《大红大紫》歌词 Twins

《大红大紫》歌词 Twins
《大红大紫》歌词 Twins





















Friends Roses are red, violets are blue. Glad to know friends like you. A blink in our eyes, a shake with our hands. Tha t’s how we all make friends. A smile in your face lights up the day. That’s what all Japanese say. A look in your eyes, a touch in my mind, happiness always arise. When you are moody, I can help you get your troubles off. When you’re happy, share it with me. That’s what friends are for. Lah lah lah lah lah lah. Lah lah lah lah lah lah. When you’re moody, tell me. I can get your troubles off. Lah lah lah lah lah lah. Lah lah lah lah lah lah. When you’re happy, Share it with me and tell me. That’s what friends are for.

朋友 玫瑰红,罗兰紫, 很高兴认识你这样的朋友。 眨眨眼, 握握手, 我们这样交朋友。 微笑照亮天空, 这是日本的格言。 你的眼神铭刻我心, 幸福长驻。 你的忧伤,我替你分担。你的快乐我们一起分享。 这就是朋友。 啦啦啦啦啦啦。 啦啦啦啦啦啦。 你悲伤时,请告诉我, 我会消除你的烦恼。 啦啦啦啦啦啦。 啦啦啦啦啦啦。 你快乐时,也请告诉我。 我与你共享。 这就是朋友。

Twins in Space

Twins in Space: An Unlikely Cosmic Experiment NASA's Kelly brothers offer science a rare chance to study how space affects the body No one ever pretended outer space is a hospitable place. There’s the hard vacuum, the lethal cold and the ever-present risk of even a small meteor hit. And then there’s the way the human body seems to revolt at the very idea of being there. No sooner do astronauts arrive in space than up to 40% of them begin throwing up. Most of them adjust soon enough, but they may continue to feel dizzy and fatigued all the same. There’s also back pain, calcium loss, muscle atrophy, nasal congestion, accelerated heart rate and increased blood pressure—all a result of the skeletal and circulatory systems trying to adjust to zero gravity. Longer term damage may include distorted cell growth—also a result of zero-g—and DNA changes caused by cosmic radiation, leading to an increased risk of cancer and other diseases. But how much of all that can you blame exclusively on space? Some people just have weaker bones than others; some are predisposed to hypertension or cancer. Separating heredity from environment isn’t easy even when the environment you’re talking abo ut is a decidedly extreme one. Serendipity, however, has now provided a perfect way to begin investigating the mystery, in the form of Scott and Mark Kelly, identical twins who just happen to be astronauts. The Kellys have already achieved national and even global renown—Mark for his four shuttle missions and his cumulative 54 days in space, not to mention his high-profile devotion to his wife, former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, as she continues to recover from the 2011 assassination attempt that nearly took her life; and Scott for his two shuttle flights, including a six-month stay aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Mark has since retired from NASA, but Scott is still flying, set for a full-year aboard the ISS, beginning in March 2015. And that has provided NASA with an unprecedented opportunity to run a nifty experiment. In anticipation of the time Scott will spend aloft, NASA’s Human Research Program—a division of the space agency that studies space biology and safety—has begun requesting ideas from biologists and other researchers for comparison tests that can be conducted on the two men, both during and after the year-long mission. The name of the project—Differential Effects on Homozygous Twin Astronauts Associated with Differences in Exposure to Spaceflight Factors—is just the kind of scientific mouthful you’d expect, but it also frames perfectly just how valuable twins can be to scientists trying to understand the human body. The genetic software of identical twins matches perfectly, which means that most differences in how they age and the illnesses they do or don’t develop are attributable to environmental factors or life experiences. That makes the Kellys priceless lab subjects. “This is a once-in-a-space-program opportunity,” said John Ch arles, chief of the Human Research Program’s International Science Office, in a statement that accompanied the announcement of the project. “The mission of the HRP is to reduce the risk to astronauts during long-duration space flight. In typical investigations, we usually have a specific outcome in mind and are goal-oriented. In this case, the slate is essentially blank. I am anxious to see what proposals we receive from the scientific community.”


