

(完整)Unit 3 The scientific method 科研方法

(完整)Unit 3  The scientific method 科研方法

Unit 3The scientific method科研方法Every scientist dreams of lighting up some dark corner of the natural world —or, almost as good, of finding a dark corner where none had been suspected。

The most careful observations, the most elaborate calculations will not be fruitful unless the right questions are asked. Here is where creative imagination enters science, which is why some of the greatest scientific advances have been made by young, nimble minds.每一位科学家都渴望探明自然界未知领域的客观规律;或者说每一位科学家都渴望找到一处前人尚未耕耘过的研究园地。


这是一个有创造性想象力的科学领域,这就是为什么一些最伟大的科学进步是由敏锐的年轻人做出的.Scientists study nature in a variety of ways。

Some approaches are quite direct: a geologist takes a rock sample to a laboratory and, by inspection and analysis, finds out what it is made of and how and when it was probably formed。

Introduction to Research methods and academic writing

Introduction to Research methods and academic writing
2014-3-18 P. 1994. An Research Method7 • Ernest, Introduction to Research Introduction
What It Takes?
• • • • • • • Creativity Open mind Curiosity Patience Persistence Positive Attitude Discipline and focus
The Importance of Methods and Methodology
“The most common error made in conducting research is overlooking the methodology, and concentrating on the conclusions. Yet if the methodology isn’t sound, the conclusions and subsequent recommendations won’t be sound.”
Welcome to the magic world of
Research Methods and Academic Writing 研究方法与学术论文写作
Research MethodIntroduction
• Ways of Instruction: Inactive approach, with both teacher lecturing and student discussion and presentations. • Textbooks and References: • 1) 文秋芳,2001,《应用语言学研究方法与论文写 作》北京:外语教学与研究出版社。 • 2) McDonough, J. & McDonough, S. 2000.







