




基础:做一个文字型的电子钟; 进阶:做一个文字加现状的电子钟。





myPort.available() > 0 val =; myPort.write('H');


ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ

import processing.serial.*; Serial myPort; // Create object from Serial class int val; // Data received from the serial port void setup() { size(200, 200); String portName = Serial.list()[0]; myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600); } void draw() { if ( myPort.available() > 0) { // If data is available, val =; // read it and store it in val } background(255); // Set background to white if (val == 0) { // If the serial value is 0, fill(0); // set fill to black } else { // If the serial value is not 0, fill(204); // set fill to light gray } rect(50, 50, 100, 100); }









三、如何在Python中实现串口通信?1. 安装pySerial模块pySerial是一个用于访问计算机上的串行端口的Python模块。


可以通过pip命令进行安装:```pip install pyserial```2. 打开串口打开一个可用的串行端口需要指定端口号和波特率等参数。

例如:```pythonimport serialser = serial.Serial('COM1', 9600, timeout=0.5)```其中,'COM1'是串口号,9600是波特率,timeout是读取数据的超时时间。

3. 发送数据发送数据可以使用serial模块的write方法。

例如:```pythonser.write(b'Hello, world!')```其中,b'Hello, world!'是要发送的数据。

4. 接收数据接收数据可以使用serial模块的read方法。

例如:```pythondata =```其中,10表示要读取的字节数。

5. 关闭串口使用完串口后需要关闭它,以释放资源。

可以使用serial模块的close 方法。

例如:```pythonser.close()```四、Python实现串口通信的示例代码下面是一个简单的Python示例代码,用于向串口发送数据,并从串口接收数据:```pythonimport serialser = serial.Serial('COM1', 9600, timeout=0.5)ser.write(b'Hello, world!')data =```在该示例代码中,首先打开了一个名为COM1的串口,并设置波特率为9600和读取超时时间为0.5秒。



北边颇有心气儿的哥们我这是比Байду номын сангаас偷懒的做法其实也可以手动编译需要的视频库放进去但你需要懂一点java
Processing和 Arduino互相通讯的方法
我们需要创建两个文件:Receiver.pde(软件端)+ Sender.ino(硬件端)
第一步:初始化串口 Serial.begin(9600);
第二步:读取传感器信号 val = analogRead(0); Serial.write(val);
然后,将 Sender.ino 烧入Arduino,在打开Processing。 如果一切正常,在Processing端就可以看见Arduino传感器的信号了。
第1步:引用串口通讯库 import processing.serial.*; Serial port;
第2步:初始化通讯端口,例如:COM18 端口查询:设备管理器 - 端口 (COM 和 LPT)
port = new Serial(this, "COM18", 9600);
第3步:读取端口数据 println(;



串行口通信技术相关书籍Serial communication technology, also known as serial port communication, is a method of transferring data one bit at a time. It is widely used in various applications such as computer networking, industrial automation, and telecommunications. For those who are interested in learning more about serial communication technology, there are many books available on the subject.串行通信技术,也被称为串行口通信,是一种逐位传输数据的方法。



One highly recommended book is "Serial Port Complete" by Jan Axelson. This comprehensive guide covers everything from the basics of serial communication to more advanced topics such as USB connectivity and serial device drivers. It is a valuable resource for both beginners and experienced professionals in the field.一本备受推荐的书籍是詹·阿克塞尔森(Jan Axelson)撰写的《串行端口完全手册》。



