Merry Christmas圣诞节英语小报欢度圣诞节手抄报模板快乐外语西方节日电子板报画报
Merry Christmas圣诞节英语小报欢度圣诞节手抄报模板快乐外语西方节日电子板报画报A4
![Merry Christmas圣诞节英语小报欢度圣诞节手抄报模板快乐外语西方节日电子板报画报A4](
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all theway Oh what fun it's to ride in a one horseopen sleigh hei, jingle bells, jingle bells,jingle all the way oh what fun it's to ride ina one horse open sleigh.叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当。
We wish you a merry Christmas,We wish you a merry ChristmasWe wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!Good tidings we bring to you and your kingWe wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!我们祝你圣诞快乐,我们祝你圣诞快乐,我们祝你圣诞快乐,并且新年快乐!我们把佳音带给我们祝你的亲友。
我们祝你圣诞快乐,并且新年快乐!The name Christmas is shortfor“Christ’s Mass”.A Mass is a kind ofChurch service.Christmas is a religiousfestivaI.It is the day we celebrate as thebirthday of Jesus.“圣诞节”这个名称是“基督弥撒”的缩写。
Name Class Grade。
Merry Christmas269A4圣诞节英语小报成品欢度圣诞节手抄报模板圣诞快乐外语板报画报模板
![Merry Christmas269A4圣诞节英语小报成品欢度圣诞节手抄报模板圣诞快乐外语板报画报模板](
We wish you a merry Christmas, We wish you a merry Christmas We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year! Good tidings we bring to you and your king We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year! Michael: Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle All the Way. Billy: Why are you singing Christmas carols Michael? Michael: Because Christmas is coming quickly!Billy: Ahhh. I have left all of my gift shopping until the last minute again. The stores will be packed.Michael: Christmas is much more than just buying gifts for your friends and family.Billy: Yeah I know. Gifts and corny songs are the two main Christmas activities.Michael: No Billy! You have it all wrong. Take a seat and I will tell you about the ancient history of Christmas! The name Christmas isshort for“Christ’s Mass”.A Mass is a kind of Church service .Christmas is areligious festivaI .It isthe day we celebrateas the birthdayof Jesus .班级:瑞丽图文制作中心姓名:请把这串文字改成班级姓名,把文件下载到电脑中,在这串文字上面用键盘直接输入班级姓名。
班级 姓名“圣诞节”这个名称是“基督弥撒”的缩字。
交换礼物,寄圣诞卡,这都使 圣诞节成为一个普天同 庆的日子。
圣诞节便是於十二月二十五日纪念耶稣的诞生, 但真实的诞生日就没有人知道了。
十九世纪,圣诞卡的流行、 圣诞老人的出现,圣诞 节亦开始流行起来。
相信 大家对圣诞老公公的事都耳熟能详吧?从前有一个老人, 名叫尼古拉斯,他一生最爱帮助贫穷的人家。
Merry Christmas1879A3圣诞节英语小报成品欢度圣诞节手抄报模板圣诞快乐外语板报画报模板
![Merry Christmas1879A3圣诞节英语小报成品欢度圣诞节手抄报模板圣诞快乐外语板报画报模板](
On the morning of ChristmasDay,children alway get up very early andopen the presents in the stockings.Theythink the presents must be from SantaClaus!Then everyone gives gifts to eachother. Late that day, families usually have abag get-together with a special dinner.Theyusually gree each other and say, "MerryChristmas!"The tradition of the Christmas tree as it istoday known is fairly young. It was established byMartin Luther as a Protestant counterpart to theCatholic