在进行文献综述时,研究者需要注意以下几点:1. 确定研究范围:研究者需要明确自己的研究范围,避免过于宽泛或过于狭窄。

2. 搜集文献:研究者可以通过图书馆、学术数据库和互联网等渠道搜集相关文献。

3. 分类整理:将搜集到的文献进行分类整理,便于后续的总结和分析。



一般来说,写作计划应该包括以下几个方面:1. 选题:确定研究主题和写作内容。

2. 撰写大纲:根据选题制定论文大纲,明确文章结构和内容。

3. 设定时间表:合理安排写作时间,确保按时完成论文。

三、写作技巧在进行学术写作时,研究者需要注意以下几点写作技巧:1. 简明扼要:避免冗长和复杂的语句,保持文字简洁明了。

2. 逻辑清晰:文章应该有明确的逻辑结构,每一部分都应该符合整体思路。

3. 准确表达:避免使用模糊或歧义的词语,确保表达准确清晰。

4. 引用规范:在文章中引用他人观点和研究成果时,需注明出处,遵守学术规范。


在进行科研时,研究者需要注意以下几点科研方法:1. 确定研究目的:明确研究的目的和研究问题,确定研究的方向和重点。

2. 采集数据:根据研究目的和问题,选择合适的数据采集方法和工具。

3. 数据分析:对采集到的数据进行统计和分析,得出科学和客观的研究结论。

4. 结果呈现:将研究结果以图表、表格等形式清晰展示,便于读者理解和验证。





一、英语学术写作基本要点1. 抽象(abstract)抽象是学术论文的开篇,它应该简明扼要地概括研究的目的、方法、结果和结论。


2. 引言(introduction)引言部分应该明确表达研究的目的,提出问题或者假设,并有效激发读者的兴趣。


3. 方法(methods)方法部分应清晰地描述研究的设计、样本、数据采集和分析过程。


4. 结果(results)结果部分应该准确地呈现研究的统计数据、图表和实验结果。


5. 讨论(discussion)在讨论部分,你应该分析和解释你的研究结果,与已有研究进行对比,并提出你的观点。


6. 结论(conclusion)结论部分是对研究的总结,要简明扼要地呈现你的发现,强调你的研究的贡献,并提供一些建议。

二、科研方法1. 确定研究题目首先,需要明确研究的主题和目标,选择一个具有研究潜力和实际意义的题目。

2. 查找文献在研究之前,应该对已有文献进行仔细研究,确保自己的研究是有创新性的。

3. 制定研究计划制定详细的研究计划,包括研究的时间表、方法和实验安排等。

4. 数据收集与处理根据研究计划,进行数据的收集和调查。


5. 结果和讨论根据数据的分析结果,进行结果和讨论部分的撰写,并与已有研究进行比较和分析。

6. 编写论文根据上述英语学术写作基本要点,编写学术论文,确保逻辑清晰,表达准确。




英语学术论文写作方法Academic writing in English requires a specific set ofskills and techniques. In this article, we will discuss the methods that can help improve your academic writing. Whether you are a student or a professional in a particular field, thesetips will help you create a well-structured, clear, and concise academic paper.1. Understand the Requirements:Before you begin writing your paper, it is crucial to understand the requirements and guidelines provided by your institution or journal. These requirements may include specific formatting guidelines, citation styles, word limits, and the overall structure of the paper. Make sure you carefully read and understand these requirements to avoid any unnecessary revisions later.2. Plan Your Paper:Planning is an essential step in academic writing. It helps you organize your thoughts and ideas before you start writing. Create an outline or a mind map to arrange your main points and supporting evidence. This will help give your paper a logical flow and structure.3. Use Formal Language:4. Use Proper Citations and References:Accurately referencing the sources you have used is crucialin academic writing. Citations and references help acknowledgethe work of others and provide evidence for your own arguments. Familiarize yourself with the citation style required (such as APA, MLA, or Harvard) and follow the guidelines meticulously.5. Write Clear and Concise Sentences:6. Present Evidence and Arguments:Academic writing requires supporting your arguments with evidence. Use reputable sources such as academic journals, books, and credible websites to strengthen your arguments. Present the evidence in a logical manner, and explain how it supports your point of view. Avoid making unsupported claims or using personal anecdotes unless it is specifically allowed in the specific context.7. Revise and Edit:Once you have finished writing your paper, revise and editit carefully to improve the clarity and coherence of your ideas. Check for grammatical errors, awkward sentence structures, and spelling mistakes. Pay attention to the organization of your thoughts and ensure that each paragraph flows smoothly into the next. Seek feedback from a peer or a mentor to get an objective perspective on your writing.8. Avoid Plagiarism:Plagiarism is a serious offense in academic writing. Always give credit to the original authors and cite the sources properly. Paraphrase and summarize the ideas of others using your own words, and include proper citation to avoid unintentional plagiarism. Familiarize yourself with your institution's plagiarism policy and guidelines to ensure your work meets the required ethical standards.。


The organization and length of an article should be determined by the amount of new information to be presented and by space restrictions within the publication. The standard format is suitable for most papers in this category.
Gauge the Level and Interest of Your Audience Take time to bring everyone to the same level
Do Use Familiar Examples Check Your Spelling!
Visual Parts of the Presentation
Articles, also called full papers, are definitive accounts of significant, original studies. They present important new data or provide a fresh approach to an established subject.
Why Is an Outline Needed?
Inform the Audience of What You Intend to Cover The audience may have interest in things you do not plan to cover

























































apa格式英文论文范文篇一The Analysis of Angel Clare’s Tragedy in Tess of The D’urbervilles中文摘要:文学作品是现实生活的一面镜子,反映了生活的方方面面。











