



1】Professional English on Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering 给水排水工程专业英语drains for water-carried wastes 污水处理(排污水的排水管道)a settling reservoir 预沉池aqueduct 渠道,导水管filtration 过滤distillation 蒸馏clarification 澄清coagulation血凝stone-grated 格栅、格网turbidity 浊度cistern 蓄水池、槽gpcd 每日每人加仑数coagulant 混凝剂combined sewers 合流制排水管道prehistoric word 石器时代rapid-sand filter 快砂滤池water supply and wastewater disposal facilities给排水处理设施per capita 按人口平均计算ferment 发酵toxic 有毒的These cisterns provided a daily average supply of about 4.2 gallons per capita per day(gpcd).这些贮水池仅能提供每人每天4.2加仑的水量The connection was established between a contaminated water supply and spread of the disease, and it was determined that the absence of effective sewerage was a major hindrance in combating the problem. 人们发现疾病的传播和饮用水受到污染有关,并由此确定缺少有效的排水系统是解决这一问题的主要障碍。

2】The exterior network 室外管网distribution systems 配水系统communication pipe引入管 a meter box 水表节点/盒pressure booster增压装置storage tank 储水箱 a piping line管道water-dispensing fixtures配水器具water meter 水表flange 法兰;阀门gate valve 闸阀deaerator除氧器incorporate 合并fixture trap 存水弯plumbing fixture 卫生器具manhole 检查井fire-protection 消防The function of a drainage system in a building is to remove safely and quickly sanitary sewage, industrial wastes, and rainwater.室内排水系统的作用是为了安全快速地排出生活污水、工业废水和雨水。



给水排水设计基本术语中英对照翻译一、通用术语给水排水工程的通用术语及其涵义应符合下列规定:1、给水工程 water supply engineering 原水的取集和处理以及成品水输配的工程。

2、排水工程 sewerage ,wastewater engineering 收集、输送、处理和处置废水的工程。

3、给水系统 water supply system 给水的取水、输水、水质处理和配水等设施以一定方式组合成的总体。

4、排水系统 sewerage system 排水的收集、输送、水质处理和排放等设施以一定方式组合成的总体。

5、给水水源 water source 给水工程所取用的原水水体。

6、原水raw water 由水源地取来的原料水。

7、地表水surface water 存在于地壳表面,暴露于大气的水。

8、地下水ground water 存在于地壳岩石裂缝或工壤空隙中的水。

9、苦咸水(碱性水) brackish water ,alkaline water 碱度大于硬度的水,并含大量中性盐,PH值大于7。

10、淡水fresh water 含盐量小于500mg/L的水。

11、冷却水cooling water 用以降低被冷却对象温度的水。

12、废水 wastewater 居民活动过程中排出的水及径流雨水的总称。


13、污水sewage ,wastewater 受一定污染的来自生活和生产的排出水。

14、用水量 water consumption 用水对象实际使用的水量。

15、污水量 wastewater flow ,sewage flow 排水对象排入污水系统的水量。

16、用水定额 water flow norm 对不同的排水对象,在一定时期内制订相对合理的单位排水量的数值。

17、排水定额 wastewater flow norm 对不同的排水对象,在一定时期内制订相对合理的单位排水量的数值。



给排水专业英语汇总废水 abwasser 排水系统 drainage system UNIT 1给水工程 water supply engineering 废水收集 wastewater collection 生活排水系统 sanitary system排水工程 sewetage engineering 废水处理 wastewater disposal 工业排水系统 industrial system市政工程 civil engineering 受纳水体 receiving waters 雨水排水系统stormwater system市政工程师 civil engineer 污染 pollution pollute 合流制 combined sewers环境工程 environmental engineering 污染物 pollntant 分流制 separate sewers水文学 hydrology 玷污、污染 contamination 建筑排水系统 building drainage system水力学 hydranlies 致污物 contaminant 卫生洁具 plumbing fixtures 水环境 natural aquatic environment 未污染 uncontaminated 卫浴设备bathroom fixtures流域 watershed 水污染 water pollution 输水系统 water transmission system水体 waterbody 水污染控制 water pollution control 漏水率 leakage rate地表水 surface water 水污染防治 water pollution prevention 配水系统water distribution system新鲜水 freshwater 污水回用 wastewater reuse 环状管网 grid system 地下水 groundwater 支状管网 branching system UNIT 2含水层 aquifer 水短缺 water scarcity 下水管道 sanitary sewer天然含水层 natural aquifer 地表水资源 surface water resource 污水节流管 intercepting sewer地下含水层 underground aquifer 管网 Pipe Network 污水节流系统intercepting sewer system水文循环 natural hydrologic cycle 供水系统 water supply system 污水节流井 sewage intercepting cell渗滤 infiltration 市政配水系统 municipal distribution system 支管collection sewer collector sewer降水 precipitation 建筑给水系统house water supply system 生活污水sanitary sewage渗入 precolation 分区供水系统 dual distribution system domestic sewage蒸发 evaporation 小区 micro district domestic wastewater蒸腾 transpiration 小社区 small community 工业污水 industrial wastewater城市水文循环 urban hydrologic cycle 冷水供水系统 cold water supply system 工业污水/液/物 industrial wastes水源 water source 热水供水系统 hot water supply system 农业用水agricultural wastewater/wastes水资源 water resource 消防系统 fire protection system 雨水 rainwater stormwater取水 water withdrawal 喷淋系统 fire protection sprinkler system 水位waterlevel水处理 water treatment 自动水幕系统 automatic drencher system 海拔、标高 elevation配水 water distribution 半自动水幕系统坡度 grade用水 water use semi automatic drencher system 倾斜度 slope污水 wastewater 消火栓 hydrant 明渠 Open channel1开挖 excavation 层流 Laminar flow 病原微生物 Pathogenic micro organisms深度 excavation depth 滞流粘性流 viscous flow 病原体 Pathogenic 水力分析 hydraulic analysis 过渡流 Transitional flow 病毒 Pathogenic bacterin水头 pressure head 湍流 Turbulent flow 细菌 Bacteria总水头 total head 紊流 Turbulence flow 大肠杆菌 Coliform bacteria 涡流 Eddying flow 病毒 Viruses Unit 3水头损失 Head loss 雷诺数 Teynolds number 藻类 Algae速度头动压头 Velocity head 水质 Water guality 浊度 Turbidity 静压Static head 水源 Water sources 放射性 Radionuclide 摩擦水头 Friction head 供水水源 Water supples 感官性状 Esthetic qualities 水力坡度线Hydranlic grade line 原水 Raw water 审美 Esthetic 重力流 Gravity flow 未处理水 Untreated water 味 Taste水塔 Water castle 出水 Finished water 嗅 Odo贮水箱 Cistern 原水水质 Raw-water quality 色 Colour泵站 Pump station 水质标准 Water quality standards 变色Discolouration 给水泵站 Water pump station 水质要求 Water quality requirements 变色 Discolor 污水泵站 Sewage station 饮用水 Drinkwater\potable water 水质物理参数 Physical parameters of water quality 提升泵站 Lift pumping plant 自来水 Tap water 水的物理性质 Physical quality of water 增压泵 Booster pump 纯水 Pure water 浊度值 Turbidity values 离心泵 Centrifugal pump 饮用水标准 Drinking water standards 浊度单位 Turdidity unit 潜水泵 Submer sible pump 饮用水一级标Primarydrinking water standards 浑浊单位 Turdid 潜水艇 Submerine 最大允许浓度Maxmum permissible levels 嗅阈值 Threshold odor number 深井泵 Well pump maxmum allowable levels 化学性质 Chemical quality 虹吸虹吸管 Siphon 最大污染物浓度 Maxmum contaminant levels 水质化学参数Chemical parametersof water quality 人孔 Manhole 主要污染物 Primary contaminants 溶解氧Dissolved oxygen (DO) 法兰 Flange 有机化合物 Organic chemicals 溶解氧浓度 Do level 阀门 Valve 合成有机化合物 Synthetic organic chemicals 溶解氧平衡 Do balance 闸阀 Gate valve 挥发性有机化合物 Volatile organic ohemicals 氧损 Oxygen depletion 泵送系统 Pumping system 无机化合物Inorganic chemical 有机污染物 Organic pollutant 流量 Flow rate 微生物Micro organisms\microbes 生化需氧量 Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) 流速Fluid velocity 微生物污染 Microbial contaminants 总氮 Total nitrogen (TN)2总凯式氮 Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) 保证 Preserve 分离 Separate悬浮固体 Suspended solids (SS) 清洗剂 Cleaning agent 隔离 Separation 总悬浮固体 Total suspended solids (TSS) 洗涤剂 Detergent 物理法 Physicalprocess 溶解 Dissolved (DS) 发泡剂 Foaming agent 物理处理 Physical treatment 总溶解 Total dissolved (TDS) 泡沫 Foam 物理处理过程 Physical treatment process化肥 Fertilizer 一级处理 Primary treatment Unit 4溶解的铁和锰 Dissolved iron and manganese 肥沃的 Fertile 初步处理Preliminary treatment 硬度 Hardness 富营养化 Eutrophication 格栅筛滤Screening 碱度 Alkalinity 营养的 Trophic 格栅 Screen盐度 Salinity 营养水平 Trophic level 格栅 Bar screen 有害物质 Toxic and hazardous materials 生态位 Niche 栅条 Bars氰化物 Cyanides 钢栅条 Steel bars Unit 5急性毒性 Acute toxity 原污水 Raw sewage 渣耙 Cleaning rakes 慢性毒性Chronic toxity 原废水 Raw wastes 圆形破碎机 Circular grinder 基因毒性Genetic toxicity 处理水 Treated wastes 破碎 Grind基因 Gene 回用水 Redaimed water 除砂 Degritting 难降解有机化合物Refractory organic chemicals 水处理过程 Water processing 砂 Grit 永久性有机污染物 Persistent organic pollutants 收集 Collect 沙 Sand 致癌化学性 Carcinogenic chemicals 处置 Dispose 除砂 Grit removal 三卤甲烷 Trihalo methanes 处理方法 Treatment method 沉砂池 Grit chamber 卤素 Halogen 处理费用 Treatment costs 沉淀 Settling 甲基 Methyl 处理单元Treatment process 沉淀池 Settling tank 氯仿 Trichloromethane 运行模式Operational mode 澄清池 Clarifier 三氯甲烷 Chloroform 间歇处理方式 Batch treatment approach 初澄清池 Primary clarifier 杀虫剂农药 Pesticide 均匀均化 Equalization 初沉池 Primary settling tank 害虫 Pest 均匀 Equalize 一级出水 Primary effluent 杀虫剂 Insecticide 调蓄水池 Equalizationstorage 二级处理 Secondary treatment 除草剂 Herbicide 调节池Equalization tank 二级处理工艺 Secondary treatment process 杀菌剂Germicide 蓄水池 Storage tank 生物处理 Biological treatment 细菌 Germ 降解 Degrade 二澄清池 Secondary clarifier 防腐剂 Preservative 分解Decompose 二沉池 Secondary settling tank3最终澄清池 Final clarifier 第五部分: 物化处理最终沉淀池 Final settling tank 1(混凝 n. coagulation 2(沉淀 n. sedimentation 二级出水 Secondary effluent 混凝过程 coagulation process 沉降 n. sedimentation 三级处理 Tertiary treatment 化学混凝 chemical coagulation 自由沉降 plain settling 深度处理 Advanced treatment 凝聚 n. aggregation 拥挤沉降 hindered settling 废水消毒 Waste disinfection 絮凝n. flocculation 重力沉降 gravity settling 出流出水 Effluent flow v. flocculate 沉淀池 settling tank 允许浓度 Allowable levels 异向絮凝perikinetic flocculation 沉淀池,沉降池 sedimentation tank 优异出水High-quality polished effluent 同向絮凝 orthokinetic flocculation 矩形沉淀池 rectangular settling tank 废水处理厂 Wastewater treatment plant 混凝剂 n. coagulant 圆形沉淀池 circular settling tank 污水处理厂 Sewage treatment plant 混凝剂投量 coagulant dosage 管式沉淀池 tube settler 二级处理厂 Secondary treatment plant 烧杯实验 jar test 斜管沉淀池 steeply inclined tube settler 城市污水处理最佳混凝剂投量 optimum coagulant dosage 板式沉淀池 parallel-plate settlerMunicipal wastewater treatment 助凝剂 coagulant aid 板式沉淀池 plate separator 市政工程 Municipal engineering 助凝剂 flocculation aid 气浮 n.floatation 土木工程 Civil engineering 聚电解质 n. polyelectrolytes 泡沫分离 foam separation 城市污水处理厂快速混合 flash-mix , 溶气气浮dissolved-air floatationMunicipal wastewater treatment plant rapid-mix 气浮池 floatationtank 污水处理能力 Sewage treatment capacity 快速混合器 flash mixer , 表面撇渣装置 surface-skimming device 电容 Capacitance rapid mixer 撇去 v. skim污水处理设施 Municipal treatment facilities 混合池 mixer tank 浮渣 n. scum多反应器设施 Multi-reactor facility 快速混合池 flash-mix tank 浮渣槽scum trough 处理池 Treatment tank 絮凝器 n. flocculator 刮泥机 sludge scraper 负荷 Load 絮凝池 flocculation tank 排泥 sludge drawoff 负荷Loadings sludge withdrawal 水力负荷 Hydrautic loading 固体接触池 solids-contact tank 预沉淀 n. presedimentation 污染负荷 Pollutant load 澄清 n. clarification 预沉淀池 presedimentation basin 有机负荷 Organic load v. clarify无机负荷 Inorganic load 澄清池 n. clarifier 3(过滤 n. filtration 不含化肥、农药无机的 Unorganic 高负荷澄清池 high rate clarifier 滤池 n. filter 周期性负荷 Periodic(intermitlent) loading 澄清水 clarifying water 慢滤池 slow filter4快滤池 rapid filter 自由氯,游离氯 free chlorine ,高速(负荷)滤池 high rate filter 4(消毒 n. disinfection freeavailable chlorine砂滤池 sand filter v. disinfect 化合氯 combined chlorine慢砂滤池 slow sand filter 消毒剂 n. disinfectant 剩余保护 residual protection快砂滤池 rapid sand filter disinfection agent 余氯 residual chlorine 重力滤池 gravity filter 杀菌剂 n. germicide 余氯量 chlorine residual 压力滤池 pressure filter 消毒过程 disinfection process 自由余氯 free residual chlorine过滤介质,滤料 filter medium 消毒副产物 disinfection by-products 自由氯余量 free chlorine residual石英砂 silica sand 氯化 n. chlorination 化合余氯 combined residual chlorine无烟煤 n. anthracite v. chlorinate 化合氯余量 combined chlorine residuals硅藻土 diatomaceous earth 氯化水 chlorinated water 折点氯化(法) breakpoint chlorination煤—砂滤床 coal-sand beds 预氯化 n. prechlorination 折点氯化曲线breakpoint chlorination curve多层滤料 multilayered media 氯化消毒副产物 by-products ofchlorination 折点加氯量 breakpoint dosage混合滤料 mixed media 化学消毒剂 chemical disinfectants 氯折点chlorine breakpoint双层滤料滤池 dual media filter 液氯 liquid chlorine , 压力钢瓶pressured steel cylinder双层滤池 two-layer filter liquefied chlorine 臭氧发生器 ozone generator粗滤料 coarse media 氯胺 n. chloramines 需臭氧量 ozone demand细滤料 fine media 次氯酸盐 hypochlorites 剩余臭氧量 ozone residual 助滤剂 filter aid 次氯酸钠 sodium hypochlorite 剩余臭氧 residual ozone滤后水,滤出水 filtered water 二氧化氯 chlorine dioxide滤后水,滤池出水 filter effluent 臭氧 n. ozone 致病微生物,病源微生物滤前水,滤池进水 filter influent 臭氧化,臭氧消毒 n. ozonation pathogenic microorganisms浊度穿透 turbidity breakthrough 臭氧化 v. ozonate 病原体 n. pathogens过滤周期 filter cycle 紫外线 (UV) ultraviolet radiation (UV) 致病细菌或病毒 pathogenic bacteria or viruses清洗周期 cleaning cycle 伽马射线 gamma radiation 细菌 n. bacteria 刮砂法 scraping method 灭活 n. inactivation 大肠杆菌 coliform bacteria表面刮砂 surface scraping v. inactivate 阿米巴氏菌 amoebic cysts 反冲洗 backwashing 接触时间 contact time 孢子,芽孢 n. spores水力反冲洗 hydraulic backwashing 需氯量 chlorine demand 病毒 n. viruses水力反冲洗 hydraulic backwash 加氯量,投氯量 chlorine dosage , 藻类n. algae水力分级 hydraulic grading applied chlorine 原生动物 n. protozoa5离子交换柱 ion exchange column 沉淀软化 precipitation softening 5(氧化 n. oxidation 硬度 n. hardness 电解 n. electrolysis还原 n. reduction 除硬 hardness removal 电除盐 (EDI) n. electrodeionization氧化剂 n. oxidant 软化 n. softening 吹脱、汽提法 n. stripping强氧化剂 strong oxidizing agent v. soften高级氧化法 (AOP) advanced oxidation process 化学软化 chemical softening 冷却 n. cooling高级氧化工艺 (AOP) advanced oxidation process 沉淀软化 precipitation softening 冷却水 cooling water高级氧化过程 (AOP) advanced oxidation process 除盐,脱盐 n. desaltination 冷却塔 cooling tower高级氧化技术 (AOT) v. desalt 第六部分生物处理advanced oxidation technology 去矿化 n. demineralization 生物反应器n. bioreactorv. demineralize 微生物 n. microorganisms 6(吸附 n. adsorption 离子交换软化法 ion exchange softening process n. microbes活性炭 (AC) activated carbon 离子交换除盐法 ion exchange desalting process 微生物种群 microbial population粉末炭 (PAC) powdered activated carbon 复床 combined bed 混合群落mixed communities粒状炭 (GAC) granular activated carbon 混合床 mixed bed 细菌 n. bacteria颗粒活性炭(GAC) granular activated carbon 原生动物 n. protozoa活性炭纤维 (ACF) activated carbon fiber 8(膜分离 membrane separation 真菌 n. fungi再生 n. regeneration 微滤 n. microfiltration 轮虫 n. rotifersv. regenerate 超滤 n. hyperfiltration 生长 n. growth吸附剂 n. adsorbent 纳滤 n. nanofiltration 繁殖 n. reproduction 吸附质 n. adsorbate 反渗透 reverse osmosis 世代时间 generation time 吸附塔,吸附柱 adsorption column 渗透 n. osmosis 生长速率 growth rates吸附床 adsorption bed 半透膜 semipermeable membrane 环境因子environmental factors空床接触时间 empty bed contact time 电渗析 n. electrodialysis 生态因子 ecological factors吸附带 mass transfer zone 渗析 n. dialysis 微生物生长动力学microbial growth kinetics快速小柱试验 rapid small scale column test 1. 迟滞期 lag phase生物活性炭 (BAC) biological activated carbon 9(其它处理方法 2. 对数生长期 exponential-growth phase中和 n. neutralization 3. 减速生长期 decling growth phase 7(离子交换n. ion exchange v. neutralize 稳定期 stationary phase离子交换树脂 ion exchange resin 酸性废水 acidic wastes 4. 内源呼吸阶段 endogenous stage离子交换器 ion exchanger 化学沉淀 chemical precipitation 内源生长期endogenous growth phase6内源呼吸 endogenous respiration v. stabilize 回流活性污泥 (RAS) returned activated sludge生物代谢 biological metabolism 回流污泥 returned sludge底物,基质 n. substrate 微生物代谢 microbial metabolism 回流污泥recycled sludge底物(基质)利用 substrate utilization 好氧的 a. aerobic 剩余污泥excess sludge生物量 n. biomass 好氧菌 aerobic bacteria 废活性污泥 (WAS) waste activated sludge生物反应 biological reaction 好氧微生物 aerobic microorganisms 废污泥 waste sludge生物氧化 biological oxidation 好氧氧化 aerobic oxidation 曝气池aeration tank生物降解 n. biodegradation 厌氧的 a. anaerobic 曝气池 aeration basin 生物降解性 n. biodegradability 厌氧菌 anaerobic bacteria 曝气池aeration chamber生物可降解的,可生物降解的 a. biodegradable 厌氧氧化 anaerobic oxidation 完全混合曝气池 completely mixed aeration basin 不可生物降解的 a. nonbiodegradable 兼性的 a. facultative 活性污泥池activated sludge tank生物处理 biological treatment 兼性菌 facultative bacteria 曝气 n. aeration废水生物处理 biological wastewater treatment 好氧环境 aerobic environment 混合 n. mixing废水生物处理系统 biological wastewater treatment 厌氧环境 anaerobic environment 曝气系统 aeration system system 营养物 n. nutrients 曝气器 n. aerator污水生物处理系统 biological sewage treatment 无机营养物 inorganic nutrients 压缩空气 compressed air system 营养物去除 nutrient removal 空气压缩机,空压机 air compressor生物处理法 biological treatment process 营养物生物去除biological nutrient removal 鼓风机,风机 n. blower生物处理装置 biological treatment unit 脱氮除磷 nitrogen and phosphorus removal 循环/切换 n. cycling/switchover串联 in series 生物硝化 biological nitrification 扩散装置,扩散器 n. diffuser悬浮生长处理法 suspended-growth treatment processes 硝化菌nitrifying bacteria 空气扩散装置,空气扩散器 air diffuser 生物固体 biological solids 生物反硝化,生物脱氮 biological denitrification 鼓泡空气扩散装置(扩散器) bubble air diffuser 活性污泥 activated sludge 生物除磷 biological phosphorus removal 微气泡扩散装置(扩散器) fine-bubble diffuser附着生长处理法 attached-growth treatment processes 扩散板 plate diffuser附着的微生物 attached microbes 1(活性污泥法 activated sludge process 扩散管 tube diffuser微生物附着生长 attached microbial growth 微生物 n. microorganisms n. microbes 扩散罩 dome diffuser生物膜 n. biofilm 细菌 n. bacteria 微气泡扩散曝气 fine-bubblediffused aeration生物絮体 biological floc 微气泡 fine-bubble代谢 n. metabolism 微生物絮体 microbial floc 大气泡 coarse-bubble v. metabolize 活性污泥 activated sludge 静态混合器 static mixer稳定,稳定化 n. stabilization 絮状活性污泥 flocculate-bacterial sludge 机械曝气系统 mechanical aeration systems7机械曝气 mechanical aeration 传统活性污泥厂 conventional activated sludge plant 序批式反应器 (SBR) sequencing batch reactor (SBR) 表面曝气 surface aeration 阶段曝气活性污泥step aeration activated sludge process 序批式反应器 (SBR) sequential batch reactor 表面曝气器 surface aerator 分段 v. step 初沉 primary clarification 需氧量 oxygen demand 进水负荷 influent load 曝气 n. aeration供气量 air supply 分段进水 step loading 二沉 secondary clarification 氧转移效率 oxygen tansfer efficiency 渐减 v. taper 初沉池 primary clarifier渐减曝气 tapered aeration 二沉池 secondary clarifier可沉降固体 settleable solids 接触稳定活性污泥法泵送系统 pumping system挥发性固体 volatile solids contact stabilization activated sludge process 活性污泥法 activated sludge process非挥发性固体 nonvolatile solids 再曝气 n. reaeration 变体 n. variant 挥发性悬浮固体 (VSS) volatile suspended solids 曝气—沉淀—再曝气SBR运行周期 SBR cycle混合液 mixed liquor aeration-sedimentation-reaeration 处理周期process cycle混合液悬浮固体 (MLSS) mixed liquor suspended 完全好氧处理法进水阶段fill phase solids complete aerobic treatment process 进水阀 influent valve混合液挥发性悬浮固体 (MLVSS) mixed liquor volatile 高负荷(完全混合)活性污泥法反应阶段 react phase suspended solids high-rate (completely mixed) activated sludge process 沉淀阶段 settle phase污泥沉降比 (SV) settling velocity 延时曝气活性污泥法清水,上清液clear water污泥容积指数 (SVI) sludge volume index extended aeration activated sludge process 上清液 n. supernatant比耗氧速率 (SOUR) specific oxygen uptake rate 延时曝气法 extended aeration process 排水阶段 draw phase延时曝气 extended aeration 滗水阶段 decant phase污泥龄 sludge age 氧化沟 oxidation ditch 滗水装置 decant mechanism 曝气池容积 aeration tank volume 水平转刷 horizontal rotor 闲置阶段,待机阶段 idle phase 曝气时间 aeration period 转刷曝气 rotor aeration曝气时间 aeration time 笼型转刷 caged rotor 营养物去除 nutrient removal 水力停留时间 (HRT) hydraulic residence time 吸附—生物降解工艺(AB法) 营养物生物去除 biological nutrient removal水力负荷 hydraulic loading adsorption-biodegradation process 碳源carbon sourceBOD负荷 BOD loading 序批式活性污泥法 (SBR法) sequencing batchreactor 硝化 n. nitrification(SBR) process、 v. nitrify普通活性污泥法 conventional activated sludge process 序批式活性污泥法 (SBR法) sequential batch reactor 硝化菌 nitrifying bacteria 传统活性污泥法 conventional activated sludge process (SBR) process反硝化 n. denitrification标准活性污泥法 standard activated sludge process SBR法 SBR process v. denitrify8脱氮 n. denitrification methane-forming bacteria生物反硝化,生物脱氮生物转盘法 biodisc process 有机酸 organic acids biological denitrification 生物转盘 rotating biological contactor 挥发性脂肪酸 (VFAs) volatile fatty acids缺氧—好氧脱氮工艺 (A/O法) 生物转盘 n. biodiscanoxic-oxic process 塑料盘片 plastic discs 硫酸盐还原 sulfate reduction2 厌氧—缺氧—好氧法 (A/O法) 轻质盘片 lightweight discs 硫酸盐还原菌sulfate-reducing bacteriaanaerobic-anoxic-aerobic process 水平轴 horizontal shaftA-A-O法同步脱氮除磷工艺生物粘液 biological slime 上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic process 粘液层 slime layer upflow anaerobic sludge blanket脱氮除磷 nitrogen and phosphorus removal 上升流速 upflow velocity 厌氧氨氧化 (ANAMMOX) 生物流化床 biological fluidized bedanaerobic ammonium oxidation biological fluidised bed 厌氧折流板反应器 (ABR)生物除磷 biological phosphorus removal 生物流化床反应器 fluidized-bed bioreactor anaerobic baffled reactor移动床生物膜反应器 (MBBR)膜生物反应器 (MBR) moving-bed biofilm reactor 两段或两级厌氧生物处理two-stage anaerobicmembrane biological reactor biotreatment2(生物膜法 3(厌氧生物处理两相厌氧生物处理 two-phase anaerobic biotreatment产酸相 acidogenic phase生物膜 n. biofilm 发酵 n. fermentation 产甲烷相 methanogenic phase 生物膜反应器 biofilm reactor v. fermentate生物滤池 n. biofilter 产酸细菌 n. acidogens 消化 n. digestion生物过滤 n. biofiltration 产甲烷细菌 n. methanogens v. digest旋转布水器 rotary sprinkler 产酸阶段 acidogenic phase 消化池 n. digestor填料 n. packings 产甲烷阶段 methanogenic phase 厌氧消化 anaerobic digestion塑料管状或蜂窝状填料 plastic tubular or 水解 n. hydrolysis 污泥消化sludge digestion honeycomb-shaped packings v. hydrolysis 厌氧消化池anaerobic digestor滴滤池 trickling filter 产酸发酵 acidogenic fermentation 厌氧接触法anaerobic contact process普通生物滤池 trickling filter 产氢产乙酸 H-producing acetogenesis 厌氧膨胀床反应器 2高负荷生物滤池 high-rate filter 产甲烷 methanogenesis anaerobic expanded-bed reactor塔式生物滤池 tower biofilter 产酸菌 acid formers 厌氧流化床反应器曝气生物滤池 (BAF) biological aerated filter 产甲烷菌 methane formers , anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor9厌氧生物转盘厌氧塘 anaerobic pond 过滤作用 filtering actionanaerobic rotating biological contactor 曝气塘 aerated pond 吸附作用adsorption action修饰塘 polishing pond 地表漫流土地处理系统 4(自然生物处理系统熟化塘maturation lagoon overland flow land treatment system深度处理塘 advanced treatment pond 地表漫流 overland flow自然净化系统 natural purification system 三级处理塘 tertiary treatment pond 径流集水沟 runoff collection ditch稳定塘 stabilization ponds 物理、化学和生物过程stabilization lagoons 土地处理工艺(过程) land treatment processes physical , chemical , and biological processes氧化塘 oxidation ponds 关键因素 critical factors 湿地 n. wetland 土地处理系统 land treatment systems 土壤类型 soil type 天然湿地natural wetland废水土地处理 land treatment of wastewater 气候 n. climate 人工湿地constructed wetland净化过程 purification process 土地处理系统 land treatment systems man-made wetland自然净化 natural purification 慢速土地处理系统slow rate land treatment system 第七部分:污泥处理、处置与利用污水塘 sewage lagoon 低负荷土地处理系统污泥 n. sludge稳定塘 stabilization ponds low-rate land treatment system 生活污水污泥 sewage sludgestabilization lagoons 三级处理水平 tertiary treatment level 污泥体积,污泥量 sludge volume氧化塘 oxidation ponds 灌溉 n. irrigation 原污泥,生污泥 raw sludge 好氧塘 aerobic pond v. irrigate 新鲜污泥,生污泥 fresh sludge兼性塘 facultative pond 土壤的天然过滤和吸附性质消化污泥,熟污泥digested sludge好氧生化反应 aerobic biochemical reaction natural filtration and adsorption properties of soil 混合污泥 mixed sludge厌氧生化反应 anaerobic biochemical reaction 投配的废水 applied wastewater 污泥处理 sludge treatment厌氧分解 anaerobic decomposition 垄—沟表面布水污泥处置 sludge disposal厌氧分解 decompose anaerobically ridge-and-furrow surface spreading 最终处置 ultimate disposal好氧稳定 aerobic stabilization 喷洒布水系统,喷灌布水系统 sprinkler systems 填埋 n. landfill细菌 n. bacteria 快速渗滤土地处理系统 rapid infiltration land藻类 n. algae treatment system 污泥减量 sludge volume reduction 微型植物 microscopic plants 渗滤—渗透土地处理 infiltration-percolation land 污泥稳定化 sludge stabilization出流,出水 effluent flow treatment光合作用 n. photosynthesis 快速渗滤 rapid infiltration (污泥)浓缩 n. thickening快速渗滤法 rapid infiltration method 污泥浓缩 sludge thickening10稳定,稳定化 n. stabilization 溢流 v. overflowv. stabilize 堰 n. weir 厌氧消化 anaerobic digestion稳定了的污泥 stabilized sludge 气浮浓缩 floatation thickening 厌氧污泥消化 anaerobic sludge digestion调理(调节) n. conditioning 溶气气浮 dissolved-air floatation 有盖的圆形池 covered circular tankv. condition 气浮池 floatation tank 消化过程 digestion process脱水 n. dewatering 入流污泥 influent sludge 厌氧消化过程 anaerobic digestion processv. dewater 污泥絮体 sludge flocs 生化反应 biochemical reactions 干化 n. drying 撇去 v. skim 有机酸 organic acids污泥干化场 sludge drying bed 漂浮污泥层 floating sludge layer 挥发性脂肪酸 (VFAs) volatile fatty acids污泥干燥 heat drying 甲烷气 methane gas干燥器 n. dryer 污泥消化 sludge digestion 末端产物 end product污泥焚烧,污泥焚化 n. incineration 消化池 n. digester 指示剂 n. indicator焚烧炉,焚化炉 n. incinerator 消化池装置 digester unit 污泥消化池气体 sludge digester gas消化 n. digestion 污泥沉淀 sludge settling污泥浓缩 sludge thickening v. digest 污泥储存 sludge storage物理过程 physical process 有机固体 organic solids 消化污泥 digested sludge含水过多的污泥 watery sludge 生化分解 biochemical decomposition 充分消化的污泥 well-digested sludge稀污泥 thin sludge 好氧消化 aerobic digestion 消化池上清液 digester supernatant处理装置 treatment unit 好氧污泥消化 aerobic sludge digestion 中温消化 mesophilic digestion浓缩池 n. thickener 好氧消化过程 aerobic digestion process 高温消化thermophilic degestion重力浓缩 gravity thickening 活性污泥池 activated sludge tank重力浓缩池 gravity thickener 预制的(成套)活性污泥处理系统污泥脱水sludge dewatering圆形污水沉淀池 prefabricated (package) activated sludge treatment 混合堆肥 co-compostingcircular sewage sedimentation tank systems刮泥机 sludge scraper 预制的接触稳定或污泥处理总成本overall sludge-handling costs搅拌作用 stirring action prefabricated contact stabilization or底流 n. underflow 延时曝气处理系统第八部分:废水回用浓缩的底流 thickened underflow extended aeration treatment systems地表水资源 surface water resource浓缩污泥 thickened sludge BOD负荷 BOD loading 地下水资源 groundwater resource出水 n. effluent 细胞物质 cellular mass 水短缺 water scarcity上清液 n. supernatant 内源衰亡 endogenous decay 回用 n. , v. reuse11废水回用 wastewater reuse 工艺废水,过程废水 process wastewaters 直接回用 direct reuse 工艺补充水,过程补充水 plant process makeup water 直接废水回用 direct wastewater reuse 冷却塔水 cooling tower water 间接回用indirect reuse 选择性处理 optional treatment 间接废水回用 indirect wastewater reuse 水费 water costs出水处理 effluent treatment 回用的城市污水回用水 reclaimed water reclaimed municipal wastewater 排放 n. , v. discharge 工业过程 industrial processes 保留 n. retention 冷却水 cooling water循环 n. recycling 锅炉给水 boiler feedwaterv. recycle 灌溉回用 irrigation reuse 部分处理 n. partial treatment废水直接灌溉direct irrigation with wastewater 最终用途 end use 低负荷土地处理系统 low-rate land treatment system 城市污水回用 municipal wastewater reuse 间接灌溉回用 indirect reuse for irrigation 灌溉 n. irrigation 废水排放 wastewater discharge 景观灌溉 landscape irrigation 雨水回用 storm water reuse 地下水回灌 groundwater recharge 可回用水reusable waterPart ?: 第九部分:市政回用 municipal reuse 投资成本,投资费(用) capital costs 直接市政回用 direct municipal reuse 建设成本,建设费(用) construction costs 深度处理,高级处理 advanced treatment 运行成本,运行费(用) operating costs 分质供水系统 dual-distribution system 能耗成本 energy costs 间接市政回用 indirect municipal reuse 运行维护 operation and maintenance 供水系统,给水系统 water supply system 运行控制 operational control 取水口 n. intake 控制系统 control system 天然同化能力 natural assimilative capacity 仪表/控制系统人工回灌 artificial recharge instrumentation/control system 深井注射deep-well injection 自动控制系统,自控系统浅表布水 shallow surface spreading automatic control system 渗透 n. percolation工业回用 industrial reuse 12。



