




CFA考试的mock 题目一直是考生们备考的重点,因为这是他们熟悉考试题型、提高答题技巧的重要途径。

以下是2024年CFA mock 题目的一份示例:第一部分:伦理和职业标准1.小李是一位金融分析师,他在一家投资公司工作。


他应该怎样处理这种情况?A.立即向客户推荐这个投资机会B.等待进一步研究和分析后再向客户推荐C.不推荐给客户,而是私下投资D.向公司领导报告,等待公司内部决策2.在处理资产时,投资者必须时刻牢记的道德标准是什么?A.最大化利润B.保护客户利益C.提高公司声誉D.快速获得投资回报第二部分:投资工具1.下列哪种投资方式带有最大的风险?A.股票投资B.债券投资C.房地产投资D.大宗商品投资2.在使用财务杠杆时,投资者应该注意的是什么?A.提高投资回报B.降低投资风险C.增加投资成本D.增加投资潜在损失第三部分:投资组合管理1.下列哪种资产分配策略可以降低投资组合的风险?2.当投资者需要调整其投资组合时,应该考虑下列哪种因素?A.市场预期B.个人偏好C.风险承受能力D.所有以上因素以上是2024年CFA mock题目的一部分示例,考生们在备考过程中可以通过解答这些题目来加强对各个知识点的理解和掌握。




第一部分:伦敦证券交易所(LSE)上市公司分析1. 请简要介绍伦敦证券交易所(LSE)的特点及其对上市公司的要求。



0.题目分布今年特别诡异,正常年景应该是道德2,财务4,Equity4,FixedIncome2,衍生品2,Quant1,Econ1,Alter1,CorpFin+Portfolio加起来3道;但是今年Fixed Income只考了一道,而且还是最基础的信用分析,让人大跌眼镜;Alt考了两道,实在是出乎所有人的预料。

1.道德soft dollar:比较简单,因为题干里给的信息比较充分,基本上都能在题干中找到对应的答案;比较难的就是问一家公司要Broker直接给Hard Dollar,是否违反准则?ROS:研究员拿公司赠品是否违反?拿走公司的访客纪念品(不贵)是否违反?研究员发给投行部一些pitch的资料和建议,但是投行部发现该公司已经在洽谈了,如何回复该邮件?(给compliance直接发;还是发compliance抄研究员?)还有就是评级系统里的风险标示。


2.数量各种检验和判定:异方差、ARCH、ROOT UNIT、自相关、Cointegrated、多元代入求解预期值;六个题目各考了一个3.经济学汇率的标价转换、PPP的基本原理、Forward的简单计算、Taylor公式(今年sample有现成的题,但是sample的题干已经给出了公式,但是这次考试没给出;但是题干很简单,目标经济增长率已经接近名义利率了,再加上现在的实际通胀那么高,肯定是要提高名义利率的)4.财务考了四道题外汇转换的比率,外币从年初到年末升值,Current下有正的CTA,其他就是各类比例问题,比较容易区分,总之记住就是如果是外币升值,那么Current下的存货和固定资产转换成本币时都比temporal的要贵就是了;最后一小题比较难,算汇率风险敞口,理论上来说,不需要包括存货,但是子啊FIFO下,有人在考试后说Temporal的inventory要用average 法,因此有汇率敞口。





a. 基金的费率
b. 基金的历史回报率
c. 基金的投资策略
d. 基金经理的声誉
a. 股票的市盈率
b. 股票的股息率
c. 股票的价格波动率
d. 股票的市值
a. 保险的价格
b. 保险公司的信誉和财务状况
c. 保险的保障范围和条款
d. 保险代理人或经纪人的声誉
a. 贷款的利率和期限
b. 贷款机构的信誉和财务状况
c. 贷款申请的处理速度
d. 贷款机构提供的优惠和促销活动

