DriveWindow Light 2的用户指南(英文)





(首先考官一定会检查看你的汽车保险,驾照PERMIT和路考预约单)(考官也会查看车玻璃上的Inspection Sticker和Regislation Sticker不能过期)保持輕鬆,不要緊張。


调整左右外侧后视镜,车内后视镜,教官让你按喇叭丶车头灯丶高灯丶左转弯灯丶右转弯灯丶刹车丶雨刷丶Emergency Flashers丶除雾丶手势(左转丶右转丶停车).测试“平行停车”,倒车控车,90度倒转弯车,紧急刹车;2.上路考试,左转,右转丶过十字路口丶斜坡停车丶车速控制丶换路线、路边停车等等。

3.注意事项:看到stop sign停车路标时候一定要停稳,確实停止3-5秒。




Parking時须記得要拉手煞4.通过考试,当天可以拿驾照,不用带照片,在DMV拍照即时制作驾照,Learner Permit同时被收回。





考官坐上车后,等他发指令你再启动车.4.Stop sign一定要確实停3-5秒,full stop后数4下。

遇到红灯一定要停,如果你在红灯要右转,一定要先full stop了,再逐渐向前挪动车子,挑合适的机会转弯。

Fan Control Module 2 (FCM2) 用户指南说明书

Fan Control Module 2 (FCM2) 用户指南说明书

General InformationThe Fan Control Module 2 (FCM2) is a stand-alone fan controller. The FCM2:•Monitors and controls up to 6 fans•PWM and Control voltage 0 ... 10 V•Monitors the signals from up to 6 temperature sensors•Can monitor the presence of a 3.3 V, 5 V, 12 V and -12 V voltage•Controls status LEDs (Over Temp, Fan Fail, 3.3 V, 5 V, 12 V, -12 V)•Speed up the fans in case of a failure of one fan or temperature sensor•Provide status informations through an I²C Interface•Hot-Swap ControllerThere are 2 different variants available:•23207-140 (Catalog No. with package 23207-160): Connector X1 and X2 vertical •23207-142 (Catalog No. with package 23207-162): Connector X1 and X2 right angleBlock Diagram:FCM2 with vertical and right angle Connectors:Up to 6 NTC temperature sensors can be connected to the FCM2. The highest temperature level is the reference for the fan speed. If a sensor temperature exceeds the maximum temperature of the selected fan curve by 5 °C , the output for the temperature fail LED and a digital output are activated.The FCM2 can monitor up to 6 fan tacho signals (Open collector or voltage source) and can control the fans as a group by a PWM or 0 ... 10 VDC signal. The FCM2 performs every 5 minutes a fan behaviour test. If the speed of a single fan is 30% below normal speed, the FCM will send a fan fail alarm.Learning Mode: (Jumper J10)When the jumper is assembled in position 1-2 and the FCM2 is powered-up, the FCM2 is in …Learning Mode“. The FCM2 detect all fans and temperature sensors connected and save the speed of each fan at different PWM duty cycles. If a fan or temperature sensor is removed or added in …Normal Mode“, the FCM2 will send a fan-fail or temp-fail signal.Max. Speed: (Jumper J11)When the jumper is assembled in position 1-2, all fans are rotating with full speed.I²C InterfaceBus voltage is 3.3 V, pull-ups must be provided by the master. General call is not provided, the typical read cycle is > 10 ms. The fan controller can hold down the clock to reduce the bus speed and supports I2C standard mode up to 100 kbit/s.The following informations are available.•Fan fail status•Over Temp status•Fan speed of all fans•Temperature of all sensors•Presence of all voltages•The max. rpm of all fans can be setI²C Register Description:Pinout Connectors:FAN Curves:DIP SwitchJ7 (Molex 70543 or similar)J1 - J6(TE MTA100)J12J131Anode LED 3.3 V7Anode LED -12 V1+12 V 1NTC1_11Rx 282GND 2NTC1_22Tx 3Anode LED 5 V 9Anode LED Fan Fail 3Tacho 3GND3GND410Anode LED Temp Fail 4Control5Anode LED 12 V 11GND 612GNDInfo: I LED = 10 mAX1(Molex 44428 or similar (right angle)(Molex 43045 or similar (vertical)X2(Molex 44428 or similar (right angle)(Molex 43045 or similar (vertical)16NTC1_18NTC1_214Temp Fail Collector 7Temp Fail Emitter 15NTC2_17NTC2_213Fan Fail Collector 6Fan Fail Emitter 14NTC3_16NTC3_212Monitor 5 V 5Monitor 3.3 V 13NTC4_15NTC4_211Monitor -12 V 4Monitor 12 V 12NTC5_14NTC5_21012 V Management 3GND Management 11NTC6_13NTC6_29PGND 2PGND 10SCL2SDA 812 V Supply112 V Supply91GNDExample for DIP switch settings:PWM ControlFan Curve 10Initial operation and configuration:Example: Hot swappable Fan Tray with FCM2 with right angle connectors.•Connect all fans and temperature sensors.•Set the jumper J10 to learning mode (position 1-2).•Switch on the power supply.•All fans run with full speed and then slowly reduce thespeed. Thereby the FCM determines the reference speed for various PWM values.•Upon completion of the learning mode, the Fan Fail LED start blinking according to the number of fans found, andthe Temp Fail LED start blinking according to the numberof sensors found. If no LEDs are connected wait 5 min to ensure that the configuration is terminated.•Switch off the power supply and set the jumper J10 to nor-mal mode.Note: When the FCM is factory fresh (never powered-up before) it is not neccessary to set the jumper in learning mode, just connect the fans and sensors and power-up the FCM, the learning mode will start automatically.Temperature sensor specifications:Schroff temperature sensor 20710-138 is recommended.R 25 = 30 kOhm B 25/50= 4177 KDimensionsTechnical DataOperating Voltage 11 - 13 VDCInput fuse8 A Max. current for all fans 6 A Max. current for a single fan 4 A (fused)Ambient Temperature Operating 0 °C .....+70 °C Ambient Temperature Storage -40 °C .....+85 °CHumidity30 ...80% non condensatingCatalog Numbers (with package)Part Numbers Description 23207-16023207-140PWM and Control voltage 0 ... 10 V, vertical connectors 23207-16223207-142PWM and Control voltage 0 ... 10 V, right angle connectors 23204-88220710-138NTC Sensor with 400 mm cable and connector 23204-883Display Unit with 6 LEDs(3.3 V, 5 V, 12 V, -12 V, Fan Fail, Temp Fail)350 mm cable and connectorSchroff GMBHLangenalberstr. 96-10075334 Straubenhardt/GermanyTel.: + 49 (0) 7082-794-0Fax: +49 (0) 7082-794-200。



暂时适用于ACS800 DCS800 ACS550使用的是ABB面板的串口你需要买1个USB转RS232的线
2 1
3 3
5 2
5 6 (2,6短接)
安装ABB drive window light


打开drive window light
我的drive window light 是中文版的可以网上去下个中文的替换下ABB变频器参数设置软件UP 版本汉化








Drive Window使用指导1

Drive Window使用指导1

Drive Window使用指导首先需要在电脑上安装Drive Window软件。



光纤插在RDCO的CH3通道,光纤头深色插入RDCO 的深色插孔,光纤头的浅色插入RDCU的浅色插孔。


软件安装完毕,硬件连接完毕就可是使用drive window了。

在开始菜单找到drive window,双击打开软件,将进入如下界面。




示,需要对drive window按照如下方式修改。


还需要对monitor 的属性进行一些设置。

在monitor 区域点击鼠标右键,选择Preferences 。

会出现Graph Preferences对话框,按照如下方式设置。

这样对drive window的设置就完成了。

我们主要使用monitor和data logger 两种功能。


Drive window的monitor功能可以同时监控六个信号,监控六个信号的最快采样时间是10ms。




History Buffer指的是monitor的存储缓冲区。

假如把History Buffer设为100,意思就是电脑只记录100s的数据,当时间到了101s时,第一秒的数据就丢失了。

双击History Buffer会出现设置时间的对话框,把History Buffer设为10000s即可。

X Axis Length 指的是X轴的长度,默认为10s,不需要修改。

Y Axis Max 指的是Y轴的正半部分长度,默认为100,不需要修改。







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萤石 智能照明-调光驱动器 CS-HAL-WD2-2C12G 使用说明书

