Unit 1 Nautical Publications Lesson 2 Nautical Charts 海图


船舶实用导航文集(英文)Nautical Publicati

船舶实用导航文集(英文)Nautical Publicati

CHAPTER 4 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONSINTRODUCTION400. DefinitionsThe navigator uses many information sources when planning and conducting a voyage.These sources include notices to mariners,sailing directions,light lists,tide tables, sight reduction tables,and almanacs.Historically,this in-formation has been found in printed publications; increasingly,it is being integrated into computer-based electronic systems.The navigator must know what infor-mation he needs to navigate his ship safely and how to obtain it.This chapter will refer only to printed publications.If the navigator has access to this data on an electronic data-base,only his method of access will differ.The publications discussed here form a basic navigation library;the naviga-tor must also obtain all supplementary materials required to navigate his ship safely.401. Types And Sources Of PublicationsWhile voyage planning and navigating,a mariner must refer to both texts and tables.Examples of text include sail-ing directions,coast pilots,and notices to mariners. Examples of tables include light lists and sight reduction tables.Navigational publications are available from many itary customers automatically receive or requisition most required publications.The civilian navigator obtains his publications from a publisher’s rger agents representing many publishers can completely supply a ship’s chart and publication library.NAUTICAL TEXTS402. Sailing DirectionsNational Imagery and Mapping Agency Sailing Direc-tions consist of37Enroutes and10Planning Guides. Planning Guides describe general features of ocean basins; Enroutes describe features of coastlines,ports,and harbors.Sailing Directions are updated when new data requires extensive revision of an existing text.These data are ob-tained from several sources,including pilots and foreign Sailing Directions.One book comprises the Planning Guide and Enroute for Antarctica.This consolidation allows for a more effec-tive presentation of material on this unique area.The Planning Guides are relatively permanent;by con-trast,Sailing Directions(Enroute)are frequently updated. Between updates,both are corrected by the Notice to Mariners.403. Sailing Directions (Planning Guide)Planning Guides assist the navigator in planning an ex-tensive oceanic voyage.Each of the Guides covers an area determined by an arbitrary division of the world’s seas into eight“ocean basins.”This division is shown in Figure403.A Planning Guide’s first chapter contains information about the countries adjacent to the applicable ocean basin. It also covers pratique,pilotage,signals,and shipping reg-ulations.Search and Rescue topics include the location of all lifesaving stations.The second chapter contains information on the physi-cal environment of an ocean basin.It consists of Ocean Summaries and descriptions of local coastal phenomena. This gives the mariner meteorological and oceanographic information to be considered in planning a route.The third chapter lists foreign firing danger areas not shown in other NIMA publications.A graphic key identi-fies Submarine Operating Areas.This chapter also identifies publications listing danger areas and gives perti-nent navigation cautions.The fourth chapter describes recommended steamship routes.To facilitate planning,the publication shows entire routes to foreign ports originating from all major U.S.ports. This chapter also includes all applicable Traffic Separation Schemes.The fifth and final chapter describes available radi-onavigation systems and the area’s system of lights, beacons, and buoys.Appendices contain information on buoyage systems, route charts, and area meteorological conditions.5152NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS404. Sailing Directions (Enroute)Each volume of the Sailing Directions(Enroute) contains numbered sections along a coast or through a strait.Figure404a illustrates this division.Each sector is discussed in turn.A preface with detailed information about authorities,references,and conventions used in each book precedes the sector discussions.Finally,each book provides conversions between feet,fathoms,and meters.The Chart Information Graphic,the first item in each chapter,is a graphic key for charts pertaining to a sector. See Figure404b.The graduation of the border scale of the chartlet enables navigators to identify the largest scale chart for a location and to find a feature listed in the Index-Gaz-etteer.These graphics are not maintained by Notice to Mariners;one should refer to the chart catalog for updated chart listings.Other graphics may contain special information on lo-cal winds and weather,anchorages,significant coastal features, and navigation dangers.A foreign terms glossary,an appendix of anchorages, and a comprehensive Index-Gazetteer follow the sector dis-cussions.The Index-Gazetteer is an alphabetical listing of described and charted features.The Index lists each feature by geographic coordinates and sector number for use with the graphic key.Features mentioned in the text are listed by page number.405. Coast PilotsThe National Ocean Service publishes nine United States Coast Pilots to supplement nautical charts of U.S. rmation comes from field inspections,survey vessels,and various harbor authorities.Maritime officials and pilotage associations provide additional information. Coast Pilots provide more detailed information than Sailing Directions because Sailing Directions are intended exclu-sively for the oceangoing mariner.The Notice to Mariners updates Coast Pilots.Each volume contains comprehensive sections on local operational considerations and navigation regulations.Follow-ing chapters contain detailed discussions of coastal navigation. An appendix provides information on obtaining additional weather information,communications services,and other da-ta. An index and additional tables complete the volume.406. Other Nautical TextsThe government publishes several other nautical texts. The Defense Mapping Agency,for example,publishes the Maneuvering Board Manual(Pub.217),The Radar Navi-gation Manual(Pub.1310)and the American Practical Navigator(Pub. 9).The U.S.Coast Guard publishes navigation rules for international and inland waters.This publication,officially known as Commandant Instruction M16672.2b,contains Figure 403. The 8 ocean basins as organized for Sailing Directions (Planning Guides).NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS53Figure 404a. Sector Limits graphic.Additional chart coverage may be found in CATP2 Catalog of Nautical Charts.Figure 404b. Chart Information graphic.54NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONSthe Inland Navigation Rules enacted in December1980 and effective on all inland waters of the United States in-cluding the Great Lakes,as well as the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea,enact-ed in1972(1972COLREGS).Mariners should ensure that they have the updated issue.The Coast Guard also publishes comprehensive user’s manuals for the Omega, Loran,and GPS navigation systems;Navigation and Ves-sel Inspection Circulars;and the Chemical Data Guide for Bulk Shipment by Water.The Government Printing Office provides several pub-lications on navigation,safety at sea,communications,weather,and related topics.Additionally,it publishes pro-visions of the Code of Federal Regulations(CFR)relating to maritime matters.A number of private publishers also provide maritime publications.The International Maritime Organization,International Hydrographic Organization,and other governing interna-tional organizations provide information on international navigation regulations.Chapter1gives these organiza-tions’addresses.Regulations for various Vessel Traffic Services(VTS),canals,lock systems,and other regulated waterways are published by the authorities which operate them.USING THE LIGHT LISTS407. Light ListsThe United States publishes two different light lists. The U.S.Coast Guard publishes the Light List for lights in U.S.territorial waters;DMAHTC publishes the List of Lights for lights in foreign waters.Light lists furnish complete information about naviga-tion lights and other navigation aids.They supplement,but do not replace,charts and sailing directions.Consult the chart for the location and light characteristics of all naviga-tion aids;consult the light lists to determine their detailed description.The Notice to Mariners corrects both lists.Corrections which have accumulated since the print date are included in the Notice to Mariners as a Summary of Corrections.All of these summary corrections,and any corrections published sub-sequently, should be noted in the “Record of Corrections.”A navigator needs to know both the identity of a light and when he can expect to see it;he often plans the ship’s track to pass within a light’s range.If lights are not sighted when predicted,the vessel may be significantly off course and standing into danger.A circle with a radius equal to the visible range of the light usually defines the area in which a light can be seen. On some bearings,however,obstructions may reduce the range.In this case,the obstructed arc might differ with height of eye and distance.Also,lights of different colors may be seen at different distances.Consider these facts both when identifying a light and predicting the range at which it can be seen.Atmospheric conditions have a major effect on a light’s range.Fog,haze,dust,smoke,or precipitation can obscure a light.Additionally,a light can be extinguished. Always report an extinguished light so maritime authorities can issue a warning.On a dark,clear night,the visual range is limited by ei-ther:(1)luminous intensity,or(2)curvature of the earth. Regardless of the height of eye,one cannot see a weak light beyond a certain luminous range.Assuming light travels lin-early,an observer located below the light’s visible horizon cannot see it.The Distance to the Horizon table gives the distance to the horizon for various heights of eye.The light lists contain a condensed version of this table.Abnormal re-fraction patterns might change this range;therefore,one cannot exactly predict the range at which a light will be seen.408. Determining Range And Bearing Of A Light At Initial SightingA light’s luminous range is the maximum range at which an observer can see a light under existing visibility conditions.This luminous range ignores the elevation of the light,the observer’s height of eye,the curvature of the earth,and interference from background lighting.It is de-termined from the known nominal range and the existing visibility conditions.The nominal range is the maximum distance at which a light can be seen in weather conditions where visibility is 10 nautical miles.The U.S.Coast Guard Light List usually lists a light’s nominal e the Luminous Range Diagram shown in the Light List and Figure408a to convert this nominal range to luminous range.Remember that the luminous ranges ob-tained are approximate because of atmospheric or background lighting conditions.Estimate the meteorological visibility by the Meteorological Optical Range Table,Figure 408b.Next,enter the Luminous Range Diagram with the nominal range on the horizontal nominal range scale.Follow a vertical line until it intersects the curve or reaches the re-gion on the diagram representing the meteorological visibility.Finally,follow a horizontal line from this point or region until it intersects the vertical luminous range scale.Example1:The nominal range of a light as extracted from the Light List is 15 nautical miles.Required:The luminous range when the meteorologi-cal visibility is(1)11nautical miles and(2)1nautical mile.Solution:To find the luminous range when the meteo-NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS55rological visibility is11nautical miles,enter theLuminous Range Diagram with nominal range15nautical miles on the horizontal nominal rangescale;follow a vertical line upward until it inter-sects the curve on the diagram representing ameteorological visibility of11nautical miles;from this point follow a horizontal line to the rightuntil it intersects the vertical luminous range scaleat16nautical miles.A similar procedure is fol-lowed to find the luminous range when themeteorological visibility is 1 nautical mile.Answers:(1) 16 nautical miles; (2) 3 nautical miles.A light’s geographic range depends upon the height of both the light and the observer.Sum the observer’s distance to the horizon based on his height of eye and the light’s distance to the horizon based on its height to calculate a light’s geo-graphic range.See Figure408c.This illustration uses a light 150feet above the water.Table12,Distance of the Horizon, yields a value of14.3nautical miles for a height of150feet. Within this range,the light,if powerful enough and atmo-spheric conditions permit,is visible regardless of the height of eye of the observer.Beyond14.3nautical miles,the geo-graphic range depends upon the observer’s height of eye. Thus,by the Distance of the Horizon table mentioned above, an observer with height of eye of5feet can see the light on his horizon if he is2.6miles beyond the horizon of the light.The geographic range of the light is therefore16.9miles.For a height of30feet the distance is14.3+6.4=20.7miles.If the height of eye is70feet,the geographic range is14.3+9.8= 24.1miles.A height of eye of15feet is often assumed when tabulating lights’ geographic ranges.Figure 408a. Luminous Range Diagram.56NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONSTo predict the bearing and range at which a vessel will ini-tially sight a light first determine the light’s geographic pare the geographic range with the light’s luminous range.The lesser of the two ranges is the range at which the light will first be sighted.Plot a visibility arc centered on the light and with a radius equal to the lesser of the geographic or luminous ranges.Extend the vessel’s track until it intersectsthe visibility arc.The bearing from the intersection point to the light is the light’s predicted bearing at first sighting.If the extended track crosses the visibility arc at a small angle,a small lateral track error may result in large bearing and time prediction errors.This is particularly ap-parent if the vessel is farther from the light than predicted;the vessel may pass the light without sighting it.However,not sighting a light when predicted does not always indi-cate the vessel is farther from the light than expected.It could also mean that atmospheric conditions are affecting visibility.Example 2:The nominal range of a navigational light120feet above the chart datum is 20nautical miles.The meteorological visibility is 27nautical miles.Required:The distance at which an observer at aheight of eye of 50 feet can expect to see the light.Solution:The maximum range at which the lightmay be seen is the lesser of the luminous or geo-graphic ranges.At 120feet the distance to the horizon,by table or formula,is 12.8miles.Add 8.3miles,the distance to the horizon for a height of eye of 50feet to determine the geo-graphic range.The geographic range,21.1miles,is less than the luminous range,40miles.Answer:21nautical miles.Because of various uncer-tainties,the range is rounded off to the nearest whole mile.CodeNo.YardsWeather0Dense fog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Less than 501Thick fog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50-2002Moderate fog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .200-5003Light fog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .500-1000Nautical Miles4Thin fog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1/2-15Haze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-26Light Haze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5 1/27Clear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1/2-118Very Clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.0-27.0.9Exceptionally Clear . . . . . . . . . . .Over 27.0From the International Visibility Code.Figure 408b. Meteorlogical Optical Range Table.Figure 408c. Geographic Range of a light.NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS57When first sighting a light,an observer can determine if it is on the horizon by immediately reducing his height of eye.If the light disappears and then reappears when the ob-server returns to his original height,the light is on the horizon. This process is called bobbing a light.If a vessel has considerable vertical motion due to rough seas,a light sighted on the horizon may alternately appear and disappear.Wave tops may also obstruct the light periodically.This may cause the characteristic to appear different than expected.The light’s true characteristics can be observed either by closing the range to the light or by the observer’s increasing his height of eye.If a light’s range given in a foreign publication ap-proximates the light’s geographic range for a15-foot observer’s height of eye,assume that the printed range is the light’s geographic range.Also assume that publication has listed the lesser of the geographic and nominal ranges. Therefore,if the light’s listed range approximates the geo-graphic range for an observer with a height of eye of15 feet,then assume that the light’s limiting range is the geo-graphic range.Then,calculate the light’s true geographic range using the actual observer’s height of eye,not the as-sumed height of eye of15feet.This calculated true geographic range is the range at which the light will first be sighted.Example3:The range of a light as printed on a foreign chart is17miles.The light is120feet above chart da-tum.The meteorological visibility is10nautical miles.Required:The distance at which an observer at a height of eye of 50 feet can expect to see the light.Solution:Calculate the geographic range of the light assuming a15foot observer’s height of eye.At120feet the distance to the horizon is12.8miles.Add4.5miles(the distance to the horizon at aheight of15feet)to12.8miles;this range is17.3miles.This approximates the range listed on thechart.Then assuming that the charted range is thegeographic range for a15-foot observer height ofeye and that the nominal range is the greater thanthis charted range,the predicted range is found bycalculating the true geographic range with a50foot height of eye for the observer.Answer:The predicted range=12.8mi.+8.3mi.=21.1mi..The distance in excess of the chartedrange depends on the luminous intensity of thelight and the meteorological visibility.409. USCG Light ListsThe U.S.Coast Guard Light List(7volumes)gives in-formation on lighted navigation aids,unlighted buoys, radiobeacons,radio direction finder calibration stations, daybeacons, racons, and Loran stations.Each volume of the Light List contains aids to naviga-tion in geographic order from north to south along the Atlantic coast,from east to west along the Gulf coast,and from south to north along the Pacific coast.It lists seacoast aids first,followed by entrance and harbor aids listed from seaward.Intracoastal Waterway aids are listed last in geo-graphic order in the direction from New Jersey to Florida to the Texas/Mexico border.The listings are preceded by a description of the aids to navigation system in the United States,luminous range di-agram, geographic range tables, and other information.410. NIMA List of Lights, Radio Aids, and Fog SignalsThe National Imagery and Mapping Agency publishes the List of Lights,Radio Aids,and Fog Signals(usually re-ferred to as the List of Lights,not to be confused with the Coast Guard’s Light List).In addition to information on lighted aids to navigation and sound signals in foreign wa-ters,the NIMA List of Lights provides information on storm signals,signal stations,racons,radiobeacons,and radio di-rection finder calibration stations located at or near lights. For more details on radio navigational aids,consult Pub. 117, Radio Navigational Aids.The NIMA List of Lights does not include information on lighted buoys inside harbors.It does include certain aeronautical lights situated near the coast;however,these lights are not designed for marine navigation and are sub-ject to unreported changes.Foreign notices to mariners are the main correction-al information source for the NIMA Lists of Lights;other sources,such as ship reports,are also used.Many aids to navigation in less developed countries may not be well maintained.They are subject to damage by storms and vandalism, and repairs may be delayed for long periods.MISCELLANEOUS NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS411. NIMA Radio Navigational Aids (Pub. 117) This publication is a selected list of worldwide ra-dio stations which perform services to the mariner. Topics covered include radio direction finder and radar stations,radio time signals,radio navigation warnings,distress and safety communications,medical advice via radio,long-range navigation aids,the AMVER system, and interim procedures for U.S.vessels in the event of an outbreak of hostilities.Pub.117is corrected via the Notice to Mariners and is updated periodically with a new edition.58NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONSThough Pub.117is essentially a list of radio sta-tions providing vital maritime communication and navigation services,it also contains information which explains the capabilities and limitations of the various systems.412.Chart No. 1Chart No.1is not actually a chart but a book contain-ing a key to chart symbols.Most countries which produce charts also produce such a list.The U.S.Chart No.1con-tains a listing of chart symbols in four categories:•Chart symbols used by the National Ocean Service •Chart symbols used by the Defense MappingAgency•Chart symbols recommended by the InternationalHydrographic Organization•Chart symbols used on foreign charts reproduced byNIMASubjects covered include general features of charts,to-pography,hydrography,and aids to navigation.There is also a complete index of abbreviations and an explanation of the IALA buoyage system.413. NIMA World Port Index (Pub. 150)The World Port Index contains a tabular listing of thou-sands of ports throughout the world,describing their locations,characteristics,facilities,and services available. Information is arranged geographically;the index is ar-ranged alphabetically.Coded information is presented in columns and rows.This information supplements information in the Sailing Directions.The applicable volume of Sailing Di-rections and the number of the harbor chart are given in the World Port Index.The Notice to Mariners corrects this book.414. NIMA Distances Between Ports (Pub. 151) This publication lists the distances between major ports.Reciprocal distances between two ports may differ due to different routes chosen because of currents and cli-matic conditions.To reduce the number of listings needed, junction points along major routes are used to consolidate routes converging from different directions.This book can be most effectively used for voyage planning in conjunction with the proper volume(s)of the Sailing Directions(Planning Guide).It is corrected via the Notice to Mariners.415. NIMA International Code Of Signals (Pub. 102) This book lists the signals to be employed by vessels at sea to communicate a variety of information relating to safety,distress,medical,and operational information.This publication became effective in 1969.According to this code,each signal has a unique and complete meaning.The signals can be transmitted via Mor-se light and sound,flag,radio-telegraphy and-telephony, and semaphore.Since these methods of signaling are inter-nationally recognized,differences in language between sender and receiver are immaterial;the message will be un-derstood when decoded in the language of the receiver, regardless of the language of the sender.The Notice to Mar-iners corrects Pub. 102.416. AlmanacsFor celestial sight reduction,the navigator needs an al-manac for ephemeris data.The Nautical Almanac, produced jointly by H.M.Nautical Almanac Office and the U.S.Naval Observatory,is the most common almanac used for celestial navigation.It also contains information on sun-rise,sunset,moonrise,and moonset,as well as compact sight reduction tables.The Nautical Almanac is published annually.The Air Almanac contains slightly less accurate ephemeris data for air navigation.It can be used for marine navigation if slightly reduced accuracy is acceptable.Chapter19provides more detailed information on us-ing the Nautical Almanac.417. Sight Reduction TablesWithout a calculator or computer programmed for sight reduction,the navigator needs sight reduction tables to solve the celestial triangle.Two different sets of tables are commonly used at sea.Sight Reduction Tables for Marine Navigation,Pub. 229,consists of six volumes of tables designed for use with the Nautical Almanac for solution of the celestial triangle by the Marcq Saint Hilaire or intercept method.The tab-ular data are the solutions of the navigational triangle of which two sides and the included angle are known and it is necessary to find the third side and adjacent angle.Each volume of Pub.229includes two8degree zones, comprising15degree bands from0to90degrees,with a1°degree overlap between volumes.Pub.229is a joint publi-cation produced by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency,the U.S.Naval Observatory,and the Royal Green-wich Observatory.Sight Reduction Tables for Air Navigation,Pub.249,is also a joint production of the three organizations above.It is issued in three volumes.Volume1contains the values of the altitude and true azimuth of seven selected stars chosen toNAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS59provide,for any given position and time,the best observa-tions.A new edition is issued every5years for the upcoming astronomical epoch.Volumes2(0°to40°)and3(39°to 89°) provide for sights of the sun, moon, and planets.418. CatalogsA chart catalog is a valuable reference to the navigator for voyage planning,inventory control,and ordering.There are two major types of catalogs,one for the military and one for the civilian market.The military navigator will see the NIMA nautical chart catalog as part of a larger suite of catalogs includ-ing aeronautical(Part1),hydrographic(Part2),and topographic(Part3)products.Each Part consists of one or more volumes.Unclassified NIMA nautical charts are listed in Part2,Volume1.This is available only to U.S. military users,DoD contractors,and those who support them.This catalog contains comprehensive ordering instruc-tions and information about the products listed.Also listed are addresses of all Combat Support Center field offices,in-formation on crisis support,and other special situations.The catalog is organized by geographic region corresponding to the chart regions1through9.A special section of miscella-neous charts and publications is included.This section also lists products produced by NOS,the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers,U.S.Coast Guard,U.S.Naval Oceanographic Office,and some foreign publications from the United Kingdom and Canada.The civilian navigator should refer to catalogs produced by the National Ocean Service.For U.S.waters,NOS charts are listed in a series of single sheet“charts”showing a major region of the U.S.with individual chart graphics shown. These catalogs also list charts showing titles and scales.Fi-nally,it lists sales agents from whom the products may be purchased.NIMA products for the civilian navigator are listed by NOS in a series of regionalized catalogs similar to Part2 Volume1.These catalogs are also available through autho-rized NOS chart agents.MARITIME SAFETY INFORMATION419.Notice To MarinersThe Notice to Mariners is published weekly by the Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic/Topographic Center(DMAHTC),prepared jointly with the National Ocean Service(NOS)and the U.S.Coast Guard.It advises mariners of important matters affecting navigational safe-ty,including new hydrographic information,changes in channels and aids to navigation,and other important data. The information in the Notice to Mariners is formatted to simplify the correction of paper charts,sailing directions, light lists,and other publications produced by NIMA, NOS, and the U.S. Coast Guard.It is the responsibility of users to decide which of their charts and publications require correction.Suitable records of Notice to Mariners should be maintained to facilitate the updating of charts and publications prior to use.Information for the Notice to Mariners is contributed by:the Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic/Topo-graphic Center(Department of Defense)for waters outside the territorial limits of the United States;National Ocean Service(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad-ministration,Department of Commerce),which is charged with surveying and charting the coasts and har-bors of the United States and its territories;the U.S.Coast Guard(Department of Transportation)which is responsi-ble for the safety of life at sea and the establishment and operation of aids to navigation;and the Army Corps of Engineers(Department of Defense),which is charged with the improvement of rivers and harbors of the United States.In addition,important contributions are made by foreign hydrographic offices and cooperating observers of all nationalities.Over60countries which produce nautical charts also produce a notice to mariners.About one third of these are weekly,another third are bi-monthly or monthly,and the rest irregularly issued according to need.Much of the data in the U.S.Notice to Mariners is obtained from these for-eign notices.Correct U.S.charts with the U.S.Notice to Mariners. Similarly,correct foreign charts using the foreign notice because chart datums often vary according to region and geographic positions are not the same for different datums.The Notice consists of a page of Hydrograms list-ing important items in the notice,a chart correction section organized by ascending chart number,a publica-tions correction section,and a summary of broadcast navigation warnings and miscellaneous information.Mariners are requested to cooperate in the correction of charts and publications by reporting all discrepancies be-tween published information and conditions actually observed and by recommending appropriate improvements.A convenient reporting form is provided in the back of each Notice to Mariners.Notice to Mariners No.1of each year contains impor-tant information on a variety of subjects which supplements information not usually found on charts and in navigational publications.This information is published as Special No-tice to Mariners Paragraphs.Additional items considered。



