



图Ⅸ-1 整体骨骼侧面观The skeleton. Lateral view图Ⅸ-2 整体骨骼背面观The skeleton. Dorsal view1 背肋dorsal rib2 胸椎thoracic vertebra3 颈椎cerical vertebra4 顶间骨interparietal bone5 顶骨parietal bone6 额骨frontal bone7 鼻骨nasal bone8 锁骨clavicle 9 肩胛骨scapula 10 肱骨hemerus 11 髌骨patella 12 腰椎lumbar vertebra 13 荐椎sacral vertebra 14 尾椎caudal vertebra 15 坐骨ischium 16 髂骨ilium 17 股骨femur 18 腓骨fibula 19 胫骨tibia 20 跖骨metatarsal bone 21 趾骨digital bone 22 胸肋sternal rib 23 头骨skull 24 指骨digital bone 25 桡骨radius图Ⅸ-3 背柱背面The vertebral column. Dorsal aspect1 枢椎axis2 胸椎thoracic vertebra3 第II 胸椎I Ith thoraac vertebra4 第1 腰椎I st lumbar vertebra5 第6 腰椎6th lumbar vertebra 6 耻骨pubis7 闭孔obturator foramen8 寰椎atlas9 第7 颈椎seventh cervical vertebra 10 胸肋sternal rib 1l 背肋dorsal rib 12 第4 腰椎4th lumbar 13 髂骨ilium 14 荐椎sacral vertebra 15 坐骨ischimn 16 尾椎caudal vertebra图Ⅸ-4 胸廓背面The thorax.Dorsal aspect17 指骨digital bone 18 掌骨metacarp at bone 19 腕骨carpal bone 20 桡骨radius 21 尺骨ulna 22 三角突起deltoid process 23 鼻骨nasal bone 24 额骨frontal bone 25 顶骨parietal bone 26 顶间骨interparietal bone 27 肱骨hemerus 28 肩胛骨scapula图Ⅸ-5 前肢骨内侧面The bone of 图Ⅸ-6 后肢骨外侧面The bone of anterior Iimb.Medial aspect posterior teral aspect29 肱骨头head of humerus 30 肘突elbow process31 肩胛冈spine of scapula 32 肩带pectoral girdle33 大转子greater trochanter 34 股骨femur35 胫侧髁tibiale condyle 36 髌骨patella37 胫骨tibia 38 跖骨metatarsal bone39 股骨头head of femur 40 腓骨fibula41 跟骨calcaneus 42 跗骨tarsal bone43 趾骨digital bone1 二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle2 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle3 腹直肌rectus abdominis muscle4 股动脉femoral artery5 咬肌masseter muscle6 颌下腺submandibular gland7 胸浅肌prectoral superficialis muscle8 前锯肌serratus anterior muscle9 剑突xiphoid process 10 腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 11 阴茎penis 12 阴囊scrotum13 耳提肌levator auricularis muscle 14 颈阔肌platysma 15 肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle 16 背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle 17 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 18 锁骨提肌levator claidalis muscle 19 背斜方肌trapezius dorsi muscle 20 臀浅肌gluteus superficialis muscle 21 半腱肌semitendinosus muscle图Ⅸ-9 口腔The oral cavity图Ⅸ-10 颈肌与胸肌The muscle of neck and pectoral muscle1 门齿incisor tooth2 硬腭hard palate3 软腭soft palate4 舌根root of tongue5 舌体body of tongue6 舌尖apex of tongue7 颞浅动脉superficial temporal artery8 二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle9 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle 10 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle 11 胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle 12 二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle 13 咬肌masseter muscle 14 胸骨舌骨肌stemohyoid muscle 15 肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle 16 前锯肌serratus anterior muscle1 肺lung2 膈diaphragm3 肝中叶middle lobe of liver4 肝右叶right lobe of liver5 小肠small intestine6 股动、静脉femoral artery and vein7 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle8 胸腺thymus9 心heart 10 肝左叶left lobe of liver I1 胃stomach 12 脾spleen 13 结肠colon 14 膀胱urinary bladder1 肺lung2 膈diaphragm3 肝中叶middle lobe of liver4 肝右叶right lobe of liver5 小肠small intestine6 股动、静脉femoral artery and vein7 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle8 胸腺thymus9 心heart 10 肝左叶left lobe of liver I1 胃stomach 12 脾spleen 13 结肠colon 14 膀胱urinary bladder15 气管trachea 16 咬肌masseter muscle图Ⅸ-13 胸腔器官The organs in the thoracic cavity1 气管trachea2 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle3 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle4 肺lung5 膈diaphragm6 肝中叶middle lobe of liver7 肝右叶right lobe of Iiver8 二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle9 咬肌masseter muscle 10 二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle 11 胸腺thymus 12 心heart 13 肝左叶left lobe of liver 14 胃stomach1 气管trachea 4 肺lung 5 膈diaphragm 15 右心房right atrium 16 右心室right ventricle 17 喉larynx 18 左心房left atrium 19 左心室left ventricle 20 心尖cardiac apex图Ⅸ-16 心背面The heart. Dorsal aspect21 右锁骨下动脉right subclavian artery22 前腔静脉precaval vein 23 右心耳right auricle24 冠状沟coronary sulcus 25 颈总动脉common carotid artery26 左锁骨下动脉left subclavian artery 27 主动脉aorta28 肺动脉pulmonary artery29 左心耳left auricle30 左冠状动脉left coronary artery31 肺静脉pulmonary vein 32 心中静脉middle cardiac vein33 后腔静脉postcaval vein 34 冠状窦coronary sinus35 背面室间沟dorsal interventricular groove15 右心房right atrium16 右心室right ventricle18 左心房left atrium19 左心室left ventricle20 心尖cardiac apex1 胸骨舌骨肌stemohyoid muscle2 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle3 膈diaphragm4 肝liver5 空肠jejunum6 股动、静脉femoral artery and vein7 阴囊scrotum8 咬肌masseter muscle9 胸乳突肌stemomastoideus muscle 10 胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle 11 剑突xiphoid process 12 胃stomach 13 脾spleen 14 结肠colon 15 坐骨神经sciatic nerve 16 阴茎penis4 肝liver5 空肠jejunum 7 阴囊scrotum 13 脾spleen 14 结肠colon 16 阴茎penis 17 膀胱urinary bladder 18 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 19 回肠ileum 20 后肠系膜动脉posterior mesenteric artery 21 股薄肌gracilis musele1 肋弓costal arch2 小肠small intestine3 肾kidney4 阴道vagina5 脂肪fat6 肝liver7 卵巢ovary8 子宫uterus9 直肠rectum 10 膀胱3 肾kidney 5 脂肪fat 6 肝liver 10 膀胱urinary bladder 11 后腔静脉postcaval vein 12 剑突xiphoid process 13 肾上腺adrenal gland 14 输尿管ureter图Ⅸ-21 肝、胃与脾The liver,stomach and spleen图Ⅸ-22 肝腹面The liver. Ventral aspect1 食管esophagus2 幽门pylorus3 肝liver4 胃底fundus of stomach5 胃体body of stomact6 脾spleen7 胰pancreas8 前腔静脉precaval vein9 肝右叶right lobe of liver 10 肝左叶left lobe of liver 11 肝中叶middle lobe of liver图Ⅸ-23 肝背面The liver. Dorsal aspect8 前腔静脉precaval vein 9 肝右叶right lobe of liver 10 肝左叶left lobe of liver 11 肝中叶middle lobe of liver 12 肝尾叶caudate lobe of liver图Ⅸ-24 胃The stomach图Ⅸ-25 胃壁内面The wall of stomach. Inner surface1 食管esophagus2 胃小弯lesser curvature of stomach3 幽门pylorus4 十二指肠duodenum5 胃底fundus of stomach6 贲门cardia7 胃大弯greater curvature of stomach 9 皮区cutaneous region8 胃体body of stomach图Ⅸ-26 泌尿、生殖器官(♂)The urinary and genital organs(♂)10 肾静脉renal vein 11 后腔静脉postcaval vein 12 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 13 内收肌adductor medial muscle 14 阴囊scrotum 15 肾上腺adrenal gland 16 肾kidney 17 输尿管ureter 18 精囊seminal vesicle 19 脂肪fat 20 膀胱urinary bladder 21 阴茎penis图Ⅸ-27 生殖器官(♂)The genital organs(♂)1 输尿管ureter2 精囊seminal vesicle3 前列腺prostate4 肾kidney5 膀胱urinary bladder6 精索spermatic cord7 阴茎8 阴囊scrotum图Ⅸ-28 泌尿、生殖器官(♀)The urinary and genital organs(♀)4 肾kidney5 膀胱urinary bladder 9 肾上腺adrenal gland 10 卵巢ovary l1 输卵管uterine tube 12 阴道vagina 13 剑突xiphoid process 14 肾静脉renal vein 15 后腔静脉postcaval vein 16 子官uterus图Ⅸ-29 生殖器官(♀)The genital organs(♀)1 肾静脉renal vein2 后腔静脉postcaval vein3 卵巢ovary4 输卵管uterine tube5 髂总静脉common iliac vein6 脂肪fat7 肾kidney8 子宫uterus9 阴道10 阴门vulva图Ⅸ-30 脑与脊髓背面(1)The brain and spinal cord. Dorsal aspect(1)11 大脑cerebrum 12 小脑绒球flocculus of cerebellum 13 颈膨大cervical enlargement 14 背斜方肌trapezius dorsi muscle 15 腰骶膨大lumbosacral enlargement 16 终丝filum terminate 17 嗅球olfactory bulb 18 小脑cerebellum 19 小脑蚓vermis 20 背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle 21 腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 22 脊髓圆锥conus medullaris图Ⅸ-31 脑与脊髓背面(2)The brain 图Ⅸ-32 脑与脊髓腹面The brain and and spinal cordDorsal aspect (2) spinal cord.Ventral aspect1 大脑炎cerebrum2 小脑蚓vermis3 腰骶膨大lumbosacral enlargement4 嗅球olfactory bulb5 小脑cerebellum6 小脑绒球flocculus of cerebcllurn7 颈膨大cervical enlargement8 脊髓圆锥conus medullaris9 终丝filum terminate 10 脊神经spinal nerve II 视神经optic nerve 12 延髓medulla oblongata图Ⅸ-33 后肢内侧面The posterior limb. Medial aspect13 腹直肌rectus abdoininis muscle 14 腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 15 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 16 阴茎penis 17 阴囊scrotum 18 内收肌adductor medial muscle 19 坐骨神经sciatic nerve 20 趾深屈肌flexor digitorum profundus muscle 21 腓肠肌gastrocnemius muscle在野医人收集制作感谢丁香园提供生物交流平台!。





