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1. FLTRP “当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库”series
1) In a Iphabet i caI order:
A Course in Language Teaching Practice and Theory (语言教学教程:实践与理论)(ISBN: 7-5600-2050-X/:作者:Penny Ur 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
A Gu i de to Language Testing: DeveIopment, Eva Iuation and Re search (语言测试指南:发展、评估与研究)(ISBN: 7-5600-2520 -
X/;作者:杨慧中导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-12-01)
A History of the Engl ish Language (英语史)(ISBN: 7-5600-2 388-6/;作者:AI bert and Thomas Cab I e 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-09-01)
A Short Hi story of Li nguist ics (语言学简史)(ISBN: 7-5600- 2383-5/;作者:R. H. Robins著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:200
About Language: A Reader for Wr iters (谈语言:写作读本)(I SBN: 7-5600-1986-2/;作者:Wi I I iam H. Roberts 等著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
An Introduction to Child Language DeveIopment (儿童语言发展引论)(书号:2894-2/; ISBN: 7-5600-2894-2/;作者:Susan H.
Foster-Cohen 著;定价:¥ ;出版日期:2002-08-15)
An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics (认知语言学入门)(ISBN: 7-5600-2377-0/;作者:F. Ungerer and H. J. Schmid 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-09-01)
An Introduct ion to Corpus Linguist ics (语料库语言学)(ISBN: 7-5600-1991-9/;作者:顾曰国导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2 000-
An Introduction to Di scourse Ana Iys i s: Theory and Method (语篇分析入门:理论与方法)(ISBN: 7-5600-1990-0/;作者:James Paul Gee著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
An I ntroduction to Foreign Language Learn i ng and Teach ing (外语学习与教学导论)(书号:2664-8/; ISBN: 7-5600-2664-8 /;作者:Keith Johnson 著;定价:¥;出版日期:2002-03-01)
An Introduction to FunctionaI Grammar (功能语法导论)(ISBN: 7-5600-1973-0/;作者:Halliday著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:
An Introduction to Linguistics (语言学入门)(ISBN: 7-5600- 1869-6/:作者:Stuart C. Poole著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2 000-06-01)
An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology (语音学与音系学入门)(ISBN: 7-5600-1899-8/;作者:John Clark and Colin Ya I lop 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
An I ntroduction to Second Language Acqu i s i tion Research (第二语言习得研究概况)(ISBN: 7-5600-2010-0/;作者:蒋祖康导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
An Introduction to Socio I ingui sties (社会语言学引论)(I SB N: 7-5600-1962-5/;作者:Ronald Wardhaugh 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Ant hropo logical L i ngu i s ti cs: An Int roduc tion (人类语言学入
H)(ISBN: 7-5600-2191-3/;作者:Wi I I iam A. Foley 著;定价: ¥ 元;出版日期:2001-09-01)
Approaches and Methods in Language Teach i ng (语言教学的流
派)(ISBN: 7-5600-1925-0/:作者:Jack and Theodore 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Assessment and Testing: A Survey of Research (评估与测试:研究综述)(ISBN: 7-5600-2440-8/:作者:Robert Wood 著;定价:
¥ 元;出版日期:2001-10-01)
Chomsky: Ideas and Idea I s (乔姆斯基:思想与理想)(ISBN: 7-
Chi Id Language (儿童语言)(ISBN: 7-5600-1904-8/;作者:李宇
明导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
5600-2514-5/;作者:Neil Smity著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2 001-12-01)
Chomsky' s Uni versa I Grammar: An I ntroduct i on (乔姆斯基的普遍语法教程)(ISBN: 7-5600-1972-2/;作者:Vivian Cook and M ark Newson 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Cohesion in Engl ish (ISBN: 7-5600-2385-1/;作者:Hall iday 等著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-10-01)
Communicat ion Between Cu I tures (跨文化交际)(ISBN: 7-5600- 1989-7/:作者:Larry A. Samovar等著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Corpus Linguistics (语料库语言学)(ISBN: 7-5600-1961-7/;作者:Douglas Biber等著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Course in Genera I Lingui sties (普通语言学教程)(ISBN: 7-56 00-2374-6/:作者:F. de Saussure著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:
