



2型糖尿病是一种常见的代谢性疾病,其发病率逐年上升。该病的发生与遗 传、环境、生活方式等多种因素有关。为了深入研究2型糖尿病的发病机制和治 疗方法,建立可靠的动物模型是至关重要的。大鼠作为常用的实验动物,具有易 饲养、易繁殖、费用低等优点,被广泛应用于医学研究中。
在本次演示中,我们通过腹腔注射链脲佐菌素的方法建立2型糖尿病大鼠模 型,并对其糖代谢特征进行分析。
与对照组相比,实验组大鼠的HOMA-IR显著升高(P<0.05),而ISI显著降低 (P<0.05),表明实验组大鼠存在胰岛素抵抗和胰岛细胞功能受损。结果如表2 所示。
与对照组相比,实验组大鼠的体重和血糖水平均显著升高(P<0.05),而对 照组大鼠的体重和血糖水平无明显变化(P>0.05)。结果如表1所示。
表1:两组大鼠体重与血糖水平 比较(x±s)
表2:两组大鼠胰岛素抵抗与胰 岛细胞功能比较(x±s)
对照组(n=19) 1.9±0.416.4±3.8
本研究成功建立了2型糖尿病大鼠模型,并发现模型大鼠的体重、血糖水平 和胰岛素抵抗指数均显著高于对照组,而胰岛细胞功能指数显著低于对照组。这 些结果表明,建立的2型糖尿病大鼠模型符合临床2型糖尿病的特征,为研究该病 的发病机制和治疗提供了可靠的动物模型。然而,建模过程中可能受到某些因素 影响,如STZ剂量、注射途径等。



Ⅱ型糖尿病动物模型研究进展摘要: 糖尿病是以高血糖为主要标志的内分泌代谢性疾病,是严重威胁人类健康的主要慢性病之一,而Ⅱ型糖尿病占糖尿病总数的90%~95%左右。



关键词:Ⅱ型糖尿病;动物模型;模型构建Research Progress about the Construction of Type ⅡDiabetic Animal ModelLIU Shu—YunAbstract: Diabetes mellitus,the endocrine and metabolic diseases,is characterized by hyperglycemia. It is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases that threat to human health,and type 2 diabetes accounted for 90% -95% of the total diabetes. The animal model of type 2 diabetes provide the important precondition to many scholars in study of the pathogenesis and mechanism of diabetes.Therefore,this article reviews a number of animal models of T2DM commonly used according to the articles that have been published both inside country and abroad,which will provide reference for the development of type II diabetic animal models.Key Words:Type Ⅱ Diabetes Mellitus, Animal model,Model construction糖尿病( Diabetes mellitus,DM) 是以高血糖为主要标志的内分泌代谢性慢性疾病,其严重威胁着人类健康。













作者:万玉玲刘晓明 WAN Yu-ling LIU Xiao-ming 作者单位:广东省昆虫研究所,广州,510260 刊名:医学综述ISTIC英文刊名:MEDICAL RECAPITULATE 年,卷(期):2008 14(14) 分类号:Q95 关键词:非胰岛素依赖性糖尿病 2型糖尿病动物模型非人灵长类动物。





















【期刊名称】中国实验动物学报【年(卷),期】2014(000)004【总页数】6【关键词】【关键词】 2型糖尿病;动物模型;鼠类综述·进展糖尿病已成为全球性的公共健康问题,据IDF统计2013年全球糖尿病患者达3.82亿,预计至2035年全球糖尿病患者将增至5.92亿[1]。






1 2型糖尿病鼠类模型分类1.1 自发性2型糖尿病模型该模型动物未经过任何有意识的人工处置,多数采用有自发性糖尿病倾向的近交系纯种动物,按照饲养条件喂养,自发成模,最接近人类疾病的发病过程。


1.1.1 肥胖自发性2型糖尿病模型常用的肥胖自发性糖尿病模型包括单基因遗传背景的ob/ob小鼠、db/db小鼠、Zucker糖尿病肥胖大鼠(Zucker diabetic fatty rat,ZDF)和多基因背景的KK/Ay小鼠、OLETF大鼠。







