

《商业银行管理学》课后习题及题解第一章商业银行管理学导论习题一、判断题1. 《金融服务现代化法案》的核心内容之一就是废除《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法》。
2. 政府放松金融管制与加强金融监管是相互矛盾的。
3. 商业银行管理的最终目标是追求利润最大化。
4. 在金融市场上,商业银行等金融中介起着类似于中介经纪人的角色。
5. 商业银行具有明显的企业性质,所以常用于企业管理的最优化原理如边际分享原理、投入要素最优组合原理、规模经济原理也适用于商业银行。
6. 金融市场的交易成本和信息不对称决定了商业银行在金融市场中的主体地位。
7. 企业价值最大化是商业银行管理的基本目标。
8. 商业银行管理学研究的主要对象是围绕稀缺资源信用资金的优化配置所展开的各种业务及相关的组织管理问题。
9. 商业银行资金的安全性指的是银行投入的信用资金在不受损失的情况下能如期收回。
二、简答题1. 试述商业银行的性质与功能。
2. 如何理解商业银行管理的目标?3. 现代商业银行经营的特点有哪些?4. 商业银行管理学的研究对象和内容是什么?5. 如何看待“三性”平衡之间的关系?三、论述题1. 论述商业银行的三性目标是什么,如何处理三者之间的关系。
2. 试结合我国实际论述商业银行在金融体系中的作用。
第二章商业银行资本金管理习题一、判断题1. 新巴塞尔资本协议规定,商业银行的核心资本充足率仍为4%。
2. 巴塞尔协议规定,银行附属资本的合计金额不得超过其核心资本的50%。
3. 新巴塞尔资本协议对银行信用风险提供了两种方法:标准法和内部模型法。
4. 资本充足率反映了商业银行抵御风险的能力。
5. 我国国有商业银行目前只能通过财政增资的方式增加资本金。
6. 商业银行计算信用风险加权资产的标准法中的风险权重由监管机关规定。
二、单选题1. 我国《商业银行资本充足率管理办法》规定,计入附属资本的长期次级债务不得超过核心资本的。


一、选择题1、商业银行的核心资本包括()A 股本和公开储备B 股本和未公开储备C 债务资本和附属资本D 债务资本和公开储备答案:A解析:核心资本又称一级资本,包括股本(普通股和永久非累积优先股)和公开储备(股票发行溢价、未分配利润等)。
2、下列属于商业银行附属资本的是()A 重估储备B 普通股C 未分配利润D 公开储备答案:A解析:附属资本包括未公开储备、重估储备、普通准备金、混合资本工具和长期次级债务等。
3、商业银行资本充足率的计算公式是()A 资本/风险加权资产B 资本/总资产C (核心资本+附属资本)/风险加权资产D (核心资本+附属资本)/总资产答案:C解析:资本充足率=(核心资本+附属资本)/风险加权资产。
4、按照《巴塞尔协议》的要求,商业银行的资本充足率不得低于()A 4%B 8%C 10%D 12%答案:B解析:《巴塞尔协议》规定商业银行的资本充足率不得低于 8%。

CAMELS:美国联邦贮备委员会对商业银行看管的分类检查制度,这种分类检查制度的主要内容是把商业银行接受检查的范围分为六大类:资本( capital)、财富( asset )、管理( management)、利润( earning )、流动性( liquidity)和对市场风险的敏感性( sensitivity)。

CHAPTER 21PRICING CONSUMER AND REAL ESTATE LOANSGoal of the Chapter: To learn how consumer and real estate loan rates may be determined and to see the options a bank loan officer has today in pricing loans to individuals and families.Key Terms Presented in This ChapterAnnual percentage rate (APR) Compensating deposit balanceSimple interest Fixed rate mortgages (FRMs)Discount rate method Adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs)Add-on method PointsRule of 78sChapter OutlineI. Introduction: The Challenge of Pricing Consumer and Real Estate LoansII. The Interest Rate Attached to Nonresidential Consumer LoansA. Cost-Plus Loan Rate ModelB. Annual Percentage RateC. Simple InterestD. The Discount Rate MethodE. The Add-On Loan Rate MethodF. Rule of 78sG. Compensating Balance RequirementsIII. Use of Variable Rates on Consumer LoansIV.Interest Rates on Home Mortgage LoansA.Fixed Rated MortgagesB.Variable Rate MortgagesC.Charging the Customer Mortgage PointsV Summary of the ChapterConcept Checks21-1. What options does a bank loan officer have in pricing consumer loansMost consumer loans, like most business loans, are priced off some base or cost rate, with a profit margin and compensation for risk added on. The rate on a consumer loan may be figured from the cost-plus model or the base-rate model. Most installment and lump-sum payment loans are made with fixed interest rates. However, due to the volatility of interest rates in the 1 970’s and 1980's, a greater number of floating rate consumer loans have appeared.21-2. Suppose a customer is offered a loan at a discount rate of 8 percent and pays $75 in interest at the beginning of the term of the loan. What net amount of credit did this customer receive?The relevant formula is:Then the net amount of credit received must be $75/.08 or $937.50.Suppose you are told that the effective rate on this loan is 12 percent. What is the average loan amount the customer had available during the year?In this instance:Interest Owed $75Effective loan ratio = Average Loan Amount During the Year= x = 0.12Then the average loan amount during the year must be:x = $75 = $625.0.1221-3. See if you can determine what APR you are charging a consumer loan customer using the tables inside the back cover of this text if you grant the customer a loan for 5 (payable in monthly installments) years which carries a finance charge per $100 of $42.74.The terms quoted mean that the customer must pay an APR of 15 percent according to the Annual Percentage Rate Table in the tables inside the text's back cover.21-4. A customer is quoted an APR of 16 percent on a loan of $10,000, lasting for 4 and payable in monthly installments years.According to the Table in Appendix B the Finance charge per $100 of amount financed must be $36.03 or $36.03 *100 = $3603 in total finance charges.Problems21-1. William Crenshaw, who owns a small retail business, has requested a personal loan of $4500 for one year. He asks for a lump-sum loan with no installment payments; the loan, as requested, will be repaid at the end of the year plus interest. However, the bank wants monthly payments at an annual interest rate of 13 percent.If Crenshaw had received the loan under his preferred terms he would pay:Discount Interest Owed $75 loan rate = Net Amount = x = 0.08 of Credit ReceivedInterest Owed = Principal *Rate * Time = $4500 * 0.13 * 1 = $585.On the other hand, if the loan is repaid in 12 equal monthly installments (of $375 apiece) theinterest owed would be:First Month: $4500 x 0.13 x 1/12 = $48.75Second Month: $4125 x 0.13 x 1/12 = $44.69Third Month: $3750 x 0.13 x 1/12 = $40.62Fourth Month: $3375 x 0.13 x 1/12 = $36.56Fifth Month: $3000 x 0.13 x 1/12 = $32.50Sixth Month: $2625 x 0.13 x 1/12 = $28.44Seventh Month: $2250 x 0.13 x 1/12 =$24.37Eighth Month: $1875 x 0.13 x 1/12 = $20.31Ninth Month: $1500 x 0.13 x 1/12 = $16.25Tenth Month: $1125 x O.13 x 1/12 = $12.19Eleventh Month: $750 x 0.13 x 1/12 = $ 8.12Twelfth Month: $375 x 0.13 x 1/12 = $ 4.06Total Interest Paid $316.86In straight dollar terms it appears that Crenshaw pays less interest ($316.86 versus $585) with the loan paid back in monthly installments rather than repayment of a lump sum at the end. However, because Crenshaw has use of only about half the loan's balance (or $2250) on average over the year when repayment is in 12 equal installments he pays an approximate effective interest rate of $316.86/$2250 or 14.08% with the installment loan which significantly exceeds the loan contract rate of 13% under the lump-sum loan contract. (Note: We emphasize the word approximate.)As an alternative solution to this problem, we could prepare an amortization schedule for this loan, which would look like the following:For a $4,500 loan with a 13% annual interest rate and repayment on a monthly basis, the payment each month would be $401.85.Interest PrincipalBeginning Balance Payment Portion Portion Ending Balance$4,500.00 $401.85 $48.75 $351.10 $4,148.90$4,148.90 $401.85 $44.95 $356.90 $3,792.00$3,792.00 $401.85 $41.08 $360.77 $3,431.23$3,431.23 $401.85 $37.17 $364.68 $3,066.55$3,066.55 $401.85 $33.22 $368.63 $2,697.92$2,697.92 $401.85 $29.23 $372.62 $2,523.30$2,523.30 $401.85 $25.19 $376.66 $2,146.64$2,146.64 $401.85 $23.26 $378.59 $1,768.05$1,768.05 $401.85 $19.15 $382.70 $1,385.35$1,385.35 $401.85 $15.01 $386.84 $ 998.51$ 998.51 $401.85 $10.82 $391.03 $ 607.48$ 607.48 $401.85 $ 6.58 $395.27 $ 212.21$ 212.21 $214.51* $ 2.30 $212.21 $ 0.00Total Interest Paid $336.71* The final payment will equal the balance remaining before the last payment plus the interest on that balance. In most, if not all cases, this payment will be different from the regular payment.21-2. Frank Petrel plans to start an auto repair shop and has requested a $10,000 new-venture loan. The bank wishes to make a discount-rate loan at prime plus 2 percentage points or 14.5 percent.This means Petrel will receive net loan proceeds of $10,000 - $10,000 * 0.145 = $8550.Using this net figure as a base, Petrel will pay an effective interest rate of$1450 / $8550 or 16.96%.Alternative Scenario 1:Would Mr. Petrel be better off if he were able to get a $10,000 personal loan with a 12.5% add-on rate for one year? Why or why not?Solution:In this instance, Petrel would have to repay the $10,000 plus $10,000 x 0.125 in interest or $1250. He would be asked to make monthly installment payments of ($10,000 + $1250) / 12or $937.50 per month for 12 months. Because Petrel would have only $5,000 in borrowed funds on average to use over a 12-month period, the approximate effective interest rate he would pay under the add-on rate method would be $1250 / $5000 or about 25 percent. (A financial calculator solution gives us an effective rate of 22.32%.) Clearly this effective rate would be much higher than the interest rate on the discount business loan.Alternative Scenario 2:What happens to the effective rate on Mr. Petrel's loan if the prime rate changes to 10 percent?Solution:The rate on Mr. Petrel's discounted loan would be 12 percent (10% + 2%).The net proceeds from the loan would, therefore, be$10,000 - ($10,000 * .12) = $10,000 - $1,200 = $8,800.The effective cost of the loan would then be$1,200 / $8,800 = .1364 or 13.64%. (Declines from 16.96%)Alternative Scenario 3:How does the effective rate on this loan change if the prime rate increases to 13 percent?Solution:The rate on Mr. Petrel's discounted loan would be 15 percent (13% + 2%).The net proceeds from the loan would be$10,000 - ($10,000 *.15) = $10,000 - $1,500 = $8,500.The effective cost of the loan would then be$1,500 / $8,500 = .1765 or 17.65%. (Increases from 16.96%)Alternative Scenario 4:Suppose Mr. Petrel is able to raise personal equity to put into the new business in the amount of $2,500 from his accumulated savings and from a small loan extended by a close friend. The bank will then lend him just $7,500 at a discount rate of prime plus one-and-one-half percentage points (currently prime is 12 percent). What is the effective interest rate on the loan in this case?Solution:The rate on Mr. Petrel's discounted loan would be 13.5 percent (12% + 1.5%).The net proceeds from the loan would be$7,500 - ($7,500 *.135) = $7,500- $1,012.50 = $6,487.50.The effective cost of the loan would then be$1,012.50 / $6,487.50 = .1561 or 15.61%.21-3. The Robbins family has asked for a 20-year mortgage in the amount of $60,000 to purchase a home. At a 10 percent loan rate, what is the required monthly payment?Solution:$579.01 1- 0.10/12) 1(0.10/12) (1 * 0.10/12 * 60,000$12*2012*20=++Because of the computational problems in the above formula, an easier approach is to use the tables inside the text's back cover to find the:Total Finance Charge Per $100 Financed = $131.61Total Finance Charge on the Loan Amount Requested =($60,000 / $100) x $131.61 = $78,966Required Monthly Payment = Total Finance Charge + Loan AmountNumber of Payments= [$78,966 + $60,000] / 240 = $ 579.03Alternative Scenario 1:If the Robbinses' home mortgage loan rate is adjustable and rises to 11 percent at the beginning of the second year of the loan, what will the required monthly payment be?Solution:$628.48 1- 0.11/12) 1(0.11/12) (1 * 0.11/12 * 000,60$12*1912*19=++Note that we assume the first-year loan rate is 10 percent and then rises to 11 percent for theremaining 19 years (or 228 months) of the 20 year loan. Also, for ease of calculations, we assume that there has been no significant reduction in the principal amount of the loan. In reality, the Robbins will have reduced the principal to approximately $59,000 at the end of the first year. Interpolation in the tables inside the text's back cover for an 11percent loan for 228 remaining monthly payments gives:Total Finance Usage Per $100 Financed = $104.59) - ($147.73 * 180- 240180-228 104.59$+= $104.59 + $34.51 = $139.10Total Finance Charge on Remainder of Loan = ($60,000/$100) * $139.10 = $83,460Required Monthly Payment = $59,000)on ($618 $629.21 228$60,000 $83,460=+Alternative Scenario 2:Suppose the rate on the Robbinses' home mortgage declines to 9 percent at the beginning of the loan's second year. What happens to the required monthly payment?Solution:Note: Since Table 3 in the Appendix does not have 9 percent, we will calculate the required monthly payment using a financial calculator.Required Monthly Payment for $60,000 at 9 percent (.75% per month) for 19 years/(228 months)= $550.14 ($540.97 for $59,000)Alternative Scenario 3:Would the Robbins family be better off under all of the above scenarios if they took out a 15-year mortgage instead of a 20-year mortgage? What would they gain and what would they give up with this mortgage loan of a shorter maturity?Solution:The answer to this question depends upon the Robbinses' ability to make the higher payments that would be required on a shorter term mortgage.In each case, the Robbinses would have a higher monthly payment; however, their total payments would be less, their home would be paid for in less time, and they would accumulate equity in the home more quickly.21-4. James Alters received a $1500 loan last month with the intention of repaying the loan in 12 months. However, Alters now discovers he has the cash to repay the loan right now after making just one payment. What percentage of the total finance charge is Alters entitled toreceive as a rebate and what percentage of the loan's finance charge is the bank entitled to keep?The Rule of 78s applies here. James Alters is entitled to receive back as an interest rebate:percent 63.33 = 100x 78671211...2111 + . . . + 2 + 1=++++of the total finance charges on the loan: the lender is entitled to keep 36.67 percent of the finance charges associated with this loan.21-5. Constance Homer asks for a $10,000 loan. Slidell Corners State Bank agrees to give her immediate use of $9400 and to deduct $600 in interest up front. The effective discount rate on this loan is:6.38% $9400$600 Received Credit of Amount Net Owed Interest ==21-6. The Lindal family wants to borrow $2500 for a year to finance a European vacation. If the family must pay a 12 percent add-on loan rate, how much in interest will they pay?Interest Paid = Loan principal * Loan Rate = $2500 * 0.12 = $300What is the amount of each required monthly payment?Amount of Monthly Payment = $233.33 12$300 $2500=+What is the effective loan rate in this case?Effective Loan Rate = 24%or 0.24 $1250$300 Year the During Amount Average Owed Interest ==21-7. The APR for Joseph Nework's $10,000, 3-year automobile loan can be determined from the annual percentage rate table for monthly payment plans inside the back cover of the text.If Joseph must pay $2217 in total finance charges over 36 months, the table tells us he is paying100$2217$ or $22.17 per $100 or an APR of 13.50 percent.21-8. If Kyle Ellisor is to receive a 30-year mortgage loan in the amount of $225,000 at an APR of 14%, he will pay finance charges of $326.55 per $100 borrowed over the life of this loan (see the annual percentage rate tables inside the back cover of the text). Therefore, he will pay in total finance charges$100$225,00* $326.55 = $734,737.50.21-9. The Quisling family asks to borrow $1800 at 11 percent simple interest for one year. It will pay the following interest bill:I = P * r * t = $1800 * 0.11 * l = $198Therefore, they must pay back a total of $1998 in principal and interest.21-10. Mary Perland will pay the following in interest on her $1200 loan for one year at 8 percent simple interest:First Quarter: I = $1200 x 0.08 x 1/4 = $24Second Quarter: I = $900 x 0.08 x 1/4 = $18Third Quarter: I = $600 x 0.08 x 1/4 = $12Fourth Quarter: I = $300 x 0.08 x 1/4 = $6Total Interest owed = $24 + $18 + $12 + $6 = $60.If Mary were offered the $1200 loan at a 6 percent simple interest rate and the loan is paid in lump sum at maturity, she will pay total interest of:$1200 * 0.06 x 1 = $72.She clearly would pay more in interest but would have the full $1200 available for her use for one year.21-11. The Tielman family has asked for a $2500 loan for one year to complete home repairs. First National Bank assesses an 8 percent rate of interest and requires a $500 minimum compensating balance left in a deposit. The effective interest rate on this loan must be:10%or 0.10 $2000$200 $500 - $25000.08 * $2500 Amount Loan Net Owed Interest ===Actually 10 percent is the minimum loan rate. If the Tielman's keep a deposit balance larger than the minimum $500 required the effective loan rate will climb higher.21-12. Bill and Sue Rogers are negotiating with their local bank for a home mortgage loan in the amount of $80,000. The bank levies an up-front fee of 1.5 points on this loan. The dollar amount of points they must pay upfront is:Dollar Value of Points = $80,000 * 0.015 = $1200.The Rogers will have available for their use only $78,800 or $80,000 less $1200.21-13 As a loan officer you quote Mr. and Mrs. Coldner an APR of 14 percent on a two year loan to remodel their kitchen. The loan amount is $6000. Using the APR tables inside the back cover of the text determine the total finance charge on this loan.$913.80 15.23 x $100$6000= is the total amount in finance charges the Coldner’s wi ll pay.If they insist on a 12 percent loan$778.80 12.98 x $100$6000= is the total amount in finance charges the Coldner’s will payThe bank will lose $13521-14. Dresden bank’s personal loan department quotes Mr. Angelo a finance charge of $6.06 for each $100 in credit the bank is willing to extend to him for a year (assuming the balance of the loan will be paid off in 12 equal installments). What APR is Mr. Angelo being quoted by the bank? How much would he save per $100 borrowed if he could retire the loan in 6 months?The APR on this loan is 11 percent. If he could retire the loan in 6 months the finance charges per $100 would be $3.23. He would save $2.83 per $100 borrowed.21-15. Would you expect loan interest rates on new cars to be higher than on used cars? Why or why not? Would you expect a personal loan to carry a higher interest rate than an automobile loan? Why or why not?I would expect the interest rate on the new car loan to less than the interest rate on a used car loan. In general, newer cars are easier to sell than used cars and the bank would stand a better chance of getting their money back in the event of default on the loan. However, this may depend on the make and model of the car and the market for used cars.I would expect the interest rate on the personal loan to be higher than the interest rate on the automobile loan. In the personal loan there may not be any specific and identifiable assets pledged as collateral on the loan. In the case of the automobile loan the car purchased is generally used as collateral. In the event of default it may be more difficult for the bank to get their funds back on the personal loan.Web Site Problems1. What methods are in greatest demand today to aid in the pricing of consumer loans and real estate (particularly housing) credit? How can the world wide web be of help in this area? What web sites look especially good?I believe that the most common method for calculating consumer loan interest rates and payments is the APR. Since this is the method that banks must report by law, it is now the most often used method for calculating payments on consumer loans. The web can help because there are a number of places on the web where can find information about prevailing interest rates on consumer loans and a number of places that will calculate your payments based on a particular APR and amount borrowed. For examplehttp://moneysense.quicken.ca/eng/auto/calculators/payments/index.phtml is a place to calculate automobile loans. There are many other places on the web where you can make the same calculation.2. Why is credit scoring useful in helping to price consumer and home mortgage loans? Where can you go to get good credit-scoring information?The demand for consumer loans has expanded exponentially in recent years. As a result the need for a quick and reliable way to determine whether an individual will pay back a loan was needed. This led to the development of credit scoring. There are many web sites that discuss credit scoring and the advantages and disadvantages of these models. One web site that I found is/article1.htm. This web site is good because it does give a history of why credit scoring models have developed and a very basic description of how it works and the advantages and disadvantages. In addition there are several web sites where you can get an estimate of your credit score.3. Why is regulation so important in the personal loan area? How can you use the web to stay abreast of rule changes in the consumer loan field?Regulations are needed in this important field because it is very easy to take advantage ofill-informed individuals by charging them excessive interest rates and fees. Because of the changing technology and increased consumer demand for loans there have been a number of changes in regulations for consumer lending in recent years and changes will continue to be made in the future. There are a number of sites out on the web to help individuals keep up with these changes. One place to check is with the regulatory agencies overseeing banks (OCC, FDIC, FRS) as these agencies regularly post updates to the laws. In addition, as a banker there are several web sites that advertise seminars and classes on consumer lending which would include a discussion of the latest laws and regulations in this important area. One web site that lists several classes in this area is the web site of the American Bankers Association (ABA) at/Conferences+and+Education/onlinecourse8.htm.。