D ict ionary of Lex i cography (词典学词典)(ISBN: 7-5600-2034
-8/:作者:R. R. K. Hartmann and Gregory James 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Discourse Analysis (话语分析)(ISBN: 7-5600-2006-2/;作者:罗选民导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Eng I i sh as a GI oba I Language (英语:全球通用语)(ISBN: 7-5 600-2369-X/;作者:David Crystal著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-09-01)
En g I i sh Diction ar i es for Fore i g n Learners: A H i s tory (英语学
习词典史)(书号:3011-4/; ISBN: 7-5600-3011-4/;作者:
En g I i sh Diction ar i es for Fore i g n Learners: A H i s tory (英语学
习词典史)(书号:3011-4/; ISBN: 7-5600-3011-4/;作者:
En g I i sh Phone tics and Phono logy: A Prac ti ca I Course (英语语音学与音系学实用教程)(ISBN: 7-5600-1900-5/;作者:Peter R oach著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Expression and Meaning: Studies in the Theory of Speech Act s (表述与表义:言语行为研究)(ISBN: 7-5600-2459-9/;作者:J ohn R. Searle 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-10-01)
Form and Style: Research Papers, Reports and Theses (如何写研究论文与学术报告)(ISBN: 7-5600-1963-3/;作者:Carole SI ade 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
From 01 d Eng I i sh to Standard Engl i sh (英语史:从古代英语到标准英语)(ISBN: 7-5600-1924-2/;作者:陈国华导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
General Linguistics (普通语言学)(ISBN: 7-5600-1933-1/;作
者:李延福导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Grammatical ization (语法化学说)(ISBN: 7-5600-2372-X/;作者:Paul J. Hopper 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-09-01)
Historical Linguistics (历史语言学)(ISBN: 7-5600-2041-0/; 作者:R. L. Trask著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
H i stor i ca I Li ngu i s tics: An I ntroduct i on (历史语言学导论)(书号:2690-7/: ISBN: 7-5600-2690-7/;作者:Winfred P. Lehman n著;定价:¥;出版日期:2002-05-01)
How to Do Things with Words (如何以言行事)(书号:2581-1/: ISBN: 7-5600-2581-1/;作者:J. L. Austin 著;定价:¥;出版日期:2002-03-01)
How to Teach English (怎样教英语)(ISBN: 7-5600-1902-1/;作者:Jeremy Harmer 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation (换言之)(ISBN: 7-5600-1919-6/;作者:申雨平导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2 000-08-01)
IntercuItural Communication: A Discourse Approach (跨文化交际:语篇分析法)(ISBN: 7-5600-1934-X/;作者:Ron ScoI Ion a nd Suzanne Wong ScoI Ion 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08 -01)
Interfaces Between Second Language Acquisition and Language Testing Research (第二语言习得与语言测试研究的接口)(书号:2579-X/; ISBN: 7-5600-2579-X/:作者:Lyle F. Bachman and A ndrew D. Cohen 主编;定价:¥;出版日期:2002-03-01)
International English (英语:国际普通语)(ISBN: 7-5600-19 01-3/:作者:Peter Trudgi I I and Jean Hannah 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Introducing FunctionaI Grammar (功能语法入门)(ISBN: 7-560 0-1987-0/:作者:Geoff Thompson著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:
Kno w I edge of Language: Its Nat ure, Origin, and Use (语言知识:其性质、来源及使用)(书号:2516-1/; ISBN: 7-5600-2516-
1/;作者:Noam Chomsky 著;定价:¥;出版日期:2002-02-01)Language Acquisition: A Linguistic Introduction (从语言学的角
度看语言习得)(ISBN: 7-5600-2042-9/:作者:Helen Good I uc k 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Language as Soc i a I Semi otic: The Soc i a I I nterpretat ion of L anguage and Meaning (作为社会符号的语言:从社会角度诠释语言与意义)(ISBN: 7-5600-2432-7/;作者:Halliday 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-09-01)
Lan guage Tes t Const rue tion and Eva I ua tion (语言测试的设计与评估)(ISBN: 7-5600-1923-4/;作者:J. Charles Alderson 等著; 定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Language (语言论)(书号:2433-5/. 1146; ISBN: 7-5600-2433-5 /;作者:著;定价:¥;出版日期:2002-05-01)