2014 Level Ⅰ真题及详解 Mock Exam Afternoon Session【圣才出

2014 Level Ⅰ真题及详解 Mock Exam  Afternoon Session【圣才出

2014LevelⅠMock Exam:Afternoon Session1.Linda Chin,CFA,is a member of a political group advocating less governmental regulation in all aspects of life.She works in a country where local securities laws are minimal and insider trading isnot prohibited.Chin's politics are reflected in her investment strategy,where she follows hercountry's mandatory legal and regulatory requirements.Which of the following actions by Chin wouldbe most consistent with the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct?A.Continuing her current investment strategyB.Following the CFA Institute Standards of Professional ConductC.Disclosing her political advocacy to clients【答案】B【解析】“Guidance for Standards I-VII,”CFA InstituteStandard I(A):Knowledge of the Law,Standard II(A):Material Nonpublic InformationStandard I(A):Knowledge of the Law requires members and candidates to comply with the morestrict law,rules,or regulations and follow the highest requirement,which in this case would be the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct.Standard II(A):Material Nonpublic Information would also apply because members and candidates who possess material nonpublic information that could affect the value of an investment must not act or cause others to act on theinformation.Disclosure that she meets local mandatory legal requirements--versus the more strict law,rules,or regulations mandate of the Standards of Professional Conduct--would not excuse the member from following the Standards of Professional Conduct.2.Colleen O'Neil,CFA,manages a private investment fund with a balanced global investmentmandate.Her clients insist that her personal investment portfolio replicate the investments withintheir portfolios to assure them she is willing to put her own money at risk.By undertaking which ofthe following simultaneous investment actions for her own portfolio would O'Neil most likely be inviolation of Standard VI(B):Priority of Transactions?A.Sale of a listed US blue chip value stockB.Purchase of a UK government bond in the primary marketC.Participation in a popular frontier market IPO【答案】C【解析】“Guidance for Standards I-VII,”CFA InstituteStandard VI(B):Priority of TransactionsStandard VI(B):Priority of Transactions dictates members and candidates give their clients and employer priority when making personal investment transactions. Even when clients allow orinsist the manager invest alongside them,the manager's transactions must never adversely affect the interests of the clients.A popular or“hot”IPO in a frontier market is likely to beoversub cribed.In such cases,Standard VI(B)dictates that the manager should not participate in this event to better ensure clients will have a higher probability of getting their full subscription allotment, even though clients have allowed or dictated that she participate alongside them.licent Plain has just finished taking Level II of the CFA examination.Upon leaving the examinationsite,she meets with four Level III candidates who also just sat for their exams.Curious about their examination experience,Plain asks the candidates how difficult the Level III exam was and how theydid on it.The candidates say the essay portion of the examination was much harder than they had expected and that they were not able to complete all questions as a result.The candidates go on totell Plain about broad topic areas that were tested and complain about specific formulas they hadmemorized that did not appear on the exam.The Level III candidates least likely violated the CFAInstitute Standards of Professional Conduct by discussing:A.specific formulas.B.the examination essays.C.broad topic areas.【答案】B【解析】“Guidance for Standards I-VII,”CFA InstituteStandard VII(A):Conduct as Members and Candidates in the CFA ProgramDiscussing the level of difficulty of the essay portion of the examination did not violate Standard VII(A):Conduct as Members and Candidates in the CFA Program. Standard VII(A)and the Candidate Pledge were violated by candidates when they revealed broad topic areas and formulas tested or not tested on the exam.4.Heidi Halvorson,CFA,is the chief investment officer for Tukwila Investors,an asset managementfirm specializing in fixed-income investments.Tukwila is in danger of losing one of its largest clients,Quinault Jewelers,which accounts for nearly one-third of its revenues.Quinault recently told Halverson that Tukwila would be fired unless the performance of Quinault's portfolio improvessignificantly. Shortly after this conversation,Halvorson purchases two corporate bonds she believesare suitable for any of her clients based on third-party research from a reliable and diligent source.Immediately after the purchase,one bond increases significantly in price while the other bonddeclines significantly.At the end of the day,Halvorson allocates the profitable bond trade to Quinaultand the other bond to two of her largest institutional accounts.Halvorson most likely violated the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct in regard to:A.client suitability.B.third-party research.C.trade allocations.【答案】C【解析】Guidance for Standards I-VII,”CFA InstituteStandard Ill(B):Fair Dealing,Standard Ill(C):Suitability,Standard V(A):Diligence and Reasonable BasisThe investment officer failed to deal fairly by allocating profitable trades to a favored client at the expense of others,a violation of Standard Ill(B):Fair Dealing. The standard requires members and candidates to treat all clients fairly when taking investment action.Tukwila should have a systematic approach to allocating trades,such as pro rata,before or at the time of tradeexecution,or as soon as possible after trades are executed.The analyst believes the bonds are suitable for any of her clients,so she has not violated Standard Ill(C):Suitability.5.Jack Steyn,CFA,recently became the head of the trading desk at a large investment managementfirm that specializes in domestic equities.While reviewing the firm's trading operations,he notices clients give discretion to the manager to select brokers on the basis of their overall services to themanagement firm.Despite the client directive,Steyn would most likely violate Standard Ill(A):Loyalty, Prudence,and Care if he pays soft commissions for which of the following services from thebrokers?A.Database services for offshore investmentsB.Equity research reportsC.Investment conference attendance【答案】A【解析】“Guidance for Standards I-VII,”CFA Institute Standard Ill(A):Loyalty,Prudence, and CareStandard Ill(A):Loyalty,Prudence,and Care stipulates that the client owns the brokerage.Therefore,members and candidates are required to use client brokerage only to the benefit of the clients(soft commissions policy).Because the firm specializes in domestic equities,an offshore investment database service would not benefit the clients.6.Based on his superior return history,Vijay Gupta,CFA,is interviewed by the First Faithful Church tomanage the church's voluntary retirement plan's equity portfolio.Each church staff member chooseswhether to opt in or out of the retirement plan according to his or her own investment objectives.Theplan trustees tell Gupta that stocks of companies involved in the sale of alcohol,tobacco, gambling,or firearms are not acceptable investments given the objectives and constraints of the portfolio.Gupta tells the trustees he cannot reasonably execute his strategy with these restrictions and that allhis other accounts hold shares of companies involved in these businesses because he believes theyhave the highest alphA.By agreeing to manage the account according to the trustees'wishes, doesGupta violate the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct?A.Yes,because the restrictions provided by the trustees are not in the best。

