• 配电
• 参数覆盖广
• 多种尺寸可选
• 10000次免维护
• 多种安装方式可选
• 30000次操作寿命• 风力发电配电
• 卓越的真空开关技术
• 10000次免维护
• 多种安装方式可选
• 30000次操作寿命
SION 真空断路器可以用来开断中压配电系统的各种负载,可以安装在空气绝缘开关柜中。
SIEMENS 3wn6低压断路器 说明书
!20033WN6低压断路器・结构和操作・类型・规划和安装3WN6,4极型,带双向机械联锁机构(安装在左侧)3WX3666-1JA001目录1. 一般说明 (6)1.1. 应用 (6)1.2. 类型 (6)1.3. 规格 (6)1.4. 工作条件 (7)1.5. 安装 (7)1.6. 变压器和电缆对短路电流的影响 (7)1.7. 断路器选型准则 — 概述 (9)2. 断路器的结构和操作 (10)2.1. 结构 (10)2.2. 操作机构 (12)2.3. 合闸 (13)2.3.1. 合闸就绪条件 (13)2.3.2. 防止合闸的锁定 (13)2.4. 分闸 (13)2.5. 辅助脱扣器 (14)2.6. 分闸和锁定装置 (15)2.7. 双向机械联锁机构 (18)2.8. 过电流脱扣器系统 (19)2.8.1. 结构 (19)2.8.2. 过电流脱扣器功能一览表 (21) 时间电流曲线和脱扣特性 (25)2.8.3. 过电流脱扣器的功能 (32) 过载保护过载反时限脱扣“a” (32) 短路保护 (33) 接地故障保护接地故障脱扣“g” (33) LCD工作电流显示 (35) 脱扣和/或报警的电子显示和信号 (35) 功能测试 (36) 附加功能 (36) 选择用于电动机和发电机断路器的过电流脱扣器 (38)2.8.4. 带“短时分级控制”(ZSS)的短路保护 (39) 概述 (39) “短时分级控制” (ZSS)的实例 (40)2.8.5. 通过PROFIBUS-DP进行通讯 (42)2.8.6. 手动操作装置 (44)2.9. 作为负载隔离器的断路器 (44)2.10. 机械重合闸锁定装置 (44)3. 类型 (45)3.1. 固定式断路器 (45)3.1.1. 安装 (45)3.1.2. 闭锁装置 (45)3.2. 抽出式断路器 (45)3.2.1. 导向框架 (45)3.2.2. 导向框架内的断路器位置 (46)3.2.3. 位置信号开关 (47)3.2.4. 安全挡板 (48)3.2.5. 编码系统 (49)3.2.6. 联锁装置 (49)3.3. 固定式断路器和抽出式断路器的主回路连接 (50)23WN6低压断路器目录33.4. 辅助回路连接 (51)3.4.1. 辅助触头和信号触头 (51)3.4.2. 辅助回路接线 (51) 固定式断路器 (51) 抽出式断路器 (51)3.4.3. 确定辅助接线端子的所需数量 (52)3.5. 3WN6的短路和接地装置 (53)4. 规划和安装..................................................................................................................................................554.1. 断路器选型. (55)4.2. 工作电流的额定值降低 (58)4.2.1. 周围温度和额定工作电流 (58)4.2.2. 安装到柜内 (59)4.3. 安全间隙 (62)4.3.1. 固定式和抽出式 (62)4.3.2. 不带灭弧室罩的断路器 (63)4.3.3. 带灭弧室罩的断路器 (64)4.3.4. 位于导向框架后侧上的隔板 (65)4.3.5. 相间隔板 (65)4.4. 安装 (66)4.5. 主回路连接和辅助回路连接 (68)4.5.1. 将辅助接线与固定式断路器相连 (68)4.5.2. 将辅助接线与抽出式断路器相连 (69)4.5.3. 与接线端子X300和X400相连的控制和测量导线 (69)4.6. 连接主回路 (70)4.6.1. 通过母排连接 (70)4.6.2. 通过母排连接的实例 (71)4.6.3. 拧紧力矩 (72)4.6.4. 通过电缆连接 (72)4.6.5. 连接铜母排系统 (72)4.6.6. 连接铝母排系统 (75)4.7. 电路实例 (77)4.7.1. 接口模块 (77)4.7.2. “合闸就绪”信号所需的条件 (77)4.7.3. 在变压器与低压进线断路器之间进行接地故障检测 (80)4.7.4. 脱扣信号和报警信号所需的控制电路 (81)4.7.5. 控制电路的信号转换 (81)4.7.6. 超温和µP 报警信号用的控制电路 (82)4.7.7. 负载监控和负载脱落信号用的控制电路 (82)4.7.8. 过载或短路信号用的控制电路 (83)4.7.9. 接地故障、过载或短路信号用的控制电路 (83)5. 技术数据 (84)6. 电路图 (87)7. 改装和改型...................................................................................................................................................927.1. 步骤. (92)7.2. 额定铭牌和ID 编号 (93)7.3. 订货号的结构 (93)7.4. 更换、改装和备件 (97)7.5. 用3WN6替代3WN5所需的适配器 (105)8. 尺寸图 (106)9. 故障排除 (114)10. 过电流脱扣器调节表 (116)11. 操作说明和规划工具 (118)目录3WN6低压断路器4附件1.断路器的过电流脱扣器,H 型和J/K 型...................................................................................................1211.1. 概述. (123)1.2. 投入运行 (124)1.3. 脱扣特性曲线 (129)1.4. 脱扣后重新投运 (132)1.5. 附加功能 (133)1.6. 菜单 (134)1.7. 测试脱扣功能 (141)1.8. 更换过电流脱扣器 (143)1.9. 参数设定检查表 (146)1.10. 其他操作说明书..............................................................................................................................1472.断路器的过电流脱扣器,N 型和P 型.. (148)2.1. 概述 (150)2.2. 投入运行 (151)2.3. 特性曲线 (155)2.4. 脱扣后重新投运 (158)2.5. 附加功能 (159)2.6. 菜单 (160)2.7. 测试脱扣功能 (168)2.8. 更换过电流脱扣器 (170)2.9. 参数设定检查表 (173)2.10. 其他操作说明书 (174)3.D 、E 、F 、H 、J 、K 、N 、P 型过电流脱扣器的PROFIBUS-DP 通讯功能和/或测量功能 (175)4.D 、E 、F 、H 、J 、K 、N 、P 型3WN6过电流脱扣器配套件,带有附加功能2 (186)4.1. 附加功能 (189)4.2. 接线端子配置 (189)4.3. 信号 (189)4.4. 带有“短时分级控制”(“ZSS ”)的短路保护 (191)4.5. 组装 (193)4.6. 其他相关操作说明书 (197)4.7. 技术数据..........................................................................................................................................1975. 欠电压脱扣器.............................................................................................................................................1986.过电流脱扣器的手持装置 (211)6.1. 概述 (212)6.2. 投入运行 (213)6.3. 菜单 (214)6.4. 电源 (227)6.5. 其他操作说明书..............................................................................................................................2277. 中性线电流互感器 (228)8. 用于固定安装断路器的双向机械联锁装置 (232)9. 用于抽出式安装的断路器的双向机械联锁装置 (251)前言3WN6低压断路器5由西门子制造的附加断路器3VF – 结构紧凑、范围广泛、性能高强紧凑的MCCB(小型断路器)系列。
KYN28A-12(3AH5、3AH3)户内高压真空断路器安装使用说明书广东珠江开关有限公司二OO六年六月目录1概述1.1总则 (2)1.2使用条件 (2)1.3技术参数 (3)1.4机械参数 (3)1.53AH5外形尺寸 (4)1.63AH3外形尺寸 (5)2结构与功能2.1断路器总体结构 (6)2.2断路器内部接线原理图………………………………………….7~8 3调试和操作3.1准备工作 (9)3.2机构储能操作 (9)3.3合闸、分闸操作 (9)3.4与柜体配合过程操作 (9)4储运4.1运输 (9)4.2仓储 (10)5维修 (10)6随机文件 (10)7订货须知 (10).1概述1.1总则3AH5和3AH3户内高压真空断路器是三相交流50Hz,额定电压12kV 户内高压开关设备。
1.4机械参数——(表2)图1——正视图图3——正视图2结构与功能2.1断路器总体结构(图5)1.航空插座2.分闸按钮3.分合指示4.手柄储能孔5.合闸按钮6.储能指示7. 计数器8. 联锁装置9.绝缘子10.真空灭弧室11.导电触臂12.相间隔板13.绝缘挡板14.推进板15.底盘车16.框架2.2 断路器内部接线原理图(图6、图7)运行位置试验位置1~58 58针孔的航空插座 MO 弹簧机构的储能电机 K1 机构内部防跳继电器 Y1 分闸脱扣器 Y9 合闸脱扣器 S1 辅助开关 S21、S22、S3、S41 储能位置辅助开关 S8 试验位置辅助开关 S9 工作位置辅助开关图6——3AH5断路器内部接线原理图试验位置运行位置A1~D16 64针孔的航空插座 MO 弹簧机构的储能电机 K1 机构内部防跳继电器 Y1 分闸脱扣器 Y9 合闸脱扣器 S1 辅助开关 S21、S22、S3、S41 储能位置辅助开关S8 试验位置辅助开关 S9 工作位置辅助开关 Y0 闭锁电磁铁 S10 柜前合闸辅助开关 S11 柜体间联锁辅助开关图7——3AH3断路器内部接线原理图3调试和操作调试和操作中的各项工作应由受过专门训练、详细了解本装置开关设备性能的人员进行,工作中必须考虑相应的保护和预防措施。
9电子部件9.1过电流脱扣器9.1.1功能概述q 标准o 可选-不可用1) 固定设置注意操作手册里的内容都是准确的。
过电流脱扣器功能ETU15B →(9-2)ETU25B →(9-4)ETU27B →(9-6)ETU45B →(9-9)ETU76B →(9-12)基本保护功能 →(9-17页)过载保护,长延时(L-脱扣)qq q q q 短延时短路保护(S-脱扣)-q q q q 瞬时短路保护(I-脱扣)q q1)q1)q q 中性导体保护(N-脱扣)--q q q 接地故障脱扣(G-脱扣)--q o o 附加功能 →(9-19页)负荷监视---q q 过载长延时脱扣超前信号---q q 热记忆功能可以开/关---q q 区域选择性联锁---o o N 导体保护可以开/关--q q q 短延时短路保护可以开/关---q q 瞬时短路保护可以开/关---q q 短延时短路保护可以切换到 I 2t ---q q 过载保护可以切换到 I 4t ---q q 过载保护可以开/关----q 可选参数集----q 接地故障可以切换到 I 2t ---q q 接地故障报警---o o 显示→(9-23页)字母数字显示---o -图形显示(固定式)----q 通讯通过c 通讯---q q 通过PROFIBUS-DP 通讯---o o 通过以太网通讯---o o 测量功能PLUS →(9-67页)测量功能---o o 测量功能单元 PLUS ---o o 参数调整通过旋转编码开关进行参数调整q q q q -通过通讯进行参数调整(绝对值)----q 通过菜单进行参数调整(绝对值)----q 基本保护功能的远程参数调整----q 附加功能的远程参数调整---q q 其他提供可连接外部24 V DC 电源的接口 ---qq9.1.2过电流脱扣器ETU15B 结构指示灯:过载报警指示灯:旋转编码开关,旋转编码开关,整定值设置整定值设置:过电流脱扣器故障: 安全锁铅封环小心只能在断路器断开的情况下调节参数。
西门子 3AH 真空断路器 说明书
一万次操作次数内免维护在正常条件下,3AH 断路器在10000次操作内是免维护的,即在前10000次操作或前10年运行无需润滑和机械调整,两个条件以先到为准。
触头磨损很小,电弧电压只有20到200V 。
燃弧时间最大仅15ms ,触头间隙间的能量消耗很小。
●横向磁场触头:在这种结构中,电流在约小于10kA 时呈扩散状。
●纵向磁场触头:在此结构中,电弧始终保持扩散状,即使电流高达72kA 也是这样。
3AH 真空断路器——真空开关技术的结晶●德国西门子公司最新设计●配用新一代西门子真空灭弧室,更适合中国电力系统的技术标准和运行条件●理想的触头材料和形状,保证较小的截流值和终身稳定的接触电阻●所有零部件全部满足西门子德国质量标准●完备的型式试验●机电寿命高●在正常条件下,10000次操作次数内免维护●零部件少,结构紧凑合理,确保操作更可靠,更安全●理想的感性和容性负荷的开断特性横向及纵向磁场中的电弧3高质量的3AH 真空断路器西门子真空断路器3AH 系列系结合多年的产品设计和运行经验,基于原3AF 真空断路器并针对中国电力系统绝缘要求而进行改进开发和生产的新一代产品。
过电流脱扣器代号: 不带接地故障保护 BB: ETU15B CB: ETU25B EB: ETU45B FB: ETU45B 带液晶显示 JB: ETU55B NB: ETU76B 带接带液晶显示 JG: ETU55B NG: ETU76B
