



1.Do you have any idea computer plays so important a part in our daily life?

A. how is it that

B. what is it that

C. how it is that

D. what it is that

【答案】 C




2.— It was ___________ who helped us out of danger.

— What brave and helpful children! We should learn from them.

A. they

B. them

C. their

D. theirs

【答案】 A




3.__________was Mary who picked up the wallet.

A. He

B. She

C. They

D. It 【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意为:是Mary捡到了钱包。此处为强调句it be sb. w ho…故选择 D.【点评】本题考查强调句,考生应注意平时多积累知识点,掌握固定句型的用法。

4.Mike likes playing basketball.

A. so does he.

B. So he is.

C. So she does.

D. So he does.【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:迈克喜欢打篮球。他的确如此。本句是表达“……的确如此”,用半倒装句“so+主语+be/助动词/情态动词”,上句是实义动词,且为一般现在时,主语是he,第三人称单数,因此助动词用does,即So he does,故选D。


5.It is the ability to do the job matters not where you come from or what you are.

A. which

B. that

C. what

D. where

【答案】 B


it is/was+被强调的部分+…that…



6.I never doubt .

A. whether this song is worth listening to

B. if this song is worth listening

C. that this song is worth listening

D. that this song is worth listening to

【答案】 D


语从句,根据主句I never doubt,可知从句是陈述句,故排除 A 和B,又因为listen to为固定搭配,故选D。


7.I found _______ convenient to shop on line at home.

A. it's

B. that

C. it

D. that was 【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:我发现在家网购和方便。固定句式:主+find+it+adj+to do,主语发现做某事是……的,故选C。

【点评】考查it做形式宾语,熟练掌握固定句式:主+find+it+adj+to do。

8.It was in the Bird's Nest______many wonderful events were held in the year of 2008.

A. Where

B. Which

C. that

D. in which 【答案】C

【解析】【分析】考查强调句。强调句型的基本结构式it is/was +被强调部分+that/who+句子的其他部分。此处强调的是Bird's Nest。句意为正是在鸟巢里,2008年举办了许多精彩的活动。故选C。

【点评】陈述句的强调句型:It is/was+被强调部分(通常是主语、宾语或状语)+that/who (当强调主语且主语指人)+ 其它部分。一般疑问句的强调句型:同上,只是把is/ was提到it前面。特殊疑问句的强调句型:被强调部分(通常是疑问代词或疑问副词)+ is/ was + it +that/who+其它部分?构成强调句的it本身没有词义;强调句中的连接词一般只用that, who,即使在强调时间状语和地点状语时也如此,that, who不可省略;强调句中的时态只


时,用It was…,其余的时态用It is…

9.It was _________he came back from Africa that year_________he met the girl he would like

to marry.

A. when; then

B. not; until

C. not until; that

D. only; when

【答案】 C



强调结构的特殊形式:It is/was + not until … that

【点评】考查not until在强调句型中的使用,牢记强调句型的基本结构和not until句型。

10.I just wonder that makes him so excited.

A. why it does

B. what he does

C. how it is

D. what it is


【解析】【分析】本题题干相当于I just wonder what makes him so excited.的意义, 所以该题

实际上为强调句型的特殊疑问句式, what为宾语从句的连接词且在从句中作主语。

11.It was only with the help of the local guide _______.

A. was the mountain climber rescued

B. that the mountain climber was rescued

C. when the mountain climber was rescued

D. then the mountain climber was rescued


【解析】【分析】此处only with the help of the local guide是被强调的部分。原句可改为:

The mountain climber was rescued only with the help of the local guide.句意:只有在当地导游


12.—Where did you come across our Chinese teacher?

—It was in the supermarket ___________ I purchased mooncakes.

A. that

B. where

C. which

D. when



在我购置月饼的超市。the supermarket是先行词,在后面的定语从句中做地点状语。可知



13.Lily said that it was because of her strong interest in medicine _____ she chose the course.

A. how

B. what

C. that

D. why

【答案】 C


强调句型:“it is+被强调部分+that+其他…”。根据题意,故答案为C。


14.—Wow. It is rather cold today.

—Yes. ____ yesterday.

