




可是爸爸说我在这个行业中只能做“游戏测试员”,就是什么游戏新出来,总是先让我玩玩,报告游戏中有什么错误。我觉得他说的没有错,我最近一段时间老是玩游戏,那些FLASH 之类的老也不用了。



When I got settled, the total use of the microwave to do their own things to eat. One day, my father saw me, I am afraid to say that I grew up as a cook. I immediately shaken like a rattle-drum head, you said : "That is not my ideal. When I grow up I want to IT (information technology) industries. "Yes, I bought a computer five years ago after his father, I am familiar with it day by day. Until last year, and I have formed a deep bond with it. From then on, I want success in the information technology industry to make contributions to the cause of national computer. But my father said I could only do in the field "testing the game," is what the new game, and always let me play with, the report there will be any games. I think what he said is not their fault, I always play games recently, those who do not have a veteran like Flash. In recent days, I sprouted out of a bad idea : I will be playing the game that the network server to the black. My account will revise the highest level. However, I Xiangliaoyouxiang, this is wrong, but was caught by the police network is not good. When hackers but also need high computer skills. As a member of the IT industry is my ideal, I would like to advance this goal, to improve their computer skills


高三年级有关压力的英语作文 Everyone has pressure, as long as you have things done or to heart, the pressure will go unnoticed in the attachment in the man's body, cause all sorts of "symptoms", for example: can't sleep, reduce appetite, or in a bad mood... And so on. My pressure is not home after finish homework can't write, often busy to midnight; Dad's pressure is aounting work done; Mother's pressure because he was a career woman, a candle burning at both ends and worry can't give attention to both family and work is good, and her sister's pressure is myopic degree increased very fast, it is difficult to control. Pressure are not necessarily bad, there are also some is good. The rules in our class, for example: not diligent student didn't change class will not be able to finish homework, because of the pressure, a heartbreaker for these people, finally they decided to change my homework finished, also get real learning, no longer look for

高三年级英语作文:Mother and child

高三年级英语作文:M o t h e r a n d c h i l d ,andsometimesgrubby,'tmatterthatyoucouldpullastringandheartheblue-eyed,golden-hair eddollysay,"mynameissusie.""butjesuswasaboybaby!",susiestayed. 教室的一角被一棵树装点得熠熠生辉,树上缀满了金银丝帛和华丽的彩纸。教室的另一角是一 个涂着海报油彩由纸板制成的马槽,这出自孩子们那胖乎乎、脏兮兮的小手。有人带来了一个娃娃,把它放在纸板槽里的稻草上(假装小耶稣)。只要拉拉它身上的一条细绳,这个蓝眼睛、金发的娃 娃就会说道,"我叫苏西",不过这都没有关系。一个男孩提出:"耶稣可是个小男孩呀!"不过苏西还是留了下来。 eachdaythechildrenproducedsomenewwonder--stringsofpopcorn,hand-madetrinkets,andgermanb ellsmadefromwallpapersamples,,watchingfromafar,,oncesohappy,"youputtheminahotfryingpan ,,'tfrythemtoolongortheybreak."so,asmygifttothem,:bookmarkscarefullycut,colored,andsom etimespastedtogether;cardsandspecialdrawings;liquidembroiderydoilies,hand-fringed,ofco urse. 每天孩子们都会做点儿新玩意--爆米花串成的细链子、手工做的小装饰品和墙纸样做的德国式风铃,我们把这些风铃挂在了天花板上。但自始至终,她都是孤零零地远远观望,仿佛是隔了一道 几里长的障碍。我猜想着这个沉默的孩子发生了什么事,原来那个快乐的孩子怎么突然变得沉默寡 言起来。我希望节日的活动能吸引她,可还是无济于事。我们制作了许多卡片和礼物,准备把它们 送给爸爸妈妈、兄弟姐妹、祖父母和身边的同学。学生们在家里做了当时很流行“油炸"玻璃弹子,并且相互比着,要把看的拿来。"老师,把玻璃弹子放在热油锅里,让它们烧热,然后看看里面的 变化。但不要炸得时间过长否则会破裂。"所以,我给每个学生做了一个装"油炸弹子"的小袋作为 礼物送给他们。我知道他们每个人也都为我做了礼物:仔细剪裁、着色,或已粘集成串的书签;贺 卡和特别绘制的图片;透明的镶边碗碟垫布,当然是手工编制的流苏。


