绕组1#2a-2n-二次绕组2#da-dn-剩余电压绕组Z1,Z2-阻尼器F-低压避雷器S-载波装置保护球极3.2 主要技术性能参数及试验电压见下表产品型号TYD220/√3-0.01H TYD220/√3-0.005H 设备最高电压kV 252额定一次电压kV 220/√3额定二次电压(V) 计量绕组1a-1n 100/√3 保护绕组2a-2n 100/√3 剩余电压绕组da-dn 100中间电压(电磁单元电压),kV 33/√3级次组合及相应输出计量绕组保护绕组剩余电压绕组0.2/0.5/3P级-100/100/100VA 0.2/0.5/3P级-100/100/100VA0.2/3P/3P级-100/150/100VA 0.2/3P/3P级-100/100/100VA0.5/3P/3P级-150/150/100VA 0.5/3P级-150/100VA高压电容器额定电容值C1n,μF 0.011765 0.05882 中压电容器额定电容值C2n,μF 0.066666 0.033333 电容分压器额定总电容值C总,μF 0.01 0.005 电容分压器工频试验电压kV(有效值)360电容分压器全波冲击试验电压kV(峰值)850中间变压器感应试验电压kV(有效值)62.2补偿电抗器感应电压kV(有效值)103.3 载波装置保护球极的工频放电电压为1kV,允许偏差±10%。
abb pa123 pa145 电流互感器安装和操作手册说明书

PA 123/PA 145 Current transformer Installation and operation manualYour safety first!This is the reason why our instruction begins with the following guidelines:−Use the transformer for its intended purpose.−Observe the technical data given in the rating plate and in the specification.−To facilitate and ensure high quality standards, the installation should be carried out by trained personnel or supervised by the service department of ABB.−Operations have to be carried out by specially trained electri-cians who are familiar with the following instructions.−It is recommended to observe the standards (DIN VDE/IEC) and local H&S regulations as well as the requirements of the local electric authority.−Transformer work should be changed over in accordance with the instructions in the manual.−All documentation should be available to all persons involved in installation, maintenance and operation.−Operating personnel shall bear all responsibility for all aspects related to the operational safety as stated in EN 50110 (VDE 0105) and national regulations.−Observe the safety rules, which are compliant with EN 50110 (VDE 0105) standard on ensuring a dead state at the site of works carried out on a transformer.If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this manual, our organisation will provide the necessary information.Important informationThis manual is intended to explain the mode of operation andinstallation of the product.Operating the device without reading the manual may entail prop-erty damage, serious injury or death. The person responsible for the installation of the device should read the following instructions and follow the recommendations contained herein.For your own safety:−Make sure that all installation, service and maintenance works are performed by professionals.−Make sure that during all the phases (installation, service, up-keeping) all applicable regulations will be preserved.−Ensure that the guidelines contained in this manual are followed.Basic guidelines for this manualRead the relevant chapters of this manual to provide adequate operation. Chapters are marked according to their significance.2 PA 123/PA 145 Current transformerTable of contents1. Introduction (4)2. Transformer delivery (4)3. Transportation, unpacking, lifting (4)4. Storage (5)5. Installation (5)5.1. Earthing terminals (5)5.2. Primary terminals (5)5.3. Secondary terminals (5)6. Bolt tightening torques (6)7. Operation and maintenance (6)7.1. Operation (6)7.2. Corrosion protection (8)8. Transformer construction (8)9. Disposal (9)9.1. Recycling and disposal proceedings (9)10. Check list (10)10.1. Before first energising (10)10.2. After first energising (10)11. End (11)PA 123/PA 145 Current transformer 3PA 123/PA 145 Current transformer1. IntroductionThe subject of this manual are type PA 123 and PA 145 overhead current transformers. These transformers are used for feeding measurement and protection systems in power networks with maximum system voltage of 123 kV and 145 kV or lower (the greatest effective value of phase-to-phase voltage) and 50 Hz fre-quency. They are designed either to operate in grids with effectively earthed or insulated neutral points or in compensated networks.2. Transformer deliveryTypically, the transformers are delivered in bulk packaging (3 pcs) where they are stacked