新课标高中英语词汇精练 (2)

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要想在高考中英语取得好成绩, 词汇是基础。如何在极其有限的时间里全面有效地复习高考词汇一直是师生的热门话题。我今年重新整理编写的《新课标高中英语词汇精练》能很好地从根本上解决这一难题。学生每天在词汇上用一个小时的时间做一个部分的练习,十天可复习全部高考词汇。通过体会具有良好语境的精美的句子,学生的单选能力、完形能力、阅读能力、词汇运用能力,尤其是完形能力会有很大提高,词汇复习不再是枯燥乏味,老师的压力可以大大减轻,学生不需要参加任何家教或专门辅导班,有一本《高中英语词汇手册》和《新课标高中英语词汇精练》就可以无师自通。真是省时、省钱、效率高。



新课标高中英语词汇精练 (2)

注: 练习(2)中所练习的词汇是以b或c字母开头的单词, 词汇的详细解释请参阅《高中英语词汇手册》38到78页的相关词汇。

1. It is wrong to judge people according to their family _________.

A. basis

B. balance

C. balcony

D. background

2. Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up wonderful _______ in the


A. bacon

B. bargains

C. bakery

D. barbecue

3. Problems with childcare remain the biggest _________ to women succeeding at work.

A. bacterium

B. bandage

C. balloon

D. barrier

4. The company has branches all over the world, but their ________ is in London.

A. basis

B. bottom

C. base

D. basic

5. We'd like to trade with any country on a friendly and equal _________.

A. basis

B. basement

C. base

D. basement

6. It's bad _______ for a man to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.

A. behavior

B. action

C. barrier

D. belief

7. There is a common ________ that eating sweets before meals is considered to have the chance to spoil the appetite.

A. behavior

B. belief

C. basis

D. battle

8. After a long debate the ______ was passed and it will become law next month.

A. belief

B. bargain

C. basis

D. bill

9. At that time, my mind was a complete _______ ; I couldn't think of a single answer.

A. blank

B. barrier

C. blow

D. bottom

10. Peter’s sudden death was a great ________ to Mary and it took her quite a while to get over the grief.

A. block

B. barrier

C. blow

D. basis

11. What makes the books so important is that, because they appeal to reader of all ages, they create a

special literary __________ between parents and children.

A. belief

B. bond

C. barrier

D. base

12. The firm recognized Tom's outstanding work by giving him an extra _______.

A. belief

B. behavior

C. barbecue

D. bonus

13. She started at the __________ and worked her way up to become manager of the company.

A. bottom

B. base

C. blank

D. background

14. The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has ________ all over the country. (2005年高考辽宁卷)

A.bases B. branches C. boards D.businesses

15. While a full understanding of what causes the disease may be several years away, a ______ leading to

a successful treatment could come much sooner.

A. bonus

B. breakthrough

C. budget

D. blow

16. The education _____ for the coming year is about $4 billion, which is much more than what people


A. allowance

B. bonus

C. budget

D. behalf

17. By recycling textbooks, the cost of the books will be reduced greatly, and there is no doubt that it will unload some _________ of the families of the students.

A. budget

B. buffet

C. boom

D. burden

18. In order to guarantee the people’s health and reduce smoking, the government is starting an anti-smoking