给排水常用名词中英文对照1、给水工程water supply engineering原水的取集和处理以及成品水输配的工程。

2、排水工程sewerage ,wastewater engineering收集、输送、处理和处置废水的工程。

3、给水系统water supply system给水的取水、输水、水质处理和配水等设施以一定方式组合成的总体。

4、排水系统sewerage system排水的收集、输送、水质处理和排放等设施以一定方式组合成的总体。

5、给水水源water source给水工程所取用的原水水体。

6、原水raw water由水源地取来的原料水。

7、地表水surface water 存在于地壳表面,暴露于大气的水。

8、地下水ground water存在于地壳岩石裂缝或工壤空隙中的水。

9、苦咸水(碱性水) brackish water ,alkaline water碱度大于硬度的水,并含大量中性盐,PH值大于7。

10、淡水fresh water含盐量小于500mg/L的水。

11、冷却水cooling water用以降低被冷却对象温度的水。



13、污水sewage ,wastewater受一定污染的来自生活和生产的排出水。

14、用水量water consumption 用水对象实际使用的水量。

-15、污水量wastewater flow ,sewage flow排水对象排入污水系统的水量。

16、用水定额water flow norm对不同的排水对象,在一定时期内制订相对合理的单位排水量的数值。

17、排水定额wastewater flow norm对不同的排水对象,在一定时期内制订相对合理的单位排水量的数值。

18、水质water quality在给水排水工程中,水的物理、化学、生物学等方面的性质。



给排水专业英语采集一、通用术语给水排水工程的通用术语及其涵义应符合下列规定:1、给水工程water supply engineering 原水的取集和处理以及成品水输配的工程。

2、排水工程sewerage ,wastewater engineering 收集、输送、处理和处置废水的工程。

3、给水系统water supply system 给水的取水、输水、水质处理和配水等设施以一定方式组合成的总体。

4、排水系统sewerage system 排水的收集、输送、水质处理和排放等设施以一定方式组合成的总体。

5、给水水源water source 给水工程所取用的原水水体。

6、原水raw water 由水源地取来的原料水。

7、地表水surface water 存在于地壳表面,暴露于大气的水。

8、地下水ground water 存在于地壳岩石裂缝或工壤空隙中的水。

9、苦咸水(碱性水) brackish water ,alkaline water 碱度大于硬度的水,并含大量中性盐,PH值大于7。

10、淡水fresh water 含盐量小于500mg/L的水。

11、冷却水cooling water 用以降低被冷却对象温度的水。

12、废水wastewater 居民活动过程中排出的水及径流雨水的总称。


13、污水sewage ,wastewater 受一定污染的来自生活和生产的排出水。

14、用水量water consumption 用水对象实际使用的水量。

15、污水量wastewater flow ,sewage flow 排水对象排入污水系统的水量。

16、用水定额water flow norm 对不同的排水对象,在一定时期内制订相对合理的单位排水量的数值。

17、排水定额wastewater flow norm 对不同的排水对象,在一定时期内制订相对合理的单位排水量的数值。



水处理常用名词中英文对照ﻫ1、给水工程water supply engineering原水得取集与处理以及成品水输配得工程。

2、排水工程sewerage ,wastewater engineering收集、输送、处理与处置废水得工程。

ﻫ3、给水系统water supplysystem给水得取水、输水、水质处理与配水等设施以一定方式组合成得总体.4、排水系统sewerage system排水得收集、输送、水质处理与排放等设施以一定方式组合成得总体。


6、原水raw water由水源地取来得原料水。

7、地表水surface water存在于地壳表面,暴露于大气得水.8、地下水groundwater存在于地壳岩石裂缝或工壤空隙中得水.ﻫ9、苦咸水(碱性水) brackish water ,alkalinewater碱度大于硬度得水,并含大量中性盐,PH值大于7。

10、淡水fresh water含盐量小于500mg/L得水。

ﻫ11、冷却水cooling water12、废水wastewater居民活动过程中排出得水及径用以降低被冷却对象温度得水.ﻫ13、污流雨水得总称。

它包括生活污水、工业废水与初雨径流以及流入排水管渠得其它水.ﻫ水sewage ,wastewater受一定污染得来自生活与生产得排出水。

ﻫ14、用水量water consumption 用水对象实际使用得水量.- ﻫ15、污水量wastewaterflow ,sewage flow排水对象排入污水系统得水量。

16、用水定额water flow norm对不同得排水对象,在一定时期内制订相对合理得单位排水量得数值。

ﻫ17、排水定额wastewater flow norm对不同得排水对象,在一18、水质water quality在给水排水定时期内制订相对合理得单位排水量得数值.ﻫ工程中,水得物理、化学、生物学等方面得性质。



