国家司法考试频道为大家整理提供2014年司法考试真题解析——商法,祝大家司法成绩稳步提高!一、单选题25. 玮平公司是一家从事家具贸易的有限责任公司,注册地在北京,股东为张某、刘某、姜某、方某四人。
对此,下列哪一表述是正确的?()A. 在北京市设立分公司,不必申领分公司营业执照B. 在北京市以外设立分公司,须经登记并领取营业执照,且须独立承担民事责任C. 在北京市以外设立分公司,其负责人只能由张某、刘某、姜某、方某中的一人担任D. 在北京市以外设立子公司,即使是全资子公司,亦须独立承担民事责任【正确答案】 D【答案解析】选项A、B错误。
26. 甲与乙为一有限责任公司股东,甲为董事长。
关于甲、乙股东资格的继承,下列哪一表述是错误的?()A. 在公司章程未特别规定时,甲、乙的继承人均可主张股东资格继承B. 在公司章程未特别规定时,甲的继承人可以主张继承股东资格与董事长职位C. 公司章程可以规定甲、乙的继承人继承股东资格的条件D. 公司章程可以规定甲、乙的继承人不得继承股东资格【正确答案】 B【答案解析】选项A、C、D说法正确。
国家司法考试卷三(商法)历年真题试卷汇编6(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 多项选择题 3. 不定项选择题单项选择题每题所给的选项中只有一个正确答案。
2014年6月ACCA《公司法与商法》真题及答案探究一本文由高顿ACCA整理发布,转载请注明出处Question:(a)In relation to the English legal system, explain the meaning of:(i)criminal law;(ii)civil law.(b)Explain the hierarchy of courts dealing with criminal law.Answer:(a)(i)Criminal law relates to conduct which the State considers with disapproval and which it seeks to control. Criminal law involves the enforcement of particular forms of behaviour, and the State, as the representative of society, acts positively to ensure compliance. Thus, criminal cases are brought by the State in the name of the Crown and cases are reported in the form of Regina v … (Regina is simply Latin for ‘queen’ and case references are usually abbreviated to R v …)。
In criminal law the prosecutor prosecutes a defendant (or ‘the accused’)and is required to prove that the defendant is guilty beyond reasonable doubt. The Companies Act (CA)006 sets out many potential criminal offences, which may be committed by either the company itself, or its officers or other individuals. An example of this which may be cited is s.993, which relates to the criminal offence of fraudulent trading and applies to any person, not just directors or members, who is knowingly a party to the carrying on of a business with the intent to defraud creditors. The potential penalty on conviction is imprisonment for a maximum period of 10 years, or a fine or both.(ii)Civil law, on the other hand, is a form of private law and involves the relationships between individual citizens. It is the legal mechanism through which individuals can assert claims against others and have those rights adjudicated and enforced. The purpose of civil law is to settle disputes between individuals and to provide remedies; it is not concerned with punishment as such. The role of the State in relation to civil law is to establish thegeneral framework of legal rules and to provide the legal institutions to operate those rights, but the activation of the civil law is strictly a matter for the individuals concerned.Contract, tort and property law are generally aspects of civil law.Civil cases are referred to by the names of the parties involved in the dispute, for example, Smith v Jones. In civil law, a claimant sues (or ‘brings a claim against’)a defendant and the degree of proof is on the balance of probabilities. In relation to the CA 006, the duties owed to companies by directors set out in ss.171–177 may be cited as examples of civil liability, and directors in breach are liable to recompense the company for the consequences of their failure to comply with those duties, as is set out in s.178.In distinguishing between criminal and civil actions, it has to be remembered that the same event may give rise to both. For example, where the driver of a car injures someone through their reckless driving, they will be liable to be prosecuted under the Road Traffic legislation, but at the same time, they will also be responsible to the injured party in the civil law relating to the tort of negligence. Similarly, a director may fall foul of both the criminal regulation of fraudulent trading (s.993 CA 006)as well as breaching their duty to the company under one of the provisions of ss.171–177 CA 006.(b)The essential criminal trial cou rts are the magistrates’ courts and Crown Courts. In serious offences, known as indictable offences, the defendant is tried by a judge and jury in a Crown Court. For less serious offences, known as summary offences, the defendant is tried by magistrates; a nd for ‘either way’ offences, the defendant can be tried by magistrates if they agree but the defendant may elect for jury trial.Criminal appeals from the magistrates go to the Crown Court or to the Queen’s Bench Division (QBD)Divisional Court ‘by way of case stated’ on a point of law or that the magistrates went beyond their proper powers.Further appeal is to the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division)and then to the Supreme Court on a significant point of law.更多ACCA资讯请关注高顿ACCA官网:。
)第1题王某是甲公司的法定代表人,王某擅自以甲公司之名签发一张银行承兑汇票,王某在汇票上签章,但是未加盖甲公司的公章,以下说法正确的是:( )A 王某应承担票据责任B 甲公司应承担票据责任C 王某和甲公司应承担连带票据责任D 王某和甲公司均不承担票据责任【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】[解析] 《最高人民法院关于审理票据纠纷案件若干问题的规定》第41条第1项规定,商业汇票上的出票人的签章,为该法人或者该单位的财务专用章或者公章加其法定代表人、单位负责人或者其授权的代理人的签名或者盖章,不符合规定的,签章不具有票据法上的效力,本题中汇票上仅有王某的签章,没有甲公司的公章或者财务专用章,签章不具有票据法的效力,所以王某和甲公司均不承担票据责任。
第2题某中外合资经营企业的注册资本为300万元美金,合资企业合同约定注册资本一次缴清,则其资本最迟应自营业执照核发之日起多长时间内全部缴清?( )A 3个月B 6个月C 1年D 2年【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】[解析] 《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业合营各方出资的若干规定》(以下简称《中外合资经营企业合营各方出资的若干规定》)第4条第2款规定,合营合同中规定一次缴清出资的,合营各方应当从营业执照签发之日起6个月内缴清。