cfa esg mock题

cfa esg mock题

cfa esg mock题随着全球投资者对可持续发展和企业社会责任的日益关注,ESG投资(环境、社会和治理)已成为投资领域的重要趋势。

为了帮助投资者更好地把握ESG投资策略和相关知识,CFA(特许金融分析师)协会推出了CFA ESG Mock题。

本文将为大家解析CFA ESG Mock题,并提供应对策略与建议。




二、CFA ESG Mock题介绍CFA ESG Mock题旨在帮助考生了解和掌握ESG投资的基本概念、方法和实践。



三、解析CFA ESG Mock题1.ESG评级:ESG评级是对企业在环境、社会和治理方面的表现进行评估的一种方法。



2.ESG数据和信息来源:获取准确、全面的ESG数据和信息是实施ESG 投资的关键。










1. 软件无法启动或无法运行如果在进行资格认证之前软件无法启动或无法运行,我们可以采取以下步骤进行故障排除和问题解决:- 检查操作系统的兼容性:确保操作系统符合软件的最低要求,并及时更新操作系统。

- 检查软件依赖环境:有些软件需要特定的依赖环境才能正常运行,我们需要确认这些依赖环境是否已安装并配置正确。

- 重新安装软件:尝试重新安装软件,以修复可能的程序错误或损坏文件。

2. 网络连接问题因为资格认证通常需要在线进行,所以网络连接问题可能会导致认证无法进行。

以下是一些应对网络连接问题的解决方案:- 检查网络连接:确保网络连接正常,可以通过检查网线或重新连接无线网络来解决问题。

- 检查防火墙和代理设置:有时防火墙或代理设置可能会阻止认证软件的网络连接,我们需要检查并相应地调整设置。

- 更换网络环境:如果当前网络环境质量较差,我们可以尝试切换到其他网络(如使用热点或移动网络)。

3. 认证无法通过或无法生成凭证在进行认证时,可能会遇到认证无法通过或无法生成凭证的问题。

以下是一些应对此类问题的解决方案:- 检查个人信息准确性:确保在认证过程中输入的个人信息(如姓名、身份证号码等)准确无误,与真实身份一致。

- 检查资格要求:核实自己是否符合认证所需的资格要求,有时可能是因为我们不满足要求而无法通过认证。

- 联系客服支持:如果无法解决问题,我们可以联系相关认证机构的客服支持,寻求进一步的帮助和指导。

4. 认证结果未及时更新或通知缺失完成认证后,有时认证结果可能无法及时更新或通知可能会丢失。

以下是一些解决此类问题的方法:- 耐心等待:有些认证机构可能需要一些时间来处理认证结果并进行更新,因此我们需要耐心等待一段时间。

failed to read simulation model from fields

failed to read simulation model from fields

failed to read simulation model from fields“Failed to read simulation model from fields”可能是由多种因素导致的,包括但不限于以下内容:1. 模型文件损坏或缺失:当模型文件被误删除、病毒攻击或存储介质损坏时,可能会导致“Failed to read simulation modelfrom fields”的错误出现。