Language: An I ntroduction to the study of Speech (语言论:言语研究导论)(书号:2378-9/; ISBN: 7-5600-2378-9/;作者:Edward Sapir 著;定价:¥;出版日期:2002-03-01)
Learn i ng Sty I es i n the ESL / EFL Classroom (ESL/EFL 英语课堂上的学习风格)(书号:2667-2/; ISBN: 7-5600-2667-2/:作者:
Joy M. Reid 主编;定价:¥;出版日期:2002-03-01)
Linguistic Semantics: An Introduction (语义学因论)(ISBN: 7 -5600-1970-6/;作者:汪榕培导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2 000-08-01)
Lingui stics and Second Language Acqui sition (语言学和第二语言习得)(ISBN: 7-5600-1975-7/;作者:王初明导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Lingui st ics: An Introduct ion (语言学教程)(ISBN: 7-5600-20 08~9/:作者:Andrew Radford著;定价:¥元;出版日期:200 0-08-01)
Longman Dietionary of Language Teaching and AppIied Linguis tics (朗文语言教学及应用语言学词典)(ISBN: 7-5600-2033-X/; 作者:菅燕红导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Longman Grammar of Spoken and Wr i tten Engl i sh (朗文英语口语和笔语语法一)(ISBN: 7-5600-2011-9/;作者:Douglas Biber 等著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Modern Lexicography: An I ntroduct i on (现代词典学入门)(I SB
N: 7-5600-2538-2/;作者:张伯然导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2002-02-01)
Morphology (形态学)(ISBN: 7-5600-1910-2/;作者:• Matthew
S著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
New Hor izons in the Study of Language and Mind (语言与心智研究)(ISBN: 7-5600-2575-7/:作者:Noam Chomsky 著;定价:¥
课程设计原理)(ISBN: 7-5600-1971-4/;作者:Janie Ya I de n 著; 定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Optimal ity (优选论)(ISBN: 7-5600-2380-0/;作者:Rene Kag er 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-10-01)
Patterns in Language: Stylistics for Students of Language a nd Literature (语言模式:文体学入门)(ISBN : 7-5600-1988-9/; 作者:Joanna Thornborrow 等著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000 -08-01) Pragmatics (语用学)(ISBN: 7-5600-1903-X/;作者:Jean Sti I we I I Pecce i 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Pragmatics (语用学)(ISBN: 7-5600-2460-2/:作者:Stephen C. Levinson 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-11-01)
Course Design for Language Teaching (语言教学Pr i nciples of
Pr i nciples of Language Learning and Teaching (语言学习和语言教学的原则)(书号:2539-0/; ISBN: 7-5600-2539-0/;作者:B rown吴一安导读;定价:¥;出版日期:2002-02-01)
Projects in Lingui stics: A PracticaI Guide to Researching L anguage (语言学课题:语言研究实用指南)(ISBN: 7-5600-2373- 8/;作者:Alison Wray等著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-09 -01)
Psychology of Language (语言心理学)(ISBN: 7-5600-1928-5/; 作者:桂诗春导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Re I evance: Commun i cat i on and Cogn i t i on (关联性:交际与认知)
(ISBN: 7-5600-2384-3/:作者:Dan Sperber and De i rdre Wi I so n著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-10-01)
Research Met hods for En g I i sh Lan guage Teachers (英语教学科研方法)(ISBN: 7-5600-1976-5/;作者:Jo McDonough and Steven McDonough 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Rout I edge Die tion ary of Lan guage and Lin gu i s tics (语言与语言学词典)(ISBN: 7-5600-1952-8/;作者:Hadumod Bussmann 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Second Language Learn ing and Teachi ng (第二语言学习与教学)(ISBN: 7-5600-1974-9/;作者:高远导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Second Language Teachi ng and Learni ng (第二语言教与学)(I SBN: 7-5600-2376-2/;作者:David Nunan 著;定价:¥ 元;出
Semantics (语义学)(ISBN: 7-5600-2004-6/;作者:John I. Sa eed 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Sociol inguistics (社会语言学教程)(ISBN: 7-5600-2007-0/;作者:.Hudson著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Statistics in Language Studies (语言研究中的统计学)(ISBN: 7-5600-1926-9/;作者:Anthony Woods 等著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Str at egi es in Lear ning and Using a Seco nd Lan guage (学习和运用第二语言的策略)(ISBN: 7-5600-1945-5/;作者:Andrew D.
