二、解构主义的理论框架解构主义源于语言学、文学批评等领域,其理论框架主要包括以下几个方面:1. 颠覆传统结构观念:解构主义反对传统结构观念的固定性、稳定性,认为事物是由不断变化、相互关联的元素组成。
2. 重视语言与符号:解构主义认为语言和符号是理解事物的重要工具。
3. 强调差异与多样性:解构主义强调事物之间的差异和多样性,认为这些差异和多样性构成了事物的独特性。
三、解构主义的特点解构主义的特点主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 批判性:解构主义具有强烈的批判性,对传统观念、思想和方法进行质疑和挑战。
2. 开放性:解构主义强调事物的开放性和多元性,认为事物没有固定的意义和本质,需要通过解读和理解来揭示其真实面貌。
3. 复杂性:解构主义注重事物的复杂性和多样性,强调事物之间的相互联系和影响。
四、解构主义在实践中的应用解构主义在实践中的应用非常广泛,以下结合具体实例进行分析:1. 文学批评:在文学批评中,解构主义被广泛应用于解读文学作品中的语言、符号和结构。
2. 建筑设计:在建筑设计中,解构主义强调对建筑物的元素进行重新组合和拆分,打破传统的对称和平衡观念。
3. 社会理论:在社会理论中,解构主义被用来分析社会现象和结构的变化。
作文通讯2024年第一期英文回答:The Fragility of American Democracy.American democracy is a complex and fragile system. It is built on the principles of liberty, equality, and self-governance. However, these principles are constantly under threat from both internal and external forces.One of the biggest threats to American democracy is the rise of authoritarianism. Authoritarian leaders seek to consolidate power in their own hands and undermine democratic institutions. They often use propaganda and fear to manipulate public opinion.Another threat to American democracy is the growing inequality between the rich and the poor. Inequality undermines the principle of equality and creates a society in which the wealthy have a disproportionate amount ofpower and influence.External threats to American democracy include foreign interference and cyberattacks. Foreign governments may seek to influence American elections or undermine American institutions. Cyberattacks can disrupt critical infrastructure and sow chaos.American democracy is facing a number of serious challenges. However, it is important to remember that democracy is not a given. It is a system that must be constantly defended and nurtured.中文回答:美国民主的脆弱性。
高一英语哲学观点单选题40题答案解析版1.The idea that everything is connected is an example of which philosophical view?A.DualismB.MonismC.SkepticismD.Empiricism答案:B。
Monism 一元论认为万物是相互联系的,一切都源于一个单一的实体或原则。
Dualism 二元论强调世界由两个基本的、相互独立的实体组成。
Skepticism 怀疑主义是对知识的怀疑。
Empiricism 经验主义强调知识来源于经验。
2.Which philosophical view emphasizes the importance of sensory experience in gaining knowledge?A.RationalismB.EmpiricismC.IdealismD.Pragmatism答案:B。
Empiricism 经验主义认为知识主要通过感官经验获得。
Rationalism 理性主义强调通过理性思考获得知识。
Idealism 唯心主义认为意识或观念是世界的本质。
Pragmatism 实用主义关注行动的实际效果。
3.The belief that the mind is separate from the body is characteristicof which philosophy?A.DualismB.MonismC.SkepticismD.Empiricism答案:A。
Dualism 二元论认为心灵和身体是两个独立的实体。
Monism 一元论认为万物统一。
Skepticism 怀疑主义对知识怀疑。
Empiricism 经验主义强调感官经验。
4.Which philosophical view holds that truth is relative and depends on context?A.AbsolutismB.RelativismC.ObjectivismD.Foundationalism答案:B。
“我自己在生活中捕捉自我的思想与态度构筑的设计生活,让空白的六面体在专业的领域中不断演绎自己的 生活激情,商业艺术设计和原生态生活习俗相兼容的生活典范。” ——Danfu刘卫军
品伊创意集团旗下深圳品伊创意机构十周年礼庆之即,携手镎铁出品,推出美国IARI刘卫军设计师事务所最 新设计作品《灵感塑造空间》,此书上下两册,分别呈现刘卫军事务所会所设计和别墅设计案例,表达刘卫军创 意灵感的独特设计语言,《灵感触发之形》(会所设计)《灵感触动之象》(别墅设计)意在从形品象,意象观 形。把设计中的形与象作为立点解构一个成熟设计师的思维方式。书中的刘卫军是一个设计的独白者,是一个生 活的朗诵者。如今的他,把心中事物重新排序,热情、生活、灵感、共鸣、设计。十年,一天。这曾是他心中简 短但深长的感悟;一天,又十年。将是他和这本书要告诉读者的。此书做为品伊创意十周年荣誉出品的力作,设 计优雅大气,结构清晰,相信会给设计界同仁、青年设计师带来不同的视野思考。这是一个不缺乏想法和故事的 世界,但缺乏的是感受和共鸣。观书,读人,品设计。
设计的惊赏在于设计者的思维再创造,独特的思维创造成就了设计的价值。 品读“中国最具商业创造价值”的室内设计师。观书,读人,品设计。
品伊创意集团旗下深圳品伊创意机构十周年巨献之作,美国IARI刘卫军设计师事务所最新设计作品《灵感塑 造空间》从创意策划到画面呈现制作精良,在国内个人设计类出版中是第一次如此规格之作,力求完成刘卫军先 生10年沉淀后新的转身,10年人生路,设计师、生活家、社会活动家、时尚先生、新派商人。。。多种身份下的 转换使他有着不同的顿悟与思考,镜头捕捉他的情绪,传达他的思绪,都把多面的刘卫军,留在一面的独白里。
3KGS Flh Instructions d‘utilisation3B SCIENTIFIC ®PHYSICSAppareil de stabilité 100295006/18 ALF®Cet appareil permet de démontrer la stabilité d’un objet en fonction du centre de gravité au-dessus de la surface d’appui.1. Description, caractéristiques techniques L’appareil de stabilité est constitué de 3 plaques métalli-ques qui sont superposées dans un même écart et re-liées par des articulations à 4 tiges métalliques. Un fil àplomb est accroché au centre de gravité de l’appareil, au milieu de la plaque médiane.Dimensions : 180 mm x 150 mm x 290 mm2. PrincipeUn corps immobile n’est en équilibre que si le fil à plomb rencontre le centre de la surface d’appui. La surface d’ap-pui annule alors l’action de la force de pesanteur exercée sur le centre de gravité. Si le fil à plomb ne traverse pas ce point, un moment provoqué par la force de pesanteur agit au centre de gravité du corps et fait basculer ce der-nier.Deux forces agissent sur le centre de gravité S, la force du poids G et la force horizontale F qui essaie de faire bascu-ler le corps sur le bord K. Elle provoque un moment M basc = Fh, K représentant le pivot. Le moment M pds = Gl provoqué par la force du poids réagit contre le moment M basc . Tant que Fh = Gl, le corps reste en équilibre et ne bascule pas. La force F = Gh/l sert de mesure à la stabilitéd’un corps reposant sur une surface. Plus le poids G est élevé et l’écart I du point de rencontre du fil à plomb du bord K important et plus la hauteur h du centre de gra-vité au-dessus de la surface d’appui est élevée, plus la stabilité du corps est importante.3. Manipulation•Placer l’appareil de stabilité sur un support horizon-tal.•Incliner l’appareil à différents angles.•L’équilibre est stable lorsque le centre de gravité se situe au-dessus de la surface d’appui.•L’équilibre est instable lorsque le centre de gravité se situe au-dessus du bord de basculement (un petit choc suffit à faire basculer le corps).•Lorsque le centre de gravité n’est plus au-dessus de la surface d’appui ou se situe au-dessus du bord de basculement, l’appareil de stabilité bascule tout seul.•Le centre de gravité est toujours indiqué par le fil àplomb.•Déterminer la force nécessaire pour faire basculer l’ap-pareil à l’aide d’un dynamomètre de 10 N fixé dans l’anneau latéral.3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Allemagne • • Sous réserve de modifications techniques 1Plaque métallique 2Fil à plomb 3Tige métallique 4Articulation1234。
小学上册英语第3单元真题试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.I enjoy ______ (riding) horses.2.I drink __________ in the morning.3.The __________ (美国宪法) was adopted in 1787.4. A saturated solution does not change when more solute is ______.5.The _____ (carrot) grows underground.6.What do we call a person who studies the stars and planets?A. AstronomerB. GeologistC. MeteorologistD. Biologist7.I enjoy playing with my ________ (拼搭玩具) to create new designs.8.The country known for its festivals is ________ (印度).9. A ______ (种子收藏) can preserve different varieties.10.The _____ is a large area of stars, gas, and dust.11.What do we call the process of water turning into vapor?A. EvaporationB. CondensationC. PrecipitationD. FiltrationA12.What do we call the study of insects?A. EntomologyB. ZoologyC. BotanyD. AnthropologyA Entomology13.The fall of the Roman Empire happened in the ______ (五世纪).14.What is the name of the famous Canadian landmark?A. Sydney Opera HouseB. CN TowerC. Empire State BuildingD. Burj KhalifaB15.I like to draw ______ (漫画) characters in my free time. It’s fun to create my own stories.16.What is the opposite of "big"?A. HugeB. SmallC. TallD. Large17.The element with atomic number is ______.18._____ (生态保护) is necessary for future