



游泳池设备使用说明书一、安全须知1. 在使用游泳池设备前,请务必仔细阅读使用说明书,并按照指示正确操作。


2. 使用游泳池设备时,应注意自身安全,避免踩踏、碰撞或抓住设备构件,以免发生意外。

3. 若在使用过程中发现设备出现故障或异常情况,请立即停止使用并联系维修人员进行检修。

二、设备说明1. 游泳池设备包括但不限于游泳池水质处理设备、游泳池边缘设备、海滩椅、游泳圈等。

2. 游泳池水质处理设备主要负责对游泳池水进行过滤、杀菌和消毒,以确保游泳池水质清洁卫生。

3. 游泳池边缘设备主要是指游泳池周边的护栏、楼梯、扶手等构件,用于提供游泳者上下池的便利和安全。

4. 海滩椅是供游泳池边的休憩区域使用,提供舒适的休息环境。

5. 游泳圈是供游客在游泳池中玩耍和浮动使用的装备,用户在使用时应注意安全,避免溺水等危险情况。

三、使用步骤1. 游泳池水质处理设备的使用步骤:a. 确保水质处理设备正常运行及电源连接无误。

b. 请按照设备指示,加入适量的消毒剂和调节剂。

c. 启动设备,根据设备说明调整过滤和杀菌的时间和强度。

d. 定期清理和更换滤芯及其他配件,保证设备正常运行。

2. 游泳池边缘设备的使用步骤:a. 游泳池边缘设备的安装应在游泳池建设完成后进行。

b. 确保游泳池边缘设备安装牢固可靠,无棱角及其他危险因素。

c. 游泳池边缘设备的清洁和维护应定期进行,确保其使用安全。

3. 海滩椅的使用步骤:a. 游泳池边缘设备的摆放应均匀,保持整齐。

b. 使用时,请留意椅面是否平稳,座垫是否干燥。

c. 使用完毕后,请清理并放回指定位置,保持环境整洁。

4. 游泳圈的使用步骤:a. 请确认游泳圈的充气情况,确保无漏气和破损。

b. 检查游泳圈的材质和尺寸是否适合使用者,避免安全隐患。

c. 使用游泳圈请在游泳池浅水区域,避免深水区域造成危险。

四、维护保养1. 游泳池设备的维护保养应由专业人员进行,定期检查设备的工作情况,并及时维修、更换损坏的配件。




















1、总体技术参数1.1工作电压范围:单相交流187V~250V/50Hz;1.2工作环境:温度-30℃~65℃,湿度90%;1.3水温设定温度范围:15℃~40℃;1.4显示温度范围:-9℃-80℃(精度为±1 ℃);1.5设定时间范围:符合本控制方案;1.6功能:制热、制冷、自动恒温;1.7实时时间记忆,掉电后仍旧保存当前时间。

1.8操作方式:面板操作;1.9保护功能:符合本控制方案要求;1.10控制对象: 1台风扇电机、1台压缩机、1只四通阀线圈、1个压机曲轴加热、1个水泵、共5个对象;1.11风机变速控制:1档。















一、安全须知为了保证您的安全,请务必遵守以下规定:1. 年龄限制:未满12周岁的儿童需在成年人的陪同下使用游泳池。

2. 心脏病或其他严重疾病患者需在医生的允许下方可使用游泳池。

3. 请勿在游泳池附近跑动、嬉闹或打闹,以免发生意外。

4. 游泳池设有深浅区,在非潜水区域内切勿潜水。

5. 若人数过多,请遵守现场工作人员的引导以确保安全。


三、入场须知1. 入场费:成人每次入场收费10元,儿童每次入场收费5元。

2. 用户凭证:持有效入场券或会员卡方可入内使用游泳池。

3. 会员卡:欢迎办理游泳池会员卡,会员享受更多优惠待遇。

四、入场流程1. 排队入场:请在入口处排队等候,以确保有序入场。

2. 入场登记:请出示有效入场凭证,工作人员会进行入场登记。

3. 寄存物品:请将贵重物品存放在指定的寄存柜内,本游泳池不对遗失负责。

4. 更衣室:请统一使用更衣室更换泳装,切勿在公共区域更换。

五、游泳池设施使用说明1. 淋浴区:入场前请使用淋浴,务必保持身体清洁。

2. 游泳池:请根据自身能力选择合适的泳池区域,切勿逾越深度线。

3. 游泳圈、浮板等游泳辅助器材:如需使用,请谨慎选择,并按照工作人员的指示正确佩戴。

4. 滑水道:仅限于身高超过1.2米的游客使用,使用时请排队等候。

5. 游泳救生员:游泳池设有专业救生员,如遇紧急情况,请立即向其寻求帮助。

六、禁止事项为了保证游泳池的正常运营,禁止以下行为:1. 携带食品、饮料或玻璃制品进入游泳池区域。

2. 吸烟或使用明火,如需吸烟请到指定的吸烟区域。

3. 在游泳池内大声喧哗或进行危险行为。

4. 拍摄、录像或偷窥他人隐私。

七、注意事项使用游泳池时,请注意以下事项:1. 饭后一小时后方可入池。

2. 请勿在池中大声喧哗或互相扔水。

3. 请注意自身防晒,使用防晒霜并配戴适当的泳镜。



Jandy Housing for Wet Niche FixturesFor Gunite Pool and Spa Installations -Plastic Model Nos. PLNICLRG and PLNICSM and Stainless Steel Model Nos. SSNICLRG and SSNICSMH 0284400ASSNICLRG SSNICSM PLNICLRG PLNICSMInstallation ManualInstallation DataPage 2IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS PERTAINING TO A RISK OF FIRE, ELECTRIC SHOCK, OR INJURY TO PERSONSREAD AND FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONSWhen installing and using this equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following:Jandy Compatible Light Fixture Part NumbersUse the large niches (SSNICLRG and PLNICLRG) with the following Jandy Lights:P/N JPL120XXXP/N JPL12XXXP/N CPHVXXXXXXXXP/N CPLVXXXXXXXXP/N WPHVXXXXXXXXP/N WPLVXXXXXXXXUse the small niches (SSNICSM AND PLNICSM) with the following Jandy Lights:P/N JSL120XXXP/N JSL12XXXP/N WSHVXXXXXXXP/N WSLVXXXXXXXXSAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSThis document gives in s truc t ions for installing the Jandy Niche for gunite pool and spa installations. Thein s truc t ions must be fol l owed ex a ct l y. Read through the in s truc t ions com p lete l y before starting the procedure. The Jandy Niche is designed to be installed in the pool or spa walls.1. Installation During New Construction Ensure that the pool or spa meets the requirementsof the current National Electrical Code and all local codes and ordinances. A licensed or certifi ed electrician must install the electrical system to meet or exceed those requirements before the Niche (fi xture housing)is installed. Some of the requirements of the National Electrical Code, which the pool and spa electrical systems must meet, are as follows:a. The lighting circuit must have a Ground FaultCircuit Interrupter (GFCI) for 120 volt models,and must have an appropriately rated circuitbreaker.b. The Junction Box (or, for 12 volt models, thelow voltage transformer) must be located at leasteight (8) inches above water level, at least four (4)inches above ground level, and at least four (4)feet from the edge of the pool or spa. See Figure 1.c. Thelightfi xture and all metal items within fi ve (5) feet of the pool or spa must be properly electrically bonded to a reliable point of grounding. Seal thewire/lug connection with a listed sealant.d. The wet niche must be properly installed so thatthe top edge of the underwater light’s lens is atleast 18 inches below (not more than 48 inchesbelow in Canada) the surface of the water in thepool or spa. See Figure 1.e. The wet niche must be properly electricallybonded and grounded via the No. 8 AWG groundconnector located at the rear of the niche. SeeFigure 1.2. Installation Instructions for Plastic Niches(PLNICLRG AND PLNICSM)a. Locate a position for the installation of the nicheand light fi xture so that the top of the lens willbe a minimum of 18” below normal water level.Position niche between adjacent rebars so that theniche is held on four sides by sections of rebar. Itmay be necessary to add sections of rebar or tomove existing sections in order to secure niche inplace.b. Attach conduit to the back of niche using theproper PVC/CPVC primer and glue. See Figure2. A 1” PVC 45 degree sweep elbow is includedwith the niche to direct the conduit pipe upwardstoward the junction box. A ¾” reducer is alsoincluded with the niche to permit the use of ¾”conduit pipe. Make sure to follow the primer andglue manufacturer's instructions for the preparation procedures and curing times.Page 3c. Using tie wire, attach the niche housing to therebar. Jandy models PLNICLRG and PLNICSM have four (4) outer fl anges with ¼” holes which should be used to route the tie wire through to secure the niche to the rebar. Ensure that the niche is the proper forward distance from the rebar so that the top surface of the niche will be fl ush with the fi nish surface.NOTE: Be sure to orient the niche so that the ‘TOP’ marking of the niche is in the 12 o’clock position.d. Connect #8 AWG bonding wire from rebar to reargrounding lug of niche (outside of the niche). e.If nonmetallic conduit is used, a #8 AWG bonding wire is required to run through conduit from the junction box to the bonding/grounding lug inside of niche. Seal the wire/lug connection with a listed sealant. See Figure 3.f.The outside bonding connection must be inspected before the concrete pouring/shooting operation. It is also necessary to keep concrete or gunite from hardening on the outer edge and fl ange of the niche during pouring/shooting.g.Remove the nylon screw and attach plastic niche cover to opening of niche prior to theconcrete/gunite pouring/shooting operation. See Figure 4. The cover prevents concrete or gunite from entering the inside of the niche, during the pouring/shooting operation.h.Once the concrete/gunite has completely dried and prior to plastering, tear outer portion away from cover. Plaster up to the top edge of niche.i.A PVC 1” Plug is provided with niche for pressure testing of conduit line before installation of light fi xture.Figure 4. Plastic Niche Cover and Nylon Screw for Plastic NicheFigure 2. Plastic Niche Installation1" 45 Degrees Sweep Elbow (Included in kit)1" - 3/4" Reducer (Included in Kit)Bonding LugPage 4Plastic Cover (Included in Kit)Nylon Screw (Included in Kit)TopFigure 3. Plastic Niche Bonding Wire InstallationRebar Mounting Flange (4 places)Bonding/Grounding Lug#8 AWG Bonding WireTopPage 53. Installation Instructions for Stainless SteelNiches (SSNICLRG AND SSNICSM)a. Locate a position for the installation of the nicheand light fi xture so that the top of the lens willbe a minimum of 18” below normal water level.Position niche between adjacent rebars so that the niche is held on four sides by sections of rebar. It may be necessary to add sections of rebar or tomove existing sections in order to secure niche inplace.b. Attach conduit to the back of niche using theproper thread sealant. A threaded 1” NPTconnection is attached to the back of the niche. Athreaded 1”- ½” NPT reducer is included with theniche to permit the use of ½” metallic conduit.If nonmetallic conduit is used, then a threadedbushing will be required (not included with niche).c. Using tie wire, attach the niche housing to therebar. Ensure that the niche is the proper forwarddistance from the rebar so that the top surface ofthe niche will be fl ush with the fi nish surface. NOTE: Be sure to orient the niche so that the ‘TOP’ marking of the niche is in the 12 o’clockposition.d. Connect bonding wire from rebar to rear bondinglug of niche (outside of the niche).e. If rigid nonmetallic conduit is used, a #8 AWGbonding wire is required to run through conduitfrom the junction box to the bonding/groundinglug inside of niche. Seal the wire/lug connectionwith a listed sealant. See Figure 6. If metallicconduit is used a #8 AWG bonding wire is notrequired.f. The outside bonding connection must be inspectedbefore the concrete pouring/shooting operation. Itis also necessary to keep concrete or gunite fromhardening on the outer edge and fl ange of theniche during pouring/shooting.g. Remove the nylon screw and attach plasticniche cover to opening of niche prior to theconcrete/gunite pouring/shooting operation. SeeFigure 7. The cover prevents concrete or gunitefrom entering the inside of the niche, during thepouring/shooting operation.h. Once the concrete/gunite has completely dried andprior to plastering, tear outer portion away from Figure 5. Stainless Steel Niche Kit Components1" - 1/2" Reducer(Included in Kit) BondingLugcover. Plaster up to the top edge of niche.4. PartListsThe Parts Lists and Exploded View are shown on the next page.Figure 7. Plastic Niche Cover and Nylon Screw for Stainless Steel NicheNylon Screw(Included inKit)Plastic Cover(Included in Kit)Top Marking Figure 6. Stainless Steel Niche Bonding WireInstallationBonding/GroundingLug #8 AWGBondingWireRebar MountingHoles(8 places)Page 6Item No.Part Number DescriptionQty.1R0460800Niche Misc, Kit, Plastic, Pool and Spa 10-24 Screws (Grounding Lug)2 10-24 Nylon Screws (Gunite Protection)1 1" Threaded Plug 1 1" 45° Sweep Elbow 1 1" to 3/4" Reducer12R0461000Niche Cover R-Kit, Pool Niche Cover, Pool13R0461100Niche Cover R-Kit, Spa Niche Cover, Spa1Table 1. Parts List - Plastic Pool and Spa Niche (PLNICLRG and PLNICSM)Table 2. Parts List - Stainless Steel Pool and Spa Niche (SSNICLRG and SSNICSM)Item No.Part Number DescriptionQty.1R0460900Niche Misc, Kit, Stainless Steel, Pool and Spa 10-24 Screws (Grounding Lug)2 10-24 Nylon Screws (Gunite Protection)1 1" to 1/2" Threaded Reducer12R0461000Niche Cover R-Kit, Pool Niche Cover, Pool13R0461100Niche Cover R-Kit, Spa Niche Cover, Spa1Figure 8. Plastic Pool and Spa Niche (PLNICLRG and PLNICSM) Exploded View Figure 9. Stainless Steel Pool and Spa Niche (SSNICLRG and SSNICSM) Exploded View112, 3112, 3Page 7NOTESLIMITED WARRANTYThank you for purchasing Jandy® pool and spa products. Jandy Pool Products, Inc. (manufacturer of Jandy products), warrants all parts to be free from manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of retail purchase, with the following exceptions:• AquaLink® RS units installed with Jandy Surge Protection Kits will be covered for two years.• NeverLube® valves are warranted for the life of pool and/or spa on which they were originally installed.This warranty is limited to the fi rst retail purchaser, is not transferable, and does not apply to products that have been moved from their original installation sites. The liability of Jandy Pool Products, Inc. shall not exceed the repair or replacement of defective parts and does not include any costs for labor to remove and reinstall the defective part, transportation to or from the factory, and any other materials required to make the repair. This warranty does not cover failures or malfunctions resulting from the following:1. Failure to properly install, operate or maintain the product(s) in accordance with our published Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manuals provided with the product(s).2. The workmanship of any installer of the product(s).3. Not maintaining a proper chemical balance in your pool and/or spa [pH level between 7.2 and 7.8, Total Alkalinity (TA) between 80 to 120 ppm, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) less than 2000].4. Abuse, alteration, accident, fi re, fl ood, lightning, rodents, insects, negligence or acts of God.5. Scaling, freezing, or other conditions causing inadequate water circulation.6. Operating the product(s) at water fl ow rates outside the published minimum and maximum speci fi cations.7. Use of non-factory authorized parts or accessories in conjunction with the product(s).8. Chemical contamination of combustion air or improper use of sanitizing chemicals, such as introducing sanitizing chemicals upstream of the heater and cleaner hose or through the skimmer.9. Overheating; incorrect wire runs; improper electrical supply; collateral damage caused by failure of O-Rings, DE grids, or cartridge elements; or damage caused by running the pump with insuf fi cient quantities of water.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY :This is the only warranty given by Jandy Pool Products, Inc. No one is authorized to make any other warranties on Jandy Pool Products, Inc.’s behalf. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY. JANDY POOL PRODUCTS, INC., EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES ANY LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTY. This warranty gives you speci fi c legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary by state or province.WARRANTY CLAIMS:For prompt warranty consideration, contact your dealer and provide the following information: proof of purchase, model number, serial number and date of installation. The installer will contact the factory for instructions regarding the claim and to determine the location of the nearest designated service center. If the dealer is not available, you can locate a service center in your area by visiting or by calling our technical support department at (707) 776-8200 extension 260. All returned parts must have a Returned Material Authorization number to be evaluated under the terms of this warranty.H 0284400A。



