外研版七年级英语上册作业课件:Module 1 模块同步作文指导+语法精讲精炼 1ppt

7.Tom aInsd Li Zihan
in ClasissnF’tive.
are Zhang Shuai English? —No,are
9.—Li Ming,
2019秋外研版七年级英语上册作业课 件:Mo dule 1 模块同步作文指导+语法精讲精炼 1作文课件作文指导优秀作文专题课件中 考作文 高考作 文ppt
2019秋外研版七年级英语上册作业课 件:Mo dule 1 模块同步作文指导+语法精讲精炼 1作文课件作文指导优秀作文专题课件中 考作文 高考作 文ppt 2019秋外研版七年级英语上册作业课 件:Mo dule 1 模块同步作文指导+语法精讲精炼 1作文课件作文指导优秀作文专题课件中 考作文 高考作 文ppt
2019秋外研版七年级英语上册作业课 件:Mo dule 1 模块同步作文指导+语法精讲精炼 1作文课件作文指导优秀作文专题课件中 考作文 高考作 文ppt
Module 1 My classmates
2019秋外研版七年级英语上册作业课 件:Mo dule 1 模块同步作文指导+语法精讲精炼 1作文课件作文指导优秀作文专题课件中 考作文 高考作 文ppt
3.are常用于主语是第二人称(you)或其他人称复数形 式(we,they)作主语的句子中。 eg:They are my friends.他们是我的朋友。 【拓展】记忆口诀:我(I)用am,你(you)用are;is连 着他(he)她(she)它(it),单数名词用is,复数名词全用 are。
二、形容词性物主代词 表示所有关系的代词叫物主代词,用在名词前作定语 的代词叫形容词性物主代词。 2019秋外研版七年级英语上册作业课件:Module 1 模块同步作文指导+语法精讲精炼 1作文课件作文指导优秀作文专题课件中考作文高考作文ppt

M1语法动词be说明身份、年龄、状态等be____ ____ __________ _______ _______ PS:系动词be的形式随_______的不同而变化。
肯定句:我是一名学生:______________________________他是一名学生:_______________________________我们是学生:________________________________否定句:我不是一名学生:______________________________他不是一名学生:_______________________________ 我们不是学生:________________________________ 一般疑问句:我是一名学生吗?______________________________ 他是一名学生吗?_______________________________ 我们是学生吗?_________________________________ PS:缩写形式:is not_____ are not_____ am not 一般不缩写!一般现在时表达中,be动词可以用于以下情况:1.be+形容词(adj.):I _______very _______.我很幸福。
He_______ very _______.他人非常善良。
2.be+名词(n.):They _____ our_________.他们是我们的朋友。
He ______ a very ______ _______.他是个非常聪明的男孩。
3.be+介词短语(prep.):She______ ______ ________.她现在在家。
The book _____ _____ the _______.书在桌子上。
4.be+副词(adv.):Class ______ ________.下课了。
写作:“Myself” 自我介绍关于我的信息 英文单词翻译练一练:My name is Danny. I live in Hefei. I’m twelve years old. I like eating. I’m a happy boy. I like learning English.例句:My ______ is XiaoHua. My_______is Amy. I am a boy/girl, I am a _____girl/boy. I am _____ years old.姓名 性别 年龄 职业 爱好 家庭 …M2语法 this,these,that,those 的用法this thatthis “这,这个” that“那,那个”单数指示代词,谈论离自己近的人或物。
外研版七年级英语上册作业优秀课件:Module 1 模块同步作文指导+语法精讲精炼【完美版】

