



60.hot(adj.)热的 61.hotel(n.)旅馆;酒店;饭店 62.hour(n.)小时 63.house(n.)房子;住宅 64.housework(n.)家务劳动;家务事 65.how(adv.)怎样;如何 66.however(adv.)然而;不过 67.hug(n.& v.)拥抱;搂抱;紧抱 68.huge(adj.)巨大的;庞大的;极多的
51.homework(n.)家庭作业 52.honest(adj.)诚实的;老实的 ★53.honey(n.)蜂蜜;(爱称)宝贝,亲爱的 ★54.honour(AmE honor)(v.)尊重;表示敬意(n.)荣幸;荣誉 55.hope(v.& n.)希望 56.horse(n.)马 57.hospital(n.)医院 58.host(n.)主人;东道主 59.hostess(n.)女主人;女东道主;女主持人
一般严重的 25.height(n.)身高;高度
26.hello(interj.)你好;喂 27.help(v.)帮助;援助 28.helpful(adj.)有用的;有帮助的 29.hen(n.)母鸡 30.her(pron.)她的 31.here(adv.)(用以介绍某人或某物)这就是;在这里 32.hero(n.)英雄;男主角 33.hers(pron.)她的 34.herself(pron.)(she的反身代词)她自己
44.hit(v.)(用手或器具)击;打;(使)碰撞(n.)打;击;风靡一时 的作品
45.hobby(n.)业余爱好 46.hold(v.)拥有;抓住,握着;使不动;召开;举行;容纳,装得下;
使保持在(某位置);怀有,持有;等待;不挂断 47.hole(n.)洞;孔;坑 48.holiday(n.)假期;假日;节日 49.home(n.)家;活动本部(adv.)到家;在家 50.hometown(n.)家乡;故乡





每套练题包括以下部分:1. 名词:涵盖单数和复数形式、所有格以及不可数名词等方面。


2. 代词:包括人称代词、反身代词、物主代词和指示代词等等。


3. 动词:涵盖时态、语态、情态动词等方面。


4. 形容词和副词:包括比较级和最高级形式等。


5. 介词和介词短语:帮助学生掌握常见的介词用法,并正确运用它们搭配动词、名词和形容词等。

6. 连词:涵盖并列连词、从属连词和连词词组等方面。


7. 句子结构:包括句子的基本结构、简单句和复合句等。


8. 非谓语动词:帮助学生掌握动词不定式、动名词和分词等形式的用法,并正确运用它们在句子中的位置和作用。

9. 间接引语:帮助学生理解直接引语和间接引语的转换,并正确运用它们在句子中的引用和表述。

10. 其他语法知识和技巧:涵盖其他语法知识和技巧,如倒装句、虚拟语气等。






The next night they met at Jack’s house to build their volcano model. They made a volcano model with thick paper and clay (黏土). Max added red clay to the top of the volcano to make it look like it was erupting (喷发).
Then I began to understand it. I had been criticizing (批评) her dirty window, but all the time I was watching hers through my own dirty window.
That was quite an important lesson for me. How often had I looked at and criticized others through the dirty window of my heart, through my own shortcomings?
At the closing ceremony (仪式), athletes said goodbye in their own ways. The Japanese figure skater (花样滑冰运动员) Yuzuru Hanyu kissed the ice and bowed (鞠躬) deeply to people. The US snowboarder Shaun White took his final ride and shook his hand to say goodbye in the video.



fall短语 1. fall apart摔碎;解散 2. fall behind落后(1次) 3. fall down突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌(1次) 4. fall into掉进……里 5. fall off从……掉下来(1次) 6. fall asleep入睡 7. fall ill患病;病倒 8. fall in love with爱上……
give短语 1. give away赠送;捐赠(1次) 2. give back还给;归还;恢复(健康等) 3. give in屈服;让步 4. give off发出;释放(气味、热、光等) 5. give out分发;散发(2次) 6. give up放弃(10次) 7. give a speech/talk做演讲 8. give birth to生;产生 9. give sb. a hand帮助某人 10. give sb. a lift捎某人一程
11. get up起床;站起来(1次) 12. get angry生气 13. get close (to)接近(1次) 14. get dressed穿上衣服 15. get lost迷路 16. get mad大动肝火;气愤 17. get married结婚 18. get popular受欢迎;流行 19. get ready准备好(1次)
get短语 1. get away逃跑;脱身 2. get away from逃离;摆脱;从……逃离 3. get back返回;回来;回家 4. get down下降(1次) 5. get off下车(2次) 6. get on上车;进展 7. get over克服(4次) 8. get through通过;结束;到达;完成 9. get to到达(2次) 10. get together相聚(1次)



