




Welcome to here! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

Chaoyang street less ShuaiFu shenhe district in shenyang lane at 48 on both sides of the door, hung "zhang xueliang former exhibition" and "the liaoning province museum of modern history of" two pieces of brands. The high walls by blue bricks and the east, southeast of buildings, is the famous patriotic general zhang xueliang

general's former residence - the provincial cultural relics protection units - zhang ShuaiFu.

Zhang ShuaiFu, also called "big ShuaiFu", or "little ShuaiFu". Is a warlord leader is "republic of China army and navy admiral thrawn" in Peiping and his eldest son, "eternal hero" general zhang xueliang's official

residence and private homes. Zhang ShuaiFu is so compelling, because celebrities once lived generation here, not just his building itself is also very spectacular, both traditional Chinese architectural features, also has the charm of the best structure of Europe, has the very high historical and artistic value.

Zhang ShuaiFu buildings, begin from 1914, by 1933, gradually formed by ShuaiFu then, eastern hospital, west of the courtyard and the courtyard outside the four parts of buildings with different architectural styles. Zhang ShuaiFu total area 3. 60000 square meters, a total construction area of 27600 square meters. The complex of the property owned by general zhang xueliang private. Entrusted by the people's governments of shenyang in the custody of the housing sector. In March 1985, shenyang municipal people's government named zhang ShuaiFu as the municipal cultural relics protection units. In December 1988, the liaoning province people's government announced for the provincial cultural relics protection unit. In July 1991, the state construction ministry and state administration of cultural heritage, zhang ShuaiFu buildings as one of the excellent modern

buildings. In August 1993, the government of liaoning province to the demanded by the country to declare, zhang ShuaiFu listed as national key cultural relics protection units.

In December, l988, the liaoning provincial government set up zhang xueliang lives galleries. The d to restore the original carefully, zhang ShuaiFu basic restores former appearance. And successively held a "dry ancient hero general zhang xueliang performance exhibition" and for general zhang eighty-eighth birthday, ninetieth birthday birthday, painting and calligraphy exhibition. Partial recovery room exhibition, also in mid-september comprehensive opening to the outside world.


Welcome to here! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

"Zhang ShuaiFu" also known as the "big ShuaiFu", "a little ShuaiFu," warlord leader in Peiping and his eldest son, is a famous patriotic general zhang xueliang's official residence and private homes. Founded in 1914, covers an area of 29146 square meters, a total construction

area of 27570 square meters. By the east court, then, west courtyard and the courtyard outside the buildings of different style, is one of modern outstanding buildings in our country. ShuaiFu then to the blue bricks structure SanJin courtyard, is the first beiyang warlord in Peiping in 1914 army 27 when the teacher teachers started building imitated palace buildings.

The court sits in "eye" type, a total of 11 57, building area of 1768 square meters. Main entrance courtyard south side there is a ridge overhangs, screen wall engraved with the hon jubilee "characters of white marble slab set in the center of the screen, is asked on each side with a pair of stone lions drum and the stone.

20-30 s of the 20th century, zhang ShuaiFu happened too much shock of Chinese and foreign incidents: zhang zuolin in this to become "king of the northeast"; Huanggu tuen after the incident, "prince" wounded, dead in ShuaiFu; General zhang xueliang announced here

"northeast authorities", maintaining the reunification of the motherland, and executed the Raymond yeung and Chang Yinhuai. After the liberation, many of the people's government allocated repair the buildings,

will it as a provincial-level cultural relics protection units.


Three Gorges of Yangtze River Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to China! Welcome to Hubei Province!My name is ,you can call me ruth. I’m your tour guide from Wuhan. On behalf of our travel service, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to you all and best wishes for the success of your travel on the Yangtze River. if you have any special interests or needs, please do not hesitate to let me know , I will try my best to accommodate your needs . Today I am very pleased to show you Three Gorges of Yangtze River. like to and the Nile, starts with the Tuotuo River at the Roof of the World -Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, takes in countless rivers, and flows eastward across the interior of China. With an overall length of more than 6,300 kilometers, the Yangtze River is a cradle that breeds the ancient civilization of the Chinese nation. When the Yangtze River reaches the eastern Sichuan Basin in southwest China, it cuts through the Wushan Mountain. Here the river course suddenly narrows and the waters become turbulent. Sheer cliffs and steep mountains rise creating one of nature’s most fantastic sights. wuxia and xiling----start just after Fengjie end Yichang, stretch about 200 kilometers. The Gorges vary from 300metres at their widest to less than 100 meters at their narrowest. here is suddenly contained like a thousand seas poured into one cup, as the Song Dynasty poet Su Tungpo described the spectacle. High on the both bank, at a place called Bellows Gorge, are a series of crevices. This area is said to have been the home of an ancient tribe whose custom was to place the coffins in the crevices, some containing bronze swords, armour and other artifacts,but the coffins are believed to date back as far as the Warring States Period(475bc----221BC) ve come to the Wu Gorge. Wu Gorge extends 40 kilometers along snakes based on a beautiful legend. goes like this: 12 nymphs once Finding how perilous Wushan Gorge was, they decided to stay there to protect ships. As time went by, they transformed themselves into 12 peaks. The Goddess Peak, the most graceful of the 12, is said to have been Yaoji,