2. 内存不足:当计算机内存不足时,会出现“Failed to read simulation model from fields”错误。


3. 软件版本不兼容:当使用不兼容的软件版本时,可能会出现“Failed to read simulation model from fields”的错误。


4. 安装文件错误:如果在安装软件时发生错误,可能会导致“Failed to read simulation model from fields”错误的出现。


解决“Failed to read simulation model from fields”错误的方法如下:1. 检查模型文件是否完好无损,如果不行则下载或获取新的模型文件。

2. 检查计算机内存是否足够,如果不足则关闭其他程序或升级硬件。

3. 检查软件版本是否最新,如果没有则更新软件。

4. 如果安装软件时出现问题,则尝试重新安装软件或采用其他安装方式。

总之,“Failed to read simulation model from fields”错误的出现可能会影响计算机模拟的精度和准确性,因此需要及时的解决。





cfamock题摘要:1.介绍CFAMOCK 题2.CFAMOCK 题的背景和意义3.CFAMOCK 题的解决方法和策略4.CFAMOCK 题的挑战和未来发展正文:一、介绍CFAMOCK 题CFAMOCK 题是一种典型的组合优化问题,广泛应用于计算机科学、运筹学、人工智能等领域。


例如,在“水果摊”问题中,给定一个水果摊的售价列表,通过添加或删除若干个零,使得所有售价都能被2 或3 整除。

二、CFAMOCK 题的背景和意义CFAMOCK 题最早源于计算机科学领域的经典问题——NP 问题。

NP 问题是指可以在多项式时间内验证一个解的正确性的问题,但在多项式时间内找到一个解并不一定容易。

CFAMOCK 题就是这类问题的一个典型代表。


三、CFAMOCK 题的解决方法和策略针对CFAMOCK 题,学者们提出了许多解决方法和策略。


虽然这种方法可以解决大部分CFAMOCK 题,但对于规模较大的问题,其计算复杂度较高,效率较低。


动态规划算法具有较好的时间复杂度和空间复杂度,但对于某些CFAMOCK 题,设计合适的状态转移方程并不容易。



这些算法在解决CFAMOCK 题时,往往具有较好的性能表现。

四、CFAMOCK 题的挑战和未来发展尽管CFAMOCK 题在计算机科学、运筹学等领域具有重要的研究意义,但目前仍面临着许多挑战,如问题规模的扩大、复杂度的提高等。












另外,还需要准备一张足够额度的信用卡,比如这类信用卡付款方式:银联,American Express, Diner ’s Club, Discover, MasterCard, UnionPay, or Visa。



2024cfa三级mock题财务报告资产负债表截至 2024 年 12 月 31 日,该公司的总资产为 100,000,000 美元,比 2023 年 12 月 31 日的 90,000,000 美元有所增长。

