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How to become a

qualified flight attendants with safety consciousness




Abstract Long-term since, world civil aviation safety management mode is: running, accident, cause investigation, put forward safety recommendations, the implementation of measures for improvement, continue to run until the next accident. In this way. With the concept of safety management of civil aviation industry development, gradually from passive management to active management or management upgrade, a focus of concern an afterthought, which results from the process of steering, steering subtle events from major accidents, but passive management, active management, forecast management are to replace a relation, but complement each other. Needless to say, so far the aviation system improvement depends mainly on the investigation of accidents. The accident investigation as typical, effective management means, will still play a great role in improving system security. The accident investigation is the product of the investigation report, the report is the core of safety recommendations, system, comprehensive ground to develop safety recommendations is undoubtedly the accident investigation is heavy. The aviation accident causes numerous, among them an important aspect is the people's unsafe behavior. With the civil aviation industry on human factors knowledge, many investigators in the accident investigation established human factors

group. On human factors, should from what the angle proceed with, human error has what expression form, how to segment, according to different error should which aspect to put forward safety recommendations, these recommendations have no priority and so on, has been troubled accident investigators problem.

Key word:Investigation of the causes of accidents, put forward safety recommendations, implementation, improvement measures Human unsafe behavior



1.1 课题研究背景 (6)

1.2 课题研究内容 (6)

1.3 课题研究的目的和意义 (8)


⒉1很难预测的突发天气等自然因素 (9)

⒉2恐怖分子的威胁 (9)


素 (9)


参考文献. (12)

致谢. (13)