乔家大院导游词 山西素有“中国古代建筑博物馆”之称。全省现存有大量明清时期的民居建筑,它们大都集中在晋中的祁县、平遥、太谷、介休一带,这些深宅大院不仅是当时富商大贾的宅第,也是显赫一时的晋商的历史见证。那我们今天参观的乔家大院就是它们其中的一个代表。 乔家大院位于祁县东观镇乔家堡村,距太原54公里,乘车大约一小时就可以到达。乔家大院是一所民居建筑,是我国保存下来的最完整的一座民居建筑。占地8725㎡,建筑面积3870㎡,共6个大院,20个小院,313间房屋。1985年乔家大院被开辟成为晋中民俗博物馆,一部《大红灯笼高高挂》使得乔家大院名扬海外,2005年拍摄的《乔家大院》更是让许多人了解了乔家大院,了解了晋商。我们现在就来到了乔家大院的大门口了,我们现少停留一下。 我们看到乔家大院的门前并没有旗杆和石狮子,但是高大的院墙,足以显示出主人的威严气派。院内房屋设计的十分完美,错落有致,体现了我国清代北方民居建筑的独特风格,具有相当高的观赏、科研和历史价值。专家学者赞誉其为“北方民居建筑的一颗明珠”。因此人们常说“皇家有故宫,民家看乔家”。我们看到大门正对的这个照壁,它叫做“百寿图”是由一百个寿字构成的,在百寿图的两边有一幅对联“损人欲以覆天理,续道德而能文章”这是当时左宗棠写的,他先了主人淡泊心志,,百寿图的上方有“履和”二字,是从“端详步履由中道,怡然胸襟养太和”一句中意化出来的,体现了乔家主人的中庸思想。 大门上有一副对联“子孙贤,族将大”;“兄弟睦,家之肥”,可以看出乔家主人的最高追求,就是人丁兴旺,家庭和睦,只是致富的前提,也是富贵的归宿。进入大门后我们首先来看一下大院的简单构造图,我们面前的这条常80米的甬道,将乔家大院的六个大院分为南北两院,北院房屋大都高大,是长辈居住的地方,南面的房屋相对较低是晚辈居住的地方,大门是朝东开的,所谓“紫气东来”这个大门就是吸收祥气的。那我门一个大院一个大院来参观。


Three natural bridges The Wulong Karst (Chinese: 武隆喀斯特) is a natural karst landscape located within the borders of Wulong County, Chongqing Municipality.It is divided into three areas containing the Three Natural Bridges, the Qingkou Tiankeng (箐口天坑) and Furong Cave respectively. It is a part of the Wulong Karst National Geology Park as well as part of the South China Karst, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 20 kilometres (12 mi) southeast of Wulong County town, the area lies on the border of Baiguo and Hetao villages. The Three Natural Bridges are a series of natural limestone石灰岩bridges located in fairy mountain Town (仙女山镇), Wulong County.They lie within the Wulong Karst National Geology Park, itself a part of the South China Karst-Wulong Karst UNESCO World Heritage Site.In Chinese, the bridges are all named after dragons, namely the Tianglong (literally Sky Dragon) Qinglong (literally Azure蔚蓝的Dragon) and Heilong (literally Black Dragon) bridges. Spanning the Yangshui River, a tributary支流of the Wu River, the bridges are at the centre of a 20 square kilometres (7.7 sq mi) conservation area. Given that the distance between the upper end of the Tianlong Bridge and the lower end of the Heilong Bridge is only 1,500 metres (4,900 ft), these are not the longest natural bridges. However, they are the only such group of karst structures in the world. Between the bridges lie the Qinglong and Shenying tiankengs which have a depth of 276–285 meters and a circumference圆周of 300–522 meters. Wulong Karst Landscapes National Geological Park (武隆天坑地缝国家地质公园) is one of the largest geological parks in Chongqing. With amazing topography marked by awe-inspiring karst landscapes (landscape shaped by the dissolution of a layer or layers of soluble bedrocks), the park features a series of dolines, sinkholes, bridges, springs and cascading waters. The park includes three famous attraction spots: Wulong dolines, three karst bridges and Wulong sinkholes/chasms. Wulong boasts the world's largest scale karst bridges and the second largest series of dolines; the underground sinkholes/chasms are equally amazing. Visitors can ride the elevators zooming down from the cliff tops and witness the three karst bridges in all its grandeur, 100 meters (328 feet) underground. The karst bridges are the main attractions of the park. Three arched bridges are formed consecutively in the 1.2 km (0.75 miles) distance – they are named Tianlong Bridge, Qinglong Bridge and Heilong Bridge. The height, width and spanning distance of all three bridges are above 150 meters (492 feet), 200 meters (656 feet) and 300 meters (984 feet) respectively; presently they are the largest karst bridges in the world. There are also two dolines formed by dissolution of bedrocks: the Tianlong Sinkhole and Shenying Sinkhole. They are perfectly situated in