Nativity scene. Luther established theChristmas tree as a symbol of the Tree of Life inthe Garden of Eden.Christmas is on December25th.People in many countriescelebrate Christmas.They often eatand Christmas cakes and giveeach other presents.Christmas dinner eat pork,Turkey is the most holy, holy, Xiaopudding Xiao patties,dishes.Christmas dinner is veryrich. A variety of food,lubricious fragrance form ready, aglut oneself with delicacies, soChristmas dinner is also calledChristmas dinner.班级:瑞丽图文制作中心姓名:请把这串文字改成班级姓名,把文件下载到电脑中,在这串文字上面用键盘直接输入班级姓名。
Merry Christmas390A4蓝色圣诞节英语小报成品欢度圣诞节手抄报模板圣诞快乐外语板报画报模板
![Merry Christmas390A4蓝色圣诞节英语小报成品欢度圣诞节手抄报模板圣诞快乐外语板报画报模板](
We wish you a merry Christmas, We wish you a merry ChristmasWe wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!Good tidings we bring to you and your king We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!The name Christmas is short for“Christ’s Mass”.A Mass is a kind of Church service .Christmas is a religious festivaI .It is the day we celebrate as the birthday of Jesus .Michael: Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle All the Way.Billy: Why are you singing Christmas carols Michael?Michael: Because Christmas is coming quickly!Billy: Ahhh. I have left all of my gift shopping until the last minute again. The stores will be packed.Michael: Christmas is much more than just buying gifts for your friends and family.Billy: Yeah I know. Gifts and corny songs are the two main Christmas activities. Michael: No Billy! You have it all wrong. Take a seat and I will tell you about the ancient history of Christmas!Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way Oh what fun it's to ride in a one horse open sleigh hei, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way oh what fun it's to ride in a one horse open sleigh.班级:瑞丽图文制作中心 姓名:请把这串文字改成班级姓名,把文件下载到电脑中,在这串文字上面用键盘直接输入班级姓名。
每拉城的主教,名叫圣尼古 拉, 死后被尊为圣徒,是一位身穿红袍、头 戴红帽的白胡子老头。
着鹿拉的雪橇从北方而来,由烟囱进入各家,把圣 诞礼物装在袜子里挂在孩子们的床头上或火炉前。
第二天,孩子们醒来后的第一件事就是在床头上寻找圣诞 老人送来的礼物。
如今,圣诞老人已成为 吉祥如意的象征,不仅是过圣诞节 时不可缺少的人物,而且也 是欢庆新年时不可缺少的人物。
他在他们家的烟囱里撒下了许多金子,落进姑娘们烤在火炉旁 的长统丝袜里。
从此,他们过上了 幸福而快乐的生活……圣诞节的 袜子就这样产生了……
学校 班级 姓名。
Merry Christmas1879A4圣诞节英语小报成品欢度圣诞节手抄报模板圣诞快乐外语板报画报模板
![Merry Christmas1879A4圣诞节英语小报成品欢度圣诞节手抄报模板圣诞快乐外语板报画报模板](
Onthe morning of ChristmasDay,children alway get up very earlyand open the presents in thestockings.They think the presents mustbe from Santa Claus!Then everyonegives gifts to each other. Late that day,families usually have a bag get-togetherwith a special dinner.They usually greeeach other and say, "Merry Christmas!"The tradition of the Christmas tree as it istoday known is fairly young. It was establishedby Martin Luther as a Protestant counterpart tothe Catholic Nativity scene. Luther establishedthe Christmas tree