刺猬女孩艾蜜 Amy the hedgehog girl-sy-典范英语(课堂PPT)
Amy the Hedgehog girl典范英语原文

Amy the Hedgehogs GirlMiserable Mr PeckHer mum was in the kitchen when Amy rushed in.‘How was school?’asked Mrs Harris, expecting the usual answer,‘OK.’‘It was great,’cried Amy.‘A lady gave us a talk on wildlife and she showed us a hedgehog expert.’‘A what?’said Mrs Harris.‘A hedgehog expert. Someone who knows all about hedgehogs.’‘That’s good,’said Mrs Harris.‘You’ll need to go the library and see if you can find some books.’‘Oh dear,’Amy groaned.‘I’ll have to see Mr Peck.’Mr Peck was the children’s librarian. He was a mean and miserable sort of person. He also lived next door to Amy.The library was almost empty when Amy arrived. She looked along the shelves, trying to find a b ook on hedgehogs.‘What are you doing?’snapped a voice behind her.Amy nearly jumped out of her socks. It was Mr Peck.‘I was looking for a book about animals.’‘Animals , indeed,’sniffed Mr Peck.‘What sort of animals? Tame animals? Wild animals? Animals fr om Africa? India?Britain?’‘Hedgehogs,’said Amy.‘Hedgehogs!’bawled Mr Peck.‘The very worst animals there are. They dig up vegetables and bite lumps out of them.’He pulled a book from the shelves.‘If you must study the horrid things,this is the best I can do.’‘Thank you, said Amy politely.‘Make sure you bring it back on time. And don’t you dare bring hedgehogs into your garden. Your garden is next to mine,don’t forget. If I see a hedgehogs near my carrots, do you know what I am going to do?’‘No,’said Am y.‘I’m going to squirt it with my spray gun.’At home, Amy read the book on hedgehogs. She found out that they ate slugs and snails. The book didn’t say anythingabout vegetables.The next day she took the book back to the library.‘What’s this?’said Mr Peck.‘This book is not due back for another twenty days.’‘But I’ve read it,’said Amy.‘Have you got any more books about hedgehogs?’‘Over there,’snapped Mr Peck,pointing with his nose.Amy walked slowly along the shelves. Where were the books about animals? She was just about to rist asking Mr Peck,when she saw something. It was an old cassette tape, called‘Calls of the Wild’. It looked as if nobody had ever playedit.Amytookitdownfromtheshelf.Itwaspartofasetofanimalnoises.Thiswastapenumber1 2anditwascalledHedgehogs.Amy asked Mr Peck if she could borrow the cassette.‘Of course you can,’he said rudely.‘Though anybody who wants to listen to horrid animal noises must be mad.’He stamped the cassette box.‘And don’t forget to rewind the tape.’Hedgehog talkAmy sat in her room listening to the sounds of hedgehogs on her personal stereo, over and over again. Amy repeatedthe sounds herself.‘I’m talking hedgehog,’thought Amy.‘I wish I knew what I was saying. I really need a hedgehog to help me. I’m surethere’s one in the garden. If I make hedgehog noises, perhaps it will hear me.’Amy ran down into the garden and made hedgehog noises as loudly as she could.She stopped and listened,but no hedgehogs answered. Amy tried again. Bnt only a cat came into the garden.1‘I’m going to keep trying,’said Amy.‘I’m sure Ican do it.’At last she got cold and she went indoors.The next night Amy tried again. She tried every night for a week.‘What are you doing out there?’asked Mrs Harris.‘Wait and see,’said Amy.Just then the door bell rang. It was Mr Peck. He stood at the door in his dressing gown. Amy noticed that his hair waswet.‘Mrs Harris,’said Mr Peck.‘Every night when I have my bath I can hear a noise. It seems to be coming from your garden.’Amy giggled behind her hand.‘Noise?’said Mrs Harris.‘Some sort of animal,’said Mr Peck.‘I’d put poison down if I were you.That is the only way to deal with animals.’As soon as Mr Peck had gone,Amy dashed out into the garden.‘Mr Peck thought I was an animal,’she said to herself.‘I’m go ing to try one more time.’Amy went down on her knees and began to make her hedgehog sounds again.Almost at once there was a rustling noise and a hedgehog lumbered onto the lawn. Amy was delighted. The hedgehogand Amy snorted and squeaked at each other.Suddenly a torch beam shone in their eyes.‘What’s going on?’said a voice. It was Mr Peck, still in his dressing gown. The hedgehog rolled into a ball.‘I’m chatting to a hedgehog,’said Amy.‘You cheeky young thing. Talking to hedgehogs indeed.’‘Excuse me—‘began Amy.‘And what’s more,’Mr Peck cut in,‘hedgehogs are dirty little beasts and they eat up all the vegetables in my garden.’‘Rubbish!’said Amy crossly.‘Hedgehogs are not dirty. And they don’t eat vegetables. They eat slugs and snails. Now,ifyou don’t mind, I was talking to a hedgehog.’MrPeckwastooshockedtoanswer.HismouthdroppedopenasAmysnortedgentlytot hehedgehog.Slowlyitunrolled.A sly look crept across Mr Peck’s face.‘How often have you been doing this, my dear?’he asked.‘Never before,’said Amy.‘But from now on, I’ll be every night.’‘Hm,’said Mr Peck.‘You’re going to be here every night, you say.’The amazing hedgehog girlWhen Amy came home from school the next day,Mr Peck was in his front drive. He was fixing a large board to the gate.As soon as he saw Amy, he throw his coat over it.Amy had promised to show her mum the hedgehog. It was getting dark when they stepped into the garden to see herhedgehog friend.Amy went down on her knees and began to snort. This time two hedgehogs came up to her.‘What are you talking about?’whispered Mrs Harris.‘Slugs.’There was a sound from next door. Amy shone her torch towards the fence. There were people staring into her garden.They all had their mouths open.One person stood out. It was Mr Peck.‘I’ve asked a few friends over,’he said smoothly.‘I hope you don’t mind.’Amy was cross, but she also felt rather proud that so many people had come to see her.‘You may wath. But please don’ttalk or make a noise. And no photos.’The people nodded.Amy went down on her knees and snorted once moer.This time three more hedgehogs came up. Amy managed to tell the hedgehogs that they had nothing to fear. The peoplejust wanted to see how clever they were. Amy and the hedgehogs talked and played together.2As soon as the hedgehogs had gone, the people behind the fence began to clap and cheer. Of course they wanted toknow what Amy and the hedgehogs had been talking about.‘They told me about their young. Then they told me why they curl up into a ball. And where to find the tastiest grubs.Oh,and they told me where they are going to sleep for the winter.’Mrs Harris hugged Amy.‘You were fantastic,’she said.‘Come in and I’ll make you a nice hot drink.’‘Yes. In you go,’said Mr Peck cheerily.‘I’m sure you must be very tired.’There was something strange about Mr Peck. He had never said anything kind to Amy before. Then she heard an oddnoise. It was the sound of coins being dropped into a box.‘It was worth a pound of anybody’s money,’she heard someone say.‘Ssh,’said Mr Peck.Then Amy remembered the board that Mr Peck had been fixing to his front gate. Why had Mr Peck tried to hide it? Amyrushed round to the front of the house. There on the board in large letters it said:‘What a nerve,’said Amy. Then a smilecrept across her fac e.‘I know how to fix you,Mr Peck.’She raced round to Mr Peck’s garden. Some of the people were still enjoying a cup of tea and biscuits.Before Mr Peck could stop her, she said,’Ladies and gentlemen. There is something I must tell you. All the money youhave given tonight is going to a hedgehog hospital to look after sick hedgehogs.’Everyone clapped and nodded their heads. Everyone except Mr Peck. His face went bright red and he made a strangespluttering noise.‘Not only that,’went on Amy,‘but Mr Peck has agreed that for every pound that you give tonight, he will give anotherpound of his own money.’Everyone clapped again and cheered. Mr Peck went a very pale colour. Somehow he managed a smile.Before he could say anything, Amy said,’And I am happy to s ay that the hospital has asked me to take the money forthem.’She held out her hand. Gloomily, Mr peck passed the box over to Amy.Then, an even gloomier look spread across his face as he dug into his pocket and pulled out two ten pound notes.‘A big hand for Mr Peck,’said Amy.This is not quite the end of the story. Amy felt rather sorry for Mr Peck.After she had sent the money to the hedgehog hospital, she asked the hedgehogs to patrol Mr Peck’s garden. She toldthem to make sure that no more of his vegetables were eaten by slugs.A few weeks later, Mr Peck won third prize for his marrows, runner beans and carrots at the local show.That evening he leaned over the fence to show Amy his three prizes.‘It’s all thanks to those hedgehogs,’he said.‘I wish I had known before how useful they are. I’ve bought them a present.’He handed her one tin of dog food.‘I’ve just got some new books about hedgehogs in the library. I read that they abore dog food,’he explained.A group of hedgehogs were soon busy tucking in. Amy knelt down beside them.‘What are they saying?’asked Mr Peck.‘Well,’said Amy.‘Hedgehogs are a bit hard to understand when they have their mouthsfull. But I think they are sayingthanks for the dog food.’‘I should think so too,’said Mr Peck.‘I paid a lot of money for that tin. And could you teach them not to speak with theirmouths full? It is so rude.’‘I’ll try,’said Amy.She looked at the hedgehogs and smiled.It seemed to her that they smiled back.3Coming CleanOld Baggy-PantsDerek and Janey were eatingjam roly-poly in the hall and talking about Mr Such’s trousers. Mr Such was their teacherand he wore the same trousers to school, day in and day out.‘They’re so crumpled and baggy,’Janey said.‘And grubby and thick,’said Derek.‘Like a pair of old d ish-cloths.’‘And he wears them all the time.’‘I don’t think he’s got any others.’‘Old Baggy-Pants, that’s what he is,’Derek added,sticking his fork into his jam roly-poly.‘I wish he’d get some new ones,’Janey sighed.At that moment Old Baggy-pants hims elf came into the hall. Janey’s mouth fell open and Derek could see the mashedup jam roly-polyinside.‘What’s up?’he said.Janey blinked and pointed. There was Mr Such in a brand new suit. A spotless white suit without a crease in it. Everyonein the hall stopped eating and stared at him.‘Carry on,everyone,’said Mr Such, a bit red in the face.‘Carry on eating.’‘Wow!’said Derek, leaning across his plate.‘He looks so different.’‘He looks smart,’said Janey firmly.‘And about time, too.’Later that afternoon Janey’s class trooped back into the hall for P.E.‘I like the suit, sir,’Janey told Mr Such as they filed in.‘Thank you, Janey. It’s for Parents’Evening, really.’‘Parents’Evening?’‘Yes, I have to look my best for that, don’t I?’‘But that’s not till Monday, Mr Such,’Derek said.‘I known that, Derek. I’m just getting used to it.’While they were talking. Mrs Venn came out of the kitchen with a bowl of custard in her arms.She was so shocked to see Mr Such in his bright new suit she gave a little jump.’Oh my gosh!’she cried.She grabbed one of the hall curtains to steady herself. The custard looped into the air, straight for Mr Such.Derek saw it coming and stepped smartly in the way. The custard wobbled through the air and flopped against Derek;svest. Everyone fell silent. Derek stood there, looking sad and stunned. And covered in cold custard.‘Well done, Derek,’said Mr Such.‘You’d saved my brand new suit.’Derek tried to smile but by then the custard was oozing into his shorts.After break, Mr Such changed back into his dish-cloth trousers.‘Please keep clear of this,’he said, hanging his new suit on the cupboard door.‘Keep well clear.’A Lovely green colourThe last lesson of the day was art. They had to paint interesting faces. Janey was doing a monster. She put blood-shotbits in his eyes, a bolt through his neck and green stuff coming out of his nose. She was pleased with the green sthff, butshe’d mixed up too much. She asked Derek if he wanted some.‘I don’t need any green stuff, Janey,’he said .‘I’m doing a footballer.’‘Well, he could have green stuff coming out of his nose, couldn’t he?’she said.‘No,’said Derek.’He couldn’t.’‘You’d could use it for the background. Like grass.’Mr Such4Princess Pip’s Holiday1 Ready to goEveryone in PrincessPip’s ca stlewas very busy. The King was polishing his money, the Queen was choosing sun hats,and the maids were running around with piles of vests.“ Can I take Dobbin on holiday?”asked Princess Pip.“I’m afraidthere won’t be roomfor a pony on the coach,”said the Queen.“Oh, ”said the Princess Pip. “Can Amanda and Bert come,then?”“There ‘s no room for snakes,”said the King, “not even pet ones.”Princess Pip scowled. “This holiday is going to be BORING,” she said.They went on holiday in their best gold coach.“Wave toall the people, dear,” said the Queen.Princess Pip folded her arms. “ I ‘m on holiday,” she said. “Are we nearly there yet?”“We won’t be there for a long time,” said the Queen firmly.It did take a long time to get to the seaside. The coach got very hot, and Princess Pip didn’t feel very well.“Here we are,at last!” said the King happily.“But it’s a castle!” said Princess Pip. “Just like home.It’s BORING.”2 Just like homeThere was a girl waiting by the castle door.“This is Daisy,”said the Queen. “She is going to look afteryou,Pip.”Daisy showed Princess Pip her room.“I don’t want a four-posterbed!” said Princess Pip. “That’s just like home.”“You can sleep on my straw mattress, then,” said Daisy. “ I’ll have the bed.”“Oh, all right.”said Princes s Pip.That evening there was a banquet and it went on for hours.“More sprouts?”asked the King happily.This is BORING,”said the Princess Pip.“Nonsense(胡说),dear,”said the Queen. “It can’t be boring. We’re on holiday!”“ I WANT TO GO HOME!” said Princess P ip, the next day. She had been walking round the castle walls all morning andshe hadn’t found anything to do.“But we’re having a wonderful time,” said the Queen,from her sun chair.“Just look at the way my money shines in the sun,” said the King. “Wonderful!”“ But it’s BORING!” said Princess Pip.“Why don’t you go and talk to Daisy?” suggestedthe Queen.Princess Pip stomped off.“That does it,” she said to Daisy. “I WANT TOGO HOME!”3 The road home“If you stayed here a bit longer,you might start liking the seaside,” said Daisy.But Princess Pip wasn’t listening. She was putting all her important things in her suitcase.“I think we’ll have to take some things out,”said Daisy.Daisy found them both backpacks, and they set out for home.Princess Pip and Daisy went across the drawbridge and along the road.It was very hot.“Let’s have a nice,cool snack,”said Daisy.So they got some fish sticks from a stall.“These aren’t bad,” admitted Princess Pip.“They taste best by the seaside,” said Daisy. “ I’ll show yo u where the fish come from, if you like.”They went down some stone steps to a place where the sea swished backwards and forwards and the ground lookedas if it was made of gold.5“Look in these pools,” said Daisy.The fish were hard to catch.”You could take your stockings off,” said Daisy, “and use them for nets.”It was nice without shoes and stockings on. It was even nicer once Princess Pip had taken off her coat and crown.The fish looked very cross at being caught,so Princess Pip let them go.“It’s not too bad here,” said Princess Pip,at last. “ I want to stay here all the time.”“Let’s build a sandcastle, then,” said Daisy.“A sand HOUSE,” said Princess Pip.It was hard work, but they built a huge house, with a moat all around.Soon the sea came in and filled the moat.“That’s just right.”said Princess Pip. “Make it stop coming in now,Daisy.”But the sea kept on coming in............ and soon it had washed their house FLAT.“ We built our house too close to the sea,”said Daisy, sadly.“STUPIDSEA!”shouted Princess Pip. “STUPID SEASIDE! I WANT TO GO HOME!”4 Riding the dragonPrincess Pip and Daisy put on their shoes and picked uptheir backpacks.“I’m tired,”said Princess Pip, very soon. “ I want to ride Dobbin. Are we nearly home, yet?”“Why don’t you rid e one of the horses on that merry-go-round?” suggested Daisy.“Oh, no,”said Princess Pip. “ I’m going to ride that dragon.”The dragon went very fast, and there was lots of exciting music--but then it all stopped. Everyone got off.“But....we’restill here!” said Princess Pip, crossly, as she got off ,too.“At least it wasn’t boring,” said Daisy.“I WANT TO GO HOME!” shouted Princess Pip.“At least it was fun,” said Daisy. “Everything is fun here because it’s a FUN-fair.”Princess Pip sniffed. “ What’s fun about it?” she asked.“I’ll show you,” said Daisy.They went down the roller coaster.Then they went UP and UP and ....DOWN again.“AARRRRGH!” yelled Princess Pip and Daisy.“Let’s go on it again,” said Princess Pip.“ Tomorrow, perhaps,” said Daisy, who ha d gone very pale.“BUT I WANT...” began Princess Pip.“Hello!” said a voice.It was the King. The Queen was with him.“Where’s Princess Pip?” the King asked Daisy.“Here !” said Princess Pip.The King and the Queen stared at her.“You can’t be Pip!” the Queen gasped. “You’re all dirty,and you have no stockings!”“ButIam!”saidPrincessPip,andputonhercrowntoproveit. “Look!It’sme,andI’vefoundaplace wheretheground is made of gold!Come and see.”Daisy and Princess Pip showed them the beach.“ Good heavens!”said the King. “How wonderful! It’s just the color of money.”“What a perfect place for my sun chair,”said the Queen.The beach was a perfect place for picnics and games, and races, too. Everyone loved it.Then one day the King said: “ What a pity we have to go home tomorrow.”Princess Pip scowled, and she said...“I don’t want to go home”6。
7_01 刺猬女孩艾蜜