Unit 01 Nautical PublicationsI Admiralty List of Lights and Fog SignalsThe latest known details of lights, light-structures, light-vessel, light-float, lanbys and fog signals are given in Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals (ALL), usually termed “Admiralty List of Lights”. Light-buoys of a height of 8 m or greater may also be listed and some with a height of less than 8 m are occasionally include in the list, as are light-buoys considered to be of primary navigational significance. Certain minor lights, in little frequented parts of the world covered only by small scale charts, are included in the list thought they are not charted.最新的有关灯标的详细资料,灯塔,灯船,灯浮,大型的导航浮标(蓝比)和雾号在英版灯标雾号表中已经登记,这常被称为“英版灯标”。



A Geographical range table for determining dipping distances, and a luminous range diagram for obtaining the range at which a light can be seen allowing for its power and the prevailing visibility, are contained in each volume.地理能见距离决定了灯标的初显初隐距离,光标的光达距离图解的距离允许在盛行的能见度中被看到,那些图解在每一册中都有出现。

Lesson 1 Nautical Publication

Lesson 1 Nautical Publication
Each Supplement was cumulative so that each successive supplement superseded the previous one. One 这里作为一个代词,代表supplement.

Southern Right or Franca Whales, a protected species, may be encountered off the S coast of Brazil. Be encountered 指的是“不期而遇”,如船舶遭 遇风浪或恶劣天气。 与meet 有本质上的区别 Species 意为“物种;类型” i.e A species of antelope 一种羚羊 An odd species of writer 古怪的作家

Usly checklist at Section 1B of the weekly edition, and the most recent of Cumulative List of Admiralty Notice to Mariner. Quarterly 季末的 Cumulative 累积的

Of the vast amount of information needed to keep charts up-to-date in every detail, only the most important items can be used to update the charts by Notice to Mariners. Amount of adj 大量的 Up-to-date adj 最新的,及时的 Update v 更新(动词) Updated adj 最新的,最近的。 如updated ETA/ETD Notice to Mariners 航海通告(缩写N/M) Be used to 被用来作为xxx



学术英语社科第二版课文翻译unit1(原创实用版)目录1.学术英语社科第二版课文翻译 unit1 概述2.单元内容概括3.单元主题分析4.学术英语在社科领域的重要性5.翻译练习的实践意义6.总结正文一、学术英语社科第二版课文翻译 unit1 概述《学术英语社科第二版课文翻译 unit1》是针对学术英语社科领域的一本教材。















六、总结《学术英语社科第二版课文翻译 unit1》为学生提供了丰富的学术英语翻译实践素材。

Unit 1 Nautical Publications Lesson 3 Admiralty Notices to Mariners 英版航海通告

Unit 1 Nautical Publications Lesson 3  Admiralty Notices to Mariners 英版航海通告

Admiralty Notices to Mariners While every effort is made to ensure that the data provided through the Notices to Mariners service is accurate, the user needs to be aware of the risks of corruption to data. It is important that the user should only use the data on suitable equipment and that other applications should not be running on the user’s machine at the same time. Users should exercise their professional judgment in the use of data and also consult the Mariners’Handbook (NP100) for further details.
Temporary and Preliminary Notices These are indicated by (T) or (P) after the notice number and are placed at the end of Section II. They are printed on one side of the paper in order that they may be cut up and filed. To assist in filing, the year is indicated after the notice number and an in-force list is published monthly. Information from these notices is not included on charts before issue; charts should be updated in pencil on receipt. Original Information A star (*)adjacent to the number of a notice indicates that the notice is based on original information.



Unit31Steering a Ship

Unit 1 Nautical Publications
Lesson 2 Nautical Charts

UNIT1 SCIENCE AND SCIENTISTS高二英语(人教版2019选择性必修第二册)

UNIT1 SCIENCE AND SCIENTISTS高二英语(人教版2019选择性必修第二册)

Read Passage 2 and finish the table.
Review the content
①描述科学家(Para. 1)
②描述科学家成就(Para. 2)
Stephen Hawking was one of the most famous and gifted
scientists in physics.
point in time and space.
The story of Hawking
③描述科学家成就(Para. 3)
Linking words: in general, the first, the other, besides, furthermore, above all
何事 (what)
何人 (who)
为何 (why)
何时 (when)
何地 (where)
如何 (how)
WhaWAtehriaomtspipmaocpreot”ra?tnanttppeerrssoonnaalitlyitaynadnqduaqlituieasliintiQesiainnXuQeisahnenXhueelpsehdehnimheealrpnetdhehniammeeaofr“nthe Father of China’s the name of “the Father of China’s Aerospace”?
went to the United States to pursue his graduate studies
helped conduct important research into rocket propulsion founded the Jet Propulsion Laboratory with several other people returned to China;developed China’s rocket science and its space and missile programme launched China’s first man-made satellite

航海英语 其他出版物课件

航海英语 其他出版物课件

Volume 4 – Lists of Meteorological Observation Stations ( NP 284 ) and associated diagram .

Volume 5 – Global Maritime Distress and Safety System ( GMDSS ) ( NP 285 ) contains particulars of : GMDSS-Information and associated diagrams including extracts from the relevant International Telecommunications Union Radio Regulations and service available to assist vessels using or participating in the GMDSS .
III Admiralty List of Radio Signals (ALRS)
volumes of ALRS provide a comprehensive source of information on all aspects of maritime Radio Communications as follows: 英版无线电信号表提供了各个方面的海上无 线电通信综合的信息资源如下:
II Admiralty Digital List of Lights
Digital List of Lights (DP 565) is a PC-based programme using exactly the same official data as that provided in paper form. The programme has been approved by the MCA as meeting SOLAS carriage requirements.


Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Exemption Certificate (fixed fire fighting) [货船设备安全免除证书](固定灭火)] Document of Compliance with the special requirements for ships carrying dangerous goods(装运危险货物特殊要求的符合文件) Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate(货船无线电安全证书) Record of Approved Cargo Ship Radio Installation (Form R)(认可无线 电装置记录) Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Exemption Certificate (GMDSS items) (货船无线电安全免除证书)(GMDSS 项目) Document of Compliance (ISM Code)(符合证明) Safety Management Certificate(安全管理证书) International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) Certificate(国际防止油污 证书) Record of Construction and Equipment (Form A – for ships other than oil tankers) 防油污记录(非油轮) Minimum Safe Manning Certificate(安全配员证书)
为了与相关各界努力做好港口国检查工作,使相关方面对港口国控制的有关要求有 更多的了解,我社特编写了本检查表。本检查表结合了 PSC 代码、检查要求和公约相 关条款,希望能帮助船公司和船舶进一步了解港口国检查。因时间和精力所限,本检查 表未全部包括 PSC 检查的所有项目,我社将会根据 PSC 新形势、检查中发现的新问题、 新公约生效等对该检查表作修改,也希望能得到广大船公司的协助,一同完善该检查表。



航海图书资料和海图1)Admiralty Nautical Publications1)Catalogue of Admiralty charts and publications(NP131) (New format and content 2000 Edition)Directions for correcting this volumeAddendum 附录,补遗Arrangement of CatalogueAdmiralty Raster Chart Service 英版光栅海图On a regional basis 按地区(排列)Description of Admiralty charts and PublicationsStandard parallel 基准纬度The point of tangency 切点Correction of Charts and PublicationsAdmiralty Digital Notices to Mariners (ADNM) 英版数字光盘航海通告The ADNM service offers a faster delivery of chart correcting data, and gives users the ability to easily view or print the individual NMs and correction tracings. 英版数字光盘航海通告提供了改正海图数据的快速传递,并使用户能够方便地浏览或打印单个航海通告并改正海图。

Navigational ChartsGnomonic charts are published covering the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, except for an equatorial belt in each ocean.出版大圆海图覆盖大西洋,太平洋和印度洋(各大洋近赤道带水域除外)。



英语综合教程2unit1Title: The Impact of Technology on Communication Introduction:In today's interconnected world, technology has revolutionized the way we communicate. From the invention of the telephone to the rise of social media platforms, technology has transformed communication into a faster, more convenient, and global phenomenon. This essay will explore the positive and negative aspects of technology on communication.Positive Effects:Firstly, technology has made communication faster and more efficient. With the advent of email and instant messaging services, messages can be sent and received instantly, regardless of geographical locations. This has greatly facilitated long-distance communication and enabled businesses to operate globally. Furthermore, advancements in video calling technology have allowed people to see and hear each other in real-time, enhancing personal connections even when physically apart.Secondly, technology has expanded the reach of communication. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have made it possible for individuals to connect with others around the world. These platforms have provided a space for people to share their thoughts, experiences, and interests, creating a global community. This connectedness fosters cultural exchange, promotes understanding, and breaks down barriers.Negative Effects:However, the excess use of technology can have detrimental effects on communication. Face-to-face interactions are becoming increasingly rare, as individuals are consumed by electronic devices. This leads to a decline in interpersonal skills and the ability to effectively communicate non-verbally. Excessive reliance on technology may also create a sense of detachment and isolation, as real-time human contact is replaced by virtual interactions.Moreover, technology has opened the doors to cyberbullying and online harassment. The anonymity provided by online platforms can embolden individuals to engage in harmful behavior, causing emotional distress and damaging relationships. The constant exposure to a vast amount of information and opinions on the internet can also lead to information overload and a breakdown in critical thinking skills.Conclusion:In conclusion, technology has undoubtedly revolutionized communication, offering numerous benefits such as increased efficiency and global connectivity. However, it is essential to strike a balance between the use of technology and maintaining genuine human connections. By being aware of the potential negative effects and managing technology use responsibly, we can harness its power to enhance communication while preserving meaningful interpersonal relationships.。



学术英语社科第二版课文翻译unit1摘要:1.学术英语社科第二版课文翻译unit1 概述2.课文的主要内容和结构3.翻译过程中需要注意的问题4.总结正文:一、学术英语社科第二版课文翻译unit1 概述学术英语社科第二版课文翻译unit1 是针对学术英语中的一篇社科类课文进行翻译的练习。










四、总结学术英语社科第二版课文翻译unit1 是一个针对学术英语中的社科类课文进行翻译的练习。


Navigational Publication1 英文避碰!!!!!

Navigational Publication1  英文避碰!!!!!

3) Contents

Routing Charts are an important aid to passage planning. They show month by month, shipping routes, ocean currents, wind roses, maximum limit of pack ice, limits of load line zones, etc and four attached diagrams.
2) Projection

All the Routing Charts are in Mecator projection, on which the rhumb-line track appears as a straight line, and the great circle track appears as a curved line.
Section 1 Ocean Passage for the World and Routing Charts
Ocean Passage for the World 1.1 General information
1) Issue
Ocean Passage for the World (NP136) was first published in 1895. The current edition, fourth edition, was published in 1987.
1.3 Usage

3) Read the appropriate text with referring to the charts, routing charts, and Admiralty Sailing Directions and its latest supplement. 4) Determine the best route by taking the recommended route, ship’s conditions and the weather conditions into account.



舵令wheel orders信号旗signal flag提起锚Heave away the anchor锚向如何how is the chain leading now?操舵装置steering gear舵角指示器rudder indicator舵反映灵敏the rudder answers well陀螺罗经gyro-compass磁罗经magnetic compass海速Sea speed港速Harbor speed全速前进full ahead微速前进dead slow ahead左/右满舵hard to port/starboard回舵ease the wheel正舵Wheel amidships对准steer on=head on保持……一致Keep ---in range出口/进口船vessel outward/inward准备好at Stand-by雷达设置的测距是什么?What range is the radar set to?12海里和2海里的距标圈Twelve miles with two-mile division河口River mouth雾笛Fog-horn防波堤The breakwater回声测深仪Echo-sounder领航船The pilot boat在右舷水面1米处放置引航梯Rig the pilot ladder on the starboard side,one meter above the water救生圈Life buoy撇缆Heaving line水手长Bosun释放Let go放锚walk the anchor back= pay out the cable保持在刹车Hold it on the brake受力中等medium weight受力轻、重Slight/tight weight抓底brought up绞紧刹车并合上锚链棒Screw her up and put the bar升锚球Hoist anchor ball下班Stand down起锚Weight/heave/heave in/anchor抛锚Pay out/walk out/walk back/anchor 止住锚链Check the cable靠码头Get alongside系浮筒moor to buoy吹开风Off-shore wind吹拢风on-shore wind急流Swift current撇揽Tow line挽牢Make fast系紧拖轮Secure the tugs头揽Head lines尾揽stern line首横揽forward breast line尾横揽aft breast line前倒缆forward spring尾倒揽aft spring码头wharf横码头quay突堤式码头pier/mole/jetty上风舷weather/windward side下风舷lee side逆风against the wind顺风with the wind横风beam wind风逆转wind is backing风顺转wind is veering相对风向relative wind direction逆、顺流against/with the currents横流abreast current潮汐流tidal current移泊set of currentswift currentrestricted visibilitypoor visibilityshifting berthroutine inspectionAcute shortage ofOne prolonged blastSingle up fore and aftSteady on the shore chimneyMooring boatOn bridgeBlow the engineFishing boatTurning pointNight Order BookRush-repair of the main engineTo my reckoningPilot AnchorageETA/ETDdown by headtrim by sternhave a list to port/starboardofficer relievingofficer reliveofficer on watch/dutypilot stationChange to Channel12How do you read me?Spell outCall signPhonetic AlphabetFlammableCorrosive cargoCould you please arrange for a pilot to meet us there? Pilot laddermother portship’s particularsship’s nationalitylength over-allbreadthgross/net tonnagedrafts fore and aftgangway ladderport of departurehome portTraffic Separation SchemeDeep draught lanesI am at way point/point/reporting point/CIPTransiting the Suez Canalboatman/bargeman/linesman/signalman Northbound convoyBy-passSeparating distanceDeep draft shipsHand over….toCollision Avoidancehead-on/over-taking/crossing situationLet’s pass red to redDense trafficWould you alter your course to starboard? close quarter/risk of collision/imminent dangers Plain languageDerelictZone timecontact pointport state controlnavigational aidsnautical publications/chartsSailing DirectionsTide Tableoperating instructionsnavigation lightslights and shapesManeuvering Characteristic Tableturning circlebow and stern thrustersturning ratesmoke detectorsfire-fighting apparatuslife-saving apparatusMuster Listdry power fire extinguishersCO2 fire extingushers carbon dioxide the agentperiodical checkfiremen’s outfitbreathing apparatuspersonal protective clothing safety lamplife lineair bottleoutfit donning trainingfire drillaccommodation quartersThe Fire Control Planweather-tightautomatic doorsgeneral alarmanti-frozen discharge cockfire pumpthe operational valvepoop deckembarkation stations emergency escape routeslife jacketthermal protective equipmentline-throwing apparatus pyrotechnical signalsparachuteteto-reflective tapes embarkation deckclutch testdavits and their foundationseye platestension partsimmersion suitshydrostatic releaseweak linestowwayterrorismworking languagesecurity drillstatutory requirementactivating locationsemergency-handing operationfire alarm has been initiatedseparation party,fire-fighting party and first aids party humidityassembly stationscount your crewmemberssea valvesoff the hookauxiliary enginedeballast the fore tankstrim the shipoil slicksStowage PlanHatch Listunion purchasechange-overlighterbulwarksfloating craneblock stoawageoptional cargodrag the cargoOutturn ReportBroken&Damaged Cargo Listpilferageover-carriagesmelling or dangerous cargodrummed chemicalsreefer cargooptional cargoheavy liftshipping order numbersthe bulkheaddunnaging materialsthe Sale Contractlashingchainturnbucklebridge fittingodd-size containerover-height containerbilge linesounding pipebilge wellstrainer plateair conditioning systems angle of reposebelt conveyerdelivery elevatorkeep the ship in(upright state) oil tanker terminalinert planttopping off ratemanifolddrip-trayflangescupper plugoil filmabsorbent boomsheetsawdustshear forcebending momentsnon-return valve。



