Walden, or Life in the Woods
![Walden, or Life in the Woods](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1b1752faba0d4a7303763a00.png)
30. 这里指希腊神话故事中,冥土判官埃阿科斯 (Aeacus)说服宙斯将蚂蚁变成人,以补充一个王国 因瘟疫而死掉的人口。 31.在荷马史诗《伊里亚特》第3卷,特洛伊人被比 做仙鹤,与侏儒作战。另一说是,根据希腊寓言,侏 儒每年春季受到仙鹤攻击,被他们吞食掉。 32.dead reckoning:不依靠观察天象,仅按照航路 方向和航速来估计船的方位。 33.German Confederacy:意指伸斯麦 (Bismarck)于1871年建立统一的德意志帝国之前, 许多小王国于1815年维也纳大会上组成的松散无力 的德国联邦。
40. 19世纪争权夺利的西班牙贵族。 41. head in the newspaper:新闻题目。 42. the revolution of 1649: 指1649年克伦威尔 (Oliver Cromwell,1599-1658)领导的处决查理一 世、建立共和政体的17世纪英国资产阶级革命。 43 梭罗的意思是秀才不出门,便知天下事;另外,世界 上也没有什么值得关心的新鲜事儿,人生最重要的事就 是修身养性。
45. 梭罗认为,人们忙于钻营,积财致富,但思想没有什 么进步。 46. This; 指上文中的reality。超验主义的"现实"是精神 和灵魂的最高体现。超验主义者认为,一般人称为"现 实"的只是表面的、暂时的现象而已。本段是对梭罗的" 现实"观点的精辟说明。 47 梭罗津津乐道的题目之一是"儿时的天真"。他认为儿童 对生活真谛的领悟力比成年人强。他在本章末尾说," 我一向感到遗憾的是,我不象降生时那样聪慧了。" 在 《与禽兽为邻》一章中,他又谈起"婴儿的纯真"他本人 终生保持着一颗赤子之心,因此他的一个传记家称他为 "永恒的稚子"。"小儿的天真"是19世纪欧美浪握主义思 想的一个中心内容。
2018年最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文参考选题1 英汉化妆品说明书对比及汉译策略2 教师的个性与语言教学3 论《红字》里“A”字的象征意义4 从《画皮》及《暮色》比较分析中西人鬼文化5 从女性主义视角分析《纯真年代》中两位女主人公的不同爱情观6 《傲慢与偏见》中英语反语的语用分析7 On Cultural Differences in English & Chinese Advertisement Translation8 目的论指导下的旅游资料汉英翻译及翻译策略9 从《喜福会》中西文化的冲突与融合中看身份的寻求10 中西酒文化的差异对比11 跨文化交际中的体态语12 《芭芭拉少校》中的现实主义13 汽车广告中的双关研究:关联理论视角14 西方文化视域中《简爱》刍议15 从功能对等的角度分析《红楼梦》中的习语翻译16 论《喜福会》中家庭观的中西差异17 狄更斯的人道主义思想在《双城记》中的体现18 背景知识在翻译中的重要性19 虽不起眼,但不可或缺:从《洛丽塔》中的小人物看亨伯特悲剧的必然性20 《咏水仙》两个翻译版本的文体分析21 浅析英汉基本颜色词之文化内涵--以“白”与“黑”为例22 从文化角度探析中英基本颜色词的比较和翻译23 论《蝇王》中的“性本恶”思想及人类文明的危机24 The Tragic Color of Tender Is the Night25 从就餐细节看中美儿童个性能力的差异26 中国文化特色词汇的音译与中国文化的传播27 从《阿甘正传》看美国青年文化28 《红字》中作者霍桑对清教认识的模糊性29 《游泳者》中的象征意象分析30 对《呼啸山庄》中女主角的女性哥特情结分析31 《到灯塔去》中的“双性和谐”研究32 Are Indians Prisoners of Their Race?-An Analysis of the Sources and Rise of National Awareness33 一个为追求自我挣扎的灵魂——看凯特.肖邦的《觉醒》34 对比分析在英语语音教学中的应用35 观音与圣母之比较36 从动态对等角度论英语俚语的翻译37 英语外来词和它的翻译38 从《当汽车等待的时候》看欧.亨利的写作特色39 从归化和异化的角度对《小妇人》的两个中文译本的比较研究40 从关联理论角度谈英语双关语的翻译41 浅析新闻英语中模糊语言的运用42 On Movie Title Translation from Skopos Theory Perspective43 山寨文化的反思——发展与创新44 浅析《天路历程》中基督徒的成长历程45 《嘉莉妹妹》中主要人物的无尽欲望46 英语语言中的性别歧视分析47 乌托邦和老子道家思想的比较研究48 从目的论的角度来看新闻英语中委婉语的翻译49 浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中佩科拉的悲剧50 国内旅游景点介绍英译的策略与技巧51 英语外贸信函的特点及翻译52 试谈黑人英语在美国电影中的渗透53 中美家庭教育与个人能力培养54 《还乡》中的生态女性主义解读55 矛盾修辞法的认知语用分析56 小学英语学习策略及研究57 《珍妮姑娘》主人公悲剧结局的必然性58 影响高中学生英语学习兴趣因素的调查及分析—以x市高中学生为调查对象59 英汉谚语的文化对比分析60 重新诠释玛格丽特的人生悲剧根源61 商标翻译的方法及其影响因素62 An Analysis of the Ambivalent Character of Frederick Winterbourne in Daisy Miller63 从小飞侠彼得潘浅析詹姆斯巴里的悲剧人生64 浅析《汤姆叔叔的小屋》写作技巧65 《鲁滨逊漂流记》两个翻译版本的文体分析66 中美家庭价值观差异浅析67 评《傲慢与偏见》中卢卡斯小姐68 An Application of Schema Theory in Interpreting69 从价值观系统角度浅析中美商务谈判中的文化冲突70 《紫颜色》中爱丽斯沃克妇女主义解读71 试析与地理环境有关的英语成语及其文化内涵72 从《汤姆索亚历险记》中分析马克吐温的幽默讽刺手法73 论《紫颜色》中黑人妇女的反抗74 论象征在海明威《永别了,武器》中的应用75 论礼貌策略在商务信函写作中的运用76 目的论视角下英语外贸函电汉译的研究77 斯嘉丽---一朵铿锵的玫瑰78 Pragmatic Differences of Politeness in Intercultural Communication Between English and Chinese79 英汉动物词汇的文化内涵对比及其翻译80 中美之间宴请礼貌原则的差异以及其产生原因81 中国文化元素在功夫熊猫中的体现及其翻译82 英汉习语文化差异浅析83 关于照料母婴的市场分析84 思维对汉英句子结构的影响---以《飞蛾之死》及其译文为例85 [税务管理]我国开征遗产税国际借鉴和政策选择研究86 一首平凡女性成长的赞歌—用“成长小说”理论来解读《简爱》87 中西方节日文化差异研究88 化妆品品牌名称翻译审美与选词89 Cultural Influences on Business Negotiation between China and Japan90 浅析《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白的性格和婚姻观91 Social Causes for Tess’s Tragedy92 集体主义和个体主义视角下的中美家庭观93 论《兔子,跑吧》中兔子逃跑的原因94 语言经济学视角下的商务英语信函写作95 紫色中女人意识的觉醒96 红河州农村英语学习两极分化97 英语专业学生课外网络自主学习问题研究98 A Paralysed Wilderness—The Appreciation and Analysis of Symbols in Araby99 《赫索格》中玛德琳的性格100 艾丽丝沃克《日用家当》中的人物解读。
论文题目A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Euphemisms英汉委婉语对比研究Characteristics of English Vocabulary in Advertising广告英语的词汇特点An Inter-communication View of Words and Their Translation从跨文化角度看词的文化意义及其翻译The Features of Adjective Suffixes形容词后缀的特征Politeness Principles in English Communication and Pragmatic Failure英语交际中的礼貌原则和语用失误The Comparative Study of Color in Cutural Meaning Between English and Chinese 英语中颜色词的翻译S trategies for Improving Students’ Listening Abilities提高学生听力能力之策略Modal Expressions of Adjectives and Adverbs in the Context英语形容词、副词在语境中的情态表达A Comparative Study Between English and Chinese Passive Voice英汉被动语态cf 比较研究A Comparative study of English and Chinese Onomatopoeia英汉摹声比较Features of Computer English Word-formation计算机英语的词法特征The Characteristics of Web English网络英语的特点Vivid Characters, Deep Impressions – An Analysis of the Characters in Oliver Twist 鲜明的人物,深刻的印象-《雾都孤儿》人物分析Analysis of Puritanism Perspectives The Scarlet Letter红字中的清教主义思想The notional passive and comparison between English and Chinese意义被动句及其英汉比较The Forms and Uses of Genitive Nouns of English英语名词属格的形式和用法A Comparative of Existential Sentence in English and chinese英汉存在句对比The English and Chinese comparison of Rhetoric in Advertisements英汉广告修辞对比The Referential Function of the Definite Article定冠词的指涉功能The Characteristics and Translation of Trademark Words商标英语的特点和翻译On the Phenomena of Sentence Contraction in English and Chinese Marks论英汉语中的句子紧缩现象Functions and Application of English Punctuations英语标点符号的功能及应用A Comparison of Animal Figures in Chinese and English中英有关动物的比喻的比较The Linguistic Features of Punning Advertisement广告双关语的言语美特点The Image of Tess by Hardy哈代笔下的苔丝形象A Comparison of English and Chinese Phonetic Ambiguity英汉语音歧义的比较Translation Techniques of Proverbs and Idioms谚语和习语的翻译技巧The Choice of Contents and Ways in Translation论翻译的内容与译法的选择Semantic Abnormality and Rhetorical Collocation in English英语中的语义异常与修辞搭配The Analysis of Gertrude’s Psychological Description in Sons and Lovers 浅析《儿子与情人》中格鲁德的心理描写The Nature of Metaphor—From the Nature of Metaphor to Its Differences Between English and Chinese 隐喻的本质—从隐喻本质看英汉差别On the Translation of Trademark Words浅谈商标词的翻译Application of Body Language体态语的应用A Comparison of the Forms of Plural Nouns between Chinese and English 中英名词复数形式的对比The Comparative Study between Metonymy and Metaphor借代与隐喻辞格的比较研究The Differences Between British and American English英式英语和美式英语区别Characteristic Language—Analyzing Desdemona’s Charater from the Words 性格语言—从Desdemona的语言看其性格The Realism in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn现实主义《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》中的表现A Comparative Study of the English and Chinese Color Terms英汉颜色词使用的对比研究A Minor Classification of English Modals and Semi-modals英语助动词与和半助动词之细微分类A Study of English Active Form With Passive Meaning英语主动形式被动意义研究An Analysis of Language Features in English Advertisings广告英语的语言特点分析Transitional Words and Their Usage论过渡词及其用法The Development of