Twins详细资料 姓名:钟欣桐(CHUNG Gillian) 原名:钟嘉励 出生日期:1981年1月21日 出生地点:香港 星座:水瓶座 生肖:鸡 身高:5尺3寸(约1米60) 家庭状况: * 未婚 * 一岁丧父 * 由母亲独力抚养成人 * 有一个妹妹 界别:影视界 学历: * 在澳洲留学 * La Trobe/Willian Angliss * 九龙真光书院 经历: * 得到国内可乐商垂青伙同中国国家足球队合作,拍摄一个投资亿元的重型广告,以庆祝中国队成功打入2002年世界杯决赛周。 (2002年1月) * 首张大碟推出便卖断市,售出近九万多张,处女EP更极速登上HMV销量冠军 (2001年8月) *当时学校放暑假,阿娇回港继续做兼职Model赚学费,那所Model公司就将她介绍给英皇经理人公司。经过面试,顺利签下经理人及唱片合约,随后与阿sa组成twins。 历年得奖纪录: > 2001年 * 第24届十大中文金曲最有前途新人奖女歌手:金奖 * 无线《劲歌》颁奖礼最受欢迎组合奖:金奖 * 新城劲爆颁奖礼:劲爆新人王 * 新城劲爆颁奖礼:新人点正娱乐版霸 * 叱咤乐坛颁奖礼:生力军组合金奖 * 叱咤乐坛颁奖礼:组合银奖 * 叱咤乐坛颁奖礼:我最喜爱的组合 * 劲歌第四季季选--网上我最喜爱女歌手 *《2001年度劲歌金曲第三季季选》网上最受欢迎女歌手 * 公益金最喜爱慈善组合大奖 * 港台2001最佳进步奖进步歌手 * 雪碧赞助举办的《我的选择中国原创音乐流行榜》新人奖及组合奖 * 港台2001十大最高播放率(女歌手) 备注: * 体重:100磅 * 血型:O型 * 言语:广东话、英语及普通话 * 嗜好:唱歌、逛街及看戏 * 最喜爱食物:饼干 * 最喜爱颜色:黑色 * 最喜爱歌星:郭富城 * 最喜爱人物:曾志伟 * 最喜爱音乐类型:POP * 擅长乐器:Cello * 最喜爱电影:与龙共舞 * 最喜爱演员:鲍方 * 最喜爱阅读杂志:有关时装 * 最喜爱动物:狗 * 最喜爱季节:秋天 * 最喜爱的国家:美国及日本 * 最喜爱运动:羽毛球 姓名:蔡卓妍 (CHOI Charlene) 出生日期:1982年11月22日 出生地点:加拿大 星座:天蝎座 生肖:狗 身高:5尺5寸(约1米65) 家庭状况: * 未婚

Unit 8 We're twins 教学设计

Unit8We’re twins教学设计 一、教学目标: 1.能听懂,会说,会读单词:a girl a boy a man a woman uncle aunt . 2.通过学习Story time,能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试朗读对话、表演对话。 3.能在真实的情景中运用Who’s she / he ? Who’s that girl / boy/man / woman ? He’s / She’s…进行交流。 二、教学重点: 能正确理解掌握对话,并能朗读,尝试表演。 三、教学难点: 1. 通过学习Story time,能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能运用所学对话. 2. 能在真实的情景中运用Who is she / he? Who’s that girl / boy / man / woman? He’s / She’s… 进行交流 四、教具准备: PPT some pictures 五、课前准备: 1.复习家人单词。 2.通过自主阅读,勾画出生词,查字典理解含义。 3.听磁带,试着跟读课文。 六、教学过程 Step1 Pre-reading 1. Brain Storming: 30-Second Non-Stop Talking First get students to form groups of four. Let Ss say out the words of the family

members. Don’t repeat! 2. Introduce Mike’s family. We have families and friends. Look! They are Mike’s friends. Look at the picture and introduce them. Use the sentences like these:He’s/She’s/They’re… 3. Teach “boy” and “girl” T: Who is he? S: He is Mike. T: Mike/He is a boy. T: Who is she? S: She is Mike. T: Yang Ling/She is a girl. Let Ss introduce them. 4. Teach: twins T: Who’s that girl? Who’s that boy? What is twins? (出示更多双胞胎图片并解释) They are from the same mum, they have the same birthday. So what is twins. A or B? (给出两种意思让学生选择) Step2 While-reading 1. Who are the twins in the story? (1). Let Ss watch the cartoon and answer the question (2). Let Ss find out the answer in the story T: How do you know that? What do they say? S1: Because they say they are twins. (3). Let Ss tell the difference between Su Hai and Su Yang. T: They look the same. But who is Su Hai and who is Su Yang? Do you know? Read the passage about Picture 3&4 by yourselves and underline some useful sentences. T: From the passage, we have known which Su Hai and Su Yang are. From the picture, can you tell the difference between Su Hai and Su Yang. Pay attention to their headgears. 2. Teach: uncle and aunt


twins经典歌词 本文是关于经典句子的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 twins经典歌词(一)《眼红红》 仍然怀念他一起去学结他 一对黑眼圈回望中三暑假 独白:暑假就来挨过咗去,可能就连你自己都唔记得咗果, 为求发泄出一切流眼泪亦无它 人人谈论我将我当做笑话 因我失去他宁愿天天请假 独白:你细个果时候觉得好介意嘅事 大个之后呢,就会变成好小事 但能够接触恋爱 亦已?到些牵挂 我最初脸红现在双眼通红 再幼稚还是觉得恋爱如梦 我再不面红但愿不再冲动 爱到入城大也分开预计之中 然而我愈说愈激动 这失恋感觉怎形容 初恋难忘初次心痛

