



Cross-cupped wine(交杯酒) Meaning:all in one(合为一体) never to be separated(永不分离)
Speak auspicious words in English 用英语说传统吉祥话
1.a harmonious union lasting a hundred years 百年好合 2.to be kind and love to each other 相亲相爱 3.talented guy and beautiful lady 郎才女貌 4.a complete meeting of minds 心心相印 5.to be one mind forever 永结同心 6.a match by heaven 天作之合
procedures & customs.
The wedding has main 6 necessary procedures
1.match-making (说媒)
2.engagement (定亲)
3.betrothal presents(聘礼)
4.meeting the bride (迎娶) 5.three bows (拜堂)
Chinese date 红枣
peanut 花生 longan 桂圆
chestnut 栗子 Meaning: early birth of a healthy baby 早生贵子
Stir up the
red veil (掀盖头)
Teasing the bride and the groom on wedding night of the sedan chair(踢轿门)
Purpose:to diabuse of the bride's pride(去傲气)


before the wedding, a so-called ‘forever lucky man’ was selected to place the bed at a proper location. After that, an old woman who has many children and grandchildren would go ahead to put some lucky food on it. Children were allowed to play on the prepared bed, as they were seen as a predict of having babies and wealth.
Bride price (Betrothal gifts)(纳吉)
At this point the bridegroom's family arranges for the matchmaker to present bride price (betrothal订婚 gifts), including the betrothal letter, to the bride's family.
The two families will arrange a wedding day which will bring the most luck to the couple, again based on the Chinese
calendar (老黄历)
- mythology.
Wedding Ceremony(亲迎)
Wedding gifts(纳征)
The groom‘s family



Red is central to the wedding theme of China .It signifies love ,joy and properity and is used in a variety of ways in chinese wedding traditions. Eg :Wedding 、 gown 、 shoes 、 package 、 quilt 、 pillow extra。
• (purpose : to counteract evil force .)
• One bows to Heaven and Earth • Two pays a visite to parents
• Husband and wife benபைடு நூலகம்s down face to face
• Be sent in a bridal chamber!
Combing Hair :
The first combing symbolize : from beginning till the end.
The second combing symbolize : harmony from now till old age.
The third combing symbolize :
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢
• Chinese date 枣
• peanut 花生 • longan 桂圆 • chestnut 栗子
Arm-crossed toast (交杯酒)
• The bride and bridegroom are supposed to hand over a cup of wine each other and drink it off.

婚礼风俗 英文版PPT

婚礼风俗 英文版PPT

让教 化 对 上的 还 于 帝人 是 婚 见, 有 礼 证喜 所 举 他欢 不 行 们在 同 的 的教 , 地 爱堂 有 点 情举 的 , 。办 信 各 婚奉国 礼基的 ,督文
There are also couples his love to the beauty of the sea, so that where they record a perfect moment.
The traditional of wearing a special white dress only for the wedding ceremony started around 150 years ago.
这种穿着传统的白色礼服的婚礼形式 大约盛行于150年前。
In traditional Japanese wedding ceremonies, the bride wears a white kimono.
鲜花婚礼发挥最重要作用。据说,玫瑰是爱花,因为通常在六月 玫瑰盛开,这已成为许多国家最流行的婚礼一个月。
Ivy is also used in wedding bouquets because in early Greek time, it was thought to be a sign of everlasting love.
常春藤也用于婚礼花束,因为在古希腊时,它被认为是一个永 恒的爱的迹象。
When bride to throw her bouquet into a crowd of well—usually her single female friends. It is said that the person who catches the bouquet will be next one to marry.



1.The new bed should be put in a certain position. 2.The bride can't tread threshold. 3.Before bedtime, the new bed can not be contact.
The wedding things
汪银斌 黄明均 陆佳庆 黄明均
PPT制作: 汪银斌 罗鹏 信息收集:程文俊 李瑞 PPT检查: 陆佳庆 罗鹏
Fu xi made marriage, and Nv wa established wedding appointment.
Three letters and six etiquette
Corner table
Married time
Marriage ceremony
1. The groom does not be a person sleep new bed before marriage
2. The bride should cry in marry 3. When the bride gets into the house, elderly person and aunt should be avoided
Three letters
The request letter The gift letter
The wedding letter
1 Proposal six etiquette 2 Birthdates 3 Bride price 4 Wedding gifts 5 Arranging the wedding 6 Wedding Ceremony