II型糖尿病模型目前,构建II型糖尿病动物模型的方法有很多种,其中自发性糖尿病动物模型、转基因/基因敲除糖尿病动物模型、单纯应用STZ所致糖尿病模型、STZ 与饮食协同作用所致II型糖尿病动物模型等应用较多。









n nisl eedn ibt lts( I D ) m dl nd aem t e 5 B / J m ue a o l cn o. te ont e o - u ndp n etdaee mei n i s lu N D M oe a g. ac d C 7 L 6 o s nr ot 1 hi cg i h s ma r r i v
i r c p .Co cu i n K Ay d a e i u e C s d a i l d e o su y t e p to e e i o ib t n e h o a h . m c so y o n l so K- ib t mo s a b u e a a ma mo lt t d h ah g n ss fda ei e c p a p t y c n e s n n c l e h p r l c mi y l a o t e c g i v mp i e ti i b ts y eg y e a ma e d t o t e i ar n n da ee . h n i m
e f m n ei M r sw t a ea  ̄h o a c a g n ban h b e b evd rs t e t n 2 w e sat n e f p r r a c or a rm z d mo d gc h n e i ri a e n o s re cp ci l a 6 a d 1 ek f ro sto o n i e n i l s e vy e
W a g Xi l g i in ig n a i 。JaJa pn n n
( e r etfNu l X aw o il Cpt eil n ei ) Dp t n o er o am o  ̄, un uHs t , ail d a U irt pa a M c v sy



2型糖尿病动物模型研究概况高秀娟马会霞江春花(华北煤炭医学院中医学系河北唐山063000)[关键词]2型糖尿病动物模型研究进展[中图分类号]R25[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1008-6633(2009)06-783-03糖尿病是一种慢性代谢紊乱疾病,世界范围内约有1.7亿患者,其中2型糖尿病(T2D M)占整体糖尿病的90%以上,可靠的动物模型是研究T2D M发生机制及新的干预措施的重要手段。

目前制备T2D M模型应用的动物种类多种多样,动物种属的选择非常重要,其中鼠科动物由于具有体积小,生殖周期短,容易通过饲料、药物处理或遗传方法诱导疾病等优势,被广泛的应用于T2D M模型的制备中,它是人类研究T2D M的强有力的工具。

下面就应用鼠科动物制备T2D M模型的研究进展作一综述,仅供参考。

1自发性动物模型1.1自发性2型糖尿病大鼠主要包括G/K大鼠(Goto-K ak2 izaki R at)、OLETF大鼠(O tsuka Long Evans To kushi ba F atty R at)、Z DF大鼠(Zuke r d i abe ti c fatty R a t)等,这类动物多数肥胖,有明显的高胰岛素血症,类似人类2型糖尿病的发病特征,国外研发口服抗糖尿病及并发症的新药多选用这类动物[1]。


