Remedy ITSM平台安装手册_Sample
Sterisample 安装与操作手册说明书

STERISAMPLE® Installation and Operation Manual2 Table of Contents1Introduction 32General description 33Orientation of Sample port 54Sampling 55.Technical data 66.Checklist for Sample Port 7Read this user manual carefully before unpacking Sterisample®.Legal Note.Steridose reserves the right to alter instructions and/or specifications without prior notice.Steridose does not give any warranty for products that have not been approved by Steridoseincluding but not limited to similar products and/or copies of original Steridose products. AllSteridose products are validated to work in cooperation with Steridose products and Steridosevalidated products only.Sterisample®– Installation and Operation Manual 3 1IntroductionThe hypodermic sample port makes it possible to take samples of the product in an asepticmanner without disrupting the production. It is suitable for a wide range ofprocesses/production lines within the pharmaceutical sector. Prior to sampling, the port issterilized with alcohol and then sampling takes place by simply penetrating the special siliconemembrane with a needle.2General descriptionThe design of the sample port permits connection to any appropriate TC-connection. There isno need for a specially designed connection on the vessel, any standard TC-connection can beused.The sample port unit consists of a blind flange with finger-pull, two TC-clamps, two TC gaskets,one sample port and one sample port membrane, see the table below and the figure.4 There are two types of sample ports depending on where and how it will be installed.Short Port for pipe with TC-end.Long Port for vessel using flush mounted Steriflange.Note that the correct Steriflange must be used with the Long sample port in order to ensureproper sealing of the membrane.Steriflange according to Tube standard ASTM A270 (mm)Sterisample®– Installation and Operation Manual 5 3Orientation of Sample portThe sample port unit should be mounted so that the membrane is vertically or horizontallyorientated. If the sample port unit is mounted with the membrane horizontal the sample portunit should be uppermost.4SamplingThe sample port is designed for sampling by using a hypodermic needle. The needle can beadapted to a syringe for sampling of small volumes, or connected to a sampling vessel by sshort flexible hose. The sampling equipment should in both cases be sterile.1.Spray the sample port unit with a 70% alcohol solution (or other equivalentdisinfecting solution).2.Dismount the TC-clamp, TC-gasket and the blind flange. Place the removed parts in adisinfecting solution (use gloves).3.Spray disinfecting solution on the sample port and the membrane. Wait forapproximately 30 seconds.4.Study the checklist for the correct part number to identify which sampling well shouldbe used (paragraph 6).5.Insert the needle for sampling. In order to achieve reseal of the puncture spot, it ismost important that the recommended insertion angle through the membrane isaccomplished. See figure below. Recommended needle diameter is maximum 1mm.6.Collect the required sample.7.Pull out the sampling needle.8.Spray disinfecting solution on the sampling port and the membrane.9.Mount the TC-gasket, the blind flange and the TC-clamp.10.Mark on the checklist which sampling well has been used.Note: Penetration of the sampling port membrane should only be done once through the samesampling well. A penetrated membrane withstands a vessel pressure of 7 barg 80°C.6 5.Technical dataIf the sample port is connected in a WFI-system, please follow the instruction for exchange ofmembrane in WFI-system.This should be done when the checklist for the sample port is completed.5.1Replacement procedure1.Shut down the system to which the sample port is connected. Ventilate the system.Drain the system to avoid spillage.2.Dismount inner TC-clamp and place the outer parts of the sample port unit in adisinfecting solution.3.Replace the used membrane. The new membrane should be soaked in disinfectingsolution before exchanging.4.Mount the outer part of sample port unit along with the TC-gasket and TC-clamp.5.Change of membrane means that the system has been opened. It is thereforerecommended that the systems is disinfected or sterilized as soon as possible.Note: Only an original Steridose membrane can guarantee a leak-free sample port.Sterisample®– Installation and Operation Manual 7 6.Checklist for Sample PortOnly one sample should be taken from each sampling wellChange the membrane when all sampling wells have been used.8 Steridose is a global brand manufactured at the IDEX Material Processing Technologies plant in Canada. We are highly specialized in the design, development and manufacturing of magnetic coupled mixers and radial diaphragm valves.Steridose is part of IDEX Corporation, with regional offices in key locations around the world. Steridose is represented in important certifying and standards organizations, most notably and relevant to the pharmaceutical industry, ASME BioProcessing Equipment standards committee (BPE). We help develop the standards and Good Manufacturing Practices that minimize risk for process interference. Steridose partners with the best distributors and representatives in the industry all over the world. Together we become the perfect mix; a premium product with global references combined with local presence for product and application support.。
Remedy ITSM产品及License配置说明

Remedy ITSM产品及License配置说明2012年8月目录1REMEDY ITSM产品架构和配置模式 (2)2REMEDY ITSM产品的用户体系架构和LICENSE实现机制 (4)3REMEDY ITSM产品LICENSE测试报告分析 .......................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 4REMEDY ITSM产品配置原则建议 (7)页码:11 Remedy ITSM产品架构和配置模式基于BMC Remedy的IT服务管理解决方案主要由三大部分组成:1) 基于ITIL最佳实践流程的Remedy ITSM应用模块;2) 提供CMDB及一些系列管理工具的BMC Atrium Core;3) 强大的工作引擎平台Remedy AR System如上图所示,BMC Remedy ITSM主要应用模块为服务台,变更管理,资产管理,服务请求管理,知识管理,服务水平管理应用模块,这些应用模块都采用了ITIL V3最佳实践,并基于BMC Remedy强大的工作流引擎平台ARS和统一的CMDB构建而成:BMC Remedy IT Service Management Suite是BMC Remedy的基础软件包BMC Service Desk:实现服务台功能,事件管理和问题管理;BMC Change Management:实现变更管理和发布管理;BMC Asset Management:实现全生命周期的资产配置管理和IT财务管理;BMC Service Request Management:实现服务请求管理;BMC Knowledge Management:实现知识管理;BMC Atrium Service Level Management:实现服务水平管理;基于以上产品架构,用户在选择BMC Remedy产品时,将基于以下配置模式:一.产品模块配置:BMC在IT服务管理领域的解决方案为Service Support(基于BMC Remedy ITSM产品构建),Service Support Solution Pack的产品配置模式非常简单,只有一个: Remedy IT Service Management Suite (包括ARS平台,CMDB,ITSM全部的应用模块及共享应用模块),同时还包括开发和备份的产品和License(与采购的生产系统License一致)。
IMS-SYSM 系统平台操作手册说明书

IMS-SYSM系统平台操作手册广东盘古信息科技股份有限公司更新记录序号修改内容编写人编写日期审核人1 新增石灵2020-04-202 增加流程图与数据角色石灵2020-11-103 增加优化功能石灵2021-10-15目录1. 简介 (5)1.1 目的 (5)1.2 背景 (5)2. 软件概述 (6)2.1目标 (6)2.2系统功能 (6)3. 系统要求 (6)3.1 硬件设备要求 (6)3.2 支持软件客户程序软件 (7)4. 运行环境 (7)4.1界面要求 (7)4.2登录页面 (7)4.3系统首页 (8)4.4主页面 (10)4.5 单选框、多选框 (13)4.6 卡片式 (13)4.7 必填项、选填项 (14)4.8 关联字段 (14)4.9 显示列自定义 (15)4.10 产品图标 (16)5. 系统操作流程图 (19)6. 系统权限分配 (20)6.1系统资源分配管理 (20)6.2 设置外部资源 (22)6.3 系统配置 (25)6.4 创建角色并分权限 (27)6.5 创建数据角色并分权限 (28)7. 维护机构信息 (31)7.1 机构管理 (31)7.1.1新增机构 (31)8. 用户信息维护 (36)8.1 用户管理 (37)8.1.1. 创建用户账号并分配权限 (37)8.1.2. 新增用户 (37)8.1.3. 给用户分配权限 (39)8.1.4. 导入用户 (41)8.1.5. 重置密码 (43)9. 通用配置 (44)9.1 资源管理 (44)9.2 参数管理 (49)9.2.1新增参数 (49)9.3 国际化管理 (50)9.3.1 新增国际化 (51)9.3.2 编辑国际化 (52)9.3.3 删除国际化 (53)9.4 页面配置管理 (54)9.4.1 新增页面配置 (55)9.4.2 删除页面配置 (57)9.5 下拉选择页面配置管理 (58)9.5.1 新增下拉选择页面配置 (59)9.5.2 新增下拉选择页面配置 (62)1. 简介1.1 目的本文档是系统管理后台操作指导书,通过该文档用户可以了解该系统后台新增用户、新增角色、权限分配、创建权限等功能。
Linux下的BMC Remdey ARS 安装

注意:安装前首先要安装配置好本地的Oracle客户端和oracle server的监听,然后以安装用户执行export LANG=zh_CN.utf8,然后进入安装介质目录下执行./ar_instll*。