给排水专业英语汇总废水处理 wastewater disposal 合流制 combined sewers UNIT 1给水工程 water supply engineering 受纳水体 receiving waters 分流制separate sewers排水工程 sewetage engineering 污染 pollution pollute 建筑排水系统building drainage system市政工程 civil engineering 污染物 pollntant 卫生洁具 plumbing fixtures市政工程师 civil engineer 玷污、污染 contamination 卫浴设备 bathroom fixtures环境工程 environmental engineering 致污物 contaminant 输水系统 water transmission system水文学 hydrology 未污染 uncontaminated 漏水率 leakage rate水力学 hydranlies 水污染 water pollution 配水系统 water distribution system水环境 natural aquatic environment 水污染控制 water pollutioncontrol 环状管网 grid system流域 watershed 水污染防治 water pollution prevention 支状管网branching system水体 waterbody 污水回用 wastewater reuse 下水管道 sanitary sewer 地表水 surface water 污水节流管 intercepting sewer UNIT 2新鲜水 freshwater 水短缺 water scarcity 污水节流系统 intercepting sewer system地下水 groundwater 地表水资源 surface water resource 污水节流井sewage intercepting cell含水层 aquifer 管网 Pipe Network 支管 collection sewer collector sewer天然含水层 natural aquifer 供水系统 water supply system 生活污水sanitary sewage地下含水层 underground aquifer 市政配水系统 municipal distribution system domestic sewage水文循环 natural hydrologic cycle 建筑给水系统house water supply system domestic wastewater渗滤 infiltration 分区供水系统 dual distribution system 工业污水industrial wastewater降水 precipitation 小区 micro district 工业污水/液/物 industrial wastes渗入 precolation 小社区 small community 农业用水 agricultural wastewater/wastes蒸发 evaporation 冷水供水系统 cold water supply system 雨水rainwater stormwater蒸腾 transpiration 热水供水系统 hot water supply system 水位waterlevel城市水文循环 urban hydrologic cycle 消防系统 fire protection system 海拔、标高 elevation水源 water source 坡度 grade 喷淋系统 fire protection sprinkler system水资源 water resource 自动水幕系统 automatic drencher system 倾斜度slope取水 water withdrawal 半自动水幕系统明渠 Open channel水处理 water treatment 开挖 excavation semi automatic drencher system配水 water distribution 消火栓 hydrant 深度 excavation depth用水 water use 排水系统 drainage system 水力分析 hydraulic analysis 污水 wastewater 生活排水系统 sanitary system 水头 pressure head废水 abwasser 工业排水系统 industrial system 总水头 total head废水收集 wastewater collection 雨水排水系统 stormwater system Unit 3 水头损失 Head loss 水源 Water sources 审美 Esthetic速度头动压头 Velocity head 味 Taste供水水源 Water supples静压 Static head 原水 Raw water 嗅 Odo摩擦水头 Friction head 未处理水 Untreated water 色 Colour水力坡度线 Hydranlic grade line 出水 Finished water 变色Discolouration 重力流 Gravity flow 原水水质 Raw-water quality 变色Discolor水塔 Water castle 水质标准 Water quality standards 水质物理参数Physical parameters of water quality 贮水箱 Cistern 水质要求 Water quality requirements 水的物理性质 Physical quality of water 泵站 Pump station 饮用水 Drink water\potable water 浊度值 Turbidity values 给水泵站 Water pump station 自来水 Tap water 浊度单位 Turdidity unit 污水泵站Sewage station 纯水 Pure water 浑浊单位 Turdid提升泵站 Lift pumping plant 嗅阈值 Threshold odor number 饮用水标准Drinking water standards增压泵 Booster pump 化学性质 Chemical quality 饮用水一级标Primary drinking water standards离心泵 Centrifugal pump 最大允许浓度 Maxmum permissible levels 水质化学参数Chemical parameters of water quality 潜水泵 Submer sible pump 溶解氧 Dissolved oxygen (DO) maxmum allowable levels潜水艇 Submerine 最大污染物浓度 Maxmum contaminant levels 溶解氧浓度Do level深井泵 Well pump 主要污染物 Primary contaminants 溶解氧平衡 Do balance虹吸虹吸管 Siphon 有机化合物 Organic chemicals 氧损 Oxygen depletion 人孔 Manhole 合成有机化合物 Synthetic organic chemicals 有机污染物 Organic pollutant 法兰 Flange 挥发性有机化合物 Volatile organic ohemicals 生化需氧量 Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) 阀门 Valve 无机化合物 Inorganic chemical 总氮 Total nitrogen (TN) 闸阀 Gate valve 微生物Micro organisms\microbes 总凯式氮 Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) 微生物污染 Microbial contaminants 悬浮固体 Suspended solids (SS) 泵送系统 Pumping system流量 Flow rate 病原微生物 Pathogenic micro organisms 总悬浮固体Total suspended solids (TSS)病原体 Pathogenic 溶解 D流速 Fluid velocity issolved (DS)层流 Laminar flow 病毒 Pathogenic bacterin 总溶解 Total dissolved (TDS) 滞流粘性流 viscous flow 细菌 Bacteria Unit 4大肠杆菌 Coliform bacteria 过渡流 Transitional flow 溶解的铁和锰Dissolved iron and manganese 湍流 Turbulent flow 病毒 Viruses 硬度Hardness藻类 Algae 紊流 Turbulence flow 碱度 Alkalinity涡流 Eddying flow 浊度 Turbidity 盐度 Salinity雷诺数 Teynolds number 放射性 Radionuclide 有害物质 Toxic and hazardous materials感官性状 Esthetic qualities 水质 Water guality 氰化物 Cyanides急性毒性 Acute toxity 处理水 Treated wastes 砂 Grit慢性毒性 Chronic toxity 回用水 Redaimed water 沙 Sand基因毒性 Genetic toxicity 水处理过程 Water processing 除砂 Grit removal 基因 Gene 收集 Collect 沉砂池 Grit chamber 难降解有机化合物Refractory organic chemicals 处置 Dispose 沉淀 Settling永久性有机污染物 Persistent organic pollutants 处理方法 Treatment method 沉淀池 Settling tank 致癌化学性 Carcinogenic chemicals 处理费用Treatment costs 澄清池 Clarifier 三卤甲烷 Trihalo methanes 处理单元Treatment process 初澄清池 Primary clarifier 卤素 Halogen 运行模式Operational mode 初沉池 Primary settling tank 甲基 Methyl 间歇处理方式Batch treatment approach 一级出水 Primary effluent 氯仿 Trichloromethane 均匀均化 Equalization 二级处理 Secondary treatment 三氯甲烷 Chloroform 均匀 Equalize 二级处理工艺 Secondary treatment process 杀虫剂农药Pesticide 调蓄水池 Equalization storage 生物处理 Biological treatment 害虫 Pest 调节池 Equalization tank 二澄清池 Secondary clarifier 杀虫剂Insecticide 蓄水池二沉池 Secondary settling tank Storage tank除草剂 Herbicide 降解 Degrade 最终澄清池 Final clarifier 杀菌剂Germicide 分解 Decompose 最终沉淀池 Final settling tank 细菌 Germ 分离Separate 二级出水 Secondary effluent 防腐剂 Preservative 隔离 Separation 三级处理 Tertiary treatment 保证 Preserve 物理法 Physical process 深度处理 Advanced treatment 清洗剂 Cleaning agent 物理处理 Physical treatment 废水消毒 Waste disinfection 洗涤剂 Detergent 物理处理过程 Physical treatment process 出流出水 Effluent flow允许浓度 Allowable levels 发泡剂 Foaming agent 一级处理 Primary treatment泡沫 Foam 初步处理 Preliminary treatment 优异出水 High-quality polished effluent格栅筛滤 Screening 废水处理厂 Wastewater treatment plant 化肥Fertilizer肥沃的 Fertile 格栅 Screen 污水处理厂 Sewage treatment plant 富营养化 Eutrophication 格栅 Bar screen 二级处理厂 Secondary treatment plant 城市污水处理营养的 Trophic 栅条 Bars营养水平 Trophic level 钢栅条 Steel bars Municipal wastewater treatment市政工程 Municipal engineering 生态位 Niche 渣耙 Cleaning rakes圆形破碎机 Circular grinder 土木工程 Civil engineering Unit 5原污水 Raw sewage 破碎 Grind 城市污水处理厂原废水 Raw wastes 除砂 Degritting Municipal wastewater treatment plant污水处理能力 Sewage treatment capacity 混合池 mixer tank 刮泥机sludge scraper 电容 Capacitance 快速混合池 flash-mix tank 排泥 sludge drawoff 污水处理设施 Municipal treatment facilities 絮凝器 n.flocculator sludge withdrawal 多反应器设施 Multi-reactor facility 絮凝池flocculation tank 预沉淀 n. presedimentation 处理池 Treatment tank 预沉淀池 presedimentation basin负荷 Load 固体接触池 solids-contact tank负荷 Loadings 澄清 n. clarification 3(过滤 n. filtration 水力负荷Hydrautic loading 滤池 n. filter v. clarify污染负荷 Pollutant load 澄清池 n. clarifier 慢滤池 slow filter 有机负荷 Organic load 高负荷澄清池 high rate clarifier 快滤池 rapid filter 无机负荷 Inorganic load 澄清水 clarifying water 高速(负荷)滤池 high rate filter 不含化肥、农药无机的 Unorganic 砂滤池 sand filter 周期性负荷 Periodic(intermitlent) loading 2(沉淀 n. sedimentation 慢砂滤池 slow sand filter 第五部分: 物化处理沉降 n. sedimentation 快砂滤池 rapid sand filter 1(混凝 n. coagulation 自由沉降 plain settling 重力滤池 gravity filter混凝过程 coagulation process 拥挤沉降 hindered settling 压力滤池pressure filter化学混凝 chemical coagulation 重力沉降 gravity settling 过滤介质,滤料 filter medium凝聚 n. aggregation 沉淀池 settling tank silica sand 石英砂絮凝 n. flocculation 沉淀池,沉降池 sedimentation tank 无烟煤 n. anthracite矩形沉淀池 rectangular settling tank 硅藻土 diatomaceous earth v. flocculate异向絮凝 perikinetic flocculation 圆形沉淀池 circular settling tank 煤—砂滤床 coal-sand beds同向絮凝 orthokinetic flocculation 管式沉淀池 tube settler 多层滤料multilayered media混凝剂 n. coagulant 斜管沉淀池 steeply inclined tube settler 混合滤料 mixed media混凝剂投量 coagulant dosage 板式沉淀池 parallel-plate settler 双层滤料滤池 dual media filter烧杯实验 jar test 双层滤池 two-layer filter 板式沉淀池 plate separator最佳混凝剂投量 optimum coagulant dosage 气浮 n. floatation 粗滤料coarse media助凝剂 coagulant aid 泡沫分离 foam separation 细滤料 fine media 助凝剂 flocculation aid 溶气气浮 dissolved-air floatation 助滤剂filter aid聚电解质 n. polyelectrolytes 气浮池 floatation tank 滤后水,滤出水filtered water快速混合 flash-mix , 表面撇渣装置 surface-skimming device 滤后水,滤池出水 filter effluent撇去 v. skim 滤前水,滤池进水 filter influent rapid-mix快速混合器 flash mixer , 浮渣 n. scum 浊度穿透 turbidity breakthrough浮渣槽 scum trough 过滤周期 filter cycle rapid mixer清洗周期 cleaning cycle 病毒 n. viruses v. inactivate刮砂法 scraping method 藻类 n. algae 接触时间 contact time表面刮砂 surface scraping 需氯量 chlorine demand 原生动物 n.protozoa反冲洗 backwashing 加氯量,投氯量 chlorine dosage ,水力反冲洗 hydraulic backwashing 5(氧化 n. oxidation appliedchlorine水力反冲洗 hydraulic backwash 自由氯,游离氯 free chlorine , 还原 n. reduction水力分级 hydraulic grading 氧化剂 n. oxidant free available chlorine 化合氯 combined chlorine 强氧化剂 strong oxidizing agent4(消毒 n. disinfection 剩余保护 residual protection 高级氧化法 (AOP) advanced oxidation process余氯 residual chlorine 高级氧化工艺 (AOP) advanced oxidation process v. disinfect消毒剂 n. disinfectant 余氯量 chlorine residual 高级氧化过程 (AOP) advanced oxidation process自由余氯 free residual chlorine 高级氧化技术 (AOT) disinfectionagent杀菌剂 n. germicide 自由氯余量 free chlorine residual advanced oxidation technology消毒过程 disinfection process 化合余氯 combined residual chlorine消毒副产物 disinfection by-products 化合氯余量 combined chlorine residuals 6(吸附 n. adsorption氯化 n. chlorination 折点氯化(法) breakpoint chlorination 活性炭 (AC) activated carbon折点氯化曲线 breakpoint chlorination curve 粉末炭 (PAC) powdered activated carbon v. chlorinate氯化水 chlorinated water 折点加氯量 breakpoint dosage 粒状炭 (GAC) granular activated carbon预氯化 n. prechlorination 氯折点 chlorine breakpoint 颗粒活性炭(GAC) granular activated carbon氯化消毒副产物 by压力钢瓶 pressured steel cylinder 活性炭纤维 (ACF) activated carbon fiber -products of chlorination化学消毒剂 chemical disinfectants 臭氧发生器 ozone generator 再生 n. regeneration液氯 liquid chlorine , 需臭氧量 ozone demand v. regenerate剩余臭氧量 ozone residual 吸附剂 n. adsorbent liquefied chlorine氯胺 n. chloramines 剩余臭氧 residual ozone 吸附质 n. adsorbate次氯酸盐 hypochlorites 吸附塔,吸附柱 adsorption column次氯酸钠 sodium hypochlorite 致病微生物,病源微生物吸附床adsorption bed二氧化氯 chlorine dioxide 空床接触时间 empty bed contact time pathogenic microorganisms病原体 n. pathogens 吸附带 mass transfer zone 臭氧 n. ozone臭氧化,臭氧消毒 n. ozonation 致病细菌或病毒 pathogenic bacteria or viruses 快速小柱试验 rapid small scale column test细菌 n. bacteria 臭氧化 v. ozonate 生物活性炭 (BAC) biological activated carbon紫外线 (UV) ultraviolet radiation (UV) 大肠杆菌 coliform bacteria 伽马射线 gamma radiation 阿米巴氏菌 amoebic cysts 7(离子交换 n. ion exchange孢子,芽孢 n. spores 灭活 n. inactivation 离子交换树脂 ion exchange resin离子交换器 ion exchanger 电解 n. electrolysis 底物(基质)利用substrate utilization离子交换柱 ion exchange column 电除盐 (EDI) n. electrodeionization 生物量 n. biomass硬度 n. hardness 吹脱、汽提法 n. stripping 生物反应 biological reaction除硬 hardness removal 生物氧化 biological oxidation软化 n. softening 冷却 n. cooling 生物降解 n. biodegradation冷却水 cooling water 生物降解性 n. biodegradability v. soften化学软化 chemical softening 冷却塔 cooling tower 生物可降解的,可生物降解的 a. biodegradable沉淀软化 precipitation softening 第六部分生物处理不可生物降解的 a. nonbiodegradable除盐,脱盐 n. desaltination 生物反应器 n. bioreactor 生物处理biological treatment微生物 n. microorganisms 废水生物处理 biological wastewater treatment v. desalt去矿化 n. demineralization 废水生物处理系统 biological wastewater treatment n. microbes微生物种群 microbial population v. demineralize system离子交换软化法 ion exchange softening process 混合群落 mixed communities 污水生物处理系统 biological sewage treatment 离子交换除盐法 ion exchange desalting process 细菌 n. bacteria system复床 combined bed 原生动物 n. protozoa 生物处理法 biological treatment process混合床 mixed bed 真菌 n. fungi 生物处理装置 biological treatment unit轮虫 n. rotifers 串联 in series8(膜分离 membrane separation 生长 n. growth 悬浮生长处理法suspended-growth treatment processes微滤 n. microfiltration 繁殖 n. reproduction 生物固体 biological solids超滤 n. hyperfiltration 世代时间 generation time 活性污泥 activated sludge纳滤 n. nanofiltration 生长速率 growth rates 附着生长处理法attached-growth treatment processes反渗透 reverse osmosis 环境因子 environmental factors 附着的微生物attached microbes渗透 n. osmosis 生态因子 ecological factors 微生物附着生长 attached microbial growth半透膜 semipermeable membrane 微生物生长动力学 microbial growth kinetics 生物膜 n. biofilm电渗析 n. electrodialysis 1. 迟滞期 lag phase渗析 n. dialysis 2. 对数生长期 exponential-growth phase 代谢 n. metabolism3. 减速生长期 decling growth phase v. metabolize9(其它处理方法稳定期 stationary phase 稳定,稳定化 n. stabilization 中和 n. neutralization 4. 内源呼吸阶段 endogenous stage v. stabilize 内源生长期 endogenous growth phase 生物代谢 biological metabolism v. neutralize酸性废水 acidic wastes 内源呼吸 endogenous respiration 微生物代谢microbial metabolism化学沉淀 chemical precipitation 好氧的 a. aerobic好氧菌 aerobic bacteria沉淀软化 precipitation softening 底物,基质 n. substrate好氧微生物 aerobic microorganisms 曝气池 aeration basin 非挥发性固体nonvolatile solids好氧氧化 aerobic oxidation 曝气池 aeration chamber 挥发性悬浮固体(VSS) volatile suspended solids厌氧的 a. anaerobic 完全混合曝气池 completely mixed aeration basin混合液 mixed liquor厌氧菌 anaerobic bacteria 活性污泥池 activated sludge tank 混合液悬浮固体 (MLSS) mixed liquor suspended厌氧氧化 anaerobic oxidation 曝气 n. aeration solids兼性的 a. facultative 混合 n. mixing 混合液挥发性悬浮固体 (MLVSS) mixed liquor volatile兼性菌 facultative bacteria 曝气系统 aeration system suspended solids好氧环境 aerobic environment 曝气器 n. aerator 污泥沉降比 (SV) settling velocity厌氧环境 anaerobic environment 压缩空气 compressed air 污泥容积指数(SVI) sludge volume index营养物 n. nutrients 空气压缩机,空压机 air compressor 比耗氧速率(SOUR) specific oxygen uptake rate无机营养物 inorganic nutrients 鼓风机,风机 n. blower营养物去除 nutrient removal 循环/切换 n. cycling/switchover 污泥龄sludge age营养物生物去除biological nutrient removal 扩散装置,扩散器 n. diffuser 曝气池容积 aeration tank volume脱氮除磷 nitrogen and phosphorus removal 空气扩散装置,空气扩散器air diffuser 曝气时间 aeration period生物硝化 biological nitrification 鼓泡空气扩散装置(扩散器) bubble air diffuser 曝气时间 aeration time硝化菌 nitrifying bacteria 微气泡扩散装置(扩散器) fine-bubble diffuser 水力停留时间 (HRT) hydraulic residence time 生物反硝化,生物脱氮 biological denitrification 扩散板 plate diffuser 水力负荷 hydraulic loading生物除磷 biological phosphorus removal 扩散管 tube diffuser BOD负荷BOD loading扩散罩 dome diffuser1(活性污泥法 activated sludge process 微气泡扩散曝气 fine-bubble diffused aeration 普通活性污泥法 conventional activated sludge process 微生物 n. microorganisms n. microbes 微气泡 fine-bubble 传统活性污泥法 conventional activated sludge process细菌 n. bacteria 大气泡 coarse-bubble 标准活性污泥法 standard activated sludge process生物絮体 biological floc 传统活性污泥厂 conventional activatedsludge plant 静态混合器 static mixer微生物絮体 microbial floc 机械曝气系统 mechanical aeration systems阶段曝气活性污泥step aeration activated sludge process活性污泥 activated sludge 机械曝气 mechanical aeration 分段 v. step 絮状活性污泥 flocculate-bacterial sludge 表面曝气 surface aeration进水负荷 influent load回流活性污泥 (RAS) returned activated sludge 表面曝气器 surface aerator 分段进水 step loading回流污泥 returned sludge 需氧量 oxygen demand 渐减 v. taper回流污泥 recycled sludge 供气量 air supply 渐减曝气 tapered aeration 剩余污泥 excess sludge 氧转移效率 oxygen tansfer efficiency 接触稳定活性污泥法废活性污泥 (WAS) waste activated sludge contact stabilization activated sludge process废污泥 waste sludge 可沉降固体 settleable solids 再曝气 n. reaeration曝气曝气池 aeration tank 挥发性固体 volatile solids —沉淀—再曝气进水阀 influent valve aeration-sedimentation-reaeration membrane biological reactor完全好氧处理法反应阶段 react phase 2(生物膜法沉淀阶段 settle phase complete aerobic treatment process高负荷(完全混合)活性污泥法清水,上清液 clear water 生物膜 n. biofilm上清液 n. supernatant 生物膜反应器 biofilm reactor high-rate (completely mixed) activated sludge process延时曝气活性污泥法排水阶段 draw phase 生物滤池 n. biofilter滗水阶段 decant phase 生物过滤 n. biofiltration extended aeration activated sludge process延时曝气法 extended aeration process 滗水装置 decant mechanism 旋转布水器 rotary sprinkler延时曝气 extended aeration 闲置阶段,待机阶段 idle phase 填料 n. packings氧化沟 oxidation ditch 塑料管状或蜂窝状填料 plastic tubular or 水平转刷 horizontal rotor 营养物去除 nutrient removal honeycomb-shaped packings转刷曝气 rotor aeration 营养物生物去除 biological nutrient removal滴滤池 trickling filter笼型转刷 caged rotor 碳源 carbon source 普通生物滤池 tricklingfilter吸附—生物降解工艺 (AB法) 硝化 n. nitrification 高负荷生物滤池 high-rate filter塔式生物滤池 tower biofilter adsorption-biodegradation process v. nitrify序批式活性污泥法 (SBR法) sequencing batch reactor 硝化菌 nitrifying bacteria 曝气生物滤池 (BAF) biological aerated filter (SBR) process、反硝化 n. denitrification序批式活性污泥法 (SBR法) sequential batch reactor 生物转盘法 biodisc process v. denitrify脱氮 n. denitrification 生物转盘 rotating biological contactor (SBR) processSBR法 SBR process 生物反硝化,生物脱氮生物转盘 n. biodisc序批式反应器 (SBR) sequencing batch reactor (SBR) 塑料盘片 plastic discs biological denitrification序批式反应器 (SBR) sequential batch reactor 缺氧—好氧脱氮工艺 (A/O 法) 轻质盘片 lightweight discs初沉 primary clarification 水平轴 horizontal shaft anoxic-oxic process 2 曝气 n. aeration 厌氧—缺氧—好氧法 (A/O法) 生物粘液biological slime二沉 secondary clarification 粘液层 slime layer anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic process初沉池 primary clarifier A-A-O法同步脱氮除磷工艺二沉池 secondary clarifier 生物流化床 biological fluidized bed anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic process泵送系统 pumping system 脱氮除磷 nitrogen and phosphorus removal biological fluidised bed活性污泥法 activated sludge process 厌氧氨氧化 (ANAMMOX) 生物流化床反应器 fluidized-bed bioreactor移动床生物膜反应器 (MBBR) 变体 n. variant anaerobic ammonium oxidationSBR运行周期 SBR cycle 生物除磷 biological phosphorus removal moving-bed biofilm reactor处理周期 process cycle进水阶段 fill phase 膜生物反应器 (MBR) 3(厌氧生物处理厌氧生化反应 anaerobic biochemical reaction发酵 n. fermentation 消化 n. digestion 厌氧分解 anaerobic decomposition厌氧分解 decompose anaerobically v. fermentate v. digest产酸细菌 n. acidogens 消化池 n. digestor 好氧稳定 aerobic stabilization产甲烷细菌 n. methanogens 厌氧消化 anaerobic digestion 细菌 n. bacteria产酸阶段 acidogenic phase 污泥消化 sludge digestion 藻类 n. algae产甲烷阶段 methanogenic phase 厌氧消化池 anaerobic digestor 微型植物microscopic plants水解 n. hydrolysis 厌氧接触法 anaerobic contact process 出流,出水effluent flow厌氧膨胀床反应器光合作用 n. photosynthesis v. hydrolysis产酸发酵 acidogenic fermentation anaerobic expanded-bed reactor 产氢产乙酸 H-producing acetogenesis 厌氧流化床反应器厌氧塘anaerobic pond 2产甲烷 methanogenesis 曝气塘 aerated pond anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor产酸菌 acid formers 厌氧生物转盘修饰塘 polishing pond产甲烷菌 methane formers , 熟化塘 maturation lagoon anaerobic rotating biological contactor深度处理塘 advanced treatment pond methane-forming bacteria有机酸 organic acids 4(自然生物处理系统三级处理塘 tertiary treatment pond挥发性脂肪酸 (VFAs) volatile fatty acids自然净化系统 natural purification system 土地处理工艺(过程) land treatment processes硫酸盐还原 sulfate reduction 稳定塘 stabilization ponds 关键因素critical factors硫酸盐还原菌 sulfate-reducing bacteria 土壤类型 soil type stabilization lagoons氧化塘 oxidation ponds 气候 n. climate上流式厌氧污泥床 (UASB) 土地处理系统 land treatment systems 土地处理系统 land treatment systems废水土地处理 land treatment of wastewater 慢速土地处理系统 upflow anaerobic sludge blanket上升流速 upflow velocity 净化过程 purification process slow rate land treatment system自然净化 natural purification 低负荷土地处理系统厌氧折流板反应器 (ABR) low-rate land treatment system污水塘 sewage lagoon 三级处理水平 tertiary treatment level anaerobic baffled reactor稳定塘 stabilization ponds 灌溉 n. irrigation两段或两级厌氧生物处理 two-stage anaerobic stabilization lagoons v. irrigate氧化塘 oxidation ponds 土壤的天然过滤和吸附性质 biotreatment两相厌氧生物处理 two-phase anaerobic biotreatment 好氧塘 aerobic pond natural filtration and adsorption properties of soil 产酸相 acidogenic phase 兼性塘 facultative pond 投配的废水 applied wastewater好氧生化反应垄—沟表面布水产甲烷相 methanogenic phase aerobic biochemical reaction浓缩的底流 thickened underflow ridge-and-furrow surface spreading 污泥减量 sludge volume reduction 浓缩污泥 thickened sludge 喷洒布水系统,喷灌布水系统 sprinkler systems快速渗滤土地处理系统 rapid infiltration land 污泥稳定化 sludge stabilization 出水 n. effluent上清液 n. supernatant treatment system渗滤—渗透土地处理 infiltration-percolation land (污泥)浓缩 n. thickening 溢流 v. overflow污泥浓缩 sludge thickening 堰 n. weir treatment快速渗滤 rapid infiltration 稳定,稳定化 n. stabilization 气浮浓缩floatation thickening快速渗滤法 rapid infiltration method 溶气气浮 dissolved-air floatation v. stabilize过滤作用 filtering action 稳定了的污泥 stabilized sludge 气浮池floatation tank吸附作用 adsorption action 调理(调节) n. conditioning 入流污泥influent sludge地表漫流土地处理系统污泥絮体 sludge flocs v. condition脱水 n. dewatering 撇去 v. skim overland flow land treatment system 地表漫流 overland flow 漂浮污泥层 floating sludge layer v. dewater 径流集水沟 runoff collection ditch 干化 n. drying物理、化学和生物过程污泥干化场 sludge drying bed 污泥消化 sludge digestion污泥干燥 heat drying 消化池 n. digester physical , chemical , and biological processes湿地 n. wetland 干燥器 n. dryer 消化池装置 digester unit天然湿地 natural wetland 污泥焚烧,污泥焚化 n. incineration 消化 n. digestion人工湿地 constructed wetland 焚烧炉,焚化炉 n. incinerator v. digest 有机固体 organic solids man-made wetland污泥浓缩 sludge thickening 生化分解 biochemical decomposition第七部分:污泥处理、处置与利用物理过程 physical process 好氧消化aerobic digestion污泥 n. sludge 含水过多的污泥 watery sludge 好氧污泥消化 aerobic sludge digestion生活污水污泥 sewage sludge 稀污泥 thin sludge 好氧消化过程 aerobic digestion process污泥体积,污泥量 sludge volume 处理装置 treatment unit 活性污泥池activated sludge tank原污泥,生污泥 raw sludge 浓缩池 n. thickener 预制的(成套)活性污泥处理系统新鲜污泥,生污泥 fresh sludge 重力浓缩 gravity thickening prefabricated (package) activated sludge treatment消化污泥,熟污泥 digested sludge 重力浓缩池 gravity thickener systems混合污泥 mixed sludge 圆形污水沉淀池预制的接触稳定或污泥处理 sludge treatment circular sewage sedimentation tank prefabricated contact stabilization or污泥处置 sludge disposal 刮泥机 sludge scraper 延时曝气处理系统最终处置 ultimate disposal 搅拌作用 stirring action extended aeration treatment systems填埋 n. landfill 底流 n. underflow BOD负荷 BOD loading细胞物质 cellular mass 废水回用 wastewater reuse 冷却塔水 cooling tower water内源衰亡 endogenous decay 直接回用 direct reuse 选择性处理 optional treatment直接废水回用 direct wastewater reuse 水费 water costs厌氧消化 anaerobic digestion 间接回用 indirect reuse 回用的城市污水厌氧污泥消化 anaerobic sludge digestion 间接废水回用 indirect wastewater reuse reclaimed municipal wastewater 有盖的圆形池 covered circular tank 出水处理 effluent treatment 工业过程 industrial processes 消化过程 digestion process 回用水 reclaimed water 冷却水 cooling water 厌氧消化过程 anaerobic digestion process 排放 n. , v. discharge 锅炉给水boiler feedwater 生化反应 biochemical reactions 保留 n. retention 灌溉回用 irrigation reuse 有机酸 organic acids 循环 n. recycling 废水直接灌溉direct irrigation with wastewater 挥发性脂肪酸 (VFAs) volatile fatty acids 低负荷土地处理系统 low-rate land treatment system v. recycle 甲烷气 methane gas 部分处理 n. partial treatment 间接灌溉回用indirect reuse for irrigation 末端产物 end product 最终用途 end use 废水排放 wastewater discharge 指示剂 n. indicator 城市污水回用 municipal wastewater reuse 雨水回用 storm water reuse 污泥消化池气体 sludge digester gas 灌溉 n. irrigation 可回用水 reusable water 污泥沉淀 sludge settling 景观灌溉 landscape irrigation Part ?: 第九部分:污泥储存 sludge storage 地下水回灌 groundwater recharge 投资成本,投资费(用) capital costs 消化污泥 digested sludge 建设成本,建设费(用) construction costs充分消化的污泥 well-digested sludge 市政回用 municipal reuse 运行成本,运行费(用) operating costs 消化池上清液 digester supernatant 直接市政回用 direct municipal reuse 能耗成本 energy costs 中温消化 mesophilic digestion 深度处理,高级处理 advanced treatment 运行维护 operation and maintenance 高温消化 thermophilic degestion 分质供水系统 dual-distribution system 运行控制 operational control间接市政回用 indirect municipal reuse 控制系统 control system污泥脱水 sludge dewatering 供水系统,给水系统 water supply system 仪表/控制系统混合堆肥 co-composting 取水口 n. intake instrumentation/control system天然同化能力 natural assimilative capacity 自动控制系统,自控系统污泥处理总成本overall sludge-handling costs 人工回灌 artificial recharge automatic control system深井注射 deep-well injection第八部分:废水回用浅表布水 shallow surface spreading地表水资源 surface water resource 渗透 n. percolation地下水资源 groundwater resource 工业回用 industrial reuse水短缺 water scarcity 工艺废水,过程废水 process wastewaters回用 n. , v. reuse 工艺补充水,过程补充水 plant process makeup water。