萤石 智能照明-调光驱动器 CS-HAL-WD2-2C12G 使用说明书











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DriveWindow Light连接设置指导

DriveWindow Light连接设置指导

DriveWindow Light连接指导
1、DCS 800与DriveWindow Light连接,需要使用图一中的USB转232的9针串口连接

2、DriveWindow Light为免费软件,可以点击连接安装Setup.exe。


5、按照图四,选择菜单栏中的communication settings






Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 用户指南说明书

Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 用户指南说明书

User Guide Version 2TABLE OF CONTENTSOVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Introduction (3)Features (3)Box Contents (4)System requirements (4)GETTING STARTED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Quick Start Tool (5)Mac users only: (5)Windows only: (7)All users: (9)Manual Registration (9)Audio Setup in your DAW (10)Examples of Usage (12)Connecting a microphone or instrument (12)Using Direct Monitoring (13)Connecting Scarlett 2i2 to loudspeakers (14)HARDWARE FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Front Panel (15)Back Panel (16)SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Performance Specifications (17)Physical and Electrical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 TROUBLESHOOTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 COPYRIGHT AND LEGAL NOTICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .192OVERVIEWIntroductionThank you for purchasing this Third Generation Scarlett 2i2, one of the family of Focusrite professional computer audio interfaces incorporating high quality Focusrite analogue preamps. You now have a simple and compact solution for routing high quality audio to and from your computer and you will also be able to download some exciting new software plug-ins once you’ve registered the product.In developing the Third Generation series of Scarlett interfaces, we have made further improvements to both performance and features. Audio specifications have been upgraded throughout the unit to give you greater dynamic range and even lower noise and distortion; additionally, the mic preamp now accepts higher input levels.An important enhancement is the inclusion of Focusrite’s AIR function. Individually selectable on each channel, AIR subtly modifies the preamp’s frequency response to model the sonic characteristics of our classic transformer-based ISA microphone preamps. When recording with good quality microphones, you will notice an enhanced clarity and definition in the important mid to high frequency range, just where it is most needed for vocals and many acoustic instruments.We have also enhanced the Direct Monitor feature found on previous Scarletts: now you can monitor as you record in either mono or stereo, with zero latency. Third Generation Scarlett interfaces are class compliant on macOS: this means they are plug-and-play, so no need to install a driver if you are a Mac user.This User Guide provides a detailed explanation of the hardware to help you achieve a thorough understanding of the product’s operational features. We recommend both users who are new to computer-based recording, as well as more experienced users, take the time to read through the User Guide so you are fully aware of all the possibilities the Scarlett 2i2 and accompanying software has to offer. If the main User Guide sections do not provide the information you need, be sure to consult , which contains a comprehensive collection of answers to common technical support queries.FeaturesThe Scarlett 2i2 hardware interface provides the means for connecting microphones, musical instruments or line level audio signals to a computer running macOS or Windows. The signals at the physical inputs can be routed to your audio recording software / digital audio workstation (referred to throughout this user guide as the “DAW”) at up to 24-bit, 192 kHz resolution; similarly, the DAW’s monitor or recorded output will appear at the unit’s physical outputs.The physical outputs can be connected to an amplifier and speakers, powered monitors, headphones, analogue mixer or any other analogue audio equipment you wish to use.3Box ContentsAlong with your Scarlett 2i2 you should find:• USB cable, Type ‘A’ to Type ‘C’• Getting Started Information (printed inside the box lid)• Important Safety InformationSystem requirementsThe easiest way to check your computer’s operating system (OS) is compatible with your Scarlett is to use our Help Centre’s compatibility articles:/hc/categories/200693655As new OS versions become available over time, you can continue to check for further compatibility information by searching our Help Centre at .45GETTING STARTEDWith the Third Generation, Scarlett interfaces introduce a new, faster way of getting up and running, using the Scarlett Quick Start tool. All you need to do is connect your Scarlett 2i2 to your computer . Once connected, you will see the device is recognised by your PC or Mac and the Quick Start tool will guide you through the process from there.IMPORTANT : The Scarlett 2i2 has a single USB 2.0 Type C port (on the rear panel): connect itto your computer using the USB cable provided. Note that Scarlett 2i2 is a USB 2.0 device, and thus the USB connection requires a USB 2.0+ compliant port on your computer .The Scarlett 2i2 does not need a separate power supply; It gets its power from your computer via the USB connection. However, we recommend when using a laptop, the laptop is powered using its AC adaptor, as otherwise the battery will drain faster than when powering from thelaptop alone.Your computer will initially treat your Scarlett as a Mass Storage Device (MSD), and during its first connection, the Scarlett will be in “Easy Start mode”.Quick Start ToolWe have tried to make registering your Scarlett 2i2 as simple as possible. The steps are designed to be self explanatory, but we have described each step below, so you can see how they should appear on either a PC or a Mac.Mac users only:On connecting your Scarlett 2i2 to your Mac, a Scarlett icon will appear on the desktop:Double-click on the “Click Here to Get Started.url” icon. This will redirect you to the Focusrite website,where we recommend you register your device:Click on “Let’s get you started”, and you’ll see a form which will be partly prefilled for you automatically. When you submit the form, you’ll see options to go straight to the downloads to get the software for your Scarlett, or to follow a step by step setup guide based on how you want to use your Scarlett. Once you have installed the Focusrite Control software to set up and configure your interface, the Scarlett will be switched out of Easy Start mode so it no longer appears as a Mass Storage Device when connected to your computer.Your OS should switch the computer’s default audio inputs and outputs to the Scarlett. To verify this, go to System Preferences > Sound, and ensure the input and output are set to Scarlett 2i2.For detailed setup options on a Mac, open Applications > Utilities > Audio MIDI Setup.67(Note that the drive letter may be something other than F:, depending other devices connected to Double-click on the pop-up message to open the dialogue box shown below:Double-click on “Open folder to view files”: this will open an Explorer window:Click on “Let’s get you started”, and you’ll see a form which will be partly prefilled for you automatically. When you submit the form, you’ll see options to go straight to the downloads to get the software for your Scarlett, or to follow a step by step setup guide based on how you want to use your Scarlett. Once you have installed the Focusrite Control software to set up and configure your interface, the Scarlett will be switched out of Easy Start mode so it no longer appears as a Mass Storage Device when connected to your computer.Your OS should switch the computer’s default audio inputs and outputs to be the Scarlett. To verify this, right click on the Sound icon on the taskbar and select Sound Settings, and set the Scarlett as the Input and Output Device.8All users:Note that a second file - “More Info & FAQs” - is also available during the initial set-up process. This file contains some additional information about the Focusrite Quick Start tool which you may find helpful if you have any issues with the procedure.Once registered, you will have immediate access to the following resources:• Focusrite Control (Mac and Windows versions available) - see NOTE below• Multi-language User GuidesYou can find the licence codes and links for the optional bundled software in your Focusrite account. To find out what bundled software is included with Scarlett 3rd generation, please visit our website:/scarlettNOTE: Installing Focusrite Control will also install the correct driver for your device. Focusrite Control is available to download at any time, even without registering: see “Manual Registration” below. Manual RegistrationIf you decide to register your Scarlet at a later date you can do so at:/registerYou will need to enter the Serial Number manually: this number can be found on the base of the interface itself, and also on the barcode label on the side of the box.We recommend you download and install our Focusrite Control application, as this will disable Easy Start mode and unlock the full potential of the interface. Initially, when in Easy Start mode, the interface will function at sample rates up to 48 kHz. Once Focusrite Control is installed on your computer, you can work at sample rates up to 192 kHz.If you decide not to download and install Focusrite Control immediately, it can be downloaded at any time from:/support/downloadsTo force your Scarlett out of Easy Start mode without first registering it, connect it to your computer and press and hold the 48V button for five seconds. This will ensure your Scarlett has full functionality. Please bear in mind that should you wish to register your Scarlett after taking this action, you will need to so manually, as explained above.910Guide, but both applications include a full set of Help files. Instructions are also available at Preferences * Typical names. Terminology may differ between DAWsOnce the Scarlett 2i2 is set as the preferred Audio Device* in your DAW, Inputs 1 & 2 and Outputs 1 & 2 will appear in your DAW’s Audio I/O preferences. Depending on your DAW, you may need to enable certain inputs or outputs before use.The two screenshots below show Inputs 1 & 2 and Outputs 1 & 2 enabled Input and Output Config in Ableton Live Lite’s Audio Preferences.* Typical names. Terminology may differ between DAWs.Examples of UsageThe Scarlett 2i2 is an excellent choice for several different recording and monitoring applications. Some typical configurations are shown below.Connecting a microphone or instrumentThis setup shows the most typical configuration for recording with DAW software on your Mac or PC. You might record guitar through Input 1 and vocals through Input 2 into your DAW, while monitoring the playback from the DAW via headphones (or speakers).The front panel input sockets are “Combo” type, which accept either an XLR male connector or a ¼”(6.35 mm) jack plug.The full gain range of the microphone preamplifier is only available to a mic connected via the XLR contacts. If your microphone has an XLR plug on the end of the cable, you can simply plug it in. If it is a “condenser” microphone, you will need to turn on the 48 volt phantom power for it to work. Most modern microphones of other types, e.g., dynamic or ribbon, will not be damaged by the inadvertent application of phantom power, but note some older mics may be; if you have any doubt, please check the specification of your mic to ensure it is safe to use.If your mic has a jack plug on the end of the cable, it will require an adaptor to make it usable with the XLR part of the Combo connector. Inserting the jack plug will configure the preamp with reduced gain, which is likely to be insufficient for the mic (see below). Mics intended for use with computer sound cards may also require a much lower phantom power voltage, so an adaptor specific to the mic type should be obtained in this case.The Scarlett 2i2 has no “Mic/line” switch – the Focusrite preamp stage is automatically configured for a microphone when you plug an XLR into the input, and for a line or instrument when you connect a jack plug. Set the INST switch ON (‘INST’ illuminates red) if you are connecting musical instrument, e.g., a guitar in the example, using an ordinary 2-pole (TS) guitar jack. Set the INST switch to OFF if you are connecting a line level source such as a keyboard, synthesiser or the balanced output of an external audio mixer via a 3-pole (TRS) jack. Note the Combo connector accepts both TRS and TS types of jack plug.Using Direct MonitoringYou will frequently hear the term “latency” used in connection with digital audio systems. In the case of the simple DAW recording application described above, latency will be the time it takes for your input signals to pass through your computer and audio software. Latency can be a problem for a performer who wishes to record while monitoring their input signals.The Scarlett 2i2 is fitted with a “Direct Monitoring” option, which overcomes this problem. Setting the front panel DIRECT MONITOR control to either MONO or STEREO will route your input signals directly to the Scarlett 2i2’s headphone and main monitor outputs. This enables you to hear yourself with zero latency – i.e., in “real time” – along with the computer playback. The input signals to your computer are not affected in any way by this setting.In MONO mode, Inputs 1 and 2 are routed equally to the two outputs (both the rear panel outputs and headphones) so they both appear in the centre of the stereo image. This is useful when you are recording two separate instruments or an instrument and a vocal, where there is no need for the two signals to be specifically located in the stereo image. Further examples would be an acoustic and an electric guitar, a bass which is both mic’d and DI’d or two separate mics differently positioned on a guitar amplifier.In STEREO mode, Input 1 is routed to the left output channel and Input 2 to the right. Use this mode if you are recording something inherently stereo in nature. Monitoring in stereo will give you a more accurate impression of the sound stage. Examples are any situation where two microphones are being used to deliberately capture a stereo image such as a pair of overhead drum mics, a single stereo mic recording an orchestra or other ensemble, or the stereo outputs of an electronic source such as a piano, synthesiser or FX unit.When using Direct Monitoring, ensure your DAW software is not set to route its input (what you are currently recording) to its output. If it is, you will hear yourself “twice”, with one signal audibly delayed as an echo.Monitoring with DIRECT MONITOR set to OFF can be useful when using an FX plug-in to your DAW to create a stereo effect which contributes to the live performance. In this way, you will be able to hear exactly what is being recorded, complete with the FX. However, some latency may result, the amount depending on the DAW’s buffer size and processing power of the computer.Connecting Scarlett 2i2 to loudspeakersYou can use the ¼” jack outputs on the rear panel to connect monitor speakers. Active monitors have internal amplifiers with a volume control, and can be connected directly. Passive loudspeakers require a separate amplifier; the rear panel outputs should be connected to the amplifier’s inputs.The line outputs are 3-pole (TRS) ¼” (6.35 mm) jack sockets, and are electronically balanced. Typical consumer (Hi-Fi) amplifiers and small active monitors have unbalanced inputs, either on phono (RCA) sockets, or a 3.5 mm TRS jack plug to connect to a computer. In either case, use a suitable connecting cable with jack plugs at one end.Professional power amplifiers will generally have balanced inputs; we highly recommend using balanced cables to connect these to the outputs of the Scarlett 2i2.NOTE: You run the risk of creating an audio feedback loop if loudspeakers are active when you are monitoring a microphone! We recommend you always turn off (or turn down) monitoring loudspeakers while recording, and use headphones when overdubbing.HARDWARE FEATURESFront Panel1. Inputs 1 & 2 – “Combo” input sockets - connect microphones, instruments (e.g., guitar), orline level signals here. Combo sockets accept both XLR and ¼” (6.35 mm) jacks. Microphones connect using XLR plugs: instruments and line level signals should be connected via ¼” (6.35 mm) jack plugs of either TS or TRS type. The preamp gain is appropriate for microphones when an XLR plug is inserted, and for higher level signals when a jack plug is inserted. Do not connect anything other than a microphone - e.g., the output of a sound module or FX unit - via an XLR plug, as the signal level will overload the preamp, resulting in distortion; , if phantom power is enabled, you may damage your equipment.2. GAIN 1 and GAIN 2 – adjusts the preamp gain for signals on inputs 1 and 2 respectively. Thegain controls have tri-colour LED ‘rings’ to confirm signal level: green indicates an input level of at least -24 dBFS (i.e., ‘signal present’), the ring turns amber at -6 dBFS to indicate the signal is close to clipping, and finally to red at 0 dBFS (digital clipping).3. 48V – phantom power switch for mic inputs - enables 48 V phantom power at XLR contacts ofboth Combo connectors.4. INST – Line/Instrument level switches for each input which alter gain and input impedance tosuit either instrument or line level signals. ‘INST’ illuminates red when Instrument mode is selected. You can also enable INST from Focusrite Control.5. AIR – two switches enabling AIR mode for each input. AIR modifies the frequency response ofthe input stage to model the classic, transformer-based Focusrite ISA microphone preamps.‘AIR’ illuminates yellow when the mode is selected. Note that AIR may also be selected from Focusrite Control.6. MONITOR – main monitor output level control - sets the output level at the main (rear panel)outputs LEFT and RIGHT.7. USB LED – a green LED illuminates when the Scarlett is connected and recognised byyour computer.8. DIRECT MONITOR – this switch routes the inputs directly to the outputs with three differentsettings: OFF, MONO and STEREO. When set to OFF, monitoring of input sources is via the DAW; in MONO or STEREO, monitoring is taken directly from the preamp inputs so is free of any latency. The symbols or illuminate green to indicate selection of mono and stereo modes respectively. When Direct Monitor is on, the signal is combined with software playback.9. Headphone level – adjusts the output level at the front panel stereo headphone output.10. Headphone socket – ¼” TRS output jack. If your headphones have a ¼” TRSjack plug, connect them directly; if they have a 3.5 mm TRS “mini jack”, use a TRS ¼”-to-3.5 mm jack adaptor. Note that headphones fitted with 4-pole TRRS plugs will not operate correctly.Back Panel11. K (Kensington security lock) – secure your Scarlett 2i2 to a suitable structure if desired.12. USB 2.0 port – Type C connector; connect to your computer with cable supplied.13. LINE OUTPUTS: LEFT and RIGHT – 2 x ¼” (6.35 mm) TRS jack sockets; +10 dBu output level(variable), electronically balanced. Either ¼” TRS (balanced connection) or TS (unbalanced connection) jack plugs can be used.SPECIFICATIONSPerformance SpecificationsAll performance figures measured in accordance with the provisions of AES17, as applicable.Physical and Electrical CharacteristicsTROUBLESHOOTINGFor all troubleshooting queries, please visit the Focusrite Help Centre at .COPYRIGHT AND LEGAL NOTICESFull Terms and Conditions of the Warranty can be found at /warranty.Focusrite is a registered trade mark and Scarlett 2i2 is a trade mark of Focusrite Audio Engineering Limited.All other trade marks and trade names are the property of their respective owners.2021 © Focusrite Audio Engineering Limited. All rights reserved.。