介绍广西德天瀑布的导游词范文4篇An introduction to the guide words of Guangxi Detian w aterfall 编订:JinTai College

介绍广西德天瀑布的导游词范文4篇 前言:导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。本文档根据导游词内容要求和针对旅游地点是广西的特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:介绍广西德天瀑布的导游词范文 2、篇章2:德天瀑布导游词文档 3、篇章3:德天瀑布导游词文档 4、篇章4:德天瀑布导游词文档 篇章1:介绍广西德天瀑布的导游词范文 德天瀑布位于广西壮族自治区崇左市大新县硕龙镇德天村,中国与越南边境处的归春河上游,瀑布气势磅礴、蔚为壮观,与紧邻的越南板约瀑布(“B?n Gi?c 空气中,弥漫着泥土芳香;小路旁,沉甸甸的芭蕉挂在树枝上;池塘里,一群鸭子正在水中嬉戏。这里的一草一木,一沟一渠,都呈现出一种原

始自然的美。在这里,你只要按下相机的快门,拍出的相片都是一幅绝佳的风景照。 这里翠竹绕岸,农舍点缀,独木桥横,稻穗摇曳,农夫荷锄,牧童戏水,风光俊朗清逸,极富南国田园气息。美有丽的山峰,明镜似的小河,划入天际的扁舟,满洒的翠竹,绿油油的稻田,乡土风味十足的水车、水渠与独木桥。 泛舟河上,可感受竹丛山峰蓝天白云倒影如镜,再衬以小桥流水,百鸟啼鸣,以及村舍中的鸡鸣狗吠,是一处难求的令人迷醉的田园风光。 明仕的山光水色的确迷人。这里,青山绿水,相互辉映,形成许多秀丽景点,而最为人称道的,莫过于明仕河。 明仕河发源于越南,从念斗屯流入我国,向东南流经本县的谨汤、明仕、堪圩、芦山、后益等,至雷平镇的科度屯对面与黑水河汇合,全长44.13公里。明仕山水田园风光集中在明仕至拔浪一带。风景区河段长约8公里,目前已开发的河段2.2公里。在已开发的河段,游客可以乘坐竹排,顺流而下,饱览两岸迷人景色。这里,你会看到典型的喀斯特峰林地貌景观,看到凤尾萧萧,龙吟嘀嘀的碧江竹影,看到古风淳厚的壮族村落,看到威武的将军山,灵秀的通天洞,奇特的万乳崖,


描写三峡大坝英语作文 描写三峡英语作文篇一: The Three Gorges are situated ① in the middle reaches of the Yangtze Riverand are famous throughout the world. The Three Gorges Xiling Gorge西陵峡Wu Gorge巫峡and Qutang Gorge瞿塘 峡.Along with them there are a number of beautiful places of interestsuch asZhaojun VillageQu Yuan Temple and Baidi Town. The Gezhouba Dam is at the entrance to the Gorges.A big power station has been built here.Since the reform and open policies began to be carried outgreat changes have taken place and the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River have taken on a new look.At present a large multipurpose water conservancy project ② is under constru ction. The Three Gorges will benefit ③ the people more and make greater contributions to China. 描写三峡英语作文篇二: The three gorges dam is located in China's hunan provincethe whole project is expected to completion in 2021.The flood control and power generation function with the dam.The Yangtze river in the same period a year is always flooding.Destroyed crops and homeseven claimed many lives.Because the surface of the lakethe dam will rise by more than 100 metersand need immigrants millionsthe three gorges region of the many places of interest will be submerged. 描写三峡英语作文篇三: The environmental impact of the Three Gorges Project pros and consthe ecological balance in the regulation of the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.The Group noted that the Three Gorges Project effects mainly in the middleincluding reducing flood damage to the ecological environmentreduce coal pollution of the environmentreduce siltation of Dongting Lake and so on.Adverse effects mainly in the reservoir areain addition to farmland inundatedchanging landscapes and large number of immigrantsthe Shang Duizhen rare speciesTail floodslandslidesearthquakesand so on terrestrial plants and animals have a certain influence. 描写三峡英语作文篇四:


