
五年级上册英语教学设计- 《Unit3 What would you likePartA》人教版一. 教材分析《Unit3 What would you like Part A》是人教版五年级上册的英语教材,本节课主要围绕着食物和饮料的主题展开。
通过本节课的学习,学生能够听懂、会说、会读关于食物和饮料的词汇,如:hamburger, hot dog, salad, milk, water等。
同时,学生还能够运用所学句子进行简单的日常交流,如:“What would you like?”, “I’d like some…”等。
二. 学情分析五年级的学生已经具备了一定的英语基础,对于一些基本的日常交流句子和词汇已经有了一定的了解。
三. 教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够听懂、会说、会读关于食物和饮料的词汇,如:hamburger, hot dog, salad, milk, water等。
2.能力目标:学生能够运用所学句子进行简单的日常交流,如:“Whatwould you like?”, “I’d like some…”等。
四. 教学重难点1.重点:学生能够听懂、会说、会读关于食物和饮料的词汇,并能够运用所学句子进行简单的日常交流。
五. 教学方法1.情境教学法:通过设定各种真实的场景,让学生在实际环境中运用所学知识进行交流。

五年级上册英语《Unit 3 What Would You Like? A》教学设计标题Unit 3 What Would You Like? A – Dining Preferences一、教学目标1.1 核心素养•知识与技能:学生能够掌握和运用关于食物和饮料的基本词汇,如hamburger, sandwich, noodles, tea, coffee等,以及句型“What would you like to eat/drink?I’d like...”进行点餐。
二、教学重点与难点•教学重点:掌握食物和饮料的基本词汇,熟练运用“What would you like to eat/drink? I’d like...”句型进行点餐。
五、教学过程1. 复习热身(5分钟)•复习之前学过的食物和饮料词汇,通过快速问答的形式激活学生的知识储备。
2. 新课呈现(10分钟)•展示新词汇:通过多媒体课件展示各种食物和饮料的图片,并教授对应的英语词汇。
•教授句型:介绍“What would you like to eat/drink? I’d like...”句型,并通过例句和图片帮助学生理解。

人教(PEP)五年级上册英语Unit3WhatwouldyoulikeBReadandwrite教案教材内容:Unit3 Part B Read and write教材:人教PEP小学英语五年级上册P29单元主题:What would you like?课型:读写课授课教师:一、教学设计整体思路本节课以“XXX今天烹饪美食”为授课主线,教师利用这有趣的主线,把“Pre-reading”、“While-reading”、“Post-reading”、“Homework”这几个授课环节有机地融合成一个整体。
通过师生对话、课文跟读、Team work、个性化写作等各种活动,鼓励学生大胆参与、深入思考、积极发言,从而提高学生综合运用语言的能力。
3.情感态度目标:经由过程XXX的温馨提醒,使学生更加明确“Eat up your food on the plate(吃光你盘中的饭菜)”的重要性,经由过程提倡“光盘动作”来帮助学生树立正确的价值观,保持绿色生活。

人教PEP版五年级英语上册教学设计Unit3What would you like?一、单元整体分析本单元是义务教育人教版(pep)小学英语教科书五年级上册的第三单元。
主要围绕话题What would you like?引出A、B、C三个板块的内容。
重点呈现核心句型What would you like?/What’s your favourite food?民以食为天,饮食爱好是学生们平时谈论比较多的话题,这些十分贴近生活的话题,可以瞬间激发学生们的浓厚情趣,把新的知识点融入到学生们的真实生活中,学生们更喜欢学习,更愿意接受,并能很快达到内化的程度。
本单元共分六个课时,A、B两部分中的情景对话都是展示重点知识内容即本单元两个核心句型的具体语言环境,Let’s learn中所教学的重点词汇为学生练习使用关键句型提供多元化的素材,让学生们掌握更多的常见食物饮料的名称以及描述食物特征的形容词,包括A部分出现的ice cream,hamburger,salad, sandwich,tea,以及B部分出现的delicious,fresh,sweet,hot,healthy。
第五课时的Read and write和Let’s check均是为巩固本单元重点知识而设计的精简训练。

人教PEP版五年级英语上册第三单元教案Unit3 What would you like ?教学设计一、单元教学目标1.能力目标:能够提问并回答三餐所吃的食物,能够简单描述一些食物,能够提问并回答最喜欢吃的食物是什么,并说出原因,能够听懂、会唱歌曲“What would you like to eat today?”。
2.知识目标:认读A、B部分Let's learn、Let's talk中的单词和句子,并掌握四会单词。
掌握Read and write中的四会句子,读懂对话内容,完成句子填空。
了解Main scene ,story time等部分的内容。
了解Let’s spell中字母组合ow的发音规则,认读相关的单词。
Let's try部分的内容安排在Let's talk之前,为Let's talk 的教学做铺垫,同时也让学生先从听觉上熟悉Read and write中的四会句子。
三.单元教学课时安排建议:七课时第一课时: A Let's learn Role-play Let's sing第二课时:A Let's try Let's talk第三课时:A Let’s spell第四课时:B Let's try Let's talk第五课时:B Let's learn Look,write and say 第六课时:B Read and write第七课时:Let's check C Story time。

