




(每题2分,共22 分)1.新学期开学,学校门口停有自行车和三轮车共12辆,共有28个轮子,自行车有(______)辆,三轮车有(______)辆.2.按照“四舍五入”法,近似数为5.20的最小的三位小数是(________)。










二、仔细推敲,认真辨析(对的打“√ ” ,错的打“×” 。

每题 2 分,共 10 分)。








(共19题;共100分)1. (5分)描一描,写一写,并口头组词。

2. (7.0分) (2018二上·高阳期末) 看拼音,写词语,注意写规范。

天yīn________沉沉的,bàng wǎn________开shǐ________大xuě fēn fēi________,chuāng________外wū dǐng________都白了。

3. (1分)下列词语书写全部正确的一项是()A . 废寝忘食息息相关惟妙惟肖历历在目B . 专心致志孜孜不倦聚精会神面面具到C . 姹紫嫣红业经于勤郁郁匆匆异口同声4. (1分)给加横线的字注音。


A . huoB . héC . lèD . yuè5. (1分) (2020一下·龙岩期末) “B”的小写字母是()。

A . bB . pC . dD . q6. (1分)下列汉字韵母不相同的一项是()。

A . 藤朦鹏争B . 鸿憧宠棕C . 彰琅莽庞D . 鸣径信刑7. (2分) (2019三下·长春期中) 下列划线字词理解有误的一项是()A . 昼出耘田夜绩麻(白天)B . 最喜小儿无赖(不讲道理的人)C . 绿遍山原白满川(河流)8. (2分)《卧薪尝胆》这个故事出自于()A . 司马迁《史记》B . 司马光《资治通鉴》C . 孔子《论语》D . 司马迁《春秋》9. (2分)下列句子中关联词语使用错误的是第()个。

A . 每天上学,(不是)王洁来找我,(就是)我去找他,我俩总是结伴去学校。

B . (因为)王平和我同桌三年,(所以)我很了解他。

C . (尽管)我做了充分准备,这次试验(还)是没有成功。

D . (不但)困难再大,(而且)我们要按时完成任务。

10. (2分)“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”写的是()A . 四川峨眉山B . 安徽黄山C . 山东泰山D . 江西庐山11. (2分)选一选,填一填。


14 [A] [B] [C] [D] 19 [A] 15 [A] [B] [C] [D] 20 [A] 16 [A] [B] [C] [D] 21 [A] 17 [A] [B] [C] [D] 22 [A] 18 [A] [B] [C] [D] 23 [A]
[B] [C] [D] 24 [A] [B] [C] [D] 25 [A] [B] [C] [D] 26 [A] [B] [C] [D] 27 [A] [B] [C] [D] 28 [A]
第二部分【数学计算】(24 分)
第三部分(应用数学)(56 分)
1 [√] [×]
2 [√] [×]
[√] [×] [√] [×]
第二部分 计算 11、竖式计算(后一道题要验算)
5 [√] [×] 6 [√] [×]
沈阳市 2019—2020 学年度小学教育质量综合评价 数学
(考试时间 60 分钟,试卷满分 100 分) 注意事项: 1、答题前,考生须用黑色字迹签字笔在本试题卷规定位置填写自己的学校、姓名、考号; 2、考生需在答题卡上作答,不能在本试题卷上作答,答在本试题卷上无效。
第一部分【数学判断】(20 分)
7 [√] [×] 8 [√] [×]
9 [√] [×] 10 [√] [×]
(110+15)×(70-62) 100×12+1500÷5



