
论文题目:商务英语在跨文化商务沟通中的应用研究摘要:关键词:商务英语;跨文化商务沟通;应用研究第一章引言1.1 研究背景1.2 研究目的与意义1.3 研究方法与论文结构第二章文献综述2.1 商务英语的定义与特点2.2 跨文化商务沟通的理论基础2.3 商务英语在跨文化商务沟通中的应用研究现状第三章商务英语在跨文化商务沟通中的应用3.1 商务英语在跨文化商务沟通中的重要性3.2 商务英语在跨文化商务沟通中的应用领域3.3 商务英语在跨文化商务沟通中的具体应用第四章跨文化商务沟通中商务英语面临的挑战4.1 文化差异带来的沟通障碍4.2 商务英语水平不足4.3 商务英语教学与实际需求脱节第五章应对策略与建议5.1 提高商务英语教学水平5.2 加强跨文化商务沟通能力的培养5.3 优化商务英语教材与教学方法5.4 建立跨文化商务沟通的评估体系第六章实证研究6.1 研究对象与方法6.2 数据收集与分析6.3 研究结果与讨论第七章结论7.1 研究结论7.2 研究局限与展望附录:[此处可附上相关调查问卷、访谈记录等材料]摘要:关键词:商务英语;跨文化商务沟通;应用研究第一章引言1.1 研究背景随着全球经济的不断发展,国际贸易和跨文化商务活动日益频繁。
1.2 研究目的与意义本文旨在探讨商务英语在跨文化商务沟通中的应用,分析其重要性、面临的挑战以及应对策略,以提高我国商务英语教学水平和跨文化商务沟通能力。
1.3 研究方法与论文结构本文采用文献综述、实证研究和案例分析法,对商务英语在跨文化商务沟通中的应用进行深入研究。
论文结构如下:第二章:文献综述第三章:商务英语在跨文化商务沟通中的应用第四章:跨文化商务沟通中商务英语面临的挑战第五章:应对策略与建议第六章:实证研究第七章:结论第二章文献综述2.1 商务英语的定义与特点商务英语是一种以英语为载体,涵盖国际贸易、金融、市场营销、企业管理等领域的专业英语。

1. 《例析大学英语中阅读的方法》2. 《论文化因素对英汉翻译的影响》3. 《商务英语的特点及翻译技巧》4. 《商标名称的翻译与策略》5. 《句法简化对听力理解的作用》6. 《英语学习中的汉语干扰问题》7. 《如何对待阅读理解中的生词》8. 《英汉互译中意义的不对应》9. 《商务谈判中的语言艺术》10. 《国际商务单证的作用及种类》11. 《英语写作中的时态与时间环境成分关系》12. 《浅谈对信用证的审核》或《信用证结算的风险及防范》13. 《主题句的位置及作用在英汉语中的对比》14. 《论国际贸易中英语的作用》15. 《商标名称的翻译与策略》16. 《美语口语中俚语现象透析》17. 《英语的思维方式在英文写作中的运用》18. 《外贸业务报价的策略分析》19. 《英汉互译中形象语言的处理》20. 《形象语言在英语写作中的效果》21. 《利用网络特征提高英语运用能力》22. 《怎样克服中国学生英语写作中的造词现象》23. 《结合课堂环境与记忆规律记忆外语词汇》24. 《单证员/报关员/跟单员等在国际贸易中的地位》25. 《浅谈英语写作时避免修饰语错位的方法》26. 《商务函电翻译的用词技巧》27. 《高职学生的英语词汇重复理论与英语阅读中的猜词策略》28. 《社会文化迁移对中国式英语的影响》29. 《背诵课文在英语学习中的作用》30. 《商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用》31. 《大学生在运用定语从句时常见错误及分析其原因》32. 《珠江三角洲外贸现状及存在的问题》33. 《英语写作中常见中式英语分析》34. 《入世商务英语写作的措施研究》35. 《例析英译汉中形象语言的处理》36. 《英语学习从“说”开始》37. 《英语“课堂方言”对学习口语的影响与对策》38. 《高职学生英语单词拼写错误的类型,原因及解决方法》39. 《论英语写作中隐谕的应用》40. 《学生英语写作中的错误与英语写作教学之间的关系》41. 《大学生在运用定语从句时常见错误及分析其原因》42. 《商务英语专业毕业生就业岗位之探讨》43. 《汉译英中遇到新词语的译法问题》44. 英汉互译中词义的不对应(文化意义、风格意义、修辞意义等)45. 形象语在写作中的修辞效果46. 礼仪在商务谈判中的作用47. 礼仪在商务谈判中的作用48. 影响英语写作中衔接手段的因素49. 影响长句翻译的因素50. 汉语中新词汇的翻。

收集217个商务英语论文题目参考1、xx市街头告示英译调查2、xx市英语人才需求调查3、毕业生如何面对择业形势4、不同文化中的非言语行为5、产品中文商标的翻译6、大学生手机通信消费行为的调查与分析(问卷调查)7、单证员跟单员等资格证书现状思考8、单证员在国际贸易中的地位9、当代xx市网络文化调查10、当前外贸谈判人员存在的语言问题和对策11、得体的社交礼仪在商务活动中的重要性12、电子商务对国际贸易的影响及对策13、对于xx市信用消费状况的调查(问卷)14、对于xx市英语人才的需求和供给调查(问卷调查+报告)15、对于消费品行业销售渠道的调查报告16、对于中学生家教市场的需求和供给分析(问卷调查)17、翻译好日常商务文书18、反译法在商务英语中的应用19、高职高专院校商务英语专业学生在人才市场竞争中的优势和劣势20、沟通语言在商务谈判中的作用与功能21、广告英语的分类及分析22、国际贸易中英语的作用23、国际商务单证的作用及种类24、国际商务市场的信息传播25、国际商务谈判中的“文化壁垒”26、国际商务谈判中应注意的文化因素27、国际商务中的跨文化交际问题28、国际谈判人员素质的全球标准化29、汉译英中遇到新词语的译法问题30、汉语中新词汇的翻译技巧31、会展服务的国际化趋势和对策32、会展英语应用33、加强商务英语应用化课程建设34、家政服务业在现代商业社会中所扮演的角色35、进出口业务中英语的应用分析36、经济全球化形势下的商务英语37、跨文化的商务谈判38、跨文化交际与中西文化冲突39、跨文化交际在商务英语学习中的运用40、跨文化商务交际中的语言和非语言因素41、跨文化因素对英汉翻译的影响42、礼貌与商务英语信函中礼貌的表现43、礼仪在商务谈判中的作用44、礼仪在商务谈判中的作用(商务英语交往中的礼貌原则)45、例析论网络环境下商务英语的拓展学习模式46、论各种职业资格证书的优缺点47、论跨文化因素对商业广告英语翻译的影响48、论你对商务英语专业设置的看法49、论商务英语广告语言的特征与表达50、论商务英语教学创新与学生能力的培养51、论商务英语与文化的关系52、论商务英语专业各种职业资格证书的取向53、论商务英语专业学生的综合素质54、论文化因素对英汉翻译的影响55、论英语课外活动的开展56、论撰写商务信函的礼貌原则57、美国英语习语与文化58、目前商务信用体系建设中存在的问题及对策59、奈达“等值”理论于商务英语翻译中的理解和应用60、浅论商务沟通技巧61、浅论商务面试中的注意事项62、浅谈国际商务背景下文化因素的重要性63、浅谈国际商务谈判中的策略与技巧对价格的影响64、浅谈商务信函的文体特征65、浅谈商务英语口语的学习方法66、浅谈商务英语写作时避免修饰语错位的方法67、浅谈商务英语学生应具备的知识结构68、浅谈涉外合同英语特色69、浅谈英语告示语的语言特色与翻译70、浅析跟单业务中的若干环节71、浅析海运提单的风险及防范措施72、浅析进出口业务中的常用词汇73、浅析跨文化交际中的商务礼仪74、浅析商务英语汇商务英语中俚语的风格及翻译75、浅议商务公司的招聘76、浅议商务沟通的重要性77、浅议商务英语的特点78、如何把英语语言和专业知识结合到实际工作当中79、如何对待阅读理解中的生词80、如何翻译好日常商务文书81、如何防范信用证诈骗82、如何提高精读课教学质量83、如何提高商务口语课教学质量84、入世商务英语写作的措施研究85、商标名称的翻译与策略86、商务单证的作用及种类87、商务对国际贸易的影响及对策88、商务函电翻译的用词技巧89、商务函电交流研究90、商务合同英语的文体特征分析91、商务谈判的文化障碍92、商务谈判的艺术性93、商务谈判的艺术性跨文化的商务谈判94、商务谈判技巧之我见95、商务谈判语言技巧96、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突97、商务谈判中的语言艺术98、商务谈判中英语的重要性99、商务谈判中英语的重要性?100、商务写作中的语气分析101、商务英语背景知识与商务英语102、商务英语常用单词的多义现象例析103、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧104、商务英语的特征与翻译105、商务英语的语言特色探讨106、商务英语翻译中的不对等性107、商务英语翻译中的跨文化因素108、商务英语函电翻译技巧109、商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用110、商务英语汉英翻译中从句的运用技巧111、商务英语和普通英语的比较112、商务英语交往中的礼貌原则113、商务英语教材分析报告114、商务英语教学应树立以学生为中心的教学思想115、商务英语教学中英语知识与商务知识的关系116、商务英语考试技巧研究117、商务英语课程设置的探讨118、商务英语口语学习状况调查119、商务英语谈判中模糊语言的语用功能及翻译120、商务英语听力策略研究121、商务英语写作问题研究122、商务英语信函的语体分析123、商务英语学习的几点体会124、商务英语学习方法125、商务英语学习文化与自我建构126、商务英语学习中的文化习得127、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养128、商务英语与商务交际129、商务英语语篇文体特征分析130、商务英语阅读研究131、商务英语在国际营销中的作用132、商务英语中的平行结构及其翻译方法133、商务英语中的委婉表达及其翻译134、商务英语中书面语言的文体特征及语用分析135、商务英语中以谓语动词为中心的基本句型的翻译136、商务英语专业毕业生就业岗位之探讨137、商务英语专业的学生应具备的素质138、商务英语专业学生必备的口语能力139、社会文化迁移对中国式英语的影响140、社会需求与英语学习的转轨141、实用英语交际的语言风格和规范142、市场细分与目标市场的选择--个案研究报告143、试论Body Language在商务谈判中的作用144、试论进出口业务中价格术语的选择145、试论普通英语与商务英语的差异146、试论商务英语教学的人文性147、试论商务英语教学与文化的关系148、试论商务英语教学中的实践性149、试论商务英语教学中的文化因素150、试论文化因素对商务活动的作用151、试论文化因素对商务英语教学作用152、试论中西文化习惯在商务谈判中的作用153、试论自主学习对学习商务英语的帮助154、术语在国际商务中的重要性155、谈外贸口语的特点及在实际中的应用156、提高商务英语学生培养质量157、外资企业外语人才素质现状及要求158、网络多媒体在商务英语教学应用初探159、网络发展中的英语进化160、网络与外语学习161、为英语口语活动能够设计小组讨论话题162、文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响163、文化交际与中西文化冲突(商务谈判中的跨文化冲突)164、我国出口包装面临的技术壁垒及应对措施165、我国某某地区商务英语人才需求的现状分析166、我国外贸出口品牌战略的实施与研究167、我国中小企业开拓国际市场之探讨168、虚拟语气与商务英语表达169、因特网辅助英语写作170、英汉旅游篇章文化对比171、英语口语或语法在商务领域中的应用172、英语口语在商务领域中的应用173、英语商务信函和合同中被动语态的语用意义及其翻译174、英语写作中常见中式英语分析175、英语信函的语体分析176、英语在商务谈判中准备工作的重要性177、英语专业毕业生求职主要途径调查178、英语专业毕业生应该具备的基本商务能力179、应用敏感性训练提高外语口语水平180、语言教学与商务知识有机结合181、语用原则在商务英语应用中的度范畴182、制单工作在国际结算中的地位183、中美日常交际中的文化差异184、中外商业广告对比185、中西方文化差异及语言体现186、中小型企业如何应用电子商务187、英语商务传真话语类型分析初探188、礼貌原则下的商务英语函电写作189、商务英语复合型人才培养的几点思考190、对商业推销信函的体裁分析191、论外贸英语函电的语言特点192、商务英文函电教学初探193、商务英语学习中的文化习得194、商务场合中的汉英跨文化交际195、浅议商标英译中的“信”196、浅议商标英译中的“雅”197、论商务英语广告修辞特点及翻译策略198、论商务英语信函及翻译特点199、新时期国际商务或国际贸易特点分析200、国际商务活动中的文化冲突与对策研究201、国际商务谈判技巧202、国际贸易支付方式研究、信用证、保理等203、商务英语或外贸函电的语言特点分析204、模糊语言在商务英语写作中的运用205、国际商务管理战略、营销等研究206、英汉商务英语策略207、国际货物买卖合同中的要约与承诺208、论我国的外贸代理制度209、论提单的功能210、信用证及其流转211、论法律英语的重要性212、论一人有限责任公司的法律地位213、如何写英文合同214、论法律术语的英文翻译215、商务英语翻译策略216、商务英语翻译中的“忠实”与“变通”217、论商务英语合同及其翻译特点。
商务英语毕业论文参考题目 个

商务英语商业英语毕业论文参考题目100个1、持续性交际法对商务英语商业英语学习者口语和写作能力提高的研究分析2、商务英语商业英语文体学分析3、语篇功能对等视角的商务英语商业英语翻译4、高职商务英语商业英语专业实践课程开发5、关联理论在商务英语商业英语阅读教学中的应用6、成人商务英语商业英语教学中学生自主学习能力的培养7、功能对等理论视角下的商务英语商业英语翻译8、中职商务英语商业英语教学中跨文化交际意识的培养9、论商务英语商业英语翻译中的文化转向10、职前学生商务英语商业英语词汇教学法探索11、商务英语商业英语中模糊语言的应用及其语用分析12、从目的论角度看国际商务英语商业英语翻译的质量评估13、高职院校商务英语商业英语精读教学中的任务型教学法14、词典类型对翻译与习得商务英语商业英语新词作1用的实证研究15、高职课程的演进及其对商务英语商业英语专业项目课程开发的探索16、语域理论指导下的商务英语商业英语汉译17、商务英语商业英语写作中介语错误分析的研究18、从顺应论的视角分析商务英语商业英语信函中的语用失误19、商务英语商业英语网络课件的评估:TMM个案研究20、商务英语商业英语新闻中概念隐喻的认知研究21、关于中国职业高等院校商务英语商业英语课程设计中一些重要问题的思考22、研究性学习在中职商务英语商业英语口语教学中的应用23、商务合同语篇中的语法隐喻研究24、英语广告在商务英语商业英语教学中的个案应用25、教师反馈对提高商务英语商业英语写作准确性作用的研究26、论任务型教学法在商务英语商业英语写作教学中的运用27、建构主义指导下的商务英语商业英语课程设计研究28、高职生商务英语商业英语词汇学习策略实证研究29、商务英语商业英语新词构词研究30、剑桥商务英语商业英语口语考试的构念效度分析31、独立学院商务英语商业英语专业课程设置初探32、任务导向的高职商务课程开发研究33、商务英语商业英语笔译试题设计研究34、商务英语商业英语写作能力量表研究35、词组方法在商务英语商业英语词汇学习中的有效性研究36、商务英语商业英语语篇中的衔接与连贯37、高职高专商务英语商业英语专业项目设计实训模式研究38、商务英语商业英语信函翻译的语用充实策略39、An Approach to the Web-based Course Design forBusiness English40、高校商务英语商业英语教学中跨文化交际能力的培养41、多元智能理论在高职商务英语商业英语口语教学中的应用研究42、语块与商务英语商业英语信函43、基于文化图式理论下的商务英语商业英语翻译教学研究44、商务英语商业英语口语教学中的任务设计45、论显性/隐性教学对商务英语商业英语学生语用能力发展的影响46、商务英语商业英语词汇的一词多义现象研究47、任务型语言教学在中等职业学校商务英语商业英语中的应用研究48、国际商务英语商业英语中的模糊语言及其英汉翻译策略研究49、评价理论应用于商务英语商业英语阅读教学中的尝试性研究50、论中专商务英语商业英语教学中的文化导入51、功能主义视角下的国际商务英语商业英语合同汉译策略研究52、高职商务英语商业英语专业“开放式”实践教学模式与研究53、商务英语商业英语信函中的语块研究54、等值理论在商务英语商业英语翻译中的应用55、新方略:用功能语法指导商务英语商业英语口语教学56、商务英语商业英语应用文动态语篇分析研究57、商务英语商业英语会话艺术和技巧分析58、商务英语商业英语专业课程设置的需求分析研究59、基于语料库的商务英语商业英语词汇特点的研究60、元认知策略在商务英语商业英语专业学生二语词汇习得中的作用61、商务英语商业英语阅读策略和词汇策略相关性研究62、不同反馈形式对EFL学习者在商务英语商业英语写作中二语习得效果的研究63、基于语料库的商务英语商业英语写作自动评分系统研究64、商务英语商业英语信函中模糊语言的语用分析65、商务英语商业英语合同中承诺类言语行为研究66、从功能对等角度看商务翻译67、关联—顺应模式下的商务英语商业英语翻译68、商务英语商业英语教学与工作需求差距调查69、任务型教学法在商务英语商业英语口语教学中的应用70、基于任务的商务英语商业英语阅读试题设计研究71、商务英语商业英语语篇的衔接与连贯72、多媒体商务英语商业英语听力自主学习策略研究73、A Study of the Problems in Business English Teachingin Institutes of Higher Vocational Education74、案例教学模式在商务英语商业英语专业教学中的应用研究75、基于体裁的商务英语商业英语阅读教学研究76、商务英语商业英语中的概念隐喻化机制77、商务英语商业英语声明的文体分析78、情景教学在中国高职院校商务英语商业英语口语教学中的应用研究79、语用原则在商务英语商业英语应用中的度范畴80、剑桥商务英语商业英语证书考试中句子填空的衔接分析81、剑桥商务英语商业英语二级证书考试特点及所用题型分析——对比大学英语四级考试82、功能对等理论在商务英语商业英语汉译中的应用研究83、商务英语商业英语信函的词汇特征分析84、矛盾修辞中的对立与统一及其在商务英语商业英语中的应用85、商务英语商业英语口语培训课程设计86、基于内容的商务英语商业英语教学法评估87、计算机辅助语言学习在商务英语商业英语写作教学中的研究88、高职商务英语商业英语专业课程设置改革的研究89、更具吸引力的教学设计研究90、商务英语商业英语信函中的模糊语言研究91、商务英语商业英语信函中的语用策略探究92、商务谈判英语中模糊的语用阐释及其效用研究93、商务英语商业英语报忧类信函的人际意义研究94、An Analysis on Gender Differences in BusinessEnglish Writing95、从对立统一的角度看语用原则在商务英语商业英语信函中的体现96、以体裁为基础分析和教授《致股民的信》97、ICM&DDL模式在商务英语商业英语多义词教学中的应用研究98、从认知角度培养英语学习中的隐喻能力——经济类英语隐喻研究99、高职学生商务英语商业英语写作中介语错误分析及对策100、论商业英语新闻导语中名词化程式的语用预设功能销量第一口碑第一好评第一收藏第一淘宝毕业论文检测皇冠店淘宝旺旺:甄博士点击店址: 本店帮助数以万计学生顺利通过学校检测,迎来数以万计的好评论文检测系统特点(一套适合自己的检测方案,花费少,轻松过关)甄博士论文检测皇冠老店(专业、安全、共享)名称检测范围检测语种检测价位官网检测耗时检测建议点击万方毕业论文中文<1元√1-2分钟学校也用的情况下定稿前去检测PaperYY毕业论文中文2-10元√3-5分钟论文中期修改前去检测Paperpass毕业论文中文2-10元√10-30分钟论文中期修改前去检测维普毕业论文中、英2-10元√5-15分中期、定稿前去检文钟测知网分解毕业论文中、英文25元左右√0.5-1小时中期、定稿前去检测知网amlc/smlc投稿期刊、职称中、英文30元/万字√0.5-1小时论文定稿前去检测知网pmlc本科论文中、英文150元/单篇√0.5-1小时论文定稿前去检测知网tmlc2/vip5.0系统硕博论文中、英文价格波动√0.5-1小时论文定稿前去检测最优检测方案制定建议学校采用检测系统最省钱最优化检测方案(检测前最好先搞清楚学校用什么系统检测,再选择最优的检测方案)万方除非学校也选用万方系统,保证结果与学校一样,否则只能做初检使用。

商务英语专业毕业论文题目文化对比类1.中西方餐饮文化对比2.跨文化交际与中西文化冲突3.中西方餐桌礼仪差异4.了解中西方不同礼仪在外贸业务中的意义4.中英文在生活中的差异5.文化差异与英汉习语的翻译6.论语境在翻译中的重要性7.英语听说读写四种技能的关系9.英语词汇中的外来语单词10.美国英语的特色11.中外文学作品比较12.报刊英语中标点、缩略语的应用13.背诵在英语中的作用14.英语与美语的差异15.中西饮食文化的比较16.中西文化中礼仪在外贸业务中的比较17.中美商务谈判中恭维语及恭维应答的比较分析18.商务英语信函中词汇特征的分析其他2.商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用3.商务合同中英语词汇的作用4.商务英语在中国加入 WTO 后的新发展和新趋势、5.商务英语函电写作和作用6.商务谈判的成功因素7.中美商务谈判中恭维语及恭维应答的比较分析8.商务英语信函的词汇特征分析9.英汉习语中的明喻、暗喻和借代10.英汉习语对比及反映的东西方文化异同11.英语商标的文化内涵与汉译12.商务谈判中英语的重要性14.还盘信中的写作技巧15.商务谈判中成功的要素16.商务函电的写作及用词特点17.入世商务英语写作的措施研究18.外贸单证在出口业务中的地位和作用19.对背信用证和可转让信用证的对比分析20.