艾默生人员名单emerson list




艾默生网络能源(西安)研发中心 费希尔久安(成都)
艾默生网络能源(深圳) 雅达电子(深圳) 热敏碟(深圳) 艾默生家电应用技术(深圳)
P. 26 2007-7-19
Qingdao Tianjin
XI’an Chengdu
Suzhou Nanjing
P. 21 2007-7-19
艾默生公司简介 - 中国
● 七十年代末开始发展中国业务 ● 中国是Emerson在亚洲的最大商业伙伴
- 自 ’02 年销售额仅次于美国 ● 基本建设:
- 29 家工厂在14个地点
- 8 家合资公司
● 超过3万名员工
P. 23 2007-7-19
P. 10
Emerson 管 理 精 粹 受全球青睐
Performance Without Compromise
How Emerson Consistently Achieves Winning Results
作者:C. F. Knight 和 D. Dyer
“Performance Without Compromise” 是对在一次又一 次的挑战面前获得成功的管理流程和价值体系的一 个令人信服的考察。该书为要在全球市场上一展身 手的经理们提供了清晰和中肯的见地。
P. 2 2007-7-19
● 多元化全球生产及技术企业,为世界各地的工商业及消 费者市场服务
● 上市公司(美国纽约证券交易所代码:EMR) ● 总部设于美国密苏里州圣路易斯市 ● 以卓越管理、长期财政业绩及持久力见称 ● 生产及/或销售遍及150多个国家 ● 1890 年成立 – 业务经营达116年



UNIDRIVE ES 电梯专用变频器用户手册E1-20030818-C-1.0 (BOM:31010957)E m e r s o n I n d u s t i a l A u t o m a t i o n一般信息因用户疏忽或不当安装或不当调节设备操作参数,或将变频器与不适配的电机搭配使用所导致的任何后果,厂家概不负责。













为此,我公司应用了“环境管理系统(EMS)”(Environmental Management System),该系统通过ISO14001认证。







1.2.1 系统设计.....................................................................................................................................................................1 1.2.2 旁路 ............................................................................................................................................................................1 1.2.3 系统控制原理.............................................................................................................................................................2 1.2.4 ECO 模式(只适用于 UPS 单机)............................................................................................................................3 1.2.5 UPS 电源开关配置 .....................................................................................................................................................3 1.2.6 电池开关.....................................................................................................................................................................3 1.2.7 电池温度补偿.............................................................................................................................................................3 1.2.8 系统扩容.....................................................................................................................................................................4 1.3 运行模式.................................................................................................................................................................................4 第二章 机械安装 ................................................................................................................................................................. 5


语言简练有力,富有激情,具有强 烈的感染力。
通过对美的不同表现形式的探讨,阐述作者对美的独特见解,强调 内在美的重要性。
Emerson作品中的思想 内涵
超验主义是19世纪美国的一场思想运动,强调直觉、个人主义和内在的精神力 量。
Emerson的作品语言简练, 表达清晰,没有过多的修 辞和华丽辞藻,却能深入 人心。
他的文字富含深刻的哲理, 常常通过日常生活中的小 事来阐述人生的大道理。
1838年辞去教职,开始独立写作和演讲生 涯。
1836年发表第一部作品 《自然》。
1850年发表自传体散文集 《经历》。
1844年发表《论美》。 1857年发表《论历史》。
随着研究的深入,学者们开始从新的视角对Emerson的作品进行解读, 如生态批评、性别研究等。
未来对Emerson的研究将更加注重跨学科的 方法,如文学与哲学、文学与心理学等。
未来可以将Emerson的作品与其他作家的作品进行 比较研究,以更深入地理解他的作品。

美国艾默生电气公司 董事长兼首席执行官 - 简 历

美国艾默生电气公司 董事长兼首席执行官 - 简 历

B i o 简 历(201102)范大为 (David N. Farr)美国艾默生电气公司董事长兼首席执行官范大为于 2000 年10 月出任 Emerson 公司首席执行官,并且是 Emerson 公司在过去 55 余年来的第三任首席执行官。