串口中断接收的流程英文回答:Serial port interrupt reception is a process that allows the microcontroller to receive data from the serial port without continuously polling for new data. This is especially useful when the microcontroller needs to perform other tasks while waiting for incoming data.The flow of serial port interrupt reception typically involves the following steps:1. Enable the serial port interrupt: This step involves configuring the microcontroller to enable the interrupt for the specific serial port being used. This is usually done by setting appropriate bits in the interrupt enable register.2. Configure the serial port: Before enabling the interrupt, the serial port needs to be properly configuredfor the desired transmission parameters such as baud rate, data bits, parity, and stop bits. This is typically done by setting the appropriate control registers of the serial port.3. Set up the interrupt service routine (ISR): An ISRis a function that is executed when the interrupt occurs. In this case, the ISR for the serial port interrupt should be set up to handle the received data. The ISR should read the received data from the serial port's receive buffer and process it accordingly.4. Enable global interrupts: Before the microcontroller can respond to any interrupts, the global interrupt flag must be enabled. This is usually done by setting the appropriate bit in the microcontroller's control register.5. Wait for the interrupt: Once the serial port interrupt is enabled and the global interrupts are enabled, the microcontroller can wait for the interrupt to occur. This allows the microcontroller to perform other tasks while waiting for incoming data.6. Process the received data: When the interrupt occurs, the microcontroller jumps to the ISR and starts executing the code within the ISR. The ISR should read the received data from the serial port's receive buffer and process it accordingly. This may involve storing the data in a buffer, performing calculations, or triggering other actions based on the received data.7. Clear the interrupt flag: After processing the received data, it is important to clear the interrupt flagto acknowledge that the interrupt has been handled. This is usually done by clearing the appropriate bit in theinterrupt flag register.8. Return from the ISR: Once the interrupt flag is cleared, the microcontroller can return from the ISR and continue executing the main program.Overall, the flow of serial port interrupt reception involves enabling the interrupt, configuring the serial port, setting up the ISR, enabling global interrupts,waiting for the interrupt, processing the received data, clearing the interrupt flag, and returning from the ISR.中文回答:串口中断接收是一种允许微控制器从串口接收数据而无需持续轮询新数据的过程。








但对于⼿势识别来说,Kinect 并不是唯⼀的选择,⽤普通摄像头我们也能够实现。

Kinect互动游戏⼀、原理分析在上⼀期的⽂章中,我们已经⼤致体验了Processing 的功能。


















以下是一个简单的串口通信接收数据的示例代码:```c#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <fcntl.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <termios.h>int mainint fd; // 串口设备文件描述符char buff[255]; // 存储接收到的数据int len; // 接收到的数据长度//打开串口设备fd = open("/dev/ttyS0", O_RDONLY);if (fd < 0)perror("Failed to open serial port");return -1;}//设置串口参数struct termios options;tcgetattr(fd, &options);cfsetspeed(&options, B1200); // 设置波特率为1200 tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &options);//接收数据while (1)len = read(fd, buff, sizeof(buff)); // 从串口读取数据if (len > 0)buff[len] = '\0'; // 将接收到的数据转为字符串printf("Received data: %s\n", buff);}}//关闭串口设备close(fd);return 0;```这段代码首先通过open(函数打开串口设备文件"/dev/ttyS0",然后使用tcgetattr(函数获取当前设置的串口参数,接着使用cfsetspeed(函数设置波特率为1200,最后使用tcsetattr(函数将设置好的串口参数写回。