generations.19.We have a ________ (field trip) scheduled.20. A ________ (猫) likes to chase after mice and can be very playful.21.What is 7 2?A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 3B22.ower brought the first Pilgrims to ________ (美洲). The Medi23.What do you call the process of a liquid turning into a gas?A. EvaporationB. CondensationC. FreezingD. MeltingA24.What is 7 + 5?A. 10B. 12C. 13D. 14C25.What do we call the path that a planet takes around the Sun?A. OrbitB. RotationC. RevolutionD. Cycle26.The process of ionization involves the formation of ______.27.What is the name of the largest organ inside the human body?A. HeartB. LiverC. BrainD. LungsB Liver28.The city of Apia is the capital of _______.29. A _____ is a body of water that moves continuously.30.The ________ is often called "man's best friend."31.I love to ___ (cook/eat) with my family.32.What is the capital of Lithuania?A. VilniusB. KaunasC. KlaipedaD. PanevezysA33.What is the name of the imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres?A. EquatorB. Prime MeridianC. International Date LineD. Tropic of CancerB34. A reaction that requires energy is called an ______ reaction.35.The process of combustion produces ______ and heat.36.What do you call a young male alligator?A. HatchlingB. PupC. KitD. Calf37.We have ______ at the picnic. (sandwiches)38.I enjoy ________ (走路) in the park.39. A chemical reaction that involves the exchange of ions is called a _____.40.What do we call the effect of the Earth's rotation on weather patterns?A. Coriolis EffectB. Trade WindsC. Jet StreamD. Ocean Currents41.The boy has a new ________.42.An indicator is a substance that changes color in response to _____.43.The _______ (猫) climbs the tree.44.The park is ___. (fun)45.The ________ is a small but mighty creature.46.The city of Yerevan is the capital of _______.47.My friend enjoys helping __________ (他人).48.What do you call a collection of stories?A. AnthologyB. CompilationC. CollectionD. All of the above49.We have a ______ (精彩的) program for students at school.50.He is a firefighter, ______ (他是一名消防员), who bravely goes into danger.51._____ (thyme) is a common herb used in cooking.52.What is the name of the famous lake in Africa?A. Lake VictoriaB. Lake BaikalC. Lake SuperiorD. Lake Michigan53.The _____ (violet) grows low to the ground.54.I can ______ (开发) my talents through practice.55.Which insect can produce honey?A. AntB. ButterflyC. BeeD. FlyC56.Which of these is a common household pet?A. SnakeB. ParrotC. CatD. HamsterC57.The capital of Portugal is ________.58.I like to explore the ________ (森林) near my house.59.My sister loves to _______ (动词) in her spare time. 她觉得很 _______ (形容词).60.We have _____ (English/math) class today.61.What is the name of the telescope that observes ultraviolet light?A. Hubble Space TelescopeB. Chandra X-ray ObservatoryC. Kepler Space TelescopeD. Spitzer Space Telescope62.Sediments can be carried away by wind and __________.63.What is the name of the famous detective created by Arthur Conan Doyle?A. Hercule PoirotB. Sherlock HolmesC. Miss MarpleD. Philip MarloweB64. A dolphin is a playful _______ that loves to swim and splash around.65.We enjoy ________ (cooking) together.66.Her _____ (阿姨) is very kind.67.The _____ (根系) of a plant can be very extensive.68.The ______ (狐狸) is very clever.69.The process of evaporation involves heat and ______.70.I like to help my parents with ________.71.What is the term for a scientist who studies plants?A. BotanistB. ZoologistC. MicrobiologistD. EcologistA72.The _____ (花蜜) attracts many pollinators.73.The trees in the _______ provide shade and a place to relax.74.The part of the atom that has a positive charge is called a _______.75.How many players are on a field hockey team?A. 10B. 11C. 12D. 1376.The chemical formula for sodium fluoride is _____.77.What is the primary function of the heart?A. To breatheB. To pump bloodC. To digest foodD. To filter wasteB78.What is the capital of Afghanistan?A. KabulB. IslamabadC. TehranD. DohaA79.The capital of Aruba is __________.80.What is the capital of the United States?A. New YorkB. Washington,C. Los AngelesD. ChicagoB81.What is the name of the famous American author known for his adventure novels?A. Mark TwainB. Ernest HemingwayC. F. Scott FitzgeraldD. John SteinbeckA82.I like to _______ my family.83.The ______ is known for her supportive nature.84.I have a toy ________ that can sing.85.The sheep says _______ (咩) in the pasture.86.Which of these is a musical instrument?A. ViolinB. PaintbrushC. PencilD. CameraA87.Planets can be terrestrial or _______ gas giants.88.I share secrets with my __________. (朋友)89.The chemical formula for sodium sulfate is _____.90.The capital of Tonga is _______.91.The Earth's surface is shaped by natural ______.92.The element with atomic number is _______.93.What is 5 x 2?A. 7B. 8C. 9D. 10D94.What is the capital of Norway?A. OsloB. BergenC. TrondheimD. StavangerA95.The formula for table salt is _______.96. A butterfly floats gently in the _______.97.In ______, the days are longer, which means we have more time to play. I love watching the ______ change colors, painting the landscape in shades of ______. It makes everything look magical.98.I brush my teeth _______ (every day/once a week).99.I have a toy _______ that glows in the dark and lights up my whole room.100.I enjoy going to the ________ (游乐场) during summer.。
美国建筑师理查德·迈耶不盲从潮流,独立思考,他的建筑作品大多有一个共同的特点,那就是白色。他曾 说:“白色是我作品的特色之一,我用白色来澄清建筑概念,提高视觉形式的力量。白色实际是能够强化对自然界所有 其他色彩感觉的颜色,对着白色表面能够最好地欣赏光影虚实的表演。在意识的大海和客观现实的大地之间,是这种 不断变化的白色的线” 。从理查德·迈耶设计的格蒂中心(等作品中,可以看出他设计的白色建筑与自然环境形成图底 关系,在光线的作用下,白色墙面映衬着自然,这种对比并不是破坏自然环境,而是与大自然既对立又融洽。
——近十年普利兹克奖获得者作品思想 分析
普利兹克奖( )是每年一次颁给建筑师个人的奖项,有建筑界的诺贝 尔奖之称。1979年由普利兹克家族的杰伊·普利兹克和他的妻子辛蒂发起, 凯悦基金会( )所赞助的针对建筑师个人颁布的奖项。每年约有五百多名 从事建筑设计工作的建筑师被提名,由来自世界各地的知名建筑师及学者组 成评审团评出一个个人或组合,以表彰其在建筑设计创作中所表现出的才智、 洞察力和献身精神,以及其通过建筑艺术为人类及人工环境方面所作出的杰 出贡献,被誉为“建筑学界的诺贝尔奖”。
建筑师伦佐·皮亚诺擅长将历史传统与现代技术融合,他曾说,“今; 的技术是世界性的,如果使用不慎,能轻易破坏场所的精神;另一方面, 土所是地方化的概念,地方传统和其它约束能抑制技术奇妙的潜力”于 设计的奇芭欧文化中心,从堪纳克历史文化中汲取灵感,采用先进的现 代生术建造出新建筑,这充分体现了现代技术与传统文化相结合而创新。 此外,让·努维尔将建筑视为传统与现代的矛盾统一体,他在一些建筑创 作中也不现了传统与现代融合的理念,如他设计的阿拉伯世界文化研究 中心就是-例,建筑的南立面花窗采用的是阿拉伯传统装饰图案,且用现 代材料和技、加以建造,体现了传统文化与现代技术的融合而创新。这 说明,伦佐·皮玉诺与让·努维尔能用现代技术表达建筑的时代精神,并且 力求创造性地表炙地方历史文化特色,使建筑在传统与现代的交融中实 现创新。
160城市建筑Urbanism and Architecture / 2024.081 “侘寂”的美学溯源1.1 “侘寂”词义考从词源上看,“侘”“寂”原本是两个概念,后因在侘茶的过程中以追求“寂”的精神为最高境界,“侘”与“寂”合并为“侘寂”。
1.1.1 “侘”“侘”字最早出现于我国战国时期屈原的作品《离骚》 ①中,并以“侘傺”的形式出现[1]。
1.1.2 “寂”同受汉字文化影响,引用“寂”取代了日文“さび”(sabi),“寂”的概念延续了日本文学中俳句美学所表达的精神内核。
“寂”与人们传统认知上的空寂、死寂是摘要 “侘寂风”于现代消费主义盛行之时开始反向行动,在建筑空间风格上追求宁静、内向、低物欲、返璞归真的形式体现。
