
旅游英语:最浪漫的普罗旺斯普罗旺斯ProvenceProvence is a region of south eastern France on the Mediterranean adjacent to Italy. The Romans made the region into the first Roman province beyond the Alps, their Provincia Romana, the origin of its present name.Provence is the hometown of lavender and a famous tourist resort. Lavenders enjoy different views in different seasons. In winter, only short and neat dry stalks are left after harvest and are covered with snow.While in spring, green leaves emerge. In June, lavenders will turn into purple. Gradually as the summer sun gets hotter, lavender flower is quickly transformed into a charming dark purple. Then the busy harvest starts.Timing is very important; therefore, farmers must pick the flowers day and night and extract the juice. Until the end of September, all the flowers have been cut.Finally the lavender field is able to breathe again and absorb the essence of nature, preparing for the next summer's purple blooming again.Other than flowers, Provence is also a perfect place for touring.With around 50 golf clubs in Provence, there should be plenty for the golf enthusiast to enjoy. The warm&dry Mediterranean climate makes the experience even more pleasurable. The courses vary from wide and undulating courses designed by professional golf players, to charming little 9-hole local courses. Some of the courses are private and are formembers use only,but you should still be able to find a course to play on wherever you may be staying in Provence.The French are very family-orientated and so there are plenty of attractions for families to enjoy,particularly as you move towards the coast. The largest theme park is the Marineland, just up from Antibes which offers a water park, adventure golf, wild west adventures and animal attractions.The landscape of Provence lends itself especially well to cyclists.Not only do you have glorious countryside and quiet roads (away from the main arteries that is), but you have tremendous choice between hilly itinerates or flat as a pancake cycle routes. Especially popular are the cycling routes around the vineyards, and up to the Natural Park of the Gorge du Verdon for serious cyclists. Cycling in the Luberon visiting the "perched villages" is also popular, but bear in mind that you will have a few kilometers of steep climbs to navigate before you enjoy the views! You can choose between tailor made cycling holidays, usually arranged in your home country, or self-guided trips using maps from the tourist offices. Many hotels and guest houses provide bikes for their guests to use, and there are of course cycle hire shops in the popular cycling areas.普罗旺斯是法国东南部的一个地区,毗邻地中海,和意大利接壤。

法国, 普罗旺斯
France , Provence 雨后潮湿的柏油马路,两旁
东南部,毗邻地中海和意大利, 从地中海沿岸延伸到内陆的丘陵 地区,中间有大河“Rhone”流 过。自古就以靓丽的阳光和蔚蓝 的天空,迷人的地中海和心醉的 薰衣草,令世人惊艳。笔直而苍 翠的大树。雨后潮湿的柏油马路, 两旁笔直而苍翠的大树。雨后潮 湿的柏油马路,两旁笔直而苍翠 的大树。
Provence 从普罗旺斯一路逶迤至蔚蓝海岸,穿越山野冈峦、 村落古城至碧海蓝天的渡假天堂,这条交错着纯 朴与奢华的路线,两百年来散发着独特的魅力, 吸引无数的观光客像候鸟般定期造访,现在以最 方便的大众交通工具,带你直闯法国的秘密花园。 以火车与巴士串联 行程利用大众交通工具是自助旅行最重要的项目, 当然,如果你能够自己开车旅行绝对更自由与舒
虽然交通设施堪称完善,但是,较偏远的山区班 次不多,而且法国人奇怪的设计有时会让你摸不 着头绪,例如:巴士与渡轮都没有公家经营,全 由各个不同的私人企业拥有,所以巴士外型都有 些差距,常常看起来像是旅行社包租的大型豪华 冷气车;或者,明明停泊在同一个码头,抵达同 一地点的渡轮也有不同的外型与运费,为了避免 弄错你可以报名当地旅行社或旅客服务中心安排 的半日游或一日游,才可能深入真正普罗旺斯纯 朴迷人的山区,下榻的旅馆或旅客服务中心可以

