
一、选择:(10小题,每小题1分)1、A_____is a citizen of one country,working in a second country,and employ by an organization headquartered in a third country.A. Third-country nationalB. Host-country nationalC. Parent-country nationalsD. Repatriate2、A_____is an employee working for a firm in an operation who is a citizen of the country where the operation is located,but the headquarter for the firm is in another country.A.Third-country nationalB. Host-country nationalC. Parent-country nationalsD. Repatriate3、_____refers to the policies and practices related to managing people in an internationally oriented organization.A. Global human resource managementB. Cultural managementC. Global organizations’staffingpensation management4、Which of the following belongs to retirement security benefits?A. Severance payB. Time-off benefitsC. Unemployment compensationD. Pension plans5、Which of the following doesn’t belong to executives?The_____.A. CEOB. PresidentC. Senior vice-presidentD. Mid-manager6、A pay_____is a collection of date on compensation rates for working performing similar jobs in other organizations.A.SystemB. SurveyC. GradeD. Range7、Which of the following is an inappropriate rater of an employee’s performance?A.his/her supervisorB. His/her peerC.his/her customerD. his friend8、Dd9、Which of the following activities belong to compensation and benefits practices?A.TrainingB. SelectionC.recruitmentD. Job evaluation10、Which of the following activities does not belong to staffing practices?A.SelectionB. RecruitmentC. Employee developmentD. Job description11、Compensation and benefits practices include all but____.pensation planB. BenefitsC. Retirement planD. Termination12、HRM has three major roles in organizations.They are administrative role,operational role and____.A.Staffing roleB.strategic roleC. Diversity managementD. Conflict management13、The job characteristics model developed by Hackman and Oldham identifies five important design characteristics of jobs,of which____affect the meaningfulness of work.A.task identity, variety, and autonomyB.Variety, task identity, and feedbackC.Task identity, task significance, autonomyD.Variety, task identity, and task significance14、Action decisions in surplus conditions include all but____.A.Attrition and hiring freezeB. Early retirement buyoutsC. LayoffsD. Recalling employee15、Action decisions with shortage of employee include all but____.A.Work overtimeB. Recalling previous employeesC. RecruitmentD. Hiring freeze16、____are the external supply pool from which employers attract employees.A. Labor distributionB. Labor demandC. Labor LawD. Labor markets17、Which of the following is the disadvantage of internal recruiting?A.InbreedingB. Increasing moraleC.Lower costD.better assessment of abilities18、Which of the following is the disadvantage of external recruiting?A.Increasing moraleB.InbreedingC. Longer adjustment or orientation timeD. Bringing in new blood19、Which of the following does not belong to internal recruiting methods?A.College and university recruitingB. Job posting systemC. Current employee referralsanizational databases20、Which of the following belong to external recruiting methods?A. Employment agenciesB. Current employee referralsC. Promotions from withinD. Transfers21、Which of the following is not the advantage of Internet recruiting?A. Time consumingB. Costing savingC. An expanded pool of applicantsD. No geographic constrains22、Which of the following belong to personality tests?A. The Big Five personality traitsB. Physical ability testsC. Cognitive ability testsD.Psychomotor tests23、Behavioral interview and situational interview belong to____which use a set of standardized questions asked of all applicants.A. Structured interviewsB. Unstructured interviewsC. Stress interviewsD. Nondirective interview24、In interviewing,the interview should avoid to ask such questions as____.A. Those that are not job relatedB. Those about the applicant’s work experienceC. Those about the applicant’s educationD. Those about his interest25、In the interview,the interviewer should try to avoid____.A.Snap judgments,negative emphasis,halo effect,and stereotypingB.Snap judgments,negative emphasis halo effect,and structured interviewC.Snap judgment,halo effect,and unstructured interviewD.Halo effect structured interview and less structured interview26、The strategic training process include four phases:____.A.Design-assessment-delivery-evaluationB.Assessment-design-delivery-evaluationC.Delivery-delivery-assessment-evaluationD.Evaluation-assessment-design-delivery27、There are different individual learning styles,which include____.A.Visual leaning ,auditory learning,and distant learningB.Auditory learning,tactile learning,and transferring learningC.Tactile learning,visual learning,and transferring leaningD.Auditory learning, visual learning,and tactile learning28、The broadest labor market component is the ____made up of all individuals who are available for selection.A. Labor force populationB. Labor marketC. Applicant populationD. Individuals selected29、The____is a subset of the labor force population that is available for selection using a particular recruiting approach.A. Applicant populationB. Applicant poolC. Individuals selectedD. Labor force population30、The ____consists of all persons who are actually evaluated for selection.A. Applicant poolB. Applicant populationC. Labor force populationD. Labor markets31、____is a type of structured interview that is composed of questions about how applicants might handle specific job situations.A. Situational interviewB. Behavior interviewC. Stress interviewD. Structured interview32、In the ____interview,applicants are asked to give specific examples of how they have performed a certain task or handled a problem in the past.A. behavioralB. situationalC. stressD. less structured33、____interview is a special type of interview designed to create anxiety and put pressure on the applicant to see how the person responds.A. StressB. BehavioralC. SituationalD. Structured二、填空:1、Broadbanding is the practice using fewer pay grades with much broader ranges than in traditional compensation systems.2、Benchmark jobs are jobs found in many other organizations and performed by several individuals who have similar duties that are relatively stable and require similar KSAs.3、The Point method is the most widely used job evaluation method,is more sophisticated than the ranking and classification methods.4、Human capital is the total value of human resource to the organization,sometimes also referred to an intellectual capital.It is composed of the people in the organization and their5、Job description are the documents that14、Performance appraisal is the process of evaluation how well employees perform their jobs when compared to a set of standards and then communicating that information to those employees.15、Procedural justice is the perceived fairness of the process and procedures used to make decisions about employees,including their pay.16、Of the Big Five personality traits,conscientiousness has been found to be related to job success across most organizations and occupations.17、Work sample tests require an applicant to perform a simulated job task that is part of the target job.18、Psychomotor tests measure a person’s dexterity,hand-eye coordination,arm-hand steadiness,and other factors.19、Physical ability test measure individual’s abilities such as strength,endurance,and muscular movement.20、Cognitive ability tests measure an individual’s thinking,memory,reasoning,and verbal and mathematical abilities.21、Many interviewers make a decision on the job suitability of applicants within the first two to four minutes of the interview and spend the rest of the interview looking for evidence to support it.This is called snap judgments.22、In a selection interview,a single negative characteristics may bar an individual from being accepted.This is called negative emphasis.23、On-the-job training is the most common type of training at all levels in an organization.The employee is placed into the real work situation and shown the job and the tricks of the trade by an experienced employee or the supervisor.三、判断:1.A multinational corporation may evolve into a global organization as operations in various countries become more integrated.√2.A global organization may evolve into a multinational corporation as operations in various countries become more foreign.×3.Few HR professionals question that there are important cultural differences between nations that might influence the effectiveness of GHRM.×4.One widely used way to classify and compare cultures was developed by Geert Hofstede,who classified cultural differences in at least five dimensions.√5.An employee stock ownership plan is designed to give employee stock ownership in the organization for which they work.√6.Employee stock options give employees a fixed number of shares of company stock.×mon organizational incentive systems include profit sharing,stock option,and piece-rate system.×8.The drawbacks of team-based incentive include too much focus on what is best individually and may block or inhibit performance of other individuals with whom the employee is competing.×9.The major advantages of the factor -comparison method are its difficulty and complexity,and it is time-consuming to establish anddevelop.×10.The point method of job evaluation requires evaluations to qualify the value of the elements of a job.×11.Job evaluation is designed to ensure the internal equity of the pay system,whereas pay survey is designed to ensure the external competitiveness of the pay system.√12.A pay structure include pay grades and minimum-to-maximum pay ranges.√13.Accurate job descriptions and job specification s are only used in job evaluation,not in pay survey.×14.In compensation,procedural justice can be described as the procedural fairness in the process of determining base pay for jobs,allocating pay increases.and measuring performance.√15.Intrinsic rewards include psychological and social effects of compensation,including monetary rewards.×16.Extrinsic rewards are tangible,including monetary and non-monetary forms.√17.Tangible compensation includes direct and indirect compensations.The most common forms of indirect compensation are base pay and benefits.×18.In performance appraisal interview,it is necessary that both parties agree in all areas.×19.To tie performance to salary or promotion issues is appropriate in performance appraisal interview.×20.Management by objectives(MBO) specifies the performance goals that an individual and her or his manager agree to try attain within an appropriate length of time.√21.22.Human relations training is the training which focuses on the development of the human relations skills a person needs to work well with others.√23.A multinational corporation is one in which an organization has operating units only located in its own country.×24.The orientation and training that expatriates and their families receive before departure do not affect the success of the overseas assignment at all.√25.Job enlargement is increasing the depth of a job by adding responsibilities for planning,organizing,controlling,or evaluating the job.×26.Forced distribution is to rate employees on the basis of some organizationally determined,preexisting distribution of categories.