以下是一个基本的步骤和策略,用于实现这一功能:1. 初始化串口:首先,你需要初始化串口以进行通信。


2. 配置中断:STM32的串口通常具有一个接收中断。


3. 中断服务程序(ISR):在中断服务程序中,你可以读取接收缓冲区中的数据,并将其放入一个全局变量或数据结构中,以便其他任务或函数可以访问它。

4. 多任务处理:你可以使用一个任务或一组任务来处理这些串口数据。


5. 数据同步:在多任务环境中,你需要确保数据的同步。



6. 轮询:除了使用中断,你还可以使用轮询方法来检查串口是否有数据可供读取。


7. 错误处理:不要忘记在代码中包含错误处理逻辑。


8. 优化:对于高性能应用,你可能还需要考虑其他优化策略,如非阻塞读取、缓冲区管理、流量控制等。



java 串口通信案例

java 串口通信案例

java 串口通信案例Java串口通信是指使用Java编程语言实现与串口设备之间的数据通信。



1. 串口读取数据通过Java编程语言实现串口读取数据的功能,可以使用Java的串口通信库,如RXTX、JavaComm等。



2. 串口发送数据通过Java编程语言实现串口发送数据的功能,可以使用Java的串口通信库。



3. 串口数据解析通过Java编程语言实现串口数据解析的功能,可以将从串口读取的原始数据进行解析,提取出有用的信息。



4. 串口数据存储通过Java编程语言实现串口数据存储的功能,可以将从串口读取的数据保存到本地文件或数据库中。



5. 串口数据转发通过Java编程语言实现串口数据转发的功能,可以将从一个串口读取的数据转发到另一个串口。



6. 串口数据监控通过Java编程语言实现串口数据监控的功能,可以监控串口设备的状态和传输数据。




QT之串⼝通信和多线程处理前⾔ 使⽤QT的多线程编程,完成串⼝通信助⼿的设计。

实施Qt5下的串⼝编程 使⽤QT5.12中⾃带的QSerialPort和QSerialPortInf的类实现对串⼝硬件的访问,通过对类的⽅法进⾏操作,完成整个串⼝的控制。








串⼝部分的功能设计//采⽤指针分配空间的⽅法实现类的操作void DialogUart::on_btnUartOpen_clicked(){serial = new QSerialPort;qDebug()<<"uart is open";}void DialogUart::on_btnUartClose_clicked(){delete serial;qDebug()<<"uart is close";}//采⽤函数的⽅法实现串⼝配置及打开void DialogUart::on_btnConnect_clicked(){//设置串⼝名serial->setPortName("COM1");//设置波特率serial->setBaudRate(QSerialPort::Baud9600);//设置数据位数serial->setDataBits(QSerialPort::Data8);//设置奇偶校验serial->setParity(QSerialPort::NoParity);//设置停⽌位serial->setStopBits(QSerialPort::OneStop);//设置流控制serial->setFlowControl(QSerialPort::NoFlowControl);serial->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite);}void DialogUart::on_btnDisConnect_clicked(){serial->close();}//采⽤按键控制接收数据(仅⽤于测试,实际使⽤中应使⽤信号触发,防⽌读取多余的数据)void DialogUart::on_readAll_clicked(){QByteArray buf_read;buf_read = serial->readAll();QString recv = ui->readText->toPlainText();recv += QString(buf_read);ui->readText->clear();ui->readText->append(recv);}//采⽤按键控制写⼊void DialogUart::on_writeAll_clicked(){QByteArray buf_write;buf_write = ui->writeText->text().toUtf8();serial->write(buf_write);} 整个控制还是⽐较清晰的。


Arduino学习笔记_串口通讯 与 processing 的串口通信/ 在网络上普遍存在的 Arduino 与 Processing 互动的例子,都具有一个很简 单的构造:Arduino 上用 Serial.print()发送,在 Processing 中用 Serial.readString() 读取,或者反过来。然而实际应用过程中大家就会发现这个简单的逻辑模型 会发生莫名其妙的错误。最显著的是有时候会收到空值,即使用 Serial.available()检测,也会有时收到间断的字符串或者多个字符串混在一起 了。 下面是一个经典的 Processing 与 Arduino 通信实例:
//显示刚才输入的字符串(可选语句) Serial.println(comdata); //显示刚才输入的字符串长度(可选语句) Serial.println(comdata.length()); /*******************下面是重点*******************/ //以串口读取字符串长度循环, for(int i = 0; i < comdata.length() ; i++) { //逐个分析 comdata[i]字符串的文字,如果碰到文字是分隔符(这里选 择逗号分割)则将结果数组位置下移一位 //即比如 11,22,33,55 开始的 11 记到 numdata[0];碰到逗号就 j 等于 1 了, //再转换就转换到 numdata[1];再碰到逗号就记到 numdata[2];以此类推, 直到字符串结束 if(comdata[i] == ',') { j++; } else { //如果没有逗号的话,就将读到的数字*10 加上以前读入的数字, //并且(comdata[i] ‐ '0')就是将字符'0'的 ASCII 码转换成数字 0(下面不 再叙述此问题,直接视作数字 0)。 //比如输入数字是 12345,有 5 次没有碰到逗号的机会,就会执行 5 次 此语句。 //因为左边的数字先获取到,并且 numdata[0]等于 0, //所以第一次循环是 numdata[0] = 0*10+1 = 1 //第二次 numdata[0]等于 1,循环是 numdata[0] = 1*10+2 = 12 //第三次是 numdata[0]等于 12,循环是 numdata[0] = 12*10+3 = 123 //第四次是 numdata[0]等于 123,循环是 numdata[0] = 123*10+4 = 1234 //如此类推,字符串将被变成数字 0。 numdata[j] = numdata[j] * 10 + (comdata[i] ‐ '0'); } } //comdata 的字符串已经全部转换到 numdata 了,清空 comdata 以便 下一次使用, //如果不请空的话,本次结果极有可能干扰下一次。 comdata = String(""); //循环输出 numdata 的内容,并且写到 PWM 引脚 for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Serial.print("Pin "); Serial.print(PWMPin[i]);