18.next(adj.)下一个的;接下来的;紧挨着;紧靠着(adv.)紧接下来地, 下一步(n.)下一个;接下来
19.nice(adj.)令人愉快的;宜人的;美好的 20.night(n.)晚上;夜晚 21.no(adv.)不;完全不 22.nobody(pron.)没有人(n.)小人物 23.nod(v.)点头 24.noise(n.)声音;噪音;杂音 25.none(pron.)没有一个;毫无;没有一人;一点儿也没有
第二部分 2022课标词汇梳理
★2.narrow(adj.)狭窄的;狭小的;(想法、态度或信仰)狭隘的 ★3.nation(n.)国家;民族
4.nature(n.)自然界;大自然;天性;本性;基本特征;本质 5.near(prep.)在……附近;靠近;接近 6.nearly(adv.)几乎;差不多 7.necessary(adj.)必要的;必需的 8.neck(n.)颈;脖子
35.nothing(pron.)没有什么;没有一件东西 36.notice(n.)通知;通告;注意(v.)注意到;意识到 ★37.novel(n.)(长篇)小说 38.now(adv.)现在;目前 39.number(n.)号码;数字 40.nurse(n.)护士
26.noodle(n.)(常用复数形式)面条 27.noon(n.)正午;中午 28.nor(conj.& adv.)也不 ★29.normal(adj.)正常的;一般的 30.north(n.)北;北方(adj.)在北方的;朝北的 31.nose(n.)鼻子 32.not(adv.)不;没有 33.note(n.)笔记;记录;短笺;便条(v.)注意;指出 34.notebook(n.)笔记本



of短语 1. ahead of在……之前,提前 2. because of因为;由于(1次) 3. instead of代替;而不是(2次) 4. kind of稍微;有点 5. a kind of一种;一类 6. all kinds of各种各样的 7. a lot of/lots of/plenty of许多(11次) 8. first of all首先(2次) 9. all of a sudden突然;猛地
36. in one’s opinion在某人看来 37. in other words换句话说;换言之 38. in case of万一 39. in control of掌管;管理 40. in front of在……前面(外部) 41. in the front of在……前面(内部) 42. in the face of 面临(问题、困难等) 43. in the middle of在……中间 44. in the rest of剩余的……;其他的……(2次)
第三部分 重点短语梳理
at短语 1. at birth出生时 2. at first起初 3. at hand在手边;即将来临 4. at home在家(6次) 5. at last最后 6. at least至少(3次) 7. at most最多(1次) 8. at night在晚上
9. in need在危难中;在困境中 10. in need of需要;缺少(1次) 11. in order井然有序(1次) 12. in order to为了(1次) 13. in pain痛苦地 14. in peace和平地 15. in person亲自;亲身(1次) 16. in public在公众场合;公开地(2次) 17. in return作为回报


命令;订购;预订 ★anise(AmE organize)(v.)组织;筹备
28.other(adj.)另外的;其他的(pron.)另外的人(或物) 29.our(pron.)我们的 30.ours(pron.)我们的 31.ourselves(pron.)(we 的反身代词)我们自己
32.out(adv.)外出;离开 33.outside(adv.)在外面;朝户外(adj.)外面的;外部的;外表的(n.)
(adv.)不上课;休息;不工作 6.offer(v.)主动提出;自愿给予;提议;提出(n.)主动提议;提供;
特价;减价 7.office(n.)办公室
8.officer(n.)军官;官员;警察 9.often(adv.)时常;常常 10.oil(n.)油;食用油;石油 11.OK(interj.& adv.)好;可以 12.old(adj.)年老的;旧的;……年龄的,……岁的 ★13.Olympic(adj.)奥林匹克运动会的 14.on(prep.)在(播放)中;关于……;在……上 15.once(adv.)一次;一回;曾经 (conj.)一旦;一……就 ★16.onion(n.)洋葱
部门等) ★22.opinion(n.)意见;想法;看法;主张
23.opposite(prep.)与……相对;在……对面 (aconj.)或者;也不(用于否定句) 25.orange(n.)橙子;柑橘(adj.)橘黄色的 26.order(n.)点菜;命令;指示;顺序;条理;秩序;订单 (v.)点菜;
第二部分 2022课标词汇梳理
1.object(n.)物体;物品;目的(v.)不赞成;反对 ★2.ocean(n.)大海;海洋



85.breakfast(n.)早餐;早饭 ★86.breath(n.)呼吸;气息
87.bridge(n.)桥 88.bright(adv.)光亮地;明亮地 (adj.)明亮的;光线充足的;欢快的 89.bring(v.)带来;取来 90.brother(n.)兄;弟 91.brown(adj.& n.)棕色(的);褐色(的) 92.brush(v.)刷;刷净(n.)刷子 ★93.budget(n.)预算(v.)制定预算;计划
94.build(v.)建筑;建造;创建;开发(n.)体格;体型;身材 95.building(n.)建筑物;房子 ★96.bully(n.)恃强凌弱者,横行霸道者 (v.)威胁;胁迫 97.burn(v.)着火;燃烧;(使)烧焦;(使)烤糊 98.bus(n.)公共汽车 99.business(n.)生意;商业;工作 100.busy(adj.)忙碌的;无暇的 101.but(conj.)但是,然而 ★102.butter(n.)黄油;奶油
9.balloon(n.)气球 10.bamboo(n.)竹子 11.banana(n.)香蕉 ★12.band(n.)乐队 13.bank(n.)银行;岸;河畔 14.baseball(n.)棒球 15.basic(adj.)基础的;基本的;主要的 16.basket(n.)篮子;筐 17.basketball(n.)篮球
78.bowl(n.)碗 79.box(n.)箱;盒;(计算机屏幕上的)框 80.boy(n.)男孩 81.brain(n.)大脑 82.brave(adj.)勇敢的;无畏的 83.bread(n.)面包 84.break(v.)(使)破;裂;碎;损坏;打破(纪录);违反;违背;终
止;中断 (n.)(课间)休息



