大学英语PPT 七宗罪.ppt




On Thursday, a prostitute dead in bed.
On Friday, a woman suicides for disfigurement.
On Saturday, a homicide appeared because of envy.

end !
Plot summary
While the police at a loss, the murderer miracle give himself up.And this time the perpetrator of the "seven sins" is still two, I wonder if he will stop there? Why did he will surrender? The perpetrator claim to the "great masterpiece" will be completed in the tight custody of the police, the difficult position murderer can do it again? The outcome of people far beyond the expected.
On Sunday, a policeman stayed in prison for murder.
Our opinion

This is an outstanding moviefect, and Mills ls actually had a lot to do with this movie's success outside of his acting. He forced the studio to keep the original ending, and he forced them to shell out the money to get John. It is fortunate that he did, as those two elements are central to the movie's greatness. John played the killer so chillingly that it makes his message seem all the more unnerving and, perhaps, correct. The uncompromising ending leaves the viewer shocked and reeling.



Background Information
1. The Oliver neighborhood of East Baltimore 2. Illegal drug trade and dealers 3.Foster care 4.The tragic story of the Dawson family in Baltimore 5. BUILD
-- Kofi Annan
3. What will you do if you know someone living in your neighborhood is taking drugs or is a drug dealer?
Some of us will try our best to stay away from them or just hide in your own house and pray for the best while others may confront them bravely just like Ethel Armstead. One day she plucked up courage (鼓足勇气) to go out and talk to the drug dealers who used to hang out on the stoop of her newly purchased house. At first she demanded they leave, and later she warned them against the danger of drug dealing. And her efforts eventually worked.

七宗罪英文电影赏析 ppt课件

七宗罪英文电影赏析 ppt课件

Movi e
The Hook: tension between M and S
The 1st victim: Monday : Gluttony
The 2nd victim: Tuesday : Greedy
Turning Point 1 Discovery of pattern to murders: a serial killing
Байду номын сангаас
OLD VETERAN KNOWLEDGABLE CALM SENSITIVE MODEST Love his job but hate the cruel world
Character comparison
Like greed, envy may be characterized by an insatiable desire; they differ, however, for two main reasons. First, greed is largely associated with material goods, whereas envy may apply more generally. Second, those who commit the sin of envy resent that another person has something they perceive themselves as lacking, and wish the other person to be deprived of it.



The actors of SE7EN
Dectective Mills
Brad Pitt
Born in Shawnee of Oklahoma
Other films
Legends of the Fall (1994) Meet Joe Black (1998) Troy (2004)
• They find clues at
each crime scene related to other deaths, and believe they are chasing a serial killer. A set of fingerprints was found at the scene of the "Greed" murder.
• Wanting people to listen, you can‘t just tap them on the shoulder anymore, you have to hit them with the sledge hammer, then you will notice that you have got their strict attention. 想让别人听你说话, 拍拍他们的肩膀是不够的,必须 给他们震撼,这样他们才会仔细 听你。
• The film ends with the sun setting over the desert, with Somerset quoting Ernest Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls: “'The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.'


The problems that are created by environmental contamination(污染)is very hard to resolve.
主谓不一致。主should pay attention the disadvantages globalization may create.
There are a great many children think the main purpose of education should be to afford them pleasure and enjoyment.
There be 句型后面的名词再加动词时不要用原形。 Think--thinking
Pay attention介词搭配to, 类似有reason for
Solution to
Some parents do not obey traffic rules himself.
Some people think the Internet only has positive impact, other people think it also has negative influence on our lives.
1. Employee can get more benefits from telecommucating than employer.
英语里面的任何一个可数名词,前面必须加上限定词, the/an/ a/this/that/ my等