1. 实验前的准备


2. 麻醉和处死



3. 解剖操作




4. 实验后的处理







图Ⅸ-1 整体骨骼侧面观The skeleton. Lateral view图Ⅸ-2 整体骨骼背面观The skeleton. Dorsal view1 背肋dorsal rib2 胸椎thoracic vertebra3 颈椎cerical vertebra4 顶间骨interparietal bone5 顶骨parietal bone6 额骨frontal bone7 鼻骨nasal bone8 锁骨clavicle 9 肩胛骨scapula 10 肱骨hemerus 11 髌骨patella 12 腰椎lumbar vertebra 13 荐椎sacral vertebra 14 尾椎caudal vertebra 15 坐骨ischium 16 髂骨ilium 17 股骨femur 18 腓骨fibula 19 胫骨tibia 20 跖骨metatarsal bone 21 趾骨digital bone 22 胸肋sternal rib 23 头骨skull 24 指骨digital bone 25 桡骨radius图Ⅸ-3 背柱背面The vertebral column. Dorsal aspect1 枢椎axis2 胸椎thoracic vertebra3 第II 胸椎I Ith thoraac vertebra4 第1 腰椎I st lumbar vertebra5 第6 腰椎6th lumbar vertebra 6 耻骨pubis7 闭孔obturator foramen8 寰椎atlas9 第7 颈椎seventh cervical vertebra 10 胸肋sternal rib 1l 背肋dorsal rib 12 第4 腰椎4th lumbar 13 髂骨ilium 14 荐椎sacral vertebra 15 坐骨ischimn 16 尾椎caudal vertebra图Ⅸ-4 胸廓背面The thorax.Dorsal aspect17 指骨digital bone 18 掌骨metacarp at bone 19 腕骨carpal bone 20 桡骨radius 21 尺骨ulna 22 三角突起deltoid process 23 鼻骨nasal bone 24 额骨frontal bone 25 顶骨parietal bone 26 顶间骨interparietal bone 27 肱骨hemerus 28 肩胛骨scapula图Ⅸ-5 前肢骨内侧面The bone of 图Ⅸ-6 后肢骨外侧面The bone of anterior Iimb.Medial aspect posterior teral aspect29 肱骨头 head of humerus 30 肘突 elbow process31 肩胛冈 spine of scapula 32 肩带 pectoral girdle33 大转子 greater trochanter 34 股骨 femur35 胫侧髁 tibiale condyle 36 髌骨 patella37 胫骨 tibia 38 跖骨 metatarsal bone39 股骨头 head of femur 40 腓骨 fibula41 跟骨 calcaneus 42 跗骨 tarsal bone43 趾骨 digital bone图Ⅸ-7 整体肌腹面观The muscles. Ventral view1 二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle2 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle3 腹直肌rectus abdominis muscle4 股动脉femoral artery5 咬肌masseter muscle6 颌下腺submandibular gland7 胸浅肌prectoral superficialis muscle8 前锯肌serratus anterior muscle9 剑突xiphoid process 10 腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 11 阴茎penis 12 阴囊scrotum图Ⅸ-8 整体肌背面观The muscles.Dorsal view13 耳提肌levator auricularis muscle 14 颈阔肌platysma 15 肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle 16 背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle 17 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 18 锁骨提肌levator claidalis muscle 19 背斜方肌trapezius dorsi muscle 20 臀浅肌gluteus superficialis muscle 21 半腱肌semitendinosus muscle图Ⅸ-9 口腔The oral cavity图Ⅸ-10 颈肌与胸肌The muscle of neck and pectoral muscle1 门齿incisor tooth2 硬腭hard palate3 软腭soft palate4 舌根root of tongue5 舌体body of tongue6 舌尖apex of tongue7 颞浅动脉superficial temporal artery8 二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle9 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle 10 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle 11 胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle 12 二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle 13 咬肌masseter muscle 14 胸骨舌骨肌stemohyoid muscle 15 肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle 16 前锯肌serratus anterior muscle图Ⅸ-11 胸、腹腔器官(1)The organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities(1)1 肺lung2 膈diaphragm3 肝中叶middle lobe of liver4 肝右叶right lobe of liver5 小肠small intestine6 股动、静脉femoral artery and vein7 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle8 胸腺thymus9 心heart 10 肝左叶left lobe of liver I1 胃stomach 12 脾spleen 13 结肠colon 14 膀胱urinary bladder图Ⅸ-12 胸、腹腔器官(2)The organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities (2)1 肺lung2 膈diaphragm3 肝中叶middle lobe of liver4 肝右叶right lobe ofliver 5 小肠small intestine 6 股动、静脉femoral artery and vein 7 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle 8 胸腺thymus 9 心heart 10 肝左叶left lobe of liver I1 胃stomach 12 脾spleen 13 结肠colon 14 膀胱urinary bladder15 气管trachea 16 咬肌masseter muscle图Ⅸ-13 胸腔器官The organs in the thoracic cavity1 气管trachea2 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle3 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle4 肺lung5 膈diaphragm6 肝中叶middle lobe of liver7 肝右叶right lobe of Iiver8 二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle9 咬肌masseter muscle 10 二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle 11 胸腺thymus 12 心heart 13 肝左叶left lobe of liver 14 胃stomach图Ⅸ-14 心腹面(1)The heart. Ventral aspect(1)1 气管trachea 4 肺lung 5 膈diaphragm 15 右心房right atrium 16 右心室right ventricle 17 喉larynx 18 左心房left atrium 19 左心室left ventricle 20 心尖cardiac apex图Ⅸ-15 心腹面(2)The heart. Ventral aspect (2)图Ⅸ-16 心背面The heart. Dorsal aspect21 右锁骨下动脉right subclavian artery22 前腔静脉precaval vein 23 右心耳right auricle24 冠状沟coronary sulcus 25 颈总动脉common carotid artery26 左锁骨下动脉left subclavian artery 27 主动脉aorta28 肺动脉pulmonary artery29 左心耳left auricle30 左冠状动脉left coronary artery31 肺静脉pulmonary vein 32 心中静脉middle cardiac vein33 后腔静脉postcaval vein 34 冠状窦coronary sinus35 背面室间沟dorsal interventricular groove15 右心房right atrium16 右心室right ventricle18 左心房left atrium19 左心室left ventricle20 心尖cardiac apex图Ⅸ-17 腹腔器官(1)The organs in the abdominal cavity(1)1 胸骨舌骨肌stemohyoid muscle2 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle3 膈diaphragm4 肝liver5 空肠jejunum6 股动、静脉femoral artery and vein7 阴囊scrotum8 咬肌masseter muscle9 胸乳突肌stemomastoideus muscle 10 胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle 11 剑突xiphoid process 12 胃stomach 13 脾spleen 14 结肠colon 15 坐骨神经sciatic nerve 16 阴茎penis图Ⅸ-18 腹腔器官(2)The organs in the abdominal cavity (2)4 肝liver5 空肠jejunum 7 阴囊scrotum 13 脾spleen 14 结肠colon 16 阴茎penis 17 膀胱urinary bladder 18 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 19 回肠ileum 20 后肠系膜动脉posterior mesenteric artery 21 股薄肌gracilis musele图IX-19 腹腔器官(3)The organs in the abdominal cavity (3)1 肋弓costal arch2 小肠small intestine3 肾kidney4 阴道vagina5 脂肪fat6 肝liver7 卵巢ovary8 子宫uterus9 直肠rectum 10 膀胱图IX -20 腹腔器官(4)The organs in the abdominal cavity (4)3 肾kidney 5 脂肪fat 6 肝liver 10 膀胱urinary bladder 11 后腔静脉postcaval vein 12 剑突xiphoid process 13 肾上腺adrenal gland 14 输尿管ureter图Ⅸ-21 肝、胃与脾The liver,stomach and spleen图Ⅸ-22 肝腹面The liver. Ventral aspect1 食管esophagus2 幽门pylorus3 肝liver4 胃底fundus of stomach5 胃体body of stomact6 脾spleen7 胰pancreas8 前腔静脉precaval vein9 肝右叶right lobe of liver 10 肝左叶left lobe of liver 11 肝中叶middle lobe of liver图Ⅸ-23 肝背面The liver. Dorsal aspect8 前腔静脉precaval vein 9 肝右叶right lobe of liver 10 肝左叶left lobe of liver 11 肝中叶middle lobe of liver 12 肝尾叶caudate lobe of liver图Ⅸ-24 胃The stomach图Ⅸ-25 胃壁内面The wall of stomach. Inner surface1 食管esophagus2 胃小弯lesser curvature of stomach3 幽门pylorus4 十二指肠duodenum5 胃底fundus of stomach6 贲门cardia7 胃大弯greater curvature of stomach 9 皮区cutaneous region8 胃体body of stomach图Ⅸ-26 泌尿、生殖器官(♂)The urinary and genital organs(♂)10 肾静脉renal vein 11 后腔静脉postcaval vein 12 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 13 内收肌adductor medial muscle 14 阴囊scrotum 15 肾上腺adrenal gland 16 肾kidney 17 输尿管ureter 18 精囊seminal vesicle 19 脂肪fat 20 膀胱urinarybladder 21 阴茎penis图Ⅸ-27 生殖器官(♂)The genital organs(♂)1 输尿管ureter2 精囊seminal vesicle3 前列腺prostate4 肾kidney5 膀胱urinary bladder6 精索spermatic cord7 阴茎8 阴囊scrotum图Ⅸ-28 泌尿、生殖器官(♀)The urinary and genital organs(♀)4 肾kidney5 膀胱urinary bladder 9 肾上腺adrenal gland 10 卵巢ovary l1 输卵管uterine tube 12 阴道vagina 13 剑突xiphoid process 14 肾静脉renal vein 15 后腔静脉postcaval vein 16 子官uterus图Ⅸ-29 生殖器官(♀)The genital organs(♀)1 肾静脉renal vein2 后腔静脉postcaval vein3 卵巢ovary4 输卵管uterine tube5 髂总静脉common iliac vein6 脂肪fat7 肾kidney8 子宫uterus9 阴道10 阴门vulva图Ⅸ-30 脑与脊髓背面(1)The brain and spinal cord. Dorsal aspect(1)11 大脑cerebrum 12 小脑绒球flocculus of cerebellum 13 颈膨大cervical enlargement 14 背斜方肌trapezius dorsi muscle 15 腰骶膨大lumbosacral enlargement 16 终丝filum terminate 17 嗅球olfactory bulb 18 小脑cerebellum 19 小脑蚓vermis 20 背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle 21 腹外斜肌external obliquemuscle of abdomen 22 脊髓圆锥conus medullaris图Ⅸ-31 脑与脊髓背面(2)The brain 图Ⅸ-32 脑与脊髓腹面The brain and and spinal cordDorsal aspect (2) spinal cord.Ventral aspect1 大脑炎cerebrum2 小脑蚓vermis3 腰骶膨大lumbosacral enlargement4 嗅球olfactory bulb5 小脑cerebellum6 小脑绒球flocculus of cerebcllurn7 颈膨大cervical enlargement8 脊髓圆锥conus medullaris9 终丝filum terminate 10 脊神经spinal nerve II 视神经optic nerve 12 延髓medulla oblongata图Ⅸ-33 后肢内侧面The posterior limb. Medial aspect13 腹直肌rectus abdoininis muscle 14 腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 15 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 16 阴茎penis 17 阴囊scrotum 18 内收肌adductor medial muscle 19 坐骨神经sciatic nerve 20 趾深屈肌flexor digitorum profundus muscle 21 腓肠肌gastrocnemius muscle在野医人收集制作感谢丁香园提供生物交流平台!。