√27.Task identity,feedback and task significance of a job can affect the psychological state of the job incumbent by letting him/her experience responsibility.×28.Skill variety ,task identify and task significance of a job can make the job holder experience meaningfulness of his job.√29.Job fair,professional websites,and employer websites are all E-recruiting methods.×30.Individual incentives reward all members equally on the basis of group output,cost savings,or quality improvement.×31.Job enlargement is not an approach for design,but for job analysis.×32.Many interviewers make a decision on the job suitability of applicants within the first two to four minutes of the interview and spend the rest of the interview looking for evidence to support it.This is called halo effect.×pensation system in organizations must not be linked to organizational objectives and strategy.×34.Extrinsic rewards include praise for completing a project or meeting performance objectives.×35.External recruitment may cause possible morale problems of internal candidates.√36.The job characteristics model identifies six important design characteristics of jobs.×37.Off-site development techniques give individuals opportunities to get away from the job and concentrate solely on what is to be learned.√38.A multinational corporation is one i n which an organization hasoperating units located in foreign countries.√39.Evaluation of training can be done at four levels;reaction,learning,behavior,and results.√40.Internal recruiting many cause “political”infighting for promotion.√41.External recruiting can bring new “blood”and new perspective for the organization.√42.External recruiting may cause the problems of inbreeding.×43.Shorter“adjustment”or orientation time for employees recruited from internal sources.√44.Job-site development techniques give individuals opportunities to get away from the job andconcentrate solely on what is to be learned.×45.Re-recruiting former employees is an internal recruiting method.√46.Promotion and transfers belong to external recruiting method.×47.College and university recruiting is an internal recruiting source.×48.Newspapers,magazines,television,radio and employment agencies are all media source.×49.Executive search firms tend to concentrate their efforts on higher-level managerial positions.√50.Employment agencies primarily deal with higher-level managerial positions.×51.By using internet recruiting,employers may get more unqualifiedapplicants because of broader exposure.√52.An employee stock option is designed to give employees stock ownership in the organization for which they work.×53.The process of shifting an employee from job to job is job rotation.√54.Repatriation occurs when an employee has completed his/her foreign assignments.√55.In expatriation,an organization prepares and sends global employees to their foreign assignments.√四、配对:Advantage 优势Application form 申请表Applicant pool 申请人/团体Applicant population 申请人口(人数)Applicant tracking system 申请人管理系统(申请人跟踪系统)Attrition 人员损耗减缩人员Autonomy自主Background investigation 背景调查Base pay system 基本工资制度Base pay 基本工资Benchmark 基准Benefits 福利Big Five personality traits 五大人格特质Career placement office 就业指导中心Cognitive ability test 认知能力测试Collectivism 集体主义Commitment 承诺Compensation plan 薪酬方案Current employee referral 当前员工推荐Delphi technique 德尔菲法Demographics 人口统计Demotion 降级Disadvantage 劣势Distance learning 远程学习Diversity 多样性Downsize 裁员Early retirement buyout 提早退休买断Economic factor 经济因素Employee referrals 员工推荐Employee stock option 员工股票购买权Environment scanning 环境扫描E-recruiting 电子招聘Executive perquisites 行政特权Executive search firm 猎头公司Expatriation 移居外国External hire 外部雇佣External supply 外部供给Inbreeding 近亲繁殖Individualism 个人主义Intellectual capital 智慧资本Internal assessment 内部评价Internal supply 内部供给Interview 面试Job analysis 工作分析Job board 工作台Job Characteristics Model 工作特性Job description 工作描述Job design 工作设计Job enlargement 工作扩大化Job enrichment 工作丰富化Job evaluation 工作评价Job placement 工作配置Job rotation 工作轮换Job opening 工作空缺Job specification 工作范围Job transfer 工作转移Knowledge worker 知识工作者Judgment method 判断方法KSAs 知识,技能,才能Labor force population 劳动力人口Labor market 劳动力市场Layoff 失业Organizational capabilities inventory 组织能力库存Organizational restructuring 组织结构调整Orientation 定位Outplacement services 职业服务Parent-country national 外派人员Pay survey 薪酬调查Pension plan 养老计划Performance management 绩效管理Performance standard 绩效标准Personality test 人格测试Person-job fit 个人工作匹配Physical ability test 体能测试Physical resource 物力资源Pre-employment screening 录用前的筛选Power distance 权利差距Professional website专业网站Profit sharing 利润分享Promote 被提升者Psychomotor test 精神运动测试Questionnaire 调查法Ranking 地位等级Realistic job preview 现实工作预览Recognition 识别,承认Recruitment招聘Realistic job preview 实际岗位演习Repatriation 认识识别承认酬劳Recruitment 招聘Repariation 归国Retirement plan 养老金计划Selection 选择Sales commission销售佣金Team orientation 团队导向Technological change 科学技术进步Telecommuting 远程办公Termination 终结终止Tine-off benefits 时间效益Training needs assessment 培训需要评估360°feedback 360度反馈Turnover 人员流失Work force availability 劳动力可用性Work-life balance工作生活平衡Work sample test 工作样本测试。

山东省2024年4月高等教化自学考试专业英语试题(课程代码:00196 考试时间:150分钟)留意事项:答案必需写在答题卡规定的区域内,未按要求作答的答案无效。
Please write all the answers on the Answer Sheet.(请把全部答案写在答题卡上)I、Choose the best answer for each blank(10points)在每个小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将答题卡的相应代码涂黑。
(很大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1. We are interested in _____ you have told us.A. all whatB. allC. whichD. that2. I wish I ______to the movies with him last Sunday.A. did goB. wentC. have gone D .had gone3. Had the doctor been available,the child______.A. could not dieB. would not have diedC. would not dieD. could not have died4. Peter didn’t like his new partner, and ______.A.neither did IB. Ididn’t alsoC.I don’t tooD. Neither I did5. A power failure completely ______the cake he was baking.A. damageB. weakenC. spoiledD. injured6. We all like the teacher because of his nice ______of humor.A skill B. feelings C. principal D. sense7Mr.Smith is ______a very old man but in fact he is only fifty.A. apparentlyB. evidentlyC. obviouslyD. clearly 8.This machine works very well so long as no one ______with it.A. opposesB. interruptsC. bothersD. interferes9.London is one of the important_ _____centers of the world.A. principalB. go afterC. go withD. go without10. The young girl wanted a hat to ______her dress.A. go overB. go afterC. go withD. go withoutII、Reading Comprehension(30 points)阅读下列短文,在每个问题后所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡的相应代码涂黑。

英语专业考研试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The word "phenomenon" is most closely related to which of the following words?A. AppearanceB. PhenomenalC. PhenomenologyD. Phenomenon答案:C2. Which of the following sentences contains a grammatical error?A. She has been working in the company for five years.B. He is one of the students who are studying English.C. The meeting will be held on next Monday.D. I have never seen such a beautiful scenery.答案:D3. Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition: The teacher asked the students to write a composition _______ the given topic.A. onB. inC. atD. of答案:A4. Choose the correct sentence to complete the dialogue:A: I'm not sure if I should take the job offer.B: _______A. That's a tough decision.B. You should take it.C. It's not worth it.D. You're not qualified.答案:A5. Which of the following is the correct use of the subjunctive mood?A. If I were you, I would take the job.B. If I was you, I would take the job.C. If I were you, I will take the job.D. If I was you, I would took the job.答案:A6. What is the meaning of the phrase "break a leg" in the context of a theater performance?A. To trip and fallB. To perform badlyC. Good luckD. To have a broken leg答案:C7. Choose the sentence that uses the passive voice correctly:A. The book was written by her.B. The book was written by she.C. She was written a book.D. A book was written by her.答案:A8. Which of the following words is an adjective?A. BeautifulB. BeautyC. BeautifyD. Beautification答案:A9. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb: By the time we arrived, the movie _______ for half an hour.A. had been startedB. had startedC. was startingD. was started答案:B10. Which of the following sentences is in the future perfect tense?A. I will have finished the book by the end of this month.B. I will finish the book by the end of this month.C. I finished the book last month.D. I am finishing the book this month.答案:A二、阅读理解(每题4分,共20分)阅读以下短文,然后回答问题。

建筑专业英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "foundation" refers to:A. The lowest part of a buildingB. The base upon which a structure restsC. The top of a columnD. The roof of a building2. What is the purpose of "reinforced concrete"?A. To provide insulationB. To increase the strength and durability of concreteC. To make the concrete lighterD. To improve the aesthetic appearance of concrete3. "Architectural design" involves:A. The planning and creation of buildingsB. The construction of roadsC. The installation of electrical systemsD. The landscaping of gardens4. The term "load-bearing wall" is used to describe:A. A wall that supports the weight of the buildingB. A wall that is purely decorativeC. A wall that is made of glassD. A wall that separates two rooms5. What does "sustainable architecture" mean?A. Architecture that is built to last for many yearsB. Architecture that uses environmentally friendly materials and practicesC. Architecture that is built to be easily demolishedD. Architecture that is built to be aesthetically pleasing6. The "pitch" of a roof refers to:A. The height of the roofB. The angle at which the roof slopesC. The material used for the roofD. The width of the roof7. "Structural engineer" is a professional who:A. Designs the interior of buildingsB. Ensures that buildings are built to withstand forces such as gravity and windC. Creates the electrical plans for buildingsD. Oversees the construction of buildings8. "Green building" is a term used to describe:A. Buildings that are painted greenB. Buildings that are built in a forestC. Buildings that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficientD. Buildings that are made from recycled materials9. The "thermal envelope" of a building:A. Refers to the building's insulationB. Is the outer shell of the buildingC. Is the heating and cooling system of the buildingD. Is the building's electrical wiring10. "Facade" in architecture refers to:A. The front of a buildingB. The back of a buildingC. The interior of a buildingD. The roof of a building二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The ______ is the process of applying plaster to walls and ceilings.12. A ______ is a type of roof that has two slopes on all four sides.13. The ______ is the study of the physical characteristics of the land.14. A ______ is a vertical support that transmits, through compression, the weight of a structure to the ground.15. The ______ is a type of window that is hinged at the top and opens outward.16. The term ______ refers to the practice of designing buildings to reduce their impact on the environment.17. A ______ is a type of joint that allows for movement between connected parts.18. The ______ is the process of applying a protective coating to metal to prevent rust.19. A ______ is a type of door that slides horizontally intoa wall.20. The ______ is the study of the properties and behavior of materials.三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)21. Explain the difference between a "cantilever" and a "suspension bridge".22. Describe the role of a "civil engineer" in the construction of a building.23. What are the key considerations in designing a building for "energy efficiency"?24. Discuss the importance of "lighting design" in architecture.四、论述题(共40分)25. Write an essay on the impact of "digital technology" on modern architectural design. Discuss how software and hardware advancements have changed the way architects work and the types of structures they can create. (20分)26. Discuss the concept of "sustainable urban planning" and its significance in the 21st century. How can architects and urban planners work together to create cities that are environmentally friendly and meet the needs of their inhabitants? (20分)答案:一、选择题1. B2. B3. A4. A5. B6. B7. B8. C9. A 10. A二、填空题11. Plastering 12. Mansard 13. Topography 14. Column 15. Casement 16. Green design 17. Expansion joint 18. Galvanizing 19. Sl。

