雅思口语Part2范文模板:做过的梦为了帮助大家备考,店铺给大家带来的是雅思口语Part 2范文模板:做过的梦。
雅思口语Part 2范文模板:做过的梦Describe a dream you have hadYou should say:When you had this dreamWhat you saw in the dreamWhat you did or said in the dreamAnd explain why you had a dream like that1.适用考生:全适用2.主题:梦的解析3.故事线:几天前,我梦见错过了一列火车。
雅思口语高分范文示例:A couple of days ago, I had a dream about missing a train. It was something indicative to me. But I could not get the meaning clearly right that moment and later I realized that it was a sign of my negligence to my study. Later, I started focusing on my academic studies. This is a nice cue card for me and I will explain the matter in brief here.It was a mixed feeling. In fact, for past couple of weeks, I had not been concentrating on my academic activities. I used to move around and bunk the college classes. Moreover, I got a couple of friends who were also similar to me and with their company, I failed to focus on my academic activities. So, when I saw thedream, I started feeling guilty. It was my subconscious mind that was telling me to improve my academic career.Actually, the dream was a kind of symbolic instruction to me.I saw that I was missing a train as I was late to reach the station.I tried to catch the train, ran for a while but could not get into that for a few seconds. It could have been interpreted in several ways. But I discovered that it was my subconscious mind which was worried about me. Through the dream, it was warning me to come back on the track. If I do not follow the usual rules, I may experience some detrimental impacts.I remember the dream very well as it was in my present condition. I was having some wonderful day with my mates and moved to different parts of the city. I made late to return home and followed the same routine in the next day. The dream warned me. And so I remember it.雅思口语Part1话题及范文:dream 梦1. Do you often have dreams at night?Yeah! Basically every night, but sometimes when I’m fully/wide awake, I would forget all of them, which is kind of weird.I heard there are people who have never had dreams, or at least they don’t remember they had one, so sleeping for them is just like, you close your eyes at night, and then open your eyes in the morning, and it feels like just a second has passed. I’m so curious about what that feels like.除了有fully awake或者wide awake,还有像half awake或者half asleep这种形象的表达,例如:She was still half asleep (= not fully awake) when she arrived at work.2. Do you remember your dreams when you wake up?Well, just like I said, I would remember some of them,especially vivid and unrealistic ones and of course nightmares. For example, the other night I had a horrible dream about snakes. They were everywhere and even on my body, I just freaked out and woke up in a sweat.跟the other night相似的用法还有the other day/ morning/ evening/ week,他们都表示recently,例如:I saw Jack the other day.3. Do you like hearing others' dreams?Yeah! I like it when my friends are sharing their sweet dreams or nightmares with me. They are full of entertaining and hilarious stories, you can even tell one’s imagination from the dreams they had. And to be honest, some of the nightmares my friends told me are even more thrilling and gripping than the actual ghost stories or horror movies. Yeah, so I just love to hear about them.Gripping表示exciting or interesting in a way that keeps your attention,经常被翻译成“勾人心弦的”。
【雅思口语Part2】Describeaprojectyoudoaspartofyourstudies整理我们都知道备考雅思口语需要在平常积累多一些素材,并且多多参考别人的优秀(范文),下面我给大家带来【雅思口语Part2】Describe a project you do as part of your studies。
【雅思口语Part2】Describe a project you do as part of your studies You should sayWhat the project or work wasWhen you did thisWho was with youHow easy or difficult it wasAnd explain how you felt afterwardsLast semester, I was enrolled in a course about modern feminism. The final evaluation of the course includes written test as well as anin-class debate. The teacher gave us a topic about the patriarchic hegemony (父权性霸权主义)in modern society and we would be allowed to express our views freely. Intensive research and informed argument were required if you wanted to performed well in the debate. In order to get a high grade, I did a lot of preparation. The first step of my preparation was to find reference books and learn some previous studies in this field. I spent several weeks in our main library, as the first one tocome and the last one to leave. Once I arrived half an hour later than usual, the security guide in the front gate was worried about my unusual absence. I went through all the academic studies about this topic and it took me a lot of time, but I thought it’s worth doing so since it’s a truly enlightening process and I’ve learned a lot during those days. Although it’s exhaustive(累人的), the hard work paid off when I was praised by the teacher because of my well-structured and evidence-intensive (论据充分) arguments. Finally, I got an A grade in this course. Apart from the knowledge I got in this course, what I learned from this project is that participation in academia could be an interesting experience, which I didn’t realize before. When I chose this course, I just wanted to finish the credit(学分) but now after this experience, I began to understand why so many people were willing to devote their time to research.雅思口语资料:a team projectWhen I was in high school, I took part in a national-level robot competition on behalf of my school, in which we needed to form a group of three and compete with other groups in different areas in the country.The robot competition is all about coding and programming. We had to activate the robot to let it do something automatically, not by the remote you know. In other words, we needed to make an intelligent robot system. The three of us had different tasks. I was responsible for the programming, and another boy was in charge of construction, you know, the assembling part. And the girl in our team took care of all the testing work.We worked together really well, actually before the competition, we didnt really know about each other, but during the preparation process, we could feel that we had built a strong friendship, I mean, we were likefamily.What we built was an intelligent transport system, and it was 6 years ago. The amazing part is, basically everything we designed has been mass-produced and available on the market, for example, the intelligent garage and signal light.Now looking back, we still have a strong sense of achievement and I feel awesome when I think about it.语言点解析:on behalf of somebody = on somebodys behalf = as the representative of somebody. 例如:On behalf of the department I would like to thank you all.Mr. Knight cannot be here, so his wife will accept the prize on his behalf.这个(短语)其实还有in order to help somebody的意思,例如:They campaigned on behalf of asylum seekers (a person who has been forced to leave their own country because they are in danger and who arrives in another country asking to be allowed to stay there).On the market = available for people to buy 例如:to put your house on the marketThe house came on the market last year.There are hundreds of different brands on the market.Look back (on something) = reflect on = to think about something in your past 例如:To look back on your childhood雅思口语考试提分有什么技巧雅思口语,作为听说读写四项基本技能之一,是“有用主义派”((学习英语)是为了工作等比较现实的目的)特别看重的一门!但是,提高口语的人(不论是要考雅思,还是单纯地提高英语)都遇到了一些瓶颈。
接下来请看、内容:9分雅思口语part2范文竹子9分雅思口语part2范文竹子参考范文:竹子(9分级范文)I'd like to talk about the plant-bamboo.So first of all, as for how I know about bamboo, well I can’t really remember exactly how I first got to know about it, you know, it could have been in a biology class at school, or when I was out somewhere with my parents, but my guess would be that I probably first knew about it at primary school, because that was about the time when we first started learning about things like that.Anyway, moving on to why bamboo is important, well I’d say it’s pretty important for a number of reasons, the main one of which would be that it can be used to make so many different things, you know, such as chopsticks, chopping boards, flooring, what else, um……oh yeah, and musical instruments, like the bamboo flute for example.And another thing to mention is that bamboo is also used a lot for carrying stuff. For example, what I’ve seen people do is rest it on their shoulders, and then hang things on each end, because as well as being strong, it’s also very flexible, so it won’t break, even with very heavy loads.So it’s extremely useful, and what’s good about it is that it grows incredibly fast, you know, not like most other trees, and so although a lot of it’s cut down to make stuff, there will still always be an abundant supply of it here.But anyway, finally then, as for how much I like bamboo, well I’d say it’s actually probably one of my favourite plants! Because I mean, it kind of just gives me a nice, pleasant feeling whenever I see it. And it’s also a plant which is often associated with China, because we grow so much of it her e, so it’s something that kind of reminds me of my own culture, if you know what I mean.So yeah I guess that’s pretty much it then. Thanks for listening.雅思口语Part2话题分析:植物PlantDescribe an important plant in your countryYou should say:What it isHow you know itWhat uses does it haveWhy do you like it对于这个话题来说,不同于很多口语Part II中的其他话题,我们很难用话题套用的方式来将其他话题的内容进行简单的变化来作为此题目的回答,因为在雅思口语中关于Plant的问题并不是很多,而且回答并不太容易通用。
