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5.一次眼光看风景万物,多了一份包 涵和宽 容,看 到的历 史也就 不是战 争、王 朝更迭 之类的 东西, 而是千 百年来 凡夫俗 子们的 哀乐、 努力和 命运。 它们代 表了更 为现实 逼真的 生存和 价值。

6.抒发的感情真诚感人,不写自己的 品学兼 优、勤 奋用功 ,而是 如实地 展现自 己的天 生的野 性,充 满了阅 读和学 习“生 活”这 本大书 所得到 的欢欣 鼓舞的 生命体 验,表 现了对 自然和 生命无 比好奇 和热爱 以及泰 然面对 一切残 忍和苦 难的生 活观。
5. I’m going to talk about something that is vitally important to all of us.
6. It’s important/necessary/difficult/convenient/possible/likely for sb to do sth
➢Step Ⅰ:明确演讲主题
➢Step Ⅱ:分析问题,展开论述
➢Step Ⅲ:提出解决方法或期待
Words and phrases:
➢significant/ significance ➢vital/ vitally ➢ count ➢attach importance/ significance to sth ➢stress/ emphasize ➢make a difference ➢lay/place emphasis on ➢last but not the least
➢ have access to ➢convenient/ convenience ➢likely/ be likely to do sth ➢possible/possibility
1. What I am talking about today is…
2. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to make a speech on…
As we all know, summer is the time when we students can relax and enjoy the family time. First of all, outdoor activities are clearly needed because, as we all know, spending too much time at home in front of our computer or TV is not the best way to spend the vacation.
Writing sample :
Good morning, everyone! It’s my honor to be here to share my opinions on how to enjoy a meaningful summer after the college entrance examination.

7. 学习了这篇传记让我们了解到了沈 从文从 小如何 “读社 会这本 大书” ,感受 到他青 春期的 悲欢得 失。由 于传主 生活经 历的太 多苦难 ,加上 作者在 回忆中 不时融 入淳厚 的情感 ,让我 们读来 有某种 沉重与 辛酸, 也让我 们学生 受到启 发:对 于强者 ,生活 中的风 霜雨雪 也和阳 光雨露 一样, 都从不 同侧面 或者以 不同的 方式滋 润着我 们的生 命,现 实中的 曲折、 坎坷、 苦难可 能拓展 人的精 神空间 ,让人 能更加 以阔大 的心胸 与坚强 的意志 ,去感 受生命 ,理解 生活的 意义。

4.不少评论家觉得沈从文擅长写景, 且晴朗 明澈, 但是缺 少深度 。也有 评论家 认为好 Fra Baidu bibliotek好在 没有深 度,因 为没有 深度的 “看” 风景, 其实就 不为一 般的社 会价值 所局限 ,这样 也就抛 弃了自 以为是 的优越 感和置 身事外 的位置 ,而是 在宇宙 万汇的 动静之 中“看 ”。

Of course, I’ll devote much time to my family. Spending a few hours with our parents or grandparents helps develop a strong family bond. If possible, plan to have a family picnic, or go for a walk to a local park or any other green space. Finally, if we intend to do something more meaningful, we can look for a part-time job and earn some pocket money. The earlier we start working, the earlier we become independent. I hold the firm belief that we will have a meaningful and colorful summer.

3. 从作者的描述看,作者的观察敏锐 ,记忆 超强, 对现象 世界十 分倾心 ,对大 自然的 声音、 气味, 社会上 的人与 事怀有 浓厚的 兴趣。 他把大 自然与 社会生 活称为 一本“ 大书” ,他从 这本“ 大书” 中学到 了许多 书本上 没有的 东西, 他在自 然和社 会中倾 心体验 ,尊重 生命本 真的做 法,并 非不爱 学习, 而是为 了更好 的学习 。
Thank you.

1.沈从文的创作风格趋向浪漫主义, 他要求 小说的 诗意效 果,融 写实、 纪梦、 象征于 一体, 语言格 调古朴 ,句式 简峭、 主干突 出,单 纯而又 厚实, 朴讷而 又传神 ,具有 浓郁的 地方色 彩,凸 现出乡 村人性 特有的 风韵与 神采。

2.沈从文创作的小说主要有两类,一 种是以 湘西生 活为题 材,一 种是以 都市生 活为题 材,前 者通过 描写湘 西人原 始、自 然的生 命形式 ,赞美 人性美 ;后者 通过都 市生活 的腐化 堕落, 揭示都 市自然 人性的 丧失。
10. Local transportation is easily accessible/ of easy access/ very convenient. / people can have easy access to local transportation.
11. What really matters/ counts is whether you can concentrate on your lessons.
Dear fellow students,
It’s my great honor to give a speech here about how I face and deal with difficulties in life and study.
I, like each of you, have met with varieties of difficulties in the past three years. Actually, never have I shown fear towards the difficulties. Instead, I am always confident enough to analyze the problems and eventually manage to find solutions.
3. It’s my honor to stand here and say something about…
4. Ladies and gentlemen/ Boys and girls, I’m…I’m greatly honored to speak here on behalf of my school. I’m going to talk about…
All in all, no difficulty is fearful, as long as we show a positive attitude to it. Keep in mind nothing is impossible for a willing heart. Now, with the college entrance examination drawing near, good luck to you and me.
12. Above all/ most important of all, you should believe in yourself. 13. Although it seems …it is true that …are very important in…. 14. With the rapid growth of … have/ has become increasingly important in our daily life. 15. That’s all. Thank you for your attention/listening. 16. I hope I have made myself understood.
Besides, it is communicating with teachers and classmates that helps me out of difficulties. What’s more, a good plan for life and study can’t be ignored because it usually helps me arrange things properly.
Thank you for listening.
假如你是高三学生李华。高中生活即将结束,回首过去,你 一定在学习或生活中遇到过许多困难。校学生会邀请你在下周 一升旗仪式上发表演讲,谈谈你是如何面对和解决困难的。内 容包括: 1,不怕困难,分析问题,相信自己能过解决问题; 2,与父母、老师、同学交流,探讨解决方法; 3,做好学习或生活计划,及时巩固、总结。
7 I think it important/necessary/difficult/convenient/possible/likely for sb to do sth
8. It plays an increasingly important role/ part in our life.
9. It makes it possible for us students to get ourselves fully developed.