vertically. The packaging is in the form of a complete crate.The delivered transformers are fully assembled, tested and ready for direct use. Product testing protocols are delivered together with the transformers.Immediately after delivery, check whether the transformer has not been damaged during transportation. Check the transport pack-aging. Damaged packing may point out to careless handling of the transformer. Next, check the transformer itself. Special atten-tion should be paid to possible damage of sheds and binder at insulator flanges, to the tightness of the transformer and the cor-rect oil level indication in the device.One should ensure that technical parameters of the transformer given in the rating plate are in accordance with the parameters given when submitting the order and in accordance with the design documentation parameters.Any damage found or other error should be immediately notified to the manufacturer, and, if appropriate, the carrier. Sending pho-tos of damage will be helpful in its assessment.3. Transportation, unpacking, liftingTransformers may be transported in either vertical or horizontal position.In the case of horizontal transportation, transformers should be transported on a special bed in accordance with the method as shown in Figure 1. Additionally, before laying the transformer, restrain its compensation bellows by inserting a flexible disc made of, for example, polyurethane foam, under the bellows cover. Dur-ing horizontal transportation, the compensation bellows cannot have any freedom of movement due to their flexibility and possibil-ity of damage.In vertical transportation, due to the high position of the centre of gravity, the transformer should be transported on arms or plat-forms expanding spacing of the base. Those elements shall be removed before setting the transformer on the support structure (in the working location).Transformers should be lifted with a crane with appropriate load capacity using two slings of the same length (min. 1.5 m). Hooks should be attached to the openings designed for that purpose located in the transformer head enclosure (see Fig. 1).Packing method for horizontal transformer transport4 PA 123/PA 145 Current transformer4. StorageTransformers should be stored on a levelled and hardened surface, preferably in the original packaging. In the case of long-term storage, it is recommended to protect contact surfaces against corrosion.Transformers can be stored in the open air for up to two years. If this period is exceeded, it is recommended to place transformers in a well-ventilated room or under a roof, and to insert silica gel or another moisture absorbent into terminal boxes.5. InstallationThe support structure should be flat and horizontal. Levelling correction can be performed using distance washers, placing them between the transformer and the structure. Observe the notes given in item 3 while shifting the transformer. It should be fastened to the structure with screw elements of an adequate size. The support structure and fastening elements are not included in the delivery.The transformer should be placed in the vertical position at least 24 h before energising.5.1. Earthing terminalsTwo earthing terminals are found on the base of the transformer across its diagonal. Prior to connection, the contact surface of the terminals should be thoroughly cleaned from oxide layers so it becomes uniform and smooth. Additionally, a thin layer of con-ducting grease can be applied in order to improve contact. The earthing should be connected with stainless bolts.5.2. Primary terminalsPrimary terminals of the transformer, marked as P1 and P2, are placed on the opposite sides of the head. In the case of recon-nectable transformer, up to 3 P2 terminals can be found on the primary side, marked with respective values of the rated primary current.Reconnection of the primary winding to the required current range is performed by placing a detachable