the American Civil Rights Movement in 1960s论美国六十年代民权运动的发展Cultural Factors and Limitations of Translation翻译的文化因素局限性Contest Immersion and Emergence in the Translation of Chinese Poetry into English 汉诗英译中的语境与“融入”和“化入”On Gray’s Elegy论格雷的《墓畔幽思》Body Language in English Teaching in Middle School中学英语教学中的体态语On the Fighting Spirit in The Grapes of Wrath论《愤怒的葡萄》中的斗争精神Sexual Discrimination in English英语中的性别歧视On the Betrayal and Rebellion in Wuthering Heights论《呼啸山庄》中的背叛与反抗An Analysis of When You are Old评析叶芝各诗《当你老了》Holden’s Confusion, Struggle and Self-salvation—A Psycho-analysis of the Hero of The Catcher in the Rye霍尔顿的困惑、抗争与自救——《麦田里的守望者》主人公的心理解析A n Analysis of Elizabeth’s Character in Pride and Prejudice对《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白性格的分析English Idioms and Culture英语习语与文化The Characterization of Robinson Crusoe论鲁滨逊的性格塑造A Comparative Study of Black Women and White Women’s Social Status in the U.S 论美国黑人妇女和白人妇女的社会地位比较The Translation of Indefinite Numerals in English英语不确定数词的翻译Marfin Eden’s Choice of Death论马丁伊登的死亡选择On the Use and Translati on of “as…as…”论as…as…的用法与翻译A C omparative Study of Two Concepts of Privacy and “Ladies First”in China and the Western Countries 有关隐私和女性优先观念在中国和西方国家的比较研究A Comparative Study of Western China Development and American Westward Expansion 中国西部开发与美国西进运动的比较研究The Political Essence of American Economic Aid in Modern Times论新时期美国经济援助的政治内涵A Look at the Mass Media of China and Britain Today and its Words Characteristics 浅谈中英大众媒体之现状及词汇特点On English Passive Voice小议被动态On the Flexible Use of English Animal Words浅谈英语动物动词的活用The Flexibility of the Translation of Chinese Idioms汉语成语英译的灵活性On Ursula in The Rainbow论《虹》中的厄修拉Analysis of Ceategorized Context and the Politeness Principle of Lrony 反语的分类语境和礼貌原则浅析On English Color Terms英语颜色词的研究On the Associative Meaning of the Main Color Words小议颜色词的联想意义On the Rhetorical Value of Taboo Words论禁忌语的修辞价值On the Free Translation in the Translation of Idioms试论习语翻译中的意译The Infinitive Active in Form and Passive in Meaning英语不定式主动结构表被动意义A Comparison of English and Chinese Proverbs and Their Translation 英汉谚语的比较与翻译A Comparative Study of the “Be” Subjunctive and the Imperative Mood Be型虚拟语气与祈使语气的比较研究Faithfulness in Translation论翻译的忠实性The Pursuit of Gatzby论盖茨比的追求C ompson’s Family Tragedy in The Sound and Fury论《喧华与骚动》中康普生家族的悲剧On the Metaphoric Meaning of Colors and Their Translation论英汉颜色的喻义及其翻译Cultural Differences between English and Chinese Color Words and their Translation 英汉颜色词的文化差异及翻译A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Passive Sentences英汉被动句比较研究On the Interactive Teaching Method交互式教学方法Some Ways of Expressing Implied Negation英语含蓄否定的若干表达方式On the Rhetorical Features of English Proverbs论英语谚语的修辞特征On English Noun Modifier论英语名词定语A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Onomatopoeias中英拟声词对比研究Domestication and Foreignization in the Translation of English Idioms 英语习语翻译的归化与异化Differences of Body Language in Cross-Culture Communication跨文化交际中身体语言的差异性On English Subjunctive Verb Forms and Their Classifications论英语虚拟语气动词及其分类On the Structure Classification of English Tag Question附加疑问句的分类研究On Functions of Semantics and Discourse in There-Existential Sentences 论存在句的语义功能和语篇功能Study on Vogue-Words论英语中的时髦词On the Social Value of Gone with the Wind and Scarlett’s Chara cter 论《飘》的社会价值和斯佳丽的人物性格On the Development of Jane Eyre’s Character试论简爱·性格的发展A Comparison between American Puritanism and New Transcendenlism 美国清教主义与超验证主义比较A Tentative Study on English Euphemism浅论英语委婉语On The Hard-boiled Image in Hemingway’s Works论海明威作品中的“硬汉”形象On the Art of Rhetorical Devices浅谈广告中英语中修辞的艺术On the Rhetorical Structures of Texts语篇的修辞结构分析On Transferred Epithet and Its Translation浅谈移就修辞及其翻译The Latest Development of English & Chinese Vocabulary英汉词汇的新发展The Different Fate of the Two Women Love Defenders—My Comments on Lin Daiyu and Jane Eyre 两个为爱而战的两个女性的不同命运---我看林黛玉和简爱Cutural Metaphoric Meaning of Food Language in Englsih Colloquialism 论英语口语中饮食语言的文化喻义Changes of Value in Gone With The Wind《飘》中所体现的价值观念转化赏析On Comparison Between ways of Thinking and Value Tendencies of Americans and Chinese论中美思维方式的差异及价值取向之比较The lnterpersonal Function in Business Letter商务信函中的人际功能The Textual Functions of Pre-Predicate That- ClausesThat -Clauses前置的语篇功能Female Characters As Spirit ual Educate In Spenser’s The Faerie Queene 斯宾塞《仙后》中作为精神教育家的女性Symbolism in Idiomatic Expressions习语的象征意义On the Main Differences between American English and British English 美式英语与英式英语的差异On the Semantic and Pragmatic Meaning of Utterance论话语的字面意义和语用意义Translation Skills of Culture-loaded Words—On“Setected stories of LuXun” 文化员找词汇的翻译方法和技巧——《鲁迅小说选》英译谈On the Image of Women in Jan Eyre论《简爱》中的女性形象A n Analysis of the Part of Speech of “As” and Its UsesAs的词性与用法分析The Translation of the Passive Voice in EST科技英语被动语态的翻译The Useage of Articles冠词的用法Wordsworth’s View on Nature and Life论华兹华斯的自然观及人生观Mastering the Studying Law of Children’s Language Learning and Promoting the Second Language Acquisition 掌握儿童语言学习规律,促进二语习得Advertisement Translation广告的翻译Some Aspects of Articles in English Study英语冠词学习要点The Comparison between English and Chinese Nonce Words英汉仿词比较O n the Creation of Characters in Dicken’s A Tale of Two Cities论狄更斯《双城记》中的人物塑造On Similarities and Differences in the Formation English and Chinese 浅谈英汉仿词在构成形式上的异同Love Always Overcomes Hatred爱总能战胜恨The Characteristics of American English美国英语的语言特点Aanalysis on the Chineses Borrowings in English英语中汉语借词探析The Rhetoric in The Merchant of Venice论《威尼斯商人》中的修辞现象The Textual Function of Passive Voice论被动语态的语篇功能Features of Network English网络英语的特点The Use of Body Language in Middle Schools中学英语教学中体态语言的运用A Comparison Between American and Chinese Higher Education in the 21st Century 二十一世纪中美高等教育之比较The Use of the Comma and the dash in EST科技英语中逗号与破折号的用法On Phenomena of Sexism in English英语中的性别歧视现象On the Transferred Negation in English浅析英语中的否定转移On How to Translation of the Chinese Reduplicated Words into English 汉语叠词英译The Classification and translation of English Idiom Preposition英语成语介词的分类及翻译On Hardy’s Fatalism in Tess论《苔丝》中哈代的宿命论The Features and Origin of French Borrowings in English英语中法语外来词的特点及由来Symbolism of Colors in idomatic Expressions颜色习语表达的象征意义The Difference of Styles in Translation翻译中的文体差异On the Translation of Noun Phrases in EST科技英语名词术语的译法初探Tess’ Sense of Responsibility苔丝的责任心Teacher’s Roles in Class教师在课堂中的角色On Euphemistic Expressions in English论英语中的委婉表达法The Nominalization and Grammatical Metaphor英汉名词化和语法隐喻The Structures and Characteristics of English Simile and Metaphor 英语中的比喻结构的特征Humanitarianism