2016-2017学年度沈阳市四年级教育质量综合评价数学(考试时间60分钟,试«満分100分)注意事项:1. 答题前,考生须用黑色字迹签字笔在本试题卷规定位置填写自己的学校、姓名、考号;2. 考生须在答題卡上作答,不能在本试题卷上作答,答在本试题卷上无效•第一部分【数学判断】(20分)1. 7900000000改写成以“亿”为单位的数是8亿. ()2. 射线只有一个端点.( )3・417÷4∏,商是两位数,□里的数取值范围是0~3∙ () 4. 5055005000 只读一个零.() 5. 324÷□ = Δ……12除数最小填13. 6. 7. O 既不是正数也不是负数. ()8•计算器上的数字键只有9个. ()9.个、十、百、千、万・・・・・•是数位.( )10. “十之八九”、“十拿九稳"都是表示可能性很大的成语•第二部分【数卅】(18分)4000 ÷÷8) ÷(125x8).)123x51=284 ÷ 28=】3・用简便方法计算.请写濟楚简算步驟(6分)172+54+46+28第三部分【数学应用】(62分)(U 下选择题的备选答案中.只有一个答案是正确的)【典运中的数学](13分)方明是个喜欢体育的孩子.里约奥运会结束后他针对这次奥运会中自己感兴趣的内 容进行了如下数据统计:14. 里约属热带海洋性气候・8月份的平均气温在19¾-26^t 日温差为A ・ 7七B ・ 17*C. 6*CD. 45cC15. 里约奥运会共有一万零五百名运动员参赛,写作A. 15000 名B ∙ 10500 名C ・ 100500 名D. J 0050 名16. 里约奥运会建设总计花费资金4580000000芙元.四舍五人到亿位约是A. 4亿莫元B. 45亿美元G 46亿美元D. 458亿关元17. 方明在网上了解到他喜欢的参赛运动员全民关注度:全民关注度排在第一位的是A.傅园慧B.孙杨C.张继科D.中国女排1458- (30+28) ∣ ÷20315-( ( 17+23) × 5]25× (40÷4)18. 中国奥运代表WI 乘坐波幵777的CA622航班凯旋•飞机的对部位泄如卜图 标注的J ⅛运动员宁泽涛的位Fh 用数对衣示是A. (27.F) B ・(2&D) C. (28t E) D. (E t 2«)19∙下表是孙杨一年内参加200米自由泳比赛赛审的成绩,成绩绘好的一次比赛是200米自由泳赛事时间 伦敦自由泳比赛 I 分44秒93美国游泳大奖赛 I 分44秒82 里约奥运比赛 I 分44秒65 全国游泳冠军赛1分45秒75 A.伦敦自由泳比赛 B.美国游泳大奖赛 C.里约奥运比赛D.全国游泳冠军赛【生活中的数学】(21分)同学们.生活中处处有数学,让我们在生活中发现数学.应用数学!20・12时半.钟面上时针和分针组成的角是A ・直角B.钝角C.平角D.锐角21・从沈阳到大连的路程约为400千米,一辆大客车的平均速度为每时80千米.如果大 客车8时出发,到达大连的时间为A ・M 时B ・】2时C ・13时D. 14时■ 22∙ 一台待机状态下的电视机一年约耗电49千瓦时,刘月家所在的小区有398个家庭.如果毎家一台电观机.那么整个小区一年因此产生的耗电Ii 约为A∙ 2000千瓦时 B. 20000千瓦时 C. 12000千瓦时 D. 1200千瓦时23∙学校进行跳绳达标测试.每分钟跳100下为达标•张丹跳IlQ 下记作J[0下”,那 么刘强跳95下.应该记作A- '95下 B.・95下 C.・5下 D ・∙5下IllHrtHHHHhHHHPHgU 一Byri Cn Mhd □Un MnOMUH noR3nπ BHd 9 IrTHn R 「「1 LxJ ∏∏ eHJ □ R □mm Un- ZrmnR □HHΠ8 UDHd S BEaB BS00L lHMM IrllM a n ・・・X7・・24・王酗从学校到体R∙场■平恥分疋70*.卜∙∣?发5仆麻她的位乩学核的体 "场的WtWMA- 350 米R. 700 来(:・1050 米 D. 1400* 25・学生证的编U为11位,编号规则如下爍校(4位)+人学年份(2位)+班级(2{i)+学0(2位)+性别(I位).张晓璐的学生匹。



