
美国海关申报表CustomDeclaration中英文对照-1美國海關申報表Custom Declaration 中英文對照 (僅供參考)WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES歡迎來到美國DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE 財政部美國海關署CUSTOM DECLARATION海關申報表Each arriving traveler or head of family must provide the following information (only ONE written declaration per family is required):每位入關的旅遊者或一家之主必須提供以下資料(一個家庭只須申報一份):1. Family Name ________First (Given)________ Middle________1.姓氏 ________名字_______ 中間名________2. Birth date 2. 出生日期:____Day____Month____Year____日____ 月____年3. Number of family members traveling with you: 3. 與你同行的家庭成員人數:4. U.S. Address: 4.在美地址:5. Passport issued by (country) 5. 護照發照(國家)6. Passport Number 6. 護照號碼7. Country of Residence7. 居住國家8. Countries visited on this trip prior to U.S. arrival8. 到美國前造訪過的國家9. Airline/Flight No:9. 航空公司/航班號:10. The primary purpose of this trip is business. ○YES○ NO 10. 此次旅程的主要目的是商務?○ 是○ 否11. I am/we are bringinga.fruits, vegetables,plants,seeds,insects:b.meats, animals,animal/wildlife products:c. disease agent, cell cultures, snails: 11. 您攜帶a.水果、蔬菜、植物、种子昆虫;b.肉類、動物、动物或野d. soil, or have been on a farm /ranch pasture: YES ○ NO ○生动物产品;c.携菌者、培养细胞和蜗牛d.土壤或您居住在美國以外的農村或牧場嗎?是○ 否○14. I hav e (We have) commercial merchandise? (articles for sale, samples used for soliciting orders, or goods that are not considered personal effects.) 13. I am/we are carrying currency or monetary instruments over $10000 U.S. or the foreign eq uivalent. YES ○ NO ○YES ○ NO ○14. 您有攜帶任何商品嗎?(販賣之商品、訂購之樣本等任何非屬私人之物品) 是○ 否○13. 您攜帶現金或珍貴物品,其價值超過一萬美金或相當於一萬美金的外幣嗎?是○ 否○ 15. Residents----The total value of all goods, including commercial merchadise I/we purchased or acquired abroad, (including gifts for someone else, but not items mailed to the U.S.)and am/are bringing to the U.S. is:$___________________Visitors---- The total value of all articles that will remain in the usa., including commercial merchandise is$___________________15. 美国居民您境外購買或獲得並帶入美國所有物品總價值:$ _________________ 美元訪問者須申報留在美国境内包括商业用途禮品價值:$ _________________ 美元I have read the important information on the reverse side of this form and have made a truthful declaration. 我已閱讀過這表格背面之重要須知,並據實以報。

WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES欢迎来到美国DEPARTMENT OF THE trEASURY UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE 财政部美国海关署CUSTOM DECLARATION海关申报Each arriving traveler or head of family must provide the following information (only ONE written declaration per family is required): 每个入关的旅游者或一家之主必须提供如下资料(一个家庭只须申报一份):1. Family Name: 1. 姓:2. First Name 2. 名3. Middle Initial 3. 中间名4. Date of Birth: (Day/Month/Year) 4. 出生日期: 日/月/年5. Airline/Flight No. : 5. 航空公司/航班号:6. Number of family members travelingwith you6. 与你同行的家庭成员人数:7. (a)Country of Citizenship: 7.(a)国籍:7. (b)Country of Residence: 7. (b)所居住国家:8. (a) . Address (StreetNumber/Hotel/Mailing Address to U.S.): 8.(a)在美国地址(街道地址/旅馆/在美国的通讯地址):8. (b) U.S. Address (City): 8.(b)在美国地址(城市):8. (c) . Address (State): 8.(c)在美国地址(州):9. Countries visited on this trip prior toU.S. arrival9. 在到达美国之前此行所访问过的国家10. The purpose of my trip is or wasBUSINESS Personal10. 此次旅程的目的是wasBUSINESS Personal10. 此次旅程的目的是 商务 个人11. I am (we are) bringing fruits,plants,meats, food, soil, birds, snails,otherlive animals, farm products; or,have been on a farm or ranchoutsidethe . : YES NO 11. 你携带水果, 植物, 肉类, 食品, 土壤, 鸟类, 蜗牛, 其他动物和农产品, 或你一直居住在美国以外的农村或牧场吗是 否12. I am (we are) carrying currency or monetary instruments over $10000 U.S. or the foreign equiralent.YES NO 12. 我(我们)携带了超过一万美金或等值的外国货币或有价证券是否 13. I have (we have) commercial merchandise, U.S.or foreign:(Check one box only) YES NO 13. 我(我们)携带了美国或外国商品:(只能在一个方框内打勾)是 否14. The total value of all goods I/wepurchased or acquired abroad andam/are bringing to the U.S. is (seeinstructions under Merchandise onreverse side; visitors should report valueof gifts only): $___________________ . Dollars14. 我(我们)在国外购买或获得并带入美国所有物品总价值(参看背面商品栏目; 访问者只须申报礼品价值): $ _____________________________ 美元SIGN ON RESERSE SIDE AFTER YOU READ WARNING.(Do not write below this line.)在你阅读警告之后请在背面签字 (不要在此线下面签字)INSPECTOR’S NAME STAM P AREA 检察员姓名 盖章区域BADGE NO徽章号码。