以下是安装记录,请参考!Platform: solarisVersion: 5.10OS Locale: zh_CN.GBK2009年06月27日星期六13时41分50秒CSTInstalling as root******************************************************************** Action Request System(R) Installation*******************************************************************A record of this installation will be kept in /usr/tmp/ar_install.logStage 1: 2009年06月27日星期六13时41分50秒CSTYou will be prompted to enter the product directory.This is the name of the CD mount directory whichcontains the arsystem/solaris/arsystem.tar file.For example:If the tar file is located at<dir>/arsystem/solaris/arsystem.tarthen the product directory would be "<dir>".Enter the product directory [/workflow/install_soft]Looking for the END USER LICENSE and MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT.To continue with this installation, please read the followingEND USER LICENSE and MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT.Press the Return key to scroll through the agreement.At any time while reading this agreement, you canpress "q" to accept, reject or re-read the agreement.【输入q同意】Remedy, All rights reserved.Please select one of the following,1) Yes, I agree to the terms of this agreement.2) No, I disagree to the terms of the agreement.3) I would like to read the agreement again.(1) I accept, (2) I reject or (3) re-read this agreement. [3] 1【输入1同意】The Server package contains the binaries for the AR SystemServer and its associated administration programs. Itrequires an additional 120 MB for the executable programsand 1 MB for the database.The API package contains the AR System programminglibraries and example files. If installed, it consumes10 MB of disk space.Since this installation script will also back up existingAR System directories, make sure that there is enoughdisk space to include both the old and the new installations.The above disk space requirement only outlines how muchadditional disk space is required for the new installation.Do you want to install the Server package? [y] 【输入y继续安装】cq-bomc-db is the first AR System server installed on this machine.Each AR System server requires a unique name that clients can resolve into an IP address.If clients cannot resolve the name into an IP address, they will not communicate correctlywith the AR System server. If you have not defined a unique name for this server, you canopen a separate shell and define a name, and then return to this script and enter the name. You can also stop the installer script, define the name, and start the script again.To install a new AR System server, enter the new server name.To upgrade or overwrite an existing AR System server,please enter the name of the AR System server from the list:------------------------------------------------------------cq-bomc-dbEnter the server name: [cq-bomc-db] 【输入ar server服务名,注意首次安装可能不会提示你输入ar server服务名,首次安装默认的ar server服务名是主机名】You have chosen to upgrade or overwrite cq-bomc-db.Type y to continue.Type n to change your selection.Type q to stop the installation.Enter your selection: [y] 【输入y继续】Do you want to register this AR System server with the Port Mapper ? [n] 【输入n不使用port mapper】Do you want to run this AR System server on a specific TCP Port ? [n] y 【输入y指定tcp端口】The TCP port number is the port address used to connect to this AR System server.The port address must be unique for each server installation and unused by anyother services. Preferably use port addresses greater than 1024.What TCP port will this AR System server use ? 2722【输入指定的tcp端口】未被使用的端口都可以What UDP port will this AR System server use ? 2723【输入指定的udp端口】Do you want to install the API package? [y] 【默认回车】Do you want to install the Central Preferences Forms and Workflow? [y] 【默认回车】Do you want to install the Sample Forms and Workflow? [y] 【默认回车】Do you want to install the ARDBC LDAP package? [n] 【默认回车】Do you want to install the AREA LDAP package? [n] 【默认回车】Do you want to install the BMC Portal package? [n] 【默认回车】Have you installed or will you be installing Full Text Search capabilities? [n] 【默认回车】You can configure SNMP at this time.If you choose NOT to configure SNMP, you will be requiredto manually configure the SNMP configuration file priorto running the SNMP agent.Do you want to configure SNMP? [n] 【默认回车】Web Services requires Java JRE version 1.4.2 or greaterDo you want to configure Web Services? [n] 【默认回车】Which database system will the AR System use?[db2|informix|oracle|sybase] oracle 【输入oracle】Is the ORACLE database on a remote machine? [n] y 【输入y,指定oracle server在远程服务器上】What is the ORACLE home directory? /opt/oracle/product/10g 【输入本地Oracle客户端的位置】What is the remote system ID (TWO_TASK) connect string variable? bomcdb_localhost 【指定oracle server的监听名】What is your AR User Name? [ARAdmin] 【输入数据库用户名】For security reasons, your password will not be displayed.What is your AR User Password for ARAdmin? [*****] 【输入数据库用户密码】Found existing tablespaces (system, undotbs1, sysaux, temp, users, arsystem, artmp) for owner ARAdmin.You can either choose an existing tablespaceor, if you have DBA access, create a new tablespace.1) Choose an existing tablespace2) Create a new tablespace for this user3) Quit this installationSelect the operation do you want to perform [1, 2 or 3]: [1] 1【输入1来选择一下已存在的表空间】What is the AR System Tablespace Name? (system, undotbs1, sysaux, temp, users, arsystem, artmp) [ARSystem] 【默认是arsystem】The ARSystem tablespace exists for owner ARAdmin*** It is a good idea to have a backup of your database before*** attempting an upgrade or overwrite operation. If you do not*** have a recent backup, you may want to pause here or quit the*** installation to make a backup before continuing.At this point, you will be prompted for the action to take.You must choose from the following actions:o - Overwrite the existing ARSystem tablespace for ARAdmin.All existing AR System data will be lost and a new ARSystem tablespaceinstalled.u - Upgrade the existing ARSystem tablespace for ARAdmin.The current AR System tablespace will be upgraded to the new release. Allcurrent data will be preserved and the tablespace restructured.s - Share the existing ARSystem tablespace for ARAdmin.The current AR System tablespace will be retained. All current datawill be preserved and available for sharing with this server.q - Quit the installation at this point.Action? [u] s 【输入s来共享安装】Your existing AR System database will be shared*** Passwords are now required for the proper functioning of*** some applications. To change the passwords after the*** installation you must use BMC Remedy Administrator.*** Please set your initial passwords:For security reasons, your password will not be displayed.Enter the local DSO User password: 【输入DSO的密码,一般输入arsystem】For security reasons, your password will not be displayed.Enter the Application Service password: 【输入Application Service的密码,一般输入arsystem】For security reasons, your password will not be displayed.Enter the Mid-Tier Administration password: 【输入midtier的管理密码,一般输入arsystem】Selecting UNICODE to create or overwrite an existingOracle tablespace REQUIRES that the database alreadybe configured to support the AL32UTF-8 UNICODE character set.If you are upgrading an existing database to use UNICODE, the databasemust already be configured to support the UNICODE character set.Do you want to use the UNICODE character set? [y] 【输入y,使用unicode】Directory to install AR System? [/workflow/ar/cq-bomc-db] 【输入准备安装ar server的位置】AR System will be installed in the /workflow/ar/cq-bomc-db directory.Is this OK? [y] 【输入y确认安装位置】Do you want to put the AR System server in a system startup file? [n] 【输入n,不把ar server 放到自启动脚本中,下面就开始安装了!】Creating Configuration Directory /workflow/ar/cq-bomc-db/confCreating Database Directory /workflow/ar/cq-bomc-db/dbCreating AR System server configuration file /workflow/ar/cq-bomc-db/conf/ar cq-bomc-db AR;NTStage 2: 2009年06月27日星期六13时44分07秒CSTYou may need to wait a few minutes if you load media from a remotedevice or load on a remote file system.[Silent]=cq-bomc-dbremedy.arsystem.server.portmapper=Tremedy.arsystem.server.tcpport=2722remedy.arsystem.server.pl er=ARAdminer=system=ARSystem List of Extracted Files -----------x api, 0 bytes, 0磁带块x api/src, 0 bytes, 0磁带块x api/src/daysOpen, 0 bytes, 0磁带块x api/src/daysOpen/README, 5119 bytes, 10磁带块x api/src/daysOpen/daysOpen.c, 36809 bytes, 72磁带块x api/src/daysOpen/holiday.txt, 79 bytes, 1磁带块x api/src/daysOpen/Makefile, 637 bytes, 2磁带块x api/src/driver, 0 bytes, 0磁带块x api/src/driver/api.c, 334082 bytes, 653磁带块x api/src/driver/api.h, 4807 bytes, 10磁带块x api/src/driver/get.c, 165383 bytes, 324磁带块x 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bin/websvc70.jar, 70672 bytes, 139磁带块x bin/, 2788084 bytes, 5446磁带块x bin/, 38308 bytes, 75磁带块x bin/, 580132 bytes, 1134磁带块x bin/arsnmpd, 3790480 bytes, 7404磁带块x bin/arsnmptrap, 882852 bytes, 1725磁带块x bin/, 4283992 bytes, 8368磁带块x bin/, 4283992 bytes, 8368磁带块x bin/, 4283992 bytes, 8368磁带块x bin/libwasp_, 1928 bytes, 4磁带块x bin/, 232948 bytes, 455磁带块x bin/, 232948 bytes, 455磁带块x bin/, 232948 bytes, 455磁带块x bin/libwasp_, 1421 bytes, 3磁带块x bin/, 22124 bytes, 44磁带块x bin/, 22124 bytes, 44磁带块x bin/, 22124 bytes, 44磁带块x bin/, 37780 bytes, 74磁带块x bin/, 728944 bytes, 1424磁带块链接到 的x bin/ 符号链接到 的x bin/ 符号链接到 的x bin/ 符号链接到 的x bin/ 符号x bin/arcache, 2512548 bytes, 4908磁带块x bin/arreload, 2519452 bytes, 4921磁带块x bin/arsignal, 2475556 bytes, 4836磁带块x bin/arlogdec, 2521036 bytes, 4924磁带块x bin/arlogdec.txt, 474 bytes, 1磁带块x bin/arufix63, 2527828 bytes, 4938磁带块x bin/arufix63.txt, 4768 bytes, 10磁带块x bin/arconv, 98776 bytes, 193磁带块x bin/arconv.txt, 2205 bytes, 5磁带块x bin/arlabel, 2573724 bytes, 5027磁带块x 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bytes, 385磁带块x samples/en/UpgrBusinessTimes.imp, 245 bytes, 1磁带块x samples/en/UpgrSvrAdmin.imp, 170 bytes, 1磁带块x samples/en/UpgrUserPref.imp, 4721 bytes, 10磁带块x samples/en/User.arx, 556 bytes, 2磁带块x samples/en/User.def, 77135 bytes, 151磁带块x samples/en/User.imp, 122 bytes, 1磁带块x samples/en/UserPref.def, 500565 bytes, 978磁带块x samples/en/adf_BusinessTime.xml, 453 bytes, 1磁带块x samples/en/adf_SampleApps_en.xml, 451 bytes, 1磁带块x