关键词:托马斯•哈代悲剧安琪尔•克莱尔Abstract: Literature is a mirror of real life which can reflect all aspects of people’s lives. More and more scholars ha ve begun to study a country from the roots of economy, politics and culture. As early as ancient Greece, there were some creations of tragedy. Tragedy is a kind of literary creation, which is not a simple artistic form or technique but the repeat of real society. It can depict the piteous, sad, distressing and sentimental plots by describing some tortuous or complicated events. The British famous writerThomas Hardy was one of the excellent novelists of the Victorian age. He delineated a lot of characters of tragedies, showing various persons’ enchantment. Besides providing the dignity of life tragedy to the readers, the novels contains the profound rationalism of the writer and Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’urbervilles reflected his real society. Hardy succe eded in portraying the image of heroine Tess and revealing the hypocritical ethics and morals of bourgeois society. This paper will discuss the causes of Clare’s tragedy from the hero –Angel Clare’s social background and psychology.Key words: Thomas Hardy, tragedy, Angel ClareChapter1 IntroductionLiterature is not only an art but also a mirror of real life. When studying a literary work, scholars actually study history. Nowadays an increasing number of scholars have begun to study the history of a count ry’s economic, political and cultural forms from the perspective of literature because through different kinds of literary works, we can see all sorts of feelings such as joy, anger, sorrow and various truths. The manifestation of literature is manifold, one of which is tragedy. The writers often want to show the piteous, sad, distressing and sentimental plots by describing some tortuous or complicated events. In the tragedy, it is inevitable that the heroes or heroines should suffer a setback or disadvantage, cover themselves in dishonor, experience tribulation or even fail or die though they have reasonable motivation, wishes, ideal, or passion which may indicate a victory or success. But finally they will either die or get mad. With a bad ending, tragedy often contains a certain philosophy of life . There are lots of tragedies in western literature such asOedipus, Prometheus Bound, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet, Faust, etc. And the famous tragedians are also legion like Aeschylus, Sophocles, Shakespeare, etc –Thomas Hardy for one. He was a prolific and excellent writer, publishing fourteen novels and four volumes of short stories. His works were noted for the intense tragic spirit and sense of fortune, from which we can feel the atmosphere of tragedy brought by fortune deeply.“Tess of the D’urbervilles” is one of the Hardy’s tragedies, a masterpiece which brought him into a number of literary critics notice. It reflected the writer’s real society and its social system and morals; therefore studying this novel can help us to know about the history of his age. But many papers showed that most of critics used to research the writing background from the tragedy of Tess. Many scholars have always put emphasis on the tragedy of Tess for a long time. Only a few scholars made researches for the tragedy of its hero Angel Clare. He was a contradictory unity –he was bold in struggling with the traditional view but in the meantime he could not break the shackles of feudal ideas. This paper will see the society from this perspective –Angel Clare, the hero’s tragedy and discuss the causes of Clare’s tragedy from his social background and psychology.Chapter2 A brief account of Tess of The D’urbervillesIt seems that the fictional works do not concern with the real world. But we know that before the writers begin to create their works, it can be said that their social experience may be their primary material for creation. Some writers created the roles and environments in order to revolt against the worldly prejudice of their ages. These kinds of words are expected to tell people the truth of a society. In many cases, the social background of thenovel is the writer’s background. Before analyzing the roots of Clare’s tragedy, this paper will discuss two aspects of this no vel, namely “the writing background” and “the writer and his works” from which we can see the background of this novel.2.1 The writing backgroundThomas Hardy was the last important novelist of the Victoria ages. The Victorian age was an age of realism rather than of romanticism –a realism which strives to tell the whole truth showing moral and physical diseases as they are. Victorian literature, in general, truthfully represented the reality and spirit of this age which was the great age of the English novel—realistic, thickly plotted, crowded with characters, and long. Hardy, who also shown the truth of this age had a high place in Western literature which came from the agitation of life and fatalism of human being. His tragedies in the history of Western literature were no an accident for the tragedy consciousness. Hardy’s tragic novels has sprung from and developed this tragic idea in form and connotation. The tragedy consciousness in Hardy’s novels originated from Western traditional tragic spirit which was full of rationalism and profound reflection on the contradictions of human society. And it also revealed an ineluctable and inevitable conditionality of fate. That is to say, the heroes or heroines would slip into the tragic path of life in the end in Western literature no matter whether they liked or not, or where they hided. Tragedy was their final arrangement.Thomas Hardy studied Greek tragedies and Shakespearean tragedies all his life. And he was deeply influenced by Schopenhauer’s tragedy cons ciousness. Schopenhauer was a famous philosopher who believed that life was a tragedy –life wasfilled with desire. If a person had a desire but could not gain his desires, he would feel painful; however, when he could gain his desires, he would become insipid. This was another torment. Schopenhauer grouped tragedy into three types: the tragedy caused by those who committed heinous crimes, the tragedy led by the irony of fate and the tragedy caused by misunderstanding and distrust between persons in everyday life. In his opinion, the last tragedy was the most terrible one which we can see in Hardy’s works. Hardy began to creating the novels in the early 1870s. In the late 1890s, he turned to write poetry. The Britain in this period was undergoing a transition period from laisser-faire capitalism to imperialism. The capitalism thought that the social system of this periodcould not be changed. But Hardy’s works exactly clashed with it, which reflected the tremendous changes of society due to the invasion of industrial capital to the village. With one remark he had ripped away the mask of British society.2.2 The writer Thomas Hardy and his workLiterature is reflection of life. Almost all writers created their novels