流动资产增长至 40,000,000 美元,而流动负债减少至 30,000,000 美元,这反映了该公司稳健的财务状况。


应收账款增长了 10%,达到 15,000,000 美元,这表明公司对客户信用的信心增强。

库存增长了 5%,达到 10,000,000 美元,表明公司对未来销售需求的预期乐观。


应付账款减少了 5% 至 10,000,000 美元,短期借款减少了 10% 至5,000,000 美元。


非流动资产也有所增加,从 2023 年 12 月 31 日的60,000,000 美元增长至 100,000,000 美元。

固定资产占非流动资产的大部分,从 45,000,000 美元增至 60,000,000 美元。


长期债务从 2023 年 12 月 31 日的 20,000,000 美元增至25,000,000 美元。


损益表该公司报告 2024 年的收入为 150,000,000 美元,比 2023 年的 120,000,000 美元增长 25%。


毛利率从 2023 年的 30% 增加到 2024 年的 32%。


运营费用从 2023 年的 60,000,000 美元增加到 2024 年的70,000,000 美元。

销售和营销费用占运营费用增长的最大份额,从2023 年的 20,000,000 美元增加到 2024 年的 25,000,000 美元。



3.CFAMOCK 的优缺点
4.CFAMOCK 的应用领域
CFAMOCK 是一种用于计算机辅助设计的框架,它可以帮助设计人员更高效地完成设计任务。

CFAMOCK 的全称是“Component Family Mock-up”,中文意思是“组件家族mock-up”。

CFAMOCK 具有以下优点:
- 提高设计效率:通过预先定义好的组件库,设计人员可以快速地完成设计任务,减少重复性工作。

- 保证设计质量:CFAMOCK 提供了一套完整的设计规范和模板,确保设计人员按照标准进行设计。

- 便于团队协作:CFAMOCK 支持多人同时在线设计,提高了团队协作效率。

然而,CFAMOCK 也存在一些缺点:
- 学习成本较高:对于没有使用过CFAMOCK 的设计人员来说,需要花费一定的时间学习其使用方法和设计规范。

- 组件库有限:虽然CFAMOCK 提供了一定的组件库,但在某些特定领域可能无法满足所有设计需求。

CFAMOCK 广泛应用于各种设计领域,如产品设计、建筑设计、平面设计等。


总之,CFAMOCK 作为一种计算机辅助设计框架,在提高设计效率、保证设计质量、便于团队协作等方面具有显著优势,但在学习和组件库方面存在一定的局限性。

cmbacktrace file format not recognized -回复

cmbacktrace file format not recognized -回复

cmbacktrace file format not recognized -回复cmbacktrace file format not recognized是一个错误提示,它通常出现在计算机系统中,提示用户指定的文件格式不被识别。



当计算机系统无法识别或处理特定文件格式时,即无法根据已有的软件或工具来打开、编辑或执行该文件时,就会出现cmbacktrace file format not recognized的错误提示。


那么,为什么会出现这个错误提示呢?有几个可能原因:1. 文件格式错误:文件可能被截断、损坏或修改了格式,导致无法被正确识别。

2. 版本不匹配:使用的软件或工具版本可能不支持该文件格式,或者版本过旧无法处理该文件。

3. 缺少解码器:某些文件格式需要特定的解码器来读取和处理,若系统中缺少相应的解码器,就会出现该错误。

4. 安全性限制:有些操作系统或防病毒软件可能会限制某些文件格式的执行或打开,以保护系统安全。

为了解决cmbacktrace file format not recognized的问题,可以尝试以下这些解决方法:1. 检查文件格式:确定文件是否被使用的软件或工具支持,可以查看文件的扩展名或使用特定命令来确认。

2. 更新软件或工具:确认使用的软件或工具是最新版本,以确保支持文件的最新格式。

3. 使用其他软件:尝试使用其他软件或工具来打开或处理该文件,可能不同的软件对同一文件格式的支持程度不同。

4. 恢复文件:如果文件损坏或被修改了格式,可以尝试使用备份或修复工具来恢复文件的原始格式。

5. 下载解码器:查找并安装缺少的解码器,以确保系统能够正确解析和处理该文件格式。

6. 检查安全设置:检查操作系统或防病毒软件的安全设置是否阻止特定文件格式的执行或打开,可以调整设置来解决问题。



1. According to the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, trading on material nonpublic information is least likely to be prevented by establishing:A. fire-walls.B. watch lists.C. selective disclosure.Answer: CCFA Institute Standards2010 Modular Level I, Vol. 1, pp. 36-42Study Session 1-2-cRecommend practices and procedures designed to prevent violations of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional ConductC is correct as selective disclosure occurs when companies discriminate in making material nonpublic information public. Corporations that disclose information on a limited basis create the potential for insider-trading violations. Standard II (A).2. William Wong, CFA, is an equity analyst with Hayswick Securities. Based on his fundamental analysis, Wong concludes the stock of a company he follows, Nolvec Inc., is substantially undervalued and will experience a large price increase. He delays revising his recommendation on the stock from “hold”to “buy”to allow his brother to buy shares at a lower price. Wong is least likely to have violated the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct related to:A. duty to clients.B. reasonable basis.C. priority of transactions.Answer: B“Guidance for Standards I-VII”, CFA Institute2010 Modular Level I, Vol. 1, pp. 48-50, 80-81, 94-95Study Session 1-2-aDemonstrate a thorough knowledge of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct by applying the Code and Standards to situations involving issues of professional integrity.B is correct because there is nothing to suggest that Wong does not have a reasonable basis for his conclusion related to Nolvec. Standard V (A).3. During an onsite company visit, Marsha Ward, CFA, accidentally overheard the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Stargazer, Inc. discussing the company’s tender offer to purchase Dynamica Enterprises, a retailer of Stargazer products. According to the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct, Ward most likely can not use the information because:A. it relates to a tender offer.B. it was overheard and might be considered unreliable.C. she does not have a reasonable and adequate basis for taking investment action.Answer: A2009 Modular Level I, Vol. 1, pp. 36-42Study Session 1-2-aDemonstrate a thorough knowledge of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct by applying the Code and Standards to situations involving issues of professional integrity.A is correct because trading on the information is restricted as it relates to a tender offer。