CHAPTER 19PRICING BUSINESS LOANSGoal of This Chapter: To explore different methods used by bankers today to price business loans and to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of these pricing methods for achieving a bank's goals.Key Terms Presented in This ChapterCost-plus loan pricing Below-prime pricingPrice leadership Cap ratesPrime rate Customer profitability analysisLIBORChapter OutlineI. Introduction: The Challenge of Trying to Correctly Price Business Loans in a HighlyCompetitive MarketII. The Cost-Plus Loan Pricing MethodIll. The Price Leadership ModelA. Prime or Base Rate PricingB. Loan Risk and the MarkupC. Prime-Plus versus Times Prime PricingD. LIBOR-based Loan PricingE. Below-Prime Market Pricing (The Markup Model)F. Loans Bearing Maximum Interest Rates (Caps)IV. Customer Profitability AnalysisA. The Basic FormulaB. A Numerical ExampleC. Earnings Credit for Customer DepositsD. The Future of Customer Profitability AnalysisVI. Summary of the ChapterConcept Checks19-1. What methods are in use today to price business loans?The following methods are in use today to price business loans:a. Cost-plus pricing d. CAP rateb. Price leadership pricing model e. Customer Profitability Analysisc. Markup market-pricing modelCost-plus-profit pricing requires the bank to estimate the total cost involved in making aloan and then adds to that cost estimate a small margin for profit. The price-leadership model, on the other hand, bases the loan rate upon a national or international rate (such as prime or LIBOR) posted by major banks and then adds a small increment on top for profit or risk. The markup model prices a loan on the basis of cost plus a risk premium added to those loans with greater credit risk and/or longer term loans that have greater term risk.CAP rates specify a maximum rate that a borrower can be assessed, thus limiting a borrower's interest-rate risk. Customer profitability analysis looks at all the revenues and costs involved in serving a customer and then requires the bank to calculate the net rate of return from this particular customer.19-2. The loan rate quoted for this $10 million corporate loan would be:Loan Rate = 4 percent Loan Funds Cost + .5 percent Non-funds Operating Cost+ .375 percent default risk premium+ .625 percent term risk premium+ .25 percent profit margin= 5.75 percentBased on a $10 million loan this customer will pay in interest each year:$10,000,000*.0575 = $575,000.19-3. What are the principal strengths and weaknesses of the loan-pricing methods in use today?a. Cost-plus pricingStrength: considers the cost of raising loanable funds and operating costs of running the bank.Weaknesses: banks must know what their costs are in order to consistently makeprofitable, correctly priced loans; gives little regard to competition from other lenders.b. Price leadership pricing modelStrength: considers competition from other lenders, allows for a risk premium to be added to the base or prime rate.Weakness: does not consider the marginal cost of raising loanable funds.c. Markup market-pricing modelStrength: allows banks to compete more aggressively with the commercial paper market.Weakness: narrow margins (markups) on loans.d. CAP rateStrength: is another service option that a bank may offer its customers for a specific fee.Weakness: a prolonged period of high interest rates will effectively transfer the risk offluctuating interest rates from borrower to lender.e. Customer profitability analysisStrength: takes the whole customer relationship into account when pricing each loan request.Weakness: must consider revenues and expenses from all of the bank's dealings with the customer.19-4. What is customer profitability analysis?Customer profitability analysis looks at all the revenues and costs involved in serving a customer and then requires the bank to calculate the net rate of return from all the services the bank sells to this particular customer.Problems19-1. The expected revenues and costs from continuing the present relationship between Enterprise National Bank and USF Corporation were given in this problem and the reader is asked to estimate the expected net rate of return if the bank renews its loan to USF.The total of expected revenues and expected costs is:Expected Revenues Expected CostsInterest Revenue $ 1,100,000 Deposit Interest $ 25,000 Commitment Fees 100,000 Cost of Other Funds Raised 975,000 Deposit Service 4,500 Wire Transfer Costs 1,300 (Maintenance) Fees Loan Processing Costs 12,400 Wire Transfer Fees 3,500 Record keeping Expenses 4,500 Agency Fees 8,800 Account Activity Cost 19,000 Total Expected $1 216,800 Total Expected Costs $ 1,037,200 RevenuesGiven: Total Expected Revenues = $1,216,800Total Expected Costs = $1,037,200Net Revenue = $1,216,800 - $1,037,200 = $179,600Net Funds Loaned = $10,000,000 - $2,125,000 = $7,875,000Expected Net Rate of Return = $179,600/ $7,875,000 = .0228 or 2.28%Because the estimated net rate of return is positive, the bank should strongly consider approving the loan as requested because the bank can earn a premium over its costs.If you decide to turn down this request, under what assumptions regarding revenues, expenses, and customer-maintained deposit balances would you make this loan?An initial reaction might be to increase loan revenues by raising the interest rate on the loan or increasing the loan commitment fee. Depending on the customer's relationship with the bank and with other banks, this may prove to be extremely difficult. Initially, it was assumed that the customer would draw down the entire line of credit, that is, borrow the full $10,000,000. If the customer were to borrow less than the full amount, the cost of funds raised to support this loan could be reduced, increasing the net revenue from the loan. Relative to expenses, it would be more likely that some adjustment in the expenses associated with the relationship would be more appropriate. For example, a careful examination of the relationship activities could allow for a revision of estimated costs incurred by the bank to manage the various aspects of the relationship. As far as the customer-maintained balances are concerned, there could be an opportunity to revise these estimates upward, making the net funds loaned smaller and the expected net rate of return greater.Alternative Scenario 1:Given: Prime rate drops from 10% to 8%. No change in interest costs.Solution:Interest Revenue = 9% x $10,000,000 = $900,000Change in Interest Revenue = $900,000 - $1,100,000 = -$200,000Net Revenue = [$1,216,800 - $200,000] - $1,037,200 = -$20,400Since the expected net revenues are now negative, the estimated net rate of return will be negative (-$20,400 / 7,875,000 = - 0.26%). With this negative expected net rate of return, the bank should carefully review the relationship. If this is a long, very good relationship, the bank should consider making the loan; however, there should be further negotiations to insure the profitability of the relationship. This might include restructuring the deposit relationship.Alternative Scenario 2:Given: Required Rate on Time Deposit = 9.25% (up from 9%)Cost of Other Funds Raised = $1,065,000 (up from $975,000)Prime Rate = 9.5% (down from 10%)Solution:Interest revenue = 10.5% x $ 10,000,000 = $1,050,000Change in Interest Revenue = $1,050,000 - $1,100,000 = -$50,000Add'I Interest Expense (Time Deposit) = $25,695 - $25,000 = $695Add'I Cost of Other Funds = $1,065,000 - $975,000 = $90,000 Additional Funding Costs $90,695Net Revenue = [$1,216,800 - $50,000] - [$1,037,200 + $90,695]= $1,166,800- $1,127,895 = $38,905Since the net revenue under these conditions is positive ($ 38,905), the bank should make the loan. Alternative Scenario 3:Given: All revenues, except interest revenue, and costs held constant.Solution:Break Even Revenues = $1,037,200Break Even Interest Revenue = $1,037,200 - [$100,000 + $4,500+ $3,500 + $ 8,800]= $1,037,200 - $116,800 = $920,400Break Even * $10,000,000 = $920,400Break Even = $920,400 / $10,000,000 = .092 or 9.2%Break Even = Prime Break Even + 1 = 9.2%Prime Break Even = 9.2% - 1 = 8.2%Alternative Scenario 4:Given: All costs, except interest costs, and revenues held constant.Solution: Break Even Revenues = $1,216,800Break Even Interest Costs = $1,216,800 - [$1,300 + $12,400+ 4,500 + $19,000]= $1,216,800 - $ 37,200 = $1,179,60019-2 Chilton Westover Bank has sold negotiable CDs in the amount of $6 million at a yield of 8.75% and purchased $4 million in federal funds at a rate of 8.40%. The weighted average cost of bank funds in this case would be:$ 6,000,000 * .0875 = $525,000$ 4,000,000 * .0840 = $336,000Total Interest Cost = $861,000On a $10 million loan this is an average annual interest cost of $861,000/$10,000,000 or 0.0861 which is 8.61 %. There were also $25,000 in noninterest costs or 0.25% of the loan total of $10million. With a one percent risk premium and a 0.25% minimal profit margin, the loan rate on a cost-plus basis would be:Interest Cost + Non-interest Cost + Risk Premium + Profit Margin =8.61% + 0.25% + 1.00% + 0.25% = 10.11%.Alternative Scenario 1:Given: Funding entire loan with federal funds at 8.4%.Solution:Loan rate on a cost-plus basis would be:Interest Cost + Non-interest Cost + Risk Premium + Profit Margin =8.40% + 0.25% + 1.00% + 0.25% = 9.90%The bank faces the risk that its interest cost component, the federal funds rate, which can change daily, could increase quickly and take up the "slack" in the loan rate, thereby reducing the profit margin on the loan.Alternative Scenario 2:Given: Noninterest costs unexpectedly rise to $38,000 and the customer insists on a cap of 10 percent on the rate.Solution:Profit Margin = Loan Rate – [Interest Cost + Noninterest Cost + Risk Premium]= 10.00% - [8.61% + 0.38% +1.00%]= 10.00%-9.99% = .01%The profit margin, for all intents and purposes, disappears.19-3. Englewood Bank is confronted with a $15 million loan request to fund accounts receivable and inventory for APEX Exports. The bank would prefer a floating-rate loan for 90 days at a rate of LIBOR + 0.25%. Most recently LIBOR was at 9.25%. APEX, however, wants the loan rate set1at 1.014 * LIBOR.At today’s prevailing LIBOR rate the customer's requested loan-rate formula would generate a loan interest rate of 1.014 * 9.25% = 9.38%. The bank wanted to charge a rate of 9.25% + 0.25% = 9.50%. Loan rates tend to move up and down faster with the customer's loan-rate formula than with the bank's LIBOR-plus formula. This customer appears to believe interest rates will soon decline, pulling its loan rate lower.Alternative Scenario:Given: The bank's counterproposal to Apex is LIBOR plus 0.125% with a compensating balance of $250,000.Solution:At the prevailing LIBOR rate of 9.25%, the effective rate of the counter proposal is:[9.25% + 0.125%]/[($15,000,000 - $ 250,000)/$15,000,000]= 9.375%/.9833 = 9.53%On an effective cost basis, Apex is not likely to agree to this request. However, if Apex looks only at the 9.375% rate, they might accept the request. Apex's opportunity cost of the minimum balance would come into play in accepting or rejecting the counter proposal.19-4. RJK Corporation was quoted a loan rate equal to the prevailing federal funds interest rate plus 3/8 of a percentage point (or 0.375%) . RJK wanted the loan renewed at money-market borrowing cost plus 0.25%. If the base rate is set at the federal funds rate the loan rate as requested by RJK would be:Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Fed Funds 8.72% 8.80% 8.69% 8.46% 8.46% Margin 0.25% 0.25% 0.25% 0.25% 0.25% Loan Rate 8.97% 9.05% 8.94% 8.71% 8.71% Clearly the other money-market interest rates would have generated somewhat lower loan rates, especially the CD and Treasury bill rates. However, interest rates fell over the period examined, resulting in lower loan revenues for the bank. The bank would have been better off to offer its customer a fixed interest rate over the next five weeks.Alternative Scenario:Given: Bank desires to set a floor of 8%. Borrower agrees with the proposal if bank agrees to a loan rate of base rate plus 0.125%.Solution:The major risk faced by the bank is the risk that interest rates will rise along with other costs. If this occurs, increased fixed costs could erode the profit margin. Although this borrower would appear to be an excellent credit risk, increasing interest rates and inflation could result in increased default risk for the borrower over an extended period of time.Both the one-month commercial paper rate and the one-month CD rate have less volatility. Additionally, both maturities (i.e., one month) are closer to the five-week maturity of the requested loan. One might argue that either of these would be preferable, since they would maintain a higher rate in a declining interest rate environment. The one-month commercial paper rate had the lowestdecline during the five-week period, less than 2%, whereas the federal funds rate declined by approximately 3% and the CD rate declined by over 2%. If this trend were to continue over the next five-week period, the commercial paper rate would appear to be a better alternative.Web Site Problems1. What market interest rates are most widely used as base rates to price commercial loans? Where on the world wide web can you go to observe current and past levels of and changes in these market rates?After doing a search on the web, the Bloomberg site gave me the national averages for business loan rates. Their web site is /markets/rates.html. There are many other web sites out there that would also give this information or similar information. The table below lists key interest rates for business loans at the current time.Rate Current %Federal Funds 3.693 month LIBOR 3.71Prime Rate 7.002 Year AAA Industrial 4.5410 year .AAA Industrial 6.11From this information it appears that banks are most likely using the below prime market pricing (the markup) model to price their loans. These loan rates are close to the Federal Funds and LIBOR rates and are below the bank’s prime rate. Other loans to more risky customers may be priced differently.2. If you wanted to know more about the principles and procedures of business loan pricing where on the web would you go?One web site that has basic definitions for loans and may be a good place to start is/index.asp. This is the web site for Direct Loans. There are links to other sites from this one as well as frequently asked questions. A search of the web for business loan procedures may lead to other important web sites and information.。

《商业银行管理学》课后习题及题解第一章商业银行管理学导论习题一、判断题1. 《金融服务现代化法案》的核心内容之一就是废除《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法》。
2. 政府放松金融管制与加强金融监管是相互矛盾的。
3. 商业银行管理的最终目标是追求利润最大化。
4. 在金融市场上,商业银行等金融中介起着类似于中介经纪人的角色。
5. 商业银行具有明显的企业性质,所以常用于企业管理的最优化原理如边际分享原理、投入要素最优组合原理、规模经济原理也适用于商业银行。
6. 金融市场的交易成本和信息不对称决定了商业银行在金融市场中的主体地位。
7. 企业价值最大化是商业银行管理的基本目标。
8. 商业银行管理学研究的主要对象是围绕稀缺资源信用资金的优化配置所展开的各种业务及相关的组织管理问题。
9. 商业银行资金的安全性指的是银行投入的信用资金在不受损失的情况下能如期收回。
二、简答题1. 试述商业银行的性质与功能。
2. 如何理解商业银行管理的目标?3. 现代商业银行经营的特点有哪些?4. 商业银行管理学的研究对象和内容是什么?5. 如何看待“三性”平衡之间的关系?三、论述题1. 论述商业银行的三性目标是什么,如何处理三者之间的关系。
2. 试结合我国实际论述商业银行在金融体系中的作用。
第二章商业银行资本金管理习题一、判断题1. 新巴塞尔资本协议规定,商业银行的核心资本充足率仍为4%。
2. 巴塞尔协议规定,银行附属资本的合计金额不得超过其核心资本的50%。
3. 新巴塞尔资本协议对银行信用风险提供了两种方法:标准法和内部模型法。
4. 资本充足率反映了商业银行抵御风险的能力。
5. 我国国有商业银行目前只能通过财政增资的方式增加资本金。
6. 商业银行计算信用风险加权资产的标准法中的风险权重由监管机关规定。
二、单选题1. 我国《商业银行资本充足率管理办法》规定,计入附属资本的长期次级债务不得超过核心资本的。