A. So it is

B. So it was

C. So was it

【答案】 C


意,今天冷,昨天也冷,前后主语不一致,用so was it。故选C。


15.________ you picked up the watch?

A. Where it was that

B. Where was it that

C. Where was it there

D. It was where that 【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:你是在哪里捡到这块表的?把句子改为陈述句It was where that you picked up the watch.可知选B。


16.John's success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work has made him what he is today.

A. why

B. when

C. which

D. that

【答案】 D


是强调句型,基本结构为:It is+被强调部分+that+其余部分。故选D。

【点评】考查强调句式,掌握其结构“It is+被强调部分+that+其余部分。”

17.It was only __________he reached school ___________he realized that it was Sunday.

A. when; did

B. when; that

C. that; when

D. that; which 【答案】 B


构:it was/is+被强调部分+that+其他。本题中强调的是时间状语从句,由when引导。故答案为B。


18.It was back home after the experiment.

A. not until midnight did he go

B. until midnight that he didn't go

C. not until midnight that he went

D. until midnight when he didn't go


【解析】【分析】句意:直到半夜实验后他才回家。not until的强调句必须写成it was/is not until +陈述语序。所以选C。

【点评】考查强调句,本题涉及not until的强调句型。

19.I wonder ________ that brought the Olympics back to life.

A. who it was

B. who was it

C. it was who

D. was it who

【答案】 A




20.It was years later, with years of training behind her, ________ Yang Yang won the first gold medal in the 2002 winter Olympics.

A. as

B. which

C. when

D. that


【解析】【分析】考查强调句型。句意:几年后经过多年的训练,杨洋赢得了2002年冬季奥运会的第一枚金牌。with years of training behind her为独立主格结构,把it was 去掉后,该句为一个完整的句子,所以可以判断该句为强调句,强调句的结构为it ,故答案选D。



21.It was the typhoon was called Tiange hit Zhuhai and Macao.

A. which; that

B. what; which

C. that; who

D. that; which

【答案】 A


句的强调句型, was called Tiange是一个限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the typhoon,在从句中作主语,用关系代词which或者that;第二个空是强调句型中的that,故选A。


22.It was in 1969 ______ two Americans went to the moon by spaceship.

A. when

B. that

C. at that time

D. just then

【答案】 B


It is/was+被强调部分+that+句子的其他部分。故答案为B。


23.It was when we were returning home _____ I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.

A. that

B. which

C. how

D. where

【答案】 A


美好的感觉。强调句型的基本结构是:It is/was+被强调成分+that/who+其他成分;本句强调的是时间状语从句when we were returning home,所以选A。

【点评】考查强调句型,掌握其结构It is/was+被强调成分+that/who+其他成分。

24.It ______ not until she came back ______ Jane realized that she had lost her ID card.

A. is, that

B. was, who

C. was, that

D. is, who 【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:直到到了家,简才发现她的身份证丢了。英语中not和until只能在两种情况下紧挨着出现:①强调句型It is/w as not until…that…

;②倒装句型Not until…。






25.— It was hard work that won Frank the best scores on each test, ?

— Yes. When it comes to study, hard work counts.

A. was it

B. wasn't it

C. did it

D. didn't it

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:—正是努力地学习,使得Frank每次考试都得最高分,不是吗? —是的。说到学习,努力学习很重要。反意疑问句由“陈述句+简略疑问句”两部分组成,疑问部分与陈述部分的动词时态和动词性质应保持一致,而且肯定和否定形式彼此相反。题目



26.— Do you know _________ made him successful in his career?

— Yes. His hard work and strong will, of course.

A. what it was that

B. what was it that

C. it was what that

D. was it what that

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:——你知道是什么使他在事业中成功吗?——知道,当然是他的他的努力和决心。据所给选项分析可知本题考查强调句型it is…that,该句型的特点是去掉

it is…that句子的主体部分仍然完整。本题中know后面接的是宾语从句,而宾语从句最重



27.He said that it was the third time he ______ Amazing China. He couldn't help feeling proud

of our country.