图Ⅸ-1 整体骨骼侧面观The skeleton. Lateral view图Ⅸ-2 整体骨骼背面观The skeleton. Dorsal view1 背肋dorsal rib2 胸椎thoracic vertebra3 颈椎cerical vertebra4 顶间骨interparietal bone5 顶骨parietal bone6 额骨frontal bone7 鼻骨nasal bone8 锁骨clavicle 9 肩胛骨scapula 10 肱骨hemerus 11 髌骨patella 12 腰椎lumbar vertebra 13 荐椎sacral vertebra 14 尾椎caudal vertebra 15 坐骨ischium 16 髂骨ilium 17 股骨femur 18 腓骨fibula 19 胫骨tibia 20 跖骨metatarsal bone 21 趾骨digital bone 22 胸肋sternal rib 23 头骨skull 24 指骨digital bone 25 桡骨radius图Ⅸ-3 背柱背面The vertebral column. Dorsal aspect1 枢椎axis2 胸椎thoracic vertebra3 第II 胸椎I Ith thoraac vertebra4 第1 腰椎I st lumbar vertebra5 第6 腰椎6th lumbar vertebra 6 耻骨pubis7 闭孔obturator foramen8 寰椎atlas9 第7 颈椎seventh cervical vertebra 10 胸肋sternal rib 1l 背肋dorsal rib 12 第4 腰椎4th lumbar 13 髂骨ilium 14 荐椎sacral vertebra 15 坐骨ischimn 16 尾椎caudal vertebra图Ⅸ-4 胸廓背面The thorax.Dorsal aspect17 指骨digital bone 18 掌骨metacarp at bone 19 腕骨carpal bone 20 桡骨radius 21 尺骨ulna 22 三角突起deltoid process 23 鼻骨nasal bone 24 额骨frontal bone 25 顶骨parietal bone 26 顶间骨interparietal bone 27 肱骨hemerus 28 肩胛骨scapula图Ⅸ-5 前肢骨内侧面The bone of 图Ⅸ-6 后肢骨外侧面The bone of anteriorIimb.Medial aspect posterior teral aspect29 肱骨头head of humerus 30 肘突elbow process31 肩胛冈spine of scapula 32 肩带pectoral girdle33 大转子greater trochanter 34 股骨femur35 胫侧髁tibiale condyle 36 髌骨patella37 胫骨tibia 38 跖骨metatarsal bone39 股骨头head of femur 40 腓骨fibula41 跟骨calcaneus 42 跗骨tarsal bone43 趾骨digital bone图Ⅸ-7 整体肌腹面观The muscles. Ventral view1 二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle2 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle3 腹直肌rectus abdominis muscle4 股动脉femoral artery5 咬肌masseter muscle6 颌下腺submandibular gland7 胸浅肌prectoral superficialis muscle8 前锯肌serratus anterior muscle9 剑突xiphoid process 10 腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 11 阴茎penis 12 阴囊scrotum图Ⅸ-8 整体肌背面观The muscles.Dorsal view13 耳提肌levator auricularis muscle 14 颈阔肌platysma 15 肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle 16 背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle 17 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 18 锁骨提肌levator claidalis muscle 19 背斜方肌trapezius dorsi muscle 20 臀浅肌gluteus superficialis muscle 21 半腱肌semitendinosus muscle图Ⅸ-9 口腔The oral cavity图Ⅸ-10 颈肌与胸肌The muscle of neck and pectoral muscle1 门齿incisor tooth2 硬腭hard palate3 软腭soft palate4 舌根root of tongue5 舌体body of tongue6 舌尖apex of tongue7 颞浅动脉superficial temporal artery8 二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle9 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle 10 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle 11 胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle 12 二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle 13 咬肌masseter muscle 14 胸骨舌骨肌stemohyoid muscle 15 肩三角肌shoulder-deltoidmuscle 16 前锯肌serratus anterior muscle1 肺lung2 膈diaphragm3 肝中叶middle lobe of liver4 肝右叶right lobe of liver5 小肠small intestine6 股动、静脉femoral artery and vein7 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle8 胸腺thymus9 心heart 10 肝左叶left lobe of liver I1 胃stomach 12 脾spleen 13 结肠colon 14 膀胱urinary bladder1 肺lung2 膈diaphragm3 肝中叶middle lobe of liver4 肝右叶right lobe of liver5 小肠small intestine6 股动、静脉femoral artery and vein7 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle8 胸腺thymus9 心heart 10 肝左叶left lobe of liver I1 胃stomach 12 脾spleen 13 结肠colon 14 膀胱urinary bladder15 气管trachea 16 咬肌masseter muscle图Ⅸ-13 胸腔器官The organs in the thoracic cavity1 气管trachea2 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle3 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle4 肺lung5 膈diaphragm6 肝中叶middle lobe of liver7 肝右叶right lobe of Iiver8 二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle9 咬肌masseter muscle 10 二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle 11 胸腺thymus 12 心heart 13 肝左叶left lobe of liver 14 胃stomach1 气管trachea 4 肺lung 5 膈diaphragm 15 右心房right atrium 16 右心室right ventricle 17 喉larynx 18 左心房left atrium 19 左心室left ventricle 20 心尖cardiac apex图Ⅸ-16 心背面The heart. Dorsal aspect21 右锁骨下动脉right subclavian artery22 前腔静脉precaval vein 23 右心耳right auricle24 冠状沟coronary sulcus 25 颈总动脉common carotid artery26 左锁骨下动脉left subclavian artery 27 主动脉aorta28 肺动脉pulmonary artery29 左心耳left auricle30 左冠状动脉left coronary artery31 肺静脉pulmonary vein 32 心中静脉middle cardiac vein33 后腔静脉postcaval vein 34 冠状窦coronary sinus35 背面室间沟dorsal interventricular groove15 右心房right atrium16 右心室right ventricle18 左心房left atrium19 左心室left ventricle20 心尖cardiac apex图Ⅸ-17 腹腔器官(1)The organs in the abdominal cavity(1)1 胸骨舌骨肌stemohyoid muscle2 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle3 膈diaphragm4 肝liver5 空肠jejunum6 股动、静脉femoral artery and vein7 阴囊scrotum8 咬肌masseter muscle9 胸乳突肌stemomastoideus muscle 10 胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle 11 剑突xiphoid process 12 胃stomach 13 脾spleen 14 结肠colon 15 坐骨神经sciatic nerve 16 阴茎penis图Ⅸ-18 腹腔器官(2)The organs in the abdominal cavity (2)4 肝liver5 空肠jejunum 7 阴囊scrotum 13 脾spleen 14 结肠colon 16 阴茎penis 17 膀胱urinary bladder 18 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 19 回肠ileum 20 后肠系膜动脉posterior mesenteric artery 21 股薄肌gracilis musele图IX-19 腹腔器官(3)The organs in the abdominal cavity (3)1 肋弓costal arch2 小肠small intestine3 肾kidney4 阴道vagina5 脂肪fat6 肝liver7 卵巢ovary8 子宫uterus9 直肠rectum 10 膀胱图IX -20 腹腔器官(4)The organs in the abdominal cavity (4)3 肾kidney 5 脂肪fat 6 肝liver 10 膀胱urinary bladder 11 后腔静脉postcaval vein 12 剑突xiphoid process 13 肾上腺adrenal gland 14 输尿管ureter图Ⅸ-21 肝、胃与脾The liver,stomach and spleen图Ⅸ-22 肝腹面The liver. Ventral aspect1 食管esophagus2 幽门pylorus3 肝liver4 胃底fundus of stomach5 胃体body of stomact6 脾spleen7 胰pancreas8 前腔静脉precaval vein9 肝右叶right lobe of liver 10 肝左叶left lobe of liver 11 肝中叶middle lobe of liver图Ⅸ-23 肝背面The liver. Dorsal aspect8 前腔静脉precaval vein 9 肝右叶right lobe of liver 10 肝左叶left lobe of liver 11 肝中叶middle lobe of liver 12 肝尾叶caudate lobe of liver图Ⅸ-24 胃The stomach图Ⅸ-25 胃壁内面The wall of stomach. Inner surface1 食管esophagus2 胃小弯lesser curvature of stomach3 幽门pylorus4 十二指肠duodenum5 胃底fundus of stomach6 贲门cardia7 胃大弯greater curvature of stomach 9 皮区cutaneous region8 胃体body of stomach图Ⅸ-26 泌尿、生殖器官(♂)The urinary and genital organs(♂)10 肾静脉renal vein 11 后腔静脉postcaval vein 12 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 13 内收肌adductor medial muscle 14 阴囊scrotum 15 肾上腺adrenal gland 16 肾kidney 17 输尿管ureter 18 精囊seminal vesicle 19 脂肪fat 20 膀胱urinary bladder 21 阴茎penis图Ⅸ-27 生殖器官(♂)The genital organs(♂)1 输尿管ureter2 精囊seminal vesicle3 前列腺prostate4 肾kidney5 膀胱urinary bladder6 精索spermatic cord7 阴茎8 阴囊scrotum图Ⅸ-28 泌尿、生殖器官(♀)The urinary and genital organs(♀)4 肾kidney5 膀胱urinary bladder 9 肾上腺adrenal gland 10 卵巢ovary l1 输卵管uterine tube 12 阴道vagina 13 剑突xiphoid process 14 肾静脉renal vein 15 后腔静脉postcaval vein 16 子官uterus图Ⅸ-29 生殖器官(♀)The genital organs(♀)1 肾静脉renal vein2 后腔静脉postcaval vein3 卵巢ovary4 输卵管uterine tube5 髂总静脉common iliac vein6 脂肪fat7 肾kidney8 子宫uterus9 阴道10 阴门vulva图Ⅸ-30 脑与脊髓背面(1)The brain and spinal cord. Dorsal aspect(1)11 大脑cerebrum 12 小脑绒球flocculus of cerebellum 13 颈膨大cervical enlargement 14 背斜方肌trapezius dorsi muscle 15 腰骶膨大lumbosacral enlargement 16 终丝filum terminate 17 嗅球olfactory bulb 18 小脑cerebellum 19 小脑蚓vermis 20 背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle 21 腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 22 脊髓圆锥conus medullaris图Ⅸ-31 脑与脊髓背面(2)The brain 图Ⅸ-32 脑与脊髓腹面The brain and and spinal cordDorsal aspect (2) spinal cord.Ventral aspect1 大脑炎 cerebrum2 小脑蚓 vermis3 腰骶膨大 lumbosacral enlargement4 嗅球 olfactory bulb5 小脑 cerebellum6 小脑绒球 flocculus of cerebcllurn7 颈膨大 cervical enlargement8 脊髓圆锥 conus medullaris9 终丝 filum terminate 10 脊神经 spinal nerve II 视神经 optic nerve 12 延髓 medulla oblongata图Ⅸ-33 后肢内侧面 The posterior limb. Medial aspect13 腹直肌rectus abdoininis muscle 14 腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 15 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 16 阴茎penis 17 阴囊scrotum 18 内收肌adductor medial muscle 19 坐骨神经sciatic nerve 20 趾深屈肌flexor digitorum profundus muscle 21 腓肠肌gastrocnemius muscle在野医人收集制作感谢丁香园提供生物交流平台!。