according to his social background. We can see many literary works written on the basis of their ages. They wanted to bring out the social facts by their works. It should be such a free way that they could rebuke the dark society. People can feel the society of the writers from their works and then identified with the writers. The writers hoped that they could let the people know the dark aspects of the government and then fine an echo from them by their works. To some extent, a novel should be a history. From the introduction of Thomas Hardy and the main content of Tess of The D’urbervilles must be helpful to show us the background of Clare’s tragedy.2.1.1 About the writer –Thomas HardyThomas Hardy (1840~1928), born in 1840 near Dorchester, was a famous British poet and novelist. He carried forward and developed the literary traditions of the Victorian age. He vividly and truthfully described the tragic plots in his works. The critics of literature called him “Shakespeare of British novels”. Hardy was born into an architect’s family and was expected to become an architect. He trained as an architect and worked in London and Dorset for ten years. Hardy began his writing career as a novelist, publishing Desperate Remedies in 1871, and was soon successful enough to leave the field of architecture for writing.Hardy was pessimistic in his view of life. The dominant theme of his novels is the futility of man’s effort to struggle against cruel and unintelligible fate, chance, and circumstances, which are all predestined by the Immanent Will. He bravely challenged many of the sexual and religious conventions of the Victorian age. And he exposed the hypocritical morals, laws and religions of capital. Hardy’s works reflected the tremendous changes and people’s miserable lives especially the women’s lives in soc ial economic, politics, morals, custom, etc after the invasion of industrial capital to the British villages. Moreover, where we see Hardy's real mastery is the difference in the language of people from the social classes (e.g. the Clare’s in contrast with the farm workers’). He was good at viewing life with a tragic light. “Tess of The D’urbervilles” was his masterpiece which was noted by lots of critics of different periods.2.1.2 The main content of Tess of The D’urbervillesTess of The D’urbervilles cam e into conflict with Victorian morality. In this novel, Hardy reaches the height of his achievement as a novelist. Like most other Hardy novels, rural lifeis a prominent issue in the story. And the issue of fate versus freedom of action is another important aspect of this novel. It tells of that a village girl called Tess who was a beautiful, pure, plain, honest, assiduous and clever went through a miserable life. She was born in a poor family and lived in a peculiar society. The son of the D’urbervilles A lec raped her and she was pregnant. She fell in love with Angel Clare before long. Clare loved her very much and longed to marry her but she delayed to answer this offer of marriage just because she did not know how to tell the truth of being raped. Despite this, at last this kindhearted and sincere girl decided to tell him this bad thing. However, when Tess told him the truth that she was raped by a knave Alec, he could not forgive her for having another man’s child even tho ugh she forgave him everything. Angel Clare became very angry and abandons Tess. One day she found Alec became a minister. After her father’s death unexpectedly, Tess had the burden of the family welfare on her shoulders, and they were shortly thereafter evicted from their cottage. She believes deep down that Angel had abandoned her, and Alec said it as well, and Tess knew her family would do well by Alec’s wealth and property. But to her surprised, Angel returns from Brazil, repenting his harshness, but found her living with Alec. Tess kills Alec in desperation, she was arrested and hanged. She makes him promise to marry her sister, Liza Lu, after her death, which he agrees to do.In Tess of the d'Urbervilles, Thomas Hardy has directly satirized nature. This novel revealed the tragedy of common people’s destiny and flayed hypocritical gentlemen and morals. In this novel, Hardy demonstrated his deep sense of moral sympathy for England's lower classes, particularly for women. Hesucceeded in portraying an artistic image –a village girl with kindness, tenderness and amorousness. The novel, which indicated the tendency of anti-religious sentiments, against feudal morality and the laws of capitalists, was warmly received by the reading public though British upper class was bitter against it.Ch apter3 The origins of Angel Clare’s tragedyTragedy can also be a vision of life, which is shared by most Western cultures and having its roots. The essence of tragedy is almost the same thought different writers create the stories from different points of view and with different techniques. A number of critics had many kinds of interpretations for Angel Clare’s tragedy in Tess of The D’urbervilles. They analyzed his complicated character from different perspectives. This paper will explain his tragedy as the following aspects:3.1 Social rootsHere social roots refer mainly to the social conventions and moral standards which led to Clare’s tragedy. Clare lived in such conditions which the masculine authority played an important role in traditional society. Angel Clare was one of the victims of this society. At that age, women were regarded as being subordinate in the household. The chastity for them is the most important thing. The traditional view on chastity considered a woman’s chastity as the prerogative of her husband. If the women lost her virtue, she must be immoral. On the one hand the male made the moral standards for the female, demanding of the female to be pure and virginal; on the other hand, the male indulged himself in sexual matters. They demanded that the most magnanimous act the female had should be chastity; nevertheless, those who broke the women’s chastity were themales themselves. That is to say, only the males in that society were right. The female could say nothing for his wrong. So Tess asking Clare “Forgive me as you are forgiven! I forgive you. Angel” (Hardy, 1993) would become the impossibility.Under such circumstances, after Tess lost her virginity, she should be Alec’s concubine or make their relationship legalized according to the social bad habits of the time. But T ess, who pursued her innocent love, had rather be “a lady of easy virtue”. In the literature, there was a set form for the images of women, namely, women should be beautiful and virtuous, gentle and biddable, and should cleave to his husband and families. All these sets are related to the real society. Traditionally, a woman must obey her husband like his wretched slave. The description about this age given by Hardy was just the society whose “social morals” had manifested mainly in “chastity” that centered on men. Even if a man of that age was bold in