A. saw

B. has seen

C. had seen

D. sees 【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:他说这是他第三次看“辉煌中国”。他禁不住为我们的国家感到骄傲。it is the+序数词+that从句, that从句使用现在完成时;it was the+序数词+that从句,则that从句使用过去完成时。故选C。

【点评】考查时态,本题涉及现在完成时的应用,以及固定句式“。it is/was the+序数词+that从句”。

28.Some great people said it was their primary school teachers and their lessons _______ they were fond of ________ influenced their whole lives.

A. which; that

B. that; which

C. which; which

D. that; that

【答案】 D


第一个that引导定语从句,修饰先行词primary school teachers 和lessons,且在从句中作

中的引导词that,被强调对象是句fond of的宾语;第二个that是强调句型it is/was…that…

子的主语their primary school teachers and their lessons that they were fond of.故选D。


29.It is Russia ________ will hold the 2018 World Cup.

A. that

B. which

C. where

D. when 【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:俄罗斯将主办2018年世界杯。本句为强调句,结构为:it is/was +被强调的部分+that从句,故应选A。

【点评】考查强调句,掌握其结构“it is/was +被强调的部分+that从句”。

30.It is not until all the fish died in the river ________how serious the pollution was.

A. did the villagers realize

B. that the villagers realized

C. the villagers did realize

D. didn't the villagers realize

【答案】 B


It is not until ...that...,的强调句型,故答案为B。

【点评】考查强调句型,本题涉及It is not until ...that...的应用。


1.Which one of the following five is least like the other four? Cat - Lion - Dog - Turtle - Elephant 这道题很简单,cat (猫)、lion(狮子)、Dog(狗)和elephant(大象)都是哺乳动物mammal,而turtle,乌龟是在海滩上下了乌龟蛋,然后埋好再孵化的,因此是卵生动物。所以应该选D,乌龟! 2.If you rearrange the letters UGNAIA, you would have the name of a: River - Country - City - Animal - Plant Guiana,南美洲北部一地区,分属英、荷、法三国。英属圭亚那于1966独立成为圭亚那。所以,这道题的答案应该是B 国家country. 3.What would be the next group of letters in this series? aaaa ... bdzb ... cgac ... djzd ... ???? enae - ekze - elxe - emae - eize - I don't know 这一组数字,看起来很奇怪,到哪里找规律呢?这可要测你的智能了。先看每组的第一个字母,abcd,简单,是按字母顺序嘛!那么下一组的第一个单词一定是e;再看第二个字母:adgj,有规律吗?没错,abcdefghij,规律就是,每个字母间相隔两个字母,所以依此类推,下一组单词的第二个字母应该是kln,当然,应该选备选答案中的A 4.What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five:


(C) 1. Which letter comes next? A C F J . A .H B .M C .O D.Q (C) 2. From what number can you take half and leave nothing? A. 1 B. 9 C.8 D. 5 (B) 3. What dog never barks? A. big dog B. hot dog C. small dog D. red dog (C) 4. Mr. White has two sons, and each of them has a sister. How many children does he have? A. one B. two C. three D. four (B) 5. What three letters make a man of a boy? A. old B. age C. boy D. mum (A) 6. In what mouth do woman talk the least A. February B. September C. January D. June 7. I meet three men on a bus. A speaks English. C only talks whit B. b can speak Chinese and English. What dose C speak? (Chinese) (C) 8. The words he gives on the computer is above my head. A 一目了然 B 终于醒悟 C 无法理解 D 头脑发昏 (A) 9. I don't like going after the dog. A 在人背后 B 无事生非 C滔滔不绝 D 当着她面 (C) 10. He is going after the dog. A. 拦截 B. 玩 C. 追逐 D. 戏弄 (D) 11. You can play with Bill. He is not in the same class. A.他与你不是同班 B他是个生手 C他棒极了 D他不是你的对手 (C) 12. He’ll succeed because he’s always at his books. A学识渊博 B博览群书 C刻苦学习 D意志坚强 (B) 13. He is the out fish of water. A离开水的鱼 B不和群 C需要水的鱼 D水中鱼 (B) 14. The little boy runs and runs until he blue in the face. A浑身发热 B筋疲力尽 C鼻青脸肿 D精神焕发 (A) 15. Ten to ten the train will be late. A很可能 B十分之一 C十二点五十 D十比一 (b) 16. I don’t like Mr. Chan. He is an old woman. A老太婆 B喜欢啰嗦的人 C没妻子的老头 D女人气的男人 (D) 17. If I go to see my uncle, I can read his books .It’s in two twos. A一分为二 B一文不名 C三心二意 D一举两得 找出水果名 18 would you show me the map, please? Apple 19 I arrived home long before you. Melon 20 A thief stole money and a computer last night. Lemon