给排水专业英语翻译为"Plumbing and Drainage Engineering"。

1. Plumbing - 管道安装
2. Drainage - 排水系统
3. Piping - 管道
4. Sewer - 下水道
5. Water supply - 供水系统
6. Water distribution - 配水系统
7. Plumbing fixtures - 卫浴设备
8. Sanitary fittings - 卫生设备
9. Ventilation - 通风系统
10. Pumping station - 泵站
11. Sewage treatment - 污水处理
12. Stormwater management - 雨水管理
13. Plumbing code - 管道安装规范
14. Plumbing design - 管道设计
15. Plumbing installation - 管道安装
16. Plumbing maintenance - 管道维护
17. Plumbing repair - 管道维修
18. Plumbing inspection - 管道检查
19. Water conservation - 节水
20. Backflow prevention - 防止倒流



•给水工程——water supply engineering原水的取集和处理以及成品水输配的工程•排水工程——sewerage, wastewater engineering收集、输送、处理和处置废水的工程•给水系统——water supply system给水的取水、输水、水质处理和配水等设施以一定的方式组合成的总体•排水系统——sewerage system排水的收集、输送、水质处理和排放等设施以一定的方式再合成的总体•给水水源——water source给水工程所取用的原水水体•原水——raw water由水源地取来的原料水•地表水——surface water存在于地壳表面,暴露于大气的水•地下水——ground water存在于地壳岩石裂缝或土壤空隙中的水•苦咸水——brackish water,alkaline water碱度大于硬度的水,并含大量中性盐,pH值大于7•淡水——fresh water含盐量小于500mg/L的水•冷却水——cooling water用以降低被冷却对象温度的水•废水——wastewater居民活动过程中排出的水及径流雨水的总称•干管——main输送水的主要管道•泵站——pumping station泵房及其配套设施的总称•格栅——bar screen一种栅条形的隔污设备,用以拦截水中较大尺寸的漂浮物或其他杂物•曝气——aeration水与气体接触,进行溶氧或散除水中溶解性气体和挥发性物质的过程•沉淀——sedimentation利用重力沉降作用去除水中杂物的过程•过滤——filtration借助粒状材料或多孔介质截除水中杂物的过程•消毒——disinfection采用物理、化学或生物方法消灭病原体的过程•氯化——chlorination在水中投氯或含氯氧化物以达到氧化和消毒等目的的过程•余氯——residual chlorine水中投氯,经一定时间接触后,在水中余留的游离性氯和结合性氯的总称•水头损失——head loss水流通过管渠、设备和构筑物等引起的能量消耗•生活用水——domestic water人类日常生活所需用的水•进水间——intake structure取集原水而设置的各种构筑物的总称•沉砂池——desilting basin,grit chamber去除水中自重很大、能自然沉降的较大粒径沙粒或杂粒的水池•预沉池——pre-sedimentation tank原水中泥沙颗粒较大或浓度较高时,在进行凝聚沉淀处理前设置的沉淀池•快滤池——rapid filter应用石英砂或白煤、矿石等粒状滤料对自来水进行快速过滤而达到截留水中悬浮固体和部分细菌、微生物等目的的池子•虹吸滤池——siphon filter以虹吸管代替进水和排水阀门的快滤池形式之一,滤池各格出水相互连通,反冲洗水由其他滤水补给,每个滤格均在等滤速变水位条件下运行•清水池——clean-water reservoir为贮存水厂净化后的清水,以调节水厂制水量和供水量之间的差额,并为满足加氯接触时间而设置的水池•配水管网——distribution system将水送至分配管网以至用户的管系•环状管网——pipe network配水管网的一种布置方式,管道纵横相互接通,形成环状•枝状管网——branch system配水管网的一种布置方式,干管和支管分明,形成树枝状•合流制——combined system用同一种管渠收集和输送各种废水的排水方式•分流制——separate system用不同管渠收集和输送各种污水、雨水和生产废水的排水方式•生活污水——domestic sewage,domestic wastewater居民在日常生活中排出的废水•工业废水——industrial wastewater生产过程中排出的水,包括生产废水和生产污水•生产污水——polluted industrial wastewater被污染的工业废水,还包括水温过高,排放后造成热污染的工业废水•生产废水——non- polluted industrial wastewater未受污染或受轻微污染以及水温稍有升高的工业废水•城市污水——municipal sewage,municipal wastewater排入城镇污水系统的污水的统称,在合流制排水系统中,还包括生产废水和截留的雨水的•一级处理——primary treatment去除污水中的漂浮物和悬浮物的净化过程,主要为沉淀•二级处理——secondary treatment污水经一级处理后,用生物处理方法继续除去污水中胶体和溶解性有机物的净化过程•生物处理——biological treatment利用微生物的作用,使污水中不稳定有机物降解和稳定的过程地表水处理工艺Surface water treatment processWastewater treatment process原水用户Coagulant DisinfectorPumpingSludge treatment process♦Sludge thickening♦Sludge stabilization—— Digestion♦Sludge dewatering♦Sludge drying or incineration♦Sludge disposal or utilizationSome basic terms♦Combined system 合流制♦Separate system 分流制♦Domestic wastewater 生活污水♦Municipal wastewater 城市污水♦Self – purification 自净♦Activated sludge process 活性污泥法♦Biomembrane process 生物膜法♦Stabilization pond 稳定塘♦Oxidation ditch 氧化沟。



给水排水工程专业的英语翻译是"Water Supply and Drainage Engineering"。










UNIT 1给水工程water supply engineering 排水工程sewage engineering市政工程civil engineering市政工程师civil engineer环境工程environmental engineering 水文学hydrology水力学hydranlies水环境natural aquatic environment 流域watershed水体waterbody地表水surface water淡水freshwater地下水groundwater含水层aquifer天然含水层natural aquifer地下含水层underground aquifer水文循环natural hydrologic cycle 渗滤infiltration降水precipitation渗入precolation蒸发evaporation蒸腾transpiration城市水文循环urban hydrologic cycle 水源water source水资源water resource取水water withdrawal水处理water treatment配水water distribution用水water use污水sewage废水wastewater废水收集wastewater collection废水处理wastewater disposal受纳水体receiving waters污染pollution pollute污染物pollutant玷污、污染contamination致污物contaminant未污染uncontaminated水污染water pollution水污染控制water pollution control水污染防治water pollution prevention污水回用wastewater reuseUNIT 2水短缺water scarcity地表水资源surface water resource管网Pipe Network供水系统water supply system市政配水系统municipal distribution system建筑给水系统house water supply system分区供水系统dual distribution system小区micro district小社区small community冷水供水系统cold water supply system热水供水系统hot water supply system消防系统fire protection system喷淋系统fire protection sprinkler system自动水幕系统automatic drencher system半自动水幕系统semi automatic drencher system消火栓hydrant排水系统drainage system生活排水系统sanitary system工业排水系统industrial system雨水排水系统stormwater system合流制combined sewers分流制separate sewers建筑排水系统building drainage system卫生洁具plumbing fixtures卫浴设备bathroom fixtures输水系统water transmission system漏水率leakage rate配水系统water distribution system环状管网grid (looped)system支状管网branching(branched) system下水管道sanitary sewer污水节流管intercepting(中间截取) sewer污水节流系统intercepting sewer system污水节流井sewage intercepting well支管collection (目的:收集)sewer collector sewer生活污水sanitary sewagedomestic sewagedomestic wastewater工业污水industrial wastewater工业污水/液/物industrial wastes农业用水agricultural wastewater/wastes雨水rainwater stormwater水位waterlevel海拔、标高elevation坡度grade倾斜度slope明渠Open channel开挖ex cava tion深度excavation depth水力分析hydraulic analysis水头pressure head总水头total headUnit 3水头损失Head loss速度头动压头Velocity head静压Static head摩擦水头Friction head水力坡度线Hydranlic grade line 重力流Gravity flow水塔Water castle贮水箱Cistern泵站Pump station给水泵站Water pump station污水泵站Sewage station提升泵站Lift pumping plant增压泵Booster pump离心泵Centrifugal pump潜水泵Submer sible pump潜水艇Submerine深井泵Well pump虹吸虹吸管Siphon人孔Manhole法兰Flange阀门Valve闸阀Gate valve泵送系统Pumping system流量Flow rate流速Fluid velocity层流Laminar flow滞流粘性流viscous flow过渡流Transitional flow湍流Turbulent flow紊流Turbulence flow涡流Eddying flow雷诺数Teynolds number水质Water guality 水源Water sources供水水源Water supples原水Raw water未处理水Untreated water出水Finished water原水水质Raw-water quality水质标准Water quality standards水质要求Water quality requirements饮用水Drink water\potable water自来水Tap water纯水Pure water饮用水标准Drinking water standards饮用水一级标Primary drinking water standards最大允许浓度Maxmum permissible levelsmaxmum allowable levels最大污染物浓度Maxmum contaminant levels主要污染物Primary contaminants有机化合物Organic chemicals合成有机化合物Synthetic organic chemicals挥发性有机化合物V olatile organic ohemicals无机化合物Inorganic chemical微生物Micro organisms\microbes微生物污染Microbial contaminants病原微生物Pathogenic micro organisms病原体Pathogenic病毒Pathogenic bacterin细菌Bacteria大肠杆菌Coliform bacteria病毒Viruses藻类Algae浊度Turbidity放射性Radionuclide感官性状Esthetic qualities审美Esthetic味Taste嗅Odo色Colour变色Discolouration变色Discolor水质物理参数Physical parameters of water quality水的物理性质Physical quality of water浊度值Turbidity values浊度单位Turdidity unit浑浊单位Turdid嗅阈值Threshold odor number化学性质Chemical quality水质化学参数Chemical parameters of water quality溶解氧Dissolved oxygen (DO)溶解氧浓度Do level溶解氧平衡Do balance氧损Oxygen depletion有机污染物Organic pollutant生化需氧量Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)总氮Total nitrogen (TN)总凯式氮Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN)悬浮固体Suspended solids (SS)总悬浮固体Total suspended solids (TSS)溶解Dissolved (DS)总溶解Total dissolved (TDS)Unit 4溶解的铁和锰Dissolved iron and manganese硬度Hardness碱度Alkalinity盐度Salinity有害物质Toxic and hazardous materials氰化物Cyanides急性毒性Acute toxity慢性毒性Chronic toxity基因毒性Genetic toxicity基因Gene难降解有机化合物Refractory organic chemicals 永久性有机污染物Persistent organic pollutants 致癌化学性Carcinogenic chemicals三卤甲烷Trihalo methanes卤素Halogen甲基Methyl氯仿Trichloromethane三氯甲烷Chloroform杀虫剂农药Pesticide害虫Pest杀虫剂Insecticide除草剂Herbicide杀菌剂Germicide细菌Germ防腐剂Preservative保证Preserve清洗剂Cleaning agent洗涤剂Detergent发泡剂Foaming agent泡沫Foam化肥Fertilizer肥沃的Fertile富营养化Eutrophication营养的Trophic营养水平Trophic level生态位NicheUnit 5原污水Raw sewage原废水Raw wastes 处理水Treated wastes回用水Redaimed water水处理过程Water processing收集Collect处置Dispose处理方法Treatment method处理费用Treatment costs处理单元Treatment process运行模式Operational mode间歇处理方式Batch treatment approach均匀均化Equalization均匀Equalize调蓄水池Equalization storage调节池Equalization tank蓄水池Storage tank降解Degrade分解Decompose分离Separate隔离Separation物理法Physical process物理处理Physical treatment物理处理过程Physical treatment process一级处理Primary treatment初步处理Preliminary treatment格栅筛滤Screening格栅Screen格栅Bar screen栅条Bars钢栅条Steel bars渣耙Cleaning rakes圆形破碎机Circular grinder破碎Grind除砂Degritting砂Grit沙Sand除砂Grit removal沉砂池Grit chamber沉淀Settling沉淀池Settling tank澄清池Clarifier初澄清池Primary clarifier初沉池Primary settling tank一级出水Primary effluent二级处理Secondary treatment二级处理工艺Secondary treatment process生物处理Biological treatment二澄清池Secondary clarifier二沉池Secondary settling tank最终澄清池Final clarifier最终沉淀池Final settling tank二级出水Secondary effluent三级处理Tertiary treatment深度处理Advanced treatment废水消毒Waste disinfection出流出水Effluent flow允许浓度Allowable levels优异出水High-quality polished effluent废水处理厂Wastewater treatment plant污水处理厂Sewage treatment plant二级处理厂Secondary treatment plant城市污水处理Municipal wastewater treatment市政工程Municipal engineering土木工程Civil engineering城市污水处理厂Municipal wastewater treatment plant污水处理能力Sewage treatment capacity电容Capacitance污水处理设施Municipal treatment facilities 多反应器设施Multi-reactor facility处理池Treatment tank负荷Load负荷Loadings水力负荷Hydrautic loading污染负荷Pollutant load有机负荷Organic load无机负荷Inorganic load不含化肥、农药无机的Unorganic周期性负荷Periodic(intermitlent) loading第五部分:物化处理1.混凝n. coagulation混凝过程coagulation process化学混凝chemical coagulation凝聚n. aggregation絮凝n. flocculationv. flocculate异向絮凝perikinetic flocculation同向絮凝orthokinetic flocculation混凝剂n. coagulant混凝剂投量coagulant dosage烧杯实验jar test最佳混凝剂投量optimum coagulant dosage 助凝剂coagulant aid助凝剂flocculation aid聚电解质n. polyelectrolytes快速混合flash-mix ,rapid-mix快速混合器flash mixer ,rapid mixer混合池mixer tank快速混合池flash-mix tank絮凝器n. flocculator絮凝池flocculation tank固体接触池solids-contact tank澄清n. clarificationv. clarify澄清池n. clarifier高负荷澄清池high rate clarifier澄清水clarifying water2.沉淀n. sedimentation沉降n. sedimentation自由沉降plain settling拥挤沉降hindered settling重力沉降gravity settling沉淀池settling tank沉淀池,沉降池sedimentation tank矩形沉淀池rectangular settling tank圆形沉淀池circular settling tank管式沉淀池tube settler斜管沉淀池steeply inclined tube settler板式沉淀池parallel-plate settler板式沉淀池plate separator气浮n. floatation泡沫分离foam separation溶气气浮dissolved-air floatation气浮池floatation tank表面撇渣装置surface-skimming device撇去v. skim浮渣n. scum浮渣槽scum trough刮泥机sludge scraper排泥sludge drawoffsludge withdrawal预沉淀n. presedimentation预沉淀池presedimentation basin3.过滤n. filtration滤池n. filter慢滤池slow filter快滤池rapid filter高速(负荷)滤池high rate filter砂滤池sand filter慢砂滤池slow sand filter快砂滤池rapid sand filter重力滤池gravity filter压力滤池pressure filter过滤介质,滤料filter medium石英砂silica sand无烟煤n. anthracite硅藻土diatomaceous earth煤—砂滤床coal-sand beds多层滤料multilayered media混合滤料mixed media双层滤料滤池dual media filter双层滤池two-layer filter粗滤料coarse media细滤料fine media助滤剂filter aid滤后水,滤出水filtered water滤后水,滤池出水filter effluent滤前水,滤池进水filter influent浊度穿透turbidity breakthrough过滤周期filter cycle清洗周期cleaning cycle刮砂法scraping method表面刮砂surface scraping反冲洗backwashing水力反冲洗hydraulic backwashing水力反冲洗hydraulic backwash水力分级hydraulic grading4.消毒n. disinfectionv. disinfect消毒剂n. disinfectantdisinfection agent杀菌剂n. germicide消毒过程disinfection process消毒副产物disinfection by-products氯化n. chlorinationv. chlorinate氯化水chlorinated water预氯化n. prechlorination氯化消毒副产物by-products of chlorination 化学消毒剂chemical disinfectants液氯liquid chlorine ,liquefied chlorine氯胺n. chloramines次氯酸盐hypochlorites次氯酸钠sodium hypochlorite二氧化氯chlorine dioxide臭氧n. ozone臭氧化,臭氧消毒n. ozonation臭氧化v. ozonate紫外线(UV) ultraviolet radiation (UV)伽马射线gamma radiation灭活n. inactivationv. inactivate接触时间contact time需氯量chlorine demand加氯量,投氯量chlorine dosage ,applied chlorine自由氯,游离氯free chlorine ,free available chlorine化合氯combined chlorine剩余保护residual protection余氯residual chlorine余氯量chlorine residual自由余氯free residual chlorine自由氯余量free chlorine residual化合余氯combined residual chlorine化合氯余量combined chlorine residuals折点氯化(法)breakpoint chlorination折点氯化曲线breakpoint chlorination curve折点加氯量breakpoint dosage氯折点chlorine breakpoint压力钢瓶pressured steel cylinder臭氧发生器ozone generator需臭氧量ozone demand剩余臭氧量ozone residual剩余臭氧residual ozone致病微生物,病源微生物pathogenic microorganisms病原体n. pathogens致病细菌或病毒pathogenic bacteria or viruses细菌n. bacteria大肠杆菌coliform bacteria阿米巴氏菌amoebic cysts孢子,芽孢n. spores病毒n. viruses藻类n. algae原生动物n. protozoa5.氧化n. oxidation还原n. reduction氧化剂n. oxidant强氧化剂strong oxidizing agent高级氧化法(AOP) advanced oxidation process高级氧化工艺(AOP) advanced oxidation process高级氧化过程(AOP) advanced oxidation process高级氧化技术(AOT)advanced oxidation technology6.吸附n. adsorption活性炭(AC) activated carbon粉末炭(PAC) powdered activated carbon粒状炭(GAC) granular activated carbon颗粒活性炭(GAC) granular activated carbon活性炭纤维(ACF) activated carbon fiber再生n. regenerationv. regenerate吸附剂n. adsorbent吸附质n. adsorbate吸附塔,吸附柱adsorption column吸附床adsorption bed空床接触时间empty bed contact time吸附带mass transfer zone快速小柱试验rapid small scale column test生物活性炭(BAC) biological activated carbon7.离子交换n. ion exchange离子交换树脂ion exchange resin离子交换器ion exchanger离子交换柱ion exchange column硬度n. hardness除硬hardness removal软化n. softeningv. soften化学软化chemical softening沉淀软化precipitation softening除盐,脱盐n. desaltinationv. desalt去矿化n. demineralizationv. demineralize离子交换软化法ion exchange softening process 离子交换除盐法ion exchange desalting process 复床combined bed混合床mixed bed8.膜分离membrane separation微滤n. microfiltration超滤n. hyperfiltration纳滤n. nanofiltration反渗透reverse osmosis渗透n. osmosis半透膜semipermeable membrane电渗析n. electrodialysis渗析n. dialysis9.其它处理方法中和n. neutralizationv. neutralize酸性废水acidic wastes化学沉淀chemical precipitation沉淀软化precipitation softening电解n. electrolysis电除盐(EDI) n. electrodeionization吹脱、汽提法n. stripping冷却n. cooling冷却水cooling water冷却塔cooling tower第六部分生物处理生物反应器n. bioreactor微生物n.microorganismsn.microbes微生物种群microbial population混合群落mixed communities细菌n. bacteria原生动物n. protozoa真菌n. fungi轮虫n. rotifers生长n. growth繁殖n. reproduction世代时间generation time生长速率growth rates环境因子environmental factors生态因子ecological factors微生物生长动力学microbial growth kinetics1.迟滞期lag phase2.对数生长期exponential-growth phase3.减速生长期decling growth phase稳定期stationary phase4. 内源呼吸阶段endogenous stage内源生长期endogenous growth phase内源呼吸endogenous respiration底物,基质n. substrate底物(基质)利用substrate utilization生物量n. biomass生物反应biological reaction生物氧化biological oxidation生物降解n. biodegradation生物降解性n. biodegradability生物可降解的,可生物降解的 a. biodegradable不可生物降解的 a. nonbiodegradable生物处理biological treatment废水生物处理biological wastewater treatment废水生物处理系统biological wastewater treatmentsystem污水生物处理系统biological sewage treatmentsystem生物处理法biological treatment process生物处理装置biological treatment unit串联in series悬浮生长处理法suspended-growth treatment processes生物固体biological solids活性污泥activated sludge附着生长处理法attached-growth treatment processes附着的微生物attached microbes微生物附着生长attached microbial growth生物膜n. biofilm代谢n. metabolismv. metabolize稳定,稳定化n. stabilizationv. stabilize生物代谢biological metabolism微生物代谢microbial metabolism好氧的 a. aerobic好氧菌aerobic bacteria好氧微生物aerobic microorganisms好氧氧化aerobic oxidation厌氧的 a. anaerobic厌氧菌anaerobic bacteria厌氧氧化anaerobic oxidation兼性的 a. facultative兼性菌facultative bacteria好氧环境aerobic environment厌氧环境anaerobic environment营养物n. nutrients无机营养物inorganic nutrients营养物去除nutrient removal营养物生物去除biological nutrient removal脱氮除磷nitrogen and phosphorus removal生物硝化biological nitrification硝化菌nitrifying bacteria生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological denitrification 生物除磷biological phosphorus removal1.活性污泥法activated sludge process微生物n. microorganisms n. microbes 细菌n. bacteria生物絮体biological floc微生物絮体microbial floc活性污泥activated sludge絮状活性污泥flocculate-bacterial sludge回流活性污泥(RAS)returned activated sludge 回流污泥returned sludge回流污泥recycled sludge剩余污泥excess sludge废活性污泥(W AS)waste activated sludge废污泥waste sludge曝气池aeration tank 曝气池aeration basin曝气池aeration chamber完全混合曝气池completely mixed aeration basin活性污泥池activated sludge tank曝气n. aeration混合n. mixing曝气系统aeration system曝气器n. aerator压缩空气compressed air空气压缩机,空压机air compressor鼓风机,风机n. blower循环/切换n. cycling/switchover扩散装置,扩散器n. diffuser空气扩散装置,空气扩散器air diffuser鼓泡空气扩散装置(扩散器)bubble air diffuser微气泡扩散装置(扩散器)fine-bubble diffuser扩散板plate diffuser扩散管tube diffuser扩散罩dome diffuser微气泡扩散曝气fine-bubble diffused aeration微气泡fine-bubble大气泡coarse-bubble静态混合器static mixer机械曝气系统mechanical aeration systems机械曝气mechanical aeration表面曝气surface aeration表面曝气器surface aerator需氧量oxygen demand供气量air supply氧转移效率oxygen tansfer efficiency可沉降固体settleable solids挥发性固体volatile solids非挥发性固体nonvolatile solids挥发性悬浮固体(VSS) volatile suspended solids混合液mixed liquor混合液悬浮固体(MLSS) mixed liquor suspendedsolids混合液挥发性悬浮固体(MLVSS) mixed liquor volatilesuspended solids污泥沉降比(SV) settling velocity污泥容积指数(SVI) sludge volume index比耗氧速率(SOUR) specific oxygen uptake rate污泥龄sludge age曝气池容积aeration tank volume曝气时间aeration period曝气时间aeration time水力停留时间(HRT) hydraulic residence time水力负荷hydraulic loadingBOD负荷BOD loading普通活性污泥法conventional activated sludge process传统活性污泥法conventional activated sludge process标准活性污泥法standard activated sludge process传统活性污泥厂conventional activated sludge plant阶段曝气活性污泥step aeration activated sludge process分段v. step进水负荷influent load分段进水step loading渐减v. taper渐减曝气tapered aeration接触稳定活性污泥法contact stabilization activated sludge process再曝气n. reaeration曝气—沉淀—再曝气aeration-sedimentation-reaeration完全好氧处理法complete aerobic treatment process高负荷(完全混合)活性污泥法high-rate (completely mixed) activated sludge process延时曝气活性污泥法extended aeration activated sludge process延时曝气法extended aeration process延时曝气extended aeration氧化沟oxidation ditch水平转刷horizontal rotor转刷曝气rotor aeration笼型转刷caged rotor吸附—生物降解工艺(AB法)adsorption-biodegradation process序批式活性污泥法(SBR法) sequencing batch reactor (SBR) process、序批式活性污泥法(SBR法) sequential batch reactor (SBR) processSBR法SBR process序批式反应器(SBR) sequencing batch reactor (SBR) 序批式反应器(SBR) sequential batch reactor初沉primary clarification曝气n. aeration二沉secondary clarification初沉池primary clarifier二沉池secondary clarifier泵送系统pumping system活性污泥法activated sludge process变体n. variantSBR运行周期SBR cycle处理周期process cycle进水阶段fill phase 进水阀influent valve反应阶段react phase沉淀阶段settle phase清水,上清液clear water上清液n. supernatant排水阶段draw phase滗水阶段decant phase滗水装置decant mechanism闲置阶段,待机阶段idle phase营养物去除nutrient removal营养物生物去除biological nutrient removal碳源carbon source硝化n. nitrificationv. nitrify硝化菌nitrifying bacteria反硝化n. denitrificationv. denitrify脱氮n. denitrification生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological denitrification缺氧—好氧脱氮工艺(A/O法)anoxic-oxic process厌氧—缺氧—好氧法(A2/O法)anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic processA-A-O法同步脱氮除磷工艺anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic process脱氮除磷nitrogen and phosphorus removal厌氧氨氧化(ANAMMOX)anaerobic ammonium oxidation生物除磷biological phosphorus removal膜生物反应器(MBR)membrane biological reactor2.生物膜法生物膜n. biofilm生物膜反应器biofilm reactor生物滤池n. biofilter生物过滤n. biofiltration旋转布水器rotary sprinkler填料n. packings塑料管状或蜂窝状填料plastic tubular orhoneycomb-shaped packings滴滤池trickling filter普通生物滤池trickling filter高负荷生物滤池high-rate filter塔式生物滤池tower biofilter曝气生物滤池(BAF) biological aerated filter生物转盘法biodisc process生物转盘rotating biological contactor生物转盘n. biodisc塑料盘片plastic discs轻质盘片lightweight discs水平轴horizontal shaft生物粘液biological slime粘液层slime layer生物流化床biological fluidized bedbiological fluidised bed生物流化床反应器fluidized-bed bioreactor移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR)moving-bed biofilm reactor3.厌氧生物处理发酵n. fermentationv. fermentate产酸细菌n. acidogens产甲烷细菌n. methanogens产酸阶段acidogenic phase产甲烷阶段methanogenic phase水解n. hydrolysisv. hydrolysis产酸发酵acidogenic fermentation产氢产乙酸H2-producing acetogenesis产甲烷methanogenesis产酸菌acid formers产甲烷菌methane formers ,methane-forming bacteria有机酸organic acids挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs) volatile fatty acids硫酸盐还原sulfate reduction硫酸盐还原菌sulfate-reducing bacteria上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)upflow anaerobic sludge blanket上升流速upflow velocity厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)anaerobic baffled reactor两段或两级厌氧生物处理two-stage anaerobic biotreatment两相厌氧生物处理two-phase anaerobic biotreatment产酸相acidogenic phase产甲烷相methanogenic phase消化n. digestionv. digest消化池n. digestor厌氧消化anaerobic digestion污泥消化sludge digestion厌氧消化池anaerobic digestor厌氧接触法anaerobic contact process厌氧膨胀床反应器anaerobic expanded-bed reactor厌氧流化床反应器anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor厌氧生物转盘anaerobic rotating biological contactor4.自然生物处理系统自然净化系统natural purification system稳定塘stabilization pondsstabilization lagoons氧化塘oxidation ponds土地处理系统land treatment systems废水土地处理land treatment of wastewater净化过程purification process自然净化natural purification污水塘sewage lagoon稳定塘stabilization pondsstabilization lagoons氧化塘oxidation ponds好氧塘aerobic pond兼性塘facultative pond好氧生化反应aerobic biochemical reaction厌氧生化反应anaerobic biochemical reaction厌氧分解anaerobic decomposition厌氧分解decompose anaerobically好氧稳定aerobic stabilization细菌n. bacteria藻类n. algae微型植物microscopic plants出流,出水effluent flow光合作用n. photosynthesis厌氧塘anaerobic pond曝气塘aerated pond修饰塘polishing pond熟化塘maturation lagoon深度处理塘advanced treatment pond三级处理塘tertiary treatment pond土地处理工艺(过程)land treatment processes关键因素critical factors土壤类型soil type气候n. climate土地处理系统land treatment systems慢速土地处理系统slow rate land treatment system低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatment system三级处理水平tertiary treatment level灌溉n. irrigationv. irrigate土壤的天然过滤和吸附性质natural filtration and adsorption properties of soil投配的废水applied wastewater垄—沟表面布水ridge-and-furrow surface spreading喷洒布水系统,喷灌布水系统sprinkler systems快速渗滤土地处理系统rapid infiltration land treatment system渗滤—渗透土地处理infiltration-percolation land treatment快速渗滤rapid infiltration快速渗滤法rapid infiltration method过滤作用filtering action吸附作用adsorption action地表漫流土地处理系统overland flow land treatment system地表漫流overland flow径流集水沟runoff collection ditch物理、化学和生物过程physical , chemical , and biological processes湿地n. wetland天然湿地natural wetland人工湿地constructed wetlandman-made wetland第七部分:污泥处理、处置与利用污泥n. sludge生活污水污泥sewage sludge污泥体积,污泥量sludge volume原污泥,生污泥raw sludge新鲜污泥,生污泥fresh sludge消化污泥,熟污泥digested sludge混合污泥mixed sludge污泥处理sludge treatment污泥处置sludge disposal最终处置ultimate disposal填埋n. landfill污泥减量sludge volume reduction污泥稳定化sludge stabilization(污泥)浓缩n. thickening污泥浓缩sludge thickening稳定,稳定化n. stabilizationv. stabilize稳定了的污泥stabilized sludge调理(调节)n. conditioningv. condition脱水n. dewateringv. dewater干化n. drying污泥干化场sludge drying bed污泥干燥heat drying干燥器n. dryer污泥焚烧,污泥焚化n. incineration焚烧炉,焚化炉n. incinerator污泥浓缩sludge thickening物理过程physical process含水过多的污泥watery sludge稀污泥thin sludge处理装置treatment unit浓缩池n. thickener重力浓缩gravity thickening重力浓缩池gravity thickener圆形污水沉淀池circular sewage sedimentation tank刮泥机sludge scraper搅拌作用stirring action底流n. underflow浓缩的底流thickened underflow浓缩污泥thickened sludge出水n. effluent上清液n. supernatant溢流v. overflow堰n. weir气浮浓缩floatation thickening溶气气浮dissolved-air floatation气浮池floatation tank入流污泥influent sludge污泥絮体sludge flocs撇去v. skim漂浮污泥层floating sludge layer污泥消化sludge digestion消化池n. digester消化池装置digester unit消化n. digestionv. digest有机固体organic solids生化分解biochemical decomposition好氧消化aerobic digestion好氧污泥消化aerobic sludge digestion好氧消化过程aerobic digestion process活性污泥池activated sludge tank预制的(成套)活性污泥处理系统prefabricated (package) activated sludge treatmentsystems预制的接触稳定或prefabricated contact stabilization or延时曝气处理系统extended aeration treatment systemsBOD负荷BOD loading细胞物质cellular mass内源衰亡endogenous decay厌氧消化anaerobic digestion厌氧污泥消化anaerobic sludge digestion有盖的圆形池covered circular tank消化过程digestion process厌氧消化过程anaerobic digestion process 生化反应biochemical reactions有机酸organic acids挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs) volatile fatty acids 甲烷气methane gas末端产物end product指示剂n. indicator污泥消化池气体sludge digester gas污泥沉淀sludge settling污泥储存sludge storage消化污泥digested sludge充分消化的污泥well-digested sludge消化池上清液digester supernatant中温消化mesophilic digestion高温消化thermophilic degestion污泥脱水sludge dewatering混合堆肥co-composting污泥处理总成本overall sludge-handling costs第八部分:废水回用地表水资源surface water resource地下水资源groundwater resource水短缺water scarcity回用n. , v. reuse 废水回用wastewater reuse直接回用direct reuse直接废水回用direct wastewater reuse间接回用indirect reuse间接废水回用indirect wastewater reuse出水处理effluent treatment回用水reclaimed water排放n. , v. discharge保留n. retention循环n. recyclingv. recycle部分处理n. partial treatment最终用途end use城市污水回用municipal wastewater reuse灌溉n. irrigation景观灌溉landscape irrigation地下水回灌groundwater recharge市政回用municipal reuse直接市政回用direct municipal reuse深度处理,高级处理advanced treatment分质供水系统dual-distribution system间接市政回用indirect municipal reuse供水系统,给水系统water supply system取水口n. intake天然同化能力natural assimilative capacity人工回灌artificial recharge深井注射deep-well injection浅表布水shallow surface spreading渗透n. percolation工业回用industrial reuse工艺废水,过程废水process wastewaters工艺补充水,过程补充水plant process makeup water冷却塔水cooling tower water选择性处理optional treatment水费water costs回用的城市污水reclaimed municipal wastewater工业过程industrial processes冷却水cooling water锅炉给水boiler feedwater灌溉回用irrigation reuse废水直接灌溉direct irrigation with wastewater低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatment system间接灌溉回用indirect reuse for irrigation废水排放wastewater discharge雨水回用storm water reuse可回用水reusable waterPartⅨ:第九部分:投资成本,投资费(用)capital costs建设成本,建设费(用)construction costs运行成本,运行费(用)operating costs能耗成本energy costs运行维护operation and maintenance运行控制operational control控制系统control system仪表/控制系统instrumentation/control system自动控制系统,自控系统automatic control system。