use 1. in use在使用中 2. be no use (to sb.)(对某人)无用(2次) 3. be of use (to sb.)(对某人)有用/有帮助 4. make good use of充分利用……(2次) 5. put sth. to (into) good use好好利用某物 6. It’s no use doing sth.做某事没用。
chance 1. by chance偶然;意外地(1次) 2. have/get a chance有机会;有希望 3. miss a chance错过机会 4. take a chance冒险;碰运气
control 1. lose control失去控制;情绪失控 2.(be) out of control失控 3. under control得到控制 4.(be) in control of控制(1次) 5. take control of控制;掌控
mind 1. keep in mind记住 2. keep sth. in (one’s) mind牢记某事 3. open one’s mind开拓某人的思维 4. bring/call (sb./sth.) to mind想起/记起(某人/事) 5. change one’s mind改变决定(或看法、主意) 6. come to one’s mind某人突然记起(或想到) 7. make up one’s mind下定决心 8. to my mind=in my opinion依我看;以我之见
place 1. take place发生;进行(5次) 2. take one’s place就位;入座 3. take one’s place=take the place of sb.代替;替换 4. put yourself in one’s place设身处地为他人着想 5. in place在恰当的位置;准备就绪 6. in place of=instead of代替;顶替 7. in the first place首先;第一(1次) 8. between a rock and a hard place进退两难;左右为难 9. all over the place到处;各处



34.meeting(n.)会议;集会;会面 35.member(n.)成员;分子;会员 36.mention(v.)提到;说到;提及;谈到 37.menu(n.)菜单 38.mess(n.)杂乱;凌乱;不整洁 (v.)弄脏;弄乱 39.message(n.)信息;消息;电子邮件;口信 40.method(n.)方法;措施;办法 41.metre(AmE meter)(n.)米;公尺 42.middle(n.)中部;中间(adj.)中等的;中间的
51.Miss(n.)女士;小姐(对未婚女性的称呼);老师 52.mistake(n.)错误;过错 (v.)误会;误解;弄错 53.mix(v.)(使)混合;融合 (n.)混合配料 54.mobile(adj.)可移动的;非固定的 55.model(n.)模型;模范;典型;榜样 56.modern(adj.)现代的;当代的 ★57.moment(n.)(某事发生的)时刻,时候 58.money(n.)钱;金钱 59.monkey(n.)猴子
69.move(v.)移动;改变……的位置;搬家;感动 (n.)行动;移动 70.movie(n.)电影 71.Mr(AmE Mr.)(用于男子的姓氏或姓名前)先生 72.Mrs(AmE Mrs.)(用于女子的姓氏或姓名前)太太;夫人 73.Ms(AmE Ms.)(用于女子的姓氏或姓名前,不指明婚否)女士 74.much( pron.&博物馆 76.music(n.)音乐;乐曲 77.must(modal v.)必须;应该
25.meal(n.)早(或午、晚)餐;一餐所吃的食物;一餐;一顿饭 26.mean(v.)(meant)意思是;打算;意欲;意味着 27.meaning(n.)意义;意思 28.meat(n.)(可食用的)肉 ★29.medal(n.)奖牌;奖章 30.medical(adj.)医疗的;医学的 31.medicine(n.)药;药物;医学 ★32.medium(adj.)中等的 (n.)(pl. media)媒介;手段;方法 33.meet(v.)遇见;相逢;结识 (n.)体育比赛;运动会