一.名词部分(一)船舶1.船舶与海上设施的类型Type of Ship and Offshore Unit 货船Cargo Ship杂货船General cargo ship干货船Dry cargo ship散货船Bulk carrier矿沙船Ore carrier运煤船Coal carrier集装箱船Container ship滚装货船Ro/Ro ship冷藏船Refrigerated ship运畜船Cattle carrier运木船Timber carrier近海供应船Offshore supply ship散装矿砂船Bulk Ore carrier混装船Combination carrier载驳母船Barge Carrier汽车运输船Car carrier液货船Liquid Cargo Carrier油船Oil tanker化学品液货船Chemical tanker液化气体船Liquefied gas carrier油矿两用船Oil/ore carrier油散两用船Oil/bulk carrier油散矿三用船Oil/bulk/ore carrier客船Passenger Ship客船Passenger ship豪华旅游客船Cruise ship旅游船Tourist ship高速客船High speed passenger craft双体客船Passenger catamaran客货船Passenger-cargo ship客箱船Passenger container ship客滚船Ro/Ro Passenger Ship高速船High Speed Craft全垫升气垫船Air-cushion Vehicle水面效应船Surface Effect Ship双体气垫船Air-cushion Catamaran侧壁气垫船Side-wall Hovercraft高速双体船High Speed Catamaran2高速单体船High Speed Monohull Craft地效翼船Wing-in Ground Craft水翼船Hydrofoil Craft动力支承船Dynamically Supported Craft两栖船Amphibious Craft小水面单体船Small Waterplane Area Single Hull Ship 小水面双体船Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull Ship 驳船Barge客驳Passenger Barge货驳Cargo Barge敞口驳Open Barge甲板驳Deck Barge集装箱驳Container Barge分节驳Integrated Barge开底驳Hopper Barge油驳Oil Barge趸船(箱形驳)Pontoon拖船Tug港作拖船Harbour Tug打捞拖船Salvage Tug顶推船Pusher近海供应拖船Offshore tug/supply ship工程船Engineering Ship挖泥船Dredger耙吸式挖泥船Trailing suction dredger绞吸式挖泥船Cutter suction dredger链斗式挖泥船Bucket dredger抓斗式挖泥船Grab dredger铲斗式挖泥船Dipper dredger吹泥船Reclamation craft开底泥驳Hopper Barge对开泥驳Split Hopper Barge起重船Floating Crane浮船坞Floating Dock打桩船Floating Pile Driver布缆船Cable Layer潜水工作船Diving Boat港区工作船Harbour Operating Ship破冰船Ice breaker消防船Fire Boat救护船/救助船Rescue Ship引水船Pilot Vessel海关船Customs Boat巡逻船Patrol Boat3布标船Buoy Layer灯标船Beacon Boat交通艇Traffic Boat垃圾船Garbage Boat浮油回收船Oil Recovery Ship污水处理船Sewage Disposal Vessel海水淡化船Distilling Ship渡船Ferry乘客渡船Passenger Ferry火车渡船Train Ferry车客渡船Vehicle Passenger Ferry海峡渡船Channel Ferry渔船Fishing Vessel渔品加工船Fish-Factory Ship拖网渔船Trawler围网渔船Netter捕鲸船Whaling Ship活鱼运输船Live Fish Carrier其他船舶科学调查船Research ship训练船Training Ship特殊用途船Special purpose ship内河船Inland Waterways Ship海上设施海上移动平台Mobile Offshore Unit海上移动钻井平台Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit水面式平台Surface Unit船式平台Ship-type Unit驳船平台Barge-type Unit自升式平台Self-elevating Unit柱稳式平台Column-stabilized Unit半潜式平台Semi-submersible Unit坐底式平台Submersible Unit采油平台Production Unit储油平台Storage Unit生活平台Accommodation Unit修理平台Repair Unit海上固定平台Fixed Offshore Platform海底管道Submarine Pipeline潜水系统和潜水器Diving System and Submersible单点系泊Single Point Mooring (SPM)浮式生产与储油装置Floating Production and Storage Unit (FSUs)浮式生产、储存及卸载系统Floating Production, Storage and Offloading System (FPSOs) 42.数据与资料Data and Information数据总长Length overall(L OA)垂线间长Length bet. perpendiculars (L BP)首、尾垂线Forward and after perpendiculars型宽Moulded breadth型深Moulded depth建造日期Date of build签订建造合同日期Date of building contract龙骨安放日期Date of keel laid交船日期Date of delivery下水日期Launching date重大改建Major conversion安放龙骨或船舶处于相似建造阶段的日期Date on which keel was laid or ship was at a similar stage of construction 签订改建合同日期Date of conversion contract改建完工日期Date of completion of conversion船舶所有人Owner经营人Operator承租人Charterer船舶编号或呼号Distinctive number or letters航行区域Navigation area/Service area/Trade area曾用过的船名Former Name姐妹船Sister Ship总吨位Gross tonnage净吨位Net tonnage排水量Displacement载货量Cargo weight载重量Deadweight空船重量Light(-ship) weight吃水(首、尾、平均) Draft ( fwd, aft, mean)稳性Stability完整稳性Intact stability破舱稳性Damaged stability分舱(抗沉性)Subdivision初稳性高度Metacentric height衡准数Criterion numeral剖面模数Section modulus惯性矩Moment of inertia纵总强度Longitudinal strength局部强度Local strength方形系数Block coefficient静水弯矩Still water bending moment5重心垂直高度Vertical height of centre of gravity屈服应力Yield stress标准舷弧Standard sheer防火分隔Fire division航区限制Navigation area restriction海况限制Sea state restriction天气限制Weather restriction最大抗风暴能力Max. weatherliness储备浮力Reserve buoyancy续航力Endurance渗透率Permeability盲区Blind area共振区域Resonance region容许载荷Permissible load核定载客数Number of persons certified to carry干舷:Freeboard热带干舷Tropical freeboard夏季干舷Summer freeboard冬季干舷Winter freeboard北大西洋冬季干舷Winter North Atlantic freeboard热带木材干舷Timber tropical夏季木材干舷Timber summer冬季木材干舷Timber winter北大西洋冬季木材干舷Timber winter North Atlantic freeboard 淡水宽限Allowance for fresh water减少干舷的B 型船舶Type B with reduced freeboard增加干舷的B 型船舶Type B with increased freeboard载重线:Load line载重线标志Loadline marks资料防火控制图Fire control plans海图( up-to-date 最新) Charts航路指南Sailing direction灯塔表Lists of lights航行通告Notices to mariners潮汐表Tide tables航海出版物Nautical publications应变部署表Muster list国际信号规则International Code of Signals航海日志Deck log book机舱日志Engine room log book无线电日志Radio log book6线型图Lines稳性资料Stability information装载手册Loading manual干舷计算书Freeboard calculations配载图Stowage plan操作说明书Operation instructions维修计划Maintenance plan训练手册Training manual船上维修保养指南Instructions for on-board maintenance弃船训练演习手册Abandon ship training and drill manual 3.舱室处所Compartments or Spaces舱室工作和设备舱室:驾驶室wheel house海图室chart room报务室radio room雷达室radar room声纳室sonar room主机舱main engine room主机操纵室main engine control room辅机舱auxiliary engine room锅炉舱boiler room机炉舱engine and boiler room减速器舱reduction gear room舵机舱steering gear room通风机室fan room变流机室commutator room空调室air-conditioner room应急发电机室emergency generator room冷冻机室refrigerator room灭火装置室fire control room蓄电池室battery room陀螺罗经室gyro-compass room方位水平仪室azimuth level room计程仪舱log room导弹舱missile room弹药舱magazine深弹舱depth charge room弹药转运舱ammunition lobby声纳舱sonacelle, sonar nacelle7机修间workshop电工间electrician’s store木工间carpenter’s store锚链舱chain locker桅屋mast house洗消室decontamination room居住舱室Accommodation, living accommodation 客舱Cabin船员舱室crew’s cabin墙壁wall天花板top ceiling侧壁板side ceiling里子板lining装饰decoration家具furniture书桌desk衣橱wardrobe梳妆台dressing table书柜table bureaux餐具柜 dresser椅子chair沙发sofa桌子table帷幔drapery窗帘curtain地毯carpet货舱cargo hold货油舱cargo oil tank集装箱舱container hold冷藏货舱refrigerated cargo hold液化天燃气舱liquefied natural gas tank邮件舱mail room行李舱luggage room汽车舱vehicle hold液舱liquid tank燃油舱fuel oil tank滑油舱lubricating oil tank压载水舱ballast tank淡水舱fresh water tank污水舱bilge tank储藏室store, store room8帆缆间hawser store油漆间paint room粮食库provision store冷藏库refrigerating chamber其他:首尖舱fore peak tank尾尖舱aft peak tank顶边舱:topside tank甲板强横梁deck transverse与舱口一直线的垂直边板vertical side plating in line with hatch 船壳板shell plating斜底板sloping plating底边舱hopper side tank双层底舱double bottom tank翼舱wing tank边舱side tank平衡舱heeling tank深舱deep tank残油舱sludge/oil residue tank隔离空舱cofferdam空舱void tank处所货物处所:Cargo spaces货舱Cargo hold货油舱Cargo oil tank液货舱Liquid cargo tank围壁通道Trunk起居处所:Accommodation spaces公共处所Public space走廊Corridor盥洗室Lavatory住所Cabin办公室Office医务室Hospital放映室Cinema游戏室Game room娱乐室Hobby room理发室Barber shop配膳室(无烹调设备) Pantry(containing no cooking appliances)公共处所:Public spaces:大厅Hall餐室Dining room9休息室Lounge类似的固定围闭处所Similar permanently enclosed spaces服务处所:Service spaces:厨房Galley配膳室(设有烹调设备的) Pantry (containing cooking appliances) 储物间Locker邮件舱Mail room贵重物品室Specie room储藏室Store room工作间Workshop围壁通道Trunk特种处所:Special category spaces:舱壁甲板以上或以下围闭的车辆处所Enclosed vehicle spaces above and below the bulkhead deck机器处所:Machinery spaces:A 类机器处所Machinery space of category A装有下列机械的处所Spaces containing:推进机械;Propulsion machinery,锅炉;Boilers,燃油装置;Oil fuel units,蒸汽机和内燃机;Steam and internal combustion engines,发电机和主要电动机;Generators and major electrical machinery,加油站;Oil filling station,冷藏机;Refrigerating installation,防摇装置;Stabilizing installation,通风机;Ventilation installation,空气调节机械。