小学下册英语第5单元期末试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1 The cat can see well in the _______.2 The chocolate is ___ (melted).3 What do you call a group of ants?A. ColonyB. SwarmC. HiveD. Flock答案:A4 How many days are there in February during a leap year?A. 28B. 29C. 30D. 31答案: B5 The first humans are believed to have originated in ________.6 I want to _______ (参观)新地方.7 I like to play ______ (角色扮演) games with my friends. We create our own stories and adventures together.8 The country famous for its Arabian horses is ________ (阿拉伯联合酋长国).9 What is the main ingredient in bread?A. FlourB. SugarC. WaterD. Salt10 What do we call a young shark?A. PupsB. CalvesC. KitsD. Hatchlings答案:A. Pups11 I have a soft ________ that I take everywhere.12 The Great Fire of London occurred in the year ________.13 He is reading a _____ (书).14 What is the opposite of rich?A. WealthyB. PoorC. AffluentD. Prosperous15 What do you call a sweet, baked treat made from chocolate?A. CakeB. BrownieC. CookieD. All of the above答案:D16 A chemical reaction can involve the rearrangement of _____.17 What do we call the process of changing from a solid to a liquid?A. MeltingB. FreezingC. BoilingD. Evaporating答案:A18 A __________ is a natural resource-rich area.19 A chemical reaction that releases heat is called an _____ reaction.20 What is the process of making wine called?A. BrewingB. FermentationC. DistillationD. Aging答案:B21 Granite is commonly used in construction because it is very ______.22 The fish swims in the ______.23 How many players are on a volleyball team?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. Eight24 What is the tallest mountain in the world?A. K2B. Mount EverestC. KilimanjaroD. Denali答案:B25 In geography, __________ refers to the height above sea level. (海拔)26 What is the main ingredient in chocolate?A. SugarB. CocoaC. FlourD. Milk27 Which season comes after summer?A. FallB. WinterC. SpringD. Summer答案: A28 I like to go ______ (滑冰) in winter.29 A __________ is a geological feature that can be shaped by human activity.30 What is the capital of Paraguay?A. AsunciónB. Ciudad del EsteC. EncarnaciónD. Pedro Juan Caballero答案:A. Asunción31 I love _______ (参加)科学项目.32 A ____(circular economy model) minimizes waste through reuse.33 The _______ belt is found between Mars and Jupiter.34 I have a _____ (compass) for navigation.35 What do we call a story about someone's life?A. BiographyB. FictionC. NovelD. Article36 I love visiting toy museums to see rare and ________ (形容词) toys.37 A tortoise carries its ______ (壳) everywhere.38 What is the past tense of "go"?A. GoesB. GoingC. GoneD. Went答案:D39 What animal is known as man's best friend?A. CatB. DogC. RabbitD. Hamster答案:B40 My friend is a _____ (医生) in a hospital.41 The _____ (火焰) is warm.42 What is 10 7?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 543 The cat is _____ (chasing/sleeping) a mouse.44 A __________ (植物的名称) can tell you a lot about it.45 My ________ (玩具) is easy to carry around.46 What do we call the season when flowers bloom?A. AutumnB. WinterC. SpringD. Summer47 The beach is _______ (sandy).48 Which continent is known for its deserts?A. AsiaB. AfricaC. EuropeD. Antarctica答案:B49 A physical change does not alter the _______ of a substance.50 What is the name of the famous wizard in literature?A. Harry PotterB. GandalfC. MerlinD. Dumbledore答案:A51 The ______ (树根) anchor the plant to the ground.52 What is 8 divided by 2?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5答案: C53 The architect, ______ (建筑师), designs houses.54 The __________ is a famous mountain range in Europe.55 What do we call the act of moving from one place to another?A. StayingB. TravelingC. WalkingD. Running56 I want to _______ (learn) how to cook.57 She has a big _____ (狗).58 The chemical symbol for cadmium is __________.59 What is the term for a person who studies animals?A. ZoologistB. BotanistC. BiologistD. Chemist答案:A. Zoologist60 The process of using enzymes to break down substances is called ______.61 One of the best things about spring is that many animals are born. I love to see baby ______ and listen to the birds ______ in the morning. It makes me feel very ______ and happy.62 The cat enjoys curling up in a _______ (暖和的) spot.63 What is the term for the amount of space an object occupies?A. MassB. VolumeC. DensityD. Weight答案: B64 The kangaroo carries its baby in a _______ (袋子).65 My brother likes to learn about ____ (space).66 What do we call a small, sweet dessert?A. CakeB. CookieC. PieD. All of the above67 The cake is ________ and sweet.68 My _____ (小鼠) runs on its wheel.69 I have a brown ___. (dog)70 Many _______ are used in landscaping designs.71 Oxidation is a reaction involving the loss of _____.72 I feed my cat ______ (鱼) every day.73 I love to watch ______ (电影) about nature. They teach me about ______ (环境).74 n Wall was built to divide _______ Germany. (东) The Blac75 What do we call the first month of the year?A. JanuaryB. FebruaryC. MarchD. April答案:A76 What is the term for a young horse?A. CalfB. FoalC. KidD. Pup答案:B77 The _____ (生长条件) must be monitored for optimal results.78 What is 30 15?A. 10B. 12C. 14D. 15答案:D79 The ancient Egyptians excelled in _____ and engineering.80 Which color is a stop sign?A. GreenB. YellowC. RedD. Blue81 The __________ is a large desert located in Australia. (大沙漠)82 Some _______ can only grow in specific climates.83 What do you call a story that is not true?A. FictionB. Non-fictionC. BiographyD. History答案: A84 A ______ is a geological feature that can provide insights into history.85 Certain trees produce edible ______ that can be harvested. (某些树木可以收获可食用的果实。
2024年研究生考试考研英语(一201)自测试题与参考答案一、完型填空(10分)Passage:Many people today believe that the world is becoming more and more competitive. This is particularly true in the fields of education and employment. The pressure to succeed in these areas has never been greater, and people are feeling the stress more than ever before.One of the reasons for this increased pressure is the rapid technological advancements we have seen in recent years. These advancements have led to a greater demand for skilled workers. Consequently, young people feel that they need to continuously upgrade their knowledge and abilities in order to stay competitive.In the realm of education, the competition starts from a very young age. Toddlers are sent to special schools to develop their language and cognitive skills. Children in primary school are enrolled in extra-curricular activities to enhance their extracurricular abilities. And in high school, students are expected to excel in their academic studies and participate in various competitions to showcase their talents.Besides education, the job market is also highly competitive. With the onsetof the digital age, many traditional jobs have been replaced by technology. This has led to a scarcity of certain kinds of jobs, making them even more sought after. As a result, candidates for these positions must possess not only knowledge but also certain soft skills, such as teamwork, problem-solving, and communication.Even in the field of sports, competition is intense. Athletes from all over the world compete at the highest level, pushing themselves to their limits. The desire to win and recognition often drives them to train harder and longer than ever before.Questions:While the pressure to succeed in education and employment is increasing, many argue that the advancements in technology have also created opportunities for personal and career growth. Pick the most appropriate word or phrase for each of the following blanks:1.The pressure to succeed in these areas has_______________never been