UNIT 1给水工程water supply engineering 排水工程sewage engineering市政工程civil engineering市政工程师civil engineer环境工程environmental engineering 水文学hydrology水力学hydranlies水环境natural aquatic environment 流域watershed水体waterbody地表水surface water淡水freshwater地下水groundwater含水层aquifer天然含水层natural aquifer地下含水层underground aquifer水文循环natural hydrologic cycle 渗滤infiltration降水precipitation渗入precolation蒸发evaporation蒸腾transpiration城市水文循环urban hydrologic cycle 水源water source水资源water resource取水water withdrawal水处理water treatment配水water distribution用水water use污水sewage废水wastewater废水收集wastewater collection废水处理wastewater disposal受纳水体receiving waters污染pollution pollute污染物pollutant玷污、污染contamination致污物contaminant未污染uncontaminated水污染water pollution水污染控制water pollution control水污染防治water pollution prevention污水回用wastewater reuseUNIT 2水短缺water scarcity地表水资源surface water resource管网Pipe Network供水系统water supply system市政配水系统municipal distribution system建筑给水系统house water supply system分区供水系统dual distribution system小区micro district小社区small community冷水供水系统cold water supply system热水供水系统hot water supply system消防系统fire protection system喷淋系统fire protection sprinkler system自动水幕系统automatic drencher system半自动水幕系统semi automatic drencher system消火栓hydrant排水系统drainage system生活排水系统sanitary system工业排水系统industrial system雨水排水系统stormwater system合流制combined sewers分流制separate sewers建筑排水系统building drainage system卫生洁具plumbing fixtures卫浴设备bathroom fixtures输水系统water transmission system漏水率leakage rate配水系统water distribution system环状管网grid (looped)system支状管网branching(branched) system下水管道sanitary sewer污水节流管intercepting(中间截取) sewer污水节流系统intercepting sewer system污水节流井sewage intercepting well支管collection (目的:收集)sewer collector sewer生活污水sanitary sewagedomestic sewagedomestic wastewater工业污水industrial wastewater工业污水/液/物industrial wastes农业用水agricultural wastewater/wastes雨水rainwater stormwater水位waterlevel海拔、标高elevation坡度grade倾斜度slope明渠Open channel开挖ex cava tion深度excavation depth水力分析hydraulic analysis水头pressure head总水头total headUnit 3 水头损失Head loss速度头动压头Velocity head静压Static head摩擦水头Friction head水力坡度线Hydranlic grade line 重力流Gravity flow水塔Water castle贮水箱Cistern泵站Pump station给水泵站Water pump station污水泵站Sewage station提升泵站Lift pumping plant增压泵Booster pump离心泵Centrifugal pump潜水泵Submer sible pump潜水艇Submerine深井泵Well pump虹吸虹吸管Siphon人孔Manhole法兰Flange阀门Valve闸阀Gate valve泵送系统Pumping system流量Flow rate流速Fluid velocity 层流Laminar flow滞流粘性流viscous flow过渡流Transitional flow湍流Turbulent flow紊流Turbulence flow涡流Eddying flow雷诺数Teynolds number水质Water guality水源Water sources供水水源Water supples原水Raw water未处理水Untreated water出水Finished water原水水质Raw-water quality水质标准Water quality standards水质要求Water quality requirements饮用水Drink water\potable water自来水Tap water纯水Pure water饮用水标准Drinking water standards饮用水一级标Primary drinking water standards最大允许浓度Maxmum permissible levelsmaxmum allowable levels最大污染物浓度Maxmum contaminant levels主要污染物Primary contaminants有机化合物Organic chemicals合成有机化合物Synthetic organic chemicals挥发性有机化合物V olatile organic ohemicals无机化合物Inorganic chemical微生物Micro organisms\microbes微生物污染Microbial contaminants病原微生物Pathogenic micro organisms病原体Pathogenic病毒Pathogenic bacterin细菌Bacteria大肠杆菌Coliform bacteria病毒Viruses藻类Algae浊度Turbidity放射性Radionuclide感官性状Esthetic qualities审美Esthetic味Taste嗅Odo色Colour变色Discolouration变色Discolor水质物理参数Physical parameters of water quality水的物理性质Physical quality of water浊度值Turbidity values浊度单位Turdidity unit浑浊单位Turdid嗅阈值Threshold odor number化学性质Chemical quality水质化学参数Chemical parameters of water quality溶解氧Dissolved oxygen (DO)溶解氧浓度Do level溶解氧平衡Do balance氧损Oxygen depletion有机污染物Organic pollutant生化需氧量Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)总氮Total nitrogen (TN)总凯式氮Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN)悬浮固体Suspended solids (SS)总悬浮固体Total suspended solids (TSS)溶解Dissolved (DS)总溶解Total dissolved (TDS)Unit 4溶解的铁和锰Dissolved iron and manganese硬度Hardness碱度Alkalinity盐度Salinity有害物质Toxic and hazardous materials氰化物Cyanides急性毒性Acute toxity慢性毒性Chronic toxity基因毒性Genetic toxicity基因Gene难降解有机化合物Refractory organic chemicals 永久性有机污染物Persistent organic pollutants 致癌化学性Carcinogenic chemicals三卤甲烷Trihalo methanes卤素Halogen甲基Methyl氯仿Trichloromethane三氯甲烷Chloroform杀虫剂农药Pesticide害虫Pest杀虫剂Insecticide除草剂Herbicide杀菌剂Germicide细菌Germ防腐剂Preservative 保证Preserve清洗剂Cleaning agent洗涤剂Detergent发泡剂Foaming agent泡沫Foam化肥Fertilizer肥沃的Fertile富营养化Eutrophication营养的Trophic营养水平Trophic level生态位NicheUnit 5原污水Raw sewage原废水Raw wastes处理水Treated wastes回用水Redaimed water水处理过程Water processing收集Collect处置Dispose处理方法Treatment method处理费用Treatment costs处理单元Treatment process运行模式Operational mode间歇处理方式Batch treatment approach均匀均化Equalization均匀Equalize调蓄水池Equalization storage调节池Equalization tank蓄水池Storage tank降解Degrade分解Decompose分离Separate隔离Separation物理法Physical process物理处理Physical treatment物理处理过程Physical treatment process一级处理Primary treatment初步处理Preliminary treatment格栅筛滤Screening格栅Screen格栅Bar screen栅条Bars钢栅条Steel bars渣耙Cleaning rakes圆形破碎机Circular grinder破碎Grind除砂Degritting砂Grit沙Sand除砂Grit removal沉砂池Grit chamber沉淀Settling沉淀池Settling tank澄清池Clarifier初澄清池Primary clarifier初沉池Primary settling tank一级出水Primary effluent二级处理Secondary treatment二级处理工艺Secondary treatment process生物处理Biological treatment二澄清池Secondary clarifier二沉池Secondary settling tank最终澄清池Final clarifier最终沉淀池Final settling tank二级出水Secondary effluent三级处理Tertiary treatment深度处理Advanced treatment废水消毒Waste disinfection出流出水Effluent flow允许浓度Allowable levels优异出水High-quality polished effluent废水处理厂Wastewater treatment plant污水处理厂Sewage treatment plant二级处理厂Secondary treatment plant城市污水处理Municipal wastewater treatment市政工程Municipal engineering土木工程Civil engineering城市污水处理厂Municipal wastewater treatment plant 污水处理能力Sewage treatment capacity电容Capacitance污水处理设施Municipal treatment facilities 多反应器设施Multi-reactor facility处理池Treatment tank负荷Load负荷Loadings水力负荷Hydrautic loading污染负荷Pollutant load有机负荷Organic load无机负荷Inorganic load不含化肥、农药无机的Unorganic周期性负荷Periodic(intermitlent) loading 第五部分:物化处理1.混凝n. coagulation混凝过程coagulation process化学混凝chemical coagulation凝聚n. aggregation絮凝n. flocculationv. flocculate异向絮凝perikinetic flocculation同向絮凝orthokinetic flocculation混凝剂n. coagulant混凝剂投量coagulant dosage烧杯实验jar test最佳混凝剂投量optimum coagulant dosage助凝剂coagulant aid助凝剂flocculation aid聚电解质n. polyelectrolytes快速混合flash-mix ,rapid-mix快速混合器flash mixer ,rapid mixer混合池mixer tank快速混合池flash-mix tank絮凝器n. flocculator絮凝池flocculation tank固体接触池solids-contact tank澄清n. clarificationv. clarify澄清池n. clarifier高负荷澄清池high rate clarifier澄清水clarifying water2.沉淀n. sedimentation沉降n. sedimentation自由沉降plain settling拥挤沉降hindered settling重力沉降gravity settling沉淀池settling tank沉淀池,沉降池sedimentation tank矩形沉淀池rectangular settling tank圆形沉淀池circular settling tank管式沉淀池tube settler斜管沉淀池steeply inclined tube settler板式沉淀池parallel-plate settler板式沉淀池plate separator气浮n. floatation泡沫分离foam separation溶气气浮dissolved-air floatation气浮池floatation tank表面撇渣装置surface-skimming device撇去v. skim浮渣n. scum浮渣槽scum trough刮泥机sludge scraper排泥sludge drawoffsludge withdrawal预沉淀n. presedimentation预沉淀池presedimentation basin3.过滤n. filtration滤池n. filter慢滤池slow filter快滤池rapid filter高速(负荷)滤池high rate filter 砂滤池sand filter慢砂滤池slow sand filter快砂滤池rapid sand filter重力滤池gravity filter压力滤池pressure filter过滤介质,滤料filter medium石英砂silica sand无烟煤n. anthracite硅藻土diatomaceous earth 煤—砂滤床coal-sand beds多层滤料multilayered media混合滤料mixed media双层滤料滤池dual media filter 双层滤池two-layer filter粗滤料coarse media细滤料fine media助滤剂filter aid滤后水,滤出水filtered water滤后水,滤池出水filter effluent 滤前水,滤池进水filter influent 浊度穿透turbidity breakthrough过滤周期filter cycle清洗周期cleaning cycle刮砂法scraping method表面刮砂surface scraping反冲洗backwashing水力反冲洗hydraulic backwashing 水力反冲洗hydraulic backwash水力分级hydraulic grading 4.消毒n. disinfectionv. disinfect消毒剂n. disinfectantdisinfection agent杀菌剂n. germicide消毒过程disinfection process消毒副产物disinfection by-products氯化n. chlorinationv. chlorinate氯化水chlorinated water预氯化n. prechlorination氯化消毒副产物by-products of chlorination化学消毒剂chemical disinfectants液氯liquid chlorine ,liquefied chlorine氯胺n. chloramines次氯酸盐hypochlorites次氯酸钠sodium hypochlorite二氧化氯chlorine dioxide臭氧n. ozone臭氧化,臭氧消毒n. ozonation臭氧化v. ozonate紫外线(UV) ultraviolet radiation (UV)伽马射线gamma radiation灭活n. inactivationv. inactivate接触时间contact time需氯量chlorine demand加氯量,投氯量chlorine dosage ,applied chlorine自由氯,游离氯free chlorine ,free available chlorine化合氯combined chlorine剩余保护residual protection余氯residual chlorine余氯量chlorine residual自由余氯free residual chlorine自由氯余量free chlorine residual化合余氯combined residual chlorine化合氯余量combined chlorine residuals折点氯化(法)breakpoint chlorination折点氯化曲线breakpoint chlorination curve折点加氯量breakpoint dosage氯折点chlorine breakpoint压力钢瓶pressured steel cylinder臭氧发生器ozone generator需臭氧量ozone demand剩余臭氧量ozone residual剩余臭氧residual ozone致病微生物,病源微生物pathogenic microorganisms病原体n. pathogens致病细菌或病毒pathogenic bacteria or viruses细菌n. bacteria大肠杆菌coliform bacteria阿米巴氏菌amoebic cysts孢子,芽孢n. spores病毒n. viruses藻类n. algae原生动物n. protozoa5.氧化n. oxidation还原n. reduction氧化剂n. oxidant强氧化剂strong oxidizing agent高级氧化法(AOP) advanced oxidation process 高级氧化工艺(AOP) advanced oxidation process 高级氧化过程(AOP) advanced oxidation process 高级氧化技术(AOT)advanced oxidation technology6.吸附n. adsorption活性炭(AC) activated carbon粉末炭(PAC) powdered activated carbon粒状炭(GAC) granular activated carbon颗粒活性炭(GAC) granular activated carbon活性炭纤维(ACF) activated carbon fiber再生n. regenerationv. regenerate吸附剂n. adsorbent吸附质n. adsorbate吸附塔,吸附柱adsorption column吸附床adsorption bed空床接触时间empty bed contact time吸附带mass transfer zone快速小柱试验rapid small scale column test生物活性炭(BAC) biological activated carbon7.离子交换n. ion exchange离子交换树脂ion exchange resin离子交换器ion exchanger离子交换柱ion exchange column硬度n. hardness除硬hardness removal软化n. softeningv. soften化学软化chemical softening沉淀软化precipitation softening除盐,脱盐n. desaltinationv. desalt去矿化n. demineralizationv. demineralize离子交换软化法ion exchange softening process离子交换除盐法ion exchange desalting process复床combined bed混合床mixed bed8.膜分离membrane separation微滤n. microfiltration超滤n. hyperfiltration纳滤n. nanofiltration反渗透reverse osmosis渗透n. osmosis半透膜semipermeable membrane电渗析n. electrodialysis渗析n. dialysis9.其它处理方法中和n. neutralizationv. neutralize酸性废水acidic wastes化学沉淀chemical precipitation沉淀软化precipitation softening电解n. electrolysis电除盐(EDI) n. electrodeionization吹脱、汽提法n. stripping冷却n. cooling冷却水cooling water冷却塔cooling tower第六部分生物处理生物反应器n. bioreactor微生物n.microorganismsn.microbes微生物种群microbial population混合群落mixed communities细菌n. bacteria原生动物n. protozoa真菌n. fungi轮虫n. rotifers生长n. growth繁殖n. reproduction世代时间generation time生长速率growth rates环境因子environmental factors生态因子ecological factors微生物生长动力学microbial growth kinetics1.迟滞期lag phase2.对数生长期exponential-growth phase3.减速生长期decling growth phase稳定期stationary phase4. 内源呼吸阶段endogenous stage内源生长期endogenous growth phase内源呼吸endogenous respiration底物,基质n. substrate底物(基质)利用substrate utilization生物量n. biomass生物反应biological reaction生物氧化biological oxidation生物降解n. biodegradation生物降解性n. biodegradability生物可降解的,可生物降解的 a. biodegradable不可生物降解的 a. nonbiodegradable生物处理biological treatment废水生物处理biological wastewater treatment废水生物处理系统biological wastewater treatment system污水生物处理系统biological sewage treatment system生物处理法biological treatment process生物处理装置biological treatment unit串联in series悬浮生长处理法suspended-growth treatment processes 生物固体biological solids活性污泥activated sludge附着生长处理法attached-growth treatment processes 附着的微生物attached microbes微生物附着生长attached microbial growth生物膜n. biofilm代谢n. metabolismv. metabolize稳定,稳定化n. stabilizationv. stabilize生物代谢biological metabolism微生物代谢microbial metabolism好氧的 a. aerobic好氧菌aerobic bacteria好氧微生物aerobic microorganisms好氧氧化aerobic oxidation厌氧的 a. anaerobic厌氧菌anaerobic bacteria厌氧氧化anaerobic oxidation兼性的 a. facultative兼性菌facultative bacteria好氧环境aerobic environment厌氧环境anaerobic environment营养物n. nutrients无机营养物inorganic nutrients营养物去除nutrient removal营养物生物去除biological nutrient removal脱氮除磷nitrogen and phosphorus removal生物硝化biological nitrification硝化菌nitrifying bacteria生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological denitrification生物除磷biological phosphorus removal1.活性污泥法activated sludge process微生物n. microorganisms n. microbes细菌n. bacteria生物絮体biological floc微生物絮体microbial floc活性污泥activated sludge絮状活性污泥flocculate-bacterial sludge回流活性污泥(RAS)returned activated sludge回流污泥returned sludge回流污泥recycled sludge剩余污泥excess sludge废活性污泥(W AS)waste activated sludge废污泥waste sludge曝气池aeration tank曝气池aeration basin曝气池aeration chamber完全混合曝气池completely mixed aeration basin活性污泥池activated sludge tank曝气n. aeration混合n. mixing曝气系统aeration system曝气器n. aerator压缩空气compressed air空气压缩机,空压机air compressor鼓风机,风机n. blower循环/切换n. cycling/switchover扩散装置,扩散器n. diffuser空气扩散装置,空气扩散器air diffuser鼓泡空气扩散装置(扩散器)bubble air diffuser微气泡扩散装置(扩散器)fine-bubble diffuser扩散板plate diffuser扩散管tube diffuser扩散罩dome diffuser微气泡扩散曝气fine-bubble diffused aeration微气泡fine-bubble大气泡coarse-bubble静态混合器static mixer机械曝气系统mechanical aeration systems机械曝气mechanical aeration表面曝气surface aeration表面曝气器surface aerator需氧量oxygen demand供气量air supply氧转移效率oxygen tansfer efficiency可沉降固体settleable solids挥发性固体volatile solids非挥发性固体nonvolatile solids挥发性悬浮固体(VSS) volatile suspended solids混合液mixed liquor混合液悬浮固体(MLSS) mixed liquor suspended solids混合液挥发性悬浮固体(MLVSS) mixed liquor volatile suspended solids污泥沉降比(SV) settling velocity污泥容积指数(SVI) sludge volume index比耗氧速率(SOUR) specific oxygen uptake rate污泥龄sludge age曝气池容积aeration tank volume曝气时间aeration period曝气时间aeration time水力停留时间(HRT) hydraulic residence time水力负荷hydraulic loadingBOD负荷BOD loading普通活性污泥法conventional activated sludge process 传统活性污泥法conventional activated sludge process 标准活性污泥法standard activated sludge process传统活性污泥厂conventional activated sludge plant阶段曝气活性污泥step aeration activated sludge process分段v. step进水负荷influent load分段进水step loading渐减v. taper渐减曝气tapered aeration接触稳定活性污泥法contact stabilization activated sludge process再曝气n. reaeration曝气—沉淀—再曝气aeration-sedimentation-reaeration完全好氧处理法complete aerobic treatment process高负荷(完全混合)活性污泥法high-rate (completely mixed) activated sludge process延时曝气活性污泥法extended aeration activated sludge process延时曝气法extended aeration process延时曝气extended aeration氧化沟oxidation ditch水平转刷horizontal rotor转刷曝气rotor aeration笼型转刷caged rotor吸附—生物降解工艺(AB法)adsorption-biodegradation process序批式活性污泥法(SBR法) sequencing batch reactor(SBR) process、序批式活性污泥法(SBR法) sequential batch reactor(SBR) processSBR法SBR process序批式反应器(SBR) sequencing batch reactor (SBR)序批式反应器(SBR) sequential batch reactor初沉primary clarification曝气n. aeration二沉secondary clarification初沉池primary clarifier二沉池secondary clarifier泵送系统pumping system活性污泥法activated sludge process变体n. variantSBR运行周期SBR cycle处理周期process cycle进水阶段fill phase进水阀influent valve反应阶段react phase沉淀阶段settle phase清水,上清液clear water上清液n. supernatant排水阶段draw phase滗水阶段decant phase滗水装置decant mechanism闲置阶段,待机阶段idle phase营养物去除nutrient removal营养物生物去除biological nutrient removal碳源carbon source硝化n. nitrificationv. nitrify硝化菌nitrifying bacteria反硝化n. denitrificationv. denitrify脱氮n. denitrification生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological denitrification缺氧—好氧脱氮工艺(A/O法)anoxic-oxic process厌氧—缺氧—好氧法(A2/O法) anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic processA-A-O法同步脱氮除磷工艺anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic process脱氮除磷nitrogen and phosphorus removal厌氧氨氧化(ANAMMOX)anaerobic ammonium oxidation生物除磷biological phosphorus removal膜生物反应器(MBR)membrane biological reactor2.生物膜法生物膜n. biofilm生物膜反应器biofilm reactor生物滤池n. biofilter生物过滤n. biofiltration旋转布水器rotary sprinkler填料n. packings塑料管状或蜂窝状填料plastic tubular or honeycomb-shaped packings滴滤池trickling filter普通生物滤池trickling filter高负荷生物滤池high-rate filter塔式生物滤池tower biofilter曝气生物滤池(BAF) biological aerated filter生物转盘法biodisc process生物转盘rotating biological contactor生物转盘n. biodisc塑料盘片plastic discs轻质盘片lightweight discs水平轴horizontal shaft生物粘液biological slime粘液层slime layer生物流化床biological fluidized bedbiological fluidised bed生物流化床反应器fluidized-bed bioreactor移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR)moving-bed biofilm reactor3.厌氧生物处理发酵n. fermentationv. fermentate产酸细菌n. acidogens产甲烷细菌n. methanogens产酸阶段acidogenic phase产甲烷阶段methanogenic phase水解n. hydrolysisv. hydrolysis产酸发酵acidogenic fermentation产氢产乙酸H2-producing acetogenesis产甲烷methanogenesis产酸菌acid formers产甲烷菌methane formers ,methane-forming bacteria有机酸organic acids挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs) volatile fatty acids硫酸盐还原sulfate reduction硫酸盐还原菌sulfate-reducing bacteria上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)upflow anaerobic sludge blanket上升流速upflow velocity厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)anaerobic baffled reactor两段或两级厌氧生物处理two-stage anaerobicbiotreatment两相厌氧生物处理two-phase anaerobic biotreatment产酸相acidogenic phase产甲烷相methanogenic phase消化n. digestionv. digest消化池n. digestor厌氧消化anaerobic digestion污泥消化sludge digestion厌氧消化池anaerobic digestor厌氧接触法anaerobic contact process厌氧膨胀床反应器anaerobic expanded-bed reactor厌氧流化床反应器anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor厌氧生物转盘anaerobic rotating biological contactor 4.自然生物处理系统自然净化系统natural purification system稳定塘stabilization pondsstabilization lagoons氧化塘oxidation ponds土地处理系统land treatment systems废水土地处理land treatment of wastewater净化过程purification process自然净化natural purification污水塘sewage lagoon稳定塘stabilization pondsstabilization lagoons氧化塘oxidation ponds好氧塘aerobic pond兼性塘facultative pond好氧生化反应aerobic biochemical reaction厌氧生化反应anaerobic biochemical reaction 厌氧分解anaerobic decomposition厌氧分解decompose anaerobically好氧稳定aerobic stabilization细菌n. bacteria藻类n. algae微型植物microscopic plants出流,出水effluent flow光合作用n. photosynthesis厌氧塘anaerobic pond曝气塘aerated pond修饰塘polishing pond熟化塘maturation lagoon深度处理塘advanced treatment pond三级处理塘tertiary treatment pond土地处理工艺(过程)land treatment processes关键因素critical factors土壤类型soil type气候n. climate土地处理系统land treatment systems慢速土地处理系统slow rate land treatment system低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatment system三级处理水平tertiary treatment level灌溉n. irrigationv. irrigate土壤的天然过滤和吸附性质natural filtration and adsorption properties of soil投配的废水applied wastewater垄—沟表面布水ridge-and-furrow surface spreading喷洒布水系统,喷灌布水系统sprinkler systems快速渗滤土地处理系统rapid infiltration landtreatment system渗滤—渗透土地处理infiltration-percolation landtreatment快速渗滤rapid infiltration快速渗滤法rapid infiltration method过滤作用filtering action吸附作用adsorption action地表漫流土地处理系统overland flow land treatment system地表漫流overland flow径流集水沟runoff collection ditch物理、化学和生物过程physical , chemical , and biological processes湿地n. wetland天然湿地natural wetland人工湿地constructed wetlandman-made wetland第七部分:污泥处理、处置与利用污泥n. sludge生活污水污泥sewage sludge污泥体积,污泥量sludge volume原污泥,生污泥raw sludge新鲜污泥,生污泥fresh sludge消化污泥,熟污泥digested sludge混合污泥mixed sludge污泥处理sludge treatment污泥处置sludge disposal最终处置ultimate disposal填埋n. landfill污泥减量sludge volume reduction污泥稳定化sludge stabilization(污泥)浓缩n. thickening污泥浓缩sludge thickening稳定,稳定化n. stabilizationv. stabilize稳定了的污泥stabilized sludge调理(调节)n. conditioningv. condition脱水n. dewateringv. dewater干化n. drying污泥干化场sludge drying bed污泥干燥heat drying干燥器n. dryer污泥焚烧,污泥焚化n. incineration焚烧炉,焚化炉n. incinerator污泥浓缩sludge thickening物理过程physical process含水过多的污泥watery sludge稀污泥thin sludge处理装置treatment unit浓缩池n. thickener重力浓缩gravity thickening重力浓缩池gravity thickener圆形污水沉淀池circular sewage sedimentation tank 刮泥机sludge scraper搅拌作用stirring action底流n. underflow浓缩的底流thickened underflow浓缩污泥thickened sludge出水n. effluent上清液n. supernatant溢流v. overflow堰n. weir气浮浓缩floatation thickening溶气气浮dissolved-air floatation气浮池floatation tank入流污泥influent sludge污泥絮体sludge flocs撇去v. skim漂浮污泥层floating sludge layer污泥消化sludge digestion消化池n. digester消化池装置digester unit消化n. digestionv. digest有机固体organic solids生化分解biochemical decomposition好氧消化aerobic digestion好氧污泥消化aerobic sludge digestion好氧消化过程aerobic digestion process活性污泥池activated sludge tank预制的(成套)活性污泥处理系统prefabricated (package) activated sludge treatmentsystems预制的接触稳定或prefabricated contact stabilization or延时曝气处理系统extended aeration treatment systemsBOD负荷BOD loading细胞物质cellular mass内源衰亡endogenous decay厌氧消化anaerobic digestion厌氧污泥消化anaerobic sludge digestion有盖的圆形池covered circular tank消化过程digestion process厌氧消化过程anaerobic digestion process生化反应biochemical reactions有机酸organic acids挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs) volatile fatty acids甲烷气methane gas末端产物end product指示剂n. indicator污泥消化池气体sludge digester gas污泥沉淀sludge settling污泥储存sludge storage消化污泥digested sludge充分消化的污泥well-digested sludge消化池上清液digester supernatant中温消化mesophilic digestion高温消化thermophilic degestion污泥脱水sludge dewatering混合堆肥co-composting污泥处理总成本overall sludge-handling costs第八部分:废水回用地表水资源surface water resource地下水资源groundwater resource水短缺water scarcity回用n. , v. reuse废水回用wastewater reuse直接回用direct reuse直接废水回用direct wastewater reuse间接回用indirect reuse间接废水回用indirect wastewater reuse 出水处理effluent treatment回用水reclaimed water排放n. , v. discharge保留n. retention循环n. recyclingv. recycle部分处理n. partial treatment最终用途end use城市污水回用municipal wastewater reuse 灌溉n. irrigation景观灌溉landscape irrigation地下水回灌groundwater recharge市政回用municipal reuse直接市政回用direct municipal reuse深度处理,高级处理advanced treatment 分质供水系统dual-distribution system间接市政回用indirect municipal reuse供水系统,给水系统water supply system 取水口n. intake天然同化能力natural assimilative capacity 人工回灌artificial recharge深井注射deep-well injection浅表布水shallow surface spreading渗透n. percolation工业回用industrial reuse工艺废水,过程废水process wastewaters工艺补充水,过程补充水plant process makeup water 冷却塔水cooling tower water选择性处理optional treatment水费water costs回用的城市污水reclaimed municipal wastewater工业过程industrial processes冷却水cooling water锅炉给水boiler feedwater灌溉回用irrigation reuse废水直接灌溉direct irrigation with wastewater低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatment system 间接灌溉回用indirect reuse for irrigation废水排放wastewater discharge雨水回用storm water reuse可回用水reusable waterPartⅨ:第九部分:投资成本,投资费(用)capital costs建设成本,建设费(用)construction costs运行成本,运行费(用)operating costs能耗成本energy costs运行维护operation and maintenance运行控制operational control控制系统control system仪表/控制系统instrumentation/control system自动控制系统,自控系统automatic control system。