西门子 3WL 空气断路器型号说明
额定电流代号: 06: In=630A 08: In=800A 10: In=1000A 12: In=1250A 16: In=1600A 20: In=2000A 25: In=2500A 32: In=3200A 40: In=4000A 50: In=5000A 63: In=6300A 规格代号: 1:规格 I,至 1600A 2:规格 II,至 3200A 3:规格 III,至 6300A 操作机构代号: 1:手动储能操作机构 2: Y1-110V(AC/DC) 3: Y1-AC230V-DC220V 4:Y1-AC230V-DC220V+M220V 5: Y1-DC110V+M-AC110V 6: Y1-DC24V 第一级辅助脱扣器代号: A:无 B: F1-DC24V C: F1-DC30V D: F1-DC48V E: F1-DC60V F: F1-AC/DC110V G: F1-AC230V-DC220V
分断能力代号: 2:经济 3:标准 4:高分断
辅助触头代号: 2: -2NO+2NC 4: -4NO+4NC 7: -6NO+2NC 8: -5NO+3NC 极数代号: 3:3 极 4:4 极 母排形式代号: 1 固定式:垂直后置 2 固定式:水平后置 3 固定式:前置(单孔,顶底) 4 固定式:前置(双孔,顶底) 5 抽屉式:无导向框架 6 抽屉式:水平后置 7 抽屉式:垂直后置 8 抽屉式:法兰连接 Z: 附件代号 B02: 215A 电流模块 B03: 315A 电流模块 B04: 400A 电流模块 T40: 门密封框 R21: 安全挡板 K07: 脱扣信号开关 S24 C20: 储能弹簧信号开关 S21 C22: 合闸准备就绪信号开关 S20 S25: 电机隔离开关 C01: 计数器 S33: 弹簧储能杠杆锁定装置 R30: 钩子 R15/R16: 框架位置信号开关 S24: 急停按钮 R10: 导向框架的灭弧罩 A05: 灭弧室 F04 F05 K01 重合闸锁定装置的自动复位 K10-13 遥控复位线圈 C10-14 电器合闸按钮 S01 锁 R55 机械联锁(用于抽出式断路器组合) R56 机械联锁(用于导向框架) S07 锁
西门子 3RV2 型 80A 电动机起动保护器 断路器 安装手册说明书
7/7Motor Starter Protectors/Circuit BreakersSIRIUS 3RV2 Motor Starter Protectors/Circuit Breakers up to 80 A7■OverviewThe following illustration shows our 3RV2 motor starterprotector/circuit breaker with the accessories which can be mounted for the sizes S00 to S2, see also "Introduction" ➞ "Overview", page 7/2.Accessories, see page 7/31 onwards .Mountable accessories for SIRIUS 3RV2 motor starter protectors/circuit breakersSIRIUS motor starter protector with spring-type terminals, size S0 (left)and SIRIUS motor starter protector with screw terminals, size S00 (right)The new SIRIUS 3RV2 motor starter protectors/circuit breakers are compact, current limiting motor starter protectors/circuit breakers which are optimized for load feeders. The motor starter protectors/circuit breakers are used for switching and protecting three-phase motors of up to 37 kW at 400 V AC and for other loads with rated currents of up to 80 A.For 3RV1 motor starter protectors/circuit breakers in size S3 up to 100 A, see page 7/63 onwards .The new 3RV2 motor starter protectors/circuit breakers are usually approved according to IEC and UL/CSA. According to UL 508/UL 60947-4-1, the 3RV2 motor starter protectors in sizes S00 to S2 are approved as:•"Manual Motor Controllers"•"Manual Motor Controllers" for "Group Installations"•"Manual Motor Controllers Suitable for Tab Conductor Protection in Group Installations"•"Self-Protected Combination Motor Controllers (Type E)"Please note that for this approval the 3RV20 motor starter protectors must be equipped with additional infeed terminals or phase barriers. More information, see "Accessories" on page 7/38.Corresponding short-circuit values, see pages 7/10 to 7/15.The 3RV27 and 3RV28 circuit breakers are approved as circuit breakers according to UL 489; they are a special version of the 3RV2 motor starter protectors.Motor Starter Protectors/Circuit BreakersSIRIUS 3RV2 Motor Starter Protectors/Circuit Breakers up to 80 A7Type of constructionThe 3RV2 motor starter protectors are available in three sizes:•Size S00 – width 45 mm,max. rated current 16 A,at 400 V AC suitable for three-phase motors up to 7.5 kW•Size S0 – width 45 mm,max. rated current 40 A,at 400 V AC suitable for three-phase motors up to 18.5 kW•Size S2 – width 55 mm,max. rated current 80 A,at 400 V AC suitable for three-phase motors up to 37 kWSize S3 of the 3RV1 motor starter protectors up to 100 A,see page 7/63 onwards.Circuit breakers acc. to UL 489The 3RV27 and 3RV28 circuit breakers are available in two sizes:•Size S00 – width 45 mm,max. rated current 15 A, for 480 Y/277 V AC•For size S0 – width 45 mm,max. rated current 22 A, at 480 Y/277 V ACFor size S3 of the 3RV1742 circuit breakers up to 70 A,see page7/67.Connection methodsThe 3RV2 motor starter protectors/circuit breakers can besupplied with screw terminals, spring-type terminals and ringcable lug connections."Increased safety" type of protection EEx e according toATEX directive 94/9/EC3RV20 motor starter protectors are suitable for overloadprotection of explosion-proof motors with "increased safety"type of protection EEx e.EC type test certificate for Category (2) G/D has been submitted.More details on request.Comprehensive technical information, seemanuals/operating instructions,http://support.automati o n.si e /WW/view/en/20357458/133300. Article No. schemeNote:The Article No. scheme is presented here merely for informationpurposes and for better understanding of the logic behind thearticle numbers.For your orders, please use the article numbers quoted in thecatalog in the Selection and ordering data.Digit of the Article No.1st - 3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th11th12th13th14th15th16th@@@@@@@–@@@@@–@@@@Motor starter protectors/circuit breakers3 R VSIRIUS 2nd generation2Type of motor starter protector/circuit breaker@Size@Breaking capacity@Setting range for overload release@@Trip class (CLASS)@Connection methods@With or without auxiliary switch@Special versions@@@@Example 3 R V2011–1A A10SIRIUS 3RV2 Motor Starter Protectors/Circuit Breakers up to 80 A7■BenefitsAdvantages through energy efficiencyOverview of the energy management processWe offer you a unique portfolio for industrial energy manage-ment, using an energy management system that helps to optimally define your energy needs. We split up our industrial energy management into three phases – identify, evaluate and realize – and we support you with the appropriate hardware and software solutions in every process phase.The innovative products of the SIRIUS industrial controls portfo-lio can also make a substantial contribution to a plant's energy efficiency (see /sirius/energysaving).3RV2 motor starter protectors/circuit breaker contribute to energy efficiency throughout the plant as follows:•Minimization of energy losses through optimization of the bimetal trip units•Reduction of inherent power loss •Less heating of the control cabinet•Smaller control cabinet air conditioners can be used■ApplicationOperating conditions3RV2 motor starter protectors/circuit breakers are suitable for use in any climate. They are intended for use in enclosed rooms in which no severe operating