CHAPTER 6MEASURING AND EVALUATING THE PERFORMANCE OF BANKS AND THEIR PRINCIPAL COMPETITORSGoal of This Chapter: The purpose of this chapter is to discover what analytical tools can be applied to a bank’s financial statements so that management and the public can identify the most critical problems inside each bank and develop ways to deal with those problemsKey Topics in This Chapter•Stock Values and Profitability Ratios•Measuring Credit, Liquidity, and Other Risks•Measuring Operating Efficiency•Performance of Competing Financial Firms•Size and Location Effects•The UBPR and Comparing PerformanceChapter OutlineI. Introduction:II. Evaluating a Bank's PerformanceA. Determining Long-Range ObjectivesB. Maximizing The Value of the Firm: A Key Objective for Nearly AllFinancial-Service InstitutionsC. Profitability Ratios: A Surrogate for Stock Values1. Key Profitability Ratios2. Interpreting Profitability RatiosD. Useful Profitability Formulas for Banks and Other Financial Service CompaniesE. Breaking Down Equity Returns for Closer AnalysisF. Break-Down Analysis of the Return on AssetsG. What a Breakdown of Profitability Measures Can Tell UsH. Measuring Risk in Banking and Financial Services1. Credit Risk2. Liquidity Risk3. Market Risk4. Interest-Rate Risk5. Operational Risk6. Legal and Compliance Risk7. Reputation Risk8. Strategic Risk9. Capital RiskI. Other Goals in Banking and Financial Services ManagementIII. Performance Indicators among Banking’s Key CompetitorsIV. The Impact of Size on PerformanceA. Size, Location and Regulatory Bias in Analyzing The Performance of Banks andCompeting Financial InstitutionsB. Using Financial Ratios and Other Analytical Tools to Track BankPerformance--The UBPR.V. Summary of the ChapterAppendix to the Chapter - Improving the Performance of Financial Firms Through Knowledge: Sources of Information on the Financial-Services IndustryConcept Checks6-1. Why should banks and other corporate financial firms be concerned about their level of profitability and exposure to risk?Banks in the U.S. and most other countries are private businesses that must attract capital from the public to fund their operations. If profits are inadequate or if risk is excessive, they will have greater difficulty in obtaining capital and their funding costs will grow, eroding profitability. Bank stockholders, depositors, and bank examiners representing the regulatory community are all interested in the quality of bank performance. The stockholders are primarily concerned with profitability as a key factor in determining their total return from holding bank stock, while depositors (especially large corporate depositors) and examiners typically focus on bank risk exposure.6-2. What individuals or groups are likely to be interested in these dimensions of performance for a bank or other financial institution?The individuals or groups likely to be interested in bank profitability and risk include other banks lending to a particular bank, borrowers, large depositors, holders of long-term debt capital issued by banks, bank stockholders, and the regulatory community.6-3. What factors influence the stock price of a financial-services corporation?A bank's stock price is affected by all those factors affecting its profitability and risk exposure, particularly its rate of return on equity capital and risk to shareholder earnings. A bank can raise its stock price by creating an expectation in the minds of investors of greater earnings in the future, by lowering the bank's perceived risk exposure, or by a combination of increases in expected earnings and reduced risk.6-4. Suppose that a bank is expected to pay an annual dividend of $4 per share on its stock in the current period and dividends are expected to grow 5 percent a year every year, and the minimum required return to equity capital based on the bank's perceived level of risk is 10 percent. Can you estimate the current value of the bank's stock?In this constant dividend growth rate problem the current value of the bank's stock would be: P o = D1 / (k – g) = $4 / (0.10 – 0.05) = $80.6-5. What is return on equity capital and what aspect of performance is it supposed to measure? Can you see how this performance measure might be useful to the managers of financial firms? Return on equity capital is the ratio of Net Income/Total Equity Capital. It represents the rate of return earned on the funds invested in the bank by its stockholders. Financial firms have stockholders, too who are interested in the return on the funds that they invested.6-6 Suppose a bank reports that its net income for the current year is $51 million, its assets totally $1,144 million, and its liabilities amount to $926 million. What is its return on equity capital? Is the ROE you have calculated good or bad? What information do you need to answer this last question?The bank's return on equity capital should be:ROE = Net Income = $51 million = .098 or 9.8 percentEquity Capital $1,444 mill.-$926 mill.In order to evaluate the performance of the bank, you have to compare the ROE to the ROE of some major competitors or some industry average.6-7 What is the return on assets (ROA), and why is it important? Might the ROA measure be important to banking’s key competitors?Return on assets is the ratio of Net Income/Total Assets. The rate of return secured on a bank's total assets indicates the efficiency of its management in generating net income from all of the resources (assets) committed to the institution. This would be important to banks and their major competitors.6-8. A bank estimates that its total revenues will amount to $155 million and its total expenses (including taxes) will equal $107 million this year. Its liabilities total $4,960 million while its equity capital amounts to $52 million. What is the bank's return on assets? Is this ROA high or low? How could you find out?The bank's return on assets would be:ROA = Net Income = $155 mill. - $107 mill. = 0.0096 or 0.96 percent Total Assets $4,960 mill. + $52 mill.The size of this bank's ROA should be compared with the ROA's of other banks similar in size and location to determine if this bank's ROA is high or low relative to the average forcomparable banks.6-9. Why do the managers of financial firms often pay close attention today to the net interest margin and noninterest margin? To the earnings spread?The net interest margin (NIM) indicates how successful the bank has been in borrowing funds from the cheapest sources and in maintaining an adequate spread between its returns on loans and security investments and the cost of its borrowed funds. If the NIM rises, loan and security income must be rising or the average cost of funds must be falling or both. A declining NIM is undesirable because the bank's interest spread is being squeezed, usually because of rising interest costs on deposits and other borrowings and because of increased competition today.In contrast, the noninterest margin reflects the banks spread between its noninterest income (such as service fees on deposits) and its noninterest expenses (especially salaries and wages and overhead expenses). For most banks the noninterest margin is negative. Management will usually attempt to expand fee income, while controlling closely the growth of noninterest expenses in order to make a negative noninterest margin less negative.The earnings spread measures the effectiveness of the bank's intermediation function of borrowing and lending money, which, of course, is the bank's primary way of generating earnings. As competition increases, the spread between the average yields on assets and the average cost of liabilities will be squeezed, forcing the bank's management to search for alternative sources of income, such as fees from various services the bank offers.6-10. Suppose a banker tells you that his bank in the year just completed had total interest expenses on all borrowings of $12 million and noninterest expense of $5 million, while interest income from earning assets totaled $16 million and noninterest revenues added to a total of $2 million. Suppose further that assets amounted to $480 million of which earning assets represented 85 percent of total assets, while total interest-bearing liabilities amounted to 75 percent of total assets. See if you can determine this bank's net interest and noninterest margins and its earnings base and earnings spread for the most recent year.The bank's net interest and noninterest margins must be:Net Interest = $16 mill. - $12 mill. Noninterest = $2 mill. - $5 mill.Margin $480 mill. Margin $480 mill.=.00833 = -.00625The bank's earnings spread and earnings base are:Earnings = $16 mill. - $12 mill.Spread $480 mill * 0.85 $480 mill. * 0.75= .0392 =.0333Earnings Base = $480 mill. - $480 mill. * 0.15 = 0.85 or 85 percent$480 mill.6-11. What are the principal components of ROE and what do each of these components measure?The principal components of ROE are:a. The net profit margin or net after-tax income to operating revenues which reflects the effectiveness of a bank's expense control program;b. The degree of asset utilization or ratio of operating revenues to total assets which measures the effectiveness of managing the bank's assets, especially the loan portfolio; and,c. The equity multiplier or ratio of total assets to total equity capital which measures a bank's use of leverage in funding its operations.6-12. Suppose a bank has an ROA of 0.80 percent and an equity multiplier of 12x. What is its ROE? Suppose this bank's ROA falls to 0.60 percent. What size equity multiplier must it have to hold its ROE unchanged?The bank's ROE is:ROE = 0.80 percent *12 = 9.60 percent.If ROA falls to 0.60 percent, the bank's ROE and equity multiplier can be determined from: ROE = 9.60% = 0.60 percent * Equity MultiplierEquity Multiplier = 9.60 percent = 16x.0.60 percent6-13. Suppose a bank reports net income of $12, before-tax net income of $15, operating revenues of $100, assets of $600, and $50 in equity capital. What is the bank's ROE?Tax-management efficiency indicator? Expense control efficiency indicator? Asset management efficiency indicator? Funds management efficiency indicator?The bank's ROE must be: ROE = 50$12$ = 0.24 or 24 percent Its tax-management, expense control, asset management, and funds management efficiency indicators are:Tax Management = $12 Expense Control = $15Efficiency indicator $15 Efficiency Indicator $100= .8 or 80 percent =.15 or 15 percentAsset Management = $100 Funds Management = $600Efficiency Indicator $600 Efficiency Indicator $50= 0.1666 or 16.67 percent = 12 x6-14. What are the most important components of ROA and what aspects of a financial institution’s performance do they reflect?The principal components of ROA are:a. Total Interest Income Less Total Interest Expense divided by Total Assets, measuring a bank's success at intermediating funds between borrowers and lenders;b. Provision for Loan Losses divided by Total Assets which measures management's ability to control loan losses and manage a bank's tax exposure;c. Noninterest Income less Noninterest Expenses divided by Total Assets, which indicates the ability of management to control salaries and wages and other noninterest costs and generate tee income;d. Net Income Before Taxes divided by Total Assets, which measures operating efficiency and expense control; ande. Applicable Taxes divided by Total Assets, which is an index of tax management effectiveness. 6-15. If a bank has a net interest margin of 2.50%, a noninterest margin of -1.85%, and a ratio of provision for loan losses, taxes, security gains, and extraordinary items of -0.47%, what is its ROA?The bank's ROA must be:ROA = 2.50 percent - 1.85 percent - 0.47 percent = 0.18 percent6-16. To what different kinds of risk are banks and their financial-service competitors subjected today?a. Credit Risk -- the probability that loans and securities the bank holds will not pay out as promised.b. Liquidity Risk -- the probability the bank will not have sufficient cash on hand in the volume needed precisely when cash demands arise.c. Market Risk -- the probability that the value of assets held by the bank will decline due to falling market prices.d. Interest-Rate Risk - the possibility or probability interest rates will change, subjecting the bank to lower profits or a lower value for the firm’s capital.e. Operational Risk –the uncertainly regarding a financial firm’s earnings due to failures in computer systems, employee misconduct, floods, lightening strikes and other similar events.f. Legal and Compliance Risk –the uncertainty regarding a financial firm’s earnings due to actions taken by our legal system or due to a violation of rules and regulationsg. Reputation Risk – the uncertainty due to public opinion or the variability in earnings due to positive or negative publicity about the financial firmh. Strategic Risk – the uncertainty in earnings due to adverse business decisions, lack or responsiveness to changes and other poor decisions by managementi. Capital Risk – the risk that the value of the assets will decline below the value of the liabilities. All of the other risks listed above can affect earnings and the value of the assets and liabilities and therefore can have an effect on the capital position of the firm.6-17. What items on a bank's balance sheet and income statement can be used to measure its risk exposure? To what other financial institutions do these risk measures apply?There are several alternative measures of risk in banking and financial service firms. Capital risk is often measured by bank capital ratios, such as the ratio of total capital to total assets or total capital to risk assets. Credit risk can be tracked by such ratios as net loan losses to total loans or relative to total capital. Liquidity risk can be followed by using such ratios as cash assets to total assets or by total loans to total assets. Interest-rate risk may be indicated by such ratios as interest-sensitive liabilities to interest-sensitive assets or the ratio of money-market borrowings to money-market assets.6-18. A bank reports that the total amount of its net loans and leases outstanding is $936 million,its assets total $1,324 million, its equity capital amounts to $110 million, and it holds $1,150 million in deposits, all expressed in book value. The estimated market values of the bank's total assets and equity capital are $1,443 million and $130 million, respectively. The bank's stock is currently valued at $60 per share with annual per-share earnings of $2.50. Uninsured deposits amount to $243 million and money market borrowings total $132 million, while nonperforming loans currently amount to $43 million and the bank just charged off $21 million in loans. Calculateas many of the bank's risk measures as you can from the foregoing data.Net Loans and Leases = $936 mill. Uninsured Deposits $243 mill.Total Assets $1,324 mill. Total Deposits $1,150 mill.0.7069 or 70.69 percent 0.2113 or 21.13 percentEquity Capital = $130 mill. Stock Price $60Total Assets $1,443 mill. Earnings Per Share $2.50 = 0.0901 or 9.01 percent = 24 XNonperforming Assets = $43 mill. =0.0459 or 4.59 percentNet Loans and Leases $936 mill.Charge-offs of loans = $21 Purchased Funds = $243 mill. + $132 mill. Total Loans and Leases $936 Total Liabilities $1,324 mill. - $110 mill.=.0224 or 2.24 percent .3089 or 30.89 percentBook Value of Assets = $1324 =0.9175 or 91.75 percentMarket Value of Assets $1443Problems6-1. An investor holds the stock of First National Bank of Imoh and expects to receive a dividend of $12 per share at the end of the year. Stock analysts have recently predicted that the bank’s dividends will grow at approximately 3 percent a yea r indefinitely into the future. If this is true, and if the appropriate risk-adjusted cost of capital (discount rate) for the bank is 15 percent, what should be the current stock price per share of Imoh’s stock?6-2. Suppose that stockbrokers have projected that Poquoson Bank and Trust Company will pay a dividend of $3 per share on its common stock at the end of the year; a dividend of $4.50 per share is expected for the next year and $6 per share in the following year. The risk-adjusted cost of capital for banks in Poquoson’s risk class is 17 percent. If an investor holding Poquoson’s stock plans to hold that stock for only three years and hopes to sell it at a price of $55 per share, what should the value of the bank’s stock be in today’s market?P0 = $43.94 per share.6-3 Depositors Savings Association has a ratio of equity capital to total assets of 7.5 percent. In contrast, Newton Savings reports an equity capital to asset ratio of 6 percent. What is the value of the equity multiplier for each of these institutions? Suppose that both institutions have an ROA of 0.85 percent. What must each institution’s return on equity capital be? What do your calculations tell you about the benefits of having as little equity capital as regulations or the marketplace will allow?Depositors Savings Association has an equity-to-asset ratio of 7.5 percent which means its equity multiplier must be:= 1 / 0.075 = 13.33x1/ (Equity Capital / Assets) = AssetsEquityCapitalIn contrast, Newton Savings has an equity multiplier of:= 16.67x1/ (Equity Capital / Assets) = 10.06With an ROA of 0.85 percent Depositors Savings Association would have an ROE of: ROE = 0.85 x 13.33x = 11.33 percent.With an ROA of .85 percent Newton Savings would have an ROE of:ROE = 0.85 x 16.67x = 14.17 percentIn this case Newton Savings is making greater use of financial leverage and is generating a higher return on equity capital.6-4. The latest report of condition and income and expense statement for Galloping Merchants National Bank are as shown in the following tables:Galloping Merchants National BankInterest Fees on Loans $65Interest Dividends on Securities 12Total Interest Income 77Interest Paid on Deposits 49Interest on Nondeposit Borrowings 6Total Interest Expense 55Net Interest Income 22Provision for Loan Losses 2Noninterest Income and Fees 7Noninterest Expenses:Salaries and Employee Benefits 12Overhead Expenses 5Other Noninterest Expenses 3Total Noninterest Expenses 20Net Noninterest Income -13Pre Tax Operating Income 7Securities Gains (or Losses) 1Pre Tax Net Operating Income 8Taxes 1Net Operating Income 7Net Extraordinary Income -1Net Income $6FTE 40Galloping Merchants National BankReport of ConditionCash and Due From Banks $100 Demand Deposits $190Investment Securities $150 Savings Deposts $180Federal Funds Sold $10 Time Deposits $470Net Loans $670 Federal Funds Purch $69(ALL 25) Total Liabilities $900(Unearned Income 5) Common Stock $20Plant and Equipment $50 Surplus $25Retained Earnings $35Total Assets $980 Total Ca $80Total Earnings Assets $830 Interest BearingDeposits $650Fill in the missing items on the income and expense statement. Using these statements, calculate the following performance measures:6-5. The following information is for Shallow National BankInterest Income $2,100Interest Expense $1,400Total Assets $30,000Securities Gains (losses) $21Earning Assets $25,000Total Liabilities $27,000Taxes Paid $16Shares of Common Stock 5,000Noninterest income $700Noninterest Expense $900Provision for LoanLosses $100ROE = $405 ROA = $405$30,000 -$27,000$30,0000.135 or 13.5 percent 0.0135 or 1.35percentEarnings = $405 = $.081 per sharePer Share 5000Net Interest = $2100 -$1400 = $700 = 0.028 or 2.8percentMargin $25,000 $25,000Net Noninterest = $700 -$900= -$200 = 0.008or .8 percent Margin $25,000 $25,000Net Operating = ($2100 + $700) – ($1,400 + $900+ $100) = $400 =0.0133or 1.33percentMargin $30,000 $30,000Suppose interest income, interest expenses, noninterest income, and noninterest expenses each increase by 5 percent, with all other items remaining unchanged.Interest Income $2,205Interest Expense $1,470Total Assets $30,000Securities Gains (losses) $21Earning Assets $25,000Total Liabilities $27,000Taxes Paid $16Shares of Common Stock 5,000Noninterest income $735Noninterest Expense $945Provision for LoanLosses $100ROE = $430 ROA = $430$30,000 -$27,000$30,0000.1433 or 14.33 percent 0.0143 or 1.43percentEarnings = $430 = $.086 per sharePer Share 5000Net Interest = $2205 -$1470 = $735 = 0.0294 or 2.94percentMargin $25,000 $25,000Net Noninterest = $735 -$945 = -$210 = 0.0084 or .84percentMargin $25,000 $25,000Net Operating = ($2205 + $735) – ($1,470 + $945+ $100) = $425 =0.0142or 1.42percentMargin $30,000 $30,000On the other hand, suppose Shallow’s interest income, interest expenses, noninterest income, and noninterest expenses decline by 5 percent, again with all other factors held equal. How would the bank’s ROE, ROA and per share earnings change?Interest Income $1995Interest Expense $1,330Total Assets $30,000Securities Gains (losses) $21Earning Assets $25,000Total Liabnilities $27,000Taxes Paid $16Shares of Common Stock 5,000Noninterest income $665Noninterest Expense $855Provision for LoanLosses $100ROE = $380 ROA = $380$30,000 -$27,000$30,0000.1267 or 12.67 percent 0.0127 or 1.27percentEarnings = $380 = $.076 per sharePer Share 5000Net Interest = $1995 -$1330 = $665 = 0.0266 or 2.66percentMargin $25,000 $25,000Net Noninterest = $665 -$855 = -$190 = 0.0076 or .76percentMargin $25,000 $25,000Net Operating = ($1995 + $665) – ($1,330 + $855+ $100) = $375 =0.0125or 1.25percentMargin $30,000 $30,0006-6. Blue and White National Bank holds total assets of $1.69 billion and equity capital of $139 million and has just posted an ROA of 1.1 percent. What is this bank’s ROE?:ROE = ROA * Total AssetsEquity Capital = 0.011 * $1,690$139= 0.1337 or 13.37%R0A increases by 50%, with no change in assets or equity capital.Therefore, the new ROA = 0.011 * 1.5 = 0.0165 or 1.65%.New ROE = 1.65% * 12.16 = 20.06%This represents a 50% increase in ROE. With no changes in assets or equity, the investors' funds are more effectively utilized, generating additional income and making the bank more profitable. Alternative Scenario 2:ROA decreases by 50%, with no change in equity or assets.Therefore, the new ROA = 0.011 * 0.5 = 0.0055 or 0.55%.New ROE = 0.55% * 12.16 = 6.69%This represents a 50% decrease in ROE. The bank's management has been less efficient, in this case, in managing their lending and/or investing functions or their operating costs.Alternative Scenario 3:ROA = 0.011 or 1.1% (as in the original problem)Total assets double in size to $3.38 billion and equity capital doubles in size to $278 million. Therefore, the equity multiplier (i.e. total assets/equity capital) remains the same (E.M. =$3,380/$278 = 12.16). As a result, there is no change in ROE from the original situation (i.e.), 1.1% * 12.16 = 13.38%).Alternative Scenario 4:This, of course, is just the reverse of scenario 3. Since the changes in both assets and equity capital are the same, the ratio of the two (i.e., the equity multiplier) remains constant. As a result, there is again no change in ROE.E.M. = Total Assets/Equity Capital = $845/$69.5 = 12.16.Therefore, ROE = 1.1% * 12.16 = 13.38%.6-7. Monarch State Bank reports total operating revenues of $135 million, with total operating expenses of $121 million, and owes taxes of $2 million. It has total assets of $1.00 billion and total liabilities of $900 million and has just posed an ROA of 1.1o percent. What is the bank’s ROE? Net Income after Taxes = $135 million -$121 million -$2 million = $12 millionEquity Capital = $1.00 billion - $900 million = $100 million= $12 million / $100 million = 0.12 or 12%.ROE = Net Income after TaxesEquity CapitalAlternative Scenario 1: How will the ROE for Monarch State Bank change if total operating expenses, taxes and total operating revenues each grow by 10 percent while assets and liabilities stay fixed.Total revenues = $135 million * 1.10 = $148.5 millionTotal expenses = $121 million * 1.10 = $133.1 millionTax liability = $2 million * 1.10 = $2.2 millionNet Income after Taxes = $148.5 - $133.1 - $2.2 = $13.2 millionROE = $13.2 million/$100 million = 0.132 or 13.2%Change in ROE = (13.2%-12%)/12% = 10%Alternative Scenario 2: Suppose Monarch State’s total assets and total liabilities increase by 10 percent, but its revenues and expenses (including taxes) are unchanged. How will the bank’s ROE change?Total assets increase by 10% (Total assets = $ 1.0 * 1.10 = $1.1 billion)Total liabilities increase by 10% (Total liabilities = $900 million * 1.10 = $990Revenues and expenses (including taxes) remain unchanged.Solution: Equity Capital = $1.1 billion - $990 million = $110 millionROE = $12 = .1091$110 10.91 percent= 10.91% - 12% = -1.09% = -.0908% Therefore change inROE12% 12% (ROE decreases by9.08%)Alternative Scenario 3: Can you determine what will happen to ROE if both operating revenues and expenses (including taxes) decline by 10 percent, with the bank’s total assets and liabilities held constant?Total revenues decline by 10% (Total revenues = $135 million * 0.90 = $121.5 million)Total expenses decline by 10% (Total expenses = $121 million * 0.9 = $108.9 million)Tax liability declines by 10% (Tax liability = $2 * 0.9 = $1.8 million)Assets and liabilities remain unchanged (Therefore, equity remains unchanged)Solution: Net Income after Tax = $121.5 million - 108.9 million - $1.8 million = $10.8 ROE = $10.8 million = 0.108 = 10.8%$100 millionTherefore change in ROE = 10.8% - 12% = -1.2% = -.1012% 12% (ROE decreases by 10%) Alternative Scenario 4: What does ROE become if Monarch State’s assets and liabilities decreaseby 10 percent, while its operating revenues, taxes and operating expenses do not change?Total assets = $1.0 billion * 0.9 = $900 millionTotal liabilities = $900 million * 0.9 =$810 millionEquity capital = $900 million - $810 million = $90 millionROE = $12 = .1333$90 13.33 percent6-8. Suppose a stockholder owned thrift institution is projected to achieve a 1.25 percent ROA during the coming year. What must its ratio of total assets to total equity capital be if it is to achieveits target ROE of 12 percent? If ROA unexpectedly falls to .75 percent, what assets-to-capital ratio must it then have to reach a 12 percent ROE?ROE = ROA * (Total Assets/Equity Capital)Total Assets = ROE = 12% = 9.6 xEquity Capital ROA 1.25%If ROA unexpectedly falls to 0.75% and target ROE remains 12%:12% = .75% * Total AssetsEquity CapitalTotal Assets = 12% =16 xEquity Capital .75%。