C ohen著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Studies in the Way of Words (言辞用法研究)(书号:2580-3/; ISBN: 7-5600-2580-3/;作者:Paul Grice 著;定价:¥;出版日期:2002-03-01)
Style in Fiction: A Lingu i stic I ntroduction to EngIi sh Fict i ona I Prose (小说文体论:英语小说的语言学入门)(ISBN: 7-56 00-2382-7/:作者:Geoffrey N. Ieech and MichaeI H. Short 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-10-01)
Sty I i st ics: A Pract ica I Coursebook (实用文体学教程)(ISBN: 7-5600-1897-1/:作者:Laura Wr ight and Jonathan Hope 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Syntax: A Minimal is t Introduction (句法学:最简方案导论)(I SBN: 7-5600-1960-9/;作者:Andrew Radford 著;定价:¥ 元;
Teach i ng by Pr i nciples: An I ntegrative Approach to Language
Pedagogy ( ISBN: 7-5600-2461 -0/:作者:H. Doug I as Brown 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-11-01)
The ArticuI ate Mamma I: An I ntroduction to Psycho I ingu i stics
(会说话的哺乳动物)(ISBN: 7-5600-1927-7/;作者:Jean Aitc hison著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
The Cambr idge Encyclopedia of Language (剑桥语言百科全书)(I SBN: 7-5600-2513-7/;作者:王克非等导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2002-02-01)
The EIements of Language Curr icuIum: A Systemetic Approach in Language Development (语言教学大纲要素:课程设计系统法)
(ISBN: 7-5600-2517-X/;作者:周燕导读;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-12-01)
The Functional Ana Iys i s of EngIi sh: A Ha I Ii dayan
The Handbook of Contemporary Semant ic Theory (当代语义学理 论)(ISBN: 7-5600-2427-0/:作者:ShaIom Lappin 主编;定价: ¥ 元;出版日期:2001-10-01)
The Handbook of Contemporary Syntact ic Theory (当代句法理论 通览)(ISBN: 7-5600-2238-3/;作者:Mark Baltin and Chris C ol I ins 主编;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-08-01)
The Handbook of Linguistics (语言学综览)(ISBN : 7-5600-24 31-9/:作者:Mark Aronoff and Jan i e Rees-Mi I I er 主编;定价: ¥ 元;出版日期:2001-10-01)
The Handbook of Linguistics (语言学综览)(ISBN : 7-5600-243 1-9/:作者:Mark Aronoff and Janie; Rees-Mi I I er 主编;定价: ¥ 元;出版日期:2001-10-01) The Handbook of SocioI inguistics (英语的功能分析:韩里德模式) (ISBN : 7-5600-2371-1/;作者:
Thomas BI oor and Mer i e I BI oor 著; 定价
: 元;出版日期:2
(社会语言学通览)(ISBN: 7 -5600-2458-0/;作者:Florian Coulmas 主编;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-11-01)
The MorphoIogy of Chinese: A Linguistic and Cognitive Appro ach (汉语形态学)(ISBN: 7-5600-2519-6/;作者:Jerome L. Pa ckard著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-12-01)
The Seeds of Speech: Language Origin and EvIoIution (言语的萌发:语言起源与进化)(书号:2855-1/; ISBN: 7-5600-2855-1/; 作者:Jean Aitchison 著;定价:¥;出版日期:2002-06-01)
The Sociol inguistics of Language (社会语言学)(ISBN: 7-560 0-1918-8/;作者:Ralph Faso Id著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2 000-
The Study of Language (语言研究)(ISBN: 7-5600-1953-6/;作
者:George Yule著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
TransformationaI Grammar: A First Course (转换生成语法教程)(ISBN: 7-5600-2009-7/G .903;作者:Andrew Radford 著;定价:
¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Typology and Uni versa I s (语言类型学与普遍语法特征)(ISBN: 7 -5600-1943-9/;作者:William Croft 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-01)