雅思口语考试结束后如何和考官说再见对于很多准备考雅思的同学来说,雅思口语是比较难的,那么今天就和店铺一起来了解一下雅思口语考试结束后如何和考官说再见呢?1. Goodbye很呆板 Bye bye很幼稚你是不是也中招了,经常说bye bye呢!然后跟我们的雅思考官道别,依然说bye bye,哈哈哈来看一下,到底问题在哪里。
1) Goodbye很正式,不够生活化,所以很少在外国人口中听到这个表达2) Bye bye英语母语者基本只有小孩子会这样说,成年人用会很奇怪,而且人家雅思考官会觉得你还在装嫩,不够成熟啦。
3) Bye.用这个都好过前面两个,稍微变一下就正常了,不会太幼稚或太正式。
4) Bye for now这个也可以选择用,这两个都比较口语化,日常生活中常用,也比较合适2. 不用Bye,换一种说法say“再见”!选择用See you!(See ya!)来代替我们的bye. 口语里,常常会把you读成ya,听起来更自然。
还是有很多其他形式:1) See you soon!2) See you around!3) See you when I see you!这个就比较有意思啦,相当于中文的“后会有期”,不过语气倒是相比较其要轻松些。
3. Have a good...系列当时在加拿大的时候,第一次坐人家的公交车,上车拿了票,跟那个售票aunt说了句“thank you”,她非常礼貌里回了我一句“Thank you”。
接着我下车了,她又跟我说了一句“Have a good one”.在这个简单的对话中,我学到了两个地道,一个就是用Thank you来回答别人的“Thank you”是最有礼貌的;二是“再见”可以用“Have a good one”,导致我一直用这个代替bye,沿用至今。
Have a good...能归纳为一个道别系列:1) Have a good day!祝你一天都好!2) Have a good weekend!祝你周末愉快!3) Have a good evening!祝你有个愉快的夜晚!如果嫌加具体时间很麻烦,那可以用:Have a good one!祝好!不需加任何特定时间,随时适用!4. Catch you later! = Later口语中,这里you口语里也常说成ya.还可以直接说成Later!See you later和catch you later也能直接简化成later,是非常地道、简洁的口语表达。
雅思口语part2万能套话雅思口语Part 2是一个独立口语任务,要求考生在2分钟的时间内回答一个给定的话题。
首先,一个好的开头能够引起考官的兴趣,可以使用以下一些表达方式来引入话题:1. "The topic I want to talk about is..."2. "I would like to share my e某perience about..."3. "I have always been interested in..."4. "I would like to tell you about an interesting e某perience I had..."接着,在介绍主题的时候可以使用以下表达方式来展开讲述:1. "Let me begin with..."2. "To give you some background information..."3. "First of all, let me tell you..."4. "The story I want to share starts with..."接下来是主体部分,可以运用以下表达方式来详细描述经历或者分享观点:1. "One thing that really stands out in my mind is..."2. "What impressed me the most was..."3. "To my surprise..."4. "What I found interesting was..."5. "From my point of view..."同时,可以使用以下一些句子连接词来过渡不同的段落或观点:1. "Furthermore..."2. "In addition..."3. "Moreover..."4. "Besides that..."5. "On top of that..."在结束时可以使用以下表达方式来总结观点或经历:1. "In conclusion..."2. "To sum up..."3. "To wrap up..."4. "All in all..."5. "In a nutshell..."最后,可以用以下一些表达方式来关闭话题或引入下一个话题:1. "That's all I have to say about..."2. "That brings me to the end of my story/e某perience..."3. "Now, let's move on to the ne某t topic..."4. "I hope you found my story/e某perience interesting..."综上所述,以上是一些可以在雅思口语Part 2中使用的万能套话。
Describe a traditional product in your country (新题)You should say:What the product isWhen you tried this product for the first time What it’s made ofI ’ d like to talk about Qipao, which is a traditional Chinese gown for ladies. It was created about 100 years ago, and was first made fashionable by socialites and upper class women as stylish party dress. This kind of dress is full of Chinese flavor, on some international occasions, it ’ s like a symbol of China. And it ’ s always made of silk, which is also a typical Chinese fabric. It is the kind of material that makes a piece of clothes look more gorgeous and chic, and of course, of higher quality. And the patterns on the dress tend to be flowers and birds, which represent vigor and youth.This kind of dress is tight-fitting and brings out the attractive figure of women, you know, makes them look more sexy and elegant.That ’ s why we can always see people wear them in formal occasions, like ceremonies or important meetings.For example, every time our First Lady went to visit national leaders in foreign countries, she would always take several pieces with her. And Song Meiling, who used to be the first lady of Republic of China, never showed up in public without wearing Qipao.Not only in China, now countless foreigners have also become big fans of it. I mean, it ’ s not uncommon to see actors wearing this kind of dress in foreign movies.Oh, I almost forgot, now we have upgraded Qipao a little bit. The modernized style is more functional and better suits our taste. For example, sometimes we make the hemline shorter and a lot wider, so that ladies are more comfortable when they walk in it.。
雅思口语之Part 2一条世界闻名的古老河流话题
雅思口语之Part 2一条世界闻名的古老河流话题一、Part 2 话题Describe an important river/lake in your countryYou should say:Where it is locatedHow big/long it isWhat it looks likeAnd explain why it is important二、话题参考文本To be perfectly honest, when I read this topic, my heart sank because I’m not familiar with lakes, rivers etc. in my country so apologies for the lack of detail in my answer, but I’ll do my best. Right, the river in question is the River Thames. It’s certainly the most famous1river in the UK and I guess it’s probably quite well-known throughout the world. As I said, I’m not really into rivers, but I have a feeling it stretches from London to the sea. In answer to the question, how long it is, I have absolutely no idea….I’ll hazard a guess –roughly 250 miles.Having said that, however, I have been on a trip down the river. A few years back, I went on a boat trip on it. It went from central London and passed a lot of famous landmarks such as the Houses of Parliament, the Tower of London and the Globe Theatre. Oh, and not forgetting, one of the most iconic buildings in London –Big Ben.In the dim and distant past, the river was used for the transportation of goods into London and I imagine it was a busy route. However, because of the development of the road network, the river is not used as much nowadays for the movement of goods. There is still a port in London though, but I believe that it has moved to the outskirts of London.I’m really sorry that my knowledge of this river is a bit sketchy, but like I said before, I’m not really a fan of geography and I come from the north of England and this river is2located in our capital city, in the south, so it is only something I have seen on the few occasions that I have visited the capital.Words & expressions in this episode1.iconic adj. 符号的;图标的2.outskirt n. 郊区;市郊3.sketchy adj. 概要的;粗略的3。
雅思口语Part2话题范文:a city you’ve visited that you likeYou should say:Where is itWhen did you go thereWhat did you do theirAnd explain why you like it参考范文:Recently, I have visited Agra, in India, Its been a very beautiful place. I have gone to visit this place with my father who has some business meetings at there.This place has many number of historic monuments built during reign of Mughal Era. In all places, I like Red Fort and Taj mahal very much. Taj mahal is considered as one of the seven wonders of the world. Its beauty is simply the best, completely inexplicable. Made in white marble and looks as same as from all four sides, very gigantic sculpture. while Red Fort is completely different. Inceptionally, I thought that it would be mere a giant castle. But inside the Fort there was a city inside with many places of market, theatre, food streets and kings palaces. These all are worth visiting places. One can not find the way if he lost. Very distantly scattered all these places inside the Fort. So nobody can see in asingle day. People of city are also very friendly and always endeavour to assist. They have great hospitality sense and I have really enjoyed, had taken many selfies and snaps with others and posted on my social sites and many people inquired about this place too. Just only drawback I found that has been dirt. People seemed not taking care seriously about maintaining cleanliness around such beautiful places. Later, I have heard that government has initiated towards that part; but overall felt a great experience.雅思口语Part2话题范文:favourite location for swimmingYou should say:what and where it ishow often you visit this placewho do you go there withand explain why this is your favourite location for swimming.参考范文:Where I grew up as a child there’s a great place to go swimming. We used to go all the time, especially in the summer months because it was super cool in the water and we could cool down from the heat of the day.The place is a small bay on the coast in the south of the country. It was really close to my grandparent’s house where I spent the summer months during my childhood. This place was incredibly popular with people – and everyone went there to enjoy the beach, the water and just spend time with their friends and family.At the weekends it was always busy with young children andfamilies and some would even stay and cook lunch on open fires on the beach after swimming and spending the morning there. It was a great family day out.We used to jump off an old pier there which jutted out into the bay. The pier was an old wooden structure which was about 3 meters above the water so it was great for diving off into the water. I can remember some really good times there with some of the other local kids who lived there.I still go there sometimes when I visit my grandparents, just for old time’s sake, to revisit some of those wonderful memories. It’s not just a great place for swimming, it also has a great beach, and a terrific view, especially in the evening when the sun is going down.It’s definitely one of the most popular places to go swimming, and much better than a swimming pool雅思口语Part2话题范文:a house or apartment that you have (recently) visitedYou should say:- Where it was (or is)- When you visited it– What it looked likeAnd explain why you visited it.参考范文:Ok then, well the place that I’d like to talk to you about was actuallya show home that I went to visit with my parents, which was in a newly developed (off-plan) apartment not far from the CBD. And I suppose it must have been about two or three weeks ago when we went there.As for why we went there, well it was simply because we’re thinking of buying a flat (an apartment) as an investment. You know for Chinese, this is a very common thing to do, because investing in property is seen as being relatively risk-free. And some friends of ours who had already been there to have a look recommended that we also check itout .So we thought, why not!Anyway, with regard to what the flat/apartment looked like, well basically, it was really nicely decorated, as you can probably imagine, what with it being a show home and all. For example, the floor was mostly marble, and there was a huge chandelier hanging above the dining table. So yeah, it all looked pretty impressive. I mean, even the wallpaper was nice, you know, it was, um… I’m not quite sure how to best describe it, but you could just tell it was really good quality from the feel and texture of it.The only downside was the price, because I think it was something like ten grand a square meter, so the whole flat came to about 720K ($720,000), or somewhere thereabouts, which was a bit above our budget unfortunately!雅思口语Part2话题范文:shop that just opened in your hometownwhere it is;how often you go there;what you usually do there;and explain why you like this place.解析题目要求描述一个你喜爱去的咖啡馆,要求内容涵盖地点、去的频次、在那的活动以及喜爱去那的缘由。