(参见英文教案TeachingNotes)四、课堂教学基本步骤1.导入(Lead-in):启发学生思考教师提出关于刺猬的问题,请学生自由回答:DoyouknowhedgehogsHaveyoueverseenhedgehogsbeforeWhatdotheylooklike(展示图片,见课件)Whatdotheyeat(Hedgehogsenjoyfruit,vegetables,dogfoodandpests.)Whatelsedoyouknowabouthedgehogs (Theyusuallycomeoutatnightpartlybecausethecreaturestheyeatareactiveatnight.Theyalwayshibernatet osurvivethefreezingwinter.)教师简要总结,引导学生回到故事情境:Inthisstory,AmytheHedgehogGirl,Amywasanamazinggirl.Whywasshecalledthehedgehoggirl WhatwasherstorywithhedgehogsFirstlet’sretellthestoryandfindmoreabouther.2.复述(Retelling):关注内容与语言表达的准确性,锻炼学生连贯表达思想的能力将学生分成若干小组复述故事。
Amy the Hedgehog Girl课本剧

《典范英语》8-1Amy the Hedgehog Girl刺猬女孩艾蜜编剧:洛阳第二外国语学校Characters:M-Mom A-Amy N- Narrator P- Peck A1- Audience 1A2- Audience 2Props: 3 hedgehogs, dog food, spray gun, apron, plastics eggs, bowl, wire whipper, headset, dressing gown, a torch, 3 medals. Peck’ssign, a small bucket to hold coins, and coins.Scene I(At home. Mum is busy in the kitchen. She is cracking some eggs and starting to whip them in the bowl. Amy rushed in, panting)M: Hi! Dear, how was school?A:(Loudly and excitedly)It was great! A lady gave us a talk on wildlife and she showed us a hedgehog. (Slower) I am going to become a hedgehog ... (swallow) expert.M: (puzzled)A what?A: (Proudly) A hedgehog expert! Someone who knows all~~~~ about hedgehogs.M:(Smiling)That's good. You'll need to go to the library and see if you can find some books.A: (Realizes and looks down) Oh dear, I’ll have to see Mr. Peck.Scene 2(In Library. Mr. Peck is sittingbehind his desk, looking at Amy over his glasses, frowning and pursing. Meantime, Amywalks in cautiously.)A: Good afternoon Mr. Peck.(Mr. Peck says nothing, and keeps staring at Amy who starts looking along the shelves, and throwing a peek or two at Peck.)P:(Stands up slowly) WHAT ARE you DOING?A: (Jumps, looks scared) I... I... I am looking for a book about animals.P: Animals? Indeed.(Sniffs and starts walking slowly along the shelf) What sort of animals? Tame animals? Wild animals?Animals from Africa? India? Britain?A: (Cuts in) Hedgehogs!P:(Loud) Hedgehogs? The VERY worst animals there are? They dig up vegetables and bite lumps out of them. (He pulls a book from the shelves.) If you must study the horrid things, THIS is the best I can do.A: Thank you!P: Make sure you bring it back on time. And don't you dare bring hedgehogs into our garden. Your garden is next to mine, don't forget. If I see a hedgehog near my carrots, do you know what I am going to do?A: No....?P: I'm going to squirt it with my spray gun! (Takes out a spray gun.)Scene 3(Garden. Amy wears a headset, making the hedgehog noise, and then starts talking to herself) A: I'm talking hedgehog! I wish I knew what I was saying. I really need a hedgehog to help me. (Starts searching) I'm sure there is one here in the garden. If I make hedgehog noises, perhaps it will hear me! (Starts making the hedgehog noise again. She stops to listen, nothing happened. Then she tried again. A cat came into the garden.)A: I'm going to keep trying. I'm sure I can do it!Scene 4(Home. Mom is folding some clothes when Amy came in, trying to sneak behind her.)M: Amy? (Amy stops, and mom turns to her.) Where did you go honey?A: I was in the garden, mom.M: What were you doing out there?A:(Playing naughty.) Um.. Wait and see.(There is a knock on the door. Mom goes to get thedoor and Amy sneaks away.)(Mr. Peck comes in his dressing gown)M: Good evening, Mr. Peck. What's the matter? (Amy sneaks back.)P: Mrs. Harris, every night when I have my bath I can hear a noise. It seems to be coming from your garden. (Amy giggled behind her hand.)M: Noise?P: Yes, some sort of animal. ( He leans towards Mrs Harris) I'd put poison down if Iwere you. That is the only way to deal with animals. (He leaves. Mrs. Harris leaves, too, shaking her head and looks puzzled.)A: Haha, Mr Peck thought I was an animal. That means, I am really good! I am going to try one more time!(Amy goes down on her knees and begins to make her hedgehog sounds. A hedgehog appears. Amy looks thrilled. They snort and squeak at each other. Then Peck comes with a torch. Amy looks up in surprise, and the hedgehog rolls into a ball.)P: What's going on?A:(Standing up) I'm chatting to a hedgehog.P: You cheeky young thing. Talking to hedgehogs indeed.(Looking around.)A: Excuse me...P:(Cutting in) And what's more, hedgehogs are dirty little beasts and they eat up all the vegetables in my garden.A:(Crossly) Rubbish! Hedgehogs are not dirty. And they don't eat vegetables. They eat slugs and snails. Now, if you don't mind, I was talking to a hedgehog.(Peck is shocked, and his eyes are wide open. Amy snorts to the hedgehog, and it unrolled slowly. Peck's mouth drops open, and then shows a sly look.)P: How often have you been doing this, dear?A: Never before. But from now on, I'll be here every night.( Starts leaving)P: (leaving too.) Hm, you're going to be here every night, you say.Scene 5(Amy sees Peck standing at the board. P covers it with a Jacket.)(Garden. Amy comes with mom.)A: Mom, come on! I'll show you the hedgehog.( Amy goes down on her knees and begins to snort. Two hedgehogs come, squeaking. Audience come, standing behind them.)M:(Whispering) What are you talking about?A: Slugs.(The audience look amazed. Someone says, 'Wow!' Mom and Amy look up.)P:( Standing out) I've asked a few friends over. I hope you don't mind.A:(Cross, then proud.) You may watch. But please don't talk or make a noise. AND, no photos.A1: What were you talking about, hedgehog girl?A: They told me about their young. Then they told me why they curl up into a ball. And, where to find the tastiest grubs. Oh, and they told me where they are going to sleep for the winter.M: (Hugging Amy) You are fantastic! Come in and I'll make you a nice hot drink.P: Yes! Yes! Yes! In you go. I'm sure you must be very tired. (He pushes the mother and daughter. Amy looks thoughtful. Peck turns and collects money)A2:(To Mr Peck)It was worth a pound of anybody's money. (Amy stops.)P: Ssh! (Looking around and sitting around a table with the audience.)A:( Takes the jacket off the board and reads) See the amazing Hedgehog Girl. Admission only £1.00.Tea and biscuits. (Turns around, looks cross) What a nerve! (Smiles) I know how to fix you, Mr peck.(Walks to the table.)Ladies and gentlemen. There is something I must tell you. All the money you have given tonight is going to a hospital to look after sick hedgehogs.(Everyone claps and nods their head.) P:( Looks angry.)Errrrrr.A: Not only that, but Mr. Peck has agreed that for every pound that you give tonight, he will give another pound of his own money. A big hand for Mr Peck! (Everyone claps again and cheers)A1:( Gives a nudge on Peck's shoulder) Good for you! ( Peck smiles.)Scene 6(Garden)N: This is not the end of the story. Amy feels rather sorry for Mr. Peck. After she sends the money to the hedgehog hospital, she asked the hedgehogs to patrol Mr.Pack's garden. She told them to make sure that no more of his vegetables were eaten by slugs. A few weeks Later, Mr. Peck won third prize for his marrows, runner beans and carrots at the local show.P:(Leans on the fence and waves to Amy, 3 medals in hand.) Hi, it's all thanks to the hedgehogs. I wish I had known before how useful they are.( hands over a paper bag.) I have just got some new books about hedgehogs in the library. I read that they adore dog food.(Hedgehogs come, squeaking)What are they saying?A: Well, hedgehogs are a little hard to understand when they have their mouth full. But I think they are saying thanks for the dog food.P: Haha, I should think so too. I paid a lot of money for the dog food. And could you teachthem not to speak with their mouth full? It is so rude.( They start to leave.)A: I'll try.(Amy turns to wave and smile at the hedgehogs, and the hedgehogs squeak and wave back.)。

• 刺猬的谈话 艾蜜坐在自己的房间里,用她自己的立体声耳机一遍又一遍地听着刺猬的声音。艾蜜 自己也重复着刺猬声。 “我在和刺猬谈话,”艾蜜想着:“我很想知道他们在说什么”。我真的需要一只刺 猬来帮助我。我很确定花园里就有一只。如果我发出刺猬声的话,它们可能会听到的。 于是艾蜜跑进花园,然后尽可能大地发出刺猬声。 他停下来然后去听,但是并没有刺猬回应啊。艾蜜再次尝试。但是只有一只猫来到了 花园。 “我会继续尝试的,”艾蜜说,“我确信我可以做到”。最后,艾蜜得了感冒,于是 就回屋里去了。 第二天晚上艾蜜又尝试了一次。就这样她坚持了一个星期。 “你在外面做什么呢?”Harris太太问女儿。 “等待和观察”,艾米说。 就在这时,门铃响了。来的是Peck先生。他穿着睡衣站在门口。艾蜜注意到Peck先生 的头发湿了。 “Harris太太,”Peck先生说:“每天晚上当我洗澡的时候,我都会听到一个噪声。 它好像来自于你的花园。” 艾蜜捂着嘴咯咯咯地笑了。 “噪声?”Harris疑问道。 “某类动物的”,Peck先生说:“我如果是你的话,就会撒点农药。这是对付动物的 唯一方法了。”
• 卑鄙的Peck先生 当艾蜜冲进屋的时候,她的妈妈正在厨房里。 “在学校怎么样啊?”Harris太太问艾蜜,希望艾蜜像往常一样回答说“很好”。 “太棒了”艾蜜大叫。“一位女士讲了关于野生动物的课,并给我们展示了一只刺猬 。我要打算成为一个刺猬研究专家”。 “一个什么?”Harris太太问道。 “一个刺猬专家,一个知道刺猬的一切的人”。 “那很好啊”Harris太太说,“你应该去图书馆看看能不能找到相关的书籍”。 “噢,天哪”艾蜜抱怨道:“那我就不得不去见Peck先生了”。 Peck先生是孩子们的图书管理员。他是一个小气而且卑鄙的人。他经常住在艾蜜的 隔壁房间。 当艾蜜到达图书馆的时候,图书馆几乎没有人。艾蜜顺着书架看,试着找到一本关于 刺猬的书。 “你在干什么呢?”一个严厉的声音从艾蜜身后发出。 艾蜜吓的魂都丢了。 “我在找一本关于动物的书籍” “动物,真的吗?(表示怀疑和讽刺)”,Peck显示嗤之以鼻。“什么种类的动物 啊?驯养动物?野生动物?来自哪的动物呢?非洲?印度?英国?” “是刺猬”,艾米回答说。 “刺猬!”Peck先生大叫,“这最坏的动物,它们掘起蔬菜,并咬下一大块”。