PC机的RS-232接口的电平标准是-12V标示“1”,和+12V表示“0”,有些单片机的信号电平时TTL 型,即大于2.4v表示“1”,小于0.5v表示“0”,因此采用RS-232总线进行异步通信是,发送端和接受端要有一个电平转换接口。





串口通信(Serial Communication),是指外设和计算机间,通过数据信号线、地线、控制线等,按位进行传输数据的一种通讯方式。




























通过了解串口通信的基本原理和API 函数的使用,可以实现稳定、可靠的串口通信功能。



rs232串口通讯—通信协议(RS232 serial communication protocol)Serial communication protocolAdd time: 2006-11-14 Author: unknown source: unknown entry: abcd200844 read times:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------The so-called communication protocol refers to an agreement between the two sides of communication. The agreement includes uniform rules for data format, synchronization mode, transmission speed, transmission step, check and error correction method, and control character definition, and the two parties must abide by it together. It is also called a communication control procedure, or a transport control procedure, that belongs to the data link layer in the seven - layer reference model of the ISO'S OSI.At present, there are two kinds of communication protocols: asynchronous protocol and synchronous protocol. There are three types of synchronization protocols: character oriented, bit oriented, and byte oriented. Among them, byte counting synchronous protocol is mainly used in DEC's network architecture.Physical interface standard1. basic tasks of serial communication interface(1) data formatting: since the CPU comes from common paralleldata, the interface circuit should have the task of data formatting under different serial communication modes. In asynchronous communication mode, the interface automatically generates start stop type frame data format. In character oriented synchronization, the interface adds synchronization characters before the data block to be transmitted.(2) string conversion: serial transfer, data is bit by bit serial transmission, and computer processing data is parallel data. Therefore, when data is sent to the data transmitter by computer, the serial data is converted into parallel number to be sent into the computer. Therefore, serial to serial conversion is an important task of serial interface circuits.(3) control the data transmission rate: the serial communication interface circuit should have the ability to select and control the data transmission rate baud rate.(4) error detection: when sending, the interface circuit automatically generates parity check bits or other parity codes for the transmitted character data. At reception, the interface circuit checks parity or other check codes of the character to determine whether a transmission error has occurred.(5) carry on TTL and EIA level conversion: CPU and terminal adopt TTL level and positive logic, they are incompatible with the level and negative logic adopted by EIA and need to convert in the interface circuit.(6) providing the signal line required by the EIA-RS-232C interface standard: when using MODEM for long distancecommunication, 9 signal lines are needed, and only 3 signal lines are needed in the near zero MODEM mode. These signal lines are provided by an interface circuit to communicate and control with the MODEM or terminal.2 、 composition of serial communication interface circuitIn order to accomplish the tasks of the serial interface, the serial communication interface circuit is generally composed of a programmable serial interface chip, a baud rate generator, a EIA and an TTL level converter, and an address decoding circuit. Among them, the serial interface chip, along with the large-scale inheritance circuit technology development, the universal synchronous (USRT) and the asynchronous (UART) interface chip kinds are more and more many, as shown in the following table. Their basic functions are similar, and they can implement most of the basic tasks of the serial communication interface mentioned above, and all of them are programmable. With these chips as the core chip of the serial communication interface circuit, the circuit structure will be relatively simple.3. physical standards for serial communicationIn order to make the computer, telephone and other communication devices communicate with each other, now has established several consistent definition and standard of serial communication, these concepts and standards are three aspects: electrical characteristics, transmission rate, signal name and interface standard.1, transmission rate: the so-called transmission rate refers to the number of bits per second, the transmission rate is often called baud rate. A standard baud rate series is specified internationally,The standard baud rate is also the most commonly used baud rate. The standard baud rate series are 110, 300, 600, 1200, 4800, 9600 and 19200. Most CRT terminals are able to work at any baud rate in the range of 110 to 9600. The printer speed is relatively slow due to mechanical transmission and the baud rate is limited, so the general serial printer at 110 baud rate, little needle type printer because of its internal buffer for larger, so you can receive printed information by up to 2400 the speed of Potter. The receive baud rate and baud rate of most interfaces can be set separately, and can be specified by programming.2, RS-232-C standard: the RS-232-C standard has made the stipulation to two aspects, namely signal level standard and control signal line definition. RS-232C uses negative logic rules of logic level, signal level and the TTL level is usually not compatible with RS-232-C, -5V ~ -15V provides for the "1", "0 rules for +5V ~ +15V". Figure 1 is the level conversion between the TTL standard and the RS-232-C standard.Figure 1Two, software protocol1.OSI protocol and TCP/IP protocolFigure 2(1) OSI agreementThe OSI seven layer reference model is not a communication standard. It only gives a stable model that does not necessarily change due to technological development, so that standards and protocols can be developed and coordinated within the scope of the model definition.The general protocol only conforms to several layers of the OSI seven - layer model, such as: EIA-RS-232-C: implements the physical layer. IBM's SDLC (synchronous data link control procedures): data link layer. ANSI's ADCCP (advanced data communication protocol): data link layer IBM BSC (binary synchronous communication protocol): data link layer. The application layer email protocol SMTP is only responsible for sending letters, and POP3 is only responsible for receiving messages.