



Unit 1 Chemi‎c al Indus‎t ry化学工业1.Origi‎n s of the Chemi‎c al Indus‎t ryAltho‎u gh the use of chemi‎c als dates‎back to the ancie‎n t civil‎i zati‎o ns, the evolu‎t ion of what we know as the moder‎n chemi‎c al indus‎t ry start‎e d much more recen‎t ly. It may be consi‎d ered‎to have begun‎durin‎g the Indus‎t rial‎Revol‎u tion‎, about‎1800, and devel‎o ped to provi‎d e chemi‎c als roe use by other‎indus‎t ries‎. Examp‎l es are alkal‎i for soapm‎a king‎, bleac‎h ing powde‎r for cotto‎n, and silic‎a and sodiu‎m carbo‎n ate for glass‎m akin‎g. It will be noted‎that these‎are all inorg‎a nic chemi‎c als. The organ‎i c chemi‎c als indus‎t ry start‎e d in the 1860s‎with the explo‎i tati‎o n of Willi‎a m Henry‎Perki‎n‘s‎disco‎v ery if the first‎synth‎e tic dyest‎u ff—mauve‎. At the start‎of the twent‎i eth centu‎r y the empha‎s is on resea‎r ch on the appli‎e d aspec‎t s of chemi‎s try in Germa‎n y had paid off hands‎o mely‎, and by 1914 had resul‎t ed in the Germa‎n chemi‎c al indus‎t ry havin‎g 75% of the world‎marke‎t in chemi‎c als. This was based‎on the disco‎v ery of new dyest‎u ffs plus the devel‎o pmen‎t of both the conta‎c t proce‎s s for sulph‎u ric acid and the Haber‎proce‎s s for ammon‎i a. The later‎requi‎r ed a major‎techn‎o logi‎c al break‎t hrou‎g h that of being‎able to carry‎out chemi‎c al react‎i ons under‎condi‎t ions‎of very high press‎u re for the first‎time. The exper‎i ence‎gaine‎d with this was to stand‎Germa‎n y in good stead‎, parti‎c ular‎l y with the rapid‎l y incre‎a sed deman‎d for nitro‎g en-based‎compo‎u nds (ammon‎i um sal ts‎for ferti‎l izer‎s and nitri‎c acid for explo‎si ves‎manuf‎a ctur‎e) with the outbr‎e ak of world‎warⅠin 1914. This initi‎a ted profo‎u nd chang‎e s which‎conti‎n ued durin‎g the inter‎-war years‎ (1918-1939). 1.化学工业的‎起源尽管化学品‎的使用可以‎追溯到古代‎文明时代,我们所谓的‎现代化学工‎业的发展却‎是非常近代‎(才开始的)。



Distillation 蒸馏The separating operation called distillation utilizes1 vapor and liquid phases at essentially the same temperature and pressure for the coexisting zones. Various kinds of device such as dumped2(倾倒;堆放) or ordered3 packings4 and plates5 or trays5 are used to bring the two phases into intimate (亲密的;隐私的)contact. Trays are stacked(叠,层叠)one above the other and enclosed(装入)in a cylindrical shell to form a column6. Packings are also generally contained(包含;容纳)in a cylindrical shell between hold-down7 and support plates.称为蒸馏的分离操作是利用蒸汽相和液体相在基本相同的温度和压力下相互接触进行的。




1. Continuous Distillation (Fig.7) 连续蒸馏The feed material, which is to be separated into fractions1, is introduced at one or more points along the column shell. Because of the difference on gravity between vapor and liquid phases, liquid runs down the column, cascading2(成瀑布状落下;溢流) from tray to tray, while vapor flows up the column, contacting liquid at each tray.需要分离为几个馏分的物料从塔壳上的一个位置,或者几个沿塔高分布的位置进入塔中。



仅供参考Introduction to Organic Chemist ry1.Sources of Organic CompoundsThe major sources of organic chemicals are coal, petrole um, and agriculturalproducts.Both coal and petroleu mwere formed throughthe geologic processesof changing animal andplant remains into carbon-containing residues. Aboutone-thirdof all organic chemicalsar ederived from coalandaboutone-half from thepetroleum industry有机化合物的来源有机化学药品的主要来源是煤、石油和农产品。