2024-2025学年辽宁省沈阳市英语小学四年级上学期复习试卷与参考答案一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、What does Sarah want to drink?Context: In this conversation, Sarah and her friend Mike are at a café. Mike asks Sarah what she would like to drink.Dialogue:Mike: “Hey Sarah, what would you like to drink? We have tea, coffee, and juice.”Sarah: “I’m feeling a bit tired today. Give me something that will wake me up, please.”Answer: Coffee.Explanation: Sarah indicates that she feels tired and wants something to wake her up. Among the options mentioned (tea, coffee, and juice), coffee is known to have a stimulating effect due to its caffeine content, making it the most suitable choice for her request.2、Where did Tom go on his vacation?Context: Two friends, Tom and L isa, are talking about Tom’s recent vacation.Dialogue:Lisa: “So Tom, where did you go for your vacation?”Tom: “Oh, it was fantastic! I went to the beach and spent my days swimming andbuilding sandcastles.”Answer: The beach.Explanation: When asked about his vacation destination, Tom mentions that he went to the beach where he enjoyed swimming and building sandcastles, indicating clearly that his vacation was spent at the beach.Above are the first two questions for the listening section of an English test tailored for fourth-grade elementary school students. Given the nature of the request, there was no need for code execution. Here’s the recap of the created content: Listening SectionInstructions:* Listen to the dialogues/conversations carefully and choose the best answer to each question you hear. Each dialogue/conversation and question will be spoken only once.1、What does Sarah want to drink?Context: In this conversation, Sarah and her friend Mike are at a café. Mike asks Sarah what she would like to drink.Dialogue:Mike: “Hey Sarah, what would you like to drink? We have tea, coffee, and juice.”Sarah: “I’m feeling a bit tired today. Give me something that will wake me up, please.”Answer: Coffee.Explanation: Sarah indicates that she feels tired and wants something towake her up. Among the options mentioned (tea, coffee, and juice), coffee is known to have a stimulating effect due to its caffeine content, making it the most suitable choice for her request.2、Where did Tom go on his vacation?Conte xt: Two friends, Tom and Lisa, are talking about Tom’s recent vacation.Dialogue:Lisa: “So Tom, where did you go for your vacation?”Tom: “Oh, it was fantastic! I went to the beach and spent my days swimming and building sandcastles.”Answer: The beach.Explanation: When asked about his vacation destination, Tom mentions that he went to the beach where he enjoyed swimming and building sandcastles, indicating clearly that his vacation was spent at the beach.3、What are the two animals that the boy mentions he saw at the zoo?A. A lion and a giraffe.B. A panda and a turtle.C. A monkey and a fish.Answer: BExplanation: The boy mentions, “I saw a cute panda and a slow turtle at the zoo today.” This indicates the correct answer is option B.4、Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct response for the question “How is the weather today?”A. It’s sunny and warm.B. It’s windy and cool.C. It’s rainy and cold.Answer: AExplanation: The speaker says, “The weather is perfect today. It’s sunny and warm.” This matches option A, making it the correct answer.5、Listen to the conversation between two friends talking about their weekend plans. Choose who is going to the movies.Question: Who is going to the movies this weekend?A. SamB. JaneC. Both Sam and JaneCorrect Answer: B. JaneExplanation: In the conversation, Sam mentioned that he had already seen the movie they were discussing and suggested Jane go instead since it was her favorite genre.6、Listen to a short passage about a day at the zoo. Answer the following question based on what you hear.Question: What animal did the children see first when they arrived at the zoo?A. ElephantsB. LionsC. MonkeysCorrect Answer: C. MonkeysExplanation: The passage described how excited the children were to see the monkeys first thing in the morning because they were very active and entertaining.7.Listen to the conversation between two friends, and choose the correct answer.A. They are at the park.B. They are in a library.C. They are at the beach.Answer: AExplanation: In the conversation, one of the friends mentions “the swings and slides,” which are typically found in a park. Therefore, the correct answer is A.8.Listen to the dialogue between a teacher and a student, and answer the question.Question: What subject is the student interested in?A. ScienceB. MathematicsC. HistoryAnswer: AExplanation: The student says, “I love experiments and learning aboutanimals,” which suggests a strong interest in science. Hence, the correct answer is A. Science.9、What is Sarah doing after school?•[] A. She is going to the library.•☒ B. She is playing soccer.•[] C. She is reading a book.Answer: B. She is playing soccer.Explanation: In the dialogue, Sarah tells her friend that she has soccer practice right after school today.10、Where did Tom find his lost keys?•[] A. Under the sofa.•☒ B. In the kitchen.•[] C. On the table.Answer: B. In the kitchen.Explanation: During the conversation, Tom mentions that he finally found his lost keys on the countertop in the kitchen this morning.11.What are the two animals that the little girl is looking after in the story?A. A cat and a dog.B. A rabbit and a turtle.C. A chicken and a fish.Answer: AExplanation: In the story, the little girl mentions that she is taking care ofher cat and her dog, so the correct answer is “A cat and a dog.”12.How many apples does the boy have after selling some at the school fair?A. 10 apples.B. 5 apples.C. 2 apples.Answer: CExplanation: The boy had 10 apples. He sold 8 apples at the school fair, so he has 10 - 8 = 2 apples left. Therefore, the correct answer is “2 apples.”二、选择题(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Choose the correct form of the verb to fill in the blank:The cat_______on the roof.A) sitB) sitsC) sittingD) satAnswer: B) sitsExplanation: The sentence requires a simple present tense verb form because it describes a habitual action. The subject “the cat” is singular, so we use “sits” instead of “sit.” The option “sitting” is incorrect as it’s the present participle, and “sat” is th e past tense.2、Select the correctly punctuated sentence:A) We went to the zoo, and saw many animals.B) We went to the zoo and saw many animals.C) We went to the zoo, and, saw many animals.D) We went to the zoo and, saw many animals.Answer: A) We went to the zoo, and saw many animals.Explanation: When you have two independent clauses joined by a conjunction (such as “and”), you should separate them with a comma. However, if the conjunction joins the last two items in a list, no comma is needed before it (unless the items themselves contain commas). In this case, “We went to the zoo” and “saw many animals” are separate actions that need to be distinguished with a comma and the conjunction “and.”Note: There’s a slight pedagogical nuanc e here; some style guides would consider option B also correct in casual writing, but for teaching purposes, especially at an early age, using a comma before the conjunction in compound sentences can help clarify the separation between clauses.3.