英语智力题及答案智力开发多篇合集 英语智力题及答案智力开发多篇合集由***投稿推荐,但愿对你的学习工作能带来参考借鉴作用。 在平时的生活中多做一些智力题,会帮助自己提高自己的智商,做英文的智力题还能顺便提高自己的英语水平,下面就是我给大家带来的英语智力题及答案,希望能帮助到大家! 英语智力题及答案 1.which one of the following five is least like the other four? a,cat –b.lion –c.dog – d.turtle – e.eleph 这道题很简单,cat (猫)、lion(狮子)、dog(狗)和elephant(大象)都是哺乳动物mammal,而turtle,乌龟是在海滩上下了乌龟蛋,然后埋好再孵化的,因此是卵生动物。所以应该选d,乌龟! 2.if you rearrange the letters ugnaia, you would have the name of a: river - country - city - animal - plant guiana,南美洲北部一地区,分属英、荷、法三国。英属圭亚那于1966独立成为圭亚那。所以,这道题的答案应该是b 国家country. 3.what would be the next group of letters in this series? aaaa ...bdzb ...cgac ...djzd ...????

enae - ekze - elxe - emae - eize - i don't know 这一组数字,看起来很奇怪,到哪里找规律呢?这可要测你的智能了。先看每组的第一个字母,abcd,简单,是按字母顺序嘛!那么下一组的第一个单词一定是e;再看第二个字母:adgj,有规律吗?没错,abcdefghij,规律就是,每个字母间相隔两个字母,所以依此类推,下一组单词的第二个字母应该是kln,当然,应该选备选答案中的a 4.what would be the next picture in this series? choose one of thefollowing five: 找这个图的规律,要有合适的方法,我们先盯住图中的一个方块来看:比如说就看其中的绿色方块,它好象是在一个格子一个格子的往下移动,在看看红色的方块,是在一个格子一个格子地往上走,所以整个图其实是在做逆时针的转动,每次转动一个格子。因此,下一幅图应该是d。 5.didiidid is to 49499494 as diidiidd is to: a) 94494499 b) 49949944 c) 49499494 d) 94944949 e)49944949 这道题是在测试你的速度和反应能力的,其实,我们只要把字母和数字对照一下,很快就能找到:d代表4,而i代表9,所以diidiidd就是数字49949944,选择(b)。 6.what would be the next picture in this series? choose one of thefollowing five: 这个题应该选择e。黑色的小方块先是在大方框的四角上做顺时针旋转,而后在四边中间上做顺时针旋转,下一幅图,就应该是黑块在下边框中点


高中英语省略句讲练 为了使话说得简明扼要,英语句子中某个单词、短语甚至从句或主句都可以省去。这种省去句子某些成分而保持句子意思不变的现象,称为省略(ellipsis) 种类例句说明 主语的省略 Beautiful day (= It is a beautiful day, isn’t it? Pity we live so far from the sea. (It is a pity we live so far from the sea. 有时也可省略整个句子的 主语和谓语,只保留次要 成分。 She was poor but (she was honest. --Did you know anything about the accident? --Not until you told me. (= I didn’t know anything about it until you told me. 谓语的省略 --what do you think made Mary so upset?

--Losing her new bicycle (made Mary so upset. 状语从句的省略Seen from the plane (when it is seen from the plane, the house looks like tiny toys. If (it is possible, I’ll go there with you. 注意状语从句中的主语同 主句主语的一致性。 不定式的省略 The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him not to. (not to ride his bicycle in the street. --Alice, why didn’t you come yesterday? --I was going to (come yesterday, but I had an unexpected visitor. 若不定式后面是完成时, 省略时应保留have;不定 式后含有动词be的结构 时,也要保留be动词。 --Did you tell him the news? --I ought to have (told him the news, but I didn’t know how to speak. --Are you an engineer? --No, but I want to be.