二、实验材料与工具1. 实验动物:成年小鼠(体重约20-30g)2. 实验器材:解剖台、剪刀、镊子、解剖刀、解剖针、解剖剪、解剖显微镜、生理盐水、酒精、碘酒、棉球等三、实验步骤1. 实验动物准备:将小鼠置于解剖台上,用棉球蘸取适量的生理盐水湿润小鼠的皮肤,以便于解剖操作。

2. 解剖过程:(1)切开皮肤:用剪刀沿小鼠腹部正中线剪开皮肤,注意避免损伤内脏器官。




3. 实验结果分析:(1)心脏:心脏位于胸腔中央,呈红褐色,分为左右两个心房和两个心室,心脏壁由心肌组成。









四、实验心得体会1. 解剖操作过程中,要熟练掌握解剖刀、剪子等工具的使用方法,注意操作规范,避免损伤内脏器官。



图Ⅸ-1 整体骨骼侧面观The skeleton、Lateral view图Ⅸ-2 整体骨骼背面观The skeleton、Dorsal view1 背肋dorsal rib2 胸椎thoracic vertebra3 颈椎cerical vertebra4 顶间骨interparietal bone5 顶骨parietal bone6 额骨frontal bone7 鼻骨nasal bone8 锁骨clavicle 9 肩胛骨scapula 10 肱骨hemerus 11 髌骨patella 12 腰椎lumbar vertebra 13 荐椎sacral vertebra 14 尾椎caudal vertebra 15 坐骨ischium 16 髂骨ilium 17 股骨femur 18 腓骨fibula 19 胫骨tibia 20 跖骨metatarsal bone 21 趾骨digital bone 22 胸肋sternal rib 23 头骨skull 24 指骨digital bone 25 桡骨radius图Ⅸ-3 背柱背面The vertebral column、Dorsal aspect1 枢椎axis2 胸椎thoracic vertebra3 第II 胸椎I Ith thoraac vertebra4 第1 腰椎I st lumbar vertebra5 第6 腰椎6th lumbar vertebra 6 耻骨pubis7 闭孔obturator foramen8 寰椎atlas9 第7 颈椎seventh cervical vertebra 10 胸肋sternal rib 1l 背肋dorsal rib 12 第4 腰椎4th lumbar 13 髂骨ilium 14 荐椎sacral vertebra 15 坐骨ischimn 16 尾椎caudal vertebra图Ⅸ-4 胸廓背面The thorax.Dorsal aspect17 指骨digital bone 18 掌骨metacarp at bone 19 腕骨carpal bone 20 桡骨radius 21 尺骨ulna 22 三角突起deltoid process 23 鼻骨nasal bone 24 额骨frontal bone 25 顶骨parietal bone 26 顶间骨interparietal bone 27 肱骨hemerus 28 肩胛骨scapula图Ⅸ-5 前肢骨内侧面The bone of 图Ⅸ-6 后肢骨外侧面The bone of anterior Iimb、Medial aspect posterior limb、Lateral aspect29 肱骨头 head of humerus 30 肘突 elbow process31 肩胛冈 spine of scapula 32 肩带 pectoral girdle33 大转子 greater trochanter 34 股骨 femur35 胫侧髁 tibiale condyle 36 髌骨 patella37 胫骨 tibia 38 跖骨 metatarsal bone39 股骨头 head of femur 40 腓骨 fibula41 跟骨 calcaneus 42 跗骨 tarsal bone43 趾骨 digital bone图Ⅸ-7 整体肌腹面观 The muscles 、 Ventral view1 二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle2 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle3 腹直肌rectus abdominis muscle4 股动脉femoral artery5 咬肌masseter muscle6 颌下腺submandibular gland7 胸浅肌prectoral superficialis muscle8 前锯肌serratus anterior muscle9 剑突xiphoid process 10 腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 11 阴茎penis 12 阴囊scrotum图Ⅸ-8 整体肌背面观The muscles.Dorsal view13 耳提肌levator auricularis muscle 14 颈阔肌platysma 15 肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle 16 背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle 17 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 18 锁骨提肌levator claidalis muscle 19 背斜方肌trapezius dorsi muscle 20 臀浅肌gluteus superficialis muscle 21 半腱肌semitendinosus muscle图Ⅸ-9 口腔The oral cavity图Ⅸ-10 颈肌与胸肌The muscle of neck and pectoral muscle1 门齿incisor tooth2 硬腭hard palate3 软腭soft palate4 舌根root of tongue5 舌体body of tongue6 舌尖apex of tongue7 颞浅动脉superficial temporal artery8 二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle9 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle 10 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle 11 胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle 12 二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle 13 咬肌masseter muscle 14 胸骨舌骨肌stemohyoid muscle 15 肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle 16 前锯肌serratus anterior muscle图Ⅸ-11 胸、腹腔器官(1)The organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities(1)1 肺lung2 膈diaphragm3 肝中叶middle lobe of liver4 肝右叶right lobe of liver5 小肠small intestine6 股动、静脉femoral artery and vein7 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle8 胸腺thymus9 心heart 10 肝左叶left lobe of liver I1 胃stomach 12 脾spleen 13 结肠colon 14 膀胱urinary bladder图Ⅸ-12 胸、腹腔器官(2)The organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities (2)1 肺lung2 膈diaphragm3 肝中叶middle lobe of liver4 肝右叶right lobe of liver5 小肠small intestine6 股动、静脉femoral artery and vein7 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle8 胸腺thymus9 心heart 10 肝左叶left lobe of liver I1 胃stomach 12 脾spleen 13 结肠colon 14 膀胱urinary bladder15 气管trachea 16 咬肌masseter muscle图Ⅸ-13 胸腔器官The organs in the thoracic cavity1 气管trachea2 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle3 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle4 肺lung5 膈diaphragm6 肝中叶middle lobe of liver7 肝右叶right lobe of Iiver8 二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle9 咬肌masseter muscle 10 二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle 11 胸腺thymus 12 心heart 