terminal (bolt or flat) in the location marked with the respective current value. These terminals should be fastened to the transformer with four supplied M12 bolts. Contact surfaces should be cleaned beforehand.All contact surfaces of the primary terminals should be even and cleaned from the oxide layer before connecting. In the case of copper terminals, use of extraction naphtha is usually sufficient. Conducting grease can be applied in order to improve contact. The line cable terminals should be tightened with M12 bolts (stainless bolts are recommended) to such prepared terminals. An incorrectly performed primary connection will lead to excessive heating of the transformer, which can cause its damaging. Primary connections should be made in such a way so as to minimise mechanical static loads of the transformer terminals. It is recom-mended to use flexible elements as rigid connections may cause damage of the transformer. The maximum allowable static load of each transformer terminal is equal to 3,600 N in any direction. At the same time, only one terminal can be loaded with such force. Also, it is recommended to maintain the sum of the loads acting on the primary terminals during normal operation of the trans-former below 50% of such a value.5.3. Secondary terminalsSecondary windings are connected to terminal blocks placed in the terminal box on the bottom of the transformer. These are typi-cally Phoenix ST spring connectors with terminals adapted to connection of cables of cross-section up to 10 mm2 or up to 6 mm2. Each terminal is described in accordance with winding markings given on the rating and schematic diagram plates. Yellow-green terminals (with the earthing mark) are intended for earthing secondary windings with the use of pushed crosswise bridges. The crosswise bridge can be removed with a screwdriver, by inserting it in the slit and levering.Optionally, the connectors to which metering windings are led may be adapted for sealing with use of a transparent cover.The current coil screen is led out with a pin through the resin bushing (tg δ terminal).A rating plate is placed on the external side of the door, while the schematic diagram plate is placed inside.In the bottom wall of the terminal box, there is a plate with open-ings for glands for secondary circuits’ connection cables. In the typical execution, they are two M40 glands with the choking range of Ф19 mm – Ф28 mm.An example of a terminal box for secondary windings of the trans-former is shown in Figure 2.PA 123/PA 145 Current transformer 56 PA 123/PA 145 Current transformerConnect external circuits to secondary terminals of the voltage module of the transformer pursuant to the design documents and wiring shown on the schematic diagram plate.The current coil screen terminal (tg δ) should be earthed with a jumper during normal transformer operation.Connectors inside the terminal box are arranged so that, when using crosswise bridges, earthing is possible for any secondary terminal of a given winding.−Transformer with taps on the secondary side:In the case of a transformer with reconnection on the secondary side, unused taps should remain unearthed, and only one of the terminals, to which circuits are connected for a given secondary winding, should be earthed. −Unused windings:Utmost terminals (with reconnection on the secondary site, these are terminals corresponding to the highest ratio) of the unused secondary winding should be shorted with each other (with a cable of minimum cross section of 6 mm 2) and earthed with a crosswise bridge. Each unused winding should beearthed in only one point.6. Bolt tightening torquesPrimary terminal bolts M1260 Nm Bolts fastening the transformer to the support structure280 Nm7. Operation and maintenance7.1. OperationTransformers do not require special servicing. Visual inspection is usually sufficient. The check-list is placed at the end of this manual.Visual inspection:Visual inspection should be