《三峡大坝导游词》 三峡大坝导游词(一): 三峡大坝导游词 各位朋友,我们这天参观举世礼貌的长江三峡水利枢纽工程,既我们通常简称的三峡大坝。三峡大坝位于长江三峡西陵峡中段,湖北省宜昌市境内的三斗坪。 古往今来,地球上发生频率最高,危害最大的自然灾害莫过于洪水。人类与洪水抗挣的历史久远,并在抗挣中催生了人类的早期礼貌。华夏民族尤重治水,且在治水中表现了无与伦比的胆量和智慧。治水者名垂千古,水利工程福泽万代,古代大禹和李冰父子及古都江堰工程就是很好的例证。 世界第三长河长江,源于世界屋脊,上经天府之国,中贯鱼米之乡,下串人间天堂,给两岸以灌溉之利和舟楫之便。然而,它一旦暴怒,便为浩劫,沃野成为泽国,民众或为鱼鳖,是中华民族一大心腹之患。尤其在险段荆江,每至汛期,千余万人头枕悬河,夜不成寐。所以,解决长江中下游地区,个性昌荆江河段的防洪问题是兴建三峡工程的首要出发点。 1942年4月3日,全国人民代表大会第七届五次会议(即七届全国人大第五次会议)透过了《关于兴建长江三峡工程的决议》,自此,中国历史上最大的水利工程进入具体实施阶段。1994年12月14日,时任国务院总理的李鹏向全世界正式宣布三峡工程开工。 三峡大坝为钢筋混凝土重力坝,全长2335米,坝顶高185米,正常蓄水位175米,总 库容393亿立方米,防洪库容221、5亿立方米,相当于4个分洪区的库容。电站装机26 台,单机热量70万千瓦,总容量1820万千瓦,年均发电量847亿千瓦时。电厂一年上交的利税能够建一座葛洲坝枢纽工程。大坝通航建筑物年单向一级垂直升船机可快速透过3000吨 级客货轮。 三峡大坝建成后构成的三峡水库将淹没陆地面积632平方公里,范围涉及湖北的四个县,重庆市的16个县市区,共计20个县(市、区)。须迁移的总人口将达113、18万人,称为百万大移民,任务十分繁重。长江三峡工程采用一级开发、一次建成、分期蓄水、连续移民的方案。主体工程总工期17年,分3个阶段进行,一期工程5年,二期工程和三期工程均为6年。1997年实现大江截流,2003年启用永久通航建筑物和首批机组发电,2009年工程竣工。 大家或许会问:如此宏伟的工程需要多资金投入呢?这么多钱又是如何去筹集呢?1993 年7月,国务院三峡工程建设委员会批准的枢纽工程概算为500、9亿元(按1993年5月 末价格水平),库区移民安置概算400亿元,两项合计,三峡工程按1993年5月末水平的 静态投资总额为900、9亿元。 筹集这些资金有以下主要途径: 一、三峡工程建设基金。全国除西藏自治区、贫困地区农业排灌用电外,每度电征收厘钱;从1996年起,直理解益地区和经济发达地区每度电加征到7厘钱,其余地区仍征收4厘。 由此看来,我们每个人都对三峡工程建设作出了贡献。 二、葛洲坝水电站利润,在每度电上网价格4、2分的基础上,从1993年起每度电提升 1分,到1996年提高到8、2分后不再提高。