范大为于 2004 年 9 月出任公司董事长。

在范大为的领导下,Emerson 提高了在全球市场的领先地位,更加注重提供以客户为本的服务及解决方案,并以促进长期增长和市场地位为目的,保持在行业领先技术领域的投资。

与管理团队一起,范大为领导公司专注于创造长期价值,保持Emerson 在销售、收益、现金流及资本回报率等诸多方面增长的实质性财务业绩。

从2008至 2011 年,范大为连续四年被美国《机构投资者》杂志评为“全美最佳首席执行官”。

范大为于1981年作为公司总部员工加盟Emerson ,曾先后出任公司总部投资者关系经理、企业计划与发展副总裁、里奇工具子公司总裁、工业元器件及设备业务集团副总裁。

其后范大为驻香港四年,出任设立于香港的Emerson 亚太区总部总裁职务和Emerson 合资公司雅达电子的首席执行官。


1999年5月,范大为任公司高级执行副总裁兼首席运营官,负责Emerson 的全球运营业务,直至于2000年被委任为首席执行官。

2005年11月至2010年10月期间,范大为还担任Emerson 公司总裁。

范大为是总部设在华盛顿的商务委员会(The Business Council )会员。

此外,范大为也是美中贸易全国委员会(US-China Business Council )董事会成员。

范大为积极参与圣路易斯市的一系列民间及慈善组织活动,他是公民进步协会(Civic Progress )成员而且目前担任会长,该组织由圣路易斯市多家领先企业的领导人组成,旨在促进该地区发展。




韩国三星六西格玛黑带(DMAIC BB)、通用汽车六西格玛设计黑带(DFSS BB)。



中文名: 刘泽锋外文名:Julio Liu国籍:中国出生日期:1977年7月28日出生地:湖南毕业院校: 复旦大学职业:咨询顾问研究领域: R&D产品创新研发质量管理主讲课程:DFSS/FMEA/QFD/TRIZ/Taguchi/ Robust Design/DMAIC目录1 擅长领域2 工作经历3 主讲课程4 授课经验5 服务客户擅长领域汽车整车及零部件,航空,电子,机械自动化等工业产品创新设计开发领域卓越研发工具应用。

●产品创新稳健设计(Robust Design、DFSS、TRIZ、QFD、Taguchi DOE、Six-Sigma DMAIC)●产品创新风险预防(DFMEA、PFMEA、MFMEA、DRBFM 、GD3、APAT)卓有成效的六西格玛方法论(DMAIC+DFSS)集成应用方法体系的倡导者和实践者,深谙DMAIC+DFSS精髓和在企业推进过程中企业文化和管理障碍的突破之道。


擅长质量工具(DFMEA,QFD,TRIZ,田口Taguchi DOE等)在企业的高级实战应用培训和项目指导。

艾默生 基本型 SVL系列 数据表

艾默生 基本型 SVL系列 数据表

工业电源00813-0106-0145工业电源可靠的多功能的电源解决方案Data SheetOctober 2020基本型: SVL系列艾默生工业电源具有高可靠性、高性价比和应用广泛的特点,保障系统平稳运行。