电影简介,英文课前演讲,free talk

电影简介,英文课前演讲,free talk

中文名:这个杀手不太冷 外文名:Leon 导演:吕克· 贝松 主演:让· 雷诺 娜塔莉· 波特曼 加里· 奥德曼 片长:110min 类型:惊悚、犯罪、动作 地区:美国、法国 对白:英语、意大利语 上映时间:1994年9月14日
中文名:海上钢琴师 外文名:The Legend of 1900 导演:朱塞佩· 托纳托雷 主演:蒂姆· 罗斯, 比尔· 努恩, 梅兰尼· 蒂埃里, 普路特· 泰勒· 文斯 片长:165min 类型:剧情、爱情、音乐 地区:意大利 对白:英语、法语 上映时间:1998年10月28日
中文名:饮食男女 外文名:Eat Drink Man Woman 导演:李安 主演:郎雄, 王渝文, 吴倩莲, 杨贵媚, 张艾嘉, 赵文瑄 片长:123min 类型:剧情、爱情 地区:美国 、台湾 对白:普通话 上映时间:1994
中文名:看上去很美 外文名:Little Red Flowers 导演:张元 主演:董博文, 宁元元, 陈曼媛, 赵瑞 片长:92min 类型:剧情、喜剧 地区:中国 、意大利 对白:普通话 上映时间:2006年3月18日
Once Upon a Time in America
This movie`s background was built up more than 50 years history of America. There are another two Chinese names “义薄云天”and“四海兄弟”. The movie is illogically, but marvelous and impressive.
中文名:七宗罪 外文名:se7en(The Seven Deadly Sins ) 导演:大卫· 芬奇 主演:布拉德· 皮特、 摩根· 费里曼、 格温妮丝· 帕特洛、 凯文· 史派西 片长:127min 类型:剧情、惊悚、犯罪、悬疑 地区:美国 对白:英文 上映时间:1995年9月22日



distria. It stars Brad
Pitt and Morgan Freeman, with Gwyneth
Paltrow, R. Lee Ermey, and Kevin Spacey in
supporting roles.
The newly transferred David Mills (Pitt) and the
the box office internationally, Seven was a
commercial success, and received positive
reviews from most critics.
Nominated in the Oscar Award
Dire ctor
David Andrew Leo Fincher (born August 28, 1962) is an American film and music video director who is known for his dark and stylish thrillers, such as Alien 3 (1992), Seven (1995), The Game (1997), Fight Club (1999), Panic Room (2002), and Zodiac (2007). Fincher received Academy Award nominations for Best Director for his 2008 film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and his 2010 film The Social Network, which also won him the Golden Globe and the BAFTA for Best Director. His most recent film is 2011's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, an English-language adaptation of Stieg Larsson's novel of the same name.


• 玛门(Mammon):贪婪(Greed) (财宝和贪婪的错误神)
• 懒惰-懒惰及浪费 时间。(懒惰被宣 告为有罪是因为: 其他人需更努力工 作以填补缺失,因 应该的事情还没有 做好,对自己是百 害而无一利)
• 贝露菲格露 (Belphegor): 懒惰(Sloth)(原为 亚述的魔神之一)
The seven deadly sins
By Sarah
The origine of The seven d不合法礼的性欲, 例如通奸。(但丁的标准 是“过分爱慕对方”,而 这样便会贬低了神对人们 的爱)
• 阿斯蒙蒂斯 (Asmodeus):淫欲 (Lust) (激怒或是欲望的 魔神的始祖)
• 暴食-浪费食物,或是过度 放纵食欲、酗酒或屯积过量 的食物。(但丁的观点是 “过份贪图逸乐”)
• 贝露赛布布(别西卜) (Beelzebub):暴食 (Gluttony) (苍蝇君主,圣 经中以“鬼王”相称呼)
• 贪婪-希望占有比所需更多为之贪婪。(或是以但丁的观 点,贪婪是“过度热衷于寻求金钱上或权力上的优越”)
• 愤怒-源自憎恨而起 的不适当(邪恶的) 感觉,复仇或否定他 人,在律法所赋与的 权力以外,行使惩罚 他人的意欲亦被归作 愤怒。(但丁描述为
撒旦(Satan)“:l暴ov怒e(Worfatjhu)s(ti愤ce怒的化身) perverted to revenge and spite”) {译: 对正义的爱 堕落为复仇和怨恨。}
• 利维坦 (Leviathan):妒 忌(Envy) (象征邪 恶的一种海怪)
• 骄傲-期望他人注视自己或过度爱好 自己。(因拥有而感到比其他人优越) (holding self out of proper position toward God or fellows; Dante‘s definition was “love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one’s neighbor”){译:把自己相对于上帝或 FELLOWS的位置放在错误的地方; Dante的定义是“对自己的爱堕落为 对身边的人的憎恨与轻视”}