最后,让我们用一句经典的名言作为结束:Keep calm and carry on。
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为了防止大家在考场时无话可说,同学们在备考阶段一定需要多积累一些口语话题哦~下面小编给大家带来雅思口语Part2参考答案大全,一起来学习一下吧!雅思口语Part2答案:家庭成员1I've got a small family with only 5 members and all of us are very close to each other and we love each other very much. Among them I love my mother more than anyone else in the whole world. I adore my mother for her caring, loving, adorable behaviors and wit. She is the person I can share everything with and that's the reason I worship her so much.Possibly she was the first human I saw when I opened my eyes in this world. A relationship with a mother is divine and all of my childhood memories are either related to my mom or my school. I can still remember a day I was late to come back home after school and that's because there was a ceremony at the school I did not know about. All of a certain I found that my mother was entering through the school-gate to find me. I was so frightened that my mother would rebuke me for being late unnoticed and she must be mad at me. But to my best surprise, when my mother saw me she had a warm smile in her face that I'll never forget till my last breath in this earth. Then she hugged me and gave me a kiss. I felt then that I love my mother more than me. She attended the program at the school and afterward we came back home together.I spent my 19 years or so with my father and mother but I stay at a metropolitan city now for my education. Whenever I get vacation I meet my mother at my village home. On an average Ispend 2/3 months with my mother each year but I talk to her over phone almost twice a day.The reasons why I admire her are endless. She is caring, tender, she has got a big heart and she possesses love for everyone. She had been an ideal mother to raise 3 kids and making sure our education and moral values. She had made a lot of sacrifices all of her life and had never complained about anything to my best knowledge. She is the person who reminds me the power of love and caring.雅思口语Part2答案:家庭成员2I have got 6 family members and all of them are very dear and close to me. If I need to pick one family member among them to talk about, that would be my father. My father’s name is (say your father’s name) and he is around 50 years old. He is the kind of person I would want my offspring to be. He did his graduation in a time when formal education was not people’s first choice. They would rather start earning from work rather than going to school. My father fought to ensure his education with the people who thought working or doing some sort of business has more value than education. But my father believed that education is the most important part of a man’s life. He heartily held the idea that education shapes a man’s life and is the kind of power and asset that would always accompany him.I have lots of memories of my father and I see him every day. There exists a strong bonding between us that only two of us feel.I still remember those days of my childhood when I used to wait in the evening for my father to return from office. He would then play with me and help on completing my lessons. I vividly remember him sometimes taking me to the market and buy me gifts. When I was an infant he moved to the city from the villageto ensure me better schooling and environment. That was a decision that has changed my life path. He himself helped me finishing my home works and lessons, always allured me of gifts if I could complete my study. Besides my education he taught me lots of moral values and important things of life.He used to work in a Government organization and for his hard-working and kindness; he is revered by all of our relatives, his friends and neighbors.He believes in humanity, good behavior, our creator, and leads a life that can be exemplary. He still does most of his own works and helps my mom on her house hold works. After retirement he has picked 2 new habits: gardening and teaching neighbors’ kids. He is a quiet and intelligent man who has benevolent heart and that what make him so admirable to me. He is still the pillar of our family and all of our family members love and respect him very much.Tips for answering this Cue Card Sample:You already know a lot about your family members and this cue card should be an easy one to answer. Just focus on the questions mentioned bellow the Cue card topic. Following questions may come for this cue card and note the quick answers of these questions:1. Who is he/she? : My mother / My father/ My bother/ My sister etc.2. Your relationship to this family member: She is my mother/ he is my father etc.3. What you do together: We walk out together/ cook together/ study together/ talk a lot about family issues etc.4. What is s/he like: He/ She is kind, talented, energetic, worksa lot, dedicated, caring, possess a great personality, open mindedetc.5. How long do you know him /her: From my childhood/ all of my life/ for more than 20 years etc.6. How often do you see him/her: Everyday/ once in a month/ most of the time I stay at home/ in every three months etc.7. Why do you like him/ her or why do you admire him/ her?: S/he loves me a lot, very close to me, very caring, have a good heart, talented, helpful, my best mentor etc.While talking about what is s/he like or what qualities he /she has or even why do you like/ admire him/her you can use some of the following points:For father: He is honest, brave, had a good heart, talented, leads an ideal life. has sacrificed a lot to up-bring us, is an exemplary person, everybody respects him, is the best person I have ever seen, Loves me very much, hardworking, punctual, talented etc.For mother: She is so caring, loving, hardworking and possesses a good heart, had done a lot to up-bring us, very close to me, very understanding, one of my best friends, knows a lot of things and has so many practical skills etc.For brother: He is so brave, talented, well mannered, knows a lot about different things, had always been supportive to you, loved by others, cooperative and have lots of memories together, like a mentor to me, is my best buddy, taught me almost everything he knows, always protects me etc.For sister: She is caring, a good friend, loving, a good mentor, helps you on study or on other tasks, supportive, a very good friends, talented and well-mannered.If you prepare for this cue card you should be able to answerthe following cue cards as well with very little changes:1. Talk about someone who cares you a lot.2. Describe a person who you like very much.3. Describe the person whom you admire most.4. Talk about a person you know for a long.5. Talk about a senior person whom you like a lot.6. Talk about a person who has a great influence in your life.雅思口语Part2答案:喜欢的餐馆Thank you very much for giving me the chance to talk about my favourite restaurant. The n a m e o f m y f a v o u r i t e r e s t a u r a n t i s ( s a y t h e n a m e o f t h e r e s t a u r a n t y o u a r e g o i n g t o t a l k a b o u t ) a n d i t s s i t u a t e d a t t h e c e n t r e o f t h e c i t y I a m c u r r e n t l y l i v i n g i n . N o t o n l y I l i k e t h e s p a c i o u s , s e r e n e e n v i r o n m e n t , t a s t y m e n u s t h a t t h e r e s t a u r a n t s e r v e s , b u t I h a v e l o t s o f m e m o r i e s r e l a t e d t o t h i s r e s t a u r a n t .I r e m e m b e r t h a t m y p a r e n t s c e l e b r a t e d s o m e o f m y b i r t h d a y p a r t i e s t h e r e , o u r c o l l e g e f r i e n d s a r r a n g e d t h e g e t - t o g e t h e r p a r t i e s , o n e o f m y c o u s i n s m a r r i a g e c e r e m o n y w a s c e l e b r a t e d t h e r e a n d s i m i l a r l y I a t t e n d e d l o t s o f o t h e r p a r t i e s a t t h i s v e r y r e s t a u r a n t . / p > p s t y l e = " te x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l ef t ; " b d s f i d = "1 1 0 " > T h e r e s t a u r a n t h a s 3 f l o o r s a n d t h e s i t t i n g a r r a n g e m e n t i s q u i t e n i c e . P a i n t i n g s o f f a m o u s a r t i s t s h a v e b e e n h a n g i n g o n t h e w a l l s a n d t h e p l a c e i s q u i t e n e a t a n d c l e a n . T h e i n t e r i o r d e c o r a t i o n i s c h a r m i n g a n d g o r g e o u s f e e l i n g . T h e g r o u n d f l o o r i s s p a c i o u s a n d c a n a c c o m m o d a t e m o r e t h a n 5 0 c a r s ' p a r k i n g . T h e f r o nt v i e w o f t h e r e s t a u r a n t i s d i f f e r e n t a s t h e p l a c e g i v e s t h e i m p r e s s i o n o f a n u r b a n g a r d e n . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; "b d s f i d = " 1 1 1 " > T h e r e s t a u r a n t o f f e r s s e v e r a l d i s h e s i nc l ud i n ge x o t i c d e s e r t s , i c e - c r e a m s a n d a l s o of f e r s a s e p a r a t e p l a c e f o r t h e k i d s t o p l a y a n d h a v e f u n . T h e p r i c e s a r e r e a s o n a b l e a n d t h e f o o d s a r e s e r v e d q u i c k l y a s o p p o s e d t o s o m e o t h e r r e s t a u r a n t s w h e r e y o u w i l l h a v e t o w a i t f o r a l o ng f o r y o u r f o o d s t o a p p e a r o n y o u r t a b l e . Th e w ai t e r s a n d o t h e r s t a f f s a r e f r i e n d l y a n d w e l c o m i n g . T h e r e s t a u r a n t o f f e r s C h i n e s e , I t a l i a n , I n d i a n , T h a i , P a k i s t a n i a n d l o c a l m e n u s t h a t g i v e s y o u a w i d e r a n g e s a n d o p t i o n s t o p i c k f r o m . T h e s o f t b a c k g r o u n d m u s i c a n d i n s t r u m e n t a l s m a k e t h e e n v i r o n m e n t m o r e e nj o y a b l e a n d s o o t h i n g . T h e t a b l e s a r e n o t c o n g e s t e d a n d p e o p l e c a n c h a t o v e r t h e i r p e r s o n a l t o p i c s w i t h o u t i n t e r r u p t i o n . T h e l o n g g l a s s m a d e w i n d o w s o f f e r t h e c i t y v i e w w h i c h m ak e s t h e pl a c e w o r t h v i s i t i n g b e s i d e s t h e d e l i c i o u s f o o d s . T h e p l a c em u s t b e a g o o d p l a c e t o b e a s I o f t en fo u n d t h e f o r e i g n t o u r i s t s v i s i t i n g t h e r e s t a u r a n t . T h e a u t h o r i t y l e t s t h e c u s t o m e r sp r o v i d e t h e i r f e e d b a c k s a n d c o m m e n t s o n f o o d s a n d t h e p l a c e a n d a s I h a v e n o t i c e d t h e y t a k e p r o m p t a c t i o n o n a c u s t o m e r c o m p l a i n t . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 1 2 " > I n s h o r t , t h i s i s a r e a l l y n i c e r e s t a u r a n t t o g o a n d e n j o y t h e d e l i c i o u s m e al s . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 1 3 " > T i p s f o r a n s w e r i n g t h i s C u e C a r d S a m p l e : / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 1 4 " > Y o u s h o u l d t a l k a b o u t a r e s t a u r a n t t h a t y o u k n o w a b o u t . D o n o t p i c k a r e n o w n e d r e s t a u r a n t t h a t y o u k n o w v e r y l i t t l e . Y o u a r e f r e e t o d e s c r i b e t h e i n t e r i o r d e s i g n , s e r v i c e , e x t e r n a l e n v i r o n m e n t , d i s h e s s e r v e d o f t h e r e s t a u r a n t t h e w a y y o u l i k e . I t d o e s n o t h a v e t o b e a n e x a c t m a t c h w i t h t h e r e s t a u r a n t y o u a c t u a l l y g o a l o t . Y o u s h o u l d a d d s o m e o f y o u r m e m o r a b l e e v e n t s o f t h i s r e s t a u r a n t . S o m e o f t h e c o m m o n f e a t u r e s t h a t p e o p l e l i k e a b o u t a r e s t a u r a n t s a r e : / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 1 5 " > 1 . D e l i c i o u s d i s h e s . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 1 6 " > 2 . R e a s o n a b l e p r i c e . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 1 7 " > 3 . E a s y t o g o t h e r e f r o m h o m e . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 1 8 " > 4 . Q u i e t a n d n i c e e n v i r o n m e n t . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " bd s f i d = " 1 1 9 " > 5 . A t t r a c t i ve d e c o r a t i o n a n d v ie w . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l ef t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 2 0 " > 6 . P l a yg r o u n d f o r k i d s . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 2 1 " > 7 . O p e n s p a c e . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 2 2 " > 8 . P r i v a c y . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d en t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 2 3 " > 9 . S e r v i c e a n d b e h a v i o u r o f t h e s t a f f s . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 2 4 " > 1 0 . S p e c i a l t r e a t s f o r t h e r e g u l a r c u s t o m e r . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 2 5 " > 1 1 . V a r i e t y o f f o o d s . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 2 6 " > 1 2 . P a s t m e m o r y r e l a t e d t o t h e r e s t a u r a n t . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 2 7 " > 1 3 . R e c o m m e n d a t i o n f r o m f r i e n d s a n d f a m i l y m e m b e r s . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 2 8 " > 1 4 . D i s c o u n t s , e t c . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 2 9 " > I n y o u r a n s w e r y o u c a n u s e t h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d p o i n t s . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 3 0 " > I f y o u a r e p r e p a r e d f o r t h i s c u e c a r d s a m p l e y o u s h o u l d b e a b l e t o a n s w e r t h e f o l l o w i n g c u e c a r d s a s w e l l : / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 3 1 " > 1 . T a l k a b o u t a p l a c e y o u o f t e n g o t o . ( Y o u c a n s a y t h a t y o u o f t e n g o t o t h i s r e s t a u r a n t ) / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 3 2 " > 2 . D e s c r i b e a p l a c e y o u w o u l d r e c o m m e n d y o u r f r i e n d s t o v i s i t . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 3 3 " > 3 . D e s c r i b e a p a r t y c e n t r e y o u w e n t r e c e n t l y . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 3 4 " > 4 . D e s c r i b e a r e s t a u r a n t y o u r ec e n t l y v i s i t ed . / p > p s t y le = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l ef t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 3 5 " > 5 . T a l k a b o u t a p l a c e w h e r e y o u o f t e n m e e t y o u r f r i e n d s . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l ig n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 3 6 " > 6 . D e s c r i b e a r e s t a u r a n t th a t y o u e n j o y e d g oi n g t o . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 3 7 " >。
雅思口语part2范文1、Describe a new lawWell, to provide a secured life for the public, every year the government of China is improving in its law system by updating those already existed ones or by issuing new ones. Here, I would like to talk about a new law that was just in practice in January1st this year. It is about the regulations on advertisements on TVs and Radios.For a time in the past, there are great varieties of advertisements on TVs and radios, but due to lack of proper management and supervision, there exist a lot of misleading or unhealthy advertisements, which exert a negative influence on the general public. And therefore, in January 1st, this new regulations were called into practice.In this new law, it does not allow any misleading advertisements, or advertisements that contain unhealthy information, such as violence, pornography, disgusting pictures, unhealthy life attitude. Also, it does not allow any advertisements about cigarettes, and those about liquors are limited to a larger extent. In addition, it also regulates about the timing, the periods about the advertisements.In this way, this new law tends to provide the public a much healthier living environment. And from its practice over the past months, the public, especially the children, do have a much better exposure of information from TV and radio programs.I do hope that more and more news laws that are intended to improve our life are issued in the future.2、Talk about a successful foreign personThere are many successful people in the world. Since I’m a football fan, I’d like to talk about David Beckham, a successful football player. A lot of people know him not because he’s an excellent football player but because of his good looking. Especially a lot of women, they regard him a s a big sport star. But that’s not the reason I admire him. I think he’s a successful man because he works hard and never gives up.As a young player, he was blamed for his mistake that caused the failure of his national team in the 1998 world cup. A lot of people laughed at him, but he was not defeated and tried harder than before. In 2001, his score helped his national team to win the game against Greece, which enabled them to enter world cup in the next year. He became a national hero overnight.I learned a lot from him. Sometimes, we might fail once or several times but it doesn’t mean we will never succeed. It’s always good to keep trying. I believe hard work will eventually make a big difference.3、Talk about a piece of equipmentI’d like to talk abou t a piece of advanced equipment in my home, an air conditioner. My parents bought it in a department store when I was sixteen years old to replace the old one.I think it is interesting to use this equipment, just like magic. Because when we use it, it can change hot air to cold