G/K大鼠是日本的一大鼠品系,是一种常用的自发性非肥胖型T2D M实验动物模型,其特点是高血糖、高胰岛素血症、胰岛素抵抗出现早[2]。


G/K大鼠的特征有,葡萄糖刺激的胰岛素分泌受损,B细胞数目减少,肝脏对胰岛素的敏感程度降低导致肝糖生成过多等,此外具有与人类T2D M微血管并发症相似的改变。




三、诱导性2 型糖尿病动物模型
• 诱导性2 型糖尿病动物模型是通过物理、化学、生物 等致病因素人工诱发出具有糖尿病特征的动物模型。 • 1.高脂饲料诱导,此类模型可表现为高体重、高血脂、 高胰岛素血症和糖耐量增高等胰岛素抵抗的特征 • 例如:葛学美用脂肪占总热能的45.5%的高脂饮食成 功地诱发了C57BL /6J小鼠产生2型糖尿病,并可使 小鼠血清胰岛素水平不断提高,血糖升高,小鼠体重 超常,伴血脂明显差异 • 邬云红以脂肪热量比为65% 的高脂饲料喂养Wistar 大鼠20 周,出现空腹血清胰岛素、空腹血糖明显升 高,胰岛素敏感指数明显降低。
2. 药物诱导:链脲佐菌素( streptozotcin,STZ) 是 目前使用最广泛的糖尿病动物模型化学诱导剂, 它对一些种属的动物胰岛β细胞有选择地破坏,可 以使猴、狗、羊、兔、大鼠、小鼠等实验动产生1 型或2 型糖尿病. 有研究表明:给小鼠腹腔注射STZ 65mg/kg ,可致 空腹血糖明显上升,不同剂量和不同时期给予 STZ 可造成不同严重程度的2 型糖尿病; 用STZ 处理的新生大鼠在成年后将呈现典型的2 型糖尿 病表现。 乔凤霞和申竹芳给地鼠多次腹腔注射STZ 40 mg/kg , 结果动物中大部分血糖、血清甘油三脂和胆固醇 均升高。
二、转基因性2 型糖尿病动物模型
• 在动物原来遗传背景的基础上,通过改变某种基因的表达 水平以建立人类疾病的动物模型。 • 胰岛素受体底物- 2 基因敲除( IRS -2)小鼠可出现显著 的葡萄糖耐量受损,胰岛素抵抗和胰岛素分泌不足,从而 引发2 型糖尿病 • 此外,IRS -1 和β细胞葡萄糖激酶( GK) 双基因敲除( GK -IRS -1 )小鼠,IR - /IRS - 1 双基因敲除杂合体小鼠 均可出现高血糖,并随着年龄发展为显性糖尿病。



Ⅱ型糖尿病动物模型研究进展摘要: 糖尿病是以高血糖为主要标志的内分泌代谢性疾病,是严重威胁人类健康的主要慢性病之一,而Ⅱ型糖尿病占糖尿病总数的90%~95%左右。



关键词:Ⅱ型糖尿病;动物模型;模型构建Research Progress about the Construction of TypeⅡ Diabetic Animal ModelLIU Shu—Yun(Lab of Transplant Engineering and Immunology West China Hospital,Sichuan University 2013224070006)Abstract: Diabetes mellitus,the endocrine and metabolic diseases,is characterized by hyperglycemia. It is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases that threat to human health,and type 2 diabetes accounted for 90% -95% of the total diabetes. The animal model of type 2 diabetes provide the important precondition to many scholars in study of the pathogenesis and mechanism of diabetes.Therefore,this article reviews a number of animal models of T2DM commonly used according to the articles that have been published both inside country and abroad,which will provide reference for the development of type II diabetic animal models.Key Words:Type Ⅱ Diabetes Mellitus, Animal model,Model construction糖尿病( Diabetes mellitus,DM) 是以高血糖为主要标志的内分泌代谢性慢性疾病,其严重威胁着人类健康。


















结果:T2DM大鼠模型目前可以分为自发性T2DM 和实验性T2DM模型,且仍有较大发展空间。









1 实验性T2DM大鼠模型1.1 单纯高脂高糖引发的T2DM 在试验中,通过较长时间给予大鼠过量的高糖高脂饮食,发现能够诱导出较满意的T2DM大鼠模型,从而能为进一步研究奠定良好的基础。



01 摘要
02 引言
03 研究现状
人工模拟2型糖尿病 动物模型
自发性2型糖尿病动 物模型
基因工程2型糖尿病 动物模型
07 其他类型2型糖尿病 动物模型
09 研究不足
08 研究方法与成果 010 参考内容
2型糖尿病是一种常见的内分泌代谢疾病,严重影响全球公共健康。为了深 入探讨其发病机制和治疗方案,研究者们建立了各种2型糖尿病动物模型。本次 演示综述了近年来2型糖尿病动物模型的研究进展,包括自发糖尿病模型、人工 模拟糖尿病模型、基因工程糖尿病模型和其他类型糖尿病模型,分析了这些模型 的特点、应用和局限性,并探讨了今后研究的方向和意义。
三、型糖尿病动物模型的实验设 计与结果分析
在建立型糖尿病动物模型时,研究者们通常会进行一系列实验设计,包括测 定动物的体重、血糖、胰岛素水平等生化指标,以及进行组织病理学检查等。根 据实验结果,研究者们可以分析型糖尿病的发生机制、探讨疾病的干预措施并评 估药物治疗的效果。
例如,在肥胖诱导的型糖尿病动物模型中,通过给予高脂饮食并测定动物的 血糖、胰岛素水平等指标,研究者们发现高脂饮食可引起肥胖小鼠的胰岛素抵抗 和β细胞功能衰物模型在研究型糖尿病的发病机制和防治策略中发挥了重要作用。 现有的肥胖诱导、遗传诱导和化学药物诱导的型糖尿病动物模型都具有一定特点 和应用范围。然而,仍需进一步完善现有动物模型的种类和品质,以适应不同研 究方向的需求。
例如,可以探索更加精准的基因编辑技术,构建具有人源性基因突变的型糖 尿病动物模型,以深入研究基因突变与糖尿病的关系。另外,在未来的研究中, 可以结合新型技术如代谢组学、蛋白质组学等,从多角度探讨型糖尿病的发病机 制和药物作用机制。加强干细胞治疗、免疫治疗等新型治疗手段的研究,为型糖 尿病的治疗提供更多可能性。