外贸单证在缮制过程中的要点中英题目1)The Influence of Cultural Elements on the Translation of the idioms in Commercial English 试论文化因素对经贸领域中习语翻译的影响2)Commercial English: its characteristics and translation 经贸英语的特点与翻译3)The Characteristics of Business Contract Wording in English & its Translation 英语经贸契约4)On the Usage and Translation of Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases in Business Contracts in English 英语经贸契约介词和介词短语的用法及翻译5)Understanding and Translation of the Divisional Phenomena in English Economic Contracts 英语经贸契约分隔现象的理解与翻译6)Lexical Features of Business Contract English and Its Translation 经贸合同英语词法特征及其翻译7)Characteristics and Distinctive English Translation of Words in Business Contracts 商务合同英语用词特点及翻译的特色标记8)The Characteristics and the Present Situation of Foreign trade English Translation 对外经贸翻译的特点与现状9)On the Translation of Commercial Advertisement 谈商业广告的翻译10)On the Role of Social Context in Business English Translation 浅议经贸英语翻译中语境因素的作用11)On the Criteria of Translating English in to Foreign- oriented Economy and Trade Affairs 试论经贸英语翻译的标准12)Translation Characteristics of Economy and Trade English 经贸英语的翻译特点13)Understanding and Translation of the Divisional Phenomena in English Economic Contracts 英语经贸契约分隔现象的理解与翻译14)On Abbreviations in Business English 谈经贸英语中的缩略语现象15)On the Strategies of the Mistranslation in Business English 论经贸英语误译的对策16)Multi-angle Views On Business English Translation 经贸翻译的多视角17)A Classification & Translation of Words Denoting Major Positions in Business English 经贸英语中主要职务用词的分类与翻译18)The Classification and Translation of the Business English T erms with the Reference of "Money"经贸英语中含有"钱款"意义词汇的分类及翻译19)A Brief analysis on the Characteristics of Business English Vocabulary浅议经贸英语词汇的特点10) Word Diction in Economy and Trade Translation 经贸翻译的词义选择21)On the Multi-discipline of the Economic English Vocabulary 论经济英语语汇的多学科性22)On the Features of Business English Letters 浅谈外经贸英语信函的写作特点23)Adjusting the T one in International Business English 经贸英语缓和口吻表达方法探究24)The Stylistic Features of the Contract English 协议、合同英语的文体特点25)On Translation of English Advertisement 广告英语的翻译26)Advertisement English Translation in Cross-cultural Background 跨文化背景中的广告英语翻译27)On Modifiers of Nouns in English for Foreign Economy & Trade 略谈外经贸英语中的名词修饰语28)On Translation of the Dates, Amount and Numbers (Figures) in the Economic & Trade Contracts 经贸契约中日期、金额和数字的翻译29)Translating Strategy of Modern Business English 现代商务英语翻译策略30)The New Trend of Economy & Trade English after China's Entry into WTO 经贸英语在中国加入WTO 后的新趋势31)Knowledge of Formulaic Expressions in Foreign Economic and Trade Contracts for the Study of Legal English 了解涉外经贸合同套语扫除法律英语学习障碍32)The Principle of Faithfulness in C-E Business Translation 关于英汉经贸翻译的"信"33)Methods and Principles of Trade Mark Translation 商标翻译的方法及应遵循的基本原则34)The Language Characteristics and Translation Strategy of English Advertisements 广告英语语言特点及其翻译策略35)A Study of the Characteristics of Sentences in International Economic Trade Contracts in English 试谈英文国际经济贸易合同的句法特点36)How to Correctly Understand & Translate the Compound WordsFormed from Here-, There- and Where- in Economic & Trade Contracts如何正确理解和翻译经贸契约中 Here, There-和 Where 构成的复合词37)he Life of the Translation of the Literature of Economy and Trade——Accuracy in the Translation 经贸文体翻译之生命——准确性38)On the Rhetoric Character and Translating Method of Advertising English 浅析广告英语的修辞特点和翻译方法39)On Metaphors in Business English and Translation 商务英语中的隐喻及其翻译40)On "Faithfulness" and "Innovation" in Foreign Trade English Translation 外贸英语翻译的"忠实"与"变通"41)The Strategies of Domestication and Dissimilation on Advertising English Translation 广告英语翻译的"归化"和""异化"策略42)Cross-cultural and Cross-linguistic Factors in English Advertisement Translation 英语广告翻译中的跨文化、跨语言因素43)Nominalization application in business English letter writing and its translation 名词化结构在商务英语信函中的应用和翻译44)On the Art of Rhetoric and Translation Approaches in Advertising English 论广告英语的修辞艺术和翻译方法45)The Negative and Active Function of Fuzzy Language in Business Writing 论模糊语言在经贸英语写作中的作用46)The Application of PP (Polite Principle) in Business English Communication47)CP(Cooperative Principle)and Business English Interpretation48)On the Cliché Expressions in Business English 商务英语中陈词腐语探析49)Hypotaxis and Parataxis in the Context of English to Chinese Translation of Business Literature 商务英语翻译中形合义合分析50)On the Preciseness of Business English Contracts 论商务英文合同语言严谨性51)How to Achieve Consideration in Business Correspondence 实现商务函电中“consideration”的手段52)A Research into the Legalese in Applied Business Literature 商务英语应用文中的法制性语言研究53)On the Balance between Conversational English and Old-fashioned English “conversational English”与“old-fashioned English”的恰当使用54)Features of Foreign Trade English and its Translation Model 外贸英语的特点与翻译模式55)An Analysis of the Rhetorical Devices used in English Business Advertisements 商务英语广告语言修辞探析56)On the Translation of Trademarks 商务英语商标翻译技巧57)Business English Abbreviations and their Functions 商务英文缩略语构成及功能58)On the Application of the Politeness Principle in Foreign Trade Correspondence“礼貌”在函电中的恰当使用59)Principles of Translating Economic Literature of Enterprises from Chinese to English 企业外宣资料汉英翻译原则60)English-Chinese Translation of Trademarks: Its Principles and Strategies 英语商标的汉译原则及策略61)The Puns in English and Chinese Advertisements and the Translation of Them 英汉广告中的双关语及其英汉互译62)The Pragmatic Analysis and Translation Strategies of Long Sentences in English Business Contracts 英语商务合同长句的语用分析及翻译策略63)Influence of Cultural differences on the Chinese-English Translation of Business Writing 文化差异对商务汉英翻译的影响64)On Equivalence of Cultural Message in the International Business English Translation 国际商务英语翻译中的文化信息等值研究。

河南农业大学本科生毕业论文(设计)任务书论文(设计)题目Marriages in Pride and Prejudice学院外国语学院专业英语(国际商务)班级学号姓名2010年3月1日河南农业大学本科生毕业论文(设计)题目Marriages in Pride and Prejudice学院外国语学院专业班级2006级商务英语2班学号学生姓名指导教师撰写日期:2010年5月20日Contents Abstract (1)I. Introduction (1)II. Four Marriages in Pride and Prejudice (2)1. Collins and Cha rlotte’s Marriage---marriage based on money or benefit (2)2. Lydia and Wickham’s Marriage---marriage based on vanity and carelessness (3)3. Jane and Mr. Bingley’s Marriage---marriage based on same interests (4)4.Darcy and Elizabeth’s Marriage---marriage based on true love (4)III. Influence of Austin’s Marriage Concept on Marriage Today (6)1. Woman’s social status in Austin’s age and Austin’s marriage concept (6)2.Woman’s social status and the marriage concept today (9)IV. Conclusion (10)Bibliography (11)Acknowledgments (11)Marriages in Pride and PrejudiceLi Lina Business Class 2 Grade 2006 0615102038 Tutor: Yu Hongwei Lecturer XXX 商务英语2班2006级0615102038 指导老师XXX 讲师Abstract:Pride and Prejudice is Austin’s great work. Through the discussion of the different marriages, she perfectly reflected the relation between money and marriage at her time and gave the people in her works vivid characters. Moreover, she portrayed some reasons for the different marriage concept held by people at that time, in which the low social status of women is the most striking one. Austin thinks that marriage merely for property, money and status is absolutely wrong, but marriage without economic factors is silly. In a word, she is against the marriage for money. She regards love between two people as the basis of an ideal marriage, which breaks the traditional marriage concept and influences people’s idea of marriage nowadays.Key words: Pride and Prejudice; marriage; loveI.Introduction“Jane Austen (1775-1817) was born in Hampshire, a country priest family located in Hants, the village of Kingston, Sidemen in north England. She was a beautiful, talented middle class woman with extraordinary temperament and good cultivation. Her six novels---Sense and Sensibility, Pride andPrejudice, Northanger Abbey, Manshifeierde Manor, Emma, Persuasion all describe more than marriage.” (Wang Shouren, 2005, 64) However, her marriage is like a blank paper in her 42 years real lifetime. Going through the finest time, but eventually without meeting a comfortable partner, she gives up her love. Going through the sweet and bitter feeling which helps her to write the great work Pride and Prejudice.“At that time, according to the social conditions in Britain, a good marriage for a young woman was critical. This phenomenon was closely associated with the British society and the status of women in the society. In the 19th century, women were not well respected compared with the ones in the present society. There was no equality between woman and man. Women were considered to be inferior to men in terms of intelligence and capacity. The central life of women was forced to stay at home, their roles were to deal with the family affairs, such as taking care of the children and serving for the husband.”(Zhu Hong, 1997, 34)People naturally thought that women should be submissive to their husbands. The virtues of women were patient and deferent. They must recognize their inherent inferiority to men, so they must restrict their abilities without conditions. Although the status of women was low, few of them expressed dissatisfaction about their own destiny. At that time, many middle-class young women had three solutions: getting married; staying at home as old maids or working as the family female teachers. The income of family female teacher was very low, and the status was low as well. It was very difficult for them to change or swap out of this status, no one would like to be a maid forever, therefore, in terms of young women, especially those who don’t have enough properties, to get married was the only way for them to gain respect, stability and social status. This idea forms the basis of women’s marriage concept at that time.This novel takes young people’s marriage as the thread and it covers the inheritance of fortune, women’s social status, ethics and customs. Being the masterpiece of Jane Austen, it comes to the extensive favor of literary lovers and experts at the same time. This paper makes an analysis of four marriages in Pride and Prejudice and discusses the influence of Austin’s marriage concept on present marriage.II. Four Marriages in Pride and Prejudice1. Collins and Charlotte’s marriage---marriage based on money or benefitThe first part of Pride and Prejudice tells the marriage of Charlotte and Collins, which is lucky and natural. They get married without any expectation. Charlotte is William Lucas’s daughter, who is the neighbor of Lizzy Bennett. She was born of humble parentage and very mediocre in every aspect. So she has not got married even until she is 26 years old. She may be a typical questionable girl. However, there are 5 daughters in the Bennetts, the five daughters are gradually growing up to the age for marriage. So both of the two families rival mutually, especially in the eyes of the vulgar women, such rivalry was particularly tedious. Bennett’s wife was especially typical; she does not give birth to a boy but five girls. The family’s property couldn’t be given to a daughter according to the custom at that time, and the family without a son can grant the wealth to the nephew. Thus, one of Bennett nephew---Collins can inherit the family wealth. Therefore, Mrs. Bennett has great expectations on her nephew. Though the family is not very rich, he is the final owner of Bonnet family’s wealth. Mrs. Bennett felt at ease about this, and she has great hope on Collins and likes him. Catherine Collins, with the help of one of his relatives, becomes a priest. And then he goes to the home of his uncle, wanting to be home complement of Bennett. Because he has heard a lot about the arrangement of the five golden flowers of his uncle’s family, he is coming to try his luck here. In his mind, if he could be one son-in-low of his uncle’s, then he could get the property of the family. He stays at home for a long time to repay his uncle’s heritage and gets sympathy by the family. Informed that the eldest daughter Jane has a boyfriend, he aims at the second daughter Elizabeth Bennett in spite for his aunt’s interesting sake, Elizabeth has been tired of him. Eventually, she refuses him with sharp tongue. But Collins quickly finds comfort