




SPIE 每年组织或赞助近25个大型技术论坛、展览以及培训项目,范围遍及北美、欧洲、亚洲及澳洲。




1973年,总部从Redondo Beach迁往加州的Palos V erdes。






2000年,SPIE会员Zhores I. Alferov因在半导体异质结构和高速光电子学方面的贡献获得诺物理学奖。







Statement of PurposeSPIE is an international society advancing an interdisciplinary approach to the science and application of light.About the SocietySPIE is the international society for optics and photonics founded in 1955 to advance light-based technologies. Serving approximately 180,000 constituents from more than 170 countries, the Society advances emerging technologies through interdisciplinary information exchange, continuing education, publications, patent precedent, and career and professional growth.SPIE annually organizes and sponsors approximately 25 major technical forums, exhibitions, and education programs in North America, Europe, Asia, and the South Pacific.In 2010, the Society provided more than $2.3 million in support of scholarships, grants, and other education programs around the world.SPIE publishes the SPIE Digital Library, containing more than 313,000 research papers from the Proceedings of SPIE and the Society's 9 scholarly journals with around 18,000 new papers added each year, and more than 120 eBooks from the SPIE Press catalog. The SPIE Press publishes print monographs, tutorial texts, Field Guides, and reference books. SPIE also publishes a wide variety of open access content.Membership includes Fellows and Senior Member programs. The Society has named morethan 900 SPIE members as Fellows since 1955, and implemented its Senior Membe r program in 2008.SPIE's awards program serves to recognize outstanding contributions from individuals throughout the scientific community regardless of membership status.History of the SocietySPIE TIMELINE: 1955-Present1955 - On July 1, the Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers is founded to specialize in the application of photo-optical instrumentation. The Society's first local technical meeting is held in Los Angeles on August 8.1956 - Incorporated as Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers in the State of California. The Society produces its first product display (Exhiborama) with 250 in attendance. First 100 Members.1957 - The first SPIE Newsletter is published. The first national technical symposium is produced. Membership in SPIE reaches 200.1958 - Karl Fairbanks Memorial Award established. The third SPIE Symposium marks the first time government agencies cosponsor an SPIE symposium.1959 - A. J. Carr is hired as first full-time executive secretary. The first photo-instrumentation course is organized through the University of California at Los Angeles.1960 - The SPIE Newsletter publishes its first group of technical papers. The SPIE Sustaining Membership category is created. First Honorary Membership awarded to Lewis Larm ore.1961 - Membership in SPIE reaches 1,000. George W. Goddard Award is established to recognize exceptional achievement in optical or photonic instrumentation for aerospace, atmospheric science, or astronomy.1962 - The official Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers Journal is launched with an October/November issue.1963 - SPIE holds its first technical seminar-type conference and publishes its first official proceedings, on image enhancement.1964 - The Journal is renamed the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers Journal to reflect the Society's formal name change to the "Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers."1965 - The SPIE Newsletter name is changed to SPIE-GLASS. The number of national SPIE Chapters reaches 15.1966 - President's Award is established to recognize meritorious service of outstanding benefit to the Society. Award is given by the President and the Board of Directors. SPIE holds four technical conferences.1967 - Demand for technical conferences continues to grow; SPIE meets demand by offering 4 more technical conferences and supporting Proceedings. SPIE income reaches $50,000.1968 - Physical Optics Notebook, by Parrent and Thompson, is published.1969 - Membership reaches 1,200 and Sustaining Membership reaches 50. SPIE holds five technical conferences. Joseph Yaver is hired as Executive Director.1970 - Journal name changed to Journal SPIE, and SPIE-GLASS is included in Journal. Tabletop Exhiborama is established as SPIE hallmark at the Fiber Optics meeting in Dallas, Texas. SPIE produces its first meeting in Japan.1971 - Journal name changed to Journal of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Albert M. Pezzuto Award is established to recognize a currently serving or former national officer or director who has given exceptional service to the Society. SPIE holds six technical conferences.1972 - The SPIE Journal name changes to Optical Engineering. The 100th Sustaining Member enrolls in SPIE. SPIE holds eight technical conferences.1973 - National Headquarters moves from Redondo Beach to Palos Verdes, California. SPIE holds 11 technical conferences.1974 - Rudolf Kingslake Medal and Prize is established for recognition of the most noteworthy paper to appear in Optical Engineering. SPIE holds 10 technical conferences.1975 - The Society becomes financially viable with income reaching $500,000. SPIE holds 16 technical conferences. SPIE presents author manuscript kit at all its conferences.1976 - SPIE holds 27 technical conferences. SPIE celebrates its 20th Anniversary with Brigadier General George W. Goddard and Rudolf Kingslake being honored guests.1977 - The Gold Medal of the Society Award is established to recognize outstanding engineering or scientific accomplishments in optics, electro-optics, or