3110 微量氧分析仪操作手册(英文)

3.1 概述............................................................................................................................................ 15 3.2 拆箱............................................................................................................................................ 15 3.3 您接收到的物品.......................................................................................................................... 15 3.4 安装开始检查单.......................................................................................................................... 16 3.5 重新连接电池 ............................................................................................................................. 17 3.6 仪器开关和连接器 ...................................................................................................................... 18 3.7 仪器接口..................................................................................................................................... 20

2.1 样品引入将样品接入气路系统,调整阀门开关,并通过外部压缩气源或吸气泵将样品吸入气体分析仪内进行预处理。
2.2 预处理样品进入分析仪后需要进行确定的预处理,以确保分析结果的精准度。
2.3 分析样品预处理完毕后,进入分析阶段。
2.4 结果输出分析完成后,可通过结果显示器或打印机等装置,对分析结果进行输出。

EXPEC3100型挥发性有机气体分析仪作业指导书文件编号:编制人:审核人:批准人:1 目的规范仪器操作,正确使用和维护仪器,确保测定结果的准确性。
4 主要技术参数5 操作步骤5.1采样前准备5.1.1采样过滤开始采样前必须确保气路入口加装过滤装置,EXPEC3100己在采样探头和探头母座预装了探头除尘膜和烧结不锈钢过滤器,安装时确保这些过滤物件完好无损。
5.1.2 校准气体EXPEC3100需要校准气体为甲烷(FID)或异丁烯(PID)。

Thermo forma3110系列水套式培养箱操作和维护手册手册号:7033110 Rev.8如未阅读,理解和遵循本手册将会导致设备损坏,对人体造成伤害,使设备低效运行。
对于此手册,Thermo forma不承担任何责任,不提供任何保证。
对于因本手册以外或相关的使用所引起的直接或间接的损失,Thermo forma 将不承担任何责任。
MAUNL NUMBER 7033110…20581/IN-3016 1/21/02 Corrected temp sensor error sequence in chart on 4-1 ccs… 20484 11/21/01 Removed all specific references to Model 2095 bath ccs8 20374/IN-2994 11/7/01 Updated 200 drawing –Kaizen, board hard ware ccs7 20336/PIP-034 10/10/01 Removed blower motor cover, added nylon cable clamps ccs… 20015/IN-2942 5/21/01 Removed top shelf tab from side duct side for better HEPA fit ccs6 19866/IN-2907 3/19/01 Updated O2 fuel cell warranty info from 2 years to 1 ccs5 19473 2/20/01 Added water jacket rust inhibitor information ccsREV ECR/ECN DATE DESCRIPTION单舱培养箱的型号O2 电压(V)**sensor*型号 CO23110 T/C 无 110 3111 T/C 无 220 31200 IR 无 110 3121 IR 无 220 3130 T/C 有 110 3131 T/C 有 220 3140 IR 有 110 3141 IR 有 220 *T/C 是热导式传感器IR 是红外传感器**电源频率50/60HZ注意:内部组件易受静电损害(ESD)通用安全标志重要操作和/或维护指南,请仔细阅读。

GASBOARD-3100P S ERIESP ORTABLE I NFRARED C OAL G AS A NALYZER U SER M ANUALNo.Ver.2012.3Wuhan Cubic Optoelectronics Co.,LtdI ForewordThanks for using Portable infrared coal gas analyzer Gasboard-3100P series1.Pls reading and using the operation manual carefully,to install,operate and repair the instrumentafter understanding the content completely.There would be happen to human injury or analyzer damage if your operation unqualified.2.Never remove the configuration and spare parts of the instrument unless approving by company.Our company will be derelict of duty due to the user make bold to remove the configuration and spare parts mistakenly.3.The specification and guide content of this analyzer may be change due to the technology improveof the product.Pls forgive us shall not give out an inform previous.4.This operation manual have to give the practice user to save,and put the user can refer to it at anymoment.。

1. 微量氧仪器工作原理
2. 工作条件
2.1 样品气取样管路使用不锈钢管或铜管
2.2 样品气入口压力一般应在0.5-1.5kgf/cm2
2.3 仪器出口:当样品通入仪器前,必须把出气阀打开,避免检测器憋压,造成检测器损坏,出口可以接流量计,样品气流量50mL/min。
3. 操作步骤:
3.1 操作步骤
3.1.1 打开被测样气吹2分钟后
3.1.2 连接仪器,仪器置PURGE吹扫位置吹扫
3.1.3 吹扫3分钟之后置SAMPLE取样位置,同时按下电源按钮进行测量,直到数字显示稳定后读数
3.1.4 测定完后打到不使用时仪器置吹扫位置
3.2 仪器校准方法
3.2.1 打开标准气(氧含量在10PPM以下,以氮气为平衡气)吹2分钟后3.2.2 连接仪器,仪器置PUEGE吹扫位置吹扫
3.2.4 吹扫3分钟后置SAMPLE取样位置,同时按下电源按钮进行测量,直到数字显示稳定后读数
3.2.4 测定完后打到不使用时仪器置吹扫位置。