CFA电子版资料可下载版分享!附CFA备考常用教材CFA考试马上就要到了,时间过得真的是很快很快,CFA考试的每一位考生都是从报名—备考—考试;过程十分艰辛,或许有的考生会说自身基础好,备考不费力;但大多数CFA 考生还是需要自己坚持努力学习才有可能通过cfa,在备考过程中都会需要一些CFA备考资料、课程、教材之类来辅助自己备考,高顿君今天给大家分享一些CFA电子版资料。

CFA资料都是电子版,学习起来比较方便,列举部分内容大家可作参考:CFA重点视频资料,如金融英语、精选习题集2018年、2019年CFA考试大纲对比 CFA思维导图、CFA英语词典 CFA知识梳理手册、CFA 试听课程 2019年CFA押题标准化课堂讲义、模拟试题 CFA三级IPS写作框架、模拟题Ethics专题突破法、红宝书 CFA中英文教材、LOS分析报告除了这些电子版资料、视频外,CFA考生还需要结合纸质版的CFA教材来帮助自己备考,给大家总结一些比较常用的CFA备考教材:1、CFA考纲(考纲变化内容是考试中的重要内容)每年CFA协会都会更新CFA考纲,会对CFA考试科目的权重及知识点有所删减更改。



3、CFA notesnotes一贯秉承的编辑原则是根据LOS(Learning Outcome Statements,即curriculum里介绍每章之前提出的问题,可以理解为考纲)进行讲解。





1. According to the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, trading on material nonpublic information is least likely to be prevented by establishing:A. fire-walls.B. watch lists.C. selective disclosure.Answer: CCFA Institute Standards2010 Modular Level I, Vol. 1, pp. 36-42Study Session 1-2-cRecommend practices and procedures designed to prevent violations of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional ConductC is correct as selective disclosure occurs when companies discriminate in making material nonpublic information public. Corporations that disclose information on a limited basis create the potential for insider-trading violations. Standard II (A).2. William Wong, CFA, is an equity analyst with Hayswick Securities. Based on his fundamental analysis, Wong concludes the stock of a company he follows, Nolvec Inc., is substantially undervalued and will experience a large price increase. He delays revising his recommendation on the stock from “hold” to “buy” to allow his brother to buy shares at a lower price. Wong is least likely to have violated the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct related to:A. duty to clients.B. reasonable basis.C. priority of transactions.Answer: B“Guidance for Standards I-VII”, CFA Institute2010 Modular Level I, Vol. 1, pp. 48-50, 80-81, 94-95Study Session 1-2-aDemonstrate a thorough knowledge of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct by applying the Code and Standards to situations involving issues of professional integrity.B is correct because there is nothing to suggest that Wong does not have a reasonable basis for his conclusion related to Nolvec. Standard V (A).3. During an onsite company visit, Marsha Ward, CFA, accidentally overheard the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Stargazer, Inc. discussing the company’s tender offer to purchase Dynamica Enterprises, a retailer of Stargazer products. According to the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct, Ward most likely can not use the information because:A. it relates to a tender offer.B. it was overheard and might be considered unreliable.C. she does not have a reasonable and adequate basis for taking investment action.Answer: A“Guidance for Standards I-VII”, CFA Institute2009 Modular Level I, Vol. 1, pp. 36-42Study Session 1-2-aDemonstrate a thorough knowledge of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct by applying the Code and Standards to situations involving issues of professional integrity.A is correct because trading on the information is restricted as it relates to a tender offer。