air. When we are cold, we also get warm by using it. I can’t imagine what our life will be if we don’t have it.Of course we don’t use it all the time. Because when in spring or autumn, the weather is very comfortable, it isn’t nece ssary to use it. If we use it all the time, it is not environmental friendly. Also, it is not good for our health if we stay in anair-conditioned room for a long time. When I feel very hot or cold outside, I will miss my air conditioner.4、Describe a toy you likeI want to describe a toy in my childhood. Actually, it was not a girly toy. It is a model car.When I was a kid, I acted like a boy and I was very interested in car models and guns. But my mother didn’t know that and she bought many dolls for me. T o tell you the truth, my father found that I liked model cars, so he bought me one as a little present.It’s as big as a book and the color was very brig ht, it was red. I think the carwas cool and I liked it very much. I would always take it out and study it. I figuredout many functions of the car. I felt it was amazing that people could invent this tool for transportation.Since it was the gift that my father gave me, I kept it very carefully. Even now, it still looks like a brand new car. I think it’s very meaningful for a kid to own something that they like.5、Describe a type of entertainment you likeThe entertainment I would like to see is a Broadway play, like those famous ones from New York. I've heard that The Phantom of the Opera is a famous one that is well worth seeing. Well, I guess I might need to go all the way to America to see one, but I have a feeling that there will one day be a grand performance in Beijing. Why not? You don't need that much English to be able to enjoy it, and Beijing certainly has the facilities. Perhaps it will come soon.The basic features of these plays are incredible voices-I mean to sing like they do is not easy, and I know many famous signers and actors from America have tried but failed. Also they need to be graceful in their actions and decent at acting. These kinds of plays are usually visually very stunning, I mean a lot goes into making the setting wonderful. I heard for example that in The Phantom of the Opera there is a giant chandelier that comes crashing onto the stage, but that it is actually just a technical stunt. I think the reason I would like to see this is because I prefer seeing acting live and on stage. Also, I love singing, and I think if I were to see such a play it would stick in my mind for quite some time.6、Describe how to use a communication toolThe tool I will give you instructions about is the mobile phone. I will just assume that you've never used one before.The first thing you should do is turn it on and check the battery level, and then the volume level. Well, see if it has enough battery. Wait for it to register. What I meanby register is that the picture screen should come up and then the main menu. You see, a mobile phone is really like a computer, so it needs its main menu before you starthitting any buttons. When you feel it is registered, dial the number. Remember that you need to key in 010 if you are phoning a home number, but if not, that is to say the number is also another mobile phone number, then key in the number directly. Check to see that the number you dialed is the same one you intended to dial. It will appear on the mobile phone screen. After that press the green button and wait. Finally, after finishing your conversation, press the red button.When you are talking, you need to put the phone close to your ear. You should also adjust the volume, but that you can do even before the call. Also, make sure that you put it on lock, but we do that after we hang it up Remember to hang up the phone and recharge it.7、My favourite story is The Rickshaw Boy. I read this story about five years ago, and I liked it so much that I read it perhaps three more times. The author of this story is the famous Lao She, and this book is so famous that it has been translated into many languages, including English.Basically, the story is about the living conditions of rickshaw drivers in Beijing. It's kind of a social critique of the way people were during that time. The story is a bit complex, so I won't go through the plot but you do get a sense of the injustice and hardships suffered by people before liberation. The main character. is a man who had many dreams and ambitions as a youth, but lost them along the way. His life is thus a kind of struggle for survival and a challenge to reconcile his lost ambitions.I like this story best because it's full of sympathy for ordinarily folk. Sometimes I feel we need to take a closer look at the conditions of people in our lives. You know, I guess you could say I came from a wealthier side of society, and it's so easy to ignore the conditions of people who are not so lucky as yourself. Also, this book reminds us how far our society has progressed. We still have rickshaw drivers and poor folk, but not nearly as many as during the time Lao She was writing. People's lives are better now, but we haven't yet reached the ideal state yet, so we had better look after each other and treat each other as brothers and sisters.8、Talk about a favourite class you likeMy favourite class that I took was a class I took about five years ago. The class was on International Trade and Marketing for an International Market. I was a second-year student at university and I was eager to begin to specialize in my field. You see at that time I had all these ideas about how I could get rich by selling Chinese-made products to the west. You know, I think there are a lot of people who have the same dream that I did. My thinking was that what I could sell wasn't available in the west, so international marketing would just be about telling the world about it, and then waiting for the money to come in.In this course we had a professor who was not only knowledgeable from a theoretical standpoint, he also had a lot of practical knowledge, since he used to work for a Chinese company who sold products in America. He lived in America and supervised the efforts of the marketing department, so he had a rich knowledge of the kinds of things that can go wrong when you're trying to market to people from adifferent market. He told us how some Chinese executives would choose certain clients over others only because they were willing to make advance payments, but that in fact the clients who wanted better .credit terms were actually more profitable clients. He said it was natural for executives to favor clients who paid early in China, but that in the west where credit was the norm most clients thought it quite normal to pay over long periods of time. He said that some clients took advantage of this mindset to try and squeeze lower prices out of his company.The style was completely anecdotal. By that I mean he just told stories. He tried to organise these stories as they related to the theory, and they tended to make sense from a practical way of looking at the issues. He also gave us a lot of humorous examples of cultural differences along the way. But he also told us that people are people wherever they come from, and he even told us how he exported products to places like Rwanda and how similar they were to us in many respects.It was my favourite because it taught me what issues to think about before setting up any international trade. More than just knowledge it also helped me to understand the issue of culture better, and this was very relevant to me since I am planning to go overseas soon.9、Describe your habits for going out to eat.I think this is a good topic for me because I'm always eating out. The truth is that I don't like doing too much cooking, so I need to get out quite often-maybe twice a week. I will usually go with my wife but sometimes with a group of people from work. To tell you the truth, I try to avoid the dinner parties that have lines of beer bottles and rice wine because I know the conversations will just get sillier and sillier.My favourite dishes are seafood dishes, and I don't like my food to be so spicy. I prefer Cantonese-style dishes, which emphasize lighter seasoning and mixed vegetables. The best places to find these kinds of dishes are in specialty Cantonese restaurants, because if you try to get people to cook it up north, you may find yourself quite disappointed with the way they cook it.The reason I like these kinds of restaurants is because I'm originally from Guangzhou, so I've never really changed my eating habits. In fact, I still clean all my glasses with tea before I'll even drink out of a cup. Seafood dishes and restaurants are a little more expensive, but the food is nutritious, and there're so many different ways that Cantonese people cook food. You know, beyond just the food, I think it's also important to have good service. Sometimes you will find in some of these really big restaurants the waiters and waitresses are so busy that they have no time to serve you well. I like restaurants that have waiters and waitresses who come to you even before you need them. For instance, one good example is the tea. A good restaurant will have waiters and waitresses that are continually checking your tea supply and filling it up.