高三年级关于袁隆平英语作文 We watched the movie "yuan longping". The film describes Mr Yuan longping hybrid rice planting and suessfully, I watched the movie, feel very sigh with emotion, touched me is Mr Yuan longping indomitable spirit. This movie to a foreigner talk to Mr Yuan longping, on Mr Yuan longping to aount before some of the things. Mr Yuan longping is very strong, again and again before him, and he is not afraid of difficulties, not back, he was planting hybrid rice when there are many difficulties, but he always remembered his belief that the pursuit of my life is to make all the people away from hunger. Mr Yuan longping is not just sitting in the lab, but to study in the field. CCTV reported, the agriculture department assessment team all just released, guided by Mr Yuan longping "y two optimal 2" one hundred mu of super hybrid rice plots on average 926.6 kg per mu, broke the record of large area of rice per mu in our country.

高三年级英语作文 生活 About Life

高三年级英语作文生活 About Life 高三年级英语作文:关于生活 About Life Do you think what is the most important in your life?Maybe some answers are dreams.I may directly answer “lovers”.你认为你的生活中最重要的是什么?也许有些人的答案是梦想。我可以坦率地回答“爱人”。 In my opinion, lovers not simply mean your partner of life, but the people you love: your parents, husband or wife, children and friends.I have a happy life because of their pany.I even can’t imagine the life without them.在我看来,爱人不仅仅指你的生活伴侣,而是你所爱的人:你的.父母,丈夫或妻子,孩子和朋友。我拥有幸福的生活,因为有他们的陪伴。我甚至无法想象没有他们的生活。 My mum told me” money is not as important as you think, you needn't think too highly of it.Don’t be greedy, my girl.”I got it.Person around us is the most important.If they are unhappy, you won’t be happy.There is many beautiful scenery in our life, however, the most important thing we should notice is that, without the people we love,

最新高三年级英语作文:First Snow 1500字

高三年级英语作文:First Snow 1500字 高三年级英语作文:First Snow 1500字 The first fall of snow is not only an event but it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of world and wake up to find yourself in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment, then where is it to be found? The very stealth, the eerie quietness, of the thing makes it more magical. Ifall the snow fell at once in one shattering crash, awakening us in the middle of the night the event would be robbed of its wonder. But it flutters down, soundless, hour after hour while we are asleep. Outside the closed curtains of the bedroom a vast transfbrmation scene is takiag place, just as if a myriad elves and brownies were at work, and we turn and yawn and stretch and know nothing about it. And then, what an extraordinary change it is! It is as if the house continent. Even the inside, which has not been touched, seems different, every room appearing smaller and cosier, just as if some power were trying to turn it into a woodcutter’s hut or a snug logcabin. Outside, where the garden was yesterday, there is now a white and glistening level, and the village beyond is no longer your own familiar cluster of roofs but

高三年级my dream英语作文

高三年级my dream英语作文范文 Everybody have a dream, because we’re dreamers. In our heart, there is a colorful dream. Sometimes the dream is perfect, sometimes it’s special, sometimes it’s sweet, sometimes it’s yummy. In my dream, there are some children. I always play games with them and enjoy ourselves. There are so many candies, too. Blue candies, pink candies, orange candies, apple candies…How delicious! In my dream, there is a special sky. In our world, the sky is blue, but the sky of my dream is pink, some angels are having fun there. In my dream, white bird can fly high, flowers can sing songs, frogs have a jump race, tomatoes are blue, potatoes are yellow, all the things are different. In my dream, Chinese people, Korean people, Japanese people, Italian people, Spanish people, American people and Russian people are hand in hand. All the people smile for ever. It is a balanced world. . In my dream, everything is wonderful, but our world isn’t like it. So we must like my dream, to let our world get more beautiful! 每个人都有一个梦想,因为我们梦想家。在我们心中,都有一个五彩缤纷的梦。有时梦想是完美的,有时它的特别,有时甜蜜,有时它是美味的。 在我的梦里,有一些孩子。我总是和他们玩游戏,玩得很开心。有很多糖果。蓝色的糖果,粉红色的糖果,橙色糖果,苹果糖果…多么美味!在我的梦里,有一个特殊的天空。在我们的世界里,天空是蓝色的,但是我的梦想是粉红色的.天空,一些天使有乐趣。在我的梦里,白色鸟会飞高,花朵可以唱歌,青蛙跳比赛,西红柿是蓝色的,土豆是黄色的,所有的东西都是不同的。 在我的梦里,中国人,韩国人,日本人,意大利人,西班牙人,美国人民和俄罗斯人民手牵手。所有的人微笑。这是一个平衡的世界。。 在我的梦中,一切都是美好的,但我们的世界并不喜欢它。所以我们必须喜欢我的梦想,让我们的世界更美丽!