in A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》中的人道主义思想On Satire and Humor in Pride and Prejudice浅析《傲慢与偏见》中的讽刺与幽默English Phrasal Verbs论英语短语动词Cultural Difference of English—Chinese Idioms and Its Translation 英汉习语的文化差异与翻译On English Rhetorical Elliptical Sentences英语修辞省略句Communication Failures Appeared in Intercultural Communication论跨文化交际中的语用失误On Zeugma’s Rhetorical Effect and Translation浅析轭式搭配的修辞效果与翻译A Comparative Study on Oxymoron and Duiding英语矛盾修辞比较研究The Translation of Long Sentences in EST科技英语的长句翻译The Differences and Application of Chinese and English Palindrome 中英回文辞格的发展差异与应用Lolita, the Tragedy of Pedophilia《诺莉塔》:恋童癖的悲剧S arah’s Way to Freedom萨拉的自由之路Jane Eyre’s Sense of Interiority简爱的自卑感Coherence in Interpretation of Discourse论语篇翻译中的连贯Influence of Cultural Differences on Translation文化差异对翻译的影响On the Form of Emphasis in English英语中的强调的表达形式On Translation of English New Words论英语新词的翻译A Brief Exploration of Lexical Ambiguity in English and Its Pragmatic Effects Words 浅谈英语词汇的歧义与语用效果On Ellipsis论省略The Cultural differences and translation of English and Chinese idioms 英汉习语与文化差异的翻译On Emphatic Patterns in English英语中的强调形式研究On Chinglish in Chinese-English Translation中英翻译的中式英文Elementary Analysis of Translating Attributive Clause浅析定语从句的翻译A Brief Research on the English Infinitive Structure英语不定式初探与研究English Words Sanantic Variattion and the Society英语词汇语义变化与社会的关系On the Symbolism in Blake’s Poems论布莱克诗歌中的象征主义Some Ways of Expressing Implied Negation in English英语含蓄否定表达法种种On Franslation of Trademarks and Names of Export Commodities论商标、出口商品名称的翻译A Brief Introduction to Grammatical Ambiguity in English浅谈英语中的语法歧义现象On the Basic methods and skills of translation of Business English Terms 商务英语词汇翻译常用方法与技巧初探The Functions of Pre-Posed Infinitive clauses不定式分句前置的使用功能On The Borrowed Elements in the English Vocabulary浅谈英语词汇中的外来成份English Synonyms and Vocabulary Enlargement英语同义词及词汇扩展On the Use of Euphemisms in The Daily Life浅议委婉语在日常生活中的运用Parody in advertisement A study on Translation广告中的仿似现象探悉On the Semantic Function and Usage of the Conjunction “and”连词“and”的语义功能与用法A BriefTalk on Differences and Translatability of English and Chinese Idioms 浅析英汉习语的文化差异及其可译性On Steps of Learning English英语学习步骤浅议A Comparative Study of Ambiguity and Pun in English英语中歧义与双关的对比研究Slangs about Vegetables & Fruits in English and Their Uses英语中有关蔬菜和水果的俚语及其运用On Absolute Nomination Construction浅析独立主格结构A Balanced Approach to Oral English Teaching英语口语教学平衡方法On the Verb Forms of English Subjective Mood浅谈英语虚拟语气的动词形式A Contrastive Study on English and Chinese Idioms英中习语对比On Translation of English Allusion英语典故的翻译A Constrastive Analysis of Euphemism Between Chinese and English 中英委婉语的对比分析On the Fuzziness and Vagueness of Language论语言的模糊与含糊Refle ctions on Animals in and out of China从国内外的动物说起Translation Techniques of Chinese Idioms汉语成语的翻译技巧Idioms and Features of Idioms习语及其习语特征A Comparative Study on the English and the Chinese Metaphor英汉隐喻对比研究A Comparative Study of Euphemism and Fuzzy Language in English and Chinese委婉语与模糊语中英对比研究On Idioms Used in Colloquial English论习语在英语口语中的使用A Probe into the Feminist Idea of Jane Eyre简·爱女权主义思想初探Translation of the Peculiar Speech of Each Participant in the Conversation 论小说个性语言翻译On the Cognition and Usage of Metaphor论隐喻的认知及其运用The Classification of Metaphor隐喻的分类On the Types and Uses of the Passive Voice论英语被动语态的类型及用法A Detailed Study on THERE in English Existential Sentence试论英语存在句结构中的引导词THEREThe Differences of Rhythm between Chinese and English英汉节奏差异On The Usage of “T hat”论“That”的用法The Exploration of Oral English Teaching Methodology英语口语教学法探讨To Cultural Difference between English and Chinese Idioms and Their Translation 浅谈英汉习语的文化差异及翻译On Feminism in Pride and Prejudice试论《傲慢与偏见》中的女权意识Appropriate Use of Body Language in Spoken English Teaching英语口语教学中体态语的适当使用On Translation of Trade Marks论商标的翻译The Rhetoric in Advertising English广告英语中的修辞The Hegemonic Nature of Unilateralism of the Bush Administration’s Foreign Policy 布什政府外交政策单边主义的霸权主义实质The Linguistic Characteristics of Business English and Its Translation 商务英语的语言特点及翻译刍义On the Borrowed Words in English英语中的外来词Color Words in English英语中的颜色词研究The Existence and adaptation of Untranslatable From不可译现象的存在和转化The Tense-Aspect System of English Grammar-Forms and Meanings英语语法中的时体体系:形式和意义On Vague Terms in Everyday Spoken English论英语日常口语中的模糊词语A Tentative Study on the Translation of Adverbial English Dallses in Clause 英语状语从句汉译初探Euphemism and Its use in Translation委婉语及其在翻译中的使用The Communicative Functions of Euphemism委婉语的交际功能On the Usage of “It”“It”的用法On English Linguistic Taboos论英语语言的禁忌A Tentative Analysis of English Color Words探英语中的颜色词On English Siamese Twins英语成对词词组初探On English Elliptical Sentence英语省略句The Characteristics of Attributes in English英语定语之我见Feminism in Jane Eyre论女权主义在简爱中的体现The Translation of Idioms谈习语翻译A Comparative Study of Chinese Jokes and Western Humor中国笑话和西方幽默Cultural Differences in English and Chinese Everyday Conversation 中英日常会语中的文化差异The Form and Function of the Euphemism英语委婉语的构成及其功能O n the Pessimistic Fendencies in Hemingway’s later works试论海明威后期中作品中的颓废主义倾向On the Cultural Differences between Chinese—English Translation 论中英翻译中的文化差异On Translation of English of Colour Words论颜色词的翻译An Analysis of the Usage of Infinitive in English不定式的用法剖析Culture Differences and Translation文化差异与翻译The cultural Connotation and Expressive Technique of Euphemism委婉语的文化内涵和表现手法A Comparative Study of “Pun” and “Shuangguan”“Pun”与“双关”的比较研究English from Sexism to Neutralization英语中的性别歧视与中性化。
自然 英文版
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The Disagreements with Some Opinions in Ralph Waldo Emerson’s NatureAbstract: Ralph Waldo Emerson led the Transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century. Emerson was strong believers in the power of the individual and divine messages. And this kind of opinion exerted a profound influence on the religious, philosophical and literary field. But some of his opinions aren’t adoptable for the reality, so the essay discuss about some disagreement with Nature with critical attitude in the three aspects of the human nature’s beauty, over idealism and advocating combination with nature by suffering.摘要:拉尔夫·华多·爱默生是19世纪超验主义思潮中的先锋人物。
但是其中有些观点在现实生活中是不可取得,本文以批判的态度讨论对爱默生在《自然》中的不赞同的观点, 主要从三个方面:人性本善,过于理想主义,通过苦难与自然结合。