photographic technologies or applications. The Society Headquarters is moved to Bellingham, Washington. SPIE income reaches $1,000,000. Membership is 2,000. The 100th Proceedings Volume is published.1978 - Educational Fund established to foster educational activities in optical engineering. SPIE holds 36 technical conferences.1979 - Proceedings Volume 200 is published. The SPIE Technology Achievement Award is established to recognize outstanding accomplishments in optical, electro-optical, or photonics engineering technologies. SPIE holds 46 technical conferences. The Society establishes its first European office.1980 - Membership reaches 3,000. SPIE Headquarters reaches 30 full-time employees. The Society purchases land in Bellingham, Washington, for future construction of International Headquarters. The number of technical papers doubles in the SPIE Journal, Optical Engineering.1981 - To reflect its rapidly changing Membership and fast-paced technology, the Society name is officially defined as SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. The Society celebrates its 25th Anniversary in San Diego, California, with a record 21 technical conferences, 160 instrument displays, and 18 tutorials. SPIE reaches milestones of 4,000 Members and 5,000 exhibitors. Over 10,000 papers are published in SPIE Proceedings and Optical Engineering. Over 150,000 copies of SPIE Proceedings and Journals are distributed.1982 - SPIE is appointed International Secretariat for the 15th International Congress onHigh-Speed Photography and Photonics. SPIE holds five major symposia.1983 - The First International Technical Symposium (Geneva, Switzerland) has 1,300 attendees from 26 countries. Due to demand in various technical areas, new Technical Wor king Groups are formed. The Dennis Gabor Award is established to recognize outstanding inventive accomplishments in optical systems. International Headquarters is officially dedicated in Bellingham, Washington.1984 - OE Reports is launched to provide monthly news and commentary for the optical engineering community. Membership reaches 5,000. Optical Engineering circulation exceeds7,000. The total number of Proceedings Volumes distributed since their inception reaches 200,000. SPIE holds more than 70 conferences worldwide.1985 - Optics Education, the first survey of graduate and undergraduate programs in optics and optoelectronics, is published. SPIE and the ANRT-Association Nationale de la Recherchâ Technique, co-organize a three-year European conference series.1986 - Two new symposia are introduced, OE/LASE in Los Angeles and Technical Symposium Southeast in Orlando. The Society celebrates its 30th Anniversary in San Diego, California.1987 - The Society expands its presence in Europe with additional cha pters, events, and meetings. An agreement is reached with the European Physical Society and Europtica Services I. C. to cosponsor a series of International Congresses for the next four years.1988 - SPIE establishes the SPIE Optical Engineering Press to provide a framework for its special scholarly publications.1989 - OE Reports circulation exceeds 70,000. SPIE boasts 200 Sustaining Members. SPIE publishes its first Tutorial Text. The Harold E. Edgerton Award is given for the first time. Membership reaches 10,000.1990 - The Society establishes an SPIE Soviet Union Chapter, making it the first UnitedStates-based scientific and engineering society to open a chapter in the then-U.S.S.R. SPIE also establishes Chapters in Poland and Hungary. International Headquarters expansion is completed in September.1991 - Representatives of SPIE and the newly formed European Optical Society (EOS) sign the EUROPTO joint venture agreement, improving international collaboration in organizing optics events in Europe. The SPIE Annual Index of Proceedings Papers, the Society's first such publication, is introduced in May.1992 - SPIE develops its first fully operational Internet site with plans for a complete online services expansion. The quarterly Journal of Electronic Imaging debuts, co-published by SPIE and IS&T.1993 - After 24 years as Executive Director of SPIE, Joe Yaver announces his retirement. Jim Pearson is appointed new Executive Director. SPIE Press publishes The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. A Proceedings milestone is reached when the Society publishes its 2,000th Volume. SPIE cosponsors the first Symposium on Coupling Technology to National Need in Albuquerque, New Mexico.1994 - SPIE offers its first-ever CD-ROM Proceedings at the Electronic Imaging Symposium. makes its debut. The Photonics East symposium is inaugurated. SPIE opens a satellite office in Bergen, Norway. Continuing Education Units are offered for short courses at the AeroSense Symposium in Orlando, Florida.1995 - SPIE celebrates its 40th anniversary. Photonics West debuts in San Jose, California.C o-located with the Photonics West Event is the SPIE/IS&T Electronic Imaging Event. SPIE cosponsors Photomask in Kawasaki City, Japan, with SPIE Japan and BACUS. SPIE and COEMA cosponsor the International Sensors Application and Electronic Components Exhibition in Xi'an, Shaanxi, China.1996 - The Journal of Biomedical Optics is introduced and publishes four quarterly issues. The Photonics Resource Center on the World Wide Web () is launched. SPIE and OSA cooperate to lead the formation of the Coalition for Photonics and Optics.1997 - Photonics West is a huge success with over 10,000 attendees and 415 exhibitors. Membership reaches all-time high with over 13,500 Individual Members and 317 Corporate Members. The number of SPIE Regional Chapters reaches a high of 21 in