inspire 2 用户手册说明书

inspire 2 用户手册说明书
基础信息 ...................................................................................................................18 操作 Inspire 2 ................................................................................................................. 18 基本浏览指南 ........................................................................................................... 18 快速设置 ................................................................................................................... 20 调整设置 ........................................................................................................................ 21 检查电池电量 ................................................................................................................ 23 关闭屏幕 ........................................................................................................................ 23

Fulltone Full-Drive2 V2 产品说明书

Fulltone Full-Drive2 V2 产品说明书

Model FD2 V22018 FMP Inc. All Rights ReservedThe Fulltone Full-Drive2 has always been a Tube-Screamer killer, plain and simple. The original Full-Drive2’s footswitchable Boost Mode was smart, but simply a way to switch between two different distortion settings on the fly. Although it worked nicely, it did not allow you a separate Volume level for each mode, making it a challenge to balance the two modes.Enter the Full-Drive2 V2Not only does V2 have a separate volume control for Drive 2 channel, it has a ton of clipping Modes including: Comp-Cut (CC) , the warmer 90s version, which is anything-but transparent, and pummels your amp’s input.Vintage Mode (VIN) with its slightly asymmetrical, fat, warm sound.Flat-Mids (FM), the warmer, fatter FM from the late 90s/early 2000s.WIDE mode, more open, more bottom-end, more clarity.Half-Clipped (HC) mode, where the bass notes are less distorted and the higher notes sing for days.Features include a JRC4558 opamp, full-size audiophile-grade capacitors, internal battery cradle, 9-18VDC operation, a tiny bullet-proof steel enclosure, top-mounted jacks, and True-Bypass using our own Fulltone 3PDT footswitch.This is the one pedal you could take to any session or gig and have every sound you’d need at your disposal.enjoy it!2018 FMP Inc. All Rights ReservedDRIVE 1 (MASTER CHANNEL)On/Off footswitch (see #1 on diagrams above): is a “master” On/Off for the pedal using True-Bypass routing to eliminate all connections to the circuit when pedal is turned off.We use the Fulltone designed and manufactured Triple-Pole-Double-Throw (3PDT) footswitch, the toughest, longest-lasting, and best-sounding switch we’ve come across.Volume knob (#4): is a “master” volume for the entire pedal.Tone knob (#5): is an active treble boost & cut circuit. You’ll find the 12 to 1 o’clock position to be pretty neutral. Turn knob counter-clockwise (CCW) to around 10 o’clock for smoother, less present sounds, or turn it clockwise (CW) for brighter, more cutting tone. This is a “master” tone control, affecting both Drive1 and Drive2 channels.Drive 1 distortion knob (#7): is operable when LED #2 is lit. Turn knob CW for more distortion or CCW for less distortion. Think of Drive2 mode as an instantly available extension of Drive1, allowing higher distortion and also higher volume than you have set with Drive1.DRIVE 2 CHANNELOffers a choice of different volume level and/or different distortion setting than Drive 1 channel. It is an extension of Drive1 allowing you to go above and beyond Drive1 settings.Drive 2 footswitch (#13): When active (LED #12 lit) Drive2 distortion knob and Drive2 Volume knob are now functioning, allowing you to switch to a higher distortion level and/or a higher volume level.Drive 2 Distortion knob (#9): dictates the amount of Overdrive only when the Drive2 footswitch (#13) is turned on and LED #12 is lit. Drive2 knob has no effect on Drive1 knob.Drive 2 Volume (#10): Think of it as an extension to the Master Volume (#4). Drive2 Volume is only functional when the Drive2 footswitch (#13) is turned on and LED #12 is lit, allowing you to go higher than where the Master Volume is set, you cannot go lower than what the Master volume is set to.CLIPPING MODES: All clipping modes apply to both channelsLEFT TOGGLE SWITCH (#6):CC (Comp-Cut) bypasses all clipping diodes, leaving a mostly clean-boost that can get somewhat dirty sounding as the 4558 chip gets driven harderNote; none of the modes on right toggle switch are audible when the left toggle is in CC position.VIN (Vintage mode) is Normal diode clipping with strong midrange presentation.FM (Flat-Mids) uses a proprietary feedback circuit that returns signal to the clipping section cancelling out some of the midrange content, creating a very open, natural sound.RIGHT TOGGLE SWITCH: (#8)WIDE implements a Mosfet & Schottky diode in each direction. Less Compressed, more open, more Bass.HC (Half-Clipped) clips only the top part of the waveform, leaving bass notes solid and percussive, and higher notes signing with sustain.STD (Standard) same slightly asymmetrical diode clipping as on a vintage 90s Full-Drive. Softer, rounder, more compressed.SUGGESTED SETTINGSTo get a similar sound with a volume boost when switching to Drive2 mode To get a Bluesy lower gain Drive1 with a louder, lead tone in Drive2Tip:works with all clipping settings, just leave Drive2 knob at “0”(works regardless of clipping selections)POWER: You may run this pedal on the 9 volt battery (included) or on any voltage between 9 and 18 Volts DC as long as the adapter is (standard) 2.1mm x 5.5mm barrel plug with “Negative to Center Pin” configuration. Unplug guitar cable from INPUT when not using pedal to prolong battery life. If you have an adapter plugged in to the DC outlet there is no need to unplug the guitar cable from the INPUT because our DC outlet is true-bypass and disconnects the battery supply line, keeping the battery fresh. For standard 9 volt operation, the Fulltone IPS-9 is a great 9VDC regulated adapter which can be used in all countries offering 100-240 volts AC.For 18VDC power, buy a well-regulated adapter like the Fulltone IPS-18, which is also for use in all countries offering 100-240 volts AC.BATTERY: remove the 2 thumbscrews (#3 & #11)from the sides of the pedal and pull the housing apart. Remove & Replace the battery with either a Carbon-zinc or Alkaline type battery. Do not use Lithium or rechargeable batteries.WARRANTY: User assumes all risks and liability. and is responsible for any injuries and/or damages related to the use of this product. Fulltone products carry a Limited 5 year Warranty (to the original owner, non-transferable) with proof of purchase the product was bought from an Authorized Fulltone Dealer. There is no need to register your product, simply keep a copy of your original sales receipt. The Warranty covers failure due to manufacturing errors only and is void if a modification or repair is attempted by anyone other than Fulltone and/or if we deem that any operator-caused abuse or damage has occurred. If you are having a technical issue please do not call your store. Instead, go to our website..11018 Washington Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232for more info & demonstration videos go to & /FulltoneEffects for Sales, Repairs, Product Registration, or Technical issues go to /contact-usPage 2。