Amy the Hedgehogs GirlMiserable Mr Peck |Her mum was in the kitche n whe n Amy rushed in.‘ How was school? ' asked Mrs Harris, expecting the usual answer, ‘ OK.'‘ Itwas great, cried Amy. ‘ Alady gave us a talk on wildlife and she showed us a hedgehog expert.'‘ A what? ' said Mrs Harris.‘ A hedgehog expert. Some one who knows all about hedgehogs. '‘ That ' s goodjd Mrs Harris. ‘ You' ll need to go the library and see if you can find some books.'‘ Oldear, Amy groa ned. 'I' ll have to see Mr Peck. 'Mr Peck was t he children ' s librarian. He was a mean and miserable sort of person. He also lived n ext door to Amy.The library was almost empty when Amy arrived. She looked along the shelves, trying tofind a book on hedgehogs.'What are you doing? ' snapped a hoteibeAmy n early jumped out of her socks. It was Mr Peck.'I was looking for a book about animals. ''Animals, indeed, ' sniffed Mr Peck. ' What sort of animals? Tame animals? Wild animals?Ani mals from Africa? In dia? Britai n? ''Hedgehogssaid Amy.'Hedgehogs! ' bawled Mr Peck. ' The very worst animals there are. They dig up vegetables and bite lumps out of them. 'He pulled a book from the shelves.'If you must study the horrid things,this is the best I can do. ''Thank you, said Amy politely.'Makesure you bring it back on time. And don' you dare bring hedgehogs into your garde n. Your garde n is n ext to mine, do n' t forget. If I see a hedgehog near my carrots, do you know what I am going to do? ' 'No,s'id Amy.'I ' m going to squirt it with my spray gun. 'At home, Amy read the book on hedgehogs. She found out that they ate slugs and sn ails.The book didn ' t say anything about vegetables.The next day she took the book back to the library.‘ What' s this? ' said Mr Peck. ‘ This book is not due back for another twenty days.‘ But I ' ve read it, ' said Amy. ‘ Have you got any more books about hedgehogs?‘ Over there,snapped Mr Peck, pointing with his nose.Amy walked slowly along the shelves. Where were the books about ani mals? She was just about to risk asking Mr Peck, when she saw something. It was an old cassette tape, called‘ Calls of the Wild ' . It looked as if nobody had ever played it.Amy took it down from the shelf. It was part of a set of animal noises. This was tape nu mber 12 and it was called Hedgehogs.Amy asked Mr Peck if she could borrow the cassette.‘ Olbourse you can, 'he said rudely. ‘ Thoughanybody who wants to listen to horridani mal no ises must be mad. 'He stamped the cassette box.‘ And don ' t forget to rewind the tape. 'Hedgehog talkAmy sat in her room liste ning to the sounds of hedgehogs on her pers onal stereo, over and over aga in. Amy repeated the sounds herself.‘ I ' m talk ing hedgehog, ' thought Amy. 'I wish I knew what I was say in g. I really n eed a hedgehog to help me. I ' m sure there he gardenjriftI make hedgehog noises, perhaps it will hear me. ' Amy ran dow n into the garde n and made hedgehog no ises as loudly as she could.She stopped and listened, but no hedgehogs answered. Amy tried again. But only a cat came into the garde n.'I ' m going to keep tryingsaid Amy.' ' I ' m surnedo it. ' At last she got cold and shewent in doors.The next night Amy tried again. She tried every night for a week.'What are you doing out there? asked MrsHarris.'Wait and see, ' said Amy.Just the n the door bell ran g. It was Mr Peck. He stood at the door in his dress ing gow n.Amy no ticed that his hair was wet.'Mrs Harris, ' said Mr Peck. ' Every night when I have my bath I can hear a noise. It seems to be coming from your garde n. 'Amy giggled beh ind her hand.'Noise? ' said Mrs Harris.‘ Some sort of ani mal, ' said Mr Peck. 'I' d put pois on dovTrtniatliswer e goly. way to deal with ani mals. 'As soon as Mr Peck had gone, Amy dashed out into the garden. ‘ Mr Peck thought I was an animal, ' she said to herself. ' I ' m going to try one more time. 'Amy went dow n on her kn ees and bega n to make her hedgehog sounds aga in.Almost at once there was a rustling noise and a hedgehog lumbered onto the lawn. Amy was delighted. The hedgehog and Amy snorted and squeaked at each other.Sudde nly a torch beam sho ne in their eyes.'What' s going on? ' said a voice. It was Mr Peck, still in his dressing gown. The hedgehog rolled into a ball.'I ' m chatting to a hedgehog, ' said Amy.'You cheeky young thing. Talk ing to hedgehogs in deed. ''Excuse me —egan Amy.'And what ' s morAr Peck cut in, ‘ hedgehogs are dirty little beasts and they eat up allthe vegetables in my garde n. ''Rubbish!sdid Amy crossly. ' Hedgehogare not dirty. And they don ' eat vegetables. They eat slugs and snails. Now, if you don ' t mind, I was talking to a hedgehog. ' Mr Peck was too shocked to an swer. His mouth dropped ope n as Amy sn orted gen tly to the hedgehog. Slowly it un rolled.A sly look crept across Mr Peck ' s face.'How often have you been doing this,my dear? ' he asked.'Never before, ' said Amy. ' But from now on, I ' ll be every night. ''Hm,' said Mr Peck. ' You' re going to be here every night, you say. 'The amazing hedgehog girlWhen Amy came home from school the n ext day, Mr Peck was in his front drive. He wasfixing a large board to the gate. As soon as he saw Amy, he threw his coat over it.Amy had promised to show her mum the hedgehog. It was gett ing dark whe n they stepped into the garde n to see her hedgehog friend.Amy went dow n on her kn ees and bega n to sn ort. This time two hedgehogs came up to her.'What are you talking about? ' whispered Mrs Harris.'Slugs.'There was a sound from n ext door. Amy sho ne her torch towards the fence. There were people stari ng into her garde n. They all had their mouths ope n.One pers on stood out. It was Mr Peck.'I' ve asked a few friends over, ' he said smoothly. 'I hope you don ' t mind.Amy was cross, but she also felt rather proud that so many people had come to see her.'You may wadth. But please don ' t talk or make a noise. And no photos. ' The people no dded.Amy went dow n on her kn ees and sn orted once more.This time three more hedgehogs came up. Amy man aged to tell the hedgehogs that they had nothing to fear. The people just wan ted to see how clever they were. Amy and the hedgehogs talked and played together.As soon as the hedgehogs had gone, the people beh ind the fence bega n to clap and cheer.Of course they wan ted to know what Amy and the hedgehogs had bee n talk ing about.'Theyold me about their young. Then they told me why they curl up into a ball. And where to find the tastiest grubs. Oh, and they told me where they are going to sleep for the wi nter.'Mrs Harris hugged Amy.'You were fantastic, ' she said. ' Come in and I ' ll make you a nice hot drink.'Yes. In you go, ' said Mr Peck cheerily. ' I ' m sure you must be very tired.There was something strange about Mr Peck. He had never said anything kind to Amy before. Then she heard an odd no ise. It was the sound of coins being dropped into a box.'It was worth a pound of an ybody ' s mon ey, ' she heard some one say.'Ssh, ' said Mr Peck.Then Amy remembered the board that Mr Peck had bee n fixing to his front gate. Why hadMr Peck tried to hide it? Amy rushed round to the front of the house. There on the board in large letters it said: ' What a nerve, ' said Amy. Then a smile crept across her face.to fix you, Mr Peck.'She raced round to Mr Peck ' s garden. Some of the people were still enjoying a cup of tea and biscuits.Before Mr Peck could stop her, she said, Ladies and gentlemen. There is something I must tell you. All the money you have give n toni ght is going to a hedgehog hospital to look after sick hedgehogs. ' Every one clapped and no dded their heads. Every one except Mr Peck. His face went bright red and he made a stra nge splutteri ng no ise.'Not only that, ' went on Amy, ' but Mr Peck has agreed that for every pound that you give toni ght, he will give ano ther pound of his own mon ey.Every one clapped aga in and cheered. Mr Peck went a very pale colour. Somehow he man aged a smile.Before he could say anything, Amy said, And I am happy to say that the hospital has asked me to take the money for them. 'She held out her hand. Gloomily, Mr peck passed the box over to Amy. |Then, an eve n gloomier look spread across his face as he dug into his pocket and pulled out two tenpound notes. ‘ A big hand for Mr Peck, ' said Amy.This is not quite the end of the story. Amy felt rather sorry for Mr Peck.After she had sent the money to the hedgehog hospital, she asked the hedgehogs to patrolMr Peck ' s garden. She told them to make sure that no more of his vegetables were eaten by slugs.A few weeks later, Mr Peck won third prize for his marrows, runner beans and carrots atthe local show.That evening he leaned over the fence to show Amy his three prizes.'It ' s all thanks to those hedgehogs, ' he said. 'I wish I had known before how usef are. I ' ve bought them a present. ' He handed her one tin of dog food.'I ' ve just got some new books about hedgehogs in the library. I read that th^ adore dog food, ' he explained.A group of hedgehogs were soon busy tuck ing in. Amy kn elt dow n beside them.'What are they say in g? ' asked Mr Peck.'Well, ' said Amy. ' Hedgehogs are a bit hard to understand when they have their mouths full. But I think they are say ing tha nks for the dog food. ''I should think so too, ' said Mr Peck. ' I paid a lot of money for that tin. And could you teach them not to speak with their mouths full? It is so rude. ' 'I ' ll try, ' said Amy.She looked at the hedgehogs and smiled.It seemed to her that they smiled back.。
刺猬女孩艾蜜 Amy the hedgehog girl-sy-典范英语(课堂PPT)

Appreciate sentences:
1.Amy made hedgehog noises as loudly as she could.s12
2. At last she got cold and she went indoors.12
3. The noise seems to be coming from your gto the sounds of hedgehogs on her personal stereo over and over again. And she repeated the sounds herself. 2. Amy made the hedgehog noises as loudly as she could every day for a week. 3. Because he thought an animal went into Amy's house and made noises every night. 4. Amy was very kind and gentle to it. She went down on her knees to make hedgehogs noises. She and the hedgehogs snorted and squeaked at each other.
7. Mr. Peck was too shocked to answer.18
Chapter 3 The amazing hedgehog girl
Mr.Peck tried to make money out of Amy and the hedgehogs.
Chapter 3 The amazing hedgehog girl

-----Amy the Hedgehogs GirlMiserable Mr PeckHer mum was in the kitchen when Amy rushed in.‘How was school?’asked Mrs Harris, expecting the usual answer,‘OK.’‘It was great,’cried Amy.‘A lady gave us a talk on wildlife and she showed us a hedgehog expert.’‘A what?’said Mrs Harris.‘A hedgehog expert. Someone who knows all about hedgehogs.’‘That’sgood,’said Mrs Harris.‘You’llneed to go the library and see if you can find some books.’Oh‘dear, ’Amy groaned.‘I’llhave to see Mr Peck.’Mr Peck was the children’slibrarian. He was a mean and miserable sort of person. He also lived next door to Amy.The library was almost empty when Amy arrived. She looked along the shelves, trying to find a book on hedgehogs.‘What are you doing?’snapped a voice behind her.Amy nearly jumped out of her socks. It was Mr Peck.‘Iwas looking for a book about animals.’‘Animals , indeed,’sniffed Mr Peck.‘What sort of animals? Tame animals? Wild animals? Animals from Africa? India?Britain? ’‘Hedgehogs,’said Amy.‘Hedgehogs!’bawled Mr Peck.‘The very worst animals there are. They dig up vegetables and bite lumps out of them.’He pulled a book from the shelves.‘If you must study the horrid things,this is the best I can do.’‘Thank you, said Amy politely.‘Make sure you bring it back on time. And don’tyou dare bring hedgehogs into your garden. Your garden is next to mine,don ’tforget. If I see a hedgehogs near my carrots, do you know what I am going to do?’‘No,’said Amy.‘I’m going to squirt it with my spray gun.’At home, Amy read the book on hedgehogs. She found out that they ate slugs and snails. The book didn’tsay anything about vegetables.The next day she took the book back to the library.‘What’s this?’said Mr Peck.‘This book is not due back for another twenty days.’‘But I’ve read it,’said Amy.‘Have you got any more books about hedgehogs?’Over‘there, ’snapped Mr Peck,pointing with his nose.Amy walked slowly along the shelves. Where were the books about animals? She was just about to rist asking Mr Peck,when she saw something. It was an old cassette tape, called‘Calls of the Wild’.It looked as if nobody had ever played it.Amy took it down from the shelf. It was part of a set of animal noises. This was tape number 12 and it was calledHedgehogs.Amy asked Mr Peck if she could borrow the cassette.‘Of course you can,’he said rudely.‘Though anybody who wants to listen to horrid animal noises must be mad.’Hestamped the cassette box.‘And don’tforget to rewind the tape.’Hedgehog talkAmy sat in her room listening to the sounds of hedgehogs on her personal stereo, over and over again. Amy repeatedthe sounds herself.‘I’m talking hedgehog,’thought Amy.‘Iwish I knew what I was saying. I really need a hedgehog to help me. I’m surethere ’sone in the garden. If I make hedgehog noises, perhaps it will hear me.’Amy ran down into the garden and made hedgehog noises as loudly as she could.She stopped and listened,but no hedgehogs answered. Amy tried again. Bnt only a cat came into the garden.1----‘I’m going to keep trying,’said Amy.‘I’m sure Ican do it.’At last she got cold and she went indoors.The next night Amy tried again. She tried every night for a week.‘What are you doing out there?’asked Mrs Harris.‘Wait and see,’said Amy.Just then the door bell rang. It was Mr Peck. He stood at the door in his dressing gown. Amy noticed that his hairwas wet.‘Mrs Harris,’said Mr Peck.‘Every night when I have my bath I can hear a noise. It seems to be coming from your garden.’Amy giggled behind her hand.‘Noise?’said Mrs Harris.‘Some sort of animal,’said Mr Peck.‘I’d put poison down if I were you.That is the only way to deal with animals.’As soon as Mr Peck had gone,Amy dashed out into the garden.‘Mr Peck thought I was an animal,’she said to herself.‘I’m going to try one more time.’Amy went down on her knees and began to make her hedgehog sounds again.Almost at once there was a rustling noise and a hedgehog lumbered onto the lawn. Amy was delighted.The hedgehog and Amy snorted and squeaked at each other.Suddenly a torch beam shone in their eyes.‘What’s going on?’said a voice. It was Mr Peck, still in his dressing gown. The hedgehog rolled into a ball.‘I’m chatting to a hedgehog,’said Amy.‘You cheeky young thing. Talking to hedgehogs indeed.’‘Excuse me—‘began Amy.‘And what’smore,’Mr Peck cut in,‘hedgehogs are dirty little beasts and they eat up all the vegetables in my garden.’‘Rubbish!’said Amy crossly.‘Hedgehogs are not dirty. And they don’teat vegetables. They eat slugs and snails. Now,if youdon ’tmind, I was talking to a hedgehog. ’Mr Peck was too shocked to answer. His mouth dropped open as Amy snorted gently to the hedgehog. Slowly it unrolled.A sly look crept across Mr Peck’sface.‘How often have you been doing this, my dear?’he asked.‘Never before,’said Amy.‘But from now on, I’llbe every night.’‘Hm,’said Mr Peck.‘You’re going to be here every night, you say.’The amazing hedgehog girlWhen Amy came home from school the next day,Mr Peck was in his front drive. He was fixing a large board to the gate.As soon as he saw Amy, he throw his coat over it.Amy had promised to show her mum the hedgehog. It was getting dark when they stepped into the garden tosee her hedgehog friend.Amy went down on her knees and began to snort. This time two hedgehogs came up to her.‘What are you talking about?’whispered Mrs Harris.‘Slugs.’There was a sound from next door. Amy shone her torch towards the fence. There were people staring into her garden.They all had their mouths open.One person stood out. It was Mr Peck.‘I’ve asked a few friends over,’he said smoothly.‘Ihope you don’tmind.’Amy was cross, but she also felt rather proud that so many people had come to see her.‘You may wath. But please don’t talk or make a noise. And no photos.’The people nodded.Amy went down on her knees and snorted once moer.This time three more hedgehogs came up. Amy managed to tell the hedgehogs that they had nothing to fear. Thepeople just wanted to see how clever they were. Amy and the hedgehogs talked and played together.2-----As soon as the hedgehogs had gone, the people behind the fence began to clap and cheer. Of course they wantedto know what Amy and the hedgehogs had been talking about.‘They told me about their young. Then they told me why they curl up into a ball. And where to find the tastiest grubs.Oh,and they told me where they are going to sleep for the winter.’Mrs Harris hugged Amy.‘You were fantastic,’she said.‘Come in and I’llmake you a nice hot drink.’ ‘Yes.In you go,’said Mr Peck cheerily.‘I’m sure you must be very tired.’There was something strange about Mr Peck. He had never said anything kind to Amy before. Then she heardan odd noise. It was the sound of coins being dropped into a box.‘It was worth a pound of anybody’smoney,’she heard someone say.‘Ssh,’said Mr Peck.Then Amy remembered the board that Mr Peck had been fixing to his front gate. Why had Mr Peck tried to hide it? Amyrushed round to the front of the house. There on the board in large letters it said:‘What a nerve,’said Amy. Then a smile crept across her face.‘Iknow how to fix you,Mr Peck.’She raced round to Mr Peck’sgarden. Some of the people were still enjoying a cup of tea and biscuits.Before Mr Peck could stop her, she said,’Ladies and gentlemen. There is something I must tell you. All the money youhave given tonight is going to a hedgehog hospital to look after sick hedgehogs.’Everyone clapped and nodded their heads. Everyone except Mr Peck. His face went bright red and he made astrange spluttering noise.‘Not only that,’went on Amy,‘but Mr Peck has agreed that for every pound that you give tonight, he will give anotherpound of his own money.’Everyone clapped again and cheered. Mr Peck went a very pale colour. Somehow he managed a smile.Before he could say anything, Amy said, ’And I am happy to say that the hospital has asked me to take the money forthem. ’She held out her hand. Gloomily, Mr peck passed the box over to Amy.Then, an even gloomier look spread across his face as he dug into his pocket and pulled out two ten pound notes.‘A big hand for Mr Peck,’said Amy.This is not quite the end of the story. Amy felt rather sorry for Mr Peck.After she had sent the money to the hedgehog hospital, she asked the hedgehogs to patrol Mr Peck’s garden. She told them to make sure that no more of his vegetables were eaten by slugs.A few weeks later, Mr Peck won third prize for his marrows, runner beans and carrots at the local show.That evening he leaned over the fence to show Amy his three prizes.‘It’sall thanks to those hedgehogs,’he said.‘Iwish I had known before how useful they are. I’ve bought them a present.’He handed her one tin of dog food.‘I’ve just got some new books about hedgehogs in the library. I read that they abore dog food,’he explained.A group of hedgehogs were soon busy tucking in. Amy knelt down beside them.‘What are they saying?’asked Mr Peck.‘Well,’said Amy.‘Hedgehogs are a bit hard to understand when they have their mouthsfull. But I think they are sayingthanks for the dog food. ’‘Ishould think so too,’said Mr Peck.‘Ipaid a lot of money for that tin. And could you teach them not to speak with theirmouths full? It is so rude. ’‘I’lltry,’said Amy.She looked at the hedgehogs and smiled.It seemed to her that they smiled back.3----Coming CleanOld Baggy-PantsDerek and Janey were eating jam roly-poly in the hall and talking about Mr Such’strousers. Mr Such was their teacher and he wore the same trousers to school, day in and day out.‘They’re so crumpled and baggy,’Janey said.‘And grubby and thick,’said Derek.‘Like a pair of old dish-cloths.’‘And he wears them all the time.’‘Idon’tthink he’sgot any others.’‘Old Baggy-Pants, that’swhat he is,’Derek added,sticking his fork into his jam roly-poly.‘Iwish he’d get some new ones,’Janey sighed.At that moment Old Baggy-pants himself came into the hall. Janey’smouth fell open and Derek could see the mashed up jam roly-poly inside.‘What’s up?’he said.Janey blinked and pointed. There was Mr Such in a brand new suit. A spotless white suit without a crease in it. Everyonein the hall stopped eating and stared at him.‘Carry on,everyone,’said Mr Such, a bit red in the face.‘Carry on eating.’‘Wow!’said Derek, leaning across his plate.‘He looks so different.’‘He looks smart,’said Janey firmly.‘And about time, too.’Later that afternoon Janey’s class trooped back into the hall for P .E.‘Ilike the suit, sir,’Janey told Mr Such as they filed in.‘Thank you, Janey. It’sfor Parents’Evening, really.’‘Parents’Evening?’‘Yes, I have to look my best for that, don’tI?’‘But that’snot till Monday, Mr Such,’Derek said.‘Iknown that, Derek. I’m just getting used to it.’While they were talking. Mrs Venn came out of the kitchen with a bowl of custard in her arms.She was so shocked to see Mr Such in his bright new suit she gave a little jump.’Oh my gosh!’she cried.She grabbed one of the hall curtains to steady herself. The custard looped into the air, straight for Mr Such. Dereksaw it coming and stepped smartly in the way. The custard wobbled through the air and flopped againstDerek;s vest. Everyone fell silent. Derek stood there, looking sad and stunned. And covered in cold custard.‘Well done, Derek,’said Mr Such.‘You’d saved my brand new suit.’ Derek triedto smile but by then the custard was oozing into his shorts. After break, Mr Suchchanged back into his dish-cloth trousers.‘Please keep clear of this,’he said, hanging his new suit on the cupboard door.‘Keep well clear.’A Lovely green colourThe last lesson of the day was art. They had to paint interesting faces. Janey was doing a monster. She put blood-shotbits in his eyes, a bolt through his neck and green stuff coming out of his nose. She was pleased with the green sthff, butshe ’d mixed up too much. She asked Derek if he wanted some.‘Idon’tneed any green stuff, Janey,’he said .‘I’m doing a footballer.’‘Well, he could have green stuff coming out of his nose, couldn’the?’she said.‘No,’said Derek.’He couldn’t.’‘You’d could use it for the background. Like grass.’Mr Such4-----Princess Pip’ s Holiday1 Ready to goEveryone in Princess Pip ’s castlewas very busy. The King was polishing his money, the Queen was choosing sunhats, and the maids were running around with piles of vests.“ Can I take Dobbin on holiday?” asked Princess Pip.“I ’ m afraidthere won’t be roomfor a pony on the coach ,” said the Queen.“Oh, ” said the Princess Pip.“Can Amanda and Bert come,then?”“There ‘s no room for snakes,”said the King,“not even pet ones.”Princess Pip scowled .“ This holiday is going to be BORING,” she said.They went on holiday in their best gold coach.“Wave toall the people, dear,” said the Queen.Princess Pip folded her arms .“ I‘m on holiday,” she said.“Are we nearly there yet?”“We won ’t be there for a long time,” said the Queen. firmlyIt did take a long time to get to the seaside. The coach got very hot, and Princess Pip didn’t feel very well.“Here we are,at last! ”said the King happily.“But it’ s a castle!” said Princess Pip.“Just like home.It’s BORING.”2 Just like homeThere was a girl waiting by the castle door.“This is Daisy,”said the Queen.“She is going to yl ooku,Pipafter.”Daisy showed Princess Pip her room.“I don ’t want a four-poster bed!” said Princess Pip.“ That’ s just like home.”“You can sleep on my straw mattress, then,” said Daisy.“ I’ll have the bed.”“Oh, all right.”said Princess Pip.That evening there was a banquet and it went on for hours.“More sprouts?”asked the King happilyThis. is BORING,” said the Princess Pip.“Nonsense( 胡说 ),dear, ”said the Queen.“ It can’ t be boring. We’ re on holiday!”“ I WANT TO GO HOME! ” said Princess Pip, the next day. She had been walking round the castle walls all morning andshe hadn’ t found anything to do.“But we ’re having a wonderful time,” said the Queen,from her sun chair.“Just look at the way my money shines in the sun,” said the King.“Wonderful! ”“ But it ’s BORING! ” said Princess Pip.“Why don ’ t you go and talk to Daisy?” suggestedtheQueen.Princess Pip stomped off.“That does it,” she said to Daisy.“GOIWANTHOME!TO”3 The road home“If you stayed here a bit longer,you might start liking the seaside,” said Daisy.But Princess Pip wasn’t listening. She was putting all her important things in her suitcase.“I think we’ ll have to take some things out,aid Daisy.”sDaisy found them both backpacks, and they set out for home.Princess Pip and Daisy went across the drawbridge and along the road.It was very hot.“Let ’s have a nice,cool snack,” said Daisy.So they got some fish sticks from a stall.“These aren ’t bad, ” admitted Princess Pip.“They taste best by the seaside,” said Daisy.“ I’ll show you where the fish come from, if you like.”They went down some stone steps to a place where the sea swished backwards and forwards and the groundlooked as if it was made of gold.5----“Look in these pools,” said Daisy.The fish were hard to catch.”You could take your stockings off,” said Daisy,“ and use them for nets.”It was nice without shoes and stockings on. It was even nicer once Princess Pip had taken off her coat and crown.The fish looked very cross at being caught,so Princess Pip let them go.“It ’ s not too bad here,” said Princess Pip,at last.“ I want to stay here all the time.”“Let ’s build a sandcastle, then,” said Daisy.“A sand HOUSE, ” said Princess Pip.It was hard work, but they built a huge house, with a moat all around.Soon the sea came in and filled the moat.“That ’s just right.”said Princess Pip.“Make it stop coming in now,Daisy.”But the sea kept on coming in............ and soon it had washed their house FLAT.“ We built our house too close to the sea,” said Daisy, sadly.“STUPIDSEA! ”shouted Princess Pip. “STUPID SEASIDE! I WANT TO GO HOME!”4 Riding the dragonPrincess Pip and Daisy put on their shoes and picked up their backpacks.“I ’ m tired,”said Princess Pip, very soon.“ I want to ride Dobbin. Are we nearly home, yet?”“Why don ’ t you ride one of the horses on that merry-go-round?” suggested Daisy.“Oh, no, ”said Princess Pip.“ I’ m going to ride that dragon.”The dragon went very fast, and there was lots of exciting music--but then it all stopped. Everyone got off.“ But....we’ re still here!” said Princess Pip, crossly, as she got off ,too.“At least it wasn ’t boring,” said“ I WANTDaisy. TO GO HOME!” shouted Princess Pip.“At least it was fun,” said Daisy.“Everything is fun here because-fairit.”’ s a FUNPrincess Pip sniffed.“ What’ s fun about it?” she asked.“I ’ ll show you, ” saidTheyDaisywent. down the roller coaster.Then they went UP and UP and ....DOWN again.“AARRRRGH! ” yelled Princess Pip and Daisy.“Let ’s go on it again,” said Princess Pip.“ Tomorrow, perhaps,” said Daisy, who had gone very pale.“BUT I WANT... ” began Princess Pip.“Hello! ” said a voice.It was the King. The Queen was with him.“Where ’s Princess Pip?” the King asked Daisy.“Here ! ” said Princess Pip.The King and the Queen stared at her.“You can ’ t be Pip!” the Queen gasped.“You’re all dirty,and you have no stockings!”“ButI am! ” said Princess Pip, and put on her crown to prove it.“Look!It’s me,and I’ vefound a place where the ground is made of gold!Come and see.”Daisy and Princess Pip showed them the beach.“ Good heavens!”said the King.“How wonderful! It’s just the color of money.”“What a perfect place for my sun chair,” said the Queen.The beach was a perfect place for picnics and games, and races, too. Everyone loved it.Then one day the King said:“ What a pity we have to go home tomorrow.”Princess Pip scowled, and she said...“I don ’t want to go home!!!”6。