over 17 different countries. SPIE Journals from 1996 are available for the first time on a single, searchable, readable, and printable CD-Rom. The SPIE Women in Optics Technical Community is formed.1998 - SPIE introduces the first CD-ROM short course at the 1998 Photonics West Event. SPIE Journals become available online. The Society starts the year with over 13,750 Members. Members nominate 21 new Fellows to the Society.1999 - After more than 5 years as Executive Director of SPIE, Jim Pearson resigns. Eugene G. Arthurs is appointed Executive Director. SPIE Membership continues to grow and reaches anall-time high with 14,338 individual members.2000 - SPIE launches Optical Networks Magazine covering the technologies, architectures, services, and applications in the field of optical telecommunications and networking systems. The SPIE Scholarship Committee awards over $220,000 in Scholarships and Grants. SPIE Member Zhores I. Alferov wins the Nobel Prize in Physics for his role in developing semiconductor heterostructures used in high-speed optoelectronics.2001 - In January, oemagazine launches. This new Member publication focuses on optics, photonics, and Society happenings. The SPIE European Satellite office opens in Cardiff, United Kingdom, with Karin Burger as Manager.2002 - The SPIE Journal of Microlithography, Microfabrication, and Microsystems (JM3) debuts in March. MySPIE offers Authors, Chairs, Committee Members, and other constituents a web-based manuscript submission program to give these audiences better support.2003 - SPIE Digital Library is launched, offering 70,000 full-text papers from SPIE Journals and Conference Proceedings. SPIE and OSA secure a $1.7 million NSF grant that will actively involve students, parents, teachers, school districts, and their greater communities in the areas of science and engineering. The SPIE Scholarship Committee awards over $200,000 in scholarships and grants to more than 80 individuals and educational or research institutions worldwide.2004 - SPIE holds two new events to meet the demands of researchers and engineers: Optics East and Photonics Europe. The Society's largest-ever European astronomy event - Astronomical Telescopes - was held in Glasgow, Scotland, with over 2,000 a ttendees. SPIE Press introduces the Field Guide Series with four titles: Field Guide to Visual and Ophthalmic Optics; Field Guide to Adaptive Optics; Field Guide to Atmospheric Optics; Field Guide to Geometrical Optics. The SPIE Digital Library includes more than 120,000 technical papers from SPIE Journals and Conference Proceedings, including full coverage from 1998 to the present. The Society provides more than $700,000 in scholarships, grants, and financial support to encourage scientific and technological education. SPIE Membership reaches an all-time high of 16,550 Members.2005 - SPIE celebrates its 50th anniversary in San Diego, California in conjunction with the SPIE Optics and Photonics Symposium. The SPIE Digital Library is extended back to 1990 and surpasses 200,000 online papers. SPIE Europe and the SPIE Polish Chapter teamed up on new International Congress on Optics & Optoelectronics in Warsaw, Poland.2006 - The SPIE Newsroom online magazine and SPIE Professional member magazine are launched. Two electronic journals, the Journal of Nanophotonics and the Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, are announced. Membership is over 17,000 and SPIE has 91 Student Chapters throughout the world. An all-time record number of 41,000 attended SPIE events. SPIE's APOC (Asia-Pacific Optical Communications) symposium was held for the first time outside of China in Korea, with co-sponsors OSK, KAPID and Gwangju City. And for the first time ever, SPIE sponsore d a meeting in India: The Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing Symposium was held in Goa.2007 - SPIE retires its DBA (The International Society for Optical Engineering) and determines that SPIE will be the name under which the Society continues to do business, con tinuing a long history of supporting an interdisciplinary approach to the science and application of light.2008 - The SPIE Digital Library passes the 250,000-article milestone. SPIE announces the move from San Jose to San Francisco for Photonics West 2010. SPIE discontinues regional chapters and welcomes the launch of new socie ties from Hong Kong and Poland. Nobel Laureate John C. Mather speaks at SPIE Astronomical Instrumentation in Marseille, France. The SPIE Newsroom wins a 2008 EXCEL Award from the Society of National Association Publications (SNAP). SPIE installs a new 15kW solar electric system on the roof of its Bellingham, WA, headquarters. SPIE joinswith Photonics Media to launch the first annual Prism Awards for Photonics Innovation. Taipei holds first-ever SPIE Lithography Asia conference. The first "Senior Members" are announced.2009 - SPIE Board Member (2006-2008) Kristina Johnson nominated to be U.S. Under Secretary of Energy. SPIE launches new e-journal, Journal of Photonics for Energy. SPIE appoints Ron Driggers editor of Optical Engineering and Lihong Wang editor of Journal of Biomedical Optics. Richard Hoover receives the Gold Medal of the Society. Photonics visionary Späth honored at SPIE Europe Optical Metrology congress. SPIE awards $292,000 in scholarships. SPIE celebrates the telescope's 400 year anniversary. SPIE joins in urging more U.S. visa process review and changes. SPIEWorks is named among top web employment sites by Weddle's 2009/10 Guide. SPIE launches online courses in optics and photonics. SPIE and Japan Society of Applied Physics sign collaboration agreement.。