from Charlotte who desires to get love from a male and believes marriage is the elegant way for a girl with some education. Charlotte knows that the marriage without property would eventually move toward disappointment and suffering. Even if the couple loves each other deeply at first, when Collins, known as a social climber, is rejected by Elizabeth, he immediately turns to fall in love with Miss Charlotte. Although Collins is an inborn fool, his love could not move the heart of a woman, Charlotte accepts him, because her purpose is to get married. Almost all the girls born in a poor family without good education always regard marriage as the only decent way, although marriage might not necessarily bring happiness to them. She manages to arrange one of the most reliable way by marriage, thus she would not be exposed to the cold temperatures and suffer hunger in the future. She now gets a storage room. Then they get married as quickly as the lightening. Charlotte is like a rodman catching a fairly plump fish---Collins. But if he doesn’t meet a setback from Elizabeth, a nd theencouragement of Charlotte, I am afraid that he would not be so willing to propose marriage to Charlotte. The man like Bingley who has fairly numerable money need a beautiful wife, the poor man needs a wife with a huge wealth, like Wickham; It was lucky for Charlotte that she could gain the marriage with Collins although their marriage is not happy at all. A mediocre love, a dull marriage has been established effortlessly. Such marriage without love is too practical, so it is a kind of superficial marriage without happiness.In these marriages, it was quite interesting that the women without property really get married with those rich bachelors. However, the happiness brought by marriage to them has not accompanied the husband. In marriage, money is very important. Austin objects such marriage simply based on money. Collins is the heir of Bonnet family; he doesn’t know what love is. He would state some of the inappropriate remarks at any time. Charlotte gets married for money. Eventually she gets nothing more than a rich man, though she has economic security. She doesn’t care about her husband’s accompanying and love. She encourages him to clean up the garden more. She sets his living-room in the small house absent of even a small number of sunshine. When her husband makes gaffe in front of their friends, she ignores and turns a deaf ear. Such arrangement for the story is a perfect irony for “the truth universally acknowledged” at the beginning of the novel. The author expresses great sympathy to the tr agic fate of the women at that time and those who had to marry because of economic restraints by the description of the marriage of Charlotte.2. Lydia and Wickham’s marriage---marriage based on vanity and carelessnessThe second marriage is between Bennet t’s third daughter Lydia and Wickham, the son of the housekeeper. Originally he is well-treated by the family and the friends. However, he comes down in the world because of his misbehavior. He gets into debt. So he wants to get money and become rich and change his social status through marriage, which is a way to approach the talents. He is a man without any responsibility. He does nothing except assailing a woman with obscenities. In his opinion, love is only recreation. For his purpose, he entices Lydia and gets her love easily, because she is young, innocent and vainglorious, and loves to go ease and hates to work hard, and is spoilt by her mother. Getting love and praise of a boy is her dream. So when Wickham wants to reach his aim---getting wealth by love, he exalts her beauty hypocritically. Lydia, impulsive, credulous and blindly following, she forgets who she is and feels she is the most beautiful and happiest girl in the world. Their love does not get the permission from the parents, and then they elope. They spend money without restraint, andthey are unable to make ends meet. When Elizabeth hears the news, she believes that their love is false, Wickham would not marry Lydia, because she is no charming and has nothing to attract him, He does not lov e her but the wealth of her family. The marriage is admitted on the condition of Darcy’s help. For sake of Elizabeth, Darcy gave them a sum of money to let them get out of difficulties. At the same time, this swindler prepares to climb another woman for a sum of money. Their marriage is considered to be a scandal in Bennett’s family. But Mrs. Bennet is not disgraceful to this marriage. When Collins gets the news, of course, he is very angry and reacts to the marriage to revenge his early failure of proposal to her.This marriage is one without love. They don’t know the real meaning of marriage. They only want to satisfy their aspiration. So we can say this is a kind of impromptu love and marriage without true love and responsibility which is doomed to be a tragedy.3. Jane and Mr. Bingley’s marriage---marriage based on same interestsThe third marriage is one of the eldest daughter Jane and Mr. Bingley. Bingley is a friend of Darcy. His sister loves Darcy very much and she expects Bingley to get married with Darcy’s sister Georgiana, because she wants to get love from Darcy in this way, which also reflects her selfishness. The marriage of the able man---Bingley and the beautiful girl---Jane is ideal in most people’s eyes. Bolobbyist, a politician, at the end of the 18th century, said that upbringing was more important than law, because it could promote moral, help to realize moral or ruin moral. Thus it could be concluded that upbringing played very important role in life at that time. On the first ball organized by Mr. Bingley in the Niger Park, Jane---the eldest daughter of the Bonnets’ is favored by the host. But the reserved personality and the standardized qualities make her conceal her true feelings, so she almost loses Bingley, which is also caused by her nest-of-kin’s lap sad conducts. For example, Mrs. Bennet often gives comments on the marriage in public, especially the benefits of the marriage, which almost frightens Bingley away. This good marriage based on a favorite of mutual good impression and true love. Fortunately with the misunderstandings between Elizabeth and Darcy solved, the lovers get married after so many setbacks.4. Darcy and Elizabeth’s marriage---marriage based on true loveThe fourth marriage is the main theme of the works. That is D arcy and Elizabeth’s marriage. Elizabeth is the ideal image for women as well as the most charismatic person in the novel. She is Bonnet’s second daughter, an active, intelligent and smart girl. She has a middle-class family background and has not been affected by the formal education belonging to those aristocratic younggirls, so she isn’t good at music and painting, but she has read many books which make her knowledgeable and perceptive. The most important aspect is that she is a lady with dignity and upbringing. Darcy is a man with tall figure and good manner. He is handsome, rich and powerful. So he is the ideal husband of most girls. But he has grown up in the surroundings with strong sense of power, so he always is selfish and arrogant, and he has a critical look at each individual, except the family members., he is not concerned about anyone else, and looks down upon anyone else. Therefore, when he first arrives in the village, he finds all the persons are far away from those imagined. Although every girl there is young and lovely, he has no interest to anyone except Elizabeth. At first he doesn’t put an eye on Elizabeth. Gradually, he has to admit that Elizabeth is beautiful, distinct and popular, although he insists that Elizabeth hasn’t the same soc ial status as him. Darcy is rational because he has a strong sense of power, which agrees on the reality at that time. Although he expresses his love to Elizabeth, he couldn’t help showing his arrogance, which makes Elizabeth have misconception and prejudi ce on Darcy. Darcy considers that he has been lowing himself and doing something against his will, personalities and even moral standard. He thinks that his marriage would certainly succeed and Elizabeth is waiting for him to propose marriage.Therefore, even he is irresistible to the flooding feelings, and condescends to Elizabeth, he still remembers the gap between them. Clearly, the rational aspect of Darcy’s personality performs on the realities of society. When he talks about his feelings of love, he also expresses the arrogance of these feelings in details, which results in the arousing resentment of Elizabeth; she rejects his marriage proposal, and angrily accuses his insolence. The rational aspect of the heroine Elizabeth shows her calm and actually stressful personality. Compared with her stupid mother, the smooth and lazy father, the shallow-minded, self-willed sister with feather head, Elizabeth is one with ideal mind. She is elegant like her sister Jane, but more intellectually superior unlike her sister being easy to be favorable. She also advises her sister to see through the stupidity and nonsense of those camouflage honest persons.Elizabeth is unique, because she has a deep understanding of all the things around her. In fact both she and Darcy are extremely sensitive to the social status. Different from Darcy, Elizabeth doesn’t have superiority about her family background and status. Instead, she feels deeply ashamed for her sister’s being lack of fairly education and her mother’s rudeness and stupidity. Compared with her moderate and generous sister Jane, she is smarter and even more profound. She has a clear understanding about her own social status, which is due to the psychotically sedimentary deposits because she is in aninferior position for long time. Because of this, she resists extremely against the arrogance of Darcy, and she tries her best to protect herself from being hurt by Darcy’s commanding attitude. She believes that she must make him understand that she is not woozy, which reflects her belief to deal with the emotional entanglements with Darcy, as well as her constant patter with Darcy and the prejudice on Darcy. It superficially seems to be shared by the traditional psychological requirement that everyone needs to be respected mutually. Mutually speaking, this is another form of expression about the awareness of status. Perhaps, to some extent, Darcy has more romantic temperament than Elizabeth, it is because he is better positioned than her. Elizabeth refuses the stupid priest Collins and challenges wealthy Darcy, all of this is actually the resistance of the prevailing marriage at that time. The ultimate failure makes Darcy wake up. He is aware of his own short-comings. He accepts Elizabeth’s criticism, and faithfully corrects the shortcomings and mistakes. He is no longer arrogant