拿着旧日合照 想起我才撒他娇 我得到的礼物都不算少 也许今天以为哭得太少 但始终有日想起也都可笑有一天会为这首插曲微笑仍然无电话等于告别了吗 初次感觉到期待多么可怕 独白:我唔知道打电话俾你会令你更加开心 独白:定系残忍 但能够与他好过 别要动气责怪他 twins经典歌词(二)《下一站天后》 站在大丸前细心看看我的路 再下个车站到天后当然最好 但华丽的星途途中一旦畏高 背后会否还有他拥抱 在百德新街的爱侣 面上有种顾晄自豪 在台上任我唱未必风光更好 人气不过肥皂泡 即使有天开个唱谁又要唱 他不可到现场仍然仿似白活一场

不恋爱教我怎样唱 几多爱歌给我唱还是勉强 台前如何发亮 难及给最爱在耳边低声温柔地唱白日梦飞翔永不太远太抽象 最后变天后变新娘都是理想 在时代的广场谁都总会有奖 我没有歌迷有他景仰 在百德新街的爱侣 面上有种顾晄自豪 在台上任我唱未必风光更好 人气不过肥皂泡ha 即使有天开个唱谁又要唱 他不可到现场仍然仿似白活一场不恋爱教我怎样唱 几多爱歌给我唱还是勉强 台前如何发亮 难及给最爱在耳边低声温柔地唱其实心里最大理想 跟他归家为他唱 站在大丸前细心看看我的路 再下个车站到天后当然最好


WinTWINS version 2.3 Mark O. Hill Petr ?milauer 2005

1 Preface TWINSPAN, based partly on an earlier program called ‘Indicator Species Analysis’ (Hill et al. 1975), was written in 1979, five years before the Apple Macintosh revolutionized personal computing, and two years before MS DOS was launched. The first version of Windows did not appear till November 1985. In 1979, a personal computer was an expensive luxury possessed only by a few geeks; all serious calculations were made on mainframes. At Cornell University, newly-available computer terminals had made programming much easier than in earlier years. Programs and problems could be submitted electronically (to another room in the Cornell’s Langmuir Lab), though the output was still normally on paper. The time was therefore ripe for development of numerical methods in ecology to the point where they could become routine tools rather than interesting prospects for development. The early proponents of numerical methods, notably Goodall (1953a, 1953b), had seen themselves as champions of objectivity. They were uncomfortable about the Zürich-Montpellier tradition of continental Europe, which had sought to construct a comprehensive system of knowledge. In the eyes of many British and American ecologists, the Z-M system was subjective and therefore intellectually dubious, because field workers sampled in a way that allowed them to prove what they wanted to find out in the first place. However, not everybody in Britain and America was convinced that objectivity and the Z-M system were in opposition. R.H. Whittaker (1962) urged ecologists to be pragmatic. He visited Tüxen in Germany, and with Tüxen’s blessing edited the monumental Ordination and classification of communities (1973) in which the various protagonists set out their points of view. The publication of a good English-language manual by the German ecologists Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg (1974), included an exposition of ‘Tablework’, a nearly-algorithmic method of sorting two-way tables. This narrowed the gap still further. Thus it was natural that Mark Hill, visiting Whittaker in Cornell, should seek to develop an algorithm whose purpose was to sort tables in an objective way but in the spirit of Z-M methodology. There remained a difficulty, namely that existing numerical methods almost all classified either the samples (the so-called Q methods) or the species (R methods) but did not seek to arrange both together. Underlying this difficulty was the fact that many mathematicians were committed to the metric paradigm, according to which a classification should reflect as faithfully as possible a metric compositional distances between samples (for Q methods) or between species (for R methods). By 1979, the metric paradigm for ordination had already been subjected to severe criticism (Austin 1976), and its applicability to classification was therefore also open to question. This was the background to the writing of TWINSPAN. A practical problem that had already been solved for Indicator Species Analysis was to keep magnitude of the calculation so that it rose only linearly with the size of the dataset. (Clearly any explicit calculation of distance matrices would increase the problem to magnitude m2 if m is the number of samples, or n2 where n is the number of species.) An algorithm linear in the size of the dataset was achieved by, figuratively speaking, sending signals through the data matrix in search of resonances in which the species and samples sounded together, and then dividing the data accordingly. When the samples and subsequently the species were repeatedly divided, TWINSPAN resulted. TWINSPAN was originally written in FORTRAN 4, a language well suited to mathematical calculations but with poor handling of alphabetical data. Some improvements