conditions (such as dust, caustic vapors, hazardous gases) prevail. When installed in dusty and damp areas, suitable enclosures must be provided.3RV2 motor starter protectors/circuit breakers can optionally be fed from the top or from below.The permissible ambient temperatures, the maximum switching capacities, the tripping currents and other boundary conditions can be found in the technical specifications and tripping charac-teristics , see the manual"SIRIUS Innovations – SIRIUS 3RV2 Motor Starter Protectors", /WW/view/en/60279172.3RV2 motor starter protectors/circuit breakers are suitable for operation in IT systems (IT networks). In this case, the different short-circuit breaking capacity in the IT system must be taken into account, see page 7/11.Since operational currents, starting currents and current peaks are different even for motors with identical power ratings due to the inrush current, the motor ratings in the selection tables are only guide values. The specific rated and startup data of the motor to be protected is always paramount to the choice of the most suitable motor starter protector/circuit breaker. This also applies to motor starter protectors for transformer protection.Note:For the use of 3RV2 motor starter protectors in conjunction with highly energy-efficient IE3 motors, please observe the informa-tion on dimensioning and configuring, see"Configuration Manual for SIRIUS Controls with IE3 Motors", /WW/view/en/94770820.More information, see 1/3.Possible usesThe 3RV2 motor starter protectors can be used:•For short-circuit protection•For motor protection (also with overload relay function) •For system protection•For short-circuit protection for starter combinations •For transformer protection•As main and EMERGENCY-STOP switches •For operation in IT systems (IT networks) •For switching of DC currents•In areas subject to explosion hazard (ATEX)•Approved as circuit breakers according to UL 489 (3RV27 and 3RV28)For more information, see•System manual "SIRIUS Innovations – System Overview", /WW/view/en/60311318•Manual "SIRIUS Innovations – SIRIUS 3RV2 Motor Starter Protectors",/WW/view/en/60279172I C 01_00244*You can order this quantity or a multiple thereof.SIRIUS 3RV2 Motor Starter Protectors up to 80 A7■Selection and ordering dataCLASS 10, without auxiliary switches1)PU (UNIT, SET, M)= 1PS*= 1 unitPG= 41EThe 3RV20.1-..A.0 motor starter protectors up to 32 A are also availablewith ring terminal lug connection. The Article No. must be changed in the11th digit to "4": e.g. 3RV2011-0AA40.2)Guide value for 4-pole standard motors at 50 Hz400 V AC. The actualstarting and rated data of the motor to be protected must be consideredwhen selecting the units.3)The setting range of the thermal overload releases has been extended.Suitable for use with IE3 motors up to a starting current of 256 A. For higherstarting currents we recommend using 3RV2 motor starter protectorssize S2.5)The devices must not be mounted side-by-side and they must not beassembled with link modules with contactors. A lateral clearance of 9 mmis required. For use with IE3 motors we recommend using 3RV2 motorstarter protectors size S2.Auxiliary switches and other accessories can be orderedseparately (see "Accessories" page 7/32 onwards).3RV2011-0EA203RV2021-4AA103RV2021-4AA203RV2011-0AA107/21。
SIEMENS 空气断路器 3WT 说明书
可抽出式包括一台抽屉式断路器本体、一台导向框架以及用于移 动抽屉式断路器的操作手柄。标准型导向框架上配有导轨可方便 地对抽屉式断路器进行处理。
• 辅助接线端子 当断路器滑入导向框架时 (测试位置,运行位置),辅助电源会 自动接通。
• 有关 I2t 延时的短路短延时脱扣器用于与下级熔断器实现最佳的 选择性配合。
• 具有 “选择性区域联锁”功能的短路保护,通过短时延时作用 显著降低配电系统的应力与损害;
• 负载脱落 / 负载再接入
• 液晶 (LCD) 工作电流显示
• 描述 接地故障脱扣器 “G”能检测流过接地端,能会导致车间火灾的 故障电流。通过可调的动作延迟时间,可对串联在一起的几台断 路器实现时间分级鉴别。 电子脱扣器进行参数化时,可以设定 “故障时只报警”(报警) 或 “故障时断路器脱扣”(脱扣)。 按下询问按钮,发光二极管 (LED) 显示脱扣原因。
3WT 断路器配备包括有一台操作机构,电子脱扣器与辅助开关, 同时还配有辅助脱扣装置。
标准形式 • 电子脱扣器用于过载保护与短路保护;短路脱扣装置对于基于
时间的辩识结果滞后动作;发光二极管用于说明脱扣原因;发 光二极管状态指示器;具有查询与测试按钮。 • 辅助接线端子:断路器配有满足要求数量的接线端子 • 机械合闸分闸按钮 • 柜门密封框架 IP40 • 脱扣信号开关 (1 NO) • 带信号开关的合闸准备就绪指示器 • 弹簧储能指示器 • 辅助开关 (2NO+2NC) • 主回路背部水平连接适用于固定式和可抽出式 • 4 极断路器中,安装在左侧的第 4 个孔 (通中性 (N) 线)能够 100% 承受负载 • 脱扣后的显示和复位按钮可以用于 - 脱扣信号开关 - 机械合闸锁定 • 中 / 英用户手册
Siemens Power Break II 电路断路器电流脱落与电流脱落与锁定辅助设备说明书
IntroductionThe Shunt Trip and Shunt Trip with Lockout accessories, shown in Figure 1, can be installed in 800–4000 ampere frame Power Break® II circuit breakers. These accessories allow the breaker to be tripped electrically from a remote location.In addition to providing a trip signal to the breaker, the Shunt Trip accessories can be set up to interact with other Power Break II accessories, when used with a MicroVersaTrip Plus™or MicroVersaTrip PM™ Trip Unit. DIP switches on the rear of the breaker Trip Unit can configure the Shunt Trip accessories to activate a Bell Alarm–Alarm Only accessory or a Bell Alarm with Lockout accessory when a s hunt trip occurs. The Accessory Configuration section below describes how this can be done. If the breaker is equipped with a Power+™ Trip Unit, it is configured so that only protection trips will activate a Bell Alarm–Alarm Only or Bell Alarm with Lockout.The catalog numbers for the Shunt Trip and Shunt Trip with Lockout for 480 and 600 Vac are listed in Table 1. Voltage and current ratings in Table 1 are given at the input of the transformer. The voltage and current ratings of the input to the accessory are equal to that of the 120 Vac version of the accessory. Table 2 lists these ratings.OperationApply control voltage to the primary of the supplied step-down transformer. The secondary of the transformer is connected t o terminals 31 and 32 of the terminal strip on the right side o f the breaker.WARNING:480 Vac and 600 Vac Shunt Trip accessories must be used with the supplied step-down transformer.AVERTISSEMENT: Les modules de déclenchement shunt 480 Vac et 600 Vac doivent être utilisés avec le transformateur abaisseur de tension qui est fourni.The Shunt Trip or Shunt Trip with Lockout will cause the circuit breaker to trip when the control voltage is greater than 55% of the rated ac value. Control power to the Shunt Tripmust be removed before the breaker can be closed. Control power to the Shunt Trip with Lockout must be removed for a minimum of 0.25 second before the breaker can be closed.Figure 1. Shunt Trip with LockoutCatalogNumberVoltageRating➀Peak InrushCurrent, mA➁Nominal RMSCurrent, mA SPST480480 Vac37521SPST600600 Vac30017SPSTL480480 Vac75020SPSTL600600 Vac60016➀Rated for 50/60 Hz. Rating is 120 Vac without step-down transformer.