based on:−the position of the oil level indicator,−tightness of the transformer,−lack of mechanical damage,−condition of the insulator and binder connecting the insulator with flanges.Occasionally, check the tightening degree of the primary terminals.The transformer tightness is a particularly important criterion as in the case of oil leaks moisture can penetrate the device. Small insulator damage may be repaired on site.Oil level indicator:Changes of the position of the oil level indicator depend on oil temperature in the transformer. The position of the indicator should be in the green field range. Shifting of the indicator to the upper or bottom red field points out to incorrect transformer oper-ation. In such a case, the transformer should be put out of service, and the manufacturer should be contacted.On the lid covering the head stainless steel expansion bellows (1) are placed, used for compensation of oil volume thermal changes in the transformer. The oil level indicator (2) is placed on the upper surface of the bellows. The bellows are placed in a metal cover (3) equipped with a view-finder (4). Cover removal does not result is unsealing of the transformer. The whole compensation system is shown in Figure 3.Position of the oil level indicator Interpretation Indicator in the green area Correct transformer operationIndicator on the upper red fieldOil pressure too highTransformer over heatingOil gasification(insulation failure)Further inspection necessary Indicator on the lower red fieldOil level too lowSuspicion of oil leakage (moisturemay penetrate inside)Further inspection necessaryMeasurement of the dielectric loss factor tgδ:During measurement of the dielectric loss factor tg δ, the measur-ing bridge should be connected to the correct terminal marked with the tg δ symbol. One should remember to earth it after per-forming the measurement. Usually, the test voltage should equal 10 kV RMS, and it should be applied across transformer primary terminals and earth.1243Fig. 3. Construction of the compensation systemPA 123/PA 145 Current transformer 78 PA 123/PA 145 Current transformerOil sampling:Due to the fact that transformers are air-tight, they do not require periodical oil checking. Oil used in the transformer meets the requirements of the PN-EN 60296 (IEC 60296) standard.It is recommended to check the oil after 15–20 years of operation or after a non-conformity state if there are suspicions as to trans-former efficiency.Contact the manufacturer in order to obtain necessary instructions concerning oil sampling. If oil samples are taken during the guar-antee period without the manufacturer’s permission, the device loses its guarantee.7.2. Corrosion protectionExternal elements of the transformer casing are made in the form of aluminium alloy casts, resistant to corrosion. Casts can be unpainted or painted. Typical colours in the case of painted casts include light-grey (RAL 7035) or grey-green (RAL 7033). While remaining metal elements, such as bolts, are made of stainless steel.8. Transformer constructionPA 123 or PA 145 type current transformer comprises a current coil in a tight enclosure filled with transformer oil.This is a "top core" type structure where the magnetic toroidal cores are located in the transformer head. The cores withsecondary windings are additionally encapsulated in a metal can connected via a tube to terminal box tg δ terminal. Both the metal can as well as the tube are insulated with oil impregnatedelectrical grade paper. The distribution of electric stresses in the paper insulation is capacitor controlled. En exterior screen is located external to the coil, connected to the primary terminal inside the head.Such a coil structure provides the following advantages:protection of devices connected to the terminal in the event of primary insulation perforation, equalisation of electrical stresses in primary insulation and a facility for measuring the tg δ coefficient on the