其中难点是Read and write中对话的口头以及书面表达。
另外,Wednesday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday等单词拼写难度较大,老师要实行敏捷多样的方式巧教、趣教,以减轻同学学习的难度。
2.Lets try部分是Lets talk中新句型的教学铺垫,在教学过程中可通过完成这项听力练习自然引出新一轮的对话教学。
如:We have English ,science ,computer and PE on Wednesdays 。
I often do my homework on Saturdays .(2)能够简洁的介绍学校的课程以及个人的周末支配。
如 What do we have on Mondays? Let me see .We have Chinese 、English 、math 、and music on Mondays. What do you do on SaturdaysI often do homework ,read books and watch TV .(3)能够听懂学会观赏歌曲My days of the week.2、学问目标(1)能够听说读写Let’s learn, Read and Write中的四会单词和句子。
(2)理解let’s start, Read and Write, let’s try. let’s find o ut, let’s sing, let’s chant, let’s play等部分内容。

教法 小组合作法,角色扮演法 学法
人教 PEP 版五年级英语上册
(一)、课前热身 1. 教师出示本单元所学的单词的卡片,全班学生 说出相应的汉语意思。 2、 教师把全班分成两大组,每组派一位学生代表 上讲台。教师在黑板上贴上各种食物图片。教师随 机说一个食物单词,学生立刻用手拍相应的食物图 片,看谁最先拍到图片。几轮游戏后,拍到图片次 数较多的为获胜者。 (二)、新课呈现 1. B. Read and write (1) 简单介绍阅读材料。
A. meat
B. vegetables
( ) ④ Opoos! These noodles are __________
A. to
B. two
C. too
( )⑤ It’s 6:30 p.m. Let’s have
A. breakfast
B. lunch
人教 PEP 版五年级英语上册
学科 英语 年级 五
Unit 3
Unit3 What would you 课时安
备课 时间
复备 教师
主备教师 授课时间教学 源自标1. 能读懂“Read and write”部分的阅读任务,复习有关食物的的句型。 2. 能听懂“Let’s check”部分的录音并完成句子填空练习。 3. 能读懂“Story time”部分的故事。
① He’d like a salad. ② The vegetables. ③ Yes, it is. ④ Dinner at the farm is great. (5) 学生在小组内练习分角色表演故事,然后教师 请两三组学生上讲台表演,提醒学生表演时要带上 适当的表情和动作,教师评选出“最佳表演组”, 并给予表扬。 (四)、课堂小结 师生一起总结本单元学习的词汇和句型。 词汇: sandwich, salad, hamburger, ice cream, tea, fresh, healthy, delicious, hot, sweet, drink, thirsty, favourite, food, dear 句型: What would you like to eat / drink? I’d like …, please. What’s your favourite food? It’s sweet / hot / delicious / … What about you? (五)、反馈检测 选择填空:

人教版小学五年级英语上册第三单元教案Unit 3 What”s your favourite food第一课时一、学重点:let’s learn 局部的单词:tomato,tofu,green beans,fish,potato,eggplant,cabbage,mutton,pork。
听、说、读、写单词:tomato,tofu,green beans,fish,potato,eggplant。
二、教学难点:词汇量较大,有些单词不易把握:tomato 和potato 易混淆;eggplant 较长;cabbage的发音较难;pork 和mutton 的意思简洁混;tofu 的发音简洁被中文干扰。
课前预备:教学过程中所需的图片〔let’s start〕、录音〔let’s learn, Let’s chant〕、课件、动画素材,以及上课时的九张单词图片和卡片。
三、教学过程:Warm up 〔热身〕教师播放四年级上册第五单元Let’s sing 局部歌曲和四年级下册第六单元P73 儿歌,学生说唱,复习有关食物单词。
教师播放教材P26 Let’s chant 中的儿歌,学生赏识,帮助学生复习What would you like for lunch?I’d like…的问答。
四、Review 〔复习〕请学生说出学过的有关食物的单词〔Say some words about food〕。
提问:What would you like for lunch?引导学生用I’d like…答复。
当学生的答复中涉及到单词pork,fish,tomato,potato 时,教师要适时拿出卡片,带着学生拼读。
五、Presentation 〔课呈现〕(1)教师播放let’s learn 局部录音,学生听两遍。
教师提问:What would Mike like for lunch?引导学生答复:tomatoes and mutton。
五年级上册英语教案-Unit 3《Animals》(Fun Time)|人教(新起点)