Dire ctor
David Andrew Leo Fincher (born August 28, 1962) is an American film and music video director who is known for his dark and stylish thrillers, such as Alien 3 (1992), Seven (1995), The Game (1997), Fight Club (1999), Panic Room (2002), and Zodiac (2007). Fincher received Academy Award nominations for Best Director for his 2008 film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and his 2010 film The Social Network, which also won him the Golden Globe and the BAFTA for Best Director. His most recent film is 2011's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, an English-language adaptation of Stieg Larsson's novel of the same name.
William Bradley "Brad" Pitt (born December 18, 1963) is an American actor and film producer. Pitt has received four Academy Award nominations and five Golden Globe Award nominations, winning one Golden Globe. He has been described as one of the world's most attractive men, a label for which he has received substantial media attention




本站讯2012年6月10日,记者接到 山西古县群众举报,称他的一位亲 戚5月24日死于矿难事故。事故发 生后,矿方以死者心肌梗死亡为由 拒绝赔付,且矿方威胁死者家属, 如向外界及媒体透露,矿方不予赔 付。
2012年6月18日记者接到死者亲属的举报后,赶赴该地进行了采访,由于矿方 和死者家属提前安排,不准向外界和新闻媒体透露其子死亡的真相。当记者 找到死者父亲时,其父说:人已经死了,不想再找麻烦,无奈记者来到村里 向村民了解。 这些耳熟能详的话语,不正在频频发生的矿难中体现得淋漓尽致吗?那些黑 心的矿主、贪婪的官员们到底是怎么了?一言以蔽之,是“金钱至上”在作 祟,是道德缺失,是无视法律。一旦发生事故,他们或者与矿工和矿工家属 “私了”,或者鼓着腰包一逃了之,甚或隐瞒事故继续搞生产。

身家逾百亿的香港富商林建 岳与前妻谢玲玲所生的长子 林孝贤,为了庆祝30岁生日, 竟然出动11架豪华游艇,到 大浪西湾举行海上色欲派对。 记者潜入派对当中,发现除 了林孝贤以及其弟妹林孝能、 林恬儿同林心儿外,还有杨 其龙、李民桥、赵式浩等一 班富豪二代。为了满足各富 豪二代需要,豪包过百样貌 身材都十分正点的金毛外国 妹上船任玩,作风豪放的外 国妹在船上坦荡荡裸晒,令 向来钟情外国妹的林孝贤及 杨其龙high足全程。
一向低调的石家庄人民都按加明显,据环球网 报道:日本在该问题上不断寻衅滋事挑 衅中国。8月19日,日本国会议员和右翼 团体成员150人赴钓鱼岛海域举行所谓 “慰灵”活动,其中10人于19日登上钓 鱼岛,并插日本国旗。对于中方的抗议, 日本非但“拒绝接受”,还声称要求中 国政府今后不要再允许中国人登岛。 从报道中足以看出,日本并无和解之 意。而从钓鱼岛事件的发展过程中,我 们根本看不到我国政府的实质性措施和 行动,抗议有用吗?示威有用吗?对于 一向以顽固标榜自己的日本人来说,这 些根本不会对其造成任何的压力,只会 让让他们更加的嚣张。甚至日本政界不 少人士认为,日本对于钓鱼岛问题过于 软弱,试问我亲爱的领导们,日本一直 有行动还被指为“软弱”,那我们呢?



老:Get out of the van! 从车里出来!Out ! 出来!递:Jesus Christ, man. Don’t shoot me. 天哪,老兄。


老:Step away. 离车远点。

Turn around. Put your hands on your head. 转过去,手抱头。

(飞:What the hell is going on? 到底发生了什么?)老:Why and what are you doing here? 你为什么来这里?递:I’m delivering a package man. 我只是送快递而已。

I got a package for this guy, David. 我有个快递要送给戴维。

Detective... 警探David Mills. 戴维•米尔斯老:Get it. Slowly. 拿过来。


(飞:He’s opening the back of van. 他正在打开火车的后备箱。

We’ve got him in sight. 我们瞄准他了。

)递:This guy paid me ﹩500 to bing it out here, man.有人出500块让我把它带过来。

He said he wanted it here at exactly 7 o’clock.他让我在7点钟准时送到。

老:Put it down. 放下来。

We got a box 我们有个盒子。

(飞:We got a box . Call the bomb squad. 有一个盒子,快找拆弹组。

Bomb squad . We got a box . 拆弹组,我们这有个盒子。

)老:Face the van. 面朝货车。

Hands up. 举起手来。

Turn around . 转过来。

Okay. Go. 好的,快走。

Off you go. Go . 快离开这里。


I’m sending the driver out on foot . 我让司机跑着离开了。



得 无 厌 的 法 官
徳 の ジ ャ ッ ジ

( 贪 婪 )