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.The cat is very __________, and it always keeps us company.A. silentB. loudC. politeD. cleverAnswer: B. loudExplanation: The word “loud” fits in the context of the sentence as it implies the cat makes a lot of noise, which is opposite to being silent, polite, or clever.4.Select the correct verb form to fill in the blank.She__________(go) to the park with her friends every weekend.A. goesB. goingC. wentD. goneAnswer: A. goesExplanation: The correct form of the verb to use in the present simple tense is “goes.” This indicates a regular action that occurs every weekend. The other options do not fit the context of the sentence.5、Choose the correct form of the verb to fill in the blank:The cat_______on the roof.A. sitB. sitsC. sittingD. satAnswer: B. sitsExplanation:In this sentence, we use the simple present tense to describe a habitual action or a general truth. Since “cat” is a singular noun, the verbshould agree with it by taking the form “sits.”6、Complete the sentence with the correct preposition:Tom goes to school_______foot every day.A. byB. onC. withD. inAnswer: B. onExplanation:We use “on foot” as a set phrase to indicate that someone is walking. The other options do not fit correctly in this context.7、What is the capital city of France?A. LondonB. ParisC. RomeD. BerlinAnswer: BExplanation: Paris is the capital city of France. The other options are the capitals of the UK, Italy, and Germany respectively.8、Which of the following words is a homophone of “there”?A. TheirB. They’reC. ThereD. HereAnswer: BExplanation: “They’re” is a homophone of “there,” as both words are pronounced the same way but have different meanings and spellings. The other options are not homophones of “there.”9、Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:“By the time we arrived at the party, the cake________already ________.”A) has, eatenB) have, eatenC) had, been eatenD) was, eatenAnswer: C) had, been eatenExplanation: The sentence requires the past perfect tense because it describes an action that happened before another past event. Also, since the cake is the object being acted upon, we use the passive voice.10、Select the correct preposition to fill in the blank:“The book belongs________Sarah.”A) toB) forC) withD) byAnswer: A) toExplanation: The phrase “belong to” is used to indicate ownership or possession. The other prepositions do not fit grammatically or semantically in this context.11.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.The cat is sleeping in the_corner of the room.A. darkB. blackC. darknessAnswer: A. darkExplanation: The correct answer is “dark” because it is an adjective that describes the color of the corner. “Black” is also a color, but it doesn’t fit the context as well as “dark.” “Darkness” is a noun and would not be used in this way in the sentence.12.Select the sentence that is correctly punctuated.A. The boy, who is twelve years old, is playing soccer with his friends.B. The boy, is twelve years old, playing soccer with his friends.C. The boy, who is twelve years old, playing soccer with his friends.Answer: A. The boy, who is twelve years old, is playing soccer with his friends.Explanation: The correct answer is A because it uses commas to set off the non-restrictive relative clause (“who is twelve years old”) that provides additional information about the boy. In B and C, the commas are not placedcorrectly, which can cause confusion about the sentence structure.三、完型填空(10分)Directions: There are 5 blanks in the following passage. For each blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Please choose the best answer to complete the passage.My favorite animal is the 1 (1). When I was a little kid, I always wanted a pet. One day, my parents decided to buy me a 2 (2). At first, I was not sure what kind of pet to choose. Then, I saw a cute 3(3) at the pet store and I knew that was it!The 4(4) is very friendly and likes to play with me. We often go for walks in the park and I teach it many tricks. It is also very smart. Once, I left my phone on the 5 (5) and it found it for me!A. catB. dogC. fishD. birdAnswer: B. dog四、阅读理解(26分)Four, Reading ComprehensionReading Passages:Passage 1:One sunny morning, the students of Grade 4 were excited to go on a field trip to the local zoo. The teacher, Mrs. Green, had planned the trip to help the students learn more about different animals and their habitats. As theyentered the zoo, the students were eager to see their first animal, the lion.Mrs. Green led the group to the lion enclosure. The students gathered around, their eyes wide with wonder. The lion, with its golden fur and powerful stance, roared loudly, sending a shiver down the spines of the children.“The lion is a powerful and majestic animal,” Mrs.Green explained. “They are the king of the jungle and live in the savannas of Africa.”After observing the lion, the students moved on to the next enclosure, where they met a family of giraffes. The tallest of the group, a gentle giant named George, was the star of this enclosure. The students were fascinated by how the giraffes used their long necks to reach the highest branches of the trees.As the day went on, the students learned about many other animals, including zebras, hippos, and elephants. They were amazed by the variety and complexity of the animal kingdom.Questions:1.What was the purpose of the field trip to the zoo?a) To learn about the history of the zoo.b) To help the students learn more about different animals and their habitats.c) To have a picnic with the animals.d) To play hide and seek in the zoo.2.What animal was described a s the “king of the jungle”?a) The giraffeb) The lionc) The zebrad) The elephant3.What did the students learn about giraffes that impressed them?a) They are the smallest animals in the zoo.b) They have the longest necks of any animal.c) They are the most aggressive animals in the zoo.d) They can run the fastest among the animals.Answers:1.b) To help the students learn more about different animals and their habitats.2.b) The lion3.b) They have the longest necks of any animal.五、写作题(16分)Write a short story about a day when you had a particularly exciting experience. Include the following details in your story:1.The time and place of the event.2.The reason why you were excited.3.The people involved.4.The sequence of events.5.How you felt before, during, and after the event.Example:Title: The Day I Met My HeroLast summer, on a sunny Saturday afternoon, I had the most exciting day ofmy life. My family and I were visiting the local amusement park when I saw a sign that read, “Meet and Greet with Superhero Heroes!” My heart raced with excitement because my favorite superhero, Captain Marvel, was going to be there!I was with my parents and two younger siblings, and we immediately went to the designated area. As we waited in line, I could feel my excitement building up. The anticipation was almost unbearable!Finally, it was our turn. Captain Marvel, a tall, muscular man with a shiny red suit, walked over to us. He smiled warmly at me and asked my name. I stammered, “I… I’m Alex!” He chuckled and said, “Nice to meet you, Alex. I’m Captain Marvel.” I was starstruck and couldn’t help but blush.Captain Marvel then spent some time talking to us, answering questions about his adventures and giving us tips on how to stay safe. He even took a group photo with us! I felt like the luckiest person in the world.Before we left, he signed a Captain Marvel action figure for me and encouraged me to dream big. As we walked back to the park entrance, I couldn’t stop smiling. I felt a sense of pride and happiness that I knew I would cherish forever.Analysis:This example effectively follows the structure outlined in the prompt. The writer begins by setting the scene with the time and place of the event – a sunny Saturday afternoon at the local amusement park. The excitement is immediately established through the mention of a special “Meet and Greet”event featuring Captain Marvel.The writer then introduces the characters involved: themselves, their family, and Captain Marvel. The sequence of events is clearly described, starting with the initial excitement of seeing the sign and waiting in line, followed by the actual meeting with Captain Marvel, and finally the departure from the event.Throughout the story, the writer’s emotions are vividly portrayed. The excitement and anticipation build as they wait in line, reaching a peak during the encounter with Captain Marvel. The pride and happiness felt after the event are also clearly expressed, leaving the reader with a sense of joy and satisfaction.。