中国传统婚礼 英文ppt课件

中国传统婚礼 英文ppt课件

他乡遇故知1Fra bibliotek 2The importance of getting married was far more than that a person found his better half, it also determined the prosperity(繁荣) and even the future fame of their family;
先用粉涂在面部,尤其是头发边缘处涂擦。之后用 红色双线,变化成有三个头的“小机关”,两手各 拉一个头,线在两手间绷直,另一个头只好用嘴咬 住、拉开,成“十”字架的形状。这时,只需双手 上下动作,那红色双线便有分有合。线挨到人的面 部,便可将汗毛绞掉。两线贴近姑娘的脸面,扯开、 合拢三下、绞掉脸上的汗毛,脸上呈现出三条线, 因此又叫“弹三线”。而后反复在脸上绞掉四周的 汗毛,再将辫子散开,在后脑壳上挽成“转”(发 髻),并插上簪子及各种饰品,这时姑娘的形象霎 时改观,脸面皮肤变白了,发型也变了,这就标志 着做姑娘的时代已结束。
Procedures of the wedding ceremony
11、obeisance [əu‘beisəns]
three worships:
the heavens and the earth the groom‘s ancestors and parents each other
The most happiest 4 events in
people's life
Have passed the examination 金榜题名时
Wedding night 洞房花烛夜
meet rain with the long drought 久旱逢甘露


Wedding Location
• In feudal China, the wedding letter is the document to be presented to the bride’s family.
射轿帘 three bows
• Give the first bow to heaven
The bride also needs to sit next to a window where the moon can be seen. 新娘坐在能看见月亮的窗边
哭嫁 crying marriage
Meaning: to thank parents for raising her up 感谢父母
抛花球的传统,寓意分享 喜悦,传递快乐
The groom's family will then give a banquet for the friends and relatives to celebrate the wedding.
婚宴 wedding banquet
Spree in the bridal chamber
• 是一种病因不明的非感 染性疾病,病损可单独 发生在口腔和皮肤
• 中年女性多见
不明确,可能与神 经障碍,病毒感染及 自身免疫有关
The main 6 necessary procedures of the wedding
betrothal presents (聘礼)
meeting the bride (迎娶)
three bows

Chinese traditional wedding(中国传统婚礼)[优质PPT]

Chinese traditional wedding(中国传统婚礼)[优质PPT]

meeting the bride
three worships
drinking wedlock wine
Chinese Wedding Customs 【red】
Red is central to the wedding theme of China.
It signifies love, joy and prosperity and is used in a variety of ways in Chinese wedding traditions.
Stride the fire pan
Purpose: to counteract evil force
three worships: 1、worship the heavens 2、worship the groom‘s parents 3、worship each other
stir up the red veil
cross-cupped wine
All In One never to be separated
Of course, marriage customs differed by region, but these were the most common. They have been maintained for thousands of years, but in recent years people have tended to discard the details and advocate simplified wedding ceremonies
age. The third : sons and grandsons all over


OK, let’s show you the part.
M: Now, bride and bridegroom ,please come here and kneel down.
M: First, bow to the great heaven and earth!
M: Second, bow to the great parents!
Then, the bride should cross the threshold (跨火盆),but her feet can not touch it.
♥ Part 3 拜堂
Perform the formal
wedding ceremony
In China , this part calls “baitang”. That is , in the traditional wedding ceremony , bride and bridegroom perform the marriage ceremony in which they pay homage (敬意) to heaven and earth and to the groom’s parents.
Now , they are eating dumplings together. In traditional Chinese wedding, it is a ceremony before the daughter leaves her parents to show the departure.
We can see the man seated in the left side is bridegroom’s father, and the other side is his mother. And this is bride , this is bridegroom . I am the man who officiate the wedding like the priest in foreign countries.


etiquette and custom
Ancestor worship Set off firecrackers Beg for happiness Take leave Be away from home Sedan chair Touch the orange Led by the bride Across the brazier Wedding banquet See a visitor out Bridal chamber
Flag, gong, fan and umbrella
bridal sedan chair
Bridal Veil
Wedding Supplies
Corner table Steelyard
Brazier Candle
Married time
Marriage ceremony
1 Proposal
six etiquette
2 Birthdates
3 Bride price
4 Wedding gifts
5 Arranging the wedding
6 Wedding Ceremony
1 gift giving 2 sitting 3 toasting 4 tease the bride
should be avoided
1.The new bed should be put in a certain position. 2.The bride can't tread threshold. 3.Before bedtime, the new bed can not be contact.
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1.监理工程师发出的开工指令(开工令,开 工通知书)确定的开工日期;
2.《施工许可证》上确定的开工日期; 或开工报告上确定的开工日期;
3.合同约定的开工日期; 4.工人实际进场施工的日期。(无有效书面
(二)业主要求提前开工、延后开工及因业主原因 延误开工的处理
1.业主提出的关于提前开工、延后开工的要求,必须通过书 面方式提出,注明原因,注明对工期的影响,按对承包方 有利的工期计算规则,即:提前开工的,合同约定的竣工 时间不变;延期开工的,竣工时间顺延。
(二)业主要求提前开工、延后开工及因业主原因 延误开工的处理
2.业主不通过书面方式提出的,或者因业主原因导致开工延 误的,承包方应当按照合同约定的时间照常提出开工报告 交监理工程师申请开工,并由监理工程师签收,通过监理 工程师的书面回复确认延迟开工原因,免除承包方责任, 并为索赔提供依据。从合同约定来看,开工的程序是由承 包方启动的,如果承包人没有启动开工程序,即使是因发 包人原因导致的工期延误,发生争议时,承包人也难以举 证,将处于被动和不利的地位。