一、The introduction of Provence:As we all know, Provence is the home of lavender and is a place that people from all over the world like it. So it can attract many tourists. And next I will give you a specific introduction of it.二:Climate:Most of Provence has a Mediterranean climate, characterized by hot, dry summers, mild winters, little snow, and abundant sunshine.三:The geography of Provence:Provence is in the Southeast of France, and it is next to Mediterranean, and boards with Italy.四:Food:The cuisine(菜肴) of Provence is the result of the warm, dry Mediterranean climate; the rugged landscape, good for grazing sheep and goats,and the abundant seafood on the coast. The basic ingredients are olives(橄榄) and olive oil; garlic(大蒜); sardines(沙丁鱼), rockfish(石斑鱼); local fruits, such as grapes, peaches, strawberries, cherries, and the famous melons.1:Pastis(茴香酒) is the traditional liqueur of Provence, It is usually drunk diluted with water, which it turns a cloudy color. It is especially popular in and around Marseille.2:perigord truffle(黑松露): Provence is the world's most important truffle origin, and the production accounts for 80% in all France. Truffle can enhance immunity, anti-aging, anti-fatigue and so on.普罗旺斯是全球最重要的黑松露产地,产量占法国的80%。

繁冗中让我们一起走过浪漫的憩园 一同走进我的薰衣草之梦
Provence is located in south France,
extends from Mediterranean Sea's coast to the interior hilly area, middle has the river "Rhone" to flow, the very historical cities, on dressed up since old times with sunlight and the deep blue sky, startled made the common people to be colorful.
Provence was born for lavender. If there
wasn’t lavender, Provence wouldn’t be Provence.
将普罗旺斯的阳光 浪漫的薰衣草田 蔚蓝的海岸 和悠闲舒适的生活 展现给大家。。。。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Besides lavender, Provence has many other places which are worth seeing. Provence has many beautiful old-fashioned towns remaining traditional styles. Wandering in the street, you can see antique, elegant or Gothic buildings
法国 普罗旺斯 英文介绍

The Map
• • • •
Full Name: The Republic of France Respective continent: European Capital: Paris Official language: French Currency: Euro
Scenic spots and historical sites :
The Eiffel Tower The arc DE triomphe The Elysee palace Versailles Union square Notre Dame DE Paris
The first station--Pairs
The Louvre is the best fusion of ancient and modern architectural history of the world's largest museum, one of the most emblematic status, museum housing the art treasures in the Middle Ages to the 19th century, one of the most not to be missed is the smile of the Mona Lisa, wingsgoddess of Victory and the Venus statue
法国人的浪漫,某种程度上还反映了他们 对甜品的重视。数千年来,法国人早将甜 点制作视为一门艺术、一门学问。一道道 甜点,品尝到的不仅仅是各式各样的甜蜜 口感搭配。还有其视觉上的迷人。
(Le Sakre-Cœur)

对普罗旺斯的记忆,是漫天遍野弥散的熏衣草香,是深邃的酒窖里回荡的源远流长;是铭刻在尼斯街道的热力阳光,是嘎纳蓝色大海、红色岩石赋予的浮想联翩,是散落在年复一年葡萄枝头的硕果,是桃红葡萄酒细润、醉人的芬芳……Provence, the heart of Provence, is in the hills that bind the sea to the alps. These are the sloping vineyards; the cultivated lands and the colorful scenery that charmed Cezanne (Aix en Provence),Van Gogh (Arles),Chagall or Giono.In Provence or the Midi the local people have a soft singing accent which evokes their whole relaxed lifestyle. They have no greater pleasure after a hard days work than to enjoy a delicious and hardy meal shared with friends.This is the picturesque Provence of Pagnol,Raimu,and Fernandel.相关阅读:普罗旺斯人文风情普罗旺斯位于法国南部,从诞生之日起,就谨慎地保守着她的秘密,直到英国人彼得·梅尔的到来,普罗旺斯许久以来独特生活风格的面纱才渐渐揭开。
普罗旺斯英文简介 provence