)1.下面句子中,加点字读音正确的一项是夏日炎炎,草木都低垂若头,小的热得吐出舌头不停地喘气C••A. CUl tθB. ChUi tuC. cυl tu D∙ ChUi tiι2.按照笔画笔顺书写汉字,既能减少写错字的可能,也能使书写更为美观。


B. “咸”字的第二笔是“横C. “辽”字应先写“1_”再写O T M O 1)・“瓶”字的最后一笔是“点”。



以下词语接龙,没有错别字的一项是••A.翻江倒海T海阔天空T空前觉后B.微不足到T到背如流T流光溢彩C.水泄不通T通情达理f理所当然1).倾而易举举一返三i三心二意5.最适合填入横线处的词语是站在我面前的是一个 ________ 的老人,很瘦,很黑.尖鼻子小眼睛,牙齿七零八落,一说话就漏风。

A・JI:貌不扬 B.风度翩翩C.安然无恙 D.眉清目秀6.填入下面句子中横线处的词语,最适合的一项是听了我的话,爸爸的做笑消失了,脸色变得_____ 起来,_____ 地对我说:“只有诚实,才能获得别人的信任!”爸爸对我的要求一向如此_______ 。

Λ.严肃严格严厉 B.严格严朮严历C.严厉严格严肃D.严肃严历严格7.填入下面句中横线处最适合的一项是__________ 是多么漂亮的格言,__ 是多么豪迈的警句,贴在墻上也好,写在妖上也罢,___________ 不用心去做,________ 是"飞机上装麦克风——空戒”。








(每题2分,共20分) 1.在括号里填上“<”“>”或“=”。

210×24(______)21×240 12-℃(______)7-℃ 48×101(______)48×100-48 2.从直线外一点到这条直线所画的________线段最短,它的长度叫作点到直线的________. 3.计算271×31时,可以先算27×(_____),再在积的末尾添上(_____)个1. 4.学校礼堂每排有32个座位,四年级共有179人,大约能坐(________)排。

5.在横线上填“>”“<”或“=”. ﹣2_____﹣3 ﹣9_____16.下面的数中,能读出两个零的数是(____),一个零都不读的数是(____) A .2003150 B .2030050 C .2031500 7.根据运算定律填写下面算式. 369+_____=567+_____(加法交换律)(a×_____)×_____=_____×(125×8)(乘法结合律) 56×_____+_____=(99+1)×56(乘法分配律) 8.在( )里填上合适的数。

6(_____)0000>63万 3(_____)5万<350万9.如图,七巧板其中3块可以拼成的平面图形是(________)。

(只写一个)10.强强3小时走了3千米,他每小时走_____千米,他走1千米要_____小时.二、选择题(每题2分,共10分)11.3只燕子一个星期吃924只害虫,这些燕子平均每天吃多少只?下面列式正确的是( )。



2024年辽宁省沈阳市数学小学四年级上学期复习试题与参考答案一、选择题(本大题有6小题,每小题2分,共12分)1、计算(312÷3)时,把(312)看作( )试商比较方便。











3、一个数由5个亿、6个千万、3个万、9个千和4个一组成,这个数写作( ),省略亿位后面的尾数约是( )亿。
























第二部分【数学计算】9.【答案】106×15=1590444÷43=10 (14)10.【答案】320÷8-12×3=40-36=4150-[(63-54)÷3]=150+(9÷3)=150+3=15311.【答案】76+11+189+24=(189+11)+(76+24)=200+100=300(125+40)×8=125×8+40×8=1000+320=1320第三部分【数学应用】【环保与数学】12.【答案】B【分析】本题考查数的读写,需要注意中间带零的数的读法,因此此题选B。




部分【数学判断】(16分)1. 6540000这个数中的“6”表示6个十万。




()()6.用3, 0, 5, 7, 1. 9组成最大的六位数是9735IOC7.同一平而内两条直线,不垂直就平行。

()& 230—57—43=230 — (57+43) ( )第二部分【数学计算】⑵分) 9・竖式计算(8分)10.脱式计算(8分)320 ÷ 8-12 × 3150+ [( 63-54) ÷3]11.川简便方法讣算■诸写浦楚简算步骤(8分)76+11 + 189+24 ( 125+40) XR第三部分【数学应用】(60分)(以下选择題的备选答案中,只有一Φ是正确的)【环保与数学](13分)经济的快速增长一度导致生态环境遭到破坏。