康百万庄园导游词 下面是康百万庄园导游词,仅供参考! 万泉河是海南岛第三大河,发源于五指山,全长163公里,流域面积3693平方公里。沿河两岸典型的热带雨林景观和巧夺天工的地貌,令人叹为观止。万泉河是中国未受污染、生态环境优美的热带河流,被誉为中国的“亚马逊河”。 秦皇岛野生动物园建于秦皇岛和北戴河之间的海滨国家森林公园内,占地344公顷, 面积334公顷,是中国城市中规划面积最大、森林覆盖率最高、环境最优美的野生动物园。是通过ISO9002国际质量体系认证的国家4A级景区。下面是为大家收集的关于秦皇岛野 生动物园导游词,欢迎大家阅读! 康百万庄园又名河洛康家,是全国重点文物保护单位,国家AAAA旅游景区,位河南 省巩义市(原巩县)康店镇,始建于明末清初。康氏家族前后十二代人在这个庄园生活,跨 越了明、清和民国三个时期,共计400余年,庄园也从最初的山腰建至山顶。是一处典型 的十七到十八世纪封建堡垒式建筑。它背依邙山,面临洛水,因而有“金龟探水”的美称,是全国三大庄园(康百万庄园、刘文彩庄园、牟二黑庄园)之一。与山西晋中乔家大院、河南安阳马氏庄园并称“中原三大官宅”,被誉为豫商精神家园,中原古建典范。它依 “天人合一、师法自然”的传统文化选址,靠山筑窑洞,临街建楼房,濒河设码头,据险 垒寨墙,建成了一个各成系统、功能齐全、布局谨慎、等级森严的、集农、官、商为一体 的大型地主庄园;它的石雕、木雕、砖雕,被誉为中原艺术的奇葩。 康百万庄园保存下来的建筑主要分为寨上住宅区、寨下住宅区、南大院、祠堂区、作 坊区、菜园区、龙窝沟、金谷寨、花园、栈房区等十余部分,有33个院落,53座楼房,1300多间房舍和73孔窑洞,总建筑面积达64300平方米,是山西乔家大院的十五倍之多。 整个庄园可分为19个不同形式的建筑群。庄园北面建有寺沟和张沟两个住宅区,还 有康家祠堂、福禄堂、戏楼等。两个住宅区分别有通往洛河渡口和孝义清代渡口的大道。 庄园南方则设立有金谷寨、果园和林场。如今保存下来的庭院中,分布在张沟、寺沟区的 是明代的楼院,而福禄堂区、龙窝综合住宅区、寨山主宅区、南大院区、栈房区、作坊区、祠堂、饲养、集贤庄、书院、戏楼等则是清代的建筑群。位于正中心位置的庄园主宅区, 东边依次排列著作坊区、栈房区、南大院、花园、饲养区、菜园以及观音堂和石牌坊。康 百万家族,以财取天下之抱负,利逐四海之气概,秉诚诚实、守信、勤俭、拼搏的原则, 保持儒家中庸、留余的处世态度,大胆开拓、勇于创新,富裕十二代、四百多年,成为豫 商成功的典范。而如今的康百万庄园以豫商文化家园深厚的文化底蕴、独特的建筑风格吸 引着中外游人。 红星亭畔,看万家灯火交映出南北风光:龙门皓月,海棠烟雨,鹅岭秀色,嘉陵夕照;还联缀千串夜明珠,辉耀星空。


外滩英语导游词 【篇一:英语导游词外滩】 the bund and environs the bund is 1500-stretch along the huangpu river, running from the waibaidu bridge in the north to the yan’an road in the south. that the beginning of the 19 century, the area was a mere shallow waterfront covered with reeds. as a resule of opium war in 1840s, the bund area became the site of some of the earlist foreign settlements after shanghai was opened as one of five “treaty ports” listed in the unequal nanjing treaty imposed by foreign powers. block after block of buildings were thbuilt in the 20 century. they houses the embassies, hotels , clubs, companies, agencies and banks. in1930s, it was described as the wall street in the far east for the large number of banks and financial institutions. in 1990s,the bund area underwent a great physical transformation, followed by a renovation completed by 2010.the shanghai government also managed to highlight this area as a tourist attraction. on the riverfront a promenade was raised to prevent the city from flooding and offer visitors a wide walkway for take photos and relaxing in front of the beautiful harbor. the promenade also sees locals doing morning exercises and lovers making good of the romantic evenings. though the physical change on the waterfront was great, the skylines of this area didn’t change. the municipal government renovated the old buildings, highlighting them as the best tourist attractions of shanghai. known as “gallery of world architecture”, it means 23buil dings in a line. they are in a variety of styles, ancient and modern, chinese and foreign. when the night falls, all the lofty buildings along the bund, outlined with beautiful artistic lights, look like a giant crystal palace, presenting a special charm. w ith offering the best scenic scenes of the city, the bund is also a traffic hub in the new network. the main streets running west-east


有关德天瀑布的导游词 各位游客: 大家好,我是大家今天的导游,我的名字是xxx,大家叫我小x就好了,很高兴有缘和大家一起游山玩水,首先我们来一起松心情,深呼吸一下,好了,我们保持着轻松的心情准备亲自大自然咯。 我们现在所听到那美妙的沙沙的水声就是来自德天瀑布的声音,德天瀑布位于中越边境广西崇左市大新县境内,距南宁市170多公里,属南亚热带季风气候的喀斯特地貌地区,是国家4A级旅游景区。 德天大瀑布气势磅礴,银瀑飞泻,三级跌落,蔚为壮观,横跨中越两国,与越南境内的板约瀑布相依相连,由此形成了亚洲第一跨国瀑布,其规模仅次于美国加拿大的尼亚加拉大瀑布,堪称中国最美得瀑布。 景区周边还有明仕田园,黑水河,绿道行林等连延500公里的山水画廊和浓郁的边关风情,为您展现了一幅幅宁静抒情、独自难过特色的风光画卷。 我们都觉得德天大瀑布的雄伟而神奇但是却无法因此而令人忽略孕育它的归春河,归春河是中越两国的界河,隔河相望,一边是颇具神秘色彩的异国风光,另一边则是滨临小楼或壮族民族