Amy the Hedgehogs GirlMiserable Mr PeckHer mum was in the kitchen when Amy rushed in.‘How was school?’asked Mrs Harris, expecting the usual answer,‘OK.’‘It was great,’cried Amy.‘A lady gave us a talk on wildlife and she showed us a hedgehog expert.’‘A what?’said Mrs Harris.‘A hedgehog expert. Someone who knows all about hedgehogs.’‘That’sgood,’said Mrs Harris.‘You’llneed to go the library and see if you can find some books.’ ‘Ohdear,’Amy groaned.‘I’llhave to see Mr Peck.’Mr Peck was the children ’slibrarian. He was a mean and miserable sort of person. He also lived next door to Amy.The library was almost empty when Amy arrived. She looked along the shelves, trying to find a book on hedgehogs.‘What are you doing?’snapped a voice behind her.Amy nearly jumped out of her socks. It was Mr Peck.‘Iwas looking for a book about animals.’‘Animals , indeed,’sniffed Mr Peck.‘What sort of animals? Tame animals? Wild animals? Animals from Africa? India? Britain? ’‘Hedgehogs,’said Amy.‘Hedgehogs!’bawled Mr Peck.‘The very worst animals there are. They dig up vegetables and bite lumps out of them.’ He pulled a book from the shelves.‘If you must study the horrid things,this is the best I can do.’‘Thank you, said Amy politely.‘Make sure you bring it back on time. And don’tyou dare bring hedgehogs into your garden. Your garden is next to mine, don’tforget. If I see a hedgehogs near my carrots, do you know what I am going to do? ’‘No,’said Amy.‘I’m going to squirt it with my spray gun.’At home, Amy read the book on hedgehogs. She found out that they ate slugs and snails. The book didn’tsay anything about vegetables.The next day she took the book back to the library.‘What’s this?’said Mr Peck.‘This book is not due back for another twenty days.’‘But I’ve read it,’said Amy.‘Have you got any more books about hedgehogs?’ ‘Overthere,’snapped Mr Peck,pointing with his nose.Amy walked slowly along the shelves. Where were the books about animals? She was just about to rist asking Mr Peck, when she saw something. It was an old cassette tape, called ‘Calls of the Wild ’.It looked as if nobody had ever played it.Amy took it down from the shelf. It was part of a set of animal noises. This was tape number 12 and it was called Hedgehogs.Amy asked Mr Peck if she could borrow the cassette.‘Of course you can,’he said rudely.‘Though anybody who wants to listen to horrid animal noises must be mad.’ He stamped the cassette box.‘And don’tforget to rewind the tape.’Hedgehog talkAmy sat in her room listening to the sounds of hedgehogs on her personal stereo, over and over again. Amy repeatedthe sounds herself.‘I’m talking hedgehog,’thought Amy.‘Iwish I knew what I was saying. I really need a hedgehog to help me. I’m surethere ’sone in the garden. If I make hedgehog noises, perhaps it will hear me. ’Amy ran down into the garden and made hedgehog noises as loudly as she could.‘I’m going to keep trying,’said Amy.‘I’m sure Ican do it.’At last she got cold and she went indoors.The next night Amy tried again. She tried every night for a week.‘What are you doing out there?’asked Mrs Harris.‘Wait and see,’said Amy.Just then the door bell rang. It was Mr Peck. He stood at the door in his dressing gown. Amy noticed that his hairwas wet.‘Mrs Harris,’said Mr Peck.‘Every night when I have my bath I can hear a noise. It seems to be coming from your garden.’ Amy giggled behind her hand.‘Noise?’said Mrs Harris.‘Some sort of animal,’said Mr Peck.‘I’d put poison down if I were you.That is the only way to deal with animals.’As soon as Mr Peck had gone,Amy dashed out into the garden. ‘Mr Peck thought I was an animal, ’she said to herself. ‘I’m going to try one more time.’Amy went down on her knees and began to make her hedgehog sounds again.Almost at once there was a rustling noise and a hedgehog lumbered onto the lawn. Amy was delighted. Thehedgehog and Amy snorted and squeaked at each other.Suddenly a torch beam shone in their eyes.‘What’s going on?’said a voice. It was Mr Peck, still in his dressing gown. The hedgehog rolled into a ball.‘I’m chatting to a hedgehog,’said Amy.‘You cheeky young thing. Talking to hedgehogs indeed.’‘Excuse me—‘began Amy.‘And what’smore,’Mr Peck cut in,‘hedgehogs are dirty little beasts and they eat up all the vegetables in my garden.’ ‘Rubbish!’said Amy crossly.‘Hedgehogs are not dirty. And they don’teat vegetables. They eat slugs and snails. Now,if you don ’tmind, I was talking to a hedgehog. ’Mr Peck was too shocked to answer. His mouth dropped open as Amy snorted gently to the hedgehog. Slowly it unrolled.A sly look crept across Mr Peck ’sface.‘How often have you been doing this, my dear?’he asked.‘Never before,’said Amy.‘But from now on, I’ll be every night.’‘Hm,’said Mr Peck.‘You’re going to be here every night, you say.’The amazing hedgehog girlWhen Amy came home from school the next day,Mr Peck was in his front drive. He was fixing a large board to the gate.As soon as he saw Amy, he throw his coat over it.Amy had promised to show her mum the hedgehog. It was getting dark when they stepped into the garden to seeher hedgehog friend.Amy went down on her knees and began to snort. This time two hedgehogs came up to her.‘What are you talking about?’whispered Mrs Harris.‘Slugs.’There was a sound from next door. Amy shone her torch towards the fence. There were people staring into her garden. They all had their mouths open.One person stood out. It was Mr Peck.‘I’ve asked a few friends over,’he said smoothly.‘Ihope you don’tmind.’Amy was cross, but she also felt rather proud that so many people had come to see her. ‘You may wath. But please don ’t talk or make a noise. And no photos. ’The people nodded.Amy went down on her knees and snorted once moer.This time three more hedgehogs came up. Amy managed to tell the hedgehogs that they had nothing to fear. TheAs soon as the hedgehogs had gone, the people behind the fence began to clap and cheer. Of course they wantedto know what Amy and the hedgehogs had been talking about.‘They told me about their young. Then they told me why they curl up into a ball. And where to find the tastiest grubs.Oh,and they told me where they are going to sleep for the winter. ’Mrs Harris hugged Amy.‘You were fantastic,’she said.‘Come in and I’llmake you a nice hot drink.’‘Yes. In you go,’said Mr Peck cheerily.‘I’m sure you must be very tired.’There was something strange about Mr Peck. He had never said anything kind to Amy before. Then she heard anodd noise. It was the sound of coins being dropped into a box.‘It was worth a pound of anybody’smoney,’she heard someone say.‘Ssh,’said Mr Peck.Then Amy remembered the board that Mr Peck had been fixing to his front gate. Why had Mr Peck tried to hide it? Amy rushed round to the front of the house. There on the board in large letters it said:‘What a nerve,’said Amy. Then a smile crept across her face. ‘Iknow how to fix you,Mr Peck. ’She raced round to Mr Peck ’sgarden. Some of the people were still enjoying a cup of tea and biscuits.Before Mr Peck could stop her, she said,’Ladies and gentlemen. There is something I must tell you. All the money youhave given tonight is going to a hedgehog hospital to look after sick hedgehogs.’Everyone clapped and nodded their heads. Everyone except Mr Peck. His face went bright red and he made a strange spluttering noise.‘Not only that,’went on Amy,‘but Mr Peck has agreed that for every pound that you give tonight, he will give another pound of his own money. ’Everyone clapped again and cheered. Mr Peck went a very pale colour. Somehow he managed a smile.Before he could say anything, Amy said, ’And I am happy to say that the hospital has asked me to take the money for them.’She held out her hand. Gloomily, Mr peck passed the box over to Amy.Then, an even gloomier look spread across his face as he dug into his pocket and pulled out two ten pound notes.‘A big hand for Mr Peck,’said Amy.This is not quite the end of the story. Amy felt rather sorry for Mr Peck.After she had sent the money to the hedgehog hospital, she asked the hedgehogs to patrol Mr Peck’s garden. She told them to make sure that no more of his vegetables were eaten by slugs.A few weeks later, Mr Peck won third prize for his marrows, runner beans and carrots at the local show.That evening he leaned over the fence to show Amy his three prizes.‘It’sall thanks to those hedgehogs,’he said.‘Iwish I had known before how useful they are. I’ve bought them a present.’He handed her one tin of dog food.‘I’ve just got some new books about hedgehogs in the library. I read that they abore dog food,’he explained.A group of hedgehogs were soon busy tucking in. Amy knelt down beside them.‘What are they saying?’asked Mr Peck.‘Well,’said Amy.‘Hedgehogs are a bit hard to understand when they have their mouthsfull. But I think they are saying thanks for the dog food. ’‘Ishould think so too,’said Mr Peck.‘Ipaid a lot of money for that tin. And could you teach them not to speak with their mouths full? It is so rude. ’‘I’lltry,’said Amy.She looked at the hedgehogs and smiled.It seemed to her that they smiled back.Coming CleanOld Baggy-PantsDerek and Janey were eating jam roly-poly in the hall and talking about Mr Such ’strousers. Mr Such was their teacher and he wore the same trousers to school, day in and day out.‘They’re so crumpled and baggy,’Janey said.‘And grubby and thick,’said Derek.‘Like a pair of old dish-cloths.’‘And he wears them all the time.’‘Idon’tthink he’sgot any others.’‘Old Baggy-Pants, that’swhat he is,’Derek added,sticking his fork into his jam roly-poly.‘Iwish he’d get some new ones,’Janey sighed.At that moment Old Baggy-pants himself came into the hall. Janey ’smouth fell open and Derek could see the mashed up jam roly-poly inside.‘What’s up?’he said.Janey blinked and pointed. There was Mr Such in a brand new suit. A spotless white suit without a crease in it. Everyone in the hall stopped eating and stared at him.‘Carry on,everyone,’said Mr Such, a bit red in the face.‘Carry on eating.’‘Wow!’said Derek, leaning across his plate.‘He looks so different.’‘He looks smart,’said Janey firmly.‘And about time, too.’Later that afternoon Janey ’s class trooped back into the hall for P .E.‘Ilike the suit, sir,’Janey told Mr Such as they filed in.‘Thank you, Janey. It’sfor Parents’Evening, really.’‘Parents’Evening?’‘Yes, I have to look my best for that, don’tI?’‘But that’snot till Monday, Mr Such,’Derek said.‘Iknown that, Derek. I’m just getting used to it.’While they were talking. Mrs Venn came out of the kitchen with a bowl of custard in her arms.She was so shocked to see Mr Such in his bright new suit she gave a little jump.’Oh my gosh!’she cried.She grabbed one of the hall curtains to steady herself. The custard looped into the air, straight for Mr Such.Derek saw it coming and stepped smartly in the way. The custard wobbled through the air and flopped againstDerek;s vest. Everyone fell silent. Derek stood there, looking sad and stunned. And covered in cold custard.‘Well done, Derek,’said Mr Such.‘You’d saved my brand new suit.’Derek tried to smile but by then the custard was oozing into his shorts.After break, Mr Such changed back into his dish-cloth trousers.‘Please keep clear of this,’he said, hanging his new suit on the cupboard door.‘Keep well clear.’A Lovely green colourThe last lesson of the day was art. They had to paint interesting faces. Janey was doing a monster. She put blood-shot bits in his eyes, a bolt through his neck and green stuff coming out of his nose. She was pleased with the green sthff, but she’d mixed up too much. She asked Derek if he wanted some.‘Idon’tneed any green stuff, Janey,’he said .‘I’m doing a footballer.’‘Well, he could have green stuff coming out of his nose, couldn’the?’she said.‘No,’said Derek.’He couldn’t.’‘You’d could use it for the background. Like grass.’Mr SuchPrincess Pip’ s Holiday1 Ready to goEveryone in Princess Pip ’s castlewas very busy. The King was polishing his money, the Queen was choosing sunhats, and the maids were running around with piles of vests.“ Can I take Dobbin on holiday?”asked Princess Pip.“I ’m afraidthere won ’t be roomfor a pony on the coach , ”said the Queen.“Oh, ”said the Princess Pip.“Can Amanda and Bert come,then?”“There ‘s no room for snakes,”said the King,“not even pet ones.”Princess Pip scowled .“This holiday is going to be BORING,” she said.They went on holiday in their best gold coach.“Wave toall the people, dear,” said the Queen.Princess Pip folded her arms .“ I‘m on holiday,” she said.“Are we nearly there yet?”“We won’t be there for a long time,” said the Queen. firmlyIt did take a long time to get to the seaside . The coach got very hot, and Princess Pip didn’t feel very well.“Here we are,at last!” said the King happily.“But it’s a castle!” said Princess Pip.“Just like home.It’s BORING.”2 Just like homeThere was a girl waiting by the castle door.“This is Daisy,”said the Queen.“She is going to yl o oku,Pipafter.”Daisy showed Princess Pip her room.“I don ’t want a four-poster bed! ” said Princess Pip.“That’s just like home.”“You can sleep on my straw mattress, then,” said Daisy.“ I’ll have the bed.”“Oh, all right.”said Princess Pip.That evening there was a banquet and it went on for hours.“More sprouts? ”asked the King happilyThis. is BORING, ”said the Princess Pip.“Nonsense(胡说 ),dear,”said the Queen.“It can’t be boring. We’re on holiday!”“ I WANT TO GO HOME!” said Princess Pip, the next day. She had been walking round the castle walls all morning andshe hadn ’ t found anything to do.“But we ’re having a wonderful time,” said the Queen,from her sun chair.“Just look at the way my money shines in the sun,” said the King.“Wonderful!”“ But it ’s BORING!” said Princess Pip.“Why don’t you go and talk to Daisy?” suggestedtheQueen.Princess Pip stomped off.“That does it,” she said to Daisy.“GOIWANTHOME!TO”3 The road home“If you stayed here a bit longer,you might start liking the seaside,” said Daisy.But Princess Pip wasn’t listening. She was putting all her important things in her suitcase.“I think we ’ll have to take some things out,aid Daisy. ”sDaisy found them both backpacks, and they set out for home.Princess Pip and Daisy went across the drawbridge and along the road.It was very hot.“Let ’s have a nice,cool snack,”said Daisy.So they got some fish sticks from a stall.“These aren ’t bad, ” admitted Princess Pip.“They taste best by the seaside,” said Daisy.“ I’ll show you where the fish come from, if you like.”They went down some stone steps to a place where the sea swished backwards and forwards and the groundlooked as if it was made of gold.“Look in these pools,” said Daisy.The fish were hard to catch.”You could take your stockings off,” said Daisy,“and use them for nets.”It was nice without shoes and stockings on. It was even nicer once Princess Pip had taken off her coat and crown.The fish looked very cross at being caught , so Princess Pip let them go.“It ’s not too bad here,” said Princess Pip,at last.“ I want to stay here all the time.”“Let ’s build a sandcastle, then,” said Daisy.“A sand HOUSE,” said Princess Pip.It was hard work, but they built a huge house, with a moat all around.Soon the sea came in and filled the moat.“That ’s just right.”said Princess Pip.“Make it stop coming in now,Daisy.”But the sea kept on coming in............ and soon it had washed their house FLAT.“ We built our house too close to the sea,”said Daisy, sadly.“STUPIDSEA!”shouted Princess Pip.“STUPID SEASIDE! I WANT TO GO HOME!”4 Riding the dragonPrincess Pip and Daisy put on their shoes and picked up their backpacks.“I ’m tired,”said Princess Pip, very soon.“ I want to ride Dobbin. Are we nearly home, yet?”“Why don’t you ride one of the horses on that merry-go-round?” suggested Daisy.“Oh, no, ”said Princess Pip.“ I’m going to ride that dragon.”The dragon went very fast, and there was lots of exciting music--but then it all stopped. Everyone got off.“But....we’re still here!” said Princess Pip, crossly, as she got off ,too.“At least it wasn’t boring,” said“I WANTDaisy. TO GO HOME!” shouted Princess Pip.“At least it was fun,” said Daisy.“Everything is fun here because-fairit.”’s a FUNPrincess Pip sniffed.“ What’s fun about it?” she asked.“I ’ll show you, ” saidTheyDaisywent. down the roller coaster.Then they went UP and UP and ....DOWN again.“AARRRRGH!” yelled Princess Pip and Daisy.“Let ’s go on it again,” said Princess Pip.“ Tomorrow, perhaps,” said Daisy, who had gone very pale.“BUT I WANT... ” began Princess Pip.“Hello! ” said a voice.It was the King. The Queen was with him.“Where’s Princess Pip?” the King asked Daisy.“Here ! ” said Princess Pip.The King and the Queen stared at her.“You can’t be Pip!” the Queen gasped.“You’re all dirty,and you have no stockings!”“ButI am!” said Princess Pip, and put on her crown to prove it. “Look!It ’s me,and I ’vefound a place where the ground is made of gold!Come and see.”Daisy and Princess Pip showed them the beach.“ Good heavens! ”said the King.“How wonderful! It’s just the color of money.”“What a perfect place for my sun chair,”said the Queen.The beach was a perfect place for picnics and games, and races, too. Everyone loved it.Then one day the King said:“ What a pity we have to go home tomorrow.”Princess Pip scowled, and she said...。
典范英语刺猬女孩艾蜜概括 -回复