2024年安徽省宿州市英语中考复习试题及答案解析一、听力部分(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1、Question: Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer to the question.Recording: (A woman is making a phone call.) “Hello, could I speak to Mr. Smith, please? It’s regarding the project meeting scheduled for tomorrow.”Options:A)Mr.Smith is not available.B)The caller is asking about a project meeting.C)The meeting is cancelled.Answer: BExplanation: The caller specifica lly mentions “It’s regarding the project meeting scheduled for tomorrow,” indicating that she is inquiring about or making reference to the upcoming project meeting.2、Question: Listen to the short conversation and select the best response that completes the sentence.Recording: (A man and a woman are discussing travel plans.) Man: “Have you decided where we’re going for our holiday this year?” Woman: “Well, I’ve been thinking about it, and I think a beach vacation would be nice. How about Hawaii?”Sentence Completion: The woman suggests going to Hawaii for their holidaybecause _____.A)she likes cold climatesB)she prefers the beachC)she has never been there beforeAnswer: BExplanation: The woman states, “I think a beach vacation would be nice,” which directly suggests that she prefers the beach as a destination for their holiday. This makes option B, “she prefers the beach,” the most appropriate completion for the sentence.3、 Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer.Question: What time does the movie start?A. 7:30 p.m.B. 8:00 p.m.C. 8:30 p.m.Answer: B. 8:00 p.m.Explanation: In the dialogue, the speaker says, “The movie starts at 8:00 p.m. We should arrive there by 7:45 p.m. to get good seats.” This clearly indicates that the movie starts at 8:00 p.m., so the correct answer is B.4、 Listen to the short passage and answer the question.Question: What is the main idea of the passage?A. The importance of reading.B. How to choose a good book.C. The benefits of libraries.Answer: A. The importance of reading.Explanation: The passage discusses the various benefits that reading brings to individuals, such as expanding knowledge, improving imagination, and reducing stress. It emphasizes the importance of reading as a fundamental skill and a source of joy. Hence, the main idea of the passage is the importance of reading, and the answer is A.5、 Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer to the question.Question: What time does the train leave for London?A)8:30 amB)9:00 amC)9:30 amAnswer: B) 9:00 amExplanation: In the recording, the speaker clearly states that the train to London departs at 9:00 am. Therefore, the correct answer is B.6、 Listen to the conversation and answer the following question.Question: Where does the woman suggest going for lunch?A)The new Italian restaurant downtownB)The cafeteria in the office buildingC)The burger joint near the parkAnswer: A) The new Italian restaurant downtownExplanation: In the conversation, the woman says, “Have you tried the new Italian restaurant downtown? It’s supposed to be really good. We could go there for lunch.” This suggests that she is recommending the new Italian restaurantdowntown as a place to go for lunch. Therefore, the correct answer is A.7、 Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to the question.Question: What time does the train leave for London?A)8:30 amB)9:30 amC)10:30 amAnswer: A) 8:30 amExplanation: In the conversation, the woman asks the man about the train schedule for London. The man responds by saying, “The train leaves for London at 8:30 in the morning.” Therefore, the correct answer is A) 8:30 am.8、 Listen to the passage and answer the following question.Question: What is the main topic of the passage?A)The benefits of exerciseB)The history of musicC)The importance of recyclingAnswer: A) The benefits of exerciseExplanation: The passage discusses various benefits of regular exercise, such as improving cardiovascular health, reducing stress, and increasing overall well-being. There are no mentions of music history or recycling in the passage. Therefore, the main topic is the benefits of exercise, and the answer is A).9、Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer to the question.Question: What time does the movie start?A. 7:00 pmB. 7:30 pmC. 8:00 pmAnswer: BExplanation: In the conversation, the sp eaker says, “The movie starts at 7:30 pm. We should leave now to get good seats.” This clearly indicates that the movie starts at 7:30 pm, so the correct answer is B.10、Listen to the short passage and answer the following question.Question: How many books did the speaker borrow from the library?A. ThreeB. FiveC. SevenAnswer: AExplanation: In the short passage, the speaker says, “I went to the library yesterday and borrowed three books for my research paper. They’re all really interesting.” This direc tly states that the speaker borrowed three books from the library, so the correct answer is A.11、Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question.Question: What does the man mean?A. He can’t hear the woman clearly.B. He can’t afford to buy the ticket.C. He can’t attend the concert.Answer: A Explanation: In the dialogue, the woman speaks loudly but the man responds by saying, “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you very well.” This directly indicates that he has difficulty in hearing her clearly, not that he cannot afford the ticket or that he cannot attend the concert.12、Listen to the passage and complete the following sentence.The main purpose of the passage is to ______________.A. discuss the benefits of outdoor activitiesB. promote a new outdoor adventure programC. explain the challenges of hiking in the mountainsAnswer: B Explanation: The passage likely provides information about a specific outdoor adventure program, emphasizing its features, itinerary, or appeal to potential participants. If the details described are meant to encourage people to sign up or learn more about the program, then the main purpose is to promote it. While the passage may mention benefits of outdoor activities or challenges of hiking, these are likely not the main focus unless they are specifically tied to promoting the program.13、Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer to the question.Question: What time does the train leave for London?A)8:30 amB)9:15 amC)10:00 amAnswer: B) 9:15 amExplanation: In the recording, the speaker clearly states that the trainto London departs at 9:15 am. Listen for the specific time mentioned and match it with the given options.14、Listen to the conversation and select the best response to complete the sentence.Conversation: (Man) Hi, could you tell me where the nearest post office is? (Woman) Sure, it’s just down the street on the left, next to the coffee shop.Sentence: The nearest post office is located __________.A)across from the bankB)next to the coffee shopC)behind the libraryAnswer: B) next to the coffee shopExplanation: The woman in the conversation responds by saying that the nearest post office is “just down the street on the left, next to the coffee shop.” This directly corresponds to option B, making it the correct answer. Listen carefully to the details provided in the conversation to determine the correct location.15、Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer.A: What time is the meeting? B: It’s at 2 p.m. in the conference room.Question: Where is the meeting being held?Answer: BExplanation: The speaker in the conversation clearly states that the meeting is being held “in the conference room” at 2 p.m. Therefore, the correct answeris B.16、Listen to the passage and answer the following question.Passage: The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef system, located off the coast of Australia. It is home to thousands of species of marine life, including colorful fish, turtles, and sharks. However, it is facing serious threats from climate change, pollution, and overfishing.Question: What is the Great Barrier Reef facing?Answer: Threats from climate change, pollution, and overfishing.Explanation: The passage states that the Great Barrier Reef is facing “serious threats from climate change, pollution, and overfishing.” This directly answers the question.17、Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer to the question.Question: What time does the train leave for London?A)8:30 amB)9:00 amC)9:30 amAnswer: B) 9:00 amExplanation: The recording states that the train to London departs at 9:00 am. Listen carefully for the specific time mentioned in the audio.18、Listen to the conversation and answer the following question.Question: Where is the man going for his vacation?A)The beachB)The mountainsC)The cityAnswer: A) The beachExplanation: In the conversation, the man mentions that he’s planning to relax at the beach for his upcoming vacation. Pay attention to the details of the dialogue to identify the correct destination.19、Listen to the recording and choose the best answer to the question.Question: What time does the train leave for London?A. 8:30 amB. 9:00 amC. 9:30 amAnswer: BE xplanation: The recording states, “The train to London departs at 9:00 am sharp.” This clearly indicates that the train leaves at 9:00 am, making option B the correct answer.20、Listen to the conversation and decide if the statement is true or false.Statement: The speaker plans to watch a movie tonight.A. TrueB. FalseAnswer: AExplanation: In the conversation, the speaker says, “I’m thinking of catching a movie tonight after dinner. Any suggestions?” This indicates that the speaker does plan to watch a movie tonight, making the statement true and option A the correct answer.二、阅读理解(30分)Title: The Benefits of ReadingReading has always been considered one of the most enriching activities for individuals of all ages. It is a window to the world, allowing us to experience different cultures, emotions, and perspectives without leaving the comfort of our homes. In this fast-paced digital age, where screens seem to dominate our lives, the importance of reading books cannot be overstated. Below are just a few of the numerous benefits that reading brings.Firstly, reading improves cognitive abilities. Studies have shown that regular reading can increase vocabulary, enhance memory, and improve critical thinking skills. As we read, our brains process information, making connections between ideas and concepts, thereby exercising and strengthening the neural pathways responsible for these functions.Secondly, reading is a powerful tool for stress relief. Escaping into a good book can transport us to another world, where our worries and anxieties seem to melt away. The act of reading itself triggers the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of calmness and well-being. Thus, reading can be a natural and effective way to manage stress.Furthermore, reading fosters empathy and understanding. By immersing ourselves in the lives of characters from diverse backgrounds and circumstances, we gain insights into their thoughts, feelings, and motivations. This, in turn, helps us develop a greater sense of empathy and compassion towards others,enabling us to build stronger relationships and become more socially aware individuals.Lastly, reading is a source of endless entertainment and inspiration. From thrilling adventure stories to thought-provoking non-fiction works, books offer a vast array of genres and topics to explore. They can inspire us to pursue our passions, challenge our beliefs, and broaden our horizons. In short, reading has the power to enrich our lives in immeasurable ways.Questions:1.What is the main purpose of the passage?A)To criticize the overuse of digital devices.B)To promote the benefits of reading books.C)To compare reading with other leisure activities.D)To analyze the impact of reading on society.Answer: B2.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a benefit of reading?A)Improved cognitive abilities.B)Reduced stress levels.C)Enhanced physical fitness.D)Increased empathy and understanding.Answer: C3.The passage mentions that reading triggers the release of which neurotransmitter?A)DopamineB)OxytocinC)SerotoninD)EndorphinsAnswer: C三、完型填空(15分)Title: The Power of ReadingReading is a treasure trove of knowledge and imagination. It opens doors to worlds we’ve never visited, teaches us lessons from those who have come before us, and nurtures our minds in ways that few other activities can. The joy of (1)_____a good book is i ndescribable; it’s a personal journey that only the reader can truly experience.As we delve deeper into the pages, we find ourselves transported to different eras, cultures, and even galaxies. The characters we encounter become like old friends, their tri umphs and (2)_____resonating with us long after we’ve closed the book. Reading broadens our horizons, helping us to understand and appreciate the diversity of human experience.Moreover, reading is a vital tool for personal growth. It challenges our beliefs, stimulates critical thinking, and encourages empathy. Through literature, we learn to question, to analyze, and to form our own opinions. This process of intellectual (3)_____is invaluable in shaping who we are and how we interact with the world.In tod ay’s fast-paced society, where distractions are abundant, it’s easyto overlook the importance of reading. Yet, by making time for it, we can enrich our lives in ways that are both profound and lasting. Whether it’s a classic novel, a self-help book, or a scientific tome, each book holds the potential to (4)_____us in some way.So, let’s embrace the power of reading. Let’s dive into the pages of books and allow them to transport us, educate us, and inspire us. For in the end, it’s not just the stories we read that shape us, but the very act of reading itself that (5)_____us to grow and evolve.Options:A. finishingB. challengesC. defeatsD. embracingE. discoveringF. adventuresG. setbacksAnswers:1.E2.G3.B4.A5.D四、语法填空题(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1、— How do you like the book?It’s quite different from_______I read last week.A. thatB. whichC. the oneD. the one whatAnswer: CExplanation: 本题考查代词。