Annunciator line提供分析仪的状态和报警信息,主菜单屏中显示报警栏。
Data line数据栏显示测量的氧的浓度值。该手册中,所有的浓度都以ppm显示,
提供给设备的标样氮气含氧量浓度越低越好。如果氧分仪的出口直接通大气,这时在出口处要加压力调节阀,使出口气体流量在1.0 SCFH,这样不会因为过压而损坏探头。仪器的背压不要超1.0psig。如装置输出口的气管安装过长(>1.8m),产生的背压将加在氧气探头上,导致超过允许值。如上述原因,两种方法解决:1)出口换成1/4inch管;2)尽量减少输出管弯迂。
DF-310E过程氧分析仪通电后,仪器进行一系列的自我诊断测试,大约花5秒钟,然后Delta F的图标显示约10秒,此后显示屏开始显示数据,如图

② LCD主显示屏上显示“ADj”,模拟画面显示归零动作(预热运转中)。
·零位调整长按(AIR ADJ.)约3秒钟,蜂鸣器“哔、哔哔”鸣叫,即完成零位调整。
按照AUTO →H量程→L量程→AUTO的顺序切换。

AMI 氧气分析仪操作手册Model 2010BRAMI, Huntington Beach.目录Version 1.0前言4先进微仪器公司4警告4联系方式52010BR型氧气分析仪6前言5特征5氧气传感器6传感器保修6仪器保修6修订注解6安装和操作7收到仪器7仪器的安装7位置7安全考虑7安装步骤8基本的标定步骤9气体管线和电线连接10电气连接12报警器的连接13输出连接13输出选择14串行连接14设定选项15采样处理16操作19概述19安全设置19前面板控制20输出范围21查看输出范围21改变输出范围21设置报警点21查看报警器设置点21改变报警器设置点22报警延时22标定(校准量程气)22校验标定结果23查看温度23报警功能23通讯25RS-232通讯25通讯程序26分析仪器部分26报警部分27数据储存28高级标定29维护和故障排除30维护30定期标定30传感器寿命30替换传感器时的注意事项31传感器替换步骤31流量控制孔的替换33 O形圈33故障排除34所有氧气分析仪都适用34规格和声明37规格37声明38材料安全性数据表(MSDS)39传感器型号P2,T139产品信息39物理和化学数据39燃烧及爆炸危险40反应数据40有关人身健康41紧急救护和急救步骤42处理42传感器型号T243产品信息43物理和化学数据43反应数据44有关人身健康45紧急救护和急救步骤46处理46术语汇编47前言感谢您购买我们的产品!感谢您购买了最先进、最实用的微量氧气分析仪。
68.微量氧分析仪-Teledyne 3110 Quick Start

Teledyne 3110 Quick Start注意事项■要保证完全气化■标准气、吹扫气的背景气,要与被测气体的背景气一致(如有疑问,请咨询厂家)■测量池不能受压:测量前,接入气体管路时:先接排气口,后接入气口测量完毕,拔出气体管路时:先拔进气口,再拔排气口排气口一定要对空排放■不能有液体或者腐蚀性气体进入测量池■传感器不能长时间暴露在空气中■测微量氧,气路应为不锈钢材质,要确保气路的密闭性■仪表出厂前已标定,现场使用时可不标定,但新安装传感器,必须要持续吹扫(纯气或低氧含量工艺气)1仪表充电1.1仪表电量不足时,battery low指示灯亮,同时伴随显示单元闪烁或变暗,需充电1.2首先关闭仪表,通过按↑或↓键,到POWER DOWN选项,按ON(ENT)键,仪表关机1.3接入外部电源,仪表开始充电,充电过程中,请勿进行操作1.4完全充满约需要16小时左右(充电时间不要超过20小时),充电时battery charge 指示灯亮,表明仪表在充电。
2.7保持吹扫气(99.999%N2)/工艺气持续吹扫,连续吹扫,吹扫12小时以上2.8依次取下仪表背部的吹扫气进入插头、放空插头3标定3.1将仪表放置稳固、干净、干燥无震动、无电磁辐射、无阳光直射、水平物体上3.2标定前,连续吹扫仪表(与工艺气背景成份一致的标准气或者第含量氧工艺气)3.3吹扫标准气体到仪表的管路3.4调整标准气流量为60L/H(流量范围30—90L/H,在测量工艺气时也是此要求)3.5按ON(ENT)键,仪表开机,首先显示仪表信息(版本号),然后仪表进入测量模式3.6通过按↑或↓键,到FILTER选项,按ON(ENT)键,将值调为023.7接入标准气到仪表(先接排气管,再接进气管)3.8通过连续按↑或↓键,到SPAN (量程气浓度)选项,按ON(ENT)键进入后,通过按↑或↓键调整数值大小,直至数值等于标准气体值,按ON(ENT)保存。