五年级上册英语教案-Unit 3《Animals》(Fun Time)|人教(新起点)一、教学目标1.能听懂、会说本单元有关动物名称和形容词。
四、教学过程A. Warm-up: Hello, animals!1.教师用卡片或图片向学生展示各种动物,引导学生说出动物的名称。
B. Presentation: Animal name and description1.教师出示各种动物图片,引导学生说出动物的名称和形容词,例如:“Elephant, big. Giraffe, tall. Lion, fierce.”2.教师带领学生练习上述动物名称和形容词。
C. Practice: Food chain and relationship1.教师出示动物食品链图片,让学生根据所学动物名称,说出食品链上各个动物之间的关系。
2.教师带领学生练习动物食品链中所学短语,例如:“The lion eats the zebra. The zebra eats the grass.”3.分组竞赛,让学生根据所学动物名称和食品链短语进行描述,评出优胜组。
D. Production: Adaptation and natural environment1.教师出示生态环境图片,引导学生理解环境对于不同动物生存的影响。
2.教师带领学生练习描述适应环境的必要因素,例如:“Polar bears have white fur to blend in with the snow. Kangaroos have long legs for jumping.”3.分组竞赛,让学生根据所学环境及适应性描述,评出优胜组。

人教版小学五年级英语上册《Unit3wh…》教案及教学反思一、教案1.1 教学目标本节课的教学目标是:1.掌握 wh- 词组 what time、what day 和what’s your favourite subject 的用法和基本句型;2.了解表述交通工具的词汇,如 bus、bike、car 等;3.进一步增强学生的听说读能力。
1.2 教学重点本节课的教学重点是:1.熟练掌握 wh- 词组 what time、what day 和what’s your favourite subject 的用法和基本句型;2.能够正确表述交通工具的英文名词;3.提高学生听说读能力。
1.3 教学难点本节课的教学难点是:1.辨认和正确运用 wh- 词组 what time、what day和what’s your favourite subject;2.正确表述交通工具的英文名词。
1.4 教学准备本节课的教学准备是:1.PPT 课件;2.学生课本和练习册。
1.5 教学过程Step 1 Lead-in1.Greetings;2.Sing a song about transportation.Step 2 Presentation1.Show the pictures of different transportation tools;2.Teach the words:–bus–bike–car–subway–trn–plane;3.Show the sentence “I go to school by_______.” and ask students to fill in the blankwith the transportation tools they have learned.Step 3 Practice1.Teach the wh- words “what time” and “what day”;2.Show the sentence “What time do you get up?” and “What day is today?”;3.Get students to practice with their partners. Step 4 Production1.Teach the wh- word “what’s your favourite subject”;2.Show the sent ence “My favourite subject is_______.”;3.Get students to practice with their partners.Step 5 Summary and Homework1.Sum up the content of this lesson;2.Preview the content of the next lesson;3.Assign homework:complete the exercises inthe workbook.二、教学反思本节课的教学效果较好。
五年上册英语unit 3教案