greater.A) barelyB) certainlyC) perhapsD) rarely2.These advancements have_______________to a greater demand for skilled workers.A) ledB) resultedC) contributedD) impacted3.Toddlers are sent to special schools to_______________their language and cognitive skills.A) cultivateB) enhanceC) inhibitD) damage4.In primary school, children are enrolled in extra-curricular activities to_______________their extracurricular abilities.A) exploitB) refineC) diminishD) thwart5.And in high school, students are expected to_______________in their academic studies.A) relayB) augmentC) thriveD) wane6.This has led to a scarcity of certain kinds of jobs,which_______________them even more sought after.A) rendersB) signifiesC) ensuresD) manifests7.Candidates for these positions must possess not only knowledge but also certain_______________skills.A) fundamentalB) creativeC) tenderD) diverse8.Even in the field of sports, competition is _______________.A) uniformB) incrementalC) intenseD) adverse9.Athletes from all over the world compete at the highestlevel,_______________themselves to their limits.A) pushingB) pullingC) draggingD) resisting10.The desire to win and recognition often_______________them to trainharder and longer.A) inducementsB) motivesC) obstaclesD) pressuresAnswers:1.A) barely2.A) led3.A) cultivate4.B) enhance5.C) thrive6.A) renders7.A) fundamental8.C) intense9.A) pushing10.D) pressures二、传统阅读理解(本部分有4大题,每大题10分,共40分)First QuestionPassage:In recent years, the concept of resilience has gained significant traction across various sectors, including education, business, and mental health.Resilience, often defined as the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, is now seen as a critical skill that can be developed and nurtured over time. The ability to bounce back after setbacks or failures is not just a personal asset but also a professional one, particularly in today’s rapidly changing world.Educators have begun to incorporate resilience-building activities into their curricula, recognizing that academic success is not solely dependent on intelligence or hard work. Instead, it is increasingly acknowledged that emotional intelligence, adaptability, and the willingness to take risks play crucial roles in achieving long-term goals. For instance, students who are taught to view failure as a learning opportunity rather than a personal shortcoming are more likely to persist through challenges and ultimately succeed.In the business world, resilience is equally important. Companies that can adapt to market changes and overcome obstacles tend to outperform those that cannot. Leaders who demonstrate resilience inspire confidence in their teams and foster a culture of perseverance and innovation. Moreover, resilient organizations are better equipped to manage crises, such as economic downturns or unexpected disruptions, by leveraging their agility and flexibility.Mental health professionals also emphasize the importance of resilience. They argue that building resilience can help individuals cope with stress, anxiety, and depression. Techniques such as mindfulness, positive thinking, andsocial support are effective tools in developing this trait. By cultivating these practices, individuals can improve their mental well-being and lead more fulfilling lives.Despite the growing recognition of resilience, there are still challenges in its implementation. For example, some critics argue that the emphasis on resilience may overlook systemic issues that contribute to adversity. Others point out that not everyone has equal access to resources that promote resilience, such as quality education or supportive communities. Therefore, while resilience is a valuable trait, it is essential to address broader societal factors that affect individuals’ ability to thrive.Questions:1、According to the passage, what is the primary definition of resilience?•A) The ability to avoid difficulties.•B) The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.•C) The willingness to take risks.•D) The skill to adapt to market changes.•Answer: B2、How do educators incorporate resilience into their teaching?•A) By focusing solely on intelligence and hard work.•B) By discouraging students from taking risks.•C) By teaching students to view failure as a learning opportunity.•D) By emphasizing the importance of avoiding challenges.•Answer: C3、What advantage do resilient companies have in the business world?•A) They are less likely to face market changes.•B) They tend to outperform less adaptable companies.•C) They avoid taking any risks.•D) They rely solely on traditional methods.•Answer: B4、Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a technique for building resilience in mental health?•A) Mindfulness.•B) Positive thinking.•C) Social support.•D) Physical exercise.•Answer: D5、What challenge is mentioned regarding the implementation of resilience?•A) The concept of resilience is too new to be understood.•B) There is a lack of interest in developing resilience.•C) Some people may not have equal access to resources that promote resilience.•D) Resilience is only beneficial for personal, not professional, development.•Answer: CSecond QuestionPassage:The traditional view of the relationship between women and technology has been one of conflict and resistance. Historically, women have been underrepresented in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This underrepresentation can be attributed to various factors, including societal biases, stereotypes, and discrimination. However, recent studies and initiatives have highlighted the significant contributions women have made to technological advancements, challenging the notion that women are naturally less capable or interested in technology.In the late 19th century, Ada Lovelace, an English mathematician, is often cited as the first computer programmer for her insights into Charles Babbage’s early mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. Lovelace not only programmed the machine but also foresaw its potential for future applications, including what could be considered modern computing. Her detailed notes on the Analytical Engine are considered the first algorithm written for a machine.During the 20th century, women like Grace Hopper continued to make groundbreaking contributions. As a naval reserve officer in the U.S. Navy, Hopper developed the first compiler to translate code written in English into machine language, which helped to simplify programming. She also coined the term “debugging,” coined from the removal of a moth that was jamming an earlycomputer. Her contributions were significant, paving the way for modern programming languages.In more recent times, women like propName (a pseudonym to protect her privacy) have been challenging gender biases and stereotypes within tech companies. PropName, a software engineer, has shared her experiences and insights on how to create more inclusive workplace cultures. Through interviews, articles, and public speaking engagements, PropName has advocated for equal opportunities and supported initiatives that aim to increase female representation in