自发 性 I型糖 尿病 模 型 d /b I bd 小 鼠生 物 学特 性研 究
李 娜, 张 周, 冯 颖 ( 中国科 学院上 海 药物研 究 所, 海 2 10 ) 上 0 2 3 [ ] 目的 以 C 7 LKs—b+表 型正 常 小 鼠为对 照组 ,研 究 自发 性 I型糖尿 病动物 C 7 L 摘要 5 B / Jd / I 5B / KJ b b s d/ 小鼠的体生长曲线、糖代谢曲线 、 — d 血清胰 岛素水平变化、主要脏器重量 、 脏器系数等部 分 生物 学特性 ,并探讨 其肝 脏 、 肾脏 和胰 腺 等组织 病理 学 变化 。方法 实验 为期 2 O周, 第 4周 从 开 始, 周 测定 d/b以及 d/ 鼠体 重 、血糖 , 2周 测定血 清胰 岛素 水 平,O周龄 处 死, 器、 每 bd b+小 每 2 脏 脂肪 称 重, 部分 组 织用 1% 中性 甲醛 固定 , 0 制作 病理 切 片。结 果 ① d/b小 鼠体 重 、血 糖和血 清 bd
方 法 研 究 提 供 ~ 些 基础 资料 。
1 材 料 与方 法
11 实验材 料 .
大 鼠、NS Y小 鼠、黑 线仓 鼠、嗜 沙肥 鼠和 OL T EF
111 实验动 物 ..
S F级糖 尿病 模型 C 7 LKs—b P 5B / J / d
大 鼠等 ,其 中 d /b小 鼠是 L pi 体基 因缺 陷导 bd et n受 致 的先 天 性 I型 糖 尿 病 小 鼠 ,具 有 高 血 糖 、 高血 I
d b小 鼠 2 0只 , 雌雄 各半 ; 对照 组 C 7 L K Jd / 5 B / s—b+小
鼠2 O只, 雌雄 各 半, 是从 美 国 J ACKS 实验 室 引 ON



方 法 。动物 模 型一直 以来 是研 究疾 病发 病 、 预防、 诊 断、 治 疗 的实验 材 料 。建 立 一种 既符 合 人 类 Ⅱ型 糖
鼠、 地鼠, 其 中小 鼠包 括 K K . A y 、 o b / o b 、 d b / d b等 单
基 因 突变 鼠、 新 西 兰 肥 胖小 鼠 和 N S Y小 鼠 ; 大 鼠包
2 动 物模 型 的构 建
2 . 1 自发性 糖尿病 动物 模型
自发性 Ⅱ型糖 尿 病 动 物 模 型 主要 是 啮齿 类 , 其
最 大优 点是 疾病 的发 生 、 发 展 与人类 的很 相似 , 因此
在研 究 Ⅱ型糖 尿病 的 生 理 、 病 理 及 有 关 临 床药 物研 发 等方面 有重 要 价值 。此类 动 物 模 型 包 括小 鼠 、 大
2 0 1 3年 4月
中 国 实验 动 物 学 报
Ap r i l , 2 01 3 Vo 1 . 2 l No . 2
第2 l 卷
第 2期
Ⅱ型 糖 尿 病 动 物模 型 的构 建
c omp l i c a t i o ns .I n t h i s pa pe r ,t y p e I I d i a b e t i c a n i ma l mo de l s a n d t he i r c o n s t r u c t i o n we r e r e v i e we d,wh i c h wi l l p r o v i d e i m-
p o r t a n t r e f e r e n c e or f t he d e v e l o pme n t o f t y pe I I d i be a t i c a n i ma l mo de l s .