美国海关出入境登记表i及海关申报表中英文对照Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-SA18】美国海关出入境登记表(I-94)(中英文对照)美国海关申报表(中英文对照)进入美国海关,须填写两份表格,一份是美国海关申报单,一份是美国出入境证明单(I -94)。
美国海关表格样本:. Department of JusticeOMR 1115-4077Immigration and Naturalization service 美国司法部OMR 1115-407 移民局Admission Number 登记号码 (*举例说明)I-94 Arrival/Departure Record-InstructionsI-94 入境/离境记录说明This form must be completed by all persons except . citizens, returning resident aliens with immigrant visas, and Canadian Citizens visiting or in transit.除了美国公民, 美国海外侨民, 永久居民和加拿大公民外, 所有访问或过路的人士都必须填写此表Type or print legibly with pen in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Use English. Do not write on the back of this form.请用大写字母打字或用钢笔或用圆珠笔清楚填写. 请用英文填写. 不要在此表背面填写任何东西.This form is in two parts. Please complete both the Arrival Record (Item 1 through 13) and the Departure Record (Item 14 through 17).此表包括两部分, 请填写入境记录 (第1项至第13项)和离境记录(第 14项至第17项)两部分.When all items are completed, present this form to the . Immigration and Naturalization Service Inspector.填写完毕后, 请将此表交给美国移民局官员.Item 7– If you are entering the United States by land, enter LAND 第7项内容说明–如果你从陆地进入美国, 请在空格内填写LAND, 如果你乘船进in this space. If you are enteringthe United States by ship, enterSEA in this space.入美国, 请在空格内填写SEA.Form I-94(10-01-85)N I-94表 (10-01-85)N Admission Number 登记号码Immigration and NaturalizationService移民局I-94Arrival Record I-94入境记录1. Family Name 1. 姓2. First (Given) Name 2. 名3. Birth Date(Day/Mo/Yr) 3. 生日(月/日/年)4. Country of Citizenship 4. 哪个国家公民5. Sex (Male or Female) 5. 性别(男填MALE或女填FEMALE)6. Passport Number 6. 护照号码7. Airline & Flight Number 7. 航空公司和航班号8. Country Where You Live 8. 你在哪个国家生活9. City Where You Boarded 9. 你在那个城市登机10. City Where Visa Was Issued 10. 在哪个城市得到签证11. Date Issued (Day/Mo/Yr)11. 得到签证的日期(日/月/年)12. Address While in the UnitedState (Number and Street)12. 在美国的住址(门牌号及街名)13. City and State13. 在美国的住址(市名及州名) Departure Number 离境号码Immigration and NaturalizationService移民局I-94Departure Record I-94离境记录14. Family Name14. 姓15. First (Given) Name 16. BirthDate(Day/Mo/Yr)15. 名 16. 生日(日/月/年) 17. County of Citizenship17. 哪个国家公民WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES欢迎来到美国DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE 财政部美国海关署CUSTOM DECLARATION海关申报Each arriving traveler or head of family must provide the following information (only ONE written declaration per family is required):每个入关的旅游者或一家之主必须提供如下资料 (一个家庭只须申报一份):1. Family Name: 1. 姓:2. First Name 2. 名3. Middle Initial 3. 中间名4. Date of Birth: (Day/Month/Year) 4. 出生日期: 日/月/年5. Airline/Flight No. : 5. 航空公司/航班号:6. Number of family memberstraveling with you6. 与你同行的家庭成员人数:7. (a)Country of Citizenship: 7.(a)国籍:7. (b)Country of Residence: 7. (b)所居住国家:8. (a) . Address (StreetNumber/Hotel/Mailing Address to .): 8.(a)在美国地址(街道地址/旅馆/在美国的通讯地址):8. (b) . Address (City): 8.(b)在美国地址(城市):8. (c) . Address (State): 8.(c)在美国地址(州):9. Countries visited on this tripprior to . arrival9. 在到达美国之前此行所访问过的国家10. The purpose of my trip is or was BUSINESS Personal 10. 此次旅程的目的是商务个人11. I am (we are) bringing YES NO11. 你携带水果, 植物, 肉类,是否fruits, plants,meats, food, soil, birds, snails, otherlive animals, farm products; or, have been on a farm or ranch outside the . : 食品, 土壤, 鸟类, 蜗牛, 其他动物和农产品, 或你一直居住在美国以外的农村或牧场吗12. I am (we are) carrying currency ormonetary instruments over $10000. or the foreign equiralent. YES NO12. 我(我们)携带了超过一万美金或等值的外国货币或有价证券是否13. I have (we have) commercial merchandise, . or foreign:(Check one box only) YES NO13. 我(我们)携带了美国或外国商品:(只能在一个方框内打勾)是否14. The total value of all goods 14. 我(我们)在国外购买或获得并带入I/we purchased oracquired abroad and am/are bringing to the .is (see instructions under Merchandise onreverse side; visitors should report value of giftsonly): $___________________ . Dollars 美国所有物品总价值(参看背面商品栏目; 访问者只须申报礼品价值):$ _____________________________ 美元SIGN ON RESERSE SIDE AFTER YOU READ WARNING.(Do not write below this line.) 在你阅读警告之后请在背面签字(不要在此线下面签字)INSPECTOR’S NAME STAMP AREA检察员姓名盖章区域BADGE NO徽章号码。
美国入境海关申报表模板美国入境:海关申报表Custom Declaration 入境

入境美国的外籍旅客都必须在下机前填写两份表格,一份是I-94表格(I-94 Form),一份是美国海关申报表(Custom Declaration)。
详情请洽动物及农产品健康检查服务中心(Animal and Plant Health Inspection services)。
美国海关申报表Custom Declaration 中英文对照(仅供参考)。