psc check list

psc check list

Reducing the risk ofPort State Control detentions A pre-port arrival pocket checklist forship owners and operatorsIntroductionThis checklist is compiled from analysing deficiencies found by Port State Control officers on Lloyd’s Register Group classedships. All the deficiencies have led to a ship being detained.Owners and operators are advised to use this checklist prior to their ships entering port. This will significantly reduce thelikelihood of the ship being detained.As a minimum, the items on the chart on page 3 should be checked to ensure they conform with internationalconvention requirements. It is strongly advised that allother items in this guide are also checked prior toentering port.For convenience, the deficiencies have been listed by distinct areas on a ship. This means that each crew member can take responsibility for their own area. The checklist is re-usable.This ‘aide mémoire’ is to supplement the owners own operation and maintenance procedures and should be used in conjunction with the in-depth PSC ‘Maintenance Guide Checklist’, available through your local Lloyd’s Register Group office.Lloyd’s Register, its affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective officers, employees or agents are, individually and collectively, referred to in this clause as the ‘Lloyd's Register Group’. The Lloyd's Register Groupassumes no responsibility and shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage or expense caused by reliance on the information or advice in this document or howsoever provided, unless that person has signed a contract with the relevant Lloyd's Register Group entity for the provision of this information or advice and in that case any responsibility or liability is exclusively on the terms and conditions set out in that contractDetaining itemsThe most common detaining deficiencies (by number) found by Port State Control on Lloyd's Register Group classed ships in 2004755941373533322726201919074506101730074012751420022114302550071006300739The 4 digit code numbers listed immediately above are those used by the Port State Control Authoritiesfire-dampers, valves, quick closing devices, means of control [75]lifeboats [59]oil filtering equipment [41]fire pumps [37]ventilators, air pipes, casings [35]cleanliness of engine room [33]certificates for masters and officers [32]auxiliary engine [27]maintenance of the ship and equipment [26]fire prevention [20]launching arrangements for survival craft [19]emergency fire pump [19]1. Master’s office / responsibilities 1. CertificatesOriginal copies of all trading certificates anddocuments available2. STCWAll personnel adequately certificated anddocuments available3. SOPEPApproved, up to date and with contact detailsincluded4. ISM emergency preparednessDrills to be carried out regularly and effectivelywith documented evidenceNotes:1. PSC officers will always commence their inspection in the Master’soffice. It is essential that certification is up to date and valid.2. If machinery or equipment is damaged or not operating correctly,make a note of it. Also make a note of the corrective action. This will demonstrate to the PSC officer that you are aware of the problem and that you have procedures in place to report and rectify deficiencies.2. Bridge area1. Nautical publicationsValid and as required for the voyage2. ChartsCorrect charts for voyages being undertakenand corrected as necessary3. Magnetic compassEasily readable and correctly adjusted(deviation card)4. Lights, shapes, sound-signalsIn good working order5. GMDSSIn working order6. EPIRBIn working order; updated maintenancerecords available7. Fire detection cabinetAlarms in working order3. Life saving appliances1. Emergency lighting and batteriesFunctioning correctly and in place2. LifeboatsStructure sound3. Lifeboat engineAble to start without difficulty4. Lifeboat davitWell maintained and in good working order5. Lifeboat inventoryAll as required and in date6. LifebuoysCorrect number and location and in good condition 7. LifejacketsCorrect number and location and in good condition 8. Inflatable liferaftsClear of obstructions. Weak link correctlypositioned and hydrostatic release in date4. Accommodation1. Fire doorsAble to close tight and in good condition2. Fire fighting equipmentAvailable, in place and in good working order 3. Fire control planIn place and up to date4. Signs, indications (weathertight doors, firedetectors, fire dampers, ventilation)All in place and as required5. Emergency lighting and batteriesFunctioning correctly and in place6. Sanitary facilitiesEquipment in place, clean and functioningcorrectly5. Deck area1. Deck corrosionEnsure deck well maintained, not corroded,holed or wasted2. Railings, cat walksEnsure all well maintained, not corroded,holed or wasted3. Cargo and other hatchwaysEnsure weathertight and the covers are in goodcondition with securing devices adequate andin place4. Weathertight doorsIn good condition and securing correctly5. Ventilators, air pipes, casingsClearly marked and in good working condition 6. Winches and capstansClear markings and in good working conditioncontinued overleaf5. Deck area continued7. Fixed fire extinguishing installationBottles correctly serviced and dated; releasemechanisms in good condition and in place 8. Fire fighting equipmentAvailable, in place and in good working orderwith valid recharge date marked whereappropriate9. Fire dampers, quick closing devices andmeans of controlClearly marked, easy to operate and corrosionfree10. Signs, indications (weathertight doors, firedetectors, fire dampers, ventilation)All in place and as requiredNotes:1. Corroded or non-operable fire dampers are one of the most commondetaining items.2. The condition of the hatchway covers and their closing devices arealways checked during PSC inspections.Pre-port arrival pocket checklist6. Working spaces1. Emergency fire pumpCapable of being started easily and deliveringsufficient pressure at hoses2. Emergency generatorAble to be easily operated and connected toswitchboard3. LightingEnsure adequate7. Engine Room1. Retention of oil on boardEnsure correct tanks are being used andemptied at port facilities2. Cleanliness of engine roomClean, no oil leaks, clean bilges and tank topsand no oily rags3. Auxiliary enginesAll in working order4. Propulsion main engineAll components functioning correctly5. Jacketed piping system for high pressurefuel linesApproved system in place6. Oil filtering equipment (oily waterseparator)Working correctly, ensure no illegal pipe work7. 15 PPM alarm arrangementsFunctioning as requiredcontinued overleaf7. Engine room continued8. Oil record bookData correctly entered9. Fire pumpsIn working order with adequate pressure10. Steering gearFunctioning correctly11. Signs, indications (weathertight doors, firedetectors, fire dampers, ventilation)All in place and as required12. Emergency lighting and batteriesFunctioning correctly and in place13. Fire fighting equipmentAvailable, in place, in good working order withvalid recharge date marked where appropriate14. Weathertight doorsIn good condition, securing correctly andcapable of being closed remotelyBeing prepared for a Port State Control inspectionPort State Control is the inspection of foreign ships in national ports to verify that the condition of the ship and its equipment complies with the requirements of international regulations and that the ship is manned and operated in compliance with these rules.If your ship is detained, or appears to be in the process of being detained, contact your local Lloyd’s Register Group office immediately.The major PSC organisation’s publish the criteria they use fortargeting a ship on their websites. Ship owners and operatorsshould use the criteria to calculate the target rating of theirships.Paris MOU - /Tokyo MOU - /USCG - /hq/g-m/pscweb/index.htmVina del Mar Agreement - www.acuerdolatino.int.ar/Mediterranean MOU - Indian Ocean MOU - From time to time, a ship operator may disagree with thefindings of the Port State Control Authority. If this is the case,the majority of the regional Port State Control organisation’shave published guidelines on appealing detentions. Theseguidelines can also be found at the above websites.Lloyd’s Register is directed through its constitution to:‘secure for the benefit of the community high technical standards of design, manufacture, construction, maintenance, operation andperformance for the purpose of enhancing the safety of life and property at sea and on land and in the air’ and to ‘advance public educationwithin the transport industries and any other engineering and technology disciplines’.To order additional copies of this checklist, please visit the Lloyd’s Register Group website .The Lloyd’s Register mission Lloyd’s Register Americas, Inc.1401 Enclave Parkway Suite 200Houston, Texas, 77077, USA Tel: +1 (1)281 675 3100Fax: +1 (1)281 675 3139Email: americas@Lloyd’s Register Asia Suite 3501 China Merchant Towers, Shun Tak Centre 168-200 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong, SAR of PRC Tel: +852 2287 9333Fax: +852 2526 2921Email: asia@Lloyd’s Register EMEA71 Fenchurch StreetLondon EC3M 4BSTel: +44 (0)20 7709 9166Fax: +44 (0)20 7488 4796Email: emea@ Services are provided bymembers of the Lloyd’s RegisterGroup. Lloyd’s Register, Lloyd’sRegister EMEA and Lloyd’sRegister Asia are exemptcharities under the UK CharitiesAct 1993.。