and has a real love with Elizabeth.With the revealing of the truth, Elizabeth’s prejudice on Darcy becomes deeper. Until when Elizabeth refuses Darcy’s long love letter, she experiences the fierce sh ock. After undergoing a period of painful and profound thought, she could not help but to shout how despicable she is, she believes she is the excellent one in the family, she is skillful and always despises her sister’s dress. In order to satisfy her own vanity, she always treats people with an irrelevant suspicion and confusion. How shameful it is! But this shame serves her right. Even if she really falls in love with someone, she should not be so blind to meet this flunking stage. She is stupid not only in love, but in the vanity. When she first knows them two, one loves her and makes her feel happy, and the other treats her in a cold manner, which makes her angry. All these cause her prejudice and ignorance, when she encounters their affairs. She would not be able to distinguish the right and the wrong. She could be considered to be knowledgeable at last.When we see the blame from heart, we find her shortcomings and the courage that she could face herself directly. It is her bringing that plays a role; she starts to give up the bias caused by self-esteem, truly and seriously understand Darcy. Elizabeth wouldn’t believe the shameless lies about Darcy said by Han and eliminate the misunderstanding and prejudice. She finally falls in love with Darcy. When the sister asks how she would love Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth replies that she should date from the day she sees the beautiful lane manor park. The statement seems to refer to the property of Darcy. Therefore, Jane doesn’t want the sisters to be kidding. In additi on to referring to the specific manor, she also refers thenew Darcy seen in the garden. In other words, Darcy changes the attitude of being arrogant and rude, and this is the reason why Darcy wins Elizabeth’s heart and love.III. Influence of Austin’s Marriage Concept on Marriage Today1.Woman’s social status in Austin’s age and Austin’s marriage conceptMarriage is the central topic in Pride and Prejudice. From the analysis of the marriages, we can see that wealth is the decisive factor of marriage to the female at that time while the major factor of influencing concepts of marriage is women’s social status. In the novel, Austen portrays the women’s low status and the reasons for it. Pride and Prejudice is also a sharp and witty comedy of manners played out in early 19th century English society, a world in which men held virtually all the power and women were required to negotiate mine-fields of social status, respectability, property, and marriage.In a letter Austen wrote to Fanny in 1817, she wrote, “sing le women have a dreadful propensity for being poor---which is one very strong argument in favor of matrimony.”(Gillie, 2005, 98) We get a somber impression of the women in Jane Austen’s lifetime, with fairly rare exceptions, only two professions were open to opportunities and enormous risks, and the latter was arduous, penurious, and little respected. There were also, of course, literature and journalism, but they seldom afforded a stable livelihood. Having a private income, happy matrimony was the only way of life in which middle-and upper-class women could normally hope to find themselves satisfied, esteemed, and secured. The women, in a lower status, in order to live, she has to depend on the marriage or the men, except that she is a rich woman, who owns a large fortune. In that case, it is unnecessary for her to depend on marriage. If it is not in that case, girls must find a rich man to be married. The single women must have their own ways to live on their own. “It is a truth universally acknowledged tha t a single man in possession of a large fortune must be in want of a wife.” (Austen, 2003, 1) This is not a truth, in reverse, it is a truth that a poor woman without fortune is in want of a man in possession of a large fortune. The reason is that she has to live, but she cannot live by her own. Therefore, the ladies take advantage of their beauties and good manners to attract men.In this novel Austen concentrates on women’s fate most. Through her characters’ process of courtship and marriage, Austen shows social background behind their marriage and what low status women have suffered. In Pride and Prejudice, generally the only way for a woman is to get married besides being spinsterhood or governess. To marry a rich and high status man, is a path for the young women to gaining financial security and social status. The novel portrays life in the middle class ruralsociety of the day, and tells the initial misunderstanding and later mutual enlightenment between Elizabeth Bennet and Darcy. They gradually dispel their prejudice and constitute a happy marriage. Here Austen shows the power of love and happiness to overcome class boundaries and prejudice, thereby implying that women should strive for their own love and happiness, but not to according to the social will.However, behind the happy marriage of Elizabeth Bennet and Darcy, Austen mainly wants to show that property, social status still play the most important roles in a marriage, from which women suffered a lot. No right of inheritance, such is particularly the case of the Bennets, a family of five daughters whose father’s estate is entailed to a distant relative, for upon Mr. Bennet’s death they will loose home, land, and income, everything else. After knowing Elizabeth’s refusal to Mr. Collins, Mrs. Ben net threats her daughter that“if you go on refusing every marriage, you will never get a husband, and I am sure I do not know who is to maintain you when your father died.”(Austin, 2003, 150) So it is illustrated that property and social status are more important than marriage. Marriage is an odd phenomenon and it is just an approach, which people could reach their aims and provides them convenience. Austen describes Charlotte’s marriage as a symbol, through which Austen shows the readers what low status w omen hold.Through Pride and Prejudice, Austen portrays the commonly held views on the characters’ marriage. Society, at that time, put a significant value on property and social status, and women in such a society, with their privileges tightly limited, had no chance to develop their personalities and their characters were fettered by the society. There were no centrally organized systems of state---supported schools, and some local grammar schools did exist but did not admit girls. So women’s education be came impossible, and they didn’t have careers, but society required little for their use of knowledge and gave little chance for them to use knowledge. They were denied the possibility of improving their status or gaining their financial security through hard work or personal achievements. They were mostly estimated by others through their property and social status.Therefore, in Pride and Prejudice, marriage is one of the most ideal ways, in which women could gain reputation, wealth and raise their social status. Just as the character Charlotte Lucas in the novel, without thinking highly either of men or matrimony, her life goal is marriage. When proposing and being rejected by Elizabeth, Mr. Collins quickly transfers his attention towards Charlotte Lucas, and he could not possibly be in love with Charlotte, for only three days before he had proposed Elizabeth. YetCharlotte knows the fact that the man she will marry has no attachment to her, just for the will of marrying, but she pays no attention to it. She marries Mr. Collins for the purpose other than love, so she doesn’t care about whether there is love in their marriage. Just as Charlotte says to her fiend “I am not romantic, you know. I never was. I ask only a comfortable home; and considering Mr. Co llins’s character, connections, and situations in life…” she accepts Mr. Collins’s proposal. Austen portrays that Charlotte’s marriage to Collins is a monetary trade. Charlotte marries Collins primarily because he will be able to provide her enough livelihoods and will be able to make her life quite easy by considering estate. So she thinks that the tolerable Collins’s proposing to her is an extremely good fortune for her since he earns his money through inheritance and is in the command of the wealthy lady Catherine. In other words, Charlotte marries Collins not because of love but because of her desire for financial security and raising her social status. Facing the practicality, she would have sacrificed every better feeling to worldly advantages. After their marriage, Charlotte has to endure her intolerable husband.In the novel, Austen also criticizes the marriage concept women held at that time. In terms of marriage, women thought they had no high social status and had no large property, so they thought that marriage was an acceptable path to his high status or their economic safety according to the view of the society. They never thought that they could earn their life and their marriage, which belonged to themselves but not to the social value. They just considered if they could completely integrate into the society and accepted the twisted monetary view and marriage view, and played the roles that the society needed, they could gain their happiness and easy life. Thus, they dressed themselves and were willing to transform themselves into commodities, appearing in kinds of balls, in order to attract men.Although women were forced under the social prejudice, they tried no struggle. They were willing to believe that marriage was a form of trade and in the marriage market they could be given happiness. Facing social prejudice, they also had the consciousness of being humble, thinking that the male was the superiority, and women had to surrender to the society, was seemed to more easily to them. In the novel, Austen demonstrates that women should strive for their own life and marriage, be self-confident and get rid of the illiberal mind, not ruin any chance to realize the value, dignity, personality of theirs. Elizabeth is the best example, although she sometimes shows her pride, she is an admirable, wit, brilliant, and self-confident woman, who conquers many difficulties and at last she gains the true love with Darcy. As for Charlotte, she also could have tried to find somebody she really loves and gets married, like her。