2. TheMethods and Objectives ofOrganic Chemistr yBecause ofthetremendous number of organic compoundsknown, andof the many more being synthesized daily,t he study of organic chemistryis notthe study of i ndividualcompounds,it isthe study ofgroups or families ofcompoundsall closely relatedtoeach other.Obviously,the formerapproach would be prohibitive[prE5hibitiv]. Once the structuralrelat ionships of certain typical members of a particular gr oup or family of compounds are understood,these structural features are understoodfor any one of the m any members of the family,eventhoughsome may not be known compounds.因为已知的有机化合物的数目庞大,而且还在逐日合成更多的品种,所以有机化学不是研究单个的化合物,而是把彼此密切相关的化合物按类或族来研究。


1.Practically all substance expand when heated and contract when cooled. 实际上一切物质都是热胀冷缩的。 (省译“when, and, when”) anic compounds are usually volatile and possess low melting points. 有机化合物通常容易挥发且熔点较低。 (省译动词“possess”) 3.Being stable in air at ordinary temperature ,mercury combines with oxygen if heated.水银常温下在空气中是稳 定的,但如果加热时,它会与氧化合。 1.Tertiary alcohols are very resistant to oxidation. 叔醇难于氧化 2.For the series of normal alkanes, those having one to four carbon atoms are gases. 对直链烃系而言,含有一至四个碳原子的是气体。 1.If the unsaturation is due to the presence of a triple bond then the compounds are called alkynes. 如果不饱和现象是由于叁键的存在,则该类化合物称为炔烃。 2. . A body with a negative charge possesses more elections than protons. 带负电的物体所含的电子比质子多。 (不译作“一个负电,一个物体”) 1. The zinc plate becomes more and more negatively charged with electrons ,as more atoms of zinc dissolve. 随着越来越多的锌原子溶解,锌极板上充满了电子,使它变得越来越负。 2. Gases differ from solids in that the former have greater compressibility than the latter. 气体和固体的区别在于前者比后者有更大的压缩性。 (v.n.) 3. One of the outstanding properties of carbon atom is its ability to share its electrons with other carbon atoms. 碳原子的突出性质之一是它能与其它碳原子共用其电子。 (n.v.) 4. The chlorine from salt is used for bleaching paper and textiles. 用食盐制取的氯被用来漂白纸张和纺织品。 (prep.v.) 5. In their work they pay much attention to the combination of theory with practice. 他们在工作中非常注重理论联系实际。 (n.v.) 1.In an absorption system, the refrigerant is usually ammonia. 吸收系统中,通常用氨做冷却剂。 (表语宾语) anic compounds will not usually conduct an electric current when in solution. 有机化合物的溶液通常不导电。 (状语主语) 3.The two electrons involved in a covalent bond have their spins oppositely directed. 此共价键中的两个电子的自旋方向相反。 (宾语主语) 4.None of these metals have conductivity higher than copper. 这些金属的导电率都不会超过铜。 (宾语主语) 5.The different hydrocarbons in crude oil boil at different temperatures. 原油中各种烃的沸点不同。 (谓语主语) 1. Wetting agents are required to prepare proper dispersion of fine particle powders in liquids/pastes such as color makeup. 要制备将细小粉粒适当分散在液体或膏体中的产品,如着色化妆品,需要润湿剂。 2. Alkanes undergo reactions such as cracking, alkylation, oxidation, halogenation, nitration and so on. 烷烃能进行诸如裂化、烷基化、氧化、卤化、硝化等反应。 (同位语的变序) 1 Large-scale evaporation process is being developed and used for recovering potable water from seawater. Here the condensed water is the desired product. Only a fraction of the total water in the feed is recovered , and the remainder is discarded.



Heat Transfer 传热Heat, as a form of energy, cannot be created or destroyed. Heat can be transferred from one substance to another.热是能量的一种形式,不能创造也不能消灭。


Heat always tends to pass from warmer objects to cooler ones. When a warm substance comes in contact with a cold substance, the molecules of the warm substance collide (碰撞) whth the molecules of the cold substance, giving some of its energy to the cold molecules. This is only one way to transfer heat.热总是倾向于从较热的物体向较冷的物体传递。



In a chemical plant, for example, in a refinery (炼油厂), transfer of heat is very important , the successful operation of most processes is dependent on correct application of the principles (原理) of heat transfer. Where we are handling (处理;加工;操纵) a hot material, we may insulate(隔离,绝缘) the system to hold the heat in; where the material is cold, we insulate to keep the heat out. Efficient equipment, designed to take full advantage of (充分利用) processing heat, is in use on almost all chemical plants.在化工厂,例如一个精炼厂,传热是非常重要的,大多数过程的成功运行取决于传热原理的正确运用。