TELEDYNE 3190中文操作手册

Teledyne Model 3190系列分析仪中文操作手册TELEDYNE 分析仪器地址:16830 CHESTNUT STREET CITY OF INDUSTRY, CA 91749电话: (888) 789-8168; (626) 934-1500; (626) 961-9221 传真: (626) 961-2538; (626) 934-1651网址: 3190型常量氧分析仪操作手册内容介绍1.1 概述 (3)1.2 仪表的主要特征 (3)1.3 前面板 (3)1.4 后面板 (4)操作原理2.1 介绍 (5)2.2 微-燃料电池传感器 (6)2.2.1 操作原理 (7)2.2.2 微-燃料电池的结构 (7)2.2.3 电化学反应 (7)2.2.4 压力影响 (7)2.2.5 标定特性 (8)2.3 电气原理 (8)2.3.1 概述 (8)2.3.2 信号处理 (9)安装3.1拆箱 (10)3.2安装 (10)3.2.1仪表的安装 (10)3.3 电路连接 (11)3.4 气路连接 (13)3.5 预检 (13)操作4.1介绍 (13)4.2功能、数据输入键的使用 (14)4.3设定分析量程 (15)4.3.1高量程 (15)4.3.2低量程 (15)4.3.3设定模式 (15)4.4设定报警点 (15)4.4.1上限报警 (16)4.4.2下限报警 (16)4.4.3传感器失效报警 (16)4.5选择固定量程或自动调节量程 (16)4.6标定 (16)4.7在LED显示屏上显示百分比/PPM级浓度 (17)4.8在“SetL”模式时LED的显示 (17)维护5.1更换保险丝 (17)5.1.1交流电源型 (17)5.1.2直流电源型 (18)5.2 传感器安装或更换 (18)5.2.1更换传感器 (19)5.2.2备用传感器的订购和处理 (18)5.2.4安装一个微-燃料电池 (20)5.2.5电池质保条款 (20)附录A.1 规格 (20)介绍1.1 概述Teledyne3190-MT型分析仪是一种基于微处理器的微量氧分析仪,可以实时测量惰性气体或多种混合气体中的微量氧浓度。


Teledyne311便携微量氧分析仪快速操作指南Teledyne 311 便携微量氧分析仪快速操作指南1.仪表充电(1)特别注意:在充电前、充电期间、拔下外部电源线前,仪表的量程选择旋钮,绝对不能旋离OFF档位,切记;(2)将仪表放置稳固、干净、干燥无振动、无电磁辐射、无阳光直射、室内水平物体上;(3)旋转仪表量程选择旋钮,至BATT.TEST;(4)观察仪表指针是否向右偏转超过OK刻度;(5)如果偏转超过OK刻度,不需要充电,若偏转未超过OK刻度,需要充电;(6)旋转量程选择旋钮,保证其旋至OFF档位;(7)检查仪表工作电压值要求,是否与插座电压一致;(8)将仪表电源线一端插入仪表背面的充电孔,另一端插入供电源插口;(9)新仪表或新充电电池,前两次充电需要充电12~16个小时;(10)之后的再充电时间,一般为4~6个小时。
2.传感器安装(1)将仪表放置稳固、干净、干燥无振动、无电磁辐射、无阳光直射、室内水平物体上;(2)旋转仪表量程选择旋钮,保证其旋至OFF档位;(3)连接快速接头至仪表背部的两个接口,两个接口没有进出口之分,但需要先连接放空,后连接吹扫氮气(99.999%N2);(4)吹扫氮气(99.999% N2)的压力为5Psig,流量为1L/min;(5)旋下仪表底部的传感器仓底盖;(6)快速拆开氧传感器的两层保护包装,拔下氧传感器顶面(金属环面)的短路保护钮;(7)快速将氧传感器放入仪表底部的传感器仓。
保持吹扫氮气(99.999% N2)持续吹扫;(9)旋转量程选择旋钮,从CAL档开始,观察仪表指针读书,待指针小于刻度1时,依次旋转到下一个档位,直到X10档。
NTRON3100氧气分析仪 中文操作手册

MODEL 3100 氧化锆氧气分析仪—百分比到PPM量程操作手册2004-1-19Ntron目录安全提示 (3)第一部分操作原理1.1概括 (4)1.2特征 (4)1.3系统组成 (5)1.4 分析仪输入与输出 (7)1.5 控制面板 (8)第二部分 1100分析仪操作2.1安装 (10)2.1.1 分析仪的安装位置 (10)2.1.2 远传传感器的安装 (11)2.1.3 分析仪安装 (11)2.2开始 (15)2.2.1 通电 (15)2.2.2 校准 (15)2.2.3 报警设置 (15)第三部分操作形式3.1系统机构 (16)3.2 用户形式 (16)3.3 系统模式 (17)第四部分维护 (19)4.1系统设置 (19)4.2定期维护表格 (28)4.3 发现并维修故障 (28)安全提示:安装或操作之前请详细阅读操作手册。
第一部分操作原理1.1概括Ntron 公司的3100系列分析仪,它提供了在微氧测量和控制运用中的有效解决。
3100分析仪的全图:1.2 特征型号3100分析仪为嵌板或控制台的装置。