警告 – 未能保持吸水口部件无杂物,如树叶、污物、头发、纸张等物品,可能会增加吸陷的可能
警告 – 泳池和温泉部件的寿命有限,盖板/网格应经常检查,最少每过十年就应更换部件,若发现部件
小心 – 诸如过滤系统、泵、加热器等部件,应设在适当的位置,防止幼童借助这些部件进入泳池。 警告 – 切勿在压力高于40 PSI的情况下运行或测试循环系统。 小心 – 所有的电气连接必须由具有资质的专业人员完成,必须遵循地方规程和法规。 警告 – 切勿在泵运行期间变更过滤器控制阀的位置。
IS310T2-06 修订版 B
S310T、S360T2型 PRO™ 系列高速砂滤器
应始终遵守基本的安全防范措施,包括下列内容:不按说明操作可能会导致严重的人身伤害和/或死亡。 安全警示符号。当您在设备上或本手册中看到这个符号,请在本手册中查阅以下警示标记词,
排污—可绕开过滤器直接泄污,降低水位,清空大 块堵塞物。 再循环—水流可以绕过过滤器在泳池系统中实现 再循环。 关闭—将水流从水泵切换到过滤器。 清空—清空可以在过滤器内直接进行。当清空大块 堵塞物时,可将阀门拨到“排污”,绕开过滤器, 直接排污。
6. 过滤器清空后记下压强计的首次显示数据。(因水泵和 管道系统情况不同,泳池与泳池之间的该数字也不尽相同)。 由于过滤器过滤出池水中的污垢和杂质,随着它们量的积 累,过滤器内的压力会上升,流量会减少。当压强计显示值 比初始记录的“干净”数值高 8-10 磅/平方英寸磅/平方英 寸(即 0.55-0.69 条纹处)时,则要反冲洗过滤器。(详见 过滤器控制阀门功能下的反冲洗)


HAYWARD POOL PRODUCTS - 620 Division Street - Elizabeth - NJ 07201 - USA
WARNING: Electrical Hazard. Failure to follow instructions can result in serious injury or death.
objects away from openings and moving parts.
• WARNING – Motor must be suitably grounded. Connect ground wire to green grounding screw and for cord connected
persons in order to avoid a hazard.
• WARNING – For disconnection from main power supply an external switch having a contact separation in all poles that
• WARNING – Use Only Genuine Hayward Replacement Parts.
• WARNING – If the supply cord is damaged it must be replaced by the manufacturer, service agent, or similarly qualified
IS2800X5W - Rev D







1. 过滤系统过滤系统是游泳池水质保持清洁的关键。

以下是过滤系统的操作步骤:a. 打开过滤系统主电源。

b. 检查过滤器的工作状态,确保无堵塞或泄漏。

c. 若过滤器需要清洗,关闭进水阀,打开排水阀,清洗过滤器,并确保清洗完毕后关闭排水阀。

d. 按照设备规定的操作频率,定期更换过滤器。

2. 消毒系统消毒系统可以保证游泳池水中的细菌和病毒得到有效的消灭。

以下是消毒系统的操作步骤:a. 打开消毒系统主电源。

b. 检查消毒设备的工作状态和消毒剂储罐的液位。

c. 若消毒剂储罐需要补充消毒剂,按照规定的浓度和方法进行添加。

d. 定期检查消毒设备的运行情况,确保消毒效果正常。

3. 循环系统循环系统能够保持游泳池水的流动和循环,以避免死水区的产生。

以下是循环系统的操作步骤:a. 打开循环系统主电源。

b. 检查循环泵的运行情况,确保循环泵正常工作。

c. 定期检查循环管道的连接情况,确保无漏水或堵塞。

4. 照明系统照明系统提供游泳池的照明和美观效果。

以下是照明系统的操作步骤:a. 打开照明系统主电源。

b. 检查照明设备的工作状态,确保灯泡亮度正常。

c. 定期清洁照明设备,以保证良好的照明效果。

三、注意事项在操作游泳池设备时,务必注意以下几点以确保操作的顺利和安全:1. 严禁擅自拆卸、修理设备,若发现设备出现故障,请及时联系专业维修人员进行处理。

2. 注意设备的工作环境温度,避免过高或过低温度对设备造成损坏。

3. 定期检查和清洁设备,避免设备堵塞或损坏。

4. 遵循设备使用说明书,按照规定的方法和频率进行操作和维护。

5. 如发生紧急情况或设备故障,应立即切断设备电源,并采取相应的应急措施。






















OWNER’S MANUAL Swimming Pool and Spa PumpREAD THIS MANUAL CAREFULLYBEFORE USING THE SPECK PUMPSECTION 1 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWhen installing and using this electrical equipment,basic safety precautions should always be followed:READ AND FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS.WARNING -To reduce the risk of injury, do not permit children to use this equipment.(For cord - and plug - connected units)WARNING - Risk of Electric Shock. Connect onlyto a grounding type receptacle protected by a ground-fault circuit-interrupter (GFCI). Contact a qualified electrician if you cannot verify that the receptacle is protected by a GFCI.(For cord - and plug - connected units)WARNING - Do not bury cord. Locate cord to minimize abuse from lawn mowers, hedge trimmers,and other equipment.(For cord - and plug - connected units)WARNING - To reduce the risk of electric shock,replace damaged cord immediately.(For cord - and plug - connected units)WARNING - To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not use extension cord to connect unit to electric supply;provide a properly located outlet.(For swimming pool pumps with a minimum 25-foot(7.6-m) cord)NOTE: All wiring should be done by a qualified electrician in accordance with the National Electrical Code and all Local Codes.NOTE: Before installation, inspect all equipment, plumbing and wiring for damage that may have occurred during shipment.The shipping container has been specifically designed to prevent damage, however, any indications of damage should be carefully noted on the delivery ticket and a claim needs to be filed with the carrier.All pumps are water tested on a test stand to ensure that they meet specification.CAUTION - This pump is for use with storable pools only. Do not use with permanently installed pools. A storable pool is constructed so that it may be readily disassembled for storage and reassembled to its original integrity. A permanently installed pool is constructed in or on the ground or in a building such that it cannot be readily disassembled for storage.(For swimming pool pumps with or without a maximum 3 foot (0.91 -m) cord)CAUTION - This pump is for use with permanently installed pools and may also be used with hot tubs and spas if so marked. Do not use with storable pools. A permanently installed pool is constructed in or on the ground or in a building such that it cannot be readily disassembled for storage. A storable pool is constructed so that it may be readily disassembled for storage and reassembled to its original integrity.TO REDUCE RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK,connect ground wires to grounding screw located in the motor. Use no smaller than a #1 2 AWG (3.3mm2) wire.TO REDUCE RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK,a bonding connector is provided for bonding to metal water pipes, metal rails, or other metal within 5 feet of the swimming pool. All local points should be bonded with a #8 AWG (8.4mm2) wire.NOTE:To installer and/or operator of the Speck Swimming Pool Pump; the manufacturer’s warranty will be void if the pump is improperly installed and/or operated.READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY .SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS! 2 WINTERIZINGIn areas subject to freezing winter temperatures, protect by removing drain plugs. Do not replace plug.Store plug in strainer basket for winter.An alternative is to remove the pump and motor from plumbing and store indoors in a warm and dry location.Locate pump as close to the pool as practical.Consult local codes for minimum distance between pool and pump.The piping should be as direct and free from turns orbends as possible, as elbows and other fittings greatly increase friction losses.Place pump on a solid foundation which provides arigid and vibration-free support so that it is readily accessible for service and maintenance.Protect the pump against flooding and excessmoisture, and prevent foreign objects from clogging air circulation around motor.DO NOT store or use gasoline or other flammablevapors or liquids in the vicinity of this pump. DO NOT store pool chemicals near the pump.DO NOT remove any safety alert labels such asDANGER,WARNING,or CAUTION.Keep safety labels in good condition and replace missing or damaged labels.When connecting pipework to pump it is recommendedto use multi-purpose PVC glue to attach slip fittings to adaptors. If threaded connections are used it is recommended that thread seal tape be used. If the suction pipe is not sealed correctly, the pump will not prime properly and will pump small volumes of water or none at all. NOTE: The adaptors on the pump housing are factory mounted and should never be removed. Removal of these adaptors will void warranty.When installing the pump, care should be taken to seethat the suction line is below water level to a point immediately beneath the pump to ensure quick priming via a flooded suction line. The height between the pump and the water level should not be more that 4 feet. (Does not apply to Model 2180/..G for flooded suction.)SECTION 3EQUIPMENT OPERATION ANDMAINTENANCESECTION 4 MAINTENANCE2/1 LOCATION2/2 INSTALLATION1. pump requires little or no service other than reasonable care and periodic cleaning of the strainer basket. The seal on the pump is a mechanical seal.The seal may come loose during the course of time,depending on the running time and water quality. If water continually leaks out, a new mechanical seal should be fitted.To replace a mechanical seal, remove the eight bolts holding the casing to the seal-housing. Slide the motor part including the seal-housing out. Remove impellernut by turning it counter-clockwise when facing it,while holding motor shaft with a 1/2” wrench at rear end of motor. Pull pump impeller from shaft and slide seal from impeller shaft. To re-assemble,reverse the process. (Use a drop of loctite to secure the impeller nut.) Note: Make sure both parts of the mechanical seal (ceramic and spring portion) are clean. Gently wipe polished faces with soft and dry cotton cloth.Surfaces can easily be damaged by dirt and scratching.Only water should be used as lubricant to mount both parts of the mechanical seal.REV. 071503 - Model 21 - 802999999926Suction and discharge line should be independentlysupported at a point near the pump to avoid strains being placed on the pump.It is advisable to install a gate valve and union in boththe suction and discharge line in the event that the pump must be removed for servicing.Model GSBefore starting the pump for the first time, remove the filler plug. Fill pump body with water until level with suction inlet. Replace plug, hand tight, making sure the O-ring is not damaged. (Does not apply to Model 2180/..G for flooded suction.)Model BSBefore starting the pump for the first time, remove the see-through lid. (Unscrew each of the four lid-knobs a little at a time, and continue this process until the whole lid comes off evenly, not tilted .) Fill strainer tank with water until level with suction inlet. Replace lid, making sure the O-ring is not damaged. Screw the four lid-knobs down evenly, hand tight.When installing and using the motor, basic safetyprecautions should always be followed. The wiring of motor should be done by a licensed electrician in accordance with local codes. Be certain that the motor frame is grounded. Motor name plate has voltage, phase, ampere draw and other motor information as well as wiring connection instructions.BONDING:As required by National Electrical Code Article 690-22, the pump motor must be electrically bonded to the pool structure (reinforced bars, etc.) by a solid copper conductor not smaller than #8 AWG via the external copper bonding lug on the pump motor.GROUNDING:Permanently ground the pump motor using a conductor of appropriate size. Connect to the #10 green headed ground screw provided inside the motor terminal box.NOTE:Do not connect to electric power supply until unit is permanently grounded.Make sure see-through lid and o-ring are clean and properly positioned. Tighten see-through lid (hand tight). Tighten all pipes and fittings on suction side of pump.Be sure water in pool is high enough to flow through skimmer.Make sure strainer tank is full of water.Open all valves in system. Clean skimmer and strainer tank. Open pump and check for clogging of impeller.Check voltage at motor. If low, pump will not come up to speed.Check that all power switches are on. Be sure fuse or circuit breaker is properly set.Time set properly? Check motor wiring at terminals.With power off, turn shaft. It should spin freely. If not, disassemble and repair.Back wash filter when filter pressure is high, or clean cartridges.Clean skimmer and pump strainer baskets.See problem 1.See problem 1.Noise when shaft is turned up by hand.Motor is hot in bearing area when running.Replace bearings.Increase size of electrical wire. Be sure motor is operating on correct voltage.Shield motor from sun’s rays.Do not tighten cover or enclose motor.a. Suction air leak.b. No water in pump.c. Closed valves or blocked lines.d. Low voltage to motor.a. No power to motor.b. Pump jammed.a. Dirty filter.b. Dirty skimmer basket.c. Suction air leak.d. Closed valves or blocked lines.a. Bad bearings.a. Low voltage.b. Installed in direct sun.c. Poor ventilation.1. Pump will not prime.2. Motor does not turn.3. Low flow.4. Noisy operation of motor.5. Motor runs hot.SECTION 6 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEPROBLEMPOSSIBLE CAUSESSOLUTIONThese motors will run hot to the touch, however, this is normal. They are designed that way. Thermal overload protector will function to turn them off if there is an overload or high temperature problem. Excessive heat can be caused by:SECTION 5 SERVICING INFORMATIONWhen calling the manufacturer regarding a question or problem with your pump, please have the serial number available. The serial number is located on the Speck Pump model label on the motor or pump flange.Replacement parts may be available from your installer.Call, fax, or write:Speck Pumps - Pool Products, Inc. • 8125 Bayberry Road • Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone(904)739-2626•Fax(904)737-5261•email:************************Repair leak. Check suction pipe, see-through lid in place? O-ring clean?Remove blockage or increase suction pipe size. Make sure strainer tank is clean. Are all suction valves fully open?Disassemble pump and remove foreign matter from impeller.Improve suction conditions. (Reduce suction lift, reduce number of fittings,increase pipe size.) Increase discharge pressure and reduce flow by throttling discharge valve.Check wiring diagram on motor.Check with volt meter. Increase size of supply wire. Report low supply voltage to power company. Voltage at motor must be within 10% of motor nameplate voltage.Heaters should be one size larger than full load amps shown on motor nameplate.Indicated by high amperage readings on motor, binding shaft. Disassemble unit and correct.a. Air leak in suction line. Bubblesin water returning to pool at inlet.b. Restricted suction line due to blockage or undersize pipe.Indicated by high vacuum reading at pump suction.c. Foreign matter (gravel, metal,etc.) in pump impeller.d. Cavitation.a. Motor is not connected properly.b. Low voltage due to undersize wire or low incoming voltage.c. Wrong size heaters in protective device.d. Overload due to binding in pump or wrong size impeller.PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSESSOLUTION6. Noisy operation of pump.7. Motor overload protection “kicks out.”SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS!LIMITED WARRANTYThe pump and motor are warranted to be free from defects in materialand workmanship for a period of twenty-four (24) months from the date that the pump is originally installed.Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, the warranties and obligations hereunder shall not in any event extend for more than 3 years beyond the date of shipment of the motor and the pump from the factory in Jacksonville, Florida.Warranty is void in the following cases: damages which result in wholeor in part from: (a) careless or improper installation of the pump or the motor; b) Improper or negligent use and maintenance of the pump or the motor; (c) tampering with the pump or the motor by unauthorized repair personnel.The manufacturer’s sole obligation hereunder shall be to replace orrepair any defective pump or motor. The manufacturer reserves the absolute right to determine whether any defective pump or motor should be replaced or repaired.Any customer who wishes to make a claim under this Limited Warranty shall notify the manufacturer of such claim by telephone or by mail. After the customer has been authorized to return a defective pump or motor, the customer must return the pump or motor to the manufacturer at 8125 Bayberry Road, Jacksonville,Florida 32256. Any goods returned to the manufacturer without prior authorization will be returned to the shipper unopened. Themanufacturer shall not bear any costs or risks incurred In shipping a defective pump or motor to the manufacturer or in shipping a repaired or replaced pump or motor to a customer.The manufacturer will charge customers for all nonwarranty workwhich it may perform. Warranty work will not be performed until the customer has accepted the price quoted.EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH ABOVE, NO OTHERWARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING,WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE MADE BY THE MANUFACTURER. IN NO EVENT WILL THE MANUFACTURER BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS, INCLUDING TIME, MONEY , GOODWILL, LOST PROFITS AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHER LEGAL THEORY , WHICH MAY ARISE HEREUNDER OR FROM THE USE, OPERATION OR MODIFICATION OF THE PUMP ,MOTOR OR ASSOCIATED PARTS, THE MAXIMUM LIABILITY OF THE MANUFACTURER HEREUNDER SHALL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT ACTUALLY PAID BY THE CUSTOMER FOR THE PUMP ,MOTOR, AND ASSOCIATED PARTS.Some states do not permit limitations on the terms of impliedwarranties or on the recovery of incidental or consequential damages. Accordingly, the limitations contained in paragraph 7 may not apply to certain customers.This warranty gives customers specific legal rights. Customers mayhave other rights which vary from state to state. of Installation____________________Installed By__________________________For Service Call________________________________The manufacturer supplies a limited warranty to the original consumer purchaser of the pump and the motor on the following terms and conditions:REV. 071503 - Model 21 - 802999999926。