商务英语毕业论文题目参考1、基于内容的商务英语教学法评估2、商务谈判英语中模糊的语用阐释及其效用研究3、语篇功能对等视角的商务英语翻译4、高职商务英语专业实践课程开发5、关联理论在商务英语阅读教学中的应用6、成人商务英语教学中学生自主学习能力的培养7、功能对等理论视角下的商务英语翻译8、中职商务英语教学中跨文化交际意识的培养9、论商务英语翻译中的文化转向10、职前学生商务英语词汇教学法探索11、商务英语中模糊语言的应用及其语用分析12、从目的论角度看国际商务英语翻译的质量评估13、高职院校商务英语精读教学中的任务型教学法14、词典类型对翻译与习得商务英语新词作用的实证研究15、高职课程的演进及其对商务英语专业项目课程开发的探索16、语域理论指导下的商务英语汉译17、商务英语写作中介语错误分析的研究18、从顺应论的视角分析商务英语信函中的语用失误19、商务英语网络课件的评估:TMM个案研究20、商务英语新闻中概念隐喻的认知研究21、关于中国职业高等院校商务英语课程设计中一些重要问题的思考22、研究性学习在中职商务英语口语教学中的应用23、商务合同语篇中的语法隐喻研究24、英语广告在商务英语教学中的个案应用25、教师反馈对提高商务英语写作准确性作用的研究26、论任务型教学法在商务英语写作教学中的运用27、建构主义指导下的商务英语课程设计研究28、高职生商务英语词汇学习策略实证研究29、商务英语新词构词研究30、剑桥商务英语口语考试的构念效度分析31、某某某学院商务英语专业课程设置初探32、任务导向的高职商务课程开发研究33、商务英语笔译试题设计研究34、商务英语写作能力量表研究35、词组方法在商务英语词汇学习中的有效性研究36、商务英语语篇中的衔接与连贯37、高职高专商务英语专业项目设计实训模式研究38、商务英语信函翻译的语用充实策略39、 An Approach to the Web-based Course Design for Business English40、高校商务英语教学中跨文化交际能力的培养41、多元智能理论在高职商务英语口语教学中的'应用研究42、语块与商务英语信函43、基于文化某某某式理论下的商务英语翻译教学研究44、商务英语口语教学中的任务设计45、论显性/隐性教学对商务英语学生语用能力发展的影响46、商务英语词汇的一词多义现象研究47、任务型语言教学在中等职业学校商务英语中的应用研究48、国际商务英语中的模糊语言及其英汉翻译策略研究49、评价理论应用于商务英语阅读教学中的尝试性研究50、论中专商务英语教学中的文化导入51、功能主义视角下的国际商务英语合同汉译策略研究52、高职商务英语专业“开放式”实践教学模式与研究53、商务英语信函中的语块研究54、等值理论在商务英语翻译中的应用55、新方略:用功能语法指导商务英语口语教学56、商务英语应用文动态语篇分析研究57、商务英语会话艺术和技巧分析58、商务英语专业课程设置的需求分析研究59、基于语料库的商务英语词汇特点的研究60、元认知策略在商务英语专业学生二语词汇习得中的作用1.《商务英语课程设置的探讨》2.《跨文化因素对英汉翻译的影响》3.《商务英语的特点及翻译技巧》4.《商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用》5.《单证员在国际贸易中的地位》6.《商务英语函电翻译技巧》7.《商务谈判中英语的重要性》8.《浅谈出口结汇风险的防范》9.《中国退税制度的及其影响》10.《商标名称的翻译与策略》11.《外贸企业信用风险管理与控制》12. 《xx年外资银行在我国本土注册探讨》13.《我国利用国际贷款/国际援助现状分析》14. 《wto与我国反倾销探讨》15.《我国对外直接投资之现状》16.《内陆地区对外贸易发展策略研究》17.《中印两国两国对外贸易战略分析》18.《人民币升值对我国出口贸易的影响》19.《浅谈商务英语写作时避免修饰语错位的'方法》20.《商务函电翻译的用词技巧》21.《外商直接在华投资探讨》22.《社会文化迁移对中国式英语的影响》23.《我国外贸出口品牌战略的实施与研究》24.《商务英语专业口语课程教学探讨》25.《入世对我国农产品贸易的影响与对策研究》26.《应对经济全球化,加快我国企业跨国经营》27.《英语写作中常见中式英语分析》28.《入世商务英语写作的研究》29.《制单工作在国际结算中的地位》30.《关税壁垒与非关税壁垒探讨》31.《浅谈实质利益谈判法》32.《国际电子商务发展面临的新问题》33.《商务英语写作中的错误与商务英语写作教学之间的关系》34.《清算所在期货市场上的地位》35.《跨国公司在华扩张模式透析》36.《汉译英中遇到新词语的译法问题》1、中西方餐饮文化对比2、跨文化交际与中西文化冲突3、中西方餐桌礼仪差异4、了解中西方不同礼仪在外贸业务中的意义5、中英文在生活中的差异6、文化差异与英汉习语的翻译7、论语境在翻译中的重要性8、英语听说读写四种技能的关系9、方言对英语发音的影响10、英语词汇中的外来语单词11、美国英语的特色12、中外文学作品比较13、报刊英语中标点、缩略语的应用14、背诵在英语中的作用15、英语与美语的差异16、中西饮食文化的比较17、中西文化中礼仪在外贸业务中的比较18、中美商务谈判中恭维语及恭维应答的比较分析19、商务英语信函中词汇特征的分析。
[商务英语专业毕业论文题目]商务英语论文题目大全商务英语专业毕业论文参考题目(教师选题)一、1、商务英语的特质及翻译技巧2、商务英语函电翻译技巧3、商务英语信函的语体分析3、浅谈商务信函的文体特征4、商务英语学习方法探究5、中西文化商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养6、国际商务谈判中应注意的文化因素7、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突8、试论普通英语与商务英语的差异9、商务谈判中的语言艺术10、商标队名的翻译与策略11、广告英语的定义与分析12、试论文化因素对商务活动的作用13、商务英语听力策略研究14、商务英语写作问题所研究15、商务英语考试技巧研究16、电子商务对国际贸易的影响及对策17、The Ways to Increase the Competitiveness of China’s Export Goods18、The Advantages and the Disadvantages of C hina’s Cheap Labor in Its Foreign Trade19、Multinational Corporations Help China Develop Its Ey20、Export and Import Are Equally Necessary to China二、1、初析英文广告句式结构及修辞的功能2、从文化视角用法比较中英文广告辞汇3、国际商务英语信函话语分析4、商务英语发展现状浅祈5、商务英语翻译技巧6、中同商务英语函电中的文化因素初探7、商务英语专业人才培养模式改革与实践8、试论文化导入在商务英语教学中的作用9、中英文广告标题的共同点10、中英文广告传播之语言特色及跨文化问题11、商品译文的品牌形象对商务英语翻译教学的启示12、商务英语翻译标准初探13、试论商务英语写作的简洁礼貌原则及写作技巧14、我国在国际贸易中实施反倾销的应对实施思路15、现代商务英语书信的写作现代风格和词法特点16、英文广告的特点及翻译17、从修辞方面浅探商务英语的语言特色18、浅议国际贸易的几点理论创新19、商务英语艺术类商务英语专业教学模式探讨20、朱泽内翻译技巧21、商务英语书面语篇词汇表现形式特点分析22、礼貌原则在商务英语信函写作当中的应用三、1、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧2、商务函电翻译的用词技巧3、商标名称的翻译与经营策略4、商务谈判中的语言艺术5、商务谈判的文化障碍6、商务英语培训课程设置的探讨7、商务谈判中西班牙文的重要性8、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力多元性的培养9、广舅中的跨文化冲突10、商务英语阅读所研究11、商务英语写作问题研究12、商务英语考试技巧研究13、商务英语听力策略研究14、商务英语考证口语考试技巧研究15、商务英语交往中的礼貌原则16、如何翻译好日常商务文书17、商务英语亲笔信的语体分析18、浅谈商务信件的文体特征19、英语商务电文和合同中被动语态的参考价值语用意义及其翻译20、朱泽内汉英翻译中从句的运用运用技巧21、商务谈判的艺术性22、跨文化的商务谈判23、朱泽内的特征与翻译24、商务英语写作中的错误与中商务英语写作教学内容之间的关系25、汉译英中遇到新词语的译法问题26、浅谈涉外合同瑞典语特色27、商务英语背景知识与商务英语28、广告英语的分类及分析29、国际商务谈判中的“文化壁垒”30、英语口语或语法在商业领域中的应用四、1、论文化不利因素因素对英汉翻译的影响2、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧3、商务函电翻译的用词技巧4、商标称谓的翻译与策略5、商务谈判的艺术性6、跨文化的商务谈判7、墨西哥英语习语与文化8、中美日常言谈中的文化差异9、The Cultural Comparison in Business Activities 商务活动中的中西方文化差异10、商务英语交往中的礼貌原则11、如何翻译用心日常商务文书12、商务英语信函的语体分析13、浅谈商务信函的文体特征14、英语商务信函和合同中被动语态的语用意义及其翻译15、商务英语汉英翻译中从句的运用技巧16、论跨文化因素对商业广告英语翻译的影响17、跨文化商务非交际中的语言和非语言原因18、浅谈英语告示语的语言特色与翻译19、商务英语信函的用语特征分析(An Analytical Term Features of English BusinessCorrespondence )20、商务英语学习工具21、跨文化交际与中西文化冲突22、国际商务中的跨文化交际问题23、蒙夫朗中的跨文化冲突24、国际商务谈判中应注意的文化因素25、国际商务谈判中的“文化壁垒”26、广告瑞典语的分类及分析27、商务英语背景知识与商务英语Business Knowledge and Business English28、虚拟语气与商务英语表达Subjunctive Mood and Business English29、跨文化交际在商务英语学习中的运用Utilization of Cross-culture icationin Business English Learning30、商务英语学习中中曾跨文化交际能力的培养Developing Cross-culture icationSkill in Business English Learning31、商务英语在国际营销热效应中的调节作用The Role of Business English in InternationalMarketing32、礼仪在商务谈判中的积极作用33、Etiquette in Business Activities 商务活动中所商务礼仪五、1、商务英语信函的写作特点2、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突3、外语系中的委婉策略4、商务英语书信译者的特点5、商务英语听力理解障碍分析及对策6、网络与商务英语学习7、商务活动中的中西方文化差异 8、商务英语专业深入研究研究生就业岗位之探讨9、礼仪在商务谈判中的作用10、影响高职学生学生口语能力的环境因素及对策11、浅谈高职学生英语听说新技能技能的培养12、谚语与翻译13、颜色词的翻译14、英语委婉语的人文精神内涵15、英语应用能力的培养与学生就业16、中国英语和中西文化交际17、商务谈判与中西方文化差异18、商务活动中会商务礼仪19、商务口译技巧六、1、外语系的技法特点及翻译技巧2、 Characteristics and Distinctive English Translation of Words in Business Contracts商务合同外语用词特点3、 On the Features of Business English Letters浅谈商务信函的写作特点4、 On the Art of Rhetoric and Translation Approaches in Advertising English论广告英语的修辞戏剧和翻译方法5、 On the Application of the Politeness Principle in Foreign Trade Correspondence“礼貌”在函电中的恰当使用6、 Influence of Cultural differences on the Chinese-English Translation of BusinessWriting文化差异对商务汉英翻译的损害7、 The Cultural Comparison in Business Activities 商务活动中的中西方文化差异8、 On Cultural Elements Integrated into Business English Teaching 商务英语沟通中的文化因素9、 A Study of Interpretation Skills in English-Chinese and Chinese-English 商务口译技巧10、 On Translation of English Advertisement广告英语的翻译11、商务谈判成功要素12、英文广告语言特色13、商务函电翻译的用词技能14、浅谈商标翻译中的文化差异15、海明威作品及人物16、《傲慢与偏见》作品及人物分析17、《荆棘鸟》作品及人物分析18、《飘》之作品及人物分析19、《呼啸山庄》之作品及女英雄分析20、英汉基本颜色词的语义反差—以“红、白、黄、黑”为例七、1、论文化风险因素对英汉翻译的影响2、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧3、商务函电翻译的用词技巧4、商标名称的翻译与思路5、网络与外语学习6、如何对待读报理解中的生词7、金融危机后我省外贸的困境与出路8、我国出口包装面对的技术壁垒进出口及应对措施9、绿色对我国的影响及应对措施10、商务谈判中的语言艺术11、商务谈判的文化障碍12、商务英语课程设置的探讨13、跨文化因素对英汉翻译的影响14、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧15、商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用16、单证员在国际贸易中的地位17、商务英语函电翻译技巧18、商务谈判中所英语的重要性19、商标队名的翻译与策略20、浅谈时则商务英语写作时避免修饰语错位的方法21、商务函电翻译的用词技巧22、社会文化迁移对中国式英语的影响23、我国外贸出口品牌战略的实施双肋与研究24、英语写作中常见中式英语分析25、制单工作在国际结算中的地位26、商务英语写作中的错误与商务英语写作教学之间的关系27、汉译英中遇到新词语的译法问题28、如何防范外国银行诈骗29、我国中小企业开拓国际市场之探讨30、商务英语专业毕业生就业岗位之探讨31、单证员跟单员等资格证书社会现状思考32、礼仪在商务谈判中的作用33、中国贸易的现状和前景34、浅谈涉外合同英语特色35、国际商务单证的作用及种类37、当今我国外贸企业面临的机遇、挑战及应对措施38、中国外贸企业的发展和前景。

下面是店铺带来的关于商务英语毕业论文题目目录的内容,欢迎阅读参考!商务英语毕业论文题目目录(一)1. 商务英语学习的几点体会2. 商务英语学习方法3. 商务英语学习文化与自我建构4. 商务英语学习中的文化习得5. 商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养6. 商务英语与商务交际7. 商务英语语篇文体特征分析8. 商务英语阅读研究9. 商务英语在国际营销中的作用10. 商务英语中的平行结构及其翻译方法11. 商务英语中的委婉表达及其翻译12. 商务英语中书面语言的文体特征及语用分析13. 商务英语中以谓语动词为中心的基本句型的翻译14. 商务英语专业毕业生就业岗位之探讨15. 商务英语专业的学生应具备的素质16. 商务英语专业学生必备的口语能力17. 社会文化迁移对中国式英语的影响18. 社会需求与英语学习的转轨19. 实用英语交际的语言风格和规范20. 市场细分与目标市场的选择--个案研究报告21. 试论Body Language在商务谈判中的作用商务英语毕业论文题目目录(二)1. 商务写作中的语气分析2. 商务英语背景知识与商务英语3. 商务英语常用单词的多义现象例析4. 商务英语的特点及翻译技巧5. 商务英语的特征与翻译6. 商务英语的语言特色探讨7. 商务英语翻译中的不对等性8. 商务英语翻译中的跨文化因素9. 商务英语函电翻译技巧10. 商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用11. 商务英语汉英翻译中从句的运用技巧12. 商务英语和普通英语的比较13. 商务英语交往中的礼貌原则14. 商务英语教材分析报告15. 商务英语教学应树立以学生为中心的教学思想16. 商务英语教学中英语知识与商务知识的关系17. 商务英语考试技巧研究18. 商务英语课程设置的探讨19. 商务英语口语学习状况调查20. 商务英语谈判中模糊语言的语用功能及翻译21. 商务英语听力策略研究商务英语毕业论文题目目录(三)1. 浅谈商务英语学生应具备的知识结构2. 浅谈涉外合同英语特色3. 浅谈英语告示语的语言特色与翻译4. 浅析跟单业务中的若干环节5. 浅析海运提单的风险及防范措施6. 浅析进出口业务中的常用词汇7. 浅析跨文化交际中的商务礼仪8. 浅析商务英语汇商务英语中俚语的风格及翻译9. 浅议商务公司的招聘10. 浅议商务沟通的重要性11. 浅议商务英语的特点12. 如何把英语语言和专业知识结合到实际工作当中13. 如何对待阅读理解中的生词14. 如何翻译好日常商务文书15. 如何防范信用证诈骗16. 如何提高精读课教学质量17. 如何提高商务口语课教学质量18. 入世商务英语写作的措施研究19. 商标名称的翻译与策略20. 商务单证的作用及种类。

1. 论商务英语教学创新与学生能力的培养2. 论商务英语专业学生的综合素质3. 语言教学与商务知识有机结合4. 商务英语学习的几点体会5. 商务英语教学应树立以学生为中心的教学思想6. 商务英语教材分析报告7. 如何提高精读课教学质量8. 如何提高商务口语课教学质量9. 论商务英语专业各种职业资格证书的取向10. 论商务英语与文化的关系11. 试论Body Language在商务谈判中的作用12. 论商务英语广告语言的特征与表达13. 网络多媒体在商务英语教学应用初探14. 试论普通英语与商务英语的差异15. 试论商务英语教学的人文性16. 试论商务英语教学与文化的关系17. 试论文化因素对商务活动的作用18. 试论文化因素对商务英语教学作用19. 试论商务英语教学中的文化因素20. 试论商务英语教学中的实践性21. 沟通语言在商务谈判中的作用与功能22. 浅论商务面试中的注意事项23. 浅谈商务英语口语的学习方法24. 商务英语口语学习状况调查25. 商务英语专业学生必备的口语能力26. 为英语口语活动能够设计小组讨论话题27. 英语口语在商务领域中的应用28. 国际贸易中英语的作用29. 浅议商务英语的特点30. 谈外贸口语的特点及在实际中的应用31. 商务英语学习中的文化习得32. 如何把英语语言和专业知识结合到实际工作当中33. 不同文化中的非言语行为34. 商务英语和普通英语的比较35. 试论中西文化习惯在商务谈判中的作用36. 文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响37. 浅谈商务英语学生应具备的知识结构38. 商务英语翻译中的不对等性39. 提高商务英语学生培养质量40. 加强商务英语应用化课程建设41. 试论自主学习对学习商务英语的帮助42. 论撰写商务信函的礼貌原则43. 论你对商务英语专业设置的看法44. 论英语课外活动的开展45. 商务英语专业的学生应具备的素质46. 如何翻译好日常商务文书47. 英语专业毕业生应该具备的基本商务能力48. 商务写作中的语气分析49. 商务英语与商务交际50. 实用英语交际的语言、风格和规范51. 商务英语学习、文化与自我建构52. 商务合同英语的文体特征分析53. 礼貌与商务英语信函中礼貌的表现54. 商务英语中的委婉表达及其翻译55. 英语专业毕业生求职主要途径调查56. 商务英语的特点及翻译技巧57. 应用敏感性训练提高外语口语水平58. 商标名称的翻译与策略59. 英汉旅游篇章文化对比60. 入世商务英语写作的措施研究61. 外资企业外语人才素质现状及要求62. 社会需求与英语学习的转轨63. xx市街头告示英译调查64. 会展英语应用65. 高职高专院校商务英语专业学生在人才市场竞争中的优势和劣势66. 毕业生如何面对择业形势67. 网络发展中的英语进化68. 中外商业广告对比69. 浅谈文化差异对国际营销活动的影响70. 试述加工贸易在我国经济发展中的地位71. 英语在商务谈判中准备工作的重要性72. 浅谈国际商务谈判中的策略与技巧对价格的影响73. 试论进出口业务中价格术语的选择74. 浅析跟单业务中的若干环节75. 商务谈判技巧之我见广东自考网中国自考网两性健康网广州贷款网丝袜美女76. 产品中文商标的翻译77. 当前外贸谈判人员存在的语言问题和对策78. 论营销渠道的合理性设计79. 进出口业务中英语的应用分析80. 浅析进出口业务中的常用词汇81. 论企业文化82. 论化解公关危机的策略83. 浅论商务沟通技巧84. 广告策略在XX行业中的应用85. 商标在产品营销中的作用86. 浅议商务公司的招聘87. 谈如何运用激励手段优化人力资源管理88. 浅议市场调研在企业营销中的作用89. 谈企业营销队伍的现状及如何提高营销队伍素质90. 浅谈某某公司的现代营销理念91. 浅议广告与企业形象92. 我国某某地区商务英语人才需求的现状分析93. 浅谈国际商务背景下文化因素的重要性94. 浅议商务沟通的重要性95. 中小型企业如何应用电子商务96. 目前商务信用体系建设中存在的问题及对策97. 论个人营销的推进策略98. 市场潜力的调研在新产品研发中的作用99. 产品、价格、地点和促销在营业活动中的重要性100.家政服务业在现代商业社会中所扮演的角色101.现代社会中职业选择的新趋势102.论各种职业资格证书的优缺点103.跳槽与个人事业进步的关系分析104.得体的社交礼仪在商务活动中的重要性105.公共关系在市场营销中的作用106.快速消费品行业的销售促销107.快餐连锁店的市场调研108.小型企业的销售管理109.销售团队管理110.管理中的人力资源111.业绩评估和激励制度112.行政接待的职责113.公司办公用品的采购114.老年健康保险产品的特殊需求与分析(问卷+案例)115.影响美容美发消费与销售的主要因素及分析(问卷调查)116.大学生手机通信消费行为的调查与分析 (问卷调查)117.对于xx市英语人才的需求和供给调查(问卷调查+报告)118.对于xx市信用消费状况的调查(问卷)119.对于消费品行业销售渠道的调查报告120.对于中学生家教市场的需求和供给分析(问卷调查)121.如何当好民营企业的秘书122.作好行政助理的基本素质123.XX市X公司产品市场调查报告124.如何举办一次成功的商业展会125.入驻xx市的各大名牌的产地背景,发展历史126.xx市英语人才需求调查127.会展服务的国际化趋势和对策128.国际谈判人员素质的全球标准化129.运用激励优化人力资源管理130.市场细分与目标市场的选择——个案研究报告131.xx市就业市场中的性别差异调查132.xx市地区旅游资源调查133.当代xx市网络文化调查138) 浅谈商检证书在国际贸易中的作用。