第3题甲公司向乙公司签发了一张银行承兑汇票,银行进行了承兑,乙公司工作人员不慎将汇票遗失,张某拾得汇票后,伪造乙公司的签章将汇票背书转让给自己,张某将汇票转让给丙公司,丙公司不可以向谁主张票据权利?( )A 甲公司B 乙公司C 银行D 张某【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】[解析] 根据《中华人民共和国票据法》(以下简称《票据法》)第14条第2款的规定,票据上有伪造、变造的签章的,不影响票据上其他真实签章的效力。
ACCA考试F4公司法与商法真题2014年12月(总分100,考试时间120分钟)Section A – ALL 45 questions **pulsory and MUST be attemptedPlease use the space provided on the inside cover of the Candidate Answer Booklet to indicate your chosen answer toeach multiple choice question.1. Which of of the following involves an offer which may only be accepted by performing an action?A. A collateral contractB. A unilateral contractC. A bilateral contract2. An agency relationship which is made retrospectively is referred to by which of thefollowing terms?A. Agency by estoppelB. Agency by ratificationC. Agency by necessity3. In contract law, the ‘market rule’ arises in relation to which of the following?A. OfferB. ConsiderationC. RemotenessD. Mitigation4. In relation to a debenture, which of the following is NOT true?A. It may be issued at a discountB. Interest on it may be paid from capitalC. It is paid after preference sharesD. It is freely transferable5. Tan writes to Yun stating that he will sell his car to him for £10,000. At the same time, Yun writes to Tan stating that he will buy his car for £10,000.Which of the following statements applies to this situation?A. There is a binding agreement due to the postal ruleB. There is a collateral contractC. There is neither an agreement nor a contract6. Which of the following statements about contracts of employment is true?A. They can be made either orally or in writingB. They must be made in writingC. They must be evidenced in writing7. Where directors make a false statement of solvency prior to a members’ voluntary liquidation, which of the following have **mitted under the relevant legislation?A. A breach of criminal law with criminal penaltiesB. A breach of civil law with criminal penaltiesC. A breach of civil law with civil liabilityD. A breach of both civil and criminal law with liabilities under both8. Which of the following is the consequence when a patient signs a medical consent form before an operation?A. The patient gives up any right of action for any injury sufferedB. Any action for any injury suffered during the operation is limited to negligenceC. The level of any potential payment for any injury suffered is reduced9. Where a contract states the sum to be paid in the event of a breach of contract, the stated sum is known as which of the following?A. Unliquidated damagesB. Liquidated damagesC. C Specific damagesD. Nominal damages10. Which of the following applies to the concept of enlightened shareholder value?A. It is the price shares can be expected to raise if they were to be soldB. It is the yardstick for assessing the performance of directors’ dutiesC. It is the standard of behaviour expected of shareholders in general meetings11. Which of the following involves a summary dismissal in relation to a contract of employment?A. Both parties agree to end the contract immediately without noticeB. The employee breaks the contract without noticeC. The employer terminates the contract without notice12. What qualification is **pany secretary of a private **pany required to have?A. An appropriate legal qualificationB. An appropriate professional qualification such as ACCAC. No qualification13. Statutory redundancy payment is calculated on the basis of which of the following?A. Length of service and pay onlyB. Age and length of service onlyC. Age, length of service and pay14. In relation to wrongful trading, the standard against which the conduct of directors will be assessed is which of the following?A. Purely subjective, depending on the actual skill of the directorB. Purely objective, depending on what is expected of a director in that positionC. A mixture of subjective and objective but only to increase potential liabilityD. A mixture of subjective and objective but only to reduce potential liability15. Which of the following statements as regards an acceptance of an offer ‘subject to contract’ is true?A. It binds the offerorB. It binds neither partyC. It binds both parties16. Su had just passed her driving test when she negligently drove into a pedestrian. What standard of care will Su be judged by?A. The objective standard of a newly qualified driver, lack of experience will be taken intoaccountB. The objective standard of a competent driver, lack of experience will not be taken into accountC. The subjective standard of actual ability17. Which of the following are ordinary partnerships UNABLE to create in relation to their property?A. MortgagesB. Fixed chargesC. Floating charges18. Which of the following courts deal with civil law matters ONL Y?A. The Crown CourtB. The magistrates’ courtC. The county court19. Jo promises to pay a reward for the return of her lost phone. Mia finds the phone and returns it to Jo.Which of the following types of consideration has Mia provided?A. Executed considerationB. Executory considerationC. Past consideration20. Which of the following requires court approval before the appointment of an administrator?A. CreditorsB. Holders of floating chargesC. The directors of **panyD. **pany itself21. Which of the following is an English court NORMALL Y bound to follow?A. An obiter statement of a higher courtB. A ratio of a lower courtC. A ratio of a court at the same levelD. An obiter statement of the Supreme Court22. Which of the following courts hear appeals from the magistrates’ court?