高三年级英语作文范例:我的梦想 Since I was young, I have a special liking to draw, can bring a good painting has always been my dream. On paper the beautiful color is so wonderful! Today, we'll go to see a look 20xx children's creative painting series. Since said originality, so can't simply draw on the paper. The teacher asked us to take some white hats, t-shirts, fan, box and so on to painting. It's not, some people take the paper plates, there are those who take the bottle! After the excellent performances of the opening and the address of the host, we're going to lead! I can't wait to get out the fan and a pen and ready to start painting. I according to the traditional Chinese painting book, a pen to draw a dash a grown very lush willow. I paint is a landscape painting, because spring is coming, willow sprout, green green, symbol of spring. Classical poetry said good: "jasper makeup into a tree height, ten thousand lop green silk sash." I think that everyone should have a favorable to willow. Several willow tree alongside the somebody else, at the time, or a thatched house. Beside a small river, the river have a clump of reeds and fisherman in driving the boat... When I silence in my painting, on the edge of a classmate has been finished, I look down all eyes, oh, she draw is really good! On the curved crescent sat a little girl, can let a person quiet in the daydream of happiness. Finished, we will put the pictures on the Internet. Each one beautiful works came into my eyes. Is really colorful! Results released, though I didn't win, but I realized the joy of painting. With this dream, let us work to achieve your dream, let the dream fly!

高三年级英语作文:Mother and child

高三年级英语作文:Mother and child a tree covered with tinsel and gaudy paper chains graced one corner. in another rested a manger scene produced from cardboard and poster paints by chubby, and sometimes grubby, hands. someone had brought a doll and placed it on the straw in the cardboard box that served as the manger. it didn't matter that you could pull a string and hear the blue-eyed, stayed. 男孩提出:"耶稣可是个小男孩呀!" 每天孩子们都会做点儿新玩意--爆米花串成的细链子、手工做的小装饰品和墙纸样做的德国式风铃,我们把这些 风铃挂在了天花板上。但自始至终,她都是孤零零地远远观望,仿佛是隔了一道几里长的障碍。我猜想着这个沉默的孩子发生了什么事,原来那个快乐的孩子怎么突然变得沉默寡言起来。我希望节日的活动能吸引她,可还是无济于事。我们制作了许多卡片和礼物,准备把它们送给爸爸妈妈、兄弟姐妹、祖父母和身边的同学。学生们在家里做了当时很流行“油炸"玻璃弹子,并且相互比着,要把看的拿来。"老师,把玻璃弹子放在热油锅里,让它们烧热,然后看看里 面的变化。但不要炸得时间过长否则会破裂。"所以,我给每个学生做了一个装"油炸弹子"的小袋作为礼物送给他们。我知道他们每个人也都为我做了礼物:仔细剪裁、着色,或已粘集成串的书签;贺卡和特别绘制的图片;透明的镶边碗碟垫布,当然是手工编制的流苏。


高三年级英语作文 M o t h e r a n d c h i l d Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】