典范英语刺猬女孩艾蜜概括-回复主题:典范英语刺猬女孩艾蜜(The Exemplary English Hedgehog Girl, Amy)。
篇章提纲:I. 前言A. 简要介绍艾蜜(Amy)B. 突出其刺猬女孩身份的原因II. 艾蜜的学业表现A. 英语学科的优势B. 其它学科的成绩和学术成就III. 艾蜜的兴趣和爱好A. 阅读经典文学作品B. 喜欢写作和表达思想IV. 艾蜜的为人处世之道A. 关注他人,乐于助人B. 思维敏锐,反思能力强V. 艾蜜对未来的展望A. 英语学习和教育的投入B. 为社会做出贡献的愿望VI. 总结I. 前言在当今这个竞争激烈的时代,有些个别的孩子因为独特的才能和特点而被视为典范中的典范。
II. 艾蜜的学业表现艾蜜在学业方面取得了出色的成绩。
III. 艾蜜的兴趣和爱好艾蜜对阅读经典文学作品有着浓厚的兴趣。
IV. 艾蜜的为人处世之道艾蜜不仅在学业上出类拔萃,她在与他人相处方面也表现出色。
V. 艾蜜对未来的展望艾蜜对未来充满希望,她期待继续投入英语学习和教育。

典范英语8-1翻译一、刺猬女孩艾蜜Amy The Hedgehog Girl当艾蜜冲进屋的时候,她的妈妈正在厨房里。

通过精听(听写、听录音等) 和泛听(看电影、听英文歌曲
了解英语发音规则,包括连读、 失音、弱化等,有助于理解听力 材料。
观看英语电视节目,如新闻、纪录 片等,提高听力水平。
理解语法规则,并尝试运用这 些规则进行写作和口语表达。
通过大量的练习题,熟悉语法 规则和常见考点。
通过阅读英文原著,提高语感 和语法运用能力。
通过模仿英语母语者的发 音,纠正自己的发音错误 。
寻找英语母语者进行语言 交换或参加英语角活动, 提高口语表达能力。
通过参加语言交换活动、 语言学习班等,创造良好 的语言环境,提高口语水 平。
学生可以根据自己的兴趣爱好选择学习小组,这样能够更好地发挥自己的特长,促进互相 学习。
学习小组可以组织各种活动,如角色扮演、演讲比赛、写作比赛等,以丰富多样的形式促 进学习和交流。

刺猬女孩艾蜜Amy the Hedgehog Girlsy 典范英
• 欢迎来到艾蜜的英语世界 • 艾蜜的英语学习资料 • 艾蜜和你一起学英语 • 典范英语-艾蜜的英语学习方法 • 艾蜜和你一起挑战英语 • 艾蜜的英语故事和启示
艾蜜认识了很多外国朋友,增进了跨文化交流的能力。 艾蜜通过了英语考试,获得了证书和奖学金。
学习英语需要多样化学习方式,结合个人兴趣爱好, 提高学习效率。
这是一个免费的在线语言学习网站,通过游戏化的方式帮助 学习者学习英语单词和语法,艾蜜喜欢在这里练习自己的英 语技能。
通过听英语原声资料,提 高英语听力水平,模仿发 音和语调,培养英语语感 。
多和英语母语人士交流, 参加英语角、语言交换等 活动,提高口语表达能力 和语言运用能力。
艾蜜坚信英语学习应该以兴趣 为主导,通过寻找自己感兴趣 的学习资源,激发学习热情。
艾蜜倾向于通过观看英语电影 、电视剧、听英文歌曲和播客 等方式,在自然环境中习得英
艾蜜注重口语练习,通过与外 教、英语母语者等交流,不断