英语智力题及答案智力开发大全合集 在平时的生活中多做一些智力题,会帮助自己提高自己的智商,做英文的智力题还能顺便提高自己的英语水平,下面就是小编给大家带来的英语智力题及答案,希望能帮助到大家! 英语智力题及答案 1.Which one of the following five is least like the other four? A,Cat –B. Lion –C. Dog –D.Turtle –E.Eleph 这道题很简单,cat (猫)、lion(狮子)、Dog(狗)和elephant(大象)都是哺乳动物mammal,而turtle,乌龟是在海滩上下了乌龟蛋,然后埋好再孵化的,因此是卵生动物。所以应该选D,乌龟! 2.If you rearrange the letters UGNAIA, you would have the name of a: River - Country - City - Animal - Plant Guiana,南美洲北部一地区,分属英、荷、法三国。英属圭亚那于1966独立成为圭亚那。所以,这道题的答案应该是B 国家country. 3.What would be the next group of letters in this series? aaaa ... bdzb ...cgac ... djzd ... ???? enae - ekze - elxe - emae - eize - I dont know 这一组数字,看起来很奇怪,到哪里找规律呢?这可要测你的智

能了。先看每组的第一个字母,abcd,简单,是按字母顺序嘛!那么下一组的第一个单词一定是e;再看第二个字母:adgj,有规律吗?没错,abcdefghij,规律就是,每个字母间相隔两个字母,所以依此类推,下一组单词的第二个字母应该是kln,当然,应该选备选答案中的A 4.What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of thefollowing five: 找这个图的规律,要有合适的方法,我们先盯住图中的一个方块来看:比如说就看其中的绿色方块,它好象是在一个格子一个格子的往下移动,在看看红色的方块,是在一个格子一个格子地往上走,所以整个图其实是在做逆时针的转动,每次转动一个格子。因此,下一幅图应该是D。 5. DIDIIDID is to 49499494 as DIIDIIDD is to: A) 94494499B) 49949944C) 49499494D) 94944949 E)49944949 这道题是在测试你的速度和反应能力的,其实,我们只要把字母和数字对照一下,很快就能找到:D代表4,而I代表9,所以DIIDIIDD 就是数字49949944,选择(B)。 6.What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of thefollowing five: 这个题应该选择E。黑色的小方块先是在大方框的四角上做顺时针旋转,而后在四边中间上做顺时针旋转,下一幅图,就应该是黑块


高考英语最新省略句知识点解析 一、选择题 1.As we all know, , the pollution will get worse and worse. A.not if carefully dealt with B.until not carefully dealt with C.if not carefully dealt with D.when not carefully dealt with 2.The boss asked Tim to go and out if there was anyone else absent. A.find B.finding C.to find D.found 3.Our bedroom ________ 8 metres across, if ________ in metres. A.is measured; measured B.is measured in; measuring C.measures; measured D.measures in; measuring 4.If the same treatment again, he is sure to get well. A.giving B.give C.given D.being given 5.I decide I will not attend her birthday party ________. A.if inviting B.when inviting C.unless invited D.while invited 6.If ________ to very loud music every day, young people may risk going deaf. A.expose B.exposing C.exposed D.to expose 7.—Frequent lack of breakfast does harm to health. — , why do you always do that? A.So what B.If so C.If any D.Even so 8.Friendship is like money, easier made than ______. A.being kept B.to be kept C.keeping D.kept 9.If ______ in class, you will have to clean the classroom for a week as a punishment. A.to catch to sleep B.caught to sleep C.catching sleeping D.caught sleeping 10.The text and dialogues below focus on cultural differences between Chinese and Western societies which can create misunderstanding if ______. A.ignore B.to be ignored C.ignoring D.ignored 11.Mimosa, 15 cm in height, is a sensitive small plant, which will close when ______. A.touching B.touched C.is touched D.to be touched 12.Jerry has promised to keep the secret, so he won't tell anyone even though . A.asking to B.to be asked C.to ask D.asked to 13.When ________how a statue from distant Greece____in China,researchers explained that it