samples/en/adf_ServerApps.xml, 608 bytes, 2磁带块x samples/en/adf_ServerApps_en.xml, 778 bytes, 2磁带块x samples/en/cdf_BusinessTime.xml, 518 bytes, 2磁带块x samples/en/cdf_groupuser_en.xml, 816 bytes, 2磁带块x samples/en/cdf_prefcomp_en.xml, 814 bytes, 2磁带块x samples/en/cdf_sampcomp_en.xml, 714 bytes, 2磁带块x samples/en/cdf_servercomp_en.xml, 1028 bytes, 3磁带块x samples/en/reportforms.def, 414107 bytes, 809磁带块x samples/en/reportforms.xml, 1806 bytes, 4磁带块x samples/en/reportvendor.def, 484926 bytes, 948磁带块x samples/en/reportvendor.xml, 11349 bytes, 23磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach, 0 bytes, 0磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/class1prep_0.htm, 147 bytes, 1磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/class1syllabus_1.doc, 19456 bytes, 38磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/class2prep_16.htm, 152 bytes, 1磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/class2prep_2.htm, 152 bytes, 1磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/class2syllabus_17.doc, 19456 bytes, 38磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/class2syllabus_3.doc, 19456 bytes, 38磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/class3prep_4.htm, 144 bytes, 1磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/class3syllabus_5.doc, 19456 bytes, 38磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/class4prep_18.htm, 146 bytes, 1磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/class4prep_6.htm, 146 bytes, 1磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/class4syllabus_19.doc, 19456 bytes, 38磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/class4syllabus_7.doc, 19456 bytes, 38磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/class5prep_8.htm, 152 bytes, 1磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/class5syllabus_9.doc, 19456 bytes, 38磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/class6prep_10.htm, 157 bytes, 1磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/class6syllabus_11.doc, 19456 bytes, 38磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/class7prep_12.htm, 139 bytes, 1磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/class7syllabus_13.doc, 19456 bytes, 38磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/class8prep_14.htm, 146 bytes, 1磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/class8prep_20.htm, 146 bytes, 1磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/class8syllabus_15.doc, 19456 bytes, 38磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/class8syllabus_21.doc, 19456 bytes, 38磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/Sample Class List_1.arr, 315 bytes, 1磁带块x samples/en/sample_app_attach/Sample Roster_0.arr, 288 bytes, 1磁带块x samples/en/sample_reports.arx, 709 bytes, 2磁带块x samples/en/serveradmin.def, 834417 bytes, 1630磁带块x samples/es, 0 bytes, 0磁带块x samples/es/AlertList_view.def, 57910 bytes, 114磁带块x samples/es/Business_view.def, 275064 bytes, 538磁带块x samples/es/CurrencyL10NLabels.arx, 3142 bytes, 7磁带块x samples/es/Group.arx, 4033 bytes, 8磁带块x samples/es/Group.imp, 297 bytes, 1磁带块x samples/es/Group_view.def, 66638 bytes, 131磁带块x samples/es/HomePage_view.def, 64297 bytes, 126磁带块x samples/es/MessageCatalog.arx, 151081 bytes, 296磁带块x samples/es/MessageCatalog.xml, 318795 bytes, 623磁带块x samples/es/ReportType.arx, 2410 bytes, 5磁带块x samples/es/UpgrUserPref.imp, 5153 bytes, 11磁带块x samples/es/User.arx, 568 bytes, 2磁带块x samples/es/User.imp, 122 bytes, 1磁带块x samples/es/UserPref_view.def, 386693 bytes, 756磁带块x samples/es/User_view.def, 62986 bytes, 124磁带块x samples/es/adf_ServerApps_es.xml, 778 bytes, 2磁带块x samples/es/cdf_groupuser_es.xml, 826 bytes, 2磁带块x samples/es/cdf_prefcomp_es.xml, 768 bytes, 2磁带块x samples/es/cdf_servercomp_es.xml, 982 bytes, 2磁带块x samples/es/reportforms_view.def, 333211 bytes, 651磁带块x samples/es/reportvendor_view.def, 177621 bytes, 347磁带块x samples/fr, 0 bytes, 0磁带块x samples/fr/AlertList_view.def, 57921 bytes, 114磁带块x samples/fr/Business_view.def, 275551 bytes, 539磁带块x samples/fr/CurrencyL10NLabels.arx, 3231 bytes, 7磁带块x samples/fr/Group.arx, 4016 bytes, 8磁带块x samples/fr/Group.imp, 297 bytes, 1磁带块x samples/fr/Group_view.def, 66648 bytes, 131磁带块x samples/fr/HomePage_view.def, 64172 bytes, 126磁带块x samples/fr/MessageCatalog.arx, 151054 bytes, 296磁带块x samples/fr/MessageCatalog.xml, 321270 bytes, 628磁带块x samples/fr/ReportType.arx, 2410 bytes, 5磁带块x samples/fr/UpgrUserPref.imp, 5153 bytes, 11磁带块x samples/fr/User.arx, 569 bytes, 2磁带块x samples/fr/User.imp, 122 bytes, 1磁带块x samples/fr/UserPref_view.def, 386562 bytes, 756磁带块x samples/fr/User_view.def, 62992 bytes, 124磁带块x samples/fr/adf_ServerApps_fr.xml, 778 bytes, 2磁带块x samples/fr/cdf_groupuser_fr.xml, 826 bytes, 2磁带块x samples/fr/cdf_prefcomp_fr.xml, 768 bytes, 2磁带块x samples/fr/cdf_servercomp_fr.xml, 982 bytes, 2磁带块x samples/fr/reportforms_view.def, 333078 bytes, 651磁带块。
Remedy ITSM平台安装手册_Sample

Remedy ITSM 项目—系统安装配置手册Remedy ITSM 系统安装配置手册 系统安装配置手册 安装配置 文档信息表文档基本信息 项目名称 当前项目阶段 文档名称 文档版本 文档创建日期 文档存放路径 文档审批信息 审阅人 职务 审阅时间 审阅意见 Remedy ITSM系统安装配置手册 是否为正式交付件 当前修订日期 文档审批要求 是文档修订信息 版本 修正章节 日期 作者 变更记录Remedy ITSM 项目—系统安装配置手册第一章 文档介绍1.1 内 容 范 围本文档用于描述 ITSM 项目的 Remedy 系统安装及其配置说明。
1.2 适 用 的 对 象本文档主要针对该系统的管理维护人员。
1.3 保 密 原 则此文档获取的数据信息属于 xxxxxx 公司及 xxxxxxx 公司机密信息,相关人员承诺不将 本文档和相关资料泄漏给其他公司或本公司与项目无关的人员。
1.4 参 考 资 料资料名BMC Remedy Action Request System 7.6.04: BMC Installation Guide BMC Atrium Core 7.6.04 : Installation Guide BMC Remedy IT Service Management 7.6.04: BMC Installation Guide BMC Remedy Knowledge Management 7.6.04: BMC Installation Guide作者版本与日期BMC1.5 术 语 与 缩 写 解 释缩写、术语 缩写、 ITIL 解释 Information Technology Infrastructure LibraryRemedy ITSM 项目—系统安装配置手册第二章 系统环境准备第三章 系统安装3.1 安 装 环 境 配 置3 .1 .1 J DK &J RE 环 境 Remedy 服务器需要安装 64 位和 32 位 JDK 及 JRE(1.5.0_06 以上版本) 安装路径如下: JDK 64 位 32 位 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26 C:\Program Files(X86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_26 JRE C:\Program Files\Java\jre C:\Program Files(X86)\Java\jre3 .1 .2 终 端 服 务 配 置 选 项 更 新 ( W in do ws Se rv er ) 1) 2) 点击开始-》运行,输入“gpedit.msc” ,然后回车; 选择计算机配置-》管理模板-》Windows 组件-》终端服务-》终端服务器-》临时文件 夹(Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Terminal Services -> Terminal Server -> Temporary folders);Remedy ITSM 项目—系统安装配置手册3)设置“Do not delete temp folder on exit”为启用;4)设置“Do not use temp folders per session”为启用;Remedy ITSM 项目—系统安装配置手册5) 6)重启服务器。
Mi.Node M 安装工具用户指南说明书

Product Name Document Title1Mi.Node M Install ToolUser Guide880-0199-001Firmware version 1.0.11Document version 2.03/29/2017ContentsOverview (5)Keypad Operation (6)Features (6)User Interface (7)Battery (7)Charger and Battery Status symbols (7)Walk-by meter reading (8)To read one meter (8)To read all meters (8)To read meters currently in “Install” mode (9)To log all meters (9)To read meters using Transparent Mode (9)Viewing readings (10)To view readings in a route (10)To view readings not in a route (10)To view last 9 readings (10)To select a reading (10)Interpreting a meter read (11)Troubleshooting (12)Confirming successful installation (12)To test an installation (12)Alternative installation test (12)Troubleshooting read/installation issues (13)Troubleshooting transmission issues (13)Meter data (14)To clear Meter Data (14)To clear List Data (14)To change RF frequency (14)To change Key Click (14)To change Message Click (14)Handheld-to-computer interface (15)OverviewThe handheld Mi.Node M Install Tool collects readings from a single meter, or collects and stores data from up to 1024 separate water meter accounts when used with EZExport software. When used as an installation tool, it can verify correct wiring connections and successful node activation and communication.The basic installation process:•Physically attach the Mi.Node M unit (mounted on a wall or in a pit)•If necessary, connect the Mi.Node M unit’s wires to the meter register wires•The wiring connections for Mueller Systems products is always Red to Red, White to White and Black to Black.o For other wiring or manufacturers’ devices, consult Mueller Systems support.