美国海关表格样本:U.S. Department of Justice OMR1115-4077 Immigration andNaturalization service美国司法部OMR 1115-407 移民局Welcome to the United State欢迎来到美国Admission Number 233414639 09登记号码 (*举例说明) 233414639 09 I-94 Arrival/DepartureRecord-InstructionsI-94 入境/离境记录说明This form must be completed by all persons except U.S. citizens, returning resident aliens with immigrant visas, and Canadian Citizens visiting or in transit. 除了美国公民, 美国海外侨民, 永久居民和加拿大公民外, 所有访问或过路的人士都必须填写此表Type or print legibly with pen in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Use English. Do not write on the back of this form. 请用大写字母打字或用钢笔或用圆珠笔清楚填写. 请用英文填写. 不要在此表背面填写任何东西.This form is in two parts. Please complete both the Arrival Record (Item 1 through 13) and the Departure Record (Item 14 through 17). 此表包括两部分, 请填写入境记录 (第1项至第13项)和离境记录(第 14项至第17项)两部分.When all items are completed, present this form to the U.S. Immigration and 填写完毕后, 请将此表交给美国移民局官员.Naturalization Service Inspector.Item 7– If you are entering the United States by land, enter LAND in this space. If you are entering the United States by ship, enter SEA in this space. 第7项内容说明–如果你从陆地进入美国, 请在空格内填写LAND, 如果你乘船进入美国, 请在空格内填写SEA.Form I-94(10-01-85)N I-94表 (10-01-85)NAdmission Number 233414639 09登记号码233414639 09 Immigration and NaturalizationService移民局I-94 Arrival Record I-94 入境记录1. Family Name 1. 姓2. First (Given) Name 2. 名3. Birth Date(Day/Mo/Yr) 3. 生日(月/日/年)4. Country of Citizenship 4. 哪个国家公民5. Sex (Male or Female) 5. 性别(男填MALE或女填FEMALE)6. Passport Number 6. 护照号码7. Airline & Flight Number 7. 航空公司和航班号8. Country Where You Live 8. 你在哪个国家生活9. City Where You Boarded 9. 你在那个城市登机10. City Where Visa Was Issued 10. 在哪个城市得到签证11. Date Issued (Day/Mo/Yr) 11. 得到签证的日期(日/月/年)12. Address While in the United State(Number and Street)12. 在美国的住址(门牌号及街名)13. City and State 13. 在美国的住址(市名及州名) Departure Number 233414639 09离境号码233414639 09Immigration and NaturalizationService移民局I-94 Departure Record I-94 离境记录14. Family Name 14. 姓15. First (Given) Name 16. Birth 15. 名 16. 生日(日/月/年)Date(Day/Mo/Yr)17. County of Citizenship 17. 哪个国家公民WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES 欢迎来到美国DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE财政部 美国海关署 CUSTOM DECLARATION 海关申报Each arriving traveler or head of family must provide the following information (only ONE writtendeclaration per family is required):每个入关的旅游者或一家之主必须提供如下资料 (一个家庭只须申报一份):1. Family Name: 1. 姓:2. First Name 2. 名3. Middle Initial 3. 中间名4. Date of Birth: (Day/Month/Year) 4. 出生日期: 日/月/年5. Airline/Flight No. : 5. 航空公司/航班号:6. Number of family members traveling with you6. 与你同 行的家庭成员人数:7. (a)Country of Citizenship: 7.(a)国籍:7. (b)Country of Residence: 7. (b)所居住国家:8. (a) U.S. Address (Street Number/Hotel/Mailing Address to U.S.): 8.(a)在美国地址(街道地址/旅馆/在美国的通讯地址):8. (b) U.S. Address (City): 8.(b)在美国地址(城市):8. (c) U.S. Address (State): 8.(c)在美国地址(州):9. Countries visited on this trip prior to U.S. arrival9. 在到达美国之前此行所访问过的国家 10. The purpose of my trip is or was BUSINESS Personal10. 此次旅程的目的是 商务 个人11. I am (we are) bringing fruits, plants, meats, food, soil, birds, snails, other live animals, farm products; or, have been on aYES NO 11. 你携带水果, 植物, 肉类, 食品, 土壤, 鸟类, 蜗牛, 其他动物和农产品, 或你 一直居住在美国以外的农村或牧场吗是 否farm or ranch outside theU.S. :12. I am (we are) carrying currency or monetary instruments over $10000 U.S. or the foreign equiralent.YES NO 12. 我(我们)携带了超过一万美金或等值的外国货币或有价证券是 否13. I have (we have) commercial merchandise, U.S. or foreign:(Check one box only)YES NO 13. 我(我们)携带了美国或外国商品:(只能在一个方框内打勾)是 否14. The total value of all goods I/we purchased or acquired abroad and am/are bringing to the U.S. is (see instructions under Merchandise on reverse side; visitors should report value of gifts only):$___________________ U.S. Dollars14. 我(我们)在国外购买或获得并带入美国所有物品总价值(参看 背面商品栏目; 访问者只须申报礼品价值): $ _____________________________ 美元SIGN ON RESERSE SIDE AFTER YOU READ WARNING.(Do not write below this line.) 在你阅读警告之后请在背面签字 (不要在此线下面签字)INSPECTOR’S NAME STAMP AREA检察员姓名 盖章区域BADGE NO徽章号码。

WELCOMETOTHEUNITEDSTATES欢迎来到美国DEPARTMENTOFTHEtrEASURY UNITEDSTATESCUSTOMSSERVICE 财政部美国海关署CUSTOMDECLARATION海关申报Eacharrivingtravelerorheadoffamilymustprovidethefollowinginformation(onlyONE writtendeclarationperfamilyisrequired): 每个入关的旅游者或一家之主必须提供如下资料(一个家庭只须申报一份):1.FamilyName: 1.姓:2.FirstName 2.名3.MiddleInitial 3.中间名4.DateofBirth:(Day/Month/Year) 4.出生日期:日/月/年5.Airline/FlightNo.: 5.航空公司/航班号:6.Numberoffamilymemberstravelingwithyou 6.与你同行的家庭成员人数: 7.(a)CountryofCitizenship: 7.(a)国籍:7.(b)CountryofResidence: 7.(b)所居住国家:8.(a)U.S.Address(StreetNumber/Hotel/MailingAddresstoU.S.): 8.(a)在美国地址(街道地址/旅馆/在美国的通讯地址): 8.(b)U.S.Address(City): 8.(b)在美国地址(城市): 8.(c)U.S.Address(State):8.(c)在美国地址(州): 9.CountriesvisitedonthistrippriortoU.S.arrival9.在到达美国之前此行所访问过的国家 10.Thepurposeofmytripisorwas BUSINESSPersonal10.此次旅程的目的是 商务个人11.Iam(weare)bringingfruits,plants, meats,food,soil,birds,snails,otherliveanimals,farmproducts;or,havebeenonafarmorranchoutside theU.S.:YESNO 11.你携带水果,植物,肉类,食品,土壤,鸟类,蜗牛,其他动物和农产品,或你一直居住在美国以外的农村或牧场吗是否12.Iam(weare)carryingcurrencyor monetaryinstrumentsover$10000 U.S.ortheforeignequiralent.YESNO 12.我(我们)携带了超过一万美金或等值的外国货币或有价证券是否 13.Ihave(wehave)commercialmerchandise,U.S. orforeign:(Checkoneboxonly)YESNO 13.我(我们)携带了美国或外国商品:(只能在一个方框内打勾)是否14.ThetotalvalueofallgoodsI/wepurchasedoracquiredabroadandam/arebringingtot heU.S.is(seeinstructionsunderMerchandiseonreverseside;visitorsshouldreportval ueofgiftsonly):$___________________U.S.Dollars14.我(我们)在国外购买或获得并带入美国所有物品总价值(参看背面商品栏目;访问者只须申报礼品价值):$_____________________ ________美元SIGNONRESERSESIDEAFTERYOUREADWARNING.(Donotwritebelowthisline. ) 在你阅读警告之后请在背面签字(不要在此线下面签字)INSPECTOR’SNAMESTAMPAREA检察员姓名盖章区域BADGENO 徽章号码。
美国出入境证明单(I-94 FORM)中英文对照