2.我姓格林。(My family name is...)
My family name is Green.
. 3.I我’m1313岁y。ear(s..o.ylde.ars old)
. I am/come from Beijing. 4.我来自北京。(am/come from)
Hello,everyone.My name is Tom.My family name is
5.当代文艺作品一定具有文化自觉和 文化自 信的底 蕴,具有 当今时 代独特 的文化 气质,又 是当今 时代的 文化精 神的高 度浓缩 。 6.当下文艺创作存在缺失文化自觉和 文化自 信等一 系列问 题,其中 包括抱 着历史 虚无主 义观点 而否定 历史,否 定传统 文化。
7.不把自己当成文化的传承者,缺乏主 动承担 文化发 展的责 任意识,是部分 文艺工 作者对 中国传 统文化 精神不 够敬重 的表现 。 8.法治文明的现代性与丰富多彩化、 世界性 与本土 性共生 共存, 才会有 各美其 美、美 美与共 的法治 文明和 谐图景 。
5.I hope to make friends with you. 【典型示例】 用英语写一篇短文,介绍一下自己(Tom),要求 40~50词。 提示:1.What’s your name? 2.Where are you from? 3.How old are you?
【思路点拨】 1.短文以介绍自己为主要内容,由此确定写作中要用 一般现在时态。 2.开篇点题:我是谁。 3.具体介绍姓名、年龄、出生地等。 4.结束语:我希望和你交朋友。 【遣词造句】 1M.我y 叫nam汤e姆is 。Tom(M. y name is...)
Module 1 My classmates
外研版 七年级上册 Module 1知识点汇总(含写作)

外研版七年级上册知识点汇总(含写作)Module 1词汇及短语1. come from来自= be from 来自2. Chinese,Japanese,Portuguese等以ese结尾,表示“某国人”的词为单复同形。
注意:German 复数GermansEnglishman 复数EnglishmenFrenchman 复数Frenchmen3. Nice to meet you. /Good to see you. / Glad to meet you./ Pleased to meet you.很高兴见到你4. welcome 欢迎v.welcome sb to somewhere 欢迎某人来到某地welcome 欢迎n.We should give him a warm welcome. 我们应该对他报以热烈的欢迎。
welcome 受欢迎的adj.You are welcome. 你是受欢迎的。
)5. What about … = How about … …怎么样,注意about为介词,后接名词,代词或动名词What about going swimming? 去游泳怎么样?6. Class One,Grade Seven 七年级一班7. the capital of …的首都.省会8. family name =last name 姓given name = first name 名注意:(1)中国人的姓名的顺序是相反的。
例如“李云迪Li Yundi”family name(last name)-Li ;given name(first name)-Yundi(2)某些称谓,如Mr. 先生, Mrs. 夫人,太太(已婚) , Miss 女士(未婚),Ms 女士(不指明婚否)应加在姓氏(family name/last name)之前,如:Harry Mason- Mr. Mason9. 提问年龄How old be sb? What’s sb’s age?10. Is everyone here today? 今天大家到齐了吗?everyone, someone, anyone, something, anything等词为“复合不定代词”,且均为“第三人称单数”重点句型1.I’m Chinese ,and I’m from China.我是中国人, 我来自中国(I’m Chinese, and I come from China.)2. Where are they from? 他们来自什么哪里?=Where do they come from?They are from America. 他们来自美国.=They come from America.3.How old is that man? 那位男子多少岁了?He is forty-four. 他44岁4. The students are in Class Five, Grade Seven.这些学生在七年级五班5.Tom is in Class One with Lingling.汤姆和玲玲在一班。
外研版七年级英语上册作业课件:Module 1 模块同步作文指导+语法精讲精炼PPT下载