13 肝左叶left lobe of liver 14 胃stomach图Ⅸ-14 心腹面(1)The heart、Ventral aspect(1)1 气管trachea 4 肺lung 5 膈diaphragm 15 右心房right atrium 16 右心室right ventricle 17 喉larynx 18 左心房left atrium 19 左心室left ventricle 20 心尖cardiac apex图Ⅸ-15 心腹面(2)The heart、Ventral aspect (2)图Ⅸ-16 心背面The heart、Dorsal aspect21 右锁骨下动脉right subclavian artery22 前腔静脉precaval vein 23 右心耳right auricle24 冠状沟coronary sulcus 25 颈总动脉common carotid artery26 左锁骨下动脉left subclavian artery 27 主动脉aorta28 肺动脉pulmonary artery29 左心耳left auricle30 左冠状动脉left coronary artery31 肺静脉pulmonary vein 32 心中静脉middle cardiac vein33 后腔静脉postcaval vein 34 冠状窦coronary sinus35 背面室间沟dorsal interventricular groove15 右心房right atrium16 右心室right ventricle18 左心房left atrium19 左心室left ventricle20 心尖cardiac apex图Ⅸ-17 腹腔器官(1)The organs in the abdominal cavity(1)1 胸骨舌骨肌stemohyoid muscle2 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle3 膈diaphragm4 肝liver5 空肠jejunum6 股动、静脉femoral artery and vein7 阴囊scrotum8 咬肌masseter muscle9 胸乳突肌stemomastoideus muscle 10 胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle 11 剑突xiphoid process 12 胃stomach 13 脾spleen 14 结肠colon 15 坐骨神经sciatic nerve 16 阴茎penis图Ⅸ-18 腹腔器官(2)The organs in the abdominal cavity (2)4 肝liver5 空肠jejunum 7 阴囊scrotum 13 脾spleen 14 结肠colon 16 阴茎penis 17 膀胱urinary bladder 18 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 19 回肠ileum 20 后肠系膜动脉posterior mesenteric artery 21 股薄肌gracilis musele图IX-19 腹腔器官(3)The organs in the abdominal cavity (3)1 肋弓costal arch2 小肠small intestine3 肾kidney4 阴道vagina5 脂肪fat6 肝liver7 卵巢ovary8 子宫uterus9 直肠rectum 10 膀胱图IX -20 腹腔器官(4)The organs in the abdominal cavity (4)3 肾kidney 5 脂肪fat 6 肝liver 10 膀胱urinary bladder 11 后腔静脉postcaval vein 12 剑突xiphoid process 13 肾上腺adrenal gland 14 输尿管ureter图Ⅸ-21 肝、胃与脾The liver,stomach and spleen图Ⅸ-22 肝腹面The liver、Ventral aspect1 食管esophagus2 幽门pylorus3 肝liver4 胃底fundus of stomach5 胃体body of stomact6 脾spleen7 胰pancreas8 前腔静脉precaval vein9 肝右叶right lobe of liver 10 肝左叶left lobe of liver 11 肝中叶middle lobe of liver图Ⅸ-23 肝背面The liver、Dorsal aspect8 前腔静脉precaval vein 9 肝右叶right lobe of liver 10 肝左叶left lobe of liver 11 肝中叶middle lobe of liver 12 肝尾叶caudate lobe of liver图Ⅸ-24 胃The stomach图Ⅸ-25 胃壁内面The wall of stomach、Inner surface1 食管esophagus2 胃小弯lesser curvature of stomach3 幽门pylorus4 十二指肠duodenum5 胃底fundus of stomach6 贲门cardia7 胃大弯greater curvature of stomach 9 皮区cutaneous region8 胃体body of stomach图Ⅸ-26 泌尿、生殖器官(♂)The urinary and genital organs(♂)10 肾静脉renal vein 11 后腔静脉postcaval vein 12 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 13 内收肌adductor medial muscle 14 阴囊scrotum 15 肾上腺adrenal gland 16 肾kidney 17 输尿管ureter 18 精囊seminal vesicle 19 脂肪fat 20 膀胱urinary bladder 21 阴茎penis图Ⅸ-27 生殖器官(♂)The genital organs(♂)1 输尿管ureter2 精囊seminal vesicle3 前列腺prostate4 肾kidney5 膀胱urinary bladder6 精索spermatic cord7 阴茎8 阴囊scrotum图Ⅸ-28 泌尿、生殖器官(♀)The urinary and genital organs(♀)4 肾kidney5 膀胱urinary bladder 9 肾上腺adrenal gland 10 卵巢ovary l1 输卵管uterine tube 12 阴道vagina 13 剑突xiphoid process 14 肾静脉renal vein 15 后腔静脉postcaval vein 16 子官uterus图Ⅸ-29 生殖器官(♀)The genital organs(♀)1 肾静脉renal vein2 后腔静脉postcaval vein3 卵巢ovary4 输卵管uterine tube5 髂总静脉common iliac vein6 脂肪fat7 肾kidney8 子宫uterus9 阴道10 阴门vulva图Ⅸ-30 脑与脊髓背面(1)The brain and spinal cord、Dorsal aspect(1)11 大脑cerebrum 12 小脑绒球flocculus of cerebellum 13 颈膨大cervical enlargement 14 背斜方肌trapezius dorsi muscle 15 腰骶膨大lumbosacral enlargement 16 终丝filum terminate 17 嗅球olfactory bulb 18 小脑cerebellum 19 小脑蚓vermis 20 背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle 21 腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 22 脊髓圆锥conus medullaris图Ⅸ-31 脑与脊髓背面(2)The brain 图Ⅸ-32 脑与脊髓腹面The brain and and spinal cordDorsal aspect (2) spinal cord.V entral aspect1 大脑炎 cerebrum2 小脑蚓 vermis3 腰骶膨大 lumbosacral enlargement4 嗅球 olfactory bulb5 小脑 cerebellum6 小脑绒球 flocculus of cerebcllurn7 颈膨大 cervical enlargement8 脊髓圆锥 conus medullaris9 终丝 filum terminate 10 脊神经 spinal nerve II 视神经 optic nerve 12 延髓 medulla oblongata图Ⅸ-33 后肢内侧面 The posterior limb 、 Medial aspect13 腹直肌rectus abdoininis muscle 14 腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 15 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 16 阴茎penis 17 阴囊scrotum 18 内收肌adductor medial muscle 19 坐骨神经sciatic nerve 20 趾深屈肌flexor digitorum profundus muscle 21 腓肠肌gastrocnemius muscle在野医人收集制作感谢丁香园提供生物交流平台!。



