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Congratulations – you have made it past the résumé review and have been selected for an interview. Before you take that call or go to the in-person meeting, remember to do these five things.


1. Review what you have sent so far. Retrieve the exact résumé and cover letter that you submitted for the position. Many job seekers customize their résumé and cover letter for each position, so reviewing your documents ensures you know what the interviewer saw before selecting you. Be prepared to discuss anything listed on your cover letter or résumé. You also want to make several copies of that same résumé to bring with you to an in-person meeting.

1. 整理你发给公司的材料。看一下你为这个职位写的简历和求职信。许多求职者为职位量身打造简历和求职信,所以要看下文档以确保你知道面试官是根据什么选你的。准备好回答任何求职信或简历上的内容。现场面试的话你还要多带几份简历。

2. Compare the job description to your résumé. First, highlight the top three to five requirements of the role. Next, set up a “side by side comparison of what the role requires and how your background lines up. Third, write out examples that succinctly demonstrate that you possess the desired skills/traits. Fourth, practice saying those examples in front of a mirror OUT LOUD. It may seem awkward, but the interviewer can only judge what you say and how you say it, not what is in your head. Practicing in front of a mirror ensures that the words flow well and that you look comfortable while saying them.

2. 比较职位描述和简历内容。首先,找出3到5条重要的职位要求。接下来,挨个比较每条要求和你的条件是否相符。第三,简洁写出能证明你有公司所需技能/特点的例子。第四,在镜子前练习大声说这些例子。虽然有些尴尬,但面试官只能根据你说的内容和表达方式作判断,而不是根据你脑子里想的东西。在镜子前练习能确保说起来流畅而且看起来真诚。

3. Research the latest news/events at the company. Using LinkedIn, the corporate website, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest, read any current company updates. Pay close attention to items that may impact your targeted role. For example, if you notice several recent changes in the company’s management team, note if any of those managers had oversight of your potential department. Was a replacement hired? What was this person’s previous work experience? Listing all of this is a great way to cement the events in your memory and to better organize the information in a useful way.

3. 找公司最新消息/事件。用LinkedIn、公司网站、Twitter、Facebook和Pinterest搜索,看公司发表的所有内容。密切关注可能会影响你的目标职位的事件。例如,如果你看到最近公司管理层有变动,而且新经理是管你将来的部门的话就要注意了。他是代替原来的经理吗?这个人之前的工作经历是怎样的?列出这些分析是记牢事情以及更好组织信息的好办法。

4. Turn the research into questions. People are frequently hired based on their questions more than their answers. The reason for this is that well-thought-out questions display research, deeper understanding of the position/company/industry and effort beyond the average job seeker. Using the information gained during the research process, create questions that show your knowledge