特色的民房,归春河如青丝玉带婀娜多姿,随着巍峨山势穿越突兀,在树 林间,花草中缓缓而行,悠然静谧,清澈无瑕。 我们看那德天大瀑布浩浩荡荡的归春河水从北面奔涌而来,高崖三叠的浦汤岛,巍然耸峙,横阻江流,江水从高达70余米的山岸跌岩而下,撞在坚石上,一波三折,水花四溅,形成了三级瀑布。瀑布的观瀑台也分成几级,我们可以从不同的位置不同的角度远观近赏,行走其间瀑布的轰临声悄然而致,这天籁之音,浑厚深沉,数里可闻,站在瀑布下,以这样的方式身临其境观赏无疑是最刺激的,那声势浩大滚滚洪流犹如势不可挡的千军万马奔腾而下,震魂摄魄,动摇心惊,呼啸着从天而降,这无忌的宣言,释放者生命的遗愿,不禁令人赞叹天地力量之美呀。 在德天瀑布的上游约600米处,立有一块编号为53的界碑,那是中法战争后我国与法国订立的国界碑于1888年由清政府所订立,据说清朝年间要划分定中越边界,当时的交通极为不便,山高路远,极其难行,几个官兵奉旨抬着界碑到此,看天色已晚,于是偷懒就地挖坑埋下了,这样一来竟使我国失去了大片领土,这块富有传奇色彩的界碑,历经了岁月的磨砺,如今仍被用作我国与越南的国界碑,观景大道是游览瀑布景区最平坦的道路,但是在行走的时候请务必留意,不要跨越国界哦。 大自然自然情有独钟,将山水神秀进给予此地,自身与山水画廊之中,抛开一切烦嚣,融入大自然的怀抱,山水相依,在清


三峡导游词300字左右 长江三峡又名峡江或大三峡,位于中国重庆市、恩施州、宜昌市地区境内的长江干流上,西起重庆市奉节县的白帝城,经过恩施,东至湖北省宜昌市的南津关,那么三峡导游词怎么准备呢?大家来看看小编推送的三峡导游词300字左右,希望给大家带来帮助! 三峡导游词300字左右1 各位朋友好!现在,我们到了著名的长江三峡了,三峡位于长江上游的重庆与湖北之间,是瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡的总称。而这儿的风光,雄奇险拔却又不失庄雅秀丽,是个休闲的好地方。 三峡总长二百公里,大家看看两边都是连续不断的山,山没有一点缺口,如一条绿龙一带。这儿的山都高耸入云,遮天蔽日,把天空锁成了一条带子。要不是现在是正午,连太阳也瞧不见呢! 三峡是个“多景”的地方。一年四季,这个地方都有绝然不同的美景等你欣赏。在夏天,这儿水势浩大,水流湍急,是一种奔放的美感。但出于安全起见,还是要略加小心。秋天呢,是一种凄婉的美感,每到带霜的早晨,都有猿那哀转的啸叫,真可谓催人泪下。 要是你是个喜欢清幽美感的人,可真是来对时间了!像今天这样的春日,展现了三峡的清幽美。这儿有如雪的急流和碧绿的深潭,回旋着清波还倒影了世间万物的影子,游客依次可以探下头看看,喏,那还有倒映的太阳呢!在你们两边的山峰上,长着许多奇怪的松柏,很有趣味。现在,我们面前是两边的瀑布。这水飞流激荡,是文雅中跃动的美感,好了,随着船的前行,我们好好享受水清树秀、山高草盛的美景吧! 快乐的时光总是过得很快,我们旅行就此结束了。愿这次三峡之旅能在你心中留下一段美好的回忆,再见! 三峡导游词300字左右2 各位旅客朋友们: 昨天晚上休息的好吗?经过昨天晚上的休息,想必大家都已恢复了体力。那么我们精神百倍的向今天的景点出发吧。愿壮丽的长江三峡和我的服务带给您一个愉快的旅程。


最新山西李家大院导游词 山西李家大院导游词篇一 李家大院位于山西省万荣县阎景村,是晋南富商李子用的私人宅院。它创建于清道光年间,原有院落20组,现存院落11组,另有祠堂、花园等。 整个建筑为竖井式聚财型四合院,同时又吸纳了徽式建筑风格。其建筑的砖雕、石雕、木雕及铁艺等饰品,形象生动地体现了晋南的民俗和文化特点,又因李子用留学英国,娶英国女子麦克蒂伦为妻,部分院落为欧洲"哥特式"建筑风格,从而又呈现出中西文化交流融合的艺术特点,是全国众多富有地方特色民居中的一朵奇葩。与乔家大院、王家大院并称为"晋商三蒂莲",素有"乔家看名,王家看院,李家看善"之说。 李家以土布起家,以义制利,利义相济。世代富而不骄,富而不奢,富而行仁,其善行善举使顽贪之人思廉,懦弱之人思立,困顿之人思变,乖戾之人思善。李家的经商史及其数代人遵古"忠恕"的家规家风至今还有参照的意义,他们历世乐善好施的义举更让人肃然起敬。