S. Department of JusticeOMR 1115—4077Immigration and Naturalization service 美国司法部OMR 1115-407 移民局Welcome to the United State欢迎来到美国Admission Number 233414639 09登记号码(*举例说明) 233414639 09I-94 Arrival/Departure Record—Instructions I—94 入境/离境记录说明This form must be completed by all persons except U.S. citizens,returning resident aliens with immigrant visas,and Canadian Citizens visiting or in transit。
除了美国公民,美国海外侨民,永久居民和加拿大公民外, 所有访问或过路的人士都必须填写此表Type or print legibly with pen in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Use English. Do not write on the back of this form. 请用大写字母打字或用钢笔或用圆珠笔清楚填写。
请用英文填写. 不要在此表背面填写任何东西。
This form is in two parts。
Please complete both the Arrival Record (Item 1 through 13) and the Departure Record (Item 14 through 17). 此表包括两部分, 请填写入境记录(第1项至第13项)和离境记录(第14项至第17项)两部分.When all items are completed, present this form to theU.S。

WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES欢迎来到美国DEPARTMENT OF THE trEASURY UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE 财政部美国海关署CUSTOM DECLARATION海关申报Each arriving traveler or head of family must provide the following information (only ONE written declaration per family is required):每个入关的旅游者或一家之主必须提供如下资料 (一个家庭只须申报一份):1. Family Name: 1. 姓:2. First Name 2. 名3. Middle Initial 3. 中间名4. Date of Birth: (Day/Month/Year) 4. 出生日期: 日/月/年5. Airline/Flight No. : 5. 航空公司/航班号:6. Number of family memberstraveling with you6. 与你同行的家庭成员人数:7. (a)Country of Citizenship: 7.(a)国籍:7. (b)Country of Residence: 7. (b)所居住国家:8. (a) . Address (StreetNumber/Hotel/Mailing Address to U.S.): 8.(a)在美国地址(街道地址/旅馆/在美国的通讯地址):8. (b) U.S. Address (City): 8.(b)在美国地址(城市):8. (c) . Address (State): 8.(c)在美国地址(州):9. Countries visited on this tripprior to U.S. arrival9. 在到达美国之前此行所访问过的国家10. The purpose of my trip is or wasBUSINESSPersonal10. 此次旅程的目的是was BUSINESSPersonal 10. 此次旅程的目的是商务个人11. I am (we are) bringing fruits, plants,meats, food, soil, birds, snails, otherlive animals, farm products; YESNO11. 你携带水果, 植物, 肉类, 食品, 土壤, 鸟类, 蜗牛, 其他动物和农产品, 或你一直居住在美国以外的农村或牧场吗是否or, have been on a farm or ranch outsidethe . :12. I am (we are) carrying currency ormonetary instruments over $10000U.S. or the foreign equiralent. YESNO12. 我(我们)携带了超过一万美金或等值的外国货币或有价证券是否13. I have (we have) commercial merchandise, U.S.or foreign:(Check one boxonly) YESNO13. 我(我们)携带了美国或外国商品:(只能在一个方框内打勾)是否14. The total value of all goodsI/we purchased or acquired abroad and am/are bringing to the U.S. is (see instructions under Merchandise on reverse side; visitors should report value of 14. 我(我们)在国外购买或获得并带入美国所有物品总价值(参看背面商品栏目; 访问者只须申报礼品价值):$ _____________________________ 美元gifts only):$___________________ . DollarsSIGN ON R ESERSE SIDE AFTER YOU READWARNING.(Do not write below this line.) 在你阅读警告之后请在背面签字(不要在此线下面签字)INSPECTOR’S NAME STAMP AREA检察员姓名盖章区域BADGE NO徽章号码。

8.Countries visited on this Trip prior to U.S. arrival
9. Airline/Flight No. ohe primary purpose of thip is business:这次旅行主要的目的是工作
13.I am (We are) carrying currency or monetary instruments over$10,000 U.S。or foreign equivalents (see definition of mone tary instruments on reverse)
9.City Where You Boarded居住的城市
10。City Where Visa Was Issued获得签证的城市
11.Date Issued (day/mo/yr)
12。Address While in the United States (Number and Street)在美地址(含街道和门牌号)
13.City and State(上述地址所在)城市和州
Admission Number
471144200 09
Immigration and
Naturalization Service
I-94Departure Record离境报告

美国海关出入境登记表( I-94 FORM ) (中英文对照)
U.S. Department of Justice
OMR 1115-4077?
Immigration and Naturalization service
OMR 1115-407
填写完毕后, 请将此表交给美国移民局官员.
Item 7– If you are entering the United States by land, enter LAND in this space. If you are entering the United States by ship, enter SEA in this space.
第7项内容说明– 如果你从陆地进入美国, 请在空格内填写LAND, 如果 你乘船进入美国, 请在空格内填写SEA.
Form I-94(10-01-)N
Admission Number
Immigration and Naturalization Service
除了美国公民, 美国海外侨民, 永久居民和加拿大公民外, 所有访问或过路的人士都必须填写此表
Type or print legibly with pen in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Use English. Do not write on the back of this form.
Arrival Record
1. Family Name
1. 姓
2. First (Given) Name?
2. 名