典范英语8-1刺猬女孩艾蜜Amy the Hedgehogs GirlMiserable Mr PeckHer mum was in the kitchen when Amy rushed in.‘ How was school?’ asked Mrs Harris, expecting the usual answer,‘ OK.’‘ Itwas great,cried’ Amy.‘ Alady gave us a talk on wildlife and she showed us ahedgehog expert.’‘ A what?’ said Mrs Harris.‘ A hedgehog expert. Someone who knows all about hedgehogs.’‘ That’ s good,said Mrs’ Harris.‘ You’ ll need to go the library and see if you can find some books. ’‘ Ohdear, Amy’ groaned.‘ I’ ll have to see Mr Peck.’Mr Peck was t he children’ s librarian. He was a mean and miserable sort of person. He alsolived next door to Amy.The library was almost empty when Amy arrived. She looked along the shelves, trying tofind a book on hedgehogs.‘ What are you doing?’ snapped a hindvoiceherbe.Amy nearly jumped out of her socks. It was Mr Peck.‘ I was looking for a book about animals.’‘ Animals, indeed,’ sniffed Mr Peck.‘ What sort of animals? Tame animals? Wild animals Animals from Africa? India? Britain?’‘ Hedgehogs,said’ Amy.‘ Hedgehogs!’ bawled Mr Peck.‘ The very worst animals there are. They dig up vegetablesand bite lumps out of them.’He pulled a book from the shelves.‘ If you must study the horrid things,this is the best I can do.’‘ Thank you, said Amy politely.‘ Makesure you bring it back on time. And don’yout dare bring hedgehogs into yourgarden. Your garden is next to mine, do n’ t forget. If I see a hedgehognear my carrots, do youknow what I am going to do?’‘ No,said’ Amy.‘ I’ m going to squirt it with my spray gun.’At home, Amy read the book on hedgehogs. She found out that they ate slugs and snails.The book didn’ t say anything about vegetables.The next day she took the book back to the library.‘ What’ s this?’ said Mr Peck.‘ This book is not due back for another twenty days.‘ But I’ ve read it,’ said Amy.‘ Have you got any more books about hedgehogs?‘ Over there,snapped’ Mr Peck, pointing with his nose.Amy walked slowly along the shelves. Where were the books about animals? She was justabout to risk asking Mr Peck, when she saw something. It was an old cassette tape, called‘ Calls of the Wild’ . It looked as if nobody had ever played it.Amy took it down from the shelf. It was part of a set of animal noises. This was tape number12 and it was called Hedgehogs.Amy asked Mr Peck if she could borrow the cassette.‘ Ofcourse you can,’he said rudely.‘ Thoughanybody who wants to listen to horridanimal noises must be mad.’He stamped the cassette box.‘ And don’ t forget to rewind the tape.’Hedgehog talkAmy sat in her room listening to the sounds of hedgehogs on her personal stereo, over andover again. Amy repeated the sounds herself.‘ I’ m talking hedgehog,’ thought Amy.‘ I wish I knew what I was saying. I really need a hedgehog to help me. I’ m sure there he’gardensone.inIf tI make hedgehog noises, perhaps itwill hear me.’Amy ran down into the garden and made hedgehog noises as loudly as she could.She stopped and listened, but no hedgehogs answered. Amy tried again. But only a catcame into the garden.‘ I’ m going to keep trying,said Amy.’ ‘ I’ m surecan doI it.’ At last she got cold and she went indoors.The next night Amy tried again. She tried every night for a week.‘ What are you doing out there? asked Mrs’Harris.‘ Wait and see,’ said Amy.Just then the door bell rang. It was Mr Peck. He stood at the door in his dressing gown.Amy noticed that his hair was wet.‘ Mrs Harris,’ said Mr Peck.‘ Every night when I have my bath I can hear a noise. It seems to be coming from your garden.’Amy giggled behind her hand.‘ Noise?’ said Mrs Harris.典范英语8-1刺猬女孩艾蜜‘ Some sort of animal,’ said Mr Peck.‘ I’ d put poison downThatif Iiswereth onlyyou.way to deal with animals.’As soon as Mr Peck had gone, Amy dashed out into the garden.‘ Mr Peck thought I was an animal,’ she said to herself.‘ I’ m going to try one more time.’Amy went down on her knees and began to make her hedgehog sounds again.Almost at once there was a rustling noise and a hedgehog lumbered onto the lawn. Amywas delighted. The hedgehog and Amy snorted and squeaked at each other.Suddenly a torch beam shone in their eyes.‘ What’ s going on?’ said a voice. It was Mr Peck, still in his dressing gown. The hedgehog rolled into a ball.‘ I’ m chatting to a hedgehog,’ said Amy.‘ You cheeky young thing. Talking to hedgehogs indeed.’‘ Excuse me—began’ Amy.‘ And what’ s more,Mr Peck’ cut in,‘ hedgehogs are dirty little beasts and they eat up allthe vegetables in my garden.’‘ Rubbish! said’ Amy crossly.‘ Hedgehogsare not dirty. And they don’eat vegetables.They eat slugs and snails. Now, if you don ’ t mind, I was talking to a hedgehog.’Mr Peck was too shocked to answer. His mouth dropped open as Amy snorted gently tothe hedgehog. Slowly it unrolled.A sly look crept across Mr Peck’ s face.‘ How often have you been doing this,my dear?’ he asked.‘ Never before,’ said Amy.‘ But from now on, I’ ll be every night.’‘ Hm,’ said Mr Peck.‘ You’ re going to be here every night, you say.’The amazing hedgehog girlWhen Amy came home from school the next day, Mr Peck was in his front drive. He wasfixing a large board to the gate. As soon as he saw Amy, he threw his coat over it.Amy had promised to show her mum the hedgehog. It was getting dark when they steppedinto the garden to see her hedgehog friend.Amy went down on her knees and began to snort. This time two hedgehogs came up to her.‘ What are you talking about?’ whispered Mrs Harris.‘ Slugs.’There was a sound from next door. Amy shone her torch towards the fence. There werepeople staring into her garden. They all had their mouths open.One person stood out. It was Mr Peck.‘ I’ ve asked a few friends over,’ he said smoothly.‘ I hope you don’ t mind.Amy was cross, but she also felt rather proud that so many people had come to see her.‘ You may watch. But please don’ t talk or make a noise. And no photos.’The people nodded.Amy went down on her knees and snorted once more.This time three more hedgehogs came up. Amy managed to tell the hedgehogs that theyhad nothing to fear. The people just wanted to see how clever they were. Amy and the hedgehogs talked and played together.As soon as the hedgehogs had gone, the people behind the fence began to clap and cheer.Of course they wanted to know what Amy and the hedgehogs had been talking about.‘ Theytold me about their young. Then they told me why they curl up into a ball. And whereto find the tastiest grubs. Oh, and they told me where they are going to sleep for the winter. ’Mrs Harris hugged Amy.‘ You were fantastic,’ she said.‘ Come in and I’ ll make you a nice hot drink.‘ Yes. In you go,’ said Mr Peck cheerily.‘ I’ m sure you must be very tired.There was something strange about Mr Peck. He had never said anything kind to Amybefore. Then she heard an odd noise. It was the sound of coins being dropped into a box.‘ It was worth a pound of anybody’ s money,’ she heard someone say.‘ Ssh,’ said Mr Peck.Then Amy remembered the board that Mr Peck had been fixing to his front gate. Whyhad Mr Peck tried to hide it? Amy rushed round to the front of the house. There on the board inlarge letters it said: ‘ What a nerve, ’ said Amy. Then a smile crept across her face. to fix you,Mr Peck. ’She raced round to Mr Peck’ s garden. Some of the people were still enjoying a cup of teaand biscuits.Before Mr Peck could stop her, she said, Ladies’ and gentlemen. There is something Imust tell you. All the money you have given tonight is going to a hedgehog hospital to lookafter sick hedgehogs.’Everyone clapped and nodded their heads. Everyone except Mr Peck. His face went brightred and he made a strange spluttering noise.‘ Not only that,’ went on Amy,‘ but Mr Peck has agreed that for every pound that you give tonight, he will give another pound of his own money.典范英语8-1 刺猬女孩艾蜜Everyone clapped again and cheered. Mr Peck went a very pale colour. Somehow hemanaged a smile.Before he could say anything, Amy said, And’ I am happy to say that the hospital hasasked me to take the money for them.’She held out her hand. Gloomily, Mr peck passed the box over to Amy.Then, an even gloomier look spread across his face as he dug into his pocket and pulledout two ten pound notes.‘ A big hand for Mr Peck,’ said Amy.This is not quite the end of the story. Amy felt rather sorry for Mr Peck.After she had sent the money to the hedgehog hospital, she asked the hedgehogs to patrolMr Peck ’ s garden. She told them to make sure that no more of his vegetables were eaten byslugs.A few weeks later, Mr Peck won third prize for his marrows, runner beans and carrots atthe local show.That evening he leaned over the fence to show Amy his three prizes.‘ It’ s all thanks to those hedgehogs,’ he said.‘ I wish I had known before how usef are. I’ ve bought them a present.’ He handed her one tin of dog food.‘ I’ ve just got some new books about hedgehogs in the library. I read that they adore dogfood, ’ he explained.A group of hedgehogs were soon busy tucking in. Amy knelt down beside them.‘ What are they saying?’ asked Mr Peck.‘ Well,’ said Amy.‘ Hedgehogs are a bit hard to understand when they have their mouthsfull. But I think the y are saying thanks for the dog food.’‘ I should think so too,’ said Mr Peck.‘ I paid a lot of money for that tin. And could you teach them not to speak with their mouths full? It is so rude.’‘ I’ ll try,’ said Amy.She looked at the hedgehogs and smiled.It seemed to her that they smiled back.。

Amy began to make her hedgehog sounds, the hedgehog and Amy snorted and squeaked at each other. Mr peck was very angry about it, he thought that hedgehogs are dirty little beasts and they eat up all the vegetable in his garden. Then a sly look crept across Mr peck’s face.
Harris太太拥抱着女儿艾蜜。 “你真的令人不思议”Harris说:“进来,让我给你做一杯好吃的热饮料”。 “是的,进去吧”,Peck高兴地说:“我想你肯定很累了”。 Peck先生这时让人感觉很奇怪,他以前从来没有和艾蜜说过好话。 这时,艾蜜听到了一点零星的声音,那是硬币掉进盒子的声音。 “。。。看不懂”,艾蜜听到某个人说。 “嘘…”Peck先生说。 这时艾蜜想起了Peck先生一直在修的门前的木板。为什么Peck先生试图隐藏它呢?艾 蜜冲到了房前。在那块大板子上写着:“只要受取1法郎就可以看令人惊奇的刺猬女孩( 还送饼干盒茶水哦)”。 “神经病!”艾蜜说。然后一个笑她的脸色划过,“我知道怎么修理它了,Peck先生 ”。 她跑到了Peck先生的花园。一些人还在吃着他们的点心和茶水呢! 在Peck先生还没来得及阻止她之前,艾蜜就说:“女士们先生们,有些事我一定要告诉 你们。你们今晚付出的所有钱将捐给刺猬医院,用来照顾生病的刺猬”。 大家都鼓掌并点头称道,除了Peck先生。 他的脸色变红了,然后发出了奇怪的杂乱声。 “不止这些呢”,艾蜜接着说:“Peck先生还同意说,你们今晚给的每一个英镑,他都 会用他自己的钱再给出一英镑。” 所有人再次鼓掌和欢呼。Peck的脸色变得苍白了。不过他还是勉强地给了一个笑脸。 在Peck能接上话之前,艾蜜又说:“而且我很高兴刺猬医院已经叫我替他们把钱先拿 着。”

典范英语8-1刺猬女孩艾蜜Amy the Hedgehogs GirlMiserable Mr PeckHer mum was in the kitchen when Amy rushed in.‘How was school?’ asked Mrs Harris, expecting the usual answer, ‘OK.’‘It was great,’cried Amy. ‘A lady gave us a talk on wildlife and she showed us a hedgehog expert.’‘A what?’ said Mrs Harris.‘A hedgehog expert. Someone who knows all about hedgehogs.’‘That’s good,’said Mrs Harris. ‘You’ll need to go the library and see if you c an find some books.’‘Oh dear,’Amy groaned. ‘I’ll have to see Mr Peck.’Mr Peck was t he children’s librarian. He was a mean and miserable sort of person. He also lived next door to Amy.The library was almost empty when Amy arrived. She looked along the shelves, trying to find a book on hedgehogs.‘What are you doing?’ snapped a voice be hind her.Amy nearly jumped out of her socks. It was Mr Peck.‘I was looking for a book about animals.’‘Animals, indeed,’ sniffed Mr Peck. ‘What sort of animals? Tame animals? Wild animals? Animals from Africa? India? Britain?’‘Hedgehogs,’ said Amy.‘Hedgehogs!’ bawled Mr Peck. ‘The very worst animals there are. They dig up vegetables and bite lumps out of them.’He pulled a book from the shelves.‘If you must study the horrid things,this is the best I can do.’‘Thank you, said Amy politely.‘Make sure you bring it back on time. And don’t you dare bring hedgehogs into your garden. Your garden is next to mine, do n’t forget. If I see a hedgehog near my carrots, do you kn ow what I am going to do?’‘No,’ said Amy.‘I’m going to squirt it with my spray gun.’At home, Amy read the book on hedgehogs. She found out that they ate slugs and snails. The book didn’t say anything about vegetables.The next day she took the book back to the library.‘What’s this?’ said Mr Peck. ‘This book is not due back for another twenty days.’‘But I’ve read it,’ said Amy. ‘Have you got any more books about hedgehogs?’‘Over there,’ snapped Mr Peck, pointing with his nose.Amy walked slowly along the shelves. Where were the books about animals? She was just about to risk asking Mr Peck, when she saw something. It was an old cassette tape, called ‘Calls of the Wild’. It looked as if nobody had ever played it.Amy took it down from the shelf. It was part of a set of animal noises. This was tape number 12 and it was called Hedgehogs.Amy asked Mr Peck if she could borrow the cassette.‘Of course you can,’ he said rudely. ‘Though anybody who wants to listen to horrid animal noises must be mad.’He stamped the cassette box.‘And don’t forget to rewind the tape.’Hedgehog talkAmy sat in her room listening to the sounds of hedgehogson her personal stereo, over and over again. Amy repeated the sounds herself.‘I’m talking hedgehog,’ thought Amy. ‘I wish I knew what I was saying. I really need a hedgehog to help me. I’m sure there’s one in t he garden. If I make hedgehog noises, perhaps it will hear me.’Amy ran down into the garden and made hedgehog noises as loudly as she could.She stopped and listened, but no hedgehogs answered. Amy tried again. But only a cat came into the garden.‘I’m going to keep trying,’said Amy. ‘I’m sure I can do it.’ At last she got cold and she went indoors.The next night Amy tried again. She tried every night for a week.‘What are you doing out there?’ asked Mrs Harris.‘Wait and see,’ said Amy.Just then the door bell rang. It was Mr Peck. He stood at the door in his dressing gown. Amy noticed that his hair was wet.‘Mrs Harris,’ said Mr Peck. ‘Every night when I have my bath I can hear a noise. It seems to be coming from your garden.’Amy giggled behind her hand.‘Noise?’ said Mrs Harris.‘Some sort of animal,’ said Mr Peck. ‘I’d put poison down if I were you. That is the only way to deal with animals.’As soon as Mr Peck had gone, Amy dashed out into the garden. ‘Mr Peck thought I was an animal,’ she said to herself. ‘I’m going to try one more time.’Amy went down on her knees and began to make her hedgehog sounds again.Almost at once there was a rustling noise and a hedgehoglumbered onto the lawn. Amy was delighted. The hedgehog and Amy snorted and squeaked at each other.Suddenly a torch beam shone in their eyes.‘What’s going on?’ said a voice. It was Mr Peck, still in his dressing gown. The hedgehog rolled into a ball.‘I’m chatting to a hedgehog,’ said Amy.‘You cheeky young thing. Talking to hedgehogs indeed.’‘Excuse me—’ began Amy.‘And what’s more,’Mr Peck cut in, ‘hedgehogs are dirty little beasts and they eat up all the vegetables in my garden.’‘Rubbish!’ said Amy crossly. ‘Hedgehogs are not dirty. And they don’t eat vegetables. They eat slugs and snails. Now, if you don’t mind, I was talking to a hedgehog.’Mr Peck was too shocked to answer. His mouth dropped open as Amy snorted gently to the hedgehog. Slowly it unrolled.A sly look crept across Mr Peck’s face.‘How often have you been doing this,my dear?’ he asked.‘Never before,’ said Amy. ‘But from now on, I’ll be every night.’‘Hm,’ said Mr Peck. ‘You’re going to be here every night, you say.’The amazing hedgehog girlWhen Amy came home from school the next day, Mr Peck was in his front drive. He was fixing a large board to the gate. As soon as he saw Amy, he threw his coat over it.Amy had promised to show her mum the hedgehog. It was getting dark when they stepped into the garden to see her hedgehog friend.Amy went down on her knees and began to snort. This time two hedgehogs came up to her.‘What are you talking about?’ whispered Mrs Harris.‘Slugs.’There was a sound from next door. Amy shone her torch towards the fence. There were people staring into her garden. They all had their mouths open.One person stood out. It was Mr Peck.‘I’ve asked a few friends over,’ he said smoothly. ‘I hope you don’t mind.’Amy was cross, but she also felt rather proud that so many people had come to see her. ‘You may wat c h. But please don’t talk or make a noise. And no photos.’The people nodded.Amy went down on her knees and snorted once more.This time three more hedgehogs came up. Amy managed to tell the hedgehogs that they had nothing to fear. The people just wanted to see how clever they were. Amy and the hedgehogs talked and played together.As soon as the hedgehogs had gone, the people behind the fence began to clap and cheer. Of course they wanted to know what Amy and the hedgehogs had been talking about.‘They told me about their young. Then they to ld me why they curl up into a ball. And where to find the tastiest grubs. Oh, and they told me where they are going to sleep for the winter.’Mrs Harris hugged Amy.‘You were fantastic,’ she said. ‘Come in and I’ll make you a nice hot drink.’‘Yes. In you go,’ said Mr Peck cheerily. ‘I’m sure you must be very tired.’There was something strange about Mr Peck. He had never said anything kind to Amy before. Then she heard an odd noise.It was the sound of coins being dropped into a box.‘It was worth a pound of anybody’s money,’ she heard someone say.‘Ssh,’ said Mr Peck.Then Amy remembered the board that Mr Peck had been fixing to his front gate. Why had Mr Peck tried to hide it? Amy rushed round to the front of the house. There on the board in large letters it said: ‘What a nerve,’ said Amy. Then a smile crept across her face. ‘I know how to fix you, Mr Peck.’She raced round to Mr Peck’s garden. Some of the people were still enjoying a cup of tea and biscuits.Before Mr Peck could stop her, she said,’Ladies and gentlemen. There is something I must tell you. All the money you have given tonight is going to a hedgehog hospital to look after sick hedgehogs.’Everyone clapped and nodded their heads. Everyone except Mr Peck. His face went bright red and he made a strange spluttering noise.‘Not only that,’ went on Amy, ‘but Mr Peck has agreed that for every pound that you give tonight, he will give another pound of his own money.Everyone clapped again and cheered. Mr Peck went a very pale colour. Somehow he managed a smile.Before he could say anything, Amy said,’ And I am happy to say that the hospital has asked me to take the money for them.’She held out her hand. Gloomily, Mr peck passed the box over to Amy.Then, an even gloomier look spread across his face as he dug into his pocket and pulled out two ten pound notes. ‘A big hand for Mr Peck,’ said Amy.This is not quite the end of the story. Amy felt rather sorry for Mr Peck.After she had sent the money to the hedgehog hospital, she asked the hedgehogs to patrol Mr Peck’s garden. She told them to make sure that no more of his vegetables were eaten by slugs.A few weeks later, Mr Peck won third prize for his marrows, runner beans and carrots at the local show.That evening he leaned over the fence to show Amy his three prizes.‘It’s all thanks to those hedgehogs,’ he said. ‘I wish I had known before how useful they are. I’ve bought them a present.’ He handed her one tin o f dog food.‘I’ve just got some new books about hedgehogs in the library. I read that th ey adore dog food,’ he explained.A group of hedgehogs were soon busy tucking in. Amy knelt down beside them.‘What are they saying?’ asked Mr Peck.‘Well,’ said Amy. ‘Hedgehogs are a bit hard to understand when they have their mouths full. But I think the y are saying thanks for the dog food.’‘I should think so too,’ said Mr Peck. ‘I paid a lot of money for that tin. And could you teach them not to speak with their mo uths full? It is so rude.’‘I’ll try,’ said Amy.She looked at the hedgehogs and smiled.It seemed to her that they smiled back.。