戴尔 Lifecycle Controller 2 远程服务版本 1.3 快速入门指南说明书

戴尔 Lifecycle Controller 2 远程服务版本 1.3 快速入门指南说明书

Dell Lifecycle Controller 2 Remote Services 版本 1.3快速入门指南注、小心和警告注: “注”表示可以帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。

小心: “小心”表示可能会损坏硬件或导致数据丢失,并说明如何避免此类问题。

警告: “警告”表示可能会造成财产损失、人身伤害甚至死亡。

Copyright © 2014 Dell Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. Dell™ and the Dell logo are trademarks of Dell Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.2013 - 12Rev. A00目录1 简介 (5)iDRAC7 配合 Lifecycle Controller 2 一起使用的优点 (5)主要功能 (5)此版本有哪些新功能? (6)为什么要使用 Lifecycle Controller Remote Services? (6)Lifecycle Controller 中的可授权功能 (6)什么是 Web 服务 API? (7)Lifecycle Controller API 适于何处使用? (7)谁可以使用本 API? (8)一对多管理是如何实现的? (8)您可能需要的其他说明文件 (8)从 Dell 支持站点访问说明文件 (8)联系 Dell (9)2 Remote Services 功能 (11)部署和配置 (11)BIOS 配置 (11)iDRAC 配置 (11)RAID 配置 (11)NIC 配置 (12)操作系统部署 (12)系统配置 XML (13)监测 (13)硬件资源清册 (13)Lifecycle 日志 (13)系统事件日志 (14)固件资源清册 (14)事件警报 (14)维护 (14)固件更新 (14)部件更换 (14)系统配置 XML 文件 - 导出或导入 (15)服务器配置文件 - 导出或导入 (15)服务器许可证 - 导入 (15)自动查找 (15)作业管理 (15)作业类型 (16)系统状态 (16)3 API 使用入门—有关资料和链接 (17)配置文件 (17)用于 PowerEdge VRTX 配置文件的 CMC (17)Lifecycle Controller 相关的配置文件 (18)MOF WSDL 和 XSD API 定义 (21)受管对象文件 (21)Web 服务描述语言 (WSDL) (21)XML 架构说明 (21)Web 服务接口指南 (22)最佳实践指南 (22)属性注册表 XML (22)事件消息注册表 XML (22)XML 架构 (23)API 访问的授权和许可要求 (23)白皮书 (23)CMC for PowerEdge VRTX 白皮书 (24)CMC PowerEdge M1000e 白皮书 (24)Lifecycle Controller 和 iDRAC 白皮书 (24)4 整合 Lifecycle Controller API (25)API 客户端 (25)最佳实践流程参考资料 (25)样例脚本和工具 (25)使用 Lifecycle Controller-Remote Services 的应用程序 (25)WinRM 和 OpenWSMAN 的安装与配置 (26)5 社交媒体参考 (27)系统管理论坛部分 (27)Lifecycle Controller 技术系列学习资料 (27)6 术语和定义 (29)1简介Dell Lifecycle Controller 可提供高级嵌入式系统管理功能。