五年上册英语unit 3教案全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Unit 3 - My SchoolHello everyone! Today, I am going to share with you the lesson plan for Unit 3 in our English textbook. This unit is all about our school, school subjects, and things we can find in a school. Let's get started!1. Vocabulary introduction:- Start the lesson by introducing new vocabulary related to school such as classroom, teacher, student, chalkboard, pencil, etc. Use flashcards or pictures to help students remember the words.2. Warm-up activity:- Begin the lesson with a fun warm-up activity like a game of charades where students act out different school-related words. This will help students get engaged and excited about the lesson.3. Listening activity:- Play a recording of a conversation between two students talking about their favorite school subjects. Ask students to listen carefully and then answer some questions about the conversation. This will help improve their listening skills.4. Speaking activity:- Divide the class into pairs or small groups and have them discuss their favorite school subjects. Encourage them to use the new vocabulary they learned in the lesson.5. Reading comprehension:- Give students a short reading passage about a typical school day and ask them comprehension questions to check their understanding. This will help improve their reading skills.6. Writing activity:- Ask students to write a short paragraph about their own school and what they like about it. Encourage them to use complete sentences and proper grammar.7. Review:- Finish the lesson by reviewing the new vocabulary words and concepts learned in the lesson. Use a fun review game like a quiz or matching activity to reinforce learning.I hope you all enjoy the lesson and learn a lot about our school! Remember to always study hard and ask questions if you don't understand something. Good luck!篇2Unit 3Hello everyone! Today, we are going to learn all about Unit 3 in our English textbook. Are you ready? Let's get started!1. Learning objectives:- To learn new vocabulary words related to family members- To practice using possessive 's- To understand and use the present continuous tense- To be able to describe actions happening now2. Warm-up activity:- Let's start by reviewing the names of different family members. Can you tell me the names of your parents, siblings, and grandparents? Don't forget to use possessive 's when talking about them!3. Introducing new vocabulary:- We will learn new words like brother, sister, aunt, uncle, and cousin. Let's practice saying these words together and identify them in pictures.4. Grammar focus:- Today we are going to learn about the present continuous tense. This tense is used to talk about actions that are happening now. For example, "I am reading a book" or "She is playing with her toys."5. Practice activities:- Let's play a game of charades where you act out different actions and the rest of the class has to guess what you are doing. Remember to use the present continuous tense when describing your actions!6. Group work:- In groups, you will create a short skit using the present continuous tense. Each group will perform their skit in front of the class, and the rest of us will guess what actions are happening in the skit.7. Review:- Let's review everything we learned today. Can you tell me some of the new family members' names we learned? And can you create a sentence using the present continuous tense?8. Homework:- Your homework for tonight is to write a short paragraph about what your family members are doing right now. Use the present continuous tense in your sentences.Great job, everyone! I had so much fun teaching you today. See you next time for Unit 4! Bye-bye!篇3Unit 3Hello everyone! Today I am going to share with you the lesson plan for Unit 3 in our English textbook. Unit 3 is all about “My Friends”.First, we will start off with a warm-up activity to get our brains ready for learning. We can play a fun game of “Simon says” where I can give you commands like “Simon says touch your nose” or “Simon says do a silly dance”. This will help us practice listening skills and following instructions.Next, we will move on to the vocabulary section. In this unit, we will learn words related to friends such as “friend”, “play together”, “kind”, “helpful” and “share”. We can use flashcards to help us remember the new words and play games like Charades to practice using them.After that, we will move on to the grammar section. In Unit 3, we will learn about the present continuous tense. I will teach you how to form sentences like “I am playing with my friends” or “She is helping her friend”. We can practice making sentences together and also do some exercises to reinforce what we have learned.For the reading and writing section, we will read a story about a group of friends who go on an adventure together. After reading the story, we can discuss the characters and plot and maybe even act out our own version of the story.Finally, we will finish off the lesson with some fun activities like making friendship bracelets or playing a game of “Telephone” where we practice listening and speaking skills.I hope you are all excited about Unit 3 and ready to learn more about friendship. Let’s work hard and have fun together! See you in the next lesson!篇4Unit 3 Lesson Plan: My FamilyHey everyone! Today we're going to talk about our families in English class. Are you ready? Let's go!1. Warm-up activity:To start off our lesson, we're going to play a game called "Family Bingo". Each student will get a bingo card with pictures of family members on it. The teacher will call out the names of different family members in English and the students have to mark off the corresponding picture on their bingo card. The first student to get a bingo wins a prize!2. Vocabulary:Next, we're going to learn some new vocabulary words related to family members. The teacher will show flashcards with pictures of different family members on them and say the English word out loud. Students will repeat the word after the teacher and practice saying it themselves.3. Grammar:After learning some new vocabulary, we will move on to talking about possessive pronouns. We will learn how to usewords like "my", "your", "his", "her", "our", and "their" to talk about our family members. For example, "This is my brother" or "Her mother is a doctor".4. Speaking activity:Now it's time for a speaking activity! Each student will take turns talking about their own family members using the new vocabulary and grammar we learned. They can talk about their parents, siblings, grandparents, and any other family members they have. Encourage students to ask questions to each other to practice using possessive pronouns.5. Writing activity:For the last part of our lesson, students will write a short paragraph about their family. They can talk about who is in their family, what they do, and what they like to do together. They can also draw a picture of their family to go along with their paragraph.And that's it for today's lesson on family! I hope you had fun learning about your family members in English. See you next time!篇5Unit 3Hello everyone! Today I'm going to tell you about our English lesson plan for Unit 3 in the fifth grade.First, we will start with a warm-up activity to get our brains ready for learning. We can play a game like "Simon Says" to review some vocabulary words we learned before.Next, we will move on to the main part of the lesson. In Unit 3, we will be learning about different types of animals and their habitats. We will learn new words like "cave", "forest", "desert", "ocean", and "jungle". We will also learn how to describe animals using adjectives like "big", "small", "fast", and "slow".After that, we will do some practice exercises to reinforce what we have learned. We can do a matching game where we match pictures of animals to their habitats, or we can do afill-in-the-blank worksheet to practice using the new vocabulary.To wrap up the lesson, we will do a fun activity like arole-playing game where students pretend to be different animals and talk about where they live and what they eat. This will help them practice using the new vocabulary in a creative and engaging way.Finally, we will give out some homework for students to do at home. It could be drawing pictures of their favorite animals and writing a short paragraph describing them, or practicing spelling and pronunciation of the new vocabulary words.And that's our English lesson plan for Unit 3! I hope you all have a great time learning about animals and their habitats. Let's get started!