高考英语省略句知识点分类汇编附解析 一、选择题 1.When people cut down big trees, new trees should be planted. ,they will have no trees to cut down in the future. A.If not B.If so C.If no so D.If don’t 2.The flowers he bought will die unless every day. A.watered B.watering C.being watered D.to water 3.Though ________ of the danger, Mr. Brown still risked his life to save the boy in the fire. A.having told B.being told C.to be told D.told 4.---Are you a teacher? ---No, but I ________. A.used to B.was used to C.used to be D.used to do 5.We will gather for the community service at the school gate at 8 tomorrow morning unless . A.otherwise informing B.otherwise being informed C.otherwise informed D.having otherwise informed 6.—How is Amy suffering from liver failure? —The doctor has said if in a proper way, she is likely to recover. A.to be treated B.treated C.treating D.is treated 7.The text and dialogues below focus on cultural differences between Chinese and Western societies which can create misunderstanding if ______. A.ignore B.to be ignored C.ignoring D.ignored 8.It sounds like something is wrong with the car’s engine. ________, we’d better take it to the garage immediately. A.Otherwise B.If not C.But for that D.If so 9.Unless ________ to speak, most high school students here prefer remaining silent in class. A.invited B.inviting C.being invited D.having invited 10.A good interviewer is able to tell very quickly if you’ve done your homework about the company, so make sure you ________! A.do B.have C.will do D.did 11.As we all know, , the pollution will get worse and worse. A.not if carefully dealt with B.until not carefully dealt with C.if not carefully dealt with D.when not carefully dealt with 12.—Those senior citizens cheated should have been warned of illegal fund-raising.


【英语】英语名词专项训练及答案含解析 一、初中英语名词 1.(?广西河池)—There is an MP5 on the desk,whose is this? —It can be my ____,she bought one yesterday. A. sister B. sister's C. sisters’ D. sisters 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:一一书桌上有一个MP5是谁的?一一可能是我妹妹的。她昨天买了一个。A.妹,单数形式;B.单数的所有格形式;C.妹们的,复数的所有格式;D.妹们,复数形式。本题表示MP5的所有关系所有格形式,后句的she说明是一个人,用单数,故选B。 2.—The last bus has left. What should we do? —Let's take a taxi. We have no other ______ now. A. choice B. reason C. habit 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:-末班车离开了。我们应该怎么办呢?-我们坐出租车吧。我们现在没有其他的选择了。A. choice选择;B. reason理由;C. habit习惯。没公交了,只有坐出租车这条选择,没有别的选择了。故选A。 【点评】此题考查名词的辨析。 3.---Could you tell me the_______of making such tasty cakes? ---Well,I just follow the instructions in the cookbook. A. time B. method C. cost D. menu 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:一一你可以告诉我做这样可口的蛋糕的方法吗?一一哦,我就是按照烹饪书的说明做的。time时间,method方法,cost花费,menu菜单。根据语境,“你能告诉我制作如此美味的蛋糕的方法吗?”此处方法:method比较符合语意,故选B。 4.—Could you take out the rubbish and do the dishes,Tony? —Sure,Mom will be mad if she sees this _________,I think. A. matter B. mess C. trouble D. difficulty 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——托尼,你能倒垃圾,刷碗吗?——当然可以。我认为如果妈妈看见这么狼藉,她会疯了的。matter问题;mess狼藉,杂乱;trouble麻烦;difficulty困难。根据Could you take out the rubbish and do the dishes,可知屋里有垃圾,碗和盘子没有


高考英语省略句知识点知识点总复习附解析(1) 一、选择题 1.We all know that, __________, the situation will get worse. A.not if dealt carefully with B.if not carefully dealt with C.if dealt not carefully with D.not if carefully dealt with 2.—It was careless of you to put your new bike downstairs all night. —My God!________. A.So I did B.So it was C.So did I D.So have I 3.The boss asked Tim to go and out if there was anyone else absent. A.find B.finding C.to find D.found 4.Some of you may have finished the text. _______, you can go on to the next. A.If ever B.If so C.If possible D.If not 5.Don’t ______ in the exam while _______ an exam. A.calm, take B.cheat, taking C.list, taking D.ignore, take 6.It sounds like something is wrong with the car’s engine. ________, we’d bett er take it to the garage immediately. A.Otherwise B.If not C.But for that D.If so 7.Lei Feng was a person who was only too ready to help others, seldom ________, refusing them when they turned to him. A.if never B.if ever C.if not D.if any 8.Unless ________ to speak, most high school students here prefer remaining silent in class. A.invited B.inviting C.being invited D.having invited 9.What do you feel when _______ to yourself after your mobile phone battery runs out in the middle of a call? A.leaving talking B.left talking C.being leaving talking D.being left talking 10._____, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor. A.Other things were equal B.Other things being equal C.To be equal to other things D.Other things to be equal 11.Present at the funeral were about 1000 people, many more than__________. A.is expected B.expected C.having expected D.having been expected 12.—Have you been to the Great Wall?