as a symbol of the Tree ofLife in the Garden of Eden.Christmas is on December25th.People in many countriescelebrate Christmas.They often eatturkey and Christmas cakes and giveeach other presents.Christmas dinner eat pork,Turkey is the most holy, holy, Xiaopudding Xiao patties, dishes.Christmas dinner is very rich. Avariety of food, lubricious fragranceform ready, a glut oneself withdelicacies, so Christmas dinner isalso called Christmas dinner.班级:瑞丽图文制作中心姓名:请把这串文字改成班级姓名,把文件下载到电脑中,在这串文字上面用键盘直接输入班级姓名。
班级 姓名传说在很久以前,有一位农民,在圣诞节那天遇到一位穷苦的小孩,他热情地接待了孩子,这个小孩临走时折下根松枝插在地上,松枝立即变成一棵树,上面挂满了礼物,用来答谢农民的好意。
每棵圣诞树上都挂满琳琅满目的装饰品,但每棵树的顶端必定有一棵特大的星星,像征着那颗 引导东方三博士找到耶稣的星星。
而且在传统习俗上,只有家庭的一 家之主才可以把这颗希望之星挂上,旁人是不可以越俎代庖的。
■ 日光从指间流走,雪花随铃声飘落。
圣诞 的钟声声声响起,祝福的心如跳动的烛光融化每点落在你身上的飘雪,让友情温暖这个寒冷的圣诞! ■ 我的心如冬天的雪花,在这寒冷的圣诞慢慢的飘 落,无论我在哪里,我离你只有一个转身的距离,让我 的心陪你在这个平安夜里的共同舞起!■ 我手摘一弯月牙,头顶两颗星辰,眼含三色秋波,口叼九朵玫瑰,脚踏十瑞祥云,以闪电般的速度来到你的面前:圣诞快乐!愿意和我一起分享圣诞吗? ■ 世界如此忙碌,用心的人就会幸福; 想你的脸,心里就温暖;想你的嘴,笑 容跟着灿烂!随着圣诞节的到来,关心你的人要跟你说声:圣诞快乐!每年的12月25日,是基督教徒纪念耶稣诞生的日子,称为圣诞节。
It refers to the age-old customof enchanting a number of traditional Christmas songs during the Christmasseason. It adds to the joy and fun to the atmosphere. Different Christmas hymns or carols like The First Noel,Jingle Bells, Joy to the world, etc are sung every Christmas as a part of the Christmas celebration.这是一个古老 的习俗:圣诞期间 总是回荡着一首 又一首圣诞传统 歌曲。
歌曲给人 们带来欢乐, 也增添了节日 气氛。
每年欢 度圣诞之际, 《第一个圣诞 节》、《铃儿响叮当》、《普世欢腾》等各种圣诞歌 或颂歌都会奏响旋律。
This is one o f the most wonderful traditions of all. Christmas candies are distributed to neighbors during the Yuletide season. On the day of Christmas, all misunderstandings and grudges are forgotten and the community comes together to celebrate the birth of Christ. 这是所 有传统中最有趣的一个。
圣诞季人们向邻居们 分发圣诞糖果;圣诞节那天,所有误会与仇恨 统统化解,邻里之间团结一致共同 庆祝耶稣的诞生。
This refers to the tradition of placing a lighted candle outside houses during the Christmas season. A candle signifies hope as it brings light even to the darkest room. In the earlier times,when Christians were persecuted, they were not allowed to practice prayers. Hence, a single candle used to be placed outside the house as a sign that Christian prayers were being conducted inside.这个传统指的是人们会在圣诞期间在屋子外面放一支点 燃的蜡烛。
Merry Chrisrmas圣诞节英语小报欢度圣诞节手抄报模板快乐外语西方节日电子板报画报A4
![Merry Chrisrmas圣诞节英语小报欢度圣诞节手抄报模板快乐外语西方节日电子板报画报A4](
J in gle b ells
jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way oh what fun it's to ride in a one horse open sleigh hei, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way oh what fun it's to ride in a one horse open sleigh
D Do oy yo ou uk kn no ow w? ?O Or riig giin no of fC Ch hr riis st tm ma as s
The name Christmas is short for“Christ’s Mass”. A Mass is a kind of Church service.Christmas is a religious festivaI.It is the day we celebrate as the birthday of Jesus.