【关键词】啮齿模型;糖尿病;糖尿病视网膜病变Abstract Diabetes is a complex and heterogeneous disorder presently affecting more than 100 million people worldwide and causing serious socio economic problems. Spontaneous rodent models of diabetes mellitus have proved invaluable in understanding the pathogenesis, complications, and genetic or environmental influences that increase the risks of diabetes. We have reviewed here in the development and characterization of spontaneous rodent models that displayed most features commonly associated with diabetic retinopathy.KEYWORDS: rodent model; diabetes mellitus; diabeticretinopathyINTRODUCTIONDiabetes mellitus is a term that is used loosely to describe a complex and heterogeneous disorder simply characterized by hyperglycemia (elevated blood sugar levels). Diabetes mellitus has occurred in humans at least 4000 years. In 1966, it was proposed that the same may be true in animals, particularly those living in association with humans, whether as domestic animals or as animals bred in the laboratory[1].An animal model is defined as "a living organism with an inherited, naturally acquired, or induced pathological process that in one or more respects closely resembles the same phenomenon occurring in man". Animal models of diabetes mellitus can be caused by anti insulin serum, pancreatectomy, glucose infusion,βcytotoxic agents, and viruses; or caused by diabetogenic nutritional and hormonal factors. Some models spontaneously develop non insulin dependent or insulin dependent diabetes[2]. Selective inbreeding has produced several strains of animal that are considered reasonable modelsof type 1 diabetes (T1D), type 2 diabetes (T2D) and related phenotypes such as obesity and insulin resistance. Apart from their use in studying the pathogenesis of the disease and its complications, all new treatments for diabetes, including islet cell transplantation and preventative strategies, are initially investigated in animals[3]. Here we review the spontaneous rodent models of diabetes and their application on retinal research.SPONTANEOUS MODELS OF TYPE 1 DIABETESThere are several spontaneous rodent models of type 1 diabetes, two of which have been extensively studied: the Bio Breeding(BB) rat and the non obese diabetic (NOD) mouse[4].NOD Mouse The NOD mouse was developed by selectively breeding offspring from a laboratory strain that in fact was first used in the study of cataract development [5,6]. Insulitis is present when the mice are 4 5 weeks old, followed by subclinical βcell destruction and decreasing circulating insulin concentrations. Frank diabetes typically presents between 12 and 30 weeks of age. An autoimmune lesion involvinglymphocytic infiltration and destruction of the pancreatic βcells leads to hypoinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, ketoacidosis, and death. There is a larger gender difference with 90% of females and 20% of males developing diabetes in NOD mice [7].Type 1 diabetes is a polygenic disease. Both in human and in NOD mouse type 1 diabetes, the primary susceptibility gene is located within the MHC [8]. NOD mouse represents probably the best spontaneous model used in genetic and immunologic studies and seems particularly analogous to human type 1 diabetes. It has provided not only essential information on type 1 diabetes pathogenesis, but also valuable insights into mechanisms of immunoregulation and tolerance. Importantly, it allows testing of immuno intervention strategies potentially applicable to man [9,10].Type 1 Bio Breeding Rat Models The Bio Breeding(BB) rat was first recognized in the Bio Breeding Laboratories in 1974[11]. It is extremely useful for studying both spontaneous diabetic prone (BBDP) and induced diabetic resistant (BBDR) diabetes and associated diabetic complications [12]. As in human type 1 diabetes, the syndrome in BB rats is characterized byhyperglycemia, lymphocytic insulitis, and the presence of antibodies to islet cell surface molecules. In common with the NOD mouse, the pancreatic islets are subjected to an immune attack with T cells, B cells, macrophages and natural killer cells being recruited to the insulitis[13,14]; the susceptibility gene is