怡可乐Aqua Balance Pure Comfort矿物质泳池和水疗系统型号2.0说明书

怡可乐Aqua Balance Pure Comfort矿物质泳池和水疗系统型号2.0说明书

1-800-354-5326ECOLAB Aqua Balance Pure Comfort Mineral Pool & Spa SystemUSER’S GUIDEMODEL 2.0INTRODUCTION (4)WARRANTY INFORMATION (5)SAFETY INFORMATION............................................................6-7 PREPARING YOUR WATER BEFORE INSTALLATION...................8-9 SALT CHART FOR CORRECT MAINTENANCE (10)TOOLS AND PARTS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION (11)INSTALLING YOUR SYSTEM – PLUMBING………….……………….12-13- ELECTRICAL (14)SPECIFICATIONS AND FUSE SIZING (15)STARTING THE SYSTEM (15)GENERAL OPERATION (16)MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING (17)Ecolab Aqua Balance Pure Comfort Mineral Pool & Spa System Model2.0CHLORINE GENERATORCONTROLS BACTERIA AND ALGAEinSwimming Pool (and Spa) WatersCOMMERCIALA maximum of 113,600 L of water can be treated withEcolab Aqua Balance Pure Comfort Mineral Pool & SpaSystem Model 2.0Maximum output of hypochlorous acid equivalent to 0.896 kgof free available chlorine per dayFor swimming pools, a range of 1.0 - 3.0 ppm of free available chlorinemust be maintained.For spas, a range of 3.0 - 5.0 ppm of free available chlorine must be maintained.KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDRENREAD THE LABEL AND OPERATING MANUAL BEFORE USINGREGISTRATION NO. 29705 PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ACT WARNING: Operating the Ecolab Aqua Balance Pure Comfort Mineral Pool & Spa System Model 2.0, without water flow through the cell can cause a buildup offlammable gaseswhich can result in FIRE OR EXPLOSION.NOTICE TO USER: This pest control product is to be used only in accordance with the directions on the label. It is an offence under the Pest Control Products Act, to use this product in a way that is inconsistent with the directions on the label.Ecolab Inc.1 Ecolab PlaceSt. Paul, MN 55102(1-800-354-5326)Titanium ElectrodeReplacement Electrode for the Ecolab Aqua Balance Pure Comfort Mineral Pool &Spa System, Model 2.0REGISTRATION NO. 29705 PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ACTThis electrode must only be used on this model of chlorine generating device.READ THE LABEL AND REFER TO OWNER'S MANUAL OF THE Ecolab Aqua Balance Pure Comfort Mineral Pool & Spa System Model 2.0, BEFORE USING.Ecolab Inc., 1 Ecolab Place, St. Paul, MN 55102Ecolab Inc.1 Ecolab PlaceSt. Paul, MN 551021-800-354-5326Patent # US 6821398B2EPA Est. # 082229-GA-001NSF-50 / UL-1081 listed Congratulations on purchasing your new ECOLAB saline chlorination system, we trust that this system will offer you the ultimate in swimming environments, and give you years of trouble free operation.This user’s manual will explain in detail the operation of your new system, as well as water chemistry guides, warranty information, and much more.If at any time you need additional information on your system, please feel free to contact us.The ECOLAB system carries a limited 3 year warranty1. 3 year warranty on assembly of electrical components and cellhousing.2. 1 year on all electrical items.3. 2 years or 15,000 hours, which ever occurs first, pro-rated hourly,on titanium electrodes. (Year 1 is warranted fully, thereafter pro-rated warranty applies, applicable over the full 2 year period) • ECOLAB advises that titanium electrodes will have to be replaced every 15,000 hours of operating time. Under no circumstances shall thereplacement titanium electrodes exceed the original 15,000 hour warranty.• ECOLAB warranties will not be honored should it be shown that the operating and maintenance procedures have not been followed,particularly with regard to the correct maintenance of salt concentrationand water chemistry.• ECOLAB warranties of the titanium electrodes will not be honored if the system is operated in water temperatures lower than 15 degrees C.• ECOLAB warranties of the titanium electrodes will not be honored if the system is operated in water where the salt concentration is lower than3000 ppm.• During the warranty period the customer shall return the defective component, freight prepaid, accompanied by the original invoice or proofof purchase, and ECOLAB shall at it’s sole discretion elect to repair orreplace the defective component and return it to the customer, freight pre- paid.ECOLAB accepts no responsibility other than to repair or replace a defective component, and this warranty specifically excludes product failure due to accidental damage, abuse, misuse, negligence, damage due to non-compliance of the operating manual or unauthorized alterations or modifications to the system. ECOLAB accepts no responsibility and is not liable for any extended warranties or variations to this warranty offered by re-sellers of ECOLAB systems.PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING SAFETY INFORMATION CAREFULLY!ECOLAB saline chlorination systems operate by utilizing the sodium chloride that has been added to the pool water, to produce sodium hypochlorite (liquid chlorine), through the process of electrolysis.In order for your ECOLAB system to operate correctly, sodium chloride (salt) must be added directly to the pool at least 24 hours before the installation of the equipment.5kg’s of sodium chloride must be added for every 1,000 litres of pool water (ie: a 200,000-litre pool will require 1,000 kg’s of salt for start-up).It is best to add the salt around the pool, and not load all salt in one section. Once the salt has been added, brush the surface of the pool continuously until the salt has all dissolved. You must never leave large amounts of salt on the surface of the pool, as this may cause damage to the pool surface.When you add the initial load of salt, you will need to add additional chlorine, as the salt will cause a chlorine demand.Your pool water should be balanced in the following range before turning your ECOLAB system on;Water balance parametersSwimming pool SpaFree available chlorine 1.0 – 3.0 ppm 3.0 – 5.0 ppmpH 7.2 – 7.8 7.2 – 7.8Total alkalinity 100 – 120 ppm 100 – 120 ppm Calcium hardness 200 – 300 ppm 150 – 200 ppm Cyanuric Acid (stabilizer) 30 – 100 ppm 30 – 100 ppmSalt rangesSwimming pool SpaSalt level 4,000 – 5,000 ppm 4,000 – 5,000 ppmNOTE: Low salt levels will cause a reduction in chlorine production and will damage the device. High salt levels will increase the possibility of corrosion on pool equipment.NOTE: If too much salt has been added, dilute with fresh water.Use standard test kits to check water chemistry, and use either a conductivity tester or salt test strip to check saline levels.(Note that most conductivity testers require frequent calibration to ensure accurate readings, failure to calibrate the equipment will result in inaccurate readings.)How to Calculate volume of a poolFor a rectangular shaped poolLength (ft) x Width (ft) x Average Depth (ft) x 7.5 x 3.8 = Litres of waterFor an oval and round shaped poolAverage length (ft) x Average Width (ft) x Average Depth (ft) x 5.9 x 3.8 = Litres of waterYour ECOLAB system will include an installation kit comprising of the following items:Description QtyStrainer clear bowl with 20 mesh 1PVC ball valve Sch. 40 2PVC male adaptor Sch. 40 4PVC nipple SCH 80 2PVC bushing Threaded 12PVC union S EPDM w/oO-ring Sch. 80 threadedAkenstrut clamps 2Polypropylene valve, speed fit 2Elbow street 90, SCH 80 2Salt test strips 1Additionally you will need the following items, not included, to complete the installation:• Polypropylene tubing• Flex PVC tubing• Wall anchors• Disconnect box, fuse box, conduit, wiring and related material to supply 220v to systems (220v systems only)The following tools will be required to complete the installation: Power Tools Drill BitsDrill Hole sawHammer Drill Paddle bitSteel bit drill setMason bitHand Tools TapsSet of sockets 2.5cmHammer 0.9cmScrew Drivers – Flat & PhillipsWire StrippersPVC Cutters Hand Tools cont..24” Level Tape MeasureSlip joint pliers Teflon TapeCrescent wrench Allen WrenchesTrue RMS Clamp MeterWire CuttersYour ECOLAB system can be plumbed using two different methods. Both will work fine, however, the following must be taken into account before making the decision of what method to use.1. Your ECOLAB system requires a minimum of 75 Lpm of flow through thecell to produce the rated amount of chlorine. Be sure that if you use thepressure drop plumbing method [1] you have sufficient pressure drop across your filter to adequately flow 75 Lpm through the cell.2. When using the pressure drop plumbing method [1], you are sendingun-filtered water through the cell, so you need to ensure that you clean the included strainer at least 1 time per week to remove any debris. Failure toclean the strainer will result in a lack of flow, reducing chlorine production, and ultimately reducing flow to the point that the flow switch de-activates thesystem.3. If you elect to use the bypass plumbing method [2], you will need to purchasea butterfly valve based on the size of the pipe you are using. This cansometimes be cost prohibitive, but the upside of this plumbing method is that you are sending filtered water through the cell, which reduces the frequency of needing to clean the strainer. Bypass plumbing method [2] also generallyallows for more flow through the cell, which is recommended.4. Remember, always ensure that the return line from the ECOLAB cell isplumbed after the heater. Never plumb the return line before the heater, as you will be sending a high ppm of chlorine through heater, which may cause damage.5. No matter which plumbing method you use, you will always have to plumb thecooling line into box 3 (rectifier) using filtered water. This cooling line allows the heat sink in box 3 to cool the critical components.1213ECOLAB power supply ECOLABECOLAB cellNOTES:THE SUCTION SIDE OF THE PUMP AND AFTER THE FILTER. ALWAYS USE FILTERED WATER.IF THERE IS A CONTROLLER PRESENT, THE OUTLET LINE THAT FEEDS THE CONTROLLER PROBES COULD BE CONNECTED TO THE RECTIFIER.NOTES:THE RECTIFIER COOLING LINES MUST BE CONNECTED FROM THE SUCTION SIDE OF THE PUMP AND AFTER THE FILTER. ALWAYS USE FILTERED WATER.ALTERNATIVELY, IF THERE IS A CONTROLLER PRESENT, THE OUTLET LINE THAT FEEDS THE CONTROLLER PROBES COULD BE CONNECTED TO THE RECTIFIER.ECOLAB power supply ECOLAB cell14Each ECOLAB model has very specific wiring requirements based on its line voltage and amperage draw.• Model 2.0 operates at 110 – 120v. A power cord will be supplied out of the power box. Plug this into any standard 110 – 120v outlet. As above, the cord labeled ORP must be plugged into a controller, or a 120v outlet.• Your ECOLAB system must be wired to the main pump power supply, so that if the pump is shut down, the power to your ECOLAB system is lost.MODEL: MAX PRIMARY ACAMPSSYSTEM INPUT VOLTAGE BREAKER REQUIRED 2.03.7110 – 120v20ampFusesizing:Model Fuse size and type2.010amp dual element, slow blow, RK5 fuseOnce your ECOLAB system has been successfully wired and plumbed, it is ready for use.• Make sure that the valves to and from the cell are in the open position.• Make sure that you have water flowing through the water-cooled heat sink in box 3.• Ensure that the cord labeled ORP is either plugged into a controller or directly into a 110v outlet1. Move the safety switch to the “on” position.2. Wait 10 seconds for the system to respond.3. Turn the black knob on the side of box 1 clockwise, and watch theamp or voltmeter on box 3 slowly increase.(If your system is linked to an automatic ORP controller, we suggest youturn the system to maximum, which will allow for full production every timethe controller calls for it. If you are running your system manually you willneed to find the point at which you keep a satisfactory level of chlorine inthe water. It may take several days to find this point.• If your ECOLAB system is linked to an automatic controller, remember that it will only work when the controller is in feed mode. It is also a goodidea to make sure that your controller is not set in proportional band mode, instead try using double set point control (if your controller supports thisfunction). An example of this is if you want to maintain a 700 ORP, havethe controller set to turn on at 695 ORP and turn off at 705 ORP, that wayyour ECOLAB system is not switching on and off all the time.(Call the manufacturer of your controller if you are having difficulties incomprehending the saline chlorination system set up instructions. Mostcontrollers also require a “gold tip” ORP probe when working with a salinechlorination system.)15Your ECOLAB system operates when power is activated by the main pumps, and from your ORP controller, and will continue to operate for as long as poweris applied from those two sources.• The system has an output range of 5-100% of the rated chlorine production, and can be adjusted by turning the black knob of the side ofbox 1 in a clockwise or anti-clockwise motion. When adjusting the controlknob on the side of box 1, you will notice the amperage needle of thegauge on box 3 increases or decreases.Higher amperage = higher chlorine production.Normal operating amps and volts for this model device are:➢ 2.0 - 10 amps @ 15v• Water flow through the ECOLAB cell is critical. Whether you plumbed your system in using the pressure drop or bypass method, please ensurethat you have at least 75 Lpm through the cell to achieve the ratedchlorine production.** Remember, your ECOLAB system is a chlorine generator, andwill only operate as well as you maintain it. Careful attention mustalways be paid to proper chemical balancing, and regular service.16Your ECOLAB systems is designed to operate 24/7 at max power, and will give you years of trouble free use if you follow these basic maintenance and cleaning instructions.• Remember, this system produces sodium hypochlorite “liquid chlorine” from the salt that you have added to the water. It will only continue to operatecorrectly if salt is maintained at the correct 5000ppm level. Low salt will lower the amount of chlorine produced, and cause damage to the electrolytic cell.(Warranty’s will not be honored if it is determined that salt has been run low.)• There is a strainer mounted at the bottom of your ECOLAB cell, which will trap debris and stop it from entering the cell, this strainer needs to be cleaned regularly.• The plates that are inside the PVC cell housing are the most critical part of the system. You will notice that over time a white substance (calcium minerals)will build up on the plates, especially at the top of the cell. This buildup needs to be cleaned by removing the cell from the housing and soaking it in a dilute muriatic solution (1:5) for about 10 – 15 minutes. Reverse polarity systems will need to be cleaned every 3 – 6 months. (Warranty’s will not be honored if it isdetermined that the cell has not been cleaned regularly.) Muriatic acid is corrosive,please follow safety instructions and wear protective clothing. To avoid splash, always ADD MURIATIC ACID TO WATER, rather than water to muriatic acid.• Remember, the titanium plates that make up the cell are the most expensive part of the ECOLAB system and are going to need to bereplaced roughly every 15,000 hours of operating time. By ensuring that salt is always at the correct level, and plates are cleaned regularly, youwill increase their “life”, thus saving you money…ECOLAB offers a wide range of other products that can help you maintain salt levels in your pool, including conductivity controllers and saturated salt feeders for those pools that loose large amounts of water.。