challenging the old system, it was impossible for him to abandon the social morals. In addition, a large part of people around him were still controlled by feudal ideas, so the social roots should be the direct cause of Clare’s tragedy.3.2 Psychological rootsA person’s way of seeing things plays an important role all his life. Hardy naming his hero “Angel” might have his own intent. We know that Angel should be pure; however, from the development of the plot, we can not see “pure” from Angel Clare. Angel Clare was born in a rich pastoral family, but he was unwilling to obey his father and brothers. He did not abide by the old custom and etiquette, and gave a damn for the superior of material things such as wealth and position. He was born andbred the religion. But he thought that he could not honestly be ordained a minister as his brothers were. He took up a disdainful position on the social customs and found the value of working people. He abandoned the chance of studying in university and went to the countryside and to study the agricultural skills. This is sufficient to show that he was bold in struggling with the traditional view and tried to show off the shackles of the class. At the newly-married night, Tess decided to tell him her “guilt” in detail. Angel fell out with Tess and then went to Brazil alone though he had lived a loose life with a woman who was not acquainted with him. He could not forgive Tess her “guilt”. The so-called “pure” in his mind was so ingrained that he could not accept Tess’s past. He considers her as a "fallen women".Clare was also such a man with a ridiculous point that a man could have affair with many girls but a girl must keep to be a virgin before she become a bride. It showed his cowardice in his character. Tess trusted him and made a decision to confide her secret to him. But on the night of their wedding, when Clare learned that Tess was not a virgin and had had a bastard, the original perfect image was suddenly broken by the sad facts. Apparently he said he was deeply attached to Tess, but actually he could not face the truth with courage. He just loved Tess’s pleasing appearance rather than any other things of her. Angel Clare was more or less an open-minded bourgeois intellectual. In love, although he was not as despicable as Alec, he was devoid of selfless and sincere feeling as Tess did. Clare loved Tess just because of her beauty. And she could become his right hand in the futur e.He told Tess: “I repeat, the woman I have been loving is not you. Another woman in your shape.”(Hardy, 1993) Hecould not believe this bad truthe and said “Tess! Say it is not true! No, it is not true!” It is clear that he took a deadly knock psychologi cally. Clare’s character determined his tragedy –he could not accept her past.It is clear that the seeds of tragedy are sown when all the rigid rule of his forebear and the unfair social systems firmly laid hold of Angel Clare, who had preached the liberation of mankind no longer exists. When Clare finally realized the immensity of Tess’s love and the piteous plight it had brought upon her, everything was too late. He could not completely get rid of social conventions and moral standards. Tess would go away forever. It was Clare’s tragedy –the social system and morality and his character decided that it could be inevitable.Chapter4 ConclusionLiterature has come very close to daily life, reflecting its practical problems and interests and is used as a powerful instrument of human progress. Literature originates from life and then reforms life. They can make you subconsciously and deeply believe that all the things they described really happened. After you finish reading, the characters that it depicted will appear vividly in front of you. They are true to life—— you can see their faces and feel their sound, pace and thoughts. With the excellent literary works, we can feel the history vividly. As an important part of literature, tragedy has showed its artistic attraction. The reason why a great number of readers tend to be affected by the plots of tragedies is that some of them had the same or similar experience with the characters in the novels.The western tragedies put emphasis on the soul-stirring spirit from the fear. The strong tragedies can touch the heart ofthe readers. The modern western tragedies represented the life style of modern westerners. They have some characteristics of modern lives and consciousness. Studying on the masterpieces of an age can help a lot for studying its history. Thomas Hardy was born in Victorian age. The novel in this age became the most widely read, the most vital and challenging expression of progressive thought. Although writing from different points of view and with different techniques, the writers of this age shared one thing in common, that is, they were all concerned about the fate of the common people. In Hardy’s works, man is also shown inevitably bound by his own inherent nature and hereditary characteristics which prompt him to go and search for some specific happiness or success and set him in conflict with the environment. He vividly portrayed different characters of tragedy. Tess of the D’urbervilles was one of his masterpieces. The conflicts between the traditional and the modern, between the old rural value of respectability and honesty can be clearly seen in this novel and it is not difficult to see the roots of this tragedy either from Tess or C lare. This paper analyzed Clare’s tragedy and described the roots of tragedy in this process. A wonderful description is just a part of a novel, but only those things which can strike deep into the minds of the people will be remembered by them. From the tragedy of Angel Clare, we can see the dark of a society again.Bibliography:[1] Abcarian, Richard. Marvin Klotz: Literature—The Human Experience[M]. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000[2] Force, Lorrain.M. Cliffs Notes on Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles[M]. Washington University, 1996.[3] Hardy, Thomas. Tess of the D'Urbervilles[M]. ForeignLanguage Press ,1993.[4] Robert Ackerman. Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D'Urbervilles[M]. Beijing: Simon&Schuster Press and Beijing Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1996[5] 马新国主编,2002,西方文论史[M],北京:高等教育出版社[6] 颜学军,论哈代悲剧小说的现代主题[J],四川外语学院学报,2001(3)[7] 张谷若译本,1990,德伯家的苔丝[M],北京:人民文学出版社[8] 朱立元,1997,当代西方文艺理论[M],上海:华东师大出版社apa格式英文论文范文篇二On Thomas Hardy’s Religious Sense in His Works小议托马斯•哈代作品中体现的宗教观念Abstract: Religion has a profound influence on the works of European and American writers. .From a series works of Thomas Hardy, clearly we can see the influence of The Bible on him .Nevertheless, though Hardy failed to eliminate the limitation of Tragic predestination and religious tradition , By the case study analyzing on the works of Thomas Hardy ,this paper makes an research on the distinguished religious sense of Thomas Hardy as well as its cause of formation.内容摘要:宗教对欧美作家的文学作品有着深远的影响。