高三年级英语作文:M o t h e r a n d c h i l d ,andsometimesgrubby,'tmatterthatyoucouldpullastringandheartheb lue-eyed,golden-haireddollysay,"mynameissusie.""butjesuswasaboybaby!",susiestayed. 教室的一角被一棵树装点得熠熠生辉,树上缀满了金银丝帛和华丽的彩纸。教室的另一角是一个涂着海报油彩由纸板制成的马槽,这出自孩子们那胖乎乎、脏兮兮的小手。有人带来了一个娃娃,把它放在纸板槽里的稻草上(假装小耶稣)。只要拉拉它身上的一条细绳,这个蓝眼睛、金发的娃娃就会说道,"我叫苏西",不过这都没有关系。一个男孩提出:"耶稣可是个小男孩呀!"不过苏西还是留了下来。 eachdaythechildrenproducedsomenewwonder-- stringsofpopcorn,hand- madetrinkets,andgermanbellsmadefromwallpapersamples,,watchingfroma far,,oncesohappy,"youputtheminahotfryingpan,,'tfrythemtoolongorthe ybreak."so,asmygifttothem,:bookmarkscarefullycut,colored,andsometi mespastedtogether;cardsandspecialdrawings;liquidembroiderydoilies, hand-fringed,ofcourse.


2012学年高三英语作文练习题参考样文 1、 随着电子课本在小学中的不断普及,家长们对此观点各异,请谈谈你对此的看法。 With the wider and wider application of the electronic textbooks in the primary school, two opposite opinions have taken on this phenomenon: one holds that students should take advantage of the modern technology while the other maintains that the electronic machines ought to be applied to education as less as possible. In fact, I’m on the former one’s side. Applying electronic textbooks to teaching pupils can arouse their attention and intere st. In addition, it’s easier for the teacher to control the students’ actions in the lesson in order to increase the quality of the lesson. On the other hand, today’s technology is developing more and more advanced so that children should get used of it. In summary, the benefits that the electronic textbooks bring overwhelm the disadvantages people think. After all, students have the right to enjoy the modern and hit-tech life. 2、下面两幅照片反映的是两个不同班级学生午间休息 (lunch break)用餐后的情景,用英 文写一篇短文。内容包括: 1. 描述图片所反映的情景; 2. 结合自身实际,谈谈你的做法和看法; In the first picture, every student is absorbed in studying during the class break of books placed before and the blackboard behind showing: “Make every effort to enter the college.” However, students do have a complete break during the break. The first spot is commonly seen in many provinces in China while the second picture is a normal scene in metropolises in China. Someone may agree with the students in the first picture, saying it is the duty that students should study hard, while others argue that nothing but study all day makes students dull people. I am in favor of the second view. Study, after all, is an exhausting work, which allows us to spend a lot of time to learn new knowledge as well as review o ld knowledge. If we didn’t have enough time to take a break with, it would be hard for us students to use our brains effectively to put what we have learnt into practice. The ten minutes break is supposed to be taken full advantage of to refresh us thoroughly, which exactly benefits us a lot. Then we are able to get a better understanding of what we have already learnt. 图1 图2

高三年级英语作文80词 寒假

高三年级英语作文80词寒假 Winter holiday is a time of joy, each time one to winter vacation, the students all cheered. This is a let a person more happy time! Early in the morning, didn't finish my dream, was waken up by the kids downstairs, strange leaned out of my head to look. "Wow, this is one of the world's biggest snow." I am excited cried. I desperately ran down the stairs, bring good friends to play together. Everyone was excited. Mom and dad was startled said: "it's 50 years since the biggest a snow, is close friends certainly fun to play." I say: "you look at the roof of the white, white, trees flowers and plants is white, the earth is turn white, white, like a world of ice and snow." I'm more say more excited! "Then we let ice world into the world of snow, snow battle! Little brother suggested.

高三年级英语作文:My Trip to Yunnan

高三年级英语作文:My Trip to Yunnan Last summer holiday, I took a trip to Yunnan. It is in the southern part of our country .It is really a very beautiful place grand mountains, clean rivers and kind people. Trees and flowers are seen everywhere. Every year there are lots and lots of visitors. Maybe you have heard about Shi Lin . There are all kinds of strange stones. Some of the small stones look like graceful girls; and the big stones look like handsome men. Other stones look like cats, peafowls, double-edged swords, mice, elephants and so on. Of all the stones, the stone like a beautiful girl in a legend is the most famous .Its name is A Shima. I also went to Li Jiang. The roads in that city are just like the Eight Diagrams. Any road in the city goes to the center of Li Jiang. A river runs through the whole city. If you go along the river, you'll never get lost. There are many ethnic minority people in Yunnan. They are very cordial. And they all like singing and dancing. We danced with them around the campfire that night. I really had a good time. I like the elephants and fruits there best. An elephant is even taller than me! I even mounted the elephant, though I was very afraid at first. But the elephant seemed very friendly. I took some photos with it. The fruits there are very fresh and delicious. They are very good for our health. The trip to Yunnan impressed me greatly. I will never forget it.


