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System for Selecting And Managing Graduation design Topic OnLine Abstract:Along with the high-speeding development of net technology and OA, information technology have deeply intruded upon people’s life and everywhere in our society , managing by hand have replaced by roboticized net management , however , school is the forthgoer and disseminator in receiving modern information ,so , the topic management have been a important content in teaching management .

The purpose to design the management syste m is for teachers’ applying topic and students’ selecting topic convenience . satisfying the needs that students can select and inquire about their topics online and also teachers can approve topic online. Students can inspect the topic and its situation online which he or she likes, In this way students can avoid the situation that because of the lesson a number is already full but can’t select as the he or she like. At the same time,the Purpose of designing of this system is to reduce managers’workload, to improve manager’s work efficiency.

This system’s development adopt current ASP exploitation technology, through applying topic online, selecting topic online, managing on line ,to predigest handwork., let the students, teachers and managers’ works ea sy and shortcut, also make the work maintain database easy. Manager’s work is not only to manage students’will、teachers’topic and information of user, but also more important is to arrange students’will and create final list.

Keywords: management;automatism;manual;arrange;inquire;add;delete;modify


第一章绪论 (1)

§1.1选题的目的及意义 (1)

§1.2设计研究范围及要达到的技术要求 (1)

§1.3设计需要解决的问题 (1)

第二章系统设计需求分析 (3)

§2.1软件设计的目的及背景 (3)

§2.2软件设计的思想与目标 (3)

§2.3用户简介 (3)

§2.4系统功能介绍 (4)

§2.5实现平台及技术 (4)

第三章方案设计与论证 (5)

§3.1方案设计思想介绍 (5)

§3.1.1 实用为主 (5)

§3.1.2 先进灵活 (5)

§3.1.3 稳定可靠 (5)

§3.1.4 维护扩展方便 (5)

§3.1.5 操作简单 (5)

§3.3系统设计方案比较 (6)

§3.2系统方案性能介绍 (6)

§3.2.1 功能全面 (6)

§3.2.2 性能稳定 (7)

§3.2.3 操作简单 (7)

§3.2.4 易于扩充 (7)

§3.2.5无忧维护 (7)

§3.2.6 数据安全保密 (7)

第四章应用程序设计与实现 (8)

§4.1相关知识介绍 (8)

§4.1.1 ASP语法介绍 (8)

§4.1.2 ASP内置对象介绍 (9)

§4.2系统总体设计 (10)

§4.2.1需求规定 (10)

§4.2.2概念设计及流程 (11)

§4.2.3结构设计 (14)

§4.3数据库设计 (15)

§4.3.1 建库分析 (15)

§4.3.2 系统E-R图 (15)

§4.3.3实体列表 (15)

§4.4管理员控制功能介绍 (18)