(1) County court(2) Crown Court(3) High CourtA. (1) and (2) onlyB. (2) and (3) onlyC. (1) and (3) onlyD. (1), (2) and (3)23. Which of the following is NOT an automatic consequence of a compulsory winding up order against a public **pany?A. Transfers of shareholdings are suspendedB. Liquidation is deemed to start on the date of the issuing of the orderC. Directors cease to exercise any management powerD. Employees are immediately dismissed24. Which TWO of the following apply to shares of companies whose names end in ‘Ltd’?(1) They may not be issued to non-members(2) They may not be offered to the public (3) They may not be transferred (4) They may not be traded on the stock exchangeA. (1) and (2)B. (2) and (3)C. (1) and (4)D. (2) and (4)25. Which of the following statements regarding the age limits for serving as a director in a public **pany is true?A. Minimum age 16 years and no maximum ageB. Minimum age 21 years and no maximum ageC. Minimum age 21 years and maximum age 75 yearsD. Minimum age 16 years and maximum age 75 years26. Which TWO of the following are private law actions?(1) Those between individuals(2) Those between business organisations(3) Those between individuals and the stateA. (1) and (2)B. (1) and (3)C. (2) and (3)27. In which procedure does a **mittee operate?(1) Compulsory liquidation (2) A members’ voluntary liquidation (3) A creditors’ voluntary liquidation (4) AdministrationA. (1) and (2)B. (2) and (4)C. (1) and (3)D. (3) and (4)28. The category of treasury **es into existence under which of the following circumstances?A. They are issued as such by a **panyB. They are issued as such by a **panyC. They are purchased as such by the exchequerD. They are purchased as such by a private or **pany29. Which of the following is NOT a source of English law?A. CustomB. EquityC. Public law30. Which of the following are owed a duty of care by auditors when preparing a company’s audit report?A. A potential investor with no current holdingB. An existing shareholder looking to increase their holdingC. A company looking to make a takeover bid for **panyD. **pany and the existing shareholders in **pany as a body31. In a potential redundancy situation, an employee may lose the right to payment if they reject an offer of alternative employment within the business.Which of the following will allow the employee to reject the employment offered and claim redundancy?A. The alternative was suitable but the employee reasonably felt that it was not of the same statusB. The alternative was suitable but the employee refused to consider itC. The alternative was suitable but the employee’s grounds for refusing to acc ept it were unreasonable32. hich TWO of the following are reasons for dismissal which must be justified as FAIR?(1) Capability or qualifications of the employee (2) Legal prohibitions relating to the employee (3) Refusal of the employee to join a trade union(4) Taking part in unofficial industrial actionA. (1) and (2)B. (1) and (3)C. (2) and (3)D. (2) and (4)33. What type of contract does an employee have?A. A contract for serviceB. A contract of serviceC. A contract for servicesD. A contract of services34. Which of the following describes a pre-contractual statement which does NOT form a term ofa contract but induces the contract?A. A conditionB. A warrantyC. A representationD. An innominate term35. Which of the following exists as a separate legal entity from its members?A. An ordinary partnershipB. A limited partnershipC. A limited liability partnership36. Which of the following must a **pany ALWAYS have?A. SharesB. Limited liabilityC. A company secretaryD. A registration certificate37. A breach of a contractual warranty enables the injured party to do which of the following?A. To sue for damages onlyB. To sue for damages or terminate the contractC. To sue for damages and terminate the contractD. To terminate the contract only38. n relation to the tort of negligence, which TWO of the following criteria are required to establish the existence of a duty of care?