➁Peak inrush current is present fo r 2–6 ms after activation. This number is provided so that fuses and supplies can be chosenappropriately.Table 1. Catalog numbers and voltages for the Shunt Trip and ShuntTrip with Lockout.AccessoryVoltageRatingPeak InrushCurrent, ANominal RMSCurrent, mA Shunt Trip120 Vac 1.585Shunt Trip/Lockout120 Vac380 Table 2. Voltage and current ratings for the 120 Vac Shunt Trip andShunt Trip with Lockout.InstallationWARNING: Before installing any accessories, turn the breaker OFF, disconnect it from all voltage sources, and discharge the charging springs.AVERTISSEMENT:Avant d’installer tout accessoire, mettre le disjoncteur en position OFF, le déconnecter de toute tension d’alimentation, et décharger les ressorts d’armement.The Shunt Trip or Shunt Trip with Lockout is installed in the accessory compartment through the front of the circuit breaker i n the position shown in Figure 2.gPower Break® II Circuit BreakerAccessoriesShunt Trip and Shunt Trip with Lockout480 & 600 VacFigure 2. Accessory compartment on front of circuit breaker, withShunt Trip slot e the following procedure to install the Shunt Trip accessory into the Shunt Trip slot of the accessory compartment:1.Open the hinged door over the accessory compartment and Trip Unit.2.To remove an existing accessory, loosen the accessory locking screw and pull the accessory out with the Rating Plug Removal Tool (catalog number TRTOOL).3.Insert the Shunt Trip accessory into the proper slot, as illustrated in Figure 3. The Shunt Trip accessory is keyed for the correct slot in the accessory compartment. If t h e accessory cannot be fully seated in the compartment, c h e c kthat the compartment position is correct.Figure 3. Inserting a Shunt Trip into the accessory compartment.4.Tighten the locking screw on the front of the accessory until it is snug (9 in-lb).CAUTION: Overtightening the locking screw may damage o r distort the case of the accessory.ATTENTION: Le serrage excessif de la vis de verrouillage peut déformer le boîtier d’accessoire.5.If the breaker is equipped with a MicroVersaTrip Plus o r MicroVersaTrip PM Trip Unit, the Shunt Trip accessory can be congifured to activate installed Bell Alarm–Alarm Only or Bell Alarm with Lockout accessories when a shunt trip occurs, with the procedure described in the Accessory Configuration section.6.Mount the supplied step-down transformer near the circuit breaker.7.Connect the control wiring for either Shunt Trip to the primary side of the transformer, marked as the H numbered terminals. Table 3 lists the correct transformer primary taps.8.Connect the secondary side of the transformer, marked as the X numbered terminals, to terminals 31 and 32 of the terminal block on the right side of the breaker. Table 3lists the correct transformer secondary taps.WARNING: 480 Vac and 600 Vac Shunt Trip accessories must be used with the supplied step-down transformer.AVERTISSEMENT: Les modules de déclenchement shunt 480Vac et 600 Vac doivent être utilisés avec le transformateur abaisseur de tension qui est fourni.Catalog Number/Control VoltagePrimary Connections Secondary Connections9T58K0042480 V H1, H4➀X1, X29T58K0062600 VH1, H4X1, X3➀ A jumper must be placed from H2 to H3.Table 3. Primary and secondary connections for step-downtransformers.9.Test the Shunt Trip to ensure proper operation, according to the procedures below.10.Reconnect power to the circuit breaker and any otheraccessories.11.Close and lock or seal the door over the accessorycompartment and Trip Unit to prevent unauthorized changes to Trip Unit settings and to keep contaminants out of empty accessory slots.Accessory ConfigurationThis section only applies if Bell Alarm–Alarm Only or Bell Alarm with Lockout accessories are installed in the breaker,along with a MicroVersaTrip Plus or MicroVersaTrip PM Trip Unit. If the breaker is equipped with a Power+ Trip Unit, the factory default settings, listed in Table 4, can not be changed.The Shunt Trip accessory can be configured to activate the Bell Alarm–Alarm Only or Bell Alarm with Lockout accessories if a shunt trip occurs. The configuration can be changed by removing the Trip Unit from the breaker, setting the DIP switches on the rear of the Trip Unit, and reinstalling the Trip Unit. Figure 4 illustrates the Trip Unit rear DIP switches and their functions. Table 4 lists the switch functions and the factory settings for each.Description of Switch SettingsFollowing are descriptions of the effects of each accessory switch when it is enabled .1.When a Shunt Trip accessory causes the breaker to trip,the contacts of the Bell Alarm–Alarm Only also change state. (The factory switch setting is disabled .)Figure 4. Accessory switch on the rear of the MicroVersaTrip Plus™ or MicroVersaTrip PM™ Trip Unit, showing the factory settings (solidpart indicates that the switch is pushed in on that side).Switch Factory Setting Function1Disabled Shunt trip activates Bell Alarm–Alarm Only2Disabled UVR trip activates Bell Alarm–Alarm Only3Enabled Protection trip activates Bell Alarm–Alarm Only4Disabled Shunt trip activates Bell Alarm with Lockout5Disabled UVR trip activates Bell Alarm with Lockout6EnabledProtection trip activates Bell Alarm with LockoutTable 4. Accessory switch settings, including the factory defaults.2.When an Undervoltage Release accessory causes the breaker to trip, the contacts of the Bell Alarm–Alarm Only also change state. (The factory switch setting is disabled .)3.When a protection trip (long-time, short-time,instantaneous, ground-fault, or protective-relay) occurs,the contacts of the Bell Alarm–Alarm Only also change state. (The factory switch setting is enabled .)4.When a Shunt Trip accessory causes the breaker to trip,the contacts of the Bell Alarm with Lockout also change state. (The factory switch setting is disabled .)5.When an Undervoltage Release accessory causes the breaker to trip, the contacts of the Bell Alarm with Lockout also change state. (The factory switch setting is disabled .)6.When a protection trip (long-time, short-time,instantaneous, ground-fault, or protective-relay) occurs,the contacts of the Bell Alarm with Lockout also change state. (The factory switch setting is enabled.)Procedure for Changing Switch SettingsChange the accessory switch settings with the following procedure:WARNING: Before beginning this procedure, turn the breaker off, disconnect it from all voltage sources, and discharge the closing springs.AVERTISSEMENT: Avant de commencer cette procédure,mettre le disjoncteur en position OFF, le déconnecter de toute tension d’alimentation, et désarmer les ressorts de fermeture.1.Loosen the four #8-32 screws on the breaker trim-plate assembly and remove the trim plate.2.Loosen the four #10-32 screws at the corner of the breaker cover. Remove the cover from the breaker face.3.Pull the Trip Unit locking lever to the right, then hold the Trip Unit near the battery cover and lift it straight out o f the breaker.4.Refer to Figure 4 and Table 4 to determine the switches t o be changed.5.Push in the appropriate “Enable” or “Disable” side of the switch.6.Confirm all switch settings before reinstalling the Trip Unit in the breaker.7.Pull the Trip Unit locking lever to the right. While holding the lever, carefully align the connector on the rear of the Trip Unit with the connector in the breaker. Press down on the Trip Unit, while holding it near the battery cover.When the Trip Unit is fully seated, slide the locking lever back to the left.8.Reinstall the breaker top cover and tighten the four #10-32screws to 32 in-lb.9.Replace the trim plate and tighten the four #8-32 screws to 20 in-lb.10.Verify that the switch settings are correct by inducingbreaker trips from the Shunt Trip and Undervoltage Release (if present) and checking the responses of the Bell Alarm–Alarm Only and Bell Alarm with Lockout accessories.Test ProcedureTest the Shunt Trip for proper operation with the following procedure.1.Turn off the power to the Shunt Trip.2.Close the breaker contacts.3.Apply at least 55% of the rated ac voltage to the Shunt Trip; the breaker should trip immediately.4.If a Bell Alarm–Alarm Only or Bell Alarm with Lockout is present, ensure that they activate (or do not activate) as selected by the MicroVersaTrip Plus or MicroVersaTrip PM Trip Unit DIP switches.If a Shunt Trip with Lockout has been installed, continue with the following steps:5.After the breaker has tripped and with the power still applied to the Shunt Trip with Lockout, attempt to close the breaker. The breaker should not close nor attempt t o close.6.If a MicroVersaTrip Plus or MicroVersaTrip PM Trip Unit is installed, check that t h e Trip Unit display is active (powered).7.Remove power from the Shunt Trip with Lockout.8.Attempt to close the breaker; it should close as normal.Trouble-ShootingThe following guide is provided for trouble-shooting and isolating c o m m o n problems. It does not cover every possible situation. Contact the ED&C Customer Support Center at 800-843-3742 if any problem is not resolved by these procedures.Symptom Possible Cause Corrective Action1.The Shunt Trip accessorywill not insert completelyinto the breaker.The accessory is insertedincorrectly.Ensure that the accessory is inserted in the correct slot, asin Figure 2, and that the label is upright.2.The breaker will not tripwhen control power isapplied to the Shunt Trip.The Shunt Trip is not energized.The installed Shunt Trip has anincorrect voltage rating.The transformer connections areincorrect.The Shunt Trip connection ispoor.The breaker is not closed.Check that Shunt Trip control power is applied at greater than 55% of the rated ac voltage. Check that the accessory is completely inserted; reinsert if necessary.Check for the proper voltage rating on the Shunt Trip.Ensure that steps 6, 7, and 8 in the Installation section have been followed correctly.Check that the Shunt Trip accessory is completely inserted. Check that the Trip Unit is seated correctly. If the Trip Unit was removed to set the switches, check that it has been correctly installed; remove and reinstall, if necessary.Note that an otherwise unpowered Trip Unit would be powered up by an energized Shunt Trip accessory. Verify that the breaker is closed.3.The breaker closesmanually when the ShuntTrip with Lockout isenergized.The Shunt Trip with Lockoutsolenoid is not energized.The Shunt Trip with Lockoutcontrol power connection is poor.Check that the Shunt Trip with Lockout control power isapplied at greater than 55% of the rated ac voltage. Checkthat the accessory is completely inserted; re-insert ifnecessary.Note that an otherwise unpowered Trip Unit is poweredby an energized Shunt Trip accessory.Check that the Shunt Trip with Lockout accessory iscompletely inserted.4.The breaker will not closemanually when the ShuntTrip or Shunt Trip withLockout control power isremoved.The Shunt Trip or Shunt Tripwith Lockout control power isactually still applied.The breaker is already closedThe Shunt Trip with Lockoutplunger is not retracted.Check that the Shunt Trip or Shunt Trip with Lockoutcontrol power has been removed.Check that the breaker is not closed; if so, open it and tryagain.Remove the Shunt Trip with Lockout accessory. If thelockout plunger protrudes out of the accessory, replacethe accessory. If the plunger does not protrude, reinsertthe accessory, ensuring good alignment of the accessoryin the pocket.5.The breaker fails to closeafter control power isremoved from the ShuntTrip with Lockout.Control power was not removedfor a minimum of 0.25 secondsbefore the breaker was closed.Wait at least 0.25 seconds before closing the breaker afterremoving control power from the Shunt Trip.These instructions do not cover all details or variations in equipment nor do they provide for every possible contingency that may be met in connection with installation, operation, or maintenance. Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise that are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes, the matter should be referred to the GE Company.gGE Electrical Distribution & ControlGeneral Electric Company41 Woodford Ave., Plainville, CT 06062GEH-6519B 0697© 1997 General Electric Company。
西门子 3WN6 万能式断路器 框架式断路器 (ACB) 产品手册