CHAPTER 4CREATING AND MANAGING SERVICE OUTLETS:NEW CHARTERS, BRANCHES, AND ELECTRONIC FACILITIESGoal of This Chapter: The purpose of this chapter is to learn how new banks are chartered by state and federal authorities in the United States, to determine what makes a good site for a new branch office, to recognize how the role of branch offices is changing, and to explore the advantages and disadvantages of automated banking facilities.Key Topics in This ChapterChartering New Financial Service InstitutionsPerformance of New BanksEstablishing Full Service BranchesIn-Store BranchingEstablishing Limited Service FacilitiesATMs and Telephone CentersThe Internet and Online BankingChapter OutlineI. IntroductionA. The Importance of Convenience and Timely Access to CustomersB. Service Options Available Today1. Chartering New (De Novo) Financial Institutions2. Establishing New Full-Service Branches3. Setting Up Limited-Service FacilitiesII.Chartering a New Bank or Other Financial Service InstitutionsIII.The Bank Chartering Process in the United StatesA. The Chartering Authorities in the U.S.B. Benefits of Applying for a National CharterC. Benefits of Applying for a State CharterIV. Questions Regulators Usually Ask the Organizers of a New BankV. Factors Weighing on the Decision to Seek a New Bank CharterA. External Factors1. Level of Economic Activity2. Growth of Local Economic Activity3. The Need for a New Bank4. Strength and Character of Local Competition in SupplyingFinancial ServicesB. Internal Factors1. Qualifications and Contacts of the Organizers2. Management Quality3. Pledging of Capital and Funds to Cover the Cost of Filinga Charter Application and Getting UnderwayVI. Volume and Characteristics of New Bank ChartersA. Numbers of New ChartersB. Characteristics of New Charter MarketsVII. How Well Do New Banks Perform?A. New Bank Financial PerformanceB. Pro-Competitive Effects on Service Offerings and Service Pricing VIII. Establishing Full-Service Branch Offices: Choosing Locations and Designing New BranchesA. Advantages of Full-Service BranchesB. Trends in the Design of New BranchesC. Desirable Sites for New BranchesD. Expected Rate of ReturnE. Geographic DiversificationF. Branch RegulationG. The Changing Role of BranchesH. In-Store BranchingIX. Establishing and Monitoring Automated Limited-Service Facilities X. Point-of-Sale TerminalsXI. Automated Tellers (ATMs)A. History of ATMsB. ATM ServicesC. Fee Structures for ATM UsageD. Customer Service Limitations of ATMsE. Example of the ATM Capital-Budgeting DecisionXII. Home and Office Online BankingA. Telephone Banking and Call CentersB. Internet Banking1. Services Provided Through the Internet2. Challenges in Providing Internet Services3. The Net and Customer Privacy and SecurityXIII. Financial Service Facilities of the FutureXIV. Summary of the ChapterConcept Checks4-1. Why is the physical presence of a bank still important to many bank customers despite recent advances in long-distance communications technology?Many customers still prefer the personal attention and personal service that contact with bank employees provides. Moreover, for those services where problems can arise that require detailed information and explanation-for example, when a checking account is overdrawn and checks begin to bounce-the customer needs quick access and, often, the personal attention to his or her problem on the part of one or more employees.4-2. Why is the creation (chartering) of new banks closely regulated? What about nonblank financial firms?The creation of new banks is regulated to insure the safety and soundness of existing banks and to avoid excessive numbers of bank failures. The same arguments are usually made for non-bank financial firms. Financial-Service firms hold the public’s savings, are the heart of the payment system and create money. The failure of these firms could disrupt the economy and too many could mean in excessive growth in the money supply and inflation.4-3. What do you see as the principal benefits and costs of government regulation of the number of financial service charters issued?While control over the entry of new banks may reduce the number of failures, it also limits competition, so that the public may receive a smaller volume or lower quality of services at excessive prices.4-4. Who charters new banks in the United States? New thrift institutions? New banks are chartered by the banking commissions of the individual states or, at the federal level, by the Comptroller of the Currency. Thrift institutions are chartered by the states or at the federal level by the Office of Thrift Supervision.4-5. What key role does the FDIC play in the chartering process?The FDIC exercises some control over state bank charter activity as well as federal charters because most states insist that their new banks qualify for federal deposit insurance before they can open for business.4-6. What are the advantages of having a national bank charter? A state bank charter?The benefits of a national charter are:a.)It brings prestige due to stricter regulations and may helpattract more customersb.)In times of trouble the technical assistance given may be betterensuring a better chance of long run survivalThe benefits of a state charter are:a.)It may be easier and less costly to get a state charterb.)The bank does not have to join the Federal Reserve and thereforeavoids buying and holding low yield stock of the Federal Reservec.)Many states let a bank lend more to one borrowerd.)State chartered banks may be able to make types of loans thata nationally chartered bank cannot4-7. What kinds of information must the organizers of new national banks provide the Comptroller of the Currency in order to get a charter? Why might this required information be important?The Comptroller of the Currency asks for information on the number of competing banks and bank-like institutions in the service area of the proposed bank. More competitive market situations limit the profit potential and perhaps the growth potential of a new bank. Also requested is information about shopping centers, retail and wholesale business activity, recent population growth, traffic counts, and personal income levels - all viewed as indicators of potential demand for banking services in the service area of the proposed new bank. Applicants must also provide background information on the organizers and proposed management of a new bank so the Comptroller can decide if these people are qualified, law-abiding, and trustworthy to manage the public's funds as well as their own.4-8. Why do you think the organizers of a new financial firm are usually expected to put together and submit to the chartering authority a detailed business plan, including marketing, management, and financial components? This demonstrates to regulators that the organizers of the bank have the expertise, experience and skills necessary to be successful in managing the new bank. If the organizers of a bank do not know where they are going, they are unlikely to be successful. In addition, it demonstrates whether the organizers of the new bank have a realistic picture of the community they are planning on serving and whether the organizers have a realistic view of the profit potential in the new bank.4-9. What are the key factors the organizers of a new financial firm should consider before deciding to seek a charter?While a variety of factors are examined by different business people interested in establishing a new bank, most look at some or all of the following factors.1. External Factorsa. The level of local economic activity.b. Growth of local economic activity.c. The need for a new bank.d. The strength and character of local competition insupplying financial services.2. Internal Factorsa. Qualifications and contacts of the new bank's organizers.b. Management quality.c. Pledging of capital and funds to cover the cost of filinga charter application and begin operations.4-10. Where are most new banks chartered in the United States?New charters tend to be concentrated in large urban areas where expected rates of return on the organizers investments are likely to be the highest. As the population increases relative to the number of financial firms, the number of new charters increases. The success of local banks already in the area suggests that new financial firms would also be successful. Places where the concentration ratio for new banks has increased tend to have fewer new bank charters.4-11. How well do most new banks perform for the public and for their owners?Most new banks succeed, especially those whose organizers can bring in new deposits and loan accounts during the first year of the bank's operation. Most are profitable within two to three years of opening. There is some evidence that newly c harted banks are financially ‘fragile’ and more prone to failure than existing banks. They appear to be more vulnerable to real estate crises than established banks. New banks tend to under perform their competitors until they have been around for a while and new banks are more closely supervised than established banks.4-12. Why is the establishment of new branch offices usually favored over the chartering of new financial firms as a vehicle for delivering financial services?The chartering of a new financing corporation is normally a lengthy and expensive process, requiring the completion of elaborate federal or state application forms, while the branch application process is normally far simpler and less costly. Moreover, with the increase in the number of failures in recent years regulatory-imposed capital requirements for new charters have increased substantially, while new branch offices usually carry significantly lower capital requirements. Moreover, branch offices themselves are often much less elaborate and costly to build and maintainthan are the headquarters' facility of a new institution where some duplicate facilities can be eliminated (for example, checking processing, credit analysis, and records departments).4-13. What factors are often considered in evaluating possible sites for new branch offices?Bankers first need to decide the goals and objectives of a new facility. Often this means assessing whether the proposed new branch is aimed at selling one or more particular services, such as deposits or loans, and also deciding how closely correlated cash flows and returns from the new branch office may be with cash flows and returns from the other facilities operated by the bank. If returns or cash flows through the proposed new institution are negatively correlated or display low positive correlation with the institution's other facilities, they may be able to lower the variance of its returns or cash flows by proceeding to establish the new office.Other considerations revolve around the economic strength of the proposed branch office site-whether there is adequate traffic volume, large numbers of stores and shops, older or younger age populations who often require slightly different menus of services, recent area population growth, density and income, the occupational and residential makeup of the proposed new branch area, a large enough population to generate enough customers to breakeven and the number and size of facilities operated by competitors. Generally, for branches designed to attract and hold deposits key factors to consider usually revolve around individual and family incomes, concentrations of retail stores and shops, older-than-average residents, and homeowners rather than renters. For branch facilities emphasizing credit services residential areas with substantial new construction activity, heavy traffic flow, and high concentrations of stores and shopping centers are typically desirable for consumer and retail loan demand, while central city office locations are often chosen as locations for commercial loan facilities.4-14. What changes are occurring in the design of, and the roles played by, branch offices? Please explain why these changes are occurring.Bank branches are increasingly becoming selling platforms in which more and more fee-based services are attractively and prominently advertised in order to maximize the fee-income generating potential of each branch. Moreover, branches are becoming increasingly automated to reduce personnel and other operating costs and improve speed, efficiency, and accuracy in handling a growing service volume. Branch design has come to reflect these trends with automated facilities placed at easy access points, along with information booths to speedily direct customers to the service areas they need. Human tellers may be placed deeper inside branch facilities so that customers mustpass by other service departments and conspicuous advertising in order to encourage customers to become aware of and avail themselves of other bank services.4-15. What laws and regulations affect the creation of new bank and thrift branches and the closing of existing branches? What advantages and what problems can the closing of a branch office create?The opening of new branch offices must be approved b y a bank's or thrift’s principal federal or state supervisor. Closing a branch office has become much more complicated in recent years as the result of several new laws and regulations. For example, the FDIC Improvement Act requires 90 days advance notice of branch closings to both customers and the principal supervisory agency and a posting on the branch site at least 30 days prior to closing. Banks and thrifts must also make an "affirmative effort" to reach all segments of their communities without discrimination under the terms of the Community Reinvestment Act which raises the danger of customer protests against closings if it appears the bank is under-serving certain groups of customers. Finally, the Community Reinvestment Act can be used as a vehicle to prevent U.S. banks and thrifts from branching expansion when they have a poor record of serving all segments of their communities.Closing selected branch offices can reduce operating costs and divert resources from less profitable to more profitable uses. However, they risk alienating good customer relationships unless it can serve those same customers with its remaining facilities.4-16. What new and innovative sites have been selected for new branch offices in recent years? Why have these sites been chosen by financial firms? Do you have any ideas about other sites that you believe should be considered? Rapid increases in new branches located in grocery stores, shopping centers, and inside other businesses and facilities where the public frequently gathers have helped to reduce branch construction costs and promotecross-selling of goods and financial services. Other branches have been opened in apartment complexes, senior citizen centers, and other customer-convenient locations as bankers come to realize they must adjust their service locations and service hours to conform to customer needs in an intensely competitive financial-services environment.4-17. What are POS terminals and where are they usually located?Point-of-sale terminals are set up to accommodate customer purchases of goods and services. These computer terminals normally are located in retail stores, gasoline stations, and similar places with a link to the banks’own computer records. When a customer of the bank makes a purchase, the amount of the transaction is deducted from the customer's deposit account and added to the store's account. Because the customer immediately loses funds many bank customers have been hesitant to use the service as opposed to paying by check or credit card where payment is delayed for a few days. However, this depends on whether the POS terminal is an offline or online terminal. An offlineterminal accumulates all transactions until the end of the day when all transactions are subtracted from a custome r’s account. This type of terminal is less costly for the bank to operate. An online terminal subtracts the transactions immediately from the customer’s account and reduces the chance of an overdraft occurring but is more expensive for the bank to operate. Consumer reluctance to use POS terminals appears to be fading and as fees for other services rise this reluctance will continue to disappear.4-18. What services do ATMs provide? What are the principal limitations of ATMs as a service provider? Should ATM carry fees? Why?The earliest ATMs provided a convenient mechanism for cashing checks, making deposits, and verifying checking account balances, often at hours when the full-service branch offices were closed. Today, ATMs frequently provide a wide menu of old and new services, including bill paying, transfer of funds between accounts, and the purchase of tickets for travel and entertainment. Most authorities expect ATM usage to grow rapidly as these machines offer more services and as bankers increasingly move to restrict customer access to more costly human tellers and other bank personnel, often by charging extra fees for personal service.ATMs do have some significant limitations that bankers will have to work to overcome. They break down and need to be replaced, sometimes quite frequently and annoyingly for customers, and as technology changes often become quickly outdated. Customer activity around ATMs, particularly at night, has invited criminals to steal money and injure customers, sometimes creating liability for banks. Moreover, not all customers make use of these facilities due to a preference for personalized service, fear of crime, or unfamiliarity with how the machines work. Customer education and better service pricing are two important tools that could help with these problem areas in the future. In addition, ATMs do not rank high in their ability to sell peripheral services. Some banks have found that there has been a sharp decline in their ability to sell other services. Finally, ATMs are not necessarily profitable for all banks. Because they are available 24 hours, some customers may make more frequent and smaller withdrawals from the machine than they would with a human teller, driving up the costs. In addition, these same customers will often still demand a human teller to deposit their pay check, making the bank keep both tellers and ATM machines.Whether ATM should carry a fee is rather controversial. Recently, two of the largest ATM networks have decided to let owners of ATMs chargenon-customers a surcharge. Several regional have begun to charge fees as well. These fees reflect the usage of ATMs. About 85% of all ATM transactions consist of cash withdrawals and only about 10 percent represent incoming deposits. In addition, in many places, ATM usage has declined as customers pass over ATMs in favor of credit and debit cards, onsite terminals and the internet.4-19. What are self-service terminals and what advantages do they have for financial institutions and their customers?Self-service terminals include ATMs and other computer-basedlimited-service facilities that permit a customer to call up informationabout his or her account and recent transactions with the institution or information about different services that the customer might be interested in purchasing. Many are accessible 24 hours a day or are easier to get to rather than wait for the help of personnel. They can save on resources by saving on staff time. Many institutions are adding telephones and video screens so that customers with problems can dial up an employee day or night with problems. This is also saving money because they can avoid duplication of staff at each branch.4-20. What financial services are currently available from banks on the internet? What problems have been encountered in trying to offer internet services?Customers can make payments, check on account balances, move funds between accounts and get applications for loans, deposits and other services. In addition banks can advertise on the web. Some of the problems include protecting customers’ privacy and heading off crime. In addition, the web does not make it easy for a bank to get to know their customers personally. The cost may also be prohibitive to some customers.4-21. How can financial firms better promote internet services?They need to emphasize the safety of their internet services. They need to promote their home page at every opportunity and update it frequently to keep customers’ interest. They need to surve y customers about their satisfaction with the services and encourage dialogue via e-mail to resolve problems. They can also provide programs to download to act as screen savers (and advertisements) and also information about the institution and the services it provides.Problems4-1. A group of businessmen and women from the town of Mathews are considering filing an application with the state banking commission to charter a new bank. Due to a lack of current banking facilities within a 10-mile radius of the community, the organizing group estimates that the initial banking facility would cost about $3.2 million to build along with another $700,000 in other organizing expenses and would last for about 20 years. Total revenues are projected to be $510,000 the first year, while total operating expenses are projected to reach $180,000 in year 1. Revenues are expected to increase 6 percent annually after the first year, while expenses will grow an estimated 5 percent annually after year 1. If the organizers require a minimum of a 10 percent annual rate of return on their investment of capital in the proposed new bank, are they likely to proceed with their charter application given the above estimates?Year Revenues Op Expense Net Profits1$510,000$180,000$330,0002$540,600$189,000$351,6003$573,036$198,450$374,5864$607,418$208,373$399,0465$643,863$218,791$425,0726$682,495$229,731$452,7647$723,445$241,217$482,2288$766,851$253,278$513,5739$812,863$265,942$546,92110$861,634$279,239$582,39511$913,332$293,201$620,13112$968,132$307,861$660,27113$1,026,220$323,254$702,96614$1,087,793$339,417$748,37715$1,153,061$356,388$796,67316$1,222,245$374,207$848,03817$1,295,579$392,917$902,66218$1,373,314$412,563$960,75119$1,455,713$433,191$1,022,52220$1,543,056$454,851$1,088,205Initial Investment$3,900,000Required Rate of Return0.10Present Value of FutureCash Flows$4,491,642Net Present Value ofInvestment$591,642Given the above information, the organizers are likely to proceed given that the net present value of this investment is positive. The return they are going to earn is greater than the 10% they need to earn.4-2. Andover Savings Bank is considering the establishment of a new branch office at the corner of Lafayette and Connecticut Avenues. The savings association’s Economics Department projects annual operati ng revenues of $1.75 million from services sold to generate fee income and annual branching operating expenses of $880,000. The cost of procuring the property is $2.5 million and branch construction will total an estimated $2.32 million; the facility is expected to last 16 years. If the savings bank has a minimum acceptable rate of return on its invested capital of 12 percent, will Andover likely proceed with this branch office project?Year Revenues Op Expenses Net Profits1$1,750,000$880,000$870,000 2$1,750,000$880,000$870,000 3$1,750,000$880,000$870,000 4$1,750,000$880,000$870,0005$1,750,000$880,000$870,0006$1,750,000$880,000$870,0007$1,750,000$880,000$870,0008$1,750,000$880,000$870,0009$1,750,000$880,000$870,00010$1,750,000$880,000$870,00011$1,750,000$880,000$870,00012$1,750,000$880,000$870,00013$1,750,000$880,000$870,00014$1,750,000$880,000$870,00015$1,750,000$880,000$870,00016$1,750,000$880,000$870,000Initial Investment$4,820,000Required Rate of Return0.12Present Value of FutureCash Flows$6,067,368Net Present Value ofInvestment$1,247,368Andover is likely to proceed with this project because the net present value is positive. This means that the interest rate that Andover will earn on this project is higher than the 12% they need to earn.4-3. Jackson Bank of Commerce estimates that building a new branch office in the newly developed Guidar residential township will yield an annual expected return of 13 percent with an estimated standard deviation of 5 percent. The bank’s marketing department estimates that cash flows from the proposed Guidar branch will be mildly correlated (with a correlation coefficient of +0.3) with the bank’s other sources of cash flow. The expected annual return from the bank's existing facilities and other assets is 10 percent with a standard deviation of 3 percent. The branch will represent just 10 percent of Jackson’s total assets. Will the proposed branch increase Sullivan's overall rate of return? Its overall risk?The estimated total rate of return would be:E (R) = 0.10 (13%) + 0.90 (10%) = 10.3%The risk attached to this overall return rate would be:Thus ? ? 2.89% and the branch will slightly increase the bank's expected return but slightly decrease its overall risk. The bank should proceed with this project.4-4. The following statistics and estimates were compiled by First Savings Bank of Talbot regarding a proposed new branch office and the bank itself: Branch Office Expected Return 16%Standard Deviation of Return = 7%Ban k’s overall expected return= 10%Standard deviation of bank’s return= 3%Branch Asset Value as a Percentof Total Bank Assets = 15%Correlation of Cash Flows = + 0.27What will happen to the Talbot’s total expected return and overall risk if the proposed new branch is adopted?The bank's total expected return is:E (R) = 0.15 (16%) + 0.85 (10%) = 10.9%The bank's risk exposure is:And thus .0301 or 3.01%σ=The proposed project raises the savings banks expected return slightly and does not affect the risk of the bank. This is a good project.4-5. First National Bank of Yukon is considering installing 3 ATMs in its westside branch. The new machines are expected to cost $48,000 apiece. Installation costs will amount to about $16,000 per machine. Each machine has a projected useful life of 10 years. Due to rapid growth in the westside district these three machines are expected to handle 180,000 transactions per year. On average, each cash transaction is expected to save $0.32 per transaction in check processing costs. If First National has a 12% cost of capital, should the bank proceed with this investment project?Year Savings1$57,600(.32*180,000)2$57,6003$57,6004$57,6005$57,6006$57,6007$57,6008$57,6009$57,60010$57,600Initial Investment192000(48,000*3+16,000*3)Required Rate of Return0.12Present Value of FutureCash Flows$325,452.85Net Present Value$133,452.85The net present value of this project is positive. First National Bank of Yukon should add the ATM machines to the Westside.4-6. First State Security Bank is planning to set up its own web page to advertise its location and services on the Internet and to offer customers selected service options, such as paying recurring household bills, verification of account balances, and dispensing deposit account and loan application forms. What factors should First State take into account as it plans its own web page and Internet service menu? How can the bank effectively differentiate itself from other banks currently present on the Internet? How might the bank be able to involve its own customers in designing its web site and pricing its Internet service package?The bank should remember that while the internet is a relatively low cost way of expanding and allows customers to find the bank rather than the bank having to find customers, there are serious concerns about privacy. In addition, the Internet is not limited by geography and while there are thousands of potential customers, there are also many financial institutions around the world competing for customer deposits and loans. The bank needs to be aware that there are many bank web pages out there and that they will need to invest in employees with the technical expertise to manage the new web site well. One of the first things the bank needs to do is to take steps to protect its customers and let its customers know what its privacy and security policies are. Another step the bank can take is to start with a customer survey to find out what its customers want and need from the bank’s Internet services. They can run this as a contest and give away some small items to the customer with the best ideas for the web page and Internet service. This should help get customers involved in the design and implementation of the web page and may help the bank start building an online customer base.。