化工专业英语练习题 参考答案

化工专业英语练习题 参考答案

练习一参考答案1将下列句子或段落翻译成英语1)A process is any operation or series of operations that causes a physical or chemical change in asubstance or a mixture of substances .The material that enters a process is referred to as input or feed the process,and that which leaves is called output or product.2)As a chemical engineer,you might be called on to design individual process units (such as reactors,distillation columns,heat exchangers),supervise the operation of a process,or modify a process design to accommodate a change in the feed or in the desired product characteristics.As a rule,to any of these things you must know the amounts,compositions,and conditions of the materials that enter and leave each process unit,and if you are working with an existing units,you must be able to measure enough of these quantities to verify that the process is doing what it was designed to do.3)Founded in 1839from a small production firm for pharmaceutical products,B.Braun has grown steadilyinto a multinational company dealing with medical products,medical technology,pharmaceutical and biotechnology.2将下列句子或段落翻译成汉语1)包括的一系列操作,如混合、蒸发、过滤,无论产物是什么,这些操作都基本同,从而导致了单元操作的概念。



Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业1.化学工业的起源尽管化学品的使用可以追溯到古代文明时代,我们所谓的现代化学工业的发展却是非常近代(才开始的)。


比如制肥皂所用的碱,棉布生产所用的漂白粉,玻璃制造业所用的硅及Na2CO3. 我们会注意到所有这些都是无机物。

有机化学工业的开始是在十九世纪六十年代以William Henry Perkin 发现第一种合成染料—苯胺紫并加以开发利用为标志的。


















Elements and Compounds元素与化合物Elements are pure substances that can not be decomposed(分解) into simpler substances by ordinary chemical changes. At present there are 109 known elements. Some common elements that are familiar to you are carbon, oxygen, aluminum, iron, copper, nitrogen, and gold. The elements are the building blocks of matter just as the numerals 0 through 9 are the building blocks for numbers. To the best of1 our knowledge, the elements that have been found on the earth also comprise(包含) the entire universe.元素是单纯的物质,不能通过一般的化学变化分解成为更简单的物质。





About 85% of (85 percent of) the elements can be found in nature , usually combined with other elements in minerals and vegetable matter or in substances like water and carbon dioxide. Copper, silver, gold, and about 20 other elements can be found in highly pure forms. Sixteen elements are not found in nature; theyhave been produced in generally small amounts in nuclear explosions (爆炸)and nuclear research. They are man-made elements.大约有85%的元素可以在大自然的矿物或者植物中,以及如水和二氧化碳这样的物质中找到,通常与别的元素结合。



PRACTICE一,英译汉Hydrolyze —水解 Alkane —烷烃 Evaporation —蒸发 Aluminum —Al Oxidation —氧化反应 Methylamine —甲胺 Halogen —卤素 carbon dioxide 混合物 binary compounds 二元化合物 Cyclohexane —环己烷 monophase 单相的 polyethylene 聚乙烯 stainless steel 不锈钢 aminobenzene 苯胺 1. The Ideal-Gas Equation of State 理想气体状态方程 2. The First Law of Thermodynamics 热力学第一定律 3. Reaction Rates 反应速率 4. Activation Energy 活化能 5. Separatory Funnel 分液漏斗 6. Homogeneous Catalysis 均相催化7. Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs 共轭酸碱对 8. The Common-Ion Effects 同离子效应9. The Solubility-Product Constant 溶度积常数 二,命名 1. 甲烷 methane2. 2-甲基-3-乙基辛烷 3-ethyl- 2-methyloctane3. 2-乙基-1,3-丁二烯 2- ethyl -1, 3-butadiene4. 环己烷 Cyclohexane5. 对二甲苯 paraxylene6. 乙酸甲酯 Methyl acetate7. 醋酸 Acetic acid8. 丙酮Acetone C H 3C H C H 2C H 2 C H 2C H C H 3C H 2C H 3C H3三,翻译命名2-methylbutane 2-甲基丁烷3-ethyl-2-methylheptane 3-乙基-2-甲基庚烷 4-ethyl-2-methylhexane 2-甲基-4-乙基己烷4-ethyl-2,2-dimethylhexane2,2-二甲基-4-乙基己烷5,5-bis(l,2-dimethylpropyl)nonane 5,5-二(1,2-二甲基丙基)壬烷2-hexyl-l,3-butadiene 2-己基-1,3-丁二烯 Benzyl 苄基(苯甲基) Phenyl 苯基 ethyl chloride 氯化乙基 2-fluoropropanemethanol 甲醇 ethanol 乙醇 1,2-ethanedioltrimethylamine 三甲胺 phenylmethanal ethanoyl chloride 四,翻译短句1. Acetylene (乙炔) is hydrocarbon especially high in heat value.乙炔烃特别是高热值2. It is common knowledge that bodies are lighter in water than they are in air.大家都知道,水中的物体比在空中更轻。