•Swipe a magnet across the side of the Mi.Node M unit to the right of the logo. This process initiates the node reading of the register. Example:•Confirm the Install Tool displays the meter reading shown on the register. Verify signal level, and absence of event/duration codes.The compact unit is about the size of a standard smart phone. Powered by a lithium battery, the install tool is charged via USB cable and is rated to run for an entire shift of continuous operation. TheMi.Node M Install Tool is capable of operating on two different frequencies. Its antenna is flexible to accommodate meter readers while clipped to a belt or pocket.Note: This document covers only M networks; procedures in this document differ from those for systems using older v3 and v4 Mi.Nodes.Keypad OperationUse the keypad to select commands or enter digits as needed.Important keys include:•ENT: Turns on unit, advances to main menu•CLR: Goes back or cancels current process•1-4: Select menu optionsFeaturesUse the Mi.Node M Installation Tool for small scale meter reading and meter installation. Options:1.Meter Reading – Walk by meters to gather readings, view results. You can collect readings froma list loaded to the Install Tool, as well as all meters in range.2.Installation Tool – Verify meter-to-node connection and successful data transmission3.Datalog Confirm - Confirm the node is transmitting logged meter readings to the Mi.Node MMobile transceiver.4.Unit Setup – change the tool’s frequency, mute soundsUser InterfaceThe Mi.Node M Install Tool’s screen displays menu commands and data. Battery strength is indicated at the top right of the screen.Start screen If the unit is off, press ENT twice to view the main menu. Individual commands are described in the following procedures.The Mi.Node M Install Tool’s screen displays menu commands and data. Battery strength is indicated at the top right of the screen.BatteryTo charge fully, the Install Tool should be plugged into a standard 5-volt USB powered by either an electric outlet or computer for approximately 7-8 hours. If you are plugging the install tool into a computer, make sure the computer is plugged in and configured to provide power to the USB when it times out or is powered down. (By default, most Windows computers supply power to a USB while turned off. Check your computer’s USB Root Hub Power Management Properties, accessed via Device Manager.)Charger and Battery Status symbolsA battery strength indicator is displayed in the upper-right corner of the display screen.Install Tool is plugged into a USB source, battery is charging.Battery is almost depleted, less than 10% charge remaining. Battery is 20-40% charged.Battery is 50-80% charged.Battery is 95-100% full, charge process complete. Note: The install tool turns itself off after ten minutes of non-use, unless it is operating in Transparent mode or Logging mode.Walk-by meter readingThe Mi.Node M Install Tool collects readings from any node in its range. When displaying or uploading reads, it keeps data from meters in the route/list (List Data) separate from the rest of the meter reads (UnList Data).You can read up to 1,024 meters within close range of the tool as you walk.To read one meterThis procedure assumes the Mi.Node M unit has been swiped with a magnet after wires are connected.1. Press ENT or CLR as needed to access the main menu.2. Press 2 > 1 > 2 (Receive One).3. Type the 10-digit ID on the meter’s node. (Note: if the number has fewer than 10 digits, enter leading zeroes. For example enter “0012345678” if the node’s ID has only 8 digits.4. Press ENT .5. Verify the ID on the node label matches the ID shown on the screen and note the Read. See Interpreting a meter read for more information.To read all metersThis procedure is recommended only if a limited number of meters is in range. This mode listens for all meters, in or out of a route.1. Press ENT or CLR as needed to access the main menu.2. Press 2 > 1 > 1 (Receive All). The Install Tool scrolls through all received reads quickly on the screen. Press CLR to stop reading and return to the previous menu. Press any other key to pause/resume reading.To read meters currently in “Install” modeThis procedure scans for up to three Mi.Node M units transmitting an initial beacon sent when the unit is swiped during the install process. You can use it to verify the installation you just performed is transmitting its install beacon. The Mi.Node M unit sends the beacon for two minutes, and the install tool listens for one minute.1.Press ENT or CLR as needed to access the main menu.2.Press 2 > 1 > 3 (Receive Install).3.If the screen displays the register ID you are interested in, press 1, 2, or 3, as it corresponds tothe ID you want.The tool displays the meter data information.To log all metersThis procedure captures datalogs from all Mi.Node M units within receiving range of the install tool. You can pause the process, but cannot view data on the screen. Datalogs are stored in the install tool for later upload to a computer.The install tool runs continuously when in Logging mode; it does not turn off automatically after 10 minutes. Exit Logging mode if you want the unit to turn off automatically.The screen will show the List Count, the Non List Count, the register ID and meter read of the last collected reading.1.Press ENT or CLR as needed to access the main menu.2.Press 1 > 1 > 1 (Start Logging). Wait for the logging to complete, or press CLR to stop loggingand exit to the Meters Logging menu screen.To read meters using Transparent ModeThis procedure requires a laptop or other mobile device. This mode listens for all meters, in or out of a route.1.Press ENT or CLR as needed to access the main menu.2.Press 1 > 2 (Transparent Mode).Note: The Install Tool runs continuously when in Transparent mode; it does not turn off automatically after 10 minutes. Exit Transparent mode if you want the unit to turn off automatically.Viewing readingsTo view readings in a route1.Press ENT or CLR as needed to access the main menu.2.Press 1 > 1 > 2 (View List Data).To view readings not in a route1.Press ENT or CLR as needed to access the main menu.2.Press 1 > 1 > 3 (View UnList Data).To view last 9 readings1.Press ENT or CLR as needed to access the main menu.2.Press 2 > 2 (View Last 9).The top row of the display shows the number of the reads currently shown, for example, reads 7 through 9.To select a readingThe Install Tool displays three readings at a time. Press ENT to scroll through the list three meter readings at a time.To access details of a single read, press the number of the reading (1-9) to access the read. For example, if “4-6” is displayed, you can press 4, 5, or 6 to see more details about that register’s reading.Interpreting a meter readWhen the Mi.Node M Install Tool successfully reads a Mi.Node M unit, it displays consumption, status, and other information described below.The top line is a header for ID and Read, and the received signal strength is at top right. Each line of the display shows: Line 2:• Meter ID: If ID has fewer than 10 digits, leading zeroes are added. • Meter read: 4 to 9 digits. The reading is right-aligned. Line 3:• Status code – “St ”o Good Reado Small Leak – register has detected a leak of approximately 1/8 gpm or less o No Flow o Back Flowo High Leak – register has detected a leak of approximately 1/4 gpm or more o Q-Mark – register’s wheel(s) not fully rolled over to the next digit o No Response o SSR Tamper o SSR Removal• Duration: Length of time the condition persisted, usually a range. “W ” indicates weeks. Line 4:1. Battery strength () — Good, Low, VLow (very low), Fail. If VLow, the Mi.Node M unitshould be replaced immediately. If Low, replace within 6 months. 2. SSR battery status () – (if an SSR is attached to a Mi.Node M unit): Good, Low.3. Last received transmission – “Rx ” time elapsed in seconds since the last transmission receivedfrom node. This number is updated as the Time elapsed since the last transmission received, inseconds.TroubleshootingConfirming successful installationYou can use the Mi.Node M Install Tool to verify that a newly installed meter is correctly connected to the Mi.Node M unit, and is transmitting reads.After the Mi.Node M unit has been physically installed and (if necessary) connected to the register, swipe the unit with a magnet to force an immediate read of all register data.To test an installationUse the standard procedure for reading a single meter.1.Press ENT or CLR as needed to access the main menu.2.Press 2 > 1 > 2 (Receive One).3.Type the 10-digit ID shown on the Mi.Node M unit’s label. Enter leading zeroes if there are lessthan 10 digits.4.Press ENT.The Mi.Node M Install Tool scans for the reading. The display should show “St Good Read” in the status line if the read was successful. See Interpreting a meter read for information on other responses from the Mi.Node M unit.Additionally, make note of:•The ID number shown. If it matches the label on the Mi.Node M unit, this means the unit has not properly received the register’s ID.•Any error codes returned from an electronic register.