《商业银⾏管理》课后习题答案IMChap6CHAPTER 6ASSET/LIABILITY MANAGEMENT: DETERMINING AND MEASURING INTEREST RATES AND CONTROLLING A BANK’S INTEREST-SENSITIVE GAP Goals of This Chapter: To learn how to measure a bank's exposure to interest-rate risk and how to reduce that risk exposure through coordinated management of bank assets and liabilities.Key Terms Presented In This ChapterAsset-liability Management Yield to Maturity (YTM)Asset Management Bank Discount RateLiability Management Net Interest MarginFunds Management Interest-Sensitive Gap ManagementInterest Rate RiskChapter OutlineI. Introduction: The Necessity for Coordinating Bank Asset and Liability ManagementDecisionsII. Asset/Liability Management StrategiesA. Asset Management StrategyB. Liability Management StrategyC. Funds Management StrategyIll. Interest Rate Risk: One of the Banker's Greatest ChallengesA. Nature of Interest-Rate RiskB. Forces Determining Interest RatesC. The Measurement of Interest Rates1. Yield to Maturity2. Bank Discount RateD. The Components of Interest RatesE. Bankers' Response to Interest Rate RiskIV. One of the Goals of Interest-Rate HedgingA. The Net Interest MarginB. Interest-Sensitive Gap Management1. Asset-Sensitive Position2. Liability-Sensitive Position3. Calculation of a Bank's Interest-Sensitive Gap4. Impact of Changing Interest Rates on the Gap5. Decisions that need to be Made Concerning Gap Management6. Computer Techniques for Managing Gap7. Cumulative Gap8. Strategies in Gap Management9. Limitations of Interest-Sensitive Gap Management10. Weighted Interest-Sensitive GapV. Summary of the ChapterConcept Checks6-1. What do the following terms mean: Asset management? Liability management? Funds management?Asset management refers to a banking strategy where management has control over the allocation of bank assets but believes the bank's sources of funds (principally deposits) are outside its control. Liability management is a strategy of control over bank liabilities by varying interest rates offered on borrowed funds. Funds management combines both asset and liability management approaches into a balanced liquidity management strategy.6-2. What factors have motivated banks to develop funds management techniques in recent years?The necessity to find new sources of funds in the 1970s and the risk management problems encountered with troubled loans and volatile interest rates in the 1970s and 1980s led to the concept of planning and control over both sides of a bank's balance sheet -- the essence of funds management.6-3. What forces cause interest rates to change? What kinds of risk do bankers face when interest rates change?Interest rates are determined, not by individual banks, but by the collective borrowing and lending decisions of thousands of participants in the money and capital markets. They are also impacted by changing perceptions of risk by participants in the money and capital markets, especially the risk of borrower default, liquidity risk, price risk, reinvestment risk, inflation risk, term or maturity risk, marketability risk, and call risk.Bankers can lose income or value no matter which way interest rates go. Rising interest rates can lead to losses on bank security instruments and on fixed-rate loans as the market values of these instruments fall. Falling interest rates will usually result in capital gains on fixed-rate securities and loans but a bank will lose income if it has more rate-sensitive assets than liabilities. Rising interest rates will also cause a loss to bank income if a bank has more rate-sensitive liabilities than rate-sensitive assets.6-4. What makes it so difficult for banks to forecast interest rate changes?Interest rates cannot be set by an individual bank or even by a group of banks; they are determined by thousands of investors trading in the credit markets. Moreover, each market rate of interest has multiple components--the risk-free interest rate plus various risk premia. A change in any of these rate components can cause interest rates to change. To consistently forecast market interest rates correctly would require bankers to correctly anticipate changes in the risk-free interest rate and in all rate components. Another important factor is the timing of the changes. To be able to take full advantage of their predictions, they also need to know when the changes will take place.6-5. What is the yield curve and why is it important for bankers to know about its shape or slope?The yield curve is a graphical description of the distribution of market interest rates by maturity of financial instrument. The slope of the yield curve determines the spread between long-term and short-term interest rates. In banking most of the long-term rates apply to loans and securities (i.e., bank assets) and most of the short-term interest rates are attached to bank deposits and money market borrowings. Thus, the shape or slope of the yield curve has a profound influence on a bank's net interest margin or spread between asset revenues and liability costs.6-6. What is it that a bank wishes to protect from adverse movements in interest rates?A bank wishes to protect both the value of bank assets and liabilities and the revenues and costs generated by both assets and liabilities from adverse movements in interest rates.6-7. What is the goal of hedging in banking?The goal of hedging in banking is to freeze the spread between asset returns and liability costs and to offset declining values on certain assets by profitable transactions so that a target rate of return is assured.6-8. First National Bank of Bannerville has posted the following financial statement entries: Interest revenues $63 millionInterest costs $42 millionTotal earning assets $700 millionThe bank's net interest margin must be:Net Interest = $63 mill. - $42 mill. = 0.03 or 3 percentMargin $700 mill.If interest revenues and interest costs double while earning assets grow by 50 percent, the net interest margin will change as follows:($63 mill. - $42 mill.) * 2 = 0.04 or 4 percent$700 mill. * (1.50)Clearly the net interest margin increases--in this case by one third.6-9. Can you explain the concept of gap management?Gap management involves determining the maturity distribution and the repricing schedule for a bank's assets and liabilities. When more assets are subject to repricing or will reach maturity in a given period than liabilities or vice versa, the bank has a GAP and is exposed to loss from adverse interest-rate movements based on the gap's size.6-10 When is a bank asset sensitive? Liability sensitive?A bank is asset sensitive when it has more interest-rate sensitive assets maturing or subject to repricing during a specific time period than rate-sensitive liabilities. A liability sensitive position, in contrast, would find the bank having more interest-rate sensitive deposits and other liabilities than rate-sensitive assets for a particular planning period.6-11. Commerce National Bank reports interest-sensitive assets of $870 million andinterest-sensitive liabilities of $625 million. Because interest-sensitive assets are larger than liabilities by $245 million the bank is asset sensitive.If interest rates rise, the bank's net interest margin should rise as asset revenues increase by more than the resulting increase in liability costs. On the other hand, if interest rates fall, the bank's net interest margin will fall as asset revenues decline faster than liability costs.6-12. First National Bank has a cumulative gap for the coming year of + $135 million and interest rates are expected to fall by two and a half percentage points. What is the expected change in First National's net interest income?ExpectedChange in = $135 million * (-0.025) = -$3.38 millionNet Interest IncomeWhat change will occur in net interest income if interest rates rise by one and a quarter percentage points?Expected Changein Net Interest = $135 million * (+0.0125) = +$1.69 millionIncome6-13 How do you measure a bank’s dollar interest-sensitive gap? Its relative interest-sensitive gap? What is the interest-sensitivity ratio?The dollar interest-sensitive gap is measured by taking the repriceable (interest-sensitive) assets minus the repriceable (interest-sensitive) liabilitiies over some set planning period. Common planning periods include 3 months, 6 months and 1 year. The relative interest-sensitive gap is the dollar interest-sensitive gap divided by some measure of bank size (often total assets). The interest-sensitivity ratio is just the ratio of interest-sensitive assets to interest sensitive liabilities. Regardless of which measure you use, the results should be consistent. If you find a positive (negative) gap for dollar interest-sensitive gap, you should also find a positive (negative) relative interest-sensitive gap and a interest sensitivity ratio greater (less) than one. 6-14 Suppose Carroll Bank and Trust reports interest-sensitive assets of $570 million and interest-sensitive liabilities of $685million. What is the bank’s dollar interest-sensitive gap? Its relative interest-sensitive gap and interest-sensitivity ratio? Dollar Interest-Sensitive Gap = Interest-Sensitive Assets – Interest Sensitive Liabilities= $570 - $685 = -$115Relative Gap = $ IS Gap = -$115 = -0.2018 or -20.18 percent Bank Size $570Interest-Sensitivity = Interest-Sensitive Assets =$570 = .8321 Ratio Interest-Sensitive Liabilities $6856-15 Explain the concept of weighted interest-sensitive gap. How can this concept aid bank’s real interest-sensitive gap risk exposure?Weighted interest-sensitive gap is based on the idea that not all interest rates change at the same speed. Some are more sensitive than others. Interest rates on bank assets may change more slowly than interest rates on liabilities and both of these may change at a different speed than thoseinterest rates determined in the open market. In, the weighted interest-sensitive gap methodology all interest-sensitive assets and liabilities are given a weight based on their speed (sensitivity) relative to some market interest rate. Fed Funds loans, for example, have an interest rate which is determined in the market and which would have a weight of 1. All other loans, investments and deposits would have a weight based on their speed relative to the Fed Funds rate. To determine the interest-sensitive gap, the dollar amount of each type of asset or liability would be multiplied by its weight and added to the rest of the interest-sensitive assets or liabilities. Once the weighted total of the assets and liabilities is determined, a weighted interest-sensitive gap can be determined by subtracting the interest-sensitive liabilities from the interest-sensitive assets. This weighted interest-sensitive gap should be more accurate than the unweighted interest-sensitive gap. The interest-sensitive gap may change from negative to positive or vice versa and may change significantly the interest rate strategy pursued by the bank.Problems6-1. A government bond is currently selling for $900 and pays $80 per year in interest for 5 years when it matures. If the redemption value of this bond is $1,000, what is its yield to maturity if purchased today for $900. The yield to maturity equation for this bond would be:$900 = $80(1YTM)1+ + $80(1YTM)2+ + $80(1YTM)3+ + $80(1YTM)4++ $80(1YTM)5+ + $1,000(1YTM)5+At an YTM of 10 percent the bond's price is $924.28, while at 12 percent its price becomes $864.40. Thus, the true YTM lies between 10% and 12%. To find the true YTM we use: 10% + 40.864$28.924$900$28.924$-- * 2% ≈ 10.81%6-2. Suppose the government bond described in problem #1 is held for 3 years and then the bank acquiring the bond decides to sell it at a price of $950. Can you figure out the average annual yield the bank will have earned for its 3-year investment in the bond?In this instance the yield-to-maturity equation can be modified slightly to find the correct holding-period yield that the bank would earn. Specifically,$900 = $80(1HPY)1+ + $80(1HPY)2++ $80(1HPY)3+ + $950(1HPY)3+At an HPY of 10% the bond's price becomes $912.31, while at 12% the bond's price is $868.56.The true holding period yield must be:10% + 912.31900912.31868.56--x 2% ≈10.56%.6-3. U.S. Treasury bills are available for purchase this week at the following prices (based upon $100 par value) and with the indicated maturities:a. $97.25, 182 days.b. $96.50, 270 days.c. $98.75, 91 days.The discount rates and equivalent yields to maturity (bond-equivalent or coupon-equivalent yields) on each of these Treasury bills are:Discount Rates Equivalent Yields to Maturitya.(10097.25)100- * 360182 = 5.44% (365x.0544)[360(0.0544x182)]- = 19.856350.1 = 5.67% b.(10096.50)100- * 360270 = 4.67% (365x.0467)[360(.0467x270)]- = 17.046347.39 = 4.91% c. (10098.75)100- * 36091 = 4.95% (365x.0495)[360(.0495x91)]- = 18.07355.5 = 5.08%6-4. The First State Bank of Ashfork reports a net interest margin of 3.25 percent in its most recent financial report with total interest revenues of $88 million and total interest costs of $72 million. What volume of earning assets must the bank hold? The relevant formula is:Net Interest Margin = .0325 = AssetsEarning mil. $72mill. $88-Then Earning Assets = $492.31 million.Suppose the bank's interest revenues rise by 8 percent and its interest costs and earning assets increase 10 percent. What will happen to Ash Fork's net interest margin?Substituting in the correct formula we have:New Net Interest Margin = .10)million(1 $492.3.10)million(1 $72.08)(1 million $88++-+= million$541.53million $79.20million $95.04-= 0.0293 or 2.93 percent.6-5. If a bank's net interest margin, which was 2.85 percent, doubles and its total assets, which stood originally at $545 million, rise by 40 percent, what change will occur in the bank's net interest income?The correct formula is:.0285 * 2 = .4)(1*million 545$Income Interest Net +or Net Interest Income = 0.057 * $763 million= $43.49 million.6-6. The cumulative interest-rate gap of Snidal State Bank and Trust Company doubles from an initial figure of -$35 million. If market interest rates fall by 25 percent from an initial level of 6 percent, what change will occur in Snidal Bank's net interest income?The key formula here is:Change in the Bank's = Change in interest rates (in percentage points) * cumulative gap Net Interest = 0.06 * -.25 x (-$35 mill.) * 2Income = 1.05Thus, the bank's net interest income will rise by 5 percent.6-7. Given: Merchants State Bank has recorded the following financial data for the past three years (dollars in millions):Current Year Previous Year Two Years Ago Interest revenues $57 $56 $55 Interest expenses 49 42 34 Loans (Excluding nonperforming) 411 408 406 Investments 239 197 174 Total deposits 487 472 467 Money market borrowings 143 118 96 Solution:Net interest margin (NIM) = Net Interest Income/Earning Assets, whereNet Interest Income = Net Interest Revenues - Net Interest ExpensesEarning Assets = Loans + InvestmentsNIM(Current) = ($57-49)/(411 + 239) = 8/650 = 0.0123 or 1.23%NIM(previous) = ($56-42)/(408 + 197) = 14/605 = 0.0231 or 2.31%NIM(Two years ago) = ($55-34)/(406 + 174) = 21/580 = 0.0362 or 3.62%The net interest margin has been declining steadily and significantly. Probable causes include greater increases in interest expenses relative to interest income due to shifts in funding mix with greater dependence on borrowed funds (more expensive sources) relative to deposits (less expensive sources). Additionally, the mix in earning assets, with greater growth in lower yielding investment securities than in higher yielding loans, is another contributor to the steadily declining net interest margin.Management needs to reevaluate its funding strategies and its loan and investment strategies. If slower loan growth is related to external forces -- for example, a weaker economy -- then less borrowing should be considered. If the slower loan growth is more internal, then more aggressive loan management would be appropriate.6-8 The First National Bank of Wedora, California has the following interest-sensitive gaps:Coming WeekNext30 DaysNext31-90 DaysMore Than90 DaysInterest - $144 $110 $164 $184 Sensitive +29 +19 29 8 Assets = $173 $129 $193 $192 Interest - $232 $ --- $ --- $ ---Sensitive 98 84 196 35 Liabilities = 36 6 --- ---$366 $90 $196 $35 GAP - $193 + $39 - $3 + $157 Cumulative GAP - $193 - $154 - $157 $0First National has a cumulative zero gap and therefore is not vulnerable to loss if interest rates rise. It does have a positive gap in two periods--the next 30 days and more than 90 days. During these particular periods a rise in interest rates would produce a short-run gain.6-9 First National Bank of Barnett currently has the following interest-sensitive assets and liabilities on its balance sheet:Interest-Sensitive Assets Interest-Sensitive LiabilitiesFederal fund loans $65Security holdings $42 Interest-bearing deposits $185Loans and leases $230 Money-market borrowings $78What is the bank’s current interest-sensitive gap? Suppose its Federal funds loans carry an interest-rate sensitivity weight of 1.0 while its investments have a rate-sensitivity weight of 1.15 and its loans and leases display a rate-sensitivity weight of 1.35. On the liability side First National’s rate-sensitivity weight is 0.79 for interest-bearing deposits and 0.98 for itsmoney-market borrowings. Adjusted for these various interest-rate sensitivity weights, what is the bank’s weighted interest-sensitive gap? Suppose the Federal funds interest rate increases or decreases one percentage point. How will the bank’s net interest income be affecte d (a) given its current balance sheet make up and (b) reflecting its weighted balance sheet adjusted for the foregoing rate-sensitivity weights?Solution:Dollar IS Gap = ISA - ISL = ($65 + $42 + $230) - ($185 + $78) = $337 - $263 = $74 Weighted IS Gap = [(1)($65) + (1.15)(42) + (1.35)(230)] - [(.79)($185) + (.98)($78)] = $65 + $48.3 + $310.5 - $146.15 + $76.44= $423.8 - $222.59= $201.21a.) Change in Bank’s Income = IS Gap * Change in interest rates= ($74)(.01) = $.74 millionUsing the regular IS Gap, net income will change by plus or minus $740,000b.) Change in Bank’s Income = Weighted IS Gap * Change in interest rates= ($201.21)(.01) = $2.012Using the weighted IS Gap, net income will change by plus or minus $2,012,0006-10 McGraw Bank and Trust has interest-sensitive assets of $225 million and interest-sensitive liabilities of $168 million. What is the bank’s dollar interest-sensitive gap? What is McGraw’srelative interest-sensitive gap? What is the value of its interest-sensitivity ratio? Is the bank asset sensitive or liability sensitive? Under what scenario for market interest rates will the bank experience a gain in net interest income? A loss in net interest income?Dollar Interest-Sensitive Gap = ISA – ISL = $225 - $168 = $57Relative Interest-Sensitive Gap = ISA – ISL = $57 = 0.2533Bank Size $225Interest-Sensitivity Ratio = ISA = $225 = 1.3393ISL $168This bank is asset sensitive. More assets will be repriced during this time period than liabilities. This means that if interest rates rise, the interest earned on assets will rise relative to the interest paid on liabilities and net interest margin will rise. However, if interest rates fall, interest earned on assets will fall more than interest paid on liabilities and net interest margin will fall.Web Site Problems1. Suppose you want to know what types of banks make the greatest use of asset-liability management tools and what their biggest ALM problems are? Where would you go on the web to try to get answers to these questions?Almost all banks are required by regulators to have some kind of ALM management in place. These techniques can be as simple as the interest sensitive gap discussion in this chapter or the duration gap management in the next chapter. However, there are many consulting firms out there that have developed specific models for managing ALM. One way to see what is out there is to do a search on bank ALM management and see some of the sites that are out there. These sites range from sites for the consulting firms to more general sites that provide a good definition and description of ALM management. Two sources that are available at this time for general information on asset-liability management are/doc/48e316c54028915f804dc2e4.html /glossaryassetliabilitymanagement.htm and/doc/48e316c54028915f804dc2e4.html /Products/nccb_asset.htm. However if you want a good discussion of specific models and the problems people are having with ALM management, one good source appears to be /doc/48e316c54028915f804dc2e4.html /. This site has several discussion groups on various ALM topics.2. If a new web model to apply ALM techniques to a bank’s risk exposure is developed, at what web site are you most likely to find a discussion of that new ALM model?The best place to get information about a new ALM model would be the/doc/48e316c54028915f804dc2e4.html / site mentioned above. If a promising new model were developed it would be sure to show up in the discussion groups mentioned above.3. If you need guidance on how to prepare bank forecasts and measure risk as part of a bank’s ALM activities which web site could be most helpful to you?If you are not willing to go to a consultant about how to develop bank forecasts and measure risk, the/doc/48e316c54028915f804dc2e4.html / web site would probably be the most helpful site. There are many discussions there about how to deal with specific measurement issues and how to find information to determine the risk of your bank compared to peer institutions.。