英语智力题–吴馨怡 1.Which one of the following five is least like the other four? Cat - Lion - Dog - Turtle - Elephant 这道题很简单,cat (猫)、lion(狮子)、Dog(狗)和elephant(大象)都是哺乳动物mammal,而turtle,乌龟是在海滩上下了乌龟蛋,然后埋好再孵化的,因此是卵生动物。所以应该选 D,乌龟! 2.If you rearrange the letters UGNAIA, you would have the name of a: River - Country - City - Animal - Plant Guiana,南美洲北部一地区,分属英、荷、法三国。英属圭亚那于1966独立成为圭亚那。 所以,这道题的答案应该是 B 国家country. 3.What would be the next group of letters in this series? aaaa ... bdzb ... cgac ... djzd ... ???? enae - ekze - elxe - emae - eize - I don't know 这一组数字,看起来很奇怪,到哪里找规律呢?这可要测你的智能了。先看每组的第一个字母,abcd,简单,是按字母顺序嘛!那么下一组的第一个单词一定是e;再看第二个字母:adgj,有规律吗?没错,abcdefghij,规律就是,每个字母间相隔两个字母,所以依此类推, 下一组单词的第二个字母应该是kln,当然,应该选备选答案中的 A 4.What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five:


英语脑筋急转弯及答案 【篇一:英语脑筋急转弯大全】 what room has no walls, no doors, no windows, and no floors? a mushroom.(蘑菇) 2. what is smaller than an insects mouth? anything it eats. 3. what large instrument do you carry in your ears? drums, that is eardrums.(鼓膜) 4. whats too much for one, just right for two, but nothing at all for three? a secret. 5. what person tried to make you smile most of the time? a photographer. 6. what animal has a head like a cat, eyes like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isnt a cat? a kitten.(小猫) 7. what surprising things happen every 24 hours? day breaks, but doesnt fall; night falls, but doesnt break. 8. what can hear you without ears and can answer you without a mouth? an echo.(回声) 9. what do you know about the kings of france? they are all dead. 10. what question can you never answer yes to are you asleep? 11. why do some old people never use glasses? they must prefer bottles to glasses. 12. why is the person wearing two coats while painting the house? because the instructions on the paint can say put on two coats for best results. 13. what two words have thousands of letters in them? post office. 14. what do workers do in a clock factory? they make faces all day. 15. what 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away? sixty.


高考英语省略句知识点单元汇编(1) 一、选择题 1.The director was fully convinced that this moving story, if ______ for television, would be a hit. A.adapted B.being adapted C.to be adapted D.having been adapted 2.Alcohol can damage the liver and do great harm if in large quantities. A.to be consumed B.to consume C.consuming D.consumed 3.However frequently , the textbook play acted by my classmates still interests us every year. A.performed B.performing C.to be performed D.being performed 4.Taking this medicine, if _______, will of course do good to his health. A.continued B.to continue C.continues D.continuing 5.Though ________ of the danger, Mr. Brown still risked his life to save the boy in the fire. A.having told B.being told C.to be told D.told 6.We will gather for the community service at the school gate at 8 tomorrow morning unless . A.otherwise informing B.otherwise being informed C.otherwise informed D.having otherwise informed 7.—How is Amy suffering from liver failure? —The doctor has said if in a proper way, she is likely to recover. A.to be treated B.treated C.treating D.is treated 8.Friendship is like money, easier made than ______. A.being kept B.to be kept C.keeping D.kept 9.It sounds like something is wrong with the car’s engine. ________, we’d better take it to the garage immediately. A.Otherwise B.If not C.But for that D.If so 10.It is dangerous to drive the car while on the phone. A.talk B.talking C.talked D.to talk 11.What do you feel when _______ to yourself after your mobile phone battery runs out in the middle of a call? A.leaving talking B.left talking C.being leaving talking D.being left talking 12.—Have you been to the Great Wall? —Perhaps not in my memory; ________, it might have been during the early childhood. A.if any B.if so