为了拥有直裕、优美、和谐的幸福家园,让我们一起努力吧!12.2010年至2014年.辽宁大力实施草原沙化和水土流失综合治理,累计完成沙化土地治理面积约274305公顷,这个数读作A.二十七万四千三百五B.二十七万四千三百零五C.二百七十四万四千三百零五D.二十七万四千三百五十■13.受气候变吸影响,辽宁沿海海平面逐年升高C与2015年相比・2016年辽宁沿海海平面上升了23毫米,记录为A.-23毫米B.0毫米C.+23毫米D.+46毫米4 2016年部分省、自治区森林覆盖面积如下表所示:森林覆盖面积最大的是A.江苏B.辽宁C.西藏D.廿肃15.沈阳积极打造生态园林城市,孙明从家出发到南湖公园健身,下列路线中,正确的一≡⅛北项是2丨丨「II TTiι^n IA.先向西走400米,再向北走200米B.先向东走400米,再向南走200米;------------ -Sg-----------C.先向北走400米,再向东走200米:二二二二二二二二二二二二二D.先向南走400米,再向东走200米3T16.右上图,孙明从家出发向东走500米就到绿化庭园,绿化庭园的位置用数对表示是A.(8, 6)B. (6, 8)C. (5, 2)D. (8. 8)【生活与数学】(16分)同学们,用数学的眼光观察世界,用数学的思维分析世界.你会发现,数学很美!17.装订一种笔记本.每本需要用纸69张・现装订这样的笔记本29本,一共需要用纸大约A.1200 张B. 1400 张C. 1800 张D.21OO 张1&装修工人把三块玻璃拼在一起装饰墙面,求三块玻璃的总面积,下列等式成立的是•••■•••••••••■•••••・... •••鄭5菸[总> •••••••••••■••••養擦-- ► 5省海浇養身∙°∙∙∙∙e∙*∙∙∙•••• * ••••••••••••••••••••••••e∙∙β∙e∙*∙e∙t∙∙e••••<•e••e•••••••••••・•e∙e t∙φ∙e∙e∙e⅜φ∙∙φ∙t•65A.5x3 + 5×2 + 5×4 =(5 + 5 + 5) ×3 ×2×4B.5×3 + 5×2 + 5×4 = (3+2 + 4)×5C.5×3 + 5×2 + 5×4 = 5 × 3 × 2 ×4D.5×3 + 5×2 + 5×4 =(5 + 5 + 5) X (3 + 2 + 4)19.期未时,林老师准备花200元买文H 给学生发纪念品。

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2016年沈阳市四年级统考真题语文…卄…gfgT注竄:盟M 律麵用字^本皿臥定说*"“酢松沙;年訥緒斗上作曲不能在本试M 」伽.咨讦试越。