3但是现在,我们的教育在一定程度上 ,还不 够重视 阅读, 尤其是 延伸阅 读和课 外阅读 。
4. “山不在高,有仙则名。水不在深 ,有龙 则灵” 四句, 简洁有 力,类 比“斯 是陋室 ,惟吾 德馨” ,说明 陋室也 可借高 尚之士 散发芬 芳
5. 这是一篇托物言志的铭文,本文言 简义丰 、讲究 修辞。 文章骈 散结合 ,以骈 句为主 ,句式 整齐, 节奏分 明,音 韵和谐 。
9巧妙结合故事情节,在尖锐的矛盾冲 突中, 充分深 刻显示 人物复 杂内心 世界, 突出了 对人物 性格的 刻画, 使其有 血有肉 ,栩栩 如生。
10保尔身上的人格特征或完美的精神 操守: 自我献 身的精 神、坚 定不移 的信念有机地 融合为 一体, 充满诗 情画意 。如描 写百草 园的景 致,绘 声绘色 ,令人 神往。
Module 1 My classmates
【话题分析】 本模块以“介绍人物”为话题,学生应能够用简
单的英语介绍自己和他人,诸如姓名、年龄、出生 地等。 【话题相关句型】 1.My name is... 2.My family/last name is... 3.I’m in Class 7 Grade 7.
2.我姓格林。(My family name is...)
My family name is Green.
. 3.I我’m1313岁y。ear(s..o.ylde.ars old)
. I am/come from Beijing. 4.我来自北京。(am/come from)
Hello,everyone.My name is Tom.My family name is
外研版七年级英语上册作业课件-Module 1 模块同步作文指导+语法精讲精炼 1PPT优秀课件

外研版七年级英语上册作业课件-Modu le 1 模块同步作文指导+语法精讲精炼 1PPT优秀课件
3.are常用于主语是第二人称(you)或其他人称复数形 式(we,they)作主语的句子中。 eg:They are my friends.他们是我的朋友。 【拓展】记忆口诀:我(I)用am,你(you)用are;is连 着他(he)她(she)它(it),单数名词用is,复数名词全用 are。
arehis first name.
7.Tom aInsd Li Zihan
in ClasissnF’tive.
are Zhang Shuai English? —No,are
9.—Li Ming,
they in Class 4? —Yes,
Hello!I 10a.m
(be) Wu Haiyuan.My Eisnglm.Tyhere are three people in 12.
(I) family.They are my father,my mothaerre and me.I have
two friendTsh.Teyhey 13.
5.含蓄的内容能加以解说。语句的含 蓄,一 是作者 为了表 达的需 要或某 种目的 ,故意 不直接 表达想 表达的 内容, 而把它 隐含在 字里行 间;一 是运用 了象征 、双关 等修辞 格,采 用婉曲 的手法 来表达 自己的 思想、 观点、 看法。 对此类 材料, 不仅要 理解它 字面的 含意, 而且要 深入挖 掘其 所隐含 的信息 ,即能 用简洁 明白的 语言解 说材料 深层的 内涵。
外研版七年级英语上册课件Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer1

1. I want to _l_e_a_rn___ how to print a document.
2. _S_a_v_e__ your document and write a name for it.
3. Put some _p_a_p_e_r_s_ in there to print your document.
4. Click “__p_r_in__t _” and “OK”. 5. _F_i_n_a_ll_y_, turn the computer off.
Find the words from the box in the conversation. Write the words they go with.
you hear them.
a) Write your homework.2 b) Print your document. 5 c) Open a new document.1 d) Save the document. 3 e) Put some paper in. 4
Answer the questions. 1. How do you open a new doYcouumcelinctk?the “new document”.
4. Where do you write its name? Y__o_u_w__r_it_e_i_t_in__t_h_e_b_o_x_.________
5. How do you print the document? Y__o_u_c_l_ic_k__“_p_r_in_t_”__a_n_d_“_O__K_”_.___
open print save use write Open a new doc_h_e__k_e_y_b_o_a_r_d_____ 2. write _t_h_e_h_o_m__e_w_o_r_k_/_a__n_a_m__e_f_o_r_a__