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序 刊名

中图刊号 出版国
Journal of magnetism and magnetic
2 Electronics letters
536LB002 736C0061
荷兰 英国
3 IEEE transactions on magnetics
IEEE 磁学汇刊
IEEE 通信汇刊 IEEE-TM S 电子材料杂志 IEEE 信号处理汇刊 IEEE 通信选题杂志 IEEE 应用超导汇刊 IEEE 天线与传播汇刊 微电子工程 半导体科学与技术 IEEE 固态电路杂志 IEEE 微机电系统杂志 微电子学可靠性 IEEE 无线通信杂志 IEEE 无线通信处理杂志
537LB053 537C0075 537B0001 546B00 11 798B0072 537LB010 537B0002
14 Journal of lightwave technology
15 Journal of the American Society for Mass 美国质谱学会志
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. Ⅰ, Regular IEEE 电路与系统汇刊.第 1 辑,
21 p ap ers
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video IEEE 视频技术电路与系统汇刊 22
28 briefs





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国外光学与光通信期刊(SCI&EI检索)建议低年级研究生常看:IEEE Communications MagazineIEEE Journal of Lightwave TechIEEE Photonic Technology LettersMicrowave and Optical Tech. Lett.Optics Communications (Elsevier)Communications, IEEE Transactions onIEEE Communications Letters系统和器件类期刊1.Physics Review Letter2.Progress in Optics3.Optics Letters (OSA)4.IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics5.Applied Physics Letter6.Chinese Physics B7.Journal of The Society of America B: OpticalPhysics (OSA)8.Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics9.Optics Express (OSA)10.Journal of The Society of America A: OpticsImage Science and Vision (OSA)11.Journal of Lightwave Tech (IEEE)12.Applied optics (OSA)13.Optics Communications (Elsevier)14.Optical Fiber Technology (Elsevier)15.Pure and Applied Optics16.Quantum and Semiclassical Optics17.Journal of Morden Optics 18.Optical engineering (SPIE)19.J. of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials20.Optical and Quantum Electronics21.Journal of Optics B: Quantum andSemiclassical Optics (IOP & EOS)22.Optics and Spectroscopy23.Optics and Laser Technology (Elsevier)24.Journal of Optics-Nouvelle Revue D Optique25.Optical Review26.Microwave and Optical Tech. Lett.27.Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics(IOP & EOS)28.Fiber and Integrated Optics29.Journal of Optical Technology(俄语英译)30.Optica Applicata31.Optics and Lasers in Engineering (Elsevier)32.ADV ANCES IN ATOMIC MOLECULARAND OPTICAL PHYSICSMicrowave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on IET Journal /journals中国物理chinese Journal of physicschinese physics letterchinese optical letter (国内)Semiconductor Science and Technology物理学报IEEE Communications MagazineIEEE Communications LettersIEICE Transactions on CommunicationsApplied Physics B-Laser OpticsJournal of Physics D-Applied PhysicsChinese Journal of ElectronicsCommunications Theoretical in PhysicsJournal of the Korean Physical SocietyIEEE Wireless Communications Magazine/livepubs/pci/info/pub_guidelines.html网络类期刊IEEE Journal of Lightwave Tech.Optical engineering (SPIE)IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management(2013新创)IEEE Transactions on Communications,IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking,IET NetworksIEEE Communications MagazineIEEE Communications LettersJournal of Optical Networking (OSA)Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (OSA)Photonic Network CommunicationsJournal of Communications and Networks韩国(http://jcn.or.kr)IEICE transactions on Communications SCI (日本)Chinese Journal of Electronics SCI (电子学报)International Journal of Network Management – Wiley (IF 0.222)Optik国外仅被EI检索的期刊1.optical communication and network EI2.Journal of Optical Communication3.International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE) 台湾国内仅被EI检索的期刊1.中国邮电高校学报英文版2.高技术通讯High Technologies Letter EI3.激光技术EI4.光电子激光EI5.Acta Photonica Sinica 光子学报;6.Chinese Phys, Lett.7.Chinese Optical Lett.中国激光;8.光谱学与光谱分析9.光电工程;10.光学学报;11.红外技术12.光学技术13.激光与红外14.激光杂志15.应用激光半导体光电我们经常投稿的SCI期刊O Optics Communication 荷兰O IEEE Photonic Technology LettersO Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 美国O Chinese Optical LettersO Optical EngineeringOLT Optical Laser Tech。


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Applied Optics JOSA A JOSA B Optics Letters Optics Express Journal of Optical Networking Adv. Opt. Photon. Virtual J. Biomedical Optics Optics and Photonics News JOSA Journal of Lightwave Technology Journal of Optical Technology Journal of Display Technology Chinese Optics Letters Applied Spectroscopy Conference papers
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入门级书籍1. 《Optics》(作者:Eugene Hecht)这本书是一本广泛使用的入门级光学教科书。



2. 《Fundamentals of Optics》(作者:Francis A. Jenkins,Harvey E. White)这是另一本广泛使用的光学教材,涵盖了光学的基本原理和光学系统的设计。


进阶级书籍1. 《Optics》(作者:Brij Lal,Subrahmanyan V. R. Lal,Baljit Singh)这本书是一本比较全面的光学教材,对光学相关的内容进行了深入讲解。



2. 《Modern Optical Engineering》(作者:Warren J. Smith)这本书是一本在光学工程领域非常著名的教材。




专业级书籍1. 《Principles of Optics: Electromagnetic Theory of Propagation, Interference and Diffraction of Light》(作者:Max Born,Emil Wolf)这本书是光学学科的经典教材,涵盖了光的基本原理、光的传播、光的波动性等内容。



中国科学技术信息研究所每年的SCI论文是依据SCIE(网络版)数据进行科技 论文产出统计。随着网络的发展,以后这两者的差别会越来越被淡化。
ISI Web of Knowledge平台中的 Web of Science
Web of Science 由三个独立的数据库组成(既可以分库检索,也可以多库联 合检索) 。三个数据库分别是Science Citation Index Expanded (简称SCIE)、 Social Sciences Citation Index(简称SSCI)和Arts & Humanities Citation Index (简称A&HCI)。内容涵盖自然科学、工程技术、社会科学、艺术与人文 等诸多领域内的8,500多种学术期刊。
Journal of Optical Networking (JON) (光网络类,已改版)
已改版为: IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking
Advances in Optics and Photonics (AOP)
(综述、教程类, 2009创刊,new!) Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics (VJBO) (虚拟刊物,2006年创刊) Optics & Photonics News ( OPN ) (光学光电子领域新闻) Spotlight on Optics Topics( SOT , new!) (OSA期刊中的焦点论文)
光学、光电子学领域 de 著名学会、期刊及文献搜索平台
林志立 北京航空航天大学仪器光电学院光电工程系 Email: zllin2008@ December 3, 2009

Optical Society of America (OSA)介绍及演示

Optical Society of America (OSA)介绍及演示

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OSA 出版物
期 刊(包括9种同行评审期刊)
1. Applied Optics 2. JOSA A: Optics, Image Science & Vision 3. JOSA B: Optical Physics 4. Optics Letters 5. Optics Express (online only) 6. Journal of Lightwave Technology 7. Journal of Optical Networking (online only) 8. Journal of Optical Technology 9. Applied Spectroscopy 10. Journal of Display Technology (jointly published with IEEE) 11. Chinese Optics Letters 12. JOSA (published early in 1917)
期刊出版年月﹑ 卷期和编辑
浏览: 现刊
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Optics Letters, Applied Optics四种 刊的投稿一经选用, 订户即可在线阅读 原稿件
Early Posting
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Optical Society of America (OSA) 介绍及演示
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• OSA介绍 • OSA出版物介绍 • OSA数据库的使用