(1) The claimant suffered a financial loss (2) The harm suffered was reasonably foreseeable (3) A relationship of proximity existed between the parties(4) The claimant did not consent to cause the injury sufferedA. (1) and (2)B. (1) and (3)C. (2) and (3)D. (2) and (4)39. In relation to defences to the tort of negligence, which of the following is the consequence of a finding of volentinon fit injuria?A. It removes the requirement to pay damagesB. It reverses the burden of proof as to who can claim damagesC. It increases the level of damagesD. It decreases the level of damages40. Which of the following actions is open to a party who has only partly performed work under a contract?A. Quantum meruitB. Action for the priceC. DamagesD. Restitution41. Which of the following is an example of the purposive approach to statutory interpretation?A. The mischief ruleB. The literal ruleC. The golden rule42. Which is the correct minimum period of notice an employee is entitled to after five years’ service?A. One calendar monthB. Five weeksC. Ten weeksD. Five calendar months43. In relation to agency law, ‘warrant of authority’ is provided by which of the following?A. The agentB. The principalC. The third party44. Which of the following correctly applies to the burden of proof in a criminal case?A. It must be proved beyond reasonable doubtB. It must be proved on the balance of probabilitiesC. It lies with the prosecutionD. It lies with the defence45. Where a business includes a term in a contract which excludes liability for death and personal injuries through negligence, which of the following states the effect of the term?A. It is invalidB. It is invalid unless it is reasonable in the circumstances of the caseC. It is valid only if specifically brought to the attention of the other partyD. It is valid if it is clearly included in the contract termsSection B – ALL FIVE questions **pulsory and MUST be attemptedPlease write your answers to all parts of these questions on the lined pages within the Candidate Answer Booklet.1.Ann owns a shop selling prints. She placed an advertisement in the Friday edition of her local paper stating: ‘Unique opportunity to own a Bell print for £500 cash. Offer valid for one day only –tomorrow Saturday.’When Con saw the advert, he immediately posted a letter of acceptance.On Saturday, Di asked Ann if she would take a cheque for £500, but she refused to accept the cheque and told hershe could not have the print. Later that day Ann sold the print to Evi.On Monday morning Con’s letter arrived.Requir ed:In the context of the rules governing the creation of contracts:(a) Describe the precise legal nature of Ann’s advertisement; (2 marks)(b) Explain whether Con has any right of action against Ann; (2 marks)(c) Explain whether Di has any right of action against Ann. (2 marks)2.Fred is a member of Glad Ltd, a small **pany, holding 100 of its 500 shares. The other 400 shares are held by four other members.It has recently become apparent that Fred has set up a rival business to Glad Ltd and the other members have decided that he should be expelled from **pany. To that end they propose to alter the articles of association to include a new power to ‘require any member to transfer their shares for fair value to the other members upon the passing ofa resolution so to do’. Required:(a) State the procedure which Glad Ltd must follow to alter its articles of association.(2 marks)(b) Explain the effect of the requirement that any alteration to a company’s articles of association must be for the benefit of **pany as a whole. (2 marks)(c) Explain whether or not the articles of association of Glad Ltd can be altered as proposed.(2 marks)3.Three years ago Ho subscribed for shares in **panies: Ice Ltd and Jet plc. In relation to the shares in Ice Ltd,Ho was only required to pay 50 pence per £1 share when he took the shares and was assured that he would not be required to make any further payment on them to IceLtd and **pany passed a resolution to that effect.Unfortunately, Ice Ltd has gone into insolvent liquidation owing a substantial sum of money to its creditors. In relation to the shares in Jet plc, Ho was required to pay a premium of 50 pence per £1 share. The shares are currently trading at 75 pence per share.Required:(a) Describe any potential liability Ho may have with regard to the shares he holds in Ice Ltd and to whom any such liability would be owed.(2 marks)(b) Explain the meaning and purposes of a share premium account.(2 marks)(c) Explain whether Ho can gain access to the premium paid on the shares in Jet plc.(2 marks)4.Kut Ltd is a small **pany. Although there are three members of its board of directors, the actual day-to-day running of the business is left to Leo, who simply reports back to the board on the business he has carried out. Leo refers to himself as the chief executive officer of Kut Ltd, although he has never been officially appointed as such.In October 2014, Leo entered into a normal business contract on Kut Ltd’s behalf with Max. However, the other members of the board have subsequently lost confidence in Leo and have refused to pay Max, claiming that Leo did not have the necessary authority to enter into the contract with him. Required:(a) State the usual authority of individual directors to enter into binding contracts on ehalf of **pany.(2 marks)(b) Explain whether or not Kut Ltd is liable to pay Max.(4 marks)5.Nit is involved in illegal activity, from which he makes a large amount of money. He also owns a legitimate **pany and passes off his illegally gained money as profits of that business. Nit employs Owen, who is aware of the illegal source of the money, to act as the manager of the **pany, and Pat as his accountant to produce false business accounts for the taxi business.Required:In the context of the law relating to money laundering:(a)Explain the meaning of layering.(2 marks)(b) Explain whether any criminal offences relating to money laundering may have **mitted by Nit, Owen and Pat.(4 marks)。