篇6Hello everyone! Today we are going to talk about Unit 3 in our English textbook. We will learn lots of new words and have fun activities to do. Let's start!First, let's review the words we learned in Unit 2. Do you remember the words like "apple", "banana", "cat", and "dog"? Let's practice saying them together. Great job!Now, let's move on to Unit 3. In this unit, we will learn new words like "bird", "fish", "elephant", and "monkey". These are fun animals to learn about. Let's practice saying them too.Next, we will learn some new sentences in English. For example, "I like cats." or "Do you like dogs?" These sentences willhelp us talk to each other in English. Let's practice saying them out loud.After that, we will do some fun activities. We can play games like "Simon Says" to practice our English words. We can also do a group activity where we talk about our favorite animals in English. It will be so much fun!At the end of the lesson, we can review everything we learned today. We will do a little quiz to see how much we remember. I know you all will do great!I hope you all have fun learning English with me today. Remember to keep practicing your English at home too. See you next time! Thank you!篇7Hello everyone! Today, I'm going to share with you the lesson plan for Unit 3 of the English textbook for the fifth grade. Are you ready? Let's get started!Title: Unit 3 - My FamilyObjectives:- To introduce vocabulary related to family members- To practice talking about family members and their relationships- To improve listening and speaking skillsWarm-up:To start the lesson, we will play a game called "Family Bingo". Each student will have a bingo card with pictures of family members. I will call out a family member's name and the students will mark the corresponding picture on their card. The first student to get a line of pictures marked shouts "Bingo!" and wins a small prize.Presentation:Next, we will introduce new vocabulary words related to family members. I will show pictures and use flashcards to help the students learn the words. We will practice pronunciation and spelling together as a class.Practice:After learning the new vocabulary, we will do a speaking activity where students will pair up and take turns asking each other about their family members. For example, "Who is this?" "This is my father." Students will practice using the new words in sentences.Listening:To further practice the vocabulary, we will listen to a short audio clip of a conversation between family members. Students will listen and then answer questions about what they heard. This will help improve their listening skills.Group activity:For the group activity, students will work in small groups to create a family tree. They will draw pictures of their family members and write their names underneath. This will help them review the vocabulary and practice talking about their own families.Wrap-up:To end the lesson, we will review the new vocabulary words and the key points we learned during the lesson. I will also give each student a family tree template to take home and complete with their own family members.I hope you enjoyed learning about Unit 3 with me today! Remember to practice talking about your family members at home and come prepared for our next lesson. See you next time!篇8Hello everyone, today I'm going to share with you the lesson plan for Unit 3 in the fifth grade English textbook. Are you ready? Let's get started!First, we will start the lesson by reviewing the vocabulary words from the previous units. We will do this by playing a game called "Vocabulary Bingo". Each student will have a bingo card with different words from the units we have covered so far. I will call out a word and the students will mark it on their bingo card if they have it. The first student to get a line on their bingo card will win a small prize.Next, we will move on to the new vocabulary words for Unit 3. The words we will be learning are: apple, book, cat, dog, elephant, flower, girl, and hat. I will introduce each word by showing pictures and asking the students to repeat after me. We will practice pronouncing the words together as a class.After learning the new vocabulary words, we will read a short story about a girl and her cat. The story will be in simple English and will include some of the vocabulary words we have learned. I will read the story out loud and then ask the students questions to check their understanding. We will discuss the characters, setting, and plot of the story.To reinforce the vocabulary words and sentence structures, we will do a fun activity called "Simon Says". I will give the students commands using the vocabulary words we have learned, such as "Touch your hat" or "Show me the flower". The students will have to follow the commands and act out the actions.Finally, we will end the lesson by singing a song related to the theme of the unit. We will practice singing the song together as a class and then perform it for the rest of the school at the next assembly.I hope you enjoyed today's lesson plan for Unit 3. Remember to review the vocabulary words and practice using them in sentences. Keep up the good work and I'll see you all next time!篇9Unit Three: My FamilyHello everyone! Today we are going to talk about my family in Unit Three of our English textbook. Are you ready? Let's get started!1. Objectives:- Learn how to introduce family members in English.- Practice using possessive pronouns.- Learn new vocabulary related to family members.2. Warm-Up Activity:- Let's start with a fun warm-up game! I will say a family member in English and you need to guess who it is in Chinese. For example, I say “mother” and you say “”. Are you ready to play?3. Presentation:- We will have a short video to watch about a family introducing themselves in English. Pay attention to how they say each family member's name and the possessive pronouns they use.4. Practice:- Let's practice together! I will say a family member's name in English and you need to repeat after me. Then we will use possessive pronouns to talk about our own family members. For example, "This is my father. His name is John."5. Vocabulary Building:- Let's learn some new words related to family members. Repeat after me: grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, cousin, aunt, uncle.6. Listening Comprehension:- I will play a recording of a family member talking about his or her family. Listen carefully and answer the questions I ask about the family.7. Group Activity:- In groups, you will create a family tree using the vocabulary we have learned. Draw a picture of each family member and label them in English. Then present your family tree to the class.8. Homework:- For homework, I want you to write a short paragraph introducing your family in English. Include the names of each family member and their relationship to you. Don't forget to use possessive pronouns!Great job, everyone! I hope you had fun learning about family in Unit Three. See you next time!篇10Hello everyone! I'm so excited to share with you my English lesson plan for Unit 3 in the first grade! Let's dive right in!**Unit 3: My Family****Lesson 1: Family Members**- Start the lesson by showing pictures of different family members (mom, dad, sister, brother, grandparents).- Teach the students the vocabulary for each family member and have them repeat after you.- Play a fun game where students have to match the family member with the correct name.- Practice using the vocabulary in simple sentences like "This is my mom" or "I love my sister".**Lesson 2: Family Activities**- Introduce action verbs related to family activities such as "play, eat, read, watch".- Show pictures of different family activities and practice using the verbs in sentences like "I play with my brother" or "We eat dinner together".- Have the students act out different family activities to practice the vocabulary in a fun way.**Lesson 3: My Family Tree**- Draw a simple family tree on the board and label each family member.- Teach the students how to talk about their own family using phrases like "My mom is Nancy" or "My grandparents are Mary and John".- Have the students draw their own family tree and share it with the class.**Lesson 4: Family Stories**- Read a short story about a family and have the students listen for key vocabulary words.- Discuss the characters and plot of the story with the students.- Have the students write their own family stories using the vocabulary they have learned.**Lesson 5: Family Fun Day**- Have a special "Family Fun Day" where students can bring in pictures of their own families and share them with the class.- Play games and do activities that involve talking about and celebrating families.- Encourage the students to use their new vocabulary in conversations with each other.I hope you enjoy teaching Unit 3 to your students as much as I have enjoyed creating this lesson plan. Remember to make learning fun and engaging for the little ones! Have a great time teaching English!。
人教版PEP五年级上册英语《Unit 3 What would you like第五课时》教案