located within the MHC [15]. A variety of auto antibodies, including glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), have been reported in both BB rats and the NOD mouse, although it remains far from clear which, if any, of these are primary autoantigens[1618].It is believed that the development of diabetes in the model is secondary to a cell mediated autoimmune process and may have implications for the pathophysiology of type 1 diabetes in humans. BBDP rats are prone to the long term complications of diabetes such as neuropathy and retinopathy that occur in this model are very similar to complications in human diabetics [19].SPONTANEOUS MODELS OF TYPE 2 DIABETESNumerous spontaneous rodent models have been used to model various defects of human type 2 diabetes, such as OtsukaLong Evans Tokushima fatty (OLETF), Goto Kakizaki (GK), Akita mice and Akimba mice that showed the some characteristics of these animal models same as human.OLETF Rat Selective breeding for more than 20 generations has led to the generation of a spontaneously diabetic strain of Long Evans rats that displays polyuria, polydipsia, and slight obesity [1,20]. The OLETF rat develops hyperphagia and insulin resistance between 12 and 24 weeks of age, and mild obesity, hyperglycemia, and hyperinsulinemia between 20 and 28 weeks of age. By 40 weeks of age, the diabetic rats are hypoinsulinemic and exhibit defects in insulin secretion [21]. Obese OLETF rats are unable to control individual meal size due to the loss of cholecystokinin A receptors [22,23]. These rats have proven useful in studying the effects of exercise and diet on the development of type 2 diabetes, to test the efficacy of antidiabetic agents, and to study the complications of diabetes [2426].GK Rat The GK rat is a widely accepted model for research in type 2 diabetes. The GK rat was created by selective breeding of Wistar rats for oral glucose intolerance[27]. There are atleast two loci responsible for high blood glucose in GK rats[28]. Males and females become diabetic at weaning age, most likely due to an over all inherent lack of normal beta cell mass. Diabetes in the GK rat is characterized by fasting hyperglycemia, impaired secretion of insulin in response to glucose, and hepatic and peripheral insulin resistance. Late onset complications such as retinopathy, microangiopathy, neuropathy, and peripheral nephropathy have been described in the literature [29,30].Type 2 Bio Breeding Rat Models This model has been extremely useful for studying both spontaneous diabetic prone (BBDP) and induced diabetic resistant (BBDR) diabetes and associated diabetic complications[12]. In this strain, diabetes is manifested by lymphopenia,obesity,hyperinsulinemia, and autoimmune diabetes. Islets from obese rats reveal beta cell hyperplasia, and diabetes develops due to a combination of insulin resistance and autoimmune insulitis. So the BBZDP/Wor rat is often complicated by the presence of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes characteristics [31,32].Akita Mice Akita mice, a model of spontaneous earlyonset diabetes mellitus, are from the C57BL/6 background with a dominant mutation in the Ins2 gene, which results in a loss of beta cell function and failed insulin secretion 4 6 weeks postpartum. Symptoms in Akita mice include hyperglycemia, hypoinsulinemia, polydipsia, and polyuria, beginning around 34 weeks of age. The diabetic phenotype is more severe and progressive in the male than in the female. Obesity or insulitis does not accompany diabetes[33]. The mean lifespan of diabetic male mice on the C57BL/NJcl background (305 days) was significantly shorter than that of nondiabetic males in another colony of the same strain (690 days). Akita mice will serve as an excellent substitute for mice made insulin dependent diabetic by treatment with alloxan or streptozotocin [34,35].AKimba Mice The AKimba mice have been produced through crossing homozygous Kimba mice with Akita mice in Lions Eye institutes (LEI) in Australia. Kimba is a transgenic mouse model of retinal neovascularization. The AKimba mouse demonstrates features exhibited by the Akita as well as the Kimba mice [36].DIABETIC