英文科研论文写作简介1. 引言英文论文写作的前提是有创新研究成果,创新研究成果的关键是选题。

“An acceptable primary scientific publication” must be “the first disclosure”.科研论文写作常出现的一个误区是:以为好论文是“写”出来的,只要会写,论文总能被接受发表。






The goal of scientific research is publication. Scientists, starting as graduate students, are measured primarily not by their dexterity in laboratory manipulations, not by their innate knowledge of either broad or narrow scientific subjects, and certainly not by their wit or charm; they are measured, and become known (or remain unknown) by their publications.A scientific experiment, no matter how spectacular the results, is not completed until the results are published.Thus, the scientists must not only “do” the science but must “write” science. Bad writing can and often does prevent or delay the publication of good science.2.科研论文的一般格式。



英语写作与学术研究方法The field of English Writing and Academic Research Methods is of great importance in fostering effective communication and conducting scholarly investigations. In this article, we will explore various aspects of this discipline and discuss the methods that can enhance English writing and academic research.1. IntroductionWriting in English is a fundamental skill required for academic and professional success. Besides, understanding how to conduct reliable and rigorous research is crucial for scholars in various disciplines. Therefore, mastering both English writing and academic research methods is essential for anyone aiming to excel in their academic pursuits.2. Developing English Writing Skills2.1. Grammar and VocabularyA strong command of grammar and vocabulary is essential for effective English writing. Practicing grammar exercises and expanding one's vocabulary through reading and vocabulary-building activities can significantly enhance writing skills.2.2. Organization and StructureWell-structured and organized writing is crucial to convey ideas clearly. Using appropriate paragraph structures and adopting a logical flow of ideas can greatly improve the overall coherence of the text.2.3. Clarity and ConcisenessClear and concise writing helps readers understand the intended message without confusion. Avoiding excessive wordiness and using simple, straightforward language aid in achieving clarity and conciseness in writing.2.4. Proofreading and EditingThorough proofreading and editing are vital to eliminate errors and improve the overall quality of the written work. Reviewing the text for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors ensures the final piece is polished and professional.3. Academic Research Methods3.1. Conducting Literature ReviewsA literature review involves an in-depth analysis of existing scholarly works related to a specific research topic. It helps identifygaps in the existing literature and provides a foundation for the researcher's own study.3.2. Formulating Research QuestionsTo conduct effective research, formulating clear and focused research questions is crucial. Research questions guide the entire study, and they should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).3.3. Collecting and Analyzing DataData collection methods depend on the nature of the research. Surveys, interviews, observations, and experiments are common ways to gather data. Once collected, the data must be analyzed using appropriate statistical or qualitative analysis techniques.3.4. Writing Research PapersWriting a research paper involves organizing and presenting the research findings in a structured and coherent manner. The paper should include an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion sections. Adhering to proper citation and referencing styles is essential to give credit to the original sources.4. ConclusionMastering English writing and academic research methods is crucial for anyone pursuing academic or professional goals. By developing strong writing skills and adopting rigorous research methods, individuals can effectively communicate their ideas and contribute to their respective fields of study. Continuous practice, combined with a commitment to learning, will undoubtedly lead to success in English writing and academic research.。






















Fundamentals of Scientific and Technological Paper Writing
A brief summary of the main points and findings of the paper.
ckground, objectives, and significance of the research.
Provides a list of citations for the sources used in the paper.
Clear language
Use simple, concise language to communicate ideas effectively.
Strive for clarity and precision in language usage.
APA (American Psychological Association)
Style guide for in-text citations and reference list.
MLA (Modern Language Association)
Details the experimental design, procedures, and data collection methods.
Presents the findings in a clear and organized manner.
Presents the experimental results, including measurements of entanglement parameters and their statistical analysis.





如何写好Method 部分?一般说来这部分要包括:背景介绍(Context):改研究是在什么背景环境下进行的,如什么学校,哪门课,课的大体结构等;研究对象: 谁参加这个研究或数据的采集,不是说研究人员,而是说用户对象,如你的研究是设计一门网络课程,那么网络课程的用户是谁,如果是学生,那个学生就是研究对象,因为我们要看学生对这门课是否满意等。



面谈的话,面谈的题目是什么,面谈的题目是预订的(structured)还是根据面谈的进展调整的(semi- structured).面谈的过程是否录制下来等数据分析(Data Analysis):收集的定量数据是如何分析的,用SPSS还是NVivio,是只分析了mean, SD, 还是one-sample t-test, ANOVA? 定性数据是用的内容分析(Content Analysis)还是 Discourse Analysis?如何保证内容分析过程的公正,如是否采用inter-rater Reliability Test等。

具体的结果不在这部分里呈现,而是在Results 或Fingdings 部分给出。




Final Paper学期论文邯郸学院外国语学院School of Foreign Languages of Handan College 论文题目:论《他是否在人间》的主题Title:On the Themes of Mark Twain’s is He Living or Is He Dead?专业:英语指导教师:刘洋班级:2008级英语本科(3)班学号:014001083039姓名:蔡立娜日期:2011年12 月11 日On the Themes of Mark T wain’s is He Living or Is He Dead?摘要:马克.吐温的著名短篇小说《他是否在人间》主要包含了几个明显的主题:富人的冷漠与浮华,牺牲与补偿,媒体宣传的重要性,整篇故事都是围绕着这几个主题发展下去。