3WN6 万能式断路器
新型的 3WN6 系列万能式断路器适用于额定电流从630~3200A ,运行电压至AC690V 的大型建筑物、工矿企业、电站和水厂等场所,还适用于钴井机或船舶等场合。
3WN6 的优点:
• 紧凑的外形使其可用于体积更小的开关柜• 固定式和抽屉式• 热耗散减少• 满负载运行至 55°C • 所需的控制功率减少• 多种功能特征
• 标准型中配置有多种可视信号和电气信号• 模块化结构
• 适合于各种用途的过电流保护单元
3WN6 系列断路器可应用于:• 在三相系统中作为进线和出线装置
• 作为大型设备的主开关
新型的 3WN6 断路器以拥有新一代的过电流脱扣器为特征。
框架式断路器 (ACB)。
Retrofit Solution for SIEMENS 3AC make minimum oil circuit breakerThe foremost advantage of retrofittinga circuit breaker in switchgear is thatthe required specifications are metwith the latest technology at only apartial cost of replacing the equipment.This becomes more evident whenthe associated costs of civil works,cabling and downtime are considered.Retrofitting helps in saving up to 60percent of the cost of new equipment.Typically, retrofitting constitutesreplacement of vital equipment havingsimilar or advanced features, for lifeextension, reduced maintenance andimproved functionality. This includesupgradation and modernization ofbasic equipment and allied parts. Theretrofitted switchgear offers far greatersystem, reliability, long term safety andlong term availability of spares withminimal investment and downtime.Siemens 3AC breakerABB is a full system provider forretrofit solutions, from the proposaland design, through the manufacturingand testing, up to the installation andcommissioning.1V Y N 000006 R e v . 00, e n - C o p y r i g h t © 2014 A B B . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .For more information please contact Service department at: ABB India LimitedPPMV – Retrofit & Services Plot No. 79, Street No. 17,MIDC Estate,Satpur Nashik,Maharashtra, India – 422007Tel: +91 253-2201200Fax: +91 253-2351260Email:******************.com ABB VD4 retrofit of Siemens 3AC breakerNOTE:We reserve the right to make changes in the course of technical development.Benefits Reliability– Significant life time extension– Lower maintenance requirements – Long time availability of spare parts Safety– Strong fault risk reduction– Additional embedded safety features – Improved operator protection Technology– Latest generation apparatus– Designed according to IEC 62271-100 Standard – Tested and certified products Project– Short implementation time for replacement – Minimum shutdown of the switchboard – Smooth site activity Investment– Limited capital investment– Minimization of further maintenance costs – Warranty on the conversion workFactsThese circuit breakers are widely present in the networks and ABB can provide the relevant retrofitting solutions across the globe. This equipment has been in service for many decades and retrofitting could significantly extend the operational life of the switchgear. The use of well proven VD4 Vacuum circuit breaker enhances the reliability of the switchgear. The retrofit circuit breakers can be fitted with Surge Arresters or Potential Transformers on request. Many types of existing circuitbreakers can be identified by looking at the rating plates Viz. 3AC-10NTechnical dataA full range of retrofit solutions have been developed based on ABB vacuum and gas circuit breakers. Fused vacuum contactor is also available for replacing Motor Starter Units.ABB proposal provides the best fit for purpose apparatus for each switchgear unit, depending of the complete network, equipment conditions and the specific feeder operational characteristics.The following basic details are necessary for providing standard retrofit solutions:– Height, width and depth of the circuit breaker compartment – GA, cross section and schematic drawing of the existing panel– Height, width and depth of the panel – Control & motor voltage – Feeder details。
电子部件66.1过电流脱扣器 - 功能概述注意我们已经检查了本手册的内容以确保其与描述的硬件和软件一致。
小心当规划项目和考虑选择性时,必须确保断路器上的负载不超过 3WT 产品目录中规定的分断能力。
电子部件6.1 过电流脱扣器 - 功能概述功能概述过电流脱扣器功能ETU35WT ETU37WT ETU45WT ETU47WT LT:过载保护(长延时),L 脱扣✓✓✓✓热记忆可开/关— — ✓✓ST:短延时短路保护(短延时),S 脱扣✓✓✓✓短延时可开/关— — ✓✓短延时短路保护(可切换为 I2t)— — ✓✓INST:瞬时短路保护(瞬时),I 脱扣✓1)✓1)✓✓瞬时可开/关— — ✓✓N:中性线保护(N 中性线),N 脱扣— ✓✓✓中性线保护可开/关— ✓✓✓GF:接地故障保护,G 脱扣— ✓— ✓接地故障特性曲线可切换为 I2t — — — ✓接地故障报警— — — ✓负载监视— — ✓✓超前信号“L 脱扣” — — ✓✓电机保护功能✓✓✓✓字母数字显示✓✓✓✓通过Cubicle BUS 进行通讯— — ΟΟ通过 Modbus RTU 进行通讯— — ΟΟ测量功能— — ΟΟ通过旋转编码开关进行参数化✓✓✓✓附加功能的远程参数化— — ✓✓可连接至外部 24 V 直流电源— — ✓✓✓标准Ο可选— 不可用1)固定设置电子部件6.2 过电流脱扣器 ETU35WT 6.2过电流脱扣器 ETU35WT1)只要过电流脱扣器在脱扣之前已经激活超过 20 分钟,则脱扣原因会保存至少两天。
西门子 3AE-SION真空断路器 说明书
高质量的 3AE-SION 真空断路器
3AE-SION真空断路器是西门子结合三十多年的真空产品设计和运行经验并针对中国电力市场开发和生产的最新的一代产品。 融合了德国的最新科技,代表了真空开关的最新发展方向。
· 紧凑型设计适用于 7.2-24kV 的任何开关柜,电气参数最大 40kA、4000A。 · 模块化设计使安装简单化,接线灵活化,可选的相距及极距满足各种特殊需要。 · 机电寿命可达到 30,000 次,在正常工况下,10,000 次操作次数内免维护。 · 革新的绝缘设计和新材料的应用提高了绝缘强度,断路器采用了大爬距绝缘设计,配用最新开发的大爬距真空灭弧室,
275/310 275/310 275/310 275/310 210/310 275/310
1600 110 40 2000 2500 3150 40001)
210/310 275/310 275/310 275/310 275/310 275/310
3AE1175-2(12kV/31.5kA/1250A) 210mm ! 275mm
西门子 3AE-SION 真空断路器
额定 型号 电压 (kV) 3AE1104-1 3AE1114-1 3AE1164-1 3AE1174-1 3AE1104-2 3AE1114-2 3AE1164-2 3AE1174-2 3AE1184-3 3AE1584-3 3AE1584-4 3AE1584-6 3AE1105-1 3AE1115-1 3AE1165-1 3AE1175-1 3AE1105-2 3AE1115-2 3AE1165-2 3AE1175-2 3AE1185-3 3AE1585-3 3AE1585-4 3AE1585-6 3AE1585-7 3AE1585-8 3AE1186-2 3AE1586-2 3AE1186-3 3AE1586-3 3AE1586-4 3AE1586-6 3AE1586-7 3AE1586-8
西门子 西门子 NS 系列小型断路器,100A 到 630A说明书
Compact circuit breakers
Number of poles
toggle direct or extended rotary handle
Type of circuit breaker Connections
35 50 20
100 200
65 130
35 50
85 -
65 -
18 -
STR23 (electronic) b b b
b b
b b b b b
STR53 (electronic) b b b b b b b b
b b b
140 x 255 x 110 / 185 x 255 x 110 6.2 to 8.1
Compact NS
Compact NS AC circuit breakers from 630 to 3200 A
Compact NS800L
Compact NS2000H
10 (2) 20 (2) 75 (2) 10 (2) 20 (2) 35 (2)
Siemens 3KM5730-1AB01 产品数据表 开关接线器与断路器及隔离插座连接器说明书
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Product data sheet
subject to modifications © Copyright Siemens AG 2014
Type of voltage Continuous current / rated value Breaking capacity limit short-circuit current (lcu) / at 400 V / rated value
subject to modifications © Copyright Siemens AG 2014
General Product Approval
Declaration of Conformity
Test Certificates
Shipping Approval
Special Test Certificate