Understanding Phonology (音系学通解)(ISBN: 7-5600-2375-4/;
作者:Carlos Gussenhoven and Haike Jacobs 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-09-01)
Understand ing Pragmat ics (语用学新解)(ISBN: 7-5600-1929-3 /;作者:Jef Verschueren著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-0 8-01)
Using Corpora for Language Research (用语料库研究语言)(I SBN: 7-5600-2430-0/:作者:Jenny Thomas and Mick Short 主编;
定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-10-01)
Vocabu I ary: Sema ntics and Lan guage Educa tion (词汇、语义学和语言教育)(ISBN: 7-5600-2428-9/;作者:Evelyn Hatch and Ch
eryl Brown 著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2001-09-01)
Writing Eng I i sh Language Tests (英语测试)(ISBN: 7-5600-19 44-7/;作者:.Heaton著;定价:¥ 元;出版日期:2000-08-0 1)
2) In terms of focus
Genera I Linguistics 普通语言学
Aronoff, M. et al (eds): The Handbook of Linguistics Beaugrande, … Linguistic Theory: The Discourse of Fundamen taI Words
Bloomfield, L. Language
Poole, S. An I ntroduction to Li ngui stics
Radford, A. et a I. Li ngu i stics: An I ntroduction
Rob i ns, R. H. Genera I Lingu i stics (Fourth Ed ition)
Spa i r, E. Language: An I ntroduction to the Study of Speech Saussure, F. D. Course i n Genera I Lingui stics
Yule;, G・• The Study of Language (Second Edition)
Phonetics and Phonology语音学和音系学
Chen, M. Y. Tone Sandhi: Patterns across Chinese Dialects Clark, J. et a I. An I ntroduction to Phonetics and Phonology Cruttenden, A et a I Gimsos Pronunciation of Engli sh (Six th Ed i t ion)
Gussenhoven, C・ et al Understanding Phonology
Kager, R・ Optima Iity Theory
Roach, P・ Engl i sh Phonetics and Phono logy: A PracticaI Cour se
Ba I tin, M. et al (eds) The Handbook of Contemporary Syntact ic Theory
Chomsky, N. Knowledge of Language: Its nature, Or igin, and Use
Cook, V. Chomsky' s Un i versa I Grammar: An I ntroduction (Sec ond Edition)
OuhaI I a, J. I ntroduc i ng Transformational Grammar: From Pr i n
c i pIes an
d Parameters to Mini ma Ii sm (Second Ed i tion) Radford, A. Syntax: A Minimal ist Introduction
Radford, A. Transformational Grammar: A Fi rst Course
Smith, N. Chomsky: Ideas and IdeaIs
Lappin, S. (edO The Handbook of Contemporary Semantic Theor y Lyons, J・ Lingui stic Semantics: an I ntroduction
Saeed, J・ l・ Semantics
Morpho I ogy 形态学
Mathews, P. H. MorphoIogy (Second Edition)
Packard, J. L. The MorphoIogy of Chinese: A Linguistic and
Cognitive Approach
Pragmat i cs 语用学
Mey, J. L. Pragmatics: An Introduction (Second Edition)
Lev i nson, S. C・ Pragmat ics
Pecei, J. S・ Pragmatics
Sperber, D and D. Wilson Re Ievance: Commun i cation and Cogn i
tion (Second Edition)
Verschueren, J. Understanding Pragmatics
Discourse Analysis 话语分析
Brown, G et al Discourse Analysis
Gee, J. P. an I ntroduction to Di scourse Analysis: Theory an
d Method
Phi losophy of Language 语言哲学
Austin, J. L. How to Do Things with Words (Second Edition) Grice, H. P. Studies in the Way of Words
Sear Ie, J. R. Speech Acts: An Essay in the PhiIosophy of La nguage
Sear Ie, J. R. Expression and Meaning: Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts
Language Origin 语言起源