Waterco 泳池泵使用说明书

Waterco 泳池泵使用说明书

BOMBAS / 水泵Installation andOperation Manual /Guide d’installationet d’utilisation /Installations- undBetriebsanleitung /Manual de instalacióny funcionamiento /安装与 操作手册Including / Dont / Einschließlich / Incluyendo / 包括N otice to installer / Consignes destinées à l’installateur / H inweis für denInstallateur / Nota para el instalador / 安装人员注意事项This manual contains important information about the installation, operation andsafe use of this product. Once the product has been installed this manual mustbe given to the owner/ operator of this equipment.Ce manuel contient des informations importantes concernant l’installation,l’exploitation et l’utilisation en toute sécurité de ce produit. Une fois ce produitinstallé, il faut remettre ce manuel au propriétaire / exploitant de cetéquipement.Dieses Handbuch enthält wichtige Informationen über die Installation, denBetrieb und die sichere Verwendung dieses Produkts. Nach der Installation desProdukts muss diese Anleitung dem Besitzer/Betreiber des Geräts übergebenwerden.Este manual contiene información importante sobre la instalación, elfuncionamiento y el uso seguro de este producto. Una vez se haya instalado elproducto, este manual debe entregarse al propietario/operador del equipo.本手册包含关于安装、操作和安全使用本产品的重要信息。



佛山市南海区智科电子有限公司 佛山市南海区智科电子有限公司1一.概述该芯片是为泠热泳池机系列机型(单系统)而开发设计,主要特点如下: 1) 有制冷、制热两种运行模式;2)既可线控,亦可脱离线控单独由联动开关信号控制其具体运行。




6) 主机与远程控制器的通讯距离不少于100米。

7) 抗干扰强,性能稳定可靠。

二.系统框图控制基本模型2.1系统框图2.2控制原理1) 室外主机接远程控制器或应急开关的指令运行制冷、制热; 2) 远程控制器可改变运行参数,并可将运行参数传送至室外主机; 3) 室外主机检测室外的运行状况,并将运行信息(故障信息)传送至远程控制器;三、远程控制器3.1键盘定义及其显示 “”键:用于开/关机控制。