商务英语专业学生毕业论文参考题目1、语言学与语法类1)从历史文化的发展看某个英语词或短语的语义演变2)英语谚语的修辞手法3)委婉语种种4)英语中的缩略语5)英语词汇中的外来语单词6)美国英语的特色7)英国英语和美国英语区别及未来发展趋势8)如何正确把握英语定语从句(或其他各种从句或语法形式)在句子中的确切含义9)小谈中英谚语English and Chinese Proverbs10)小议英语俚语A Study of Slangs in English11)英式英语和美式英语的差异和将来的发展趋势(On British English and America English(differences;the tendency of future development)12)英美书面词汇的区别(The Difference between American Written English and BritishWritten English)13)Language --- Is It Just a Tool?14)Context and Meaning2、语言学习类1)商务英语学习中的文化习得Culture Acquisition in Business English Learning2)扩大词汇量和提高英语阅读能力的关系3)提高英语阅读速度的主要障碍4)英语阅读能力和阅读速度的关系5)通过扩大知识面提高英语阅读能力6)如何在阅读实践中提高英语阅读能力7)阅读英文报刊的好处8)如何处理精读和泛读的关系9)如何对付英语阅读材料中的生词10)如何通过阅读扩大词汇11)提高阅读能力和提高英语听力的关系12)英语听说读写四种技能的关系13)通过英语阅读提高英语写作能力14)英语快速阅读能力的构成成分15)上下文在阅读理解中的作用16)英语教学中的语言焦虑及解决策略17)提高英语听力理解能力的策略和技巧18)电子辞典与英语学习19)网络时代如何学好英语20)母语迁移在基础教育各阶段中的作用21)背景知识与阅读理解22)英语课堂上的Daily Report23)口语教学中教师的角色24)从心理学角度探讨少儿英语教学25)英语课堂提问的策略研究26)家庭教师在中学生英语学习中的利弊27)英语词汇教学方法探讨28)原版电影与英语学习29)朗读在英语教学中的作用30)英语兴趣的培养31)方言对学生英语语音的影响32)《疯狂英语》的利与弊33)如何杜绝中式英语34)英语教师的文化素养35)中外教师解释课文方法比较36)中外教师课堂提问方法比较37)中外教师课堂鼓励性用语比较38)中外教师对学生总体要求之比较39)构词法在阅读理解中的应用The Application of Word Building to Reading Comprehensive40)英语口语技巧The Tips of Spoken English Skills41)原版电影对提高英语听力,口语的作用(The function of Improving English Listening andSpeaking Ability by Watching Original Films)42)VOA电视新闻对提高英语听力,口语的作用(The Function of Improving English Listeningand Speaking Ability by Watching VOA TV News43)如何用英语常用词来表达你的观点How to express your ideas with simple and commonwords?44)从学生的角度看大学英语教学改革(Reforms in College English Teaching from Students'Point of View)45)对于中学生家教市场的需求和供给分析On tutor Service market for middle schoolstudents46)社会需求与英语学习的转轨The Social Need and Change in English Learning47)英语学习、文化与自我建构:英语角调查(English Learning, Culture and Self-construction:A Survey of English Corners )48)如何把英语语言和专业知识结合到实际工作当中(How to Combine English Languagewith3、翻译与跨文化类1)英汉文化差异和翻译2)英语习语翻译3)翻译与语境4)翻译中的对等问题5)翻译中的衔接与连贯6)翻译中的文化信息传递7)语篇体裁与翻译策略8)汉语四字词语的翻译9)数字的翻译10)翻译中的语序转换11)谈英语被动句的翻译12)英汉句法对比和翻译13)谈合同(或其他各种类型文本)的翻译14)英语否定句的翻译15)中国特色词汇及其英译16)英语长句的理解与翻译17)商号、商标、公司名称等的翻译18)广告英语及其翻译19)广告翻译方法研究A Study of Translation of Chinese Advertisement20)英汉口译中的技巧研究 A Study of Interpretation Skills in English-Chinese andChinese-English21)论广告翻译的策略Strategies of Advertisement Translation22)习语的翻译Translation of Idioms23)中英颜色词汇在翻译中的对比研究(A Comparative Study on Chinese and English ColorWords in Translation)24)中国菜名的翻译方法研究A Study of Translation of Chinese Dishes Names25)网络广告On-line Ads(Marketing)26)西方影视名称的翻译特点On Some Translating Features of Western Movies Names27)论英汉典故的翻译On the Translation of Allusions28)如何翻译好日常商务文书How to Translate Daily Business Writings Effectively29)商务英语中的委婉表达及其翻译Euphemistic Expressions in Business English and TheirTranslation30)产品中文商标的翻译On Translation of Product Trade mark31)中外商业广告对比(A Comparative Study on Chinese and Foreign Advertisements andCommercials)32)街头告示英译调查A Survey of English Signs at Public Places in Dalian33)实用英语交际的语言、风格和规范Language, Style and Etiquette in Practical EnglishCommunication34)中西方文化差异The Difference between Western Culture and Chinese Culture35)语言交际与文化差异Verbal Communication and Cultural Differences36)日常交际中的文化差异Cultural Differences in Daily Communication37)非言语交际文化差异研究The Study of Cultural Differences in Non-verbal Communicatio38)不同文化中的非言语行为Nonverbal Behavior in Different Cultures39)商务场合中的汉英跨文化交际——个案研究报告(Chinese—English InterculturalCommunication in Business Setting—- A Case Study)40)中英文习语文化差异和翻译方法(The Cultural Differences and Translating Methods of theEnglish and Chinese Idiom)41)时间观的文化差异The cultural differences of time values42)中国与苏格兰婚礼习俗之比较The Comparison of Wedding Customs Between China andScotland43)文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响(The Impact of Cultural Differences in InternationalBusiness Negotiations)44)世界五百强的特征及其对中国企业的启示45)(Characteristics of the World's Top Five Hundred Enterprises and the Revelation for ChineseEnterprises)46)Importance of Meaning Group in Translation4、其它类别⑴商务沟通、经贸英语类1)公司实用沟通技巧Practical Communication Skills in a Company2)商务写作中的语气分析Analysis on Different Tones in Business Writing3)商务合同英语的文体特征分析Stylistic Analysis of English for Business Contracts4)商务英语和普通英语的比较Comparison Between Business English and Normal English5)加入WTO对中国进出口贸易的影响(The Effects of China’s Entry into WTO on Its Importand Export)6)中国加入世贸组织对中国教育产业的影响( Impacts of China’s WTO Entry on China’sIndustries)7)礼貌与商务英语信函中礼貌的表现(Politeness and Its Representation in Business EnglishCommunication)8)英语专业毕业生应该具备的基本商务能力(Basic Capabilities a Student of English ShouldMaster)9)新产品开发计划New product development plan(Marketing)10)NBA的影响力The Influence of NBA11)Does China can Co-operate with Other Nations?12)Foreign Trade Play an Important Part in Our Economy?⑵管理类1)跨文化管理:多元文化的融合和冲突(The Cross-cultural Management-Multi—culturalConflicts and Combination)2)中西文化与管理比较分析研究(The Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Cultureand Management)3)经济全球化对中国文化的影响和对策研究4)(The Influence of Globalized Economy on Chinese Culture and Solutions Study)5)对于目前--—市英语培训市场的需求和供给调查( Survey on shanghai English trainingmarket)6)XXX公司产品市场调查报告Market Research Report for XXX Company7)高职高专院校学生在人才市场竞争中的优势和劣势8)(Advantages and Disadvantages of Students from Three-year Program Colleges in theTalent Market)9)外资快餐业在中国的发展Development of Foreign—funded Fast Food Restaurant in China⑶旅游英语类1)如何做好导游工作How to Be a Good Guide⑷文秘与办公室英语类2)实际英语交流技能的培养On the Training of Real Communication Skills In Englis3)商务礼仪Etiquette in Business4)要求:论文题目可选用上述题目,也可自拟,但题材选择应在上述类别之内。


2010届外国语学院商务英语专业学生毕业论文题目汇总A Study of Marketing Strategies of Taobao:BasedonOur C2C E—Commerce Development中国C2C电子商务下淘宝网营销策略探究BrandOperation ofChinese InternationalMedia中国对外媒体品牌经营On Relations between Beverage Package Design and ConsumerPsychol ogy饮料包装设计与消费者心理的关系OnChineseRealEstate MarketingStrategy by Comparing Real E statein Australia and China从中澳房地产业对比分析看中国房地产的营销策略Problems andStrategiesAnalysisin theDevelopment of Chinese Style FastFood中式快餐发展中的问题及策略分析On ExternalE—marketingof China’s Tea中国茶叶对外电子营销First-Mover Advantage:Market Entry Strategy市场先入者优势:市场进入策略Roles of Trademark in the Marketing Strategyofan Enterprise商标在企业营销中的作用Green Consumption:AnInevitable Trend绿色消费--时代的选择E-commerce Security Issues and Countermeasures电子商务环境下网络营销的安全问题On the Development Strategies of Chinese SportsIndustry浅析中国体育产业发展策略Study on the Development of Chinese CollegeStudents'Tourism Ma rket试析中国大学生旅游市场的开发On360-degre Feedback360度绩效反馈研究A Studyof thePolicyRisks Influencing Transnational M&A for ChineseEnterprises中国企业跨国并购遇到的政策性风险Technical Barriersof TradeonChina’s Export Packaging and the Countermeasures我国出口包装面临的技术性贸易壁垒及应对措施On Movie Culture and Market StrategyofHollywood and China浅谈中美电影文化与市场策略The Cross—cultural Conflict andIts Solutionof Sino-ForeignJoint—venture Enterprises中外合资企业中跨文化冲突及其解决措施Strategies for Successful Chinese Franchising成功的中国特许经营策略Comparisons of Marketing Strategies of Kappa& LiningKappa和李宁的营销策略之比较Onthe Marketing StrategiesofShopping Websites购物网站营销策略分析NBA Economy inChina浅析NBA经济在中国的发展Analysis theStatus and Prospectsof IndividualForeign Trade Operators in China我国个人外贸现状及前景分析Development of China's Creative Industry and It’s Influence on ChinaEconomy中国创意产业的发展及其对中国经济的影响On Development and problemsofDomesticAnimationIndustry国产动漫产业的发展与存在的问题The marketing strategy of Disneyland and itsimplication toChinesetheme park迪士尼乐园成功市场营销及其对中国主题公园的启示Wal-Mart’sCorporate Culture andthe Suggestions for China's Retail Industr yin Culture—Building沃尔玛成功的企业文化及对我国零售业构建企业文化的启示On CrisisManagement inChinese Enterprises——-A LessonDrawnfrom the Sanlu MilkPowderIncident从“三鹿奶粉事件”看企业危机管理On Strategies for Chinese and AmericanBusiness Negotiation:In Cross Cul tural Perspective从跨文化角度浅析中国中美商务谈判者的谈判对策TheMarketing Strategy ofChinaMobileon 3GTimes in Customers’ Aspect从消费者角度分析3G时代下中国移动的营销策略Real EstateMarketing on Internet房地产网络营销Howto BeSuccessful at A Trade Fair?如何在展览会上出奇制胜?AnAnalysis of Service Trade Competitivenessin China我国服务贸易的竞争力分析The Chinese –English Translation of Tourist Materials in Putian莆田旅游材料的汉英翻译Research onInterpretation Strategiesand Techniques ofBusiness Pr ess Conference商务新闻发布会现场的口译技巧及策略A Studyof Our HomeEconomics中国家政业兴起的研究The Reasons forSanjiu Group's Decline探究三九集团的衰落之路The Marketing Strategies ofCoca- Cola可口可乐的营销策略The Role of CoreValuesin Lenovo's Corporate Culture联想企业文化的核心价值观Economic Benefits Brought by CIFITforXiamen九八给厦门带来的经济效益Analysisof Young Consumers’ Psychology andCorrespondingMarketing Strategies青年消费者心理分析及相应的营销策略On Competition--China's GreenProducts LearnFromthe War Between Coca Cola and Pepsi竞道—-从可口可乐与百事的战争看中国绿色产品的市场策略Linguistic Strategiesin InternationalBusiness Negotiations国际商务谈判语言沟通技巧之我见Marketing Concept Revolution under the E-commerce电子商务条件下的市场营销理念变革The Strategy Choice ofChinese Retailing Industry——-An Analysisof Wal—Mart Case中国零售业的战略选择-—沃尔玛案例分析The Problemsof ChinaStockMarket and Its Solutions浅析中国股票市场的问题及其解决方案The Mythof Desert is Dashed to the Ground沙漠神话破灭The Retail Strategies of Wal—mart in China沃尔玛在中国的零售策略TheStudy on Green Trade Barriers on China’s Exports of Agricultural Pro ducts中国农产品出口中的绿色贸易壁垒分析AComparison of the Marketing Strategies of the Japanese and Chinese Anime Industry日本和中国动漫产业的营销策略之比较Enlightenment of Samsung’s MarketingStrategy toChinese Electronic Industry三星营销策略对中国电子企业的启示On theSituation ofChina’s Import and Export Commodity Inspection and Supervision中国进出口商品检验监督形势探讨The New TradeProtectionism fromthe Case:the Special Protectionist Tarif fon Tire从轮胎特保案看新贸易保护主义Theadvantagesand disadvantagesof cheap labor in Chinese economicde velopment廉价劳动力在中国经济发展中的利弊An AnalyticalStudy on the Current Situationof China’s Textile andApparel Exports andIts Countermeasures我国纺织品服装出口贸易的现状及其对策On Brand Management:TakingProcter & Gambleas a Successful Exam ple品牌管理—宝洁公司为成功案例On OnlineShoppingWebsite,Taobao论在线购物网站,淘宝网Confucianism andManagementof Sino—ForeignJoint Ventures儒家思想与中外合资企业管理On Web Marketing StrategiesbyCosmeticsof ChineseBrands国产化妆品的网路营销策略浅析Brand Name Translationfrom the Perspective ofConsumer Psychology Adaptation顺应消费心理视角下的商标词翻译Application ofMarketing Concepts inSalesof Bestsellers营销概念在畅销书运作中的运用The Importance ofCulturalIntegration to Cross-border Mergers andAcquisitions文化整合在跨国并购中的重要性Marketing of Chinese Culturein KungfuPanda功夫熊猫的中国元素营销AnAnalysis ofElectronicCommerce Development in China中国电子商务发展分析Green Marketing:Key to EnterpriseDevelopment绿色营销: 企业发展的关键OnChina Mobile’sStrategies in Coping with 3GNetwork中国移动应对3G网络的策略分析A Studyofthe Pros and Cons ofDirectOnline Marketing and Countermeasures试析产品网络直销的利弊及其对策研究Intercultural Influenceupon International BusinessNegotiation国际商务谈判中的跨文化差异Credit risksmanagement and control in foreign trade enterprises外贸公司信用风险管理与控制Effectsof U.S。