《化工专业英语》练习题一、词汇翻译1. hydrochloric acid2. pigments3. sulphuric acid4. potassium hydroxide5. sodium chloride6. ammonium nitrate7. methane8. sillicon9. calcium carbonate10. carbon dioxide11. calcium carbonate12. acetylene13. potassium chloride14. mercury oxide15. geodesic dome16. crystallography17. symmetrical18. hybridize19. polyurethane20. dynamite二、阅读理解Passage 1A mysteriousblack cloudapproaches the earth-our planet's weather is severely affected. Throughout the rest of June and July temperatures rose steadily all over the Earth. In the British isles the temperature climbed through the eighties, into the nineties, and moved towards the hundred mark. People complained, but there was no serious disaster. The death number in the U. S. Remained quite small, thanks largely to the air-conditioning units that had been fitted during previous years and months. Temperatures rose to the limit of human endurance throughout the whole country and people were obliged to remain indoors for weeks on end. Occasionally air-conditioning units failed and it was then that fatalities occurred. Conditions were utterly desperate throughout the tropics(热带地区)as may be judged from the fact that 7943 species of plants and animals became totally extinct. The survival of Man himself was only possible because of the caves and cellars(地窖)he was able to dig. Nothing could be done to reduce the hot air temperature. More than seven hundred million persons are known to have lost their lives. Eventually the temperature of the surface waters of the sea rose, not so fast as the air temperature it is true, but fast enough to produce a dangerous increase of humidity(湿度). It was indeed this increase that produced the disastrous conditions just remarked. Millions of people between the latitudes of Cairo and the Cape of Good Hope weresubjected to a choking atmosphere that grew damper and hotter from day to day. All human movement ceased. There was nothing to be done but to lie breathing quickly as a dog does in hot weather. By the fourth week of July conditions in the tropics lay balanced between life and total death. Then quite suddenly rain clouds appeared over the whole globe. The temperature declined a little, due no doubt to the clouds reflecting more of the Sun's radiation back into space, But conditions could not be said to have improved. Warm rain fell everywhere, even as far north as Iceland. The insect population increased enormously, since the burning hot atmosphere was as favorable to them as it was unfavorable to Man many other animals.1. In the British Isles the temperature. ()A)stayed at eightyB)ranged from eighty to ninetyC)approached one hundredD)exceeded the hundred mark2. Few people in the United States lost their lives because. ()A)the temperature was tolerableB)people remained indoors for weeksC)the government had taken effective measures to reduce the hot temperatureD)people were provided with the most comfortable air-conditioners3. Millions of people in Cairo(开罗)and the Cape of Good Hope(好望角)were subjected to a choking atmosphere because. ()A)the temperature grew extremely hotB)the temperature became damper and hotter as the humidity of the surface waters of the sea increasedC)their conditions were too dangerousD)nothing could be done with the hot temperature4. By the fourth week of July conditions in the tropics were such that. ()A)human survival would be impossibleB)more and more people would lose their livesC)fewer people could be savedD)survival or death was still undecided5. The insect population increased due to. ()A)the hot airB)the tropical climateC)the rain cloudsD)the damp atmospherePassage 2I don't think there is anything wrong with your blood. The key to your problem is that long nap(打盹,小睡)after dinner. If you didn't sleep for hours during the early part of the evening, you would be more ready tosleep at bedtime. If you didn't nap after dinner, you would not want to stay up so late, and you would not feel the need to take a sleeping pill. The pill is still working in your system when you get up in the morning. This helps account for the fact that you feel tired all day. You should get out of the habit of sleeping during the evening. Right after your evening meal, engage in some sort of physical activity - a sport such as bowling, perhaps. Or get together with friends for an evening of cards and conversation. Then go to bed at your usual time or a little earlier, and you should be able to get a good nights rest without taking a pill. If you can get into the habit of spending your evenings this way, I am sure you will feel less tired during the day. At first it may be hard for you to go to sleep without taking a pill. If so, get up and watch television or do some jobs around your house until you feel sleepy. If you fall asleep and then wake up a few hours later, get up but do not take a sleeping pill. Read a while or listen to the radio, and make yourself a few hours' sleep that night, you will feel better in the morning than you usually feel after taking a pill. The next night you will be ready to sleep at an earlier hour. The most important thing is to avoid taking that nap right after dinner and avoid taking pills.6. According to the writer, it is difficult for you to go to sleep because. ()A)you get the habit of staying up lateB)you haven't taken sleeping pillsC)you sleep for hours after dinnerD)you fail to do some exercises7. Which of the following is NOT true if you want to get out of the habit of sleeping during the evening? ( )A)Go to bed earlier than usual.B)Talk with friends after dinner.C)Stay with friends after dinner.D)Do some physical labor.8. You feel tired all day probably because? ( )A)you stay up too lateB)you get up too early in the morningC)you take sleeping pillsD)you wake up too frequently at night9. Which of the following is true according to the passage? ( )A)You mustn't take sleeping pills in order to get a good night's sleep. B)You should stay up if you want to sleep effectively.C)Food is necessary at night if you fail to go to sleep.D)It is very important to get out of the habit of taking a nap after dinner.10. We may infer that the author is most probably a()A)doctorB)scientistC)reporterD)professor三、英译汉1. Perhaps you are a health science major, looking forward to a career in medicine or pharmacy. If so, you will want to become familiar with the properties of aqueous solutions, which include blood and other body fluids.Chemists have made many life-saving products over the past few decades. These range from drugs used in chemotherapy to new antibiotics used against resistant microorganisms.2. Farm soils generally contain a limited quantity of the nitrogen compounds that plants require for growth.In such soils, compound nitrogen is the limiting reactant in a plant’s biochemical processes. Byapplying ammonia and other nitrogen fertilizers to the soil, farmers increase the quantity of this limiting reactant, thereby dramatically boosting the production of soy beans, wheat, and other crops.3. The food industry uses hydrochloric acid to make corn syrup from cornstarch and to make gelatin from bones. These reactions involve the breaking down of large molecules to smaller ones by the action of the acid.Hydrochloric acid is present in the gastric juice of the stomach, where it aids in the digestion, or breakdown, of foods, including the changing of starches to sugars.。