Ralph Waldo Emerson led the Transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century. Transcendentalism is a religious and philosophical movement that was developed during the late 1820s and 1830s in the Eastern region of the United States as a protest against the general state of spirituality, later the influence expanded to literary field. Emerson who was transcendentalist was strong believers in the power of the individual and divine messages. Their beliefs were closely linked with those of the Romantics,The transcendentalists desired to ground their religion and philosophy in transcendental principles which are not based on, or falsifiable by, physical experience, but deriving from the inner spiritual or mental essence of the human.First, Emerson believes the essence of nature was beauty and the human nature is beauty, so beauty is one side of the whole absolute spirit. Emerson admired the nature and expresses that human needed to return to the nature, because nature can lead us to finding the true, the good and the beauty in human essence. Nature always performed the general rules of supreme universe, but people in hustle and bustle are often deceived by the desire and turn a blind eye to the rules, certainly they are n’t aware of the human essence. So human need to get rid of the dependence on outside and face up to the nature alone and accept the nature’s “enlightenment” and so that human can observe his own essence. When human immerse in nature totally and fully, they often produced the sense of pleasure. The kind of pleasure is different from the external stimulation, but inherent heartfelt joy, because the absolute spirit which nature expressed consistent with the nature of human beauty and so the feeling is same. For instance, in the essay, “The love of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to each other; who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood.” These show that Emerson thinks that the human essence is beauty and “evil” doesn’t exist at all and his attitude to the beauty of human essence is optimistic. He believes that the divine exists in human nature, that is, human is infinite, and advocated that people should find inner divinity through introspection and use its own “super spirit”(the spirit of God) to find the true, the good and the beauty. For example, “In the woods, is perpetual youth. Within these plantations of God, a decorum and sanctity reign, a perennial festival is dressed, and the guest sees not how he should tire of them in a thousand years. ” But Emerson’s optimism is blind and radical, which ignores the complexity and reality of human’s essence. The transcendentalist ignores the seriousness of reality, and what the most important is that the confirmation in beauty doesn’t change the human essence which is only “a fantasy dream.” This kind of innate purity is over optimistic and divorced from reality. Calvin doctrine of “inner depravity” and “original sin” makes him believe that man is born with sin and can’t get rid of it. The ancient philosopher Xunzi also said “human nature is evil, and evil doesn’t only exist but also is born with. What’s more, it’s instinctive and is bound to our whole life.” All the problems of society and thecontradiction between people and the root of the phenomenon of committing suicide and so on don’t exist in the social material life, but in the human essence of “evil”. To eliminate all of the wickedness from outside world, we can only take measure from the heart of human which means start from the clean of people’s evil. And once the inner world gets purified, the various sins in external world will disappeared on its own. The doctrine of evil of human essence says that the nature of the beast, selfish behavior, people’s desire and so on is all born with and natural. So human nature is evil, and so people need to rules, regulations, laws or something to be constrained.Second, the transcendentalist arbitrarily thinks that people can dominate others will through his own will to achieve their wishful thinking perfection and unification. Emersion claims that individuals should bravely be rooted in and abided by its own nature. “To go into solitude, a man needs to retire as much from his chamber as from society.”If a person really has the need for a self-reliant spirit of truth from the transcendentalist, he must break off relations with his own parents, wife and friends. Over idealism breaks the interpersonal ties, and divides the social tissue. However lofty the abstract meaning is, it is the wrong idealism. Like many people romantic poets in 19th century, Emerson emphasized that man should be outstanding alone, and keep individual taste which is different from people, and in his opinion, everybody should follow their own heart, which is the real principle and correct guide. However, the most reliable basis for human isn’t the difference between individual and others but the common point between individual and others. Over idealism not only does harm to the individual psychological health, but also causes the break of social tissue and the loss of social normal function.Third, for Emerson, inspiration is the source of truth, and he advocates that have a direct dialogue with nature and feel the true, the good and the beauty which makes the combination with overso ul come true. “Yet it is certain that the power to produce this delight, does not reside in nature, but in man, or in a harmony of both.” Emerson emphasizes hands more complete and more profound. Labor is the true gospel, and the truth i sn’t founded by hand but hand, through the practice of the suffering but read and think. Rousseau who wass also transcendentalist proved the feasibility of this idea.In 1845, he went to the Walden Lake by himself with an ax, and stayed there for two years, two months and two days. But the opinion is isolated and static which doesn’t adapt to the rapid developing society. This kind of Utopian thought ignores the importance of people in society and separates people from the society. Practice of suffering has the composition of ignorance and the opinion of not advocating reading and thinking is a simple view of nature which blindly requires the combination of nature and people, which is old and decayed.In conclusion, Emerson’s view is a simple view of nature which is isolated and static. An objective view and approach of development towards should be taken. And he advocated that nature is a part of God, and nature dominant human, but nowadays, the opinion is that making full use of nature is a necessary approach to protect and go into the nature.参考文献:1. R·W·爱默生:《自然沉思录》,博凡译,上海:上海社会科学院出版社,1993年。