2、解:根据表格,可知:ROE=(2100-1400+21-16+700-900-100)/(30000-27000)=405/3000=13.5%ROA=(2100-1400+21-16+700-900-100)/30000=1.35%净利息收益率=(2100-1400)/30000=2.33%每股收益=405/5000=0.081非利息净收益率=(700-900)/30000= -0.67%净运营收益率=(2100+700-1400-900-100)/30000=1.33%(1)若都上升5%ROA=(2205-1470+21-16+735-945-100)/(30000-27000)=430/3000=14.33ROE=(2205-1470+21-16+735-945-100)/30000=430/30000=1.43%每股收益=430/5000=0.086三个指标都有所上升(2)若都下降5%ROA=(1995-1330+21-16+665-855-100)/(30000-27000)=380/3000=12.67%ROE=(1995-1330+21-16+665-855-100)/30000=1.27%每股收益=380/5000=0.076三个指标都有所下降第七章1、答:由题意可知:该银行的缺口GAP=RSA-RSL=8.7-6.25=2.45(亿美元)所以该银行的类型是资产敏感型。

《商业银行经营管理》习题与答案(解答仅供参考)一、名词解释1. 商业银行:商业银行是指依照《商业银行法》设立的,以吸收公众存款、发放贷款、办理结算为主要业务,以追求利润最大化为目标,并接受国家金融监管的金融机构。
2. 资产负债管理:资产负债管理是商业银行在经营活动中,通过对资产、负债和表外业务的规模、结构、风险等方面的统筹规划和动态调整,以实现安全性、流动性和盈利性的最佳组合的管理活动。
3. 流动性风险:流动性风险是指商业银行无法及时获得充足资金或无法以合理成本及时变现资产,以应对到期债务支付或新的合理信贷要求的风险。
4. 贷款五级分类制度:贷款五级分类制度是我国商业银行按照贷款风险程度将贷款划分为正常、关注、次级、可疑、损失五类的一种风险管理方法。
5. 风险资本:风险资本是商业银行为了抵补其非预期损失而需要持有的最低资本量,它是基于银行资产的风险程度计算得出,用于满足监管机构对银行稳健运营的要求。
二、填空题1. 商业银行的核心业务包括______、______和______。
2. 商业银行进行信用风险管理时,通常会采用______、______和限额管理等手段。
3. 商业银行的资本充足率等于______除以______。
4. 根据巴塞尔协议III,商业银行需设置______和______,以增强抵御经济周期波动的能力。
5. 商业银行在开展个人住房贷款业务时,主要考虑的风险因素包括______风险、______风险和操作风险。
三、单项选择题1. 下列哪一项不属于商业银行的“三性原则”?A. 安全性B. 流动性C. 盈利性D. 公益性答案:D2. 在商业银行的资产中,通常被认为风险相对较低的是:A. 企业贷款B. 个人消费贷款C. 存放中央银行款项D. 股票投资答案:C3. 下列哪种情况可能导致商业银行的流动性风险增加?A. 大量短期存款客户突然集中提取存款B. 商业银行增加长期优质贷款投放C. 商业银行提高资本充足率D. 商业银行扩大同业拆借规模答案:A4. 下列关于商业银行资本的说法错误的是:A. 商业银行的资本可以分为核心一级资本、其他一级资本和二级资本B. 商业银行资本的主要功能是吸收可能发生的损失C. 商业银行的资本充足率不得低于8%D. 商业银行资本越多越好,无需考虑资本成本问题答案:D5. 关于商业银行的表外业务,下列说法正确的是:A. 表外业务不计入资产负债表,因此不存在任何风险B. 票据发行便利属于典型的表外业务C. 表外业务不会影响银行的当期损益D. 承诺类业务由于不涉及实际资金的运用,故无信用风险答案:B四、多项选择题1. 下列哪些属于商业银行的负债业务?A. 吸收公众存款B. 发行金融债券C. 贷款D. 代理买卖外汇E. 同业拆借答案:ABE2. 商业银行在进行信用风险控制时,可以采取的策略包括:A. 风险转移B. 风险分散C. 风险对冲D. 风险补偿E. 风险规避答案:ABCDE3. 关于商业银行的资本管理,以下说法正确的是:A. 资本充足率是衡量银行资本充足状况的关键指标B. 根据巴塞尔协议III,商业银行需设立储备资本和反周期资本缓冲C. 资本不仅用于吸收非预期损失,还可以提高银行信誉度和市场竞争力D. 经济资本是指银行为了应对极端不利情况下的潜在损失而需要持有的资本E. 商业银行应通过优化资本结构和提高资本使用效率来实现其资本管理目标答案:ABCDE4. 下列哪些业务属于商业银行的中间业务?A. 代客理财B. 信用卡业务C. 承兑汇票D. 结算业务E. 咨询服务答案:ABCDE5. 在商业银行经营管理中,流动性风险管理的重要措施有:A. 建立科学合理的流动性风险管理体系B. 保持充足的备付金水平C. 建立健全流动性风险监测与预警系统D. 制定有效的流动性应急计划E. 实施严格的贷款审批程序答案:ABCD五、判断题1. 商业银行主要通过存贷款利差获取利润,因此,扩大贷款规模是提升盈利能力的主要途径。

商业银行管理重点习题答案P1275-11∵总利息收入=2*总利息支出净利息收入=总利息收入-总利息支出=净利息支出=800∴总利息收入= 2*($800) = $1600 总利息支出= $800∵非利息收入=0.75*非利息支出净非利息收入=非利息收入-非利息支出=-0.25*非利息支出=-500∴总非利息收入= 0.75*($2000) = $1500 总非利息支出= $2000∵贷款损失预提=0.01*总利息收入∴贷款损失预提= .01*($1600) = $16所得税=0.3*未缴所得税前净收入=0.3*372=111.6∵税后净收入=未缴所得税前净收入-所得税=372-111.6=260.4= -股利∴股利=税后净收入-未分配利润增加额=260.4-200=60.4P1396-12ROE = 0.80*12 = 9.60 %∵ROE=ROA*股本乘数∴股本乘数=9.6/0.6=166-13ROE=净收入/股本=12/50=24%赋税管理效率=净收入/税前净收入=12/15=80%成本控制效率=税前净收入/运营收入=15/100=15%资产管理效率=运营收入/资产=100/600=16.67%资金管理效率=资产/股本=600/50=12P1506-4(题目“资产负债表”内数据有误,书中已改)空格填写:1.总利息收入=贷款利息与服务费收入+证券利息与股利=50+6=562.利息总支出=存款利息支出+非存款借款的利息支出=40+6=463.利息净收入=总利息收入-利息总支出=56-46=104.非利息总支出=工资和雇员福利+营业费用+其他非利息开支=10+5+2=175.税前经营收入=利息净收入-贷款损失准备金+非利息收入和服务费收入-非利息总支出=10-5+20-17=86.税前净经营收入=税前经营收入+证券收益(损失)=8+2=107.净运营收入=税前净经营收入-税赋=10-2=88.净收入=净运营收入+特别项目净收入=8+(-1)=7指标计算:1.ROE=净收入/总资本=7/80=8.75%2.ROA=净收入/总资产=7/980=0.71%3.利息净收益=利息净收入/总资产=10/980=1.02%4.资产利用率=总运营收入/总资产=(总利息收入+非利息收入和服务费收入)/总资产=(56+20)/980=76/980=7.76%5.权益乘数=总资产/总资本=980/80=12.256.税收管理效率=净收入/税前净经营收入=7/10=70%7.非利息净收益=非利息净收入/总资产=(非利息收入和服务费收入-非利息总支出)/总资产=(20-17)/980=0.31%8.经营净收益=(总运营收入-总运营成本)/总资产=[76-(46+5+17)]/980=8/980=0.82%9.收益率=总利息收入/总盈利资产-总利息支出/(生息存款+余额+留存收益)=56/860-46/710=0.033%10.净利润率=净收入/总运营收入=7/76=9.21%11.支出控制效率=税前净经营收入/总运营收入=10/76=13.16%12.资产管理效率=总运营收入/总资产=76/980=7.76%13.基金管理效率=总资产/总资本=980/80=12.2514.运营效率比率=总运营支出(含税收)/总运营收入=(46+5+17+2)/76=92.11%P1526.13今年ROA=(利息总收入-利息支出+非利息收入-非利息支出-贷款损失准备-收入税+证券净收益)/总资产=(40-24+4-8-2-1+2)/885=11/885=1.24%一年以前ROA=(利息总收入-利息支出+非利息收入-非利息支出-贷款损失准备-收入税+证券净收益)/总资产=(41-25+4-7-1-1+2)/880=13/880=1.48%两年以前ROA=(利息总收入-利息支出+非利息收入-非利息支出-贷款损失准备-收入税+证券净收益)/总资产=(42-26+3-7-1-0+1)/875=12/875=1.37%三年以前ROA=(利息总收入-利息支出+非利息收入-非利息支出-贷款损失准备-收入税+证券净收益)/总资产=(43-27+2-6-0-1+0)/860=10/860=1.16%四年以前ROA=(利息总收入-利息支出+非利息收入-非利息支出-贷款损失准备-收入税+证券净收益)/总资产=(44-28+1-5-0-0+0)/850=12/850=1.41%表各年份ROA变化趋势可以看出,该银行从四年前至今利息总收入在不断增加,利息支出在不断减少,但是净利息收入保持不变;非利息收入和非利息支出均在不断增加,非利息净收入基本维持稳定;贷款损失准备、证券净收益不断上升;总体来看,净收入基本保持稳定,总资产逐年上升,使得银行ROA波动下降,这可能是由于银行正在逐年增加资产。