化工专业英语第八单元翻译第八单元石油加工Unit 8 Petroleum Processing石油是有机物几千年自然变化生成的,在地下聚集很大的数量,石油被人类发现和使用。



Petroleum was produced by thousands of years’ natural change of organic. It gatheredinto a great amount in underground and it was discovered and used by human beings tosatisfy their needs. Petroleum is a mixture of thousands of organic composition. By changing the methods of refining and processing, it was produced into different fuels. Petrochemical products produce pure chemicals by chemical reactions.现代工业是连续的操作过程。





Modern industry is a continuous operation process. First of all, tubular heaters heat the crude petroleum. Then separate these substancesthrough the boiling point, which are similar to the substances via batch distillation. But this separation method is better. The process of usage includes split, polymerization, hydro cracking, hydro treating, isomerization and coking processing. A lot of chemical processes are designed to change the boiling point and molecular structure.石油的组成The composition of petroleum原油是由几千种不同的化学物质组成,包括气体、液体、固体以及甲烷,沥青,大多数成分是烃类,但也含有氮,硫磺,氧化物。



•Coal, petroleum and natural gas now yield their bond energies to man.煤,石油和天然气现在为人类提供各种各样的结合能。

•Salts may also be found by the replacement of hydrogen from an acid with a metal.盐也能通过用金属置换酸中的氢而获得。

•An acid was once defined as a substance that would form hydrogen ions(H+) in water solution and a base as one that would form hydroxide ions(OH-) in the same.人们曾把酸定义为在水溶液中能产生氢离子的物质,而碱则是在同样溶液中会产生氢氧根离子的物质。

•These books are packed in tens. 这些书每十本装一包。

•These products are counted by hundreds. 这些产品是成百成百计数的。

•They went out by twos and threes. 他们三三两两地出去了。

•They consulted tens of magazines. 他们查阅了几十本杂志。

•Automation helps to increase productivity hundreds of times over. 自动化使生产率提高了几百倍。

•More weight must be placed on the past history of patients. 必须更加重视患者的病史。

•The continuous process can be conducted at any prevailing pressure without release to atmospheric pressure.连续过程能在任何常用的压力下进行,而不必暴露在大气中。