如果氧分仪的出口直接通大气,这时在出口处要加压力调节阀,使出口气体流量在1.0 SCFH,这样不会因为过压而损坏探头。
(充满电时间为12小时;如泵运行,充满时间为16小时)1 用电池模式下,LCD显示屏右下方显示“BAT”,电池电量低时,显示屏右下方显示“LOW”另外可以发出滴滴报警,如果电池电量太低,分析仪会自动停机。
2 用交流电模式下,电池电量低时,在屏幕右方显示“CHG”,充满电时,右下方没有任何显示。
便携式可燃气体检测报警器 XP-3110 使用说明书

■XP-3110便携式可燃气体检测报警器■XP-3140(高浓度)使用说明书■XP-3160 (高灵敏度) 本使用说明书记载有左面所示3种机型的使用方法。
说明书管理编号3000204I目录包装内附属品的说明 (1)1.前言 (2)防爆相关事项 (2)符号图标的说明 (2)安全使用说明 (3)2.各部分名称与功能 (4)3.使用方法 (7)使用程序 (7)气体报警相关事项 (10)各种功能及设定方法 (11)峰值保持的设定 (12)报警蜂鸣器静音设定 (13)对象气体的切换 (14)记录数据 (15)数据读取 (16)时间设定 (17)4.异常报警 (18)5.消耗品的更换方法 (19)过滤片的更换 (19)电池的更换 (19)AC适配器(选购)的使用方法 (20)6.维护保养 (21)日常检查 (21)定期检查 (21)主要更换部件 (21)7.判断故障之前 (22)8.保修规定 (23)9.规格 (24)10.检测原理 (25)11.术语的说明 (26)12.环境保护使用期限 (27)—包装内附属品的说明—包装箱内装有下述物品。
- 1 -前言非常感谢您购买我公司生产的便携式气体检测报警器。