primary insulation only.Fig. 4. PA 123 and PA 145 current transformers structure 1. base2. hollow insulator3. head4. e xpansion bellows in casing5. opening coil6. s econdary coils terminal box7. P2 primary terminals8. P1 primary terminal9. m ounts for fastening thetransformer 10. h oles for lifting the unit 11. oil level indicator1234567981011The transformer primary insulation constitutes electric grade paper dried at a high temperature and high vacuum impregnated with transformer oil. The free spaces inside the transformer are filled with transformer oil.External insulation comprises a hollow insulator made out of elec-trical porcelain with brown enamel or a glass reinforced plastic (FRP) tube coated with grey silicon rubber.The seals in the transformer are of the o-ring type, and they are made of NBR oil-resistant rubber.If calibration of measuring windings has been performed, addi-tional respective markings (designations) have been placed on the transformer and the rating plate (where required).9. DisposalDuring correct operation and when no mechanical damage occurs, the transformer should operate over 30 years. Once this period of time has expired or if operation is no longer required, it is recommended to dispose of the transformer.Primary materials used in the transformer:Item Material Quantity [kg] 1Copper (Cu – ETP)20 2Aluminium alloy AC-Al Si10Mg (Cu)80 3Steel20 4Transformer plate50 – 150 5Permalloy (iron-nickel alloy)10 6Mineral transformer oil120 7Electrical grade paper25 8Solid insulation materials (epoxy resin, bakelitepaper)10 9Porcelain80 10Composite insulator20 Items 9 and 10 alternatively.Above values are approximate.9.1. Recycling and disposal proceedingsRecycling and disposal should meet national (or local) regulations. On the territory of the Republic of Poland, the manner by which the transformer should be recycled and disposed is defined in the Waste Act of 14 December 2012, published in Journal of Laws, 2013, item 21, as amended.PA 123/PA 145 Current transformer 910. Check list10.1. Before first energisingWhat to check:When Check: 1. E xternal packing appearance A No signs of careless handling2. Transformer tightness A, B, CNo visible oil leaks or greasy stains (even if the packing is intact)3. Transformer housing B, C Insulator, terminals and housing of the transformer show no signs ofmechanical damage.4. Oil level B, C Oil level indicator is in the proper position5. Quality and correctness of performed connections C Performed connections are reliable and in accordance with the design10.2. After first energisingWhat to check:When Check: 6. Transformer tightness D, E No visible oil leaks or greasy stains7. Transformer housingD, E Insulator, terminals and housing of the transformer show no signs of mechanicaldamage.8. Oil level D, E Oil level indicator is in the proper position9. S econdary winding insulation test (measurement methoddepends on local practices)E Values dependent on age, voltage level, measurement method and temperature10. D ielectric loss factor tg δ (measurement method dependson local practices)E Values dependent on age, voltage level, measurement method and temperatureRespective terminals are marked as: …tg δ”11. O il sampling: gas analysis (DGA), tg δ, water content EMeasurements did not indicate exceeding of permissible limitsWhenA After arrival of the transformer to the final locationB After unpackingC Directly before applying voltageD During routine inspection in accordance with the schedule determined for the stationE After 15–20 years or inspection of efficiency after the non-conformity state if there are suspicions as to transformer efficiency11. EndFor additional information concerning the operation and mainte-nance of type PA 123 and PA 145 transformers, please contactthe transformer manufacturer.10 PA 123/PA 145 Current transformerNotesPA 123/PA 145 Current transformer 112129P L 969-W 1-e n . E d i t i o n 01.2014For more information, please contact:ABB Contact Center Phone: +48 22 22 37 777e-mail:**************.comABB Sp. z o.o.Branch Office in Przasnysz ul. Leszno 5906-300 PrzasnyszPhone: +48 22 22 38 931, +48 22 22 39 255 Fax.: +48 22 22 38 958www.abb.plWe reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB Sp. z o.o. does not accept any responsibilitywhatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained herein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utilisation of its contents – in whole or in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB Sp. z o.o.© Copyright 2014 ABB All rights reserved。