SPIE 每年组织或赞助近25个大型技术论坛、展览以及培训项目,范围遍及北美、欧洲、亚洲及澳洲。




1973年,总部从Redondo Beach迁往加州的Palos V erdes。






2000年,SPIE会员Zhores I. Alferov因在半导体异质结构和高速光电子学方面的贡献获得诺物理学奖。







Statement of PurposeSPIE is an international society advancing an interdisciplinary approach to the science and application of light.About the SocietySPIE is the international society for optics and photonics founded in 1955 to advance light-based technologies. Serving approximately 180,000 constituents from more than 170 countries, the Society advances emerging technologies through interdisciplinary information exchange, continuing education, publications, patent precedent, and career and professional growth.SPIE annually organizes and sponsors approximately 25 major technical forums, exhibitions, and education programs in North America, Europe, Asia, and the South Pacific.In 2010, the Society provided more than $2.3 million in support of scholarships, grants, and other education programs around the world.SPIE publishes the SPIE Digital Library, containing more than 313,000 research papers from the Proceedings of SPIE and the Society's 9 scholarly journals with around 18,000 new papers added each year, and more than 120 eBooks from the SPIE Press catalog. The SPIE Press publishes print monographs, tutorial texts, Field Guides, and reference books. SPIE also publishes a wide variety of open access content.Membership includes Fellows and Senior Member programs. The Society has named morethan 900 SPIE members as Fellows since 1955, and implemented its Senior Membe r program in 2008.SPIE's awards program serves to recognize outstanding contributions from individuals throughout the scientific community regardless of membership status.History of the SocietySPIE TIMELINE: 1955-Present1955 - On July 1, the Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers is founded to specialize in the application of photo-optical instrumentation. The Society's first local technical meeting is held in Los Angeles on August 8.1956 - Incorporated as Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers in the State of California. The Society produces its first product display (Exhiborama) with 250 in attendance. First 100 Members.1957 - The first SPIE Newsletter is published. The first national technical symposium is produced. Membership in SPIE reaches 200.1958 - Karl Fairbanks Memorial Award established. The third SPIE Symposium marks the first time government agencies cosponsor an SPIE symposium.1959 - A. J. Carr is hired as first full-time executive secretary. The first photo-instrumentation course is organized through the University of California at Los Angeles.1960 - The SPIE Newsletter publishes its first group of technical papers. The SPIE Sustaining Membership category is created. First Honorary Membership awarded to Lewis Larm ore.1961 - Membership in SPIE reaches 1,000. George W. Goddard Award is established to recognize exceptional achievement in optical or photonic instrumentation for aerospace, atmospheric science, or astronomy.1962 - The official Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers Journal is launched with an October/November issue.1963 - SPIE holds its first technical seminar-type conference and publishes its first official proceedings, on image enhancement.1964 - The Journal is renamed the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers Journal to reflect the Society's formal name change to the "Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers."1965 - The SPIE Newsletter name is changed to SPIE-GLASS. The number of national SPIE Chapters reaches 15.1966 - President's Award is established to recognize meritorious service of outstanding benefit to the Society. Award is given by the President and the Board of Directors. SPIE holds four technical conferences.1967 - Demand for technical conferences continues to grow; SPIE meets demand by offering 4 more technical conferences and supporting Proceedings. SPIE income reaches $50,000.1968 - Physical Optics Notebook, by Parrent and Thompson, is published.1969 - Membership reaches 1,200 and Sustaining Membership reaches 50. SPIE holds five technical conferences. Joseph Yaver is hired as Executive Director.1970 - Journal name changed to Journal SPIE, and SPIE-GLASS is included in Journal. Tabletop Exhiborama is established as SPIE hallmark at the Fiber Optics meeting in Dallas, Texas. SPIE produces its first meeting in Japan.1971 - Journal name changed to Journal of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Albert M. Pezzuto Award is established to recognize a currently serving or former national officer or director who has given exceptional service to the Society. SPIE holds six technical conferences.1972 - The SPIE Journal name changes to Optical Engineering. The 100th Sustaining Member enrolls in SPIE. SPIE holds eight technical conferences.1973 - National Headquarters moves from Redondo Beach to Palos Verdes, California. SPIE holds 11 technical conferences.1974 - Rudolf Kingslake Medal and Prize is established for recognition of the most noteworthy paper to appear in Optical Engineering. SPIE holds 10 technical conferences.1975 - The Society becomes financially viable with income reaching $500,000. SPIE holds 16 technical conferences. SPIE presents author manuscript kit at all its conferences.1976 - SPIE holds 27 technical conferences. SPIE celebrates its 20th Anniversary with Brigadier General George W. Goddard and Rudolf Kingslake being honored guests.1977 - The Gold Medal of the Society Award is established to recognize outstanding engineering or scientific accomplishments in optics, electro-optics, or photographic technologies or applications. The Society Headquarters is moved to Bellingham, Washington. SPIE income reaches $1,000,000. Membership is 2,000. The 100th Proceedings Volume is published.1978 - Educational Fund established to foster educational activities in optical engineering. SPIE holds 36 technical conferences.1979 - Proceedings Volume 200 is published. The SPIE Technology Achievement Award is established to recognize outstanding accomplishments in optical, electro-optical, or photonics engineering technologies. SPIE holds 46 technical conferences. The Society establishes its first European office.1980 - Membership reaches 3,000. SPIE Headquarters reaches 30 full-time employees. The Society purchases land in Bellingham, Washington, for future construction of International Headquarters. The number of technical papers doubles in the SPIE Journal, Optical Engineering.1981 - To reflect its rapidly changing Membership and fast-paced technology, the Society name is officially defined as SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. The Society celebrates its 25th Anniversary in San Diego, California, with a record 21 technical conferences, 160 instrument displays, and 18 tutorials. SPIE reaches milestones of 4,000 Members and 5,000 exhibitors. Over 10,000 papers are published in SPIE Proceedings and Optical Engineering. Over 150,000 copies of SPIE Proceedings and Journals are distributed.1982 - SPIE is appointed International Secretariat for the 15th International Congress onHigh-Speed Photography and Photonics. SPIE holds five major symposia.1983 - The First International Technical Symposium (Geneva, Switzerland) has 1,300 attendees from 26 countries. Due to demand in various technical areas, new Technical Wor king Groups are formed. The Dennis Gabor Award is established to recognize outstanding inventive accomplishments in optical systems. International Headquarters is officially dedicated in Bellingham, Washington.1984 - OE Reports is launched to provide monthly news and commentary for the optical engineering community. Membership reaches 5,000. Optical Engineering circulation exceeds7,000. The total number of Proceedings Volumes distributed since their inception reaches 200,000. SPIE holds more than 70 conferences worldwide.1985 - Optics Education, the first survey of graduate and undergraduate programs in optics and optoelectronics, is published. SPIE and the ANRT-Association Nationale de la Recherchâ Technique, co-organize a three-year European conference series.1986 - Two new symposia are introduced, OE/LASE in Los Angeles and Technical Symposium Southeast in Orlando. The Society celebrates its 30th Anniversary in San Diego, California.1987 - The Society expands its presence in Europe with additional cha pters, events, and meetings. An agreement is reached with