人教版PEP五年级上册英语《Unit 3 What would you like第五课时》教案一. 教材分析《Unit 3 What would you like》是人教版PEP五年级上册英语的一单元,主题为餐饮选择。
二. 学情分析五年级的学生已经具备一定的英语基础,对于日常的简单交际用语有一定的了解。
三. 教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够听懂、会说、会读本课的生词和句子,了解相关的食物名称和交际用语。
四. 教学重难点1.重点:学生能够听懂、会说、会读本课的生词和句子。
五. 教学方法采用情境教学法、任务型教学法和分组合作学习法。
六. 教学准备1.教师准备:准备本课时的教学PPT,包括生词和句子的展示,以及相关的餐饮场景图片。
七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)利用音乐、歌曲或游戏等方式引导学生进入学习状态,激发学生的学习兴趣。
教师可以提问学生:“What’s your favorite food?”,让学生自由回答,从而引出本课的主题。

人教 PEP 版五年级英语上册第三单元教案Unit3 What would you like ? 教学设计A Let’s try & let’s talk一、教学设计整体思路新版小学英语教材五年级的对话课,建议教学应设计有效的听说活动,让学生在有意义的语境中进行与话题相关的听、说练习并综合运用语言。
本课教学内容的主题是What would you like?,本课时要求学生能够在情景中运用句型What would you like to eat / drink ? I’d like…询问并回答自己想吃什么、喝什么。
二、教学目标语言知识技能目标:1、学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话内容;2、能够按照正确的意群及语音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色表演;3、能够在情景中运用句型What would you like to eat / drink ? I’d like…询问并回答自己想吃什么、喝什么。
三、教学重难点重点:1、能表演所学对话;2、能够在情景中运用句型What would you like to eat / drink ? I’d like…询问并回答自己想吃什么、喝什么.难点:用英语准确询问他人所需要的饮料和食物。
四、教学过程:Step1warm-upA song <apple juice>设计意图:活跃课堂气氛,并复习相关饮食和饮料单词,以及相关的动词,为下面的学习做好铺垫。
Step 2 Pre-reading1.Lead in with Sharp eyesSharp eyes 游戏:PPT 迅速出现食物和饮料的单词,学生快速说出,复习原来所学单词。
五年级上册英语教案-Unit 3 Animal World Lesson 2|人教(新起点)

五年级上册英语教案-Unit 3 Animal World Lesson 2 | 人教(新起点)一、教学目标1.掌握词汇 cat, bird, fish, dog, mouse, snake, rabbit, turtle2.能够搭配正确介词,如in, on, under等3.能够听说读写以上生物的名称和其所在位置的描述4.了解动物的习性及其对人类的意义二、教学内容1.词汇:cat, bird, fish, dog, mouse, snake, rabbit, turtle2.介词:in, on, under等3.语法:there is/are三、教学重点难点1.掌握生词2.能够用正确的介词描述动物所在位置3.在理解there is/are的基础上,能够运用到具体情境中四、教学过程1. Warm-up1.Review the vocabulary of Unit 3 Lesson 12.Introduce the topic of Lesson 2: Animal World. Ask some questions: Do you like animals? What animals do you like best? Why do people keep animals as pet?2. Presentation1.Show the pictures of different animals. Ask the students to name them.2.Introduce the new words: cat, bird, fish, dog, mouse, snake, rabbit, turtle. Teach them how to spell and pronounce the words.e the pictures to introduce different locations where the animals can live, such as in a cage, on a tree, under water. Use the correct preposition to describe the location.e the words and pictures to make sentences like。
小学英语五年级上册《Unit 3 What would you like?》单元教案(三套)

