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2003 Data Structure Test (120 minutes) Class: Student Number: Name:

1.Single-Choice(20 points)

(1) The Linked List is designed for conveniently b data item.

a. getting

b. inserting

c. finding


(2) Assume a sequence list as 1,2,3,4,5,6 passes a stack, an impossible output sequence list

Is c .

a. 2,4,3,5,1,6




(3) A queue is a structure not implementing b .

a. first-in/first-out

b. first-in/last-out

c. last-in/last-out

d. first-come/first-serve

(4) Removing the data item at index i from a sequential list with n items, d items need

to be shifted left one position.

a. n-i

b. n-i+1

c. i

d. n-i-1

(5) There is an algorithm with inserting an item to a ordered SeqList and still keeping the

SeqList ordered. The computational efficiency of this inserting algorithm is c .

a. O(log2n)

b. O(1)

c. O(n)


(6) The addresses which store Linked List d .

a. must be sequential

b. must be partly sequential

c. must be no sequential

d. can be sequential or discontiguous

(7) According the definition of Binary Tree, there will be b different Binary Trees

with 5 nodes.

a. 6

b. 5

c. 4

d. 3

(8) In the following 4 Binary Trees, c is not the complete Binary Tree.

a b c d

(9) A Binary Tree will have a nodes on its level i at most.


b. 2i



(10) If the Binary Tree T2 is transformed from the Tree T1, then the postorder of T1 is the

b of T2.

a. preorder

b. inorder

c. postorder

d. level order

(11) In the following sorting algorithm, c is an unstable algorithm.

a. the insertion sort

b. the bubble sort

c. quicksort

d. mergesort

(12) Assume there is a ordered list consisting of 100 data items, using binary search to find a

special item, the maximum comparisons is d .

a. 25


c. 10


(13) The result from scanning a Binary Search Tree in inorder traversal is in c order.

a. descending or ascending

b. descending

c. ascending

d. out of order

(14) The d case is worst for quicksort.

a. the data which will be sorted is too larger.

b. there are many same item in the data which will be sorted .

c. the data will be sorted is out of order

d. the data will be sorted is already in a sequential order.

(15) In a Binary Tree with n nodes, there is a non-empty pointers.

a. n-1

b. n+1

c. 2n-1


(16) In a undirected graph with n vertexs, the maximum edges is b .

a. n(n+1)/2

b. n(n-1)/2

c. n(n-1)


(17) The priority queue is a structure implementing c .

a. inserting item only at the rear of the priority queue.

b. inserting item only at the front of the priority queue.

c. deleting item according to the priority of the item.

d. first in/first out

(18) The output from scanning a minimum heap with level traversal algorithm c .

a. must be an ascending sequence.

b. must be descending sequence

c. must have a minimum item at the head position.

d. must have a minimum item at the rear position.

(19) Assume the preorder of T is ABEGFCDH, the inorder of T is EGBFADHC, then the

postorder of T will be a .





(20) When a recursive algorithm is transformed into a no recursive algorithm, a structure

b is generally used.

a. SeqList

b. Stack

c. Queue

d. Binary Tree

2. Please convert the following infix expression (a*(b+c))+(b/d-e)*a into postfix expression,