上无效 第一部分(积票与坛用40分)A. « » tiB. » 6 AC. A W »Flft 几级词ift 中.有错别字的一俎总 4•关虑 报朋 天B 经厉 绝爼C.坚伉WHt 无可奈何D 洋溢桔桶 5. 汉字的魅力不仅庄于音炎.形羌.的&盘功能.试分祈下列加点字住右同诃诉中的O.找岀与其他重思不同的一顼()• •,下列各■的■速簽豪中•只胃-W 正1•的〉 豪I 皿句子中•加点字读布止M —烦是神州十_号料人七转虚酒翼卫星建射咿心顺利发射.11 * 丸空飞初. A. xMi sou B.向 sh6u 2. Fift 加点孑读的一组是 A. flaw < H ) «iq (讪H C. ISiW (df )祈椅(<U )• • 任Utt 上把•_ 正•的meC ・ 2di Sftu m lhaf shM 3.B.須浮(Pi0o ) 卯f (小 D ・ «$< ( sou > 償餐(ju« )见・浸山 _____ 野”三亍诃谄补疋完矗.按以序填亍$4.一忘无际忧然大僧A.号口稠声B.犬同小号C・罗何他乡D・奇花辱审6.T列句子中加点制谄便用正備的一顶雄(1A建雾宠罩.远处的呀舍种木秩序井然•『不祕.• • • •H 斥缸巾M/rM J一W去MIS人♦—• —•・・一—7. &血对F •中1HJW 分当的成谱昱()•廉*点没了真们的村庄.*逋的聂材工人二礼&诵如: A.安林皓 H 欣詳万分C •人D 金号胪& 5肴 ㈣诃创件中釦他力.W 此古檢请词中**用时很弘卜叭诃粵 勺运用■•字-的一项是() A Hlifl 余牛凰,汉玄.?匚逼|乩-ifi 残闭舖忒中.卑tlJMI 半?UU >養■A,i 5已 c.无边廉*晴躋庁・不尽长江mm*. 上沪** I ).侔水眷池満.祸惮草生_____ —9作联又叫 W.计叶• r»T・它以对m 简沽箱巧的文曲担则映・ 杆发关好也龟,F 列讥旬否這命作If 联的一璃是 ' >A. ”】犬地WW LH H 夕阳无鮒 只艇近價停 C.国秦尺农人如乍 D.年洒邸垛樽砂处)10・按1序逵叭空.正骗的细是C处(I )上学期毗的F^(1T 进步.逍学糾豐( > 勢力<2)琦厲矗整()了以天.二百幼斤列片被松毁)走进教年烘续 B •曜续持煤连绫陆续陆续 M itt 连披持绒mii.新年到r.远住何外匸作的宋圈想念康人.风能衣达他心悄的诗句是A.进SUMS 山水色.白“•連㈱乡为舁浮.乌逢住你思氟 二器丄IC. 擁红复育布阚.1绅理带轴爛.D. 七夕今nitffw •燈牛织女厦河桥, :"二riBOt】2.汉讲是菲常奇妙的i 种诉市.同样的.Si,陋可以用不同的方式衣达.勺的 时锲不是更可愛吗Y -这勿话诅迭壷思郴同的凰 ()A 小猶滞月的时候不可爱 R.小福横月的时離五斥很可爱* C.小矯溝月的时供可爱吗?八小擒滴耳的时践更可爱n.枢人甸駁把物芳作人来哼.便物口冇人胸行为.FUfiPI,旬子中车楚粗人句的(• 4(3)这条ifi 豁上天( )发生r 三起交週號披 (4)1课几何学们( V 持续连续陆绫 C.堰维连绫掩按14. 由劳动人民庄日常生活中创迪.迪席由科部分殂成;的一那分& “弓|干-作用.血谜画・舀一部分&“后*广作用.血谜肛 那么.T-'HiXWt — _____________________ 的~()A.札轻能越《:B.直称嚥C.冇去无阿D.没安好心15. 古诗斥中文独右的一《•文体.冇特株的桥式及的*・与“月幣4崎霸満黃-这沟匕再馆句棚对应的阳句黑 ()A.潭rtiJCKUft 未矗 B ntfl 东屍万那筍 C 江罠诙火XtSKD-丿J*人踪天16. 为丁迎It 学牧的读轄D ・阿夕的鏗花牧用啊说内张贴的名,了.下书名會不适合的一碣霆()• • •A •呜故応屯龙擬鶴•心R1:进it 復悅 , a»j»w leet T他桝I 足雄工庄时何站汪洋大溥屮的灯乳 c 破一木好侈.tttoH 和一个喬術的人滋交谨!>.不世出将军的士兵术是好士兵.4 ':.;厂< *门.-<!«««的愧MR6苗秋風轻盈地■你卜兼广轴旬完全正•的TI( )A .秋jg 帝F*・ H. (KM 简打秋J4K 萍卜耒 <:.枫叶■希下来0.枫叶轻0坞幣卜18.的下M 的句子加标点称勺.完全正扁的Ulte()你冷乳冷走畅*5兴切舱鬥易你牛水宙的 A. ? ! - B * (:・・?・・• D, ?19卩列旬子修改正剑的一理足G 傑询妙休质明9增加厂£人何仙燦科!B 亦这次洛曲中・/农理们都很好〉A. 5灣D代务么奥烁矽守“已的尚位20.粗摇所学知供・卜例说法正輪的一嫌最第二部分(阅读孙分)仃列各&的备选答秦中•只有一个答瘙是正确的,尢熙恠下・幅丸囚烽,臭KT 勅人.达就是间名仝国的古休奪*奇观・从曲年车*.俗枠衬牡,JL 虚尸实拿节里.空毛中过于饱和的伙汽遍冷咸也而弧[厦左 12月至第二年2月间.怏花江上湯丰满水耳里的水从发电站辅出时.水済在4:#右、ii4.松花江"市区的时霞.非但不稣*.而R 江面上总・是弥漫★俸降 笏夜臓.50 44氏虞左右时.