Unit 1 Nautical PublicationsLesson 1 Admiralty Sailing Directions Words and Termsnautical ['nɔːtɪk(ə)l] adj.航海的publication [,pʌblɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] n. 出版物航海图书资料admiralty ['ædmərəltɪ] n.英版的Admiralty Sailing Directions英版航路指南publish ['pʌblɪʃ] vt.出版volume ['vɒljuːm]n. 卷;册complementary [kɒmplɪ'ment(ə)rɪ] adj.对……的补充chart [tʃɑːt]n.海图UKHOUnited Kingdom Hydrographic Office英国海测局assumption [ə'sʌm(p)ʃ(ə)n] n.假设appropriate [ə'prəʊprɪət] adj. 合适的相关的primarily ['praɪm(ə)rɪ lɪ] adv. 主要地vessel ['ves(ə)l] n.船舶mariner ['mærɪnə] n.海员gt=gross tonnage 总吨take…into account将……考虑在内hovercraft ['hɒvəkrɑːft]n.气垫船submarine [ˌsʌbmə'riːn]n.潜水艇draught=draft [drɑːft]n. 吃水as follows [əz 'fɒləʊz] adv. 如下consult [kən'sʌlt] v 参考abbreviation [əˌbriːvi'eɪʃn] n. 缩写glossary ['ɡlɒsəri] n. 词汇表navigational [,nævɪ'geɪʃnəl] 航行的航海的navigational dangers=dangers to navigation航行危险物navigational hazard= hazards to navigation航行危险物navigational aids= aids to navigation 助航设备Malacca[mə'lækə] 马六甲strait[streɪt] 海峡bottom['bɒtəm] 底部,海底tidal ['taɪd(ə)l] 潮汐的current ['kʌr(ə)nt] 流,洋流sand-wave 沙浪,(海底)波浪形的沙丘details=detailed information 详细信息form [fɔːm]v. 形成bound for [baʊnd] v. 驶往……route [ruːt]n.航路,航线IMOInternational Maritime Organization国际海事组织adopt [ə'dɒpt] v. 采纳,采用TSS=Traffic Separation Scheme 分道通航制establish [ɪ'stæblɪʃ] v. 建立vary ['veəri] v. 变化多端designated ['dezɪɡ,neɪtɪd] adj. 专用的tidal ['taɪdl] adj. 潮汐的be liable to do…很容易……stream [striːm]n. 流,洋流maintain [meɪn'teɪn] v. 保养unreliable [ˌʌnrɪ'laɪəbl] adj. 不可靠的mile [maɪl] n. 英里nautical mile 海里depth [depθ]n. 水深considerable [kən'sɪdərəbl] adj. 大量的fishing activity 渔业活动adjacent [ə'dʒeɪsnt] adj. 临近的毗邻的factor ['fæktə] n. 因素density ['densiti] n. 密度concentration [ˌkɒnsen'treɪʃən] n. 集中度demand [dɪ'mɑːnd] v. 要求vigilance ['vɪdʒɪləns] n. 警惕piracy ['paɪrəsi] n. 海盗活动pirate ['paɪrət] n. 海盗armed [ɑːmd]adj. 武装的robbery ['rɒbəri] n. 抢劫attack [ə'tæk]n. &v.袭击at anchor 锚泊underway [ˌʌndə'weɪ] 在航prevalent ['prevələnt] adj. 盛行的普遍的approach [ə'prəʊtʃ] v. 靠近stern [stɜːn]n. 船尾side [saɪd] 船舷portside=port [pɔːt]左舷starboard side ['stɑːbəd]右舷=starboardfreeboard ['friːˌbɔːd]n. 干舷in excess of 超过……kn=knot 节(航速单位)board [bɔːd]v. 登船take place v. 发生Useful Expressionsbe complementary to…对……的补充take …into account 将……考虑在内as follows (用于列举)如下be liable to do something 易于做某事be less liable to do something 不容易做某事in excess of…超过……take place 发生consist of…包含……,有……构成be aware of…意识到……be unaware of…没有意识到……at intervals 不时地in force 有效的,有效力的Lesson 2 Nautical ChartsWords and Termsnautical ['nɔːtɪk(ə)l] adj.航海的chart [tʃɑːt]n. 海图issue ['ɪʃuː]v.n.发布发布density of traffic n.通航密度scale [skeɪl] n. 比例尺medium ['miːdiəm] adj. 中等的chart datum n.海图基准面chart legend n.海图图例chart title n.海图标题栏chart number n.海图编号ECDISElectronic Chart Display and information System 电子海图显示与信息系统vector chart n.矢量海图ENCElectronic Nautical Chartn. 电子海图raster chart n. 光栅海图facsimile [fæk'sɪməli] n.复印件error ['erə(r)] n.误差lay down 标绘take…into account将……考虑在内displacement n.错位,误差cable ['keɪbl] n. 链(长度单位)1链=0.1海里bearing ['beərɪŋ]n. 方位order ['ɔːdə(r)] n. 顺序elevation [ˌelɪ'veɪʃn] n. 高程period ['pɪəriəd] n. 周期range [reɪndʒ] n. (灯光的)射程geographical range n. 地理能见距离luminous range n. 光达距离nominal range n. 额定光达距离beacon ['biːkən] n. 信标ocean chart n. 大洋图sailing chart n.航行图general chart n.总图coastal chart n.沿岸航行图harbor chart n.港泊图primary [‘praɪməri] adj. 原始的derive [dɪ'raɪv] v. 衍生derived chart n. 派生海图insert [ɪn’sɜːt]n. 插入amend [ə'mend] n. 修改,修正delete [dɪ’liːt]v. 删除substitute [‘sʌbstɪtjuːt]v. 替代alteration [ˌɔːltə’reɪʃn] n. 改变alter [ɔːltə] v. 改变=change erasure [ɪ’reɪʒə®] n. 擦拭,涂擦block [blɒk] n. 贴图symbol [‘sɪmbl] n. 符号abbreviation [əˌbriːvi’eɪʃn] n. 缩写tide n. 潮汐low water n. 低潮high water n. 高潮spring tide n. 大潮neap tide n. 小潮mud [mʌd] n. 泥土clay [kleɪ] n. 黏土coral [‘kɒrəl] n. 珊瑚礁obstruction [əb’strʌkʃn] n. 障碍物cautionary ['kɔːʃənəri] adj. 警告性的cautionary notes n. 注意事项blank [blæŋk]adj. 空白的facility [fə’sɪləti] n. 便利avoid [ə’vɔɪd] v. 避免shallow waters n. 浅水区fishing gear n. 捕鱼设备submarine [ˌsʌbmə’riːn]n. 潜艇exercise [‘eksəsaɪz] n. (军事)演习live weapon exercise n. 实弹演习reliability [rɪˌlaɪə’bɪləti] n. 可靠性reliable [rɪ'laɪəbl] adj. 可靠的congested waters n. 拥挤水域trawl [trɔːlə] v. 拖网(捕鱼)trawler [trɔːl]n. (拖网)捕鱼船bury [‘beri]v. 掩埋span [spæn] v. 蔓延,蜿蜒snag [snæɡ]v. 被缠住,被绊住fathom [‘fæðəm] n. 拓,(英制单位)yard [jɑːd]n. 码foot (复数形式feet) n. 英尺mile [maɪl] n. 英里nautical mile n. 海里shackle ['ʃækl] n. 节,=27.5米omit [ə’mɪt] v. 删除unlit [ˌʌn’lɪt] adj. 不发光的projection n. 投影Mercator[’məkeɪtə] n. 墨卡托投影projectiongnomonic projection [nəʊ'mɒnɪk] n. 心射投影cylindrical[sə'lɪndrɪkl] n. 圆柱投影projectionsimple conic['kɒnɪk] n. 单圆锥投影projectionpolyconic projection [pɒlɪ'kɒnɪk] n. 多圆锥投影rectangular[rek'tæŋɡjələ(r)]n. 矩形投影projectionmagnetic variationn. 磁差曲线图chartcompass rose n. 罗经花isogonic line n. 等磁差线great circle n. 大圆rhumb line [rʌm]n. 恒向线track line n. 航迹线pecked line [pekt] n. 虚线magenta [mə'dʒentə] n. 紫红色cable area n. 电缆区dumping ground n. 垃圾倾倒区fish trap area n. 捕鱼区precautionary area [prɪ'kɔːʃənəri] n. 警戒区new edition n.新版revised edition n.修订版current edition n.当前版本Useful Expressionsbe subject to…易受……的影响depend on…取决于……appropriate to 与……想对应的have regard to…考虑……lay down (在海图上)标注,标绘vary with…随着……而变化familiarize somebody with something 使某人熟悉某事give somebody facilities to do something 便于某人做某事avoid doing something 避免做……made damage to …对……造成损坏in the vicinity of…在……附近put … in danger 置于……于危险之中differ from…不同于……agree with…与……相一致be based on…根据……bear … in mind 铭记……Lesson 3 Admiralty Notices to Mariners Words and Termsup-to-date [‘ʌptə’deɪt] adj.最新的latest [‘leɪtɪst] adj. 最新的enable [ɪ’neɪbl] v. 使能够publish ['pʌblɪʃ] v. 印刷,出版issue ['ɪʃuː]v. 发布regularly ['reɡjələli]adv. 定期地dispatch [dɪ'spætʃ] v. 派发,分发content ['kɒntent] n. 内容weekly edition n. 周版Weekly Editions n. (周版的)航海通告surface mail n. 平邮air mail n. 空邮researchable [rɪ'sɜːtʃəbl] adj. 可以(在线)搜索的explanatory [ɪk'splænətri] adj. 解释性的list [lɪst] n. 清单update [ˌʌp’deɪt] v.n.更新改正,更新reprint [ˌriː’prɪnt] n.重新印刷amendment [ə’mendmənt] n.改正,更新accurate [‘ækjərət] adj. 准确的be aware of [ə'weə(r)] v.意识到……risk [rɪsk] n.风险corruption to data [kə’rʌpʃn] n. 数据失真application [ˌæplɪ’keɪʃn] n. 应用consult [kən’sʌlt] v. 参考,参阅professional [prə'feʃənl] adj. 专业的detail ['diːteɪl] adj.n.详细的详细信息possibility [ˌpɒsə'bɪləti]corrupt [kə’rʌpt]v. (数据)失真transmission [træns’mɪʃn] n.传输convert [kən’vɜːt]v.转换responsibility [rɪˌspɒnsə'bɪləti] n. 责任software format 软件格式modification [ˌmɒdɪfɪ’keɪʃn] n.修改authorized adj. 经授权的unauthorized adj. 未经授权的cable [‘keɪbl] n. 链(长度单位)1链=0.1海里bearing [‘beərɪŋ]n. 方位order [‘ɔːdə®] n. 顺序immediately [ɪ'miːdiətli] adv. 立即discovery [dɪ'skʌvəri] n. 发现copy ['kɒpi] n. 一本(书),复印件temporary ['temprəri] adj. 临时性的preliminary [prɪ'lɪmɪnəri] adj. 预告性的indicate ['ɪndɪkeɪt] v. 表明file [faɪl] v. (资料)归档assist [ə'sɪst] v. 协助,帮助monthly ['mʌnθli]adj. 月度的annual ['ænjuəl] adj. 年度的annually ['ænjuəli] adv. 年度地adjacent [ə'dʒeɪsnt] adj. 与……相邻的originalinformation[ə'rɪdʒənl] n. 原始信息limitation [ˌlɪmɪ'teɪʃn] n.局限性promulgation [ˌprɒml'ɡeɪʃn]n.发布,出版promulgate ['prɒmlɡeɪt]v. 发布,出版selection [sɪ'lekʃn] n.选择significant [sɪɡ'nɪfɪkənt] adj. 重要的navigationally significant information 航行上的重要信息具有航行意义的信息item ['aɪtəm] 事项items of immediate importance 紧迫的重要事项extract [ik'strækt] v. 节选relevant ['reləvənt] n. 相关的prosecution [ˌprɒsɪ'kjuːʃn] n.起诉indiscriminate [ˌɪndɪ'skrɪmɪnət] adj. 不加选择的,随便的lie [laɪ] v. 位于……subsequent ['sʌbsɪkwənt] adj. 后来的,后续的quote [kwəʊt] v. 引用,采用cancel ['kænsl] v. 取消fire ['faɪə(r)] v. 射击live weapon firing n. 实弹射击patrol [pə'trəʊl] n. 巡逻request [rɪ'kwest] v. 要求vacate this area [və'keɪt] v. 撤离本地区instruction [ɪn'strʌkʃn] n. 指示,要求asterisk ['æstərɪsk] n. 星号,※column ['kɒləm] n. (表格的)栏Useful Expressionsenable somebody to do something 使某人可以做某事on a daily basis 每天make every effort to do something 尽一切努力做某事be aware of…(短语)be aware that…(从句)意识到……exercise one’s professional judgment 做出专业的判断adjacent to 毗邻,在……附近be borne in mind, 主动语态为bear…in mind谨记,铭记in the vicinity of 在……附近Lesson 4 Other Nautical PublicationsWords and TermsAdmiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals 英版灯标雾号表geographically [ˌdʒiːə'ɡræfɪkli]adv. 地理上地previous ['priːviəs] adj. 之前的,前面的annually ['ænjuəli] adv. 年度地,每年drilling platform n. 钻井平台prefix ['priːfɪks] v. 以……为前缀resolution [ˌrezə'luːʃn] n. 决议Admiralty List of Radio Signals 英版无线电信号表Maritime Radio Communications 海上无线电通信pilotage ['paɪlətɪdʒ]n. 