第二部分 2022课标词汇梳理
1.I(pron.)我 2.ice(n.)冰 3. ice cream(=ice-cream)(n.)冰激凌 4.idea(n.)想法;主意 5.if(conj.)如果;若 6.ill(adj.)有病的;不舒服的;不健康的 7.illness(n.)疾病;病 8.imagine(v.)想象;设想 9.important(adj.)重要的
★18.insect(n.)昆虫 19.inside(prep.)在……里面(n.)内部;里面(adv.)在里面;向室内 (adj.)里面的;内部的 20.instead(adv.)代替;反而;却;而不是 21.instruction(n.)指示;命令;说明书 22.instrument(n.)器械;仪器;工具;乐器 23.interest(n.)兴趣;爱好;关注;好处;利益(v.)使感兴趣;使关注 24.interesting(adj.)有趣的 25.international(adj.)国际的;世界的
26.Internet(n.)(国际)互联网;因特网 27.interview(n.)面试;访谈 (v.)采访;面试 28.into(prep.)到……里面;进入 29.introduce(v.)介绍;引见 30.invent(v.)发明;创造 31.invite(v.)邀请 32.island(n.)岛;岛屿 33.it(பைடு நூலகம்ron.)它 34.its(pron.)它的 35.itself(pron.)(it的反身代词)它自己
10.impossible(adj.)不可能存在或发生的;不可能的;办不到的 ★ 11.improve(v.)改进;改善
12.in(prep.)在……里;使用(某种语言);参加;加入;在……期间; 用,按照,以(某方式或风格)