tech.Despite these advances, challenges remain. Intersectional factors such as race, socioeconomic status, and personal identity continue to influence the experiences of women in technology. For instance, women of color often face additional barriers due to systemic inequalities and lack of role models. Nonetheless, the narrative is shifting as more women come forward with their stories and the tech industry begins to recognize the importance of diversity and inclusion.1、Who is Ada Lovelace considered to be in the history of computing?1、Ada Lovelace is considered the first computer programmer.2、What is Grace Hopper known for contributing to the tech industry?2、Grace Hopper is known for developing the first compiler and coining the term “debugging.”3、What is the pseudonym of the software engineer who advocated for equal opportunities and supported diversity initiatives?3、The pseudonym of the software engineer is propName.4、What additional barriers do women of color face in the tech industry, according to the passage?4、Women of color face additional barriers due to systemic inequalities anda lack of role models.5、What is the significance of the changing narrative in the tech industry according to the passage?5、The significance of the changing narrative is that the tech industry is recognizing the importance of diversity and inclusion.第三题For this part, you will read a passage. After reading the passage, you must complete the table below with the information given in the passage. Some of the information may be given in the passage; other information you will have to write in your own words.P了个G is an entertainment company based in Los Angeles. It specializes in pop musiccontracts and record producing. The company was founded in 1964 by Terry Melcher, who wanted to create a recording contract that would give artists the opportunity to keep more of their earnings and retain better control over their music. Over the years, P了个G has become one of the most successful entertainment companies, working with some of the biggest pop stars in the world.The company’s business model is centered on its contracts. These contrac ts are designed to help artists achieve financial success while giving them asignificant share of the profits from their music. The contracts also provide artistic freedom for the artists, allowing them to have creative control over their work.1、What is the main focus of P了个G’s company?A. Book publishingB. Film productionC. Pop music contracts and record producingD. Fashion design2、Who founded P了个G?A. Barry MelcerB. Terry MelcherC. Bob MelcerD. Jim Melcer3、What is one of the key benefits of the contracts offered by P了个G?A. Higher salaryB. Creative controlC. Exclusive merchandise sales rightsD. More opportunities for international exposure4、Why was P了个G founded?A. To give artists the opportunity to keep more of their earnings and retain better control over their musicB. To specialize in book publishingC. To produce filmsD. To design clothing5、How has P了个G become successful?A. By working with independent book publishersB. By producing high-quality filmsC. By specializing in pop music contracts and record producingD. By designing trendy fashionAnswers:1、C2、B3、B4、A5、C第四题Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.In recent years, the rise of social media has had a significant impact on the way we communicate and share information. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have become integral parts of our daily lives, allowing us to connect with friends and family across the globe, share our thoughts and experiences, and even influence public opinion. However, this shift in communication has also raised concerns about the impact on traditional reading habits.The decline in reading traditional books and newspapers has been a topic of discussion among educators and researchers. Many argue that the ease of accessing information online has led to a decrease in deep reading and critical thinking skills. While online content is often concise and easy to digest, it lacks the depth and complexity that printed materials provide. This has raised questions about the future of literacy and the importance of reading for personal and intellectual development.One study conducted by researchers at the University of California, Irvine, found that students who spent more time on social media were less likely to engage in deep reading activities. The researchers noted that the constant stream of information and the need to keep up with the latest posts created a sense of urgency and distraction that hindered their ability to focus on longer, more complex texts. Moreover, the study suggested that the superficial nature of much online content contributed to a decline in overall literacy skills.Despite these concerns, some argue that social media can also be a valuable tool for promoting reading. Platforms like Goodreads and Book Riot have gained popularity, allowing book lovers to share recommendations, discuss favorite titles, and even organize virtual book clubs. These communities have the potential to inspire individuals to pick up a book and delve into a new story or topic.1、What is the main topic of the passage?A) The benefits of social mediaB) The decline of traditional reading habitsC) The impact of social media on educationD) The rise of online communities2、According to the passage, what has been a concern regarding the rise of social media?A) The increase in online communitiesB) The decline in reading traditional books and newspapersC) The decrease in critical thinking skillsD) The rise in book sales3、What study mentioned in the passage found about students using social media?A) They spent more time on deep reading activities.B) They were more likely to engage in critical thinking.C) They were less likely to engage in deep reading activities.D) They preferred online content over printed materials.4、How does the passage suggest social media can be a valuable tool for promoting reading?A) By providing concise and easy-to-digest information.B) By encouraging superficial reading habits.C) By allowing book lovers to share recommendations and discuss titles.D) By creating a sense of urgency and distraction.5、What is the overall tone of the passage regarding the impact of socialmedia on reading?A) NegativeB) PositiveC) NeutralD) AmbiguousAnswers:1、B) The decline of traditional reading habits2、B) The decline in reading traditional books and newspapers3、C) They were less likely to engage in deep reading activities.4、C) By allowing book lovers to share recommendations and discuss titles.5、D) Ambiguous三、阅读理解新题型(10分)PassageArtificial Intelligence: A Path to Future Innovation and ChallengesArtificial intelligence (AI) has been a key buzzword in recent years. With the rapid advancement in machine learning algorithms and the increasing availability of big data, AI is transforming nearly every industry and field. AI systems can now perform tasks that were once thought to require human intelligence, such as natural language processing, image recognition, and decision-making. These capabilities are largely due to the