美国入境海关表格中英文对照美国海关出入境登记表 ( I-94 FORM )U.S. Department of JusticeOMR 1115-4077Immigration and Naturalization service 美国司法部OMR 1115-407移民局Welcome to the United State 欢迎来到美国Admission Number697385031 01 登记号码 (*举例说明)697385031 01I-94 Arrival/Departure Record-Instructions I-94 入境/离境记录说明This form must be completed by all persons except U.S. citizens, returning resident aliens with immigrant visas, and Canadian Citizens visiting or in transit.除了美国公民, 美国海外侨民, 永久居民和加拿大公民外, 所有访问或过路的人士都必须填写此表Type or print legibly with pen in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Use English. Do not write on the back of this form.请用大写字母打字或用钢笔或用圆珠笔清楚填写. 请用英文填写. 不要在此表背面填写任何东西.This form is in two parts. Please complete both the Arrival Record (Item 1 through 13) and the Departure Record (Item 14 through 17).此表包括两部分, 请填写入境记录 (第1项至第13项)和离境记录(第 14项至第17项)两部分.When all items are completed, present this form to the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service Inspector.填写完毕后, 请将此表交给美国移民局官员.Item 7 - If you are entering the United States by land, enter LAND in this space. If you are entering the United States by ship, enter SEA in this space.第7项内容说明 - 如果你从陆地进入美国, 请在空格内填写LAND, 如果你乘船进入美国, 请在空格内填写SEA.Form I-94(10-01-85)NI-94表 (10-01-85)NAdmission Number697385031 01登记号码697385031 01Immigration and Naturalization Service移民局I-94Arrival Record I-94入境记录1. Family Name 1. 姓2. First (Given) Name 2. 名3. Birth Date(Day/Mo/Yr) 3. 生日(月/日/年)4. Country of Citizenship 4. 哪个国家公民5. Sex (Male or Female) 5. 性别(男填MALE或女填FEMALE)6. Passport Number 6. 护照号码7. Airline & Flight Number 7. 航空公司和航班号8. Country Where You Live 8. 你在哪个国家生活9. City Where You Boarded 9. 你在那个城市降落10. City Where Visa Was Issued 10. 在哪个城市得到签证11. Date Issued (Day/Mo/Yr) 11. 得到签证的日期(日/月/年)12. Address While in the United State (Number and Street) 12. 在美国的住址(门牌号及街名)13. City and State 13. 在美国的住址(市名及州名)Departure Number697385031 01 离境号码697385031 01Immigration and Naturalization Service 移民局I-94Departure Record I-94离境记录14. Family Name 14. 姓15. First (Given) Name 16. Birth Date(Day/Mo/Yr) 15. 名 16. 生日(日/月/年) 17. County of Citizenship 17. 哪个国家公民美国入境海关表格中英文对照(2)美国海关申报表WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES 欢迎来到美国DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURYUNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE 财政部美国海关署CUSTOM DECLARATION 海关申报Each arriving traveler or head of family must provide the following information (only ONE written declaration per family is required): 每个入关的旅游者或一家之主必须提供如下资料 (一个家庭只须申报一份):1. Name: 1. 姓名:LastFirst Middle Initial 姓名中间名2. Number of family members traveling with you 2. 与你同行的家庭成员人数:3. Date of Birth:4. Airline/Flight: 3. 出生日期: 4. 航空公司/航班号: MonthDayYear 月日年5. U.S. Address: 5. 在美居住地址:6. I am a U.S. CitizenYESNO 6. 你是一个美国公民吗是否If No, Country: 如果不是, 你是那个国家的公民:7. I reside permanently in the U.S. YESNO 7. 你是在美国永久居留吗是否If No, Expected Length of Stay: 如果不是, 预期停留多久:8. The purpose of my trip is or wasBUSINESSPLEASURE 8. 此次旅程的目的是商务旅游9. I am/we are bringing fruits, plants,meats, food, soil, birds, snails, otherlive animals, farm products, or I/we have been on a farm or ranch outsidethe U.S. YES NO9. 你携带水果, 植物, 肉类, 食品, 土壤, 鸟类, 蜗牛, 其他动物和农产品, 或你一直居住在美国以外的农村或牧场吗是否10. I am/we are carrying currency ormonetary instruments over $10000U.S. or the foreign equiralent. YES NO10. 你携带现金或珍贵物品, 其价值超过一万美金或相当于一万美金的外币吗是否11. The total value of all goods I/we purchased oracquired abroad and am/are bringing to the U.S.is (see instructions under Merchandise onreverse side; visitors should report value of giftsonly):$___________________ U.S. Dollars 11. 你境外购买或获得并带入美国所有物品总价值(参看背面商品栏目; 访问者只须申报礼品价值):$ _____________________________ 美元SIGN ON RESERSE SIDE AFTER YOU READ WARNING.(Do not write below this line.) 在你阅读警告之后请在背面签字(不要在此线下面签字)INSPECTOR'S NAME STAMP AREA 检察员姓名盖章区域BADGE NO 徽章号码。
美国海关申报单样本 中英文对照

