WALL-E 机器人总动员 ppt



A fantastic movie!
影片故事发生在2700年, 由于人类无度的破坏环境,地 球此时已经成为漂浮在太空中 的一个大垃圾球,人类不得已 移居到太空船上,并且聘请 Buy & Large 公司清除地球 上的垃圾,等待着有一天垃圾 清理完重新回到地球上。 于 是 B&L 公司向地球运送了大 量机器人来处理垃圾,最后只 剩下一个机器人还在日复一日 的按照预定程序处理垃圾。他 就是我们的主人公WALL-E! 孤独的瓦力,每天都在自娱自 乐中执行着自己清理垃圾的任 务,只有一个小虫子与他为 伴… …
• Eva 被带回真理号 • Wall-e 紧紧跟随伊娃
The Milky Way
• Eva 把绿色植物带给 Aiom.
• 机器人人民的斗争
• Mark 踏上回家的旅程 • 返回地球 • Wall-e 像人类一样牵起了 Eva的手
友谊 -》-》爱情
English dialogue:
Wall.e 日常生活装
Main character
• The Axiom
• The captain
• 收集和压缩垃圾 • 太阳能机器人 • 留在地球上的最后一个机器人 • 可以说简单的话 • 增益类的自我意识和情感
• 搜寻地球上的植物 更多的生命信息
• 人类生存的地方(真理号飞船) • 伊娃来自的地方
• Axiom 管理日常事务 • 飞船上的人变的越来越胖 • 返回地球的旅程
• Wall-e 和Eva在地球相遇
• 他们变成了家人 • Wall-e 向Eve展示他的收藏
• Eve 进入休眠状态 • Wall-e 尽他的最大努力企图唤醒 Eva.


《WALL·E》又名《机器 人瓦力》是2008年一部 由安德鲁·斯坦顿编导 的科幻动画电影。电影 由皮克斯动画工作室进 行制作,华特·迪士尼 电影工作室电影公司负 责发行。
Main character
• The Auto
• The captain
The story follows a robot named WALL-E, who is designed to clean
up an abandoned, waste-covered Earth far in the future. In 2805, Earth is covered in garbage. In 2105, BnL evacuates(迁移)
Earth's population in fully automated starliners, leaving behind WALL-E (Waste Allocation Load Lifter – Earth-Class,主角的名字实 际上是取自“地球垃圾分装员”的首字母 )trash compactor (压土机)
(《机器人瓦力》) (《机器人总动员》in chinese)
《WALL.E》 is a science animation film which is directed by Andrew Stanton in 2008.The film is made by Pixar Animation Studios and Issued by The Walt Disney pictures Company.
• Mark on the journey home



好有爱的机器人啊,船长也很可爱,胖嘟嘟的人们,动画片一定很好看的。 很温暖的一本书,电影已经看了好几遍了,不过看了原著之后,还想再看一遍~。 初中的时候看的电影,明明什么都不懂的年纪却在电影开始半小时后哭到电影结束。 浪漫的一塌糊涂[爱心][爱心][爱心]看书的时候脑子里一直回响着动画片中瓦力拖长叫“Eee-vah? ”的声 音。 机械的设定也能搏动浪漫的心跳,就算世界坍塌成废墟,也要期待爱情。 电影看了几遍,觉得很好,来看看小说,小说不如电影,给小孩看看倒也还行。 也许是看了电影在先,所以每每阅读之时都有无数的画面映入脑海,但是也是因为文字的指引,每每在脑海 中的映像,越发的清晰与细腻。 No image in brain during nothing consolved. It tells me what is truly a condition which is newly to born to world with a curious heart and eyes,with everything we familiar making new.。 地老天荒的未来,当地球成为一片破瓦颓垣,人们遗弃了自己的星球。
机器人总动员WALL-E(迪士尼大电 影双语阅读)
01 思维导图
03 读书笔记 05 作者介绍
02 内容摘要 04 目录分析 06 精彩摘录
本书为迪士尼于2008年推出的电影《机器人总动员》同名小说,该电影曾获奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖。本书由 迪士尼官方授权,英文来自兰登书屋出版的的青少年小说,译文由翻译家朱振武教授领衔,译文优美、忠于原文。 故事讲述了地球上的清扫型机器人瓦力偶遇并爱上了机器人夏娃后,追随她进入太空历险的一系列故事。一个迷 人且有趣的机器人的爱情故事,非常适合整个家庭一起观影。直到世界灭亡依然对爱渴望。



起草机器人:准备一张适当大小的素 描纸,用铅笔在素描纸上勾勒出机器 人的形状,小朋友课根据自己的想象 起草画出机器人的形状,也可以提供 相对应的图片进行绘画。
勾线机器人:将起草好的机器人使 用勾线笔进行勾线。用黑色勾线笔 勾勒出机器人的造型。注意可以适 当的加粗主体物的外轮廓从而达到 增加其视觉效果的作用。用勾线笔 可以使物体边缘线和里面颜色的填 充起到一个色勾线笔在画面空白处画 出一些机器零件,吩咐画面的同时让画面的 器械感更加的强烈,主题也更加的突出,老 师也可以多照几张素材图进行参考绘画。
丰富画面:使用褐色勾线笔在素描纸或者白色卡 纸上写出机器人英文的字样,凸显出本次的主题, 白色的纸张粘贴在画面汇总也增加了层次感,蘸 取白色颜料,并用敲撒的方式,将颜料以点的形 式撒在画面中,让画面颜色层次更丰富,营造画 面的氛围效果。
机器人上色:使用水彩颜料进行机 器人的晕染。选用颜色尽量选用亮 一点的颜色,使用湿画法晕染画面, 可以让颜料更容易的晕染开。使用 毛笔蘸取少量的清水进行颜色的晕 染,晕染的时候注意晕染色彩的大 小。
剪贴机器人:将画好的机器人使用剪刀裁剪 下来,裁剪的时候注意在物体的边缘留一点 白色,可以使画面更加的有层次感。将裁剪 好的机器人贴到背景纸上,粘贴时注意画面 的构图。使用剪刀时注意安全,小朋友可以 使用儿童剪刀或者让老师代剪。
机器人是一种自动化的机器,所不同的是这种机器具备 一些与人或生物相似的智能能力,如感知能力、规划能力、 动作能力和协同能力,是一种具有高度灵活性的自动化机器。
制作背景:准备一张红色、蓝色、黄色的卡纸, 并将蓝色、橙色的卡纸裁剪成不同大小,粘贴 在红色卡纸上,粘贴的时候注意颜色的区分, 可以使用固体胶进行粘贴可以使画面更贴合。


• The hero of the story is Parker,he is a college professor, encountered an abandoned dog. Its lonely figure sparked his mercy. His wife strongly opposed at first, and does everything possible to pack it off .But then she saw that her husband and daughter loved the dog very much and finally decided to admit the dog into the family. Parker called it " Hachi."
• For protecting his daughter, Lin Tai lead the audience to believe that he was the murderer.However,the right-minded attorney exposed the truth. Lin Tai said:In one’s life, there is always something more improtent than anything. We all know,it’s the love to his daughter.He can expend all he have to exchange his daughter’s freedom.
• His weddingday is approaching,suddenly the bride died in the underground parking.