development of deep learning neural networks, which enable AI to learn from vast datasets and improveover time.However, as AI continues to grow, it also raises significant ethical and societal concerns. For example, AI could be used to discriminate against certain groups, leading to unfair hiring practices or biased decision-making. Privacy concerns are another major issue, as AI may collect and analyze large amounts of personal data without proper oversight. As AI becomes more integrated into our daily lives, it is crucial for society to address these challenges through a combination of technological advances and policy measures.In this changing landscape, the role of researchers and policymakers is more important than ever. Academics and experts need to continue developing AI technologies that are robust and fair, while policymakers must ensure that AI is used ethically and for the betterment of society.Questions1.What is the primary reason AI is transforming nearly every industry and field?A. The rapid advancement in machine learning algorithms.B. The decreasing cost of big data storage.C. The development of new types of computer processors.D. The improvement in user interface and interaction design.Answer: A. The rapid advancement in machine learning algorithms.2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a concern related to the use of AI?A. Discrimination against certain groups.B. Privacy concerns.C. Job displacement.D. Unfair hiring practices.Answer: C. Job displacement. (Not explicitly mentioned in the passage.)3.What capability has AI demonstrated in recent years?A. Predicting stock market trends.B. Performing tasks requiring human intelligence, such as natural language processing.C. Designing new molecular compounds.D. Creating complex artworks.Answer: B. Performing tasks requiring human intelligence, such as natural language processing.4.What is the role of policymakers in addressing the challenges posed by the integration of AI into society?A. To ensure ethical use of AI.B. To develop AI technologies.C. To collect and analyze personal data.D. To promote the use of AI in industries.Answer: A. To ensure ethical use of AI.5.What is the significance of the role of researchers and experts in this changing landscape?A. To address technological challenges.B. To develop robust and fair AI technologies.C. To control the distribution of AI tools.D. To manage AI-related privacy concerns.Answer: B. To develop robust and fair AI technologies.This passage and the associated questions are designed to test the examinee’s comprehension and analytical skills regarding the topic of artificial intelligence, including its benefits, challenges, and the roles of various stakeholders.四、翻译(本大题有5小题,每小题2分,共10分)第一题中文:Translate the following passage into English.随着互联网的普及,人们获取信息的渠道日益多样化。
1.在异星的天空下 [J], Fabrice Nicot;Ron Miller;胡怡纯;
2.为什么是三星?从三星从事公益所想到的 [J],
3.蔚蓝天空下的冥王星 [J], 北辰
4.四维黎曼时空下脉冲星导航模型精度分析 [J], 姜宇;陈晓;王龙奇;金晶;马家辰
5.四维黎曼时空下脉冲星导航模型精度分析 [J], 姜宇;陈晓;王龙奇;金晶;马家辰因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
英美文学试卷AI.Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).(10 x 1’=10’)1.( ) Chaucer is the first English short-story teller and the founder of English poetry as well as the founder of English realism.His masterpiece The Canterbury tales contains 26 stories.2.( ) English Renaissance is an age of essay and drama.3.( ) The rise of the modern novel is closely related to the rise of the middle class and an urbanlife.4.( ) The French Revolution and the American War of Independence were two big influencesthat brought about the English Romantic Movement.5.( ) Charlotte’s novels are all about lonely and neglected young women with a fierce longingfor life and love.Her novels are more or less based on her own experience and feelings and the life as she sees around.6.( ) The leading figures of the naturalism at the turn of 19th century are Thomas Hardy, John Galsworthy and Bernard Shaw.7.( ) Emily Dickinson is remembered as the “All American Writer”.8.( )The Civil War divides the American literature into romantic literature and realist literature.9.( ) Mark Twain is the first American writer to discover an American language and Americanconsciousness.10.( ) In the decade of the 1910s, American literature achieved a new diversity and reached itsgreatest heights.II.Fill in the blanks.(20 x 1’=20’)11.The most enduring shaping influence in American thought and American literature was ___________.12.The War of Independence lasted eight years till__________.13.Ralph Waldo Emerson's essay__________ has been regarded as "America's Declaration of Intellectual Independence". It called on American writers to write about America in a way peculiarly American.14.The American ___________ writers paid a great interest in the realities of life and described the integrity of human character reacting under various circumstances and pictured the pioneers of the Far West, the new immigrants and the struggles of the working class.The leading figures were ____________, ____________, ____________, ____________, etc.15.No period in American history is more eventful than that between the two world wars.The literary features of the time can be seen in the writings of those ________ writers as Ezra Pound, and the writers of the Lost Generation as ___________.16.Two features of English Renaissance are the curiosity for ___________ and the interest in the activities of _____________________.17.Shakespeare’s earliest great success in tragedy is ____________, a play of youth and love, with the famous balcony scene.18.There are three types of poets in 17th century English literature.They are Puritan poets, ___________ poets and ______________ poets.19.Pope’s An Essay on Criticism is a didactic poem written in ___________________.20.___________ has been regarded by some as “Father of the English Novel”for his contribution to the establishment of the form of the modern novel.21.“Beauty is truth, truth beauty”is an epigrammatic line by _______________.wrence’s most controversial novel is ___________, the best probably _________.III.Multiple choice.(20 x 1’=20’)23.Among the three major works by John Milton ________ is indeed the only generally acknowledged epic in English literature since Beowulf.A.Paradise RegainedB.Samson AgonistesC.LycidasD.Paradise Lost24. Francis Bacon’s essays are famous for their brevity, compactness and __________.plicityplexityC.powerfulnessdness25.As one of the greatest masters of English prose, _______ defined a good style as “proper words in proper places”.A.Henry FieldingB.Jonathan SwiftC.Samuel JohnsonD.Alexander Pope26.The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan is often said to be concerned with the search for _________.A.material wealthB.spiritual salvationC.universal truthD.self-fulfillment27.“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.”The quoted part is taken from _________.A.Jane EyreB.Wuthering HeightsC.Pride and PrejudiceD.Sense and Sensibility28.Which of the following poems is a landmark in English poetry?A.Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor ColeridgeB.“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”by William WordsworthC.“Remorse”by Samuel Taylor ColeridgeD.Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman29.The most distinguishing feature of Charles Dickens’works is his _________.A.simple vocabularyB.bitter and sharp of happiness30.“My Last Duchess”is a poem that best exemplifies Robert Browning’s ________.A.sensitive ear for the sounds of the English languageB.excellent choice of wordsC.mastering of the metrical devicese of the dramatic monologue31.________ is the most outstanding stream of consciousness novelist, with ______as hisencyclopedia-like masterpiece.A James Joyce, UlyssesB.E.M.Foster, A Passage to Indiawrence, Sons and loversD.Virginia Woolf, Mrs.Dalloway32.Which of the following comments on Charles Dickens is wrong?A.Dickens is one of the greatest critical realist writers of the Modern PeriodB.His serious intention is to expose and criticize all the poverty, injustice, hypocrisy andcorruptness he sees all around him.C.The later works show the development of Dickens towards a highly conscious artist of themodern type.D.A Tale of Two Cities is one of his late works.33._____was known as “the poets’poet”.A.William ShakespeareB.Edmund SpenserC.John DonneD.John Milton34.Which of the following poet belongs to the active Romantic poet?A.KeatsB.SoutheyC.WordsworthD.Coleridge35.______ is regarded today as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons.A.BeowulfB.The Canterbury TalesC.Don JuanD.Paradise Lost36.___________ is the first modern American novel.A.Tom SawyerB.Huckleberry FinnC.The Sketch BookD.The Leatherstocking Tales37.Which of the following statements is NOT true of American Transcendentalism?A.It can be clearly defined as a part of American Romantic literary movement.B.It can be defined philosophically as “the recognition in man of the capacity of knowing truth intuitively”.C.Ralph Waldo Emerson was the chief advocate of this spiritual movement.D.It sprang from South America in the late l9th century.38.The theme of Washington Irving’s Rip Van Winkle is _________.A.the conflict of human psycheB.the fight against racial discriminationC.the familial conflictD.the nostalgia for the unrecoverable past39.The Nobel Prize Committee highly praised ________ for “his powerful style-forming mastery of the art”of creating modern diction.A.Ezra PoundB.Ernest HemingwayC.Robert FrostD.Theodore Dreiser40.Who exerts the single most important influence on literary naturalism?A.EmersonB.Jack LondonC.Theodore DreiserD.Darwin41.________ is NOT true in describing American naturalists.A.they were deeply influenced by DarwinismB.they were identified with French novelist and theorist Emile ZolaC.they chose their subjects for the lower ranks or societyD.they used more serious and more sympathetic tone in writing than realists42.Henry James’s fame generally rests upon his novels and stories with themeB.national themeC.European themeD.regional themeIV.Explain the following literary items.(4x 5’=20’)43.Spenserian Stanzake Poets45.Humanism46.BalladV.Questions.(3x 10’=30’)47.“Robinson Crusoe”is usually considered as Daniel Defoe’s masterpiece.Discuss why it became so successful when it was published?48.What is "Byronic hero"?49.Mark Twain and Henry James are two representatives of the realistic writers in American literature.How is Twain’s realism different form James’s realism?参考答案:I.Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).(本题共10空,每空1分,共10分)1-5: FFTTT 6-10: FFTTFII.Fill in the blanks.(本题共20小题, 每题1分, 共20分)11.(American) Puritanism12.178313.The American Scholar14.realistic; Mark Twain; Henry James; Jack London; Theodore Dreiser.15.Imagist; Hemingway.16.the classical literature; humanity.17.Romeo and Juliet18.Cavalier; Metaphysical19.heroic couplet20.Henry Fielding21.John Keatsdy Chatterley’s lover; The RainbowIV. Ex pla in the foll owi ng lite rar y ite ms.(本题4小题,每小题5分,共20分)43.Spenserian Stanza: it refers to a verse form created by Edmund Spenser for his poems.Each stanza has nine lines.Each of the first eight lines is in iambic pentameter, and the ninth line is an iambic hexameter line.The rhythm scheme is ababbcbccke Poets: it refers to those English romantic poets at the beginning of th e19th century, William Wordsworth, for example, who lived in the heart of the Lake District in the north-western part of England and enjoyed the experience of living close to nature, and these poets were the older generation of Romantic poets who had been deeply influenced by the French Revolution of 1789 and its effects.In their writings, they described the beautiful scenes and the country people of the area.45.Humanism refers to the literary culture in the Renaissance.Humanists emphasize the capacities of the human mind and the achievements of human culture.Humanism became the central theme of English Renaissance.Thomas More and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English humanists.46.Ballad: a story told in songs, usually in 4-line stanzas, with the second and fourth rhymed. V.Questions.(本题3小题,每小题10分,共30分)47.A: Robinson Crusoe is supposedly based on the real adventure of an Alexander Selkirk who once stayed alone on the uninhabited island for five year4s.Actually, the story is an imagination.B: In Robinson Crusoe, Defoe traces the growth of Robinson from a naïve and artless youth into a shrewd and hardened man, tempered by numerous trials in his eventful life.C.In the novel, Robinson is a real hero and he is an embodiment of the rising middle-class virtues in the mid-eighteenth century England.Robinson is a true empire-builder, a colonizer and a foreign trader, who has the courage and will to face hardships and who has determination to preserve himself and improve his livelihood by struggling against nature.D.Robinson Crusoe is an adventure story very much in the spirit of the time.Because of the above reasons, when it was published, people all liked that story, and it became an immediate success.48.Byronic hero is a proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin.With immense superiorityin his passions and powers, this Byronic hero would carry on his shoulders the burden of righting all the wrongs in a corrupt society, and would rise single-handedly against any kind of tyrannical rules wither in government, in religion, or in moral principles with unconquerable wills and inexhaustible energies.The conflict is usually one of rebellious individuals against outworn social systems and conventions.Such a hero appeared in many of his works, for example, "Don Juan".The figure is somewhat modeled on the life and personality of Byron himself, and makes Byron famous both at home and abroad.49.A.Mark Twain’s realism is tainted with local color, preferring to have his won region and people at the forefront of his stories.B.James’s realism is concerned with the “inner world”of man and the international theme.C.Twain’s language is simple and colloquial and he employs humor in his writing.D.James’s language is elaborate and refined with lengthy psychological analyses.。
外研版高一英语必修第三册 第4单元 Understanding ideas
What is he doing?
Who is he?