AnywhereUSB Gen 2 版本 3.99 Windows 驱动程序释放说明书

AnywhereUSB Gen 2 版本 3.99 Windows 驱动程序释放说明书

DIGI INTERNATIONAL9350 Excelsior Blvd, Suite 700Hopkins, MN 55343, USA+1 (952) 912-3444 | +1 (877) 912-3444AnywhereUSB Windows Driver Release NotesAnywhereUSB Gen 2Version 3.99 (December 04, 2019)INTRODUCTIONThis is a production release of the AnywhereUSB Generation 2 Windows Driver.SUPPORTED Products∙AnywhereUSB Gen 2 Windows Driver for 32-bit operating systems∙AnywhereUSB Gen 2 Windows Driver for 64-bit operating systemsSUPPORTED Operating Systems∙Windows 7∙Windows 8∙Windows 8.1∙Windows 10∙Server 2008-R2∙Server 2012∙Server 2012-R2∙Server 2016∙Server 2019KNOWN ISSUES∙The Belkin USB 2.0 4-port mobile-powered hub model F5U404BLK sometimes fails to enumerate when connected to AnywhereUSB.UPDATE BEST PRACTICESDigi recommends the following best practices:1.Uninstall the existing driver package via Add and Remove Hardware2.Install the new Windows driver package.TECHNICAL SUPPORTGet the help you need via our Technical Support team and online resources. Digi offers multiple support levels and professional services to meet your needs. All Digi customers have access to product documentation, firmware, drivers, and knowledge base and peer-to-peer support forums. Visit us at https:///support to find out more.CHANGE LOGVERSION 3.99 December 4, 2019NEW FEATURESNoneENHANCEMENTS1.AwUsbApi.dll is now multi-thread safe. This means that library functions can be calledconcurrently from different Windows threads.SECURITY FIXESNoneBUG FIXES1.With Windows 10 builds 1903 and 1908, the host computer would lose connectivity on reboot.This issue was determined to be due to the system network driver not being available at the time the AnywhereUSB system driver started. The “Digi AnywhereUSB Network Service” has been changed so that it works around this problem by disabling and re-enabling the “Network Attached USB Enumerator”. Note that this requires that the Startup Type of this service be configured for “Automatic” (which is the default).NOTE: The Microsoft-certified AnywhereUSB device drivers have not changed since v3.95 and will still show up with a version number of 3.95.2.AwUsbApi.dll AwUsbGetConnectionStatus function incorrectly reportedAWUSB_STATUS_IN_USE instead of AWUSB_STATUS_CONNECTED when the host itself was connected to an AnywhereUSB hub.VERSION 3.96 February 20191.The Windows Installer and the AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility are signed by DigiInternational to eliminate UAC (User Account Control) warning messages about unknown publisher.2.For customers using encrypted AnywhereUSB connections, the encryption service will nowuse certificates from either the Windows Local Machine Trusted Root CA store or theWindows Local Machine Intermediate CA store for authentication server certificates. In the previous 3.95 release, the encryption service only used the Trusted Root CA store.VERSION 3.95 April 20181.Several USB devices (e.g. Dediprog SF100 and Silicon Labs UART) fail to enumerate over ahigh latency WAN link. Fixed by setting ionhub service registry DWORD variableFastStartHub to 1. This variable is off (0) by default.[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\ionhub]"FastStartHub"=dword:00000001(JIRA AWUSB-537)2.AnywhereUSB client driver awvusbd.sys blue-screens when connecting to an AnywhereUSBhub. Happens only with XenServer and XenCenter VM's. Fixed. (JIRA AWUSB-550)3.AnywhereUSB driver installer does not support upgrades. Installer now blocks attempts toupgrade over a previous installation. Previous installation must uninstalled first. You maybe prompted to reboot the computer. (JIRA AWUSB-438)ers can now import CA certificates to the Windows Certificate Store to authenticateserver certificates. The CA certificate must be installed on the "Local Computer" in theTrusted Root Certification Authorities store. (JIRA AWUSB-539)1.AwUsbGetConnectionStatus did not handle groups correctly. It also incorrectly reportedAWUSB_STATUS_IN_USE instead of AWUSB_STATUS_CONNECTED for host currentlyconnected to local machine. Fixed. JIRA AWUSB-492.2.On rare occasions the encryption service has stopped and forced users to restart it. It willnow automatically restart. (JIRA AWUSB-513)3.The encryption service now logs critical events which can be viewed from the WindowsEvent Viewer System log. (JIRA AWUSB-514)VERSION 3.91 September 20171.Client to hub connections with lengthy establishment times could lead to a blue screen ifprematurely disconnected by a user. Fixed. (JIRA AWUSB-421)2.Fixed memory leak in encryption service. (JIRA AWUSB-451)3.Disconnecting an AnywhereUSB hub connected to an Axis T8311 joystick caused a bluescreen. Fixed. (JIRA AWUSB-392)VERSION 3.90.223 June 20171.TLS v1.2 and SHA-2 (SHA-256) support. This only affects “Encrypted AnywhereUSB”.SHA-2 (SHA-256) certificates can now be used for authentication. Note that the certificatemust be signed using 2048-bit RSA encryption. Also, SHA-1 based certificates can still beused.Note:TLS v1.2 and SHA-2 support require AnywhereUSB firmware to be updated to at least rev N1(1.93). It still works with older firmware (starting with rev L v1.80) by "falling back" to TLS1.0.ers can specify a certificate "folder" instead of a certificate file when setting up"Encrypted AnywhereUSB" connections. You can specify it from the AnywhereUSBConfiguration Utility (AwUsbCfg.exe) or the console application (AwConsole.exe) just as you specify a file.Please note - to use a folder, each certificate must be renamed after the subject hash.Suppose you had a folder named c:\my-certs with two certificates - CertA.crt and CertB.crt.For example, to rename CertA.crt:a.Download an OpenSSL installer for Windows (version >= 1.0 since pre-1.0 versionsuse an older hash which will not work with AnywhereUSB).b.Open a command prompt from your certificate folder (c:\my-certs)c.Create a subject hash:c:\my-certs> openssl x509 -hash -in CertA.crt –nooutIt outputs an 8-digit hash (e.g. bc35a2e5)d.Rename (or copy) your certificate file with the hash as its base and the zerocharacter as its extension:c:\my-certs> copy CertA.crt bc35a2e5.0VERSION 3.90 January 20171.Support encryption in AnywhereUSB Programming API, AwUsbApi.dll.2.Workaround for Error Code 38. When all of the AnywhereUSB hubs are disconnected, thedevice manager unloads the ionhub.sys and awvusbd.sys drivers, and several outstanding references to the driver objects persist and block it from being removed from memory. Asubsequent attempt to connect to an AnywhereUSB hub will fail with an Error Code 38 and require a reboot in order to recover.To work-around this failure (most likely caused by intrusive third-party software) you must set these two variables to 1:[HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\AwVusbd]"DoNotUnload" = dword:1[HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\IonHub]"DoNotUnload" = dword:1Note: This work-around is disabled by default.VERSION 3.82 May 20161.Fix IOCTL Vulnerability - "Secunia advisory SA68000". (JIRA AWUSB-295)2.An unusually long network delay could lead to a BSOD. Fixed. (JIRA AWUSB-259)3.Fix Handle leak in Encryption Service. (JIRA AWUSB-310)VERSION 3.80 July 20151.Installer did not remove pre-InstallShield drivers (such as 3.60) and led to customercomplaints. Fixed.2.Configuration Utility was not remembering group assignment after disconnecting as it haddone in 3.60. Fixed.3.Added support in AwConsole for encrypted connections.VERSION 3.71 Jan 20151.OpenSSL encrypted USB traffic support (AES-128 encryption only). Firmware version 1.81and later is required.2.Optional "tunneling" of TCP connections over a single TCP connection between the hostand the AnywhereUSB remote hub to eliminate network disconnects due to inactivity. Note that tunneling is enabled automatically when data encryption is turned on. Firmwareversion 1.80 and later is required.3.New installer. Uninstalls will be done conventionally from Programs and Features insteadof from the Configuration Utility. However the configuration utility must be used touninstall an older version if you are upgrading. Note that the new installer copies the driver files to C:\Program Files\Digi\AnywhereUSB by default instead of c:\AnywhereUSB.4.The hub driver would sometimes unload with pending network I/O resulting in a bluescreen. Fixed.5.This release no longer supports signed drivers for Windows XP, Server 2003, and Server2008.VERSION 3.60 May 20141.Low and Full Speed devices which are attached to AnywhereUSB via an external USB2.0hub did not enumerate. Fixed. (JIRA AWUSB-77)2.AwUsbView did not show device speeds correctly. Fixed. (JIRA AWUSB-54)3.Add Multi-Host support to AwUsbApi DLL. (JIRA AWUSB-65)4.If a USB string contained zero as a character, AnywhereUSB would incorrectly treat it as aninvalid string. Fixed.5.Removed Reboot and Configure commands from AwConsole (the console configurationapp). (JIRA AWUSB-80)6.Added work-around for Microsoft Windows 8 / Server 2012 bug which kept USB MassStorages devices from working. (JIRA AWUSB-77)7.Fix bug with MultiTT (Multi Transaction Translator) external hub. (JIRA AWUSB-87)8.UnInstaller failed on Windows 8 because of a deprecated registry key. Fixed. (JIRA AWUSB-88)9.UnInstaller failed to bring up log in Windows 8 and Server 2012. Fixed. (JIRA AWUSB-88)10.When certain devices are removed, awvusbd.sys was causing a BSOD. Fixed. (JIRA AWUSB-86)11.Removed firmware and configuration app for legacy AnywhereUSB/5 devices. They will nolonger be supported going forward.VERSION 3.51 January 20131.Fix critical memory leak in awusbsys driver.2.If you put awusbsys and awvusbd under Driver Verifier, it would cause a blue-screenbecause of the DV filter. Fixed.3.The “X” icon at the top-right now closes the AWUSB Configuration Utility. It used tominimize it to the System Tray.4.The Connection List now has Group Number field. This was added to support connectivityto MHC (Multi-Host Connections) capable AnywhereUSB hubs that couldn’t be discovered.5.Event Logging section has been removed from File / Preferences window. Digi tech supportwill provide specific logging methods for troubleshooting if needed.6.Event Log button, which was only for the legacy AnywhereUSB/5, has been removed. Digitech support will provide specific logging methods for troubleshooting if needed.7.The AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility executable and the three AnywhereUSB drivers (.sysfiles) all share the same version numbers now.8.The Configure button is now only used to configure Group Numbers for 2nd generationmodels which are running v1.38 (or newer) firmware. Network configuration and FriendlyName changes are no longer supported with the Configure button. Use the DeviceDiscovery Utility or the AnywhereUSB Web UI to make network configuration changes. Use the AnywhereUSB Web UI to make Friendly Name changes.VERSION 3.50 October 20121.In rare circumstances, the endpoint receiver handler locks up when it receives a partialmessage from TDI. Rebooting the host was the only way to recover from this in a MultiHost environment. Fixed.2.Added a MultiString registry variable, "SkipMsOsDescrDevList", which can be used to defineproblematic USB devices which fail enumeration if they receive a Get String Descriptorrequest for the Microsoft OS Device Descriptor.3.AwUsbCfg.exe - Add Group Number field to Connection List Dialog. This only affects userswho have to connect to a hub on a different subnet.VERSION 3.30 February 20121.Updated driver to use Microsoft's new value of USBD_STATUS_CANCELED. Using the oldvalue caused some devices to hang.2.Initialize the wValue field of the setup packet. This fixed support for Aladin EToken.3. A device with a very long USB serial number string could cause a blue screen. Fixed.4.IonHub ignored IOCTL_INTERNAL_USB_CYCLE_PORT. Fixed. Some USB functional driversdepend on this IOCTL.5.If a functional driver used the WdfDeviceAssignS0IdleSettings/IdleUsbSelectiveSuspendmethod for its device, it failed because IonHub reported that the device could wake fromPowerDeviceD3. It (ionhub.sys) has been fixed by reporting PowerDeviceD2 in DeviceWake.This fixes a problem seen with Texas Instruments umpusbvista.sys functional driver for its 3410 USB to serial converter.6. A column in Configuration Utility that was used to display the address of the host in theHost to group assignments was too narrow for an IP address of 12 digits. This caused aline wrap in the Host Column and all subsequent group assignments were displayed off by one.。



Drive Window使用指南Drive Window使用指南《数据监控》一、首先打开Drive Window工具二、选择ABB.SMP,单击OK,进入如下画面三、双击左上方的蓝色区域,向下移动滚动条,找到Parameters并双击四、单击01:ACTUAL SIGNALS,在右侧上方显示出许多参数五、单击所需要监控的参数,然后分别点击Add Monitored I ems;Activate/Deactivate Items or I tem Set;Lock/Unlock I ems三个按钮,一般监控输出频率、输出电流、输出力矩、输出功率、直流母线电压、模块温度六条曲线。

五、双击Parameters,只显示选中的参数六、设置历史缓冲区时间:双击History Buffer,在弹出对话框中填入所需时间,单位为秒,尽量设置长一些,一般设为20000,然后单击OK。

七、设置X轴长度,双击X Axis Length (s),一般设置为100即可。

八、设置Y轴最大值,双击Y Axis Maximum,一般设置为650,大于所监控数据中的最大值即可。

九、设置Y轴最小值,双击Y Axis Minimum,设置为0。

十、单击启动监控按钮Start or Continue Monitoring,即可对所选参数进行监控。

十一、监控过程中如果想查看过去的波形,可按下暂停键Pause Monitoring,查看结束,按下启动按钮会继续监控,暂停期间的数据不会丢失。

十二、监控结束:按下停止按钮Stop Monitoring。


(重要曲线需要先保存)十四、保存曲线:单击File,找到Graph目录下的Save All并单击,在弹出对话框中选择存放位置和文件名,再点击保存即可。

《软件备份》一、Drive Window与电脑、ABB主板连接正常后,单击菜单栏的file,找到System Software-New-Backup Package并单击二、单击菜单栏的file,找到System Software子菜单Back All并单击此时,Drive Window自动开始备份,如下图所示:三、备份完成后,单击菜单栏的file,找到System Software子菜单SaveAs并单击四、在弹出对话框中选择保存位置和想要保存的文件名,点击保存即可。

light cycler操作手册

light cycler操作手册

目的: 保证LightCycler的正常使用。























●点击Save Experiment File按钮保存新确定或修改后的实验步骤。


样品数据的输入:●MagNAPure LC Information区域:由于样品信息来自MagNAPure LC Run,所以屏幕左上方和右角提供给定参数(转盘号、步骤、洗脱后步骤、样品体积、洗脱体积和稀释体积)信息。