• Can you imagine anything more beautiful and comforting than being touched? • You can try an aromatherapy !
• Most of Provence has a Mediterranean climate, characterized by hot, dry summers, mild winters, little snow, and abundant sunshine.
Top Reasons To Go
• The Garrigue is the typical landscape of Provence; is a type of low, soft-leaved scrubland(灌木丛) or chaparral (丛林)found on limestone soils around the Mediterranean Basin, generally near the seacoast, where the climate is moderate, but where there are annual summer drought conditions. Juniper (刺柏)and stunted holm oaks(矮橡木) are the typical trees; aromatic(芳香的) lime-tolerant shrubs (灌木)such as lavender(薰衣草), rosemary (迷迭香), wild thyme(百里香) are common garrigue plants.
• The wines of Provence were probably introduced into Provence around 600 BC by the Greek The wines of Provence are grown under demanding conditions; hot weather and abundant sunshine , which ripens the grapes quickly; little rain, and the mistral.

Les rêves de LA France
法兰西之梦 • 薰衣草观赏区
——Provence 施米雅那山区 吕贝隆山区
bientôt !!!
Merci beaucoup!!
Les rêves de LA France
——Provence 记忆就 象薰衣草, 一起走过的 爱情不能忘 走在薰 衣草中用力 呼吸,空气 有了不同的 口味
Les rêves de LA France
——Provence 薰衣草的香 是人生中的 某种半梦半 醒的状态, 淡到了极处, 却又刻在心 底。
Les rêves de LA France
当你和情人分离时, 可以藏一小枝薰衣草 在情人的书里头,在 你们下次相聚时,再 看看薰衣草的颜色, 闻闻薰衣草的香味, 就可以知道情人有多 爱你。
Les rêves de LA France
薰衣草呀,遍地开放。 蓝花绿叶,清香满怀。 我为国王,你是王后。 抛下硬币,许个心愿。 爱你一生,此情不渝。
Lés Champs-Elysées
La France
Les rêves de LA France
Les rêves de LA France
—— Provence
梵高 毕加索
Les rêves de LA France
—— Provence 普罗旺斯 就像一场 浪漫的飨 宴,每一 个角落都 是风景。