RETINOPATHYThe frequency of diabetic retinopathy increases proportionally to the duration of diabetes and blood glucose control. Microaneurysms are the earliest clinically visible manifestation of background retinopathy. Additional microvascular abnormalities result from significant vascular occlusion and characterize the preproliferative retinopathy stage. Approximately 50% of patients who reach the preproliferative stage will progress to proliferative retinopathy within 15 months[37].Most present diabetic rodent models can be used to study the initial or latent phase diabetic retinopathy. Matsuura showed that the peak latency of oscillatory potential (OP), the earliest electroretinographic manifestation of diabetic retina, was prolonged and retinal acellular capillaries and pericyte ghosts, the characteristic morphological changes in early diabetic retinopathy were not accelerated in OLETF rat [38]. Thinning of inner nuclear layers and outer retina were observed[35,39]. These observations suggested that retinal neuronal changes takes place prior to the angiopathic diabetic changes in diabetic rodents. Retinal complications including increased vascular permeability, thicker basement membranes,caliber irregularity, narrowing, tortuosity and loop formations of capillaries in these animals were similar to those seen in diabetic patients[35,40].It was reported that apoptosis of retinal microvascular cell (RMC) was increased and oxidative stress promoted the apoptosis of RMC in diabetic GK rats, similar to that in diabetic patients. Furthermore, a combination of vitamins C and E and an advanced glycation end products inhibitor mostly inhibited this increased apoptosis and ameliorated diabetic retinopathy. It indicated that apoptosis of RMC was a good marker of the progression of diabetic retinopathy in GK rats [41]. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and hypoxia inducible factor1 (HIF1) levels in ocular tissue of GK rats [42] and NOD mice [43] were evaluated by ELISA and immunohistochemical studies. Increased VEGF and HIF 1 production in certain ocular tissue, similar to that in humans, are observed quite early. Lower levels of glutathione and normal endothelial/ pericyte ratio in GK rat retina indicated that impaired glucose metabolism may influence one of the defense mechanisms for oxidative stress and that decreased glutathione levels occur prior to morphological signs of pericyte loss and/or endothelialcell proliferation in this diabetic animal model [44].Few diabetic rodent models can present features of the advanced diabetic retinopathy. BBZDR/Wor rats progress to late stages of preproliferative retinopathy (PPDR) but do not demonstrate proliferative (PDR) aspects of the disease[45,46]. The AKimba mouse was hyperglycemic and developed retinopathy resembled the late stages of PPDR and the stage of PDR. The retinopathy includes increased permeability, capillary dropout, retinal non perfusion, vein beading, hemorrhage, neovascularisation and retinal detachment.In a word, spontaneous rodent models of diabetes mellitus have proved invaluable in understanding diabetes and diabetic retinopathy. The work comparing and contrasting type 1 and type 2 diabetic rodent models should help elucidate detailed molecular mechanisms behind diabetic complications, and help lead to the development of better therapeutics to treat diabetes and diabetic retinopathy.【参考文献】1 Willy JM, Abdullah S. Animal models of diabetes. In: Conn PM, ed. Sourcebook of models for biomedical research,Humana Press. Vol 1. ed. Totowa, New Jersey, US 2020:6516562 Frederick ES, Richard JT. Ethical issues involved in the development of animal models for type I diabetes. ILAR Journal 1993;35(1):123 Rees DA, Alcolado JC. Animal models of diabetes mellitus. Diabetic Medicine 2005;22(4):3593704 Sai P, Gouin E. 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[收稿日期]20100118(006)[基金项目]北京市教育委员会共建项目[作者简介]李娟娥,博士,研究方向为中医药对糖尿病及其并发症的防治,E-mail :lizhuan_1980@ [通讯作者]*刘铜华,教授,博士生导师,Tel :(010)64286642,E-mail :thliu@·综述·自发性2型糖尿病啮齿类动物模型研究概况李娟娥,王磊,秦灵灵,刘铜华*(北京中医药大学,北京100029)[摘要]人们筛选成功并保存下来的自发性的T2DM 动物模型主要是啮齿类,由于这类动物模型的最大优点是其疾病的发生、发展与人类的很相似,因此在研究T2DM 生理、病理及临床新药等方面有着非常大的应用价值。