SVL 系列电源是高容量、受控环境和普通地点安装应用的完美选择,这些应用只需要基本功能。


DIN 导轨安装可提供更迅速、更便捷的安装,同时保留设计的灵活性。

这些电源可提供24 Vdc4A 至20A 的电流。

高可用性: 冗余SDN-C系列SDN-C 系列电源还提供冗余(RED)模块,用于冗余或并行供电运行。

RED 模块会持续监视连接到单个负载的两个电源的状态。

如果一个电源发生故障,RED 模块会自动切换到另一个电源。

RED 模块采用MOSFET 技术,而不是传统的基于二极管的解决方案,从而降低了压降(和减少了散热),提高了系统的可靠性。

利用RED 模块的继电器输出触点,可以很容易地将输出状态信息提供给PLC 或其他控制设备。

机用型: SCP-X系列SCP-X 电源具多功能和高性价比,可为机器控制提供分布式现场电源。


快速更换插头简化了机械上分布的I/O 设备的连接。

这些符合Class 2标准的24 Vdc 电源有单, 双100瓦型号,是坚固自动化产品的理想选择。

高级型: SDN-C系列SDN-C 系列电源结合了高效和紧凑,并带有高级功能,例如报警继电器触点和短时 (即启动瞬态)1.5倍额定电流。

Ralph Waldo Emerson爱默生作品赏析

Ralph Waldo Emerson爱默生作品赏析

Life Story

3 years after he became the sole pastor, he had a crisis of faith, finding that he "was not interested" in the rite of Communion. (teacher/reform) Eventually Emerson's controversial views caused his resignation. However, he never ceased to be both teacher and preacher, although without the support of any concrete idea of God.
Life Story

Emerson's health started to fail after the partial burning of his house in 1872. He made his last tour abroad in 1872-1873, and then withdrew more and more from public life. Emerson died on April 27, 1882 in Concord.
Life Story

Emerson's first and only settlement was at the important Second Unitarian Church of Boston, where he became sole pastor in 1830. In 1832, Emerson traveled to Europe where he met poets Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth who introduce him to Romantic notions of nature and philosophy.(Introduction to Transcendental Thought)


ST. LOUIS and SCHAUMBURG, Ill. September 28, 2007— Emerson (NYSE: EMR) and Motorola, Inc. (NYSE: MOT) today announced that the two companies have entered into a definitive agreement under which Emerson will acquire Motorola’s Embedded Communications Computing (ECC) business. Motorola’s ECC business, which had 2006 revenue of approximately $520 million, will strengthen Emerson’s position in the $6 billion-and-growing merchant embedded computing industry. Upon completion of the transaction, Motorola’s ECC business will become part of Emerson Network Power. The transaction is expected to be completed by the end of the calendar year and is subject to customary closing conditions and regulatory approvals.
“Performance Without Compromise” is a compelling look at management process and value system that has proven successful in the face of challenge after challenge. It offers clear and relevant insight to managers seeking to excel on a global basis.”



地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量吉林电信松源市电信局AC Deluxe Systems LD37A-FSMU2广西金融广西北海交通银行AC Deluxe Systems LD46A-FAGU1河南烟草河南许昌卷烟厂AC Challenger 3000BF040A-MAG1广东金融茂明中行电脑部UPS AP400AP4151西藏电信西藏拉萨市电信局AC Deluxe Systems LD46A-FSMU2福建电信漳州市电信局AC Challenger 3000BF065A-MAM3上海外企3M公司AC Challenger 3000BU065A1 -军队89931部队AC Deluxe Systems LD30A-FAEI/CDF165L1 -军队89931部队AC Deluxe Systems LD46A-FAG/CDF205L3 -军队89960部队AC DataMate DME027E-PWH02/DMC027A-WL27 -军队89960部队AC DataMate DME037E-PWH2/PFC037A-SLO6 -军队89960部队AC Mini Tower TS06AUX/CT026FX2 -军队89960部队AC Mini Tower TS09AUX/CT026FX1上海外企AT&T UPS7200AP72401上海外企Corning Shanghai UPS Hipulse Hipulse-80KVA1厦门外企DELL中国有限公司AC Deluxe Systems FH376C-FGEI2厦门外企DELL中国有限公司UPS Hipulse Hipulse-200KVA3厦门外企DELL中国有限公司AC Deluxe Systems LD58A-FGEI/CDF308L5广东外企GE发动机服务有限公司UPS7200AP72301广东外企GE发动机服务有限公司AC Deluxe Systems LD37A1北京外企HP公司AC Deluxe Systems FH200C-FGEI1北京外企HP公司AC Deluxe Systems FH248C-FGEI2北京外企HP公司AC Deluxe Systems FH376C3北京外企HP公司AC Water Detection LDS10002北京外企HP公司AC Deluxe Systems LU46A-FSM/CDF205L1北京外企HP公司AC Deluxe Systems UH248C-FSM1北京外企IBM公司UPS74007400-80KVA1北京外企IBM公司UPS7200AP72401北京外企IBM公司UPS7200AP72601北京外企IBM公司AC Deluxe Systems FH376C2北京外企IBM公司AC Deluxe Systems LD37A-FSM/CDF165L1上海外企INTEL PW DataWave CAF200J1上海外企INTEL PW DataWave CAJ-100J2地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量地区行业用户名称产品类型产品型号设备型号数量。