As the supplier of OEM parts for your SP breakers, Siemens is committed to supporting you with qualified parts and factory-trained field service support throughout your breaker’s life cycle.Type SP breakermaintenance programService solutions for your T&D infrastructure/assetservicesMaintenance intervalsSiemens recommends that major maintenance be performed on your SP breaker after 2,000 operations, accumulated fault duty equal to 20 times the breaker kA rating or eight years, whichever occurs first. Major maintenance involves an internal inspection of the breaker and requires a major inspection kit that includes all the required gaskets, lubricants and other consumables.Field serviceWith Siemens services, an experienced, factory-trained engineer who specializes in high-voltage (HV) breaker maintenance will be on-site to assist each step of the way. Siemens can assist with:• Technical field assistance• Turnkey maintenance• Turnkey breaker replacementSiemens power circuit breaker trainingThe SP two-day training program is tailored to increase the knowledge of personnel responsible for the maintenance of HV SF6 breakers and focuses on hands-on practical, rather than theoretical, training. Your personnel can attend a program conducted at our power circuit breaker factory in Jackson, Mississippi, or training can be combined with technical field assistance during a scheduled outage. Benefits• Hands-on experience for the crew• Maintenance and repair sequencing• Factory adjustment procedures and tolerances• Problem analysis• Final check-outType SP puffer circuit breaker major maintenance program2Digital RadiologyType SP puffer circuit breaker renewal parts solutionsRenewal partsShould renewal parts be required during major maintenance, Siemens maintains a multi-million dollar inventory for rapid supply of many key components.Benefits• Experienced in-house renewal parts specialists• Access to OEM engineering departments that understand your equipment design• Parts manufactured and tested to OEM specifications that include the latest design and material improvements• 24/7/365 parts availabilitySpare interruptersTo reduce outage downtime, particularly when several breakers will be inspected, many customers order spare interrupters to have on hand in the event their inspection reveals the need to replace the existing interrupter.Major inspection kitWe provide all required o-rings, lubricants and consumable materials to replace items subject to wear, thus potentially adding 15 to 20 years to equipment life.There have been several design improvements in the SP breaker since its introduction by Westinghouse in 1980. The following improvements, depending on your breaker, can be field installed.Uprates• Interrupting ratingMany SP breakers were originally designed for 23 kA. Siemens can increase this rating to 31.5 kA by replacing the interrupter and adding a tank liner. Siemens can further increase this rating to 40 kA by adding line to ground capacitors.• Continuous circuitMany SP breakers were originally designed for 1,200 amperes. Siemens can increase this rating to 2,000 or3,000 amperes by changing a bushing component and possibly the current transformers.• Voltage ratingIt is possible to increase the voltage rating to 72 kV by adding voltage shields.Upgrades• SF6pressure monitoringSeveral methods were applied to monitor gas pressure. The later design incorporated a temperature compensated pressure switch in conjunction with a lockout relay that prevents the breaker from operating while the pressure is below safe operating levels. Breakers with other methods can be upgraded to this functionality.• Control cabinet anti-condensationPrevent corrosion in the control cabinet by adding an anti-condensation heater assembly• -40 °F temperature operationImprove operating temperature to -40 °F by adding tank heaters• Replacement porcelain bushingsSP breakers manufactured prior to 1988 utilized epoxy bushings. Siemens can field install replacement porcelain bushings.• Manifold assemblyPrevent corrosion and leakage on the manifold by replacing the original stainless steel tubing with newcopper tubingState-of-the-art aftermarket parts warehouse for quick shipment SP interrupters and major inspection kits are available from stock tosupport your upcoming maintenance activities3Siemens Industry, Inc.7000 Siemens Road Wendell, NC 27591For more information, please contact our Customer Support Center. Phone: Order No: IC1000-E240-A132-X-4AUS Printed in USA©2017 Siemens Industry, Inc.The technical data presented in this document is based on an actual case or on as-designed parameters, and therefore should not be relied upon for any specific application and does not constitute a performance guarantee for any projects. Actual results are dependent on variable conditions. Accordingly, Siemens does not make representations, warranties, orassurances as to the accuracy, currency or completeness of the content contained herein. If requested, we will provide specific technical data or specifications with respect to any customer’s particular applications. Our company is constantly involved in engineering and development. For that reason, we reserve the right to modify, at any time, the technology and product specifications contained herein.Maintenance tipsThe following tips are useful during major maintenance, troubleshooting and long-term maintenance planning.Mechanism hints • Air valve leaksTemperature plays a critical role in hardening air valve o-rings, which may result in leaks. A contributing factor is the air valve heater used to prevent condensation inside the mechanism and prevent ice from freezing the valve during operation when the ambient temperature is 45 °F and below. Siemens has developed an alternate heater arrangement, which consists of energizing another heater continuously to control condensation and controlling the air valve heater with a thermostat to be on only when needed. Upgrade kits include new valve o-rings, thermostat, heater and installation drawings.• Pneumatic mechanism slow reset on trip-free latch Siemens has received reports of type SP breakers with slow reset times on the trip-free latch or the mechanism going trip-free on a close-open operation. Check that the breaker lever system is set correctly using the horizontal linkage system setting gauge (part 7358D12H14). Trip-free latch problems may be caused by slight changes in the open position stop bolt setting.