和“ ”“ ”键配合使用可调节定时开机时间。


和“ ”“ ”键配合使用可调节定时关机时间。


和“ ”“ ”键配合使用可调节时间。

“”和“ ”键:可作为组合键,用于键盘锁定设置。

四、运行模式4.1制冷模式4.1.1 温度的设定进水温度设定值T SETC 范围10-30℃(参数00),初始设定温度12℃。

4.1.2 运行的程序四通阀得电,水泵开,压机根据进水温度T IN 和T SETC 的值来决定开停: 回差2℃。

4.2 制热模式4.2.1 温度的设定进水温度设定值T SETH 范围18-35℃(参数01),初始设定温度35℃。

4.2.2 正常制热四通阀失电,水泵开,压机根据进水温度T IN 和T SETH 的值来决定开停: 回差2℃。



POOL HEATERMODELS:CE SERIES 12, 15 & 18kW208V, 240V, 480VCPH SERIES 24 & 30kW 208V, 240V, 480VPHS SERIES 36, 45, 54 & 57kW 208V, 240V, 480VWARNINGOnly qualified personnel, as defined by National Electric Code Article 100, should install and maintain this equipment. Unauthorized alteration or improper maintenance of this unit may release the manufacturer from any warranty claims. The installation must be in accordance with the instructions in this manual and applicable localplumbing and electrical codes.CAUTIONTHE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 680 OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE.BEFORE YOU BEGINCHECK ALL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS TO ALL COMPONENTS WITHIN THE HEATER FOR TIGHTNESS. CONNECTIONS CANBECOME LOOSE DURING SHIPMENT AND HANDLING.INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCEPublication 11/13IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWhen using this electrical equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following.1) READ AND FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS.2) To reduce the risk of injury.A) The water in a pool or tub should never exceed 104°F (40°C). A water temperature in excess of104°F is considered unsafe for all persons. Lower water temperatures are recommended forextended use (exceeding 10-15 minutes) and for young children.B) Since excessive water temperatures have a high potential for causing fetal damage during theearly months of pregnancy, pregnant or possibly pregnant women should limit pool or tub water temperatures to 100°F (38°C).C) Before entering a pool or tub, the user should measure the water temperature at several occupantlocations using an accurate thermometer since the tolerance of water temperature-regulatingdevices may vary as much as ± 5°F (± 3°C).D) Alcohol, drugs or medications should not be used before or during pool or tub use since their usemay lead to unconsciousness with the possibility of drowning.E) Obese persons and persons with a medical history of heart disease, low or high blood pressure,circulatory system problems, or diabetes should consult a physician before using a pool or tub.F) Persons using medication should consult a physician before using a pool or tub since somemedication may induce drowsiness while other medication may affect heart rate, blood pressure, and circulation.3) SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS.---WARNING---DANGER OF HYPERTHERMIAHyperthermia occurs when the internal temperature of the body reaches a level several degrees above the normal body temperature of 98.6°F. The symptoms of hyperthermia include dizziness, fainting, drowsiness, lethargy and an increase in the internal temperature of the body. The effects of hyperthermia include:a) Unawareness of impending hazard;b) Failure to perceive heat;c) Failure to recognize the need to exit pool or tub; d) Physical inability to exit pool or tub;e) Fetal damage in pregnant women;f ) Unconsciousness resulting in a danger ofdrowning.WARNING--- The use of alcohol, drugs or medications can greatly increase the risk of fatal hyperthermia in pools and tubs.Page 2INTRODUCTIONThis manual provides installation procedures, operating and maintenance instructions and a parts list for the Coates Pool Heater.Your Coates Electric Swimming Pool Heater has been designed and engineered to provide you with the most progressive quality heating system possible. Its operation is efficient and pollution-free. Models are available for every size or make of pool.To insure a long life of trouble-free service, your Coates Pool Heater should be carefully installed in accordance with the instructions given in this manual. Failure to do so may damage the pool heater and the pool equipment to which it is connected. Only qualified personnel should install and maintain this unit, and, of course, local plumbing and electrical codes have precedence over these instructions.1.0 DESCRIPTIONThe Coates Swimming Pool Heater consists of a heating tank with external enclosure, and the electrical heating and control system. In order to help maintain the heater in a satisfactory manner, a brief description of its components and their operation is included for the customer’s convenience.The pressure vessel and its enclosure comprise the main mechanical portion of the pool heater.The pressure vessel, in conjunction with the flow switch and heating element are the only portions of this equipment in contact with the water.The external enclosure is a sheet steel case totally enclosing the pressure vessel and electrical components. The enclosure is coated with a rust inhibiting, powder coat finish.The electrical system, which is the heart of this unit, can be considered as three separate systems engineered to provide optimum use of energy. They are as follows: (1) The heating elements; mounted on a four-bolt flange. There are 2, 3 or 4 elements.(2) The control system; consists of the pilot switch, high limit thermostat, flow switch, temperature control, magnetic contactors, 240V transformer (480V units only) and sequencer (on some single phase units only). These controls are wired into a control circuit designedto control the temperature of the water leaving the heater. The high-limit thermostat is designed to open the control circuit and cut off the power in the event of excessive temperature.A flow switch is built-in to prevent the pool heater from operating without water flow. The flow switch will activate at flow rates of 20 GPM or greater.(3) The main current-carrying components; are the contactors and fuses. These are wired into circuits which carry the full amperage draw of the elements. The contactors open during a high temperature conditionto de-energize the elements.The element fuses in these units are rated at 60 Amps and have an interrupting capacity of 100,000 Amps rms. These fuses provide supplemental circuit protection for the internal wiring of the heater.The heater has a temperature controller adjustable up to 104°F(40°C) and has one manual reset type high temperature limit thermostat set at 118°F (48°C).2.0 LOCATION AND PLUMBINGA. Installation: LocationCoates swimming pool heaters are quiet, do not expel exhaust fumes, and may be conveniently located in a shed or basement. Normal positioning of the pool heater should be in close proximity to the pool filtration system. Select a location conveniently close to incoming electrical service and where excessively long piping runs are not required.Minimum clearance:PHS/CPH CE Front 36 (914)# 36 (914)#Left 18 (457) 4 (102)Right * 4 (102)Top 18 (457) 20 (508)Back 6(153) * * Required clearance is based on plumbing configuration used.# Refer to NEC Table 110.26 (A)(1)- Dimensions: Inches (mm)- Temperature control is located on the front side.Page 3B. Installation: PlumbingPipe the heater as shown in Figure 2 to the inlet and outlet openings on the right side. Connect the heater in line between the filter discharge and pool. The water line coming from the filter should be connected to the heater inlet, and the discharge line to the pool should be connected to the outlet. The pool will not heat properly unless it is plumbed correctly. If plastic pipe is used, it should be suitable for at least 120°F(49 °C).A plumbing bypass around the pool heater is not necessary unless flow rate though the heater exceeds 80 GPM. A minimum flow rate of 20 GPM is required. Lack of sufficient flow will not allow the flow switch to activate the heater.It may be necessary, in larger Olympic-sized or public pools, to use two or more heaters to obtain sufficient KW capacity. If so, the heaters must be placed in parallel, so that each heater takes equal flow.DRAINAGE: A method of draining water away from the heater and other equipment is to be provided. The heater should be flushed at the end of each swimming season. During flushing or service, water may be spilled and could cause damage to the floor or other equipment. A drain valve is to be installed in the INLET plumbing.3.0 ELECTRICALINSTALLATION1. C heck nameplate rating to insure the heatermatches your electrical supply.2. C HECK ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS TO ALLCOMPONENTS within the heater for tightness.These can become loose during shipment and handling.3. C heck components for any moisture, rust, or dustwhich may have accumulated during shipping, and clean or dry where necessary.All pool heaters covered in this manual have integral thermostats, transformers, contactors and sequencers where required.Wiring diagrams included show internal wiring and required field connections for various models. Consult your local electrical code for proper wire and conduit sizes, and other local requirements.Do not connect the pool heater to, or operate at, a voltage other than the voltage rated on the nameplate. Bring wires of adequate size from a fused disconnect switch or circuit breaker with an ampere rating of 125% of the ampere rating shown on heater nameplate. Refer to Table 1 for wire sizes. Connect power conductors to the power distribution block inside the heater. All other internal connections are completedand tested at the factory.Ground wires must be insulated copper conductor andthe same size as supply wiring, but not less than #12 AWG.Table 1WIRE SIZE: AWGKW240V/1Ø 208V/3Ø 240V/3Ø 480V/3Ø124 8 8 12154 6 8 10183 4 610241 3 4 830 2/0 2 3836 3/01 2 845 250MCM 2/0 1/0 454 350MCM 3/0 2/0357 350MCM 3/0 2/0 3Suggested size for insulated copper conductorwires. Based on 125% correction factor for wirewith 75°C insulation.A. To Connect Pool Heater to Power SupplyThe pool heaters with load ratings over 48 Amps have branch supplemental fusing already installed in the element circuitry; see wiring diagrams. To connect tothe power supply, one needs only to protect the main supply lines, either with a circuit breaker or fused disconnect switch (Figure 1). Suggested wire sizes are shown in Table 1.Figure 1B. Startup Procedure:1. Make sure that the pump is on and that there is atleast 20 GPM flow through the pool heater. Theheating elements will fail prematurely if allowed tooperate with insufficient water flow.2. Check temperature control setting, also, examinewiring for loose connections, etc.3. Turn on power at main disconnect switch.4. Turn on pilot switch on pool heater.If the high temperature manual reset high limit switch shuts off the heater, disconnect power at disconnect switch and determine the cause before resetting.Page 44.0 CONTROL PANELA. INDICATOR LIGHTSThe control has three indicator lights and a lighted ON-OFF rocker switch. The lights are as follows:STATUS LIGHTSLIGHT DESCRIPTION (when Illuminated ) ON-OFF Heater has power to control circuit. RESET High Temperature limit is OK. FLOW Sufficient water flow through heater. ELEMENTHeating elements are powered.B. DIGITAL THERMOSTAT CONTROLFor heaters equipped with a digital thermostat. The digital thermostat control which measures the temperature of the water as it enters the heater has a MENU button, up and down adjustment buttons, and an LED display. The desired water temperature (set point) is controllable between 40°F and 104°F (5°C and 40°C). The set point may differ from the actual water temperature at the pool or spa due to heat loss in the piping.MENU:The MENU button cycles through the three menu items: Measured Water Temperature (default), SET POINT and °F/°C.ADJUSTING THE SET POINT:Press one of the following buttons; MENU,or . The display will momentarily blank and then the current set point will be displayed. Press the or button to change the set point. Hold the button down for rapid temperature changes.The set point will be saved and the display will return to the measured temperature after two seconds of inactivity.OPERATION:In the measured temperature mode, the water temperature in the heater is displayed. The LED corresponding to the current temperature scale will be illuminated. If the heater is calling for heat the HEATING LED will be illuminated.FAHRENHEIT TO CELCIUS:Press the MENU button twice and the current temperature scale will be displayed ( F or C ). Press the or buttons to toggle between F and C.The temperature scale will be saved and the display will return to the measured temperature after two seconds of inactivity.ERROR CODE:The display will read “Err” when it detects a problem with the temperature sensor. This can be caused by a faulty sensor or a loose connection between the sensor and the temperature controller.5.0 MAINTENANCEElement Inspection and Replacement:1. Turn off power at main disconnect switch and turnoff pump.2. Drain pool heater.3. Remove service access panel opposite inlet/outlet.4. Disconnect element wires.5. Remove the four (4) element flange retaining nutsand extract element.6. Installation is the reverse of steps 1 through 5.(Reinstall element with new gasket)When closing down the pool for any length of time, shut off the power at the main disconnect switch and drain the water from the system. Water must not be allowed to freeze in the heater, as this will cause severe damage.Annual Cleaning:Yearly, before winter, the pool heater should be drained and cleaned to remove any scale or sludge. More frequent cleaning may be required if pool water contains sediment or any amount of foreign matter. 1. Turn off heater at main disconnect switch. 2. Open drain valve.3. Permit water to run until it is clear.4. Close valve and restart normally.Page 5T O T A L k W P E R H E A T E R A M P E R A G E A T F U L L L O A DE L E M E N T S P E R H E A T E RF U S E , F -1, S C -60, 60A /480V F U S E , F -5, F N Q -R -1, 1A /600VF U S E , F -6, F N Q -R -1/2, 0.5A /600VT 5, X F M R 480V /240V -50V AC R -7 C O N T A C T O R 3P , 208/240V C O I L R S -2 R O C K E R S W I T C H , L I G H T ED 240VT S -1 H I G H T E M P . L I M I TP L -1, 2 & 4, P I L O T L I G H T , A M B E R 120/240VP L -3, P I L O T L I G H T , A M B E R 480VE L E M E N T G A S K E TF L O W S W I T C H1834717101199136C O M P O N E N T S290189102901631029016305220122002100100016C R -8 C O N T A C T O R 4P , 208/240V C O I L21001300230015212200382029034620290346484400025023000105P A R T N o .12412C E 12415C E 12418C E 12424C P H 12430C P H 12436P H S 12445P H S 12454P H S 12457P H S S I N G L E P H A S E 240V12151836243045545732012C E 32015C E 32018C E 32024C P H 32030C P H 32036P H S 32045P H S 32054P H S 32057P H S T H R E E P H A S E 208V 12151836243045545732412C E 32415C E 32418C E 32424C P H 32430C P H 32436P H S32445P H S 32454P H S 32457P H ST H R E E P H A S E 240V 12151836243045545734812C E 34815C E 34818C E 34824C P H 34830C P H 34836P H S 34845P H S 34854P H S 34857P H S T H R E E P H A S E 480V121518362430455457H E A T E R M O D E L N o .I L L U S T R A T I O N I T E M N o .5164771021281531912252383450426784101126150158303745597489111130137151922293769655544222223222222222222222334433333444444666666666666612121212121210109999222222222222222222222222222222222222111111P O O L H E A T E R P A R T S L I S T -N11111111111114477882255775522772222222221333111222222222111111111222222222222222222444444444442243333333333333333333333333334444P O O L H E A T E R P A R T S L I S T M O D E L S C E , C P H & P H S111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111222222111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111E L E M E N T , 6 k W , 208V1220006036E L E M E N T , 9 k W , 208V1220006029E L E M E N T , 12 k W , 208V1220006003E L E M E N T , 15 k W , 208V1220006004E L E M E N T , 6 k W , 240V1220006046E L E M E N T , 9 k W , 240V1220006039E L E M E N T , 12 k W , 240V 1220006009E L E M E N T , 15 k W , 240V1220006010E L E M E N T , 6 k W , 480V1220006056E L E M E N T , 9 k W , 480V1220006049E L E M E N T , 12 k W , 480V1220006015E L E M E N T , 15 k W , 480V122000601621122233223121122233223121122233223121122233223122331521005505K -7 S E Q U E N C E T I M E R 1-P O L E111421006010R E L A Y , 30A M P , S P S T , N O111111111111111111111111111111111111T S -3 D I G I T A L P O O L S T A T 822002150Page 7Proper water balance is important to extending the life of your CoatesHeater. While pH control is critical, the control of alkalinity and calciumhardness will protect against scaling and also help to prevent corrosion.ACID ALKALINEHEATERCAN BEDAMAGEDCORROSIVEWATERIDEALRANGEALKALINEWATER0 1 2 3 4 5 6 77.2-7.88 910 11 12 13 14HEATERCAN BEDAMAGED The correct level of sanitizer, pH, total alkalinity and calcium hardness will very, dependingon the type of pool (plaster, fiberglass or vinyl) and the chemical content of the fill water.Water that is out of balance can damage your pool heater and void the warranty. Thisheater is not for use in salt water pools.PROTECTING YOUR COATES HEATERWITH PROPER WATER CHEMISTRYWATER CHEMISTRYPLUMBING CONNECTIONSPage 8HEATER GROUNDSINGLE PHASE 208V –24 & 30kW 240V –24 & 30kWMODEL CPH 1BC2430H1234PL2 "FLOW"J4J3TS3AC ACC NOJ9TEMPISOLATED BUSTB1 FOR REMOTE TEMPERATURE CONTROL (IF USED).FLOW SWITCHCR7GROUNDGROUNDHEATER GROUND SEE INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR COMPONENT SINGLE PHASE 208V –12, 15 & 18kW 240V –12, 15 & 18kW3.IDENTIFICATION.4.ALL WIRING TO BE 105°C INSULATED, MINIMUM.CONTROL CIRCUIT WIRING; 14 AWG.POWER CIRCUIT WIRING; AS NOTED.B = BLACK R = RED LEGEND;5.W = WHITEHEATING ELEMENTSMODEL CE 6. HEATING ELEMENT QTY/RATING;12kW = 2 @ 6kW15kW = 1 @ 6kW & 1 @ 9kW 18kW = 2 @ 9kW1BC1218G12CR71234PL2 "FLOW"J4J3TS3AC ACC NOJ9TEMPISOLATED Page 9F11234J4AC ACNOJ9HEATER 36 & 45kW 36 & 45kWHEATING ELEMENTS1BC3645G1234J4AC ACNOJ9Page 10PL1 "ELEMENT"1234FLOWPL2 "FLOW"J3TS3ACC NOTEMPISOLATED BUS1234K8J4J3TS3AC ACC NOJ9W RTEMPISOLATED BUSPage 11HEATER GROUND THREE PHASE 208V –36 & 45kW 240V –36 & 45kWHEATING ELEMENTSMODEL PHS 3BC3645G1234J4TS3AC ACNO J91234ACNOPage 12THREE PHASE 12, 15 & 18kWHEATING ELEMENTSMODEL CE 3J1218JTHREE PHASE 208V –54 & 57kW 240V –54 & 57kWHEATING ELEMENTSMODEL PHS 3BC5457JPage 1336kWHEATING ELEMENTS3J36HXF1234FLOWJ4J2AC ACNOJ91234ACNOPage 141234J4AC ACNOJ91234J4TS3AC ACNOJ9Page 15LIMITED WARRANTYThe company extends this limited warranty to the original purchaser of a Coates Electric Pool Heater.Coates warrants the electrical components* and wiring (excluding enclosure, enclosure parts, knobs and accessories) in this new Pool Heater to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for one (1) year from the provable date of purchase, or eighteen (18) months from date of factory shipment, whichever occurs first. Coates further warrants the stainless steel water containment vessel to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for two (2) years from the provable date of purchase or thirty (30) months from the factory shipment, whichever occurs first. Enclosure, enclosure parts, knobs and accessories have no warranty whatsoever.*Exception: Factory installed heating elements are warranted for ninety 90 days from the date of heater installation, or eighteen (18) months from date of factory shipment, whichever occurs first.COATES will repair or replace at its option, defective component parts as explained above, during the warranty period provided such parts are returned to the factory, freight prepaid. Factory authorization MUST BE OBTAINED under this warranty before returning such defective parts.Limited Warranty Does Not Cover1. New products purchased outside the United States of America and Canada.2. Uncrating, unpacking, set-up, installation and / or startup of this unit.3. Adjustments to controls normally operated by consumer, purchaser or installer.4. This limited warranty does not extend to any defect, malfunction or failure caused by, or resulting from improperservice, maintenance or repair, abuse, neglect, accident, corrosion caused by improper water chemistry or byequipment that use salt to create a sanitizer, lack of water, or any other cause beyond the control of CoatesHeater Company, Inc. or to any product where the nameplate shall have been removed, altered, replaced, defaced or rendered illegible.5. This limited warranty is void if the Heater is used in a salt water system or under any extreme or unusualcorrosive condition for which stainless steel metals would not be recommended.6. This limited warranty does not extend to the repair or replacement of defective components except at COATES or aservice facility authorized by COATESIMPLIED WARRANTIES, WHEN APPLICABLE, SHALL COMMENCE UPON THE SAME DATE AS THE EXPRESS WARRANTY PROVIDED ABOVE, AND SHALL, EXCEPT FOR WARRANTIES OF TITLE, EXTEND ONLY FOR THE DURATION OF THE EXPRESS WARRANTY. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THE ONLY REMEDY PROVIDED TO YOU UNDER AN APPLICABLE IMPLIED WARRANTY AND THE EXPRESS WARRANTY SHALL BE THE REMEDY PROVIDED UNDER THE EXPRESS WARRANTY, SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED THEREIN.COATES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL AND CONSEQUENTIAL LOSSES AND DAMAGES, UNDER THE EXPRESS WARRANTY, ANY APPLICABLE IMPLIED WARRANTY, OR CLAIMS FOR NEGLIGENCE, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT THIS LIMITATION IS FOUND TO BE UNENFORCEABLE UNDER APPLICABLE STATE LAW.SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE.HEATER COMPANY, INC.P.O. Box 1750Kent, WA 98035P/N 90007001 1/13。