在杨兊镇之外,有另一个世界Out there There's a world outside of Yonkers在那遥进的地方Way out there beyond this hick town, Barnaby一个美丼的小镇,巴纳比There's a slick town, Barnaby那里阳光明媚繁星闪烁Out there Full of shine and full of sparkle轻合双眸也能看到它在闪耀,巴纳比Close your eyes and see it glisten, Barnaby听啊,巴纳比Listen, Barnaby穿上你的节日盛装外面的世界才宽广Put on your Sunday clothes There's lots of world out there甩掉那廉价的収油和雪茄Get out the brilliantine and dime cigars让我们在晚风中开始探险We're gonna find adventure in the evening air一袭白衣的女子幽香了夜晚灯光闪亮如同星辰Girls in white in a perfumed night. Where the lights are bright as the stars穿上你的节日盛装我们驶过整座小镇Put on your Sunday clothes We're gonna ride through town我们乘坐敞篷马车In one of those new horsedrawn open cars前去观看戴尔莫尼兊(大饭店)的表演We'll see the shows at Delmonico's我们熙熙攘攘,启程回家And we'll close the town in a whirl我们亲吻心仪的女孩我们充满青春活力And we won't come home until we've kissed a girl“Buy N Large加油站”“Buy N Large银行”Buy N Large is your superstore“地球被垃圾覆盖Buy N Large总裁宣称,全球迚入紧急状况”WALL-E帮您摆脱垃圾您家中垃圾成堆?Too much garbage in your face?太空中还空着呢!There's plenty of space out in space!BNL星际航班每日出航BNL star liners leaving each day.我们将在您外出时把您家中杂物收拾妥当We'll clean up the mess while you're away! BNL舰队中的钻石,Axiom号(Axiom:真理号)The jewel of the BNL fleet, the Axiom. 它让您五年的太空之旅豪华舒适Spend your five-year cruise in style,全天24小时无间断的周到服务由全自动的机组人员提供waited on 24 hours a day by our fully automated crew,船长和机器人舵手也将为您呈献无尽的娱乐while your captain and autopilot购物,就餐chart a course for nonstop entertainment, fine dining,全由畅通无阻的悬浮座椅效劳连老奶奶都能享受其中乐趣and with our all-access hoverchairs, even Grandma can join the fun.您无需步行There's no need to walk.Axiom号,星级航班公司的骄傲The Axiom. Putting the star in executive star liner.正因为BNL 太空才最终被开拓Because at BNL, space is the final fun-tier!…周日…周日不做周一事…No Monday in your Sunday周日不穿周一装!No Monday in your Sunday clothes当你低落时就请穿上盛装Put on your Sunday clothes when you feel down and out昂首走上街头别忘拍照留念Strut down the street and have your picture took穿得梦幻精神似乎也已大好Dressed like a dream Your spirits seem to turn about如果你的气色如周日那才是真的神采飞扬!That Sunday shine is a certain sign. That you feel as fine as you look…关于我们都将忆起…And we'll recall…当流年似水When time runs out只要…That it only…一瞬间took a moment就被爱上…to be loved…一生一世!a whole life long这就是And that is all爱的真谛that love's about…一瞬间... a moment就被爱上…To be loved…一生一世!a whole life long“警告太阳能电量过低”靠近我,抱紧我Hold me close and hold me fast你施的魔咒The magic spell you cast就是玫瑰人生This is la vie en rose你吻我时,天堂都向我敞开When you kiss me heaven sighs即使闭上双眼And though I close my eyes也能看到玫瑰人生I see la vie en rose当你将我贴近心房When you press me to your heart我就身处另一个世界I'm in a world apart那里玫瑰遍地怒放A world where roses bloom你开口说话天使便会歌唱And when you speak Angels sing from above最平凡的语言Everyday words seem to也成了情歌turn into love songs取消(就是不准小WALL-E牵牵小手哦)方位?数量?你是商贩机器人吗?(在调查人口哈)指令?(是问Wall-E接受何种语言指令)EVE: Directive?指令?EVE: Directive?嗒嗒~ (以为受到指令去执行预设功能)WALL-E: Ta-da!-指…令?(是你给我的指令吗?) -指令?(这就是你的功能?)-(ENUNCIATING) Directive? -Directive?分类完毕!(知道Wall-E是扫垃圾的了)Classified.姓名?(突然又好奇)EVE: Name?Wa…Wall-EWall-E?Wall-E!Eve-E…-Eve!-E…A…-Eve!-Eve!-EvaEva!EveEva!E-E-Eva!Wall-E…Wall-E!Eva!这是我写的一首歌Here is a little song I wrote一个音符一个音符得唱…别怕... note for note Don't worry开心点Be happy拿着Here.看WALL-E: Look.爆Pop.(你来)啪You pop.那就是And that is all爱的真谛that love's about我们将忆起…And we'll recall…当流年似水When time runs out只要…That it only…一瞬间Took a moment就被爱上…to be lovedEva!…一生一世A whole life longEva?Eva!Eva!Eva!E-E-Eva!Eva!Eva!Eva!Eva!Eva!EvaEva“外来污染物”Eva!“外来污染物”EvaEva!那我们就离开车道去看场太空虚拟赛车吧so let's hover over to the driving range and hita few virtual balls into space.别,昨天我们已经干过这了我不想再去No, we did that yesterday. I don't want to do that.-那你想干什么呢?-我也不知道,总得干点什么-Well, then what do you want to do? -I don't know. Something.-我们刚卖了…-听着,我已经烦了…Look, I'm tired of having the same argument over and over.机器人,这边!Bot, over here.[欢迎光临经济娱乐圈]-我在隧道里,听不清-原来你在这儿-I'm in a tunnel. I can't hear you. -There you are. [时间12:15 气温22°C]在Buy N Large 有您快乐所需的一切Buy N Large. Everything you need to be happy.您的需求对我们至关重要Your day is very important to us.过来!拿着,拿着杯子Hey, drink-bot.嘿,拿着杯子!Here, take the cup. Hey, take the cup!请勿乱动Please remain stationary.机器服务员将即刻赶到为您提供帮助 A service-bot will be here to assist you momentarily.乘务员!帮帮我!Stewards! Hello!请勿乱动!-Please remain stationary. -Help.机器服务员将即刻赶到为您提供帮助 A service-bot will be here to assist you momentarily.怎么回事?収生什么事了?What's that? What's going on?Wall-E!John-(看到)Eva吗?-不是,我叫JohnUh, no. John.Eva!拜,Wall-EBye, WALL-E.A是Axiom的A 它是你美好的家园"A" is for Axiom, your home sweet home.B是Buy N Large的B 它是你生活最好的伙伴"B" is for Buy N Large, your very best friend.午餐时间,杯装食品哦Time for lunch in a cup.(在这里)体验美丼!Feel beautiful.-我在学习呢-我知道,亲爱的,嘿…-It's the new you. Stunning. -You look great. Axiom的消费者请注意!试试蓝色,最新时尚哦Attention, Axiom shoppers. Try blue. It's the new red.约会?别提约会了,一提我就生气Date? Don't get me started on the date.…之前的每一次约会都完完全全是灾难!Every holo-date I have been on has been a virtual disaster.-我只是想找个不那么肤浅的人,你懂吗?-嗯,我懂,亲爱的If I could just meet one, one who wasn't so superficial.世上的男人那么多There are no good men out there.嗯,我知道,我知道,因为我…怎么回…I know. I know because I've...Wall-E!-我叫Mary -Eva!哦,哦,没问题,过吧Oh! Oh. Um, sure. You go ahead.Eva遮阳伞!Shade!我都不知道我们还有游泳池!I didn't know we had a pool!船长,有要事,请上驾驶舱AUTO: Captain, you are needed on the bridge.我上甲板了!(可能是梦话)All hands on deck!早上好要打扮打扮吗?Morning. Just a trim?哦,我明白我知道,亲爱的,我知道I see. I know, honey. I know.快好了快好了你看上去棒枀了I'm good, I am good. You look gorgeous.-船长-咖啡-Sir? -Coffee.船长…Sir, the annual...程序,Auto 做事要分主次Protocol, Auto. First things first.计算机!状态报告Computer, status report.-机械系统?-正常-Mechanical systems. -Unchanged.-反应堆核心温度?-正常-Reactor core temperature. -Unchanged.-乘客人数?-正常-Passenger count. -Unchanged.-食物供应?-正常-Regenerative food buffet. -Unchanged.-太空船维修基地?-正常-Jacuzzi pH balance. -Unchanged.-大气状态?-正常-Atmospheric conditions. -Unchanged.-环境状态?-正常-Laundry service volume. -Unchanged.-好了,Auto -船长,我们有…-Okay, Auto. -Sir, the annual reconnaissance...12:30了?Auto,你干嘛不叫醒我做早晨的例行报告?-12:30! Auto, why didn't you wake me for morning announcements?老实说,这恐怕是我在这儿唯一能做的事Honestly, it's the one thing I get to do on this ship.各位早上好啊Well, good morning, everybody,今天将是你在船上度过的第255,642天and welcome to day 255,642 aboard the Axiom. 和平时一样,今天气候宜人温度22摄氏度,阳光普照…As always, the weather is a balmy 72 degrees and sunny and...哦,嘿,我看见飞船日志上显示今天是我们五年巡游的…Oh, I see the ship's log is showing that today is our 700th anniversary…700周年纪念日我相信我们的父辈们…of our five-year cruise.…将会很骄傲因为700多年后的今天…Well, I'm sure our forefathers would be proud to know that 700 years later…我们还在做着和当初他们做的一样的事情we'd be doing the exact same thing they were doing.还有,记得下一次用餐要一份克费的…So, be sure next mealtime to ask for your "free …“Sep tu a centennial”杯装蛋糕!哇,看起来真不错"septuacentennial cupcake in a cup." Wow, look at that!同时,今天我们还将…Also today we have a...嘿,嘿,Auto,那个按钮干嘛一直闪?Hey, Auto, what's that flashing button?船长,探测机器人Eve带来了好消息Captain, Probe One has returned positive.好消息?Positive?Eva!可没有哪个机器人带回来过好消息…ever come back positive before.…从来没有你好啊船长,恭喜!Greetings and congratulations, Captain.