引航业务/服务Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) 船舶交管服务port contact information 港口联系方式Admiralty Tide Tables 英版潮汐表prediction [prɪ'dɪkʃn] n.预报,预测tide [taɪd] n. 潮汐current ['kʌrənt] n. (洋)流time of high waters n.高潮的潮时heights of low waters n.低潮的潮高standard port n.主港secondary port n.副港difference ['dɪfrəns] n. 差值,差异harmonic [hɑː'mɒnɪk]adj. 调和的constant ['kɒnstənt] n. 常数harmonic constant n. 调和常数simplified ['sɪmplɪfaɪd] adj. 简化的,简易的Ocean Passage for the World n. 世界大洋航路route [ruːt]n. 航路,航线principal ['prɪnsəpəl] adj. 主要的ice hazards n. 冰情危险物link [lɪŋk]v. 与……相关联Load Line Rules n. 载重线规则Weather Routeing (Service) 气象定线(服务)recommend [ˌrekə'mend] v. 推荐supplement ['sʌplɪmənt] n. 补编await [ə'weɪt] v. 等待Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices toMariners航海通告年度摘要Mariner’s Handbook海员手册printed publication [r'rɪntɪd] [ˌpʌblɪ'keɪʃn] n. 纸质图书资料digital publication ['dɪdʒɪtl] [ˌpʌblɪ'keɪʃn] n. 电子图书资料IALA=International Association of LighthouseAuthorities国际航标协会IMO=International Maritime Organization 世界海事组织purchase ['pɜːtʃəs]v. 购买up-to-date adj. 最新的presentation [ˌprezn'teɪʃn] n. (呈现的)内容professional [prə'feʃənl] adj. 专业的merchant vessel ['mɜːtʃənt] n. 商船naval vessel ['neɪvl] n. 军舰latitude ['lætɪtjuːd]n. 纬度longitude ['lɒŋɡɪtjuːd]n. 经度altitude ['æltɪtjuːd]n. 高度characteristic [ˌkærəktə'rɪstɪk] n. 灯质elevation [ˌelɪ'veɪʃn] n. 高程,灯高range [reɪndʒ] n. 射程remark [rɪ'mɑːk]n. 备注,说明column ['kɒləm] n. (表格的)栏capital ['kæpɪtl] n. 大写(字体)bold type [bəʊld] n. 粗体roman type ['rəʊmən] n. 罗马体,正体italic [ɪ'tælɪk] adj. 斜体approximate [ə'prɒksɪmət] adj. 大致的specify ['spesɪfaɪ] v. 明确,详细说明specific [spə'sɪfɪk] adj. 具体的,明确的light beacon v. 灯标adjust [ə'dʒʌst] v. 调整reflect [rɪ'flekt] v. 反映,反射considerable [kən'sɪdərəbl adj. 大量的,可观的substantial [səb'stænʃl] adj. 实质性的exclude [ɪk'skluːd]v. 排除,不包括wear [weə(r)] n. 磨损tear [teə(r)] n. 损耗alternative [ɔːl'tɜːnətɪv] adj. 二选一的nautical ['nɔːtɪkl] adj. 航海的alphabetically [ˌælfə'betɪkli] adv. 按照字母顺序地precise [prɪ'saɪs] adj. 精确的Useful Expressionsbe ascribed to... 将……归类于……wear and tear 正常磨损in accordance with…根据……in place of…取代……in the form of 以……的形式link with…与……相关联regardless of…不管……,不顾……with the aid of…借助于……be identical to…与……相同Unit 2 Nautical InstrumentsLesson 1 RADAR and ARPAWords and Termsmarine [mə'riːn]adj. 海上的marine radar n.船用雷达measure ['meʒə(r)] v.测量collision [kə'lɪʒn] n.碰撞navigate ['nævɪɡeɪt] n. 导航fix position v. 定位shore [ʃɔː(r)]n. 岸边,岸上reference ['refrəns] n. 参照物fixed reference n. 固定参照物island ['aɪlənd] n. 岛屿buoy [bɔɪ] n. 浮标lightship ['laɪtʃɪp] n. 灯船monitor ['mɒnɪtə(r)] v. 监控regulate ['reɡjuleɪt]v. 调节,使……规范maintain [meɪn'teɪn] v. 保持proper ['prɒpə(r)] adj. 合适的,正规的lookout ['lʊkaʊt] n. 瞭望瞭望人员obtain [əb'teɪn] v. 获取risk of collision n. 碰撞危险radar plotting n. 雷达标绘ARPA=Automatic Radar Plotting Aids n. 自动雷达标绘仪CPA=Closest Point of Approach n. 最近会遇距离TCPA=Time to CPA n. 最近会遇时间vicinity [və'sɪnəti] n. 附近contrast ['kɒntrɑːst]n. 对比度gain [ɡeɪn]n. 增益tuning ['tjuːnɪŋ]n. 调谐acronym ['ækrənɪm] n. (首字母的)缩写transmitter [træns'mɪtə(r)] n. 发射机pulse [pʌls] n. 脉冲receiver [rɪ'siːvə(r)] n. 接收机echo ['ekəʊ] n. 回波signal ['sɪɡnəl] n. 信号rotation [rəʊ'teɪʃn] n. 旋转display [dɪ'spleɪ] n.v.显示器,显示显示target ['tɑːɡɪt]n. 物标antenna [æn'tenə] n. 天线scan [skæn] v. 扫描access ['ækses] n. 入口sensitivity [ˌsensə'tɪvəti] n. 灵敏度clutter ['klʌtə(r)] n.v.杂波出现杂波eliminate [ɪ'lɪmɪneɪt] v. 减少range [reɪndʒ] n. 量程anti-sea clutter n. 海浪抑制minimum ['mɪnɪməm] n. 最小量periodically [ˌpɪəri'ɒdɪkli] adv. 周期性地anti rain clutter n. 雨雪抑制EBL=electronic bearing line 电子方位线VRM=variable range markers n. 可变距离标尺PPI=plan position indicator n. 平面位置显示器PAD=predicted area of danger n. 预测危险区conventional [kən'venʃənl] n. 传统的beam [biːm]n. 波束beam width [wɪdθ]n. 波束宽度course up n. 航向向上heading up n. 艏向上north up n. 北向上standby ['stændbaɪ] n.v.准备状态准备true course n. 真航向true motion display n. 真运动显示模式true speed n. 真航速speed over the ground n.对地航速speed through the water n.对水航速course made good n. 航迹向Useful Expressionsclear up 清除bounce back 反弹回来be referred to as…称作……be relative to…相对于……reflect back 反射回来rely on…依赖,取决于……Lesson 2 Magnetic Compass and Gyro Compass Words and Termsradically ['rædɪkli] adv. 本质上的,完全地compass ['kʌmpəs] n.罗经magnetic compass n.磁罗经magnet ['mæɡnət]n.磁铁,磁体interact [ˌɪntər'ækt] v. 相互作用magnetic field n. 磁场magnetic pole n. 磁极gyrocompass ['dʒaɪərəʊˌkʌmpəs] n. 陀螺罗经,电罗经true north n. 真北advantage [əd'vɑːntɪdʒ]n. 优点magnetic north n. 磁北metal ['metl] n. 金属backup ['bækʌp] n. 备用品,替补simplicity [sɪm'plɪsəti] n. 简单reliability [rɪˌlaɪə'bɪləti] n. 可靠grounding ['ɡraʊndɪŋ]n. 搁浅compass bowl n. 罗盆binnacle ['bɪnəkl] n. 支架binnacle stand n. 罗经柜gimbal ['dʒɪmbəl] n. 常平环cardinal points ['kɑːdɪnl]n. 基点intercardinal points n. 隅点magnetism ['mæɡnətɪzəm]n. 磁性diminish [dɪ'mɪnɪʃ] v. 消失ageing ['eɪdʒɪŋ]n. 老化quadrantal [k'wɒdrəntl] adj. 象限的quadrantal[ˌdiːvi'eɪʃn] n. 象限自差deviationheeling ['hiːlɪŋ]adj. 倾斜的heeling error n. 倾斜自差(误差)flinders bar n. 佛氏铁geographic [ˌdʒiːə'ɡræfɪk]adj 地理上的variation [ˌveəri'eɪʃn] n. 磁差deviation [ˌdiːvi'eɪʃn] n. 自差rotate [rəʊ'teɪt] v. 旋转lubber line ['lʌbə] n. 罗盘准线permanent magnet ['pɜːmənənt] n. 永磁磁体ferromagnetic [ˌferəʊmæɡ'netɪk]adj. 铁磁的compensate ['kɒmpenseɪt] v. 补偿,纠正landmark ['lændmɑːk]n. 陆标sensitive ['sensətɪv] adj. 灵敏的oscillate ['ɒsɪleɪt] v. 震荡gyroscope ['dʒaɪrəskəʊp] n. 陀螺仪azimuth ['æzɪməθ]n. 方位角echo sounder ['ekəʊ] ['saʊndə] n. 回声测深仪fathometer [fæ'ðɒmɪtə] n. 回声测深仪scientific [ˌsaɪən'tɪfɪk] adj. 科学的device [dɪ'vaɪs] n. 设备,仪器complex ['kɒmpleks] adj. 复杂的accurate ['ækjərət] adj. 准确的rely [rɪ'laɪ] v. 依靠principle [p'rɪnsəpl] n. 原理emit [ɪ'mɪt] v. 发出,发射salinity [sə'lɪnəti] n. 盐度temperature ['temprətʃə(r)] n. 温度interfere [ˌɪntə'fɪə(r)] v. 干扰iceberg ['aɪsbɜːɡ]n. 冰山potential [pə'tenʃl] adj. 潜在的alert [ə'lɜːt]adj. 警惕的shipwreck ['ʃɪprek] n. 沉船log [lɒg] n. 计程仪knot['nɒt] n.n.v.节(航速单位)绳结打绳结backup compass n. 备用罗经compass deviation table n. 磁罗经自查表induced magnetism n. 感应磁性permanent magnetism n. 永磁性isogonic lines n. 等磁差线magnetic dip n. 磁倾角magnetic equator [ɪ'kweɪtə(r)] n. 磁赤道sensitive element n. 灵敏件sensor ['sensə(r)]n. 传感器mastergyrocompassn. 主罗经repeater [rɪ'piːtə(r)] n. 分罗经Useful Expressionsinteract with…与……相互作用as opposed to…不同于……be composed of…由……构成be aligned with…与……成一条直线listen for (the signal) 接收(信号)interfere with 干扰Lesson 3 Other Navigational InstrumentsWords and TermsGlobal Positioning System(GPS) n. 全球定位系统space [speɪs] n. 太空global navigation satellite system n. 全球卫星导航系统line of sight n. 视线military ['mɪlətri] adj. 军用的civil ['sɪvl] adj. 民用的commercial [kə'mɜːʃl] adj. 商用的Automatic Identification System(AIS) n. 船舶自动识别系统identify [aɪ'dentɪfaɪ] v. 识别locate [ləʊ'keɪt] v. 查找……的位置unique [ju'niːk]adj. 独一无二的identification [aɪˌdentɪfɪ'keɪʃn] n. 识别position [pə'zɪʃn] n. 船位course [kɔːs]n. 航向integrate ['ɪntɪɡreɪt] v. 将……整合成一个整体consist [kən'sɪst] v. 包含major ['meɪdʒə(r)] adj. 主要的segment ['seɡmənt]部分space segment n. (GPS的)空间部分control segment n. (GPS的)控制部分user segment (GPS的)用户部分latitude ['lætɪtjuːd]n. 纬度longitude ['lɒŋɡɪtjuːd]n. 经度altitude ['æltɪtjuːd]n. 高度orbit ['ɔːbɪt] n. (卫星的)轨道sidereal day [saɪ'dɪəriəl] n. 恒星日differential [ˌdɪfə'renʃl] adj. 有差别的,差异的Differential GPS (DGPS) n. 差分GPS maximum adj. 最大的accuracy n. 准确性transponder [træns'pɒndə(r)] n. 应答器mode [məʊd] n. 模式integrate ['ɪntɪɡreɪt] v. 将……整合成一个整体integrated bridge system n. 综合驾驶台系统consequence ['kɒnsɪkwəns] n. 后果,结果distinction [dɪ'stɪŋkʃn] n. 区别replace [rɪ'pleɪs] v. 取代limitation [ˌlɪmɪ'teɪʃn] n. 局限性master control station n. 主控站alternate controlstation['ɔːltɜːnət] n. 备用控制站Precise Positioning Service 精准定位服务(military)Standard Positioning Service 标准定位服务(civil)the Reference Station n. 参考台站coordinate [kəʊ'ɔːdɪneɪt] n. 坐标real-time adj. 实时地coverage ['kʌvərɪdʒ] n. (涵盖的)范围investigate [ɪn'vestɪɡeɪt] v. 调查degrade [dɪ'ɡreɪd]v. 降级,下降announcement [ə'naʊnsmənt] n. 通告,通知Useful Expressionsin all weather 全天候地with respect to…关于……comply with 遵守apply to…(规则等)适应于……apart from 此外Unit 3 Marine MeteorologyLesson 1 Weather and Meteorological Element Words and Termsmeteorology [ˌmiːtiə'rɒlədʒi] n. 气象学meteorological [ˌmiːtiərə'lɒdʒɪkl] n.气象的element ['elɪmənt] n.因素,要素atmosphere ['ætməsfɪə(r)] n.大气层climate ['klaɪmət] n.气候precipitation [prɪˌsɪpɪ'teɪʃn] n. 降水humidity [hjuː'mɪdəti] n.湿度temperature ['temprətʃə(r)] n.温度pressure ['preʃə(r)] n.气压cloudiness ['klaʊdinəs] n.云heat [hiːt]n.热量moisture ['mɔɪstʃə(r)] n.