第二部分 野兔 2.race(n.)竞赛;赛跑;比赛;民族 (v.)和……比赛 3.radio(n.)收音机;无线电广播;电台 4.railway(n.)铁路;铁道 5.rain(n.)雨水;雨 (v.)下雨 ★6.rainbow(n.)彩虹 7.raise(v.)募集,征集,筹集(钱款);抚养,养育;举起,提起;增
★18.recent(adj.)最近的;最新的 ★19.recognise(AmE recognize)(v.)认识;辨别出;承认;意识到 ★20.recommend(v.)建议;劝告;推荐;介绍
21.record(n.)唱片;记录;最佳纪录(v.)录制;录(音);记录 ★22.recycle(v.)回收利用;再利用;再使用(废品)
41.rest(v.)放松;休息(n.)睡眠;休息;剩余部分 42.restaurant(n.)饭店;餐馆
43.result(n.)结果;后果;得分;成绩 (v.)(因……而)产生;发生 44.return(v.)归还;回来;返回 45.review(v.)回顾;复习;给(书、戏剧、电影等)写评论 (n.)回顾;
50.ring(v.)(使)发出钟声或铃声;鸣响;打电话(n.)戒指;铃声; 钟声
51.rise(v.)升起;上升;增加;提高;起床;起立;站起来(n.)升起; 增加;提高
52.risk(n.& v.)危险;风险;冒险 53.river(n.)河;江 54.road(n.)路;(尤指)公路
55.robot(n.)机器人 56.rock(n.)岩石;摇滚乐 ★57.rocket(n.)火箭 58.role(n.)作用;职能;角色 59.room(n.)房间;室;屋子 60.rope(n.)粗绳;绳索 61.rose(n.)玫瑰;蔷薇 62.round(adj.)圆形的 (adv.)循环地;围绕地;在周围 63.row(n.)一排;一列;一行



58.lot(pron.& n.)大量;许多 59.loud(adj.)响亮的;大声的 60.love(v.)爱;热爱(n.)喜爱;关爱 61.lovely(adj.)令人愉快的;可爱的 62.low(adj.)低的;矮的;沮丧的;消沉的;无精打采的;低声的;小
声的;(数量等)减少的;缩减的;不足的 63.luck(n.)幸运;运气 64.lunch(n.)午饭
rge(adj.)大号的;大的;巨大的 st(adj.)最后的;末尾的;(星期、月份等)最近过去的,紧接现在
前面的;上一个的(v.)持续;继续 (adv.)最后;最末;最近 te(adj.)迟的;晚的 (adv.)迟;晚 ter(adv.)后来;以后 ugh(v.)笑;发笑 (n.)笑声 w(n.)法律;法规 ★wyer(n.)律师 y(v.)摆放(餐桌)
第二部分 2022课标词汇梳理
1. lab(=laboratory)(n.)实验室 dy(n.)女士;女子;夫人;小姐 ke(n.)湖;湖泊 ★mp(n.)灯;光源 nd(n.)陆地;大地 (v.)降落(或跳落、跌落)到地面(或水面上) ★ndscape(n.)景观;(陆上,尤指乡村的)风景,景色 nguage(n.)语言 ★ntern(n.)灯笼 ★ptop(n.)膝上型计算机;便携式电脑
26.lemon(n.)柠檬 27.lend(v.)(把某物)借出,借给(某人) 28.less(adv.)较少;较小(adj.& pron.)较少的;较小的(n.)较少数;
较少量 29.lesson(n.)课;一节课;经验;教训 30.let(v.)允许;让;使 31.letter(n.)信;函;字母 32.level(n.)水平;标准;质量;程度 33.library(n.)图书馆



★19.god(n.)神,上帝(God) 20.gold(adj.)金色的(n.)金子;金币;黄金;金牌 21.good(adj.)好的;乖的;守规矩的;令人满意的;令人愉快的 (n.) 好处;用处;善行 22. goodbye (bye)(interj.)再见 ernment(n.)政府;内阁 24.grade(n.)成绩等级;评分等级;年级(v.)给……评分
34.grey(AmE gray)(adj.)(天空)阴沉的;昏暗的;灰色的 ow(v.)种植;栽培(植物);生长;发育 38.guard(n.)警卫;看守(v.)守卫;保卫 39.guess(v.)猜测;估计 40.guest(n.)客人;宾客 41.guide(n.)导游;向导;手册;指南(v.) 指导;给……带路 42.guitar(n.)吉他 43.gun(n.)枪;炮 ★44. gym(=gymnasium)(n.)体育馆,健身房;(尤指学校的)体育活动
★25.graduate(v.)毕业;获得学位 (n.)毕业生
26.grammar(n.)语法 27.grandfather(grandpa)(n.)(外)祖父;爷爷;外公;姥爷 28.grandmother(grandma)(n.)(外)祖母;奶奶;外婆;姥姥 29.grape(n.)葡萄 30.grass(n.)草;草地 31.great(adj.)美妙的;伟大的;太好了;巨大的;超乎寻常的 32.green(adj.& n.)绿色(的) ★33.greet(v.)和……打招呼;迎接
10.giraffe(n.)长颈鹿 11.girl(n.)女孩 12.give(v.)提供;给;送 13.glad(adj.)高兴的;欢喜的 14.glass(n.)玻璃 15.glove(n.)(分手指的)手套 16.glue(n.)胶水 17.go(v.)去;走;运行;(事情)进展;进行(n.)尝试;努力 ★18.goal(n.)球门;射门;目标