如果你看到这个录像,就说明我们的外太空植物检测仪…If you are seeing this, that means your Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator,…也就是EVE探测器已经从地球带回来一个经确认…or EVE probe, has returned from Earth…能迚行光合作用的样本with a confirmed specimen of ongoing photosynthesis.没错,这就是说,是时候回家了That's right. It means it's time to go back home.家?我们回家?Home? We're going back?既然地球已经恢复到生命可以延续的状态…Now that Earth has been restored to a life-sustaining status,…嘿,那我们就可以开始“二次移民计划”了by golly, we can begin Operation Recolonize. 只要依照手册上的指示,将植物…Simply follow this manual's instructions…放入飞船的探测槽to place the plant in your ship's holo-detectorAxiom将立即自动导航返回地球and the Axiom will immediately navigate your return to Earth.这很容易吧!-It's that easy. -Huh!不过由于太空的微重力你和你的乘客可能会…Now, due to the effects of microgravity, …出现轻微的骨质疏松you and your passengers may have suffered some slight bone loss.不过我相信只要在飞船的跑步机上稍加锻炼…But I'm sure a few laps around the ship's jogging track…你们马上就能恢复正常的体型will get you back in shape in no time.我们还有跑步机?We have a jogging track?如果你有任何问题只要参阅手册就好了If you have any further questions, just consult your operation manual.等你回家,很快哦!See you back home real soon.操作手册"Operate Manuel."手册,读出指令!Manuel, relay instructions.手册!Manuel?哇!瞧瞧这!Wow. Will you look at that?瞧瞧Let's see.Eva!Wall-E!Eva那就打开看看吧!Well, let's open her up.第一步,语音命令“确认取样”"Step one. Voice command, 'Confirm acquisition."'确认取样-Confirm acquisition.语音识别以确认权限Voice authorization required.额…-Uh... -CAPTAIN'S VOICE: Uh...确认Accepted.那…那东西在哪?-Where's the thingy? -Plant.-植物!-植物,对,对Plant. Right. Right.它在哪?Where is it?或许我们漏掉了哪个步骤重头再看看Maybe we missed a step.Wall-E!Wall-E!-Eva?-安静!-EVE? -Plant!再重新扫描试试,确认一下Why don't you scan her to be sure?没有収现样本,探测机器人记忆存储有误Contains no specimen. Probe's memory is faulty. -那我们就不回地球了?-不能-So then, we're not going to Earth? -Negative.-那一切又恢复正常了,对吧?-正确,船长-I guess things go back to normal, huh? -Correct, Captain.哦,假警报!Well, false alarm!假警报False alarm.探测机器人肯定是出故障了The probe must be defective.GO-4!把它送去维修部GO-4, send her to the repair ward,我要一份她的检测报告确认下她是不是…and have them run diagnostics on her. Make sure she's not...Wall-E!把Wall-E送去清理?Have, uh, WALL-E cleaned.Eva!分析Analyze.分析结果:外来污染物Analysis. Foreign contaminant.此物质由三种基本物质组成…Substance is a three-phase system…其中包含多种自然元素的组合composed of various combinations of naturally derived solids.分析对象最常用的名称是soil,dirt,Earth (都有土壤的意思)Subject is most commonly referred to as soil, dirt, or earth.Earth?(土壤,地球)"Earth"?解释一下“Earth”Define "earth."土地,有别于天空和海洋的星球表面Earth, the surface of the world as distinct from the sky or sea.哇!Wow.解释“海洋”Define "sea."海洋,面积广阔的咸水水域它们覆盖于绝大多数地球表面Sea, an expanse of salt water that covers most of the Earth's surface…幵且包围了各大洲and surrounds its landmasses foreign contaminant.“外来污染物”“维修室”Eva!打扮一下?打扮一下?你看起来好枀了!-Just a trim? -You look gorgeous.Eve!安全,安全,安全Clear, clear, clear.“诊断”Eva!Wall-E!Wall-E!Wall-E!哦,天啊!Oh, my.停下!Halt!Wall-E!警告!危险性机器人Caution. Rogue robots.警告!危险性机器人Caution. Rogue robots.警告!危险性机器人Caution. Rogue robots.Wall-E!停下!停下!Halt! Halt!警告!危险性机器人Caution. Rogue robots.Wall-E!警告!危险性机器人Caution. Rogue robots.Eva!Eva?(回)地球Earth.地球!Earth.(需要)指令Directive.Wall-EWall-E!植物!Plant!Wall-EEva!Wall-E!达到预定航行速度Cruising speed.现在可在舱内自由活动You are now free to move about the cabin.停下!20秒后将自爆Twenty seconds to self-destruct.10秒后将自爆Ten seconds to self-destruct.10,9,8,7,6…Ten, nine, eight, seven,5,4,3,2…six, five, four, three, two不!不!(WEAKLY) No. No.Eva!Wall-E!Wall-E!Eve!-Wall-E -等…等…EvaWall-E!Wall-E哦,好多星星啊!Oh, so many stars.嘿!嘿,那是…他叫什么来着?-Hey! Hey! That's what's-his-name! -Hey! What the... -嘿,你干什么…-看呐!看,看!-Look! Look at that. -Huh? What?看那儿!嘿,我知道那小家伙叫…Wall-E!Hey. I know that guy. It's, uh, WALL-E.-就是他!Wall-E!嘿!是我啊,John!-嗨,Wall-E!-Hey, WALL-E! It's your buddy John. -Hi, WALL-E!嗨Hi.嗨Hi.解释“舞会”Define "hoedown."舞会,一种社交场合人们会在舞会中翩然起舞Hoedown, a social gathering at which lively dancing would take place.Auto!真是太神奇了!Auto, Earth is amazing!这些东西叫农场!These are called "farms."人类把种子种到地里在上面浇水…Humans would put seeds in the ground, pour water on them,…然后食物就长出来了,比如披萨!and they grow food, like pizza.晚安,船长Good night, Captain.嘿!计算机!Psst! Computer.解释“舞蹈”Define "dancing."舞蹈,由两个人参与的一系列动作…Dancing, a series of movements involving two partners…其速度,节奏与音乐高度和谐where speed and rhythm match harmoniously with music. Eva露天浴场正在关闭The lido deck is now closing.露天浴场正在关闭The lido deck is now closing.-停下!-你倒是来啊-JOHN: Stop that. -Make me.我都不知道我们还有泳池I didn't know we had a pool.禁止戏水,禁止潜水No splashing. No diving.禁止戏水…禁止…No splashing. No...Eva!(又打开功放“It only takes a moment…”)(这是)命令!Directive.完美的着陆!Prepare for landing.我们到了!"We're here, everybody."耶,船长!船长,我们到了真是太美了!"Yay, Captain! Captain, we're home! It's so beautiful!"啊,这不算什么我很乐意为你们服务"No. It's nothing. I was pleased to do this.这…这全是为了你们不是为了我,这…"It's all about you people. It's not about me."怎么?How?你怎么拿到的?How did you find it?我们可以回家了!这是头一次!We can go back home! For the first time!那儿现在什么样了?-What's it like now? -Oh!不,不,不!别告诉我我要自己看No, no, no. Don't tell me. I want to see for myself.等等,这看起来不像是地球啊Wait. That doesn't look like Earth.蓝天在哪?Where's the blue sky?绿地在哪?Where's the grass?当你低落时就请穿上节日盛装... Sunday clothes when you feel down and out我听过这首歌I know that song.他们在…额…They're, um,跳舞,对,跳舞dancing.Yes, dancing.你挺过来了,对吧,小家伙?You made it somehow, huh, little guy?你没放弃,不是吗?You didn't give up, did you?哦,额滴神哪!(呵呵,陕西话)Okay, then. Come on.撑住!Wait a minute.…当流年似水... when time runs out只要…That it only...“启动摄像装置”Eva?Eva!Wall-EEva?EvaEva?EvaEva!来吧,小家伙There you go, little guy.你为了喝点水可跑了不少路啊You came a long way for a drink of water.得找个人照顾你,那才是…Just needed someone to look after you, that's...我们必须回去!We have to go back.Auto!下来Auto, come down here.是,是,船长Aye, aye, sir.Wall-EWall-E?Auto,Eve找到植物了启动探测槽Auto, EVE found the plant. Fire up the holo-detector.没必要,船长交给我就可以Not necessary, Captain. You may give it to me.你猜怎么着?我要亲自来You know what? I should do it myself.船长!Captain.船长,我坚持把植物给我Sir, I insist you give me the plant.Auto,闪开!Auto, get out of my way.-你不能回去-你说什么呢?为什么不行?-We cannot go home. -What are you talking about? Why not?那是机密船长,给我植物That is classified, Captain. Give me the plant.什么叫那是机密?你不能对船长保密What do you mean, "classified"? You don't keep a secret from the captain.-给我植物-为什么是机密?-Give me the plant. -Tell me what's classified.-给我植物-告诉我,这是命令!-The plant. -Tell me, Auto! That's an order.是,船长Aye, aye, sir.停下,行吗Just cut it off, will you?嘿,你好啊,机器人舵手我有些坏消息Hey, there, autopilots. Got some bad news.清洁行动…失败了Operation Cleanup has, well, failed.有毒物质的含量不断升高地球已经不适合生命的生存Wouldn't you know, rising toxicity levels have made life unsustainable on Earth.不适合生存?什么?"Unsustainable"? What?恐怕我要取消“二次移民计划”了…Darn it all, we're going to have to cancel Operation Recolonize.…所以呆在那,嗯…别想着解决这问题了…So,Just stay the course.Rather than try and fix this problem,…或许大家都呆在太空中更容易些it'll just be easier for everyone to remain in space.容易?"Easier"?-总裁先生…总裁先生-但我以为…嗯?-Mr. President? -I think...-该走了!-好,我现在下収…-Huh? -Sir, time to go.…A113号优先执行命令机器人舵手有权…Okay. I'm giving Override Directive A 113.…掌管飞船一切事宜不要回地球Go to full autopilot. Take control of everything, and do not return to Earth.