图Ⅸ-1 整体骨骼侧面观The skeleton. Lateral view图Ⅸ-2 整体骨骼背面观The skeleton. Dorsal view1 背肋dorsal rib2 胸椎thoracic vertebra3 颈椎cerical vertebra4 顶间骨interparietal bone5 顶骨parietal bone6 额骨frontal bone7 鼻骨nasal bone8 锁骨clavicle 9 肩胛骨scapula 10 肱骨hemerus 11 髌骨patella 12 腰椎lumbar vertebra 13 荐椎sacral vertebra 14 尾椎caudal vertebra 15 坐骨ischium 16 髂骨ilium 17 股骨femur 18 腓骨fibula 19 胫骨tibia 20 跖骨metatarsal bone 21 趾骨digital bone 22 胸肋sternal rib 23 头骨skull 24 指骨digital bone 25 桡骨radius图Ⅸ-3 背柱背面The vertebral column. Dorsal aspect1 枢椎axis2 胸椎thoracic vertebra3 第II 胸椎I Ith thoraac vertebra4 第1 腰椎I st lumbar vertebra5 第6 腰椎6th lumbar vertebra 6 耻骨pubis7 闭孔obturator foramen8 寰椎atlas9 第7 颈椎seventh cervical vertebra 10 胸肋sternal rib 1l 背肋dorsal rib 12 第4 腰椎4th lumbar 13 髂骨ilium 14 荐椎sacral vertebra 15 坐骨ischimn 16 尾椎caudal vertebra图Ⅸ-4 胸廓背面The thorax.Dorsal aspect17 指骨digital bone 18 掌骨metacarp at bone 19 腕骨carpal bone 20 桡骨radius 21 尺骨ulna 22 三角突起deltoid process 23 鼻骨nasal bone 24 额骨frontal bone 25 顶骨parietal bone 26 顶间骨interparietal bone 27 肱骨hemerus 28 肩胛骨scapula图Ⅸ-5 前肢骨内侧面The bone of 图Ⅸ-6 后肢骨外侧面The bone of anterior Iimb.Medial aspect posterior teral aspect29 肱骨头 head of humerus 30 肘突 elbow process31 肩胛冈 spine of scapula 32 肩带 pectoral girdle33 大转子 greater trochanter 34 股骨 femur35 胫侧髁 tibiale condyle 36 髌骨 patella37 胫骨 tibia 38 跖骨 metatarsal bone39 股骨头 head of femur 40 腓骨 fibula41 跟骨 calcaneus 42 跗骨 tarsal bone43 趾骨 digital bone图Ⅸ-7 整体肌腹面观 The muscles. Ventral view1 二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle2 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle3 腹直肌rectus abdominis muscle4 股动脉femoral artery5 咬肌masseter muscle6 颌下腺submandibular gland7 胸浅肌prectoral superficialis muscle8 前锯肌serratus anterior muscle9 剑突xiphoid process 10 腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 11 阴茎penis 12 阴囊scrotum图Ⅸ-8 整体肌背面观The muscles.Dorsal view13 耳提肌levator auricularis muscle 14 颈阔肌platysma 15 肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle 16 背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle 17 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 18 锁骨提肌levator claidalis muscle 19 背斜方肌trapezius dorsi muscle 20 臀浅肌gluteus superficialis muscle 21 半腱肌semitendinosus muscle图Ⅸ-9 口腔The oral cavity图Ⅸ-10 颈肌与胸肌The muscle of neck and pectoral muscle1 门齿incisor tooth2 硬腭hard palate3 软腭soft palate4 舌根root of tongue5 舌体body of tongue6 舌尖apex of tongue7 颞浅动脉superficial temporal artery8 二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle9 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle 10 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle 11 胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle 12 二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle 13 咬肌masseter muscle 14 胸骨舌骨肌stemohyoid muscle 15 肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle 16 前锯肌serratus anterior muscle图Ⅸ-11 胸、腹腔器官(1)The organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities(1)1 肺lung2 膈diaphragm3 肝中叶middle lobe of liver4 肝右叶right lobe of liver5 小肠small intestine6 股动、静脉femoral artery and vein7 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle8 胸腺thymus9 心heart 10 肝左叶left lobe of liver I1 胃stomach 12 脾spleen 13 结肠colon 14 膀胱urinary bladder图Ⅸ-12 胸、腹腔器官(2)The organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities (2)1 肺lung2 膈diaphragm3 肝中叶middle lobe of liver4 肝右叶right lobe of liver5 小肠small intestine6 股动、静脉femoral artery and vein7 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle8 胸腺thymus9 心heart 10 肝左叶left lobe of liver I1 胃stomach 12 脾spleen 13 结肠colon 14 膀胱urinary bladder15 气管trachea 16 咬肌masseter muscle图Ⅸ-13 胸腔器官The organs in the thoracic cavity1 气管trachea2 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle3 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle4 肺lung5 膈diaphragm6 肝中叶middle lobe of liver7 肝右叶right lobe of Iiver8 二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle9 咬肌masseter muscle 10 二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle 11 胸腺thymus 12 心heart 13 肝左叶left lobe of liver 14 胃stomach图Ⅸ-14 心腹面(1)The heart. Ventral aspect(1)1 气管trachea 4 肺lung 5 膈diaphragm 15 右心房right atrium 16 右心室right ventricle 17 喉larynx 18 左心房left atrium 19 左心室left ventricle 20 心尖cardiac apex图Ⅸ-15 心腹面(2)The heart. Ventral aspect (2)图Ⅸ-16 心背面The heart. Dorsal aspect21 右锁骨下动脉right subclavian artery22 前腔静脉precaval vein 23 右心耳right auricle24 冠状沟coronary sulcus 25 颈总动脉common carotid artery26 左锁骨下动脉left subclavian artery 27 主动脉aorta28 肺动脉pulmonary artery29 左心耳left auricle30 左冠状动脉left coronary artery31 肺静脉pulmonary vein 32 心中静脉middle cardiac vein33 后腔静脉postcaval vein 34 冠状窦coronary sinus35 背面室间沟dorsal interventricular groove15 右心房right atrium16 右心室right ventricle18 左心房left atrium19 左心室left ventricle20 心尖cardiac apex图Ⅸ-17 腹腔器官(1)The organs in the abdominal cavity(1)1 胸骨舌骨肌stemohyoid muscle2 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle3 膈diaphragm4 肝liver5 空肠jejunum6 股动、静脉femoral artery and vein7 阴囊scrotum8 咬肌masseter muscle9 胸乳突肌stemomastoideus muscle 10 胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle 11 剑突xiphoid process 12 胃stomach 13 脾spleen 14 结肠colon 15 坐骨神经sciatic nerve 16 阴茎penis图Ⅸ-18 腹腔器官(2)The organs in the abdominal cavity (2)4 肝liver5 空肠jejunum 7 阴囊scrotum 13 脾spleen 14 结肠colon 16 阴茎penis 17 膀胱urinary bladder 18 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 19 回肠ileum 20 后肠系膜动脉posterior mesenteric artery 21 股薄肌gracilis musele图IX-19 腹腔器官(3)The organs in the abdominal cavity (3)1 肋弓costal arch2 小肠small intestine3 肾kidney4 阴道vagina5 脂肪fat6 肝liver7 卵巢ovary8 子宫uterus9 直肠rectum 10 膀胱图IX -20 腹腔器官(4)The organs in the abdominal cavity (4)3 肾kidney 5 脂肪fat 6 肝liver 10 膀胱urinary bladder 11 后腔静脉postcaval vein 12 剑突xiphoid process 13 肾上腺adrenal gland 14 输尿管ureter图Ⅸ-21 肝、胃与脾The liver,stomach and spleen图Ⅸ-22 肝腹面The liver. Ventral aspect1 食管esophagus2 幽门pylorus3 肝liver4 胃底fundus of stomach5 胃体body of stomact6 脾spleen7 胰pancreas8 前腔静脉precaval vein9 肝右叶right lobe of liver 10 肝左叶left lobe of liver 11 肝中叶middle lobe of liver图Ⅸ-23 肝背面The liver. Dorsal aspect8 前腔静脉precaval vein 9 肝右叶right lobe of liver 10 肝左叶left lobe of liver 11 肝中叶middle lobe of liver 12 肝尾叶caudate lobe of liver图Ⅸ-24 胃The stomach图Ⅸ-25 胃壁内面The wall of stomach. Inner surface1 食管esophagus2 胃小弯lesser curvature of stomach3 幽门pylorus4 十二指肠duodenum5 胃底fundus of stomach6 贲门cardia7 胃大弯greater curvature of stomach 9 皮区cutaneous region8 胃体body of stomach图Ⅸ-26 泌尿、生殖器官(♂)The urinary and genital organs(♂)10 肾静脉renal vein 11 后腔静脉postcaval vein 12 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 13 内收肌adductor medial muscle 14 阴囊scrotum 15 肾上腺adrenal gland 16 肾kidney 17 输尿管ureter 18 精囊seminal vesicle 19 脂肪fat 20 膀胱urinary bladder 21 阴茎penis图Ⅸ-27 生殖器官(♂)The genital organs(♂)1 输尿管ureter2 精囊seminal vesicle3 前列腺prostate4 肾kidney5 膀胱urinary bladder6 精索spermatic cord7 阴茎8 阴囊scrotum图Ⅸ-28 泌尿、生殖器官(♀)The urinary and genital organs(♀)4 肾kidney5 膀胱urinary bladder 9 肾上腺adrenal gland 10 卵巢ovary l1 输卵管uterine tube 12 阴道vagina 13 剑突xiphoid process 14 肾静脉renal vein 15 后腔静脉postcaval vein 16 子官uterus图Ⅸ-29 生殖器官(♀)The genital organs(♀)1 肾静脉renal vein2 后腔静脉postcaval vein3 卵巢ovary4 输卵管uterine tube5 髂总静脉common iliac vein6 脂肪fat7 肾kidney8 子宫uterus9 阴道10 阴门vulva图Ⅸ-30 脑与脊髓背面(1)The brain and spinal cord. Dorsal aspect(1)11 大脑cerebrum 12 小脑绒球flocculus of cerebellum 13 颈膨大cervical enlargement 14 背斜方肌trapezius dorsi muscle 15 腰骶膨大lumbosacral enlargement 16 终丝filum terminate 17 嗅球olfactory bulb 18 小脑cerebellum 19 小脑蚓vermis 20 背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle 21 腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 22 脊髓圆锥conus medullaris图Ⅸ-31 脑与脊髓背面(2)The brain 图Ⅸ-32 脑与脊髓腹面The brain and and spinal cordDorsal aspect (2) spinal cord.Ventral aspect1 大脑炎 cerebrum2 小脑蚓 vermis3 腰骶膨大 lumbosacral enlargement4 嗅球 olfactory bulb5 小脑 cerebellum6 小脑绒球 flocculus of cerebcllurn7 颈膨大 cervical enlargement8 脊髓圆锥 conus medullaris9 终丝 filum terminate 10 脊神经 spinal nerve II 视神经 optic nerve 12 延髓 medulla oblongata图Ⅸ-33 后肢内侧面 The posterior limb. Medial aspect13 腹直肌rectus abdoininis muscle 14 腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 15 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 16 阴茎penis 17 阴囊scrotum 18 内收肌adductor medial muscle 19 坐骨神经sciatic nerve 20 趾深屈肌flexor digitorum profundus muscle 21 腓肠肌gastrocnemius muscle在野医人收集制作感谢丁香园提供生物交流平台!。