外研社版英语七上作文Title: My Journey of Discovery in English LearningEmbarking on the journey of English learning in grade seven was an exciting yet challenging experience for me. As I ventured into the world of words and grammar, I found myself on a path of exploration and discovery.My initial steps were cautious and tentative. The alphabets, vowels, and consonants seemed like mysterious symbols that held the key to a new language. I spent countless hours practicing my pronunciation and memorizing vocabulary, eager to unlock the secrets of this fascinating language.As I progressed, I began to appreciate the beauty and power of English. The intricate grammar rules and sentence structures fascinated me, and I found myself increasingly immersed in the language. I delighted in the sound of words and phrases, and the way they could be rearranged to convey different meanings.One of the most significant moments in my English learning journey was when I started to read English books.Initially, the pages were filled with unfamiliar words and complex sentences, but with perseverance and practice, I gradually overcame these challenges. As I read, I discovered a new world of ideas, cultures, and stories that were accessible only through the language of English.Moreover, learning English also opened up new opportunities for me. I was able to communicate with a wider range of people, including those from different countries and cultures. This broadened my horizons and made me more aware of the diverse world we live in.However, the journey of English learning was not without its challenges. There were times when I felt overwhelmed by the complexity of the language and the amount of material I needed to learn. But I learned that perseverance and a positive attitude were key to overcoming these obstacles. I also found that seeking help from teachers, classmates, and online resources was invaluable in my learning process.Looking back on my journey of English learning, I am grateful for the opportunities it has provided me. It has not only enhanced my language skills but also broadened myperspective and enriched my life. I am excited about the future and the many more adventures that await me in the world of English.In conclusion, learning English has been a transformative experience for me. It has taught me the importance of perseverance, the beauty of language, and the value of understanding different cultures. As I continue on my journey of discovery in English learning, I am confident that I will unlock even more secrets and treasures that await me in this fascinating language.(Note: This is a shortened version of the essay as it exceeds the character limit for this platform. The full essay, which meets the required word count of 1000 words, delves deeper into the specific challenges, strategies, and personal growth experienced during the process of English learning.)。
最新秋外研版七年级英语上册作业课件:Module 1 模块同步作文指导+语法精讲精炼【精品课件】

5.I hope to make friends with you. 【典型示例】 用英语写一篇短文,介绍一下自己(Tom),要求 40~50词。 提示:1.What’s your name? 2.Where are you from? 3.How old are you?
【思路点拨】 1.短文以介绍自己为主要内容,由此确定写作中要用 一般现在时态。 2.开篇点题:我是谁。 3.具体介绍姓名、年龄、出生地等。 4.结束语:我希望和你交朋友。 【遣词造句】 1M.我y 叫nam汤e姆is 。Tom(M. y name is...)
2.我姓格林。(My family name is...)
My family name is Green.
. 3.I我’m1313岁y。ear(s..o.ylde.ars old)
. I am/come from Beijing. 4.我来自北京。(am/come from)
Hello,everyone.My name is Tom.My family name is
G. reen.I’m from Beijing.I’m a student in a middle school.I’m
in Class 7 Grade 7. I’m 13 years old.I hope to make friends with you.
1.当今时代,有些人的敬畏感愈来愈 淡漠, 敬畏伦 理的神 圣性、 警示性 和规范 性逐渐 弱化, 对这种 趋势, 应该辩 证地加 以分析 对待。 2.培育公民的仁爱之心,加强公民的 社会责 任感, 提升公 民的道 德境界 ,敬畏 必然性 律令, 就能建 构成和 谐社会 。
最新外研版新标准七年级上册 M1——M10作文范文

Hello! My name’s Linda Cooper. I’m from England. Linda is my first name. My last name is Cooper. I’m 13 years old. I’m in Class 4 Grade 7. This is my friend Lucy. She is from America and she is in my class. She is 13 years old too. We are very good friends.2假设你是Ann,请给你的朋友Leona写一封电子邮件,介绍你的家庭成员。
Dear Leona,There are 6 people in my family. They are my grandparents, my parents, my younger brother and I. My father is a factory worke r. My mother’s job is at a school. She is a math teacher. My brother is only 4 years old and he doesn’t go to school. I’m 12. I am a student of a middle school. My grandparents and my brother walk to the park every day. My family is a big and happy family.Best wishes!yours,Ann3假设你是美国男孩Tom,请根据下列表格写一篇英语短文,记叙你一天的生活。
外研版七年级英语上册作业课件:Module 1 模块同步作文指导+语法精讲精炼 1PPT下载