高三年级英语作文:The Son_3000字 一位富翁和他儿子爱好收藏画,他们收藏了从毕加索到拉费奥等很多艺术品。常常他俩坐在一起欣赏着大师的作品。 when the vietnam conflict broke out, the son went to war. he was very courageous and died in battle while rescuing another soldier. the father was notified and grieved deeply for his only son. 深地哀恸他的儿子。 in his hands. he said "sir, you don't safety when a bullet struck him in the out his package. "i with tears. he thanks the young man and offered to pay him for the picture. "oh no, sir, i could never repay what you son did for me. it's a gift. 约一个月之后,正好是圣诞节前,门上传来敲门声。一位年轻人站在那里,手里拿着一个很大的包裹。他说道:“先生,你不认识我,我就是你儿子为了救我而牺牲的那个战士。那天他救了很多人,当他背着我走向安全地带的时候,一颗子弹击中了他的心脏,他顿时就牺牲了。他常常说起你和你对艺术的爱好,”年轻人举起他的包裹,“我知道这不算什么,我是真的不怎样的艺术家,但我想你儿子会要你保留这幅画的。”父亲打开了包裹,是他儿子的一幅肖


高三年级英语作文 高三年级英语作文1 Last Thursday and Friday, our school held the 40th sports meeting. It is one of the biggest activities each year in my school. All the students badly expect to it. All games in the sports meeting werevery exciting and running was the most intense. Class 4 Grade 3 did the best in the sports. They got the highest scores. My class won the third but it was the best in the six classes of my grade. Liang Wen and Qiu Lu are my classmates. They both won first in the running competition and high jump competition. There were other classmates got scores in other games. Although they didnt won the first, they tried their best. Friendship first, competition second. Winning was not our only purpose. The most important was that we were happy in this activity. 上周星期四和星期五我们学校举行了第四十届校运会。这是我们学校每年的最大活动,所有的学生都十分期待。校运会的所有比赛都很令人激动,跑步是最紧张的。三年级四班在校运会中表现最优异。他们获得了最高分。我们班获得了第三名,但是已经是我们年级六个班当中最好的了。梁文和邱露是我的同学,他们都在跑步和跳高比赛中获得了第一名。

高三年级英语作文:My hobbies

高三年级英语作文:My hobbies Ahobbycanbealmostanythingapersonlikestodoinhissparetime.Hobbyistsrai sepets,buildmodelships,weavebas- kets,orcarvesoapfiguresandsoon.Inaword,hobbiesofferen- joyment,friendship,knowledgeandrelaxation.Then,whatismyhobby?Well,w hatIlikemostissinging.IbegantosingsongswhenIwasveryyoung.Myunclewass tudyinginacollegethen,sohecouldsinglotsofsongs,andhetaughtmeseveralso ngs.Ishowedgreatinterestsinthemusicthen,fortheywerepleasingtoearsande asytosing.Myuncletoldmetheywerecalledpopsongs.WhenIgrewup,mymusic teacherfoundthatIhadagoodvoice,soshesentmetotheChildren'sPalacetostu dyvocalmu- sic.Fromthenon,Ibeganmyvocalmusictraining.AndthenIknewthereweresev eralkindsofsongs,likefolksongs,popsongsandsoon.WhatIhadlearnedmostwa sthesongsforchildren.Theywereallsimpleonesbutourteachertrainedusveryst rictly.Wepracticedhowtoproducesoundandhowtomakeourexpres-sionmorenaturalandmorepleasing.Thosesimpletrainingdidn'treducemyinte restinsingingatallandIwonawardsoneafteranotherinseveralkindsofcompetit ion.ActuallyIbegantomakeupadreamofbecomingafamoussingerinthefuture. Astimewentby,Icametorealizethatmydreamwouldn'tcometruefortherewere strictconditionsofbeingasinger.ButIstilltooksingingasmyhobbysinceIfoundin