Aitchison, J. The Seeds of Speech: Language Origin and Evol ut ion
Lexicography 词典学
Bejoint, H. Modern Lexicography: An Introduction 现代词典学入门
Cowie, A. P・ Engli sh Dietionar i es for Fore i gn Learners: A H
i story英语学习词典史
Trask, R. L. Histor icaI Linguisties 词典学词典
Sty I i st ics 文体学
Leech, G. N. A L i ngu i st i c Gu i de to Eng I i sh Poetry
Leech, G. N. et al Style in F i ction: A L i ngu i stic I ntroduct ion to Engl i sh Fiet iona I Prose小说文体论:英语小说的语言学入门
Thornborrow, J. et a I Patterns in Language: Sty I istics for Students of Language and Literature 语言模式:文体学入门
Wr i ght, L. et al Sty I i st ics: A Pract i ca I Coursebook 实用文体学教程
Croft, W. Typology and Universals语言类型学于普遍语法特征
Anthropo Iogica I Li ngu i st i cs 人类语言学
FoI ey, W. Anthropological Lingui stics: An I ntroduction 人类语言学入门
Carro I, D. W. Psycho I ogy of Language (Thi rd Ed i t ion)语言心
理学 Sociol inguistics 社会语言学
Cou Imas, F. (ed) The Handbook of Socio I ingui sties 社会语言学 通览
Crysta I, D. Engl i sh as a GIoba I Language 英语:全球通用语 Faso Id, R. The Socio lin guis tics of Lan guage 社会语言学 Hudson, R. A. Socio I ingui st ics (Second Ed i t i on)社会语言学教 程
Wardhaugh, R. I ntroduction to Socio Iinguistics (Thi rd Ed i ti
Psycho I i ngu i st ics 心理语言学
Ait ch i so n, J. The Art icula te Mamma I : An Int roduc tion
to Psy chol ingui st ics (Fourth Edi t ion)会说话的哺乳动物:心理语言 学入门
I ntercu I tura I Communicat ion 跨文化交际
Carro I, D. W. Psycho I ogy of Language (Thi rd Ed i t ion)语言心
Samovar, L. A. et al Communication Between Cuitures (Second Edition)跨文化交际
ScoI Ion, R. et a I I ntercuIturaI Communication: A Di scourse Analysis跨文化交际:语篇分析法
Trans IatoI ogy 翻译学
Baker, M. In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation 换言之:翻译教程
Bell, R. T. Translation and Translating: Theory and Practis e 翻译与翻译过程:理论与实践
Cognitive Linguistics 认知语言学
TayI or, J. R. Lingu i stic Categor i zation: Prototypes in Ling uist ic Theory (Second Ed i t i on)语言的范畴化:语言学理论中的类典型
Ungerer, F. et a I An I ntroduction to Cognitive L i ngu i stics
Funct iona I Li ngu i st ics 功能语言学
Bloor, T・ et a I The Functional ana lysis of Engli sh: a Ha I Ii
dayan Approach英语的功能分析:韩礼德模式
Ha I Ii day, M. A. K. An I ntroduction to Functional Grammar (S
econd Edition)功能语法导论
Ha I I i day, M. A. K・ Language as Soc i a I Semiotic: The Soc i a I
I nterpretat i on of Language and Mean i ng 作为社会符号的语言:
Ha I I i day, M. A. K. et al Cohes io n in Engl i sh 英语的衔接Thompson, G. Introducing Functional Grammar 功能语法入门
H i story of Li ngu i st ics 语言学史
Robins, R. H. A Short History of Linguistics (Fourth Editio
Trask, R. L. Hi stor ica I Lingui sties 历史语言学
Corpus Linguistics语料库语言学
Biber, D et a I Corpus Linguistics 语料库语言学
Kennedy, G. An Introduction to Corpus Linguistics 语料库语言学入门
Statistics in Linguistics 语言统计学
Woods, A. et al Stat i st ics i n Language Stud i es 语言研究中的统计学
History of the EngI ish Language 英语史
Baugh, A. C・ et a I A h i story of the EngI i sh Language (Fourt h Ed i t i on)英语史
Freeborn, D. From 01d Engl ish to Standard EngIish (Second E dition)英语史:从古代英语到标准英语
Fi rs t Lan guage Acqu i s i ti on 第一语言习得
Foster一Cohen,, S・ H. An I ntroduction to Child Language Deve