潮气observe [əb'zɜːv]v. 观测predict [prɪ'dɪkt] v. 预报,预测cause [kɔːz]v. 导致essential [ɪ'senʃl] adj. 本质的,核心的forecast ['fɔːkɑːst]n.v.预报预报weather forecast n. 天气预报high pressure ['preʃə(r)] n.高压low pressure n.低压pressure gradient ['ɡreɪdiənt]n.气压梯度northern hemisphere n.北半球southern hemisphere ['hemɪsfɪə(r)] n.南半球jet stream n.射流prediction [prɪ'dɪkʃn] n.预报imminent ['ɪmɪnənt] adj. 紧急的(自发布天气预报起6小时之内)soon [suːn]adj. 不久(自发布天气预报6小时后至12小时前)later ['leɪtə(r)] adj. 以后(自发布天气预报12小时后)backing ['bækɪŋ]n. (风向)逆时针变化anticlockwise [ˌænti'klɒkwaɪz] adj. 逆时针的cyclonic [saɪ'klɒnɪk] n. (风向)气旋性切变veering ['vɪərɪŋ]n. (风向)顺时针变化clockwise ['klɒkwaɪz] adj. 顺时针的sea [siː]n.海浪swell [swel] n.涌浪tsunami [tsuː'nɑːmi]n.海啸length of a wave n.波长horizontal [ˌhɒrɪ'zɒntl] adj. 水平的crest [krest] n.波峰trough [trɒf] n.波谷height of a wave n.波高vertical ['vɜːtɪkl] adj.垂直的period of a wave n.(波的)周期successive [sək'sesɪv] adj.连续的velocity [və'lɒsəti] n.速度atmosphericpressure[ˌætməs'ferɪk] n.大气压vapour ['veɪpə(r)] n.蒸汽,水汽moisture ['mɔɪstʃə(r)] n.水分,水汽saturation [ˌsætʃə'reɪʃn] n.饱和relative humidity [hjuː'mɪdəti] n.相对湿度cool [kuːl]v.冷却dew point [djuː]n. 露点(温度)condense [kən'dens] v.冷凝droplet [d'rɒplet] n.水滴ice crystals [k'rɪstlz] n.冰晶visibility [ˌvɪzə'bɪləti] n.能见度sleet [sliːt]n.雨夹雪hail [heɪl] n.冰雹blizzard ['blɪzəd] n.暴风雪snowstorm ['snəʊstɔːm]n.暴雪drizzle ['drɪzl] n.毛毛雨shower ['ʃaʊə(r)] n.阵雨mist [mɪst] n.薄雾haze [heɪz] n.霾fog [fɒɡ] n.雾arctic sea smoke n.北冰洋烟雾gravitational pull n.(地球)引力semi-diurnal tide n.半日潮diurnal tide [daɪ'ɜːnl]n.全日潮mixed tide [mɪkst] n.混合潮spring tide n.大潮neap tide n.小潮slack tide n.平潮thermometer [θə'mɒmɪtə(r)] n.温度计sling [slɪŋ]n. 吊索,吊货索sling psychomotor [ˌsaɪkəʊ'məʊtə] n.悬挂式湿度计barometer [bə'rɒmɪtə(r)] n.气压计aneroid barometer ['ænərɔɪd] n.空盒气压计wind vane [veɪn] n.风向标anemometer [ˌænɪ'mɒmɪtə(r)] n.风速计equator [ɪ'kweɪtə(r)] n.赤道storm [stɔːm]n.风暴tropical storm ['trɒpɪkl] n.热带风暴severe tropical storm [sɪ'vɪə(r)] n.强热带风暴hurricane ['hʌrikənz] n.飓风typhoon [taɪ'fuːnz]n.台风eye [aɪ] n.风眼,风暴中心excess [ɪk'ses] v.超过exceptionally [ɪk'sepʃənəli] adv.异常地,例外地isobar ['aɪsəbɑː(r)]n.等压线Beaufort scale n.蒲福氏风级表gale [ɡeɪl]n.大风calm [kɑːm]adj.无风的无浪的smooth [smuːð]adj.平滑的moderate [‘mɒdərət] adj.适度的rough [rʌf] adj.粗野的cirrus [‘sɪrəs] n.卷云cirro-cumulus n.卷积云cirro-stratus n.卷层云alto-cumulus n.高积云alto-stratus n.高层云nimbo-stratus n.雨层云strato-cumulus n.层积云stratus [‘streɪtəs] n.层云cumulus [‘kjuːmjələs] n.积云cumulo-nimbus n.积雨云cold front n.冷锋warm front n.暖锋doldrums [‘dɒldrəmz] n.赤道无风带horse latitude n.副热带无风带temperate zone n.温带ridge [rɪdʒ] n.高压脊complex low n.多中心低压tropical cyclone n.热带气旋semicircle [‘semisɜːkl]n.半圆dangerous semicircle n.危险半圆navigable semicircle n.可航半圆thunder [‘θʌndə] n.雷暴waterspout [‘wɔːtəspaʊt] n.水龙卷trade wind n.信风sea breeze [briːz]n.海风land breeze n.陆风monsoon [ˌmɒn'suːn]n.季风twilight ['twaɪlaɪt] n.晨昏蒙影时期radiation fog [ˌreɪdi'eɪʃn] n.辐射雾advection fog [æd'vekʃən] n. 平流雾frontal fog ['frʌntl] n. 锋面雾Useful Expressionscarry out 开展,执行be parallel to…与……平行in a …manner 以……的方式be associated with…与……相关as a result of…因为……by means of…通过……的方式,假以……的方法in most cases 大部分情况in no case 绝不,无论如何都不together with 连同……Lesson 2 Weather ReportsWords and TermsNAVTEX n. 航行电传warning ['wɔːnɪŋ]n.警告synopsis [sɪ'nɒpsɪs] n.大势分析synopses [sɪ'nɒpsiːz]n.大势分析(复数)heading ['hedɪŋ]n. 标题cyclone ['saɪkləʊn]n. 气旋anticyclone [ˌænti'saɪkləʊn]n. 反气旋depression [dɪ'preʃn] n. 低压front [frʌnt] n. 锋forecast ['fɔːkɑːst]n.v.预报预报state of sea n. 海况radius ['reɪdiəs] n.半径ridge [rɪdʒ] n.高压脊trough [trɒf] n.低压槽upgrade [ˌʌp'ɡreɪd]v. 升级valid ['vælɪd] adj. 有效的easterly (ely) ['iːstəli] adj. 偏东的westerly (wly) ['westəli] adj.偏西的northerly (nly) ['nɔːðəli] adj.偏北的southerly (sly) ['sʌðəli] adj.偏南的kilometer (km) ['kɪləˌmiːtə] n.千米knot (kt) [nɒt] n.(航速)节hectopascal (HPA) ['hektəʊpɑːskl]n.百帕warm front n.暖锋cold front n.冷锋occlusion front n.锢囚锋GMT=Greenwich Mean Time n.格里尼治时间(世界时)Zulu time n.世界时UTC=Universal Time Coordinated n.世界协调时Unit 4 Ship HandlingLesson 1 Ship’s ManoeuvrabilityWords and Termsship handling ['hændlɪŋ]n. 船舶操纵maneuver [mə'nuːvə] v. 操纵navigate ['nævɪɡeɪt] v.驾驶proceed [prə'siːd]v.续航,前进approach [ə'prəʊtʃ] v.驶近,靠近manoeuvrability [mə'nuːvərəbiliti] n. 操纵性能permissible [pə'mɪsəbl] adj. 可允许的,许可的peak [piːk]n. 峰值,顶峰execute ['eksɪkjuːt]v. 执行turning ability n.旋回性能hard-over rudder ['rʌdə(r)] n.满舵advance [əd’vɑːns]n.进距diameter [daɪ'æmɪtə(r)] n.直径radius ['reɪdiəs] n.半径tactical diameter ['tæktɪkl] n.旋回初径transfer [træns’fɜː®]n.横距drift [drɪft] v.n.漂移,漂流漂移,漂流angle [‘æŋɡl]n.角度drift angle n.漂角yaw [jɔː]n.艏摇roll angle n.横摇角yaw checking ability n.偏转抑制能力initial turning ability n.初始转向能力stopping distance n.停车距离track reach n.制动行程head reach n.制动纵距crash stop n.紧急停车turning circle n.旋回圈lateral [‘lætərəl] adj.侧面的parameter [pə’ræmɪtə®] n.参数gravity [‘ɡrævəti]n.重力perpendicular [ˌpɜːpən’dɪkjələ®] adj.垂直的parallel ['pærəlel] adj.平行的evaluate [ɪ’væljueɪt] v.评估propulsion [prə’pʌlʃn] n.推进(力)characteristics [ˌkærɪktə’rɪstɪk] n.性能,特征demonstrate [‘demənstreɪt] v.证明,证实try [traɪ] v.测试,测验trial ['traɪəl] n.测试,测验substandard [ˌsʌb'stændəd] adj.不达标的,标准以下的zig-zag test n. 之字形测试criteria [kraɪ'tɪəriə] n. 标准dynamic [daɪ'næmɪk] adj. 动态的Anderson turn n. 安德逊旋回Scharnow turn n.斯恰诺旋回Williamson turn n.威廉逊旋回single turn n.单旋回double turn n.双旋回man overboard n.有人落水kick the engine v. 冲车stand by engine v. 备车ring off engine v. 主机定速finished with engine adj. 完车stop engine v. 停车racing ['reɪsɪŋ]n.螺旋桨空转following sea n. 顺浪Useful Expressionsapart from 除此之外in terms of 从……角度而言in no case 绝不,无论如何不fall into the category 归类,归……类别parallel to…平行于……perpendicular to…垂直于……Lesson 2 Berthing and Anchoring Operations Words and Termsengine ['endʒɪn] n. 车,主机helm [helm] n.舵rudder n.舵叶wheel n.舵轮steering gear n.舵机quay [kiː]n.码头wharf [wɔːf]n.码头pier [pɪə(r)] n.码头,栈桥terminal n.码头moor [mʊə] v. 系泊anchor ['æŋkə] v.n.锚泊锚rope-runners n. 缆工transverse ['trænzvɜːs]adj. 横向的axial ['æksiəl] adj. 轴向的thrust [θrʌst] v.n.推进推进力tug [tʌɡ] n. 拖轮single up v. 单绑goggles ['ɡɒɡlz]n.护目镜hawse pipe n.锚链孔spurling pipe n.锚链管devil’s claw n.锚链制compressor bar n.制链器螺杆shackle ['ʃækl] n.卸扣berth n.v.泊位将船舶驶入泊位telegraph orders n. 车令order ['ɔːdə(r)] n. 口令,命令reply [rɪ'plaɪ] v. 复诵report [rɪ'pɔːt]v. 报告Dead slow ahead 微速前进Slow ahead 前进一Half ahead 前进二Full ahead 前进三Dead slow astern 微速后退Slow astern 后退一Half astern 后退二Full astern 后退三Wheel Orders n. 舵令port five 左舵五starboard ten 右舵十Hard a port 左满舵hard a starboard 右满舵Midships 正舵Ease helm 回舵Steady ['stedi] 把定Nothing to不要偏左/右port(starboard)Finished with完舵wheelAnchoring Orders n. 锚令heave away v. 起锚let go(port/starboard)anchor v. 抛(左/右)锚Hold on v. 刹住Anchor aweigh [ə'weɪ] adj. 锚离底Anchor clear [klɪə(r)] adj. 锚清爽Chain tight [taɪt] adj. 锚吃力Anchor brought up [brɔːt] [ʌp] adj. 锚抓底Anchor fouling ['faʊlɪŋ]adj. 锚绞缠drag [dræɡ]v. 走锚dredge [dredʒ] v. 拖锚Mooring andn. 缆令Unmooring OrdersSingle up v. 单绑let go v. 松开(缆绳)Make up v. 挽牢(缆绳)Useful Expressionshave knowledge of…知道take…into consideration 将……考虑在内at … angle 以……的角度Unit 5 International Regulations for PreventingCollisions at Sea, 1972Words and Termscraft [krɑːft]n. 艇筏displacement [dɪs'pleɪsmənt] n.排水WIG craft n.地效翼船seaplane ['siːpleɪn] n.水上飞机means [miːnz]n.方式transportation [ˌtrænspɔː'teɪʃn] n.运输power-driven vessel n.机动船machinery [mə'ʃiːnəri] n.机械,机器sailing vessel n.帆船vessel engaged in fishing n.从事捕鱼的船舶trawl [trɔːl]v. 拖网(捕鱼)apparatus [ˌæpə'reɪtəs] n. 设备restrict restrict v, 限制trolling lines n.曳绳吊vessel not under command n.失控船circumstance ['sɜːkəmstəns] n.情况vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre n.操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操限船navigation mark n.航标submarine cable n.海底电缆pipeline ['paɪplaɪn] n. 管线,管道dredge ['dredʒ] v. 疏浚,挖泥survey ['sɜːveɪ] v.n.测量,勘测测量,勘测replenishment [rɪ'plenɪʃmənt] n. 补给transfer [træns'fɜː]v.provisions [prə'vɪʒnz] n. 食品,供给cargo ['kɑːɡəʊ]n. 货物goods n. 货物launch [lɔːntʃ] v. 发射recovery [rɪ'kʌvəri] n. 回收mine clearance operations n. 水雷清除作业deviate ['diːvieɪt] v. 偏离vessel constrained by her draught n. 限于吃水船draught [drɑːft]n. 吃水draft [drɑːft]n 吃水severely [sə'vɪrlɪ] adv. 严重地underway [ˌʌndə'weɪ] adj. 在航aground [ə'ɡraʊnd]adj. 搁浅visually ['vɪʒuəli] adv. 视觉地restricted visibility n. 能见度不良maintain [meɪn'teɪn] v. 保持proper look-out n. 正规瞭望sight [saɪt] n. 视觉hearing ['hɪərɪŋ]n. 听觉prevailing [prɪ'veɪlɪŋ]adj. 当前的appraisal [ə'preɪzl] v. 评判,判断proper ['prɒpə(r)] adj. 适当的,合适的effective [ɪ'fektɪv] adj. 有效的avoid [ə'vɔɪd] v. 避免。