毕业论文开题报告题目:The Textual Analysis of Nada inHemingway's A Clean Well-Lighted Place 学生姓名:学号:专业:英语指导教师:2011年3月6日论文题目:The Textual Analysis of Nada in Hemingway'sA Clean Well-Lighted Place一、选题背景:厄内斯特.海明威是美国著名的现代作家。
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A Study of The Gift of Magi2. A Brief Comment on An American Tragedy3.On Motif of The Call of the World4.Love Tragedy and War—An Analysis of A Farewell to Arms5. A Study of Sister Carrie6.The Evil of Mankind Portrayed in Moby Dick7.On Henry Heming in The Red Badge of Courage8.Emily Dickinson and her Poems9.Analysis of A Rose of Emily10.Analysis of the theme of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn11.On the symbolism of The Old Men and the Sea12.The Language of Shakespeare’s Sonnets13.Deep Love And Deep Hatred—A Brief Analysis of Wuthering Heights14.Psychological Descriptions In Hemingway’s The Snows Of Kilimajaro15.On Ernest Hemingway And His Novel The Sun Also Rises16.The Literature Characteristics in A Tale of Two Cities17.On the Symbolism of D.H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow18.Love and Loss in Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s Poetry19.How Emily Dickinson’s Lyrics Resemble Hymn20.The Humor of Robert Frost21.Folk Elements in the Poetry of Langston Hughes22.John Keats’s Sensuous Imagery23.The Vocabulary of Music in Poems of Wallace Stevens24.Non-free Verse: Patterns of Sound in three Poems of William Carlos Williamsngston Hughes, Gwendolyn Brooks, and Dudley Randall as Prophets of Social Chang26.What It Is to Be a Woman: The Special Knowledge of Sylvia Plath,Anne Sexton, andAdrienne Rich27.Popular Culture as Reflected in the Poetry of Wendy Cope, Michael B. Stillman, Gene Fehler,and Charles Martin28.The Complex Relations Between Fathers and Sons in the Poetry of Robert Hayden, AndrewHudgins, and Robert Philips29.Making up New Words for New Meanings: Neologisms in Lewis Carroli and Kay Ryan30. A Brief Analysis of the Heroine Personality in Jane Eyre 《简爱》的主人翁个性分析31. A Brief Comment on O’Henry Short Stories 亨利的短篇小说述评32. A Comment on Hardy’s Fatalism 评哈代的宿命论33. A Comparison between the Themes of Pilgrimage to the West and Pilgrim’s Progress 《西游记》与《天路历程》主题的比较34. A Probe into the Feminist Idea of Jane Eyre 《简爱》男女平等思想的探索35. A Study of Native American Literature 美国本土文学的研究36. About the Breaking of American Dream from the Great Gatsby 从《了不起的盖茨比》看美国梦的破碎37. Humor and Satire in Pride and Prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》的幽默与讽刺38.Influence of Mark Twain’s Works in China 马克吐温的作品在中国的影响39.Love Tragedy and War—An Analysis of A Farewell to Arms40.Sister Carrie and Jennie Gerhardt41.The Evil of Mankind Portayed in Moby Dick42.On Henry Heming in The Red Badge of Courage43.Emily Dickingson and her Poems44.Analy sis of “A Rose of Emily”45.The Aesthetic Interpretation of Ezra Pound's Poetry46.Symbolism in The Great Gatsby47.an Analysis of the theme of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn48.On the symbolism of The Old Men and the Sea49.Cultural Shocks in the English Language Textbooks50.Deep Love And Deep Hate—A Brief Analysis On Wuthering Heights51.Psychological Descriptions In Hemingway’s The Snows Of Kilimajaro52.On Ernest Hemingway And His Novel The Sun Also Rises53.Difference Between China And The West Reflected In Social Manners54.First Love, Lost Love in George Eliot’s Adam Bede55.鸟的赞歌--------评英国浪漫派诗歌56.《呼啸山庄》的悲剧分析57.海明威英汉形象和冰山风格58.《名利场》的现实意义59.苔丝的形象分析60.哈姆雷特的犹豫再探讨61.爱伦坡小说的艺术创作成就62.爱伦坡小说人物塑造63.O Neill剧作对美国戏剧的影响64.华兹华斯的语言风格65.华兹华斯的自然观66.诗人哈代67.简述哈代的悲剧性叙事艺术On Hardy's tragedy narrative art68.奥斯丁与勃朗特写作风格异同The comparison between Austen and Bronte in writing style69.杰克·伦敦(或某作家)《》(某作品)评述On Farewell to Arms of Hemingway70.浅析《失乐园》中撒旦的形象塑造71.《还乡》的悲剧艺术特色72.蓓基形象再解读73.蘩漪与伯莎梅森的比较研究74.爱玛形象的魅力75.海明威研究——浅析海明威笔下的女硬汉子76.《苔丝》的悲剧性与现代性Tragedy and Modernity in Tess of D’Urbervilles77.华兹华斯诗歌的和谐观On the View of Harmony in Wordsworth’s Poetry78.海明威小说的悲剧意识79.从《老人与海》看海明威的创作特点80.《红色英勇勋章》的叙述技巧分析81.论《白鲸》的象征含义82.论吴尔夫的《1间自己的房间》中的女权主义83.论简。
评析华兹华斯诗歌中的自然观作者:刘华来源:《艺术殿堂》2018年第09期【摘要】威廉华兹华斯(William Wordsworth,1770-1850),英国文学史上最重要的诗人之一,也是英国浪漫主义运动中最伟大和最有影响的诗人,获得了英国桂冠诗人称号。
《英美概况》选修课课程论文选题及要求一、要求1. 课程论文内容应与所学内容密切相关,涉及英美两国历史、政治、教育、文化、语言等方面的有关内容及以上方面的中英对比等。
2. 英语写作,800-1000字,包括论文题目,摘要,关键词及参考文献在内3. 英文摘要80字左右,关键词3-5个。
4. 参考文献资料3篇及以上。
5. 参考文献:引用国外作者的文章按作者姓名英文字母先后排序,引用国内作者的文章按拼音顺序。
6. 页码从正文第一页开始按阿拉伯数字连续编排,位于页面底端居中。
二、上交时间13-14周三、封面及正文格式说明青岛农业大学全校选修课(宋体二号)英美概况课程论文(宋体一号加粗)论文题目(宋体3号)学生专业班级英语2007级3班学生姓名(学号)XXX ********二O一三年五月XX 日论文格式要求题目字居中On Wordsworth and Emerson’s Conception of Nature(加粗Times New Roman小三空一行)Yu Lianjun(Times New Roman加粗四号)Class 2, 2007, Foreign Languages School(加粗Times New Roman小四号空一行)Abstract:(加粗Times New Roman小四号)The mid-20th century has brought with it many significant changes and progresses in the study of language.(Times New Roman 小四号)Key words(加粗Times New Roman小四号):Changes; Progresses; Study;Language (Times New Roman小四号空一行)华兹华斯和爱默生对大自然的不同理解(宋体四号空一行)摘要(加粗宋体小四号):本文旨在通过对华兹华斯和爱默生诗歌的比较和分析来理解两人对于自然不同的把握。
《美国丽人》中的伦理主题研究《麦田里的守望者》的当代启示从《红字》看十七世纪新英格兰清教主义风尚语用模糊及语用功能论初中英语教学中跨文化意识的培养论性别歧视论谭恩美《喜福会》中文化身份迷失与探寻(英语系经贸英语)浅析特许经营模式下受许人获得的优势--以全聚德为例谈目的论视角下的商标翻译从《爱玛》中的言语反讽看乔拉的反讽理论从生态学角度解读《白鲸》浅析《德伯维尔家的苔丝》中造成苔丝悲剧的因素本我、自我、超我--斯佳丽人物性格分析功能对等理论视域下的商标名称汉译试论《武林外传》与《老友记》中的中美文化差异试论英汉日常礼貌表达的异同浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森分析西方末世论在美国电影中的体现浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森中西方聚会文化差异比较研究从奥巴马演讲的不同译文看语域理论在翻译中的应用论《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》中三对人物关系及其象征意义《暮色》两中译本中文化缺省重构的对比研究A Study on English and Chinese Euphemisms from the Perspective of Cultural Difference 网络语言风格的性别差异《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读跨文化交际中的肢体语言目的论视角下公益广告的翻译从文体学角度浅析国际商务合同中的语言特点及翻译策略谈英汉文学作品中数字的模糊性及其翻译从生态视野解读狼图腾(日语系毕业论文)义务教育的发展—就择校问题进行的探讨论《看不见的人》的主人公的心理成长历程英汉白色词的文化象征意义及翻译新闻新词的文化内涵与翻译电影《死亡诗社》中的教育意义《无名的裘德》主人公人物形象浅析狄金森、席慕蓉爱情诗中隐喻现象对比研究耐克公司Ps营销策略对我国体育用品产业的启示中外教师教学体态语的意义差异研究论英语专业八级口语测试的内容效度中学英语教学活动的主要设计原则A Study of Pragmatic Failure in Politeness between Chinese and English论旅游英语的语言学特征试析《宠儿》中的象征手法从自然主义视角分析《嘉莉妹妹》语言艺术与目的性操纵的杂合——英文电影片名的翻译简析《黛西米勒》女主人公的悲剧《新成长的烦恼》影视字幕中文化负载词的英汉翻译策略《推销员之死》中美国梦破灭的主要原因The Influence of The New Policy of Export Tax Rebates用功能对等理论分析《经济学人》中的习语翻译论《兔子, 跑吧》中哈利的逃避主义英汉味觉词“酸甜苦辣”的比较分析从电影《喜宴》看中美婚姻观差异Color Words in Chinese and Western Literature论《傲慢与偏见》中简奥斯丁的女性意识成长与困惑——浅析托尼•莫瑞森《最蓝的眼睛》宗教在世界战争史中扮演的角色从英汉习语视角看中英文化差异《身着狮皮》中的话语、移民与身份英文电影字幕翻译的原则和技巧从校园官方网站角度对比研究中美校园文化比较约翰·邓恩与艾米丽·迪金森诗歌中奇思妙喻的艺术效果浅析《红字》中象征手法的运用《简爱》的女性主义解读《缅湖重游》之语义分析An Analysis of the Development and