第1题合伙企业成立日期为【】A. 合伙协议签订之日B. 合伙企业营业执照领取之日C. 合伙企业营业执照签发之日D. 合伙企业出资到位之日【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第2题新入伙的普通合伙人对入伙前合伙企业的债务【】A. 无须承担任何责任B. 以出资额为限承担责任C. 承担无限连带责任D. 承担补充责任【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第3题李某为一合伙企业的有限合伙人,在合伙企业经营两年后,他声明退伙。
则对于其退伙前发生的企业债务,李某【】A. 不再承担任何责任B. 承担无限连带责任C. 以设立合伙企业时的出资额为限承担责任D. 以退伙时从合伙企业中取回的财产承担责任【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数1分第4题王某7月15日接到欠其50万元货款的某合伙企业的解散通知书,则他最晚在哪一天向清算人申报债权【】A. 8月14日B. 8月29日C. 7月25日D. 9月13日【正确答案】 A【你的答案】本题分数1分第5题人民法院受理破产申请后,债权人申报债权的最长期限为自法院发布公告之日起【】A. 6个月B. 4个月C. 3个月D. 30日【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第6题关于承诺的生效,下列说法中错误的是【】A. 承诺自发出之日起生效B. 承诺自通知到达要约人时生效C. 承诺不需要通知的,可根据交易习惯确定生效D. 承诺不需要通知的,可根据要约的要求作出承诺的行为时生效【正确答案】 A【你的答案】本题分数1分第7题甲某为乙某的债权提供了担保,乙某未通知甲某便同意其债务人将部分债务转让,则【】A. 甲某对全部债务都不再承担保证责任B. 甲某仍要对全部债务承担保证责任C. 甲某仍应对未转让的债务承担保证责任D. 甲某可解除甲、乙之间的保证合同【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第8题票据的制作必须依据票据法规定的方式进行,这体现了票据的【】A. 文义性B. 有因性C. 要式性D. 设权性【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第9题出票人属于票据关系中的【】A. 权利主体B. 义务主体C. 无利害关系主体D. 关系主体【正确答案】 B【你的答案】本题分数1分第10题 A公司与B公司合并成为C公司,则A公司原来所欠的债务【】A. 仍由A公司承担B. 由A公司与B公司按比例承担C. 由C公司承担D. 由A公司与B公司连带承担【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第11题甲、乙、丙三人于2007年设立了一股份有限公司,注册资本为800万元,经营半年后,丙将其股份转让给丁,2008年发现甲作为出资的机器明显低于公司章程所定的份额,则应当由【】A. 甲补交差额,乙、丙、丁承担连带责任B. 甲补交差额,乙、丙承担连带责任C. 甲补交差额,乙、丁承担连带责任D. 甲补交差额,其他股东无任何责任【正确答案】 B【你的答案】本题分数1分第12题下列情况中属于票据相对丧失的是【】A. 票据被烧毁B. 票据被洗成纸泥C. 票据被机器剪成纸屑D. 持票人不慎丢失票据【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数1分第13题甲欠乙5 000元,已届清偿期,甲对丙享有1万元的到期债权,并且一直未行使其权利,乙多次请求甲偿还债务,甲屡次以无钱还债来开脱,此时,乙【】A. 有权以自己的名义请求丙偿还1万元债务B. 有权以自己的名义请求丙偿还5 000元债务C. 有权以甲的名义请求丙偿还1万元债务D. 有权以甲的名义请求丙偿还5 000元债务【正确答案】 B【你的答案】本题分数1分第14题下列当事人中能够作保证人的是【】A. 医院B. 国家机关C. 经授权的企业法人的分支机构D. 学校【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第15题若票据上有伪造的签章,则【】A. 整个票据作废B. 被伪造人对此不承担法律责任C. 伪造人要承担票据责任D. 真实签章人无须对自己的票据行为负责【正确答案】 B【你的答案】本题分数1分第16题破产案件中第一次债权人会议的召集者是【】A. 人民法院B. 全体债权人C. 债权人委员会D. 债权人会议主席【正确答案】 A【你的答案】本题分数1分第17题和解协议草案的通过【】A. 须经出席债权人会议的有表决权的债权人2/3以上多数同意B. 只需出席债权人会议的债权人过半数同意即可C. 只需由出席债权人会议的债权人1/3以上同意即可D. 出席会议的有表决权的债权人过半数同意,并且其所代表的债权额占无财产担保债权总额的2/3以上【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数1分第18题证券上市交易后依法应定期披露的信息有中期报告和【】A. 短期报告B. 长期报告C. 临时报告D. 年度报告【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数1分第19题募集设立方式在我国只适用于【】A. 有限责任公司B. 股份有限公司C. 国有独资公司D. 个人独资企业【正确答案】 B【你的答案】本题分数1分第20题被宣告破产的债务人称为【】A. 重整人B. 破产人C. 清算人D. 管理人【正确答案】 B【你的答案】本题分数1分第21题破产人无财产可供分配的,管理人应当【】A. 自行终结破产程序B. 与债权人会议协商终结破产程序C. 与破产人协商终结破产程序D. 请求人民法院裁定终结破产程序【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数1分第22题甲与乙签订了一份买卖合同,由甲卖给乙一辆汽车,价格为30万元。
2013-2014 学年第二学期《商法(一)》商法总论与公司法期末考试试题(A卷)第一部分:单项选择题(本部分共10题,每题1分,共10分)1.穆森矿业股份公司采用募集设立的方式设立,李某花两万元认购了该股份公司公开发行的股票2000股并缴纳了股款。
问题:1.在法院受理公司破产申请前,张巡是否可向公司以及陈明主张权利,主张何种权利?为什么?2.在法院受理公司破产申请后,张巡是否可向管理人主张权利,主张何种权利?为什么?3.李贝能否以自己并非真正股东为由,主张对潘龙的股权转让行为无效?为什么?4.刘宝可主张哪些法律救济?为什么?5.陈明能否以超过诉讼时效为由,拒绝50万元出资的缴付?为什么?6.就葛梅梅所领取的奖金,管理人应如何处理?为什么?【正确答案】 1.根据案情交代,即陈明是以自己名义与张巡签订协议,款项也是转入陈明个人帐户,且张巡并未登记为公司股东,故在张巡与公司之间:第一,张巡并未因此成为公司股东;第二,张巡与公司之间不存在法律关系。
2014年12月ACCA《公司法与商法》真题及答案精选Please use the space provided on the inside cover of the Candidate Answer Booklet to indicate your chosen answer to each multiple choice question.1 Which of the following involves an offer which may only be accepted by performing an action?A、A collateral contractB、A unilateral contractC、A bilateral contract2 An agency relationship which is made retrospectively is referred to by which of the following terms?A、Agency by estoppelB、Agency by ratificationC、Agency by necessity3 In contract law, the ‘market price rule’ arises in relation to which of the following?A、OfferB 、ConsiderationC、RemotenessD、Mitigation4 In relation to a debenture, which of the following is NOT true?A 、It may be issued at a discountB、Interest on it may be paid from capitalC、It is paid after preference sharesD、It is freely transferable5 Tan writes to Yun stating that he will sell his car to him for £10,000. At the same time, Yun writes to Tan stating that he will buy his car for £10,000. Which of the following statements applies to this situation?A、There is a binding agreement due to the postal ruleB、There is a collateral contractC、There is neither an agreement nor a contract6 Which of the following statements about contracts of employment is true?A、They can be made either orally or in writingB、They must be made in writingC、They must be evidenced in writing7 Where directors make a false statement of solvency prior to a members’ voluntary liquidation, which of the following have they committed under the relevant legislation?A、A breach of criminal law with criminal penaltiesB、A breach of civil law with criminal penaltiesC、A breach of civil law with civil liabilityD、A breach of both civil and criminal law with liabilities under both8 Which of the following is the consequence when a patient