JING KE40.5 〜550kVSF6电流互感器安装、运行、维护使用说明书M C13000001中国江苏精科智能电气股份有限公司1.适用范围和产品用途1.1适用范围本安装使用说明书对SF6电流互感器的使用条件、技术参数、产品结构、交接、安装、使用与维护等方面作出了具体规定,敬请您在安装之前详细阅读。
1.3型号说明如220kV SF6气体绝缘电流互感器:L V Q B T --- 252(220)(GY)W2(3)」皿级防污(W级防污)咼原型设备最高电压(额定电压)kV -------------------- 带暂态保护绕组稳态保护气体绝缘--------------------------------------------- 倒置式结构电流互感器2.使用条件2.1设备种类户外2.2环境温度最高温度+45 C日平均最高温度+35 C2.3海拔<2000m (特殊产品不超过3500m )2.4 大气条件 大气中无严重影响互感器绝缘的污秽、侵蚀性和爆炸性介质2.6 最大风速35m/s8 度(水平加速度 0.25g 、垂直加速度 0.125g ) 1.673. 技术参数设备最高电压: 40.5、126、252、550 kV 额定电压: 35、110、220、500kV额定一次电流:100 〜5000、2 X50 〜2 X 2000 A(500kV 产品可满足w 2 X 5000 A ) 额定二次电流:1 、 5 A额定负荷:20 /准确限值系数: 100VA 10 〜 40 仪表保安系数: FS5、 FS10测量绕组的准确级: 0.2S 、0.5S 、0.2、0.5 稳态保护绕组的准确级: 5P 、10P 、5PR 、10PR 暂态保护绕组的准确级: TPS 、 TPY二次绕组个数: 1〜8个各准确级的误差限值见 GB1208 — 2006《电流互感器》、GB16847-1997《保 护用电流互感器暂态特性技术要求》 。

一、安装1. 选择合适的安装位置:电流互感器应安装在电流测量点,通常安装在电流表、保护装置或仪表的下游。
2. 安装支架:根据互感器的型号和规格,选择适当的支架并将其固定在安装位置上,确保支架平整、牢固。
3. 固定互感器:将互感器安装在支架上,使用螺栓或其他固定装置进行固定,确保互感器稳固、不松动。
4. 进行接地:将互感器的接地线连接到接地装置或接地线上,确保互感器能够正常接地,防止电流互感器外壳出现电压。
二、使用1. 互感器的标定:在使用互感器前,必须对其进行标定。
2. 进行绝缘测试:使用绝缘测试仪对互感器进行绝缘测试,确保互感器的外壳和引线之间的绝缘状况良好,防止漏电。
3. 进行全检:使用万用表或专业测试仪表对互感器进行全检,包括互感器的电阻、绝缘电阻、绕组参数等,并记录检测结果。
4. 进行连续运行测试:将互感器接入实际电路进行连续运行测试,观察互感器的运行状况和测量结果是否正常。
三、接线检查1. 检查引线接头:检查互感器引线和接线端子的接头是否牢固,无松动或接触不良现象。
2. 检查接线电缆:检查互感器的接线电缆是否完好无损,无断裂、磨损或绝缘破损现象。
3. 检查接线电阻:使用万用表对接线端子进行接线电阻测试,确保接线电阻在规定范围内,避免接线电阻过大或过小引起的误差。
4. 检查接地连接:检查互感器的接地线是否正确连接,接地电阻是否符合规范要求,确保互感器能够正常接地。
5. 检查接线标识:检查互感器的接线端子是否正确标识,避免接线错误导致的误测。
四、安全注意事项1. 在安装、使用和接线检查过程中,应遵循相关的安全操作规程,确保人身安全。

互感器安装标准化作业指导书1. 引言互感器是一种用于测量电流、电压和功率的重要装置,广泛应用于电力系统、工业生产和科学研究领域。
2. 安装前的准备工作在安装互感器之前,需要进行一些准备工作,以确保安装的顺利进行。
3. 安装位置的选择选择合适的安装位置对于互感器的正确运行至关重要。
4. 安装步骤(1)固定互感器:将互感器放置于选择好的安装位置,并使用合适的固定装置将其固定在电源或设备上。
5. 安装后的检查和保养安装完成后,需要进行定期的检查和保养,以确保互感器的正常运行和延长其使用寿命。
6. 安全注意事项在安装互感器过程中,需要注意以下安全事项:(1)工作时必须佩戴好合适的防护用具,避免发生电流、电压等危险。



一、安装电流互感器:1. 选择合适的位置:电流互感器应安装在电流回路中,并放置在较为易于操作和维修的位置。
2. 清理安装位置:在安装之前,要确保安装位置的干净和整洁,避免任何杂物或尘埃进入电流互感器。
3. 确保安装平稳:对于大型电流互感器,需要使用专用支架或支架。
4. 连接压接头:将电流互感器的二次绕组引出至压接头,确保压接头紧固,并检查接头的连接状态。
二、使用电流互感器:1. 将互感器连接到测量设备:通过连接电缆将电流互感器的二次绕组连接到测量设备,确保连接牢固。
2. 检查接地:检查电流互感器是否正确接地。
3. 校验电流互感器:在使用之前,需要对电流互感器进行校验,以确保其准确性和稳定性。
三、接线检查:1. 检查一次侧接线:在使用电流互感器之前,应检查一次侧的接线是否牢固和正确。
2. 检查二次侧接线:同样地,应检查电流互感器二次侧的接线是否牢固和正确。
3. 检查配套设备:除了电流互感器本身的接线,还需要检查配套设备(如测量仪表、保护设备等)的接线情况,确保其符合设计要求。
4. 进行功能测试:在接线检查完成后,还需要进行功能测试,确保电流互感器的正常工作。

3.配置说明1)运行应用程序,用户名:admin 密码:admin如下图所示2)进入程序,点击“系统管理”如下图所示3)点击“参数设置”,设置串口号,保存退出,如下图所示4.使用流程1.点击互感器校验软件图标进入 2. 运行应用程序,点击配置,如下图所示3.点击配置进入设置局编号及IP地址,如下图所示4.配置完成后点击确定,重新运行程序,用户名:admin 密码:admin如下图所示 5.点击登录进入程序,如下图所示6.准备开始实验,如做电流互感器就点击电流互感器,做电压就点击电压,做组合就点击组合,现在我以电流互感器为例具体说明一下操作步骤:点击电流互感器-→点击进入联网下载功能向导界面→输入要下载的互感器信息点击查询→找到要下载的互感器信息勾选→点击下载下载结果就会显示已下载几条,失败几条,和成功几条的信息然点击检查基本信息在点击下一步进入电流测试界面点击-→点击全程测试测试完毕后点击保存即可7.走SG186国家电网营销系统流程校验具体步骤:点击互感器测试平台→输入密码进入→点击要做的互感器信息→点击下载→输入要下载的互感器信息→勾选所要下载的互感器→点击下载→点击下一步→给互感器分配通道→点击完成→进入互感器基本信息界面核实互感器基本信息→点击下一步进入互感器测试界面→点击新量程对互感器进行测试→测试完成后点击保存即可8.不走SG186国家电网营销系统流程校验具体步骤:点击互感器测试平台→输入密码进入→点击要做的互感器信息→点击录入→输入互感器的基本信息→点击保存→然后关闭→进入脱网校验→给互感器分配通道→点击完成→进入互感器基本信息界面核实互感器基本信息→点击下一步进入互感器测试界面→点击新量程对互感器进行测试→测试完成后点击保存即可9组合互感器实验:首先录入组合互感器的各项信息,电流信息和电压信息都录入完整后点击保存,然后点击右下角的电流实验(一般先校验电流部分)然后依次点击新量程, →修改组合互感器的相别,比如AB相→全程测试。
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图1 LVQB-110W3产品示意图图2 LVQB(T)-220W3产品示意图使用条件
最高气温+45 ℃
表6 倒置式SF
250μL/L(20℃)------交接试验时SF6气体允许含水量—温度曲线 500μL/L(20℃)----- 运行中SF6气体允许含水量—温度曲线
图11 水分含量与温度关系曲线图
表7 SF。