直參毛便Ml 良■矯•湎简丙事-% 十里養圾.啊末稜.算气沦没了.濡州比.灯光.轲国損啊了 空JS 业込主也光 轻轻地• 一棗又一展比於松針.檢帙饥上了自仏 聂初卑爪践・進斯复壑坯一虽昼— 里圣理上全都是 <用*忡了・渝¥・製凤咬捋.算%绦・杜人们漫步在松花江边.观4T 舟這千姿百$杓殊战玉材、 他会情不自箫地賢叹:it 丄逻•息如一夜孤氐義・千常万轲性花开.哼!21. 谏丈欢积累好词住句足阅读的好方法■摘戒文中肿犧柚的烁也総的词浪F 列 河说不适介宵在采集本上的是( '• • • A •沾白品豎B,馄比闪砾C ・琼枝X 树 仇住矗澤临22. 文中腫槪线的勺予描釘寡絵惭现时用广生动形草的比醮.把雾港分圳比作(、A .松H . irwB . . m 条 c. 银条.5梆m 松竹、银线23. 戡拆文議内容.下面说法正晞的一项是()A.丈裁赞英了苗林松花江的灸飙戟色B ・主寮删雾港12月至第JI 2 JJ 间形破的烁 C.描绘『雾枪瓏fflf 而济特的眾魚.井说明『兀形诫的 I ).文辻笑关「Jim?.大地冰舛的英彌秋色24. 文就引用唐代*** "I 肯舷直刿宦归京〉一诗中的千古名旬;髯如一夜徉闻来.「树万树梨花开‘结合文帝内客•你觉潯卜托I 说法恰艸的皿星( )A. 形容雾柚形成址任 我之阿.第二汉戦俾斫冇的轲上开Hi 白的梨花B. 此旬运用丁比鞘的修醉方法.杷祚风比作油门的製花、G 表达r 人们对家乡的比委之侑 ■二」11丈总冰#. <-)K 城(8 分) 松花江吋的十豐长妊上.d,描吗了千万r花朵的英丽歆钦,亠一缶眈合:身?疋*統海曲御很'场縛-忡怙躋"踽人先Jt感剁洱身屯力'*乳动".M 有-:±・能底慢慢地疋缶・毎n如碾it什怪梢叫做「■上凶神.•4的恋啦'矩从又出发了・术久.•海上凶伸"优勿悄地降絡了•繼队才紋什不刘一t. *已经有十儿个舶h 祸创了. H4CTHI-片茫花的海水.打伦布的心忖十窃沉岛上:冷曲於化叶*伦审说:-*4t・您就心们追刘刖近的H 点丁 [*于代如逼狀丹来的廿侵・再把典们的尸体适凹家乡.”苛伦布喰Iqln)姻服用z J厶月址去了• *伦右的邻队烬于毗的迪祝了•解雋环生*期臺英册在的芜岛她人事d亠号伦右妁心恂也4k姐沉五达次探險妁氏功.込用十几个如园的±0怨H时呀! 的知不IX经林*:徒过#•十儿个逵央塢囱的人从岛上向大得驻余边鎳・这*是员些券园吗?他们 *伦略只惊又專地何追:•你和是丄么渚卞金竹?.・★•们氷刑為上以绘•爪T如e餘们昭下的盒粉吃七;r J6去.肚于慎的时僱.純们只好耒些肝呆于吃.道栏. 我们才一无夭淸下欢•・-理追軽密血肝良子里面?-号伦审切击以后.就把追些盘员雄尢凹主的*逵钟箱医主们听.绘来经迂研電.人们发理幷呆干右其他一些水见蔓事仝有一什塔叫佩生索C旳转用・止是mtCMTW些耒贡們生命.危表•断谓妁•海上凶神•絶足■坏缸鴨・.它足由于人侬內畏劄"乏肚生素c引赴的•当身体內补充了逼量的维生素c,坏盘吗就*治厉愈了.从比,人们认艮了站土素<\也了解了殂生索C.tf人体的tJMtffl・25.航海生活40;•而危险.遇上『•炳上换神”大家就会慢*死去.那么.-海上凶神- 描的是什么吟卜面说広匸确的•環足(A. 一个怪物工悪劣的天气匚一种怪橋D.坏血歳M ‘ I审内容说一说.即川门缺乏维坐索(:的血接障隕是( )A.荒岛kiftWWM的水眾•廉兼B. ttlSlfiflK期劳蠶c.船上只能吃1U面包和鐵曲D.浅有n比的照财27玄中画线部分•冊伦布这么也乩粗不知不觉已经滋用-联果上下文说一说册伦布在0些什么.F而旬子正确的一项超( )A.駅海生活不比眼苦•而目充構危脸•B.这次探険咙功・是用十几个能从的主命濮来的・G终于胜利返航匚适些都腿大凉的功劳.n我婴林大家衣大想洋上桌虫破浪・•…处试次航海探险的过楼中・冊伦術的心悄不斷变化〃•根M课文内容耙-他・YM2 :鑿j恰当的聘「■_ ()厂云甫丁码员彎I送铝尿列荒岛|返鶴前~"|伸遇峪员|M购为文诚-徐勺曲目“(:维生索(:的約B•慨伦林海C.十人昨的故哪亠.D.总利返航30结合文欢內容棚,1•碱虑不网的一烦是* \怪瞬的症状处:婀>、先楚恳到浑身无力.走不动路•援打飲会全”出血B则员们在岛上-•"吃的楚冊伦布给他们稱下的伏粉「匚荒砒的十几卜踽奇紳活了咏n术果和及聚中存“ •种名叫维生Ke的物质。

31.诡倒徵下曲闻緬懑H・曲后何答何題,轲低买族(=)漫画的启示W分)图I(1)这內駁樓画想丧达一介尹回的主14是A.呼吁当今社含的低头旗放A手机•,B Htt走进了人的生活.人人郁享受手机的力便与快捷c.搜子看到犬人们尽WF机•怎购«吳・,卜4[,口儿編射殆人们逝从上的伤霑仁)殆群增能手机的件及• “F机依馆&厂叹为r-种现象・辻人和人之阿变得冷漠.而对沉桜往手机世墀业的大人•你想対他的说冬什么?ilHMW、筒瞅字效不趙过3$ 丫第三部分(习作%分)弋趣目’ _供 ____________ 的课“热=器皿船•帕严T。