signs a medical consent form before an operation?A、The patient gives up any right of action for any injury sufferedB 、Any action for any injury suffered during the operation is limited to negligenceC 、The level of any potential payment for any injury suffered is reduced9 Where a contract states the sum to be paid in the event of a breach of contract, the stated sum is known as which of the following?A、Unliquidated damagesB、Liquidated damagesC、Specific damagesD、Nominal damages10 Which of the following applies to the concept of enlightened shareholder value?A、It is the price shares can be expected to raise if they were to be soldB、It is the yardstick for assessing the performance of directors’ dutiesC、It is the standard of behaviour expected of shareholders in general meetings11 Which of the following involves a summary dismissal in relation to a contract of employment?A、Both parties agree to end the contract immediately without noticeB、The employee breaks the contract without noticeC、The employer terminates the contract without notice12 What qualification is the company secretary of a private limited company required to have?A、An appropriate legal qualificationB、An appropriate professional qualification such as ACCAC、No qualification13 Statutory redundancy payment is calculated on the basis of which of the following?A、Length of service and pay onlyB、Age and length of service onlyC、Age, length of service and pay14 In relation to wrongful trading, the standard against which the conduct of directors will be assessed is which of the following?A、Purely subjective, depending on the actual skill of the directorB、Purely objective, depending on what is expected of a director in that positionC、A mixture of subjective and objective but only to increase potential liabilityD、A mixture of subjective and objective but only to reduce potential liability15 Which of the following statements as regards an acceptance of an offer‘subject to contract’ is true?A、It binds the offerorB、It binds neither partyC、It binds both parties16 Su had just passed her driving test when she negligently drove into a pedestrian. What standard of care will Su be judged by?A、The objective standard of a newly qualified driver, lack of experience will be taken into accountB、The objective standard of a competent driver, lack of experience will not be taken into accountC、The subjective standard of actual ability17 Which of the following are ordinary partnerships UNABLE to create in relation to their property?A、MortgagesB、Fixed chargesC、Floating charges18 Which of the following courts deal with civil law matters ONLY?A、The Crown CourtB、The magistrates’ courtC、The county court19 Jo promises to pay a reward for the return of her lost phone. Mia finds the phone and returns it to Jo. Which of the following types of consideration has Mia provided?A、Executed considerationB、Executory considerationC、Past consideration20 Which of the following requires court approval before the appointment of an administrator?A、CreditorsB、Holders of floating chargesC、The directors of the companyD、The company itself21 Which of the following is an English court NORMALLY bound to follow?A、An obiter statement of a higher courtB、A ratio of a lower courtC、A ratio of a court at the same levelD、An obiter statement of the Supreme Court22 Which of the following co urts hear appeals from the magistrates’ court?(1) County court(2) Crown Court(3) High CourtA、(1) and (2) onlyB、(2) and (3) onlyC、(1) and (3) onlyD、(1), (2) and (3)23 Which of the following is NOT an automatic consequence of a compulsory winding up order against a public limited company?A、Transfers of shareholdings are suspendedB、Liquidation is deemed to start on the date of the issuing of the orderC、Directors cease to exercise any management powerD、Employees are immediately dismissed24 Which TWO of the following apply to shares of companies whose names end in ‘Ltd’?(1) They may not be issued to non-members(2) They may not be offered to the public(3) They may not be transferred(4) They may not be traded on the stock exchangeA、(1) and (2)B、(2) and (3)C、(1) and (4)D、(2) and (4)25 Which of the following statements regarding the age limits for serving as a director in a public limited company is true?A、Minimum age 16 years and no maximum ageB、Minimum age 21 years and no maximum ageC、Minimum age 21 years and maximum age 75 yearsD、Minimum age 16 years and maximum age 75 years26 Which TWO of the following are private law actions?(1) Those between individuals(2) Those between business organisations(3) Those between individuals and the stateA、(1) and (2)B、(1) and (3)C、(2) and (3)27 In which procedure does a liquidation committee operate?