目前,此类动物模型主要有小鼠、大鼠和沙鼠模型,其中小鼠有单基因突变小鼠(ob /ob ,db /db ,KK-ay )、新西兰肥胖小鼠和NSY 小鼠,大鼠包括GK 大鼠、OLETF 大鼠和ZUCKER 大鼠等。

该文对各个模型的发病机制、生理和病理特点等方面进行了阐述,以利于此类模型在研究T2DM 方面的应用。

[关键词]2型糖尿病;啮齿类;动物模型[中图分类号]R 285.5[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1005-9903(2010)06-0267-05A Review on Spontaneous Models of Type 2Diabetes Mellitus in RodentsLI Juan-e ,WANG Lei ,QIN Ling-ling ,LIU Tong-hua *(Beijing University of Chinese Medicine ,Beijing 100029,China )[Abstract ]The spontaneous models of T2DM which were successful screened and conserved have been mainly in rodents.The occurrence and development of T2DM in this models is similar to mankinds ,so they have important application value in the study of T2DM ,such as physiology ,pathology and new clinical medicines.Nowdays ,these models mainly include signle gene mutation mouse (ob /ob ,db /db ,KK-ay ),NZO and NSY mouse ,GK ,OLETF and ZUCKER rats ,Psammomys Obesus.In order to improve the application of these models for T2DM ,the characteristics of each model about mechanisms ,physiology and pathology were described in this article.[Key words ]type 2diabetes mellitus ;rodents ;animal model2型糖尿病占糖尿病群体的90%以上。


自发性2型糖尿病动物(spontaneous animal of T2DM )是指未经任何有意识的人工处置,在自然情况下所发生糖尿病的实验动物。

这类动物模型的最大优点就是疾病的发生、发展与人类T2DM 的疾病很相似,其应用价值很高。


1小鼠模型1.1单基因突变小鼠导致小鼠易患T2DM 的单基因突变包括小鼠瘦素基因(Lep )、瘦素受体基因(Lepr )和agouti (A )黄色基因突变。

这类基因突变可致小鼠发生肥胖征候群,但在人类由于Lep 和Lepr 基因座突变引起的极度肥胖非常罕见,所以在一定程度上并不能准确反映人类最常见的由饮食诱导的肥胖型的T2DM 。


1.1.1ob /ob 小鼠1950年,Ingalls 发现一株近亲繁殖的小鼠食欲亢进、过度肥胖、高血糖;研究后发现是由定位于第6号染色体ob 基因(Lep ob )隐性突变引起[1],1994年证实ob /ob 鼠中ob 基因呈突变形式,且为纯合子[2]。

该鼠由于不能产生正常的瘦素而表现为肥胖,从断奶时即开始发胖,肥胖随着周龄逐渐加重,终生表现食欲旺盛;3 4周龄发展为高胰岛素血症,7月龄水平最高[2]。




Lep ob基因突变的致糖尿病作用与种系遗传背景关系密切。


携带Lep ob突变的B6小鼠多年来作为预防肥胖和轻度高血糖的干预治疗模型。

1.1.2db/db小鼠1966年Jackson实验室发现C57BL/KsJ 品系小鼠自发出现的瘦素受体基因(db),定位于4号染色体上[7],呈常染色体隐性遗传。


db/db小鼠纯合体大概3到4周龄开始变胖,血浆胰岛素在10 14d、血糖在4到8周开始升高,该模型具有典型的“三多”症状。






1.1.3KK-A y小鼠1957年,Kondo[9]等报道了KK小鼠能自发出现明显肥胖、高血糖和高胰岛素血症;且发现其多在5个月后,或予以高热量饲料后才发病。




陈丽萌等[11]研究证实KK-A y小鼠16周龄后开始出现明显肥胖、多尿的特点,并开始出现高血糖、高胰岛素血症、高脂血症。

有学者研究了KK-A y小鼠皮下脂肪中编码瘦素的肥胖(ob)基因,发现其表达与营养、饮食和体重呈正相关[12]。

近期研究发现[13]高脂饲养的KK-A y小鼠腹膜脂肪组织的趋化因子及受体表达上调[14];此品系小鼠肾脏和心脏组织的有关氧化酶表达比STZ 小鼠明显,但MDA、血糖和血脂水平没有后者明显[15]。

















2大鼠模型2.1GK大鼠1975年,Goto等人在日本仙台,从远交系Wistar大鼠中经OGTT选出个轻度糖耐量减退鼠,经10代左右反复交配,形成自发性非肥胖T2DM鼠种,简称GK大鼠(Goto-Kakizaki Rat)。



该鼠进食后血糖升高,具有稳定的葡萄糖刺激的胰岛素分泌受损与葡萄糖不耐受[30];8周龄时非空腹的血浆葡萄糖水平升高及糖耐量受损,14周龄时,其葡萄糖刺激的胰岛素释放显著下降,为正常Wistar大鼠的25% 50%[31]。