Future of Gothic Novel从中西思维差异角度看汉英翻译中的中式英语现象日常生活中隐喻的认知研究简析美国文学中的美国梦女性主义视野下林黛玉与简爱的比较研究《榆树下的欲望》之农场意象--基于生态女性主义的分析文化差异对中西方商务谈判的影响The Developments of Marriage View over Three Periods in the West 对《儿子与情人》中的自然环境描写的研究从《少年派的奇幻漂流记》论人性与兽性英语体育新闻标题的特点及翻译对策任务型教学法在高中英语阅读中的使用初探Major Barriers in Listening Comprehension of College Students跨国企业广告语在中国本土化体现的文化价值观差异换位思考在商务信函中坏消息的运用及建议附带学习和有意识学习对英语词汇习得效果的比较研究论高中英语文化教学电影《功夫熊猫》中美文化融合现象分析浅析《飘》中女主人公斯佳丽的女性意识文学翻译中的对等从空间语言的角度分析中美隐私观念的差异试析《雾都孤儿》中的浪漫主义色彩广告英语的翻译论《爱玛》中的反讽The Analysis of the Narrative Style in Toni Morrison’s Beloved《珍珠》中的生态思想Women in the Roaring Twenties– A Comparative Study of Female Characters in The Great Gatsby and The Sun Also Rises野性的回归--试析《野性的呼唤》中巴克的生存斗争《欲望号街车》女主人公悲剧性命运的女性主义解读小学英语课堂互动式教学研究初中英语词汇教学从弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫的《夜与日》看女性同性爱主题的写作模式跨文化交际中的移情及其能力的培养从中西方政治文化差异看中美关系《天使与魔鬼》中科学与宗教关系的分析从“老人与海”译本比较研究看理解在翻译中的重要性浅析《墓园挽歌》中意象的变化试析狄更斯小说《大卫科波菲尔》中大卫的性格发展The Analysis of Cultural Differences between Chinese and English Animal Idioms论华兹华斯的自然观《呼啸山庄》和它的四个版本电影的比较研究初中英语词汇教学中对策研究A Study on the Effective Ways to Improve Memory Efficiency in Consecutive Interpreting纳博科夫小说《洛丽塔》的爱情讽刺对《呼啸山庄》里所反映的人性的解读弗朗西斯培根论说文风格传译策略研究美国梦和中国梦的内涵对比研究《秀拉》中女主人公秀拉的女权主义解读英语中的性别歧视埃德加·爱伦·坡和蒲松龄恐怖小说的比较On the Differences of Rules for Eye Contact Between the East and the West论肢体语言在中国英语课堂教学中的合理应用论《荆棘鸟》中的女性意识英汉职业委婉语中“礼貌原则”之对比分析论《哈利波特》系列小说中的哥特元素英语阅读有效教学活动设计研究英汉动物词汇的文化内涵对比及其翻译从《一间自己的房间》分析弗吉尼亚伍尔夫的女性主义思想场独立和场依存对不同主题阅读材料的影响研究英语广告双关语的语用功能浅析哈代的悲观主义哲学对徐志摩诗歌创作之影响A Comparison of the English Color Terms中国英语在中国文化输出中的作用看《一间自己的屋子》中弗吉尼亚伍尔夫的女性主义思想人力资源管理浅谈《红字》中女权主义意识探析关联理论视角下《生活大爆炸》中言语幽默的汉译浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中的叙事艺术中美价值观的比较--以《老友记》为例文化全球化语境下中英婚姻习俗的对比研究严歌苓小说《少女小渔》里中国移民的文化身份构建《傲慢与偏见》中的灰姑娘情节论《简爱》中伯莎梅森的疯癫《飞屋环游记》的人物设置特色分析合作原则在电影《暮光之城》人物心理分析中的应用德国功能目的论指导下广告口号的汉译从目的论角度比较研究《彼得潘》两个中文译本Research on the Expression of the Speaker’s Intention in English and Ch inese Conversation 朗读在中学英语教学中的作用从主位述位的角度阐述英语口语的连贯性《简爱》中的女性主义意识初探浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森个人主义与集体主义——中美文化碰撞背后的价值观差异研究简奥斯汀的婚姻观---根据分析她的著作《傲慢与偏见》论《傲慢与偏见》中的妇女地位问题英语政治新闻中委婉语的形式及语用功能研究论《纯真年代》的女性意识英汉谚语的文化对比及翻译The Elementary Stage Translation Teaching Design for Undergraduate English Majors从许渊冲“三美论”评析《声声慢》三个译本高中英语课堂教学中的口语教学The Gothic Elements in Edgar Allan Poe’s Works《法国中尉的女人》中对维多利亚时代的批判《哈姆雷特》中不言而喻的隐喻魅力(开题报告+论文+文献综述)从《野性的呼唤》看杰克伦敦自然主义观论修辞格在英语广告中的运用从《穿靴子的猫》看美国动画电影中的英雄主义国际商务英语合同翻译策略研究论关联理论在商业广告翻译中的运用《红字》中的丁梅斯代尔和齐灵渥斯谁更“恶”?从违反合作原则看电影语言的会话含义——以《最后的武士》为例论惠特曼的战争诗歌分析《嘉莉妹妹》中赫斯渥的人物形象高级英语课堂中教师角色研究《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读《荆棘鸟》中的三位女性形象——追寻荆棘的女人Oscar Wilde’s Aestheticism on The Picture of Dorian Gray中美篮球背后的青年文化Euphemism in English advertisements功能对等视角下的汉语数字成语英译策略研究动物词在中英文化中的喻义及其翻译英汉习语渊源对比及其常用分析方法《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿成长悲剧的成因分析以及对当今青少年的启迪哥特电影的黑暗之美-市场与文化的交接英汉基本颜色词的文化内涵对比研究浅析爱德华·摩根·福斯特《霍华德庄园》中的语言特色英汉语言与文化差异对广告翻译的影响美国电影中的英雄主义解析论高中生英语阅读技能的培养《哈利波特》中斯内普的人物分析从福斯特《天使不敢涉足的地方》看英国转型期中产阶级价值观浅析英汉基本颜色词之文化内涵--以“白”与“黑”为例从文化负载词褒贬意义看中西文化差异商务英语翻译中的隐喻研究析《远大前程》主人公性格之路社会语言学视角下女性语言的特点从世纪后服饰发展比较中西文化差异荒岛主义在《蝇王》中的映射米兰•昆德拉《生命中不能承受之轻》的哲学体现从《汤姆索亚历险记》中分析马克吐温的幽默讽刺手法目的论与英文电影片名的翻译英汉日常礼貌用语在跨文化交际中的语用差异。
vI 5 o 02 N. . 6
2 0 .2 0 6 1
华兹 华斯 与 爱默 生 自然 观 中哲 学 背景 的 不同
于艳 平
( 郑州 大学 外语学 院 , 河南
郑 州 400 ) 50 1
要 :文章以《 我好似 一朵孤独的流云》 《 鹃花 》 诗 为例 , 、杜 二 比较分析 了华兹 华斯与 爱默 生 自然观 中 的哲学背景 , 为华兹华斯的“ 认 三位 一体 ”自然观主要缘 于斯 宾诺 莎的“ 泛神论 ” 和其 本人 消极 的 人 生态度 , 而爱默生的双重 自然观 则缘 于德 国哲学思想和个人 主义。
和成群结 队正是 为了反衬作者的孤单 、 沮丧 。
华兹华斯 的“ 三位一体” 自然观
但 这种作者与 风景 之间的对 比在第 三节 中很 快融 为一
19 7 8年 , 华兹 华斯和其好友 s・ 柯 尔里吉共 同发表 T・ 体。诗 人与风景变为 亲密 的整 体 。 暗示 了 主体与 客体 之 这 问有一种相 同的情感 : 在如此 欢乐 的陪伴下 , 诗人 除 了快乐 只能快乐 。这幅 自然 美景 从此 深 深地 印记 在他 心里 , 附 依 于那美景 的美好感 情也常 常在 其 孤单 时被 激 活 , 为 他 一 成 一
Jun f hn zo stt o eo at a Id s Maae et Sc l c neE io ) o ra o e ghuI tue fA rnui l n u l Z ni c ngm n( oi i c d i aS e tn
郑州航空工业管 理学院学 社会科学版) 报(
关键词 : 华兹华斯 ; 爱默 生 ; 自然观 ; 泛神论 ; 个人主义
中图分类号 : 6 .7 k 1 02 5
华兹华斯I wandered lonely as a cloud 赏析
![华兹华斯I wandered lonely as a cloud 赏析](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c0af0d035f0e7cd1842536d7.png)
• 全诗分4节,各6行,基本的格律是抑扬四音步(iambic tetrameter),每节韵律是a b a b c c,节奏鲜明流畅,韵律工整简 洁,鲜明地刻画了水仙随风嬉舞时轻缓曼妙的姿态。
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
•I wandered lonely as a cloud •That floats on high o'er vales and hills, •When all at once I saw a crowd, •A host, of golden daffodils; •Beside the lake, beneath the trees, •Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
•For oft, when on my couch I lie
•In vacant or in pensive mood,
•每当我躺在床上不眠, •或心神空茫,或默默沉思, •它们常在心灵中闪现, •那是孤独之中的福祉; •于是我的心便涨满幸福, •和水仙一同翩翩起舞。 (飞白译)
•They flash upon that inward eye
William Wordsworth
韩楚齐 152141576
• 华兹华斯1770午出生于英格兰北部的坎伯兰湖 区(Cumberland),他是英国浪漫主义文学史上的 一个领袖人物。大自然是他诗歌歌颂的主要主题, 他因此也被誉为“崇尚自然主义 者”(“ Worshipper of Nature”)他通过对大自然 的描写表达他对大自然的真切的爱,他认为大自 然除了给人以感官之美外,还给人带来智慧和力 量。1797年诗人华兹华斯与柯勒律治共同出版 了《抒情歌谣集》 (Lyrical Ballads),标志着英 国浪漫主义文学时期的开始。
英文毕业论文:On Thoreau’s View of Nature in Walden
![英文毕业论文:On Thoreau’s View of Nature in Walden](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/80ba8eaef524ccbff12184ae.png)
On Thoreau’s View of Nature in WaldenAbstractHenry David Thoreau is a famous American transcendentalist, philosopher and naturalist in the 19th century. His superb book, Walden, indicates many of ideas about nature. This study focuses on the analysis of Thoreau’s view s of nature in Walden, attempting to seek out its implications for modern people who are suffering the polluted environment. The study explores Thoreau’s view s of nature influenced by his personal life, transcendentalism and Emerson, his mentor. The paper concentrates on interpreting Thoreau’s vie ws of nature from two perspectives: all nature is alive and nature is a means of self-realization which includes the relationship between nature and man and some implications for human life. In the end, the conclusion can be drawn that man should protect nature and co-exist with nature harmoniously.Key words: nature; Walden; Thoreau; man and nature relationship摘要亨利·大卫·梭罗是19世纪美国著名的超经验主义作家,哲学家及自然主义作家。