CSI油液分析CSI 油液实验室提供精确及全面的工业润滑油分析,分析结果可以直接进入AMS 设备健康管理平台Oilview 软件能够以交换实验数据、输出pdf 报告、运行CSI 迷你实验室(Minilab)的方式来管理您的油液分析项目CSI 迷你实验室可以提供现场的油液分析CSI 能够提供与改进用户设备润滑项目相关的培训及咨询服务、现场或教室的培训以及项目评估与咨询概述对于设备健康的油液分析就好比医学中的血液分析。




艾默生过程控制提供了许多CSI 的油液分析方法可以使您获得500%的投资回报。

用户可以通过选择CSI 的油液分析产品、服务及培训来设计并实施一个对自己最为合适的设计润滑项目。

第2页工业油液实验室CSI 油液实验室专注于工业油液分析。


实验室数据可以直接传送进CSI 设备健康管理软件平台,油液分析的结果可以和振动分析、热成像分析、超声分析以及对中和平衡分析的数据相结合,这样就可以缩短设备的停工期。

CSI 油液实验室可以针对齿轮箱、泵、液压系统、压缩机等的油液进行分析。

测试项目包括: 颗粒计数 颗粒尺寸分布 铁质分析40摄氏度粘度 粘度指数 Karl Fisher 水份高级磨损颗粒分析 (WDA) 光电子显微镜分析获得专利的三位向量法(Trivector)用于测试油液分析的三个重要指标,即磨损、污染、 化学性质。

第3页Oilview 分析软件特色迷你实验室软件用来控制CSI 油液分析仪器。


艾默生 PACSystems RX3i CPE400和CPL410 边缘控制器 数据表

艾默生 PACSystems RX3i CPE400和CPL410 边缘控制器 数据表

PACSystems™ RX3i CPE400和CPL410采用PACEdge™软件的边缘控制器PACSystems00813-0106-0102产品数据表2021年12月设计用来满足实时控制领域的需求艾默生PACSystems RX3i CPE400和CPL410边缘控制器是适合广泛应用的,具有非常灵活和高性能特点的理想控制系统,应用的行业包括水和污水处理、地铁、工业蒸汽、汽车、化工、石油天然气、离散制造和需要模块化的机器设计等场合。


RX3i CPE400和CPL410通过内嵌的PAC 边缘计算(PACEdge )软件增强了实时确定性控制,通过对市场、大型联合体和企业数据或用户的资产/过程知识的分析,提供了近乎于实时的建议,进而优化业务产出。

RX3i 边缘控制器提供了一个可靠的,能够进行安全通信和分析的开放平台,用于基于云或基于边缘计算的应用。


可靠、高速的性能RX3i CPE400和CPL410运行在一个实时操作系统上,使得它们能够提供可靠和安全的工业应用。




它们支持工业标准的PROFINET®网络,当I/O 更新速率是1毫秒时可连接16个设备。

以太网的接口速率可高达1Gpbs ,RX3i CPE400和CPL410专门为快速、可靠的数据交换而设计。

采用PACEdge 软件实现工业互联网连接艾默生的边缘控制器使用实时的虚拟机监视器(Hypervisor )技术在运行实时确定性控制应用的同时并发运行PACEdge 软件,这两种应用以安全和协作的方式同时运行而不会彼此影响。