Good Iuck, H. Language Acqu i s ition: A Lingu i stic I ntroductio
Peccei, J. S. Child Language (New Edition)儿董语言
Second Language Acqui sition 第二语言习得
Cohen, A. D. Strategies in Learning and Using a Second Lang uage学习和运用第二语言的策略
Cook, V. Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition 语言学和第二语言习得
Cook, V. Second Language Learning and Language Teaching (Se cond Edition)第二语言学习与教学
James, C・ Errors i n Language Lear ning and Use: Exp I or i ng Er
ror Ana lysis语言学习和语言使用中的错误:错误分析探讨
Larsen-Freeman, D. et a I An I ntroduction to Second Language Acquisition Research第二语言习得研究槪况
Nuna n, D・ Seco nd Lan guage Teach ing and Learning 第二语言教与学
Re i d, J. M. Learni ng Sty Ies i n the ESL/EFL Classroom
Richards, J・ C. et al Ref Iective Teach i ng i n Second Languag e Classrooms第二语言课堂教学反思
Language Education 语言教育
Brown, H. D. Pr inciples of Language Learning and Teaching (Third Edition)语言学习和语言教学的原理
Brown, H・ D・ Teach i ng by Principles: An I nteractive Approac h to Language Pedagogy根据原理教学:交互式语言教学Brown, J. D. The EI ernents of Language Curr icuI urn: A Systema tic Approach to Program Development 语言教学大纲要素:课程设计系统法
Harmer, J. How to Teach Eng I i sh 怎样教英语
Hatch, E・ et a I VocabuI ary, Semantics and Language Educatio
Johnson, K・ An I ntroduction to Fore i gn Language Learn i ng an d Teaching外语学习与教学导论
Richards, J・ et al Approaches and Methods in Language Teach ing语言教学的流派
Trudgi I I, P. et al I nternational EngIi sh (Th i rd Ed i tion) 英
Ur, P. A Course in Language Teach ing: Practice and Theory 语言教学教程:实践与理论
Research Method 研究方法
McDonough, J・ et a I Research Methods for Engl ish Language T eachers英语教学科研方法
SIade, C・ Form and Style: Research Papers, Reports, Theses (Tenth Edition)如何写研究论文与学术报告
Thomas, J. et al Using Corpora for Language Research 用语料库研究语言
Wray, A et a I Projec ts i n Lin gu i s ti cs: A Prac ti ca I
Guide to Researching Language语言学课题:语言研究实用指南Test i ng测试学
Alderson, J. C・ et al Language Test Construetion and Eva Iua tion语言测试的设计与评估
Bachman, L. F. et al I nterfaces Between Second Language Acq uisition and Language Testing Research 第二语言习得与语言
Davies, A. et al Dictionary of Language Test i ng 语言测试词典Henning, G・ A Guide to Language Testing: DeveIopment, Eva Iu at ion ad Research语言测试指南:发展评估与研究
Heaton, J. B wr iting Engli sh Language Tests (New Ed i tion) 英语测试
Wood, R. Assessment and Testing: A Survey of Research 评估与
Academic Writing 学术写作
Roberts, W・ H・ et a I About Language: A Reader for Wr i ters (Fifth Edition)谈语言:写作读本
Course Des i gn课程设计
Ya I den, J. Pr i nciples of Course Des ign for Language Teach in
Engl ish Grammar 英语语法
Biber, D・ et a 丨Lon gma n Grammar of Spoken and Wr i tten Eng I i sh朗文英语口语笔语语法
Hopper, P. J. et a I Grammat ica I i zat ion 语法化学说Dictionary 词典
Bussmann, H・ Rout ledge Dietionary of Language and Linguisti cs语言与语言学词典
Crystai, D. The Cambr i dge Eneye I oped i a of Language (Second
Johnson, K. et al Encyclopedic Dietionary of AppI ied Lingui sties: A Handbook for Language Teaching 应用语言学百科词典:语言教学手册
Richards, J・ C. et al Longman Dietionary of Language Teachi ng & App I ied Linguistics朗文语言教学及应用语言学词典(英英、英汉双解)。