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2010届外国语学院商务英语专业学生毕业论文题目汇总A Study of Marketing Strategies of Taobao:Based on Our C2C E-Commerce Development中国C2C电子商务下淘宝网营销策略探究Brand Operation of Chinese International Media中国对外媒体品牌经营On Relations between Beverage Package Design and Consumer Psychology 饮料包装设计与消费者心理的关系On Chinese Real Estate Marketing Strategy by Comparing Real Estate in Australia and China从中澳房地产业对比分析看中国房地产的营销策略Problems and Strategies Analysis in the Development of Chinese Style Fast Food中式快餐发展中的问题及策略分析On External E-marketing of Ch ina’s Tea中国茶叶对外电子营销First-Mover Advantage: Market Entry Strategy市场先入者优势:市场进入策略Roles of Trademark in the Marketing Strategy of an Enterprise商标在企业营销中的作用Green Consumption: An Inevitable Trend绿色消费——时代的选择E-commerce Security Issues and Countermeasures电子商务环境下网络营销的安全问题On the Development Strategies of Chinese Sports Industry浅析中国体育产业发展策略Study on the Development of Chinese College Students’ Tourism Market试析中国大学生旅游市场的开发On 360-degre Feedback360度绩效反馈研究A Study of the Policy Risks Influencing Transnational M&A for Chinese Enterprises中国企业跨国并购遇到的政策性风险Technical Barriers of Trade on China’s Export Packaging and the Countermeasures我国出口包装面临的技术性贸易壁垒及应对措施On Movie Culture and Market Strategy of Hollywood and China浅谈中美电影文化与市场策略The Cross-cultural Conflict and Its Solution of Sino-Foreign Joint-venture Enterprises中外合资企业中跨文化冲突及其解决措施Strategies for Successful Chinese Franchising成功的中国特许经营策略Comparisons of Marketing Strategies of Kappa & Lining Kappa和李宁的营销策略之比较On the Marketing Strategies of Shopping Websites购物网站营销策略分析NBA Economy in China浅析NBA经济在中国的发展Analysis the Status and Prospects of Individual Foreign Trade Operators in China我国个人外贸现状及前景分析Development of China’s Creative Industry and It’s Influence on China Economy中国创意产业的发展及其对中国经济的影响On Development and problems of Domestic Animation Industry国产动漫产业的发展与存在的问题The marketing strategy of Disneyland and its implication to Chinese theme park迪士尼乐园成功市场营销及其对中国主题公园的启示Wal-Mart’s Corporate Culture and the Suggestions for China’s Retail Industry in Culture-Building 沃尔玛成功的企业文化及对我国零售业构建企业文化的启示On Crisis Management in Chinese Enterprises--- A Lesson Drawn from the Sanlu Milk Powder Incident从―三鹿奶粉事件‖看企业危机管理On Strategies for Chinese and American Business Negotiation:In Cross Cultural Perspective从跨文化角度浅析中国中美商务谈判者的谈判对策The Ma rketing Strategy of China Mobile on 3G Times in Customers’ Aspect从消费者角度分析3G时代下中国移动的营销策略Real Estate Marketing on Internet房地产网络营销How to Be Successful at A Trade Fair?如何在展览会上出奇制胜?An Analysis of Service Trade Competitiveness in China我国服务贸易的竞争力分析The Chinese –English Translation of Tourist Materials in Putian莆田旅游材料的汉英翻译Research on Interpretation Strategies and Techniques of Business Press Conference商务新闻发布会现场的口译技巧及策略A Study of Our Home Economics中国家政业兴起的研究The Reasons for Sanjiu Group’s Decline探究三九集团的衰落之路The Marketing Strategies of Coca- Cola可口可乐的营销策略The Role of Core Values in Lenovo’s Corporate Culture联想企业文化的核心价值观Economic Benefits Brought by CIFIT for Xiamen九八给厦门带来的经济效益Analysis of Young Consumers’ Psychology and Corresponding Marketing Strategi es青年消费者心理分析及相应的营销策略On Competition--China’s Green Products Learn From the War Between Coca Cola and Pepsi竞道--从可口可乐与百事的战争看中国绿色产品的市场策略Linguistic Strategies in International Business Negotiations国际商务谈判语言沟通技巧之我见Marketing Concept Revolution under the E-commerce电子商务条件下的市场营销理念变革The Strategy Choice of Chinese Retailing Industry---An Analysis of Wal-Mart Case中国零售业的战略选择——沃尔玛案例分析The Problems of China Stock Market and Its Solutions浅析中国股票市场的问题及其解决方案The Myth of Desert is Dashed to the Ground沙漠神话破灭The Retail Strategies of Wal-mart in China沃尔玛在中国的零售策略The Study on Green Trade Barriers on China’s Exports of Agricultural Products中国农产品出口中的绿色贸易壁垒分析A Comparison of the Marketing Strategies of the Japanese and Chinese Anime Industry日本和中国动漫产业的营销策略之比较Enlightenment of Samsung’s Marketing Strategy to Chinese Electronic Industry三星营销策略对中国电子企业的启示On the Situation of China’s Import and Export Commodity Inspection and Supervision中国进出口商品检验监督形势探讨The New Trade Protectionism from the Case: the Special Protectionist Tariff on Tire从轮胎特保案看新贸易保护主义The advantages and disadvantages of cheap labor in Chinese economic development廉价劳动力在中国经济发展中的利弊An Analytical Study on the Current Situation of China’s Textile and Apparel Exports and Its Countermeasures我国纺织品服装出口贸易的现状及其对策On Brand Management: Taking Procter & Gamble as a Successful Example品牌管理—宝洁公司为成功案例On Online Shopping Website, Taobao论在线购物网站,淘宝网Confucianism and Management of Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures儒家思想与中外合资企业管理On Web Marketing Strategies by Cosmetics of Chinese Brands国产化妆品的网路营销策略浅析Brand Name Translation from the Perspective of Consumer Psychology Adaptation顺应消费心理视角下的商标词翻译Application of Marketing Concepts in Sales of Bestsellers营销概念在畅销书运作中的运用The Importance of Cultural Integration to Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions文化整合在跨国并购中的重要性Marketing of Chinese Culture in Kungfu Panda功夫熊猫的中国元素营销An Analysis of Electronic Commerce Development in China中国电子商务发展分析Green Marketing: Key to Enterprise Development绿色营销: 企业发展的关键On China Mobile’s Strategies in Coping with 3G Networ k中国移动应对3G网络的策略分析A Study of the Pros and Cons of Direct Online Marketing and Countermeasures试析产品网络直销的利弊及其对策研究Intercultural Influence upon International Business Negotiation国际商务谈判中的跨文化差异Credit risks management and control in foreign trade enterprises外贸公司信用风险管理与控制Effects of U.S. Financial Crisis on World FDI and China Countermeasures美国金融危机对全球外国直接投资的影响及我国的应对策略The Influences of China Growth Enterprise Market on Listed Enterprises from Economies of Scale Theory从规模经济理论看中国创业板对上市企业的影响2010届商务英语专升本题目汇总On Dell’s E-Marketing Strategy (戴尔的网络营销策略)Analysis on Wal-Mart’s Marketing Strategy from the Perspective of Corporate CultureThe Principles and the Methods of Trademark Name TranslationOn the Application of Nonverbal Communication in International Business Negotiation(非言语交际在国际商务谈判中的运用)The Linguistic Characteristics of Advertising English(广告英语的语言特点)Exhibition Industry and the City Development--A Case Study of Xiamen(会展业与城市发展—以厦门为例)On Feasibility of Telephone Interpreting Service in Xiamen (开发厦门电话口译市场的可行性行研究)Marketing Strategies between Gome and Suning (国美和苏宁营销策略对比)Brand Strategy of Yin Lu (银鹭的品牌战略)On the Translation of English Business contracts(浅谈商务英语合同的翻译)SWOT Analysis of the Marketing Strategies of China Telecom(中国电信的SWOT分析) Developm ent of China’s Luxury Market(奢侈品在中国市场的发展)A Comparison between Wal-Mart Every Day Low Prices Products and ―Shanzhai‖ Products (沃尔玛―天天平价‖产品与山寨产品的比较研究)The Importance of Packaging in Marketing(产品包装在营销中的重要性)The Influence of Western Entertainment on Chinese Culture (西方娱乐的流入对中国文化的影响)Corporate Culture and Human Resource Management in Toyota(丰田的企业文化和人力资源管理)The Impact of Economic Globalization on China’s Industrial Competitiveness(经济全球化对中国产业竞争力的影响)On the Use of Behavior Language Skills in Business Negotiation(论行为语言技巧在商务谈判中的运用)Development strategy of internet marketing in e-commerce age (电子商务时代网络营销的发展对策)Challenges and Opportunities Facing China’s Foreign Trade(论中国外贸面临的机遇与挑战)Linguistic Features and Writing Strategies of English Contract(英文合同语言特色及撰写策略)Analysis of Marketing Strategies of McDonald’s and KFC in China(麦当劳与肯德基在中国的营销策略分析)Cross-cultural Management of Multinational Company (跨国公司中的跨文化管理问题)On Cultural Differences and International Marketing Strategy of Disneyland(浅议文化差异与迪斯尼的国际营销策略)The Enlightment of New Oriental on the Development of the Education Industry in China (新东方对我国教育产业的启示)On Brand Strategies and Brand Competitiveness in Marketing(论营销中的品牌战略与品牌竞争力)On Duality of Utterances: Constatives and Performatives(话语的述事与行事二重性)Analysis On the Status Quo and Development of the Logistics Industry of Xiamen Port(厦门港物流业的现状和未来发展态势分析)On Translation of English Economic News Discourse(浅谈经济新闻用语的翻译)The Advertising Strategies of Multinational Companies(跨国公司的广告策略)Cultural Differences on Tradename Translation(文化差异对商标翻译的影响)On Translating International Project Contract (国际工程合同的中英互译)On Translation of Cultural Implication in Dishes:Take Chinese Dishes for Example(论菜名的文化蕴涵翻译———以中国菜为例)On the Marketing Strategy of China Mobile (中国移动公司的市场营销策略)E-commerce and Its Influence on International Trade(电子商务及其对国际贸易的影响)The Lexicon Features and the Translations in International Business Contract (国际英语商务合同词汇特征及其翻译)On Translating English Metaphors into Chinese(英语隐喻汉译)Marketing and Advertising Strategies of P&G Company (宝洁公司的营销与广告策略)The Impacts of Financial Crisis on China’s Economy (金融危机对中国经济的影响)The Tire Tariff Case and Its Impact on the Trade Relationship between China and America (轮胎特保案及其对中美经贸关系的影响)On Strategies to Develop Chinese Auto Industry(浅析中国汽车产业的发展策略)The Grafting of Enterprise Culture and Brand Culture (企业文化与品牌文化的嫁接)E-Commerce and E-Human Resource Management(电子商务和人力资源电子化)The Impacts of Advertising on Consumer Behaviors(广告策略对消费者的影响)On the Integration of Traditional Retailing and E-Retailing(传统零售与电子零售的融合探讨)Impact of the Cultural Difference between China and the West on Business Negotiation (中西方文化差异对商务谈判的影响)The Connotation of Disney Brand Culture (迪士尼的品牌文化内涵)On The Influence of Intercultural Differences upon the Translation of Chinese Food Names in Hotel(跨文化差异对酒店菜名翻译的影响)OEC Management and Haier’s Success (OEC管理和海尔的成功)Marketing Strategy of Tea Industry In Fujian (福建茶叶产业的营销策略)Impact of Sino-Western Cultural Difference on Business Communication(浅谈中西文化冲突对于商务交际的影响)Yili’s Marke ting Strategy(伊利的市场营销战略)On Language Politeness Strategies in International Business Negotiation (国际商务谈判中语言的礼貌策略)Experiential Marketing of Starbucks(星巴克的体验营销战略)The Research of Marketing Strategy in Modern Chinese Hotel(现代中国酒店的市场营销战略研究)Comparative Studies on the Marketing Mix of Panasonic and Philips(松下与飞利浦整合营销对比研究)A Study of Citigroup’s Globalization Strategies (花旗集团的全球化发展战略分析)Research on Chinese Enterprises’ Global Branding Approach(中国品牌的国际化之路)Vagueness in English Advertising (模糊语在广告英语中的运用)2011届商务英语专升本题目汇总The Rebranding Strategy of Li-Ning李宁品牌重塑战略An Analysis of Confucius Institutes' Management孔子学院经营方式的分析On the Brand Promotion by Sports Sponsorship---A Case Study of Xiamen C&D Corporation Sponsorship for the Xiamen International Marathon论体育赞助对企业品牌的提升---建发赞助厦门国际马拉松Marketing Strategy for Tourism in West Fujian闽西旅游业的市场营销策略On Corporate Responsibilities to Employees---A Study of Foxconn Suicide Case论企业对员工的责任关于富士康跳楼事件的一些想法A Study of Hollywood Film Marketing from Inception从盗梦空间看好莱坞电影营销On Color Marketing论色彩营销Comparisons of Marketing Strategies Between Wall’s and Haagen-Dazs in China和路雪和哈根达斯在中国的营销策略对比Pepsi-cola’s Marketing Strategy百事可乐的市场营销策略On Nokia’s Operational Strategy in China诺基亚在中国的本土化经营Trademark Design and Its Marketing Effectiveness商标设计及其营销效果The Marketing Strategies of Carrefour in China家乐福在中国的市场营销策略Microblog Marketing微博营销Study on Green Marketing of Enterprises in China中国企业的绿色营销On the Success of Nestle论雀巢的成功China’s Shoemaking Industry and Anti-dumping中国制鞋业与反倾销The Analysis of Crisis Public Relations of Toyota Recall丰田召回门的危机公关分析Analysis on the International Application of SPA Model and Its Feasibility in Chinese Garment Retail Industry论SPA模式的国际应用及其在中国服装零售业的可行性Problems of Xiamen Exhibition Industry and Suggested Strategies分析厦门会展业所面临的问题以及对策On Factors Influencing Consumers’ Online Shopping Behaviors影响消费者网络购物行为因素分析Marketing Strategies of Anta安踏的营销策略An Analysis of Conciseness and Courtesy Principle in Foreign Trade Correspondence关于外贸函电中简明和礼貌原则的研究Xiamen IT Outsourcing Industry:Problems and Solutions厦门信息技术外包产业存在的问题及对策Toyota’s Marketing Strategies in the USA丰田在美国的市场营销策略SWOT Analysis of Metro’s Management and Marketing Strategies麦德龙管理方式和营销策略的SWOT分析On Logo Changing and Branding Strategy浅谈标识更换与品牌塑造战略On Translation of Product Instructions产品说明书的翻译Positioning of the Tourism of Gulangyu Island鼓浪屿旅游业的定位The Selection and Risk Prevention of International Trading Payment Methods国际贸易结算方式的选择与风险防范Inspirations of the IKEA Marketing Strategies宜家市场营销的启示Cultural Differences on Business Advertising Translation文化差异对商务广告翻译的影响The Reform of Chinese Export Rebates System中国出口退税制度的改革On Daphne's Brand