the European Physical Society and Europtica Services I. C. to cosponsor a series of International Congresses for the next four years.1988 - SPIE establishes the SPIE Optical Engineering Press to provide a framework for its special scholarly publications.1989 - OE Reports circulation exceeds 70,000. SPIE boasts 200 Sustaining Members. SPIE publishes its first Tutorial Text. The Harold E. Edgerton Award is given for the first time. Membership reaches 10,000.1990 - The Society establishes an SPIE Soviet Union Chapter, making it the first UnitedStates-based scientific and engineering society to open a chapter in the then-U.S.S.R. SPIE also establishes Chapters in Poland and Hungary. International Headquarters expansion is completed in September.1991 - Representatives of SPIE and the newly formed European Optical Society (EOS) sign the EUROPTO joint venture agreement, improving international collaboration in organizing optics events in Europe. The SPIE Annual Index of Proceedings Papers, the Society's first such publication, is introduced in May.1992 - SPIE develops its first fully operational Internet site with plans for a complete online services expansion. The quarterly Journal of Electronic Imaging debuts, co-published by SPIE and IS&T.1993 - After 24 years as Executive Director of SPIE, Joe Yaver announces his retirement. Jim Pearson is appointed new Executive Director. SPIE Press publishes The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. A Proceedings milestone is reached when the Society publishes its 2,000th Volume. SPIE cosponsors the first Symposium on Coupling Technology to National Need in Albuquerque, New Mexico.1994 - SPIE offers its first-ever CD-ROM Proceedings at the Electronic Imaging Symposium. makes its debut. The Photonics East symposium is inaugurated. SPIE opens a satellite office in Bergen, Norway. Continuing Education Units are offered for short courses at the AeroSense Symposium in Orlando, Florida.1995 - SPIE celebrates its 40th anniversary. Photonics West debuts in San Jose, California.C o-located with the Photonics West Event is the SPIE/IS&T Electronic Imaging Event. SPIE cosponsors Photomask in Kawasaki City, Japan, with SPIE Japan and BACUS. SPIE and COEMA cosponsor the International Sensors Application and Electronic Components Exhibition in Xi'an, Shaanxi, China.1996 - The Journal of Biomedical Optics is introduced and publishes four quarterly issues. The Photonics Resource Center on the World Wide Web () is launched. SPIE and OSA cooperate to lead the formation of the Coalition for Photonics and Optics.1997 - Photonics West is a huge success with over 10,000 attendees and 415 exhibitors. Membership reaches all-time high with over 13,500 Individual Members and 317 Corporate Members. The number of SPIE Regional Chapters reaches a high of 21 in over 17 different countries. SPIE Journals from 1996 are available for the first time on a single, searchable, readable, and printable CD-Rom. The SPIE Women in Optics Technical Community is formed.1998 - SPIE introduces the first CD-ROM short course at the 1998 Photonics West Event. SPIE Journals become available online. The Society starts the year with over 13,750 Members. Members nominate 21 new Fellows to the Society.1999 - After more than 5 years as Executive Director of SPIE, Jim Pearson resigns. Eugene G. Arthurs is appointed Executive Director. SPIE Membership continues to grow and reaches anall-time high with 14,338 individual members.2000 - SPIE launches Optical Networks Magazine covering the technologies, architectures, services, and applications in the field of optical telecommunications and networking systems. The SPIE Scholarship Committee awards over $220,000 in Scholarships and Grants. SPIE Member Zhores I. Alferov wins the Nobel Prize in Physics for his role in developing semiconductor heterostructures used in high-speed optoelectronics.2001 - In January, oemagazine launches. This new Member publication focuses on optics, photonics, and Society happenings. The SPIE European Satellite office opens in Cardiff, United Kingdom, with Karin Burger as Manager.2002 - The SPIE Journal of Microlithography, Microfabrication, and Microsystems (JM3) debuts in March. MySPIE offers Authors, Chairs, Committee Members, and other constituents a web-based manuscript submission program to give these audiences better support.2003 - SPIE Digital Library is launched, offering 70,000 full-text papers from SPIE Journals and Conference Proceedings. SPIE and OSA secure a $1.7 million NSF grant that will actively involve students, parents, teachers, school districts, and their greater communities in the areas of science and engineering. The SPIE Scholarship Committee awards over $200,000 in scholarships and grants to more than 80 individuals and educational or research institutions worldwide.2004 - SPIE holds two new events to meet the demands of researchers and engineers: Optics East and Photonics Europe. The Society's largest-ever European astronomy event - Astronomical Telescopes - was held in Glasgow, Scotland, with over 2,000 a ttendees. SPIE Press introduces the Field Guide Series with four titles: Field Guide to Visual and Ophthalmic Optics; Field Guide to Adaptive Optics; Field Guide to Atmospheric Optics; Field Guide to Geometrical Optics. The SPIE Digital Library includes more than 120,000 technical papers from SPIE Journals and Conference Proceedings, including full coverage from 1998 to the present. The Society provides more than $700,000 in scholarships, grants, and financial support to encourage scientific and technological education. SPIE Membership reaches an all-time high of 16,550 Members.2005 - SPIE celebrates its 50th anniversary in San Diego, California in conjunction with the SPIE Optics and Photonics Symposium. The SPIE Digital Library is extended back to 1990 and surpasses 200,000 online papers. SPIE Europe and the SPIE Polish Chapter teamed up on new International Congress on Optics & Optoelectronics in Warsaw, Poland.2006 - The SPIE Newsroom online magazine and SPIE Professional member magazine are launched. Two electronic journals, the Journal of Nanophotonics and the Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, are announced. Membership is over 17,000 and SPIE has 91 Student Chapters throughout the world. An all-time record number of 41,000 attended SPIE events. SPIE's APOC (Asia-Pacific Optical Communications) symposium was held for the first time outside of China in Korea, with co-sponsors OSK, KAPID and Gwangju City. And for the first time ever, SPIE sponsore d a meeting in India: The Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing Symposium was held in Goa.2007 - SPIE retires its DBA (The International Society for Optical Engineering) and determines that SPIE will be the name under which the Society continues to do business, con tinuing a long history of supporting an interdisciplinary approach to the science and application of light.2008 - The SPIE Digital Library passes the 250,000-article milestone. SPIE announces the move from San Jose to San Francisco for Photonics West 2010. SPIE discontinues regional chapters and welcomes the launch of new socie ties from Hong Kong and Poland. Nobel Laureate John C. Mather speaks at SPIE Astronomical Instrumentation in Marseille, France. The SPIE Newsroom wins a 2008 EXCEL Award from the Society of National Association Publications (SNAP). SPIE installs a new 15kW solar electric system on the roof of its Bellingham, WA, headquarters. SPIE joinswith Photonics Media to launch the first annual Prism Awards for Photonics Innovation. Taipei holds first-ever SPIE Lithography Asia conference. The first "Senior Members" are announced.2009 - SPIE Board Member (2006-2008) Kristina Johnson nominated to be U.S. Under Secretary of Energy. SPIE launches new e-journal, Journal of Photonics for Energy. SPIE appoints Ron Driggers editor of Optical Engineering and Lihong Wang editor of Journal of Biomedical Optics. Richard Hoover receives the Gold Medal of the Society. Photonics visionary Späth honored at SPIE Europe Optical Metrology congress. SPIE awards $292,000 in scholarships. SPIE celebrates the telescope's 400 year anniversary. SPIE joins in urging more U.S. visa process review and changes. SPIEWorks is named among top web employment sites by Weddle's 2009/10 Guide. SPIE launches online courses in optics and photonics. SPIE and Japan Society of Applied Physics sign collaboration agreement.。