、10、Describe a gift that you have receivedRight, well the best gift I have received was my father's pocket watch. He gave it to me on my birthday. You see, I know my father is not wealthy and he wanted to give me something important even though he didn't have to. He always loved thiswatch. I know this, because I remember one day when the watch wasn't working properly. Well, he was in quite a panic, because, he told me he felt like he was carrying around a sick baby in his belt.I always wondered what was so special about the watch. It seemed so funny to me, especially as I was growing up. Everyone else was buying those digital wristwatches, and his watch seemed like something out of the past. So I wondered if it might be an antique or a famous watch. My mother didn't say much to me, but she did tell me once that the watch wouldn't fetch much more than a few RMB if it were sold, but that my father might even kill or die to protect that watch. You know, after my father died about a year ago, I asked my mother about the pocket watch. I had mainly kept it in my drawer but after he died I felt like I needed to know about this watch. My mother told me it was a watch my grandfather wore as well. You see my grandfather was killed in the war between Japan and China, and all that was found on him was this pocket watch that I guess the Japanese had neglected to take from him after they shot him. So this watch seems to carry the soul of both my father and my grandfather. 11、Describe a beautiful building in your hometownAlright, well I've been asked to talk about something beautiful and I'd like to choose the White Cloud Temple. It is located in Beijing and it's on the west side of town. It's not that far away from a subway station, but you would need to take a bus, because it's a bit far to walk. I go there probably two or more times a year. It's a Taoist temple, probably the most active Taoist temple in Beijing. I'm a Taoist. But I go there more than just to pray. I really try to take a trip to find some time to rediscover myself. During the Spring Festival people jam into it because they hold what I think is the best carnival during Spring Festival. We call them Miao Huis. At that time the temple is very crowded, but most other times it's quite peaceful, and it's a good place to get away from all the people.I think the reason it's so beautiful is because it is simple and it seems to blend in well with its environment. The small praying hall is very serene. It has a nice pool and a bridge. The Taoist motifs are quite simple but I think they are very charming. I love to go there during the winter after a big snowfall because it's at this time that it seems to be most mysterious. I choose this as the most beautiful because, to me, beauty is simplicity and natural design, and it also means it fits the environment it is in. I don't really like grand, elaborate temples. I prefer temples that seem powerful not because of their structures but because they are perfect for their simple beauty.。
雅思口语题库part2话题之:一个有礼貌的人(a polite person that you met)Describe a polite person that you metwhere you met the personHow you met the personWhy you think the person was polite雅思口语题库part2范文1:一个有礼貌的人1.适用人群:全适用2.主题:马修3.故事线:马修是“我”的中学同学,他对人很有礼貌,总是对人们说谢谢,哪怕是最轻微的事情。
Ok, right then, we ll the person I’d like to talk to you about is a very good friend of mine called Matthew, the reason being that he must be one of the nicest and most polite people I know, which I’ll come to explain in a moment.But firstly, as for how I know him, well we’ve basically known each other since middle school, because we were in the same class together, and we still see quite a lot of each other. You know, if I feel like going out and doing something, I normally give him a call and see if he’s free to meet up.A nd moving on to why I think he’s so polite, well it’s basically because he’s just got really good manners. And just to give you an example, he always says thank you to people, evenfor the slightest thing. For instance,I’ve noticed that whenever we’re eati ng at a restaurant, he will thank the waiters and waitresses every time they bring a dish to the table. And another example would be that whenever he gets off a bus, he will always say thank you to the driver, which a lot of people probably think isn’t necessary, but I’m sure the bus drivers really appreciate it, as do the waiters and waitresses, because it’s not all that often they hear people thanking them!So yeah, that’s basically why I’d say he’s such a polite person, and I’m just trying to think if there’s anything more to add, um……, oh yeah, and one other thing to mention would be that he’s always very complimentary to people. So what I mean is that he tends to always say nice things to people, for example he might make a comment about how nice someon e’s looking, or how good their cooking is, which I know might be seen as being a bit um,…what’s the word……um… insincere, but I think he genuinely means what he says, at least most of the time anyway!And I mean, I can’t remember a single time when he’s eve r been rude or unpleasant to anyone, and I also can’t really imagine him being nasty to anyone either.So yeah, that’s pretty much it then. Thanks for listening.4.口语高分语料地道用词:meet upbring a dish to the table高分句型:…which I’ll come to explain in a moment = …我待一会儿就解释he’s got really good manners = 他很有礼貌And just to give you an example = 给你举个例子呢 (this is aset-phrase which is used a lot in English, and is normally used for when the example is quite long)not all that often = 不是那么经常I’m just trying to think if there’s anything more to add = 我在想还有没有什么可以补充的!he’s always very complimentary to people = 他总是对人很恭维he tends to always = 他一般总which might be seen (by some) as being insincere = 可能会被别人看作是虚伪he genuinely means what he says = 他是真的认为的at least most of the time anyway = 反正大多数时候是这样 (this is a useful structure: at least……anyway 反正……是这样) what’s the word = 哪个单词怎么说?!(卡住的时候,可以用这句话 you can use this phrase when you are trying to think of what word to use.自言自语的话, it’s best to try and keep talking, even when you are thinking!雅思口语题库part2范文2:一个有礼貌的人1.适用人群:全适用2.主题:叔叔3.故事线:我的叔叔在和别人交谈时,他是非常谦虚的。
雅思口语part2范文:Describeabookyouwanttoreadagain雅思口语是雅思考试中比较难得分的部分,很多雅思考生在口语上都很头疼,怎么都拿不到高分,所以大家掌握一些雅思口语的答题模板是非常重要的,下面就为大家推荐雅思口语part2范文:Describe a book you want to read again,大家可以参考雅思口语part2范文:Describe a book you want to read againYou should say:What the book is aboutWhy you read itWhat you learned from this bookAnd explain why you would like to read it again.雅思口语范文:I should also mention the fact that I'm quite a big fan of self-help books, because on the whole, I tend to learn quite a lot from them, and this book was definitely no exception. Just to give you an example, I would say I've learned to become much more1/ 9observant after reading this book, such as generally paying more attention to everything around me. And in so doing, it’s made me appreciate things a lot more. Of course, there were a number of other things I learned, but nothing else is coming to mind right now, and that's really kind of why I want to read the book again, because I've forgotten a lot of it. So I kind of need to refresh my memory a little bit!这些重点词汇,自己记三遍吧!with regard to 关于capability 能力outlines 概述browsing 浏览caught my eye 吸引我的注意力bold 黑体的self-help books 励志类书籍observant 善于观察的refresh my memory 唤起我的记忆雅思口语话题范文:A book you readDescribe a book you recently read.You should say2/ 9what book it waswhen you read itwhy you read itand explain what you liked and (possibly) disliked about the book.what book it wasAs you may know, many Chinese people love complex love stories and the is perhaps the most popular and well-developed of them.when you read itI have read the whole novel from the beginning to the end only once 3 months ago, but I like it and I felt myself loss when I finished that novel. I lingered at the last few chapters for long enough to get myself back to a normal life.why you read itIt tells us the difference between Chinese literature and Western literature. At the end of each chapter, there is always a line which says ‘if the reader wants to know what happens next, please read the next chapter’. The line suggests that these chapters were each written separately over a period of time, thus,it functions as a reminder for readers to wait for the next chapter.3/ 9These were the most developed stages of Chinese fiction writing.And explain what you liked about the bookMoreover, the reason for the novel’s outstanding reputation and distinguishable status is that the novel is ‘the direct way to learn about Chinese culture. You cannot read Laozi or Confucius to understand Chinese society and Chinese people, while the book is the shortcut’. Therefore, the language used f or this classical work is between formal and colloquial. In addition, the work was completed during Qing dynasty which is the last feudal empire in Chinese history, thus, the language is classical but also quite close to modern Chinese; it is intelligible for Chinese readers without any footnotes. Furthermore, exaggerated expressions are frequently used in the original text to show the author’s irony towards the society.Another sample answer:what book it wasDream of the Red Mansions, written in the 18th century, is undoubtedly one of the most distinguishable classical novels of Chinese literature. The story has been made into numerous mini series and TV operas.when you read it4/ 9I have read it (the Chinese version) several times, and have it handy in my palm in case