高考英语省略句常见的陷阱题型(一) 省略是为了避免重复、突出新信息而省略句中的一个或者几个句子成分并使上下文紧密连接的一种语法修辞手段。在语言应用中,尤其在对话中,是一种十分普遍的现象。在英语考试中,也经常会采用微型语境的方法,使用省略手段来设计考试陷阱,增加考试的难度。在考试陷阱中,所涉及的省略情况一般有:词的省略、句子成分的省略、多个成分的同时省略等。 一、承前省略陷阱 所谓承前省略指的是当前后两句结构相同时,通常可将后一结构与前一结构相同的部分省略,从而使句子更简洁。一般说来,这种省略考生是可以根据上下文的语境作出正确理解的,但是,当这种省略与其他英语句型相似并很容易发生混淆时,就可能让张冠李戴,步入误区。如果命题者刚好抓住这一点来巧妙设题,就很可能构成有一定难度的陷阱题。如: 1.—What should I do with this passage? —_____ the main idea of each paragraph. (重庆卷) A. Finding out B. Found out C. Find out D. To find out 【分析】答案选C。很容易误选A或D,误认为这是考查非谓语动词。根据问句可知,完整的答语应是You should find out…,此处是承前省略了You should,所以就是Find out。 2. My friend Mary is _____ beautiful girl and _____ girl everyone likes to work with. A. a, a B. a, the C. the, a D. the, the 【分析】此题很容易误选B,认为第一次提到girl 用不定冠词,第二次提到就应该用定冠词。但其实最佳答案是A。句中第二次提到girl 时并不是特指的,此句实为一省略句,补充完整为My friend Mary is a beautiful girl and she is a girl everyone likes to work with. 请再看两道题(答案选A): (1) Jim is _______ brave boy and _______ boy never fearing anything.


英语搞笑脑筋急转弯及答案集锦 脑筋急转弯中有一类就是利用人们对元语言和对象语言的混淆而设计的。英语搞 笑脑筋急转弯有哪些的呢?本文是小编整理英语搞笑脑筋急转弯的资料,仅供参考。 英语搞笑脑筋急转弯【经典篇】 Q:What's the difference between a monkey and a flea? A: A monkey can have fleas, but a flea can't have monkeys. 猴子会和跳蚤有什么不同呢?你可能会直接的想到它们俩是一大一小。但除此之外呢,那就是猴子身上可以长跳蚤,而跳蚤身上却不能有猴子。这个答案很有意思吧? Q: How can you most irritate a farmer? A: By treading on his corn? 如果你踩了农夫的玉米或是谷物,他肯定会生气的;而如果你踩了农夫脚底的鸡眼,他会更生气。Corn既可以表示“玉米/谷物”,也有“鸡眼”的意思。 Q: Which is the strongest creature in the world? A: The snail. It carries its house on its back. 因为snail(蜗牛)的后背上总是背着一所房子,所以说蜗牛是世界上最强壮的生物 是不足为奇的。你说呢? Q: What do people do in a clock factory? A: They make faces all day. 一看到make faces这个短语,你可千万别以为是在钟表厂工作的人整天都做鬼脸呀!因为除了这个意思以外,它还可以从字面上解释为制造钟面。 Q: How do you stop a sleepwalker from walking in his sleep? A: Keep him awake. 怎样才能不让梦游者(sleepwalker)梦游(walk in his sleep)呢?最简单的方法就是不 让他睡觉。虽然这不是治疗方法,但如果让梦游者醒着呢,他的确就不会去梦游了。 1) ---- Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad ? (爸爸和妈妈谁和你更近?)? —— Mom is closer because dad is father.? (2)---- What fruit is never found singly ? (什么水果永远不会是单个的?)? —— A pear.?