-----Amy the Hedgehogs GirlMiserable Mr PeckHer mum was in the kitchen when Amy rushed in.‘How was school?'asked Mrs Harris, expecting the usual answer,‘OK.'‘It was great,'cried Amy.‘A lady gave us a talk on wildlife and she showed us a hedgehog expert. '‘A what? 'said Mrs Harris.'A hedgehog expert. Someone who knows all about hedgehogs.‘Oh ' ‘‘You'llneed to go the library and see if you can find some books.‘That'sgood,'said Mrs Harris.'llhave to see Mr Peck.‘I'dear,'Amy groaned.slibrarian. He was a mean and miserable sort of person. He also lived next door to Amy.Mr Peck was the children 'The library was almost empty when Amy arrived. She looked along the shelves, trying to find a book on hedgehogs.snapped a voice behind her.‘What are you doing? 'Amy nearly jumped out of her socks. It was Mr Peck.' ‘Iwas looking for a book about animals.What sort of animals?Tame animals? Wild animals? Animals from Africa? India?‘‘Animals , indeed, 'sniffed Mr Peck.Britain? 'said Amy.Hedgehogs,'‘He bawled Mr Peck.‘The very worst animals there are. They dig up vegetables and bite lumps out of them. ' '‘Hedgehogs!pulled a book from the shelves.' ‘If you must study the horrid things,this is the best I can do.Thank you, said Amy politely.‘tyou dare bring hedgehogs into your garden. Your garden is next to mine,‘Make sure you bring it back on time. And don 'don'tforget. If I see a hedgehogs near my carrots, do you know what I am going to do? '‘No,'said Amy.‘I'm going to squirt it with my spray gun.'At home, Amy read the book on hedgehogs. She found out that they ate slugs and snails. The book didn'tsay anything about vegetables. The next day she took the book back to the library.' s this?'said Mr Peck.‘This book is not due back for another twenty days.'‘WhatOver said Amy.‘Have you got any more books about hedgehogs? ' ‘‘But I've read it,'snapped Mr Peck,pointing with his nose.there, ' Amy walked slowly along the shelves. Where were the books about animals? She was just about to rist asking Mr Peck,when she saw something. It was an old cassette tape, called ‘Calls of the Wild '.It looked as if nobody had ever played it.Amy took it down from the shelf. It was part of a set of animal noises. This was tape number 12 and it was calledHedgehogs.Amy asked Mr Peck if she could borrow the cassette.‘Of course you can,'he said rudely.‘Though anybody who wants to listen to horrid animal noises must be mad. ' Hestamped the cassette box.‘And don 'tforget to rewind the tape. ' Hedgehog talkAmy sat in her room listening to the sounds of hedgehogs on her personal stereo, over and over again. Amy repeatedthe sounds herself.‘I'm talking hedgehog, 'thought Amy.‘Iwish I knew what I was saying. I really need a hedgehog to help me. I 'm surethere 'sone in the garden. If I make hedgehog noises, perhaps it will hear me. 'Amy ran down into the garden and made hedgehog noises as loudly as she could.She stopped and listened,but no hedgehogs answered. Amy tried again. Bnt only a cat came into the garden.1----‘I'm going to keep trying, 'said Amy.‘I'm sure Ican do it. 'At last she got cold and she went indoors.The next night Amy tried again. She tried every night for a week.‘What are you doing out there? 'asked Mrs Harris.‘Wait and see,'said Amy.Just then the door bell rang. It was Mr Peck. He stood at the door in his dressing gown. Amy noticed that his hairwas wet.‘Mrs Harris, 'said Mr Peck.‘Every night when I have my bath I can hear a noise. It seems to be coming from your garden. ' Amy giggled behind her hand.said Mrs Harris.Noise?'‘' I'd put poison down if I were you.That is the only way to deal with animals.‘Some sort of animal, 'said Mr Peck.‘m‘I'As soon as Mr Peck had gone,Amy dashed out into the garden. ‘Mr Peck thought I was an animal, 'she said to herself.going to try one more time. 'Amy went down on her knees and began to make her hedgehog sounds again.Almost at once there was a rustling noise and a hedgehog lumbered onto the lawn. Amy was delighted. Thehedgehog and Amy snorted and squeaked at each other.Suddenly a torch beam shone in their eyes.‘What 's going on?'said a voice. It was Mr Peck, still in his dressing gown. The hedgehog rolled into a ball.‘I'm chatting to a hedgehog, 'said Amy.‘You cheeky young thing. Talking to hedgehogs indeed. '‘Excuse me—‘began Amy.‘And what 'smore,'Mr Peck cut in,‘hedgehogs are dirty little beasts and they eat up all the vegetables in my garden. '‘Rubbish! 'said Amy crossly.‘Hedgehogs are not dirty. And they don 'teat vegetables. They eat slugs and snails. Now,ifyou don 'tmind, I was talking to a hedgehog. 'Mr Peck was too shocked to answer. His mouth dropped open as Amy snorted gently to the hedgehog. Slowly it unrolled.A sly look crept across Mr Peck 'sface.‘How often have you been doing this, my dear?'he asked.‘Never before, 'said Amy.‘But from now on, I 'll be every night. ' ‘Hm,'said Mr Peck.‘You're going to be here every night, you say. 'The amazing hedgehog girlWhen Amy came home from school the next day,Mr Peck was in his front drive. He was fixing a large board to the gate.As soon as he saw Amy, he throw his coat over it.Amy had promised to show her mum the hedgehog. It was getting dark when they stepped into the garden to seeher hedgehog friend.Amy went down on her knees and began to snort. This time two hedgehogs came up to her.‘What are you talking about? 'whispered Mrs Harris.‘Slugs.'There was a sound from next door. Amy shone her torch towards the fence. There were people staring into her garden.They all had their mouths open.One person stood out. It was Mr Peck.‘I've asked a few friends over,'he said smoothly.‘Ihope you don 'tmind. 'Amy was cross, but she also felt rather proud that so many people had come to see her. ‘You may wath. But please don 'ttalk or make a noise. And no photos. 'The people nodded.Amy went down on her knees and snorted once moer.This time three more hedgehogs came up. Amy managed to tell the hedgehogs that they had nothing to fear. Thepeople just wanted to see how clever they were. Amy and the hedgehogs talked and played together.2-----As soon as the hedgehogs had gone, the people behind the fence began to clap and cheer. Of course they wantedto know what Amy and the hedgehogs had been talking about.‘They told me about their young. Then they told me why they curlup into a ball. And where to find the tastiest grubs.Oh,and they told me where they are going to sleep for the winter. ' Mrs Harris hugged Amy.' llmake you a nice hot drink.You were fantastic,'she said.‘Come in and I'‘' 'said Mr Peck cheerily.‘I'm sure you must be very tired.‘Yes. In you go,There was something strange about Mr Peck. He had never said anything kind to Amy before. Then she heard anodd noise. It was the sound of coins being dropped into a box.she heard someone say.'smoney,'It was worth a pound of anybody‘said Mr Peck.Ssh,'‘Then Amy remembered the board that Mr Peck had been fixing to his front gate. Why had Mr Peck tried to hide it? Amyrushed round to the front of the house. There on the board in large letters it said:‘What a nerve,'said Amy. Then a smilecrept across her face. ‘Iknow how to fix you,Mr Peck. 'She raced round to Mr Peck 'sgarden. Some of the people were still enjoying a cup of tea and biscuits.Before Mr Peck could stop her, she said,'Ladies and gentlemen. There is something I must tell you. All the money youhave given tonight is going to a hedgehog hospital to look after sick hedgehogs.'Everyone clapped and nodded their heads. Everyone except Mr Peck. His face went bright red and he made a strangespluttering noise.but Mr Peck has agreed that for every pound that you give tonight, he will give another‘‘Not only that, 'went on Amy,pound of his own money. 'Everyone clapped again and cheered. Mr Peck went a very pale colour. Somehow he managed a smile.And I am happy to say that the hospital has asked me to take the money forBefore he could say anything, Amy said, 'them.'She held out her hand. Gloomily, Mr peck passed the box over to Amy.Then, an even gloomier look spread across his face as he dug into his pocket and pulled out two ten pound notes.said Amy.' ‘A big hand for Mr Peck,This is not quite the end of the story. Amy felt rather sorry for Mr Peck.s garden. She told'After she had sent the money to the hedgehog hospital, she asked the hedgehogs to patrol Mr Peckthem to make sure that no more of his vegetables were eaten by slugs.A few weeks later, Mr Peck won third prize for his marrows, runnerbeans and carrots at the local show.That evening he leaned over the fence to show Amy his three prizes. ' ve bought them a present.Iwish I had known before how useful they are. I'‘‘It'sall thanks to those hedgehogs,'he said.He handed her one tin of dog food.he explained. ''‘Ive just got some new books about hedgehogs in the library. I read that they abore dog food,A group of hedgehogs were soon busy tucking in. Amy knelt down beside them.asked Mr Peck. '‘What are they saying?said Amy.Hedgehogs are a bit hard to understand when they have their mouthsfull. But I think they are saying‘Well,‘'thanks for the dog food. '‘Ishould think so too, 'said Mr Peck.‘Ipaid a lot of money for that tin. And could you teach them not to speak with their mouths full? It is so rude. 'said Amy.' ‘I'lltry,She looked at the hedgehogs and smiled.It seemed to her that they smiled back.3----Coming CleanOld Baggy-PantsDerek and Janey were eating jam roly-poly in the hall and talking about Mr Such 'strousers. Mr Such was their teacher andhe wore the same trousers to school, day in and day out.‘They're so crumpled and baggy, 'Janey said.‘And grubby and thick, 'said Derek.‘Like a pair of old dish-cloths. '‘And he wears them all the time. '‘Idon 'tthink he 'sgot any others.'‘Old Baggy-Pants, that'swhat he is,'Derek added,sticking his fork into his jam roly-poly.‘Iwish he 'd get some new ones,'Janey sighed.At that moment Old Baggy-pants himself came into the hall. Janey 'smouth fell open and Derek could see the mashed upjam roly-poly inside.‘What 's up?'he said.Janey blinked and pointed. There was Mr Such in a brand new suit.A spotless white suit without a crease in it. Everyonein the hall stopped eating and stared at him.‘Carry on,everyone,'said Mr Such, a bit red in the face.‘Carry on eating.'‘Wow! 'said Derek, leaning across his plate.‘He looks so different. '‘He looks smart,'said Janey firmly.‘And about time, too. ' Later that afternoon Janey 's class trooped back into the hall for P .E.‘Ilike the suit, sir, 'Janey told Mr Such as they filed in.‘Thank you, Janey. It'sfor Parents'Evening, really.'‘Parents'Evening?'‘Yes, I have to look my best for that, don 'tI? '‘But that 'snot till Monday, Mr Such, 'Derek said.‘Iknown that, Derek. I 'm just getting used to it. 'While they were talking. Mrs Venn came out of the kitchen with a bowl of custard in her arms.She was so shocked to see Mr Such in his bright new suit she gave a little jump.'Oh my gosh!'she cried. She grabbed one of the hall curtains to steady herself. The custard looped into the air, straight for Mr Such.Derek saw it coming and stepped smartly in the way. The custard wobbled through the air and flopped againstDerek;s vest. Everyone fell silent. Derek stood there, looking sad and stunned. And covered in cold custard.‘Well done, Derek, 'said Mr Such.‘You'd saved my brand new suit. ' Derek tried to smile but by then the custard was oozing into his shorts. After break, Mr Such changed back into his dish-cloth trousers.‘Please keep clear of this,'he said, hanging his new suit on the cupboard door.‘Keep well clear.'A Lovely green colourThe last lesson of the day was art. They had to paint interesting faces. Janey was doing a monster. She put blood-shot bits in his eyes, a bolt through his neck and green stuff coming out of his nose. She was pleased with the green sthff,but she'd mixed up too much. She asked Derek if he wanted some.‘Idon 'tneed any green stuff, Janey,'he said .‘I'm doing a footballer. '‘Well, he could have green stuff coming out of his nose, couldn'the?'she said.‘No,'said Derek. 'He couldn't.'‘You'd could use it for the background. Like grass. 'Mr Such4-----Princess Pip' s Holiday1 Ready to goEveryone in Princess Pip 's castlewas very busy. The King was polishing his money, the Queen was choosing sunhats, and the maids were running around with piles of vests.“Can I take Dobbin on holiday?”asked Princess Pip.“I 'm afraidthere won 't be roomfor a pony on the coach , ”said the Queen.“Oh, ”said the Princess Pip.“Can Amanda and Bert come,then?”“There ‘s no room for snakes,”said the King,“not even pet ones.”Princess Pip scowled .“This holiday is going to be BORING,”she said.They went on holiday in their best gold coach.“Wave toall the people, dear,”said the Queen.Princess Pip folded her arms .“I‘m on holiday,”she said.“Are we nearly there yet?”“We won't be there for a long time,”said the Queen. firmlyIt did take a long time to get to the seaside . The coach got very hot, and Princess Pip didn't feel very well.“Here we are,at last!”said the King happily.“But it's a castle!”said Princess Pip.“Just like home.It's BORING.”2 Just like home There was a girl waiting by the castle door.“This is Daisy,”said the Queen.“She is going to ylooku,Pipafter.”Daisy showed Princess Pip her room.“I don 't want a four-poster bed! ”said Princess Pip.“That's just like home.”“You can sleep on my straw mattress, then,”said Daisy.“I 'll have the bed.”“Oh, all right.”said Princess Pip.That evening there was a banquet and it went on for hours.“More sprouts? ”asked the King happilyThis. is BORING, ”said the Princess Pip.“Nonsense(胡说),dear,”said the Queen.“It can't be boring. We 're on holiday!”“I WANT TO GO HOME!”said Princess Pip, the next day. She had been walking round the castle walls all morning andt found anything to do.'she hadnre having a wonderful time,But we '“said the Queen,from her sun chair.””Wonderful!Just look at the way my money shines in the sun,”said the King.““said Princess Pip.s BORING!”“But it 't you go and talk to Daisy?'“Why don suggestedtheQueen.”Princess Pip stomped off.she said to Daisy.”“That does it,”“GOIWANTHOME!TO3 The road homeIf you stayed here a bit longer,you might start liking the seaside,“said Daisy.”t listening. She was putting all her important things in her suitcase.But Princess Pip wasn'”s'll have to take some things out,aid Daisy. “I think we Daisy found them both backpacks, and they set out for home.Princess Pip and Daisy went across the drawbridge and along the road.It was very hot.said Daisy.”'s have a nice,cool snack,“LetSo they got some fish sticks from a stall.admitted Princess Pip.t bad, ”“These aren '”ll show you where the fish come from, if you like.said Daisy.They taste best by the seaside,”“I'“They went down some stone steps to a place where the sea swished backwards and forwards and the groundlooked as if it was made of gold.5----“Look in these pools,”said Daisy.The fish were hard to catch.”You could take your stockings off,”said Daisy,“and use them fornets.”It was nice without shoes and stockings on. It was even nicer once Princess Pip had taken off her coat and crown.The fish looked very cross at being caught ,so Princess Pip let them go.“It 's not too bad here,”said Princess Pip,at last.“I want to stay here all the time.”“Let 's build a sandcastle, then,”said Daisy.“A sand HOUSE,”said Princess Pip.It was hard work, but they built a huge house, with a moat all around.Soon the sea came in and filled the moat.“That 's just right.”said Princess Pip.“Make it stop coming in now,Daisy.”But the sea kept on coming in............ and soon it had washed their house FLAT.“We built our house too close to the sea,”said Daisy, sadly.“STUPIDSEA!”shouted Princess Pip.“STUPID SEASIDE! I W ANT TO GO HOME!”4 Riding the dragon Princess Pip and Daisy put on their shoes andpicked up their backpacks.“I 'm tired,”said Princess Pip, very soon.“I want to ride Dobbin. Are we nearly home, yet?”“Why don't you ride one of the horses on that merry-go-round?”suggested Daisy.“Oh, no, ”said Princess Pip.“I 'm going to ride that dragon.”The dragon went very fast, and there was lots of exciting music--but then it all stopped. Everyone got off.“But....we 'restill here!said Princess Pip, crossly, as she got off ,too.”At least it wasn“shouted Princess Pip.“I WANTDaisy. TO GO HOME!” 't boring,”saids a FUN” '”said Daisy.“Everything is fun here because-fairit.“At least it was fun,s fun about it?What'Princess Pip sniffed.“she asked.”saidTheyDaisywent. down the roller coaster.ll show you, ”“I 'Then they went UP and UP and ....DOWN again.yelled Princess Pip and Daisy.AARRRRGH!”“s go on it again,Let '“said Princess Pip.”Tomorrow, perhaps,“said Daisy, who had gone very pale.”began Princess Pip.”“BUT I WANT...said a voice.”“Hello!It was the King. The Queen was with him.s Princess Pip?'“Where the King asked Daisy.”said Princess Pip.“Here ! ”The King and the Queen stared at her.”'re all dirty,and you have no stockings!”the Queen gasped.“You'“You cant be Pip!vefound a place where the'“Look!It 's me,and I said Princess Pip, and put on her crown to prove it. “ButI am!””ground is made of gold!Come and see.Daisy and Princess Pip showed them the beach.”'s just the color of money.How wonderful! It“Good heavens! ”said the King.“said the Queen.”“What a perfect place for my sun chair,The beach was a perfect place for picnics and games, and races, too. Everyone loved it.”Then one day the King said:“What a pity we have to go home tomorrow.Princess Pip scowled, and she said...”'t want to go home!!!I don “6。
典范英语8-1 刺猬女孩艾蜜