Unit8 we'er twins 教案

Unit8 we’er twins 第一课时 教学目标 1、通过全家福照片及纸偶的展示学习句型Who’s she / he? Who’s that girl / boy? He’s / She’s….。 2、通过学习Story time,能正确地听懂、会说、会读单词aunt, twins, we’re。 3、.通过学习Story time,能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试朗读对话、表演对话。 4、能在真实的情景中运用Who’s she / he? Who’s that girl / boy? He’s / She’s….进行交流。 教学重点 能正确理解掌握对话,并能朗读表演。 教学难点 1、通过学习Story time,能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能运用所学对话描述。 2、能在真实的情景中运用Who’s she / he? Who’s that girl / boy? He’s / She’s….进行交流。 教具准备 光盘、PPT、头饰、大树道具 教学过程 Teaching Procedures Step1: Warm up 1. (课前准备五个纸偶,画上不同的人物(分别代表自己和家庭中其他成员)。课堂上戴着纸偶现场操作,模拟出不同人物,与学生进行交流。) T: Look, this is a girl.This is a boy. This is a man. This is a woman. 通过介绍纸偶学习girl, boy, man, woman T: Who are they? Let’s listen to a song. 2. Listen to a song T: This is me. Welcome to my family. Look! Who’s he? 指着爸爸的纸偶 S1: He’s … T: Yes, he’s my father. Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you too. Who’s this girl? 指着画有妹妹图像的纸偶 S1:She’s… 同法引出其他家庭成员,渗透文中主要句型 3. 学生出示自己的全家福 T:This is the finger family. Who wants to show us your family photo? (投影) Who’s this man / woman / boy / girl? S1: She’s / He’s my… Ss:Who’s this man / woman / boy / girl? S1: She’s / He’s my… Step2 : Presentation 1、出示学校场景图,引导学生整体理解对话内容 T: Today is Open Day. The children and their families are at school. Who are they? Look at the picturee and listen to the tape. Ss: 学生整体听录音初步理解课文内容


Unit8 We’re Twins (The first period) 南通市通州区金沙小学蒋佳佳I.Teaching content: Analysis of teaching 1.Analysis of the text The first period of unit8 2.Analysis of the students: The students of Grade3 have got certain listening ability, which still needs well improving. And their speaking ability is not as good as expected, which will be improved in this period. 3.Analysis of teaching environment: CAI brings delightful melodies, beautiful pictures, vivid texts and interactive games. II. Teaching aims: 1.Knowledge aims: a. 学生能有感情地朗读story time,并给其配音。 b. 学生通过学习story time能够灵活运用文中重要句型:Who is he/she? Who’s this/that…? He’s/She’s… 2. Ability aims a. 通过学习提升学生阅读能力(能够猜测文中生词等) b.通过学习提升学生理解、朗读以及表演能力。 3. Emotion aim 学生通过学习能够更加爱家人,爱朋友。 III. Teaching importance and difficulties

The Secret Life of the Gomez Twins

Reading journal 4: The Secret Life of the Gomez Twins Sentences that impressed me the most: 1.The Barber’s Uncle It was a warm winter day and the world was sleeping. It was very still every where in the world. Nobody was rushing round in an automobile and the only thing you could hear was the warm and cool, happy and sad silence of reality. The world. Ah, it was good to be alive somewhere. It was splendid to have a house in the world. Rooms and tables and chairs and beds. Pictures on the walls. It was strange and wonderful to be somewhere in the world. Alive, able to move through time and space, morning, noon, and night: to breathe and eat and laugh and talk and sleep and grow. To see and hear and touch. To walk through the places of the world under the sun. To be in the world. And the bright moments of all the dead years, the cities buried under time, the places rotted and ended. Ah, in1919 I dreamed a dream one day: I dreamed the living lived for ever. I dreamed the end of change and the decay of death. Ah, Berlin, he said. Cruel city of the world, streets and streets and houses and houses and people and people, but not one door for my poor Uncle Misak, not one room, not one table, not one friend.