CHAPTER 17BANK LENDING: POLICIES AND PROCEDURESGoal of This Chapter: To discover the features and characteristics of a sound bank loan policy and to examine some of the characteristics of problem bank loans.Key Terms Presented in This ChapterReal Estate Loans Cash flowFinancial Institutions Loans NoteAgriculture Loans Loan Commitment AgreementCommercial and Industrial Loans CollateralLoans to individuals Restrictive CovenantsWholesale lenders WarrantiesRetail Credit Events of DefaultCAMELS Rating Loan reviewCash Loan WorkoutsChapter OutlineI. Introducing Lending - The Principal Reason for the Existence of Banks and the Center ofBank RiskII. Types of Loans Made by Banks (Classified by Purpose)A. Real Estate LoansB. Financial Institutions LoansC. Agricultural LoansD. Commercial and Industrial LoansE. Loans to IndividualsF. Miscellaneous LoansG. Lease Finance ReceivablesIll. Factors Determining the Growth and Mix of Bank LoansA. Profile Characteristics of a Bank's Market AreaB. Role of Loan ParticipationsC. Role of Bank Size (Wholesale vs. Retail Lenders)D. Experience and Expertise of ManagementE. Bank's Loan PolicyF. Expected Yield to the BankIV. The Regulation of LendingA. The Loan Limit RuleB. Limitation on Real Estate LendingC. The Community Reinvestment ActD. Truth-in-Lending LawsE. Equal Credit Opportunity Laws221F. International Lending RulesG. Condition Ratings of Banks (The CAMELS)H. Examiner Loan RatingsV. Establishing A Written Loan PolicyA. Benefits of a Written Bank Loan PolicyB. Contents of a Written Bank Loan PolicyVI. Steps in the Lending ProcessA. The Sources of Loan Requests and Customer Contact ReportsB. Interviewing the Credit Customer and the Character IssueC. Site VisitsD. Processing the Loan RequestE. Monitoring Compliance With the Terms of a LoanVII. Credit Analysis: What Makes a Good Loan?A. Is the Borrower Credit Worthy?1. Character2. Capacity3. Capital (and Cash Flow)4. Collateral5. Conditions6. ControlB. Can the Loan Agreement Be Properly Structured and Documented?C. Can the Bank Perfect Its Claim Against the Borrower's Collateral?1. Reasons for Taking Collateral2. Common Types of Loan Collateral3. Other Safety Devices to Protect a LoanVIII. Sources of Information About Loan CustomersA. Credit BureausB. Publications of Financial InformationC. Information on Economic ConditionsIX. Parts of A Typical Loan AgreementA. The NoteB. Loan Commitment AgreementC. CollateralD. Covenants (Affirmative and Negative)E. Borrower Guaranties or WarrantiesF. Events of DefaultX. Loan ReviewA. The Purpose of Loan ReviewB. Elements of a Good Loan ReviewXI. Handling Problem Loan SituationsA. Signs of a Developing Problem Loan SituationB. Steps in Maximizing the Recovery of Bank Funds from a Problem Loan (the LoanWorkout Problem)XII. Summary of the Chapter222Concept Checks17-1. In what ways does a bank's lending function affect the economy of a local area or region?Bank credit is one of the most important sources of capital that fuels local economic growth and development. When banks make loans to support the development of new businesses and to aid the growth of existing businesses, new jobs are created and there is a greater flow of income and spending throughout the local economy.17-2. What are the principal types of loans made by banks?Bank loans are usually classified by the purpose of the loans. The most common classifications are real estate loans, commercial and industrial loans, loans to financial institutions, credit-card and other loans to individuals, and agricultural production loans Bank loans may also be classified by maturity - over one year and one year or less.17-3. What factors appear to influence the growth and mix of bank loans?The particular mix of any bank's loan portfolio is shaped by the characteristics of its market area, the expected yield and cost associated with each type of loan, bank size, the experience of management, the bank's written loan policy and regulations.17-4 A bank's cost accounting system reveals that its losses on real estate loans average 0.45 percent of loan volume and its operating expenses from making these loans average 1.85 percent of loan volume. If the gross yield on real estate loans is currently 8.80 percent, what is the bank's net yield on these loans? Suppose that the same bank reports operating expenses of 2.95 percent and losses of 0.70 percent on loan volume and a net yield of 6.30 percent on commercial loans. What is the bank's gross yield on commercial loans?The bank's net yield on real estate loans must be:Net Yield on Real Estate Loans = 8.80% - 0.45% - 1.85% = 6.50%The gross yield on commercial loans would be:Gross Yield on Commercial Loans = 2.95% + 0.70% + 6.30% = 9.95%17-5. Why is bank lending so closely regulated by state and federal authorities?Bank lending is closely regulated because it is the center of risk for most banks. National banks in the U.S. are limited in the loans they can make to a single borrower by the size of each bank's capital and surplus. They also must limit their real estate loans based on the size of the bank's total time and savings deposits or capital. Discrimination against borrowers on the basis of their age, sex, religion, or national origin is prohibited by U.S. law. U.S. banks also cannot discriminate against borrowers from certain neighborhoods in their service areas.22317-6. What is the CAMELS rating and for what is it used?The CAMELS is a system used by federal bank examiners for evaluating the overall condition of a bank based upon the adequacy of its capital, the quality of its asset portfolio, its management quality, the adequacy of its earnings, its liquidity and its sensitivity to market risk.17-7. What should a good written bank loan policy contain?A good written bank loan policy should specify the goals of the bank's loan portfolio and program, describe an ideal loan portfolio for the bank and indicate the types of loans the bank normally will refuse to make, specify who has the authority to approve loans of varying type and size, the documentation requirements of different types of loans, and supply guidelines on loan pricing and collateralization for loan officers.17-8. What are the typical steps in a loan request from a customer?A loan officer usually takes or receives such a request initially and passes it along to the credit analysis division for technical review. Usually the recommendations of both the credit analyst and the loan officer are directed to a loan supervisor or loan committee for approval.17-9. What three major questions or issues are considered in evaluating nearly all loan requests?The three key issues with every loan:1. is the borrower credit worthy?2. can the loan agreement be properly structured and documented?3. can the bank perfect its claim against the borrower's collateral?17-10. Explain the meaning of the following terms: character, capacity, cash, collateral, conditions, and control?a. Character -- is the borrower serious about the purpose of a loan and intends to repay?b. Capacity -- does the borrower have the legal authority to sign and commit to a binding loanagreement?c. Capital -- does the borrower generate sufficient income or cash flow to properly service aloan?d. Collateral -- does the borrower possess assets of sufficient quality and value to backstop aloan?e. Conditions -- does the outlook for the economy and industry where a borrower is situatedadd strength to a loan?224f. Control -- does the proposed loan meet the bank's own quality standards and the standardsof bank examiners?17-11. A business borrower reports net profits of $2.1 million in the current year compared to $2.7 million the preceding year. Depreciation and other noncash expenses amounted to $0.7 million versus $0.6 million the previous year. Accounts payable for the current year amount to $20.9 million compared to $24.2 million the year before, while inventories total $8.4 million during the most recent year versus $7.8 million the previous year. In contrast, accounts receivable rise from $16.8 million the previous year to $20.1 million at the conclusion of the current year. The firm's projected cash flow can be estimated by either of two methods discussed in the text: Cash Flow Estimate A = $2.1 million + $0.7 million +($20.9 million - $24.2 million)for the Current Year - ($8.4 million - $7.8 million) –($20.1 million – $16.8 million)= - $4.4 million.Cash Flow Estimate B = $2.1 million + $0.7 million = $2.8 millionfor the Current YearThe previous year the cash flows amounted to:Cash Flow Estimate A = Not enough information to estimate thisfor the Previous YearCash Flow Estimate B = $2.7 million + $0.6 million = $3.3 millionFor the Previous YearClearly the firm's cash flow is falling, which suggests that the bank needs to find out the reasons for this decline before committing any of the bank's funds.17-12. What sources of information are available today for bank loan officers and credit analys ts to use in evaluating a customer loan application?Among the most widely used sources of information used in evaluating loans are financial statements supplied by the borrower and industry-wide performance ratios for comparison purposes supplied by such organizations as Dun and Bradstreet and Risk Management Associates (RMA).17-13. What are the principal parts of a loan agreement? What is each part designed to do?The most important parts of loan agreements include a signed note, a listing of covenants, documents specifying loan collateral, and a section describing what events or happenings will trigger default.17-14. What is loan review? How should a loan review be conducted?225Loan review is a process of periodic investigation of outstanding loans on a bank's books to make sure each loan is paying out as planned, all necessary documentation is present, and the bank's loan officers are following the institution's loan policy. While banks today use a variety of different loan review procedures, a few general procedures are followed by nearly all banks. These include:1. Carrying out reviews of all types of loans on a periodic basis.2. Structuring the loan review process carefully to make sure the most importantfeatures of each loan are checked.3. Reviewing the largest loans most frequently.4. Conducting more frequent reviews of troubled loans.5. Accelerating the loan review schedule if the economy slows down or if industries inwhich the bank has made a substantial portion of its loans develop significantproblems.Loan review is not a luxury but a necessity for a sound bank lending program. It not only helps management spot problem loans more quickly but also acts as a continuing check on whether loan officers are adhering to a bank's loan policy. For this reason, as well as to promote objectivity in the loan review process, many of the largest banks separate their loan review personnel from the loan department itself. Loan reviews also aid senior management and the bank's board of directors in assessing the bank's overall exposure to risk and its possible need for more capital in the future.17-15. What are some warning signs to bank management that a problem loan may be developing?Problem loans are often characterized by reduced communication between borrower and lender, delays in receiving financial reports, evidence of reevaluations of assets (such as inventory or pension-plan assets), declining stock prices, changes in management, or the restructuring of other loans the borrower has taken out.17-16. What steps should a banker go through in trying to resolve a problem loan situation?The most important first step is to move quickly to contact the borrower, to ascertain if the borrower understands the nature of the loan problem, to explore for creative solutions to the problem, and to get the borrower to reach a decision on the best solution possible.Problems17-1. Karakee V. Corporation, seeking renewal of its $12 million credit line, has the following cash flow estimates (in millions of dollars) based upon the data recently reported by the company to Whelington National Bank:Proj. for19X1 19X2 19X3 19X4 Next Year226Cash Flow Estimate 1(Net Profit + Noncash Expenses) $15.6 $15.8 $16.0 $15.1 $14.5Cash Flow Estimate 2(Net Profits + Noncash Expenses+ Added Accounts Payable –Added Accounts Receivableand Added Inventories) - $15.7 $16.1 $15.2 $14.2Clearly, under both measures of cash flow Karakee is experiencing a significant decline in its actual and estimated cash flow, which suggests a careful look at the firm's financial statements and operations before renewing its credit line for the full amount requested. Of special concern is the steady buildup in accounts receivable and inventory as well as the firm's growing reliance on its suppliers for credit (accounts payable).17-2. Silsbee Manufacturing and Service Company has an appliance inventory currently valued at $16,357,422 and accounts receivable of $8,452,867. The text says that inventory loans commonly amount to 30 percent to 80 percent of the inventory's estimated market value and account-receivable based loans commonly amount to 40 to 90 percent of estimated market value.These figures suggest that the minimum size credit line available would be:Minimum-Size Credit Line Available = 0.30 x $16,357,422 + 0. 40 x $8,452,876= $4,907,227 + $3,381,147= $8,288,374.The maximum sized credit line available would be:Maximum-Size Credit Line Available = 0.80 x $16,357,422 + 0.90 x $8,452,876= $13,085,938 + $7,607,588= $20,693,526.17-3. The particular C of credit represented by each piece of information presented in this problem was as follows:a. Collateralb. Controlc. Characterd. Cashe. Capacityf. Conditionsg. Character h. Cash i. Conditionsj. Control k. Capacity l. Collateral17-4. ButelI Manufacturing has an outstanding $11 million loan with Citicenter Bank. Selected items reported to the bank by the company do indicate the possible development of a problem loan situation. For one thing, Butell's cash account has fallen sharply in the latest month after several months of a substantial uptrend and the firm's liquidity ratio of current assets to current liabilities has declined significantly in the last 3 months. Decreases in the firm's liquidity position may be signaling declining sales and/or difficulty in maintaining enough cash to meet near-term liabilities.227Another possible cause for concern centers around Butell's capital structure as its ratio of equity capital relative to debt financing is falling, indicating that creditors (including Citicenter Bank) are providing a larger share of the firm's capitalization. Thus, each creditor is becoming less well secured. However, these changes in liquidity and capital structure may only reflect normal seasonal pressures and may not be real problems for the bank, especially because other aspects of Butell's recent performance--its stock price, earnings before interest and taxes, and ROA seem to be improving.Perhaps of greater moment is the decline of sales revenue below Butell's projections. As of the latest month sales revenue reached $290 million versus a projection of $298 million. Citicenter Bank must determine the causes of this sales shortfall to see if the firm is encountering increasing resistance to sales of its product lines. However, even this trend may not be cause for alarm because sales may be so volatile in Butell's industry that few analysts put any faith in sales projections. The bank's loan officer needs to review the customer's earlier sales projections and sales revenue to determine if there is a real cause for concern.Butell has indicated a recent switch in inventory and depreciation accounting methods. Citicenter's loan officer would do well to inquire into the reasons for these changes because they may reflect an attempt by the firm to offset actual or potential future losses in some aspect of its operations.17-5. Which of the following restrictive loan covenants are affirmative or negative covenants?a. Restrictions on payment of dividends represent negative loan covenants.b. A requirement to insure selected assets is an affirmative loan covenant.c. Restrictions against taking on new debt represent negative loan covenants.d. The requirement 6f filing periodic financial statements with the bank is anaffirmative loan covenant.e. A requirement of securing bank approval before adding to a borrower's stock offixed assets is considered a negative loan covenant.f. Requiring a borrowing customer to maintain a current ratio -- a liquidity measure--no lower than 1 .5x is an affirmative loan covenant.g. The stipulation that prior bank approval of a proposed merger must be obtained is anegative loan covenant.16-6. The particular C of lending which applies to each loan factor is listed below:Character Capacity Cash Collateral Conditions ControlCredit rating Corporateresolution LiquidreservesInsurancecoverageCompetitiveclimate forcustomersproductAdequatedocumentationExperience of other lenders Driver’slicenseExpensecontrolAssetspecializationExpectedmarket shareWritten loanpolicyPurpose of Social Inventory Guarantees Business Changes in228loan security card turnover andwarrantees cycle accountingstandardsPayment record History offirmProjectedcash flowsAssetliquidationPerformanceof comparablefirmsBanking lawsand regulationsCustomeridentityPrice earningsratioChanges intechnologyIndustryoutlookPartnershipagreementCoverageratiosObsolescence InflationoutlookManagementqualityLiens Wages in thelabor marketLeverage FuturefinancingneedsEconomists’ForecastsAccountsReceivablesTurnoverAccountsPayableTurnoverWeb Site Problems1. If you wanted to find out about regulations applying to bank lending where would you look on the web? Why do you think this area has become so important lately?Most of the banking regulatory agencies have information about lending regulations. One place that I found that listed the latest regulations on the web was the Kansas City Federal Reserve at /bs&s/finalreg/regsmain.htm. I think bank lending has become important recently for several reasons. One reason is that the economy has been doing so well and many individuals and businesses have increased their borrowing. However, since the economy is starting to cool this area will continue to be important as bankruptcies and loan losses rise.2. Are you interested in becoming a loan officer? A credit analyst? Where on the world wide web could you find information on new job listings in banking?There are many places that list banking jobs. One place that I found after doing a search was /. On this web site you could search by state or look at all states. People can post resumes on this site as well as look for a job or look for a potential employee.3. Suppose you were hired as a consultant by a bank’s loan department to look at their controls to minimize loan risk. You know the bank is concerned that their principal government supervisory agency is going to take a hard look shortly at how their loan department is managed and the risks in its loan portfolio. Where on the Internet could you look to find some guideline on how to control and manage bank credit risk? List two or three suggestions for credit risk control that you found at the web site or sites you investigated.229The Basel Committee has a list of publications which include several documents related to improving a bank’s credit risk management at /bcbs/publ.htm. Many of these publications provide detailed advice as to how to deal with credit risk. For example in the Basel Committee’s publication of Principles for the Management of Credit Risk, they mention the areas that this publicat ion can help with. This publication of the Basel Committee states “The sound practices set out in this document specifically address the following areas: (i) establishing an appropriate credit risk environment; (ii) operating under a sound credit-granting process; (iii) maintaining an appropriate credit administration, measurement and monitoring process; and (iv) ensuring adequate controls over credit risk. This publication can be read for more specific information about each of these areas. This should help the consultant address these issues for their bank.230。