法律专业英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. Which of the following is the correct translation of "plaintiff" in English?A. DefendantB. PlaintiffC. LitigantD. Juror2. The term "due process" refers to:A. The process of serving legal documentsB. The right to a fair and impartial trialC. The process of collecting debtsD. The process of issuing a warrant3. In legal terms, "precedent" means:A. A legal documentB. A previous case that can be used to decide a similar caseC. A legal principleD. A legal rule4. The phrase "pro se" is used to describe a person who:A. Represents themselves in courtB. Is a professional lawyerC. Is a legal assistantD. Is a legal expert witness5. Which of the following is not a type of legal document?A. ContractB. DeedC. WillD. Invoice6. The term "bail" refers to:A. A legal obligationB. A sum of money given to ensure the appearance of a defendant in courtC. A legal feeD. A court order7. "Statute of limitations" is a legal term that means:A. The deadline for filing a lawsuitB. The time limit for a court to make a decisionC. The time limit for a defendant to respond to a lawsuitD. The time limit for a witness to testify8. "Probate" is the legal process of:A. Filing a lawsuitB. Administering an estate after someone's deathC. Issuing a court orderD. Enforcing a contract9. The "Bill of Rights" is a term commonly associated with:A. The first ten amendments to the United States ConstitutionB. A list of legal rights in a contractC. A document outlining the rights of defendantsD. A set of rules for a court proceeding10. "Tort" is a legal term that refers to:A. A criminal actB. A civil wrong that can result in compensationC. A legal documentD. A type of contract二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)1. The legal term for a formal accusation against someone is a(n) _______.2. A(n) _______ is a person who has been granted permission to practice law.3. "Injunction" refers to a court order that requires someone to do, or not do, something.4. The process of a court determining the rights and obligations of parties in a dispute is called _______.5. "Affidavit" is a written statement of facts confirmed by the oath of the party making it, which is used as evidence in court.6. A(n) _______ is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of an agreement.7. The term "eminent domain" refers to the power of the government to take private property for public use.8. "Misdemeanor" is a(n) _______ crime, less serious than a felony.9. A(n) _______ is a legal document that proves ownership of property.10. "Litigation" is the process of taking a dispute to court to resolve it through a formal hearing.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. Explain the concept of "double jeopardy" in legal terms.2. What are the main differences between civil law and common law systems?3. Describe the role of a judge in a criminal trial.4. What is the purpose of a "plea bargain" in the legal process?四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)1. Discuss the importance of legal ethics in the practice of law.2. Analyze the impact of globalization on the legal profession.五、翻译题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请将以下句子翻译成英文:“在法律面前,人人平等。

专业英语9-14单元复习试题及答案一、Translate the following words into English.1. 频谱2. 激光束3. 热核的4. 数字模拟转换器5. 数据库6. 地球外的7. 阻碍8. 兼容性9. 征兆10. 分开11. 数字信号处理器12. 一致13. 基带14. 单色光的15. 卵石二、Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese.1. functional accelerator2. acquisition time3. low pass4. hold time5. anti-aliasing filter6. quantization level7. sampling interval8. full scale range9. dynamic range10. signal-to-noise ratio 11. bus interfaces 12. wireless infrastructure 13. field-programmable14. spectral inversion 15. price/performance ratio 16. under sampling 17. zero order hold18. glue logic 19. power dissipation 20. sample and hold circuit三、Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the list given below.The first essential step in analog-to-digital (A/D) is to sample an analog signal. This step is performed by a sample and hold circuit, which samples at regular intervals called . The length of the sampling interval is the same as the sampling period , and the reciprocal of the is the sampling frequency f s. According to the Nyquist theorem, a signal with a maximum frequency of W Hz (called a band-limited signal) must be at least 2W samples per second to ensure accurate recording. When this minimum is not respected, called aliasing occurs.R ①sampling intervals ②distortion ③conversion ④sampling period ⑤sampled四、Comprehension. choose the best answer according to this passage.Previously in this chapter, we’ve discussed how data elements (characters, fields, and records) c an be organized in files. In file-oriented systems, each file is independent and contains all the information necessary to process the records in that file. In a database, the data is organized in multiple related files. Because these files are related, us er can access data in multiple files at one time. A database management system (DBMS) is the software that allows the user to create, maintain, and report the data and file relationships. By contrast, a file management system is software that allows the user to create, maintain, and access one file at a time.There are problems with traditional data management. Many result from viewing applications independently. For example, consider payroll. Most organizations prepare their payrolls by computer because using a machine instead of a small army of clerks saves money. Thus, the firm develops a payroll program to process a payroll file. Inventory, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and general ledger analysis are similar applications, so the firm develops program, and inventory file, an accounts receivable program, an accounts receivable file, and so on. Each program is independent, and each processes its own independent data file.The solution to these problems is often organizing the data as a single, integrated database.How does the use of a centralized database solve the data redundancy problem? All data are collected and stored in a single place; consequently, there is one and only one copy of any given data element. When the value of an element (an address, for example) changes, the single database copy is corrected. Any program requiring access to this data element gets the same value, because there is only one value.1.In file-oriented systems, each file is independent and contains all the information necessary to processthe in that file.A. elementsB. recordsC. dataD. software2. A database management system (DBMS) is the software that allows the user to create, maintain, and reportthe and file relationships.A. softwareB. elementsC. dataD. records3. The firm develops an inventory program to process .A. data fileB. an accounts receivable fileC. a payroll fileD. an inventory file4.The solution to these problems is .A. changing the programB. using a machine instead of a small army of clerksC. often organizing the data as a single, integrated database.D. having such items in one instead of many locations5. Any program requiring access to this data element gets the same , because there is only onevalue.A. programB. valueC. dataD. copy五、T ell whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F) according to the passageHow should you think of the laser? Think of it simply as a tool. One that uses light instead of mechanical energy. And a tool that allows its user to control the form and amount of energy directed at a particular place. The laser can cut through a two-inch-thick sheet of steel or detect a single atom. It can perform a task as dramatic as igniting a thermonuclear fusion reaction or as seemingly mundane as drilling a hole in a baby-bottle nipple.A laser is a device that produces a very special kind of light. Y ou can think of it as a super flashlight. But the beam that comes out of a laser differs from the light that comes out of a flashlight in four basic ways: Laser light is intense. Y et only a few lasers are powerful. That’s not the contradiction you might think.. Intensity is a measure of power per unit area, and even a laser that emits only a few milli-watts can produce a lot of intensity in a beam that’s only a millimeter in diameter.Laser beams are narrow and will not spread out like ordinary light beams. This quality is called directionality.Laser light is coherent. This means that all the light waves coming out of a laser are lined up with each other.Lasers produce light of only one color. Or, to say it in a more technical way, the light is monochromatic. Ordinary light combines all the colors of visible light (i.e., the spectrum). Mixed together, they come out white. Laser beams have been produced in every color of the rainbow (red is the most common laser color), as well as in many kinds of invisible light, but each laser can emit one color and one color only.1. The laser can cut through a two-inch-thick sheet of steel or detect a single atom.()2. The flashlight can perform a task as seemingly mundane as drilling a hole in a baby-bottle nipple.()3. All the light waves coming out of a flashlight are lined up with each other.()4. Laser beams are narrow and will not spread out like ordinary light beams.()5. Ordinary light combines all the colors of visible light . ()六、T ranslate the following sentences into Chinese.1.The low pass filter, called the anti-aliasing filter, removes all frequencies above half the selected sampling rate.2. The A/D converter chooses a quantization level for each analog sample. An N-bit converter chooses among 2N possible quantization levels. The larger the number of levels, the smaller the quantization errors, calculated as the difference between the quantized level and the true sample level.3. Once digital signal processing is complete, digital-to-analog (D/A) conversion must occur. This process begins by converting each digital code into an analog voltage that is proportional in size to the number represented by the code.4. For example, signals whose frequencies are restricted to a narrow band of high frequencies can be sampled ata rate similar to twice the width of the band instead of twice the maximum frequency.5. The images of each frequency f present in a sampled signal appear, through sampling, at the infinite number of frequencies kf s±f Hz.6. After a brief acquisition time, during which a sample is acquired, the sample and hold circuit holds the sample steady for the remainder of the sampling interval. This hold time is needed to allow time for an A/D converter to generate a digital code that best corresponds to the analog sample.答案一、1. spectrum 2. laser beam 3. thermonuclear4.digital-to-analog (D/A) conversion5. database6. extraterrestrialImpediment 8. compatibility 9. Premonition 10. asunder11、digital signal processor 12、Consistency 13. baseband14. Monochromatic 15. Pebble二、1. 性能加速器 2. 采集时间 3. 低通 4. 保持时间 5. 抗混叠滤波器6.量化电平7. 采样间隔8. 满量程范围9. 动态范围10.信噪比二、总线接口12. 无线基础设施13. 现场可编程的14.频谱反转15.性能价格比16. 欠采样17. 零阶保持18. 互联逻辑19. 功率耗散20. 采样保持电路三、 1. ③ 2. ① 3. ④ 4. ⑤ 5. ②四、1. B 2. C 3. D. 4. C 5. B五、1. T 2. F 3. F. 4. T 5. T六、1、(课本P112倒数第二段倒数第二行)2、(课本P113第二段)3、(课本P113倒数第二段)4、(课本P113倒数第一段第五行)5、(课本P113倒数第一段)6、(课本P112倒数第一段)。