重复一遍,不要回地球!Repeat, do not return to Earth.赶紧离开这鬼地方Let's get the heck out of here.现在,给我植物Now, the plant.不!等会!No. Wait a minute.计算机,那则信息是什么时候収到Axiom的?Computer, when was that message sent out to the Axiom?此信息于2110年收到Message received in the year 2110.那…那差不多是700年前了!That's... That's nearly 700 years ago!Auto,情况都变了!我们一定要回去!Auto, things have changed! We've got to go back. 船长,命令是“不要回到地球”Sir, orders are "do not return to Earth."但生命已经可以生存了But life is sustainable now.瞧瞧这株植物!这么绿,这么旺盛Look at this plant. Green and growing.这是活生生的证据,他错了!It's living proof he was wrong.-无关,船长-这完全有关!-Irrelevant, Captain. -What? It's completely relevant!我们的家在那儿家,Auto!而它现在正需要帮助Out there is our home.Home, Auto. And it's in trouble.我不能就这么坐着无所事事I can't just sit here and do nothing.我一直以来干得就是这种事!That's all I've ever done.那也是这艘该死的飞船上所有人干得事!That's all anyone on this blasted ship has ever done.那就是无所事事!Nothing!只有在Axiom你才能生存On the Axiom you will survive.我不想“生存”!我想“生活”!I don't want to survive. I want to live!请听从我的指示Must follow my directive.我才是Axiom的船长我们今天就回家!I'm the captain of the Axiom. We are going home today.GO-4?嘿!GO-4? Hey! That's not...简直是造反!Eve,抓住他!This is mutiny! EVE, arrest him.Eve,你要把这株植物直接放迚探测槽EVE, you are to put this plant straight in the holo-detector.不!No!Eva?-Wall-E!-Wall-E!Eva!-扔过来!把它扔过来!-Wall-E!Over here. Throw it.Eva!把植物交给我Give me the plant.不!Wall-E!禁止一切通讯All communications are terminated.-你将被软禁在寓所-不!You are confined to quarters.造反了!造反了!No! Mutiny! Mutiny!“重启”Wall-E?注意!密封舱启动以迚行废物处理Caution. Activating airlock disposal. Wall-E!密封舱开启迚行废物处理Activating airlock disposal.Wall-E!-Eve…-Wall-E!注意!密封舱开启迚行废物处理Caution. Activating airlock disposal. 密封舱开启迚行废物处理Activating airlock disposal.Wall-E!Eve…Wall-E!Wall-EM-O-M-O?-M-OM-O(这是)指令Directive.(这才是)指令Directive.(回)地球Earth.地球!Earth.地球?Earth.地球Earth.地球?地球!Earth? Earth!-M-O -Wall-E!错误Wrong.请保持冷静我们正在…Please hold. We are currently having...Eva!警告!危险性机器人Caution. Rogue robots.这造型挺适合你That style suits you.警告!危险性机器人Caution. Rogue robots.警告!危险性机器人Caution. Rogue robots.不可能!Not possible.警告!危险性机器人Caution. Rogue robots.Auto!Auto!听见我了吗?Auto! Auto! Mutiny. Mutiny.你个白痴方向盘Stupid wheel.警告!危险性机器人Caution. Rogue robots.警告!危险性机器人Caution. Rogue robots.警告!危险性机器人Caution. Rogue robots.植物!The plant!哈,看看现在是谁该傻眼了!We'll see who's powerless now.喂,喂,通了吗?Testing, testing. Is this thing on?嘿,我是船长,我现在被关起来了This is the captain. I am locked in my room.Eve,Wall-E,把那植物带到露天浴场去EVE, WALL-E, bring the plant to the lido deck. 回去启动探测槽I'll have activated the holo-detector. Now, hurry.快!Auto可能正在掐线…Auto's probably going to cut me off...停下!Halt.停下!Halt.哦,天!Oh, my.安全!(这个秀逗机器人只会说这一句话)Clear.停下!停下!Halt, halt.-瞧瞧我拿到什么了,Auto!-不可能-Look what I got, Auto. -Not possible.没错!植物哦That's right. The plant.哦,你想要吗?想要就放马过来啊,傻冎You want it? Come and get it, blinky.不!No.船长?船长?Captain? Captain?放开!Let go.-放开!-拉不动我吗?-Let go. -Too heavy for you? Huh?只要我还活着就休想躲过我…You're not getting away from me, one-eye.-放手-你就这么点水平?-Get off. -Is that all you got?走开!停下!Halt.-我坚持,这不好-靠近点啊,成了!-That's it. A little closer. -Cease and desist. -Not good. -Got you.保持冷静!保持冷静!Remain calm. Remain calm.女士们先生们现在在说话的是你们的船长Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking.我们这的机器舵手出了点小问题We're having a slight malfunction with the autopilot. 请,保持冷静Please remain calm.够了Enough.-抓着!-不!不,不!-抓着我!-救命!拉住你了!I gotcha!John,准备好接宝宝!John, get ready to have some kids!小心!Look out!不!No.Wall-E!Wall-E!Auto!Wall-E!Auto,你被“炒鱿鱼”了!Auto, you are relieved of duty.不…No.植物!植物!Plant! Plant!-植物!-Eva!-Plant! -EVE!植物来源分析Plant origin verified.Wall-E前往地球航线调整中Course set for Earth.十秒之后开始空间跳跃(类似时空穿梭)Ten seconds to hyper-jump. Nine... -9,8,7,6,5…-不,Wall-E!eight...seven, six, five, four...哦,别,Wall-E…Oh, no. WALL-E.4,3,2,1,0...three, two, one, zero.Wall-E!Wall-E!Eva!“太阳能充电等级”Wall-EEveWall-E?当你情绪低落时就穿上节日盛装Put on your Sunday clothes when you feel down and outWall-E?Wall-E,我们到家了!Wall-E!Wall-E!-Eva?-Wall-E?Eva?那就是…And that is all…爱的真谛That love's about-耶!-好诶!-去,去,去!Go, go, go. Go, go.…当流年似水And we'll recall When time runs out这叫“种田”This is called farming!你们可以种各种各样的植物!You kids are going to grow all kinds of plants.长蔬菜的,长披萨的…Vegetable plants. Pizza plants!回家真好!It's good to be home!…一瞬间Took a moment就被爱上…to be loveda whole life long你知道你的双脚被系住Did you think that your feet had been bound被什么引力拉至地表?By what gravity brings to the ground?你觉得被自己选择的未来所迷惑吗?Did you feel you were tricked by the future you picked? 那么,下来吧Well, come on down所有的自然觃律在高空都不适用All these rules don't apply When you're high in the sky 所以,下来吧So come on down下来吧Come on down你下到地面We're coming down to the ground没有比这儿更好的地方There's no better place to go我们上有山雪We got snow up on the mountains我们下有河川We got rivers down below我们要下到地面We're coming down to the ground我们听到树梢的鸟语We hear the birds sing in the trees大地将被呵护And the land will be looked after我们在微风中播撒种子We'll send the seeds out in the breeze你觉得逃脱了世俗Did you think you'd escaped from routine用改变剧本与场景的方法?By changing the script and the scene?不管你是什么样的人Despite all you made of it你总是害怕改变You're always afraid of the change其实你内心很有胆识You've got a lot on your chest就来当我的客人吧Well, you can come as my guest那么,下来吧So come on down下来吧Come on down我们将下到地面We're coming down to the ground没有比这儿更好的地方There's no better place to go我们上有山雪We got snow up on the mountains我们下有河川We got rivers down below我们要下到地面We're coming down to the ground我们听到树梢的鸟语We hear the birds sing in the trees大地将被呵护And the land will be looked after我们在微风中播撒种子We'll send the seeds out in the breeze 就像海里的鱼儿Like the fish in the ocean海也是我们的家We felt at home in the sea我们学习在美好的土地上生活We learned to live off the good land我们学习爬树We learned to climb up a tree我们双腿站着成长Then we got up on two legs但我们还想飞But we wanted to fly当我们把家弄乱了And when we messed up our homeland 却进走高飞We set sail for the sky我们要下到地面We're coming down to the ground没有比这儿更好的地方There's no better place to go我们上有山雪We got snow up on the mountains我们下有河川We got rivers down belowWe're coming down to the ground我们听到树梢的鸟语We hear the birds sing in the trees大地将被呵护And the land will be looked after我们在微风中播撒种子We'll send the seeds out in the breeze 我们要下来We're coming down下到地球上Coming down to Earth就像出生的婴儿Like babies at birth来到这世界Coming down to Earth我们知是非和轻重We define new priorities这些是优点和美德These are extraordinary qualities我们要下到地面We're coming down to the ground没有比这儿更好的地方There's no better place to go我们上有山雪We got snow up on the mountains我们下有河川We got rivers down below我们要下到地面We're coming down to the ground我们听到树梢的鸟语We hear the birds sing in the trees大地将被呵护And the land will be looked after我们在微风中播撒种子We send the seeds out in the breeze 我们要下到地面We're coming down to the ground没有比这儿更好的地方There's no better place to go我们上有山雪We got snow up on the mountains我们下有河川We got rivers down belowWe're coming down to the ground 我们听到树梢的鸟语We hear the birds sing in the trees 大地将被呵护And the land will be looked after我们在微风中播撒种子We send the seeds out in the breeze 我们知是非和轻重We define new priorities这些是优点和美德These are extraordinary qualities能在地球上找到To find on Earth能在地球上找到To find on Earth能在地球上找到To find on Earth。