•Signal strength (dBm) shown in the upper-right corner. The lower the number, the stronger the signal.Alternative installation testWhen swiped, a Mi.Node M unit broadcasts a datalog file. In this procedure, the Mi.Node M Install Tool ‘listens’ for units broadcasting a datalog.1.Press ENT or CLR as needed to access the main menu.2.Press 3 (Datalog Confirm).3.Swipe the Mi.Node M unit of the meter to be read.4.Look for the ID of the register just installed (or the ID on the Mi.Node M unit’s label).Troubleshooting read/installation issuesWhen investigating field issues, it is recommended you bring a spare Mi.Node M unit and register that are verified operational. You can swap the node and register individually to help identify issues. Condition Possible Cause Recommended StepsStatus = No Response Mi.Node M unit is notconnected to register 1.Examine wiring and connectionsfor damage or detachment.2.Try replacing node with anoperational node. Swipe andcheck for a reading.3.If unsuccessful, and wiring is OK,try swapping in the operationalregister.4.If still unsuccessful, it could be anissue internal to the device(s). 5.If a successful read was made,ensure the Install Tool displaysthe correct Mi.Node M unit ID.Status = Q Mark Typically, register was unable todetermine every odometerwheel’s position. Check the register to see if a wheel is in transition. This normally clears as the odometer wheels continue to turn with additional flow.Battery level below Good Mi.Node M unit battery isdegrading. Replace Mi.Node M unit if battery level is Very Low (VLow).Troubleshooting transmission issuesKeyboard commands recommended here begin at the main menu. Condition Possible Cause Recommended StepsNo communication from the node to the receiver (inability to read node) Mi.Node M unit fell off itsmount, or is buried undermud, water, debris, etc.In worst case, waterinfiltration rendered nodeinoperable.•Physically examine node to verifyproper installation or environmentalissues causing problems.•Check connection between Mi.NodeM unit and register; reconnect ifnecessary.Mi.Node M unit transmissionis blocked or unit ispositioned poorly.Physically examine node to verify properinstallation or environmental issuescausing problemsNo reading from the Cut wire, problem at 1.Check connection between Mi.Nodemeter register connection points to theregister or node, or at theinline (Nicor) connector withregister.M unit and register; reconnect ifnecessary.2.Attempt to perform a read (2 > 1 >2, enter ID).Meter dataYou can clear data, which erases readings without deleting the downloaded route.To clear Meter Data1.Press 1 > 3 > 1 (Clear Meter Data).2.Press ENT to clear the data or CLR to cancel and return to the previous screen.To clear List Data1.Press 1 > 3 > 2 (Clear List Data).2.Press ENT to clear the data or CLR to cancel and return to the previous screen.To change RF frequency1.Press 4 > 1 (Channel Set Select). The screen displays an arrow pointing at one channel or theother.2.Press 1 or 2 - the option without the arrow.3.Press ENT.To change Key ClickTo enable or disable the clicking sound when a key is pressed:1.Press 4 > 2 (Key Click). The screen displays an arrow pointing to either 1-Key Click Off or 2-KeyClick On.2.Press 1 or 2 to select Off or On.3.Press ENT.To change Message ClickTo enable or disable the clicking sound when the unit processes messages such as reads:1.Press 4 > 3 (Message Click). The screen displays an arrow pointing to either 1-Msg Click Off or2-Msg Click On.2.Press 1 or 2 to select Off or On.3.Press ENT.Handheld-to-computer interfaceThe Mi.Node M Install tool is charged with a USB cable plugged into a desktop or laptop computer. The USB cable also transmits data from the tool to the computer. The computer must have EZ Export installed.A driver automatically configures the Mi.Node M Install Tool as a serial device with its own COM port defined on the computer. To view The COM designation, navigate on the computer to the Device Manager in the Windows Control Panel. With the Mi.Node M Install Tool unplugged from the computer, scroll to the Ports (COM & LPT) list (if this list is not present, it is because there are no COM ports present on the computer). When the tool is connected to the computer and powered on, its COM port designation will appear in the Ports (COM & LPT) list.About Mueller SystemsWhere Intelligence Meets Infrastructure® Mueller Systems provides Smart Meteringsolutions to optimize the delivery and use of water and energy. Municipalities that supply water, electricity or gas — or any combination of the three services — need innovative ways to increase efficiencies, reduce costs, conserve water and energy, and improve customer service. The ® Mueller Infrastructure Network for Utilities from Mueller Systems meets that need.Mueller Systems develops meters and metering systems that are a Smart Move™ for the most demanding applications including residential, commercial and fire-line meters, advanced metering infrastructure (AMI)/automated meter reading (AMR) systems and related products. We provide utilities with infrastructure technology—including the water industry’s first AMI system with 2-way multidirectional network configuration—that enables them to access the intelligent, actionable data needed to increase efficiencies, reduce costs, conserve water and energy, and improve customer service.Mueller Systems is part of Mueller Water Products, Inc., a leading manufacturer and marketer of products and services used in the transmission, distribution and measurement of water. Contact:Customer SupportMonday – Friday 8am – 7pm ET (800) 323-8584******************************* ************************** Mueller Systems48 Leona Drive Middleborough, MA 02346 Mueller Systems10210 Statesville Blvd. Cleveland, NC 27013Contact:Customer SupportMonday – Friday 8am – 7pm ET (800) 323-8584******************************* **************************。


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姓名职务/职称文档分发此文档将分发至如下各人姓名职务/职称目 录1. 前言 (6)1.1 目的 (6)1.2 内容摘要 (6)1.3 读者 (6)1.4 名词解释 (6)2. 环境准备 (7)2.1 Microsoft ActiveSync的安装 (7)2.1.1 安装ActiveSync (7)2.1.2 设置ActiveSync与电脑同步 (10)2.1.3 ActiveSync兼容性 (13)2.2 应用软件的安装 (13)2.2.1 应用软件上传到手机设备 (13)2.2.2 应用软件的安装 (15)3. 操作指南 (22)3.1 手机客户端操作流程图 (22)3.2 角色介绍 (24)3.3 登录ITSM系统手机版 (24)3.3.1 配置文件 (25)3.3.2 查看关于 (27)3.3.3 用户登录 (29)3.4 坐席角色查看工单 (31)3.5 工程师角色处理工单 (34)3.5.1 工程师角色登录 (34)3.5.2 查看工单详细信息 (35)3.5.3 备件查询 (39)3.5.4 备件领用 (43)3.5.5 开始维修 (45)3.5.6 请求重派 (48)3.5.7 完成维修 (51)3.5.8 费用录入 (55)3.5.9 坏件入库 (58)3.5.10 完成工单 (61)3.5.11 本地保存 (65)3.5.12 服务端保存 (67)3.5.13 知识库查询 (68)3.6 经理角色处理工单 (73)3.6.1 经理角色登录 (73)3.6.2 关闭工单 (79)3.7 管理员角色查看工单 (81)1. 前言1.1 目的1.2 内容摘要1.前言2.环境准备3.操作指南 1.3 读者1.4 名词解释2. 环境准备2.1 Microsoft ActiveSync的安装安装Microsoft ActiveSync是为了使手机设备和电脑进行同步,同步后可以将电脑中的文件拷贝到手机设备中,如安装软件的同步请参见2.2章节。

TSM实施完全教程银信长远:慕容荃TSM实施完全教程 (1)一、软件安装 (3)1.1软件安装 (3)1.2初始配置 (3)1.2.1 TSMServer环境和参数文件配置 (4)1.2.2 TSM Server启动关闭 (5)1.2.3 状态(status)参数的修改 (5)1.2.4 注册使用许可(License) (5)1.3知识点:TSM配置相关知识 (6)1.3.1 配置界面 (6)1.3.2 TSM命令格式 (8)1.3.3 V5.3以上安装WebAdmin管理界面 (9)二、配置 (9)2.1 TSM数据库和恢复日志的配置 (9)预备知识:TSM数据库和恢复日志 (9)2.2配置存储设备 (10)2.2.1 预备知识: (10)存储设备概念 (10)安装设备驱动程序 (11)存储池属性 (12)磁带使用 (14)2.2.2 定义3494带库的例子: (15)2.2.3 定义3590带库的例子: (15)2.2.4 定义3583带库的例子: (16)2.2.5 定义内置8mm磁带机的例子: (16)知识点:TSM是如何和操作员交互的? (17)2.3配置存储策略 (17)2.3.1 预备知识 (17)2.3.2 存储策略设置命令 (19)三、使用 (19)3.1客户端备份操作 (20)3.1.1 预备知识:TSM客户端 (20)3.1.2 安装和配置客户端 (20)知识点:客户端服务进程 (21)知识点:TSM备份数据传输方式 (21)3.1.3 SAN Storage Agent的安装和配置 (22)3.1.4 执行客户端数据备份 (22)知识点:备份命令 (25)知识点:包含排除列表 (25)3.1.5 执行客户端数据恢复 (26)知识点:数据恢复位置 (26)3.2自动任务安排 (27)3.2.1 预备知识 (27)TSM管理类自动任务 (27)TSM客户端类自动任务 (28)3.2.2 定义管理Schedule (28)3.2.3 定义客户Schedule (29)四、 TSM自身保护 (30)4.1存储池的备份和恢复 (30)4.2 TSM DB的备份和恢复 (31)4.2.1 预备知识:TSM数据库备份和恢复概念 (31)4.2.2 备份TSM (32)4.2.3 恢复TSM (32)五、故障处理和其他 (32)5.1故障检查 (32)5.2获取TSM配置 (33)5.3其他常用命令 (34)5.4一个简单的故障排除例子 (34)5.5参考文档 (35)附录: (36)主机上配置多个TSM节点 (36)HACMP环境下的TSM Server配置 (36)关于copypool中磁带的reclaim操作 (37)tsm中volume status的说明 (38)磁带卷的卸出 (38)一、 软件安装1.1 软件安装放入安装光盘,或者导入安装文件,使用smit工具安装。

目录1.引言..........................................................................................................................51.1.编写说明..............................................................................................................................52.软件模块...................................................................................................................62.1.业务管理ERP系统 (6)环思制造管理平台使用说明2021.01.152.2.生产管理MES (6)2.3.WMS仓储管理 (6)3.功能操作说明 (7)3.1.系统建设内容&集成路径 (7)3.2.业务管理ERP系统 (7)3.2.1.系统流程介绍 (7)3.2.2.客户管理 (8)3.2.3.供应商管理 (9)3.2.4.商品管理 (10)3.2.5.材料管理 (12)3.2.6.物料清单 (13)3.2.7.订单管理 (16)3.2.8.订单跟进 (18)3.2.9.订单查询 (20)3.2.10.物料需求 (20)3.2.11.需求计划 (23)3.2.12.物料申购 (24)3.2.13.订单齐料 (26)3.2.14.采购管理 (27)3.2.15.采购审批 (29)3.2.16.采购跟踪 (30)3.2.17.订单分单 (30)3.2.18.生产开单 (31)3.2.19.订单计划 (35)3.2.20.七天发货 (36)3.2.21.出货计划 (36)3.2.22.装箱单 (37)3.3.WMS核心应用功能说明 (38)3.3.1.库位管理 (38)3.3.2.面辅料、成品入库 (38)3.3.3.面辅料、成品出库 (40)3.3.4.物料盘点 (41)3.3.5.库存台账 (42)3.4.MES核心应用功能说明 (43)3.4.1.基础信息 (43)3.4.2.IE管理 (44)3.4.3.裁剪管理 (45)3.4.4.裁片超市 (49)3.4.5.印绣花外协加工 (51)3.4.6.上挂应用 (53)3.4.7.缝制应用 (54)3.4.8.质检应用 (55)3.4.9.返工处理 (55)3.4.10.后整 (56)3.4.11.线管应用 (56)3.4.12.数据看板 (58)3.4.13.设备管理 (60)3.4.14.外协订单管理 (61)3.4.15.外协进度管理 (62)3.4.16.外协工厂管理 (64)4.软件交付实施方法 (65)4.1.交付实施计划及内容参考 (65)4.2.实施计划排期 (66)4.3.软件交付验收分项清单 (67)4.4.项目文档清单 (68)4.5.项目交付风险控制与验收标准 (69)4.5.1.关键点控制 (69)4.6.项目验收标准 (70)5.技术服务支持 (71)5.1.专职服务团队 (71)5.2.技术咨询服务 (71)5.3.软件升级服务 (71)5.4.软件运行保障 (72)1.引言1.1.编写说明环思智慧科技根据纺织企业的现状和特点,结合多家同类型服装生产企业的信息化实施经验,提供以下信息化解决方案(平台软件)使用说明。