UNIT 1给水工程water supply engineering排水工程sewage engineering市政工程civil engineering市政工程师civil engineer环境工程environmental engineering水文学hydrology水力学hydranlies水环境natural aquatic environment流域watershed水体waterbody地表水surface water淡水freshwater地下水groundwater含水层aquifer天然含水层natural aquifer地下含水层underground aquifer水文循环natural hydrologic cycle渗滤infiltration降水precipitation渗入precolation蒸发evaporation蒸腾transpiration城市水文循环urban hydrologic cycle水源water source水资源water resource取水water withdrawal水处理water treatment配水water distribution用水water use污水sewage废水wastewater废水收集wastewater collection废水处理wastewater disposal受纳水体receiving waters污染pollution pollute污染物pollutant玷污、污染contamination致污物contaminant未污染uncontaminated水污染water pollution水污染控制water pollutioncontrol水污染防治water pollutionprevention污水回用wastewater reuseUNIT 2水短缺water scarcity地表水资源surface waterresource管网Pipe Network供水系统water supply system市政配水系统municipaldistribution system建筑给水系统house water supplysystem分区供水系统dual distributionsystem小区micro district小社区small community冷水供水系统cold water supplysystem热水供水系统hot water supplysystem消防系统fire protection system喷淋系统fire protection sprinklersystem自动水幕系统automatic drenchersystem半自动水幕系统semi automatic drenchersystem消火栓hydrant排水系统drainage system生活排水系统sanitary system工业排水系统industrial system雨水排水系统stormwatersystem合流制combined sewers分流制separate sewers建筑排水系统building drainagesystem卫生洁具plumbing fixtures卫浴设备bathroom fixtures输水系统water transmissionsystem漏水率leakage rate配水系统water distributionsystem环状管网grid (looped)system支状管网branching(branched)system下水管道sanitary sewer污水节流管intercepting(中间截取) sewer污水节流系统interceptingsewer system污水节流井sewage interceptingwell支管collection (目的:收集)sewer collector sewer生活污水sanitary sewagedomestic sewagedomestic wastewater工业污水industrial wastewater工业污水/液/物industrialwastes农业用水agriculturalwastewater/wastes雨水rainwater stormwater水位waterlevel海拔、标高elevation坡度grade倾斜度slope明渠Open channel开挖ex cava tion深度excavation depth水力分析hydraulic analysis水头pressure head总水头total headUnit 3水头损失Head loss速度头动压头Velocity head静压Static head摩擦水头Friction head水力坡度线Hydranlic grade line重力流Gravity flow水塔Water castle贮水箱Cistern泵站Pump station给水泵站Water pump station污水泵站Sewage station提升泵站Lift pumping plant增压泵Booster pump离心泵Centrifugal pump潜水泵Submer sible pump潜水艇Submerine深井泵Well pump虹吸虹吸管Siphon人孔Manhole法兰Flange阀门Valve闸阀Gate valve泵送系统Pumping system流量Flow rate流速Fluid velocity层流Laminar flow滞流粘性流viscous flow过渡流Transitional flow湍流Turbulent flow紊流Turbulence flow涡流Eddying flow雷诺数Teynolds number水质Water guality水源Water sources供水水源Water supples原水Raw water未处理水Untreated water出水Finished water原水水质Raw-water quality水质标准Water quality standards 水质要求Water quality requirements饮用水Drink water\potable water 自来水Tap water纯水Pure water饮用水标准Drinking water standards饮用水一级标Primary drinking water standards最大允许浓度Maxmum permissible levelsmaxmum allowable levels最大污染物浓度Maxmum contaminant levels 主要污染物Primary contaminants有机化合物Organic chemicals合成有机化合物Synthetic organicchemicals挥发性有机化合物Volatile organicohemicals无机化合物Inorganic chemical微生物Micro organisms\microbes微生物污染Microbialcontaminants病原微生物Pathogenic microorganisms病原体Pathogenic病毒Pathogenic bacterin细菌Bacteria大肠杆菌Coliform bacteria病毒Viruses藻类Algae浊度Turbidity放射性Radionuclide感官性状Esthetic qualities审美Esthetic味Taste嗅Odo色Colour变色Discolouration变色Discolor水质物理参数Physical parameters ofwater quality水的物理性质Physical quality ofwater浊度值Turbidity values浊度单位Turdidity unit浑浊单位Turdid嗅阈值Threshold odor number化学性质Chemical quality水质化学参数Chemical parameters ofwater quality溶解氧Dissolved oxygen (DO)溶解氧浓度Do level溶解氧平衡Do balance氧损Oxygen depletion有机污染物Organic pollutant生化需氧量Biochemical oxygendemand (BOD)总氮Total nitrogen (TN)总凯式氮Total Kjeldahl nitrogen(TKN)悬浮固体Suspended solids (SS)总悬浮固体Total suspended solids(TSS)溶解Dissolved (DS)总溶解Total dissolved (TDS)Unit 4溶解的铁和锰Dissolved iron andmanganese硬度Hardness碱度Alkalinity盐度Salinity有害物质Toxic and hazardousmaterials氰化物Cyanides急性毒性Acute toxity慢性毒性Chronic toxity基因毒性Genetic toxicity基因Gene难降解有机化合物Refractoryorganic chemicals永久性有机污染物Persistentorganic pollutants致癌化学性Carcinogenicchemicals三卤甲烷Trihalo methanes卤素Halogen甲基Methyl氯仿Trichloromethane三氯甲烷Chloroform杀虫剂农药Pesticide害虫Pest杀虫剂Insecticide除草剂Herbicide杀菌剂Germicide细菌Germ防腐剂Preservative保证Preserve清洗剂Cleaning agent洗涤剂Detergent发泡剂Foaming agent泡沫Foam化肥Fertilizer肥沃的Fertile富营养化Eutrophication营养的Trophic营养水平Trophic level生态位NicheUnit 5原污水Raw sewage原废水Raw wastes处理水Treated wastes回用水Redaimed water水处理过程Water processing收集Collect处置Dispose处理方法Treatment method处理费用Treatment costs处理单元Treatment process运行模式Operational mode间歇处理方式Batch treatment approach均匀均化Equalization均匀Equalize调蓄水池Equalization storage调节池Equalization tank蓄水池Storage tank降解Degrade分解Decompose分离Separate隔离Separation物理法Physical process物理处理Physical treatment物理处理过程Physical treatment process一级处理Primary treatment初步处理Preliminary treatment格栅筛滤Screening格栅Screen格栅Bar screen栅条Bars钢栅条Steel bars渣耙Cleaning rakes圆形破碎机Circular grinder破碎Grind除砂Degritting砂Grit沙Sand除砂Grit removal沉砂池Grit chamber沉淀Settling 沉淀池Settling tank澄清池Clarifier初澄清池Primary clarifier初沉池Primary settling tank一级出水Primary effluent二级处理Secondary treatment二级处理工艺Secondary treatmentprocess生物处理Biological treatment二澄清池Secondary clarifier二沉池Secondary settling tank最终澄清池Final clarifier最终沉淀池Final settling tank二级出水Secondary effluent三级处理Tertiary treatment深度处理Advanced treatment废水消毒Waste disinfection出流出水Effluent flow允许浓度Allowable levels优异出水High-quality polishedeffluent废水处理厂Wastewater treatmentplant污水处理厂Sewage treatmentplant二级处理厂Secondary treatmentplant城市污水处理Municipal wastewatertreatment市政工程Municipal engineering土木工程Civil engineering城市污水处理厂Municipal wastewatertreatment plant污水处理能力Sewage treatmentcapacity电容Capacitance污水处理设施Municipal treatmentfacilities多反应器设施Multi-reactorfacility处理池Treatment tank负荷Load负荷Loadings水力负荷Hydrautic loading污染负荷Pollutant load有机负荷Organic load无机负荷Inorganic load不含化肥、农药无机的Unorganic周期性负荷Periodic(intermitlent)loading第五部分:物化处理1.混凝n. coagulation混凝过程coagulation process化学混凝chemical coagulation凝聚n. aggregation絮凝n. flocculationv. flocculate异向絮凝perikinetic flocculation同向絮凝orthokineticflocculation混凝剂n. coagulant混凝剂投量coagulant dosage烧杯实验jar test最佳混凝剂投量optimumcoagulant dosage助凝剂coagulant aid助凝剂flocculation aid聚电解质n. polyelectrolytes快速混合flash-mix ,rapid-mix快速混合器flash mixer ,rapid mixer混合池mixer tank快速混合池flash-mix tank絮凝器n. flocculator絮凝池flocculation tank固体接触池solids-contact tank澄清n. clarificationv. clarify澄清池n. clarifier高负荷澄清池high rate clarifier澄清水clarifying water2.沉淀n. sedimentation沉降n. sedimentation自由沉降plain settling拥挤沉降hindered settling重力沉降gravity settling沉淀池settling tank沉淀池,沉降池sedimentationtank矩形沉淀池rectangular settling tank圆形沉淀池circular settling tank 管式沉淀池tube settler斜管沉淀池steeply inclined tube settler板式沉淀池parallel-plate settler板式沉淀池plate separator气浮n. floatation泡沫分离foam separation溶气气浮dissolved-air floatation 气浮池floatation tank表面撇渣装置surface-skimming device撇去v. skim浮渣n. scum浮渣槽scum trough刮泥机sludge scraper排泥sludge drawoffsludge withdrawal预沉淀n. presedimentation预沉淀池presedimentation basin 3.过滤n. filtration滤池n. filter慢滤池slow filter快滤池rapid filter高速(负荷)滤池high rate filter 砂滤池sand filter慢砂滤池slow sand filter快砂滤池rapid sand filter重力滤池gravity filter压力滤池pressure filter过滤介质,滤料filter medium石英砂silica sand无烟煤n. anthracite硅藻土diatomaceous earth煤—砂滤床coal-sand beds多层滤料multilayered media混合滤料mixed media双层滤料滤池dual media filter双层滤池two-layer filter粗滤料coarse media细滤料fine media助滤剂filter aid滤后水,滤出水filtered water滤后水,滤池出水filter effluent滤前水,滤池进水filter influent浊度穿透turbidity breakthrough过滤周期filter cycle清洗周期cleaning cycle刮砂法scraping method表面刮砂surface scraping反冲洗backwashing水力反冲洗hydraulic backwashing水力反冲洗hydraulic backwash水力分级hydraulic grading4.消毒n. disinfectionv. disinfect消毒剂n. disinfectantdisinfection agent杀菌剂n. germicide消毒过程disinfection process消毒副产物disinfectionby-products氯化n. chlorinationv. chlorinate氯化水chlorinated water预氯化n. prechlorination氯化消毒副产物by-products ofchlorination化学消毒剂chemicaldisinfectants液氯liquid chlorine ,liquefied chlorine氯胺n. chloramines次氯酸盐hypochlorites次氯酸钠sodium hypochlorite二氧化氯chlorine dioxide臭氧n. ozone臭氧化,臭氧消毒n.ozonation臭氧化v. ozonate紫外线(UV) ultravioletradiation (UV)伽马射线gamma radiation灭活n. inactivationv. inactivate接触时间contact time需氯量chlorine demand加氯量,投氯量chlorinedosage ,applied chlorine自由氯,游离氯free chlorine ,free availablechlorine化合氯combined chlorine剩余保护residual protection余氯residual chlorine余氯量chlorine residual自由余氯free residual chlorine自由氯余量free chlorineresidual化合余氯combined residualchlorine化合氯余量combined chlorineresiduals折点氯化(法)breakpointchlorination折点氯化曲线breakpointchlorination curve折点加氯量breakpoint dosage氯折点chlorine breakpoint压力钢瓶pressured steelcylinder臭氧发生器ozone generator需臭氧量ozone demand剩余臭氧量ozone residual剩余臭氧residual ozone致病微生物,病源微生物pathogenicmicroorganisms病原体n. pathogens致病细菌或病毒pathogenicbacteria or viruses细菌n. bacteria大肠杆菌coliform bacteria阿米巴氏菌amoebic cysts孢子,芽孢n. spores病毒n. viruses藻类n. algae原生动物n. protozoa5.氧化n. oxidation还原n. reduction氧化剂n. oxidant强氧化剂strong oxidizing agent高级氧化法(AOP) advancedoxidation process高级氧化工艺(AOP) advancedoxidation process高级氧化过程(AOP) advanced oxidation process高级氧化技术(AOT)advanced oxidation technology6.吸附n. adsorption活性炭(AC) activated carbon粉末炭(PAC) powdered activated carbon粒状炭(GAC) granular activated carbon颗粒活性炭(GAC) granular activated carbon活性炭纤维(ACF) activated carbon fiber再生n. regenerationv. regenerate吸附剂n. adsorbent吸附质n. adsorbate吸附塔,吸附柱adsorption column吸附床adsorption bed空床接触时间empty bed contact time吸附带mass transfer zone快速小柱试验rapid small scale column test生物活性炭(BAC) biological activated carbon7.离子交换n. ion exchange离子交换树脂ion exchange resin 离子交换器ion exchanger离子交换柱ion exchange column 硬度n. hardness除硬hardness removal软化n. softeningv. soften化学软化chemical softening沉淀软化precipitation softening 除盐,脱盐n. desaltinationv. desalt去矿化n. demineralizationv. demineralize离子交换软化法ion exchange softening process离子交换除盐法ion exchangedesalting process复床combined bed混合床mixed bed8.膜分离membrane separation微滤n. microfiltration超滤n. hyperfiltration纳滤n. nanofiltration反渗透reverse osmosis渗透n. osmosis半透膜semipermeablemembrane电渗析n. electrodialysis渗析n. dialysis9.其它处理方法中和n. neutralizationv. neutralize酸性废水acidic wastes化学沉淀chemicalprecipitation沉淀软化precipitationsoftening电解n. electrolysis电除盐(EDI) n.electrodeionization吹脱、汽提法n. stripping冷却n. cooling冷却水cooling water冷却塔cooling tower第六部分生物处理生物反应器n. bioreactor微生物n.microorganismsn.microbes微生物种群microbial population混合群落mixed communities细菌n. bacteria原生动物n. protozoa真菌n. fungi轮虫n. rotifers生长n. growth繁殖n. reproduction世代时间generation time生长速率growth rates环境因子environmental factors生态因子ecological factors微生物生长动力学microbialgrowth kinetics1.迟滞期lag phase2.对数生长期exponential-growth phase3.减速生长期decling growthphase稳定期stationary phase4. 内源呼吸阶段endogenousstage内源生长期endogenous growthphase内源呼吸endogenous respiration底物,基质n. substrate底物(基质)利用substrateutilization生物量n. biomass生物反应biological reaction生物氧化biological oxidation生物降解n. biodegradation生物降解性n. biodegradability生物可降解的,可生物降解的 a.biodegradable不可生物降解的 a.nonbiodegradable生物处理biological treatment废水生物处理biologicalwastewater treatment废水生物处理系统biologicalwastewater treatment system污水生物处理系统biologicalsewage treatment system生物处理法biological treatmentprocess生物处理装置biologicaltreatment unit串联in series悬浮生长处理法suspended-growth treatment processes生物固体biological solids活性污泥activated sludge附着生长处理法attached-growth treatment processes附着的微生物attached microbes 微生物附着生长attached microbial growth生物膜n. biofilm代谢n. metabolismv. metabolize稳定,稳定化n. stabilizationv. stabilize生物代谢biological metabolism 微生物代谢microbial metabolism 好氧的 a. aerobic好氧菌aerobic bacteria好氧微生物aerobic microorganisms好氧氧化aerobic oxidation厌氧的 a. anaerobic厌氧菌anaerobic bacteria厌氧氧化anaerobic oxidation兼性的 a. facultative兼性菌facultative bacteria好氧环境aerobic environment 厌氧环境anaerobic environment营养物n. nutrients无机营养物inorganic nutrients营养物去除nutrient removal营养物生物去除biological nutrient removal脱氮除磷nitrogen and phosphorus removal生物硝化biological nitrification硝化菌nitrifying bacteria生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological denitrification生物除磷biological phosphorus removal1.活性污泥法activated sludge process微生物n. microorganisms n. microbes细菌n. bacteria生物絮体biological floc微生物絮体microbial floc活性污泥activated sludge絮状活性污泥flocculate-bacterialsludge回流活性污泥(RAS)returnedactivated sludge回流污泥returned sludge回流污泥recycled sludge剩余污泥excess sludge废活性污泥(WAS)wasteactivated sludge废污泥waste sludge曝气池aeration tank曝气池aeration basin曝气池aeration chamber完全混合曝气池completely mixedaeration basin活性污泥池activated sludge tank曝气n. aeration混合n. mixing曝气系统aeration system曝气器n. aerator压缩空气compressed air空气压缩机,空压机aircompressor鼓风机,风机n. blower循环/切换n. cycling/switchover扩散装置,扩散器n. diffuser空气扩散装置,空气扩散器airdiffuser鼓泡空气扩散装置(扩散器)bubble air diffuser微气泡扩散装置(扩散器)fine-bubble diffuser扩散板plate diffuser扩散管tube diffuser扩散罩dome diffuser微气泡扩散曝气fine-bubblediffused aeration微气泡fine-bubble大气泡coarse-bubble静态混合器static mixer机械曝气系统mechanical aerationsystems机械曝气mechanical aeration表面曝气surface aeration表面曝气器surface aerator需氧量oxygen demand供气量air supply氧转移效率oxygen tansferefficiency可沉降固体settleable solids挥发性固体volatile solids非挥发性固体nonvolatilesolids挥发性悬浮固体(VSS)volatile suspended solids混合液mixed liquor混合液悬浮固体(MLSS) mixedliquor suspended solids混合液挥发性悬浮固体(MLVSS)mixed liquor volatile suspended solids污泥沉降比(SV) settling velocity污泥容积指数(SVI) sludgevolume index比耗氧速率(SOUR) specificoxygen uptake rate污泥龄sludge age曝气池容积aeration tank volume曝气时间aeration period曝气时间aeration time水力停留时间(HRT) hydraulicresidence time水力负荷hydraulic loadingBOD负荷BOD loading普通活性污泥法conventionalactivated sludge process传统活性污泥法conventionalactivated sludge process标准活性污泥法standardactivated sludge process传统活性污泥厂conventionalactivated sludge plant阶段曝气活性污泥step aerationactivated sludge process分段v. step进水负荷influent load分段进水step loading渐减v. taper渐减曝气tapered aeration接触稳定活性污泥法contact stabilization activated sludge process再曝气n. reaeration曝气—沉淀—再曝气aeration-sedimentation-reaeration 完全好氧处理法complete aerobic treatment process高负荷(完全混合)活性污泥法high-rate (completely mixed) activated sludge process延时曝气活性污泥法extended aeration activated sludge process延时曝气法extended aeration process延时曝气extended aeration氧化沟oxidation ditch水平转刷horizontal rotor转刷曝气rotor aeration笼型转刷caged rotor吸附—生物降解工艺(AB法) adsorption-biodegradation process 序批式活性污泥法(SBR法) sequencing batch reactor (SBR) process、序批式活性污泥法(SBR法) sequential batch reactor (SBR) process SBR法SBR process序批式反应器(SBR) sequencing batch reactor (SBR)序批式反应器(SBR) sequential batch reactor初沉primary clarification曝气n. aeration二沉secondary clarification初沉池primary clarifier二沉池secondary clarifier泵送系统pumping system活性污泥法activated sludge process变体n. variantSBR运行周期SBR cycle处理周期process cycle进水阶段fill phase进水阀influent valve反应阶段react phase沉淀阶段settle phase清水,上清液clear water上清液n. supernatant排水阶段draw phase滗水阶段decant phase滗水装置decant mechanism闲置阶段,待机阶段idle phase营养物去除nutrient removal营养物生物去除biologicalnutrient removal碳源carbon source硝化n. nitrificationv. nitrify硝化菌nitrifying bacteria反硝化n. denitrificationv. denitrify脱氮n. denitrification生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological denitrification缺氧—好氧脱氮工艺(A/O法)anoxic-oxic process厌氧—缺氧—好氧法(A2/O法)anaerobic-anoxic-aerobicprocessA-A-O法同步脱氮除磷工艺anaerobic-anoxic-aerobicprocess脱氮除磷nitrogen and phosphorusremoval厌氧氨氧化(ANAMMOX)anaerobic ammoniumoxidation生物除磷biological phosphorusremoval膜生物反应器(MBR)membrane biologicalreactor2.生物膜法生物膜n. biofilm生物膜反应器biofilm reactor生物滤池n. biofilter生物过滤n. biofiltration旋转布水器rotary sprinkler填料n. packings塑料管状或蜂窝状填料plastictubular or honeycomb-shaped packings滴滤池trickling filter普通生物滤池trickling filter高负荷生物滤池high-rate filter塔式生物滤池tower biofilter曝气生物滤池(BAF) biologicalaerated filter生物转盘法biodisc process生物转盘rotating biologicalcontactor生物转盘n. biodisc塑料盘片plastic discs轻质盘片lightweight discs水平轴horizontal shaft生物粘液biological slime粘液层slime layer生物流化床biological fluidizedbedbiological fluidised bed生物流化床反应器fluidized-bedbioreactor移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR)moving-bed biofilmreactor3.厌氧生物处理发酵n. fermentationv. fermentate产酸细菌n. acidogens产甲烷细菌n. methanogens产酸阶段acidogenic phase产甲烷阶段methanogenic phase水解n. hydrolysisv. hydrolysis产酸发酵acidogenic fermentation产氢产乙酸H2-producingacetogenesis产甲烷methanogenesis产酸菌acid formers产甲烷菌methane formers ,methane-forming bacteria有机酸organic acids挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs) volatilefatty acids硫酸盐还原sulfate reduction硫酸盐还原菌sulfate-reducingbacteria上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)upflow anaerobic sludge blanket 上升流速upflow velocity厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)anaerobic baffled reactor 两段或两级厌氧生物处理two-stage anaerobic biotreatment两相厌氧生物处理two-phase anaerobic biotreatment产酸相acidogenic phase产甲烷相methanogenic phase消化n. digestionv. digest消化池n. digestor厌氧消化anaerobic digestion 污泥消化sludge digestion厌氧消化池anaerobic digestor厌氧接触法anaerobic contact process厌氧膨胀床反应器anaerobic expanded-bed reactor厌氧流化床反应器anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor厌氧生物转盘anaerobic rotating biological contactor4.自然生物处理系统自然净化系统natural purification system稳定塘stabilization pondsstabilization lagoons氧化塘oxidation ponds土地处理系统land treatment systems废水土地处理land treatment of wastewater净化过程purification process自然净化natural purification污水塘sewage lagoon稳定塘stabilization pondsstabilization lagoons氧化塘oxidation ponds好氧塘aerobic pond兼性塘facultative pond好氧生化反应aerobicbiochemical reaction厌氧生化反应anaerobicbiochemical reaction厌氧分解anaerobicdecomposition厌氧分解decomposeanaerobically好氧稳定aerobic stabilization细菌n. bacteria藻类n. algae微型植物microscopic plants出流,出水effluent flow光合作用n. photosynthesis厌氧塘anaerobic pond曝气塘aerated pond修饰塘polishing pond熟化塘maturation lagoon深度处理塘advanced treatmentpond三级处理塘tertiary treatmentpond土地处理工艺(过程)landtreatment processes关键因素critical factors土壤类型soil type气候n. climate土地处理系统land treatmentsystems慢速土地处理系统slow rate land treatmentsystem低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatmentsystem三级处理水平tertiary treatmentlevel灌溉n. irrigationv. irrigate土壤的天然过滤和吸附性质natural filtration and adsorptionproperties of soil投配的废水applied wastewater垄—沟表面布水ridge-and-furrow surfacespreading喷洒布水系统,喷灌布水系统sprinkler systems快速渗滤土地处理系统rapidinfiltration land treatment system渗滤—渗透土地处理infiltration-percolation land treatment快速渗滤rapid infiltration快速渗滤法rapid infiltrationmethod过滤作用filtering action吸附作用adsorption action地表漫流土地处理系统overland flow land treatmentsystem地表漫流overland flow径流集水沟runoff collectionditch物理、化学和生物过程physical , chemical , andbiological processes湿地n. wetland天然湿地natural wetland人工湿地constructed wetlandman-made wetland第七部分:污泥处理、处置与利用污泥n. sludge生活污水污泥sewage sludge污泥体积,污泥量sludgevolume原污泥,生污泥raw sludge新鲜污泥,生污泥fresh sludge消化污泥,熟污泥digestedsludge混合污泥mixed sludge污泥处理sludge treatment污泥处置sludge disposal最终处置ultimate disposal填埋n. landfill污泥减量sludge volumereduction污泥稳定化sludge stabilization(污泥)浓缩n. thickening污泥浓缩sludge thickening稳定,稳定化n. stabilizationv. stabilize稳定了的污泥stabilized sludge调理(调节)n. conditioning v. condition脱水n. dewateringv. dewater干化n. drying污泥干化场sludge drying bed污泥干燥heat drying干燥器n. dryer污泥焚烧,污泥焚化n. incineration焚烧炉,焚化炉n. incinerator 污泥浓缩sludge thickening物理过程physical process含水过多的污泥watery sludge稀污泥thin sludge处理装置treatment unit浓缩池n. thickener重力浓缩gravity thickening重力浓缩池gravity thickener圆形污水沉淀池circular sewage sedimentation tank刮泥机sludge scraper搅拌作用stirring action底流n. underflow浓缩的底流thickened underflow 浓缩污泥thickened sludge出水n. effluent上清液n. supernatant溢流v. overflow堰n. weir气浮浓缩floatation thickening溶气气浮dissolved-air floatation 气浮池floatation tank入流污泥influent sludge污泥絮体sludge flocs撇去v. skim漂浮污泥层floating sludge layer污泥消化sludge digestion消化池n. digester消化池装置digester unit消化n. digestionv. digest有机固体organic solids生化分解biochemical decomposition好氧消化aerobic digestion好氧污泥消化aerobic sludgedigestion好氧消化过程aerobic digestionprocess活性污泥池activated sludgetank预制的(成套)活性污泥处理系统prefabricated (package) activatedsludge treatment systems预制的接触稳定或prefabricated contactstabilization or延时曝气处理系统extended aeration treatmentsystemsBOD负荷BOD loading细胞物质cellular mass内源衰亡endogenous decay厌氧消化anaerobic digestion厌氧污泥消化anaerobic sludgedigestion有盖的圆形池covered circulartank消化过程digestion process厌氧消化过程anaerobicdigestion process生化反应biochemical reactions有机酸organic acids挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs) volatilefatty acids甲烷气methane gas末端产物end product指示剂n. indicator污泥消化池气体sludge digestergas污泥沉淀sludge settling污泥储存sludge storage消化污泥digested sludge充分消化的污泥well-digestedsludge消化池上清液digestersupernatant中温消化mesophilic digestion高温消化thermophilic degestion污泥脱水sludge dewatering混合堆肥co-composting污泥处理总成本overallsludge-handling costs第八部分:废水回用地表水资源surface waterresource地下水资源groundwater resource水短缺water scarcity回用n. , v. reuse废水回用wastewater reuse直接回用direct reuse直接废水回用directwastewater reuse间接回用indirect reuse间接废水回用indirectwastewater reuse出水处理effluent treatment回用水reclaimed water排放n. , v. discharge保留n. retention循环n. recyclingv. recycle部分处理n. partial treatment最终用途end use城市污水回用municipalwastewater reuse灌溉n. irrigation景观灌溉landscape irrigation地下水回灌groundwaterrecharge市政回用municipal reuse直接市政回用direct municipalreuse深度处理,高级处理advancedtreatment分质供水系统dual-distributionsystem间接市政回用indirect municipalreuse供水系统,给水系统watersupply system取水口n. intake天然同化能力naturalassimilative capacity人工回灌artificial recharge深井注射deep-well injection浅表布水shallow surface spreading渗透n. percolation工业回用industrial reuse工艺废水,过程废水process wastewaters工艺补充水,过程补充水plant process makeup water冷却塔水cooling tower water选择性处理optional treatment水费water costs回用的城市污水reclaimed municipal wastewater工业过程industrial processes冷却水cooling water锅炉给水boiler feedwater灌溉回用irrigation reuse废水直接灌溉direct irrigation with wastewater低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatment system间接灌溉回用indirect reuse for irrigation废水排放wastewater discharge雨水回用storm water reuse可回用水reusable waterPartⅨ:第九部分:投资成本,投资费(用)capital costs建设成本,建设费(用)construction costs运行成本,运行费(用)operating costs能耗成本energy costs运行维护operation and maintenance运行控制operational control控制系统control system仪表/控制系统instrumentation/control system 自动控制系统,自控系统automatic control system。