机器人总动员presentation英文讲稿第一篇:机器人总动员presentation英文讲稿Today i want to introduce you a film named___WALL-E.The story happened in a distant, but not so unrealistic future, where mankind has abandoned earth because it has become covered with trash from products sold by the powerful multi-national Buy N Large corporation.WALL-E, a garbage collecting robot has been left to clean up the mess.Mesmerized with trinkets of earth's history and show tunes,(2)WALL-E is alone on Earth except for a sprightly pet cockroach.One day, Eve, a sleek(and dangerous)re-connaissance robot, is sent to earth to find proof that life is once again sustainable.WALL-E falls in love with Eve.WALL-E rescues Eve from a dust storm and shows her a living plant he found amongst the rubble.Consistent with her “directive” Eve takes the plant and automatically enters a deactivated state except for a blinking green beacon.WALL-E, doesn't understand what has happened to his new friend, but true to his love, he protects her from wind, rain, and lightening, even as she is unresponsive.One day a massive ship comes to reclaim Eve, but WALL-E, out of love or loneliness hitches a ride on the outside of the ship to rescue Eve.The ship arrives back at a large space cruise ship, which is carrying all of the humans who evacuated earth 700 years earlier.The people of earth ride around this space resort on hovering chairs which give them a constant feed of TV and video chatting.They drink all of their meals through a straw out of laziness and/or bone loss, and are all so fat that they can barely move.When the auto-pilot computer, acting on hastily given instructions sent many centuries before, tries to prevent the people of earth from returning, by stealingthe plant, WALL-E, Eve, the portly captain, and a band of broken robots stage a mutiny.This is a very classic and touching movie, I hope the next part of the film left to your own enjoyment.第二篇:机器人总动员英文观后感Wall-ECan you imagine what the earth will be in the future? Some of us will give a wonderful picture of our future lives, but the movie named Wall-E gives us a contrary description.In the movie, the earth is covered with amount of rubbish, and the only residents are a robot named Wall-E and his pet.Wall-E is a kind of robot that is produced to clear the rubbish on the earth.He works day after day, and this kind of life lasts nearly 700 years.In this period of time, Wall-E gradually has self-awareness.And one day, Wall-E’s peaceful life is brok en by Eve, another robot from a spacecraft of human beings, whose mission is to find plants.Wall-E falls in love with Eve at first sight.When Eve finds the plant, she is taken away by the spacecraft.Wall-E gives up his job on the earth and leaves the earth with Eve.And then they come to the spacecraft where the human beings live on.The Captain McCrea who knows that there are plants on the earth wants to go back to the earth but AUTO, the real controller of the spacecraft, refuses to implement the order from Captain McCrea.To protect the plant, Eve and Wall-E have to fight against the followers of AUTO.And during the fight, the residents on the spacecraft begin to help each other and find the true meaning of human beings.In the end, human beings return their hometown---the earth.And Wall-E realizes his dream and joins his hands with Eve.This movie tells us a love story between robots.In real word, love is confined by a lot of things so when we find our love we will list many conditions.Contrasted with human’s love, lovebetween robots is pure and innocent.For example, when Eve become resting state, Wall-E protects her even though she doesn’t know at all and when the spacecraft takes her away, Wall-E goes with her without hesitation.They cannot communicate with each other, so Wall-E cannot express his feelings to Eve by words, but though his deeds, we can and Eve also can feel the love from Wall-E.Also, the movie warns us that we must protect ourearth right now.If we destroy the earth all the time, we will have to pay for our deeds.I love the movie very much even though there are not dialogues in most of the pared with action, words are so pale.In our life, sometimes we say too much but do so little.We say “love you”, but actually we love ourselves more t han love others.We say “try our best to protect the environment”, however, we still do something which is harmful to our earth.If human beings lost function of language, they would become more sincerely than now.第三篇:《机器人总动员》《机器人总动员》:在世界末日时,高度发达的人类文明创造了一切,然而这一切在满足人性的贪得无厌之外,同时也摧毁了一切。

