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I'm often asked how I get the jobs I do. Well like any business I have to advertise in one way or another to my target demographic. That is creative directors and marketing people. I ran this ad in a west coast trade publication and the marketing director for Lifetime saw my ad, loved the "Fuelosophy" exploratory work I did for Pepsi and hired me to develop the Christmas promotion for their network.So essentially I had to spend around $250 dollars to land this job.

我的这个case是从哪来的呢?就是从这个杂志上。客户看到了杂志上刊登的我为百事公司设计的字体,于是就找到了我。让我帮他设计一个圣诞节用的字体“Fa La La La Lifetime.”。佣金250美元。(也不是很多啊,哈哈)

Knowing my client desired to have a specific styling for their project meant I didn't have to explore a wide range of appropriate type styles. So I just began working out the details of for the wording "Fa La La La Lifetime." I started roughing out sketches on various letterforms and playing with the shapes.


Once I determine a direction or vibe for where I want to go I then begin to refine it and shape it until I have a finalized refined sketch I can then scan in and build from in my drawing program. I was after a festive feel and felt the lettering needed to read like a sing song voice of sorts.


After scanning in my refined drawing I place it into my drawing program and begin to build my vector shapes. There is no guess work, I'm just following what I've drawn out beforehand. I guess you could say I'm manually tracing my drawing in vector form.

My build process is a combination of point by point path building and shape building. On the letter "a's" I used the ellipse tool to form the circular part. It just doesn't make any sense to try and build that point by point, you risk it looking hinky.

I continue this methodology until I have all my basic paths complete. Remember at this point make a copy of your paths and put it on a layer that is turned off. This will server you in building other content as you progress and be vector insurance in case you mess something up along the way.



When building vector shapes an easy way to figure out where to place the points is to think of the shape as a clock. For example this loop of the "L" to top points are 12

o'clock, the right 3 o'clock, bottom 6 o'clock, left 9 o'clock and so forth. There are exceptions to this rule but I'll be doing another tutorial on this process later.When building curved shapes like this the key part to keep your bezier handles parallel to one another and at 90 degrees. Like any rules there are exceptions but in more cases than not it will apply.