Positioning达芙妮的品牌定位The Advantages and Disadvantages of Gome’s Marketing Strategy国美电器市场营销策略的优势与弊端Crisis Management in SMEs中小型企业的危机管理The Event Marketing: Approach to Reputation and Fortune事件营销:名利双收之路The Brand Strategies on Hongxing Erke从鸿星尔克看品牌发展战略Lipstick Effect in Film Industry电影中的口红效应Suggestions on Improving ICBC Telephone Banking关于改进工行电话银行的相关建议A Key to Human Resource Management: Emotional Management人力资源管理的关键---情感管理A Study of the Change of Dell’s Marketing Model in China: from the Perspective of Cultural Psychology从文化心理的角度探讨戴尔营销策略在中国的转变The Characteristics of Cosmetic Advertising化妆品广告的特点On the Ways of Marketing Communication for High-tech Firms高科技企业的市场营销沟通方式The Characteristics and Marketing of New Media Advertising新媒体广告的特点与营销A Comparison of Singapore Science Park and Zhongguancun Science Park新加坡科学园区与中关村科学园区的比较On Marketing of Fujian Traditional Culture Products福建传统文化产品营销On Comparison of Compliance-gaining Strategy in Sino-U.S. Business Negotiations Based on Cultural Concept 从文化角度对比中美商务谈判的说服策略On Consumer Choice in Our C2C E-Commerce —— Impact of Online ReviewsC2C中消费者选择的影响因素——在线评论因素Demand and Security of China’s Energy中国的能源需求与安全―The Internet of Things Economy‖ Realizes the Smart Planet物联网经济实现智慧地球The Inspiration of the Success of NBA for the Development of CBANBA的成功对CBA发展的启示SWOT Analysis of MICE Tourism in Xiamen厦门市会展旅游SWOT分析Marketing Strategies of Western Coffee Industry and Chinese Tea Industry论西方咖啡业与中国茶业的市场营销策略On Marketing Strategies of Hakka Food客家食物的营销策略Wal-Mart’s Marketing Strategies Based on Customer Value沃尔玛基于顾客价值的营销战略On Cultural Diversity's Influence on Chinese-English Brand Name Translation论中西方文化差异对商标翻译的影响The Development of Chinese Budget Hotels经济型酒店在中国的发展A Study of Ecological and Leisure Urban Tourism of Xiamen厦门―生态—休闲‖型城市旅游初探The Circulation Crisis of Domestic Cosmetic Corporation From the Acquisition of Dabao从大宝收购案看中国化妆品行业的流通危机Risks in Mergers and Acquisitions and their Prevention企业并购的风险及防范A Study of American and Japanese Corporate Culture美日企业文化研究与启示The Marketing Strategy of Chinese Fast Food中式快餐的营销策略On the Marketing Strategies of Wong Lo Kat as a Successful Brand of Herbal Tea王老吉凉茶的营销策略研究The Marketing Strategies of Retail Chain Stores—A Case Study of Watsons从屈臣氏的成功案例探索零售连锁业营销策略Unilever’s Brand Strategy联合利华的品牌战略Analysis on the Current Situation of China’s Enterprises Suffering from Green Barriers and the Causes中国企业遭遇绿色壁垒的现状及原因分析7-Eleven Operating Strategies and their Implications for China’s Convenience Store Business7-Eleven的经营策略以及对中国便利店业的启示Impacts of Thinking Mode Differences on Cross-cultural Business Negotiation思维方式差异对跨文化商务谈判的影响The Intellectual Property Rights Protection in China中国的知识产权保护Multinational Corporation's Localization Strategy Analysis——Based on the Case of Yum! Brands Inc., China Division跨国公司本土化战略分析——基于百胜餐饮集团中国事业部的个案研究Analysis on Online Community网络社区分析Advantages and Disadvantages of Chinese Low-cost Labor Force中国廉价劳动力的利与弊On Chinese On-line Game Industry中国网络游戏产业Prospect of Chinese Export Toys Affected By Green Barriers绿色壁垒下中国玩具出口产业的发展The Importance of Internal Control to Enterprises’ Development内部控制对企业发展的重要性Apple’s Management Experience under the Leadership of Steve Jobs and Its Inspirations for Chinese Enterprises史蒂夫•乔布斯领导下苹果公司管理的成功之处及其对中国企业的启示The Importance of Competition System: On Japanese Animation Industry and Its Inspiration for Chinese Animation竞争机制的重要性——浅析日本动画产业和对中国动画产业的启示PB development of Chinese Retail-chain Enterprises中国连锁零售企业自有品牌的发展V ANCL--- A Successful Model of E-marketing凡客诚品——网络营销的成功典范A SWOT Analysis on the Management of Xinhua Bookstore新华书店的SWOT分析The Current Development Situation and Prospect of Chinese Culture Industry中国文化产业的发展现状及前景展望Analysis on the Brand Development of Herborist论佰草集的品牌发展之路E-marketing–A Long Way to Go for Chinese Enterprises网络营销—中国企业的发展道路On crisis management of Foxconn论富士康的企业危机管理Business Ethics: Product Responsibility----A Case Study of Sanlu Powder Milk Scandal企业伦理中的产品责任---以三鹿奶粉事件为例Analysis on Marketing Strategies to Female Consumers in China中国女性消费市场营销策略浅析The Way of Haier to Be a World- Famous Brand海尔的世界名牌之路Color Marketing in the Clothing Industry in Fujian色彩营销在福建服装行业的运用The Impact of Non-tariff Barriers on Chinese Export非关税壁垒对中国出口的影响The Art of Refusal --A Key to the Success of Business Negotiations拒绝的艺术---商务谈判成功的关键On Chinese Consume rs’ Purchasing Characteristics of Luxury Goods中国消费者奢侈品购买行为特征分析On Hollywood Movie Culture and its Business Value好莱坞电影文化与商业价值The Risks and Prevention of Using FOB and CIF in ExportingFOB和CIF在出口贸易中的利弊分析与风险防范Anti-dumping on China’s Textile Enterprises and the Countermeasures对华纺织业反倾销及应对措施On Unilever Brand Strategy联合利华品牌战略On Tactics and Skills of Business Consecutive Interpreting商务交替传译的策略和技巧Analysis of the Technical Barriers to Trade and China’s Countermeasures技术性贸易壁垒现状及中国应对措施分析The Influence of Modern Human Resources Management on the Development of Enterprises浅谈现代人力资源管理对企业发展的影响Adaptive Advertising with Google Adsense Model适应性广告和谷歌公司的互联网广告模型Enlightenment of NBA’s Success to the Development of Chinese Basketball IndustryNBA的成功经验对中国篮球产业发展的启示On the Effects of State Macro-Control of Real-Estate Market and Solutions to Soaring Housing Prices房地产宏观调控的效果及高房价的对策分析General Approaches of Retirement and Education Financial Planning养老以及教育理财规划的合理化方法2011届商务英语专升本题目汇总On the Influence of Intercu ltural Differences upon McDonald’s Advertising Strategies文化差异对麦当劳广告策略的影响Analysis of Marketing Strategy of TJOY Company丁家宜公司的营销策略分析On Corporate Culture and Performance Management of Foxconn浅谈富士康的企业文化与绩效管理On the Adverse Impacts of Sino-US Trade Surplus on China and the Countermeasures论中美贸易顺差对我国的负面影响及对策A Study of Louis Vuitton on the Financial Crisis路易•威登应对金融危机研究分析On the Translation of Brand Names---A Key to Help Brand Promotion商标词翻译---品牌提升的关键The Brand Strategy of Nike耐克的品牌战略The Marketing Strategy of Nokia诺基亚的营销策略On Hotel Management at Home and Abroad中外酒店管理模式研究The Stimulation on Consumption by Chinese National Day’s Vacation中国国庆假期对消费的刺激作用On the Translation of Business English News Headlines from the Cultural Perspective文化视角下的商务英语新闻标题翻译Analysis of Marketing Strategy of Happy Valley Theme Park欢乐谷主题园的营销策略分析A Brief Analysis on Management Problems with Geely’s Acquisition of Volvo吉利收购沃尔沃的管理问题简析On the Approaches to Enterprises’ Brand Positioning浅析企业的品牌定位方法The Study on Religious Factors of Corporate Culture in Japan浅析日本企业文化中的宗教因素Analysis of Joyo’s Marketing Strategy卓越网营销策略的分析Enlightenment of Olay’s Marketing Strategy to Chinese Cosmetic Industry玉兰油的营销策略对中国化妆品业的启示A Study of Talents Localization in Transnational Corporations 跨国公司的人才本土化问题及建议Analysis of the Construction of Low-Carbon City in Xiamen厦门低碳城市建设之探析On the Negative Effecs of the House Price Rising in China中国房价过快上涨的不利影响On Marketing Strategy of Samsung Mobile Phone浅析三星手机的营销策略Strategies of VANCL’s Brand Com munication凡客诚品的品牌传播策略On Chinese and American Philanthropies浅谈中美慈善事业On Obstacles and Developing Strategies of International Management of Wenzhou Small and Medium-sized Enterprises温州中小型企业国际化发展的障碍和发展策略Analysis of the Development of the Current Status and Strategies of Shuitou Stone Industry水头石材发展现状及其发展策略Analysis of Marketing Strategy of Lenovo Group浅析联想集团的市场营销策略On the Marketing Prospect of Bingfen冰粉的市场销售前景Green Marketing in Fujian Sunner Development Co., Ltd福建圣农公司的绿色营销策略分析On Product Recall in Crisis Management浅谈产品召回危机管理A Study of Development of Xiamen’s Tourist Souvenirs厦门旅游纪念品的开发与发展On the Development of Honeymoon Travel in Gulang Islet打造鼓浪屿蜜月旅游的设想The Study of the Tea Culture in Tenfu Tea College浅析天福茶学院的茶文化专业On Business English Abbreviations浅谈商务英语中的缩略语The Problems and the Marketing Strategies of Xiamen Horticulture Expo Garden厦门园博苑存在的问题及其营销策略On Constructive Strategies in International Marketing: A Cross-cultural Approach从跨文化角度浅谈国际营销中的建设性策略On Perfect Company’s Managemen t Strategies探讨完美公司的营销管理策略On L/C Translation:From the Perspective of Skopos Theory功能目的论指导下的信用证翻译Development of Sports Entertainment Industry体育娱乐业的发展A Study on the Talent Management of Mengniu蒙牛集团人才管理研究The Prospect of China's Eco-tourism中国生态旅游的发展前景Culture Development Strategy In Multinational Company跨国公司的文化发展战略The Differences between Chinese and American Time Concepts and the Impact on Business Activities中美时间观念的差异及其对商务活动的影响Study on the Strategies of Xiamen Logistics Industry Development厦门物流产业发展战略研究The Status Quo and Prospects of Express Delivery Service Industry---S.F. as an example中国快递行业发展现状及其发展对策前瞻---以顺丰为例The Comparison and Analysis of Disney and World Carnival迪斯尼与环球嘉年华经营模式对比China’s Enterprises and Anti -dumping中国企业与反倾销Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Enterprise Crisis Handling危机处理中的企业社会责任Marketing Strategy for Pingtan County Economic Zone平潭综合经济区的营销策略Human Resource Management in Transnational Acquisition:A Case Study of the BenQ Transnational Acquisition Failure跨国并购中的人力资源管理——明基收购失败案例分析Globalization and Localization of Disney Marketing Strategy迪斯尼营销策略的全球化与本土化The Enlightenment of B&Q on China’s Home Furnishing Industry Supply Chain百安居事件对中国家居业供应链管理的启示The Development Situation and Existing Problems of Internet Banking in China我国网上银行的发展现状与存在的问题On the Crisis Marketing Strategy of Amway安利的危机营销策略A Study on Modern Logistics Based on E-commerce 浅谈电子商务下的现代物流On Johnson & Johnson’s E-Marketing Strategies强生公司的网络营销策略Comparison of American and Japanese Business Negotiating Style美日商务谈判风格的比较The Development of Jingdezhen Ceramics Industry under the Background of the Financial Crisis 金融危机对景德镇陶瓷业的影响Management Innovation in Transformation Period中国企业转型中的管理创新Cultural Differences in Tourism旅游中的文化差异The Brand Positioning of Wang Laoji王老吉的品牌定位Cultural Factors in English Advertising Translation从英语广告翻译中看文化SOHO in the International Trade国际贸易中的SOHO一族On Preparation before Business Interpreting论商务英语译前准备On the cultivation of Intercultural Communication Competence in Business浅谈商业中的跨文化交际能力的培养On Movie Title Translation Skills and Its Commercial Value浅谈电影片名的翻译技巧和商业价值Current Situation and Development of the Former Residences of Celebrities浅析名人故居的现状与发展Toyota’ Marketing Strategies in China Auto- Market丰田汽车在中国汽车市场的营销策略On Marketing Strategies of Spring Airlines春秋航空营销策略研究The Inspiration of Nestlé’s Brand Localization Strategy雀巢品牌本土战略的启示A SWOT Analysis of China’s Tea Industry中国茶业的SWOT分析SWOT Analysis on College Students’ Travel Market (Xiamen)大学生旅游市场分析—以厦门为例Comparative Analysis in Marketing Strategy of Wal-Mart & Carrefour沃尔玛与家乐福营销策略对比分析The Enlightenment of Taichi Philosophy on the Modern Enterprises Management太极理念对现代企业管理的启示A Study on Corporate Social Responsibility in China论中国企业的企业社会责任Application of Thirty-Six Stratagems in Marketing三十六计在市场营销中的应用Current Situation of Chinese Software Industry &Development Strategy中国软件产业的现状及发展策略Studies on the Brand Construction Process of Pinghe Honey Pomelo平和琯溪蜜柚的品牌策略研究A Comparative Study on Marketing Strategies of Red-canned Wanglaoji and Heqizheng红色罐装王老吉与和其正的营销策略对比分析The Analysis and Outlook of Xiamen Export Trade厦门出口贸易的分析与展望On the Differentiated Marketing of Nongfu Guoyuan论农夫果园的差异化营销。