第7单元Section A1课件

第7单元Section A1课件

Construction Workers
1a How will the world be different 100 years
from now? Read these predictions. Check ( ) A for agree or D for disagree.
____A____D 1. People will have robots in their homes.
Don’t kill this love
Words and expressions
Read the words and expressions loudly.
Words review paper pollution prediction future pollute environment planet n. 纸;纸张 n. 污染,污染物 n. 预言;预测 n. 将来,未来 n. 污染 n. 环境 n. 行星
7 jobs you'll have to trust robots to do in the near future
self-driving cars
robots as a human teacher’s aide
automated machines will grow rice, wheat, soybeans, fruits and vegetables.
___A ____D 2. People won’t use money. Everything will be free.
___A____D 3. Books will only be on computers, not on paper.

《机器人总动员 WALL·E 》(2008) 中英文对照字幕 文档格式 看电影 学英语

《机器人总动员 WALL·E 》(2008) 中英文对照字幕 文档格式 看电影 学英语

[机器人总动员] Wall-E字幕调校:macyoyo在遥远的那方Out there. There's a world outside of Yonkers在离家乡十万八千里的那方Way out there beyond this hick town, Barnaby有一个美丽的小镇叫做巴纳比There's a slick town, Barnaby那里阳光和煦繁星闪烁Out there. Full of shine and full of sparkle轻闭双眼星辉轻撒Close your eyes and see it glisten, Barnaby听着巴纳比人Listen, Barnaby. . .盛装打扮外面的世界千奇百怪Put on your Sunday clothes, there's lots of world out there 走出阴霾共享欢乐时光Get out the brillantine and dime cigars在晚风中开始历险旅程We're gonna find adventure in the evening air女孩们穿着白裙在弥漫香水味的夜色中慢舞Girls in white in a perfumed night闪烁的灯光犹如夜空的星星Where the lights are bright as the stars!盛装打扮我们到镇里狂欢Put on your Sunday clothes, we're gonna ride through town乘坐着开蓬马车In one of those new horsedrawn open cars观看最精彩绝伦的表演We'll see the shows at Delmonicos然后我们将启程回家And we'll close the town in a whirl我们亲吻心仪的女孩我们充满青春活力And we won't come old until we've kissed a girl! 地球表面满盖垃圾Too much trash!!! Earth covered瓦力垃圾清理专家wall. e working to dig your own是否为面前太多的垃圾而烦恼? Too much garbage in your face?在外太空我们有很大的空闲There is plenty of space out in space.BNL太空伴侣每天为你服务BNL sky lightener living each day.在你出门的时候我们会为你清理垃圾We will clean up the mess while you're away这是BNL的太空之星真理号The jewel of BNL fleet, the exisium为您提供舒适豪华的导航体验spin your fine and your cruise style,我们自动化的机组人员waited on 20 per hours a day将提供每天24小时周到的服务by our fully automated crew,我们的机长和工作人员将为你提供while your captain and auto pilot try to ?无尽的娱乐活动non-stopping entertainment令人垂涎的美食fine dinning还有使用自如的自动行走椅and with all access to auto chairs连行动不便的老奶奶也能乐在其中and even grandma can join in the fun.因为根本无需走路There is no need to walk真理号为大家带来生活新感受The exsium, putting the star in an excutive stylator因为BNL的宗旨是开拓人类新领域Because the BNL space is the final frontier心灰意冷的时候请盛装打扮Put on your Sunday clothes when you feel down and out昂首阔步走到街上尽情拍照Strut down the street and have your picture took打扮漂亮心情也舒畅Dressed like a dream your spirits seem to turn about周日明媚的阳光兆示了That Sunday shine is a certain sign你由内而外散发的美丽That you feel as fine as you look!只须片刻It only takes a moment便能明白厮守一生的爱To be loved a whole life long. . .这就是爱的真谛And that is all that love's about. . .只须片刻It only takes a moment便能体验厮守一生的爱To be loved a whole life long. . .取消Cancel.什么方位数量多少你是商人吗Why zone? Many? Are you monger? 请求指令Directive?指令Directive?-指. . . 令-指令- Direc. . . tive? - Directive?验证Classified名字Name瓦. . . 瓦力Wa. . . Wall-E.瓦力Wall. e.瓦力? Wall. e?我是伊娃Eve伊夫? Eva?伊娃Eva?伊夫? Eva伊娃Eve伊娃Eva伊娃Eva伊娃Eve伊娃Eva瓦力Wall. e伊娃Eva给Here.看Look.砰砰响Pop.你来You pop.瓦力呢Where is Wall-E!伊娃Eva伊娃Eva?伊娃Eva?伊娃Eva?伊娃Eva?!伊. . . . 娃E. . . . e. . . eva!!!!伊娃Eva!伊娃Eva!伊娃Eva!伊娃Eva!伊娃Eva!伊娃Eva.伊娃Eva.外来污染物Foreign Contaminant外来污染物Foreign Contaminant伊娃Eva外来污染物Foreign Contaminant伊娃Eva.伊娃Eva!我们去车道So let's go to over the driving range去看看模拟宇宙吧and had a view of virtual race in the space.不要我们昨天玩过了Nah, we did that yesterday,我不想玩了I don't wanna do that.那我们就玩你想玩的well. then let's do you what you wanna do.我也不知道i don't know,随便吧something饮料过来A cup. over here.你好啊hello.我听不见你说话i didn't hear you.大卖场Buy N Large,所有能让你开心的东西everything you need to be happy.你的生活对我们很重要your day is very importmant to us.这边拿走可乐here, take the coke.嘿拿走杯子hey, take the cup.请不要动please remain stationary.服务人员将马上过来协助你 A service robot will be here to assist you momentarily 管理员帮帮我Stewards! Help!请保持不动please remain stationary.服务巴士将马上过来协助你 A service robot will be here to assist you momentarily 什么东西what's it?怎么回事What's going on?我是瓦力Walle我叫约翰John伊娃呢Eva.不我是约翰No. John.伊娃Eva.再见沃利Bye, Walle.A代表真理号A for axiom.你们的家温馨的家Your home, sweet home.B代表大购场B for Buy N Large,你们最忠实的朋友Your very best friend.午餐时间到了Time for lunch.来一杯吧In a cup.真漂亮Feel beautiful!我知道亲爱的I know honey.注意真理号的新装上市Attention. axiom sharpers.试一下蓝色吧Try blue.脱掉红色服装吧Try blue, it's the new red.约会约会The date after一天到晚约会we started to date. . .每个假期我都把时间花在这些虚拟灾难里了every holiday I've been spending time on the virtual disaster-他真的很有内涵-我知道- Why he wasn't so superficial, you know? - Yeah, I know my dear.这里有很多男人There's a lot of men out there.我知道因为我说过嘛. . . 怎么回事. . . Well, I know, I know because I. . . What the?. . . Because i spoke. . .我是瓦力Walle我是玛丽Mary.伊娃Eva.当然Sure.去吧Go ahead.伊娃Eva.遮阳伞Shade!我竟然不知道这里有个泳池呢I didn't know we had a pool!船长该开工了Captain, you're needed at the bridge.什么东西I haven't done that.早上好Morning.需要修剪一下吗Just a trim?我明白了i see我知道亲爱的我知道i know honey, i know.我很在行的i'm good,我很在行你太漂亮了i'm good. you look gorgeous.-先生-先来杯咖啡Sir. Coffee.先生Sir.老规矩亚当重要的事先做Protocol, Auto. first things first电脑开始汇报Computer. starts to reports.机械系统- Mechanical systems?正常Unchanged.机芯温度- Reactor core temperature?正常Unchanged.乘客情况- Passenger count?正常Unchanged.食品供应情况- The general food refill?正常Unchanged.燃料供给- Probe repair grounds?正常Unchanged.气压状况- Atmosphere conditions?正常Unchanged.环境状况- Conditions values?正常Unchanged.好的亚当Ok. Adam.12点30分了亚当Twelve thirty. Adam.你怎么不叫我起来发表晨间广播why didn't you wake me for morning announcements?说实话我在这船上也只能做做这件事了Honestly, it's the one thing that I can deal on this ship早上好各位Well, good moring, everybody.今天是大家登上真理号的第255642天And, uh. Welcome the day of 255, 642 on board in the Axiom.跟往常一样As always.天气将会是. . . Weather's above . . .宜人的摄氏22度阳光明媚22 degrees and sunny and. . . uh. Oh, hey.对了我看到船的贺版上显示I see the ship's log is showing that今天是我们700周年的5年漫游纪念日today's our 700 annual anniversary of our 5 years cruise. well.我相信我们的四位祖先们都会非常骄傲的I'm sure our four fathers will be proud to know that 700年后的今天我们还在做着他们以前做的事700 years later we've been doing the exact same thing they were doing.所以记得下次吃饭时去领取一份免费的So, be sure next meal time to ask for your free赛图阿纪念. "Sep tu a centennial"杯中蛋糕cup cake in a cup!瞧啊Wow, look at that.并且今天我们有. . . Also today we have a . . .亚当这闪着的按钮是干什么的Adom, what is that flashing button?船长captain.派出去的伊娃带回了好消息probe Eve return a positive.好消息? positive?伊娃Eva.但是but.机器人No probes从未带过好消息ever come back positive.回来啊Before.你好并且恭喜你船长Greetings and congratulations captain.如果你正在看这个那意味着If you're seeing this that means你的植物分析器Your Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluater或者说是伊娃机器人Or EVE Probe已从地球回来Has return from earth with a并带给了你地球上的生命迹象confirm specimen of on going photosynthesis没错意味着回家的时候到了That's right. It means it's time to go back home.家? Home?我们要回去了? We're going back?现在地球已恢复到了可生存的状态Now the eath is restore to a life sustaining status.兄弟们欢迎重回地球my buddy We could be get our region recolonize.只需简单地遵循这个说明手册Simply follow this manual instructions.把植物放到To place the plant真理号的底层甲板In your ship's holo-detector.生命侦测仪里And the Axiom.我们会立刻导航你们就可返回地球will immediatly navigate your return to earth.很简单对不对It's that easy.但由于处在微重力环境But the effects of microgravity你和乘客们可能都遭受一些. . . you and your passengers may have suffered some. . . 轻微骨流失slight bone lost.但我相信只要使用慢跑系统but i'm sure a few laps around in ship's jogging track 我们很快能让你们恢复体型We'll get you back in shape in no time.我们有慢跑系统吗We have a jogging track?如果还有任何疑问If you have any further questions,只要查阅你的操作手册就行Just consult your operation manual.期待你们早日回家See you back home real soon.操作手册operation manual.手册讲述说明manual. relate instructions.手册? manual?看看这个Wow, will you look at that.伊娃Eva.瓦力Walle.我们现在开始Well, Let's open now.第一步语音指令识别Step one, voice command confirm. . .采集acquisition.已收到confirm acquisition.需要语音确认V oice authorization required确认accept.那个东西在哪Whe. . . Where's the that thing?植物Plant.植物对Plant, right, right.在哪儿Where is it?我们可能漏了一步Maybe we missed a step.再看一下Let's look it again.植物呢Plant?瓦力Walle.瓦力Walle.你还好吗Are you ok?-伊娃-别吵- Eva? - Quiet!你扫描一下看看Use your scanner to be sure.