Abstract: One of Mark Twain’s most famous short stories Is He Still Living or Is He Dead contains many themes: such as the coldness and ostentatiousness, sacrifice and compensatory, and the importance of media. The whole story develops around these themes, which are the clues of the short story, showing mark twain’s writing style: hummus and satirical.Key words: is he living or is he dead, themes,satiricalI Introduce:Is he living or is he dead is an important short story written by American writer Mark Twain. The story is short but pithy, hummus, and satirical. Even though it was written more than 100 years ago, during the one hundred years, few people have studies it in the field of literature. One scholar has analyze miller’s life, and he think Millet’s fame are mainly made by medium.” pretending dead” brings him world reputation, but the dead miller can not enjoy the fame open and aboveboard, instead, he lives a lonely life. The author will try to expound this work through the three themes.II the themes in this story2.1 The coldness and ostentatiousness of the richMark Twain satirizes people in high class and the rich in most of his works. And this theme has also been expressed in his is he living or is he dead.At the beginning of the story, the writer tells us something he has experienced in the Riviera.’’ At this retired spot one has all the advantages, privately, which are to be had publicly at Monte Carlo and Nice, a few miles farther along. That is to say, one has the flooding sunshine, the balmy air and the brilliant blue sea, without the marring additions of human pow-wow and fuss and feathers and display. Mentone is quiet, simple, restful, and unpretentious; the rich and the gaudy do not come there.”Obviously, by these description, we can know that the writer stand against the ostentatious bourgeoisie. He looks down upon their vainglory life style, from these sentences and vocabulary, Mark Twain shows his satirical and ridicule attitude to the ostentatiousrich.In the ninth paragraph, by the mouth of Smith, the writer introduce us a philosophic story, which is written by Hans Andersen. It is a beautiful little story. Part of it is like this: A child has a caged bird, which it loves but thoughtlessly neglects. The bird pours out its song unheard and unheeded; but, in time, hunger and thirst assail the creature, and its song grows plaintive and feeble and finally ceases--the bird dies. The child comes, and is smitten to the heart with remorse: then, with bitter tears and lamentations, it calls its mates, and they bury the bird with elaborate pomp and the tender grief, without knowing, poor things, that it isn't children only who starve poets to death and then spend enough on their funerals and monuments to have kept them alive and made them easy and comfortable. The funeral holds for the birds show the sympathy of the children to the birds, but what is more important they are showing their possession Now, let us come to the four young painters, from their experience, we can see the coldness of the rich. Their works are perfect, and if they are not better than the famous artist, they are as good as them. However, there is no one who would like to buy their works even at a low price. But what is an irony is when Carl said proudly:’” I suppose you recognize that? Well, he taught me! I should think I ought to know my trade!” The man looked guiltily embarrassed, and was silent. I said sorrowfully:” You don't mean to intimate that you don't know the cipher of Francois Mill et!” Of course he didn't know that cipher; but he was the grate fullest man you ever saw, just the same, for being let out of an uncomfortable place on such easy terms. He said:” No! Why, it is Millet's, sure enough! I don't know what I could have been thinking of. Of course I recognize it now." we can see Carl use a proper sell method, and he know the human weakness of the rich, because they are always pretend that they are jack of all trades, but they are cheating themselves. These behaviors let their ugly face off.2.2 sacrifice and compensatory in lifeSacrifice and compensatory, this theme often appears in bible and Greek stories, in is he living or is he dead, the writer use this theme again.At the beginning, the bird died off hungry, but later its death draw the children’s attention and makes the children fell regret. This story pulls the way for the story of the four young painters.Carl, Claude Frere, Smith and miller are all artist with great talent, but it is a pity that they are all nobody. If there is still no one buy their works, they will be poor forever, and they will be facedthe fact that they will die off hungry. At this moment, how to survive became the most important problem they should overcome. After analyzing the famous artists’ li ves, Carl concluded a principle that all of them became famous after death. And what is satirical that they are poor when they were alive. Carl thought out a good method: he said “Yes, one of us must die, to save the others and himself. We will cast lots. The one chosen shall be illustrious; all of us shall be rich. Hold still, now--hold still; doesn’t interrupt--I tell you I know what I am talking about. Here is the idea.’’Finally, they sold the pictures and Millet become famous all around the world. They became rich, but all of these successes are based on the fact that Miller is “dead”, and he can only profit from his works as another name. But how can a person be happy if he can not live with his real name? The other three friends sacrifice their chance to be famous and their gift in drawing even though they live comfortable lives by Millet’s fame and precious picture and they needn’t pretend to be dead.2.3 The importance of mediaThere is no doubt that a good fame can bring huge wealth and profit. This piece of principle cannot be more proper for artist. Suffered by hunger and poverty, the four understand an important point: if one of them cannot be famous in the field of artist, they will not sell any picture even if they draw best.Carl deeply knows that our fame can be made except waiting for becoming famous after death. Therefore, each of them carried a dozen of Millet's small pictures, purposing to market them. Carl struck for Paris, where he would start the work of building up Millet's name against the coming great day. Claude and Smith were to separate, and scatter abroad over France. At first Carl draw pictures out of a rich man’s villa, and showed the man Millet’s works. The ostentatious rich man was not willing to admit his ignorance, so he bought one picture at a high price in order to show his appreciation ability. Later Carl sold one picture per day, and told others “I am a fool to sell a picture of Francois Millet's at all, for that man is not going to live three months, and when he dies his pictures can't be had for love or money."They also introduce miller by using the media efficiently: 'Every now and then we got in with a country editor and started an item around through the press; not an item announcing that a new painter had been discovered, but an item which let on that everybody knew Francois Millet”. Carlwas soon in Paris and he worked things with a high hand. He made friends with the correspondents, and got Millet's condition reported to England and all over the continent, and America, and everywhere. They did not sell any work of millet to make people believe that millet will soon pass away. Later, they announce the news that Millet was dead by media and hold a funeral. Millet’s works become precious things because of his death and fame.From their success we can conclude that fame is the most important thing to an artist, and this kind of fame cannot be separated with the advertisement of media. Carl knew this best, so he put up the plan and made it come true. From then on, their lives have been changed.III conclusionAs an outstanding work of mark twain,”is he living or is he dead? “It makes us to think about the coldness, ostentatiousness in the society. Why talented artist like millet live a dog’s life, but become famous overnight? The four artists’ experience shows a fact: we must sacrifice something if we want to survive in the cold and ostentatious society. No pains, no gains. What is important, we should build our fame by media even that we are talented drawer. Only by this way can we successed.IV Bibliography吕秀梅.《他是否在人间》的多重主题解读.文化纵横[J]2011(10)朱树飏.马克.吐温名作欣赏[M]北京:中国和平出版社,1995.薛梅,王杏娟,简海红,刘海平.英美小说选读[M]长春:吉林人民出版社,2008.。

