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4. 动词过去时



1.Anywhere :任何地方。副词,用于否定句或疑问句。区别:肯定句用somewhere.

2.be famous for :以......出名

a famous moutain famous是形容词

3.go ...along 沿着,顺着,靠着

A dog is running along the river.(一只狗沿着河边跑。)

4.4. the Yellow River 黄河the Yangtze River 长江

5.go swimming / go shopping / go skating on a lake

6.go to see

go to see the Ice and Snow Festival 去看冰雪节

7.我和其他人的表达方式,I 要放最后。

Tom and I / my father, mother and I.

8.show 把...给...看

show sb Sth.= show sth to sb

9.there be 的过去时句型

There was / there were

10.go back to 回到某处

Go back to my hometown. 回到我的家乡。

11.句型Did you go anywhere in winter?

Yes.(I did) I went to Shandong.

I climbed a famous moutain.


make a snowman 过去式made a snowman

make my bed 过去式made my bed

take a photo 过去式took a photo

Take a photo of it on my mobile. 用我手机拍一张照.


lovely, beautiful,interesting,clever,together...


Fat --thin light--heavy small--big empty-- full Short--tall (矮高) short- long(长短)


1.be in hospital 住院,hospital前不使用冠词。He’s in hospital now. 他现在在住院。


Mike works in a hospital. 麦克在一家医院上班。

2.I’m sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我很难过。

3.区别take 与bring

take:拿走,带去。take away your coat 把你大衣拿走。bring:带来,取来。bring your coat here 把你的大衣带来。

4.take ...with me/us 我带......去......

5.How are you today? --I feel better. (better是well的比较级)

6.be worried about 对......感到担忧

worried 过去分词作形容词,在句子中当表语。

Don’t worry. 别担心。worry 是动词。

7.1). help sb with sth. With 是介词,后接名词或动名词。

I often help my mother with her housework.

2). help sb do sth. 意思同上。Sb 后接动词原形。


He broke his leg.

I’m sorry to hear that.

What can we do to help him?

We can ...+(动词原形).

The basket is heavy/light.

I can help you with your math/Chinese/English...注意大小写Unit3

1.ill 形容词,病了。句子中与系动词(be, feel, fall)连用。

be ill , feel ill, fall ill

My grandma was /fell(fall过去式)ill yesterday.

2.What’s wrong with you?= what’s the matter with you?

I have a headache/toothache/cold.

3.take sb to ... 带某人去某处

Take you to hospital.

4.must 情态动词,+动词原形否定式:mustn’t

You must drink a lot of water.

5. a lot of +可数名词复数或不可数名词

many +可数名词复数

much + 不可数名词

6.medicine 药。

一般作不可数名词:take the medicine/give you some medicine 表示药的种类时是可数名词:some different medicines

7.be in bed=stay in bed 卧床

区别make my bed 整理我的床铺

8.fall down 摔倒


What’s wrong with you?

I have a headache/toothache/cold/fever.

You must + 动词原形



What day is today?--Monday/ Tuesday ...

What’s the date today? It’s Apr.24rd.


3.give her a card=give a card to her给她一张贺卡