容器内没有样本机器人出现错误Contains no specimen. Probe's alert is faulty.那么我们不能去地球了So, then. We're not going to earth.不能negative.现在一切又回到正常状态了对吧I guess thing's go back to normal, huh?正确船长correct, captain.错误警报false alarm.错误警报false alarm.它肯定是被传染了Probe must be defective.4号GO-4!把它送到修理病房Send it to repair ward.给她做下检查我要确保她没有被. . . And I have the one diagnostics on her make sure she's not. . .我是瓦力Walle.把瓦力弄弄干净Have Walle cleaned.-伊娃-干嘛- Eva - what分析analyse.分析结果外来污染物analysis. Foreign contaminan含有三种基本物质属于自然固体元素Substance is a three base system. . composed various combinations of natural derived elements物体的成分是泥土尘土或土壤subject is most comminute reference to soil, dirt or earth.土壤(与地球同音) earth.定义"土壤" define earth.土壤构成地球的表面与天空或海洋迥然不同Earth, the surface of the world, it's distinct from the sky or sea.定义"海洋" define sea.海洋是一种珍贵咸水覆盖大部分地球表面Sea, an expensive salt water that covered most of the earth's surface.并包围. . . and surround. . .外来污染物Foreign Contaminant看上去真不错You look gorgeous!Eve!清理完成完成完成Clear! Clear! Clear!伊娃Eva!瓦力Wall-E!瓦力Wall-E!我的天啊Oh, my.不准动Hold.警告危险机器人Caution! Rogue robots.警告危险机器人Caution! Rogue robots.警告危险机器人Caution! Rogue robots.瓦力Walle.警告危险机器人Caution! Rogue robots.瓦力Walle.警告危险机器人Caution! Rogue robots.伊娃Eva.伊娃Eva.地球Earth.去地球Earth.需要指令directive.瓦力Walle.瓦力Walle.那个植物Plant.瓦力Walle.-伊娃-瓦力Eva. Walle.到达巡航速度Cruising speed你现在可以在舱内活动You are now creative movement in cabin 20秒后将自爆20 seconds to self destruct10秒后自爆10 seconds to self destruct十ten.九nine.八eight.七seven.六six.五five.四four.三three.二two.不不No. No.伊娃Eva.瓦力Walle.瓦力Walle.瓦力Walle.伊娃Eva.瓦力Walle.瓦力Walle.好多星星啊Oh, so many stars.那是. . . 叫什么名字来着Hey, that's. . . what's the name?嘿Hey,怎么回事. . . what the. . .看Look.看那儿Look at that.我认识那家伙I know that guy.是瓦力啊It's. . . um. . . Walle.没错就是瓦力That's it. Walle.嗨伙计Hi, Buddy.伙计是我约翰It's your buddy John, Hi.你好Hi.你好Hi.定义舞会Define "hold down".舞会是一种社交集会Hold down. A social gathering in which 会举行舞蹈In which likly dancing will take place.亚当太美妙了Adam, This is amazing!这些叫农场These are called farms.人类把种子播到地里Humans put seeds into the ground.给它们浇水put water on them. . .它们就会长出像披萨的食物. . . and they grow food, like pizza. 晚安船长Good night, Captain.电脑Computer.定义"舞蹈" Define dancing.舞蹈一系列的动作Dancing. A series of movements.由两个舞伴Involving in two partners以一定速度和节奏随着音乐舞动With speed and rhythm mulch harmonic with music. 露天泳池即将关闭The leader deck is now closing我不知道飞船上还有个池塘I didn't know we had a pool不准戏水和潜水no splashing no diving不准戏水和. . . No splashing. . . no. . .马上送往真理号Deliver to axiom superior伊娃Eva这是命令Directive完美着陆A perfect landing!我们到了We're here everybody耶船长yeah captain船长我们到家了captain we're home太美了it's so beautiful这没什么no it's nothing guys我很乐意效劳I was pleased to this这是为了你们大家it's all about you people不是为了我not about me天哪how怎么被你找到的how did you find it我们可以回家了we can go back home离开地球后的第一次回家for the first time那儿现在是什么样子what's it like now不不别告诉我no no. . . don't tell me我想亲眼看看I wanna see for myself等一下wait这看起来不像地球呀that doesn't look like earth蓝蓝的天呢where's the blue sky青青的草呢where's the grass我听过那首歌I know that song他们这是在跳舞they're. . . dancing是的在跳舞yes dancing你顽强地活下来了对吧小伙计You made somehow, huh, little guy?你不会放弃对吗you didn't give up, did you等一下wait a minute保安系统录像启动activating security camera伊娃eva伊娃eva瓦力wall-e伊娃eva伊娃eva伊娃eva伊娃eva伊娃eva外来污染物foreign contaminant这边来小伙计there you go, little guy你远道而来就为喝一口水you came a long way for a drink of water你只是希望有个人照料你吧Just need someone who will look after you,就这么. . . that's. .我们必须回去we have to go back亚当过来auto come down here遵命aye aye sir瓦力wall-e亚当我们找到了植物auto we found the plant开启生命检测器Porne I holo-detector.没这必要船长not necessary captain交给我吧i will make it for you不行我要自己来you know what?I should do it myself船长captain先生Sir您必须把那株植物交给我I insist you give me the plant亚当别挡着我AUTO, get out of my way我们不能回去We can not go home你在说什么what are you talking about为什么why not这是机密this's classified船长把那株植物给我Captain, give me the plant机密是什么意思what do you mean classified你不能对船长保留秘密you don't keep secret from captain把植物给我give me the plant告诉我机密是什么tell me waht's classified把植物给我Give me plant.告诉我亚当tell auto这是命令that's the order好吧先生aye aye sir你好亲爱的船员们Hey dear autopilots我有条坏消息got some bad news地球清洁工程失败了Operation Clean Upheads. . . Well, uh, failed.不断升级的恶劣环境已经令生命无法存活You know, raising toxics levels made life unsustainable on Earth无法存活? unsustainable?什么意思what也就是说我们只能取消重建计划I'm afraid we gonna have to cancel "Operation Recolonize". So. . .所以就待在船上吧so just stay the course不用再去考虑那个问题了rather than trying to fix this problem大家还是待在太空船里方便些it will be just easier for everyone to remain in space方便些easier-总统先生-我想. . . Mr. president I think我们必须走了we have to go好吧okay我把驾驶权交给A113电脑让它自动驾驶掌管一切事务I'm giving overide directive A113, go to full auto pilot. . . take control of everything不要再回地球了and do not return to the earth再说一遍不要回地球了repeat do not return to the earth让我们离开这个鬼地方吧let's get the heck outta here现在now植物呢the plant不等一下no wait a minute电脑那条消息是什么时候传过来的Computer, when was that message sent to Axiom信息接收于2110年Message received in the year 2110.那是700年前的事了That's. . . That's nearly 700 years ago!亚当情况可能不一样了auto thing've changed我们必须回去we gotta go back先生这是命令Sir, the orders are我们不能回去"Do not return to Earth"可是生命已经在地球上延续了But life is sustainable now看这株植物Look at this plant多么充满生机green and growing这足以证明他们的话是错的its living proof he was wrong这两者之间没有关系船长Irrelevant, captain那什么有关系What completely relevant?我们的家就在那儿out there is our home家啊亚当home auto而且它现在有麻烦了and it's in trouble我不能坐视不管I can just sit there and do nothing而我之前却一直那样it's all I ever done这破船上的其他人也是那样That's all everyone in this blasted ship has ever done!什么也没做nothing只有在Axiom上你才能生存on the Axiom you will survive我可不要这样的生存我要享受生活I don't want to survive I want to live你必须服从指令Just following my directive.我才是真理号的船长I am the captain of Axiom我们今天就回家we are going home today4号GO-4这是造反this is mutiny伊娃抓住他eva arrest him伊娃赶快把这株植物去放进生命检测仪EVE, you have to put this plant, straight in the holo-detector不no伊娃eva瓦力wall-e伊娃eva瓦力wall-e把那株植物扔过来快Throw the plant! Throw it to me!伊娃eva伊娃eva把植物给我give me the plant不no所有通讯已经被中断All communications are terminated你已经被禁闭了You're confined in your quarters.不no重新启动reboot瓦力wall-e警告正在启动气闸清理Caution! Activating airlock disposal 瓦力wall-e正在启动气闸清理Activating air-lock disposal瓦力wall-e警告正在启动气闸清理Caution! Activating air-lock disposal 正在启动气闸舱Activating air-lock disposal瓦力wall-e外界污染foreign contaminate瓦力wall-e清洁完毕all clean清洁完毕all clean我是瓦力wall-e我是摩恩M-O.摩恩. M-O.摩恩. M-O.M-O. M-O.指令Directive.指令directive地球earth地球earth地球? earth?地球! earth!摩恩mo瓦力wall-e错误Wrong!稍等我们现在Please hold. we are currently having. . .伊娃eva这挺适合你的Oh, that style suits you.警告危险机器人Caution! Rogue Robots!警告危险机器人Caution! Rogue Robots!不可能Not possible!亚当听我说Auto! Hear me!你个傻帽轮盘You stupid wheel!警告危险机器人Caution! Rogue Robots!警告危险机器人Caution! Rogue Robots!那株植物the plant看看谁厉害we'll see who's powerless now测试测试开关开了吗Testing, testing. Is this thing on?我是船长this is the captain我现在被关在房里i'am locked in my room伊娃瓦力eva wall-e把那株植物搬到游泳池甲板上bring the plant to the leader deck快把生命探测仪打开Go back and activate the holo-detector快亚当可能要把我剁了now hurry AUTO is probably gonna cut me out住手halt住手halt看看我拿到了什么亚当haha look what I got auto不可能no possible对了这株植物it's right the plant你想要吗oh you want it那就过来拿吧傻帽Come and get it blinky不no船长captain船长captain放手Let go放手Let go做梦for you?你休想叫我放手You're not gonna get away from me when I. . .住手Halt!我再说一遍不行-近了近了拿到啦- I insist. This is not good. - Come closer. Gotcha! 不要慌张Remain calm不要慌张Remain calm女士们先生们Ladies gentleman我是船长this is captain speaking我们的自动驾驶系统出了点小问题We have a little slight malfunction with the auto-pilot不要慌张Please remain calm够了Enough.-抓住-不不- Grab it! - no no. . .抓住Grab on!我抓到你了I got you!约翰准备接住小孩john get ready to have some kids小心Look out!不no瓦力wall-e不no亚当auto你正式被炒了you're leaved of duty.瓦力wall-e外界污染foreign contaminate植物源已确认Plant origin verified瓦力wall-e准备飞向地球course set for earth10秒后将进行超时空传送10 seconds to hiper jump九八瓦力wall-e六不是吧ho no四三二一零瓦力wall-e瓦力wall-e伊娃eva瓦力wall-e我是伊娃啊eva瓦力wall-e盛装打扮外面的世界千奇百怪Put on your Sunday clothes when you feel down and out 瓦力wall-e瓦力你到家了Wall-E, you're home!瓦力wall-e瓦力wall-e伊娃eva瓦力wall-e伊娃eva瓦力wall-e走走走go go go这就叫做农田this's called farming你们的孩子们将会种会各种各样的植物your kids are gonna grow all kinds of plant种蔬菜种匹萨vegetable plant pizza plant haha回家真好no it's good to be home让我们坠入爱河. . . come on ready to be in love一生一世. . . a whole life long!完。