6、health is the first wealth in life。健康是人生第一财富。
7、to enrich the time is to be happy。使时间充实就是幸福。 8、slide on the ice, speed is safety。在薄冰上滑行,速度就是安全。 9、beauty of the heart, people have the。爱美之心,人皆有之。 10、life comes with a certain talent。人生来就具有一定的天赋。
Emerson's dictum
1、man is a program of time。人是时间的纲领。 2、thought is the seed of action。思考是行为的种子。
3、all wise men are selfish。一切聪明人都是自私的。
4、disaster is the first process of truth。灾难是真理的第一程。 5、too much of life is not art。太生活化了也就没有艺术了。
English Traits merson
美国前总统林肯称他为“美国的孔子”、“美国文明之父”。 在一般美国人的心目中,爱默生是位哲学家。在他的时代的一次”公众投票“中, 他被认为是当时美国最著名的两三位作家之一,他的主要成就在他的哲理味浓郁 的散文方面。我们不能说他有自己完整的独立的哲学思想体系,他的超验主义思 想并非他所独创;但是他的思想具有一定连贯性,具有哲学家的风度。这主要表 现在他一生滔滔不绝的宣传的超验主义的思想上。他的哲学思想的一个主要的组 成部分是他的“超灵”说。他相信”超灵“的超脱性,他对“超灵”和“精神” 的重视贯穿在他大部分著作中。

艾默生 RSTi EP I O 数据表

艾默生 RSTi EP I O 数据表

RSTi EP I/O00813-0106-0106Data SheetRSTi EP I/O高密度,高性能 I/O更智能的结构今天互联的机器需要更具创新的高性能控制系统,最大程度的减少计划外的停车时间并且提高生产率和效率。

RSTi-EP 将强大的技术与模块化,紧凑的外形尺寸结合在一起,在今天互联的自动化系统中提供了更高的性能和最高的生产率。

RSTi-EP 远程I/O 系统非常适合实现工业互联网的应用。


先进的诊断功能使得RSTi-EP 非常适合远程应用,特别是那些I/O 难以达到的地方。

同时RSTi-EP I/O 容易扩展,它能够随着你的系统不断扩展来适应和扩展控制覆盖范围。

远程,实时的诊断借助于RSTi-EP 集成的Web 服务器和先进的诊断功能,可以远程识别系统中的故障,从而减少了由于机器故障导致的必要的出差,节省了时间和金钱。

Web 服务器功能使操作员能够通过Web 的方式查看故障诊断并且升级固件——简化了开车,提高了可用性和生产效率而无需附加的工具和软件。


仅占一半的空间,却具有卓越的性能具有创新性的RSTi-EP I/O 是一款具有干净布局,高密度,小空间尺寸这些特点的强大的组合。

每个I/O 站最多能够容纳64个模块,1024个I/O 点。

然而其仅有11.5mm 宽度的薄片式I/O在业界里是最小的,有助于使有限的机柜空间得到最大化的利用。

通过采用市场上最紧凑的I/O 系统,它能够将更小的机柜尺寸整合到用户友好的系统设计中。

高性能4A 系统总线电源可直接从网络适配器给64个I/O 模块供电,节省电源供电模块并且简化计划和执行。

简便的集成RSTI-EP 具有出色的性能和响应时间,采用的高速系统总线在20微秒内可读取多达256个DI/DO 点。



Emerson Couplings-Deep experience & testing Gear coupling Lubrication 艾默生联轴器-丰富的齿式联轴器润滑经验和测试
Why choose Kop-Flex/Jaure coupling 为何选择艾默生Kop-Flex/Jaure联轴器
Gear coupling 齿式联轴器特点 Improved material – 更好的材质选择 Improved heat treatment – 更合适的热处理选择 Higher torque capability – 更大的扭矩传递能力 Better lubrication with Kop-Flex coupling grease – 使用Kop-Flex 联轴器润滑脂后更佳的润滑效果 Better design and manufacturing which means Longer life time – 更好的设计和制造,意味着更长的使用寿命
Shear Coupling-Steel飞剪联轴器-钢铁 Underwater coupling-dredger水下联轴器-挖泥船
Winch coupling绞盘联轴器 Ball mill. Cement 球磨机-水泥
Emerson Couplings-Examples 艾默生联轴器-示例
Railway gear coupling 铁路齿式联轴器
Jaure 公司 (1958 - 2005)
Jaure – 艾默生动力传动旗 下子公司 (2005 - present)
Koopers 公司 -1928年
两家公司累积的联轴器设计经验 > 135 年