小鼠解剖取材实验方法小鼠解剖取材实验方法主要包括以下步骤:1. 小鼠麻醉:将小鼠麻醉后,将其仰卧固定在手术台上。

2. 消毒:剪去小鼠胸前区毛发,用75%医用酒精棉球消毒胸前区。

3. 观察器官位置:观察小鼠腹膜、腹腔内脏器位置、膈肌及有无腹水。

4. 取材:肝、胆囊观察:首先检查肝脏大小、被膜的性状、边缘的厚薄、肝脏硬度和色泽等。















胰腺及胃肠道观察:分别剪断食道下段与直肠末端,将胰腺、胃肠道(包括回肠末端 Peyer's 结)及肠系膜(包括肠系膜淋巴结)从腹腔内取出,观察胃肠道浆膜面及黏膜面有无异常,有无粘连、肿瘤、寄生虫结节等。



1肋骨 2胸椎 3颈椎 4颅骨 5肩胛骨 6肱骨 7桡骨8尺骨 9掌骨 10指骨11腰椎12髂骨13尾骨14股骨15髌骨16腓骨 17胫骨 18跖骨 19趾骨
1肾静脉 3卵巢 5髂总静脉 7肾 9阴道 11大脑 13颈膨大 15腰骶膨大 17嗅球 19小脑蚓 21腹外斜肌 2后腔静脉 4输卵管 6脂肪 8子宫 10阴门 12小脑绒球 14背斜方肌 16终丝 18小脑 20背阔肌 22脊髓圆锥
9嗅球 10中央纵裂 1l绒球 12颈膨大 13腰膨大 14外侧纵沟 15大脑 16小脑(中央部) 17脊髓圆锥 18 脑垂体 19脑桥 20延髓 21嗅束 22视神经 23右外叶 3横结肠 4大网膜 5空肠 6剑突 7肝左中叶 8肝左外叶 9胃 10脾 1l脂肪 12肝 13胰 14结肠



1. 准备工作:收集所需的解剖工具和材料,如手术剪刀、镊子、手术刀、消毒液、手套等。


2. 无菌准备:佩戴无菌手套,并在工作区域处消毒。

3. 定位小鼠体位:将小鼠置于工作台上,并用手握住小鼠颈部固定。

4. 剃毛:用剃毛器剃除小鼠解剖部位的毛发,以减少操作的污染。

5. 皮肤消毒:用棉球蘸取消毒液对小鼠解剖部位的皮肤进行彻底消毒。

6. 切开皮肤:用手术剪刀将皮肤切开,从腹部中线开始,沿着小鼠脐部向胸腔方向剪开。

7. 切开腹膜:用手术剪刀或镊子小心地切开腹膜,暴露内脏器官。

8. 定位解剖目标:根据需要解剖的器官或组织,将其暴露出来,并使用镊子,刀片等工具小心地移开周围的结缔组织。

9. 割断血管和连结:根据需要,割断和结扎存在的血管、连结和肌肉组织,以便更好地暴露和取出目标结构。

10. 取出目标结构:将目标结构取出,并放置在取样容器中,以备进一步的研究。

11. 清理和处置:清理工作台和使用的工具,将小鼠尸体放入适当的处置容器中,进行无害化处理。





图Ⅸ-1 整体骨骼侧面观The skeleton. Lateral view图Ⅸ-2 整体骨骼背面观The skeleton. Dorsal view1 背肋dorsal rib2 胸椎thoracic vertebra3 颈椎cerical vertebra4 顶间骨interparietal bone5 顶骨parietal bone6 额骨frontal bone7 鼻骨nasal bone 8 锁骨clavicle9 肩胛骨scapula 10 肱骨hemerus11 髌骨patella 12 腰椎lumbar vertebra 13 荐椎sacral vertebra 14 尾椎caudal vertebra 15 坐骨ischium 16 髂骨ilium17 股骨femur 18 腓骨fibula19 胫骨tibia 20 跖骨metatarsal bone 21 趾骨digital bone 22 胸肋sternal rib23 头骨skull 24 指骨digital bone25 桡骨radius图Ⅸ-3 背柱背面The vertebral column. Dorsal aspect1 枢椎axis3 第II 胸椎I Ith thoraac vertebra5 第6 腰椎6th lumbar vertebra7 闭孔obturator foramen9 第7 颈椎seventh cervical vertebra1l 背肋dorsal rib13 髂骨ilium15 坐骨ischimn2 胸椎thoracic vertebra4 第1 腰椎I st lumbar vertebra6 耻骨pubis8 寰椎atlas10 胸肋sternal rib12 第4 腰椎4th lumbar14 荐椎sacral vertebra16 尾椎caudal vertebra图Ⅸ-4 胸廓背面The thorax.Dorsal aspect17 指骨digital bone 18 掌骨metacarp at bone 19 腕骨carpal bone 20 桡骨radius21 尺骨ulna 22 三角突起deltoid process 23 鼻骨nasal bone 24 额骨frontal bone25 顶骨parietal bone 26 顶间骨interparietal bone 27 肱骨hemerus 28 肩胛骨scapula图Ⅸ-5 前肢骨内侧面The bone of 图Ⅸ-6 后肢骨外侧面The bone of anterior Iimb.Medial aspect posterior teral aspect29 肱骨头head of humerus 30 肘突elbow process31 肩胛冈spine of scapula 32 肩带pectoral girdle33 大转子greater trochanter 34 股骨femur35 胫侧髁tibiale condyle 36 髌骨patella37 胫骨tibia 38 跖骨metatarsal bone39 股骨头head of femur 40 腓骨fibula41 跟骨calcaneus 42 跗骨tarsal bone43 趾骨digital bone。