The Anatomy of a Chemical Manufacturing Process 化工生产过程构成The basic components of a typical chemical process(n过程;步骤;方法;工艺,vt 加工;处理) are shown in Fig.1, in which each block represents a stage in the overall process for producing a product from the raw materials. Fig.1 represents a generalized(无显著特点的,一般的) process; not all the stages(步骤;阶段) will be needed for any particular(特定的) process and the complexity of each stage will depend on the nature of the process. Chemical engineering design is concerned with the selection and arrangement(排列;安排)of the stages, and the selection, specification and design of the equipment required to perform(演出;执行;完成任务) the stage functions.典型的化学工艺的基本构成示于图1., 在此图中,每一个方框表示从原料到加工成产品的全过程中的一个步骤。





the field of separation science,too,is of major importance to the chemical,metallurgical and biochemical industries,and must play a leading role in the remediation of environmental problems.the microstructured solvents provided by colloidal systems provide an interesting opportunity to mediate the solute-solvent interactions,and thus to enhance separation selectivities.examples include the use of reversed micelles to solubilize polar solutes such as proteins and amino acids in organic solvent extractants,block copolymer micelles and amphiphilic star polymers for the removal of trace contaminants from surface and groundwaters,and two-phase aqueous polymer solutions or phase-separated micellar systems for the selective separation and concentration of biological species such as proteins and viruses.the opportunities offered by more exotic polymer and surfactant architectures offer many exciting challenges not only for separation processes,but also in drug delivery systems and in the controlled production of ultrafine particles.分离科学领域也是化学,冶金和生化工业的重要内容,必须在环境问题的修复中发挥主导作用。



化工专业英语翻译IntroductionChemical engineering is a branch of engineering that applies the principles of chemistry, physics, biology, and mathematics to solve problems related to the production, transformation, and use of chemicals and materials. With the globalization of industries, there is an increasing demand for effective communication and understanding in the field of chemical engineering. This has led to the development of specialized English terminology and vocabulary in this discipline. In this document, we will explore various aspects of chemical engineering and provide translations of common terms and phrases in English.Unit OperationsUnit operations are fundamental steps in chemical engineering processes. These operations involve the physical and chemical changes that occur during the production and transformation of raw materials. Here are some English translations of common unit operations:1. Distillation (蒸馏): A process of separating the components of a mixture based on their different boiling points.2. Evaporation (蒸发): The conversion of a liquid into a vapor by adding heat.3. Filtration (过滤): The process of separating solid particles from a liquid or gas by passing it through a porous medium.4. Crystallization (结晶): The formation of solid crystals from a liquid or gas phase.5. Extraction (萃取): The process of selectively removing a specific component from a mixture using a solvent.6. Reactor (反应器): A vessel where chemical reactions take place to convert raw materials into desired products.Chemical ReactionsChemical reactions play a crucial role in chemical engineering processes. These reactions involve the conversion of reactants into products through the breaking and formation of chemical bonds. Here are some translations of common terms related to chemical reactions:1. Reaction rate (反应速率): The speed at which a chemical reaction proceeds.2. Catalyst (催化剂): A substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process.3. Yield (产率): The amount of desired product obtained froma chemical reaction, usually expressed as a percentage of the theoretical maximum.4. Equilibrium (平衡): A state in which the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal, resulting in no net change in the concentrations of reactants and products.5. Kinetics (动力学): The study of rates of chemical reactions and the factors that influence them.Safety and Environmental ConcernsChemical engineering also involves the responsibility of ensuring the safety of processes and minimizing environmental impacts. Here are some translations of terms related to safety and environmental concerns:1. Hazard (危险): A potential source of harm or danger.2. Risk assessment (风险评估): The process of identifying and analyzing potential risks associated with a chemical process or operation.3. PPE (Personal Protective Equipment, 个人防护设备): Equipment designed to protect individuals from hazards inthe workplace, such as protective clothing, goggles, and respirators.4. Pollution prevention (污染防治): The practice of reducing or eliminating pollution at its source to minimize its impact on the environment.5. Waste treatment (废物处理): The process of treating and disposing of waste materials generated from chemical processes in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.ConclusionChemical engineering is a complex and multidisciplinary field that requires effective communication and understanding of specialized terminology and concepts. This document has provided translations of common terms and phrases in English related to unit operations, chemical reactions, and safety and environmental concerns in chemical engineering. It is important for professionals in this field to have a good command of both their native language and English in order to effectively communicate with colleagues and counterparts around the world.。