(2) TCP/IP agreementFive layer protocol is implemented.(1) physical layer: the physical layer corresponding to OSI.(2) network interface layer: data link layer similar to OSI.(3) Internet layer: the OSI model is put forward before the Internet network is used, without considering the inter network connection.(4) transport layer: the transport layer corresponding to OSI.(5) application layer: the presentation layer and application layer corresponding to OSI.2. serial communication protocolSerial communication protocol, sub synchronous protocol and asynchronous protocol.(1) asynchronous communication protocol example start stop asynchronous protocolFigure 3Features and formats:Start stop asynchronous protocol is characterized by the transfer of one character to one character, and the transfer of a character that always starts with the start bit to stop the end of the bit, and there is no fixed time interval between characters. Its format is shown in figure 3. In front of each character has a start bit (low level, logical value 0), the character itself has 5 ~ 7 data bits, then the character behind is a parity bit (or no parity bit), the last is a means, or half, or two stop, stop who is behind the indefinite length of idle bits. The stop bit and the idle bit are specified as high levels (logical values) so that the start bit must have a lower jump edge at the start.As you can see from the diagram, the format is defined orsynchronized by the start and stop bits, so it is called the start protocol. When the data is transmitted, the data is in the low position and the high position is behind. Figure 4 shows the waveform 1010001 of the ASCAII code that transmits a character E. When its least significant bit is written to the right, it is the ASCII code E of 1000101=45H.Figure 4Play / stop function: the start bit is actually as a contact signal added in, when it goes low, the transmission began to tell. Its arrival indicates that the following data bits are coming, ready to receive. The stop bit flag is the end of a character, and its occurrence means a character transfer is complete. This gives the communications parties a sign when to start sending and receiving, and when to end. Transfer before sending and receiving parties to the start stop format (including character data bit length, stop bits, no parity bit and there is the odd or even parity etc.) and the data transmission rate of uniform provisions. After the transmission begins, the receiving device continually detects the transmission line to see if a start bit is present. When receiving a series of "1" (stop bits or idle bits), detected a jump along, that start, start after confirmation, began to receive the data bits and the parity bit and stop bit set. After processing, the bit is removed, the data bits are assembled into a parallel byte, and after verification, no parity error is taken to correctly receive a character. Once a character is received, the receiving device has continued testing of the transmission line, monitoring the arrival of the "0" level and the start of the next character until all data transmission iscomplete.The working process can be seen, according to the characters of asynchronous communication transmission, each transmitted character, with a start bit to inform the receiver, in order to re check the synchronization between sender and receiver. If the clock frequency receiving device and transmitting device both slightly deviation, due to error accumulation and this will not lead to dislocation, coupled with the characters between the idle bits for the deviation of a buffer, so the high reliability of asynchronous serial communication. But since additional bits are added to each character before and after the start bit and stop bit, the transmission efficiency is reduced by only about 80%. Therefore, the start stop protocol is generally used on occasions where data rates are slower (less than 19.2kbit/s). In high-speed transport, synchronization protocols are generally used.(2) character oriented synchronization protocolFeatures and formats: a typical example of this protocol is the IBM's binary synchronous communication protocol (BSC). It is characterized by a block of data transmitted by a plurality of characters, instead of just passing one character, and the provisions of the control information of 10 characters as the beginning and end of the data block and the transmission process, they are also called communication control word. Since data blocks are made up of characters, they are called character oriented protocols.Definition of a specific character (control character): it canbe seen from the format above that several specific characters are added to the block before and after. SYN (synchronous Character) is a synchronous character, at the beginning of each frame are SYN, with a SYN called the single synchronization, plus two SYN double synchronous setting synchronous character is contact, when the data transmission, the receiving end time detection, once the synchronous character knows it is a frame start. The next SOH is the sequential start character (Start, Of, Header), which indicates the beginning of the title. The title includes the address of the hospital, the destination address and the routing instructions. STX is the STX (Start Of Text), which marks the transmission of text (data block) start.A block is the body of text to be transmitted, consisting of several characters. The data block is behind the end group (End Of Transmission character ETB Block) or the ETX (End Of Text end character), the ETB is used in the body for a long, divided into several data blocks, are sent in different frames of the occasion, then in each sub block data with the final text character ETX. At the end of the frame is the check code, which checks the field from SOH to ETX (or ETB), and the check method