I want to read it. I think I read it the first time when I was in middle school and it was kind of difficult (yes because of the huge number of characters and the sub-plots and so on). But then it got easier and easier. You have to read it and know the stories and the poems because they are so frequently quoted.why you read itI deeply love the romance between the characters, that’s why I read it that often. I don't know much about the English version but it'd be definitely difficult to translate this novel into any other languages. I wonder how one can translate the puns which expressed some deeper meaning, or probably the best way is to skip it or giving some footnotes (which will ruin the novel).And explain what you liked about the bookThe main character is Baoyu (寶玉), and his love interest is his cousin Daiyu (黛玉), who is the daughter of his aunt (father's sister). Baoyu finally marries another cousin Baochai (寶釵). Baoyu, before he comes to this world, was a rock/jade, and Daiyu a plant. The rock used to water the plant. So Daiyu has to pay back the5/ 9debt to Baoyu with all her tears in this life. (How romantic.) The poems I like best are the two which foretell their fates in Baoyu's dream.And the scene before Daiyu dies, when she buries the fallen flowers, is very very very famous, called “黛玉葬花".And there's another famous poem called 紅豆詞, which has been made into a song. Just the other day I was listening to it at a fashion boutique.I could go on and on.雅思口语考试流程分步详解口语测试时间约为十一至十四分钟。
下面我给大家带来雅思口语库话题Part2范文之:童年趣事(a happy time in your childhood)。
雅思口语库话题Part2范文之:童年趣事(a happy time in your childhood)You should say:What is itWhen did it happenWhy you remember it1.适用人群:全适用2.主题:学骑自行车3.(故事)线:我童年时最甜美的回忆之一是我第一次学会骑自行车,我特别兴奋能有这样的经受。
One of the sweetest memories of my childhood was the first time I learned to ride a bicycle and I was tremendously glad to have the experience. My elder brother helped me ride a bicycle and he was very careful about it. Honestly, without his help, I would not have learned it. This candidate task cardlooks very interesting and I will explain the event now. I would also like to thank you to let me the opportunity to talk about it.I was about six or seven, I cannot exactly remember the age. But it was not the age for a girl to learn to ride a bicycle.I just crossed my elementary grades when I learned to ride a bicycle. My older brother shared everything with me and I was his passenger on the newly received bicycle from his birthday. He was a teen but rode on bicycles like an adult.After riding for a couple of days behind my brother, I wanted to learn to ride it myself. My brother, Jim, did not hesitate to teach me the riding. Initially, he explained how bicycle worked and took me to take the rider seat. I fell on the ground several times and Jim instructed me to keep the balance. In the first phase, Jim used to control the bicycle from behind so that I do not fall on the ground and graduallyI improved in riding the bicycle. Later, Jim allowed me to ride the bicycle alone.It was a nice experience to me. I know how to ride a bicycle and even I can drive a car now. Jim is my instructor in this case too. In fact, as an older brother, Jim cared for me too much and helped me greatly in learning the riding and driving. So, I am grateful to him. If he would not take the initiativesin my childhood, I would not have become a driver in a true sense.4.口语高分语料地道用词:tremendouslycross gradesa couple of days高分句型:My older brother shared everything with me and I was his passenger on the newly received bicycle from his birthday.One of the sweetest memories of my childhood was the first time I learned to ride a bicycle and I was tremendously glad to have the experience.If he would not take the initiatives in my childhood, I would not have become a driver in a true sense.In the first phase, Jim used to control the bicycle from behind so that I do not fall on the ground and gradually I improved in riding the bicycle.雅思口语p2范文答案:童年趣事 a happy family event from your childhoodTopic:Describe a happy family event from your childhood that you remember well.You should say:what the event was;when and where it happened ;what you saw or did;and explain why you remember this event so well.sample answer:There are numerous happy events in my life that I can recall and among them I would like to talk about the day that I was blessed with a little sister. This was an event that I still recall vividly. I was then only 7-8 years old and when I saw a little angel was crying on my mothers lap, I became the happiest man in the world. I was the only son of my parents and when I heard that I will have another sibling, I got very excited and I was counting days when this brother/ sister of mine will come. I speculated and imagined lots of things I would do with my sibling. The day that my sister came in to the world was one of the happiest days of my life.For the first time I felt a strong urge to kiss this little fairy child. She was so beautiful and adorable that I thanked God for the gift. My mother asked me to hold her and kiss her but I was afraid to touch her as I thought that might hurt her.I felt like I was flying on that day. My mother gave birth of the baby in a hospital and I was so happy and attached by the event that I denied returning home at night. I stayed in the hospital cabin for about 4-5 days till my mother and sister came home. I came back home with the most precious gift of the world.提高雅思口语成果肯定要找外国人对话?这次我们来解决一位雅思索生的求助:特意找了外国人练口语,雅思口语成果却连0.5分都没有提高。
Describe your apartment or house Ok, I've been asked to describe my apartment, but I think the apartment I live in is quite typical. It is located in the south of Hefei and it's in a very clean and convenient neighbourhood. I've lived there for about three years. We used to live in a brick house, but my father's business began to do very well so we could afford a better place. The rooms? Well, as for the rooms... there are 3 rooms. One is for my father and mother and another is for me. The other room is given to our maid. The apartment is about a hundred square meters, and it has a large living room and two bathrooms-one is in my parents' room. We have some comfortable chairs and a fairly large TV in the centre. We also have a stereo set and a karaoke set as well. I should mention that the kitchen is quite large compared to many other families because we extended it by knocking out the wall of another room. Now you know about the rooms. Let me tell you how I feel about the place. To tell you the truth, I don't like it very much. I mean, even though it's much larger and cleaner than the previous place, sometimes I just don't feel it's my real home. I think I got too attached to my previotE home. Also, in the brick home we knew all our neighbours but here we know nobody. I think it's just as important to have friendly neighbours.。
雅思口语话题Part2范文: a time you saw lots of people were smilingYou should say:When did you see theWhere did you see themWho you were withWhy people were smiling参考范文:This topic reminds me of the time we took class pictures on graduation day.Actually, we all had mixed feelings,on the one hand, we were pretty psyched about graduating from university and getting a diploma.on the other hand, we also felt a little bit sad ‘cause we had to say goodbye to all the classmates who have spent the last four years with each other.However, when we took the picture, we still didn’t forget to be funny.I mean, we made faces and posed hilariously to the camera despite thephotographer’s objection. He was so pissed off.In the end, he couldn’t stand us anymore, and shouted, couldn’t you guys act like normal people and just smile to the camera?After we were done having fun, we thought, maybe we should listen to the photographer and take a decent picture together.So we stood still, and said cheese when he clicked the shutter.After we got the picture, we were surprised to see that everybody looked great in the picture, I mean, we all had a sweet smile on our face, looking energetic and hopeful.I framed the picture and put it on my bookshelf. It would bring back memories from my college years.Every time I saw those smiling faces I would recall all the precious moments we had together during those four years, and I just couldn’t help cracking a smile.Part3相关问题• Why do people smile?• Is it true that women smile more than men? Why?• Should everyone express their true feeling?• Why do people smile when they take photos?• Will you smile to strangers?• When do people smile?• What s the difference between fake smile and true smile?• Do you think people should control their moods?