为了解决这个问题,可以采取以下步骤:1. 检查网络连接:确保网络连接正常,可以通过使用ping命令或者其他网络工具来检查数据库服务器是否可用。

2. 检查数据库服务状态:确认数据库服务已经启动。


3. 检查配置文件:检查数据库连接配置是否正确,包括IP地址、端口号、用户名和密码等。


以下是一些常见的原因和相应的解决技巧:1. 数据库负载过高:当数据库中的并发请求过多时,可能导致数据库性能下降。


2. 索引失效:索引是提高数据库查询性能的重要手段,但当索引失效时,查询性能会明显下降。


3. 数据库锁等待:数据库中的锁冲突会导致查询等待时间增加,从而影响性能。



为了防止数据库崩溃,可以采取以下方法:1. 定期备份数据:定期备份是防止数据丢失的有效手段。


2. 监控数据库状态:及时发现数据库异常状态,如硬盘空间不足、日志文件过大等。


3. 数据库日志管理:数据库日志是故障排除和数据恢复的重要依据。

2010年 CFA 一级 Mock题

2010年 CFA 一级 Mock题

1. Alexander Newton, CFA, is the chief compliance officer for Mills Investment Limited. Newton institutes a new policy requiring the pro rata distribution of new security issues to all established discretionary accounts for which the new issues are appropriate. The policy also provides for the distribution of new issues to newly established discretionary accounts where appropriate after their one-month anniversary date. This policy is disclosed to all existing and potential clients. Did Newton violate any CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct?A. No.B. Yes, because the distribution policy should treat all discretionary accounts equally.C. Yes, because disclosure of inequitable allocation methods does not fulfill the duty for fair and equitable trade allocation procedures.Answer: C“Guidance for Standards I-VII”, CFA Institute2010 Modular Level I, Vol. 1, pp. 53-58Study Session 1-2-aDemonstrate a thorough knowledge of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct by applying the Code and Standards to situations involving issues of professional integrity. Standard III (B) Fair Dealing requires when making investments in new offerings, advance indications of interest should be obtained as well as, providing for a method for calculating allocations. Additionally, disclosure of inequitable allocation methods does not relieve a member from this obligation.2. When Jefferson Piedmont, CFA, joined Branch Investing, Branch began using a quantitative stock selection model Piedmont had developed on his own personal time prior to his employment with Branch. One year later when Piedmont left the firm, he found the original copy of the model he had developed in a file at his home and presented it to his new employer, who immediately began using the model. According to the Standards of Practice Handbook, did Piedmont violate any CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct?A. No.B. Yes, because he misappropriated property now belonging to Branch.C. Yes, because he failed to inform his new employer the model was the same one used by his previous employer.Answer: A“Guidance for Standards I-VII”, CFA Institute2010 Modular Level I, Vol. 1, pp. 69-71Study Session 1-2-aDemonstrate a thorough knowledge of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct by applying the Code and Standards to situations involving issues of professional integrity. Although departing employees may not take employer property when departing (Standard IV (A) –Duties to Employers (Loyalty), the m odel Piedmont presented to his new employer was not Branch’s property. It was created by Piedmont prior to his employment with Branch. The model was not created for Branch in the course of his employment, but was adopted by Branch.3. Lawrence Hall, CFA, and Nancy Bishop, CFA, began a joint research report on Stamper Corporation. Bishop visited Stamper’s corporate headquarters for several days and met with all company officers. Prior to the completion of the report, Bishop was reassigned to another project. Hall utilized his and Bishop’s research to write the report but did not include Bishop’s name on the report, because she did not agree with Hall’s conclusion included in the final report. According to the CFA Institute Standards of Practice Handbook, did Hall violate any CFA Institute Standards ofProfessional Conduct?A. No.B. Yes, with respect to misrepresentation.C. Yes, with respect to diligence and reasonable basis.Answer: A“Guidance for Standards I-VII”, CFA Institute2010 Modular Level I, Vol. 1, pp. 29-31, 80-82Study Session 1-2-aDemonstrate a thorough knowledge of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct by applying the Code and Standards to situations involving issues of professional integrity. Members are in compliance with CFA Institute’s Standard V (A) Diligence and Reasonable Basis, if they rely on the research of another party who exercised diligence and thoroughness. Because Bishop’s opinion did not agree with the final report, disassociati ng her from the report is one way to handle this difference between the analysts.4. According to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS), which of the following is not a part of the verification process? Testing whether the:A. firm has complied with all the composite construction requirements.B. verification is undertaken by the compliance department in the absence of a third party.C. firm’s processes and procedures are designed to calculate results in compliance with GIPS standards.Answer: BIntroduction to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) CFA Institute, 20062010 Modular Level I, Vol. 1, p. 131Study Sessions 1-3-cExplain the requirements for verification of compliance with GIPS standards.Verification tests (Standard V) whether the investment firm has complied with all the composite construction requirements of GIPS on a firm-wide basis, and whether the firm’s processes and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance results in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Verification must be performed by an independent third party. A firm cannot perform its own verification.5. Umi Grabbo, CFA, is a highly regarded portfolio manager for Atlantic Advisors (AA), a mid-sized mutual fund firm investing in domestic securities. She has watched the hedge fund boom and on numerous occasions suggested her firm create such a fund. Senior management has refused to commit resources to the area. Attracted by potential higher fees associated with hedge funds, Grabbo and several other employees