ProvenceProvence in the south of France, extending from the Mediterranean coast to the inland hilly areas, Phone middle rivers flow through, a lot of historical towns, has since ancient times to Beautiful sunshine and blue skies, the world stunningFrom the day of its birth, the Provence in southern France (Provence) adhere to prudent tenure her secret, until the British彼得梅尔arrival Provence long time since the unique life style of the veil was gradually opened. Mel works in the "Provence" is no longer a purely geographical names, but also represent a simple ease and relaxed慵懒lifestyle; a宠辱不惊see Pretrial flowers Whispering; stay unintentionally, wang sky云卷云舒the carefree mood.Today, the influx of millions of people each year several of the Provence and the southern coast of the blue, it is difficult person pictorial and novels depicting the landscape in the leisurely unbelievable, if travel is to shake off the shackles of life, will let you forget all Provence .Initial Provence Alps from the north, south to the Pyrenees, including the entire southern region of France. The Roman Empire period, Provence was listed as their respective provinces. Along with the decline in ancient Rome, Provence has been controlled by other forces ... Frank, Saracens, feudal lords, but also the French Empire was carved up with the pope. Of this, the scope of the history of Provence boundaries changed greatly.18 end of the century during the Great Revolution, France was divided into five different administrative provinces, Provence is one of them. By the 1960s, administrative provinces has been regrouping divided into 22 regions, so there is now the Provence - Alpes region. Gentle University in the city of Aix, the city of Avignon Pope agriculture at the front and rear, there are those who escaped the small changes of the medieval villages and ancient Town. Despite the turmoil to Provence century left a confused concept of boundaries, but also provides some colorful past Provence, time passes, Provence will be old habits perfectly togetherProvence region as a whole due to the changes in ownership highly unusual charm - weather阴晴indecision heater Warm, cold wind rave, topography ups and downs, broad plains,峰岭dangerous, lonely canyons, desolate castle, winding mountain ranges and lively city - all in this land of the French interpretation of 10,000 kinds of customs. July-August the wind blooming lavender, rich and gaudy colors decorative green valley, slightly spicy scent mixed with Coke was drying grass fragrance are interwoven into the south of France the most impressive atmosphere. In the Food, Provence biggest advantage is rich in agricultural products, fresh fruits and vegetables, olive oil, garlic, seafood, spices combined to patrons of heaven.As much as the activities in this region, is even more目不暇接, from the beginning of February the Edmonton Lemon Festival to July 8, the Avignon Festival farmland. Ouhongji the Opera Festival to August Pu-Andean mountain lavender festival, echoed the mountain city of unrestricted 4 yearsThis sense of freedom colors confuse the inspiration artists, including Cezanne, Van Gogh, Monet, Picasso,夏卡尔such as per capita arts in Provence launched a new phase of life, azure coast of hedonism culture, and attract American writer Fitzgerald, the British author DH Lawrence, the French writer Huxley, Nietzsche and others to pilgrims, of course, also include "Mountains Years" (A Year in Provence) will push the peak of Peter Provence Mel. Provence - lavender - romantic color, endless art have attracted our Veteran journalists.the pace, a good suction forgotten草香, tasted a delicious cheese, is a rare realm.Good wine grape quality local products, 20% for the senior and top liquor species. As the Mediterranean sun adequate, Provence grapes contain more sugar, sugar into alcohol, the alcohol wine of Provence than the north liquor by 2 degrees. Slightly orange and yellow dry pink wine is most unique. Common red wine: Cotes de Provence, Coteaux d 'Aix en Provence, Bandol. The ancient town south Provence al-Arles), a warm bright Mediterranean sun and the artistic style of famous fashion. Read "Van Gogh Biography," and probably will remember the outstanding creative artists in here, lived. Here the streets, housing, bars, everywhere is full of great artistic atmosphere. Ancient Rome construction (al - who are the descendants of ancient Rome), the artist's work and life in a modern civilized society, here in harmony, tranquility beautiful. Here annually in July, will hold a very fashionable international photography festival, in a stone古巷and small square in the exhibition the major trend of today's photographers to create and风流人物.Lavender - lavender, such as Whisper, "waiting for love" purple florets, I wonder if captured the hearts of many people. Self Voyages Provence (Provence Tours travel agency), Pascal, drove his Toyota CHUANSHAN the field with us, even turn white limestone looks like summer snow皑皑of Du Feng Shan (Mont Ventoux), After walking through a large large golden sunflower garden, and finally stopped at the one紫霞transpiration land.Lavender capital Lavender Sault Purcell is really beautiful. When you first saw this vegetated lavender fields, so pure in高高低低the Pastoral purple blossoms in the summer wind opened romantic symbols, such as the most quiet yearning, the most sweet melancholy , as if hiding in the hearts of those they love never bailiff hands of the kind of warmthand sad feeling. Good harvest stem草垛volumes into oak酒桶like, three to five drying in the fields, Huang very simple. Yellow and purple it is so clean and stretch the air, we have the hair, skin, full of the flavor of tainted with the lavender.In Provence, lavender Hanada throughout the year both have a very different landscape. Winter, after cutting the harvest, only short and neat stem blight, covered with snow. Spring came, green leaves emerge. June purple halo, gradually as the summer sun was bright more more heat, lavender flowers quickly transformed into charming深紫色. Immediately after the work is busy harvesting began, master of time is very important, therefore, flower growers must cut flower day and night mining, extraction and distillation liquid. Until the end of September, all the Hanada have picked completed. Lavender Hanada only to喘口气, absorbing the essence of nature, for the next summer once again blooming purple flowers and preparation.. Provence six impression let you forget all of heaven BeachCentral to the Mediterranean coast of Provence, known as Lane维耶拉(Riviera), 1887 poet with 'blue coast' praise the name of it. From the 18th century, is the city's bid,富贾celebrities most popular vacation sites, when the North was heavy snow cover, they seem as migratory birds fly south, gathered at the beach to enjoy warm sunshine, air and extravagant, vanity life, and this pattern known until today. In fact, the blue coastal beaches not born gathered from Anchibu (Antibes) for the sector, the west is沙岸, east of the gravel, so it is necessary to import the filling of sand, but in the hotel industry deliberately operating under the beach very clean.Display妆点Provence mountain flowers to lavender and sunflowers most famous. Provence lavender quality called world's highest, but the display close purple difficult because the majority located in remote mountainous areas, July blooming period, Fragrant Flowers attacks, and the eyes of the South Sunflower sunshine is满山遍野the blooming, Hanada willful flowing to occupy hills, these beautiful color is the orthographic Provence marker.US馔For the Kingdom of French cuisine, the biggest advantage lies in Provence agro-rich, but the 'French Farm' reputation, and Provence cooking characteristics is the biggest large-scale use of seafood,时鲜fruits and vegetables, olive oil, spices and garlic five major projects, fresh, light, health, and other characteristics unique in the French cuisine. Finally coupled with the Provence sun照拂This feature makes Provence became饕客paradise.4. ArtThe bright colors fool Provence artists inspired by 19th century to the early 20th century, including Cezanne, Van Gogh, Monet, Picasso, Matisse,夏卡尔such as per capita arts in Provence start another life a stage with the azure coast of hedonism atmosphere, and the writer has come to attract countless pilgrims, such as the American writer Fitzgerald, the British author DH Lawrence, the French writer Huxley, Nietzsche and others, of course, other missing use 'Mountains years' (A Year in Provence) Provence to the pinnacle of彼得梅尔, these artists used color or Wen - Tsai depicts the different customs Provence.CelebrationsThe activities in this region as much as it is to stage another feast for the eyes, from the Nice Carnival in early February, Edmonton Lemon Festival, 7 to August of Avignon agricultural festival Ouhongji's Opera Festival, and even is August Provence mountain lavender festival. Summer in Provence particularly lively, four have music activities, such as Anchibu Jazz Music Festival, Cannes the old city of music performances, the sea pyrotechnics show, as if only by festive fun large-scale activities, which can be echoed species unrestricted years.Rome and medieval architectural relicsItaly is close to the coastal areas of the Romans is the first to enter the French region, and be good at farmland water conservancy construction settlement of the Romans left many unique style of the relics, including the integrity of the old city pool, arena, round arches, fountains, or颓圮the stone columns, separated mosaic壁饰, also characterized by medieval monastery to the local monastery square marble砌成the beauty of a unique, white columns, arch reduction of the religious outlook of the most simple and plain.。