WELCOME TO THEUNITED STATES欢迎来到美国DEPARTMENT OF THE trEASURYUNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE 财政部美国海关署CUSTOM DECLARATION海关申报Each arriving traveler or head of family must provide the following information (only ONE written declaration per family is required): 每个入关的旅游者或一家之主必须提供如下资料(一个家庭只须申报一份):1. Family Name: 1. 姓:2. First Name 2. 名3. Middle Initial 3. 中间名4. Date of Birth:(Day/Month/Year)4. 出生日期: 日/月/年5. Airline/Flight No. : 5. 航空公司/航班号:6. Number of familymembers traveling with you6. 与你同行的家庭成员人数:7. (a)Country of Citizenship: 7.(a)国籍:7. (b)Country of Residence: 7. (b)所居住国家:8. (a) U.S. Address (Street Number/Hotel/Mailing Address to U.S.): 8.(a)在美国地址(街道地址/旅馆/在美国的通讯地址):8. (b) U.S. Address (City): 8.(b)在美国地址(城市): 8. (c) U.S. Address (State): 8.(c)在美国地址(州):9. Countries visited on this trip prior to U.S. arrival 9. 在到达美国之前此行所访问过的国家10. The purpose of my trip is or wasBUSINESS Personal 10. 此次旅程的目的是商务个人11. I am (we are) bringing fruits, plants, YESNO11. 你携带水果, 植物, 肉类, 食品, 土壤, 鸟类, 蜗牛, 其他动物和是否meats, food, soil, birds, snails, other live animals, farm products; or, have been on a farm or ranch outsidethe U.S. : 农产品, 或你一直居住在美国以外的农村或牧场吗12. I am (we are) carrying currency or monetary instruments over $10000U.S. or the foreign equiralent. YESNO12. 我(我们)携带了超过一万美金或等值的外国货币或有价证券是否13. I have (we have) commercial merchandise, U.S.or foreign:(Check one box only) YESNO13. 我(我们)携带了美国或外国商品:(只能在一个方框内打勾)是否14. The total value of all goods I/we purchased or acquired abroad and am/are bringing to the U.S. is (see instructions under Merchandise on reverse side; visitors should report value of gifts only):$___________________ U.S. Dollars 14. 我(我们)在国外购买或获得并带入美国所有物品总价值(参看背面商品栏目; 访问者只须申报礼品价值):$ _____________________________ 美元SIGN ON RESERSE SIDEAFTER YOU READ WARNING.(Do not write below this line.) 在你阅读警告之后请在背面签字(不要在此线下面签字)INSPECTOR’S NAMESTAMP AREA检察员姓名盖章区域BADGE NO 徽章号码。
美国海关申报单样本 中英文对照

WELCOME TO THE UNITEDSTATES欢迎来到美国UNITED STATES CUSTOMSSERVICE美国海关署CUSTOM DECLARATION海关申报with youU.S.):10. The purpose of my trip is or was BUSINESS Personal 10. 此次旅程的目的是商务个人11. I am (we are) bringing fruits, plants,meats, food, soil, birds, snails, otherlive animals, farm products; or, have been on a farm or ranch outside YESNO11. 你携带水果, 植物, 肉类, 食品,土壤, 鸟类, 蜗牛, 其他动物和农产品, 或你一直居住在美国以外的农村或牧场吗是否——仅供参考the U.S. :12. I am (we are) carrying currency ormonetary instruments over $10000U.S. or the foreign equiralent. YESNO12. 我(我们)携带了超过一万美金或等值的外国货币或有价证券是否13. I have (we have) commercial merchandise, U.S. or foreign:(Check one box only) YESNO13. 我(我们)携带了美国或外国商品:(只能在一个方框内打勾)是否——仅供参考。

美国海关出入境登记表 ( I-94 FORM ) ( 中英文对照 )U.S. Department of JusticeOMR 1115-4077Immigration and Naturalization service 美国司法部 OMR 1115-407 移民局Welcome to the United State 欢迎来到美国Admission Number 697385031 01登记号码 (*举例说明) 697385031 01I-94 Arrival/DepartureRecord-InstructionsI-94 入境/离境记录说明This form must be completed by all persons except U.S. citizens, returning resident aliens with immigrant visas, and Canadian Citizens visiting or in transit.除了美国公民, 美国海外侨民, 永久居民和加拿大公民外, 所有访问 或过路的人士都必须填写此表Type or print legibly with pen in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Use English. Do not write on the back of this form.请用大写字母打字或用钢笔或用圆珠笔清楚填写. 请用英文填写. 不要 在此表背面填写任何东西.This form is in two parts. Please complete both the Arrival Record (Item 1 through 13) and the Departure Record (Item 14 through 17).此表包括两部分, 请填写入境记录 (第1项至第13项)和离境记录(第 14项至第17项)两部分.When all items are completed, present thisform to the U.S. Immigration andNaturalization Service Inspector.填写完毕后, 请将此表交给美国移民局官员.Item 7 – If you are entering the United States by land, enter LAND in this space. If you are entering the United States by ship, enter SEA in this space.第7项内容说明– 如果你从陆地进入美国, 请在空格内填写LAND, 如果 你乘船进入美国, 请在空格内填写SEA.Form I-94(10-01-85)N I-94表 (10-01-85)NAdmission Number 697385031 01登记号码 697385031 01Immigration and Naturalization Service移民局I-94Arrival Record I-94入境记录1. Family Name 1. 姓2. First (Given) Name 2. 名3. Birth Date(Day/Mo/Yr) 3. 生日(月/日/年)4. Country of Citizenship 4. 哪个国家公民5. Sex (Male or Female) 5. 性别(男填MALE或女填FEMALE)6. Passport Number 6. 护照号码7. Airline & Flight Number 7. 航空公司和航班号8. Country Where You Live8. 你在哪个国家生活 9. City Where You Boarded9. 你在那个城市降落 10. City Where Visa Was Issued10. 在哪个城市得到签证 11. Date Issued (Day/Mo/Yr)11. 得到签证的日期(日/月/年) 12. Address While in the United State (Number and Street)12. 在美国的住址(门牌号及街名) 13. City and State13. 在美国的住址(市名及州名) State of California Departure Number697385031 01离境号码 697385031 01 Immigration and Naturalization Service 移民局 I-94Departure RecordI-94 离境记录 14. Family Name14. 姓 15. First (Given) Name 16. BirthDate(Day/Mo/Yr)15. 名 16. 生日(日/月/年) 17. County of Citizenship17. 哪个国家公民 美国海关申报/Custom Declaration Form (中英文对照) WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES欢迎来到美国 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE财政部 美国海关署 CUSTOM DECLARATION 海关申报1. Name: Last First Middle Initial1. 姓名:姓 名 中间名 2. Number of family members traveling with you2. 与你同行的家庭成员人数:3. Date of Birth:Month Day Year3. 出生日期: 月 日 年4. Airline/Flight:4. 航空公司/航班号:5. U.S. Address:5. 在美居住地址:6. I am a U.S. Citizen YES NOIf No, Country:6. 你是一个美国公民吗 是 否 如果不是, 你是那个国家的公民:7. I reside permanently in theU.S. YES NOIf No, Expected Length of Stay:7. 你是在美国永久居留吗 是 否 如果不是, 预期停留多久: 8. The purpose of my trip is or wasBUSINESS PLEASURE8. 此次旅程的目的是 商务旅游 9. I am/we arebringing fruits,plants,meats, food,soil, birds, snails,YES NO 9. 你携带水果, 植物, 肉类, 食品, 土壤, 鸟类, 蜗牛, 其他动物和农产品, 或是 否otherlive animals, farm products, orI/we have been on a farm or ranch outsidethe U.S. 你 一直居住在美国以外的农村或牧场吗10. I am/we are carrying currency ormonetary instruments over $10000U.S. or the foreign equiralent.YES NO10. 你携带现金或珍贵物品, 其价值超过一万美金或相当于一万美金的外币吗是 否11. The total value of all goods I/we purchased or acquired abroad and am/are bringing to the U.S. is (see instructions under Merchandise on reverse side; visitors should report value of gifts only):$___________________ U.S. Dollars 11. 你境外购买或获得并带入美国所有物品总价值(参看背面商品栏目; 访问者只须申报礼品价值):$ _____________________________ 美元SIGN ON RESERSE SIDE AFTER YOU READ WARNING.(Do not write below this line.)在你阅读警告之后请在背面签字(不要在此线下面签字)INSPECTOR’S NAME STAMP AREA 检察员姓名 盖章区域 BADGE NO 徽章号码。