Where is he?
Now, at the top of these stone stairs … get a load of that! That huge sculpture you can see is the Winged Victory of Samothrace, or Nike of Samothrace! I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing this is! It looks like she has just flown down out of the sky and is standing on a ship. Her head and arms are missing, but you can imagine her holding her arms up high, celebrating the result of an ancient battle. And just look at how her dress is being folded by the wind! I really can’t believe she’s made of stone. The skill of the sculptor is just incredible.
在主体间性理论的视角下,我们可以从以下几个方面对《远大前程》的汉译情况进行分析和研究:1. 句式和语言风格的翻译不同语言具有不同的语法结构和表达方式,因此在翻译时句式和语言风格的保持是非常重要的。
2. 文化内涵的传达《远大前程》作为19世纪英国的一部经典文学作品,其中蕴含着丰富的文化内涵和历史背景,而这些文化内涵在汉译过程中并不容易一一传达给中国读者。
1.一个诗歌思想者——浅论杜爱民诗集《自由落体》 [J], 雒莉;吕刚
2.自由思想者 [J], 纱丽·卡林
3.思想者与辉煌60年——互联网时代:谁是思想者——专访中国人民大学校长纪宝成教授 [J], 康培;闫昱
4.让思想者做思想者的事 [J], 戴木才
5.在学术上做一个自由的思想者 [J], 庞晓光
作者: 李兴亮 陈敏菁
作者机构: 重庆大学新闻学院
出版物刊名: 新闻研究导刊
页码: 61-63页
年卷期: 2014年 第3期
主题词: 全球想象 媒介技术 伦敦政治经济学院 自我想象 全球化时代 社会力量 可能生活日常生活
摘要:2012年,伦敦政治经济学院传媒新锐学者莎妮·奥嘉德(Shani Orgad)推出一部很有影响力的专著《媒介再现与全球想象》(Media Representation and the Global Imagination).Arjun Appadurai评价此书“在想象性的社会力量和迄今为止的关于媒介技术、观众形成、全球媒介化的文献中架起了桥梁,值得从事人类学、媒介研究者品读”.包含结论在内,全书分为七章论述了他者想象、群体性自我想象(imaging ourselves)、可能生活想象、自我想象、世界想象等方面,清晰、系统地分析了在全球化时代媒介再现如何改变人们的日常生活,如何改变了我们想象世界的方式.。
1.不同性别、不同运动水平短道速滑运动员的意志品质比较 [J], 王诚民
2.操作思维理论内涵的重新诠释与证实——不同性别、不同运动水平羽毛球运动员之问操作思维差异之比较 [J], 刘改成;梁承谋;程勇民
3.不同中药补剂对耐力运动项目不同阶段运动疲劳恢复的实验研究 [J], 卞伯高
4.不同牵拉技术在预防运动损伤中对\r不同运动能力即时效应的研究进展 [J], 席蕊;周敬滨;高奉;田阁;贺忱;李国平
5.不同线索类型诱发不同运动技能类型运动员注意网络功能的差异:基于fNIRS的研究 [J], 于淼; 刘忆冰; 杨光; 罗跃嘉
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ABSTRACTTheodore Dreiser is one of the most important writers in the literature history of America. He has 7 novels and other literature works such as short stories, autography, dramas, and political essays and so on. Sister Carrie is his first long novel and it was once considered to be immoral. In one hundred years after its publication, times are changing, and people’s opinion is being changed. The traditional critics regard Carrie as a fallen woman. But with the development of sorts of thoughts, the perspectives of study on this heroine is changing. In the eye of the critics, Carrie is considered to be a rebellious woman.Joseph Frank is one of the most outstanding contributors to the founding of the theory of narrative space. In the 40s of the 20th century, in his essay "Spatial Form in Modern Literature", Frank presents his general conception of the spatial form for the first time which begins the theory of narrative space. And then the spatial theories developed quickly, so did the theory of space narrative. Gabriel Zoran’s Towards the Theory of Space in Narratives has constructed the model of space theory which is considered the most valuable in practical use so far. He distinguished vertically three levels (topography, Chronotope,text) which are composed in space and in horizontal direction he put sforward the units of space measurement and different spatial structures showed by kinds of combination. Lefebvre propose the concept of social space. He thinks social space includes three levels: the spatial practice, the representation of space, and the representational space.As a representative of modernist writers, Dresser overthrows the traditional linear narrative pattern in Sister Carrie, and forms a new system of time and space. Modernist writers "try to make the readers understand their work in one moment from the space rather than the order" (Makaryk, 1993: 629). So does Dresser. His creative style tallies with spatial effect constructed by narrative space theory. The theory of narrative space plays a more and more important role in western literary criticism in the twentieth century. It relates to and influences major forms of modern criticism and theory.This thesis will mainly use Frank’s spatial form theory, the topograpgical theory of Gabriel Zoran and Lefebvre’s social space theory to analyze Sister Carrie from four aspects: the physical space, the psychological space, the textual space and the perceptional space, Thus the thesis tries toIshow the characteristics of the theory of narrative space and the irreplaceable role that spatial form plays in interpreting modern thinking. At the same time the author hopes to give the readers a new perspective to read Sister Carrie and Dreiser’s other works.The thesis is divided into four chapters. Part one is a brief introduction to Dresser and his works and literature review. This part focus on the previous research and comments on Dresser and his novel Sister Carrie based on which I put forward the purpose and significance of choosing this topic.Part two is an introduction to the space in literature from the traditional attitides towards space to the modern space theory. And the author centers on Gabriel Zoran’s topographical theory and Lefebvre’s social space theory, which are used as the theoretical background of this thesis.Part three is the analysis of the Sister Carrie from the four aspects: physical space, psychological space, textual space and perceptional space. The analysis of the physical space Dresser constructs in the novel from the geographical and social perspectives shows the inevitability of sister Carrie’s alienation and the significance for the illustration of particular themes of the novel.; in probing the psychological space, the author focus on Carrie’s complex relationships with two men and then shows that strong psychological desire compels her to drop in the abysm of desire.As for the textual space, the author uses Frank’s spatial forms to anlyze the images and the juxtaposed plots. Such images in the novel as the rocking-chair, window, the staring woman and the juxtaposed plots: Carrie’s love and Hurstood’s family relationship paly very important part in illustrating the theme of alienation of this novel; finally the author explores the perceptional space established in the reader's mind by analyzing the general effect of narrative spaces.Through the above-mentioned detailed analysis, this thesis tries to explore the narrative space in Sister Carrie and the interplay of different forms of space, which is significant in understanding the trend of space development in modern fiction and the influence of form on content. This will help deepen the understanding of the characteristics, structure, art innovation and artistic conception of Dresser's novels, and it also will be helpful for us to understand the culture connotation in Sister Carrie.Keywords:Sister Carrie, physical space, psychological space, textual space, perceptional spaceII摘要西奥多·德莱塞是美国文学历史上最伟大的作家之一。