雅思口语话题Part2范文: an interesting conversation with a strangerYou should say:Who the person isWhat you talked aboutWhat kind of person he/she isWhy the conversation was interesting参考范文:Id like to talk about an interesting conversation I had with a stranger while I was on a flight from Dallas to Buenos Aires, Argentina, about two years ago.If I remember correctly, he was an American backpacker and wanted to travel around Argentina on his own. Since I had lived in Argentina for more than 10 years, I guess I was the ideal person to give him suggestions for his trip.At the beginning of the conversation, he thought I was also a tourist (because of my Asian looks) so he wanted to share and exchange trip ideas with me. But once I told him who I really was, I was the one making most of the talking. I remember he was a really nice guy and very very adventurous. He basically wanted to try everything and make themost of his trip, thats why he was very willing to listen to me and take notes of my suggestions on some secret spots around the city as well as popular tourist attractions in different provinces. I also wrote down for him the names of some traditional foods that he must try as part of the experience.I found the conversation really interesting because it was hard for me to believe that a person could have such courage to travel by himself to a country he had never been to. It was also quite difficult to imagine how he could survive with his broken Spanish! But well, I guess that is what a backpacker is supposed to be.All in all, although we havent kept in touch since that conversation, I really hope he had a good time in Argentina!Part3相关问题What are the advantages and disadvantages of communicating face to face and via internet?Why some people like to communicate via internet?Why do people like talking with others?Do you think women are more likely to talk about others?雅思口语库话题Part2范文:An activity you do to keep fitYou should say:What the activity isWhen and where you usually do ithow you do itand explain why it can keep you fit示例范文:单车骑行Im an outgoing person so that I like keeping myself busy even if Im not working. Riding my bicycle in my spare time is my favorite activity. Last year, I moved to Xiamen. It is a city famous for cycling friendly. So I bought the bike, and from then on I formed the habit of cycling. At first, I cycled to work everyday, gradually, I started cycling for fun—going through some parks and down by the riverside. Not until I joined the Cycling Club did I have the different experience of cycling. It is a club gathering a group of people who have common interests in cycling. They often get about on the weekends. So I joined in and became a member of them. Sometime we planned a long journey. Normally, we just go on a short trip about 20 miles to enjoy the day. Cycling does enrich my life. Most importantly, it is an efficient way to keep fit. Now, there is no need for me to do the exercise in the gym regularly. Cycling can help me shape the body. Now, I am healthy physically and mentally.What do people usually talk about?Do you think it s important to share your problems with others? Why? Which do your think its better for communication, face to face or make a phone call?雅思口语库话题Part2范文:good decision made by the people around youDescribe a good decision made by the people around you1. Who made it?2. Why did she/he made this decision?3. What happened after this decision?4. Why you think it is a good decision.雅思口语话题Part2范文精选共享文章到此就结束了,欢迎大家下载使用并丰富,共享给更多有需要的人。
雅思口语话题part2参考范文:和朋友愉快聚餐Describe a dinner you enjoyed with your friends.When and where you had the dinnerWho you ate the dinner withWhat you ateAnd explain how you felt with this dinner1.适用考生:全适用2.主题:一次愉快的自助餐3.故事线:最近和朋友们在城市夜餐厅吃自助餐。
雅思口语高分范文示例:Recently I ate buffet at City Night Restaurant with my friends.I had this meal about two weeks ago and we ate buffet in the evening time. That was actually a get together short of a party with my school friends whom I have not met for a long in person. Over the phone, we talked and planned to have a meal cum get together party together to discuss us and to meet those friends in person. We picked the City Night Restaurant because it is in a suitable location for all of us and we knew the food quality of this restaurant was good.We met at around 5 pm and we spent some good timetogether. Lots of things have changed and some of our friends have done many challenging things and we all enjoyed the stories and updated we gave each other. Four friends of mine from school came to this occasion and they were James, Jessica, Harper and Patrick (...or say names of your friends...)It was a gathering we had been planning for a long and as part of our meeting, we planned to have a great feast. From the very beginning, we planned to have met in a restaurant and not at home. Usually arranging to get together type party at a restaurant is easier and more convenient than arranging it at home. No one feels shy or uneasy being at other's home and the host does not have to go through a big preparation. The friends who came at this gathering also liked the environment and foods of City Night Restaurant and that was the main reason we planned to have it outside our home.雅思口语part2范文:亲友聚会地点Describe a place where you often visit with your friends or familyYou should say:Where the place isHow you know the placeHow you go thereWhy you want to visitToday, I’m going to share with you a place where I usually/often go to relax/read and write/ hang out with my friends, which is a small café/restaurant near my company/my house named “ABC”As a full-time employee/student, I have to go to work/ school 5 days a week; therefore, the only time that I can visit this place is on weekends. I always try to make time for my little trip to“ABC” café every Saturday or Sunday.The coffee house is located on a quiet street with a lot of trees planted on both sides. Additionally, it has a patio with hanging gardens which I like very much; it makes me feel like I?m sitting in a garden of my own.Separated from the hustle and bustle of the city life in Hanoi, this place allows me to sit quietly and reflect, relaxing after a week of hard work. I can concentrate on a personal project such asreading or writing in my journal without being interrupted by other people.It serves great coffee, tea, and cakes, thus, the place always smells very nice. In addition, the employees are also friendly and helpful.Sometimes, I go there with my friends. Over a nice cup of coffee/tea, we share our stories and smell the beautiful scent of the flowers. At that moment, we can escape from reality for a little while and enjoy ourselves even more.雅思口语考试状况应对之换一种方式重述换一种方式重述有时候你把能说的观点都阐述完了但发现还没到时间,这时可以换一种方式进行重述:1. In other words, I am…换一种方法来说,我...2. And that means…这说明...3. Let me put it another way,…让我用另一种方法来说吧...4. What I’m suggesting is…我想说明的是...5. All I’m trying to say is…我在试着说明的是...6. What I’m getting at is…我想要讲的观点是...7. If I can rephrase that…如果我可以换一种说法的话...8. Perhaps I should make that clearer by saying…也许我可以通过说明...来使(我的观点)更清楚9. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say…也许这样说会更准确...10. The point I’m making is that…我想要阐述的观点是...补充内容回答完毕,询问考官是否还需补充其它信息:1. Have I given you enough information?我给你足够的信息了吗?2. Would you like me to tell you more about…?你想要我告诉你更多关于...吗?3. Is that all you’d like to know?这些是你想要知道的全部吗?回答完毕,考生认为已经无话可说了:1. I’m afraid that’s about as much as I know.我恐怕这些就是我知道的全部了。
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雅思口语part2开头句赏析Describe a person who dresses well, and explainWho is the personHow do you know this personHow does he/she dressand explain why you consider him/her a good dresser.同学们的第一句一定要直接回答问题,千万记得这一点,如果没有直接回答问题就会被考官判为跑题,甚至自己在讲到后面的时候会越来越没有逻辑,以至于忘记话题是什么了,切记。
我们来看一下李静老师的开头句:I have known many fashionable people but the one that impresses me the most is my friend Jackie.这一句话简洁扼要地回答了问题,但是简洁并不代表简单,里面包含了高分句式和词汇。
一起来看我的分析:第一,在回答很多Part 2话题都可以用这么一句话“我知道有很多的……但是给我印象最深刻的是……”也就是I have known many….but the one that impresses me the most is…这里I have known替代了I know这样的词组,现在完成时代替了一般现在时,在语法上会得到更高的分数。
另外,这里的many还可以用其它的量词代替,这样的词组有:a number of, plenty of, numerous.第二,在回答第一句话的时候尽量用定语从句,这样在就有了评分标准里要求的复杂句。
第三,回答Part 2的问题尽量不要讲I would like to talk about…因为没有一个native speaker会这么讲,这是一句Chinglish(中式英语),会让你的英语听起来很不自然。
第四,impress这个单词属于高分词汇,它的用法是something/someone impresses me——某事或某人给我留下了深刻的印象;impression是它的名词形式,它可以这么来用:I have a good impression about someone/something. 另外,impressive 是它的形容词形式,比如,你可以讲someone/ something is impressive! 大家会用了吗?第五,在雅思口语中介绍某人时一定要提及对方的名字。
这是中西方文化的不同:在中文里,我们会说我的好朋友;英文里会说one of my good friends Jessie.西方人会说出对方的名字以示尊重,西方文化是以个体(individual)为单位的。
所以我们这句答案主人公的名字就是Jackie.大家学会怎么讲Part 2的开头了吗?下面我们来做个练习吧!请大家按照李静老师讲的模板,回答以下几个话题的开头句:Describe a movie you likeDescribe a book you likeDescribe a person who speaks a good foreign language大家完成了以后就来对一下答案吧:I have watched plenty of movies but the one that impresses me the most is Interstellar.I have read numerous books but the one that impresses me the most is How Fear Moves.I have known a number of people who dresses well but the one that impresses me the most is my friend Ariel.雅思口语part2没有说满2分钟怎么办口语说不够2分钟是没问题的,这一点考官和我说过。
然而,根据我对很多中国学生口语备考的观察,他们part2最大的问题不是说不够时间,而是说的内容,特别是选择的故事,往往不适合题目,not appropriate to the topic。
雅思口语和雅思作文在评分标准上的主要区别在于:雅思口语没有task response(任务完成的情况),而考察考生的pronunciation。
一般来说,考生对part2题目的判断有两个问题:问题一:不熟悉某些名词的准确意思譬如说,一个口语话题是aspecial building you want to talk about,如果你说紫禁城,就非常奇怪,紫禁城是一个cultural attraction,由很多古代建筑组成。
如果题目是anexciting experience,你说的是游泳,就不够恰当。
Experience的意思是经历,一般是一次性的、不会重复的,和activity, hobby是有区分的,游泳是一个反复进行的活动。
如果题目是asport you enjoy watching,你说的是瑜伽,也不恰当。
陷阱1:出现一个形容词譬如说题目Describea couple you know who have a happy marriage如果考生说这个couple年纪很大,婚姻很牢固,就不恰当,因为牢固不代表happy。
譬如说这个题目:Describesomething you want to do for a long time but you haven’t done yet,既然是“想做很久但是一直没做”,肯定是有一定难度,或者需要一定努力,所以这个题目事实上包含一个形容词,challenging, 或者unusual。
陷阱3:含两个形容词譬如说题目:Describean interesting conversation you had with a stranger,这个题目对考生选择的故事有两个要求:1 这个对话一定是有趣的,有意思的,特殊的2 对话的人一定是陌生人。
譬如说题目:Describea person who found a clever solution to a problem,这个题目对考生选择的故事有两个要求:1 解决的是一个问题,所谓的问题一般就是棘手的,带来困难和麻烦的;2 解决方法一定是聪明的,巧妙的,不能是普通的解决方法。