美国海关出入境登记表 (I-94) ( 中英文对照 ) Welcom e to the United State 欢迎来到美国I-94 Arrival/Departure Record-Instructions I-94入境/离境记录说明This form must be completed by all persons except U.S. citizens, returning resident aliens with immigrant visas, and Canadian Citizens visiting or in transit.除了美国公民、美国海外侨民、永久居民和加拿大公民外,所有访问或过路的人士都必须填写此表Type or print legibly with pen in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Use English. Do not write on the back of this form.请用大写字母打字或用钢笔或用圆珠笔清楚填写,请用英文填写,不要在此表背面填写任何东西This form is in two parts. Please complete both the Arrival Record (Item 1 through 17) and the Departure Record (Item 18 through21).此表包括两部分:请填写入境记录 (第1项至第17项)和离境记录(第18项至第21项)两部分When all items are com pleted, present this form to the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service Inspector.填写完毕后,请将此表交给美国移民局官员Item 9 – If you are entering the United States by land, enter LAND in this space. If you are entering the United States by ship, enter SEA in t his space.第9项内容说明—如果你从陆地进入美国,请在空格内填写LAND,如果你乘船进入美国,请在空格内填写SEAAdmission NumberXXXXXXXXX XX登记号码 (说明:这个号码发下来的空表格上就有)1. Fam ily Name姓2. First (Given) Name 名3. Birth Date(DD/MM/YY)出生日期(月/日/年)4. Country of Citizenship国籍5. Sex (Male or Fem ale) 性别(男填MALE,女填FEMALE)6. Passport Issue Date(DD/MM/YY)护照签发日期7. Passport Expiration Date(DD/MM/YY)护照失效日期8. Passport Number 护照号码9. Airline & Flight Number 航空公司和航班号10. Country Where You Live你在哪个国家生活11. Country Where You Boarded 登机国家12. City Where Visa Was Issued 你在哪个城市得到签证13. Date Issued(DD/MM/YY)得到签证的日期(日/月/年)14. Address While in the United State (Num ber and Street) 在美国的住址(门牌号及街名)15. City and State在美国的住址(市名及州名)16. Telephone Number in the U.S. Where You Can be Reached在美国可联系的电话17. Email Address电子邮件Departure Number离境号码XXXXXXXXX XX18. Family Name姓19. First (Given) Name名20. Birth Date(DD/MM/YY)生日(日/月/年)21. County of Citizenship国籍美国海关申报/U.S.Customs and Border ProtectionCustoms Declaration海关申报1. Fam ily Nam e 姓First(Given)名 Middle中间名2. Birth Date出生日期Day Month Year3. Number of Family m embers traveling with you与你同行的家庭成员人数4. (a)U.S. Street Address(hoetl name/destination)在美国的街道地址(b)City城市(c)State 州5. Passport Issued by(country)护照签发国6. Passport Number护照号码7. Country of Residence居住国8. Countries visited on this trip prior to U.S. arrival本次旅行抵美以前曾去过的国家9. Airline/Flight No.or Vessel Name 航空公司/航班号10. The primary purpose of this trip is business 此次旅程的目的是公务 yes是 no否11. I am(we are)bringing(a)fruits, vegetables,plants,seeds,food,insects: yes是 no否(b)meats,animals,animal/wildlife products: yes是 no否(c)disease agents,cell cultures,snails: yes是 no否(d)soil or have been on a farm/ranch/pasture: yes是 no否12. I have(we have)been in close proximity of (such as touching or handling)livestock yes是 no否13. I am(we have)carrying currency orm onetary instruments over $10000U.S. or the foreign equiralent. 你携带现金或珍贵物品,其价值超过一万美金或相当于一万美金的外币吗 yes是 no否14. I am(we have)commercial merchandise: yes是 no否15.Visitors访客—The total value of all articles that will remain in the U.S., including commercial merchandise is将留在美国境内的所有物品价值多少。