商业银行管理R O S E7e课后答案(总33页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除II. Evaluating a Bank's PerformanceA. Determining Long-Range ObjectivesB. Maximizing The Value of the Firm: A Key Objective for Nearly All Financial-Service InstitutionsC. Profitability Ratios: A Surrogate for Stock Values1. Key Profitability Ratios2. Interpreting Profitability RatiosD. Useful Profitability Formulas for Banks and Other Financial Service CompaniesE. Breaking Down Equity Returns for Closer AnalysisF. Break-Down Analysis of the Return on AssetsG. What a Breakdown of Profitability Measures Can Tell UsH. Measuring Risk in Banking and Financial Services1. Credit Risk2. Liquidity Risk3. Market Risk4. Interest-Rate Risk5. Operational Risk6. Legal and Compliance Risk7. Reputation Risk8. Strategic Risk9. Capital RiskI. Other Goals in Banking and Financial Services ManagementIII. Performance Indicators among Banking’s Key CompetitorsIV. The Impact of Size on PerformanceA. Size, Location and Regulatory Bias in Analyzing The Performance of Banks andCompeting Financial InstitutionsB. Using Financial Ratios and Other Analytical Tools to Track Bank Performance--The UBPR.V. Summary of the ChapterAppendix to the Chapter - Improving the Performance of Financial Firms Through Knowledge: Sources of Information on the Financial-Services IndustryConcept Checks6-1. Why should banks and other corporate financial firms be concerned about their level of profitability and exposure to riskBanks in the U.S. and most other countries are private businesses that must attract capital from the public to fund their operations. If profits are inadequate or if risk is excessive, they will have greater difficulty in obtaining capital and their funding costs will grow, eroding profitability. Bank stockholders, depositors, and bank examiners representing the regulatory community are all interested in the quality of bank performance. The stockholders are primarily concerned with profitability as a key factor in determining their total return from holding bank stock, while depositors (especially large corporate depositors) and examiners typically focus on bank risk exposure.6-2. What individuals or groups are likely to be interested in these dimensions of performance for a bank or other financial institutionThe individuals or groups likely to be interested in bank profitability and risk include other banks lending to a particular bank, borrowers, large depositors, holders of long-term debt capital issued by banks, bank stockholders, and the regulatory community.6-3. What factors influence the stock price of a financial-services corporationA bank's stock price is affected by all those factors affecting its profitability and risk exposure, particularly its rate of return on equity capital and risk to shareholder earnings. A bank can raise its stock price by creating an expectation in the minds of investors of greater earnings in the future, by lowering the bank's perceived risk exposure, or by a combination of increases in expected earnings and reduced risk.6-4. Suppose that a bank is expected to pay an annual dividend of $4 per share on its stock in the current period and dividends are expected to grow 5 percent a year every year, and the minimum required return to equity capital based on the bank's perceived level of risk is 10 percent. Can you estimate the current value of the bank's stockIn this constant dividend growth rate problem the current value of the bank's stock would be: P o = D1 / (k – g) = $4 / – = $80.6-5. What is return on equity capital and what aspect of performance is it supposed to measure Can you see how this performance measure might be useful to the managers of financial firmsReturn on equity capital is the ratio of Net Income/Total Equity Capital. It represents the rate of return earned on the funds invested in the bank by its stockholders. Financial firms have stockholders, too who are interested in the return on the funds that they invested.6-6 Suppose a bank reports that its net income for the current year is $51 million, its assets totally $1,144 million, and its liabilities amount to $926 million. What is its return on equity capital Is the ROE you have calculated good or bad What information do you need to answer this last questionThe bank's return on equity capital should be:ROE =Net Income =$51 million= .098 or percentEquity Capital$1,444 $926 mill.In order to evaluate the performance of the bank, you have to compare the ROE to the ROE of some major competitors or some industry average.6-7 What is the return on assets (ROA), and why is it important Might the ROA measure be important to banking’s key competitorsReturn on assets is the ratio of Net Income/Total Assets. The rate of return secured on a bank's total assets indicates the efficiency of its management in generating net income from all of the resources (assets) committed to the institution. This would be important to banks and their major competitors.6-8. A bank estimates that its total revenues will amount to $155 million and its total expenses (including taxes) will equal $107 million this year. Its liabilities total $4,960 million while its equity capital amounts to $52 million. What is the bank's return on assets Is this ROA high or low How could you find outThe bank's return on assets would be:ROA =Net Income=$155 mill. - $107 mill.= or percentTotal Assets$4,960 mill. + $52 mill.The size of this bank's ROA should be compared with the ROA's of other banks similar in size and location to determine if this bank's ROA is high or low relative to the average for comparable banks.6-9. Why do the managers of financial firms often pay close attention today to the net interest margin and noninterest margin To the earnings spreadThe net interest margin (NIM) indicates how successful the bank has been in borrowing funds from the cheapest sources and in maintaining an adequate spread between its returns on loans and security investments and the cost of its borrowed funds. If the NIM rises, loan and security income must be rising or the average cost of funds must be falling or both. A declining NIM is undesirable because the bank's interest spread is being squeezed, usually because of rising interest costs on deposits and other borrowings and because of increased competition today. In contrast, the noninterest margin reflects the banks spread between its noninterest income (such as service fees on deposits) and its noninterest expenses (especially salaries and wages and overhead expenses). For most banks the noninterest margin is negative. Management will usually attempt to expand fee income, while controlling closely the growth of noninterest expenses in order to make a negative noninterest margin less negative.The earnings spread measures the effectiveness of the bank's intermediation function of borrowing and lending money, which, of course, is the bank's primary way of generating earnings. As competition increases, the spread between the average yields on assets and the average cost of liabilities will be squeezed, forcing the bank's management to search for alternative sources of income, such as fees from various services the bank offers.6-10. Suppose a banker tells you that his bank in the year just completed had total interest expenses on all borrowings of $12 million and noninterest expense of $5 million, while interest income from earning assets totaled $16 million and noninterest revenues added to a total of $2 million. Suppose further that assets amounted to $480 million of which earning assets represented 85 percent of total assets, while total interest-bearing liabilities amounted to 75 percent of total assets. See if you can determine this bank's net interest and noninterest margins and its earnings base and earnings spread for the most recent year.The bank's net interest and noninterest margins must be:Net Interest =$16 mill. - $12 mill.Noninterest=$2 mill. - $5 mill.Margin$480 mill.Margin$480 mill.=.00833=The bank's earnings spread and earnings base are:Earnings=$16 mill.-$12 mill.Spread$480 mill * $480 mill. *= .0392=.0333Earnings Base=$480 mill. - $480 mill. * = or 85 percent$480 mill.6-11. What are the principal components of ROE and what do each of these components measureThe principal components of ROE are:a. The net profit margin or net after-tax income to operating revenues which reflects the effectiveness of a bank's expense control program;b. The degree of asset utilization or ratio of operating revenues to total assets which measures the effectiveness of managing the bank's assets, especially the loan portfolio; and,c. The equity multiplier or ratio of total assets to total equity capital which measures a bank's use of leverage in funding its operations.6-12. Suppose a bank has an ROA of percent and an equity multiplier of 12x. What is its ROE Suppose this bank's ROA falls to percent. What size equity multiplier must it have to hold its ROE unchangedThe bank's ROE is:ROE = percent *12 = percent.If ROA falls to percent, the bank's ROE and equity multiplier can be determined from:ROE = % = percent * Equity MultiplierEquity Multiplier = percent = 16x.percent6-13. Suppose a bank reports net income of $12, before-tax net income of $15, operating revenues of $100, assets of $600, and $50 in equity capital. What is the bank's ROE Tax-management efficiency indicator Expense control efficiency indicator Asset management efficiency indicator Funds management efficiency indicatorThe bank's ROE must be:ROE = 50$12$ = or 24 percentIts tax-management, expense control, asset management, and funds management efficiency indicators are:Tax Management = $12 Expense Control = $15Efficiency indicator $15 Efficiency Indicator $100= .8 or 80 percent =.15 or 15 percentAsset Management = $100 Funds Management= $600Efficiency Indicator $600 Efficiency Indicator $50= or percent = 12 x6-14. What are the most important components of ROA and what aspects of a financial institution’s performance do they reflectThe principal components of ROA are:a. Total Interest Income Less Total Interest Expense divided by Total Assets, measuring a bank's success at intermediating funds between borrowers and lenders;b. Provision for Loan Losses divided by Total Assets which measures management's ability to control loan losses and manage a bank's tax exposure;c. Noninterest Income less Noninterest Expenses divided by Total Assets, which indicates the ability of management to control salaries and wages and other noninterest costs and generate tee income;d. Net Income Before Taxes divided by Total Assets, which measures operating efficiency and expense control; ande. Applicable Taxes divided by Total Assets, which is an index of tax management effectiveness.6-15. If a bank has a net interest margin of %, a noninterest margin of %, and a ratio of provision for loan losses, taxes, security gains, and extraordinary items of %, what is its ROAThe bank's ROA must be:ROA = percent - percent - percent = percent6-16. To what different kinds of risk are banks and their financial-service competitors subjected todaya. Credit Risk -- the probability that loans and securities the bank holds will not pay out as promised.b. Liquidity Risk -- the probability the bank will not have sufficient cash on hand in the volume needed precisely when cash demands arise.c. Market Risk -- the probability that the value of assets held by the bank will decline due to falling market prices.d. Interest-Rate Risk - the possibility or probability interest rates will change, subjecting the bank to lower profits or a lower value for the firm’s capital.e. Operational Risk –the uncertainly regarding a financial firm’s earn ings due to failures in computer systems, employee misconduct, floods, lightening strikes and other similar events.f. Legal and Compliance Risk –the uncertainty regarding a financial firm’s earnings due to actions taken by our legal system or due to a violation of rules and regulationsg. Reputation Risk – the uncertainty due to public opinion or the variability in earnings due to positive or negative publicity about the financial firmh. Strategic Risk – the uncertainty in earnings due to adverse business decisions, lack or responsiveness to changes and other poor decisions by managementi. Capital Risk – the risk that the value of the assets will decline below the value of the liabilities. All of the other risks listed above can affect earnings and the value of the assets and liabilities and therefore can have an effect on the capital position of the firm.6-17. What items on a bank's balance sheet and income statement can be used to measure its risk exposure To what other financial institutions do these risk measures applyThere are several alternative measures of risk in banking and financial service firms. Capital risk is often measured by bank capital ratios, such as the ratio of total capital to total assets or total capital to risk assets. Credit risk can be tracked by such ratios as net loan losses to total loans or relative to total capital. Liquidity risk can be followed by using such ratios as cash assets to total assets or by total loans to total assets. Interest-rate risk may be indicated by such ratios as interest-sensitive liabilities to interest-sensitive assets or the ratio of money-market borrowings to money-market assets.6-18. A bank reports that the total amount of its net loans and leases outstanding is $936 million, its assets total $1,324 million, its equity capital amounts to $110 million, and it holds $1,150 million in deposits, all expressed in book value. The estimated market values of the bank's total assets and equity capital are $1,443 million and $130 million, respectively. The bank's stock is currently valued at $60 per share with annual per-share earnings of $.Uninsured deposits amount to $243 million and money market borrowings total $132 million, while nonperforming loans currently amount to $43 million and the bank just charged off $21 million in loans. Calculate as many of the bank's risk measures as you can from the foregoing data.Net Loans and Leases = $936 mill. Uninsured Deposits $243 mill.Total Assets $1,324 mill. Total Deposits$1,150 mill.or percent or percentEquity Capital = $130 mill. Stock Price $60Total Assets $1,443 mill. Earnings Per Share $= or percent = 24 XNonperforming Assets = $43 mill. = or percentNet Loans and Leases$936 mill.Charge-offs of loans = $21 Purchased Funds = $243 mill. + $132 mill.Total Loans and Leases $936 Total Liabilities$1,324 mill. - $110 mill.=.0224 or percent .3089 or percentBook Value of Assets = $1324 = or percentMarket Value of Assets $1443Problems6-1. An investor holds the stock of First National Bank of Imoh and expects to receive a dividend of $12 per share at the end of the year. Stock analysts have recently predicted that the bank’s dividends will grow at approximately 3 percent a year indefinitely into the future. If this is true, and if the appropriate risk-adjusted cost of capital (discount rate) for the bank is 15 percent, what should be the current stock price per share of Imoh’s stock10D $12P $100r-g .15.03===-6-2. Suppose that stockbrokers have projected that Poquoson Bank and Trust Company will pay a dividend of $3 per share on its common stock at the end of the year; a dividend of $ per share is expected for the next year and $6 per share in the following year. The risk-adjusted cost of capital for banks in Poquoson’s risk class is 17 percent. If an investor holdingPoquoson’s stock plans to hold that stock for only three years and hopes to sell it at a price of $55 per share, what should the value of the b ank’s stock be in today’s market0233$3.00$4.50$6.00$55P $43.94(1.17)(1.17)(1.17)(1.17)=+++=++++P 0 = $ per share.6-3 Depositors Savings Association has a ratio of equity capital to total assets of percent. In contrast, Newton Savings reports an equity capital to asset ratio of 6 percent. What is the value of the equity multiplier for each of these institutions Suppose that both institutions have an ROA of percent. What must each institution’s return on equity capital be What do your calculations tell you about the benefits of having as little equity capital as regulations or the marketplace will allowDepositors Savings Association has an equity-to-asset ratio of percent which means its equity multiplier must be:1/ (Equity Capital / Assets) =AssetsEquityCapital= 1 / =In contrast, Newton Savings has an equity multiplier of:1/ (Equity Capital / Assets) =10.06=With an ROA of percent Depositors Savings Association would have an ROE of:ROE = x = percent.With an ROA of .85 percent Newton Savings would have an ROE of: ROE = x = percentIn this case Newton Savings is making greater use of financial leverage and is generating a higher return on equity capital.6-4. The latest report of condition and income and expense statement for Galloping Merchants National Bank are as shown in the following tables:Galloping Merchants National BankInterest Fees on Loans$65Interest Dividends on Securities12Total Interest Income77Interest Paid on Deposits496Interest on NondepositBorrowingsTotal Interest Expense55Net Interest Income22Provision for Loan Losses2Noninterest Income and Fees7Noninterest Expenses:Salaries and Employee Benefits12Overhead Expenses5Other Noninterest Expenses 3Total Noninterest Expenses20Net Noninterest Income-13Pre Tax Operating Income7Securities Gains (or Losses)1Pre Tax Net Operating Income 8Taxes1Net Operating Income7Net Extraordinary Income-1Net Income$6FTE 40Galloping Merchants National BankReport of ConditionCash and Due From Banks$100 Demand Deposits$190Investment Securities$150 Savings Deposts$180Federal Funds Sold$10 Time Deposits$470Net Loans$670 Federal Funds Purch$69(ALL 25) Total Liabilities$900(Unearned Income 5)Common Stock$20Plant and Equipment$50 Surplus$25Retained Earnings$35 Total Assets$980 Total Ca$80Total Earnings Assets$830 Interest Bearing Deposits$650Fill in the missing items on the income and expense statement. Using these statements, calculate the following performance measures:Net Income $6ROE = .075 or 7.5%Total Equity Capital $80==Net Income $6ROA = .00612 or .612%Total Assets $980==Net Interest Income $22Net Interest Margin = .0224 or 2.24%Total Assets $980==-$13Net Noninterest Margin = .0133 or -1.33 percent $980=-Total Operating Revenues - Total Operating Expenses $84$77Net Operating Margin = .00714 or .714%Total Assets $980-==Total Interest Income Total Interest Expenses $77$55Earnings Spread = .01531 or 1.53 %Total Earnings Assets Total Interest Bearing Liabilities $830$710-=-=Net Income $6Net Profit Margin = .0714 or 7.14 percent Total Operating Revenues $84==Total Operating Revenues $84Asset Utilization = .0857 or 8.57%Total Assets $980==Total Assets $980Equity Multiplier = 12.25Total Equity Capital $80x ==85.7%or 857.7$6$Incom e Operating Net Tax Pre Incom e Net Efficiency Managem ent Tax ===8.33%or 0833.84$7$Revenue Operating Total Incom e Operating Net Tax Pre Efficiency Control Ex pense ===Total Operating Revenues $84Asset Management Efficiency Ratio = .0857 or 8.57%Total Assets $980==Total Assets $980Funds Management Efficiency Ratio =12.25Total Equity Capital $80x ==91.76%or 9176.gains) securities (including 85$ tax es)(including 78$Revenues Operating Total Ex penses Operating Total Ratio Efficiency Operating ===6-5. The following information is for Shallow National BankInterest Income $2,100 Interest Expense $1,400 Total Assets$30,000Securities Gains (losses) $21 Earning Assets $25,000 Total Liabilities $27,000Taxes Paid$16 Shares of Common Stock 5,000 Noninterest income $700 Noninterest Expense $900 Provision for Loan Losses$100ROE = $405ROA = $405 $30,000 - $27,000 $30,000or percentor percentEarnings =$405 = $.081 per sharePer Share5000Net Interest = $2100 - $1400 = $700= or percentMargin $25,000$25,000Net Noninterest = $700 - $900 = -$200= .8 percentMargin $25,000 $25,000Net Operating =($2100 + $700) – ($1,400 + $900 + $100)= $400 = or percent Margin$30,000$30,000Suppose interest income, interest expenses, noninterest income, and noninterest expenses each increase by 5 percent, with all other items remaining unchanged.Interest Income$2,205Interest Expense$1,470Total Assets$30,000Securities Gains (losses)$21Earning Assets$25,000Total Liabilities$27,000Taxes Paid$16Shares of Common Stock5,000Noninterest income$735Noninterest Expense$945Provision for Loan Losses$100ROE =$430ROA=$430$30,000 - $27,000$30,000or percent or percentEarnings=$430= $.086 per sharePer Share5000Net Interest =$2205 - $1470=$735= or percentMargin$25,000$25,000Net Noninterest =$735 - $945=-$210= or .84 percent Margin$25,000$25,000Net Operating =($2205 + $735) – ($1,470 + $945 + $100)=$425= or percent Margin$30,000$30,000On the other hand, suppose Shallow’s interest income, interest expenses, noninterest income, and noninterest expenses decline by 5 percent, again with all other factors held equal. How would the bank’s ROE, ROA and per share earnings changeInterest Income$1995Interest Expense$1,330Total Assets$30,000Securities Gains (losses)$21Earning Assets$25,000Total Liabnilities$27,000Taxes Paid$16Shares of Common Stock5,000Noninterest income$665Noninterest Expense$855Provision for Loan Losses$100ROE =$380ROA=$380$30,000 - $27,000$30,000or percent or percentEarnings=$380= $.076 per sharePer Share5000Net Interest =$1995 - $1330=$665= or percentMargin$25,000$25,000Net Noninterest =$665 - $855=-$190= or .76 percentMargin$25,000$25,000Net Operating =($1995 + $665) – ($1,330 + $855 + $100)=$375= or percent Margin$30,000$30,0006-6. Blue and White National Bank holds total assets of $ billion and equity capital of $139 million and has just posted an ROA of percent. What is this bank’s ROE:ROE = ROA * Total AssetsEquity Capital = * $1,690$139= or %R0A increases by 50%, with no change in assets or equity capital.Therefore, the new ROA = * = or %.New ROE = % * = %This represents a 50% increase in ROE. With no changes in assets or equity, the investors' funds are more effectively utilized, generating additional income and making the bank more profitable.Alternative Scenario 2:ROA decreases by 50%, with no change in equity or assets.Therefore, the new ROA = * = or %.New ROE = % * = %This represents a 50% decrease in ROE. The bank's management has been less efficient, in this case, in managing their lending and/or investing functions or their operating costs. Alternative Scenario 3:ROA = or % (as in the original problem)Total assets double in size to $ billion and equity capital doubles in size to $278 million. Therefore, the equity multiplier . total assets/equity capital) remains the same . =$3,380/$278 = . As a result, there is no change in ROE from the original situation .),% * = %).Alternative Scenario 4:This, of course, is just the reverse of scenario 3. Since the changes in both assets and equity capital are the same, the ratio of the two ., the equity multiplier) remains constant. As a result, there is again no change in ROE.. = Total Assets/Equity Capital = $845/$ = .Therefore, ROE = % * = %.6-7. Monarch State Bank reports total operating revenues of $135 million, with total operating expenses of $121 million, and owes taxes of $2 million. It has total assets of $ billion and total liabilities of $900 million and has just posed an ROA of percent. What is the bank’s ROENet Income after Taxes = $135 million -$121 million -$2 million = $12 millionEquity Capital = $ billion - $900 million = $100 millionROE = Net Income after Taxes= $12 million / $100 million = or 12%.Equity CapitalAlternative Scenario 1: How will the ROE for Monarch State Bank change if total operating expenses, taxes and total operating revenues each grow by 10 percent while assets and liabilities stay fixed.Total revenues = $135 million * = $ millionTotal expenses = $121 million * = $ millionTax liability = $2 million * = $ millionNet Income after Taxes = $ - $ - $ = $ millionROE = $ million/$100 million = or %Change in ROE = %-12%)/12% = 10%Alternative Scenario 2: Suppose Monarch State’s total assets and total liabilities increase by 10 percent, but its revenues and expenses (including taxes) are unchanged. How will the bank’s ROE changeTotal assets increase by 10% (Total assets = $ * = $ billion)Total liabilities increase by 10% (Total liabilities = $900 million * = $990Revenues and expenses (including taxes) remain unchanged.Solution: Equity Capital = $ billion - $990 million = $110 millionROE =$12=.1091$110 percentTherefore change in ROE =% - 12%=%= %12%12%(ROE decreases by %) Alternative Scenario 3: Can you determine what will happen to ROE if both operating revenues and expenses (including taxes) decline by 10 percent, with the bank’s t otal assets and liabilities held constantTotal revenues decline by 10% (Total revenues = $135 million * = $ million)Total expenses decline by 10% (Total expenses = $121 million * = $ million)Tax liability declines by 10% (Tax liability = $2 * = $ million)Assets and liabilities remain unchanged (Therefore, equity remains unchanged)Solution: Net Income after Tax = $ million - million - $ million = $ROE = $ million = = %$100 millionTherefore change in ROE =% - 12%=%=12%12%(ROE decreases by 10%) Alternative Scenario 4: What does ROE become if Monarch State’s assets and liabilitiesdecrease by 10 percent, while its operating revenues, taxes and operating expenses do not changeTotal assets = $ billion * = $900 millionTotal liabilities = $900 million * =$810 millionEquity capital = $900 million - $810 million = $90 millionROE =$12=.1333$90 percent6-8. Suppose a stockholder owned thrift institution is projected to achieve a percent ROA during the coming year. What must its ratio of total assets to total equity capital be if it is to achieve its target ROE of 12 percent If ROA unexpectedly falls to .75 percent, what assets-to-capital ratio must it then have to reach a 12 percent ROEROE = ROA * (Total Assets/Equity Capital)Total Assets=ROE=12%= xEquity Capital ROA%If ROA unexpectedly falls to % and target ROE remains 12%:12%=.75%*Total AssetsEquity CapitalTotal Assets=12%=16 xEquity Capital.75%6-9. Saylor County National Bank presents us with these figures for the year just concluded. Please determine the net profit margin, equity multiplier, asset utilization ratio, and ROE: Net Income = $18Total Operating Revenues = $125Total Assets = $1,500Total Equity Capital Accounts = $155 Profit Margin=Net Income=$18 mill.= or %Total Operating Revenue$125 mill.b.Asset Utilization=Total Operating Revenues=$125 mill.= or %Total Assets$1500 mill.c.Equity Multiplier=Total Assets=$1500 mill.= timesTotal Equity Capital$155 mill.d.ROE=Net Income =$18 mill.= or %Total Equity Capital$155 mill.6-10. Lochiel Commonwealth Bank and Trust Company has experienced the following trends over the past five years (all figures in millions of dollars):Year Net Income TotalOperatingRevenuesTotalAssetsTotal EquityCapital129318 238220 347422 450825 559928。

1。 [题解]商业银行提高资本金有两种策略,即内源资本策略与外源资本策略。内源资本策略就是指增加内源资本,即增加以留存收益方式形成得资本;外源资本策略就是指通过发行普通股、发行优先股、发行长期次级债券等形式来增加资本。
第三章 商业银行负债业务管理
A、 20% B、 50%
C. 70% D. 100%
2. 商业银行用于弥补尚未识别得可能性损失得准备金就是。
A、 一般准备金 B。 专项准备金
C。 特殊准备金 D。 风险准备金
3、 《巴塞尔协议》规定商业银行得核心资本与风险加权资产得比例关系、
A。≧8% B. ≦8%
C、≧4%D. ≦4%
7。 我国目前资本市场利率仍然就是市场利率与计划利率并存。
8、 负债就是商业银行资金得全部来源。
1、 商业银行存款管理得目标不包括 。
A、 保持存款得稳定性 B. 降低存款得成本率
C、 降低存款得流动性 D. 提高存款得增长率
2。 存款按存款资金性质及计息范围划分为财政性存款与 、
A. 个人存款 B. 定期存款
第一章 商业银行管理学导论
2。 政府放松金融管制与加强金融监管就是相互矛盾得、
3. 商业银行管理得最终目标就是追求利润最大化。
4、 在金融市场上,商业银行等金融中介起着类似于中介经纪人得角色、
C、 一般性存款 D. 单位存款
3. 使商业银行负债成本最低得存款为 。
A。 同业存款 B、 有奖存款
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而如果超过这一程度和范围, 就属于不适度的存款增长,反而会给银行经营带来困难。
资金头寸 :商业银行的资金头寸是指商业银行能够运用的资金。
其公式为:T=C ·Q/2+P ·A/Q T 表示总成本,A 表示一定时期内的现金收入或支出,Q 表示每次运钞的数量,P 表示每次运钞费用,C 表示现金占有费率,A/Q 表示运钞次数,Q/2表示平均库存现金量,P ·A/Q 表示全年运钞总费用,C ·Q/2表示库存现金全年平均占用费。
化简结果:Q=C P A /·2第五章贷款政策是指商业银行指导和规范贷款业务、管理和控制贷款风险的各项方针、措施和程序的总和。
商业银行的贷款政策由于其经营品种、方式、规模、所处的市场环境的不同而各有差别,但其基本内容主要有以下几个方面: 1、贷款业务发展战略2、贷款工作规程及权限划分3.贷款的规模和比率控制4. 贷款种类及地区5. 贷款的担保6.贷款定价7. 贷款档案管理政策8.贷款的日常管理和催收制度9.不良贷款的管理信用贷款:是指银行完全凭借客户的信誉而无需提供抵押物或第三者保证而发放的贷款。