It is said that the village had a girl, alone in the cold valley adopted a 据说,村中有个少女,独自在寒冷的 budding flower, on the way home, met 山谷中采着含苞待放的花朵,就在回 a traveler from afar injuries to her ask. 家的途中,遇见一位来自远方受伤的 Girl holding a bouquet full, soulful eyes, looked at the handsome youth, 旅人向她问路。少女捧着满怀的花束, in which busy, her passionate young 眼睛深情的望着这位俊俏的青年,就 heart has been occupied by a smile. 在那一刹间,她的心已经被青年热情 Despite family opposition, insisting that young girls remain at home until 奔放的笑容所占据。不顾家人的反对, the wounds healed in the room. As 少女坚持让青年留在家中的客房疗伤 the child said in the past day by day, 直到痊愈。随着曰子一天一天的过去, young people have a good leg, the two 青年的腿伤已好,两人的感情也急速 feelings are rapidly heated. A cool earth in the morning to bid farewell to 加温。就在一个微凉的清晨,青年要 young people leave, the girl has 告别离去,少女却不顾家人的反对要 ignored the opposition to be with the 随青年远去,到远方青年开满玫瑰花 young family away, to the distant 的故乡… .. 村中的老奶奶在少女临走 home of young people full of roses ... 前,握着一把初开的薰衣草花束,让 .. old lady in the village before leaving the girl, holding an early opening of 痴情的少女用这初开的薰衣草花束试 the lavender flowers, so infatuated 探青年的真心…… with this girl lavender flowers open in early test of the sincerity of youth ... ...