Work Light II LED工作灯灯具用户手册说明书

Work Light II LED工作灯灯具用户手册说明书

U S E R ’S M A N U A LWORKLIGHTII_USERS_MANUAL_20210702WORK LIGHT IILED WORKLIGHT LUMINAIREUSER MANUALPage 2Have a question regarding this manual?WorkLight II Luminaire Installation & User’s Manual© Altman Lighting 2021. All rights reserved.Document Number: 49-0416Version as of: 2021 July 02Note: Information contained in this document may not be duplicated in full or in part by any person without prior written approval of Altman Lighting Its sole purpose is to provide the user with conceptual information on the equipment mentioned. The use of this document for all other purposes is specifically prohibited.The material in this manual is for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Altman Lighting assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions which may appear in this manual. For comments and suggestions regarding corrections and/or updates to this manual, please visit the Altman Lighting web site at or contact your nearest Altman Lighting Regional Manager .El contenido de este manual es solamente para información y está sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso. Altman Lighting no asume responsabilidad por errores o omisiones que puedan aparecer. Cualquier comentario, sugerencia o corrección con respecto a este manual, favor de dirijirlo a la oficina de Altman Lighting más cercana.Der Inhalt dieses Handbuches ist nur für Informationszwecke gedacht, Aenderungen sind vorbehalten. Altman Lighting uebernimmt keine Verantwortung für Fehler oder Irrtuemer, die in diesem Handbuch auftreten. FürBemerkungen und Verbesserungsvorschlaege oder Vorschlaege in Bezug auf Korrekturen und/oder Aktualisierungen in diesem Handbuch, moechten wir Sie bitten, Kontakt mit der naechsten Altman Lighting Niederlassung aufzunehmen.Should you have a suggestion or question regarding your Altman Lighting product, we would love to hear from you. You can reach us at:Altman Lighting 1400 East 66th Ave. Denver, CO. 80229 +1 (303) 500-7072 ************************************************************************************PrefaceThe document provides basic information on installation and operational instructions for a quali-fied, trained installer. These instructions provide information for the following product:WorkLight IIIncluded Accessories:70-3259 - Color Frame with Diffusing Gel SC-36-BK - Safety Cable510 - Malleable Iron Pipe ClampPCL-PBG-12-5 (5’ 20A power con to Edison male)Additional product information can be found on our web site at or by scanning the QR code to the right.Altman Lighting continually engages in research related to product improvement. New materials, production methods and design refinements are introduced into existing products without notice as a routine expression of the philosophy. For this reason any current Altman Lighting product may differ in some respect from its published description, but will always equal or exceed the original design specifications unless otherwise noted.Our CommitmentPage 3When using electrical equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed including the following:1. READ AND FOLLOW ALL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS.2. Do not mount near gas or electric heaters.3. Equipment should be mounted in locations and at heights where it will not readily be subjected to tampering byunauthorized personnel.4. Operate only in approved environments. Do not operate outside unless product is designed to do so.5. The use of accessory equipment not recommended by the manufacturer may cause an unsafe condition.6. Do not use this equipment for other than intended use.7. Refer service to qualified personnel.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS.WARNING: You must have access to a main circuit breaker or other power disconnect device before installing any wiring. Be sure that power is disconnected by removing fuses or turning the main circuit breaker off before installation. Installing the device with power on may expose you to dangerous voltages and damage the device. WARNING: Refer to National Electrical Code® and local codes for cable specifications. Failure to use proper cable can result in damage to equipment or danger to personnel.WARNING: This equipment is intended for installation in accordance with the National Electric Code® andlocal regulations. Before any electrical work is performed, disconnect power at the circuit breaker or remove the fuse to avoid shock or damage to the control. It is recommended that a qualified electrician perform this installation.WARNING: This Lighting Fixture IS NOT for residential installation or use.WARNING: The structure where fixture(s) is to be mounted must be capable of supporting the weight of the fixture and its accessories. This fixture is for temporary, portable mounting only.WARNING: The light source contained in this luminaire shall only be replaced by the manufacturer or its service agent or a similar qualified person.THIS PRODUCT MUST BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE INSTALLATION CODE BY A PERSON FAMILIAR WITH THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF THE PRODUCT AND THE HAZARDS INVOLVED.CE PRODUIT DOIT ÊTRE INSTALLÉ SELON LE CODE D’INSTALLATION PERTINENT, PAR UNE PERSONNE.CONSULT A QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN TO ENSURE CORRECT BRANCH CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR.CONSULTER UN ÉLECTRICIEN QUALIFIÉ POUR VOUS ASSURER QUE LES CONDUCTEURS DE LA DÉRIVATION SONT ADÉQUATS.Product Safety NoticesWarningsImportant InformationFCC NoticeThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to cor-rect the interference at his own expense.Altman Lighting Product WarrantyWarranty TermsAltman Lighting, Inc., a subsidiary of Altman Stage Lighting Company, Inc., herein referred to as Altman, warrants each new product (except for spare parts or products Altman does not manufacture) for a period of FIVE (5) years and ONE (1) day from date of shipment to correct by repair or replacement any part defect due to faulty material or workmanship.Altman warrants for NINETY (90) days any spare part it manufactures. On spare parts or products Altman does not manufacture, including, but not limited to, lamps, sockets, lenses, roundels, electronics, ignitors, ballasts, etc.; Altman will grant the same war-ranty given Altman by its vendors. Altman assumes no responsibility for damage or faulty performance caused by misuse, improper installation, careless handling or where repairs have been attempted by others. This warranty is in lieu of all warranties or guarantees expressed or implied and no representative or person is authorized to assume Altman any other liability with the sale of Altman’s products.Altman assumes no responsibility for damage or faulty performance caused by misuse, improper installation, careless handling or where repairs have been attempted by others.This warranty is in lieu of all warranties or guarantees expressed or implied and no representative or person is authorized to assume Altman any other liability with the sale of Altman’s products.Warranty ServiceThe customer must receive a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number prior to return, return shipment must be visibly marked with the RMA number and the product must be returned (shipping prepaid) to the factory at:1400 East. 66th AvenueDenver, CO 80229 USA+1-303-500-7072**************************The return must be within FORTY FIVE (45) days of receiving the RMA from Altman. Altman warrants for NINETY (90) days any spare part it manufactures. On spare parts or products Altman does not manufacture, such as lamps, sockets, lenses, roundels, electronics, ignitors, ballasts, etc. Altman will grant the same warranty given Altman by its vendors.Page 4Table Of ContentsImportant Information 3 Altman Lighting Product Warranty 4 Table Of Contents 5 Installation And Setup 6 Power Requirements 6 Connecting Power 6 Mains Dimming 6 Mounting 7 Adjusting Tilt 7 Installing C-Clamp 8 Installing Safety Cable 8 Cleaning and Care 9 Special Cleaning and Care Instructions 9 Service and Maintenance 9 Troubleshooting 10 Troubleshooting Guide 10 Specifications 11Page 5Page 6Installation And SetupPower RequirementsWARNING! The maximum allowable input current is 20 Amps. Do not overload circuits! Lumi-naires must be supplied by a branch circuit protected by a maximum 20 Amp circuit protector. Doit être alimenté par un circuit de dérivation protégé par un maximum de 20 ampères circuitprotecteur. Ne surchargez pas les circuits!The LED Work Light operates on 100 to 230VAC, single phase only and draws a maximum of 90 Watts. This luminaire can be connected to a dimmer or a dimmer-controlled circuit or a circuit providing constant power..Connecting PowerUnits are powered via an AC input cable (sold separately) from 100 to 230VAC, 50/60Hz and draw approxi-mately 90 Watts of power. The table below outlines the wire colors and their purpose.WIRE COLOR PURPOSE Brown or Black Main / (L)ine Blue or White(N)eutralGreen/Yellow or GreenGround / EarthThe Work Light II Luminaire must be connected to and properly grounded to an viable earth ground.Neutral LiveTable 1: AC Input WiringThe WorkLight can be wired into a Phase Cut or Triac Dimmer. On each unit there is a Local Dim dial that will allow to locally dim the unit when connected to constant power.Mains DimmingDimming Notes: The WL-90 is designed as a set it and forget it luminaire that employs a local dim. control and mains dim compatible power supply. When running on mains dim power please make sure that the local dimcontrol is set to full.The Work Light II employs dimming technology that is compatible with many dimmer types, The overall performance of the mains dim. functionality is based upon the dimmer type and its resolution. The WL II has been designed as a “set it and forget it” luminaire and has a lower dimming resolution than that of our performance mains dim. products. When both the WLII and the Altman Pegasus or Chalice are connected tothe same dimmer or type they will display dissimilar dimming curves.Phase Cut AC Sine Wave (from dimmer to fixture)Normal AC Sine Wave (from source to dimmer)Note : The Worklight should be connected to Constant Mains power when using the local dim functions. When connected to a remote dimmer the Local Dim should be set to full on. Neutrik PowerCon WiringMountingThe LED Work Light is simple to install and position where work lighting is needed. The unit is supplied with a C-Clamp, Diffuser Frame, and Safety Cable. When mounting the LED Work Light, you must follow all national and local codes for safe installation and use. Unit weight, with accessories is 11 pounds / 4.98Adjusting TiltThe LED Work Light can have its tilt adjusted via the two lock off handles on each side of the luminaire (refer to Figure 1). Simple loosen (but DO NOT REMOVE) each handle so the unit is able to swing up and down. Set tilt as desired and re-tighten the two lock off handles so the unit does not move from the set position.Page 7Page 8To Install the C-clamp:1. With luminaire on a flat, sturdy surface, position yoke assembly for easy access as illustrated in Figure2.2. Place on 1/2-13 hex bolt, in this order, the 1/2-inch lock washer and then the 1/2-inch flat washer.3. Insert bolt into hole on yoke assembly.4. Position c-clamp over bolt and thread bolt into c-clamp.5. Tighten bolt.Safety Cable InstallationThe provided safety cable should be installed in accordance to local and national codes.NOTE : The safety cable (supplied with unit) should be used and may be required by local and/or national codes when hanging this luminaire. The mounting structure must be capable of supporting the weight of the fixture, lens, cabling, any accessories, etc.Cleaning and CareWARNING! All cleaning should be performed with power completely removed from the lumi-naire. Never remove protective covers when luminaire is powered. Wear appropriate protectiveeye wear and gloves when cleaning the fixture. All service and maintenance, other than describedherein, should be performed by a qualified technician or Authorized Service Center. AT NO TIMESHOULD THE LED BE TOUCHED.WARNING! Under no circumstances should ammonia-based cleaners, acetone, or other harshsolvents be used on or near the LED Work Light. These types of cleaners or solvents canpermanently damage the fixture.WARNING! Disassembly (other than as described herein), alterations, unauthorized service, etc.will void the product warranty. Contact your local Altman Lighting officeSpecial Cleaning and Care InstructionsBeing a solid-state fixture, and unlike most fixtures, the LED Work Light requires very littleroutine maintenance by the userIf you have any questions regarding the use or care of your LED Work Light, please contactAltman Lighting technical support (**************************) or your local Authorized Dealer.MPORTANT! The Altman Lighting LED Work Light is a solid state, convection cooled luminaire.As with any solid state luminaire it is important that these units not run in a continuous 24/7operation but be allowed sufficient OFF time during their operation.Service and MaintenanceMPORTANT! For all other service and maintenance issues, please contact your local AltmanLighting office at **************************Page 9Page 10TroubleshootingTroubleshooting GuideThe chart below provides possible causes and remedies for various error messages and/or symptoms. If this chart is unable to address your issue, please contact your authorized dealer or Altman customer service forassistance.Any service and maintenance (including troubleshooting), other than described herein should be performed by an Authorized Altman Lighting Dealer or Service Center.DESCRIPTIONISSUE POSSIBLE CAUSE/REMEDYNo light outputFixture will not produce or output light and connected to power Check to see that the Local Dim Switch is set to anything above zero. When plugged into a Dimmer the Local Dim Switch needs to be at Full.Low light outputFixture produces low light output and connected topower.Check to see that the Local Dim Switch is set above zero. When plugged into a Dimmer the Local Dim Switch needs to be at Full. Make sure that the output of the connected dimmer is set to any top end Power limitations.No power at luminaireLuminaire does not power up.Circuit not energized...verify circuit breaker is turned on.Not plugged in...ensure A/C cable is connected to power source.Power cable wired incorrectly...verify power cable and connector are wired correctly.See “Connecting Power” on page 6 for more information.Page 11Work Light II Installation & Users ManualSpecifications Notes:* - Weight was taken with the 510 and Color Frame attached to the Fixture Materials:Corrosion-resistant materials and hardware Housing:Lightweight aluminum constructionControl:Phase Cut or Triac Dimmer, or Constant power with on board local fader control.Light Engine:90W LED Array - Available in 3000K or 5000K Rated Lifespan:Array rating >50,000 hours to L70Input Voltage:100-230 VAC 50/60 HzWattage:90 WattsLED Engine Cooling:Convection, passiveColor Options:Black or White. Custom colors - consult factory Environment:0 - 40°C (32 - 104°F) with humidity of 5-95% non-condensing)Weight:11 lbs. (4.98 kg)*Compliance:cETLus listed for indoor useWarranty:Five (5) years and One (1) daySupport:Supported Forever - free phone and online tech support for the life of your product.。