1972年以《光机技术》创刊,半年刊且内部发 行。1980年把《光机技术》改名为《高速摄影与光 子学》,并由半年刊改为季刊。1988年出版管理部 门批准以中国光学学会高速摄影与光子学专业委员 会主任侯洵院士为主编的《高速摄影与光子学》向 国内外公开发行。同年10月,国家科委科情发(88) 726号文件把《高速摄影与光子学》的隶属关系调 整到中国科学院。1988~1991年,《高速摄影与光 子学》为季刊,每期96页。1992年《高速摄影与光 子学》易名《光子学报》,由中国光学学会作主办 单位。
《物理学报》首任主编为我国第一代著名物理学家严济慈与丁 燮林,随后担任主编的有吴大猷、王竹溪、黄祖洽和王乃彦, 现任主编是中国科学院理论物理研究所研究员欧阳钟灿院士。 70余年的变迁,《物理学报》从初创到成长、壮大,特别是 改革开放以来的发展,从一个侧面展现了我国现代物理学崛 起与发展的梗概和脉络。现在,《物理学报》已成为目前中 国历史最悠久、在国内外发行量最大、影响面最广的物理类 学术期刊,赢得了国内外物理学界的普遍认同和信誉,受到 包括诺贝尔物理奖获得者杨振宁教授在内的一些著名物理学 家的高度评价,被认为是“中国权威性的物理刊物”,奠定 了它在中国科技期刊中的重要地位。
1、高能物理与核物理 2.光子学报 3.中国激光 4.物理 5.原子与分子物理学报 6.原子核物理评论 7.光谱学 与光谱分析 8.强激光与粒子束 9.量子电子学报 10. 物理学进展 11.声学学报 12.红外与毫米波学报 13. 发光学报 14.核技术 15.大学物理 16.金属学报 17. 低温物理学报 18.无机材料学报 19.高压物理学报 20.材料研究学报 21.波谱学杂志 22.量子光学学报 23.化学物理学报 24.计算物理 25.人工晶体学报 26. 光学技术 等 有兴趣的同学可以自己下去了解