汽车专业英语复习题名词翻译:1、活塞环 piston ring2、电控系统electronic control system3、里程表speedometer4、发动机排量engine capacity5、自动变速器automatic transmission6、机油表oil gauge7、方向盘steering wheel8、做功冲程power stroke9、exhaust gas废气10. electric current电流11. high gear高速档12. automobile dealing汽车贸易13. sports car 跑车14. instrument panel仪表板15. accelerator pedal加速踏板16. physical property 物理性能17、电子燃油计量系统electronic fuel metering system18、减速slow down19、刹车蹄brake shoe20、General Motor 通用21、wheel drum 车轮毂22、TDC 上止点23、BDC 下止点翻译(中译英):上海汽车工业总公司已与德国大众和美国通用两大汽车公司建立了合资公司。
The Shanghai Auto Industry Corportion has established joint ventures with German V olkswagen and American General Motors.四冲程发动机—曲柄旋转两圈做功一次。
Four stroke —a power stroke every other revolution of the crank.液体冷却系由水泵、水套、发动机风扇、散热器等组成。
The liquid cooling system consists of water pumps,water jackets,engine fan ,radiator and so on.在仪表板上,我们能看见几个显示发动机运转情况的仪表。

Part I terminology translation (1*20 points)Directions: interpret the following terminology in English or Chinese.(范围课后核心词汇)e.g.:1. financial management---译成汉语2.普通股----译成英语Part II Choice questions (1*20 points) (Please write your answer in the following table)1. Financial statement does not include ( )A. balance sheetB. income statementC. cash flow statementD. working sheet2. An increase in which one of the following will increase the operating cash flow?A.employee salariesB. office rentC. building maintenanceD. equipment depreciation3. The process of planning and managing a firm’s long-term investments is called:A. working capital management.B. financial depreciation.C. capital budgeting.D. capital structure.4. Cash equivalents include ( )A. time depositsB. inventoriesC. accounts receivableD. prepaid expenses5. The internal rate of return for a project will increase if:A. the initial cost of the project can be reduced.B. the total amount of the cash inflows is reduced.C. the required rate of return is reduced.D. the salvage value of the project is omitted from the analysis.6. Which of the following belongs to current liabilities?( )A. mortgages payableB. prepaid expensesC. notes payableD. bonds payable7. You spent $500 last week fixing the transmission in your car. Now, the brakes are acting up and you are trying to decide whether to fix them or trade the car in for a newer model. In analyzing the brake situation, the $500 you spent fixing the transmission is a(n) ___ cost.A. opportunityB. sunkC. incrementalD. fixed8. Which of the following statements are correct concerning diversifiable risks?I. Diversifiable risks can be essentially eliminated by investing in several securities.II. The market rewards investors for diversifiable risk by paying a risk premium.III. Diversifiable risks are generally associated with an individual firm or industry.IV. Beta measures diversifiable risk.A. I and III onlyB. II and IV onlyC. I and IV onlyD. II and III only9. Which of the following is a liability account?()A. prepaid insuranceB. additional paid-in capitalC. salaries payableD. accumulated depreciation10. Accountants employed by large corporations may work in the areas of the following except ( )A. product costing and pricingB. budgetingC. internal auditingD. product producing11. A corporation’s first sale of equity made available to the public is called a(n):()A. share repurchase program.B. private placement.C. initial public offering (IPO).D.seasoned equity offering (SEO).12. Standard deviation measures ____ risk.A. totalB. nondiversifiableC. unsystematicD. systematic13. ( ) is the value at some future time of a present amount of money, or a series of payments, evaluated at a given interest rate.A. future valueB. present valueC. intrinsic valueD. market value14. Ellesmere Corporation issues 1 million $1 par value bonds. The stated interest rate is 8% per year and the interest is paid twice a year. What is the real interest rate of the bond? ( )A. 6%B.4%C. 10%D. (1+8%/2)2-115. Your firm purchased a warehouse for $335,000 six years ago. Four years ago, repairs were made to the building which cost $60,000. The annual taxes on the property are $20,000. The warehouse has a current book value of $268,000 and a market value of $295,000. The warehouse is totally paid for and solely owned by your firm. If the company decides to assign this warehouse to a new project, what value, if any, should be included in the initial cash flow of the project for this building? ()A. $268,000B. $295,000C. $395,000D. $515,00016.Which one of the following will decrease the operating cycle?A. paying accounts payable fasterB. discontinuing the discount given for early payment of an accounts receivableC. decreasing the inventory turnover rateD. collecting accounts receivable faster17. Assume that dividends of a common stock will be maintained at D forever, and the required return of the stockholder is r, the par value of the stock is m, the value of the stock is ( )A. mB. m+DC. m+D/rD. D/r18. Which of the following items has the most risk? ( )A. treasury billB. corporate bondC. preferred stockD. common stock19. ( ) equals the gross profit divided by net sales of a firm.A. gross profit marginB. net profit marginC. return on investmentD. return on equity20. ( ) is the ratios that measure a firm’s ability to meet short-term obligationsA. liquidity ratiosB. leverage ratiosC. coverage ratiosD. activity ratios21.Sensitivity analysis helps you determine the:A. range of possible outcomes given possible ranges for every variable.B. degree to which the net present value reacts to changes in a single variable.C. net present value given the best and the worst possible situations.D. degree to which a project is reliant upon the fixed costs.22. According GAAP revenue is recognized as income when: ()A. a contract is signed to perform a service or deliver a good.B. the transaction is complete and the goods or services delivered.C. payment is received.D. income taxes are paid.E. all of the above.23. ( ) is the result of Net Profit Margin × total asset turnover × (total assets/shareholders’ equity)A. Return on equityB. return on investmentC. current ratioD. quick ratio24. Government tax law adjustment is ( ) to a firm.A. general economic riskB. inflation and deflation riskC. firm-specific risk25.Which of the following statements concerning the income statement is not true?A. It measures performance over a specific period of time.B. It determines after-tax income of the firm.C. It includes deferred taxes.D. It does not include depreciation.E. it treats interest as an expense.26.Which of the following is not a noncash deduction?A. Depreciation.B. Deferred taxes.C. Interest.D. Two of the aboveE. All of the above.27.Sasha Corp had an ROA of 10%. Sasha’s profit margin was 6% on sales of $180. What are total assets? ()A.$300B.$108C.$48. D$162.28. Calculate net income based on the following information ( )Sales = $200.00Cost of goods sold = $100.00Depreciation = $18.00Interest paid = $25.00Tax rate = 34%A. $16.50B. $37.62C. $34.60D. $4.6029.Which of the following is not true? ()A. Financial markets can be used to adjust consumption patterns over time.B. Corporate investment decisions have nothing to do with financial markets,C. Financial markets deal with cash flows over time.D. Investment decisions rely on the economic principles of financial markets.E. None of the above.30. ( ) is concerned with the acquisition, financing, and management of assets with some overall goal in mind.A. Financial managementB. Profit maximizationC. Agency theoryD. Social responsibility31. A major disadvantage of the corporate form of organization is the ( ).A. double taxation of dividendsB. inability of the firm to raise large sums of additional capitalC. limited liability of shareholdersD. limited life of the corporate form.32. Interest paid (earned) on both the original principal borrowed (lent) and previous interest earned is often referred to as ( ).A. present valueB. simple interestC. future valueD. compound interest33. If the intrinsic value of a share of common stock is less than its market value, which of the following is the most reasonable conclusion? ( )A. The stock has a low level of risk.B. The stock offers a high dividend payout ratio.C. The market is undervaluing the stock.D. The market is overvaluing the stock.34. A 250 face value share of preferred stock, pays a 20 annual dividend and investors require a 7% return on this investment. If the security is currently selling for 276, what is the difference (overvaluation) between its intrinsic and market value (rounded to the nearest whole dollar)?A. approximately 26B. approximately 10C. approximately 6D. approximately 135. Felton Farm Supplies, Inc., has an 8 percent return on total assets of 480,000 and a net profit margin of 6percent. What are its sales? ( )A. 3,750,000B.640,000C. 480,000D. 1,500,00036. A company can improve (lower) its debt-to-total asset ratio by doing which of the following?A. Borrow more.B. Shift short-term to long-term debt.C. Shift long-term to short-term debt.D. issue common stock.37. The DuPont Approach breaks down the earning power on shareholders' book value (ROE) as follows: ROE = ( ).A. Net profit margin × Total asset turnover × Equity multiplierB. Total asset turnover × Gross profit margin × Debt ratioC. Total asset turnover × Net profit marginD. Total asset turnover × Gross profit margin × Equity multiplier38. Which of the following items concerns financing decision? ( )A. sales forecastingB. bond issuingC. receivables collectionD. investment project selection39. Which of the following items is the function of a treasurer? ( )A. cost accountingB. internal controlC. capital budgetingD. general ledger40. For financial instruments, ( ) is judged in relation to the ability to sell a significant volume of securities ina short period of time without significant price concession.A. maturityB. marketabilityC. defaultD. inflation41. ( ) is the value at some future time of a present amount of money, or a series of payments, evaluated at a given interest rate.A. future valueB. present valueC. intrinsic valueD. market valuePart III: Calculation Questions ( 2*10 points)(注意:要写出计算公式和计算过程,否则不得分;需要用文字描述的问题回答内容要详细,语句正确、完整。