BMC Remedy Incident Management 快速入门用户指南说明书

BMC RemedyIncident Management Quick Start User Guide – Training ManualVersion 3.0Table Contents - Quick Start User GuideHow to display Incident Console window (3)How to set up your Profile (3)How to set up your Preferences (3)How to create a new incident (4)How to select Operational and Product Categorizations (5)How to assign an incident to another group (6)How to assign an incident to team member or self (6)How to create Work Detail (6)How to e-mail your Customer from incident (7)How to create a Task (7)How to work on a task assigned to you (8)How to Add Time for Task (if required) (8)How to reassign a Sequence to task groups and Tasks (8)How to search for TASKS by Task ID (9)How to change the setting so you do not see closed TASKS (9)How to Cancel Incidents: Cancel Types (9)Out of Office (9)Spam (9)Project (9)No Response (9)Duplicate (10)How to Resolve an Incident (10)How to use Relationships Tab (10)Duplicate Incidents (10)Related Incidents (11)How to use Advanced Search (11)How to display Incident Console wind ow1. Go to and log on using your Passport York credentials2. If not already displayed, you can get to the Incident Console window by clickingon >> Applications tab (top left-hand side of screen) and scroll down to Incident Management and over to Incident Management ConsoleHow to set up your Profile1. Incident Console window – click on Functions2. Click on My Profile3. Click Assignment Availability drop-down menu to select Yes4. Click on General tab to edit values if necessary –Phone Number, Site+, DeskLocation5. Click on More Details tab to add your pager or mobile phone numbers6. Click on Notifications tab - Notification Availability – drop-down menu toselect Yes to ensure you get tasks assigned to you7. Click on Save8. Click on CloseHow to set up your Preferences1. Incident Console window – click on Functions2. Click on Application Preferences3. Default Home Page –Incident Management Console (to see Incidents) orOverview Console (to see Incidents, Change Requests and Tasks)4. Company* - York University5. Show - Assigned To All My Groups or Assigned to My Selected Groups6. Under Incident Management tab7. Show Incidents –Yes8. Incident Status - All Open Incidents9. Role –Assigned Group10. After New Save - select either New Request After Submit which will clear yourscreen and open up a new Incident screen or Modify Request After Submitwhich allows you to confirm fields before submitting a new Incident11. Show Date System –Yes12. Under >> Task Management tab - Show Task –Yes13. Task Status - All Open Tasks14. Click on Save15. Click on Close16. Logout - upper right corner of screen and log in to use new settingsHow to create a new incident1. Incident Console window - click on Functions –New Incidenta. Note: An Incident number is assigned immediately2. In Customer*+ field - type in last name – list of names will appear Oralternatively, you can click in Customer*+ field and hit the Enter key to usePeople Search window to search on, e.g. email address, phone number, name, corporate ID (CYIN) – click on Search button3. Highlight correct person and click on Select4. Click on Customer Details icon beside Customer*+ field to update customerphone number and location for that incident and also permanently for futureincidents –NEVER update the Corporate 'Email Address' field. If you use the >> and update the fields, note that this will update the information for that incident only5. Contact+ field – type in last name value if there is an alternative person tocontact6. Fill in Notes field with additional information elaborating on what theissue/problem is and what needs to be done to complete customer‟s request7. Fill in Summary* field - brief but meaningful –is the “subject” field8. Select Impact* value for this incident using drop-down menu –▪Extensive/Widespread meaning campus wide effecting everyone▪Significant/Large meaning department wide potentially effecting many people▪Moderate/Limited meaning department/division wide effecting a restricted number of people▪Minor/Localized meaning office area affecting a small number of people9. Select Urgency* value for this incident using drop-down menua. Critical meaning crucial action requiredb. High meaning immediate action requiredc. Medium meaning important – to be looked at ASAPd. Low meaning action required when time permits10. Using the definitions below select the correct Incident Type* value for thisincident using the drop-down menu:User Service Restoration: An incident where something breaks or thereis an unexpected disruption to a normal business processExamples:▪MyMail server is down▪WebFAS is down▪PC not booting up▪The system/server is down and business is affected▪Service/System is down with no workaround▪Printer not working▪Web page down/inaccessible▪My computer has a blue screen▪Something is broken or needs fixingUser Service Request: An incident that has a planned process orprocedure ready to be executed and the impact is minimalExamples:▪ Request for Password Reset (PeopleSoft/E-mail/PassportYork/etc.)▪ Request for Installation of a pre-approved software▪ Request for a computer set up▪ Request for account creation▪ Web page update▪ Adding quota▪ Adding disk space▪ Any request for changes that have minimal or no impact▪ Application not working (Work/Excel/etc.)▪ Printer has run out of toner11. Select Reported Source value for this incident using drop-down menuReported Source definitions:▪ Direct Input you▪ Email received by e-mail submission▪ External Escalation Management intervened toescalate▪ Fax facsimile received▪ Self Service created by customer▪ Systems Management automatically submitted bysystem/application▪ Phone live agent▪ Voice Mail recorded message▪ Walk In person-to-person▪ Web Console submitted through Requestor▪ Other other than above▪ BMC Impact Manager Event tech supportHow to select Operational and Product Categorizations1. Under Links click on …Categorizations‟2. Under Operational Categorization, use drop-down menu and click on correctvalue; check Tier 2 for value3. Under Product Categorization, use drop-down menus for all 3 ProductCategorization Tiers or type a text value in Product Name+ field, hit Enter4. Highlight correct value and click on SelectHow to assign an incident to another group1. Quick Actions - click on Auto Assign - double click on correct group. You canalso go to Assigned Group* – start typing name of group to see display, or use drop-down menu to select correct group2. Do not select Assignee+ unless it is within your own group3. Click on SaveHow to assign an incident to team member or self1. From Overview Console window - double click on incident you want to work on2. Quick Actions - click on Assign to Me3. From Incident Console - under Quick Actions click on drop-down item -Assign to Group Member or Assign to MeHow to create Work DetailNote: Information contained in this tab will not show up on the Requester Console nor go to the client.1. Incident Console window2. Status* - In Progress3. Select and double click on an incident - click on Work Detail tab4. Click on > More Details and use drop-down menu to select Work Info TypeCustomer Inbound:▪ Customer Communication - giving details▪ Customer Follow-up - looking for details▪ Customer Status Update - looking for statusCustomer Outbound:▪ Closure Follow up - final communication to customer▪ Detail Clarification - additional information recorded for customer▪ General Information - providing details to customer▪ Resolution Communications - reasons for resolving incident▪ Satisfaction Survey -requesting customer feedback▪ Status Update - providing details to customerGeneral:▪ Incident Task / Action - listing additional work required▪ Problem Script - describing program script▪ Working Log - lists steps taken▪ Email System - reporting e-mail sent▪ Paging System - reporting page sent out▪ BMC Impact manager Update - describing tech support work onIncident5. It is recommended not to change Locked=No because no one will be able toupdate fields within the incident6. View Access - Internal = only users within your organization can see the entry7. View Access - External = everyone with access to the system can see the entry8. Under Notes: box type in your information9. Note: A finite number of text entered (limited by the size of the Work Detail box)becomes the Summary line.10. Optional - Add an Attachment and click on Add –Import the desired attachment11. Click on SaveHow to e-mail your Customer from incident1. Incident Console window2. Select and double click on an