Red is central to the wedding theme of China .It signifies love ,joy and properity and is used in a variety of ways in chinese wedding traditions. Eg :Wedding 、 gown 、 shoes 、 package 、 quilt 、 pillow extra。
• The third :

stride the fire pan(跨火盆)
• (purpose : to counteract evil force .)
• One bows to Heaven and Earth • Two pays a visite to parents
• Husband and wife bends down face to face
• (1)承包人有证据证明实际开工日期的,则应认定该日 期为实际开工日期。
• 承包人的证据可以是发包人向承包人发出的通知、工程监 理的记录、当事人的会议纪要、施工许可证等;
• (2)承包人虽无证据证明实际开工日期,但有开工报告 ,则应认定开工报告中记载的开工日期为实际开工日期;
• (3)若承包人无任何证据证明实际开工日期,亦无开工 报告,则应以合同约定的开工日期为准。
(二)业主要求提前开工、延后开工及因业主原因 延误等情形的,应当签订补充协议进一步明确各项法律后 果的承担,主要是对于工程款及工期影响,比如要求顺延 工期,增加工程款,补偿损失等。
(二)业主要求提前开工、延后开工及因业主原因 延误开工的处理
• The first :

go to the bride's home to escort her back to
the wedding.(迎亲)
• The second :

kick the curtain of the sedan chair(踢轿门)
• (purpose : to kicked off the bride's pride .)
路桥分公司工程法律知识培训 第一期
刘小兰 2014.9.20
一、工期管理中的法律问题 二、工程款结算需注意的事项 三、分包商的管理
常见的几种开工日期: 1.《施工许可证》上确定的开工日期; 2.开工报告上确定的开工日期; 3.监理工程师发出的开工指令(开工令,开工通知
4.如果存在未取得施工许可证施工情形的,也要约定关于行 政处罚方面的法律责任。
a.《建筑法》第64条规定:“违反本法规定,未取得施工许可 证或者开工报告未经批准擅自施工的,责令改正,对不符 合开工条件的责令停止施工,可以处以罚款。”
(二)业主要求提前开工、延后开工及因业主原因 延误开工的处理
The third combing symbolize :
sons and grandsons all over the place.
The fourth combing symbolize :
good wealth and a long-lasting marriage .
Meeting the bride :
书)确定的开工日期; 4.合同约定的开工日期; 5.工人实际进场施工的日期。
(一)在计算工期时,开工日期从何时开始 计算
1.监理工程师发出的开工指令(开工令,开工通知 书)确定的开工日期;
2.《施工许可证》上确定的开工日期; 2.开工报告上确定的开工日期; 4.合同约定的开工日期; 5.工人实际进场施工的日期。
b.《建筑工程施工许可管理办法》第10条规定:“对于未取得 施工许可证或者为规避办理施工许可证将工程项目分解后 擅自施工的,由有管辖权的发证机关责令改正,对于不符 合开工条件的责令停止施工,并对建设单位和施工单位分 别处以罚款。”和第13条“本办法中的罚款,法律、法规有 幅度规定的从其规定。无幅度规定的,有违法所得的处 5000元以上30000元以下的罚款,没有违法所得的处5000 元以上10000元以下的罚款。
• Be sent in a bridal chamber!
• Chinese date 枣
• peanut 花生 • longan 桂圆 • chestnut 栗子
Arm-crossed toast (交杯酒)
• The bride and bridegroom are supposed to hand over a cup of wine each other and drink it off.
• The main 6 necessary procedures of the wedding :
• 1、 Match-making (说媒) • 2、 Engagement (定亲) • 3、 Betrothal presents (聘礼) • 4、 Meeting the bride (迎娶) • 5、 Three bows (拜堂) • 6、 Drinking wedlock wine (喝交杯酒)