8. be made up of由……组成 9. be proud of为……骄傲/感到自豪(5次) 10. be short of缺乏 11. be sick of厌倦 12. be tired of厌倦 be+adj.+on be hard on sb.对某人苛刻
be+adj.+to 1. be able to能够(3次) 2. be close to靠近 3. be famous/known/well-known to+对象 为……所熟知 4. be friendly/good/kind/nice to对……友好 5. be harmful to对……有害 6. be helpful to sb.对某人有益/有用(2次)
be+adj.+as be famous/known/well-known as+职业 作为……而闻名 be+adj.+ at 1. be amazed at对……感到惊讶 2. be angry at/with sb.生某人的气
3. be disappointed at/by sth.对某事感到失望 4. be good/bad at擅长/不擅长(3次) 5. be mad at/with sb.生某人的气 6. be surprised at对……感到吃惊(1次)
第三部分 重点短语梳理
be+adj.+ about 1. be angry about/for sth.对某事感到生气 2. be anxious about对……感到焦虑 3. be careful about/with对……谨慎/小心 4. be crazy about对……着迷 5. be curious about对……好奇 6. be excited about对……感到兴奋 7. be glad about对……高兴 8. be nervous about因……而紧张(1次)


75.worst(adj.& adv.)(bad和badly的最高级)最差(的);最坏(的); 最糟(的)
76.worth(adj.)值得;有……价值(的)(n.)价值 77.would(modal v.)(表示意愿)愿意 78.wound(n.)伤;伤口;创伤 (v.)使(身体)受伤;伤害 79.write(v.)写作;写字 80.wrong(adj.)有毛病;错误的(adv.)不正确地;错误地
25.weekend(n.)周末 26.weigh(v.)重量是……;称……的重量 27.weight(n.)重量;分量;重要性;影响力 28.welcome(adj.)受欢迎的 (int.)欢迎(迎接某人到某地时的用语)
(v.)(打招呼)欢迎(某人的到来)(n.)迎接;接待;欢迎 29.well(adv.)好;令人满意地 (adj.)健康;身体好 (n.)井;水井 30.west(adj.)向西的;西部的(adv.)向西;朝西(n.)西;西方 31.wet(adj.)湿的;潮湿的;下雨的 (v.)把……弄湿 ★32.whale(n.)鲸
42.white(adj.& n.)白色(的) 43.who(pron.)谁;什么人 44.whole(adj.)全部的;整体的 45.whom(pron.)……的人,那个人,那些人(用于提供关于正在谈论的
某人的信息或补充信息) 46.whose(adj.& pron.) 谁的 47.why(adv.)为什么 48.wide(adj.)宽的;宽阔的 (adv.)(充分)张开地 ★49.wife(pl. wives)(n.)妻子;太太
16.way(n.)方式;道路;路线;方面;态度 17.we(pron.)我们 18.weak(adj.)虚弱的;无力的 19.wealth(n.)财富;财产 20.wear(v.)穿;戴 21.weather(n.)天气 22.website(n.)网站 23.week(n.)周;星期 24.weekday(n.)工作日(星期一到星期五的任何一天)





1.A.danger B.page C.dance2.A.fall B.feel C.fell3.A.polite B.perhaps C.brought4.A plain B pare C.pair5.A.put away B.give away C.give offⅡ.短对话理解(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)你将听到十段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。



6.What were the students doing at this time yesterday?7.What’s Davy’s father’s hobby?8.What is Spring doing?9.What’s the best gift Tony has received?10.What’s Mr.Li doing?11.What’s the matter with Lily?A.Her haircut is out of style.B.Her coat is out of style.C.She didn’t have a new coat.12.Where’s the man’s phone?A.In his bag.B.In his coat.C.On the table.13.Where did Mike go?A.To the library.B.To the bookstore.C.To the restaurant.14.What did the science teacher say about Vince’s science?A.She did the best.B.She could do better.C.She was hard-working.15.Where was Leo when the girl called him?A.In the bedroom.B.In the living room.C.In the bathroom.Ⅲ.长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。