外研版七年级英语上册作业课件:Mod ule 1 模块同步作文指导+语法精讲精炼 1PPT下载
2对教育来说,阅读是最基础的教学手 段,教 育里最 关键、 最重要 的基石 就是阅 读。
3但是现在,我们的教育在一定程度上 ,还不 够重视 阅读, 尤其是 延伸阅 读和课 外阅读 。
4. “山不在高,有仙则名。水不在深 ,有龙 则灵” 四句, 简洁有 力,类 比“斯 是陋室 ,惟吾 德馨” ,说明 陋室也 可借高 尚之士 散发芬 芳
(be) Ann and Linadrea.14.
(them) are from America.Aisnn and Linda 15.
in Griasde Two,but Ann 16. am
(be) in Class
T h r earee , a n dlass Four.I 18.
Hello!I 10a.m
(be) Wu Haiyuan.My Eisnglish
name 11.
(be) Bettym.Tyhere are three people in 12.
(I) family.They are my father,my mothaerre and me.I have
two friendTsh.Teyhey 13.
8.能够由具体的阅读材料进行拓展和 迁移, 联系相 关的文 学名著 展开分 析,提 出自己 的认识 和看法 ,说出 自己阅 读文学 名著的 感受和 体验。
9巧妙结合故事情节,在尖锐的矛盾冲 突中, 充分深 刻显示 人物复 杂内心 世界, 突出了 对人物 性格的 刻画, 使其有 血有肉 ,栩栩 如生。
外研版七年级上册 M1 My classmates

外研版七年级上册M1 My classmates 一、词汇1.英格兰n._________________2.英国人n._________________3.中国n.___________________4.中国人n._________________5.美国n.___________________6.美国人n._________________7.年级n.___________________8.班级n.___________________9.首都、省会n._____________10.小的adj.__________________11.大的adj.__________________12.哪里n.___________________13.城市n.___________________14.年龄n.___________________15.但是conj._________________ 巩固练习根据句意及首字母提示完成句子1.Beijing is very nice. It’s the c________ of China.2.I’m Linda and my l________ name is King.3.This is Miss Jones. Her f________ name is Cindy.4.---Good morning, e________. I’m your English teacher Ms Chen.5.---Good morning, Ms Chen.6.He comes f_________ England. Beijing and Shanghai are big c________. .7.I'm from C________. I'm Chinese.8.Bill and Tom are E________. They are from the UK.9.W________ to Beijing. It’s a big city.10.I am in Class 6, Grade. What a________ you?11.I like swimming, b________ he doesn’t like it .12.His class is not b________ . There are only 10 students.13.Jack is from America. He is A________ .14.We are from China and we speak C__________.15.The g________ is my new friend, her name is Ann.二、重点短语1.be from... =come from... 来自......2....years old ......岁3.what about... =how about... ......怎么样?4.in Class Ten, Grade Seven 在七年级十班5.the capital of... ...... 的首都/省会6.first name =given name 名st name=family name 姓8.English name 英文名字9.Chinese name 中文名字1.来自......_______________2.几岁________________3.......怎么样?____________4.在七年级十班___________5.的首都/省会____________6.名____________________7.姓____________________8.英文名字______________9.中文名字______________三、重点句型1.Stand up, please. 请起立2.Good morning / afternoon / evening. 早上好/ 下午好/晚上好3.Sit down, please. 请坐4.I’m in Class One, Grade Seven. 我在7年级1班5.What’s your name? 你叫什么名字6.How are you? 你身体好吗7.Fine. Thanks. 很好。
外研七年级上Module 1 My classmates Writing course 17PPT

Module task -------Writing course
Introducing yourself to your new friends
1.我的名字 2.来自 3.多大(年龄) 4…….怎么样 5.我们的朋友 6.欢迎来到…… 7.七年级四班 8. 十三岁
English name the capital of……
in my class a very big city
first/given name
last/family name in Chinese in English
Make sentences 1.be from =come from
Thank you!
While-writing (15 minutes) 根据下面表格中提供的信息,写一篇自我介绍的小短文。60字。
Given name David
Family name Smith
Age Country
12 England
Class Teacher
Daming and Favourite
2.how about
3.welcome to…
4. ……的首都
4.the capital of……
5.first/given name
st/family name
7.in Chinese/English
外研版七年级上册Module 1 My classmates模块读写训练课件(共14张PPT)