Incident3. Click on Functions4. Click on Email System5. Email Subject Line* i.e. INC0000000020236. Note: DO NOT OVERWRITE INCxxxxxxx or type in front of it - Only addinformation at end of INCxxxxxxx7. Email Message Body* – click on Summary and/or Details buttons to add thatinformation from ticket. Add your comments, query to customer, attachment ifneeded8. (Optional) Adding an attachment file - see belowa. Click on Add, then follow the screen window9. Click on Send Email Now button10. Click on OK to close pop-up window11. Click on Close – e-mail entry will appear in W ork Detail window12. Status* - change to Pending while awaiting a response from the customer13. Status Reason - change to Client Action Required14. Click on SaveHow to create a TaskCreate when you need another team involved in c ompleting the client‟s request.1. Incident Console window2. Select and double click on an Incident3. Click on Links4. Click on Tasks5. Use drop-down menu under Request Type to select Ad hoc6. Click on Relate button7. Type in a Name* of your task – e.g. Task 1 – Activate Drop8. Type brief description of task under Summary*9. Optional – additional Notes10. Use drop-down menu to select Priority11. General tab – Optional - Add an attachment12. Requester tab – submitter of task is the Requester name and customer is theRequested For13. Classification tab – assign Operational and Product Categorization values14. Assignment/Dates tab – select York under Assignee Company; appropriatedepartment under15. Assignee Organization; appropriate area under Assignee Group+16. If required, Dates/Time fields – use the calendar icon to make appropriate datesand times17. Relationships tab – not used18. Click on Save19. Status of newly created Task will be Staged20. Click on Close21. To go back, click on Incident Console >22. Change the Status* of the incident to In Progress23. Click on SaveHow to work on a task assigned to you1. Click on link in notification e-mail or when in Incident Console window click onShow Tasks >> (bottom right)2. Double click on highlighted Task3. Click on Work Info tab to view task information4. Click on Assignment tab to Start Clock and Stop Clock on task (if required)5. Status* – use drop-down menu to In Progress and Status Reason whereapplicable6. Click on Save7. Click on Incident ConsoleHow to Add Time for Task (if required)1. Click on link in notification e-mail or when in Incident Console window click onShow Tasks >> (bottom right)2. Double click on highlighted Task3. Click on Assignment tab4. Click on Effort Log button5. Under Time Spent Hours* use arrow up button to add time to yourself6. Click on Add to Effort Log button7. Click on Close8. Click on Save9. Click on Incident ConsoleHow to reassign a Sequence to task groups and Tasks1. Double click on the incident you want to work on2. Click on Links > Tasks3. In the Tasks and Task Groups table, select the task that you want tore-sequence.4. Click either the up arrow or the down arrow located to the right of the table. Thismoves the selected task either higher or lower in the sequence.5. Click CloseNote: ID Tas0000# nor Name of task does not change – only the Sequence column number changesHow to search for TASKS by Task ID1. Log into http://ithelp.yorku.ca2. Click on Applications>> then highlight Foundation Elements click onOverview Console3. Click on Search For Incident (top right)4. Pop-up window will appear – using drop-down menu highlight Task(Infrastructure Change Task name will appear)5. Click on Select button6. Type in the Task ID number7. Click on Search buttonHow to change the setting so you do not see closed TASKS1. Log into http://ithelp.yorku.ca2. Click on Applications >> then highlight Foundation Elements click onOverview Console3. Click on Functions (top left)4. Click on Select Status Values5. Under Task user drop-down menu to highlight All Open Tasks6. Click on OK buttonHow to Cancel Incidents: Cancel TypesOut of Office1. Click on Status* drop-down and select Cancelled2. Click on Status Reason drop-down and select OOO3. Click on Save buttonSpam1. Click on Status* drop-down and select Cancelled2. Click on Status Reason drop-down and select Spam3. Click on Save buttonProject1. Click on Status* drop-down and select Cancelled2. Click on Status Reason drop-down and select Moved to Project3. Click on Save buttonNo Response1. If you have tried to contact client at least three times over a period of five days,by e-mail, visit or by phone (ensure Work Detail is updated with these contact attempts), e-mail client from ticket that you have been unable to contact them, and for this reason, incident is being cancelled. (see form e-mail at Click on Status* drop-down and select Cancelled3. Click on Status Reason drop-down and select No Response4. Click on Save buttonDuplicate1. Click on Status* drop-down and select Cancelled2. Click on Status Reason drop-down and select Duplicate3. Relate the duplicate ticket to the original/parent ticket using Relationshipprocess (Refer to page 9 – Duplicate Incident process)4. Click on Save buttonHow to Resolve an Incid entPROCESS: Double check that the Resolution Product Categorizations iscorrect – go to Links and then Categorizations. If the initial ProductCategorization is incorrect, select new entries for Resolution ProductCategorizations.1. Incident Console window2. Select and double click on an Incident3. Confirm that the Resolution Product Categorizations will be correct; if the initialProduct Categorization is incorrect, select new entries4. Click on Resolve button5. A pop-up window will appear - (1) Resolution* field - type in how the issue wasresolved (information goes to client) (2) Status Reason - use drop-down menu to select an option6. Add Work Info section to add more informative solution to incident - will go underWork Detail – not mandatory7. Click on …Save‟8. Status* will automatically reset to ResolvedPROCESS: Tasks associated within incidents must be Closed before theincident can be resolved.PROCESS: The system will automatically set incident status to Closed after 10 daysHow to use Relationships TabDuplicate Incidents1. On the most current (child) incident2. Leave Status Reason blank3. Assignee+ value must be selected from the drop-down menu4. Click on Save button5. Click on Relationships tab116. Using the Search drop-down menu select Incident7. Click on magnifying glass icon8. A pop-up window will appear - Type in the original (parent) Incident ID+ number9. Click Search button. The original (parent) incident will be displayed in the lowerbox10. Using the Select a Relationship Type drop-down menu highlight Duplicate of11. Click on Relate button12. Click on OK13. Click on Save button14. Currently no other fields need to be filled in15. When someone resolves or closes the original (parent) incident, its Operationaland Product Categorizations and Resolution fields are copied to the relatedduplicates, marking them with a status of ResolvedRelated Incidents1. On the most current (child) incident2. Leave Status Reason blank3. Assignee+ value must be selected from the drop-down menu4. Click on Save button5. Click on Relationships tab6. Using the Search drop-down menu select Incident7. Click on the magnifying glass icon8. A pop-up window will appear - Type in the original (parent) Incident ID+ number9. Click Search button. The original (parent) incident will be displayed in the lowerbox10. Using the Select a Relationship Type drop-down menu highlight Related to11. Click on Relate button12. Click on OK13. Click on Save button14. Currently no other fields need to be filled in15. When someone resolves or closes the original (parent) incident, its Operationaland Product Categorizations and Resolution fields are copied to the relatedincident, marking them with a status of ResolvedHow to use Advanced Search1. Log into http://ithelp.yorku.ca2. Click on Applications >> then highlight Incident Management then IncidentManagement Console3. Click on Functions then …Search Incident‟4. Click on Advanced Functions then Advanced Search5. Highlight type of Incident6. Click on Select button7. Using drop-down menus or by typing in text fields make your selections8. Click on Search button。

I TMS客户端操作手册终端综合治理系统(Integrated Terminal Management System,以下简称ITMS)是我的E家终端治理系统,可对我的E家终端进行远程治理,并远程下发参数及故障处置。
一. ITMS客户端安装目前ITMS客户端安装,除安装客户端软件外,需要安装客户端修补工具,安装客户端修补工具后,ITMS客户端将自动识别最新版本并自动升级。
客户端安装1.第一到客户端软件安装程序,解压后,在双击ITMS目录中的“”文件,显现以下视图:2. 单击“下一步”,显现“软件许可协议”窗口,如下所示。
3. 手工输入安装目录或单击“阅读”选择安装目录,推荐安装途径为“D:\TMS1000”,如错误!未找到引用源。
2.客户端修补工具安装1. 双击客户端修补工具目录中“”文件,显现修补操作框如下所示:此框3秒后自动关闭。
2. 双击TMS1000客户端进行登岸,设置完登录界面后,点击“登录”按钮,显现升级进度框如下所示:3. 升级进程中会显现以下操作框:4. 升级完成后,从头进入登岸界面,即可进行设置登录了。
二. ITMS客户端登录用户通过客户端来访问TMS。
在安装客户端应用软件的运算机上单击“开始 > 所有程序 > 网络治理系统 > TMS1000 客户端”,运行客户端,如下图。
1. TMS客户端应用软件2. 设置效劳器参数第一次利用TMS客户端应用软件前,需要设置客户端所连接的效劳器参数。