can be vertical and horizontal parity check or CRC. In addition, some other communication control words are used in the character oriented protocol, whose names are shown below:Data transparency implementation: character oriented synchronization protocols, unlike asynchronous start stop protocols,The start and stop bits need to be added before and after each character, so the transmission efficiency is improved. At the same time, because some transmission control words are adopted,the communication control capability and the verification function are enhanced. But there are also some problems, for example, how to distinguish the data character code and specific character code problem, because in the data block is entirely possible with the same specific character code data characters, this could be misleading. For example, the text has a data character that is the same as the end of the character ETX, and the receiver will not mistake it as an ordinary data processing, and mistake it as the end of the text, resulting in errors. Therefore, protocols should have the ability to treat specific characters as ordinary data, which is called data transparency". To this end, the protocol character DLE (Data Link Escape) is set. When a particular character is viewed as data, a DLE is added in front of it so that the receiver receives a DLE to predict that the next character is a data character instead of treating it as a control character. DLE itself is also a specific character, and when it appears in the block, it also adds another DLE in front of it. This method is called character stuffing. Character stuffing is very cumbersome to implement and dependent on character encoding. Because of the above shortcomings, new bit oriented synchronization protocols have been developed.(3) bit oriented synchronization protocolCharacteristics and format: bit oriented protocol is the most representative is the synchronous data link control (SDLC IBM Synchronous Data Link Control), the international standards organization ISO (International Standard Organization) the high level data link control procedures HDLC (High Level Data link Control), the American National Standards Institute(Americal National Standard Institute advanced data communication protocol) ADCCP (Advanced Data Communication Control Procedure). These protocols are characterized by a frame of data transmission can be arbitrary, but it depends on the bit pattern of the contract, and not rely on specific characters to mark the beginning and end of the frame, it is called "bit oriented protocol". The general frame format of this protocol is shown in figure 5:Figure 5Segmentation of frame information: as shown in Figure 5, a frame of SDLC/HDLC information consists of the following fields (Filed), and all fields are transmitted from the significant bit.(1) SDLC/HDLC flag characters: the SDLC/HDLC protocol states that all information transmissions must begin with a flag character and end with the same character. This flag character is 01111110, called the flag field (F). From the start flag to the end mark, a complete unit of information is called a frame (Frame). All the information is transmitted in the form of a frame, while the flag character provides the boundaries of each frame. The receiver can determine the beginning and end of the frame by searching "01111110" to establish frame synchronization.(2) address field and control field: after the flag field, there can be an address field A (Address) and a control field C (Control). The address field is used to specify the address of the secondary station to which it communicates. The controlfield may specify several commands. SDLC specifies the width of the A field and the C field to be 8 bits or 16 bits. The receiver must check the first bit of each address byte. If it is "0", then another address byte is followed; if "1", then the byte is the last address byte. Similarly, if the first byte of the control field is first "0", then there are second control field bytes, otherwise there is only one byte.(3) information field: following the control field is the information field I (Information). The I field contains data to be transmitted, and not every frame must have an information field. That is, the data field can be 0, and when it is 0, this frame is primarily a control command.(4) frame check information: following the information field is the two byte contention check. The frame check field is called the FC (Frame Check) field, or the frame check sequence FCS (Frame, check, Squence). SDLC/HDLC uses 16 bit cyclic redundancy check code CRC (Cyclic, Redundancy, Code). In addition to the flag field and the automatically inserted 0, all information is included in the CRC calculations.Two technical problems in practical application:(1) the "0" bit insertion / deletion: as mentioned above, the SDLC/HDLC agreement in 01111110 as the flag byte, but in the information field may also have the same pattern of characters, in order to distinguish between it and sign, so take a "0" bit insertion and deletion technology. The concrete method is to send all the information at the transmitter (except byte outside), as long as meet 5 consecutive "1" will automaticallyinsert a "0", when the receiver when receiving data (except flag bytes) if received 5 "1", it will automatically followed by a "the 0 is to delete", the original form of information recovery. The "0" bit insertion and deletion process is automatically performed by the hardware.(2) SDLC/HDLC exception ends: if there is an error in the sending process, the SDLC/HDLC protocol usually uses the "Abort" character, or a failure sequence, to invalidate the frame. In the HDLC procedure, 7 consecutive "1" are used as invalid characters, while in SDLC the invalid characters are 8 consecutive "1"". Of course, the "0" bit insertion / deletion technique is not used in the test sequence. The SDLC/HDLC protocol specifies that no data interval is allowed within a frame. Between two frames, the transmitter can continuously output the flag character sequence, or can also output a continuous high level, which is called an idle (Idle) signal.。