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Teledyne Analytical InstrumentsOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FORModel 3110Portable Trace Oxygen AnalyzerDANGER Toxic gases and or flammable liquids may be present in this monitoring system. Personal protective equipment may be required when servicing this instrument. Hazardous voltages exist on certain components internally which may persist for a time even after the power is turned off and disconnected.Only authorized personnel should conduct maintenance and/or servicing. Before conducting any maintenance or servicing, consult with authorized supervisor/manager.Copyright © 2005 Teledyne Analytical InstrumentsP/N M77970 10/16/2005 ECO:Model 3110ii Teledyne Analytical InstrumentsAll Rights Reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any other language or computer language in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, whether it be electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Teledyne Instruments / Analytical Instruments, 16830 Chestnut Street, City of Industry, CA 91748. WarrantyThis equipment is sold subject to the mutual agreement that it is warranted by us free from defects of material and of construction, and that our liability shall be limited to replacing or repairing at our factory (without charge, except for transportation), or at customer plant at our option, any material or construction in which defects become apparent within one year from the date of shipment, except in cases where quotations or acknowledgements provide for a shorter period. Components manufactured by others bear the warranty of their manufacturer. This warranty does not cover defects caused by wear, accident, misuse, neglect or repairs other than those performed by TAI or an authorized service center. We assume no liability for direct or indirect damages of any kind and the purchaser by the acceptance of the equipment will assume all liability for any damage that may result from its use or misuse.We reserve the right to employ any suitable material in the manufacture of our apparatus, and to make any alterations in the dimensions, shape or weight of any parts, in so far as such alterations do not adversely affect our warranty.Important NoticeThis instrument provides measurement readings to its user, and serves as a tool by which valuable data can be gathered. The information provided by the instrument may assist the user in eliminating potential hazards caused by his process; however, it is essential that all personnel involved in the use of the instrument or its interface, with the process beingmeasured, be properly trained in the process itself, as well as all instrumentation related to it. The safety of personnel is ultimately the responsibility of those who control process conditions. While this instrument may be able to provide early warning of imminent danger, it has no control over process conditions, and it can be misused. In particular, any alarm or control systems installed must be tested and understood, both as to how they operate and as to how they can be defeated. Any safeguards required such as locks, labels, or redundancy, must be provided by the user or specifically requested of TAI at the time the order is placed.Therefore, the purchaser must be aware of the hazardous process conditions. The purchaser is responsible for the training of personnel, for providing hazard warning methods and instrumentation per the appropriate standards, and for ensuring that hazard warning devices and instrumentation are maintained and operated properly.Teledyne Analytical Instruments, the manufacturer of this instrument, cannot accept responsibility for conditions beyond its knowledge and control. No statement expressed or implied by this document or any information disseminated by the manufacturer or its agents, is to be construed as a warranty of adequate safety control under the user’s process conditions.Portable Trace Oxygen AnalyzerTeledyne Analytical Instruments iiiSpecific Model InformationInstrument Serial Number: _______________________Model 3110iv Teledyne Analytical InstrumentsSafety MessagesYour safety and the safety of others is very important. We have provided many important safety messages in this manual. Please read these messages carefully.A safety message alerts you to potential hazards that could hurt you or others. Each safety message is associated with a safety alert symbol. These symbols are found in the manual and inside the instrument. The definition of these symbols is described below:GENERAL WARNING/CAUTION : Refer to theinstructions for details on the specific danger. These cautionswarn of specific procedures which if not followed could cause bodily Injury and/or damage the instrument.CAUTION: H OT S URFACE W ARNING : This warning isspecific to heated components within the instrument. Failureto heed the warning could result in serious burns to skin andunderlying tissue.WARNING: E LECTRICAL S HOCK H AZARD : Dangerousvoltages appear within this instrument. This warning isspecific to an electrical hazard existing at or nearby thecomponent or procedure under discussion. Failure to heed thiswarning could result in injury and/or death fromelectrocution.Technician Symbol : All operations marked with this symbolare to be performed by qualified maintenance personnel only.NOTE: Additional information and comments regarding aspecific component or procedure are highlighted in the formof a note.CAUTION:THE ANALYZER SHOULD ONLY BE USED FOR THEPURPOSE AND IN THE MANNER DESCRIBED INTHIS MANUAL.No SymbolPortable Trace Oxygen AnalyzerTeledyne Analytical Instruments vIF YOU USE THE ANALYZER IN A MANNER OTHERTHAN THAT FOR WHICH IT WAS INTENDED,UNPREDICTABLE BEHAVIOR COULD RESULTPOSSIBLY ACCOMPANIED WITH HAZARDOUSCONSEQUENCES.This manual provides information designed to guide you through the installation, calibration operation and maintenance of your new analyzer. Please read this manual and keep it available.Occasionally, some instruments are customized for a particular application or features and/or options added per customer requests. Please check the front of this manual for any additional information in the form of an Addendum which discusses specific information, procedures, cautions and warnings that may be peculiar to your instrument.Manuals do get lost. Additional manuals can be obtained from TAI at the address given in the Appendix. Some of our manuals are available in electronic form via the Internet. Please visit our website at:.Model 3110vi Teledyne Analytical InstrumentsTable of ContentsList of Figures (viii)Introduction (10)1.1 