复习题:Translation.(翻译)★sentence:(句子翻译考试20个从中选六个)1.Data is a collection of un-oragnized facts which can include woeds numbers images and sounds. 数据收集的是无组织的事实,它可以包括文字,数字,图像和声音的。
2.A computer cinsists of a variety of hardware components that work together with softw are to (没来得及抄完呀,谁抄好了这条给我发扣扣)3.There hardware components include input devices,output devices a system unit storage and communication devices.有硬件部件包括输入设备,输出设备系统单元的存储和通信设备4.An input device allows a user to enter and commands into the memory of a computer.一种输入设备允许用户输入和命令向计算机存储。
5.Storage differs from memory,which can hold these items permanently whereas memory holds these memory holds items only temporanrily.外存和内存不一样,它可以支持永久存储,然而内存只暂时存储数据。
6.A hard disk provides mush grester storage capacity than a floppy disk.硬盘能提供比软盘更大的存储容量。

00196专业英语复习题特别强调:本资料仅供教师使⽤,不得直接发给学⽣及对外交流!000196旅游英语复习题Ⅰ.选择题(Directions:In this section,you are given 30 questions,beneath each of which are four choices marked A,B,C, andD.You are to make the best choice either to complete the incomplete statement or to answer the question)1.Which of the following statement is NOT true?A. Morris dancing in French rural communities owes much to tourism.B. Through travel,people are finding friends in every corner of the earth.C. Tourism contributes to both preservation and development of the world's culture heritage.D.The social significance of tourism is very true for the individual travelers.2.A well-known example of the large scale destruction of an ecosystem through vegetation removal to accommodate tourist facilities is the case of the _______.A. coastal regions of AustraliaB. European AlpsC. Acropolis in AthensD. Snowdonia in Wales3.Which of the folloing is NOT included in the fabled Five Mountains in China?A. HuashanB. LushanC. SongshanD. Taishan4.In 1985,_______ became the first international hotel company to open a hotel in China bearing its own name.A. SheratonB. Holiday InnC. Hilton InternationalD.IBIS(France)5._______ inns and taverns,in particular,gained a reputation for cleanliness and comfort and set the standard for accommodation in other parts of Europe.A. SwissB. GermanC. FrenchD. English6._______ are the primary destinations for the Chinese at present.A. Some European countries.B. Some North American countries.C. Some ASEAN countries.D. Some South American countries.7.Tourist expenditures have different effects on a destination economy:sales by food vendors to restaurants are _______ effect;while taxi fares and airline ticket sales are _______ effect.A. induced;directB. direct;indirectC. indirect;directD. induced;indirect8.In the U.K.,the Queen's Silver Jubilee is in _______.A. 1977B. 1967C. 1987D. 19579.As to the various pollutions,which of the following is NOT true?A. In the US,many dunes have been destroyed by the use of beach buggies.B. In the UK,many dunes have been seriously eroded by motor cycle rallying.C. In Spain,the removal of coral for commercial sale damages coastal regions.D. Footpaths in Snowdonia in Wales have been eroded by over-use.10.China is a mountainous country.Hills,mountains,and plateaus cover _______ of the total area.A. 1/3B. 3/4C. 2/3D. 1/211.The Western Council for Travel Research in _______ employed the term visitor.A. 1965B. 1964C. 1963D. 196212.Which of the following country is not a member of OECD?A. FinlandB. LuxembourgC. VietnamD. Italy.13.Which of the following is not mentioned as WTO's objective?A. To facilitate,in travel,people's access to education and culture.B. To act as an international agency of coordination and cooperation to spread tourism.C. To avoid discrimination between contracting countries.D. To improve the conditions of country dwellers and so to contribute to an expanding world economy.14.Which of the following country is not a member of OECD?A. SingaporeB. TurkeyC. JapanD. Greece15.In Europe _______ are the two leading contenders for a global reservations system.A. SABRE and GALILEOB. GALILEO and APOLLOC. GALILEO and AMADEUSD. APOLLO and AMADEUS16._______ is recognized as the national flag-carrier.A. The private airlineB. The public airlineC. The chartered airlineD. jet airline17.In 1995,an average of _______ of domestic travelers went on sightseeing in China.A. 52.4%B. 54.2%C. 56.4%D. 54.6%18.Which of the following is not an international visitor?A. A crew member of a foreign vessel or aircraft stopped in the country on a lay-over.B. An employee of international bodies on a mission lasting less than one year,or a national returning home for a temporary.C. One who visits in the capacity of a diplomat or a member of the armed forces.D. A foreign commercial or business traveler.19.According to Maslow,self-actualization need excludes _______A. personal developmentB. self-discoveryC. satisfaction of inner desiresD. exploration and evaluation20.The first task of a brochure is to _______.A. save spaceC. attract attentionD. be beautiful21. ________ Americans have different views on many issues, they tend to agree on one subject: taxes are too high.A. DespiteB. In spite ofC. BecauseD. Although22. These little things aren't important ________ themselves, but put together, they can cause troubles.A. byB. inC. forD. at23. If there were any inhabitants of the moon, they would see our earth reflecting the light of the sun, again like a huge mirror ________ in the sky.A. hangB. hangedC. hungD. hangs24. When we call a word “learned,” we do not mean that it is used by learned persons alone,________ simply that its presence in the English vocabulary is due to books and the cultivation of literature rather than to the actual needs of ordinary conversation.A. soB. sinceC. butD. for25. ________ is accepted as true often is relatively, and not absolutely, true. A. What B. ThatC. WhichD. It26. I ________ awake for about two hours last night.A. lieB. liedC. laidD. lay27. In theory, every person will have ________ to an unlimited amount of information with the development of telecommunication satellites.A. entryC. entranceD. opening28. It is in Iran ________ the family members are involved in the wedding preparations.A. whereB. in whichC. thatD. from which29. I have never before met ________ as he is.A. so an intelligent personB. a so intelligent personC. so intelligent personD. so intelligent a person30. The role of the father in the traditional family was to provide ________ his family.A. forB. withC. upD. overⅡ.阅读理解题Directions: Read the following two passages and then choose the best answer to each question.(1)Greenspace facilities are contributing to an important extent to the quality of the urban environment.Fortunately it is no longer necessary that every lecture or every book about this subject has to start with the proof of this idea.At present it is generally accepted,although more as self-evident statement than on the base of a closely-reasoned scientific proof.The recognition of the importance of greenspaces in the urban environment is a first step on the right way,this does not mean,however,that sufficient details are known about the functions of greenspace in towns and about the way in which the inhabitants are using these spaces.As to this rather complex subject I shall,within the scope of this lecture,enter into one aspect only namely the recreative function of greenspace facilities.The theoretical separation of living,working,traffic and recreation which for many years has been used in town-and-country planning,has in my opinion resulted in disproportionate attention for forms of recreation far from home,whereas there was relatively little attention for improvement of recreative possibilities in the direct neighborhood of the home.We have come to the conclusion that this is not right,because an important part of the time which we do not pass in sleeping or working,is used for activities at and around home.So it is obvious that recreation in the open air has to begin at the street-door of the house.The urban environment has to offer as many recreation activities as possible,and the design of these has to be such that more obligatory activities can also have a recreative aspect.The very best standard of living is nothing if it is not possible to take a pleasant walk in the district,if the children cannot be allowed to play in the streets,because the risks of traffic are too great,if during shopping you can nowhere find a spot for enjoying for a moment the nice weather,in short,if you only feel yourself at home after the street-door of your house is closed afteryou.31.According to the author,the importance of greenspaces in the urban environment _______.A. is still unknownB. is usually neglectedC. is being closely studiedD. has been fully recognized32.The theoretic separation of living,working,traffic and recreation has led to _______.A. the disproportion of recreation facilities in the neighborhoodB. the location of recreation facilities far from homeC. relatively little attention for recreative possibilitiesD. the improvement of recreative possibilities in the neighborhood33.The author suggests that the recreative possibilities of greenspace should be provided _______.A. in special areasB. in the suburbsC. in the neighborhood of the houseD. in gardens and parks34.According to the author,greenspace facilities should be designed in such a way that _______.A. more obligatory activities might take on a recreation aspect.B. more and more people might have access to themC. an increasing number of recreative activities might be developedD. recreative activities might be brought into our homes35.The main idea of the passage is that _______.A. better use of greenspace facilities should be made so as to improve the quality of our lifeB. attention must be directed to the improvement of recreative possibilitiesC. the urban environment is providing more recreation activities than it did many years agoD. priority must be given to the development of obligatory activities(2)The actual work of cleaning and caring for the guest room is performed by the room attendants.Their duties include recognizing the guests,introducing room facilities and service,making or changing beds,dusting furniture,sweeping or cleaning floors and carpets,washing bathrooms,replacing towels and washing clothes,making up room and doing turn-down service.They should also supply any personal service to satisfy the guests' reasonable demands,such as wake-up service,room service,laundry service,shoeshine service and baby-sitting service.Whenever and wherever possible,the staff should offer to do extra things for the guests.In addition,they are expected to check up rooms and report any signs of damage or wear and tear that may make repairs and maintenance necessary.Finally,to be competent hotel staffs,they should be capable of handling with unexpected emergency and try to minimize the damage or negative influence.Room attendants have an intimate contact with the guests.A guest may ask the attendants to make up his room at a certain time,or he may indicate he does not want to be disturbed at all,or he would like to have meals in his room.Almost all hotels provide signs that the guest can hang on the doorknob in either of these cases.In addition,guests frequently ask room attendant for items that are supplied by the housekeeping department,such as irons,transformers,special pillows,extra hangers,cribs for infants and hair dryers.In some hotels,the room attendants pick up and deliver clothing for the laundry and valet service.Heavier chores are performed by men who are usually called housemen.Their work involveswindow-washing,shampooing carpets,polishing metals,removing and cleaning draperies,cleaning the public areas of the hotels,and many other tasks that might be beyond the physical capacities of women.The housemen also run errands for thehousekeeping department,such as providing guests with extra things on request.36.heavy chores are performed by _______.A. housekeepersB. housemenC. room attendantsD. assistants37.The word “intimate" in the first line of the second paragraph means _______.A. close and familiarB. clearC. internalD. interesting38.The word “crib" in the phrase “cribs for infants" means _______.A. copyB. boneC. foodsD. a bed for new baby39.From this passage we can know that _______.A. room attendants work very hard .B. room attendants are very kindC. room attendants are the busiestD. room attendants' work are very important40.Housemen do the following except _______.A. washing windowB. serving foodsC. running errands for the housekeeping departmentD. cleaning draperies(3)We can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about money. But most mistakes are about people. “Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?” “When I got that great job, did Jim really feel good about it, as a friend? Or did he envy my luck?”