2023年安徽省中考英语专题总复习:单词拼写学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________根据首字母提示填空1.China is a beautiful A________(亚洲的) country.2.He will be the youngest runner in the r________ (比赛).3.Jim likes taking photos, so he wants to get a c________ as his birthday gift.4.E________ fast food very often is not good for your health. You should stop now.5.There are many p______ (病人) in hospital because of the cold weather.6.Lily was a________ (缺席) from school because she didn’t feel very well.7.The couple always talked about their son with great p________(骄傲).8.He l________ (离开) his hometown to go to college when he was eighteen years old. 9.There are eighty w________ (女性) teachers in our school.10.Jack likes to collect different kinds of fallen l________ (叶子)in autumn.11.Although I was good at d______(绘画), I wasn’t the best in my art class.12.His stomach was e________ (空的), so he felt very hungry.13.Binhu Wetland Park is a n_________(自然的)oxygen bar.14.Her grandpa has been d_________(死的)for two years. She misses him very much. 15.Could you please bring me something to drink? I’m so t________ (口渴的).16.If I am late for school again, I will be p______ (惩罚) by Mr. Zhang.17.After his father told the news to him, he kept s______ (沉默).18.An up-to-date report includes the l________ (最新的)information.19.Red and white are a good m________. (搭配)20.The great dancer has been d________ (聋) since she was two years old.21.He e________ (喜欢) collecting different kinds of coins.22.The h________ you work, the more progress you’ll make.23.Jenny p________(许诺)to come to the party, but she didn’t appear.24.As long as you work hard, you must make r________(快速的)progress in English. 25.We are p________ of our great country because it’s getting stronger and stronger.26.I’ve been really busy r________so I haven’t been out too much.27.I know my parents love me and they’re always p________ of me.29.Lucy always takes an a________(积极的) part in after school activities.30.Our math teacher treats us with kindness and w_____(温暖), spreading love and joy everywhere he goes. 31.There is something wrong with my iPad. I have to have it r________ at once.32.What a f________ (傻瓜) you were to believe what the stranger said.33.The word “sheep” has a d_________(成对的)“e” in the middle.34.The little boy is helpful and is always p________ (表扬) for his kindness.35.I will plant different kinds of flowers in my g____(花园).36.The player was quite c_________ (粗心), so he lost the match.37.I asked her what her name was but she made no r________(答复).38.As a birthday gift, I bought a b________ (鲜艳的) dress for my mother.39.The p________ (诗歌)called A Spring Morning by Meng Haoran is popular with children.40.While traveling abroad, do we have to know something about the l________(当地的)culture? 41.The doctor w________ (告诫)him to take more exercise to keep healthy when he was young. 42.Your words make s________(道理). I believe what you say.43.John has a good m________ (记忆) for the things in his childhood.44.Tomorrow will be sunny and warm. What about going out for a p________ (野餐)?45.The number of foreign players in CBA has greatly i________these years.46.The teachers in our school are intellect and their teaching m________ are changeable and useful. 47.When I was a little boy, I s_____(很少)caused any problems.48.The zipper is often used in our d______(日常的)lives49.He had a s________ (感觉) of pride when he is ready to help other.50.Since he is an honest man, I think he’s telling the t________.(真相)参考答案:1.Asian【详解】句意:中国是一个美丽的亚洲国家。

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1.(2018·河南长葛月考)—How about dressing up as ghosts on Halloween?
—____. What should we do to prepare for it?
A.Have a good time B.I don't think so
C.That sounds like fun D.I can't stand it
2.(2018·山东潍坊模拟一)—When shall we meet again?
—Make it ____ day you like. It's all the same to me.
A.one B.any C.another D.all
3.(2018·青海西宁中考)Mille's mother ____ her to be a great dancer like her.A.hopes B.warns C.wants D.makes
4.(2018·甘肃白银中考)—It's my turn to give a report and I feel so nervous.—Just ____. I bet you're the best.
A.give it up B.go away
D.have no idea
C.take it easy
5.(2018·湖南长沙麓山国际实验学校一模改编)—What do you think of the movie InfinityWar(《复仇者联盟·无限战争》)?
—Pretty good. I can't find ____.
A.the better one
C.a better one B.the best one
D.a good one
6.(2018·江苏徐州总复习测试)—Wow, so many beautiful shoes! I don't know which pair to buy.—I can help you make a ____.
C.decision B.protection
7.(2018·青海西宁中考改编)—Thanks ____our government,we can play sports on the new playground next week.
—That's for sure! And we'll have a sports meeting in one month.
A.in B.to C.for D.after
8.(2018·湖北宜昌中考)—Mum, I've signed for a big box by Future Express(快递). What's in it?—I'm not sure. It ____ be a present from your brother.
A.might B.must C.should D.will
9.(2018·湖南郴州中考改编)—Do you know the student ____ got an A in the English exam?—Of course. She is my deskmate, Li Hong.
A.who B.whom C.whose D.which
10.(2018·湖北宜昌中考)—Believe it or not, a pig from South Africa started painting several months ago.
—Anything is ____.
A.lively B.possible
11.(2018·上海中考)Peterspent half a day fishing by the river,____he didn't catch anything.A.so B.or C.for D.but
12.(2018·北京海淀一模)Millions of e-mails ____ all over the world every day.A.send B.sent C.are sent D.were sent
13.(2018·四川眉山青神监测)—Talking on the mobile phone while driving is against the law.—That's true! That causes accidents so ____.
C.widely B.easily
14.(2018·四川乐山中考改编)—Thank you for telling me so much knowledge about nature.—Don't mention it. ____ you have more questions, come to me any time.
A.If B.Because
15.(2018·甘肃靖远靖安中学期中)—I'm sorry that I shouted at you this morning.—____,but please don't get angry so often.
A.All right
C.Never mind
1~5 CBCCC6~10 CBAAB11~15 DCBAC
B.No problem
D.With pleasure。