艾默生 Connext Movicon 数据表

艾默生 Connext Movicon 数据表

Connext00813-0100-0162Connext ™OPC UA ServerProduct Data SheetAugust 2022Enhance Communication with Simplified, Open ConnectivityEmerson’s Connext supports a large number of protocols for industries, infrastructures and buildings to deliver seamless and effortless connectivity to field devices in automation and process control. Whether users are deploying a supervisory control project, IoT/analytics project, or simply need a gateway or protocol converter, Connext quickly and intuitively connects a multitude of devices for better data flow. Via its built-in protocol libraries, Connext can collect and publish data to the cloud, manage information flows to business systems, or connect field devices to software applications or to each other effortlessly and safely.Offers one all-inclusive data source to eliminate islands of automation. Provides a large collection of communications protocols to connect to a wide variety of data sources. Delivers cross-platform performance with support for Windows and Linux operating systems. Enhances IoT capabilities and acts as a gateway to managing communication between field devices and cloud solutions. Acts as a data router bringing data in on one protocol and outputting the data to one or more other protocols. Provides real-time information collection and recording with support for Historical Access. Offers support for Alarms & Conditions to manage alarm notifications for OPC UA clients.Helps facilities avoid manufacturer “lock-in.”Machine To Cloud (IIoT)Eliminate the Need for CustomScripting with Open CommunicationMany industries make equipment decisions based on OEM suppliers, resulting in a facility with equipment from a variety of providers – often using different communication protocols. Over time, the selection of controls vendors may change, leaving facilities with a varying array of differentequipment. Connext is designed for just such a heterogeneous environment.Instead of requiring custom scripting and code to enablecommunication between disparate equipment, Connext serves as a real-time information collection center and data router, bringing all field device data to one location for normalization and then serving it out to systems such as SCADA, HMI, MES, ERP, cloud analytics, or gateways to other enterprise systems using a common and open protocol.Connext can connect to most equipment and is extensible for additional protocols. There are many driver packs available for:• Industrial Automation • Buildings and Facilities • Telemetry • IIoTAnd each Connext communication protocol supports automatic tag importing from the field device or PLC for smoother and faster communication and configuration.Using its built-in drivers, Connext normalizes data to open information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) protocols, enabling delivery of that data to external devices andapplications supporting protocols such as OPC UA and MQTT.HM CNC PLCAnalyticsPLCCross-Platform CapabilityConnext can reside on a Windows or Linux operating system across many hardware configurations.The same capabilities exist regardless of operating system.The software can be customized ranging from a small, embedded application on a low-cost industrial PC to a large, 100,000+tag system. Support for multiple systems empowers teams to deploy many small nodes and aggregate them into a single, larger system.Ready Out-of-the-BoxThe Connext data server requires no custom scripting or coding. Drivers are connected through setup guides enabling users to quickly provide all the details to easily establish connectivity to field equipment, significantly reducing the time to deployment. Collect and Store Critical DataThe Connext server can optionally record data directly to a local database or in the cloud using integrated historian and data logger functions. The historian stores data in a time-series format, while the data logger offers data recorded in tables.Both the historian and data logger interface seamlessly with the most popular databases including SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle and SQL Azure. The server also supports the Historical Access specification