1.有机化学Inorganic chemistry 无机化学organic chemistry物理化学physical chemistry 分析化学Analytical chemistry 生物化学biochemistry 化工原理principles of chemical engineering热力学thermodynamics2.烷烃Alkanes烯烃Alkenes 炔烃Alkynes 甲烷Methane乙烯Ethene 乙炔Ethyne环己烷Cyclohexane苯Naphthalene 醇Alcohols醚Ethers 酮Ketones醛Aldehydes酯Esters羧酸Fatty Acids胺Amines 氰Cyanides碳水化合物Carbohydrates氨基酸Amino Acides 蛋白质protein 脂质lipids3. 氨基甲酸酯carbamate沉淀precipitation测定determine 除草剂herbicide 单元操作Unit operations底物substrate 定性分析qualitative 定量分析gravimetric发色团chromophore 分离isolate 分析物analyte 反应速率Reaction rate 过滤filtration化学污染chemical pollution合成synthesize解吸附作用desorption基本原理fundamental principle科学领域scientific fields农药pesticide亲核试剂nucleophile 杀菌剂fungicide 石化产品Petrochemical 碳氢化合物Hydrocarbons 碳阳离子carbocation物性the properties of substance 新陈代谢metabolism吸附adsorption有毒化学品toxic chemical 有机氯化物Organic chloride自然变化natural changes准确度accuracy 助色团auxochrome 植物生长调节剂plant growth regulator蒸馏distillation4.烧杯beakers通风橱Furne hoods 锥形瓶Erlenmeyer圆底烧瓶Round bottom flask蒸馏烧瓶Distillation蒸发皿Evaporating dishes真空干燥器Vaccume dessicator5.Al2O3aluminium(III) oxide BaCl2 Barium(II) chloride BaI2 Barium iodide Ca(MnO4)2Calcium permanganate Cu2S copper(I) sulphide CuO Copper(II) oxide FeSO4 Iron(II) sulfate HClO4 perchloric acid H2SO4 sulphuric acid H2CO3Carbouic acide HPO4diammonium hydrogen phosphate KHSO4 potassium hydrogen sulphide KMnO4 Potassium permanganate (NH4)2CO3ammoniue carbonate (NH4)2SO4 Ammmonium sulfate N2O nitrogen(I) oxide NaH Sodium permanganate P4O6 tetraphosphorus hexaoxide PF5phosphorus pentafluoride P4O10 tetraphosphorus decaoxide Sncl4 tin(IV) chloride6.There are 20 standard amino acids , and they contain a carboxyl group ,an amino group ,and a side chain . 有20个标准氨基酸,和含有羧基、一个氨基和侧链。



仅供参考Lesson 8-1 AlcoholAlcohols are characterized by the presence of OH (hydroxyl group) attached to a carbon atom. Aliphatic alcohols may be considered to be derived from hydrocarbons in which an sp3 bonded hydrogen atom has been replaced with OH:R—H (Alkane) R— OH (Alcohol)They may also be considered as derivatives of water in which one of the hydrogens has been replaced with an alkyl group, R—.H—O—H (Water) R— 0—H (Alcohol)Since hydrocarbons may contain primary, secondary, or tertiary hydrogens, the same classes of alcohols are capable of existence. The following examples illustrate the typical members of each class:CH3CH2OH (CH3)2CHOH (CH3)3COHl°Alcohol 2°Alcohol 3°AlcoholEthyl alcohol (Isopropyl alcohol) (t-butyl alcohol)1. Oxidation Reaction of C—H BondAlcohols may be considered to be the first product of oxidation of the alkanes in the oxidation scheme, which eventually produces carbon dioxide and water. Alcohols might be expected to be subject to further oxidation .This has been found to be the case as long as a hydrogen atom (a -hydrogen) remains bonded to the carbon atom which has already been partially oxidized.1 The following equations illustrate the structural changes which occur; it should be emphasized that they do not illustrate the mechanistic steps of the reactions [(1) and (2)].The above reaction involve the C—H bond. Since 3° alcohol have no a-hydrogen atom bonded to the partially oxidized carbon atom, they resistant to further oxidation.2. Reaction of O—H BondThe proton bonded to oxygen of an alcohol is much more acidic than protons bonded to carbon. This difference can be readily accounted for on the greater electronegativity of oxygen, which polarizes the 0—H bond." The hydrogen on oxygen is replaceable by sodium for example (3).This reaction is analogous to the liberation of hydrogen by reaction of an acid and a metal. The order of reactivity of alcohols in this reaction is : l°>2°>3°.The reason for this order of reactivity is believed to be the result of the inductiveeffects of alkyl groups. Utilizing the relative electronegativity value of 2.1 for hydrogen and 2.5 for carbon, the H—C may be represented as follows: Hδ+ -> Cδ-. Thus, the larger the number of such bonds, as in the i-butyl group, the greater the combined electron release effect would be expected.® As the combined electron release effect increases, the greater the destabilizing effect on the alkoxide anion, which thus accounts for the observed order of reactivity: 1°>2°>3°.Lesson 8-1 Alcohol醇的特点是碳原子上连接着羟基。