(1) Compulsory liquidation(2) A members’ voluntary liquidation(3) A creditors’ voluntary liquid ation(4) AdministrationA、(1) and (2)B、(2) and (4)C、(1) and (3)D、(3) and (4)28 The category of treasury shares comes into existence under which of the following circumstances?A、They are issued as such by a private companyB、They are issued as such by a public companyC、They are purchased as such by the exchequerD、They are purchased as such by a private or public company29 Which of the following is NOT a source of English law?A、CustomB、EquityC、Public law30 Which of the following are owed a duty of care by auditors when preparing a company’s audit report?A、A potential investor with no current holdingB、An existing shareholder looking to increase their holdingC、A company looking to make a takeover bid for the companyD、The company and the existing shareholders in the company as a body31 In a potential redundancy situation, an employee may lose the right to payment if they reject an offer of alternative employment within the business. Which of the following will allow the employee to reject the employment offered and claim redundancy?A、The alternative was suitable but the employee reasonably felt that it was not of the same statusB、The alternative was suitable but the employee refused to consider itC、The a lternative was suitable but the employee’s grounds for refusing to accept it were unreasonable32 Which TWO of the following are reasons for dismissal which must be justified as FAIR?(1) Capability or qualifications of the employee(2) Legal prohibitions relating to the employee(3) Refusal of the employee to join a trade union(4) Taking part in unofficall industrial actionA、(1) and (2)B、(1) and (3)C、(2) and (3)D、(2) and (4)33 What type of contract does an employee have?A、A contract for serviceB、A contract of serviceC、A contract for servicesD A contract of services34 Which of the following describes a pre-contractual statement which does NOT form a term of a contract but induces the contract?A、A conditionB、A warrantyC、A representationD、An innominate term35 Which of the following exists as a separate legal entity from its members?A、An ordinary partnershipB、A limited partnershipC、A limited liability partnership36 Which of the following must a private company ALWAYS have?A、SharesB、Limited liabilityC、A company secretaryD、A registration certificate37 A breach of a contractual warranty enables the injured party to do which of the following?A、To sue for damages onlyB、To sue for damages or terminate the contractC、To sue for damages and terminate the contractD、To terminate the contract only38 In relation to the tort of negligence, which TWO of the following criteria are required to establish the existence of a duty of care?(1) The claimant suffered a financial loss(2) The harm suffered was reasonably foreseeable(3) A relationship of proximity existed between the parties(4) The claimant did not consent to cause the injury sufferedA、(1) and (2)B、(1) and (3)C、(2) and (3)D、(2) and (4)39 In relation to defences to the tort of negligence, which of the following is the consequence of a finding of volenti non fit injuria?A、It removes the requirement to pay damagesB、It reverses the burden of proof as to who can claim damagesC、It increases the level of damagesD It decreases the level of damages40 Which of the following actions is open to a party who has only partly performed work under a contract?A、Quantum meruitB、Action for the priceC、DamagesD、Restitution41 Which of the following is an example of the purposive approach to statutory interpretation?A、The mischief ruleB、The literal ruleC、The golden rule42 Which is the correct minimum period of notice an employee is entitled to after five yea rs’ service?A、One calendar monthB、Five weeksC、Ten weeksD、Five calendar months43 In relation to agency law, ‘warranty of authority’ is provided by which of the following?A、The agentB、The principalC、The third party44 Which of the following correctly applies to the burden of proof in a criminal case?A It must be proved beyond reasonable doubtB、It must be proved on the balance of probabilitiesC、It lies with the prosecutionD、It lies with the defence45 Where a business includes a term in a contract which excludes liability for death and personal injuries through negligence, which of the following states the effect of the term?A、It is invalidB、It is invalid unless it is reasonable in the circumstances of the caseC、It is valid only if specifically brought to the attention of the other partyD、It is valid if it is clearly included in the contract termsAnswer:1 、B3、D4 、C5 、C6、A7、A8 、B9、B10 、B11 、C12 、C13、C14、C15 、B16 、B17 、C18 、C19、A20 、A21 、C22 、B23 、B24 、D26、A27 、C28 、D29 、C30 、D31 、A32 、A33 、B34 、C35 、C36 、D37、A38 、C39、A40、A41 、A42、B43 、A44、C45 、A。
2002-2014年司法考试商法历年真题解析——单项选择题(2014年)25. 玮平公司是一家从事家具贸易的有限责任公司,注册地在北京,股东为张某、刘某、姜某、方某四人。
对此,下列哪一表述是正确的?()A. 在北京市设立分公司,不必申领分公司营业执照B. 在北京市以外设立分公司,须经登记并领取营业执照,且须独立承担民事责任C. 在北京市以外设立分公司,其负责人只能由张某、刘某、姜某、方某中的一人担任D. 在北京市以外设立子公司,即使是全资子公司,亦须独立承担民事责任【正确答案】 D【答案解析】选项A、B错误。
26. 甲与乙为一有限责任公司股东,甲为董事长。
关于甲、乙股东资格的继承,下列哪一表述是错误的?()A. 在公司章程未特别规定时,甲、乙的继承人均可主张股东资格继承B. 在公司章程未特别规定时,甲的继承人可以主张继承股东资格与董事长职位C. 公司章程可以规定甲、乙的继承人继承股东资格的条件D. 公司章程可以规定甲、乙的继承人不得继承股东资格【正确答案】 B【答案解析】选项A、C、D说法正确。
10.《汉堡规则》规定承运人的责任限制,灭失或损坏的货物每件或每一货运单位的最高赔偿限额为【 】
11.海上损失包括实际全损和推定全损,下列属于推定全损的是【 】
12.按照《日内瓦本票、汇票统一法公约》的规定,如果汇票上未载明付款日期的【 】
20.大陆法一般将代理分为【 】
18.采用民商合一的国家主要有【 】
19.下列关于公司组织结构的表述,正确的是【 】
14.在国际商事仲裁中,对于仲裁程序允许当事人自主选择,但最终起制约作用或支配作用的还是【 】