“And Paul-why didn't I pick up that he was friendly just because I had a car?” When we look back, doubts like these can make us feel bad. But when we look back, it's too late.Why do we go wrong about our friends——or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning. And if we don't really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words. Suppose someone tells you, “You're a lucky dog.” Is he really on your side? If he said, “You're a lucky guy” or “You're a lucky gal,” that's being friendly. But “lucky dog”? There's a bit of envy in those words. Maybe he doesn't see it himself. But bringing in the “dog” bit puts you down a little. What he may be saying is that he doesn't think you deserve your luck.“Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for” is another noise that says one thing and means another. It could mean that the speaker is trying to get you to see your problem as part of your life as a whole. But is he? Wrapped up in this phrase is the thought that your problem isn't important. It's telling you to think of all the starving people in the world when you haven't got a date for Saturday night.How can you tell the real meaning behind someone's words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking. Do his words fit the way he looks? Does what he says quare with(符合) the tone of voice? His posture? The look in his eyes? Stop and think. The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake.41. In the first paragraph, the writer recalls some things that happened between him and his friends. He ________.A. feels happy, thinking of how nice his friends were to himB. feels he may not have “read” his friends' true feeling correctlyC. is sorry that his friends let him downD. thinks it was a mistake to have broken up with his girl friends, Helen42. In the second paragraph, the writer talks about someone saying, “You're a lucky dog.” He is saying that ________.A. the speaker of this sentence is just being friendlyB. this saying means the same as “You're a lucky guy” or “You're a lucky gal.”C. the word “dog” shouldn't be used to apply to peopleD. sometimes the words give a clue (线索) to the feeling behind the words43. This passage tries to tell you how to ________.A. avoid mistakes about money and friendsB. “size up” peopleC. avoid mistakes in understanding what people tell youD. keep people friendly without trusting them44. In listening to a person the important thing is ________.A. to notice his tone, his posture, and the look in his eyeB. to listen to how he pronounces his wordsC. to check his words against his manner, his tone of voice, and his postureD. not to believe what he says45. The phrase …puts you down? (Para 2, Line 7) can be replaced by another phrase “________”.A. makes you humbleB. reduces you to silenceC. press you downD. makes you sadⅢ.Fill in the blanks with the proper phrases given below.Make some changes if necessary:(20%)be involved in come into service add to be identical to attribute to appropriate for consist of cut down give rise to submit to see leave angry take catch find provide interesting do go46.I have little to _______ what people already know.47.I _______ a research project at present.48.He _______ his success _______ hard work.49.These bad conditions _______ declined tourism in the area recently.50.That area's future weather pattern might _______ long,dry periods.51.The large jet airliner _______ last year.52.The law in that country requires that a wife _______ herself _______ her husband.53.You must _______ the expenditures to what is essential.54.John liked Bob's car so much that he bought a car which _______ Bob's.55.The joke is not _______ such a formal occasion.56. There is no way to escape ________ the work today.57. We will have a visit to the seaside ________ the weather remains clear.58. Had I left a little earlier, I ________ the train.59. The last train ________, we had to walk home.60. A few years later she came home only ________ that her hometown had greatly changed.61. The more she thought about it, ________ she grew.62. I'm sure he ________ Tokyo by this time tomorrow.63. We become used to ________ blood on the news on television, or in full color in newspaper and magazines..64. It is ________ novel I have ever read.65. I can't find the recorder in the room. It must ________ by someone else.Ⅳ.Indicate whether each of the statements is true(T) or false(F)( )66.The most important job of the flight attendants is the safety and comfort of the passengers.( )67.The place where the pilot sits to fly the plane is called the cockpit.( )68.At the end of the flight, passengers use their airline tickets to locate and identify their luggage.( )69.A validated ticket means that the passenger has paid for it and that the airline must provide transportation. ( )70.A reservation card is proof that a reservation was made.( )71.The gift shop manager must be able to speak to all the guests who come into the shop.( )72.Media refers to all the ways of spreading information.( )73.Generally, radio reaches the largest and broadest market, cutting across many different social and income groups. ( )74.The guide has to escort tourists to activities or show them special sights.( )75.A single passenger train may have as many as 20 cars all pulled by the engine at the front of the train.Ⅴ.Phrase translationPart one: Translation the following phrases into English:76.天然公园77.包价旅游78.特别服务项⽬79.珍稀植物和动物80.单位成本81. 他⾛都不会,更不⽤说跑了。

2024年自考-自考专业(英语)-英美文学选读考试历年真题常考点试题带答案(图片大小可任意调节)第1卷一.单选题(共20题)1.It was his masterpiece The Great Gatsby that made( )one of the greatest American novelists.A. FitzgeraldB.William FaulknerC.Ernest HemmingwayD.Gertrude Steinbeck2.In 1920,( )published his first novel This Side of Paradise which was,to some extent,his own story.A.F·Scott FitzgeraldB.Ernest HemingwayC.William FaulknerD.Emily Dickinson3.“The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one- eighth of it being above wa ter. ” This “iceberg ” analogy is put forward by( ).A.Mark TwainB.Ezra PoundC.William FaulknerD.Ernest Hemingway4.Now many major employers are beginning to demand _______ the completion of schoolA.more thanB.rather thanC.other thanD.better than5.William Faulkner set most of his works in the American( ),with his emphasis onthe( )subjects and consciousness.A.North...NorthernB.East...EasternC.West...WesternD.South...Southern6.Which of the following statements is NOT true of Emily Dickinson and her poetry?A.She remained unmarried all her lifeB.She wrote,1,775 poems,and most of them were published during her life time.C.Her poems have no titles,hence are always quoted by their first lines.D.Her limited private world has never confined the limitless power of her creativity and imagination.7.The Nobel Prize Committee highly praised( )for “his powerful style - forming mastery of the art ” of creating modern fiction.A.Ezra PoundB.Ernest HemingwayC.Robert FrostD.Theodore Dreiser8.In the original test,all the animals in a test group are given a substance _______ half of them dieA.unlessB.untilC.lestD.provided9.After the American Civil War,the literary interest in the so- called “reality ” of life started a new period in the American literary writings know an the Age of( ).A.RealismB.Reason and RevolutionC.RomanticismD.Modernism10.The effect of Darwinist idea of “survival of the fittest ” was shattering in() ’s fictional world of jungle,where “kill or to be killed ” was the law.A.Mark TwainB.Henry JamesC.Theodore DreiserD.Walt Whitman11.Nobody but you _______ what he said.A. agrees withB.agrees outC.agree withD.agree to12.In 1950,( )was awarded the Nobel Prize for the anti-racist Intruder in the Dust.A.William FaulknerB.Robert FrostC.Ezra PoundD.Ernest Hemingway13.Greatly and permanently affected by the( )experiences,Hemingway formed his own writing style,together with his theme and hero.A.miningB.farmingC.warD.sailing14.Among the following writers( )is generally regarded as the forerunner of the 20th - century “stream - of - consciousness ” novels and the founder of psychological realism.A. T. S. EliotB.James JoyceC.William FaulknerD.Henry James15.Eugene O’Neill ’s first full — length play,( ),won him the first Pulitzer theme is the choice between life and death,the interaction of subjective and objective factors.A.Bound East for CardiffB.The Hairy ApeC.Desire Under the ElmsD.Beyond the Horizon16.Man is a “victim of forces over which he has no control. ” This is a notion held strongly by( ).A.Robert FrostB.Theodore DreiserC.Henry JamesD.Hamlin Garland17.In Go Down,Moses,( )illuminates the problem of black and white in Southern society asa closeknit destiny of blood brotherhood.A.William FaulknerB.Jack LondonC.Herman MelvilleD.Nathaniel Hawthorne18.Mark Twain employed an unpretentious style of( )in his novels which is best described as “vernacular ”.A.standard EnglishB.Afro-American EnglishC.colloquialismD.urbanism19.The attitude towards life that( )had been trying to demonstrate in his works is known as “grace under pressure ”.A.William FaulknerB.Theodore DreiserC.Ernest HemingwayD.F·Scott Fitzgerald20.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and,especially,its sequence( )proved themselves to be the milestone in the American literature.A.The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnB.Life on the MississippiC.The Gilded AgeD.Roughing It第2卷一.单选题(共20题)1.Most literary critics think that Fitzgerald is both an insider and an outsider of( )witha double vision.A.the Jazz AgeB.the Age of Reason and RevolutionC.the Babybooming AgeD.the Post- Modern Age2.At the age of eighty -seven,( )read his poetry at the inauguration of President John in 1961.A.Robert FrostB.Walt WhitmanC.Ezra Pound3.What he had done is _______A.valueB.of valuableC.of no valueD.of no valuable4.That is the house _______ you can enjoy the scenery.A. in thatB.thatC.whichD.from which5.