20-21版:Writing—An opinion essay about the scientif

20-21版:Writing—An opinion essay about the scientif

8.He/She was highly thought of by many people. 9.He/She will live in the hearts of us forever. 10.He/She devotes himself/herself to achieving his/her life goal.
From the story we can see that to be a great scientist,you not only need a clever mind,but also you should pay full attention to what you are doing.If you want to achieve something,focus on it and be determined until you have made it.
2.语言特征 (1)遵循真实性原则,进行客观描述。 (2)简明扼要、目的明确、具有合理性和说服力。 3.在写作过程中要注意人称的变化和时态的正确运用。描写人物的外貌、 性格、兴趣等常用一般现在时,而描写人物的出生地和出生日期、教育背 景、经历、事迹等常用一般过orn in China on Nov.13,1968. 2.He/She was a great man with the name of... 3.He/She was born into a poor family. 4.He/She studied at a local high school and graduated from Beijing University. 5.He/She is such a learned/strong-willed person that we all admire/respect him/her. 6.He/She devoted all his/her life to the work. 7.He/She made great contributions to our country.
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❖ We learn about books and literature; we enjoy the comedies and the tragedies of poems, stories, and plays; and we may even grow and evolve through our literary journey with books.
What is novel ?
❖ Novel is a fictional piece of prose usually written in a narrative style. Novels tell stories, which are typically defined as a series of events described in a sequence.
科研方法与论文写作--英美文学(英文 版)
Why do we study literature?
❖ Literature represents a language or a people: culture and tradition. But, literature is more important than just a historical or cultural artifact. Literature introduces us to new worlds of experience.
❖ Effects of Setting- Creates atmosphere, gives insight
to characters, and provides connections to other aspects of the story.
Example of Setting
Jane Eyre
☆ Setting (time) - Early decades of the 19th century. ☆ Setting (place) - The novel is structured around five
separate locations, all supposedly in northern England: 1. The Reed family's home at Gateshead, 2. The wretched Lowood School, 3. Rochester's manor house Thornfield, 4. The Rivers family's home at Moor House, 5. Rochester's rural retreat at Ferndean.
❖ Character refers to one of the persons in the story– the end result of the author’s effort to create a fictioSimply speaking, plot is the arrangement of the events or actions in a story into a causal relationship.
❖ “The king died and then the queen died.” ❖ In Aspects of the Novel, E.M Foster defined a
How do we interpret and evaluate literature?
❖ we may discover meaning in literature by looking at what the author says and how he/she says it. We may interpret the author's message.
story as a narrative of events arranged in their time sequence. (A plot is also a narrative of events, the emphasis falling on causality. )
Character & Characterization
❖ The setting may be specific and detailed, and introduced at the very beginning of the novel, or it may be merely suggested through the use of details scattered throughout the novel.
❖ Formula: ❖ Patterns:
The Precritical Response
❖ Ⅰ. Setting ❖ Ⅱ. Plot ❖ Ⅲ. Character ❖ Ⅳ. Theme ❖ Ⅴ. Symbolism ❖ VI. Point of View
I. Setting
❖ Definition: Setting is the time and place in which the events of a narrative occur. The major elements of setting are the time, the place, and the social environment that frames the characters.
❖ In academic circles, this decoding of the text is often carried out through the use of literary theory, using a mythological, psychological, cultural, historical, or other approach.