to allow OPC UA clients access to historical data.Connext provides the option to use archive redundancy to deliver increased security for mission critical and fault tolerant applications.Certified for Improved Performance Connext is a certified OPC Foundation I/O server, offering the strongest confirmation of OPC technology and communication model performance. The server not only supports the Data Access specification to exchange data, it also supports the Alarms & Conditions specification to manage alarm notifications for OPC UA clients. A Wide, Expanding Array of Drivers Connext offers support for an extensive variety of communication protocols. Users can select individual drivers or activate them in bulk through pre-compiled driver packs. The most popular drivers are already included, and additional drivers are continuously added.• Modbus RTU or TCP Master or Slave• Siemens S7 TCP, S7-MPI, PPI• Siemens TIA PORTAL• Rockwell EtherNet/IP• Omron FINS Ethernet or Ethernet/IP• Profibus, PROFINET• Mitsubishi FX, Q Series• Panasonic FP MEWTOCOL• SAIA-Burgess• Beckhoff TwinCAT• B+R PVI• GE Ethernet• Fanuc (CNC)• IEC 60870-5-104• IEC 61850• Lacroix-Sofrel LACBUS• BacNET/IP• Konnex – EIB• SNMP Manager (as Agent)• OPC UA Azure IoT• MQTT• B+R PVIAdditional drivers can be found at:/i-o-driver-list-movicon-next/?lang=enServer Requirements (OS Windows)The table below reports the software and hardware requirements for the server side in Connext projects.Server Requirements (OS Linux)The distributions support on Linux are exclusively those compatible with .NET Core such as: Ubuntu (desktop and server versions), Debian, Raspbian.United States OfficeEmerson Automation Solutions Intelligent Platforms, LLC 2500 Austin DrCharlottesville, VA 22911Germany OfficeEmerson Automation Solutions ICC Intelligent Platforms GmbH Memminger Straße 14 Augsburg, DE 86159China OfficeEmerson Automation SolutionsIntelligent Platforms (Shanghai) Co., Ltd No.1277, Xin Jin Qiao Rd, Pudong, Shanghai, China, 201206Australia OfficeEmerson Automation Solutions 471 Mountain Hwy,Bayswater VIC 3153, Australia +61 3 9721 0200India OfficesEmerson Automation Solutions Intelligent Platforms Pvt. Ltd., Building No.8, Ground Floor Velankani Tech Park, No.43Electronics City Phase I, Hosur Rd Bangalore-560100Brazil OfficeEmerson Automation Solutions Av. Hollingsworth, 325 – Iporanga Sorocaba – SP, 18087-105Italy OfficeEmerson Automation Solutions Progea SrlVia D’ Annunzio 295, 1-41123 Modena, ItalySingapore OfficeEmerson Automation SolutionsIntelligent Platforms Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. 1 Pandan Cres, Singapore, 128461©2022 Emerson. All rights reserved.The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co. The Movicon logo is a mark of one of the Emerson family of companies. All other marks are property of their respective owners.The contents of this publication are presented for information purposes only, and while diligent efforts were made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. All sales are governed by our terms and conditions, which are available on request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of our products at any time without notice.Americas Support – Technical and CommercialPhone: 1-888-565-4155 or 1-434-214-8532 (if toll free 800 option is unavailable)Email for Technical Support: ***********************Email for Commercial Support: ****************************Primary language of support: EnglishEurope, Middle East, & Africa Support – Technical and Commercial Phone: +800-4-444-8001 or +420-225-379-328(if toll free 800 option is unavailable or dialing from a mobile telephone)Email for Technical Support: ****************************Email for Commercial Support: *********************************Primary languages of support: English, German, Italian, SpanishAsia Support – Technical and Commercial Phone: +86-400-842-8599 for Greater China +65-3157-9591 (All Other Countries)Email for Technical Support: ****************************Email for Commercial Support Asia: *******************************Primary languages of support: Chinese, EnglishSupport Website: /iac-supportHome Website: /en-us/automation/control-and-safety-systems/movicon。