英汉对照给水排水专业名词来源:广州大学水质工程学发表时间:2007-5-24 最近更新时间:2008-7-22给水工程 water supply engineering排水工程 sewerage,wastewater engineering给水系统 water supply system排水系统 sewerage system给水水源 water source原水 raw water地表水 surface water地下水 ground water苦咸水(碱性水)brackish water;alkaline water淡水 fresh water冷却水 cooling water废水 wastewater污水 sewage;wastewater用水量 water consumption供水量 output污水量 wastewater flow;sewage flow用水定额 water consumption norm排水定额 wastewater flow norm水质 water quality渠道 channel;conduit干管 main泵站 pumping house泵站 pumping station给水处理 water treatment污水处理 sewage treatment;wastewater treatment废水处置 wastewater disposal格栅 bar screen曝气 aeration沉淀 sedimentation澄清 clarification过滤 filtration离子交换法 ion exchange消毒 disinfection氯化 chlorination余氯 residual chlorine游离性余氯 free residual chlorine结合性余氯 combinative residual chlorine污泥 sludge污泥处理 sludge treatment污泥处置 sludge disposal水头损失 head loss贮水池 storage reservoir;storage tank过河管 river crossing倒虹管 inverted siphon稳定 stabilization异重流density current直流水系统 once through system复用水系统 water reuse system循环水系统 water reuse system生活用水 domestic water生产用水 process water消防用水fire demand浇洒道路用水 street flushing demand, road watering绿化用水 green belt sprinkling, green plot sprinkling 未预见用水量 unforeseen demand自用水量 water consumption in water-works管网漏失水量 leakage平均日供水量 average daily coefficient最高日供水量 maximum service coefficient日变化系数 daily variation coefficient时变化系数 hourly variation coefficient最小服务水头 minimum service head管井 deep well ,drilled well管井滤水管 deep well screen管井沉淀管 grit compartment大口井 dug well;open well井群 battery of wells渗渠 infiltration gallery地下水取水构筑物及滤层 inverted layer泉室 spring chamber取水构筑物 intake structure取水口(取水头部)intake进水间 intake structure格网 screen吸水井 suction well净水构筑物 purification structure投药 chemical dosing混合 mixing凝聚 coagulation絮凝 flocculation自然沉淀 plain sedimentation凝聚沉淀 coagulation sedimentation凝聚剂 coagulant助凝剂 coagulant aid药剂固定储备量 standby reserve药剂周转储备量 current reserve沉沙池(沉砂池) desilting basin;grit chamber预沉池 pre-sedimentation tank平流沉淀池 horizontal flow sedimentation tank异向流斜管(或斜板)沉淀池 tube (plate)settler同向流斜板沉淀池 lamella机械搅拌澄清池 accelerator水力循环澄清池 circulation clarifier脉冲澄清池 plusator悬浮澄清池 sludge blanket clarifier液面负荷 surface load气浮池 floataion tank气浮溶气罐 dissloved air vessel气浮接触室 contact chamber快滤池 rapid filter虹吸滤池 siphon filter无阀滤池 pressure filter压力滤池 pressure filter移动罩滤池 movable hood backwashing filter滤料 filtering media承托层 graded gracel layer滤速 rate of filtration滤池配水系统 filter underdrain system表面冲洗 surface washing反冲洗 backwash气水反冲洗 air-water washing滤池冲洗水量 filter wash water consumption冲洗强度 intensity of back washing膨胀率 percentage of bed-expansion除铁接触氧化法 contact-axidation清水池 clean-water reservoir配水管网distribution system;pipe system环状管网 pipe network枝状管网 branch system水管支墩 buttress;anchorage软化水 softened water除盐水 demineralized water高纯水 high-purity water;ultra-high purity water 除硅 desilication;silica removal脱碱 dialkalization酸洗 acid cleaning石灰浆 lime slurry石灰乳 milk of lime树脂污染 resin fouling树脂降解 resin degradation离子交换剂 ion exchanger离子交换树脂 ion exchange resin弱碱性阴离子交换树脂 weak-base exchange resin强碱性阴离子交换树脂 strong-base anion exchange resin弱酸性慢离子交换树脂 weak-acid exchange resin强酸性阳离子交换树脂 storng-acid cation exchange resin凝胶型离子交换树脂 gel –type ion exange resin大孔型离子交换树脂 macro-reticular typeion exchange resin 磺化煤 sulfonated coal后处理 post-treatment再生 regemeration再生液置换 rinse displacement二级钠离子交换twostage sodium iopn exchange顺流再生 co-current regeneration对流再生counter-current regeneration逆流再生 up-flow regeneration浮动床 fluidized bed混合离子交换器 mixed bed空气顶压逆流再生 air hold down C.C.C,air blanket C.C.R水顶压逆流再生 water hold down C.C.R,water blanket C.C.R 无顶压逆流再生 atmospheric press bed C.C.R离子交换剂床层膨胀率 ion exchange bed expansion移动床 moving bed再生剂耗量 chemical consumption ,regenerant consumption 再生剂量 regeneration lever再生剂计量 chemical measurement超滤器 ultrafilter微孔过滤器 microporus filter双层床 stratabed,multibed双室床 double bed分步再生 stepwise regeration工作交换容量 operating capacity树脂捕捉器 resintrapper电渗析器 dlectordialyzer反渗透器 reverse osmosis unit一级除盐系统 primary demineralixation system单塔单周期移动床 monobed and single cycle moving bed双塔连续再生移动床 duad bed contactor单床离子交换器 mono-bed ion exchange冷却塔 cooling tower温式冷却塔 dry cooling tower干式冷却塔 dry cooling tower干一湿式冷却塔 dry-wet cooling tower自然通风冷却塔 natural draft cooling tower机械通风冷却塔 mechamical draft cooling tower风筒式冷却塔 chimney cooling tower开放式冷却塔 atmospheric cooling tower抽风式机械通风冷却塔 induced draft mechanical cooling tower 鼓风式机械通风冷却塔 forced draft mechnical cooling tower 横流式冷却塔 crossfolw cooling tower逆流式冷却塔 counter flow cooling tower淋水填料 packing点滴式淋水材料splash packing薄膜式淋水材料 film packing点滴薄膜式淋水填料 splash-film packing冷却塔配水系统 cooling tower distribution system槽式配水系统 troughing distribution system管式配水系统 piping distribution system管――槽结合式配水系统 pipe-troughing distrbution system池式配水系统 hot water distribution basin旋转布水器 rotating distributor溅水喷嘴 spray nozzle冷却塔配水竖件 vertical well of water distribution淋水面积 area of water drenching淋水密度 water drenching density逼近度approach冷却水温差 cooling range除水器 drift eliminator飘滴 drift湿空气回流 recirculation of wet air喷水池 qpray pond冷却池 cooling pond深水型冷却池 shallow cooling pond浅水型冷却池 deep cooling pond挡热墙 skimmer wall潜水堰 submerged weir蒸发损失 evaporation loss风吹损失 windage loss渗漏损失 seepage loss温差异重流 thermal density flow水面综合散热系数 heat transfer coefficient循环冷却水 recirculating cooling water直流冷却水 once-through cooling water直接冷却水 dircet cooling water间接冷却水 indirect coolint water补充水 make-up water旁流 side stream排污 blowdown循环冷却水系统 recirculating cooling water system直流冷却水系统 once-through cooling water system敞开式循环冷却水系统 opened recirculation cooling water system 密闭式循环冷却水系统 closed recirculation cooling water system 结垢scale污垢 fouling生物粘泥 slime,biological fouling污垢热阻 fouling resistance生物粘泥量 slime content腐蚀 corrosion全面腐蚀(均匀腐蚀) general corrosion局部腐蚀 localozed corrosion垢下腐蚀 under-deposit corrosion点蚀 pitting腐蚀率 corrosion rate点蚀系数 pitting factor阻垢 scale inhibition缓蚀 corrosion inhibition防腐蚀 corrosion prevention浓缩倍数 cyclw of concentratin系统容积 volumetric content of system饱和指数 saturation index,Langelier index稳定指数 saturation inde,Langelier index冷却水处理 coolimg water treatment旁流水处理 side-stream treatment补充水处理 make-up water treatment加酸处理scidification菌藻处理 microbiogiacl control旁流过滤 side-dtream filtration预膜 perfillmimg降解 degradation监测试片 monitoring coupon腐蚀试片 corrosion coupon阻垢剂 scale inhibitor分散剂 dispersant缓蚀剂 corrosion inhibitor杀生物剂 biocide预膜剂 prefilming abent剥离剂 stripping agent表面活性剂 surfactant消泡剂 defoaming agent排水制度 sewwer system合流制combined system分流制separate system检查井manhole跃水井drop manhole事故排出口emergencg outlet暴雨溢流井(截留井)storm overflow well, intercepting well 防潮门tide gate生活污水domestic sewage,domestic wastewater工业废水industrial wastewater生产污水polluted industrial wastewater生产废水non-polluted industrial wastewater城市污水municipal sewage;municipal wastewater旱流污水dry weather flow水体自净self-purification of water bodies一级处理primary treatment二级处理 secondary treatment生物处理biological treatment活性污泥法activated sludge process生物膜法biomembrance process双层沉淀池(隐化池)Imhoff tank初次沉淀池primary sedimentation tank二次沉淀池secondary sedimentation tank生物滤池biological filter, trickling filter塔式生物滤池 biotower生物转盘rotating biological disk生物接触氧化bio-contact oxidation曝气池aeration tank推流曝气plug flow aeration完全混合曝气complete-mixing aeration普通曝气conventional aeration阶段曝气step aeration吸附再生曝气 biosorption process,contact stabilization高负荷曝气 high-rate aeration延时曝气 extended aeration氧化沟 oxidation aitch稳定塘(氧化塘)stabilization pond,oxidation pond灌溉田 sewage farming隔油池 oil separtor固定布水器 fixed distributor活动布水器 movable distributor空气扩散曝气 diffused air aeration浅层曝气 inka aeration机械表面曝气 mechamical xurface aeration 混合液 mixed liquor堰门 weir gate原污泥raw sludge初沉污泥 primary sludge二沉污泥secondary sludge活性污泥 activated sludge消化污泥 activated sludge回流污泥 returned sludge剩余污泥 excess activated sludge污泥气 sludge gas污泥消化 sludge digestion好氧消化 aerobic sigestion厌氧消化 anaerobic digestion中温消化 mesophilic digestion高温消化 thermophilic digestion污泥浓缩 sludge thickening污泥淘洗 elutriation of sludge污泥脱水 sludge dewatering污泥真空过滤 sludge vacuum filtration污泥压滤sludge pressure filtration污泥干化 sludge drying污泥焚烧 sludge incineration合流水量 combined flow雨水量storm runoff暴雨强度 rainfall intensity人口当量 population equivalent重现期 recurrence interval降雨历时 duration of rainfall地面集水时间 time of flow管内流行时间 time of flow汇水面积 catchment area充满度 depth ratio表面水力负荷 hydraulic surface loading 固体负荷 solid loading堰负荷 weir loading容积负荷 volume loading表面有机负荷 organic surface loading污泥负荷 sludge loading需氧量 oxygen demand供氧(气)量 oxygen (air) supply氧转移率 oxygen transfer efficiency充氧能力 oxygenation capacity泥饼产率 sludge cake production污泥回流比 return sludge ratio污泥浓度 sludge concentration截流倍数 interception ratio径流系数 runoff coefficient总变化系数 peaking variation factor生化需氧量 biochemical oxygen demand化学需氧量 chemical oxygen demand耗氧量 oxygen consumption悬浮固体 suspended solid电镀废水 electroplating wastewater电镀清洗废水 electroplating rinse-wastewater闭路循环 closed system, closed loop连续处理 continuous treatment间歇处理 batch treatment清洗槽 rinse tank连续式逆流清洗 continuous countercurrent rinsing 间歇式逆流清洗 intermittent countercurrent rinsing 反喷洗清洗 back spray rinsing清洗用水定额 rinsing water norm末级清洗槽浓度 final rinse tank concentration清洗倍率 rinsing ratio碱性氯化法 alkaline chlorination process一级氧化处理 first stage oxidation treatment二级氧化处理 second stage oxidation treatment槽内处理法 tank treatment铁氧体法 ferriter technique树脂交换容量 resin exchange capacity空间流速 space flow rate交换流速 exchange flow rate再生周期 regeneration period洗脱液 spent regenerant离子交换柱 ion exchange column电解处理法 electrolytic treatment电极密度 electrode density极距 electrode distance双极性电极 bipolar electrode不溶性阳极 insoluble anode周期换向 periodic reversal脉冲电解 pulse electrolysis流出水头 static pressure for outflow给水额定流量 rate of flow设计秒流量 design flow design load卫生器具当量 fixture unit设计小时耗热量 heat consumption热水循环流量 hot water circulating flow循环附加流量 additional circulating flow配水点 points of distribution上行下给式 upfeed system下行上给式 downfeed system单向供水 one way service pipe system双向供水 multi-way service pipe system竖向分区 vertical division block明设 exposed installation暗设 concealed installation,embedded installation回流污染 backflow pollution空气间歇 air gap粪便污水 soil生活废水 waste水流转角 angle of turning flow内排水系统 interior storm system外排水系统 outside storm system集中热水供应系统 central heating system开式热水供应系统 open system of hot water supply单管热水供应系统 single pipe system of hot water supply 自然循环 natural circulation机械循环 mechanical circulation第一循环管系 primary circulating system第二循环管系 secondary circulating system引入管 service pipe, inlet pipe排出管 building drain, outlet pipe立管 vertical pipe, riser, stack横管 horizontal pipe悬吊管 hanged pipe清扫口 cleanout检查口 checkhole,checkpipe存水弯 trap,water-sealed joint水封 water seal通气管 vent pipe,vent伸顶通气管 stack vent专用通气立管 specific vent stack主通气立管 main vent stack副通气立管 secondary vent stack, assistant vent stack 环形通气管 loop vent器具通气管 firxture vent结合通气管 yoke vent, yoke vent pipe间接排水管 indirect waste pipe雨水斗 rain strainer回水管 return pipe如有帮助欢迎下载支持卫生器具 plumbing fixtrure, fixture气压给水设备 pneumatic tank隔油井 grease interceptor降温池 cooling tank化粪池 septic tank接触消毒池 disinfecting tank11。