(英语毕业论文)从电影《木兰》看中西方文化的差异与融合最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 广播英语的语言学分析2 欧洲余烬里飞起的凤凰--Geoffrey Hill诗歌主题与艺术风格3 论英语称谓语中的性别歧视现象4 Linguistic Features of English Advertising Language and Its Translation5 《夜色温柔》男主人公迪克的精神变化研究6 礼貌原则在商贸信函中的应用7 英汉语言中颜色隐喻的认知差异研究8 报刊广告英语的文体特色分析9 从《寻找格林先生》看索尔.贝娄对生命意义的探寻10 浅析《宠儿》中三位黑人女性的身份寻求之旅11 论《苔丝》中女性意识与社会现实之间的冲突12 O n Symbolism in Fitzgerald’s “Winter Dreams”(开题报告+论文+文献综述)13 电影《闻香识女人》中弗兰克的人物分析14 英汉语言与文化差异对广告翻译的影响15 论圣经诗篇的修辞特点16 论标示语汉英翻译中的等效问题17 《永别了武器》悲剧特征的分析18 A Freudian Psychoanalytical Interpretation of Catherine and Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights19 中西方礼貌用语对比分析20 对中西方传统节日之文化差异的研究21 A Study of Meta-cognitive Strategy Training and Its Effect on EFL Reading22 浅析小说《教父》中教父的心理转变及其成因23 中西方创世神话文化的比较24 浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中佩科拉的悲剧25 功能对等理论在英语习语翻译中的应用26 北京奥运会与中国品牌发展27 英语新闻标题的前景化28 A Study on Intercultural Communication of American TV Series29 英汉广告中的双关语及其英汉互译30 卡门-波西米亚之花31 G ender Differences in Language Use32 T he Gothic Elements in Edgar Allan Poe’s Works33 A n Analysis of Communicative Language Teaching Method in Teaching Spoken English inChina34 O n the Importance of China English as an English Variant35 国际商务谈判技巧与策略初探36 学生性格与口语能力初探37 A nalysis of the Elements of Modernism of Wuthering Heights38 论肢体语言在中国英语课堂教学中的合理应用39 从《麦田里的守望者》看霍尔顿的摇滚情结40 《纯真年代》女性意识探析41 西方电影片名翻译的功能目的论分析42 语用合作原则及礼貌原则在商业广告中的有效运用43 A Comparative Study of Chinese and French Higher Education44 从功能对等理论看字幕翻译45 浅析中英恭维语46 商务信函中委婉语的语用功能分析—基于xx 公司商务往来信函47 浅谈《欲望号街车》所阐述的欲望48 多媒体技术在英语语境教学中的应用49 C ultural Difference between Chinese and English on Politeness50 汉语被动句的英译51 论《喜福会》中家庭观的中西差异52 P roblems in the Oral Class and Solutions to Them53 莎士比亚:男权神话的守望者—莎士比亚戏剧的女性主义解读54 希腊罗马神话对英语习语的影响55 A n Analysis of Gender in Oh,Pioneers!56 C hrist Love in Uncle Tom’s Cabin57 A Study of English Classroom Scene Setting in Junior High School58 从功能翻译论的角度探讨品牌名称的翻译59 爱默生的自然观--生态批评视域下的《论自然》60 希思克厉夫—一个拜伦式英雄61 《宠儿》中塞斯的性格分析62 小议《呼啸山庄》中希斯克利夫人性的回归63 从曼诺林角度研究圣地亚哥形象64 不同国家的商务谈判风格及其对策65 从中西文化差异的角度浅析商宴之道66 论苔丝悲剧命运的根源67 从跨文化交际角度看中西方商务谈判68 模因论指导下的英语习语汉译69 爱神简论70 从《鲁滨逊漂流记》看人的社会化及人的进取精神71 商务英语中模糊限制语的语用学研究72 浅谈中西方非言语交际中身势语差异73 A Comparative Study on Tea Culture of China and English-speaking Countries74 T he Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter75 美国黑人英语在美国电影中的应用76 浅析《还乡》中游苔莎的悲剧根源77 从《成长的烦恼》和《家有儿女》的对比看中西方家庭价值观的差异78 任务教学法在初中英语阅读中的应用79 全球商务中基于文化差异的品牌名称翻译80 试析英语广告中双关语的翻译81 浅析美国俚语的起源82 A n Analysis of Daphne du Maurier’s Female Identity Anxiety Reflected in Rebecca83 《荆棘鸟》中主要女主人公爱情观比较84 A nalyzing Rhett’s Character in Gone With The Wind----the Mixture of Fire and Ice 85 T he Joy Luck Club :Chinese Mothers’American Dreams Lost and Regained 86 A Study on the Introduction of English Culture in Junior Middle School English Teaching87 中西方茶文化对比研究——以红茶为例88 从莎翁作品透视伊丽莎白时期女性社会地位89 汉英动物词的文化内涵对比及翻译90 浅析电影《风雨哈佛路》中女主人公的性格特征91 论中国特色时政新词的英译92 论《金色笔记》的多元主题93 浅析王尔德《快乐王子》中基督教救赎的表现形式94 A n Analysis of Symbolism in Tess of the D’Urbervilles95 《了不起的盖茨比》中乔丹.贝克的人物分析96 O n the Racial Discrimination in America in Beloved97 叶芝诗歌中的象征主义手法98 英汉颜色词的文化差异及其翻译99 F unctional Equivalence in Chapter Title Translation of A Dream of Red Mansions100 论人性自私在《呼啸山庄》中的体现101 论标示语汉英翻译中的等效问题102 浅析马克思主义女性主义视角下的凯瑟琳103 The Unique Characteristics of Edgar Allen Poe’s Gothic Stories104 高中英语词汇教学策略105 Analysis of the Reasons Why Jo Rejects Laurie’s Proposal of Marriage in Little Women 106 英汉委婉语中体现的文化异同107 《围城》英译本中文化负载词的翻译研究108 On Aestheticism in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray109 Error Analysis in C-E Translation of Public Signs110 《长日入夜行》中玛丽的悲剧和反抗111 The Otherization of China in The Woman Warrior112 苔丝的反叛精神113 读者在文学文本多元解读中扮演的角色114 我看简爱的爱情115 《飘》中斯佳丽的性格特征解读116 古诗英译中意象与意境的处理117 特洛伊战争电影改编的语境探析118 庄子和梭罗自然观比较——以《庄子》与《瓦尔登湖》为例119 从《老人与海》看海明威的人生观120 从植物词看英汉文化差异121 浅析《鲁滨逊漂流记》中的人文主义思想122 Human Nature and Redemption——Thoughts on Reading The Kite Runner123 Pragmatic Failures in Translation of C-E Advertisements124125 从认知视角谈英语学习中的负迁移126 从心理学角度试析简爱性格的对立性127 对《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观重新解读128 欧内斯特.海明威《雨中猫》和田纳西.威廉斯《热铁皮屋顶上的猫》中的女主人公的对比分析129 Improving Senior High School Students’Oral English by Applying English Songs130 析《远大前程》主人公匹普的性格成长历程131 浅析《红字》中丁梅斯代尔的挣扎132 从关联理论看英文电影字幕翻译中的减译133 鲁滨逊荒岛生存技能的分析134 英汉文化差异对英语俚语汉译的影响135 《蝴蝶梦》中吕蓓卡形象分析136 从商业性角度论电影名称的翻译137 英汉招呼语差异探析138 Feminism under the Traditional Masculine Standards139 从餐桌礼仪看中美饮食文化差异140 浅析合作原则在汉英广告语翻译中的运用141 《榆树下的欲望》和《雷雨》中悲剧性的差异142 An Analysis of the Feminism in The Scarlet Letter143 初中英语语法教学之我见144 英国文化中的非语言交际的研究145 论接受理论对儿童文学作品的影响——以《快乐王子》中译本为例146 论《一个小时的故事》中马拉德夫人女性意英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考(贡献者ID 有提示)识的觉醒147 从合作原则和礼貌原则看女性委婉语的语用功能148 解读《欲望号街车》中的女主人公布兰琪149 《达洛维夫人》死亡意识解读150 浅析眼神交流在非语言交际中的作用151 论华兹华斯诗歌中的自然观152 浅析《简.爱》的主人公简.爱153 A Study of Children Images in Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer154 An Analysis of English Euphemisms Used in Literary Works155 英汉新词理据对比研究156 《潜鸟》女主人公——皮格特托纳尔悲剧的探析157 汉语语速性别对比研究158 经济学视野下的《鲁滨逊漂流记》159 性格差异对中学英语教学的影响160 论英语新闻中的模糊语言161 对高中学生英语学习动机现状及激发策略的调查分析—以屏边高级中学为例162 Comparison of models of Human Resource178 重新诠释玛格丽特的人生悲剧根源179 《瓦尔登湖》中梭罗的生态思想180 An Analysis of the Symbolic Meanings of the Letter “A” in The Scarlet Let ter181 Naturalism in Sister Carrie182 从《大象的眼泪》看人与动物的关系183 语言艺术与目的性操纵的杂合——英文电影片名的翻译184 从《老人与海》看海明威小说中的英雄式人物的刻画185 The Analysis of the Tragic Fate of Willy in Death of a Salesman186 《鲁滨逊漂流记》“星期五”被殖民化分析187 英汉同义词对比及翻译188 A Comparison between Task-based Approach and Communicative Approach189 从功能理论角度分析电影《点球成金》字幕翻译190 情景教学法在大学新生英语口语教学课堂中的实施191 《好人难寻》的冷漠主题分析英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考(贡献者ID 有提示)192 从句法模式论英语公益广告语气系统的人际意义193 功能对等与商务信函翻译194 On Feminism in Persuasion195 礼貌原则在英汉语言文化差异中的应用196 《等待野蛮人》中的寓言式写作手法197 《紫色》女主人公性格分析198 魔鬼之子:论《呼啸山庄》和《呼唤》中的男主人公形象199 圣诞节对大学生的影响的调查研究200 论奥斯卡.王尔德的唯美主义。
论自然 爱默生 自然1-3 英文
![论自然 爱默生 自然1-3 英文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/964d83320b4c2e3f57276353.png)
spiritual refuge
Solitude”独处,隐逸” chamber“居室” retire“(书)遁世,远离” would“愿意,想要”
sublime“崇高的” transparent“透明的” perpetual“永恒的” this design“造物主把空气涉及成透明的”
spiritual refuge
倘若一个人想要做到离群索居,他不仅需要退 出社会,而且还要走出自己的房子。当我在读书或 写作的时候,虽然没人和我在一块儿,但是我并不 会感到孤独。然而,倘若你想追求一份孤独的感觉, 那么你就抬头看看星星。那从遥远天国射来的光线, 将会把你和周围的琐事隔离开来。我们可以设想, 人们能在这天体中间感到崇高的永久存在,这种做 法可以使得现象变得晴晰透明。
the symbol of spirit (19th c) spiritual refuge
In enumerating the values of nature and casting up their sum, I shall use the word in both senses; -- in its common and in its philosophical import. In inquiries so general as our present one, the inaccuracy is not material; no confusion of thought will occur. Nature, in the common sense, refers to essences unchanged by man; space, the air, the river, the leaf. Art is applied to the mixture of his will with the same things, as in a house, a canal, a statue, a picture. —Introduction