李家先祖在明朝永乐年间因灾荒从陕西省韩城县(今韩城市)逃荒至山西省万泉县(今万荣县),辛勤劳作,耕读传家,后由农入商,创办企业,成为当地巨富。李氏家族以农为本,以商贾兴,以诚信立,以慈善而名扬天下,演绎了一个白手起家、诚信经商、富甲一方、善行天下的传奇。李氏家族的发展史是中国近代经济史的一个缩影,其以传统农业聚集资本,进而转入商业领域。又由封建商人积极进取,成功进入近代工业领域,转化为民族资本家。在很短的时间内实现家族经济发展的三个跨越,这在同一时期并不多见。李家大院正是这一历史阶段的实物见证,弥足珍贵。 李家白手起家,以农聚财、以商致富、以工兴盛,而尤为难得的是富不忘本,广做善事,历世相继,在当地广为流传,在当地被称为"李善人"。 李家经过10余代努力,逐渐成为晋南首富。为富不仁者不在少数,李家偏偏为富行善。万荣是个多灾多难之地,突出表现在干旱,旱起来就是赤地千里,庄稼绝收,无数人被饿死。在此紧要关头,李家站出来大行善举,拿出钱来买粮食,广设粥棚,接济穷人。而且李家的粥棚有标准,就是筷子插到粥里不许倒。李家第十二代"廷"字辈里的李廷槐、第十三代"文"字辈里的李文阶、李文蔚,第十四代"敬"字辈的李敬修,都做过这样的好事,救活无数灾民性命。光绪三年,


关于华山的中文解说词各位团友: 今天我们将游览被誉为“石作莲花云作台”的华山。华山又称太华山,位于西安城东120公里的华阴市以南。 华山古称西岳,是我国五岳之一,因山峰自然排列若花状,故得名华山。1992年12月会山被评为全国风景名胜40佳之一。即使没来有来过华山的朋友也会从一些有趣的神话和掌故了解到一些华山的情况,如“自古华山一条路”、“华岳仙掌”、“沉香劈山救母”、“华山论剑”,以及近代的智取华山等,这些美丽的神话传说和故事体现了自古以来人们对华山的向往和崇拜。 华南山北瞰黄河,南依秦岭,被称为“华山如立”,整个山体线条简洁,形如刀削、斧劈,奇峰突兀,巍峨壮丽。被誉为“天下奇险第一山”。 说到奇,它是由一块巨的完整的花岗岩构成。古人云,“山无石不奇,无纯石不奇”,“华山削成而四方,其广十里,高五千仞,一石也”是谓之“奇”。华山共有五座主峰,其东、西、南三峰最高,三峰鼎峙耸立,“势飞向云外,影倒黄河里”,影天外三峰”之称。提到险,其凌空架设的“长空栈道”,悬岩镌刻的“全真岩”,三面临空,上凸下凹的“鹞子翻身”以及在峭壁悬岩上开凿的千尺童、百尺峡、老君犁沟、擦耳崖、苍龙岭等处都奇险异常。“自古华山一条路”。山道路仅有南北一线,约10公里,逶迤曲折,艰险崎岖,不少地方真可谓是“一夫当关,万夫莫开”。 华山除了有壮丽的自然景观之外,同时又有丰富的历史文化积淀,人文景观比比皆是。仅山上山下及峪道沿途,题字、诗文、石刻就会使人流连忘返。 朋友们,我们现在来到的就是玉泉院,据说因这里的泉水与山顶的玉井相通,水质清洌甘美,故名“玉泉院”。它是攀登华山的必经之地。相传为隐士陈抟所建。院内殿宇亭台、回廊曲折,泉水淙淙,是游赏胜地。玉泉院与我们一会将会见到的东道院、镇岳宫都是道教的活动场所,现共有殿宇53间。院建筑多是清代乾隆年间重新修建的。 各位朋友,我们现在位于五峰之一北峰脚下,距华山谷口约10公里,这里是华山山峪水流的源头。请家顺着我手指的方向看那些树,也许是许多人都会认识它,对,就是青柯树。这里青柯树在此浮苍点黛,故名“青柯坪”。 过青柯坪至回心石。登山的道路由此交从平坦的石板路变为在峭壁上开凿的狭窄的石梯,眼看山路盘旋而上,许多意志薄弱的游客来到这里都会回心转意望山兴叹无功而返。 朋友们,现在我们已到达了北峰。经过前面三关,我想家已经对华山的险有了一定的认识了吧。北峰双名云台峰,海拔1550米,这里山势峥嵘,三面悬绝,巍然独秀,有若云状,因恰似一座云台而得名。它的高度是最低的,却有着非常重要的地理位置,它扼守的四峰的要枢。我们面前的这个亭桨军魂亭”,此名来源于景片《智取华山》。 现在我们来到的是峰。峰又名玉女峰。传说春秋时,华山隐士萧史,善吹讹,优美的箫声博得秦穆公的女儿弄玉的爱慕,使她放弃了奢华舒适的宫廷生活,随箫史在此隐居,多年后二人修炼成仙乘凤而去,山上许多名胜也因此得名。有玉女洗头盆、舍身树等。由于这则美丽的爱情故事,华山在它博、庄严、深沉之后又被赋于了一些浪漫与温柔。 经峰,我陪同家去东峰参观。 东峰,又称朝阳峰,峰顶有朝阳台,在此是观日出的最佳地方。山不在高,有仙则名。华山据传是众多神仙聚居的地方。道家仙境。传说宋太祖赵匡胤与华山隐士陈抟老祖在一个孤峰,上有棋台,那就是他们下棋的地方。陈抟又叫希夷先生,是一个有道行的仙人,二人经过商议,越匡胤以华山做赌注。结果输给了陈抟,按事先订立的条件,华山自此成为道家的道场且永有纳粮。在东东峰的东崖上,有一天然图案。家看到了吧,像不像一只巨掌?这只巨掌20余丈,五指参差不齐,指直贯顶峰,每当日光照射,五指跃然如悬图上。这