-- gift
懒嫉贪 恶 惰妒婪 之
绿染蓝 王
色血色 的的

色傲暴 欲慢食
紫黄红 色色色 的双的 刀面酒
作词:MOTHY 官
徳 の ジ ャ ッ ジ

( 贪 婪 )

食 娘 空
食 娘
食 (
琪 塔
コ ン チ
暴 食

尾 坂 的
尾 坂
妬 (
裁 缝 店
の 仕 立 屋
嫉 妒 )
魔 般 的
ノ 娘
慢 (
少 女
傲 慢
睡 公 主
ら せ
惰 (
的 赠 品
姫 か ら の
懒 惰 )

诺 马 尼
ェ ノ
欲 (
亚 公 爵 的 疯
マ ニ ア 公
色 欲 )




“暴食”、①一个胖得出奇的男人 “贪婪”、②律师格特 “懒惰”、③维克多(律师格特的当事人) “淫欲”、④金发妓女 “骄傲”、⑤一个女人赤裸地死在床上 “嫉妒”、⑥记者约翰· 多伊由于“嫉妒”杀死了翠西,让 自己成为“嫉妒”。 “愤怒”、⑦大卫(老警官威廉的新搭档)由于“愤怒” 杀死了约翰· 多伊,大卫成为“愤怒”。

启示• 《七宗罪》是一部让人发狂的影片,它 在某种程度上严肃地探讨了有意义的暴 力与无意义的暴力的差别。它也激起了 每一个人的“原罪”意识,看过影片的 人都不免胆战心惊——用不着怀疑,你 也有罪。
演 讲 者:扬 PPT制作:玥 文 稿:扬
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Somerset VS Mills
—— two policemen
David Mills is a freshman, hotblooded,easily angered.
Willian Somerset
is a old spy,experienced, as cool as cucumber(黄瓜), look on coldly.
Morgan Freeman (摩根·弗里曼)
Kevin Spacey (凯文 • The character analysis (人物分析) • Religious Affiliation(宗教背景) • The Supernatural seven(神秘的“七”) • Social Base(社会基础) • Specific Aim(现实针对性) • Readers Thingking(读者思考)
My name: 张XX(F10814???) My major: Chinese Language and Leterature
the crime and punishment in the
• name:se7en(or the seven deadly sins)
• mian actor:Brad Pitt (布拉德皮特)
synopsis (剧情简介)
At the beginning of the movie,Somerset ,an experienced detective ,will retire after seven days. And young policeman Mills is his last partner. A fantastic case happened at this moment,which a tub of lard(大 胖子)is forced to eat until belly bursted(胀破肚皮). And the murderer leaves the word gluttony (饕餮)there. Later, A lawyer is killed in his office when the two policemen have no way to solve the fat's case. Similarly,the word greed (贪婪)is left . The two policemen start to think about Seven in the Holy Bible after these two crazy cases.
Jone Doyle is well off(家境富裕)
and well educated. He see through the evil(罪恶)of the world and the ignorant(无知)of the people.
Religious Affiliation
The Supernatural seven
Social Base
Specific Aim
Readers Thingking
Meanwhile, the murderer never stops but keeps on killing. Other three people are killed. What’s more,they are named of Sloth (懒惰),Lust(淫乱)and Pride(傲慢). Up to then, the two policemen completely get into the murderer's plan . In addition, they know everything is at the hands of Doyle. But they have no evidence to arrest him, and they also can't stop his killing. Two endings are waiting for them: the murderer will stop by himself after kill seven people, or the murderer will give himself up. It is unbelievable that Doyle really turned himself in(自首). However, he asks to find other two dead bodys with the two policemen's company. He takes the two policemen to the outdoors. Mills has never thought that he would get a postal parcel(邮包)in which is his wife's head. Therefore,the fury (狂怒的)Mills shoots at Doyle and completes the seven deadly sins.
God created Adam(亚当) for seven days,and used his seventh rib(肋骨)made Eve(夏娃).God made the world for seven days. Satan(撒旦)is a fiery dragon(火龙)with seven heads. There seven sins,seven punishments,seven times rain in this movie. The story happened in seven days. Even the ending was on seven of the seventh day afternoon.