1. 用户登录窗口2. 效劳器设置窗口3. 单击“增加”,弹出如错误!未找到引用源。

IPMS云计算酒店管理系统安装指南罗盘IPMS产品基于Adobe Air平台研发,具有跨平台的特性,可以运行于Windows及Mac OS平台的大部分主流版本上。
一、 在线下载1、下载适用于Windows操作系统的IPMS产品IPMS客户端程序下载(Windows操作系统适用)程序下载内容备注客户端安装程序 IPMS前台客户端、IPMS后台客户端、IPMS餐娱客户端、IPMS-Mini客户端等客户端运行环境 客户端运行环境、PDF报表阅读器、罗盘远程工具、打印接口运行环境等点击进入下载打印接口程序 打印接口程序点击进入下载Tips:客户端批量下载地址: 批量下载地址一批量下载地址二接口程序下载地址一: 点击进入下载地址一接口程序下载地址二: 点击进入下载地址二 提取密码:dfxy2、下载适用于Mac OS操作系统的IPMS产品IPMS客户端程序下载(Mac OS操作系统适用)程序下载内容备注客户端安装程序 IPMS前台客户端、IPMS后台客户端、IPMS餐娱客户端、IPMS-Mini客户端等客户端运行环境 客户端运行环境、PDF报表阅读器点击进入下载Tips:客户端批量下载地址: 点击进入批量下载地址下载完成后用户得到的安装文件主要有以下几个。
后台客户端程序 餐娱客户端程序前台客户端程序报表阅读器 打印接口远程协助工具客户端运行环境打印接口运行环境 二、 系统安装基本安装流程图示:以下以在Windows 上安装IPMS 产品为例加以演示:步骤一:双击可执行文件,并选择同意安装。

简介ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus集成了帮助台和资产管理软件。
为了更加容易地向IT帮助台提交问题,ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus 为您提供了自助服务门户,您可以在登录它之后,在线提交您的问题与投诉。
在个人自助服务门户,您可以访问:请求: 可以创建新的请求,也可以查看已有请求的状态。
解决方案: 从IT帮助台的解决方案知识库中,您可以查找您所面临的问题的解决方案。
我的明细: 查看/编辑您的账户明细,包括更改密码等。
请求利用ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus提供的自助门户的请求模块,可以创建新的请求,将您所面临的问题提交到帮助台。
ServiceDesk Plus 将在接收到请求后按照不同方式记录、处理请求的明细。

Linux环境下Oracle+AR Server 8.1安装手册目录1.Oracle安装 (3)1.1.准备安装环境 (3)1.2.安装数据库 (3)2.安装Remedy (4)2.1.安装Remedy ARSystem server (4)2.1.1.安装前环境信息 (4)2.1.2.准备安装: (4)2.1.3.接受许可证协议: (5)2.1.4.选择arserver安装路径: (6)2.1.5.信息警告: (8)2.1.6.填写TCP端口信息: (8)2.1.7.AR管理员和数据库信息: (9)2.1.8.AR系统密码: (10)2.1.9.数据信息: (11)2.1.10.Midtier ARServer列表: (13)2.1.11.选择jre的安装目录: (13)2.1.12.安装的视图和数据语言: (14)2.1.13.选择服务器路径: (15)2.1.14.Web服务器信息: (16)2.1.15.选择Tomcat信息: (17)2.1.16.安装完成摘要 (18)2.2.后续安装次序 (18)1.Oracle安装1.1.准备安装环境安装Linux(Redhat Version 6)操作系统并升级最新补丁。
2.安装Remedy2.1.安装Remedy ARSystem server2.1.1.安装前环境信息1.安装JDK环境拷贝/usr/java下32位和64位的所有文件2.配置root用户环境变量export ORACLE_BASE=/home/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1export ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_64export JRE_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_64/jreexport ORACLE_SID=ITILDBexport TWO_TASK=ITILDBexport TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/adminexport NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8export LANG=en_US.utf8export LC_ALL=en_US.utf8export NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET=UTF8exportLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$ORACLE_HOME/ctx/lib:$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib:/lib:usr/lib export SHLIB_PATH=$ORACLE/lib:$ORACLE/rdbms/libexport ORACLE_DOC=$ORACLE_HOME#export CATALINA_HOME=/opt/apache/tomcat6.0#export CATALINA_BASE=/opt/apache/tomcat6.0#export CATALINA_TMPDIR=/opt/apache/tomcat6.0/temp#export BMC_SLM_JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_HOMEexportCLASSPATH=$ORACLE_HOME/jlib:$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlib:$ORACLE_HOME/network/jlib:$JAVA_HOME/lib :/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_32/libexport PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/binexport PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATHPATH=$PATH:$HOME/binexport PATH3.验证数据库是否连通2.1.2.准备安装:点击arserver安装,然后点击按钮“Next”2.1.3.接受许可证协议:点击单选按钮“ I agree to the terms of the license agreement”,再点击按钮“Next”按钮2.1.4.选择arserver安装路径:点击单选按钮“Install”,点击按钮“Browse”选择路径,勾选复选框“AR SystemServers”和“AR System Mid-Tier”,然后再点击按钮“Next”2.1.5.信息警告:然后点击按钮“Next”2.1.6.填写TCP端口信息:选择单选按钮“NO”,“AR System Server TCP Port Number”输入值“32000”和“AR System Server Plug-in TCP Port Number”输入值“32001”,然后点击按钮“Next”2.1.7.AR管理员和数据库信息:输入对应值“AR System Server Admin Name”,“AR System Server Admin Password”,”Confirm Password”,”Host Name or IP Address”,”OracleConnection Identifiter”,”Oracle SID”,然后点击按钮“Next”.2.1.8.AR系统密码:输入“Local DSO User Password”,”Application Service Password”,”Mid-TierAdministration Password”,然后点击按钮“Next”选择单选按钮“NO”,然后点击按钮“Next”然后点击按钮“Next”2.1.10.Midtier ARServer列表:点击按钮“Next”2.1.11.选择jre的安装目录:选择按钮“Browse”按钮选择JDK中jre的安装路径,然后点击按钮“Next”选择下拉框“Simplified Chinese”,然后点击按钮“Next”点击按钮“Next”点击单选框“Other”,然后点击按钮“Next”点击单选按钮“Tomcat”,然后点击按钮“Next”点击按钮“Next”,安装完成AR/CMDB/AI/ITSM/SRM/SLM。
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Remedy ITSM 项目—系统安装配置手册Remedy ITSM 系统安装配置手册 系统安装配置手册 安装配置 文档信息表文档基本信息 项目名称 当前项目阶段 文档名称 文档版本 文档创建日期 文档存放路径 文档审批信息 审阅人 职务 审阅时间 审阅意见 Remedy ITSM系统安装配置手册 是否为正式交付件 当前修订日期 文档审批要求 是文档修订信息 版本 修正章节 日期 作者 变更记录Remedy ITSM 项目—系统安装配置手册第一章 文档介绍1.1 内 容 范 围本文档用于描述 ITSM 项目的 Remedy 系统安装及其配置说明。
1.2 适 用 的 对 象本文档主要针对该系统的管理维护人员。
1.3 保 密 原 则此文档获取的数据信息属于 xxxxxx 公司及 xxxxxxx 公司机密信息,相关人员承诺不将 本文档和相关资料泄漏给其他公司或本公司与项目无关的人员。
1.4 参 考 资 料资料名BMC Remedy Action Request System 7.6.04: BMC Installation Guide BMC Atrium Core 7.6.04 : Installation Guide BMC Remedy IT Service Management 7.6.04: BMC Installation Guide BMC Remedy Knowledge Management 7.6.04: BMC Installation Guide作者版本与日期BMC1.5 术 语 与 缩 写 解 释缩写、术语 缩写、 ITIL 解释 Information Technology Infrastructure LibraryRemedy ITSM 项目—系统安装配置手册第二章 系统环境准备第三章 系统安装3.1 安 装 环 境 配 置3 .1 .1 J DK &J RE 环 境 Remedy 服务器需要安装 64 位和 32 位 JDK 及 JRE(1.5.0_06 以上版本) 安装路径如下: JDK 64 位 32 位 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26 C:\Program Files(X86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_26 JRE C:\Program Files\Java\jre C:\Program Files(X86)\Java\jre3 .1 .2 终 端 服 务 配 置 选 项 更 新 ( W in do ws Se rv er ) 1) 2) 点击开始-》运行,输入“gpedit.msc” ,然后回车; 选择计算机配置-》管理模板-》Windows 组件-》终端服务-》终端服务器-》临时文件 夹(Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Terminal Services -> Terminal Server -> Temporary folders);Remedy ITSM 项目—系统安装配置手册3)设置“Do not delete temp folder on exit”为启用;4)设置“Do not use temp folders per session”为启用;Remedy ITSM 项目—系统安装配置手册5) 6)重启服务器。
如果上述设置没有生效,可以采取以下方法:开始菜单-》运行…-》regedit. 然后找到 “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server,然后更 新“PerSessionTempDir”和“DeleteTempDirOnExit”为 0 ,重启服务器。
3.2 L icense 的 安 装Remedy ITSM 项目—系统安装配置手册在安装 Atrium Core 和 Remedy ITSM Suite 应用之前,需要在 AR System 中提前输入相 应的 License。
3 .2 .1 申 请 Lic en se 安装完 AR System 后, 登陆 AR System 的管理员控制台, 获取 Host ID, 通过 BMC Support 网站申请 AR Server 的 License; 开发测试服务器永久 License: : Product Feature: AR Server Expire Date: Host ID: 005056952F95 License: TSE-030554 # of Licenses: 1 生产服务器永久 License: : Product Feature: AR Server Expire Date: Host ID: 005056956115 License: GVM-772172 # of Licenses: 13 .2 .2 L ic en se 安 装 步 骤 1) 通过浏览器或者客户端 BMC Remedy User 工具,使用 Demo 用户登陆 AR System , 在系统管理员管理控制台(Administrator Console) ,打开 Add or Remove License 页面; 2) 点击 Add New 按钮, License Type 输入框中选择 AR Server 选项, Number of 在 在 Licenses 框中输入 1,在 Key 输入框中输入获取的 License,在 Expiration Date 中输 入截止日期,点击 Save 按钮保存设置; 3) 按照步骤 2,继续添加如下 License: BMC:Atrium CMDB Application BMC:Atrium Integration Engine BMC:FinancialMgmt ApplicationRemedy ITSM 项目—系统安装配置手册BMC:IncidentMgmt Application BMC:ProblemMgmt Application BMC:AssetMgmt Application BMC:ChangeMgmt Application …… 4) 按照步骤 2,添加 AR User Floating、AR User Fixed 的 License 信息(其中,Key 中 不需要输入信息,Number of Licenses 中根据项目采购合同输入相应的数字) ; 5) 按照步骤 2,添加 Remedy ITSM Suite(IM,PM,CM,AM,SLM)的 License 信 息(其中,Key 中不需要输入信息,Number of Licenses 中根据项目采购合同输 入相应的数字) ;3.3 系 统 安 装 步 骤在安装每一个 Remedy 应用软件之前, 都需要将其可执行文件添加到系统的 DEP (数据执 行保护)列表中: 1) 开始-》计算机-》单击对话框菜单中的“系统属性-》选择左边列表中的“高级系统设 置” :Remedy ITSM 项目—系统安装配置手册2)在高级 Tab 页面中,单击“性能”框的设置按钮,然后选择数据执行保护 Tab 页3)点击添加,将 Remedy 应用的可执行文件添加进来。
(需要添加的可执行文件名称请 参考对应的应用安装文档)Remedy ITSM 项目—系统安装配置手册3 .3 .1 A R Sy ste m 7. 6.0 4 平 台 的 安 装 1) 启动 AR System 的安装文件“Setup.cmd” ;Remedy ITSM 项目—系统安装配置手册2)根据需要,选择安装路径:3)AR系统安装有两个选项“Minimal Setup”和“Custom Setup”,建议选择“Custom Setup”,根据需要对安装组件进行取舍:4)根据系统未来的应用需求,来对AR System Server下的组件进行选取(根据其它项目的经验,一般后三项很少使用到,因此可以考虑不安装,如果未来有需求,可以在进行增加)5)AR系统目前支持32位和64位的JRE/JDK,但是针对64位的JRE,部分组件的功能还存在一定问题,可以根据系统的情况,决定采用哪种JRE(建议,在缺失功能不影响系统的前提下,建议64位操作系统采用64位JRE)6)选择AR系统的端口,如果客户内部网络对系统端口有限制,建议与客户网管部门确认好一个端口后,在以下界面中输入;否则,采用系统缺省配置即可;7)选择数据库类型8)输入数据服务器的相关信息(可咨询DBA以获取准且的信息)9)输入AR服务器的相关信息(缺省即可)10)输入数据管理员账户名称和密码11)以下为数据库的相关警告信息,如果可能的话,可以在安装前要求DBA将数据库的相关设置进行相应的修改,当然也可以不予理会这些警告,在安装完成后进行调整也可以12)AR系统数据库的文件信息,要注意根据未来安装的Remedy应用情况来修改DatafileSize和Temp Datafile Size13)设置一些AR系统的口令(建议都一样,这样便于管理)14)选择AR系统的启动方式(自动启动或者手工启动)15)选择本地化的视图和数据,一定要选Simplified Chinese,其它的根据项目需要进行选择16)设置Atrium SSO相关配置信息,如果暂时没有Atrium SSO,可以先不予理会17)设置AR服务器RMI端口及RPC端口,如果没有特殊要求,建议采用缺省即可18)设置Email Engine相关配置信息,如果没有,可以暂时不予理会19)配置AR系统服务器列表,如果需要通过Mid-Tier连接多个AR服务器,可以在此进行添加,本次安装的AR服务器缺省已经在列表中20)配置Web服务器相关信息,如果安装了Weblogic,Websphere等商业软件,可以在此选择,否则选择Other;21)选择JSP引擎,如果之前没有安装,可以选择Tomcat,AR服务器自身就带Tomcat22)对Tomcat进行配置,如没有特殊要求,保持缺省值即可23)设置AR系统的Preference Server,Home Page以及DVM Server,没有特殊要求,可以先保持缺省即可24)配置BO XI的位置:如果用户有BO企业级报表服务器,配置后,可以通过报表服务器对Remedy系统的报表进行管理和输出;25)选择系统维护,开发等客户端的安装位置26)选择客户端的语言27)配置完成后的安装清单,方便用户在正式安装前进行最后的确认28)启动安装后,系统进行安装进程,基本不需要人工干预,全部自动完成29)系统可以在安装完成后进行健康检查,以确定系统是否安装成功,建议用户选择Y es30)安装完成后,用户可以查看安装日志,看看安装过程中有没有错误3.3.2A tr ium C ore 7.6.04的安装1)启动BMC Atrium Core的安装文件“Setup.cmd”;2)输入AR Server的相关信息3)根据需求选择安装方式(建议选择Minimal Setup)4)配置CMDB插件服务器端口,没有特殊要求建议保持缺省值5)如果Atrium Core与ARS安装在一台服务器上,则直接选择相应的JRE安装路径,否则可以使用安装程序绑定的JRE。