广西德天瀑布导游词五篇 德天瀑布位于广西自治区西南山区,靠近中越边境的崇左市大新县境内,是亚洲第一、世界第二大的跨国瀑布。下面是小编收集整理的广西德天瀑布导游词五篇范文,欢迎借鉴参考。 广西德天瀑布导游词五篇(一) 德天瀑布位于广西自治区西南山区,靠近中越边境的崇左市大新县境内,是亚洲第一、世界第二大的跨国瀑布。 德天瀑布横跨中国越南两个国家,中方瀑布叫做德天瀑布,越方瀑布叫做板约瀑布。瀑布发育于归春河的上游,硕龙镇德天村,距首府南宁市140多公里,自北南流的归春河流入越南又流回广西,经大新县德天村处被峙在江心的浦汤岛所阻挡,使河水激石咆哮,夺路而下,遇断崖跌落而形成高达50余米的瀑布。 德天瀑布分三层。第一层河水沿笔直的山势,俯冲而落

在百多米下的山潭中,银瀑飞泻,震魂摄魄的风采与魅力,摇动人之心旌。第二层比较低缓,山势在此造了一个几十米的台阶,让第一层瀑布猛冲而下后有一个喘息的机会,然后蓄势而发,形成了最为壮观的第三层。在第三层已汇聚了从源头流出的四散的河水,几乎是垂直流下的水幕,冲击着宽广的河面,流淌出一幅掩映在绿树怀抱中的天然画卷。 德天主体瀑布宽100米,纵深60米,落差70米,与越南的板约瀑布连为一体,瀑布总宽208米,是东南亚最大的天然瀑布,雄奇瑰丽,变幻多姿,碧水长流,永不涸歇,巨大的跌水分成数股飞泻直下,水花四溅,烟雾溟蒙,在阳光下,色彩缤纷,蔚为壮观。 瀑布上游,河水时急时缓,时分时合,迂回曲折,于参天古木间,花草掩映,百鸟低徊,江水忽遇断崖,飞泻而下。恰似一巨大银练,高悬挂于峡谷之上。瀑布之下,水气蒸腾,上接云汉,其滚滚洪流,折而复聚,飞泻而下,连冲三关。涛声回荡于山间,声若巨雷,数里可闻,仰望瀑顶,群峰若浮动,巨瀑如海倾,水沫飞溅,如万斛明珠,若遇晴日,彩虹横跨瀑布,为雄奇的瀑布增加了几分娇媚。 德天瀑布是中国最大的瀑布和中最美的六大瀑布之一,


精彩的三峡大坝英文导游词 精彩的三峡大坝英文导游词例1 now we are on the way to three gorges dam, I will offer you some basic information about this giant project in advance. Speaking of three gorges dam, it is goes without saying that the three gorges dam is virtually subtlety associated with the number 3,why?I will give you the explanation .Because many of information about three gorges dam contains the number 3.Firstly, three gorges dam is located at sandouping town,38km away from Gezhouba dam which is situated at downstream.Secondly, it is esteemed that 2039 billion has been invested in construction. Thirdly,the project had experienced 17 years which divided into 3 phases. from 1993 to 1997 is the first period and this period is regarded as preparation period;from 1998 to 2003 is the second period and the last period indicates the year from 2004 to 2009.After the project completed,the normal water lever has gone up to 175 meters and the strong capacity of reservoir amount to 393billion cubic meter. Due to the water level rises, 430 thousand arable land has been submerge and 1.75 million immigrations have to search for new