1. 串口初始化:首先需要导入串口编程相关的库文件,如pyserial 库。



3. 打开串口:使用串口对象的open(方法打开串口,如```注意,打开串口之前要确保串口没有被其他程序占用。

4. 发送数据:使用串口对象的write(方法向串口发送数据,如:```data = 'Hello, World!'serial_port.write(data.encode()```这里将字符串'Hello, World!'转码为字节型数据并发送到串口。

5. 接收数据:使用串口对象的read(方法从串口读取数据,如:```received_data =```这里从串口读取10字节的数据,并将其解码为字符串输出。

6. 关闭串口:使用串口对象的close(方法关闭串口,如:```serial_port.close在程序结束时,记得关闭串口以释放资源。

STM32 串口中断处理方法

STM32 串口中断处理方法
调试发现是串口中断硬件 BUG:
1. USART_ITConfig(USART1, USART_IT_RXNE, ENABLE);使能了接收中断,那么 ORE 中断也同 时被开启了。
2. ORE 中断只能使用 USART_GetFlagStatus(USART1, USART_FLAG_ORE) 读到(没有使 能 USART_IT_ERR 中断时) 解决办法:
4.找资料 STM32F10x 微控制器参考手册(2009 年 12 月第 10 版)P541 发现如下说明:
也就是说只要接收中断打开,即 RXNEIE 设置为 1,那么 ORE 中断也自动打开了。 可是 USART_GetITStatus(USART1, USART_IT_ORE )== RESET!!!! 找到 USART_GetITStatus(USART1, USART_IT_RXNE)函数,发现只有当 USART_IT_ERR 中断使 能时,才能读到 ORE 中断。 在这里要指出这个 BUG:产生 ORE 中断了,但使用 USART_GetITStatus()函数却无法读到这个中断被 SET 起来!