“My last Duchess ” is a poem that best exemplifies Robert Browning ’s( ).A.sensitive ear for the sounds of the English languageB.excellent choice of wordsC.mastering of the metrical devicese of the dramatic monologue6.William Faulkner once said that( )is a story of “lost innocence, ” which proves itself to be an intensification of the theme of imprisonment in the past.A.The Great GatsbyB.The Sound and the FuryC.Absalom,Absalom!D.Go Down,Moses7.She disagrees ______ him ______ everything.A.with, onB./, onC.with, atD.on, with8.( )is generally regarded as the forerunner of the 20th —century “stream— of —consciousness ” novels and the founder of psychological realism.A.Theodore DreiserB.William FaulknerC.Henry JamesD.Mark Twain9.The childhood of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn in the Mississippi is a record of a vanished way of life in the( )Mississippi valleyA.pre - War of IndependenceB.post - War of IndependenceC.pre - Civil WarD.post - Civil War10.Hemingway’s “Indian Camp ” is one of the fourteen short stories collected under the title of( ).This title is very ironic because there is no peace at all in the stories.A.Three Stories and Ten PoemsB.Across the River and into the TreesC.The Green Hills of AfricaD.In Our Time11.Robert Frost is generally considered a regional poet whose subject matters mainly focus on the landscape and people in( ).A.the westB.the southC.AlaskaD.New England12.“The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one -eighth of it being abov e water. ” This “iceberg ” analogy about prose style was put forward by( ).A.William FaulknerB.Henry JamesC.Ernest HemingwayD.F· Scott Fitzgerald13.In Death in the Afternoon( )presents his philosophy about life and death through the depiction of the bullfight as a kind of microcosmic tragedy.A.William FaulknerB.Jack LondonC.Ernest HemingwayD.Mark Twain14.considered( ) “the true father of our national literature ”.A.Bret HarteB.Mark TwainC.Washington IrvingD.Walt Whitman15.Some persons gain goal and direction from their tensions;others ________ under pressure.A.fall outB.fall apartC.fall back onD.fall in with16.The Portrait of A Lady is generally considered to be( )masterpiece,which describes the life journey of an American( )in a European cultural environment.A.Henry Adams’…widowB.William James ’…girlC.Henry James’…girlD.Theodore Dreiser ’s…widow17.In 1950,one of the leading American writers( )was awarded the Nobel Prize for the anti-racist Intruder in the Dust.A.Robert FrostB.Theodore DreiserC.William FaulknerD.Fitzgerald18.Henry James’ fame generally rests upon his novels and stories with the( )theme.A.internationalB.localC.colonialD.post-modern19.Ezra Pound,a leading spokesman of the “( ) ”,was one of the most important poe ts in his time.A.Imagist MovementB.Cubist MovementC.Reformist MovementD.Transcendentalist Movement20.The( )Age of the 1920s characterized by frivolity and carelessness is brought vividly to life in The Great Gatsby.A.LostB.JazzC.ReasonD.Gilded第1卷参考答案一.单选题1.参考答案: A本题解析:《了不起的盖茨比》是菲茨杰拉德的代表作,也使其成为了美国文坛上得一颗明星。

计算机专业英语试题及答案1. 选择题1. Which of the following is not a programming language?a) Javab) HTMLc) Pythond) CSS答案: b) HTML2. Which protocol is used for sending and receiving email?a) HTTPSb) FTPc) SMTPd) DNS答案: c) SMTP3. What does the acronym CPU stand for?a) Central Processing Unitb) Computer Processing Unitc) Control Processing Unitd) Central Power Unit答案: a) Central Processing Unit4. Which programming language is commonly used for web development?a) C++b) Javac) JavaScriptd) Swift答案: c) JavaScript5. What does HTML stand for?a) Hyperlinks and Text Markup Languageb) Hyper Text Markup Languagec) Home Tool Markup Languaged) Hyper Text Modeling Language答案: b) Hyper Text Markup Language2. 填空题1. The process of converting high-level programming code into machine code is called ___________.答案: compilation2. HTTP stands for ___________ Transfer Protocol.答案: Hyper Text3. The process of testing software by executing it is called ___________.答案: debugging4. Java is an object-_____________ programming language.答案: oriented5. DNS stands for Domain Name ___________.答案: System3. 简答题1. What is the difference between TCP and UDP?答案: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a connection-oriented protocol, which means it establishes a connection between the sender and receiver before transferring data. It ensures that all packets are received in the correct order and provides error checking. UDP (User Datagram Protocol), on the other hand, is a connectionless protocol that does not establish a direct connection before transmitting data. It does not guarantee packet delivery or order but is faster and more efficient for time-sensitive applications.2. What is the purpose of an operating system?答案: An operating system (OS) is a software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services forcomputer programs. Its primary purpose is to enable the user to interact with the computer and provide a platform for running applications. It manages memory, file systems, input/output devices, and multitasking. The OS also handles system security and resource allocation to ensure optimal performance.4. 解答题请参考下文并给出自己的解答。

计算机专业英语复习题注:本答案解释及翻译属本人分析,如有错误,敬请谅解!I.Choose the best answerI.选择最佳答案。
1.When you run your computer, A will be first started.A.Operation systemB. system softwareC. office softwareD. driven software译:当你运行你的电脑时,XX是首先被启动。
所以选A2. Post is the short form for AA. power on self-testB. post office system testC. power on system-testD. personal operating system text 译:post是____的缩写。
The short from for某某的缩写形式。
A是开机自检B是办公系统测试C 是开机系统自检D是个人操作系统文本。
3. One of the benefits of video conferencing is low costs.A. specially equipped conference roomsB. saving travel timeC. low costsD.linking of local sites译:视频协商(视频会议)的好处之一是_____。
Benefit 好处,益处conference协商,讨论,商谈A是特别的协商会议室B是减少旅游时间C是低花费D是连接本地地址4. The menu bar of word 2003 has C menus orders.A. sevenB. eightC. nineD. ten Word 2003的菜单栏中有9个菜单命令。

生物专业英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a type of cell organelle?A. MitochondriaB. NucleusC. RibosomeD. Cell wall2. The process of DNA replication is catalyzed by:A. PolymeraseB. TransposaseC. LigaseD. Helicase3. In eukaryotic cells, where is the transcription of DNA primarily carried out?A. CytoplasmB. MitochondriaC. NucleusD. Ribosomes4. What is the basic unit of heredity in all living organisms?A. GeneB. ChromosomeC. DNA moleculeD. Protein5. The term "genome" refers to:A. The complete set of genes of an organismB. The entire DNA of an organismC. The sum of all the proteins in an organismD. The collection of all the cells in an organism6. Which of the following is a method of genetic engineering?A. CrossbreedingB. CloningC. CRISPR-Cas9D. Natural selection7. What is the role of tRNA in protein synthesis?A. To provide the energy for the processB. To carry specific amino acids to the ribosomeC. To serve as the template for protein synthesisD. To catalyze the formation of peptide bonds8. The Hardy-Weinberg principle states that the allele frequencies in a population will remain constant in the absence of:A. MigrationB. Genetic driftC. Natural selectionD. All of the above9. Which of the following is not a type of mutation?A. DeletionB. InsertionC. TranslocationD. Translation10. The process of photosynthesis primarily occurs in the:A. Cell wallB. CytoplasmC. ChloroplastsD. Nucleus二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. The chemical structure of DNA is a double ________ helix.2. The process by which a fertilized egg develops into a mature organism is called ________.3. In genetics, the term "dominant" refers to an allele that expresses its effect when ________.4. The scientific name for a species is composed of two parts: the genus name and the ________ name.5. The primary function of the Golgi apparatus is to ________, modify, and package proteins for secretion or delivery toother organelles.三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. Explain the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.2. Describe the process of mitosis and its significance incell division.四、翻译题(每题15分,共30分)1. Translate the following sentence into English:"基因编辑技术,如CRISPR-Cas9,为研究和治疗遗传性疾病提供了新的可能性。

专四测试之时态语态1. When I arrived at the meeting, the first speaker _____ and the audience _____.A. had finished speaking, were clappingB. had finished speaking, had clappedC. finished speaking, clappedD. finished speaking, were clapping2. The doctor is feeling the little girl’s pulse. He says it ______ normal.A. feelsB. is feelingC. has feltD. is felt3. I ______ writing the paper as scheduled, but my mother’s illness interfered.I hope you will excuse me.A. am to have finishedB. was to have finishedC. was to finishD. ought to finish4. How can I ever concentrate if you ____ continually ____ me with silly questionsA. have interruptedB. had interruptedC. are interruptingD. were interrupted5. Mr. White works with a chemicals import & export company, but he ____ for the industrial fair, since he is on leave.A. has workedB. worksC. has been workingD. is working6. For some time now, world leaders _____ out the necessity for agreement on arms reduction.A. had been pointingB. have been pointingC. were pointingD. pointed7. The experiment requires more money than ______.A. have been put inB. being put inC. has been put inD. to be put in8. Jack ____ from home for two days now, and I am beginning to worry about his safety.A. has been missingB. has been missedC. had been missingD. was missed9. This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ______ comfortably.A. is wornB. wearsC. wearingD. are worn10. The last half of the nineteenth century ______ the steady improvement in the means of travel.A. has witnessedB. was witnessedC. witnessedD. is witnessed11. Before the first non-stop flight made in 1949, it ______ necessary for allplanes to land for refueling.A. would beB. has beenC. had beenD. would have been12. If you smoke in a non-smoking section, people ______.A. have objectedB. objectC. must objectD. will object13. He ______ when the bus came to a sudden stop.A. was almost hurtB. was hurt himselfC. was to hurt himselfD. washurting himself14. If one ______, he will be very particular about others clothing andappearance.A. has been overcome by vanityB. overcomes vanityC. is overcome by vanityD. has overcome vanity15. We’re late. I expect the film _____ by the time we get to the cinema.A. will have startedB. has startedC. will startD. maystart16. I suppose that when I com e back in ten years’time all these old house ______down.A. will have been pulledB. will have pulledC. will be pullingD.will be pulled17. The grey building is where the workers live, and the white one is wherethe spare parts ______.A. are producingB. are producedC. producedD.being produced18. The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, ______ andperfected now.A. developedB. have developedC. are being developedD. will have been developed19. Until then, his family ______ from him for six months.A. didn’t hearB. hasn’t been hearingC. hasn’t heardD. hadn’t heard20. Great as Newton was, many of his ideas ______ today and are being modifiedby the