organize a hedge fund to invest in international securities. Grabbo is careful to work on the fund development only on her own time. Because AA management thinks hedge funds are a fad, she does not inform her supervisor about the hedge fund creation. According to the Standards of Practice Handbook, Grabbo should most likely address which of the Standards immediately?A. Disclosure of Conflicts.B. Priority of Transactions.C. Additional Compensation Arrangements.Answer: A“Guidance for Standards I-VII”, CFA Institute2010 Modular Level I, Vol. 1, pp. 75, 89-92, 94-98Study Sessions 1-2-aDemonstrate a thorough knowledge of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct byapplying the Code and Standards to situations involving issues of professional integrity. According to Standard VI (A) Disclosure of Conflicts, Grabbo should disclose to her employer the fact she is developing a hedge fund that could possibly interfere with her responsibilities at AA. In setting up a new fund, Grabbo was not acting for the benefit of her employer. She should have informed AA that she wanted to organize a hedge fund and come to some mutual agreement on how this would occur.6. David Donnigan enrolled to take the Level II CFA examination in the current year, however he did not take the exam. Donnigan advised his employer he passed Level II. Subsequently, he registered to take the Level II exam the next year. Which CFA Institute Standard of Professional Conduct did Donnigan least likely violate?A. Duty to employer.B. Professional misconduct.C. Referencing Candidacy in the CFA Program.Answer: A“Guidance for Standards I-VII”, CFA Institute2010 Modular Level I, Vol. 1, pp. 35, 69-71, 105Study Session 1–2–aDemonstrate a thorough knowledge of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct by applying the Code and Standards to situations involving issues of professional integrity. Members should not engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation (Standard I (D)). The candidate’s dishonesty is not addressed in the Standard relating to Duty to Employer, however. As he registered to take the exam in the next year he still qualifies to state he is a candidate (Standard VII (B)) but he lied to his employer about passing the examination, which is a professional misconduct violation.7. Jeffrey Jones passed the Level I CFA examination in 1997 and the Level II examination in 2009. He is not currently enrolled for the Level III examination. According to the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct, which of the following is the most appropriate way for Jones to refer to his participation in the CFA Program?A. Jeffrey Jones, CFA (expected 2011).B. Candidate in the CFA Institute CFA Program.C. Passed Level II of the CFA examination in 2009.Answer: C“Guidance for Standards I-VII”, CFA Institute2010 Modular Level I, Vol. 1, pp. 105-108Study Session 1–2–aDemonstrate a thorough knowledge of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct by applying the Code and Standards to situations involving issues of professional integrity.No designation exists for someone who has passed Level I, Level II, or Level III of the CFA exam (Standard VII (B)). Persons who have passed a certain level of the exam may state that they have completed that level. A person can only state he is a Candidate if he is currently enrolled in the CFA Program. It is also an improper reference to use “expected” a pa rt of the designation.8. Rebecca Wong is enrolled to take the Level I CFA examination. Her friend William Leung had purchased Level I study materials from a well-known CFA review program the previous year. Leung made a photocopy of the previous year’s co pyrighted materials and sold it to Wong to help her study. Who violated the CFA Institute Code of Ethics or any Standards of Professional Conduct?A. Both violated.B. Neither violated.C. Only Leung violated.Answer: A“Guidance for Standards I-VII”, CFA Institute2010 Modular Level I, Vol. 1, pp. 15-18Study Session 1–2–aDemonstrate a thorough knowledge of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct by applying the Code and Standards to situations involving issues of professional integrity. Photocopying copyrighted material, regardless of the year of publication, is a violation of the CFA Institute Standards (Standard I (A)) as copyrighted materials are protected by law. Candidates and members must comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations and must not knowingly participate or assist in a violation of laws9. Nicholas Bennett, CFA, is a trader at a stock exchange. Another trader approached Bennett on the floor of the exchange and verbally harassed him about a poorly executed trade. Bennett in response pushed the trader and knocked him to the ground. The exchange, after investigation, cleared Bennett from any wrongdoing. Which of the following best describes Bennett’s conduct in relation to the CFA Institute Code of Ethics or Standards of Professional Conduct? Bennett:A. did not violate any Code or Standard.B. violated the Professional Misconduct Standard.C. violated both Misconduct and Integrity of Capital Markets Standards.Answer: B“Guidance for Standards I-VII”, CFA Institute2010 Modular Level I, Vol. 1, pp. 11, 35Study Session 1–2–aDemonstrate a thorough knowledge of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct by applying the Code and Standards to situations involving issues of professional integrity. The CFA Institute Code of Ethics requires members to act with integrity, competence, diligence, respect and in an ethical and professional manner; while the Standards of Professional Conduct relating to Professional Misconduct state members and candidates must not commit any act reflecting adversely on their professional reputation, integrity, or competence. Bennett’s actions violated the Code of Ethics and the Standard relating to Professionalism but not the Standard relating to Integrity of Capital Markets.。

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