《Unit 3 What would you like?》单元教案第一课时一、教学内容: A Let’s try&Let’s talk二、教学目标1. 能够听说、认读下列单词及短语:chicken, bread, rice, vegetable, orange juice, beef, noodles, tea。
2. 能表演所学对话,并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用。
三、教学重难点1. 能够表演Main scene和Let’s talk中的对话。
2. 用英语准确询问别人所需要的饮料和食物。
四、教学准备教学课件、教学录音带、单词卡、图片五、教学过程Step 1 Warming-upLet’s look and say.教师借助多媒体向学生展示一些关于本课时食物和饮料的图片。
What’s this in English?It’s…Step 2 Presentation1. Main scene的学习(1)出示Main scene部分图片,学生观察,教师提问:Who are they?What are they talking about?(2)学生回答:They are … They are talking about…(3)听录音,模仿朗读,理解对话内容。
2. Let’s try 和Let’s talk的学习(1)播放Let’s try部分的录音,指导学生完成Let’s try部分的听力任务。
(2)播放Let’s talk部分的录音,指导学生学习Let’s talk中的内容。
情境创设:Guess what he would like to eat and drink.学生猜测回答:He would like .(3)播放录音,让学生初步理解对话。
人教版(PEP)英语五年级上册《Unit 3 What would you like》教案

人教版(PEP)英语五年级上册《Unit 3 What would you like》教案一. 教材分析《PEP》英语五年级上册《Unit 3 What would you like》的主要内容是围绕食物和饮料的选择展开的对话。
通过本节课的学习,学生能够掌握一些基本的日常用语,如:What would you like? I’d like some… Please give me some… How much is it?等,同时,学生也能通过本节课的学习,提高自己的听说能力和交际能力。
二. 学情分析五年级的学生已经有了一定的英语基础,对于日常的英语交流已经有了一定的掌握。
三. 教学目标1.学生能够听懂、会说、会读关于食物和饮料的单词和句子。
四. 教学重难点1.单词:juice, milk, water, rice, noodles, vegetables, fruit, cake, icecream等。
2.句子:What would you like? I’d like some… Please give me some…How much is it?五. 教学方法采用情境教学法、任务型教学法和分组合作学习法。
六. 教学准备1.食物和饮料的图片或实物。
七. 教学过程导入(5分钟)利用食物和饮料的图片或实物,引导学生进行自由讨论,询问他们喜欢什么食物和饮料。

小学五年级上册英语Unit3教学案例及反思一、教学目标a、能够听、说、读、写本课时的四会单词:tomato green beans fish potato 替换句型:What would you like for lunch ? 回答句:I’d like……..b、能够用本课时单词卡片完成小组活动,操练新单词。
d、本课时主要是让学生掌握four-skill words 和了解句型:What would you like for lunch? I’d like……让学生复习之前学过的句型:Can I have some……?Sure, Here you are.教师引导学生复习所学的句型。
二、教学重、难点分析a、重点掌握有关食物的单词:tomato green beans fish potato 要求通过四年级上册第五单元所学句型“What would you like for lunch?”操练所学新单词。
五、教学设计(一)Warm-up1、sing a song togther. An apple a day keeps doctor away .2the apples are healthy fou ours. And make me strong.W e should eat more and more fruit every day,we also sh ould eat moreand more vegetables3、today we talk about many healthy food and your fa vourite food or fruit.(我首先用这首有关于苹果的歌曲让大家一起来唱,唱完之后,强调健康的饮食习惯,多吃水果蔬菜的好习惯。
人教PEP版英语五年级上册Unit 3《What would you like》教案

人教PEP版英语五年级上册Unit 3《What would you like》教案一. 教材分析《人教PEP版英语五年级上册Unit 3 What would you like?》主要围绕着日常饮食和喜好展开。
通过本节课的学习,学生能够掌握一些关于食物和饮料的词汇,如:hamburger, hot dog, salad, milk, water等,并能够运用核心句型“What would you like? I would like …”进行日常交流。
二. 学情分析五年级的学生已经具备了一定的英语基础,能够听懂并运用一些简单的英语进行日常交流。
三. 教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够听懂、会说、会读本节课的核心词汇和句型,如:hamburger, hot dog, salad, milk, water等,并能够运用核心句型“What would you like? I would like …”进行日常交流。
四. 教学重难点1.重点:学生能够掌握本节课的核心词汇和句型,并能够运用核心句型进行日常交流。
五. 教学方法1.任务型教学法:通过设置各种任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中学习、运用语言。