Espace Van Gogh
It is a hospital where Van Gogh lived when his cut his own ears to escape the life of treatment.
Lavender Yeah, everywhere open. Blue flowers leaves, full of fragrance. I'm the king, you are queen. Throwing coins, may a wish. Love your life, this love enduring. - British folk song "Lavender"
Luberon mountainous area (鲁伯隆山区) and Simiane-la-Rotonde (施米亚那山区) are the most beautiful valley across France . And there have
many kinds of lavenders.
It is a ancient Roman architecture. It is full of Roman style.
Cezanne studio
It is a place where a famous Impressionist artist lived.
The next day, young travelers bid farewell to the girls and left, while the girl was in love with the young people, insisting on going to leave. Despite her relatives' persuation, she insisted going to the full of roses hometown with the young man! Just the moment before the girls leave, an old lady in the village gave her a bouquet of lavender, who wanted her to use this beam to test the sincerity of youth travelers, because the aroma of lavender allows legend unclean thing betray oneself.

All deduct thousands of French style in
this piece of land. Between July and August ,lavender bloom open and a rich ruby color decorate green valley
•普罗旺斯位于法国南部——天气阴晴不定,暖风和煦,平原广阔,寂寞的峡谷, 苍凉的古堡,蜿蜒的山脉和活泼的都会,全都在这片法国的大地上演绎万种风情。 7~8月间的熏衣草迎风绽放,浓艳的色彩装饰翠绿的山谷
Provence locate in southern France - the volatility of the weather, warm air , wild winds, wide plains, lonely valleys, desolate castle, winding mountains and lively city
No the pace of New York - No London endless off , - Even without the expensive romantic gardens of Paris . - Provence. - It is free from pollution and exists in the other world, - With a different kind of style .

the hometown of lavender and sunflower
the hometown of lavender
In Provence, lavender fields have different views in different seasons. In winter, leaving only short and neat dry stems covered with snow. But when spring coming,the leaves emerge.As the weather gets hot,lavenders begin to transform into purple in June. Followed by the busy harvest,the flowergrowers have to cut flowers and distill extract day and night.It will continue until the end of September.
The culture of wine
Red Wine
France is famous for its red wine
Based on "fennel" In most Mediterranean countries,it is very populer.
Pink wine
There are various of pink wines.
Pau Castle
It is the remarkable building of Provence. It is located near the ear region of Asia Pau Provence (Les Baux de Provence) .Pau castle was destroyed during the reign of Louis 13,and now is open for visitors.

It left the world a rich intsuirsntiendgitnhtaotayowuisnpgogfirslsmroekmeaviannaist heodmyeouth in t的he笑v容all所ey占..据. ..。.. 不. 顾家人的反对,
until the wounds healed in the room. As the
Provence a former Roman province a region of
southeastern France, located on the Mediterranean Sea with Italy, a part of the administrative région of Provence-Alpes-Côte d‘Azur..( 阿尔卑斯山)
普罗旺斯一名前罗马省东南部地区的法国,位于地中海与意大利,一部分的行政é祗园 的provence-alpes-cô蔚蓝海岸的。(阿尔卑斯山)
Provence has been inhabited since prehistoric times.
普罗旺斯已自史前 时代居住。
This gave it its name,
alhoannedinhethgeectsolrdeavadlyletyo atrdaovpetle, dthae bguirdlsdiwngill be hid据de说n,in村a中n i有ns个id少e 女co,at独自在寒
flolawvern, doenrtfhloewwearys,hlosmteT,hmroewt aintryaoveulnegr people wh冷o的, l山ike谷th中is采, s着u含dd苞en待ly放a的花朵,