__M__a_r_y__/ _S_h_e_i_s_t_h_i_rt_e_e_n__/ _1_3_(__y_e_a_r_s_o_l_d_)__._/_____________ __T__h_ir_t_e_e_n_/_1_3__(__y_e_a_r_s_o_l_d_)__. ___________________
二、读写综合 A.回答问题(核心素养:语言能力、学习能力) 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问
题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整,并把答案写在横 线上。
My name is Zhang Hua. I am from Nanjing, China. I am twelve years old. I am in Grade 7. I have short hair and big eyes. I am tall and slim(苗条 的). I play too many computer games, so I wear glasses. I like listening to music very much.
Module 1 My classmates
一、写作技能提升(一):连词成句 请将所给的单词或词组以及标点符号连成一句话。 1. Zhang Qingqing, from, my, is, Guangzhou, name, I'm, and (.) __M__y_n_a_m__e__is_Z__h_a_n_g_Q__i_n_g_q_in_g__a_n_d__I'_m__f_r_o_m__G_u_a_n__g_zh__o_u_. ___ 2. your, students, I'm, and, English, you're, teacher, my (.) __I_'m__y_o_u__r_E_n_g_l_is_h__t_ea_c_h_e_r__a_n_d_y_o_u__'r_e_m__y_s_t_u_d_e_n_t_s_. ________
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
B)书面表达(10分) While-writing (15 minutes) 假如你是Mary, 在英语课上老师要求你自我介绍并介绍你喜欢的TFBoys成 员王俊凯,请根据下面表格中的信息用英语写一篇发言稿。
姓名 英文名 家乡 年龄 爱好 王俊凯 Karry 重庆 18 唱歌,打球
作文要求: 1. 字数:内容包含自我介绍和表格中的信息,可适当发挥;60词左右; 2. 内容完整,语言流畅,可以适当发挥; 3. 文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。 ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
Jason Wu, China, Chinese, forty
A : He’s Jason Wu. B : Where is he from?
A : He’s from China.
B : How old is he?
A : He is forty.
Work in pairs. Ask and answer .
I’m Miss Wu, and I’m Chinese. I’m from Huizhou.
Free talk
Pre-writing (10 minutes)
Student A: What’s your name? Student B: My name _____ is Zhou Aimin. Name: 周艾敏 Age: 13 岁
English Chinese math history music PE art
favourite subject
eg: A:what’s your hobby?
A:what’s your favourite subject?
B: I like reading books. B: I like English very much.
David Beckham, England, English, forty-two
A: He’s David Beckham. B: Where is he from? A: He’s from England. B: How old is he? A: He is forty-two.
Free talk
Student A: How old are you? Student B: I’m _______. thirteen
Free talk
Pre-writing (10 minutes)
Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the people in the pictures.
1. - What is (= What’s) your name?
B - My name is …
2. - How old are you?
/ I am (= I’m) …
- I’m ... / I’m …years old. 3. - Where are you from? be from /come from: - I am from ... 来自 4. - What class are you in? - I am in Class 3/Three ,Grade 7/Seven. 5. I am a student and I am Chinese. 6. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you, too.
Making friends
Go around to make friends by asking questions. 请把你的朋友信息填在表中,然后向大家介绍:
Number Name 1 2 3 4
Information Card Age City 其它信息
1. I am xxx. I am a student. I am Chinese. I am from xxx China. I am xxx years old. 2.This is my friend. He is xxx. He is from … He is…years old. 3.This is my friend, too. Her name's xxx. She is from … She is…years old.
Module 1 My classmates
Module task -------Writing course
Introducing yourself to your new friends
Let’s watch the video about greeting.
When you introduce yourself, you can say: My name is … / I’m… I’m…years old. I’m from… When you introduce other people, you can say: His/Her name is … / He/She is… He/She is…years old. He/She is from…
Workon about your friends .
basketball football table tennis volleyball ...
doing sports reading books singing dancing play the piano listen to music ... ...