lovibond 水质检测 tintometer 泳池管理器 pm 600 使用说明书

lovibond 水质检测 tintometer 泳池管理器 pm 600 使用说明书

Lovibond ® Water TestingTintometer ®GroupPM 600泳池管理器。

所有泳池参数都在一台仪器中大型存储器PM 6xx 系列的设备最多可存储 1000 个数据组。

先进技术红外线 (PM 600 / PM 620) 或 Bluetooth ® (PM 630) 可用于数据传输。

PM 600 和 PM 620 设备可通过模块连接 PC,PM 630 可通过Bluetooth ® 连接至 AquaLX ® App。

所有重要参数从 A(碱度 M)到 W(过氧化氢),测量最重要的泳池参数。

可选择提供 10 个 (PM 600) 或 34 个参数 (PM 620 / PM 630)。


灵活性从不同的剂型中选择 - 片剂、液体指示剂或粉末试剂:通过 PM 6xx 系列,您可以使用所有类型的试剂。

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这些设备配备多达 34 种检测方法和一个最多可存储 1000 个数据组的存储器。

PM 630 提供一个 Bluetooth ® 接口,不采用红外数据传输。


测量范围Test Name测量范围化学方法2T 钙硬度20 - 500 mg/L CaCO3紫脲酸铵HR T 氯0.1 - 10 mg/L Cl2a)DPDHR T 碱度-m 5 - 500 mg/L CaCO3酸性 /指示剂LR T 磷酸盐0.05 - 4 mg/L PO4磷钼蓝T pH 值 6.5 - 8.4 pH苯酚红T 次氯酸盐0.2 - 16 % NaOCl碘化钾T 氯0.01 - 6.0 mg/L Cl2a)DPDT 氰10 - 160 mg/L CyA三聚氰胺T 溴0.05 - 13 mg/L Br2DPDT 碱度-m 5 - 200 mg/L CaCO3酸性 /指示剂T 臭氧0.02 - 2 mg/L O3DPD / 甘氨酸T 铁0.02 - 1 mg/L Fe Ferrozine/巯乙酸盐T 铜0.05 - 5 mg/L Cu a)双喹啉Technical Data光学性质发光二极管 - 光电传感器 - 在带有干扰滤光片的透明测量井内配对波长精度± 1 nm光度精度 2 % FS (T = 20 °C – 25 °C)适用比色皿比色管 24 mm显示图形显示器数据接口紅外線操作耐酸且耐溶剂的触感薄膜键盘,通过内置蜂鸣器提供声音反馈Auto – OFF是更新通过互联网更新软件内置存储器约 1,000 个数据组电源4个电池 (Mignon AA/LR6)电池寿命约 26 小时蜂鸣器可用便携性台式环境条件5-40 °C,对应 相对湿度 30-90 %(非冷凝)保护等级IP 68一致性CE多语言操作界面德文, 英文, 法文, 意大利, 西班牙, 葡萄牙, 波兰, 印尼尺寸95 x 45 x 210 mm重量450 g辅料标题货号样本收集器,500 ml 瓶和盖,AF 631170500电池 (AA),4 件套1950025组合比色杯 3, 12 件套197605带盖的圆形比色杯 Ø24mm,高 48 mm,10 ml,12 件套197620用于 24 mm 圆形比色杯的比色杯密封圈,12 件套197626圆形比色杯,盖子直径 Ø 24 mm,高 48 mm,10 ml,5 件套197629清洁布197635圆形比色杯,盖子直径 Ø 16 mm,高 90 mm,10 ml,10 件套197665圆形比色杯 16 mm 适配器19802190 Fixed price service package for PM600/PM620/PM63019802704 Service plan - 3 years for PM600/PM620/PM63019802804更新电缆用于连接 PC214030红外数据传输模块 IRiM214050氯参考标准套件 0.2 和 1.0 mg/l (MD/PM 600 series)215630氯参考标准套件 0.5 和 2.0 mg/l (MD/PM 600 series)215635氯参考标准套件 1.0 和 4.0 mg/l (MD/PM 600 series)215636 pH 参考标准套件 7.45 pH (MD/PM 600 series)215665验证标准套件 PM 光度计215680塑料搅拌棒,长 13 cm364100塑料搅拌棒,长 10 cm364109塑料搅拌棒,长 13 cm,10 件套364120塑料搅拌棒,长 10 cm,10 件套364130塑料注射器,5 ml366120 500 ml 瓶子,AF 631375069量杯,100 ml384801试样瓶支架,用于 6 个Ø 24 mm 圆形试样瓶418951带把手的塑料漏斗471007 ValidCheck 氯 1.5 mg/l48105510 Factory calibration certificate ISO 9001 for PM600/PM620/PM630999751Tintometer GmbH Lovibond® Water Testing Schleefstraße 8-12 44287 Dortmund Tel.: +49 (0)231/94510-0 ****************** 德国The Tintometer LimitedLovibond HouseSun Rise WayAmesbury, SP4 7GRTel.: +44 (0)1980 664800Fax: +44 (0)1980 625412*****************英国Tintometer ChinaRoom 1001, China Life Tower16 Chaoyangmenwai Avenue,Beijing, 100020Customer Care China Tel.: 4009021628Tel.: +86 10 85251111 App. 330Fax: +86 10 85251001**************************中国Tintometer South East AsiaUnit B-3-12, BBT One Boulevard,Lebuh Nilam 2, Bandar Bukit Tinggi,Klang, 41200, Selangor D.ETel.: +60 (0)3 3325 2285/6Fax: +60 (0)3 3325 2287****************************马来西亚Tintometer Brazil Caixa Postal: 271 CEP: 13201-970 Jundiaí – SPTel.: +55 (11) 3230-6410 ***************** .br巴西Tintometer Inc.6456 Parkland DriveSarasota, FL 34243Tel: 941.756.6410Fax: 941.727.9654*****************美国Tintometer India Pvt. Ltd.Door No: 7-2-C-14, 2nd, 3rd & 4th FloorSanathnagar Industrial Estate,Hyderabad, 500018TelanganaTel: +91 (0) 40 23883300TollFree:180****3891/3892***********************www.lovibondwater.in印度Tintometer SpainPostbox: 2404708080 BarcelonaTel.: +34 661 606 770*******************西班牙Technical changes without noticePrinted in GermanyLovibond® and Tintometer® are Trademarks of the Tintometer Group of Companies。

confer ladders pe-s 泳池入口系统组装说明书

confer ladders pe-s 泳池入口系统组装说明书

SINGLE UNIT Model PES-1TWO UNITS WITH GATEModel PES-DBL97 Witmer RoadNorth Tonawanda, New Y ork 14120-2421Toll Free U.S. 866-396-2968 or 716-283-1826 / FAX 716-283-3249MADE IN THE U.S.A. by:ADJUSTS TO FIT 48” TO 54” POOLS AND DECKSASSEMBL Y AND INSTALLATION MANUAL2➀➁➂➃➇➆➅RISER GROOVEFASTENING FLANGERISER RECESSParts ListCode#Qty.DescriptionCTN#12Side Panel272Anti-Entrapment Panel 284Threaded Height Adjuster 2(Factory Installed)25Step w/4 wedges 134Riser 141Kickplate151Deck Connector 162Base1Hardware PakQty.DescriptionCTN#31/4 - 20 Hex Nut 131/4 - 20 X 1” Screw13#10 x 1-1/4” Self T apping Screw 12Large Plug/Side Panels 11Label for T op Riser 12Threaded Cap 12Red Plug 11Instructions11Registration Card1Tools Required For Assembly • Mallet or Hammer • Phillips Screwdriver • Cordless Drill Motor • 1/8” Drill Bit • Level • Hacksaw • Knife• Small Block of Wood • Tape MeasureAssembly InstructionsCONFER PLASTICS, INC. POOL ENTRY SYSTEM FOR ABOVE-GROUND POOLSAdjusts to fit most above-ground pools with flat or slightly dished bottomsBill of Materials➄3Step 2.Remove thewedges from every step using a utility knife. Do not discard.Remove Wedges and SAVE.They will be needed in step 7Step 3.Lay the side panel on a clean flat surface. Firmly push the protrusion of the steps into the opening of the handrail section. Insert the risers into the grooves on the steps as shown above.Step 4.Continue adding steps and risers until all are firmly in position.Note: position risers so center hole faces “back” of steps.Step 5.After determining the correct height from measure-ment #2 in step 1, cut the kickplate to the appropriate height. Use a hacksaw to cut the ends (next to the pre-scored line) and a knife to separate the kickplate at the pre-scored line. Place the kickplate in position below the bottom step.Affix the warning label to center of top riser.The risers slip into grooves on steps.MEASURE FROM HERE FOR 2 UNITS ATTACHED(GROUND LEVEL ENTRY).TO ACCOUNT FOR THE POOL TOP SEAT, ADD 1/2" TO MEASUREMENTS.MEASUREMENT #1MEASUREMENT #28"36"WRITE MEASUREMENTSMEASUREMENT #1 ______MEASUREMENT #2 ______of the deck to the bottom of the pool approxi-mately eight (8) inches out from the pool wall approximately three (3) feet out from the ments from the top of the pool top seat. Add one-half (1/2) inch to these measurements for 48" to 50", Cut Here 50" to 52", Cut Here 52" to 54", Cut HereProtrusion OpeningStep 6.Step 9.Use a mallet to tap each base onto the height adjusters.Step 11.Attach the anti-entrapment panel (item 7)to both sides of the unit as shown. Position and push firmly down into base until it locks securely into place.Note: Anti-Entrapment panels are not needed if the unit is left at 48".Step 7.Secure each step by tapping a locking wedge (saved from Step 2)between the side panel and the top surface of the step protrusions.Push the second side panel firmly down on the step protrusions. It may be necessary to tap the side panel using a hammer and block of wood until seated correctly.Push down firmlyStep 10.If you are fastening the pool entry system to a deck: Attach the deck connector to the top step using the three (3) 1/4-20x1"screws and hex nuts (nuts are installed on underside of deck connector).4Step 8.On the bottom edge of each side panel is a drain hole. Plug these holes by first inserting a (Red)plug into the hole and then covering with the threaded cap.NOTE: If you are fastening two units together, do not attach deck connector. Skip to Page 5 “Joining two PES Pool Entry Systems”.Red plugThreaded capWith ascrewdriver, turn the heightadjusters to the desired height as determined in Step 1.Proper exposed length is measurement #2minus 48-1/2"T o attach the base,position the unit as shown.Proper exposed length ismeasurement #1 minus 48-1/2"The maximum adjusted height of the Entry System is (541/2) inches.3 1/4-20 x 1" screws3 hex nuts5Step 13.Step 12.Carefully submerge the unit into the pool. Add water to the side panels through the water fill openings located near the top of each side panel. When completely filled,press the supplied (white) plugs into the openings on both side panels.Water fill openings on both side panels.To prevent algae, add a cup of household bleach (optional).Step 14.Joining two Pool Entry Systems.When joining two units together, the deck connectors will not be used.Assemble both units and position the in-pool unit in the desired location, after filling it in the same manner as step #12. Allow approximately two (2)inches of clearance between the side of the pool (pool liner) and the Entry System. Make any nec-essary height adjustments to ensure that all four (4) threaded adjustors are supporting the unit, that the unit is level and does not wobble, and that the underside of the top step is about (1/2) inch abovethe pool top seat. The outside unit should rest on cement patio blocks.Position and level the outside unit so that both units can be joined using the six (6) 1/4-20 x 1" machine screws and hex nuts. The hex nuts should be on the outside of the fastening flange of the side panels (See diagram on pg 2). Press the large plugs into the fill opening of the outside unit. It is not necessary to fill the outside unit with water .Note: Gate instructions and hardware are supplied with the gate.Tilt the unit to allow the steps to fill with water. When bubbling ceases, steps are filled. Steps must be filled completely to prevent floating.Note: Two people arerequired for this operationPosition the PES with attached deck connector and drill three pilot holes. Attach to deck using 3 #10 x 1-1/4" Self Tapping Screws. Keep 2" clearance between unit and pool wall.Attach with 3 #10 x 1-1/4" Self Tapping ScrewsSafety Information1) Always follow the manufacturer’s recommendationsfor the safe use of all hand tools and equipment.2) Always use a cordless drill.3) Do not use the Pool Entry System for anypurpose other than that for which it is intended.4) When lifting awkward or heavy loads, haveanother person help you.5) Maximum weight on steps not to exceed 400lbs.6) Consult your local building department beforeinstallation of your pool and equipment.Warning: Exceeding the recommended weightrequirement may cause the unit to fail.Optional mounting method when deck height is greater than (54-1/2) inches.Adjust the height of the entry system so that the top step, at minimum, reaches the face board of the deck,however, the height of the bottom surface of the top step must not exceed (54-1/2) inches. Cut a piece of 2 x 4pressure treated lumber (28-1/4" long) and place it edge down on the top step between the two flanges of the side panels. Secure in place with four #10 x 1-1/4"screws (not provided) through the two lower holes in each of the mounting flanges of the side panel. After securing the 2 x 4 to the unit, position the unit so that the 2 x 4 meets the face board of the deck. It can then be secured in place using wood lag screws. Three 2-1/2"long lag screws are required (Lag screws not provided).62" x 4" x 28-1/4" LONG 2-/2" LONG LAG SCREWS#10 x 1-1/4" LONGPES-1 / PES-DBL 5M 12/07Printed in U.S.A.OPTIONAL ACCESSORYSKIM-IT —SKIMS OFF DEBRIS.Cut cleaning time 75% with skimmer extension DECK FACEBOARD。