绝密 考试结束前全国2014年10月高等教育自学考试国际商法试题课程代码:00091请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂㊁写在答题纸上㊂选择题部分注意事项1.答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称㊁姓名㊁准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上㊂2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑㊂如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号㊂不能答在试题卷上㊂一㊁单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将 答题纸 的相应代码涂黑㊂错涂㊁多涂或未涂均无分㊂1.有限责任公司首创于A.德国B.法国C.英国D.美国2.我国法律体系的核心是A.公司法B.合同法C.物权法D.宪法3.根据中国公司法决定聘任公司财务负责人及其报酬是A.股东会的职权B.董事会的职权C.监事会的职权D.公司经理的职权4.下列不是∙∙代理人对本人的义务有A.收取代理佣金B.向本人申报帐目C.不得泄露本人的商业秘密D.忠实诚信地履行代理职责5.英国法律规定执票人行使追索权的期限为A.1年B.2年C.3年D.6年6.汇票这种证券支付的标的A.必须是金钱,而且其数额确定B.必须是金钱,且其数额可不确定C.可以是金钱以外的其他物品D.不必是金钱,没有条件限制7.出票人签发的,委托付款人见票时或在指定的日期无条件地支付确定的金额给受款人或持票人的票据是A.汇票B.本票C.支票D.允诺式的票据8.孙㊁李㊁陈三人共同投资3000万元人民币,设立蓝天化工股份有限公司㊂该公司注册资本分为3000万股,每股1元人民币㊂孙㊁李㊁陈三人分别持有1000万元股,该公司运营中的债务应由A.孙㊁李㊁陈三股东共同承担B.公司以注册资本为限承担C.公司与股东共同承担D.公司以其全部资产承担9.根据中国相关法律规定,以下属于有限责任公司而不属于∙∙∙合伙企业的特点是A.以营利为目的B.具有法人资格C.有独立的名称D.可以独立对外签订合同美国公司甲给中国公司乙发盘供应台汽车每台上海美元合同订立后在2个月装船,收货后3个月内付款,请电复 ㊂乙还盘: 接受你的发盘,在订立合同1个月装船 ㊂双方的合同是否成立?A.合同已经成立B.合同未成立C.乙的还盘构成承诺D.甲乙应该履行合同义务11.我某进出口公司于2014年1月15日用电报向外国一公司发出要约,要求在20日复到我公司有效㊂1月18日上午9时,我公司同时收到该外国公司表示接受要约和撤回接受的电传㊂根据‘联合国国际货物销售合同公约“的规定,此接受A.可以撤回B.视为撤回C.经我公司同意方可撤回D.不可撤回,必须与我公司签订合同12.关于提单中承运人的责任制问题,‘海牙规则“实行的是A.不负过失责任B.不完全过失责任C.完全过失责任D.过失责任13.根据2010国际货物贸易术语,以下哪个术语是卖方承担责任最小的?A.E XWB.F O BC.C I FD.C P T14.承运人在收取货物以后,签发的载明船名及装船日期的提单被称为A.收货待运提单B.备运提单C.已装船提单D.不清洁提单15.根据我国海上货物运输相关规定在国际海上货物运输保险中,投保人在以投保下列哪种险的情况下无须加保一般附加险?A.平安险B.水渍险C.一切险D.战争险二㊁多项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将 答题纸 的相应代码涂黑㊂错涂㊁多涂㊁少涂或未涂均无分㊂16.下列哪些属于国际商事惯例?A.国际贸易术语解释通则B.海运单统一规则C.跟单信用证统一惯例D.联合国国际货物买卖合同公约E.国际商事合同通则17.根据中国合伙企业法下列哪些单位不能∙∙成为普通合伙人?A.北京大学B.中国红十字会C.浙江省政府D.可口可乐瓶装商管理服务(上海)有限公司E.康师傅(杭州)饮品有限公司18.下列哪些国家规定新合伙人对入伙前合伙企业的债务要承担连带责任?A.美国B.中国C.法国瑞士日本19.根据中国海上保险的相关规定,海上货物运输保险的主险分为A.平安险B.淡水雨淋险C.水渍险D.战争险E.一切险20.以下哪些行为属于票据行为?A.出票B.背书C.承兑D.付款E.贴补21.根据中国仲裁法的规定,以下哪些属于仲裁员应当符合的条件之一?A.从事仲裁工作满8年B.从事律师工作满8年C.曾任审判员满8年D.从事法律研究㊁教学工作并具有中级及以上职称的E.从事公安工作满8年22.依收货人的抬头不同,可将提单分为下列哪几种?A.指示提单B.不记名提单C.清洁提单D.记名提单E.收货待运提单23.根据中国仲裁法和司法解释的有关规定,下列哪些事项是不能∙∙提交仲裁的?A.婚姻B.收养C.监护D.抚养E.继承24.根据中国合同法的规定,可以撤销的合同包括A.采取欺诈手段订立的合同B.乘人之危订立的合同C.显失公平的合同D.重大误解的合同E.采取胁迫手段订立的合同25.从提单对收货人的不同记载方法可将提单分为A.记名提单B.清洁提单C.不记名提单D.指示提单E.已装船提单非选择题部分注意事项:用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上㊂三㊁名词解释题(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)26.法定代理27.承诺预期违约29.共同海损30.仲裁裁决四㊁简答题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)31.简答合伙企业的法律特征㊂32.简答支票与汇票的区别㊂33.简答根据‘海牙规则“承运人的基本义务㊂34.简答代位权与委付的区别㊂五㊁论述题(本大题15分)35.论述国际商法的基本原则及作用㊂六㊁案例分析题(本大题15分)36.我国某进出口公司甲(卖方)与美国某进出口公司乙(买方)根据国际商会2010国际贸易术语以F O B上海条件签订了一份出口两万吨小麦的合同㊂货物由保险公司丙办理了海洋货物运输的保险(水渍险)后,按时由承运人某远洋运输公司丁装船运输㊂因在海上意外遭受超强台风的袭击迟延到达目的港纽约,并因船员的过失使将近一半的货物变质㊂美国乙公司因此向有关部门提出索赔㊂根据以上情况,回答问题:(1)与承运人签订国际海上货物运输合同的是哪个公司?(2)该批货物应由哪个公司投保并支付保险费?(3)甲公司的交货地点在哪里?(4)对货物迟延20天到达目的港而造成的损失,由谁承担?(5)根据‘海牙规则“,乙公司提出索赔的诉讼时效期限为自货物交付之日的次日起算几年?。
)第1题以下关于国有独资公司的事项中,不须经国家授权投资的机构或者国家授权的部门同意的事项为:( )A 董事会成员兼任经理B 经理兼任其他有限责任公司、股份有限公司或者其他经营组织的负责人C 经理的人选D 公司的合并、分立、解散、增减资本和发行公司债券【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】[解析] 《公司法》第70条规定,国有独资公司董事、监事、经理、高级管理人员,未经国有资产监督管理机构同意,不得在其他有限责任公司、股份有限公司或者其他经济组织兼职,所以B选项不正确。
第2题某合伙企业有王某、张某、李某3个合伙人,经营状况良好,刘某希望加入,对于刘某加入以前合伙企业的对外债务,刘某是否应当承担责任? ( )A 由于该债务是刘某入伙以前产生,所以对新合伙人没有约束力,刘某不承担清偿责任.B 新合伙人刘某应当与其他合伙人一起承担连带责任C 新合伙人刘某仅在其出资范围内对外承担相应的责任D 新合伙人刘某可以与其他合伙人约定从而对入伙前产生的债务不承担责任【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】[解析] 根据《合伙企业法》第45条规定,入伙的新合伙人对入伙前合伙企业的债务承担连带责任。
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一、单选题25. 玮平公司是一家从事家具贸易的有限责任公司,注册地在北京,股东为张某、刘某、姜某、方某四人。
对此,下列哪一表述是正确的?()A. 在北京市设立分公司,不必申领分公司营业执照B. 在北京市以外设立分公司,须经登记并领取营业执照,且须独立承担民事责任C. 在北京市以外设立分公司,其负责人只能由张某、刘某、姜某、方某中的一人担任D. 在北京市以外设立子公司,即使是全资子公司,亦须独立承担民事责任【正确答案】D【答案解析】选项A、B错误。
26. 甲与乙为一有限责任公司股东,甲为董事长。
关于甲、乙股东资格的继承,下列哪一表述是错误的?()A. 在公司章程未特别规定时,甲、乙的继承人均可主张股东资格继承B. 在公司章程未特别规定时,甲的继承人可以主张继承股东资格与董事长职位C. 公司章程可以规定甲、乙的继承人继承股东资格的条件D. 公司章程可以规定甲、乙的继承人不得继承股东资格【正确答案】B【答案解析】选项A、C、D说法正确。
27. 严某为鑫佳有限责任公司股东。
关于公司对严某签发出资证明书,下列哪一选项是正确的?()A. 在严某认缴公司章程所规定的出资后,公司即须签发出资证明书B. 若严某遗失出资证明书,其股东资格并不因此丧失C. 出资证明书须载明严某以及其他股东的姓名、各自所缴纳的出资额D. 出资证明书在法律性质上属于有价证券【正确答案】B【答案解析】选项A错误。
28. 某经营高档餐饮的有限责任公司,成立于2004年。
对此,下列哪一表述是正确的?()A. 可同时提起清算公司的诉讼B. 可向法院申请财产保全C. 可将其他股东列为共同被告D. 如法院就解散公司诉讼作出判决,仅对公司具有法律拘束力【正确答案】B【答案解析】选项A错误。
29. 2014年5月,甲、乙、丙三人共同出资设立一家有限责任公司。
甲的下列哪一行为不属于抽逃出资行为?()A. 将出资款项转入公司账户验资后又转出去B. 虚构债权债务关系将其出资转出去C. 利用关联交易将其出资转出去D. 制作虚假财务会计报表虚增利润进行分配【正确答案】A【答案解析】《公司法解释(三)》第十二条规定,公司成立后,公司、股东或者公司债权人以相关股东的行为符合下列情形之一且损害公司权益为由,请求认定该股东抽逃出资的,人民法院应予支持:(一)制作虚假财务会计报表虚增利润进行分配;(二)通过虚构债权债务关系将其出资转出;(三)利用关联交易将出资转出;(四)其他未经法定程序将出资抽回的行为。
30. 2010年5月,贾某以一套房屋作为投资,与几位朋友设立一家普通合伙企业,从事软件开发。
对此,下列哪一选项是正确的?()A. 在合伙协议未约定合伙期限时,贾某向其他合伙人发出退伙通知后,即发生退伙效力B. 因贾某的退伙,合伙企业须进行清算C. 退伙后贾某可向合伙企业要求返还该房屋D. 贾某对退伙前合伙企业的债务仍须承担无限连带责任【正确答案】D【答案解析】选项A错误。
31. 2014年6月经法院受理,甲公司进入破产程序。
关于乙公司的取回权,下列哪一表述是错误的?()A. 取回权的行使,应在破产财产变价方案或和解协议、重整计划草案提交债权人会议表决之前B. 乙公司未在规定期限内行使取回权,则其取回权即归于消灭C. 管理人否认乙公司的取回权时,乙公司可以诉讼方式主张其权利D. 乙公司未支付相关运输、保管等费用时,保管人可拒绝其取回该仪器【正确答案】B【答案解析】选项A说法正确,选项B说法错误。
32. 依票据法原理,票据具有无因性、设权性、流通性、文义性、要式性等特征。
关于票据特征的表述,下列哪一选项是错误的?()A. 没有票据,就没有票据权利B. 任何类型的票据都必须能够进行转让C. 票据的效力不受票据赖以发生的原因行为的影响D. 票据行为的方式若存在瑕疵,不影响票据的效力【正确答案】D【答案解析】选项A说法正确。
33. 依据我国《海商法》和《物权法》的相关规定,关于船舶所有权,下列哪一表述是正确的?()A. 船舶买卖时,船舶所有权自船舶交付给买受人时移转B. 船舶建造完成后,须办理船舶所有权的登记才能确定其所有权的归属C. 船舶不能成为共同共有的客体D. 船舶所有权不能由自然人继承【正确答案】A【答案解析】选项A正确。