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2012年12月上青春岁月and refusal to decorate the truth of experience produced a pure and Ⅰ. English and American Romanticism:profound poetry.Romanticism as a literary movement came into being in England Emerson’s poetry is uneven in quality, but highly individual. In his early in the latter half of the 18th century. It first made its appearance in day, Emerson’s poems were criticized for their lack of form and polish. England as a renewed interest in medieval literature. There were many In recent years, however, his poetry has received high praise. His harsh outstanding poets in the romantic period.rhythms and striking images appeal to many modern readers as artful American romanticism shared many characteristics with British techniques. Emerson’s prose style is also very individual. And his essays romanticism. It flourished in the glow of Wordsworth’s poetic encounter were put together from his journal entries, speeches, and random notes, with nature and himself in The Prelude. But American romanticism had its and they are often disorganized in some way. But his skill in polishing own characteristics, especially as these writers tried self-consciously to be each sentence into a striking thought makes his writing memorable.new and original.Wordsworth (1770-1850) was one of the pioneers and the greatest Ⅲ: The Reasons for the Differencespoets. With the publication of William Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads in At the turn of the century, fired by ideas of personal and political collaboration with S.T Coleridge, romanticism began to bloom and a firm liberty and of the energy and sublimity of the natural world, artists and place in the history of English literature. Wordsworth was also known as intellectuals sought to break the bonds of 18th century convention. The the “lake poets”. He is a nature poet. Many of his works were about French Revolution and the industrial revolution had the strongest impact mountains, rivers, flowers, birds, children and peasants. Since Wordsworth on the romanticists. Wordsworth is the representative of the romantic was a romantic poet who focused on the environment.writers who reflected the thinking of classes ruined by the bourgeoisie. Emerson was an American essayist, philosopher, poet, and leader of And he was also inspired to fight for the 18th century ideas. However, he the transcendentalism movement in the early 19th century. Emerson had also experienced the failure of the French revolution. And he was afraid of an ambivalent viewpoint towards nature. He had a powerful and a poverty and failure. So he began to be passive. That is why he was a nature passionate delight in concrete natural things. Unlike Wordsworth, Emerson lover. He tried to use nature to express his ideas and used nature to cure often made a philosophical view towards nature and the universe. He also his wound. That is why his focus is on nature and the common people. believed that the outer world was only appearance or dream, which had no These historical reasons are very critical to the conception of nature of real substance. His works are mostly individualistic. He believed in his Wordsworth.own principles and intellectual self-reliance.Emerson’s nature conception is also tightly connected with the historical reasons behind. There are outer reasons and inner factors. His Ⅱ. The Comparison Between Wordsworth and Emerson family background had a close relationship with Emerson’s mind and a: Their Focusconception. Emerson was born in Boston, Massachusetts. His forefathers Wordsworth is one of the representatives of the romanticists. He had were highly educated. His grandfathers was a supporter of The American a deep love for nature and the natural things. Many of his poems are about War of Independence; and his father was a minister. Obviously, religious the natural beauty. He also uses nature to express his feelings and mind reasons played an important role in the formation of Emerson’s which can not be heard by the harsh reality. Wordsworth was a romantic conception. Emerson had a very good reading habit. Since he was little, his poet who focused on the environment.family were all passionate in reading. This good habit kept him until he Emerson was a great thinker, essayist, poet in American history. He was in Harvard university. To sum up, religious and the family education was living in the period of American romanticism. No doubt that he was background played an important role in the formation of Emerson’s mind. influenced by the writers in romanticism in Britain. But unlike Under the influence of religion and his family background, and his Wordsworth, Emerson had a style of his own. Emerson was the spokesman education, he was gradually became a man with thought and became a of transcendentalism. So the focus of Emerson’s works is on great essayist, philosopher and the spokesman of the transcendentalism, transcendentalism, or rather, on individualism and spirit.which exerted a great impact on American culture and life.b. Their Writing styleWordsworth is a revered romantic poet who believed that the meaning of romanticism was best illustrated when using everyday life Bibliography[1] Dabundo, Laura Susan,ed. The Encyclopedia of Romanticism: Culture in events and familiar speech. His writing techniques were very special Britain, 1780s-1830s. New York: Garland, 1992.which had a great impact on English literature. He defined the poet as a [2] Chang Yaoxin. A Brief Introduction on American Literature. Nan Kai “man speaking to man” and poetry as “the spontaneous overflow of University Press, 1990.powerful feelings, which originates in emotion recollected in tranquility”. [3] Huang Libo. Essays of Emerson, Shan Xi People Press.[4] Cheng Aimin. American Literature Courses. Nan Jing Normal University He changed the course of English poetry by using ordinary speech of the press, 1996.language and by advocating a return to nature. His deliberate simplicity论华兹华斯和爱默生在自然观上的对比The Comparison between Wordsworthand Emerson on Nature□ 王晓晶(沈阳建筑大学城市建设学院, 辽宁 沈阳 110167)Abstract:The thesis is about the description and the study of Wordsworth and his works to present more about the author through the comparison with Emerson. Through the comparison between Wordsworth and Emerson, we can see clearly about their mutual influence and their differences, which had a great impact on literary world. They shared a lot of similarities, but they bore great differences.Key words:Wordsworth, Emerson, nature, romanticism。