Introduction 101.2 Features 111.3 Method of Analysis 131.4 Micro-Fuel Cell 131.4.1 Cell Warranty 131.5 Accuracy and Response 141.6 Signal Output 141.7 Compact Packaging 14Installation (17)2.1 Charging the Batteries 172.2 Gas Connections 182.3 Sensor Installation 202.3.1 Installing a Trace Sensor 202.4 Calibration 212.4.1 Calibration Procedure for Trace Analysis 212.4.2 Bleeding the Regulator and Purging the Gas Line 222.5 Set the Sample Flow rate 222.6 External Signal 23Operation (24)3.1 Front Panel Interface 243.1.1 ENTER Key 243.1.2 ESCAPE Key 253.1.3 UP/DOWN Keys 253.2 Operation and Setup Screens and Menus 263.2.1 POWER ON Screen 273.2.2 HOME Screen 27Portable Trace Oxygen AnalyzerTeledyne Analytical Instruments vii3.2.3 DATE Screen27 3.2.4 TIME Screen28 3.2.5 STANDARD ALARM Screen29 3.2.6 ALARM Enable29 3.2.7 FS ALARM Screen30 3.2.8 HI-LOW ALARM Screen30 3.2.9 LTCH ALARM Screen31 3.2.10 RANGE 1 Screen32 3.2.11 RANGE 2 Screen32 3.2.12 Range Screen33 3.2.13 SPAN VALUE Screen34 3.2.14 SPAN Screen34 3.2.15 Filter Screen35 3.2.16 LOG INTV Screen36 3.2.17 LOG RESET & START Screen36 3.2.18 LOG TRANSMIT Screen37 3.2.19 POWER DOWN Screen 38Maintenance & Troubleshooting (40)4.1 Routine Maintenance 404.2 Opening the Instrument Case 404.3 Replacing the Battery 404.4 Battery Power Supply Service 414.5 Cell Replacement 424.6 Cell Warranty 434.7 Temperature Compensation 444.8 Leak Testing 46Appendix (48)A.1 Specifications 48A.2 Spare Parts List 49Index (50)Model 3110viii Teledyne Analytical InstrumentsList of FiguresFigure 2-1: Model 3110 Rear Panel (18)Figure 3-1: Front Panel Keys (25)Figure 3-2: Available Menus and Their Sequence (26)Figure 4-1: Battery Charger Port on the Model 3110 (42)Portable Trace Oxygen AnalyzerTeledyne Analytical Instruments ixDANGERCOMBUSTIBLE GAS USAGE WARNINGThis is an intrinsically safe instrument which can be used in hazardous areas. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure safety especially when combustible gases are being analyzed since the potential of gas leaks always exist.The customer should ensure that the principles of operating this equipment are well understood by the user. Misuse of this product in any manner, tampering with its components, or unauthorized substitution of any component may adversely affect the safety of this instrument.Since the use of this instrument is beyond the control of Teledyne Analytical Instruments, referred as TAI, noresponsibility by TAI, its affiliates, and agents for damage or injury from misuse or neglect of this equipment is implied or assumed.IntroductionModel 311010 Teledyne Analytical Instruments Introduction1.1 IntroductionThe Teledyne Analytical Instruments (TAI) Model 3110 Portable Trace Oxygen Analyzer is a portable, intrinsically safe oxygen analyzer capable of analyzing oxygen levels from 2 parts per million (ppm) oxygen.The instrument operates from internal rechargeable batteries and is supplied with a universal AC charge adapter. Featuring quickdisconnect fittings for sample connections and a rugged lightweight housing with handle, this versatile instrument can be brought to the sample site and set up for analysis quickly and easily. Because of the intrinsically safe design, once calibrated, the instrument can beemployed even in hazardous environments without compromise. The Model 3110 incorporates a large standard feature list designed for versatile, accurate oxygen analysis for a wide range of applications. Figure 1-1 shows the standard Model 3110 Portable Trace Oxygen Analyzer.The microprocessor based Model 3110 instrument provides user settable analysis ranges at the trace level. The range can be set from 0-2 ppm to 0-25% oxygen. In auto-ranging mode two ranges can be set and the analyzer move between these ranges as required. The adjustment resolution is 0.1 ppm for trace analysis.Sample oxygen is displayed on a 2-line 20 character alphanumeric LCD display mounted on the front panel. Four buttons are used to interface with the instrument and access all of the analyzer features.Sample gas is introduced and vented via a pair of quick-disconnect fittings that feature integral shutoff valves that automatically close when the mating male fitting is withdrawn. The fittings are an integral part of the measuring cell manifold.Portable Trace Oxygen AnalyzerIntroductionWARNINGThough the 3110 can be applied to monitor percentoxygen, doing so will lead to more frequent sensorreplacement requirements.Figure 1-1: Model 3110 Portable Trace Oxygen Analyzer1.2 FeaturesThis instrument is designed to be a versatile analytical instrument and to perform reliably and accurately in analyzing oxygenconcentrations in gas mixtures from the ppm level through 25% oxygen. The following features are standard on the Model 3110:• Data Logger: The optional built-in data logging feature allows the user to specify the time intervalbetween data recording sets. The date,time, and oxygen concentration readingsare stored in internal RAM at the userspecified interval. The data set can beIntroduction Model 3110downloaded using the instrument’soptional RS-232 interface.•Display: A 2-line 20 character alphanumeric LCDon the front panel displays data andoperational information through variousscreens. The contrast is adjustable forvarious lighting conditions.•Four-Button User Interface: Operation is performed using thefour front panel mounted buttons. Thesebuttons are used to enter data, select itemsand move through operational screens thatappear on the display.•Universal AC Charge Adapter: The rechargeable batteries canbe recharged without removing them fromthe instrument. The charger operates overthe range of 100-240 VAC.•LEDs:Two front panel mounted LEDs are usedto indicate low battery condition and whenthe battery is recharging.•Contrast Control:This feature allows the user to easilyadjust the contrast of the display foroptimum viewing under different lightingconditions. The adjustment is made usinga front panel control dial.•Auto-ranging:The user is able to specify two analyticalranges for analysis in the auto mode. TheModel 3110 will automatically switchbetween these ranges depending on theoxygen level.•Percent of Range Voltage Output: An optional 0-1 VDCoutput is available that represents thepercentage of the current analysis range.