艾默生 Damcos BRCF 系列 数据表

艾默生 Damcos BRCF 系列 数据表

Product Data SheetSD 0300-2E05September 2011Damcos® BRCFHydraulic single-acting balanced rotary actuator 90°(quarter-turn) fail-safeSD 0300-2E04 Nov. 2001Product Data SheetSD 0300-2E05September 2011 Damcos® BRCFThe BRCF actuator for fail-safe operation of quarter-turn valves- Unique and simple design with cross-over valve. - Spring action by means of dished springs.- Easy adaption to all well-known quarter-turn valves.- Reliable and rugged, with more than 30 years service records on basic design.- Compact with high-torque output.- Also for operation in rough environment.- Unlimited mounting positions and with built-inadjustments for end stops of rotary movement.- Balanced rotary principle eliminates side forcesand bending of valve shaft.Actuator mounted with control block andEl-indicator.BRCF - Hydraulic single-acting balanced rotary actuator 90° fail-safeOn request spec. features as:-Flushing valve built into the connectionblockmaking it possible to flush thesystem without disconnection of pipes.-Safety equipment as mechanical lockingdevice of actuator in closed position.2Product Data SheetSD 0300-2E05September 2011Damcos ®BRCF3Control equipmentThe BRCF actuators are designed for pipe connec-tion to the G 1/4 actuator port.For further information please see separate datasheets for the whole range of blocks and otheractuator mounted control components. (Interface for Cetop 3 valves).ClassificationMeets requirements from the major classification and approval authorities like:Det norske VeritasLloyd’s Register of Shipping American Bureau of Shipping- RINA- Russian Register of Shipping - Bureau Veritas- Germanischer Lloyd -U.S. Coast GuardManufactureThe BRCF actuators are manufactured in accor-dance with the guidelines for quality system stated in the ISO standard.After assembly each actuator is flushedaccording to ISO 4406 21/19/16 standard and plugged.Flushing according to ISO 4406 18/16/13 standard can be performed on request.Standard optionals- El on/off or continuous indication IP 68- Connection block with f. ex. filter- Single pilot operated non-return valve - Release valve - Throttle valve- Quick connection for emergency operation with portable hand pump- Built-on emergency operation hand pump -Epoxy coatingOn request spec. features as:- Flushing valve built into the connection block mak ing it possible to flush the system without discon- nection of pipes.- Safety equipment as mechanical locking device ofactuator in closed position.Product Data SheetSD 0300-2E05September 2011Damcos ®BRCFThe Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co. Damcos and the Damcos logotype are registered trademarks of Damcos A/S. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication are presented for information purposes only, and while effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, expressed or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. All sales are governed by our terms and conditions, which are available upon request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs and specifications of our products at any time without notice. Damcos A/S accepts no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this publication.This product is developed and managed by:Emerson Process Management Damcos A/S Aaderupvej 41DK-4700 Naestved T +45 5578 7200F +45 5578 7272For global contacts:/mtm© 2008 Damcos A/STemperature range:-20°C to +80°C, seals NBR (other temp. ranges on request) Housing:GGG 40Piston:GGG 40Output shaft:SS 2142Dished springs:50 CrV4 Indicator shaft:AISI 316Intermediate flange:St 52-3Adapter:SS 2142Coating:Primer: Min. 40 micron, type Hempel EE 13140Top coat: min. 25 micron alkyd, red no. 51320Operating restrictionsPlease observe specific rules and de-mands from the classification societiesand authorities concerning operating pressure and temperature range.(Example - ABS: Max. operating pressure = 20% of burst pressure.)For extreme cycle speeds, loads and lifetime expec-tations please consult manufacturer.Technical specification。

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QA Jessica Xue Evan Shen Maggie Ma Motor PQC Wang Yanping Bingbing Wen RMA Kitty Ning Teardown Compressor PQC Terry Ma Olive Zhai Jessica Wang Wesley Hu Michael Zhou Owen Zhang Deryl wang Lucy Wang Yuan Zhou Eric Xu MA Wendy Xie Grace Fan Cynthia Luo Su Yuanliang Jim Gao Lily Xu Calvin Gu Bevin Shen Zhuang Yunxia Ella Gu Xiang Ni Qilan Zhou OP William Zhao rotor line Main Line Tracy Yao Machining Shell Feb Weld & Test Xiao Liu Pier Zhu PLC/Final Process Sean Chen Lonwen Zhu Flow Controls Bill Hunter Taylor Qian Hongjian Xia Arthur Dong Rainy Chen Lee Feng Rachel Zhou Tang Zhiyong Jane He Ivy Pei Kevin Zhang Betty Shen Rebecca Huang Kun Procurement Sam Yin Louise Ji Magan Zhang Cao Xiaoming Weidong Yu June Yang Karl Luo