1. 国际光学工程学会(SPIE)会议:SPIE是全球最大的光学学会之一,每年举办多个国际会议。



2. 国际光学学会(OSA)会议:OSA是国际光学学会,也是光学领域最具影响力的学会之一。



3. 光学学会(Optical Society)会议:光学学会是一个国际性的学术组织,也是光学领域的重要会议之一。



4. 国际量子光学学会(IQEC)会议:IQEC会议是国际量子光学学会主办的一个重要会议,每两年举办一次。


IQEC 会议汇集了世界各地的专家学者,展示了最新的研究成果和技术应用。

5. 国际光子学会议(ICP):ICP会议是国际光子学会主办的一系列会议,旨在促进光子学领域的学术交流和合作。


ICP 会议的学术水平较高,吸引了众多光子学领域的专家学者参与。









1. "Optics Express"(光学快报)是一个广受欢迎的、高影响力的光学领域SCI期刊。


该期刊的影响因子在2024年达到了3.562. "Optics Letters"(光学快报)是美国光学学会的一本期刊,主要发表光学和光子学领域的研究成果。


"Optics Letters"的影响因子在2024年达到了3.843. "Applied Optics"(应用光学)是一个广泛涵盖光学应用领域的SCI期刊。


"Applied Optics"的影响因子在2024年达到了1.964. "Photonics Research"(光子学研究)是一个专注于光子学领域的SCI期刊。


“Photonics Research”的影响因子在2024年达到了8.035. "Journal of Optics"(光学杂志)是英国皇家光学学会的官方期刊,发表包括基础光学和应用光学在内的研究成果。



optics express的参考格式

optics express的参考格式

Optics Express是光学领域内的一本国际学术期刊,该期刊由Optical Society of America出版,主要刊载与光学相关的原创性研究论文,涵盖了光学物理、光学工程、光电子学和激光技术等多个学科领域。

本文将从Optics Express的参考文献格式入手,逐步介绍光学领域中学术论文中参考文献的格式要求和注意事项。


对于Optics Express期刊文章的参考文献,通常按照以下格式来书写:[1] 作者1, 作者2. 文章题目. 期刊名称, 年份, 卷号(期号), 页码.例如:[1] Smith J, Johnson L. A study of optical materials. Optics Express, 2018, 26(5), 123-135.在编写期刊文章的参考文献时,需要注意以下几点:1. 作者尊称的书写应按照“姓氏+名字”的格式,多个作者之间使用逗号分隔;2. 文章题目应使用斜体字,并在句末使用句号;3. 期刊名称应列出完整的刊名,并使用斜体字;4. 年份、卷号、期号和页码应按照特定的格式书写,并在逗号后留一个空格。


对于Optics Express期刊中刊载的会议论文,其参考文献格式通常为:[2] 作者1, 作者2. 文章题目. 会议名称, 会议地点, 页码, 年份.例如:[2] Brown A, White B. Innovations in optical design. Proc. SPIE 11205, 34th International Conference on Optics, San Francisco, CA, United States, 11205A-1-11205A-8, 2019.在编写会议论文的参考文献时,同样需要遵循作者尊称、文章题目、会议名称、会议地点、页码和年份等要素的书写规范,并且对会议名称等信息使用斜体字。


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(1)《光子学报》被世界重要检索刊物《SA》、《EI》、 《CA》、《PЖ》作为源刊. (2)被国内的《中国科学引文索引》、《中国物理文摘》、 《中国物理文摘数据库》、《全国报刊索引》、《中国光学 和应用光学文摘》、《中国光学和应用光学文摘数据库》作 为源刊.
(3)被中国科学引文数据库、中国学术期刊综合评价数据库、 中国科技论文与引文数据库、国家科委中国科技论文与分析、 中国科技文献数据库、科技篇名数据库作为固定来源期刊; 被《中国期刊网》、《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》、万方数 据库全文收录.
《物理学报》先后获得第一、二、三届国家期刊奖,2001—2010 年度“百种杰出期刊”奖,中国科学院特别奖、一等奖等多项重要奖 项,2009年获得“新中国60年有影响力的期刊”荣誉称号,2010年荣 获出版界国家最高奖——中国政府出版奖期刊奖。
《物理学报》首任主编为我国第一代著名物理学家严济慈与丁 燮林,随后担任主编的有吴大猷、王竹溪、黄祖洽和王乃彦, 现任主编是中国科学院理论物理研究所研究员欧阳钟灿院士。 70余年的变迁,《物理学报》从初创到成长、壮大,特别是 改革开放以来的发展,从一个侧面展现了我国现代物理学崛 起与发展的梗概和脉络。现在,《物理学报》已成为目前中 国历史最悠久、在国内外发行量最大、影响面最广的物理类 学术期刊,赢得了国内外物理学界的普遍认同和信誉,受到 包括诺贝尔物理奖获得者杨振宁教授在内的一些著名物理学 家的高度评价,被认为是“中国权威性的物理刊物”,奠定 了它在中国科技期刊中的重要地位。
《 物理学报》被SCI-CD,SCI-E,EI-P,CA,INSPEC,JICST, AJ和MR等检索系统收录。根据SCI数据库统计,2010年《物理学报》 的影响因子为1.259,总被引频次为8556次,在本学科国际同类期刊 中,其影响因子和总被引频次位于中上水平,在80种国际综合性物理 类期刊中,《物理学报》的总被引频次和影响因子分别位居第18和第 31。其中,本刊的总被引频次居中国物理类期刊第1位、中国科技期 刊第1位,影响因子为中国物理类期刊第2位。



SPIE(International Society for Optical Engineering,国际光学工程学会)数据库使用指南目录SPIE数据库介绍--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Scitation平台介绍-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 SPIE数据库使用指南--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Scitation平台个性化功能----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7SPIE数据库介绍SPIE (International Society for Optical Engineering,国际光学工程学会)成立于1955年,是致力于光学、光子学和电子学领域的研究、工程和应用的著名专业协会,是一个非赢利性组织。



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