•Real-time Clock:This feature allows the Model 3110 to dateand time stamp the data set recorded onthe data logger. It uses a 24 hour clock.Portable Trace Oxygen Analyzer Introduction•Quick Disconnect Fittings:Dual self-sealing quick disconnectfittings are installed for making easysample connections.1.3 Method of AnalysisThe sample oxygen is measured by a unique electrochemical transducer which functions as a fuel cell; in this instance, the fuel is oxygen. Oxygen diffusing into the cell reacts chemically to produce an electrical current that is proportional to the oxygen concentration in the gas phase immediately adjacent to the transducer’s sensing surface. The linear, but minute signal produced by the transducer from oxygen is amplified by a two-stage amplifier. The O2 sensor output signal is digitized and fed to the microprocessor. Additional signal conditioning and temperature compensation are handled electronically and appropriate signals are directed to the display and output ports.1.4 Micro-Fuel CellThe micro-fuel cell (U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,767,552 and 3,668,101) is a sealed electrochemical transducer with no electrolyte to change or electrodes to clean. When the cell reaches the end of its useful life, it is removed, properly disposed of, and replaced with a new cell. The life of the cell is warranted by TAI (see below).The cell is specific for oxygen and is not sensitive to flow rate or reducing agents such as hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, etc. In the absence of oxygen, no current is produced; thus, no zeroing is required.1.4.1 Cell WarrantyThe Class B2-C, A2C, B2C-XL and Insta Trace micro-fuel cells can be used in the Model 3110 and are warranted for six (6) months from the date of shipment.With regard to spare cells, service time starts when the cell is removed from its shipping package. You should stock only one spare cell per instrument at a time.If a cell was working satisfactorily but ceases to function before the warranty period expires, the sensor will be replaced at no cost.Introduction Model 3110 If you have a warranty claim, return the cell in question to thefactory for evaluation. If it is determined that failure is due to faultyworkmanship or material, the cell will be replaced at no cost to you. WARNING: EVIDENCE OF DAMAGE DUE TO TAMPERING ORMISHANDLING WILL RENDER THE CELLWARRANTY NULL AND VOID.The Model 3110 is designed to meet Factory Mutual standards for intrinsically safe for Class I, Division I, Groups A, B, C and D hazardous locations. (Approval pending at time of manual printing.) This safety feature does not apply when the instrument is being charged with the 100- 240 VAC external charge adapter. The instrument should be removed from hazardous areas when the batteries are being charged.Note: Do not use the analyzer when the battery charge is low. 1.5 Accuracy and ResponseThe Model 3110 provides monitoring accuracies of ±2% of full scale or ±1 ppm, whichever is greater, at constant temperature.With a sample flow rate of 1 SCFH, a 90% response can be realized in 60 seconds. The response time on the 3110 is limited by the filter setting.1.6 Signal OutputThe standard 0-1 VDC output has a 100 ohm impedance and is suitable for driving external devices that have an input impedance of 10,000 Ω or more. The signal output is available from a port on the rear panel.1.7 Compact PackagingThe instrument is housed in 6 1/8" × 9 ½" × 5 5/8" (156 × 241 ×143 mm) aluminum case that is equipped with a carrying handle and foot pads. Unlike analog instruments where uneven positioning mayPortable Trace Oxygen Analyzer Introduction affect meter accuracy, the Model 3110 can be used in any position without interference.Introduction Model 3110Intentionally left blank.Portable Trace Oxygen AnalyzerInstallationInstallationThe Model 3110 Trace Oxygen Analyzer is designed to be portableand easy to setup and configure. To setup the analyzer:• Read the Manual• Charge the battery• Install the sample and vent gas lines• Install the trace sensor and purge the analyzer• Calibrate the analyzer• Set the sample gas flow rate2.1 Charging the BatteriesThe unit is powered by 2 Intrinsically Safe rated sub-C Ni-Cd batteries and is shipped with batteries fully charged. The batteries, however, will require periodic recharging. For recharging, access to an AC power source of 100 to 240 volt, 50/60 Hz will be required and the instrument should not be recharged in a hazardous area. Connect the universal AC charger adapter supplied with the instrument to the AC power outlet. Plug the other end of the charger into the port on the rear panel as shown in Figure 2-1. The green charge indicator LED should be illuminated to indicate that the unit is charging.To fully recharge a set of batteries will take approximately 16 hours. The instrument should not be left on the charger for longer than 20 hours nor should the charger be left attached to the instrument when the unit is not charging. The Model 3110 cannot be operated while the battery charger is attached.CAUTION:DO NOT CHARGE THE BATTERY IN A HAZARDOUS AREA. THE INTRINSICALLY SAFE CLASSIFICATION OF THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT APPLY WHENTHE CHARGER IS ATTACHED TO THEINSTRUMENT. REMOVE THE INSTRUMENT TO ANON-HAZARDOUS AREA BEFORE CONNECTINGTHE BATTERY CHARGER TO THE INSTRUMENT.Installation Model 3110 The unit can operate continuously for approximately 4 days on a setof fully charged batteries. If more frequent charging is required, the batteries are approaching the end of their useful life and should bereplaced. See Battery Replacement in Section 4.3 of this manual.A low battery condition is indicated by a blinking red Low Battery LED on the front panel. This will also cause the display to flicker along with the blinking LED due to the power drain and low battery condition. At this point the unit should be removed from service and the batteries recharged.Figure 2-1: Model 3110 Rear Panel2.2 Gas ConnectionsThe customer must provide a means of controlling the pressure and flow rate of the sample and zero gas. For positive pressure applications, TAI suggests a simple throttle valve installed in the sample line between the sample point and the analyzer. The flow rate should be limited to between 0.2 and 2.5 SCFH. The sample in port is used for both samplePortable Trace Oxygen AnalyzerInstallationand calibration gas. For atmospheric pressure sampling, connect a pump and flow control valve downstream from the analyzer and draw (rather than push) the sample through the instrument.IMPORTANT: IF A PRESSURE REGULATOR IS USED, IT MUSTHAVE A METALLIC DIAPHRAGM. REGULATORSWITH ORGANIC OR PLASTIC DIAPHRAGMS AREPERMEABLE TO OXYGEN AND, IF USED IN THE SAMPLING SYSTEM, WILL LEAD TO HIGH OXYGENREADINGS.The instrument is shipped with a gas sampling and calibration kit. This includes a 12” piece of clear tubing with a quick disconnect line for use as a sample return or vent line