人教PEP版五年级英语上册第三单元教案Unit3What would you like?教学设计单元教学目标1.能力目标a.能够提问并回答三餐所吃的食物,如:What would you like to eat?I’d like some…,please.b.能够简单描述一些事物的味道,如:They are sweet…c.能够提问并回答最喜欢吃的食物是什么,并说出原因,如:What’s your favourite food?I like apple.They are sweet…d.能够听懂、会唱歌曲“What would you like to eat today?”和本单元的歌谣。
2.知识目标a.认读A、B部分Let’s learn、Let’s talk中的单词和句子,并掌握四会单词。
b.掌握Read and write中的四会句子,读懂对话内容,完成句子填空。
c.了解Let’try,Let’s check,let’s wrap it up等部分的内容。
d.了解Let’s spell中字母组合ow的发音规则,认读相关的单词。
e.了解Story time部分的内容。
Period1教学目标1.知识与技能目标a.能够听、说、读、写本课时四会单词:ice cream,hamburger,tea,sandwich, salad五个单词及替换句型:What would you like to eat?I’d like…b.能用本课时单词卡片完成小组活动,操练新单词。
3.情感与文化目标培养学生的合作精神和创新意识教学重、难点1.重点:掌握有关食物的单词:ice cream,hamburger,tea,sandwich, salad.2.难点:词汇量大,要求掌握的单词多。
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tomato tofu green beans fish potato eggplant.并认读cabbage mutton pork 三个单词及替换句型:
What would you like for lunch ? 回答句:
I’d like……..
d、本课时主要是让学生掌握four-skill words 和了解句型:
What would you like for lunch? I’d like……让学生复习之前学过的句型:Can I have some……?Sure, Here you are.教师引导学生复习所学的句型。
tomato tofu green beans fish potato pork cabba ge mutton eggplant.要求通过四年级上册第五单元所学句型“What would you like for lunch?”操练所学新单词。
sing a song togther. An apple a day keeps doctor away . 2、
So the apples are healthy fou ours. And make me stron g.We should eat more and more fruit every day,we also should eat more and more vegetables 3、
ok, today we talk about many healthy food and your fa vourite food or fruit.
(二)Presentation & Practice
利用句型What’s your favourite food? I like……T: My favourite food is bread and egg.What about ou? S1: My favourite fruit is watermelon and banana.W hat about you?
S2: I like milk and juice.
just now. We talk about our favourite food. Next, I’l l show you some healthy food. Let’s look the picture.在这里呈现“fish”,那么学生在此前已经接触了这一单词,所以他们能够看到图片就能马上的读出来。
3、下面以同样的方法引出以下几个新的单词:mutton, pork tofu.那么在这里的mutton and pork 是三会的单词。
4T: Today I am take a box.Can you guess What’s in i t? S: …………(在学生猜的过程中引出我们的新单词)。
T:Yes, you’re right.I have green beans.(教师从箱子里面拿出我们今天所教单词的实物,大家一起来读这一单词。
T:Who want to get a green beans?
S: Can I have some green beans?
T: Sure, Here you are.
S: Thank you Miss yu.
T: You are welcome!
Ok, and now .I’ll show you my favourite vegetable. 教师直接拿出这节课的三会单词“cabbage”带领大家熟悉这一单词。
S: Miss yu, you are kind and young. Can I have som e cabbage ?
T: Sure, Here you are.
( 那么在这里让学生在认读这些单词的同时,来复习以前学过的用语,对学生知识的巩固有一个很好的机会,接下来以同样的方式引出其他几个四会的单词)。
I am hungry now .I want to eat many food. Oh, It’s time for lunch.
I’d like fish and cabbage for lunch!
(在这里引出今天熟悉的句型I’d like…….)
T: What would you like for lunch?
S: I’d like……..8、以上一问一答中,教师引导同学们,用自己自制的乐器,边敲打边问你的同伴。
(三)Consolidation & extension
1、Group work
S1:What would you like for lunch ?
S2: I’d like…..
S2: What would you like for lunch?
S3: I’d like…….
(四)Sing a goodbye song.
S: Goodbye Miss yu do oh do ! Goodbye Miss yu do oh do ! ……..
T: Bye bye ,boys and girls!
我认为本节课的教学目标已经达到,学生们也能够熟练的认读四会及三会的单词,并能够根据句型与同伴自编Chant.学生也能够灵活与教师对话,比如课堂当中老师问:“Who want to get a green beans?”有些学生就会说:
“Miss YU ,you are very kind and funny! Can I have s ome green beans?他们有些时候也会对老师恭维一下。