泳池设计说明书⼀、室内游泳池技术参数⼆、室内游泳池⽔处理系统技术指标确定计算书(⼀)、循环⽔量的确定:依据规范:《游泳池给⽔排⽔⼯程技术规程》(CJJ122-2008)循环⽔量:QC =αa d·VP/ TPQC——游泳池的循环⽔量(m3);αa d——管道和过滤净化设备的⽔容积附加系数,取αa d=1.05;VP——游泳池的池⽔容积(m3);TP——游泳池的循环周期(h),取5h;A、成⼈游泳池循环流量:QC=1.05×345/5=72.5m3/hB、⼉童戏⽔池循环流量:QC=1.05×33/1=34.7m3/h(⼆)、游泳池外围循环给⽔管道系统:A、成⼈游泳池:布⽔⼝参数:出⽔压⼒:0.02~0.05MPa;布⽔⼝形式:进⽔量可调,调节范围0~8 m3/h;布⽔⽅式:池底均匀布置,间距为2.5m;进⽔⼝数量:共50个给⽔⼝,每个流量平均约1.45m3/h。


B、⼉童戏⽔池:布⽔⼝参数:出⽔压⼒:0.02~0.05MPa;布⽔⼝形式:进⽔量可调,调节范围0~8 m3/h;布⽔⽅式:池底均匀布置,间距为2.3m;进⽔⼝数量:共7个给⽔⼝,每个流量平均约4.9m3/h。


(三)、回⽔管道管径的确定依据规范:《游泳池给⽔排⽔⼯程技术规程》(CJJ122-2008)循环回⽔管流速宜采⽤0.7~1m/s;A、成⼈游泳池:成⼈游泳池回⽔管道长,从配⽔均匀的⾓度出发建议采⽤DN150溢流回⽔管⼆条,则回⽔管流速为72.5/0.075×0.075×3600×3.14×2= 0.6m/s,符合规范要求,管道分布情况详见图纸。



圆支架水池I圆支架水池IIA 8101212121414B 8101212121414C 8101212121414D 18222626263030E 8101212121414F 18222626263030J 1111111H1111111P2A022Q17P2A010Q17P2A049Q17P2A071Q17/P2H071Q17P2A026Q17P2A099Q17P2A087Q17A P61023P61013P61049P61008P61032P61084P61084B P61024P61014P61014P61085P61415P61410P61088C P61025P61001P61001P61001P61411P61004P61004D P61012P61012P61012P61012P61012P61007P61007E P61026P61010P61010P61010P61010P61005P61005F P61028P61028P61028P61028P61028P61028P61028J 56431ASS1756406ASS1756415ASS1756418ASS17/56379ASS1756420ASS1756595ASS1756422ASS17HP6D1419P6D1419P6D1419P6D1419P6D1419P6D1419P6D1419配件边管脚管 T-型管插销脚垫防水垫内胆水管接头名称配件边管整体支架脚管 T-型管插销脚垫防水垫内胆水管接头名称配件代码12’x39.5’’(3.66mx1.00m)12’x48’’(3.66mx1.22m)14’x33’’(4.27mx84cm)14’x39.5’’(4.27mx1.00m)8’x24’’(2.44mx61cm)10’x30’’(3.05mx76cm)12’x30’’(3.66mx76cm)12’x39.5’’(3.66mx1.00m)12’x48’’(3.66mx1.22m)14’x33’’(4.27mx84cm)14’x39.5’’(4.27mx1.00m)8’x24’’(2.44mx61cm)10’x30’’(3.05mx76cm)12’x30’’(3.66mx76cm)161822161822161822343846161822343846111P2117Q17P61345P61345P61345P61346P61352P61352P61347P61353P61355P61349P61349P61349P61348P61348P61348P61339P61339P6133956451ASS1756427ASS1756634ASS17P6H1419P6H1419P6H141916’x48’’18’x52’’22’x52’’(4.88mx1.22m)(5.49mx1.32m)(6.71mx1.32m)151515321532115’x42’’(4.57mx1.07m)P2A081Q17P61029P61087P61088P61007P61005P6102856488ASS17P6D1419151515321532115’x48’’(4.57mx1.22m)P2A027Q17P61029P61416P61412P61007P61005P6102856438ASS17P6D1419181818381838118’x48’’(5.49mx1.22m)P2A028Q17P61029P61417P61413P61007P61030P6102856462ASS17P6D1419A B C D E F J HAB C D E F J H配件边管脚管 T-型管插销脚垫防水垫内胆水管接头名称配件边管整体支架脚管 T-型管插销脚垫防水垫内胆水管接头名称配件代码14141430143011111111P2136P61335P61336P61337P61007P61338P61339P6H141914’x42’’(4.27mx1.07m)16’x48’’18’x52’’22’x52’’(4.88mx1.22m)(5.49mx1.32m)(6.71mx1.32m)15’x42’’(4.57mx1.07m)15’x48’’(4.57mx1.22m)18’x48’’(5.49mx1.22m)14’x42’’(4.27mx1.07m)56641ASS17P2121P2124Q17拆卸1.逆时针拧开排水阀盖2. 将水管接头与软管连接起来,将软管的另一端放在要排水的地方(查看当地排水的相关法律规定)。