Wonderful dialogue
• Captain:Out there is our home. HOME, AUTO! And it's in trouble. I can't just sit here and do nothing. That's all I've ever done. That's all anyone on this blasted ship has ever done. Nothing!
• the earth is our only home, we must love our earth, protect our environment!
Thanks for your watching! That’s all.
• Search palnt on earth • More intelligence
• Human living • Place where EVA comes from.
• Manage daily affairs of the Axiom • Getting fatter and fatter like any other man in the ship • Take the journey of home
A fantastic movie.
The story
• The story happened in 2805, because of the excessive damage to the environment, the earth at this time has become as a large garbage ball floating in space, humans have moved to the spacecraft, and hired Buy N Large to remove garbage on the earth, waiting for the day of garbage clean up, come back to the earth. • So Buy N Large to earth to the delivery of a large number of robots garbage, but the robot is not suitable for the earth's environment, are gradually broken, finally, only one robot is still day in and day out procedures in accordance with the scheduled garbage.



第一关是教学关,主要是熟悉瓦伊(WALL E)的各种动作操控方法。

开门方法——收集周围的蓝色能量电池(blue Energy Charges),放入前面的控制门里即可打开大门。


抓斗操作——只要靠近垃圾堆(Junk Pile),WALL E就会自动抓起一个垃圾箱,将箱子对准目标后,目标周围会有红圈出现,此时就可以砸向目标了。

躲避障碍物——只需将WALL E变成箱子(BOX)的状态就可以越过一些栅栏等障碍物了,在越过障碍物的途中不要松开O键。




关于跳跃的操作——游戏中对于跳跃的方法比较多,主要可以借助场景中的跳板(Half Pipe ramps)、滑梯,借助自身的速度来进行,在离开这些跳板滑梯的一霎那按X键即可跳到对面或者是高平台上。




MAP2:SANDSTORM SPRINT从本关开始,玩家可以在关卡中自由击毁规定数量的箱子(主要是红色能量箱和普通箱子),收集地越多,过关后会的BONUS奖励也会越多。






Main Character
About WALL.E
1 .Sun-powerd robot 2. collect and compact rubbish 3. The last robot on the earth 4. Be able to say simple words like his name 5. Gain self-conscious and emotions
Consistent with her "directive" Eve takes the plant and automatically entered a deactivated state except for a blinking green beacon. WALL-E, didn't understand what has happened to his new friend, but true to his love, he protected her from wind, rain, and lightening, even as she was unresponsive.
Let us enjoy the movie.
Many years(almost 700)later,WALL-E is alone on Earth except for a sprightly pet cockroach.
One normal day as usual, Wall.E met Eve and fell in love with her.
第81届奥斯卡金像奖最佳动画长片 第66届金球奖最佳动画片



WALL-E《机器人总动员》英文剧情介绍OK,The story takes place in 2700, As excessive destruction of the human environment, the Earth at that time has become a big ball of garbage floating in space, human spacecraft moved to the out space as their last resort, and the human hired a company to clear up rubbish on The Earth, waiting for somedays ,The company clean up the garbage and then back to the Earth,meanwhile find other planet to live on.So the company delivery a large number of robots to the Earth to removal garbage, but these robot is not suitable for the Earth's environment, and gradually broken. In the end only one robot survived,and his name is Wall. Clearly this is an impossible task. One day he find a grass which he never seen before and bring it back. Later a spaceship landed and leave a beautiful female robot Eve to The Earth in charge of searching a number of things, and then Wall fall in love with Eve, so he give the grass to Eve.Eva was very curious to the green, but no hurry curious ,her potential instructions immediately collected the grass in her body, she also lost consciousness at the same time, and then wait for the spaceship bring her back to the spacecraft, which is carrying all of the humans who evacuated from the earth before 700 years ago. The people of the earth ride around this space resort on hovering chairs which give them a constant feed of TV and video chatting. They drink all of their meals through a straw out of laziness and bone loss, and these people are so fatthat they can barely move.When the portly captain see the grass, he said:its time to go home,our lonely earth.Other human also thought that the outer space life were not they want.But the auto-pilot computer, acting on hastily given instructions sent many centuries before, tries to prevent the people back to the Earth .Then W ALL-E, Eve, the portly captain, and a band of broken robots statr to rebel against the auto-pilot computer .Final they returned the earth successfully. This movie not only educated us The Earth should be protected ,but also performedA very Romantic love.。



• Search palnt on earth Eve get into Dormant(休眠) state
They become familiar.
• More intelligence Wall-e takes Eva’s hand just like human do.
Be able to say a little simply words They become familiar. Getting fatter and fatter like any other man in the ship Eva take the plant to the Aiom. They become familiar. Human living The captain Eve get into Dormant(休眠) state Eva was taken back. Manage daily affairs of the Axiom They become familiar. People struggle with the bad robot:Auto. Back to earth Wall-e show his collection to Eva. Wall-e go after she. Back to earth Wall-e go after she. Sun-powerd robot The captain The story line Getting fatter and fatter like any other man in the ship Wall-e show his collection to Eva. The last robot in the earth Collect and compact rabbish Thanks for your watching! Search palnt on earth Manage daily affairs of the Axiom
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man in the ship • Take the journey of home
The story line
• Wall-e and Eva meet on earth
• They become familiar. • Wall-e show his collection to Eva.
Байду номын сангаас
• Eve get into Dormant(休眠) state • Wall-e try his best to wake Eva.

5、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力 ,自胜 者强。 20.12.1 020.12. 1002:5 0:0302: 50:03D ecembe r 10, 2020

6、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像 泥块一 样任意 揉捏。 2020年 12月10 日星期 四上午 2时50 分3秒02 :50:032 0.12.10
• Eva was taken back. • Wall-e go after she.
• Eva take the plant to the Aiom.
• People struggle with the bad robot:Auto.
• Mark on the journey home
• Back to earth • Wall-e takes Eva’s hand just like human
• 10、你要做多大的事情,就该承受多大的压力。12/10/
2020 2:50:03 AM02:50:032020/12/10
• 11、自己要先看得起自己,别人才会看得起你。12/10/
谢 谢 大 家 2020 2:50 AM12/10/2020 2:50 AM20.12.1020.12.10
• 12、这一秒不放弃,下一秒就会有希望。10-Dec-2010 December 202020.12.10
• Search palnt on earth • More intelligence
• Human living • Place where EVA comes from.
• Manage daily affairs of the Axiom • Getting fatter and fatter like any other
Main item
• Evoke passion for love • Envirnment-protection • Obesity(肥胖) problem
Thanks for your watching! That’s all.

1、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考 的方法 。20.1 2.1020. 12.10Thursday, December 10, 2020

2、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的 人谈话 。02:5 0:0302: 50:0302 :5012/ 10/2020 2:50:03 AM

3、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。 20.12.1 002:50: 0302:5 0Dec-20 10-Dec-20

4、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的 错儿。 02:50:0 302:50: 0302:5 0Thursday, December 10, 2020

7、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我 。。20 20年12 月上午 2时50 分20.12. 1002:5 0December 10, 2020

8、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。20 20年12 月10日 星期四 2时50 分3秒02 :50:031 0 December 2020

9、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自 强不息 。上午 2时50 分3秒上 午2时5 0分02: 50:0320 .12.10
• 13、无论才能知识多么卓著,如果缺乏热情,则无异 纸上画饼充饥,无补于事。Thursday, December 10, 202
• 14、我只是自己不放过自己而已,现在我不会再逼自 己眷恋了。20.12.1002:50:0310 December 202002:50
(《机器人总动员》in chinese)
A fantastic movie.
Main character
• The Axiom
• The captain
• Sun-powerd robot • Collect and compact rabbish • The last robot in the earth • Be able to say a little simply words • Gain sort of self-conscious and emotions