Unit 1 Nautical Publications Lesson 1 Sailing Directions 航路指南

Unit 1 Nautical Publications Lesson 1 Sailing Directions  航路指南
L1 Sailing Directions
Introductions to Sailing Directions; Following Contents from NP44.
Preface: Includes a list of publications and documents consulted in the writing of the volume. Preliminary pages: Includes explanatory notes abbreviations and a glossary. Chapter 1: Contains general information on navigation, regulations, countries, ports and natural conditions, pertaining to the whole book. Chapter 2: Through-routeing or main routeing information where appropriate. Chapter 3 and subsequent chapters:Geographical chapters containing coastal passage information, directions for waterways, and essential information on ports and anchorages. Appendices: Transcripts or extracts of regulations. Index. (Extracts from NP 44 MALACCA STRAIT AND WEST COAST OF SUMATERA PILOT, EIGHTH EDITION 2006)
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The main text of the upБайду номын сангаасate starts with one of the following commands, usually in the order shown: INSERT is used for the insertion of all new data or, together with the DELETE command (see below), when a feature has moved position sufficiently that the MOVE command (see below) is not appropriate. For example: Delete feature and Insert in a different position. Note: The exact text to be written on a chart by insertion will appear in Italics in the printed notice.
The amount of detail shown on a chart varies with its scale. On a large scale chart, for example, full details of all lights and fog signals are shown, but on smaller scales the order of reduction of information is Elevation, Period, Range, until on an ocean chart of the area only lights with a range of 15 miles or more will normally be inserted, and then only their light–state and magenta flare. On the other hand, radio beacons are omitted from large scale charts where their use would be inappropriate, and, unless they are long range beacons, from ocean charts.
Crafts Series available at even smaller scales. Mariners should always use the largest scale nautical chart appropriate to their needs. In particularly busy seaways such as the English Channel, Gulf of Suez and the Malacca and Singapore Straits, the standard nautical charts are supplemented by mariners’ routeing guides which provide advice on route planning in these complex areas.
Text A Use of the Chart Mariner should always use the largest scale chart appropriate for his purpose. In closing the land or dangerous banks, regard must always be had to the scale of the chart used. A small error in laying down a position may mean only a few metres on a large scale chart, whereas on a small scale the same amount of displacement on the paper may mean several cables. For the same reason bearings to near objects should be used in preference to objects farther off, although the latter may be more prominent, as a small error in bearing or in laying it down on the chart has a greater effect in misplacing the position the longer the line to be drawn.
L2 Nautical Charts
Introductions to Admiralty Charts and Electronic Charts; Use of Chart, in particular ,Usual Command for updating charts Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts.
MOVE is used for features whose characteristics or descriptions remain unchanged, but they are to be moved small distances, for example: Move starboard–hand conical buoy from 56°00′.62°N, 4°46′.47W to 56°00′.93N, 4°46′.85W. DELETE is used when features are to be removed from the chart or, together with the INSERT command (see above), when features are moved a significant distance such that the MOVE command is inappropriate. Full details of chart updating methods can be found in How to Keep Your Admiralty Charts Up–to–Date.
Electronic charts Electronic charts are manufactured and distributed by both government Hydrographic Offices and by private companies. Only officially produced electronic charts (i.e. those manufactured by, or on the authority of, government Hydrographic Offices), may be used for primary, paperless navigation, provided that they are installed on ECDIS equipment which meets IMO performance standards. Electronic charts are of two distinct types, vector and raster.
Charts include: depths (chart datum), coastline, buoyage, land and underwater contour lines, seabed composition (for anchoring), hazards, tidal information, prominent land features, traffic separation schemes, RF direction finding information, lights, and in short anything which could assist navigation.
Admiralty charts Admiralty charts are nautical charts issued by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office and subject to Crown Copyright. Over 3,300 charts are available and cover virtually the entire world in various levels of detail depending on the density of traffic and hazards. Large-scale charts often cover approaches and entrances to harbours, medium-scale charts cover heavily used coastal areas, and small-scale charts are for navigation in more open areas. There is also a Small
Text B Symbols and Abbreviations Used on Admiralty Chart Chart 5011 — Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Paper Charts is published as an A4– size book, and can be conveniently kept with this book. The numbering convention follows that of International Chart 1 (INT1). It is treated as a chart, and is updated by Admiralty Notices to Mariners. The contents of Chart 5011 include General, Topography, Hydrography, Navigational Aids Services, and Alphabetic Indexes. Some symbols and abbreviations frequently used on Admiralty Paper Charts are selected to assist learners to familiarize themselves with Admiralty Charts.