• Mechanism linkage lubricationFrequently operated type SP breakers should be checked and lubricated with Molykote at the following points: 1. Horizontal linkage pins, particularly where the horizontal tie pipe connects to the drive levers2. Hydraulic shock absorber plunger nose that makes contact with the bell crank lever3. Rollers that move vertically in operating mechanism guide rails (on ends of A and B pins)Interrupter bushing maintenance hints • Loose moving contact nutsFrequently operated type SP breakers built before January of 1988 have occasionally experienced loose nuts where the moving contact attaches to the interrupter tube and should be checked at the next major maintenance. Nuts should be cleaned with Loctite Primer, and a couple drops of Loctite 242 (blue) should be applied to the nut thread before retightening to 25 ft-lbs torque.• Interrupter lubricationIn warmer climates, the Molykote lubrication in the interrupter may dry out. Re-lubricate with Beacon 325. The resistance (100A flowing) should be less than 40 microhms.• Leaking bushings at topWhen installing terminal pads, make sure that the terminal pad and bushing stud threads are free of burrs as they should screw on easily. If not, it may be possible to overcome the 100 ft-lbs torque used during bushing assembly, which may result in a loose stud and leakingbushing.Contact usTo find out how these services may give you a competitive advantage, please contact your local Siemens sales representative or +1 (800) 347-6659.4。
Siemens MS132-10T 电源变压器保护电路断路器说明书
Tightening Torque Wire Stripping Length Recommended Screw Driver Mounting Position Mounting on DIN Rail
(120 V AC) Single Phase 9.8 A (220 ... 240 V AC) Single Phase 10 A
(120 V AC) Single Phase 58.8 A (220 ... 240 V AC) Single Phase 58.8 A
Flexible 1/2x 16-12 AWG Stranded 1/2x 16-12 AWG Main Circuit 10 ... 12 in·lb
200 A
6.3 ... 10 A Main Circuit 690 V AC
10 A
Main Circuit 50 Hz Main Circuit 60 Hz
Main Circuit 6 kV
690 V
at Rated Operating Conditions per Pole 0.7 W 3
Main Circuit 10 A
Any UL Listed Fuses or Circuit-Breakers, Tap Conductor Protection in Group Installations (600Y / 347 V AC) 18 kA Main Circuit 600 V AC
10 A (120 V AC) Single Phase 0.5 Hp (220 ... 240 V AC) Single Phase 1.5 Hp
Declaration of Conformity
Test Certificates
spezielle Prüfbescheinigunge
Further information Industry Mall (Online ordering system)
Subject to change without notice © Copyright Siemens AG
Certificates Equipment marking ● acc. to DIN EN 61346-2 ● acc. to DIN EN 81346-2 General Product Approval
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2 2
Plant / motor protection
3WL1216-4CB32-1AA2 Page 2/4
Subject to change without notice © Copyright Siemens AG
● Trip indicator ● Voltage trigger ● undervoltage release Product extension / optional / motor drive
真空断路器 3AH3 7.2KV-36KV(2)真空灭弧室图2/5给出了用于3AH3真空断路器中的真空灭弧室的基本结构的剖视图。
图2/5真空灭弧室安装在3AH3真空断路器中的真空灭弧室被定型核准符合联邦德国的X 射线规则。
它们符合1987年1月8号(联邦法公报第144页)§8规定的X 射线规则的要求和附件Ⅲ第5部分规定的额定瞬间交流电压符合DIN VDE/IDE 标准。
补充说明基本型号的真空断路器包括:带有机械和电气反转的电气操作机械(储能电动机)(M1)合闸线圈(Y9)脱扣分路(Y1)64头带金属孔眼套筒的低压插塞式连接器(X0)辅助开关,6常开+6常闭(S1)“合闸线圈储能”信号的位置开关(S41,S42)断路器分闸信号,信号复位开关(S6,S7)操作次数计数器防止误合闸的闭锁每个3AH3真空断路器也可以装有下面一些设备:接线板(X0)扩展的辅助开关,12常开+12常闭(S1)脱扣分路3AX1101 (Y2)电流互感器操作脱扣3AX1102 (Y4,Y5)电流互感器操作脱扣3AX1104(0.1WS)(Y6)低电压脱扣3AX1103 (Y7)手动电气合闸机械闭锁除标准的脱扣分路外,3AH3真空断路器也可以最多安装两个3AX11型脱扣分路。
西门子断路器说明书真空断路器 3AH3 7.2KV-36KV(2)真空灭弧室图2/5给出了用于3AH3真空断路器中的真空灭弧室的基本结构的剖视图。
图2/5真空灭弧室安装在3AH3真空断路器中的真空灭弧室被定型核准符合联邦德国的X 射线规则。
它们符合1987年1月8号(联邦法公报第144页)§8规定的X 射线规则的要求和附件Ⅲ第5部分规定的额定瞬间交流电压符合DIN VDE/IDE标准。
补充说明基本型号的真空断路器包括:带有机械和电气反转的电气操作机械(储能电动机)(M1)合闸线圈(Y9)脱扣分路(Y1)64头带金属孔眼套筒的低压插塞式连接器(X0)辅助开关,6常开+6常闭(S1)“合闸线圈储能”信号的位置开关(S41,S42)断路器分闸信号,信号复位开关(S6,S7)操作次数计数器防止误合闸的闭锁每个3AH3真空断路器也可以装有下面一些设备:接线板(X0)扩展的辅助开关,12常开+12常闭(S1)脱扣分路3AX1101 (Y2)电流互感器操作脱扣3AX1102 (Y4,Y5)电流互感器操作脱扣3AX1104(0.1WS)(Y6)低电压脱扣3AX1103 (Y7)手动电气合闸机械闭锁除标准的脱扣分路外,3AH3真空断路器也可以最多安装两个3AX11型脱扣分路。
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真空断路器 3AH3 7.2KV-36KV(2)真空灭弧室图2/5给出了用于3AH3真空断路器中的真空灭弧室的基本结构的剖视图。
图2/5真空灭弧室安装在3AH3真空断路器中的真空灭弧室被定型核准符合联邦德国的X 射线规则。
它们符合1987年1月8号(联邦法公报第144页)§8规定的X 射线规则的要求和附件Ⅲ第5部分规定的额定瞬间交流电压符合DIN VDE/IDE 标准。
补充说明基本型号的真空断路器包括:带有机械和电气反转的电气操作机械(储能电动机)(M1)合闸线圈(Y9)脱扣分路(Y1)64头带金属孔眼套筒的低压插塞式连接器(X0)辅助开关,6常开+6常闭(S1)“合闸线圈储能”信号的位置开关(S41,S42)断路器分闸信号,信号复位开关(S6,S7)操作次数计数器防止误合闸的闭锁每个3AH3真空断路器也可以装有下面一些设备:接线板(X0)扩展的辅助开关,12常开+12常闭(S1)脱扣分路3AX1101 (Y2)电流互感器操作脱扣3AX1102 (Y4,Y5)电流互感器操作脱扣3AX1104(0.1WS)(Y6)低电压脱扣3AX1103 (Y7)手动电气合闸机械闭锁除标准的脱扣分路外,3AH3真空断路器也可以最多安装两个3AX11型脱扣分路。
使用合适的压接工具(例如Harting牌压接钳 09 99 000 0110 带定位套筒的 09 99 000 0111)1)。
接地使用连接到机械柜(60.)边的带有适当标志的M12端子(70.)上(见图3/3)的扁铜,铜缆或镀锌钢带(DIN VDE 0141/7.76 项目5.3),把真空断路器连接到专用的高压保护接地。
螺栓头下必须放带锯齿的垫圈(DIN 6798)。
1)Harting Crimpzange, Harting电子股份有限公司, Marienwerder Straβe 3,D-32 339 Espslkamp 邮政信箱11 40功能原理图图3/3手动合闸64路插头连接的3AH3真空断路器图3/4低电压脱扣Y7的典型连接电路功能原理图HA 手动分闸HE 手动合闸K1 防跳开关M1 电动机操作机械P 储能R1 电阻S1 辅助开关S21,S22 位置开关(在储能后关闭电动S3 位置开关(当合闸弹簧储能时S41,S42 位置开关(储能状态信号)S6,S7 位置开关(开关跳闸信号)X0 低压插塞式连接器Y1 第一脱扣分路Y2 第二脱扣分路Y4,Y5,CT操作脱扣Y7 低电压脱扣Y9 合闸线圈S10,S11 位置开关(机械防跳)图3/5手动电气合闸64路插头连接的3AH3真空断路器操作HA 手动分闸HE 手动合闸K1 防跳开关M1 电动机操作机械P 储能R1 电阻S1 辅助开关S21,S22 位置开关(在储能后关闭电动S3 位置开关(当合闸弹簧储能时S41,S42 位置开关(储能状态信号)S6,S7 位置开关(开关跳闸信号)X0 低压插塞式连接器Y1 第一脱扣分路Y2 第二脱扣分路Y4,Y5,CT操作脱扣Y7 低电压脱扣Y9 合闸线圈S10,S11 位置开关(机械防跳)试运行在试运行之前,根据以下几点检查真空断路器:1.正确的清洁(细节参照“清洁”页5/1).2.检查所有的固定及端子螺钉是否拧紧.4. 用手动曲柄(50.)给合闸弹簧(62.)储能(见图4/1),按下“合”按钮(53.)后断路器合闸,按下“分”按钮(54.)后断路器分闸。
图4/1用手动曲柄给合闸弹簧储能 适配器(50.6)的设计使手动曲柄(50.)在电动机储能恢复时可以取下。
图4/2“合闸弹簧储能” 图4/2 “合闸弹簧泄放”合闸如果操作没有被机械闭锁联锁,按下“合”按钮(53.)或相应的控制开关后,3AH3真空断路器合闸同时给出指示和发信号显示断路器合闸。
如果3AH3真空断路器在一个非常不利的户内条件(例如频繁的雾化, 充斥灰尘的空气等等)下使用,我们推荐定期的清洁断路器外部元件,必要的话,更新防腐蚀保护。
轴承,滑动面:Isoflex Topas L32Klbüer-润滑油KGGeisenhausener Straβe 7邮箱 70 10 4781379 Munich德国难于接近的轴承的润滑和辅助开关S1的轴承:壳牌特勒斯油 32壳牌油贸易公司 GmbHZitadellenstraβe 5邮箱 90091521079汉堡德国在防腐蚀处理完前一定不要用清洁剂清洗接头和不可拆的轴承。
订购号180g Klbüer-Isoflex Topas L32 和50g壳牌特勒斯油 32 3AX11 33-3A180g Klbüer-Isoflex Topas L32 3AX11 33-3H50g壳牌特勒斯油 32 3AX11 33-2G1kg壳牌特勒斯油 32 3AX11 33-2D1kg Klbüer-Isoflex Topas L32 3AX11 33-3E校核触点系统由于触点的侵蚀、接触片和导向螺栓的压力,触点系统容易磨损。
图5/2允许的操作数与开断电流I a之间的函数关系附件和备件一个型号3AX1530-2B的为合闸弹簧储能的手动曲柄作为附件被提供了。
电能输配电组出版 Schaltwerk 柏林13623 德国柏林可能改变订购号:3ZX1812-0AH30-0AN1/9229 9860 174订购点:EV MNK P1 Log 柏林德国印刷AG 10.96 Kb De-En。