Santa Claus
The original Santa Claus, St. Nicholas, was born in the ancient southeastern Turkish town of Lycia early in the fourth century. His generosity was legend, and he was particularly fond of children. We know this primarily through Roman accounts of his patronage of youth, which eventually led to his becoming the patron saint of children. Throughout the Middle Ages, and well beyond, he was referred to by many names none of them Santa Clauttm ma as s iis sc co om miin ng gq qu uiic ck klly y
Merry Christmas759A4圣诞节英语小报成品,欢度圣诞节手抄报模板,圣诞快乐外语电子简报小学生西方节日板报
![Merry Christmas759A4圣诞节英语小报成品,欢度圣诞节手抄报模板,圣诞快乐外语电子简报小学生西方节日板报](
Name Class GradeMerry Christmas and a happy new year.We wish you a merry Christmas.Wishing you a white Christmas.Don't forget to hang up the sock!Another important custom of Christmas is to send andreceive Christmas cards, which are meant to help expressthe sentiment of the season. Americans beginsending Christmas cards early in Decemberto friends, acquaintances, and co-workers.The post office advises customers to mailearly in the season and avoid the Christmasrush. Some people heed the advice; otherswait until the last minute and then areupset when their loved ones have notreceived the greeting card orthe present which they sent.Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebratesthe birth of Jesus Christ. No one knows the exactdate of Christ's birth, but most Christians observeChristmas on December 25. On this day, manygo to church, where they take part in specialreligious services. During the Christmasseason, they also exchange gifts and decoratetheir homes with holly, mistletoe, and Christmastrees. The word Christmas comes from Cristesmaesse, an early English phrase that means Massof Christ. The story of Christmas comes chieflyfrom the Gospels of Saint Luke and SaintMatthew in the New Testament.Most children believe that Santa Claus lives at theNorth Pole. All year he lists the names of children, boththose who have been good and those who have been bad.He decides what presents to give to the good children.Each child hung a stocking, or sock, over the fireplace.Santa entered down the chimney and left candy andpresents inside the socks for the children. On the morningof Christmas day. Each child can't wait to open his or hereyes to see what Santa has left in the stocking.。
Merry Christmas745A4圣诞节英语小报成品欢度圣诞节手抄报模板圣诞快乐外语板报画报模板
![Merry Christmas745A4圣诞节英语小报成品欢度圣诞节手抄报模板圣诞快乐外语板报画报模板](
Christmas Day, December 25 every year, is the churchcalendar, a traditional festival, which is the Christian day ofcelebration to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. At Christmas,most of the Catholic Church will be in December 24 at MidnightMass on Christmas night, and some reported good news of Christwill be held, and then in December 25 to celebrate Christmas.Christmas tree is the celebration of Christmas,traditionally one of the most famous. Usually peoplebefore and after Christmas to get an evergreen plants suchas pine trees into the house or in the outdoors, and withChristmas lights and colorful ornaments decoration. Andput an angel or a star on the tree topChristmas Eve, also known as Christmas Eve, the Christmas Eve,Christmas Day in most of the Christian community is celebrating thefestivals. By then, millions of Europeans and Americans to go home in thedusty reunion. Christmas Eve celebration is the essential party. MostEuropean and American family reunion at home, had dinner, then sittingaround the burning fire, play and sing at the table of their grandchildren.Christmas Ring,Western countries during the Christmasdecorations hanging at home with, usually green leaves or rattanand silver metal and gold ribbon with a red bell form. Main colorsgreen, white, yellow, red on behalf of joyful, says MERRYCHRISTMAS, or abbreviated as X'mas.班级:瑞丽图文制作中心姓名:请把这串文字改成班级姓名,把文件下载到电脑中,在这串文字上面用键盘直接输入班级姓名。
圣诞快乐Merry Christmas110908A4圣诞节英语小报成品,欢度圣诞节手抄报模板圣诞快乐外语电子简报节日板报
![圣诞快乐Merry Christmas110908A4圣诞节英语小报成品,欢度圣诞节手抄报模板圣诞快乐外语电子简报节日板报](