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Voyager Focus 2 办公蓝牙耳机系统(计算机和台式电话)用户指南说明书

Voyager Focus 2 办公蓝牙耳机系统(计算机和台式电话)用户指南说明书

Voyager Focus 2 Office Bluetooth headset system for computer and desk phoneUser GuideContentsHook up system3Desk phone setup details3Position Your Base5Overview6Headset6Base overview7Accessories7Pair9Pair headset to base9Pair to mobile device9Pair mode9Fit and charge10Wear on the right or left10Charge10Check headset battery status10Load software11Update firmware11The basics12Power on/off12Adjust volume12Make, answer, end calls12Launch Microsoft Teams (Teams model only)13Use sensors13More Features15Play or pause audio15Voice assistant (smartphone feature)15ANC15Change your default line15Online indicator15Corded mode (audio over USB)15Troubleshooting17Headset17Desk phone18Softphone18What's in the box20Support21Hook up systemUsing the diagram, connect your headset system.*Headset design/headset cradle may vary but function is the same.Note: Base configuration settingsMost phones ACisco phones DCisco phones with EHS cable ADesk phone setup detailsChoose a desk phone setup A, B, C or D and connect cables.A Desk phone with dedicated headsetportUSE•Connect one end of the telephone interface cable to the back of the base•Connect the other end of the telephone interface cable into the dedicated headset port on the desk phoneImportant: Cisco phones use configuration D on the bottom of the base. Most other phones use default configuration A.Note: Use this setup if you are not using the HL10 lifter or EHS cable. In thisconfiguration, press both the headset button on your desk phone and the callcontrol button on the headset to answer or end calls.B Desk phone (standard)USE•Connect one end of the telephone interface cable to the back of the base•Disconnect the handset coil cord from the base of the desk phone and re-connect it to the telephone interface cable junction box•Finally connect the remaining end of the telephone interface cable into the open handset port on the desk phoneImportant: Cisco phones use configuration D on the bottom of the base. Most other phones use default configuration A.Note: Use this setup if you are not using the HL10 lifter or EHS cable and your desk phone does not have a dedicated headset port. In this configuration, manually remove the handset on your desk phone and press the call control button on the headset to answer or end calls.C Desk phone + EHS cable (sold separately)USEImportant: Use configuration A on the bottom of the base, which works for most phones including Cisco phones.D Desk phone + HL10 lifter (sold separately)USEImportant: Cisco phones use configuration D on the bottom of the base. Most other phones use default configuration A.Position Your BaseThe minimum recommended separation between your desk phone and the base is 6 inches.The minimum recommended separation between the base and computer is 12 inches. Incorrect position can cause noise and interference problems.Note: Headset cradle may vary, but function is the same.ANC Active Noise Cancelling (off/low/high)Volume upCall button/Press to interact with Microsoft Teams (Teamsmodel only, requires Teams app)Siri/Google Assistant Default voice assistantPlay/pause**Next track**Previous track**Volume downMute/unmutePower on/offBluetooth pairingNote: **Functionality varies by application. May not function with web-based apps. Be safePlease read the safety guide for important safety, charging, battery and regulatory information before using your new headset.Base overview1234567891110121Computer button2Microsoft Teams button (Teams model only)3Bluetooth LED4Desk phone button5Charging LED6USB port7Power jack8Handset lifter jack9Telephone interface cable jack10Bluetooth pairing button11Desk phone listening volume12Desk phone speaking volume13Desk phone configuration switchAccessories1Electronic hookswitch cable (EHS cable) Electronically and automatically answers/ ends a desk phone call. Enables remote call control with your headset.2HL10 lifter Automatically lifts handset and returns it to the cradle. Enables remote call control with your headset.PairPair headset to baseYour system has a base and compatible Bluetooth headset.Your headset comes pre-paired to the base. To pair again:1Slide and hold the headset Power switch away from the off position until the LEDs2Put your base into pair mode by pressing and holding the Bluetooth pairing buttonon the back of your base for 2 seconds until the display panel's Bluetooth iconNote: Your headset can pair with up to 8 devices but only maintain 2 connectionssimultaneously; this includes the base.Pair to mobile device1To put your headset in pair mode, slide and hold the Power switch away from the offposition until you hear "pairing" and the headset LEDs flash red and blue.2Activate Bluetooth on your phone and set it to search for new devices.•iPhone Settings > Bluetooth > On*•Android Settings > Bluetooth On > Scan for devices*Note: *Menus may vary by device.3Select “Poly VFOCUS2 Series.”Once successfully paired, you hear “pairing successful” and the headset LEDs stopflashing.Note: Your headset can pair with up to 8 devices but only maintain 2 connectionssimultaneously; this includes the base.Pair modeSlide and hold the headset Power switch away from the off position until the LEDs flashred and blue.Fit and chargeWear on the right or left•To position the microphone on the right or left side, rotate the microphone boom upand over. Bend the boom so it is approximately 2 finger widths from the corner ofyour mouth.Note: Your headset senses when you change the microphone boom from one side tothe other and syncs the audio specific to each side.•Gently flex the headband wider if the fit is uncomfortable on your ears.ChargeCharge your headset by placing it in the base's cradle or by using a micro USB cable. Theheadset LEDs flash when charging. It takes approximately 2 hours to fully charge yourheadset. The LEDs turn off once charging is complete.Note: The micro USB cable plugs into a computer or wall charger's USB port.Headset LEDs What they meanOff Charging completeBattery highBattery mediumBattery lowBattery criticalCheck headset battery statusCheck your headset battery status:•With headset inactive, slide and release the Power switch away from the offposition. Listen to the voice alert or observe the headset LEDs.Load softwareCustomize your device behavior through advanced settings and options with Poly LensApp. Some softphones require the installation of Poly software to enable device callcontrol (answer/end and mute) functionality. Download: /lens.Note: Device settings are also available in Plantronics Hub App.Update firmwareKeep your firmware up-to-date to improve performance and add new features to yourPoly device.Update your firmware using your computer with Poly Lens App. Download at /lens.While updating firmware:•Do not use your Poly device until the update is complete.•Disconnect your Poly device from paired devices such as phones, tablets andcomputers.•Do not start a second update from a second device.•Do not stream media.•Do not answer or place a call.Power on/offSlide the switch to power on or off.Adjust volume•Headset volume Fine-tune your headset volume by adjusting the headset's volumeup (+) and down (-) controls.•Desk phone volume When you are on a desk phone call and your voice is too quiet/loud, adjust the speaking volume on the bottom of the base. If your caller's voice is too loud/quiet on a desk phone call, adjust the listening volume.•Base ringtone volume Adjust the base ringtone volume setting in Poly Lens DesktopApp. This ringtone alerts you if you are not wearing your headset and a call comes in.Adjust headset microphone volume (softphone)Place a test softphone call and adjust softphone volume and PC sound volumeaccordingly.Make, answer, end callsMake a call (computer or desk phone)1: Desk phone only : Press the phone's Headset button or manually remove the handset if you don't have an HL10 lifter or EHS cable.Tip: If you do not hear a dial tone, turn over the base and adjust the switch (A--G). “A” works for the majority of desk phones. "D" works for Cisco phones.2Dial from your softphone or desk phone.Answer or end a callTo answer or end a call, choose:•Tap the headset Call button.•Computer or desk phone:: Desk phone only: If you don't have an HL10 lifter or EHS cable, Press the phone's Headset button or manually remove the handset when answering a call or hang up the handset when ending a call.MuteMute your headset on an active call:•Tap the Mute button•Rotate your microphone boom and click it into the up position•Take off your headset (requires active smart sensors). Put on your headset to unmute. Hold a callTo hold an active call or resume a held call:•Standard headset: Press the Call button for 2 seconds.•Microsoft Teams headset: Press the Mute button for 2 seconds.•flashes red when a call is on hold.Note: Two desk phone calls can be put on hold only from your desk phone. Check your desk phone user guide.Switch between calls (flash)Switch between two calls on your headset. This feature is not available for mobile phone calls.To switch between calls:•Standard headset: Press the Call button for 2 seconds.•Microsoft Teams headset: Press the Mute button for 2 seconds.•flashes red when a call is on hold.Note: Switching 2 desk phone calls can be done only from your desk phone. Check your desk phone user guide.Launch Microsoft Teams (Teams model only)Your base and headset each have a Teams button to quickly open and use the Microsoft Teams desktop app. The base Teams button illuminates when you have a meeting or notification.Tip: Your headset's Call button is also a Teams button.•When not on a call, tap the Teams button to view Microsoft Teams app on your computer.•When the base's Teams button LED pulses purple, tap to join your meeting.