美国海关申报表中英对照Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GTWELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES欢迎来到美国DEPARTMENT OF THE trEASURY UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE 财政部美国海关署CUSTOM DECLARATION海关申报Each arriving traveler or head of family must provide the following information (only ONE written declaration per family is required): 每个入关的旅游者或一家之主必须提供如下资料 (一个家庭只须申报一份):1. Family Name: 1. 姓:2. First Name 2. 名3. Middle Initial 3. 中间名4. Date of Birth: (Day/Month/Year) 4. 出生日期: 日/月/年5. Airline/Flight No. : 5. 航空公司/航班号:6. Number of family members travelingwith you6. 与你同行的家庭成员人数:7. (a)Country of Citizenship: 7.(a)国籍:7. (b)Country of Residence: 7. (b)所居住国家:8. (a) . Address (StreetNumber/Hotel/Mailing Address to U.S.): 8.(a)在美国地址(街道地址/旅馆/在美国的通讯地址):8. (b) U.S. Address (City): 8.(b)在美国地址(城市):8. (c) . Address (State): 8.(c)在美国地址(州):9. Countries visited on this trip prior toU.S. arrival9. 在到达美国之前此行所访问过的国家10. The purpose of my trip is or wasBUSINESS Personal10. 此次旅程的目的是wasBUSINESS Personal 10. 此次旅程的目的是商务个人11. I am (we are) bringing fruits,plants,meats, food, soil, birds, snails,otherlive animals, farm products; or,have been on a farm or ranchoutsidethe . : YES NO 11. 你携带水果, 植物, 肉类, 食品, 土壤, 鸟类, 蜗牛, 其他动物和农产品, 或你一直居住在美国以外的农村或牧场吗是 否12. I am (we are) carrying currency or monetary instruments over $10000U.S. or the foreign equiralent.YES NO 12. 我(我们)携带了超过一万美金或等值的外国货币或有价证券 是否 13. I have (we have) commercialmerchandise, U.S.or foreign:(Check one box only) YES NO 13. 我(我们)携带了美国或外国商品:(只能在一个方框内打勾) 是 否14. The total value of all goods I/we purchased or acquired abroad and am/are bringing to the U.S. is (see instructions under Merchandise on reverse side; visitors should report value of gifts only): $___________________ . Dollars14. 我(我们)在国外购买或获得并带入美国所有物品总价值(参看背面商品栏目; 访问者只须申报礼品价值): $ _____________________________ 美元SIGN ON RESERSE SIDE AFTER YOU READ WARNING.(Do not write below this line.)在你阅读警告之后请在背面签字 (不要在此线下面签字)INSPECTOR’S NAME STAMP AREA 检察员姓名 盖章区域BADGE NO徽章号码。
美国海关申报表表 中英文对照

NoYesFra bibliotekNoYes
12. I have(we have) been in close proximity of (such as touching or handing) livestock:
13. I am (We are) carrying currency or monetary instruments over $10,000 U.S.or foreign equivalents (see definition of mone tary instruments on reverse)
1. Family Name 姓
First (Given) 名
Middle 中间名
2. Birth date 出生日期 Day 日
Month 月
Year 年
3. Number of Family Members traveling with you. 和你同行的家人人数
我(我们)携带了超过 10000 美元或等值外币。
14. I have (We have) commercial merchandise:((articles for sale, samples used for soliciting orders, or goods that are not considered personal effects)
8. Countries visited on this Trip prior to U.S. arrival 此次到美国之前访问的国家
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
美国海关出入境登记表( I-94 FORM )
U.S. Department of Justice
OMR 1115-4077
Immigration and Naturalization service
OMR 1115-407
Welcome to the United State
Admission Number
I-94 Arrival/Departure Record-Instructions
This form must be completed by all persons except U.S. citizens, returning resident aliens with immigrant visas, and Canadian Citizens visiting or in transit.
除了美国公民, 美国海外侨民, 永久居民和加拿大公民外, 所有访
Type or print legibly with pen in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Use English. Do not write on the back of this form.
请用大写字母打字或用钢笔或用圆珠笔清楚填写. 请用英文填写. 不要在此表背面填写任何东西.
This form is in two parts. Please complete both the Arrival Record (Item 1 through 13) and the Departure Record (Item 14 through 17).
此表包括两部分, 请填写入境记录(第1项至第13项)和离境记录(第14项至第17项)两部分.
When all items are completed, present this form to the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service Inspector.
填写完毕后, 请将此表交给美国移民局官员.
Item 7 C If you are entering the United States by land, enter LAND in this space. If you are entering the United States by ship, enter SEA in this space.
第7项内容说明 C 如果你从陆地进入美国, 请在空格内填写LAND, 如果你乘船进入美国, 请在空格内填写SEA.
Form I-94(10-01-85)N
Admission Number
697385031 01
697385031 01
Immigration and Naturalization Service
Arrival Record I-94
1. Family Name
2. First (Given) Name
3. Birth Date(Day/Mo/Yr)
4. Country of Citizenship
5. Sex (Male or Female)
6. Passport Number
7. Airline & Flight Number
8. Country Where You Live
9. City Where You Boarded
10. City Where Visa Was Issued
11. Date Issued (Day/Mo/Yr)
12. Address While in the United State (Number and Street)
13. City and State
Departure Number
697385031 01离境号码
697385031 01
Immigration and Naturalization Service移民局
Departure Record I-94
14. Family Name14. 姓
15. First (Given) Name 16. Birth Date(Day/Mo/Yr) 15. 名16. 生日(日/月/
17. County of Citizenship17. 哪个国家公民
Each arriving traveler or head of family must provide the following information (only ONE written declaration per family is required):每个入
1. Name: 1. 姓名:
LastFirst Middle Initial姓名中间名
2. Number of family members traveling with you 2. 与你同行的家庭成员人数:
3. Date of Birth: Month Day Year
4. Airline/Flight:
5. U.S. Address:
6. I am a U.S. CitizenYES/NO
If No, Country:
7. I reside permanently in the U.S. YES/NO
If No, Expected Length of Stay:
8. The purpose of my trip is or was
9. I am/we are bringing fruits, plants,
meats, food, soil, birds, snails, other
live animals, farm products, or I/we have been on a farm or ranch outside the U.S. YES/NO
10. I am/we are carrying currency or
monetary instruments over $10000
U.S. or the foreign equiralent. YES/NO
11. The total value of all goods I/we purchased or
acquired abroad and am/are bringing to the U.S.
is (see instructions under Merchandise on
reverse side; visitors should report value of gifts
only):$___________________ U.S. Dollars
SIGN ON RESERSE SIDE AFTER YOU READ WARNING.(Do not write below this line.)。