2014〜2015学年秋季学期化工专业英语期末考试一、简单词汇翻译(每题1分,共20分)1、Alkali ( 3、ammonia ( ))2、sulphuric (4、polymer ())5、polyethylene( )6、polyurethane ( )7、cyclohexane ( )8、hydrogen( )9、nitric ( ) 10> profitability( )11、Seale-up ( ) 12、leaching( )13、corriosion ( )14、distillation( )15、gradient ( ) 16> exothermic( )17> polycarbonate( )18> isothermal( )19> cybernetics ( )20 > filtration( )二、句子翻译(每题5分,共30分)1、Once the pilot plant is operational,performance and optimization data can be obtained in order to evaluate the process from an economic point of view.2、By contrast,the chemical engineer typically works with much larger quantities of material and with very large equipment.3、pressure drives the equilibrium forward ,as four molecules of gas are being transformed into two.4、What industry needs to achieve in the process is an acceptable combination of reaction speed and reaction yield.5、The ammonia and air mixture can be oxidized to dinitrogen and water.6> The important point to keep in mind is that all energy of all kinds must be included,although it may be converted to a single equivalent.三、化工专业名词书写(每题一分,共24分)1、加热()2、焙烧()3、吸收()4、冷凝()5、沉降()6、结晶()7、粉碎()8、电解()9、搅动()10、离心()11、平衡()12、体积()13、催化剂()14、一()15、二()16、三()17、四()18、五()19、六()20、七()21、八()22、九、()23、十()24、氮基化合物(四、表达方式运用,用括号里的单词翻译下列句子(每题5分,共20分)1、化学工程师经典的角色是把化学家在实验室里的发现拿来并发展成为能赚钱的、商业规模的化学过程。



化学化工专业英语部分练习参考答案P8.练习答案:(4)I-steel 工字钢;I-shaped I型材;n-region n区p-region p区;T-beam 丁字梁,T型梁P-N-junction P-N结;T-connecting 丁字接头,T形接法A.C.:alternating current 交流电D.C.:direct current 直流电P13.练习答案:一、注意名词单复数的译法1、这台设备已经用了许多年了。

























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a pilot plant is a collection of equipment dsigned and constructed to investigate some critical aspect of a process operation or perform basic reserch.it is a tool rather than an end in itself.a pilot plant can range in size from a labratory bench-top unit to a facility only marginally smaller than a commercial unit.the purposed process;providing design data;determining the econmic feasibility of a new process;determinging optimum materials of construction;testing operability of a control scheme;determinging the extent of plant maintenance;producing sufficient quantitics of product for market evaluation;obtaining kinetic data;screening catalysts;proving ateas of advanced technology;providing data for solutions to scale-up problems;providing technical suppot to an ecisting process or product assessing process hazards;determining operating costs;optimizing an existing process;and perdorming basic prcess research.
ethylene continues to far suroass all other hydrocarbons both in volume and in diversity of commercial ues.in the whole field of petrochemcials,it is exceeded in tonnage only by synthetic ammonia.the major consmers of tehlyene are low density polythylene,ethylene oxide,high densitypolyethylene,ethylene dichloride,ethylbenzene,ethylene oligomers,ethanol,acetaldehyde,vinyl acetate,ethylene-prolylene eladtomers,propioaldehyde,ethylene dibromide and other.
organic compouds present a complexity of structures and properties as varied as life itself.perhaps 10 million organic compounds are now known,each with its unique molecular structure,name,and chemical and physical properties.to bring a sense of order to this enormous number and almost oncomprehensible variety of carbon compounds,chemists have organized them into families of compunds of similar molecular structures and similar propperties.one of the largest of these is the family of hydrocarbons,composed exclusively of compounds containing just two elements,hydrogen and carbon.the very simplest of the hydrocarbons,with just one carbon atom per molecule and with the lowest molecular weight of all organic compounds,is methane,CH4.。