•When the base's Teams button LED is solid purple, tap to view your Teams notifications.Note: Teams model and Teams desktop application required. Teams mobileapplication is not supported.Use sensorsSmart sensors respond when you put on or take off your headset. Customize in Poly Lens App. Below describes default settings.With active sensors putting on the headset will: taking off the headset will: Mobile/softphone call answer the call keep call in headsetMusic/media resume music/media (ifplaying previous to taking off)*pause music/media (if playing)*Mute (activate in Poly LensApp )unmute if on an active call mute if on an active call Note: *Functionality varies by application. May not function with web-based apps. Reset sensorsYou may need to reset the sensors if they are not working as expected.There are two ways to reset the headset sensors. Choose:•With your headset powered on, charge your headset on the charge stand for 10 seconds•Power on your headset while pressing the Mute button for more than 4 seconds until the LEDs flash purple 4 times, being careful to not touch the earcup padding or allow it to come in contact with surfacesDisable sensorsYou can disable your headset smart sensors 2 ways:•Manage sensors in Poly Lens App•Hold both the Mute and Call buttons for more than 4 seconds until the LED flashes purple then red. Repeat to reactivate; the LED flashes purple then blue Note: Sensors cannot be disabled while streaming audio.More FeaturesPlay or pause audioTap the Call button to pause or resume streaming audio.Note: Functionality varies by application. May not function with web-based apps.Track selectionDouble-tap the Call button to skip to the next track or triple-tap the Call button toplay the previous track.Note: Functionality varies by application. May not function with web-based apps.Fast forward/rewindDouble-tap and hold the Call button to fast-forward. Triple-tap and hold the Callbutton to rewind.Note: Functionality varies by application. May not function with web-based apps.Voice assistant (smartphone feature)Siri, Google Assistant™, Cortana Press and hold the Call button for 2 seconds to activateyour smartphone's default voice assistant. Wait for the phone prompt to activate voicedialing, search, and other smartphone voice controls.Attention: Voice assistant is only active when your headset is out of base range andpaired to a smartphone.ANCActive Noise Canceling (ANC) reduces external noise and enhances your music andsound quality.Slide the ANC switch to choose:•Low: recommended for office•High: recommended for loud environmentsChange your default lineChange the default outbound phone line/audio channel.With the system idle, do one of the following:•On your base, press the desired audio button for 4 seconds until it flashes 4 times.•Download and open Poly Lens Desktop App on your computer, go to Device Name >Settings > General > Default Phone Line and choose the desired audio line.Online indicatorYour headset LED illuminates red to inform others that you are on a call. Manage settingsin Poly Lens App.Corded mode (audio over USB)If your audio is cutting out during softphone calls, you may be experiencing Bluetoothdensity problems. Improve audio performance by using density-friendly corded mode.1Disconnect your Bluetooth USB adapter from your computer2Connect your headset directly to your computer with the provided 1.5 m USB cable 3Power off your headset to use density-friendly corded modeNote: Your headset battery charges while in corded mode.TroubleshootingHeadsetI can’t hear a dial tone in theheadset.•Make sure your headset is charged.•Make sure your headset is paired to base. See Pairheadset to base.•Adjust the configuration switch (A--F) on the bottom ofthe base until a dial tone is heard. The default A works formost phones.Attention: Use configuration D for Cisco phones. Ciscophones connected with EHS cable use configuration A.•Make sure your desk phone is connected correctly toyour base. See Desk phone setup details.•If your base is connected to your desk phone's dedicatedheadset port, press the desk phone's headset button tohear a dial tone.•If your base is connected to your desk phone's dedicatedheadset port, press the desk phone's headset buttonand base's desk phone button to hear a dial tone.•If your base is connected to your handset port, manuallyremove the handset to hear a dial tone (if you do not havean EHS cable or HL10 lifter).•Make sure your HL10 lifter is lifting the handset highenough to operate the hookswitch; set to a higher settingif necessary.•Adjust the headset's listening volume. See Adjust volume.•If the volume is still too low, adjust the desk phonelistening volume on the base. See Adjust volume.Can I connect my headset to a mobile phone and the base at the same time?Yes, your headset remembers up to 8 devices, but connect to up to 2 devices at a time. That includes your base.I hear static.•Make sure there is at least 12 inches between your baseand your computer, and 6 inches between your base andyour telephone. If adjusting the distance doesn’t help,your headset is going out of range, move closer to thebase. See Position Your BaseThe sound is distorted.•Lower the desk phone speaking volume and/or deskphone listening volume on the base. For most telephonesthe correct setting is position 2. See Adjust volume.•If your desk phone has a volume control, lower until thedistortion disappears.•If the distortion is still present, adjust the headset volumecontrol to lower the headset speaker volume. See Adjustvolume.•Make sure there is 12 inches between your base andyour computer, and 6 inches between your base and yourtelephone. See Position Your Base.I hear echo in the headset.•Lower the desk phone speaking volume and/or deskphone listening volume on the base. For most telephonesthe correct setting is position 2. See Adjust volume.•If the audio level is too low in this position, increase theheadset volume. See Adjust volume.•If your speaking volume is too low for your listener in thisposition, adjust the position of the headset to make surethe microphone is as close as possible to your mouth.People I talk to can hear a buzz inthe background.•Move the base further away from your phone. SeePosition Your Base.•If the base power supply is plugged into a power strip,plug it into the wall directly.I can't activate Siri or Google Now on my headset.Your smartphone's default voice assistant is a mobile-only feature and is not active when your headset is in range of your base.•Ensure that your headset is out of base range •Ensure that the headset is paired to your smartphone •See Voice assistantDesk phoneThe handset lifter is installed butdoes not lift the handset.•Be sure the handset lifter power cord is firmly pushedinto the handset lifter jack on the base.SoftphoneWhen I dial from my softphoneapplication, nothing happens.•Ensure your headset is charged.•Ensure your headset is paired to the base. See Pairheadset to base.•Ensure that Poly Lens Desktop App is installed.Download: /lens.•If Poly Lens Desktop App is not installed and you do nothave a compatible softphone, you must first press thebase's Audio button and then use the softphone interfaceto place/answer/end calls.•Ensure that the headset is the default sound device bygoing to your Sound Control Panel (Windows) or yourSound System Preferences (Mac).•Restart your computer.Speaking and/or listening volumeis too low or too high.•Adjust headset listening volume with volume button.•Adjust listening/speaking volumes in the computer’ssound control panel/system preferences.•Adjust listening/speaking volumes in the softphoneapplication.The sound is distorted or I hearan echo in the headset.•Reduce speaking and/or listening volume on thecomputer using your softphone application.•Point microphone towards your chin.•If the distortion is still present, lower the volume on theheadset.I can no longer hear any audio through my PC Speakers.For Windows 10 and Windows 8 systems•Go to Start > Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices > Audio > Sound Playback and change the default setting from your headset to your PC speakers. Click “OK” toconfirm your change.For Windows Vista and Windows 7 systems•Go to Start > Control Panel > Sounds > Playback and change the default setting from your headset to your PC speakers. Click “OK” to confirm your change.For Mac OS X•Choose Apple menu > System Preferences and click Sound.•Click Output, and then select “Internal Speakers” or your speaker choice.(Teams model only) How do Iinteract with Microsoft Teams?•Tap the headset Call button or your base's Teamsbutton to quickly open and use Microsoft Teams. SeeLaunch Microsoft Teams.•Set your target softphone in Poly Lens Desktop App(Teams model only) Does my Microsoft Teams-enabled headset work with other softphones?Yes, while your headset is optimized for Microsoft Teams, it can be configured to use with other supported softphones. Set your target phone by going to Poly Lens Desktop App. When you configure another softphone, the Call button:•doesn't interact with Teams•doesn't go to Teams notifications•will not launch CortanaMy audio is cutting out duringsoftphone calls.•You may be experiencing Bluetooth density problems.Connect your headset directly to your computer. SeeCorded mode (audio over USB).What's in the boxHeadset BaseQuick start guide Telephone interface cable Power supplyUSB cable Carrying caseSupportNEED MORE HELP?/supportHP Inc.1501 Page Mill RoadPalo Alto 94304, U.S.A.650-857-1501HP Deutschland GmbHHP HQ-TRE71025 Boeblingen, GermanyHP Inc UK LtdRegulatory Enquiries, Earley West300 Thames Valley Park DriveReading, RG6 1PTUnited Kingdom© 2023 Poly. Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. All trademarksare the property of their respective owners.Model ID: Headset VFOCUS2/VFOCUS2-M, Base VFOCUS2 CD/VFOCUS2-M CD.System: Poly Voyager Focus 2 Office has a VFOCUS2 headset and VFOCUS2 CD base, ora VFOCUS2-M headset and VFOCUS2-M CD base.219507-06 07.2321。

DeskTopBinder V2 Lite 说明书

DeskTopBinder V2 Lite 说明书
复印机 传真机 打印机和扫描器功能 ............................................................ iii 利用存储的文稿 .................................................................................................... iii 无纸传真传送和接收 ............................................................................................ iv 通过因特网的传真传送和接收 ............................................................................ iv 在网络环境中使用扫描仪 ..................................................................................... v 管理设备 / 保护文稿 安全功能 ...................................................................... v 通过计算机监测设备 ............................................................................................ vi 注意 ............................................................................................................. 1 版权和商标 ................................................................................................... 2 商标 ......................................................................................................................... 2 有关所安装软件的信息 ......................................................................................... 3 如何阅读本手册 ........................................................................................... 8 安全信息 ...................................................................................................... 9 操作安全 ................................................................................................................. 9 R 警告和 R 注意标签 标识的位置 .......................................................... 11 节能之星计划 ............................................................................................. 12 机型 ........................................................................................................... 14
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