给水排水设计基本术语中英对照翻译一、 通用术语 给水排水工程的通用术语及其涵义应符合下列规定:1、 给水工程 water supply engineering 原水的取集和处理以及成品水输配的工程。

2、 排水工程 sewerage ,wastewater engineering 收集、输送、处理和处置废水的工程。

3、 给水系统 water supply system 给水的取水、输水、水质处理和配水等设施以一定方式 组合成的总体。

4、 排水系统 sewerage system 排水的收集、输送、水质处理和排放等设施以一定方式组合 成的总体。

5、 给水水源 water source 给水工程所取用的原水水体。

6、 原水 raw water 由水源地取来的原料水。

7、 地表水 surface water 存在于地壳表面,暴露于大气的水。

8、 地下水 ground water 存在于地壳岩石裂缝或工壤空隙中的水。

9、 苦咸水 ( 碱性水 ) brackish water ,alkaline water 碱度大于硬度的水,并含大量中性 盐,PH 值大于7。

10、 淡水 fresh water 含盐量小于 500mg/L 的水。

11、 冷却水 cooling water 用以降低被冷却对象温度的水。

12、 废水 wastewater 居民活动过程中排出的水及径流雨水的总称。

它包括生活污水、 工业 废水和初雨径流以及流入排水管渠的其它水。

13、 污水 sewage ,wastewater 受一定污染的来自生活和生产的排出水。

14、 用水量 water consumption 用水对象实际使用的水量。

15、 污水量 wastewater flow ,sewage flow 排水对象排入污水系统的水量。

16、 用水定额 water flow norm 对不同的排水对象,在一定时期内制订相对合理的单位排 水量的数值。

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Short and Long Term Advantage roof drainage design performance Decade has witnessed great changes in the design of the roof drainage system recently, particularly, siphon rainwater drainage system has been gradually improved, and there is likely to be the key application. At the same time these changes, urban drainage system design has undergone tremendous changes, because the scope of a wider urban drainage system design for sustainable development, as well as people for climate change flooding more attention. The main contents of this article is how to design roof drainage systems and make a good performance. Special attention is how to get rid of bad habits already formed the design, but also need to consider innovative roof drainage system, such as green roofs and rainwater harvesting systems.Practical application: In the past few years, the design of the roof rainwater drainage system has undergone tremendous changes. On large buildings, siphon rainwater drainage technology has been very common, as well as green roofs because it is conducive to green development, being more and more applications. Taking into account the ongoing research, this article focuses on how to effectively design a variety of roof rainwater drainage system, and make it achieve the desired design effect.1. IntroductionIn the past decade, the city and the water drainage system design has been widely accepted thinking about sustainable urban drainage system, or the optimal management direction. The main principles of the design of these systems is both a local level in line with the quality of development, but also to create some economic benefits for the investors. This principle has led to the development of new changes in the sump. Although the application of such a device is gradually reduced, but the urban environment relatively high demand areas still require 100% waterproof and rapid drainage, such as the roof. Typically roof drainage system in the design, construction and maintenance has not been given due attention. Although the drainage system investment costs account for only a small portion of the total construction investment, but not able to judge the loss caused by poor design.There are two different forms of roof drainage system design methods, namely the traditional and siphon method. Traditional systems rely on atmospheric pressure work, the drive ram affected sink flow depth. Therefore, the conventional roof drainage systems require a relatively large diameter vertical drop tube, prior to discharge, all devices must be connected to the groundwater collection pipe network. In contrast, siphonic roof drainage pipe systems are generally designed to full flow (turbulent flow means that require less exhaust pipe), which will form a negative pressure, the larger the higher flow rate and pressure head. Typically siphon system requires less down pipe work under negative pressure to the water distribution network can mean higher altitude work, thereby reducing the amount of underground pipe network.Both systems consists of three parts: the roof, rainwater collection pipes, pipe network.All of these elements are able to change the water pressure distribution system.This section focuses on the role and performance of each part. Due to the principle of siphon system has not been well understood, resulting argument is relatively small, this article will highlight siphon system.2. RoofThe roof is usually designed by the architect, designer and not by the drainage design. There are three main roof.2.1 Flat roofFlat roofs are used in industrial buildings less rainfall regions and countries. This roof is not completely flat, but lower than the minimum roof slope may require. For example, the United Kingdom require maximum slope of 10 °. Setting minimum slope in order to avoid any unnecessary water.Despite the flat roof if it is not properly maintained will have more problems, but it will reduce the dead zone within the building, and the ratio of sloping roofs in favor of indoor air.2.2 sloping roofsMost residential and commercial buildings are pitched roof, inclined roof is the biggest advantage can quickly drain, thereby reducing leakage. In temperate regions, we need to consider carrying roof snow load. Once it rains, rainfall through the sloping roofs can be determined by calculation. When rainfall data can be used, you can use the kinematic theory to solve such problems.2.3 green roof (flat or inclined)It can prove roof is the oldest green roofs, including rainfall can reduce or disperse roof planted with plants. It can be planted with trees and shrubs roof garden, it can also be a vegetated roof light carpet. Wherein the latter technique has been widely used. Some of these applications tend to focus on aesthetic requirements and are often used in green development. Since the aesthetic requirements and pressure requirements, as well as green roofs thermal insulation function, reduce the heat island effect, silencer effect, extend the life of the roof.Green roofs in Germany, the most widely used, followed in North America, but to consider the impact on the aesthetics. Germany is by far the most experienced countries in the 19th century have practical application, then as an alternative to reduce the risk of fire tar roof an option in urban areas. Germany is currently the main research question on the cultivation of other issues to consider smaller cities. A study from 1987 to 1989, was found packed with 70 mm thick green roof can be reduced by 60% -80% of heat loss. In a Canadian work computer model based on the roof indicates that as long as the sump, the area can reach 70% of the roof area can be reduced by 60 percent in one year, the same model was also used for artificial rainfall, which the results indicate that rainfall in the catchment season helps to drain away rainwater.However, none of these studies show that green roofs can play a useful role in the rainfall season, or how high collection efficiency of water supply. The United States did some tests, as long as the green roofs regular watering, can reduce 65 percent of the runoff in a rainfall. America's most authoritative green roof guidelines by the New Jersey state environmental agencies promulgated. The mainprinciple is to solve the structural problems of light, and how can the normal drainage after two years.Rainfall period is based on the probability of failure is determined. The system is typically based on rainfall during rainstorms two minutes, two minutes, have a choice. Although this model will get more traffic, but there is no other better alternative. Studies have shown that the traditional model is applied to study green roofs are premature.Loss factor than traditional roof records should be small, about 98.7%. Peak flow will be reduced, although not penetrate, the surface roughness but also have a significant impact.Concentrated rainfall than two minutes for a long time, especially for large roof areas, such as public buildings, commercial buildings, industrial buildings.Urban drainage design should also consider other factors, for a complex system, a green roof in a rain is not enough. Water flow duration curve shows a longer than traditional systems. And two independent and will affect between is possible, which requires a more precise time period.3. Rainwater CollectorBasic requirements rainwater collector is designed to be able to accommodate rainfall rainstorms. Although it is possible to make a slightly inclined roof drainage purposes, but the nature of the construction industry and building settlement will become flat roof Typically, the tank is placed in a horizontal, sectional view of the water is outwardly inclined, which the role of hydrostatic.3.1 drain outletAnalyzing rainwater collector has sufficient volume is the key to the sump outlet external setting conditions. Also affect the flow rate into the storm water drainage system piping, but also affect the depth of the water catchment. Although the depth of the sump will not bring any particular problems, but too deep can cause excessive sump.Numerous studies in the 1980s showed that the flow of conventional roof drainage system outlet can be divided into two cases. It depends on the size of the depth and size of the outlet. When the water depth is less than half the diameter of the outlet, the flow of the first type, and the outlet of the flow can be calculated by an appropriate equation; water depth increases, exports are slowly clogging the flow will become another form forms, at the same time, the flow of exports can be obtained through other equations. While conventional roof drainage systems are designed to be free-draining, but may cause limitations encountered in the design of the flow is not free. In this case, it will require additional depth.Siphon roof drainage systems, the outlet is designed to be submerged stream. In this case, the depth of the outlet of the decision is more complicated, because the design of the sump depends on the flow. Recent studies have shown that conventional roof drainage systems use a variety of non-standard catchment, their depth and height, bigger than the diameter of the outlet. This will eventually result in a siphon effect. For a given catchment, the flow depends on the starting end of the drop tube diameter. A similar phenomenon has also been used to study the standardcatchment, in these circumstances, only limited siphon action occurs within relatively close distance from the exit.3.2 tank flow classificationIn the complex flow sump outlet flow classification, can be seen from Table 2a, the flow will be uniform layering, regardless of whether the same inlet flow. Table 2b and 2c show, export distribution will greatly influence the flow.When the outlet is not a free jet, sump outlet complex flow classification is difficult to describe. Because each catchment tank pressures are likely to be merged. For example, the siphon tube system design point is at near full jet outlet flow classification depends on the energy loss of each branch.3.3 hydrostatic sectionalSump shape of the water surface in the canal can be classified according to the flow equation. In most cases, a low flow rate means that there is less friction loss, if exports are free jet, the friction loss is negligible cross-section through the hydrostatic equation 1 to determine the horizontal distance.Where Q-- flow (m3 / s)T- surface width (m)g- acceleration of gravity (m / s2)F- flow area (m2)Equation 1 can not be ignored when the friction required to correct (or very long pipe velocity is large), or not a free jet.3.4 The current design methodsThe previous discussion has highlighted the main factors that should be considered with sink design. However, without the help of a certain number of models, computing hydrostatic sectional roof drainage system, the volume of the sump is possible. This large commercial and manufacturing industry, is a development opportunity, you can merge several kilometers of water routes. Thus, the conventional drainage system sump design methods are mainly based on experience, and assume that exports are free jet.Sump location in the building, it may cause the example to fail.Different interface sumpExcept in the case cited above, but also allows designers to use empirical data.3.5 Digital ModelLarge number of digital models can be used to accurately describe the flow of any form of catchment tank, regardless of whether the roof flows stable. An example of this model is a combination of roof space model. This model enables users to classify different aspects of the data indicated, includes: details of the rains, the roof surface drainage and other details. Kinematics have also been used to study rainwater tank to flow from the research collection. A typical method is based on open system to solve a basic problem of spatial mobility. This model automatically resolve the sump outlet flow situation, but also to deal with the case of free jet can also be simulated space limited mobility and submerged discharge. Output values include depth and flow rate.Currently, the model is essentially just a variety of research tools, but alsothrough practical engineering test. However, we should face up to the various role models.4 pipe systems groupComposition in the form and scope of the tube group determines the roof drainage system relies mainly on the traditional system or siphon action.4.1 Traditional stormwater systemsConventional roof drainage systems, the ground plane is generally vertical pipe-line network, connected to the sump outlet and underground drainage systems, critical systems as well as compensating tube. It should be emphasized that the angle bet ween the ground and the compensating tube is less than 10 °. Capacity of the entire system relies mainly on the outlet tube instead of down.Flow vertical tube is usually free-flowing, full of only 33%, the efficiency depends on the excess length of the tube. If the drop tube long enough (typically greater than 5m), there may be an annular flow. Similarly, under normal circumstances flow compensation pipe is free-flowing, full of up to 70%. Such designed process both for the design, various equations can also be used.4.2 Siphon roof drainage systemIn contrast with the traditional drainage systems, Siphon roof drainage system relies on air flow outside the system, and the tube is full pipe flow stream.The designs are usually made on the assumption that the design of heavy rain, the system can quickly siphon discharge rainwater. This assumption allows the application of hydrostatic siphon system theory. Often used steady flow energy equation. While this approach ignores the small amount of energy loss at the entrance, but after the experiment showed that there are still conducive to practical use.However, steady-state design methods in the siphon system is exposed to rain when the system does not meet the standard requirements or changes in rainfall intensity is large is not applied. In the first case, there will be some mixing of air quality, annular flow occurs. These problems are not integrated in the system when more serious. Because usually designed rains are common, it is clear now design methodology over time may not apply to siphon system. This is a major disadvantage, because the design of the main problem is the noise and vibration problems.Despite the disadvantages of the prior design approach, but a lot of the world's very few engineering failure reports. When a failure occurs, most likely for the following reasons:An incorrect understanding of the operation pointsSubstandard materials listInstallation defectsMaintenance mismanagementTo overcome these disadvantages, we have recently launched a series of research projects, to discuss the siphon system, and the development of digital models. From this work we learn a lot.In contrast with conventional design methods of some assumptions, siphon system mainly has the following aspects:1) non-flow system of full flow2) levels of certain pipe-flowing full pipe flow3) full pipe flow downstream propagation through a vertical pipe, riser, etc.4) the inner tube flow occurs over the vertical section, the system to reduce the pressure5) downward tube is full pipe flow, there will be air lock6) appears completely siphon action until well into the air system is lower thana certain levelTable 4a column data indicate that below the design point, the system will siphon unstable flow, depth of the water collecting tank is insufficient to maintain the siphon action. Table 4b show that the unsteady flow in siphon system when it will appear.Table 5 lists the data output of a digital model. It can be seen that the model can accurately describe the siphon action, siphon and steady state, the data also show that the model can accurately describe the complex siphon action.5 ConclusionThis article has illustrated the critical roof drainage systems, but these are often overlooked in the urban drainage system design. This article also shows that the design process is a complex process, rely mainly on the performance of exports. The following conclusions are based on the design summed up:1) Run depend on three interacting parts: the roof, sump, water pipes2) Green roofs can reduce traffic and beautify the city3) the export performance of the system is essential4) siphon drainage system have a greater advantage in large-scale projects, but must be considered high maintenance costs5) Design siphon drainage system should consider additional capacity and operational issuesAlthough the green roof is a more attractive option, but the traditional roof of a building in the country will continue to dominate. Green roofs will be gradually developed, and gradually been widely accepted. Similarly, the roof drainage system shown effective that it will continue to play a huge role in the commercial building drainage systems.Roof drainage system of the greatest threats from climate change, existing systems tend to be not simply aging; rainfall patterns of change will result in inefficient operation, self-cleaning rate will be reduced. Changes in wind speed and the roof will also accelerate the aging of the roof, it is necessary to carry out maintenance. Taking into account the climate change, the increase in materials, roof collected rainwater will be more extensive. Currently, the amount of rain around the globe per person per day 7-300 liters in the UK, with an average consumption of 145L / h / d, of which only about one liter is used by people, about 30 per cent of the toilet, study shows If water shortage, rainwater collected on the roof of developed and developing countries are recommended approach.屋顶排水设计性能的近期与远期优势最近十年见证了屋顶排水系统设计方面的巨大变化,特别的是,虹吸雨水排水系统已经得到逐步改善,并且有可能得到重点应用。