GL-235 太阳能泳池控制器安装和操作说明书

GL-235 太阳能泳池控制器安装和操作说明书

GL-235Solar Pool Controller Installation & Operation ManualLD CG LINEON TROLSInstallationMountingThe GL-235 is designed for outdoor use. Mount the box vertically with the knockouts facing downward. For safety, the GL-235 must be a minimum of 5 feet (horizontally) from the pool or spa.Power inputTurn off power at circuit breaker before wiring. Remove the internal panel to expose the wiring connections. Either 115VAC or 240VAC can be used. Refer to the input wiring diagram (Figure 1)on next page. WARNING: Applying 240VAC to the 120VAC input terminals will cause permanent damage to the control.GroundingRefer to NEC and local codes for specific grounding requirements. In general, a separate ground conductor must be run to the ground terminal on the pool service panel.Low Voltage (LV) output: Solar ValveThe GL-235 controls a single valve. In most applications this is the solar valve, which diverts water DescriptionThe GL-235 is a differential temperature control for solar heating of pools, spas, and hot tubs. It provides differential temperature control with an adjustable, calibrated water temperature high limit.Automatic nocturnal cooling (for pools that overheat in hot climates) and recirculate freeze protection functions can be enabled/disabled via internal jumpers.Input power can be either 115 or 240 VAC. The output controls a 24VAC automatic valve actuator.For older systems with 12VAC valves, an internal jumper can be moved to select 12VAC output operation. The GL-235 also has a high voltage output for controlling a filter pump or booster pump.SpecificationsPower : 105-130VAC, .5A 50/60Hz.or195-250VAC, .3A 50/60Hz Output: Selectable low voltage 24VAC,20VA, .85A or 12VAC, 20VA,1.7ASPST-NO isolated contact115VAC 1HP240VAC 2HP Sensors: 2 required (thermistor,10Kohm @ 25C/77ºF).Differential : on at 4ºF, off at 1.5ºFDesired Pool Temp.:70-104ºF calibrated scale or So-lar Off, 75 (24ºC) -104ºF (40ºC)on some models Recirculate freeze :On at <40ºF (4.5ºC), off at >42ºF (5.5ºC), Enabled via jumperNocturnalcooling:On when collector 8ºF less than pool and pool hotter than limit,off when collector 3ºF less thanpool or pool cooler than highlimit. Enabled via jumperAll controls are shipped with the output voltage set to the industry standard 24VAC. To use the GL-235 with older 12VAC valves, move jumper J4, located on the right side of the circuit board.The GL-235 provides two different types of connections to the pool/spa actuators. For older actuators with no wire end connector, a 3 position terminal block is used. Connect the wires to the proper terminal block according to the color code shown in Figure 4. If the valve operates opposite to the way it is supposed to, reverse the red and white wires. Be careful not to short the valve output wiring. The GL-235 is fused and shorting the output will require replacing the fuse.For newer Goldline, Compool, Hayward, and Jandy actuators (with wire end connectors), two 3-pin connectors are supplied. Plug the actuator into one of the two 3 pin connectors as shown in figures 2 or 3. If the valve operates opposite to the way it is supposed to, disconnect and plug into the other connector.High Voltage (HV) output: Booster PumpThe GL-235 can control a high voltage booster pump in addition to the normal low voltage solar valve. Note the high voltage relay contacts are isolated so that the booster pump can be run on a separate circuit, as required by many local codes. The GL-235 turns on, the valve output will operate first, and then the HV relay will operate 30 seconds later.High Voltage (HV) output: Timeclock OverrideThe GL-235 can also be used to override the filter pump timer. This is very important if recirculate freeze protection or nocturnal cooling functions are being used. Also, this function can be used on systems where the system should operate whenever solar heat is available, regardless of the timer settings. The HV relay will operate approximately 30 seconds after the LV relay.Sensor Mounting and WiringMost installations use a PC sensor to measure the pool temperature and another PC sensor to measure the solar temperature. Alternatively, an SC-¼ sensor can be screwed into the pump strainer basket to measure the pool temperature.Pool Sensor: Drill a 3/8” (or 5/16”) hole in the PVC pipe. Remove burrs around the hole. Check that the O-ring is seated on the PC sensor and then insert sensor into pipe. Tighten hose clamp over the sensor to make a seal—DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN.Solar Sensor: Use a screw or silicon adhesive to attach the sensor near the solar collector array.The sensor does not have to be attached to the collectors. It is only important that the sensor be exposed to the same sunlight as the collectors. Additionally, the underside of the sensing element may be covered with silicon to minimize wind cooling.Other 10K ohm Goldline sensors may be substituted. Wire should be twisted pair 20AWG. Sensor wiring run outdoors must be rated for outdoor use and ensure that the wire connections are protected from the weather. Do NOT run sensor wires in the same conduit or multiconduc-tor cable as the valve actuator wires or any 120/240V circuit. For long runs or runs near other electrical wiring use shielded cable (Belden 8428 for outdoor use). Ground the shields to the GL-35/LV ground screw.EARTHFigure 1Freeze ProtectionIf you are relying on the collectors naturally draining to provide freeze protection, it is very important that you use a non-positive seal valve or drill a hole (1/8"--1/4") in the diverter of a positive seal valve to allow the collectors to drain. Alternatively, the GL-235 control can provide recirculate freeze protection. If enabled, when the GL-235 senses a freeze condition at the collector sensor, it will allow circulation of relatively warm water from the pool to the collector panels.The GL-235 will allow recirculation when the collector temperature falls below 40ºF and will stop circulation when the collector temperature rises above 42ºF. While this type of freeze protection has proven to be adequate in relatively mild climates, it is extremely important that the sensors be properly placed and that the homeowner realize that the system is unprotected in the event of a power failure. Recirculate freeze protection is NOT recommended in climates where freezing temperatures are common or last for extended periods.Goldline strongly recommends the use of GC-3 freeze snap switches if freeze protection is being utilized. Snap switches should be wired in series with the collector sensor. Placement of the snap switches at the coldest point of the collector array and exposed plumbing will help assure that freeze protection starts early enough to protect the system.The GL-235 is shipped from the factory with recirculate freeze protection disabled (the jumper is present but installed on one pin only). To activate recirculate freeze protection, install the jumper across both pins marked “RECIRC”, located near the top right of the main circuit board.If recirculate freeze protection is to be used on a GL-235, either:•The filter pump must be set for continuous operationor•The GL235 High Voltage Output must be wired for Timer Override function.Nocturnal CoolingThe GL-235 has nocturnal cooling logic, which can be enabled/disabled via a jumper on the main circuit board. During nighttime hours, when enabled, the GL-235 will circulate relatively warmer water from the pool to the collector panels, thus cooling the pool over time. The GL-235 will circulate water when the collector temperature AND the pool temperature is hotter than the high limit setting. Circulation will stop when the collector temperature is 3ºF less than the pool temperature OR the pool temperature is cooler than the high limit setting. The GL-235 is shipped from the factory with nocturnal cooling disabled (the jumper is present but installed on one pin only). To activate nocturnal cooling, install the jumper provided onto the two pins marked “COOLING” located near the top right of the main circuit board.If nocturnal cooling is to be used, either:•The filter pump must be set for continuous operationor•The GL-235 High Voltage Output must be wired for Timer Override function.OperationFor normal operation place the switch in the “AUTO” position and adjust the desired pool/spa temperature setting. The “Power” LED indicator should always be on. (NOTE: During initial power up, the “POWER indicator will blink for approximately 10 seconds while it stabilizes temperature readings). The “Heating” LED indicator will show when the system is collecting solar heat. If thenocturnal cooling function is enabled inside the GL-235, the “Cooling” LED indicator will show when the system is dissipating excess heat.In the “AUTO” position, the GL-235 will heat the pool or spa (rotate valve to solar loop) when the collector (solar) sensor temperature is higher than the pool/spa sensor temperature by 4ºF or more AND the pool/spa temperature is less than the "Desired Temperature" setting. The GL-235 will stop heating (return valve to pool loop) when the two sensor temperatures get to within 1.5ºF OR the pool/spa sensor is above the "Desired Temperature" setting.To test the system, move the switch to “MANUAL TEST” and verify that both the “Heating” and “Cooling” indicators light and that the valve(s) are in the solar loop position. Move the switch to “MANUAL OFF” and verify that all indicators except “Power” are off. The valve(s) should be in the normal recirculating loop position. If the valve(s) positions are working in reverse, follow the instructions in section marked “Low Voltage (LV) : Solar Valve” to correct. WARNING: If recirculate freeze protection is being used, do NOT leave the switch in the “MANUAL OFF” position during cold weather. Also note that the switch does NOT turn power off to the GL-235.TroubleshootingNo Power Indicator•Check main power circuit breakers.•Check fuseFuse ReplacementThe GL-235 is protected by a fuse located on the left side of the main circuit board. Replace the fuse with a 2A, type ATO-2 fuse, readily available in most automotive or electronics stores.If “Heating” is always onDisable recirculate freeze protection if enabled. Check that the switch is in the “AUTO” position. Next verify that the control circuitry is operating properly by disconnecting the solar sensor from the terminal block. The “Heating” LED should go off and the “CHECK SENSOR” LED should begin to blink. If “Heating” remains on, there is an internal circuit failure and the GL-235 will have to be returned for repair.If “Heating” never comes onVerify that the switch is in the “AUTO” position, the desired pool temperature dial is set higher (hotter) that the actual pool temperature, and the solar sensor is warmer than the pool water. Also check that the switch on the valve actuator is NOT in the "OFF" position. Disconnect the pool sensor from the terminal block and verify that the “CHECK SENSOR” LED turns on. If the “CHECK SENSOR” LED does not turn on, there is an internal failure and the GL-235 will have to be returned for repair. Reconnect the pool sensor and verify that the “Check Sensor” LED turns off. Next, disconnect the “solar” sensor from the terminal block and verify that the “CHECK SENSOR” LED begins to blink. If the “CHECK SENSOR” LED does not begin to blink, there is an internal failure and the GL-235 will have to be returned for repair.“CHECK SENSOR” indicator onIf the “CHECK SENSOR indicator is on and NOT blinking, there may be a possible open circuit or short circuit with the pool sensor. Using a voltmeter, measure the DC voltage across the terminals of the pool sensor as indicated in figure 5. If the voltage is close to zero volts, the sensor has a short to ground. Remove the sensor from the terminal block and measure the voltage across the pool terminals again. If the voltage is still close to zero volts, there is an internal short and the unit must be returned for repair. If the voltage is close to five volts, the pool sensor itself may be at fault.With the sensor disconnected from the unit, measure the resistance of the sensor using an ohmmeter. At room temperature (25ºC/77ºF) the sensor should measure approximately 10K ohms (10,000 ohms ± 1%). For other resistance measurements at different temperatures, consult the table at back of manual. If the sensor is not returning the correct value, it is defective and will need to be replaced. If the sensor is returning approximately the correct value, reconnect it to the terminals marked “POOL SENSOR”. If the “CHECK SENSOR” indicator remains on, the unit is defective and needs to be replaced.“CHECK SENSOR” indicator blinkingIf the “CHECK SENSOR indicator is blinking, there may be a possible open circuit or short circuit with the solar sensor. Using a voltmeter, measure the voltage across the terminals of the solar sensor. If the voltage is close to zero volts, the sensor has a short to ground. Remove the sensor from the terminal block and measure the voltage across the solar terminals again. If the voltage is still close to zero volts, there is an internal short and the unit must be returned for repair. If the voltage is close to five volts, the solar sensor itself may be at fault.With the sensor disconnected from the unit, measure the resistance of the sensor using an ohmmeter. At room temperature (25ºC/77ºF) the sensor should measure approximately 10K ohms (10,000 ohms ± 1%). For other resistance measurements at different temperatures, consult the table at back of manual. If the sensor is not returning the correct value, it is defective and will need to be replaced. If the sensor is returning approximately the correct value, reconnect it to the terminals marked “SOLAR SENSOR”. If the “CHECK SENSOR” indicator remains on, the unit is defective and needs to be replaced.If FREEZE PROTECTION is enabled:When a sensor is disconnected from the unit and freeze protection has been enabled, the SENSOR FAULT light will NOT activate. The GL-235 will recognize this as a freeze condition and activate freeze protection.Basic Installation of GL-235Figure 2GL-235 high voltage output used for Timer OverrideFigure 3Figure 4(Use the same method to measure the Solar Sensor)Figure 5Temperature/Resistance/VoltageAll Goldline controls use 10K thermistor sensors. When disconnected from the control the sensor will read 10K ohms at 25ºC/77ºF. Refer to the chart below for the resistance at other temperatures. For a given temperature, the resistance reading should be accurate to ±1%. For a given resistance reading, the temperature reading should be accurate to ±0.5ºF. Voltage measurements should be accurate to ± 2%. Ohm measurements made with sensor disconnected from unit. Voltage measurements made with sensor connected to unit and power applied. Sensor voltages are DC volts.11LIMITED WARRANTY Goldline warrants its Aqua Rite, Aqua Rite Pro, Aqua Trol, Aqua Logic and Pro Logic products (products with Goldline part numbers starting with AQ-RITE-, AQ-RT-PRO, AQ-TROL-, AQ-LOGIC-, AQL-P-, AQL-PS-, AQL-CL-, PL-P-, PL-PS-, and HPC-2) to be free from defects in material or workmanship, under normal use and service:For three years from the date of the initial system installation on private, residential swimming pools within the USA or Canada and one year from the date of initial system installation on commercial installations, installations outside of the USA or Canada and for any replacement parts or accessory products, provided they are installed in accordance with the Goldline installation instructions and specifications provided with the product. If written proof of the date of the initial system installation is not provided to Goldline, the manufacturing datecode on the Aqua Rite, Aqua Rite Pro, Aqua Trol, Aqua Logic and Pro Logic electronics unit will be the sole determinant of the date of the initial system installation.For residential installations in USA or Canada: If a product is defective in workmanship or materials and is removed and returned freight prepaid within three (3) years after the date of the initial system installation, Goldline will, at its option, either repair or replace the defective product and return it freight prepaid.For commercial installations, installations outside the USA and Canada, and accessory products and replacement parts: If a product is defective in workmanship or materials and is removed and returned freight prepaid within one (1) year after the date of the initial system installation, Goldline will, at its option, either repair or replace the defective product and return it freight prepaid. Contact any Goldline dealer or contact Goldline at 61 Whitecap Drive, North Kingstown, RI 02852 for warranty service. The costs incurred in removal and/or reinstallation of the product are NOT covered under this warranty. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you.WARRANTY EXCLUSIONS:1.Material supplied or workmanship performed by others in process of installation.2.Damage resulting from improper installation including installation on pools larger than theproduct rating.3.Problems resulting from failure to operate the product(s) in accordance with the recom-mended instructions contained in product’s owners manual(s).4.Problems resulting from failure to maintain pool water chemistry in accordance with therecommendations in the owners manual(s).5.Problems resulting from tampering, accident, abuse, negligence, unauthorized repairs oralternations, fire, flood, lightning, freezing, external water, degradation of natural stone used in or immediately adjacent to a pool or spa, war or acts of God.DISCLAIMER.THE EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTY ABOVE CONSTITUTES THE ENTIRE W ARRANTY O F G OLDLINE W ITH R ESPECT T O I TS P OOL A UTOMATION A ND CHLORINATION PRODUCTS AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EX-PRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. IN NO EVENT SHALL GOLDLINE BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, S PECIAL O R I NCIDENTAL D AMAGES O F A NY N ATURE W HATSO-EVER,I NCLUDING, B UT N OT L IMITED T O, P ERSONAL I NJURY, P ROPERTY D AMAGE, DAMAGE TO OR LOSS OF EQUIPMENT, LOST PROFITS OR REVENUE, COSTS OF RENTING REPLACEMENTS, AND OTHER ADDITIONAL EXPENSES, EVEN IF THE SELLER HAD BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.NO W HOLESALER, A GENT, D EALER, C ONTRACTOR O R O THER P ERSON I S A UTHO-RIZED TO GIVE ANY WARRANTY ON BEHALF OF GOLDLINE.THIS W ARRANTY I S V OID I F T HE P RODUCT H AS B EEN A LTERED I N A NY W AY A FTER ACTORY.LEAVING T HE FN. Kingstown, RI 02852 USA092007GCopyright © 2008 Goldine Controls。

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使用AWG 8 号或更大线号的实心铜导线。













7、清洗机盖、机盖O 形圈以及水泵室(pot)的密封面。

用特氟隆或硅基润滑剂润滑O 形圈。


a.确保罩盖O 形圈位置放置正确。




10、打开过滤器顶部的High Flow TM手动放气阀。




关闭High Flow TM手动放气阀。

B. 冬季防冻。
































B. 水泵注水。

1. 在水泵开始启动时,必须将水泵滤网内充满水。

按照以下步骤为水泵注水:a. 拆下水泵泵盖塑料夹具,拆下水泵泵盖。

b. 向泵滤网(strainer pot)内注满水。

c. 将泵盖和塑料夹具重新装配到滤网上。


d. 打开过滤器上的放气阀,远离过滤器。

e. 打开开关或定时时钟。

f. 当有水从放气阀流出时,关闭放气阀。


2. 对于双速泵:a. 水泵应该在高速下运行,以便注水。

b. 注水完成之前,水泵运行时间不得超过8 分钟。







(1)粗滤器(2)循环泵(3)循环泵(4)过滤器(5)加热器(6)止回阀(7)流量计(8)蓝白F-300 型(9)投药泵(10)蓝白C-660 型(11)溶液桶(12)注入管件(13)回水管道(二)、操作C-6601、调节泵的输出─C-660药水泵的流速可以在大约10%──100%最大输出(17:1的降速成比)的范围内的调节,它是通过凸轮机构调节的,这种机构调节泵的行程长度,在流量范围1/7内设定,系统的压力、吸程的大小和通过泵水中的液体的粘度影响泵的输出,由于这些因素,泵要选择较大规格的,选择泵的大小要选择在允许调节范围的中间值,这样比选用精确的泵更可取。













(2)、确保注入管件和脚阀/ 滤嘴必须清洁和工作正常。

(3)、药水泵的安装是在正常工作条件把脚阀/ 滤嘴放进大量筒。










2、定期清理注射/ 止回阀组件,特别当注入的液体有钙化现象时,如次氯酸钠。

这些钙化沉淀和其它的积聚物能够阻塞管件,使背压增大并影响止回阀的工作,请参见 4.3.4部分,图4.9。





(二)、机房工作要求1、空气质量在空气中油份和碳氢化合物的最大含量不超过5 ppm.2、空气温度/湿度奥宗尼亚三氧公司的臭氧发生器设计的设计运行温度不大于40°C。

图4.1 在25克/M3含水量的条件下温度和湿度曲线图如果空气含水分不超过25克/M3,使用图 4.1的相对湿度。

3、用电要求臭氧发生器的电源提供和水泵的接线要通过主控制板,电源的标准为:a). 415伏3相4线+地线a). 380伏3相4线+地线a). 208伏3相+地线a). 600伏3相+地线以上电源可用于50 或60 赫兹,电压公差+/- 6%功率要根据发生器的大小和频率而定。

表4.4列出了50 赫兹的电源系统中的功率消耗。




5、冷却水要求机型M6WC 15 25 50 100 150 200 冷却水90 210 201 420 630 840升/小时(三)、臭氧发生器的安装在安装臭氧发生器时,以下各条都必须遵守。