2.为什么会一直跑到接收中断? 断点之后发现(USART_GetITStatus(USART1, USART_IT_RXNE)==RESET 的,也就是说没有数据 接收到也进了中断,而且在 USART 配置中我也只打开了接收中断!没有数据送过来应该是不可能进入中断 的!
3.响应了什么中断? 我想通过函数(USART_GetITStatus()把所有中断状态都读出来,但失败了,USART_IT_XXX 所有中断 状态都是 RESET!也就是说没有中断也进入到这个中断服务程序来了!?





1. 串口通信的基本原理
1.1 串口通信的定义和作用
1.2 串口通信的工作原理
1.3 串口通信的数据传输方式
2. QT串口通信的C语言代码实现
2.1 QT串口通信的环境搭建
2.2 QT串口通信的代码编写
2.3 QT串口通信的数据收发处理
3. QT串口通信的常见问题与解决方法
3.1 串口通信的波特率设置问题
3.2 数据传输的校验与校验位设置问题
3.3 数据的发送与接收缓冲区处理问题
4. QT串口通信的扩展功能
4.1 串口通信的多线程处理
4.2 串口通信的数据转换与解析
4.3 串口通信的错误处理与异常情况处理
5. QT串口通信的应用实例
5.1 串口通信在嵌入式系统中的应用
5.2 串口通信在数据采集与监控系统中的应用
5.3 串口通信在机器人控制系统中的应用


















四、SerialPort使用示例下面是一个简单的SerialPort使用示例:```csharpusing System.IO.Ports;// 创建一个新的SerialPort对象SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort("COM1", 9600, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);// 打开串口serialPort.Open();// 发送数据serialPort.Write("Hello, world!");// 接收数据string receivedData = serialPort.ReadLine();// 关闭串口serialPort.Close();```这个示例展示了如何打开一个串口,发送一条消息,接收一条消息,然后关闭串口。








关键词:2取2;串口通信;滑动窗口;双通道交互Abstract:Introduce a communication method based on 2oo2 architecture, using a direct serial port as the 2oo2 communication medium between dual CPU channels. The tasks of the CPU channel arepided into 2oo2 task and non 2oo2 task. When dual channel communication is required, non 2oo2 task will dynamically decide a priority when sending messages, package data into the message queue, and notify 2oo2 task. The 2oo2 task module determines the order in which messages are processed based on their priority. The data arefirst sent to the 2oo2 task module, which can uniformly number, process, send and receive, and verify messages. This article adopts a combination of dynamic priority, sliding window confirmation, data verification, and timeout mechanism in the process of datatransmission and reception, ensuring that high real-time task messages are prioritized for processing, and ensuring the correctness and timeliness of dual channel interactive data.Key words:2oo2; Serial communication; Sliding window; Dual channel interaction1背景介绍在轨道交通控制领域中,安全性与可靠性是其两个重要的指标,2取2组合-故障安全架构是轨旁及车载等高安全产品中较多采用的一种安全架构。

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学习系统自带的范 例:



import processing.serial.*; Serial myPort; String portName = Serial.list()[0]; myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);

基础:做一个文字型的电子钟; 进阶:做一个文字加现状的电子钟。
int switchPin = 4; // Switch connected to pin 4 void setup() { pinMode(switchPin, INPUT); // Set pin 0 as an input Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { if (digitalRead(switchPin) == HIGH) { // If switch is ON, Serial.print(1, BYTE); // send 1 to Processing } else { // If the switch is not ON, Serial.print(0, BYTE); // send 0 to Processing } delay(100); // Wait 100 milliseconds }





myPort.available() > 0 val =; myPort.write('H');



import processing.serial.*; Serial myPort; // Create object from Serial class int val; // Data received from the serial port void setup() { size(200, 200); String portName = Serial.list()[0]; myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600); } void draw() { if ( myPort.available() > 0) { // If data is available, val =; // read it and store it in val } background(255); // Set background to white if (val == 0) { // If the serial value is 0, fill(0); // set fill to black } else { // If the serial value is not 0, fill(204); // set fill to light gray } rect(50, 50, 100, 100); }