Amy the Hedgehogs GirlMiserable Mr PeckHer mum was in the kitchen when Amy rushed in.‘How was school?’ asked Mrs Harris, expecting the usual answer, ‘OK.’‘It was great,’cried Amy. ‘A lady gave us a talk on wildlife and she showed us a hedgehog expert.’‘A what?’ said Mrs Harris.‘A hedgehog expert. Someone who knows all about hedgehogs.’‘That’s good,’said Mrs Harris. ‘You’ll need to go the library and see if you can find some books.’‘Oh dear,’Amy groaned. ‘I’ll have to see Mr Peck.’Mr Peck was t he children’s librarian. He was a mean and miserable sort of person. He also lived next door to Amy.The library was almost empty when Amy arrived. She looked along the shelves, trying to find a book on hedgehogs.‘What are you doing?’ snapped a voice be hind her.Amy nearly jumped out of her socks. It was Mr Peck.‘I was looking for a book about animals.’‘Animals, indeed,’ sniffed Mr Peck. ‘What sort of animals? Tame animals? Wild animals? Animals from Africa? India? Britain?’‘Hedgehogs,’ said Amy.‘Hedgehogs!’ bawled Mr Peck. ‘The very worst animals there are. They dig up vegetables and bite lumps out of them.’He pulled a book from the shelves.‘If you must study the horrid things,this is the best I can do.’‘Thank you, said Amy politely.‘Make sure you bring it back on time. And don’t you dare bring hedgehogs into your garden. Your garden is next to mine, do n’t forget. If I see a hedgehog near my carrots, do you know what I am going to do?’‘No,’ said Amy.‘I’m going to squirt it with my spray gun.’At home, Amy read the book on hedgehogs. She found out that they ate slugs and snails. The book didn’t say anything about vegetables.The next day she took the book back to the library.‘What’s this?’ said Mr Peck. ‘This book is not due back for another twenty days.’‘But I’ve read it,’ said Amy. ‘Have you got any more books about hedgehogs?’‘Over there,’ snapped Mr Peck, pointing with his nose.Amy walked slowly along the shelves. Where were the books about animals? She was just about to risk asking Mr Peck, when she saw something. It was an old cassette tape, called ‘Calls of the Wild’. It looked as if nobody had ever played it.Amy took it down from the shelf. It was part of a set of animal noises. This was tape number 12 and it was called Hedgehogs.Amy asked Mr Peck if she could borrow the cassette.‘Of course you can,’ he said rudely. ‘Though anybody who wants to listen to horrid animal noises must be mad.’He stamped the cassette box.‘And don’t forget to rewind the tape.’Hedgehog talkAmy sat in her room listening to the sounds of hedgehogs on her personal stereo, over and over again. Amy repeated the sounds herself.‘I’m talking hedgehog,’ thought Amy. ‘I wish I knew what I was saying. I really need a hedgehog to help me. I’m sure there’s one in t he garden. If I make hedgehog noises, perhaps it will hear me.’Amy ran down into the garden and made hedgehog noises as loudly as she could.She stopped and listened, but no hedgehogs answered. Amy tried again. But only a cat came into the garden.‘I’m going to keep trying,’said Amy. ‘I’m sure I can do it.’ At last she got cold and she went indoors.The next night Amy tried again. She tried every night for a week.‘What are you doing out there?’ asked Mrs Harris.‘Wait and see,’ said Amy.Just then the door bell rang. It was Mr Peck. He stood at the door in his dressing gown. Amy noticed that his hair was wet.‘Mrs Harris,’ said Mr Peck. ‘Every night when I have my bath I can hear a noise. It seems to be coming from your garden.’Amy giggled behind her hand.‘Noise?’ said Mrs Harris.‘Some sort of animal,’ said Mr Peck. ‘I’d put poison down if I were you. That is the only way to deal with animals.’As soon as Mr Peck had gone, Amy dashed out into the garden. ‘Mr Peck thought I was an animal,’ she said to herself. ‘I’m going to try one more time.’Amy went down on her knees and began to make her hedgehog sounds again.Almost at once there was a rustling noise and a hedgehog lumbered onto the lawn. Amy was delighted. The hedgehog and Amy snorted and squeaked at each other.Suddenly a torch beam shone in their eyes.‘What’s going on?’ said a voice. It was Mr Peck, still in his dressing gown. The hedgehog rolled into a ball.‘I’m chatting to a hedgehog,’ said Amy.‘You cheeky young thing. Talking to hedgehogs indeed.’‘Excuse me—’ began Amy.‘And what’s more,’Mr Peck cut in, ‘hedgehogs are dirty little beasts and they eat up all the vegetables in my garden.’‘Rubbish!’ said Amy crossly. ‘Hedgehogs are not dirty. And they don’t eat vegetables. They eat slugs and snails. Now, if you don’t mind, I was talking to a hedgehog.’Mr Peck was too shocked to answer. His mouth dropped open as Amy snorted gently to the hedgehog. Slowly it unrolled.A sly look crept across Mr Peck’s face.‘How often have you been doing this,my dear?’ he asked.‘Never before,’ said Amy. ‘But from now on, I’ll be every night.’‘Hm,’ said Mr Peck. ‘You’re going to be here every night, you say.’The amazing hedgehog girlWhen Amy came home from school the next day, Mr Peck was in his front drive. He was fixing a large board to the gate. As soon as he saw Amy, he threw his coat over it.Amy had promised to show her mum the hedgehog. It was getting dark when they stepped into the garden to see her hedgehog friend.Amy went down on her knees and began to snort. This time two hedgehogs came up to her.‘What are you talking about?’ whispered Mrs Harris.‘Slugs.’There was a sound from next door. Amy shone her torch towards the fence. There were people staring into her garden. They all had their mouths open.One person stood out. It was Mr Peck.‘I’ve asked a few friends over,’ he said smoothly. ‘I hope you don’t mind.’Amy was cross, but she also felt rather proud that so many people had come to see her. ‘You may wat c h. But please don’t talk or make a noise. And no photos.’The people nodded.Amy went down on her knees and snorted once more.This time three more hedgehogs came up. Amy managed to tell the hedgehogs that they had nothing to fear. The people just wanted to see how clever they were. Amy and the hedgehogs talked and played together.As soon as the hedgehogs had gone, the people behind the fence began to clap and cheer. Of course they wanted to know what Amy and the hedgehogs had been talking about.‘They told me about their young. Then they to ld me why they curl up into a ball. And where to find the tastiest grubs. Oh, and they told me where they are going to sleep for the winter.’Mrs Harris hugged Amy.‘You were fantastic,’ she said. ‘Come in and I’ll make you a nice hot drink.’‘Yes. In you go,’ said Mr Peck cheerily. ‘I’m sure you must be very tired.’There was something strange about Mr Peck. He had never said anything kind to Amy before. Then she heard an odd noise. It was the sound of coins being dropped into a box.‘It was worth a pound of anybody’s money,’ she heard someone say.‘Ssh,’ said Mr Peck.Then Amy remembered the board that Mr Peck had been fixing to his front gate. Why had Mr Peck tried to hide it? Amy rushed round to the front of the house. There on the board in large letters it said: ‘What a nerve,’ said Amy. Then a smile crept across her face. ‘I know how to fix you, Mr Peck.’She raced round to Mr Peck’s garden. Some of the people were still enjoying a cup of tea and biscuits.Before Mr Peck could stop her, she said,’Ladies and gentlemen. There is something I must tell you. All the money you have given tonight is going to a hedgehog hospital to look after sick hedgehogs.’Everyone clapped and nodded their heads. Everyone except Mr Peck. His face went bright red and he made a strange spluttering noise.‘Not only that,’ went on Amy, ‘but Mr Peck has agreed that for every pound that you give tonight, he will give another pound of his own money.Everyone clapped again and cheered. Mr Peck went a very pale colour. Somehow he managed a smile.Before he could say anything, Amy said,’ And I am happy to say that the hospital has asked me to take the money for them.’She held out her hand. Gloomily, Mr peck passed the box over to Amy.Then, an even gloomier look spread across his face as he dug into his pocket and pulled out two ten pound notes. ‘A big hand for Mr Peck,’ said Amy.This is not quite the end of the story. Amy felt rather sorry for Mr Peck.After she had sent the money to the hedgehog hospital, she asked the hedgehogs to patrol Mr Peck’s garden. She told them to make sure that no more of his vegetables were eaten by slugs.A few weeks later, Mr Peck won third prize for his marrows, runner beans and carrots at the local show.That evening he leaned over the fence to show Amy his three prizes.‘It’s all thanks to those hedgehogs,’ he said. ‘I wish I had known before how useful they are. I’ve bought them a present.’ He handed her one tin of dog food.‘I’ve just got some new books about hedgehogs in the library. I read that the y adore dog food,’ he explained.A group of hedgehogs were soon busy tucking in. Amy knelt down beside them.‘What are they saying?’ asked Mr Peck.‘Well,’ said Amy. ‘Hedgehogs are a bit hard to understand when they have their mouths full. But I think they are saying thanks for the dog food.’‘I should think so too,’ said Mr Peck. ‘I paid a lot of money for that tin. And could you teach them not to speak with their mouths full? It is so rude.’‘I’ll try,’ said Amy.She looked at the hedgehogs and smiled.It seemed to her that they smiled back.。

Chapter 3 The amazing hedgehog girl
Mr.Peck tried to make money out of Amy and the hedgehogs.
Chapter 3 The amazing hedgehog girl
1. Read page 20 &21. Why were there so many people
2.Keep trying 3.Lumber onto the lawn 4.Dash our into the
4.冲出去到花园 garden
5.Went down to her
6.Roll into a ball
8.脸上闪过狡猾 7.Said crossly
Chapter 1 Miserable Mr Peck
1.Because a talk on hedgehog inspired her and aroused her curiosity. 2. No. Because the librarian was a mean and miserable person. 3. He said the hedgehogs were the worst and horrid animal (who dig up vegetables and bite lumps out.) No, he just wanted to make Amy give up. 4. When Amy first went to the library…… 5. Unfriendly, unhappy, mean, bad tempered

Mr Peck wanted to make money through Amy so he set a board. But Amy said the money was for the hedgehog hospital to look after sick hedgehogs. Amy felt a little sorry to Mr Peck, she asked the hedgehogs to patrol Mr Peck’s garden, a few weeks later, Mr Peck won third prize for his vegetables, then Mr Peck change his tune about the hedgehogs.
Something about hedgehog
• Newborns are 13-15g with soft spines. • After 3 days, their soft spines become hard. • Almost 10 days they open their eyes • 20 days they can walk • 30-40 days they can eat
Amy, a student who is going become a hedgehog expert.
Mr peck was the children’s librarian . He was a mean and miserable sort of person.
Amy wanted to be a hedgehog expert, so she borrowed books from her neighbor. But her neighbor---Mr. Peck thought hedgehogs were the worst animal in the world. Amy still wanted to know about hedgehogs.
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Chapter 1 Miserable Mr Peck
1.Because a talk on hedgehog inspired her and aroused her curiosity. 2. No. Because the librarian was a mean and miserable person. 3. He said the hedgehogs were the worst and horrid animal (who dig up vegetables and bite lumps out.) No, he just wanted to make Amy give up. 4. When Amy first went to the library…… 5. Unfriendly, unhappy, mean, bad tempered
5.Pulled a book from
6.用鼻子指 7.倒带
the shelves 6.Point with his nose 7.Rewind(rewound)
the tape
language points for part 1 1.He always was a m_is_e_r_a_b_l_e man. He never spoke to me nor anybody else 2.She went to bed, m_i_s_e_ra_b_leand depressed. 3.The Japanese are e_x_p_e_rt_ at lowering manufacturing costs3 4.When I came back to the hotel Laura and Peter were shouting and ba_w__li_n_g__at each other6 5.Then a voice s_n_a_p_p_e_d: 'Lay off! I'll kill you, you little rascal!'... 6.What a h_o_r_r_id__ smell! 7 7.Norman cut open his pie and s_q_u_ir_t_e_d__ tomato sauce into it... 7 9.Americans wanted to aid Britain even at the r_is_k___of war 10.Waddington r_e_w_o_u_n__d__ the tape and played the message again.10 11.The rent is d_u_e___ tomorrow.
Human beings relationship with animals
Chapter 1 Miserable Mr Peck
1. Why did Amy want to become a hedgehog expert? 2. Was Amy willing to go to the library to find some books? Why? 3. How did Mr. Peck describe the hedgehog? Did he really have the knowledge of the hedgehog? 4. Was Mr. Peck kind to Amy? Can you give some details. 5.The title is "Miserable Mr. Peck". Can you explain what does "miserable "mean?
1.Rush in
2.住在Amy家旁 2.Live next door to
3.沿着书架看 3.Look along the
4.一个声音厉声 shelves
4.Snapped a voice
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
5.Dig up vegetables
6.书还有20天到 6.The book is not due
back for another 20
7.在盒子上盖章 days
7.Stamped the box 5
1.Amy Cried
2.Amy 抱怨道 2.Amy groaned
3.差点丢了魂 3.Nearly out of her
4.Mr. peck嚷道 socks
5.从书架抽出一 4.Mr.Peck bawled
1. How did Amy learn the hedgehog talk? 2. How did Amy attract a hedgehog? 3. Why did Mr. Peck come to Amy's house? 4. Was Amy kind to the hedgehogs? how do you know that?
Chapter 2:Hedgehog talk
What do they eat? (snails , slugs , pests.)
What else do you know about hedgehogs?
• They usually come out at night . • They always sleep in winter.)
1. Amy listened to the sounds of hedgehogs on her personal stereo over and over again. And she repeated the sounds herself. 2. Amy made the hedgehog noises as loudly as she could every day for a week. 3. Because he thought an animal went into Amy's house and made noises every night. 4. Amy was very kind and gentle to it. She went down on her knees to make hedgehogs noises. She and the hedgehogs snorted and squeaked at each other.