plus 2 quick disconnect fittings to be installed on the sample and calibration lines. These fittings employ ¼” tube fittings which can be removed to reveal a 1/8” NPT internal thread.It is important in trace analysis applications to use metal for allwetted components of the sample system. This includes gas lines, filters, pump housing, diaphragms and any components in contact with the sample gas. Plastic tubing and parts will result in slow and inaccurate measurements at the ppm level.There are two quick disconnect fittings installed on the rear panel for mating the instrument with the sample or calibration gas and the vent line. As shown in Figure 2-1, each fitting has a button which when depressed allows the rapid detachment of the gas line from theinstrument. It is not necessary to press the button when inserting the line, just push the male fitting into the mating connector. When a line is removed, an internal seal prevents gas escape from the female sections of the fitting.To avoid pressurizing the sensor, the vent line should beinstalled first and removed last.In setting up the sample lines, any valves used to set the sample flow or filters must be located on the sample in line. Do not place any valves or restrictions on the vent line except as noted above foratmospheric pressure sampling when using a downstream pump. Doing so would increase the sensor operating pressure and result in inaccurate analysis.Installation Model 3110 For trace analysis applications, a flowmeter should be installed in the vent line but it should not incorporate any control valves or restrictive devices.2.3 Sensor InstallationThe Model 3110's trace sensor requires that the instrument lines be immediately purged with zero gas after installing the cell.2.3.1 Installing a Trace SensorPrior to installing the trace sensor, make sure the analyzer is ready to purge with zero gas. Connect the vent line to the analyzer then connect the zero gas line to the sample in port. Set the zero gas flow rate between 0.2 and 2.5 SCFH.Prior to using any bottled gas for calibration or purge, it is good practice to bleed the regulator and sample line to remove any traces of trapped air. See Section 2.4.3 Bleeding the Regulator and Purging the Gas Line.Once the vent and zero gas lines are attached and the lines bleed, proceed to install the trace sensor as follows:1.Remove the cell holder cap from the bottom of theinstrument.2.Remove the outer packaging from the sensor.3.Grab the shorting plug on the top of the sensor and pull itfree prior to removing the sensor from its packaging.4.Remove the packaging and rapidly place the sensor on thetop of the cell holder cap with the concentric gold ringsfacing up.5.Screw the cell holder cap and sensor into the bottom of theanalyzer.Note: Minimize the time the sensor is exposed to air.6.Start the purge flow through the analyzer and purgeovernight before calibrating the unit.Portable Trace Oxygen Analyzer Installation2.4 CalibrationCalibration involves using a span gas to set the span of the instrument. The proper span gas concentration depends on the range that the instrument will be used on. The correct concentration should be 80-90% of the range used. For instance, if the analyzer is to be used on a range of 0-150 ppm oxygen, then a span gas should be prepared with 120-135 ppm oxygen in nitrogen.2.4.1 Calibration Procedure for Trace AnalysisTo calibrate the Model 3110, the instrument must be fitted with a trace sensor. The instrument must also be purged overnight using a zero gas (a pure gas with no oxygen, typically O2 free N2) before calibrating. For A-2C type cells, match the CO2 content in the span gas to that of the sample gas.To calibrate the analyzer for trace analysis:1.Purge the analyzer overnight.2.Purge the calibration gas sample line, regulator, and controlvalve. See Section the calibration gas flow rate to 1 SCFH.4.Attach the vent line followed by the span gas line using thequick disconnect fittings.5.Navigate to the SPAN VALUE screen (see Section 3.2.13)and set the span value to the known oxygen concentration inppm of the span gas.6.Observe the oxygen reading on the screen to determine whenthe reading has stabilized.7.Navigate to the SPAN screen and select SPAN: START.8.When the screen changes and displays SPAN: FINISH, selectSPAN: FINISH to set the span.9.Allow the span gas to flow for several minutes to verify theproper span setting.10.Calibration is complete. Remove the span gas line firstfollowed by the vent line.Installation Model 31102.4.2 Bleeding the Regulator and Purging the Gas LineWhen using bottled gas (gas cylinder) as a calibration gas for trace analysis applications, the regulator and sample lines must be bled to remove traces of trapped air. Otherwise air that is trapped in the lines especially between the regulator and cylinder will result in a lengthening of the calibration time.To bleed the regulator and sample line:1.Attach the regulator to the gas cylinder. Then attach a sampleline with a flow control/shut off valve preferably at the farend of the sample line.2.Open the shut off valve slightly, and then open the valve onthe gas cylinder.3.Adjust the regulator to the desired pressure (usually 5 psi)then close the cylinder valve.4.Open the cylinder valve to pressurize the regulator fully thenclose the cylinder valve again.5.Open the sample flow control valve and allow the gas tobleed down and vent to a safe area. Observe the secondarygauge (low pressure side) on the regulator. As the lowpressure gauge starts to fall, close the sample flow controlvalve.6.Repeat steps 4 and 5 seven (7) times.The sample delivery system is now purged and ready for calibration or analysis. Keep the cylinder valve open to maintain system pressurization.Note: Make sure there are no leaks in the sample line and regulator connections. Check also the cylinder connectionfor leaks.2.5 Set the Sample Flow rateOnce the system has been calibrated, the instrument can be brought to the analysis site and the sample gas line can be connected to the unit. Using the quick disconnect fittings supplied; connect the vent line followed by the sample line to the rear panel. See Figure 2-1.Once the sample gas is flowing, set the flow rate to 0.2-2.5 SCFH.Portable Trace Oxygen Analyzer Installation2.6 External SignalThe standard 0-1 VDC output signal represents the percentage of the current range. For instance, if the range was set for 0 to 10 ppm, then 0.1 V would represent 1 ppm, 0.2V would be 2 ppm; 0.3V would be 3 ppm etc.This output signal, when installed, is accessible from the rear panel. The output signal has an input impedance of 100Ω.。