C C h h r r i i s s m m a a s s F F a a t t h h e e r r w w a a s s t t h h e e d d e e s s c c e e n n d d a a n n t t o o f f a a d d e e i i t t y y c c a a l l l l e e d d O O d d i i n n .. I I t t ‘‘s s a a l l s s o o s s a a i i d d t t h h a a t t C C h h r r i i s s m m a a s s F F a a t t h h e e r r c c o o m m e e s s f f r r o o m m S S a a n n N N i i c c h h o o l l a a ,, s s o o h h e e i i s s a a l l s s o o c c a a l l l l e e d d S S t t ..N N i i c c h h o o l l a a s s .. H H e e w w a a s s t t h h e e b b i i s s h h o o p p o o f f A A s s i i a a M M i i n n o o r r c c i i t t y y o o f f R R a a f f a a h h a a n n d d h h e e w w a a s s c c a a l l l l e e d d a a m m a a n n o o f f G G o o d d a a f f t t e e r r h h i i s s d d e e a a t t h h .. H H e e i i s s a a n n o o l l d d m m a a n n i i n n r r e e d d c c l l o o t t h h e e s s a a n n d d h h e e w w e e a a r r s s a a r r e e d d h h a a t t ..H H e e h h a a s s w w h h i i t t e e m m u u s s t t a a c c h h e e .. H H e e c c o o m m e e s s f f r r o o m m t t h h e e n n o o r r t t h h o o n n a a b b l l o o w w m m o o b b i i l l e e e e v v e e r r y y C C h h r r i i s s m m a a s sD D a a y y .. H H e e w w e e n n t t i i n n t t o o p p e e o o p p l l e e ‘‘s s h h o o u u s s e e s s b b y y t t h h e e t t r r a a c c k k a a n n d d h h e e p p u u t t t t h h e e p p r r e e s s e e n n t t s s i i n n t t o o c c h h i i l l d d r r e e n n ‘‘s s s s o o c c k k s s .. S S o o i i n n w w e e s s t t e e r r n n c c o o u u n n t t r r i i e e s s ,,p p a a r r e e n n t t s s p p u u t t t t h h e e g g i i f f t t s s t t o o t t h h e e i i r r k k i i d d s s i i n n k k i i d d s s ‘‘ s s o o c c k k s s a a n n d d p p u u t t t t h h e e m m o o n n t t h h e e h h e e a a d d o o f f t t h h e e b b e e d d o o n n C C h h r r i i s s m m a a s sE E v v e e .. O O n n t t h h e e s s e e c c o o n n d d d d a a y y ,, t t h h e e f f i i r r s s t t t t h h i i n n g g a a f f t t e e r r k k i i d d s s w w a a k k e e u u p p i i s s t t o o f f i i n n d d t t h h e e p p r r e e s s e e n n t t s s f f r r o o m m C C h h r r i i s s m m a a s sF F a a t t h h e e r r s s ..圣圣诞诞老老人人为为 奥奥丁丁神神后后裔裔。
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The Origin of Christmas
Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates
the birth of Jesus Christ. No one knows the exact
date of Christ's birth, but most Christians observe
Christmas on December 25. On this day, many go to church, where they take part in special religious services. During the Christmas season, they also exchange gifts and decorate their homes with holly, mistletoe, and Christmas trees. The word Christmas comes from Cristes maesse, an early English phrase that means Mass of Christ. The story of Christmas comes chiefly from the Gospels of Saint Luke and Saint Matthew in the New Testament.
Most children believe that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole. All year he lists the names of children, both those who have been good and those who have been bad. He decides
what presents to give to the good children. Each child hung a stocking, or sock, over the fireplace. Santa entered down the chimney and left candy and presents inside the socks for the children. On the morning of Christmas day. Each child can't wait to open his or her eyes to see what Santa has left in the stocking.
Some Wishes of Christmas
Merry Christmas and a happy new
We wish you a merry Christmas.
Wishing you a white Christmas.
Don't forget to hang up the sock!
Christmas Cards
Another important custom of Christmas is to send and receive Christmas cards, which are meant to help express the sentiment of the season. Americans begin sending Christmas cards early in December to friends, acquaintances, and co-workers. The post office advises customers to mail early in the season and avoid the Christmas rush. Some people heed the advice; others wait until the last minute and then are upset when their loved ones have not received the greeting card or the present which they sent.
Name Class Grade。