work of scientists of our time.A. care to challengeB. may be challengedC. have been challengedD. are challenging21. It’s reported that by the end of this month the output of cement in thefactory ______ by about 10%.A. will have risenB. has risenC. will by risingD. hasbeen rising22. She ought to stop work; she has a headache because she ______ too long.A. has been readingB. had readC. is readingD. read23. I found that my cheating in last Monday’s English test ______ to my parentsthat very evening.A. was being reportedB. had reportedC. had been reportedD. wasreported24. Kathy told me she ______ the organization three years before.A. joinedB. had been joinedC. had joinedD. wasjoining25. That work is needed by next week, so make sure ______ to the deadline.A. for keepingB. you’ll keepC. keepingD. you keep26. I haven’t seen Diana these past few days. I am afraid she _______ herselffor some time.A. hasn’t been feelingB. isn’t feelingC. wasn’t feelingD. hadn’t been feeling27. Most environmental problems exist because adequate measures for preventingthem ______ taken in the past.A. had not beenB. were not beingC. were notD. was not28. We _____ paying you a visit but the bad weather prevented us from doingso.A. had thought ofB. have thought ofC. were thinking ofD.thought of29. Her husband and her eldest son had been killed ______.A. many years beforeB. many years sinceC. many years agoD. many years from now30. I _____ them that I think they are making a great mistake.A. toldB. will tellC. am tellingD. havebeen telling31. Wait for me. You_______ impatient. I am still having my breakfast.A. areB. are beingC. wereD. havebeen32. I should very much like to go to the party, but ______.A. I will not be invitedB. I was not invitedC. I have not been invitedD. I am not invited33. If you weigh 90 pounds, you ______ to the earth by a gravitational forceof 90 pounds.A. have pulledB. pull downC. are being pulledD. havebeen pulled34. The match was cancelled because most of the members ______ a match withouta standard court.A. objected to havingB. were objected to haveC. objected to haveD. were objected to having35. Unfortunately my proposal ______ by him.A. was turned downB. was turnedC. turned downD. turned36. “May I speak to your manager Mr. Williams at five o’clock tonight”“I’m sorry. Mr. Williams ______ to a conference long before then.”A. will have goneB. had goneC. would have goneD. hasgone37. It seems oil ______ from this pipe for some time. We’ll have to take themachine apart to put it right.A. had leakedB. is leakingC. leakedD. hasbeen leaking38. It is said that a new robot ____by him in a few days.A. designedB. has been designedC. will be designedD. will have been designed39. We are late. I expect the film ____by the time we get to the cinema.A. will already have startedB. would already have startedC. shall have already startedD. has already been started40. Diamond ____in Brazil in 1971.A. is foundB. has been foundC. was foundD. had been found41. “Have you moved into the new flat” “Not yet. The room____.”A. has been paintedB. is paintedC. paintsD. is being painted42. My pictures ____until next Friday.A. won't developB. aren't developedC. don't developD. won' t be developed43. Tim ____since he lost his job three weeks ago.A. had been unemployedB. was unemployedC. has been unemployedD. has unemployed44. A great number of colleges and universities ____since 1949.A. has been establishB. have been establishedC. have establishedD. had been established45. I'll have to push the car to the side of the road because we ____if we leave it here.A. would be finedB. will be finedC. will being finedD. will have been fined46. “____two tickets for the new play at the Grand Theatre on Saturday. Shall we go and see it together”A. They have been givenB. I have been givenC. I am givenD. They have given to me47. The subject of these lectures ____by the lecture committee.A. is announcedB. have been announcedC. are announcedD. has been announced48. I found an aspirin bottle ____dropped on the floor of David's room.A. wasB. hadC. had beenD. is49. The goods ____when we arrived at the airport.A. were just unloadingB. were just been unloadingC. had just unloadedD. were just being unloaded50. You ought to have put the milk in the refrigerator, now ____sour.A. I smellB. it is smeltC. it smellsD. it is smelling51. After the race____, the celebration began.A. had been wonB. is wonC. will be wonD.has been won52. He was here for a little while, but I don't know where she ____now.A. isB. wasC. had beenD. has been53. The young teacher has ____ competent.A. been proved to beB. proved to beC. been provedD. proved being54. Pluto, the outermost planet of the solar system, ____photographically in March 1930.A. discoveredB. was discoveredC. by discoveryD. when discovered55. To get a better view of the stage, ____.A. our seats had to be changedB. our seats were changedC. we had to change our seatsD. our seats were changed by us56. After synthetic____, engineers had a better choice of material.A. createdB. has createdC. has been createdD. had been created57. Since 1970, millions of enthusiasts ____Vitamin C, which they believe canremedy the common cold.A. have takenB. have been takenC. have been takingD. have been taking58. I don't remember ____the chance to try this method.A. having been givenB. to have been givenC. having givenD. to have given59. We could ask someone to do the work privately without it____.A. knowB. be knownC. being knownD. to be known60. They would tell how the African ____on a ship to an American port.A. was broughtB. could have been broughtC. had been broughtD. was to be brought61. He does not possess a bicycle, this one he uses ____to Peter.A. is belonged toB. belongedC. belongsD. is belonging62. The reason for all the changes being made ____to us yet.A. has not explainedB. has not been explainedC. did not explainedD. were not explained63. Experiments in the photography of moving objects ____in both the UnitedStates and Europe well before 1900.A. were conductingB.were conductedC. had been conductedD. had conducted64. When he turned the corner, he found himself ____by a man in black.A. tailedB. been tailedC. was tailedD. had been tailed65. A candidate for the democratic presidential nomination ____at this moment.A. is interviewingB. being interviewedC. is being interviewedD. interviewing66. As we approached the work site, the workers were seen ____the new house.A. buildingB. buildC. builtD. to build67. The bank is reported in the local newspaper ____in broad daylight yesterdayA. to be robbedB. to have keen robbedC. robbedD.shavings been robbed68. He cleaned the glasses carefully for fear that it ____.A. was damagedB. should be damagedC. damagedD. would be damaged69. Come and see me whenever ______.A. you areconvenientB. you will be convenientC. it is convenient toyouD. it will be convenient to you70. _________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen.A. I was and always willbeB. I have to be and always will beC. I had been and always will beD. I have been and always will be1-5 AABCD6-10 BCABC11-15 CDACA16-20 ABCDC21-25 AACCD26-30 ACAAD31-35 BBDAA36-40 ADCAC41-45 DDCBB46-50 BDCDC51-55 AABBC56-60 DACCC61-65 BCACA66-70 BBCCD。
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英语复习题一、短语翻译(英译汉)1、NC Machining and NC machine tools 数控加工和数控机床2、Basic knowledge on numerical control 数控的基本知识3、NC machining tools 数控加工机床4、CNC functional components and appendix 数控机床功能部件及附件5、CNC programming 数控编程6、Numerical Control 数控技术7、Classification and Fundamental Theories of Mechatronics Systenms 机电一体化系统的分类和基本理论8、Mechatronics systems 机电一体化系统9、Conventional mechatronics systems 传统机电一体化系统10、Micromechatronic systems 微机电一体化系统11、Nanomechatronic systems 纳米机电一体化系统12、NC drilling 数控钻削13、NC turning 数控车削14、NC milling 数控铣削15、Drilling Machine 钻床16、Classification of Drilling Machines 钻床分类17、Upright Drilling Machines 立式钻床18、Bench-type Drilling Machines 台式钻床19、Multispindle Drilling Machines 多轴钻床20、Milling and Milling Machines 铣削和铣床21、two main methods of milling 两种主要的铣削方法22、the horizontal machine 卧式机23、Single controlled axis lathe 单轴控制的车床24、conventional lathes 传统的车床25、Conical surface 锥表面26、drive plate 驱动盘27、Cylindrical surface 内圆柱面28、carriage 托板29、Sturdy 坚固的30、Bearing 轴承31、Cast iron 铸铁件32、apron 溜板箱33、hang from 从..悬挂34、Axis 轴线35、perpendicularly 垂直地36、Workpiece 工件37、Hollow shaft 空心轴38、Heat treatment 热处理39、Computer monitors 电脑显示器40、Shot blasting machine 抛丸机41、Manipulator 机械手42、Stepper motor 步进电动机43、Nontraditional manufacturing processes 特种加工工艺44、Brand value 品牌价值45、The logo means 商标的含义46、Materials and experimental procedure 材料和实验过程47、Wear testing 磨损测试48、Blast Cleaning Technology 抛丸清理技术49、hardening and tempering 调质50、Data acquisition 数据采集51、Gear shaft 齿轮轴52、Cutting parameters 切削用量53、Fixture 夹具54、Brake 制动器55、Dignity (internal combustion engine)内燃机二、段落翻译(英译汉)1、铣削主要两种方式:逆铣(常规)和顺铣(同向)。
There are two main methods of milling:up or convertional milling (逆)and down or climb milling(顺).In up milling, the cutter rotates against the direction of feed.That is to say, if the cutter rotates clockwise,the workpiece is fed to theright in this kind of milling.In down milling,the cutter rotates in the direction of feed.In other words,if the cutter rotates counterclockwise, the workpiece is fed to the right in down milling.2、顺铣具有以下优点:进给量通常可达到逆铣两倍以上;快速切削金属而不产生振动;大幅度降低工件表面粗糙度;延长刀具的使用寿命。
The advantages of down milling are as follows:Feed can frequently be doubled over up milling.Metals can be removed fast without vibration.Finish can be considerably improved.Tool life may be prolonged.3、铣床用旋转的铣刀来切削各种形状的工件。
The milling machine cuts various shapes with rotary cutters.The horizontal machine consists of the following important parts: column , spindle, arbor, overarm, table, saddle, knee, base,motor,etc.4、钻削加工可以用便携式的小机器或适当的机床来进行。
Drilling operations can be carried out by employing either portable small machines or appropriate machine tools. The latter differ in shape and size, although they have common features. For instance, they all involve one or more twist drills, each rotating around its own axis while the workpiece is kept firmly fixed.5、这与在车床上进行的钻孔操作正好相反,车床上,工件被夹紧在夹具内并随其转动。
This is contrary to the drilling operation on a lathe, where the workpiece is held in and rotates with the chuck. Following is a survey of the commonly used types of drilling machines.6、根据尺寸,立式钻床能用于加工轻的、中等的甚至是相对重型的工件。
Depending upon the size, upright drilling machine tools can be used for light, medium, and even relatively heavy jobs. It is basically similar to bench-type machines,the main difference being a longer cylindrical column fixed to the base.7、沿着立柱是一个附加的安装工件的滑动工作台,它能在任何需要高度锁定位置。
Along that column is an additional, sliding table for fixing the workpiece which can be locked in position at any desired height. The power required for this type is more than that for the bench-type drilling machines, since this type is employed in performing medium-duty jobs.8、台式钻床是通用的小型机床,通常放置在工作台上。
Bench-type Drilling Machines Bench-type drilling machines aregeneral-purpose, small machine tools that are usually placed on benches. This type of drilling machine includes an electric motor as the source of motion, which is transmitted via pulleys and belts to the spindle, where the tool is mounted.10、多轴钻床有坚固的构造和需要的大功率;两者都使其能同时加工多个孔。