小鼠解剖知识点总结小鼠(Mus musculus)是一种常见的啮齿动物,也是实验室中常用的动物模型之一。






二、小鼠的骨骼系统1. 小鼠的颅骨小鼠的颅骨由颅底骨和颅顶骨构成,颅骨的形状因品种而异。


2. 小鼠的脊柱小鼠的脊柱由颈椎、胸椎、腰椎和尾椎组成,其中颈椎的数量为7,胸椎的数量为13,腰椎的数量为6,尾椎的数量为28-31。


3. 小鼠的四肢骨骼小鼠的四肢骨骼包括肱骨、桡骨、骨和尺骨,其形态特征因品种而异。


4. 小鼠的骨骼连结小鼠的骨骼连结主要是通过关节连接,以及肌腱和韧带的连接。


三、小鼠的消化系统1. 小鼠的口腔小鼠的口腔由牙齿、舌头和颊粘膜组成,其中牙齿主要包括门齿、臼齿和犬齿。


2. 小鼠的食道小鼠的食道位于颈部,连接口腔和胃。


3. 小鼠的胃小鼠的胃位于腹部,具有前胃、中胃和后胃三部分。


超清 小鼠的解剖图谱

超清 小鼠的解剖图谱

图Ⅸ-1整体骨骼侧面观The skeleton. Lateral view图Ⅸ-2整体骨骼背面观The skeleton. Dorsal view1背肋dorsal rib 2胸椎thoracic vertebra3颈椎cerical vertebra 4顶间骨interparietal bone 5顶骨parietal bone 6额骨frontal bone7鼻骨nasal bone 8锁骨clavicle9肩胛骨scapula 10肱骨hemerus11髌骨patella 12腰椎lumbar vertebra 13荐椎sacral vertebra 14尾椎caudal vertebra 15坐骨ischium 16髂骨ilium17股骨femur 18腓骨fibula19胫骨tibia 20跖骨metatarsal bone 21趾骨digital bone 22胸肋sternal rib23头骨skull 24指骨digital bone25桡骨radius图Ⅸ-3背柱背面The vertebral column. Dorsal aspect1枢椎axis3第II胸椎I Ith thoraac vertebra5第6腰椎6th lumbar vertebra7闭孔obturator foramen9第7颈椎seventh cervical vertebra1l背肋dorsal rib13髂骨ilium15坐骨ischimn2胸椎thoracic vertebra4第1腰椎I st lumbar vertebra6耻骨pubis8寰椎atlas10胸肋sternal rib12第4腰椎4th lumbar14荐椎sacral vertebra16尾椎caudal vertebra图Ⅸ-4胸廓背面The thorax.Dorsal aspect17指骨digital bone 18掌骨metacarp at bone 19腕骨carpal bone 20桡骨radius21尺骨ulna 22三角突起deltoid process 23鼻骨nasal bone 24额骨frontal bone25顶骨parietal bone 26顶间骨interparietal bone 27肱骨hemerus 28肩胛骨scapula图Ⅸ -5前肢骨内侧面The bone of 图Ⅸ-6后肢骨外侧面The bone of anterior Iimb.Medial aspect posterior teral aspect29肱骨头head of humerus 30肘突elbow process31肩胛冈spine of scapula 32肩带pectoral girdle33大转子greater trochanter 34 股骨 femur35胫侧髁tibiale condyle 36髌骨 patella37胫骨tibia 38跖骨metatarsal bone39股骨头head of femur 40腓骨fibula41跟骨calcaneus 42跗骨 tarsal bone43趾骨digital bone1二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle 2肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle3腹直肌rectus abdominis muscle 4股动脉femoral artery5咬肌masseter muscle 6颌下腺submandibular gland7胸浅肌prectoral superficialis muscle 8前锯肌serratus anterior muscle9剑突xiphoid process 10腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 11阴茎penis 12阴囊scrotum13耳提肌levator auricularis muscle 14颈阔肌platysma15肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle 16背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle17股直肌rectus femoris muscle 18锁骨提肌levator claidalis muscle 19背斜方肌trapezius dorsi muscle 20臀浅肌gluteus superficialis muscle 21半腱肌semitendinosus muscle图Ⅸ-9口腔The oral cavity图Ⅸ-10颈肌与胸肌The muscle of neck and pectoral muscle1门齿incisor tooth 2硬腭hard palate 3软腭soft palate 4舌根root of tongue 5舌体body of tongue 6舌尖apex of tongue 7颞浅动脉superficial temporal artery 8二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle 9胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle 10肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle 11胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle 12二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle 13咬肌masseter muscle 14胸骨舌骨肌stemohyoid muscle 15肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle 16前锯肌serratus anterior muscle图Ⅸ-11胸、腹腔器官(1)The organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities(1)膈diaphragm1肺lung 2 3肝中叶middle lobe of liver 4肝右叶right lobe of liver5小肠small intestine 6股动、静脉femoral artery and vein7胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle 8胸腺thymus9心heart 10肝左叶left lobe of liverI1胃stomach 12脾spleen13结肠colon 14膀胱urinary bladder图Ⅸ-12胸、腹腔器官(2)The organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities (2)15气管trachea 16咬肌masseter muscle1肺lung 2 膈diaphragm 3肝中叶middle lobe of liver 4肝右叶right lobe of liver 5小肠small intestine 6股动、静脉femoral artery and vein 7胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle 8胸腺thymus 9心heart 10肝左叶left lobe of liver I1胃stomach 12脾spleen 13结肠colon 14膀胱urinary bladder图Ⅸ-13胸腔器官The organs in the thoracic cavity1气管trachea2胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle3肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle4肺lung5膈 diaphragm6肝中叶middle lobe of liver7肝右叶right lobe of Iiver8二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle9咬肌masseter muscle10二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle 11胸腺thymus12心heart13肝左叶left lobe of liver14胃stomach图Ⅸ-14心腹面(1)The heart. Ventral aspect(1)15右心房right atrium 16右心室right ventricle 17喉 larynx18左心房left atrium 19左心室left ventricle 20心尖cardiac apex 1气管trachea 4肺lung5膈 diaphragm图Ⅸ-15心腹面(2)The heart. Ventral aspect (2)图Ⅸ-16心背面The heart. Dorsal aspect21右锁骨下动脉right subclavian artery22前腔静脉precaval vein23右心耳right auricle24冠状沟coronary sulcus25颈总动脉common carotid artery26左锁骨下动脉left subclavian artery27主动脉aorta28肺动脉pulmonary artery29左心耳left auricle30左冠状动脉left coronary artery31肺静脉pulmonary vein32心中静脉middle cardiac vein33后腔静脉postcaval vein34冠状窦coronary sinus35背面室间沟dorsal interventricular groove19左心室left ventricle20心尖cardiac apex15右心房right atrium16右心室right ventricle18左心房left atrium1胸骨舌骨肌stemohyoid muscle 2肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle3膈diaphragm 4肝liver5空肠jejunum 6股动、静脉femoral artery and vein 7阴囊scrotum 8咬肌masseter muscle9胸乳突肌stemomastoideus muscle 10胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle 11剑突xiphoid process 12胃stomach13脾spleen 14结肠colon15坐骨神经sciatic nerve 16阴茎penis5空肠jejunum 7阴囊scrotum 13脾spleen 14结肠colon 16阴茎penis17膀胱 urinary bladder 18股直肌rectus femoris muscle 19回肠ileum 20后肠系膜动脉posterior mesenteric artery 21股薄肌gracilis musele 4肝liver1肋弓costal arch 2小肠small intestine 3 肾 kidney 4阴道vagina5脂肪fat 6肝liver7卵巢ovary 8子宫uterus9直肠rectum 10膀胱3 肾 kidney 5脂肪fat6肝liver 10膀胱urinary bladder 11后腔静脉postcaval vein12剑突xiphoid process 13肾上腺adrenal gland 14输尿管ureter图Ⅸ-21肝、胃与脾The liver,stomach and spleen图Ⅸ-22肝腹面1食管esophagus2幽门pylorus3肝liver4胃底fundus of stomach5胃体body of stomact6脾spleen7胰pancreas8前腔静脉precaval vein9肝右叶right lobe of liver10肝左叶left lobe of liver11肝中叶middle lobe of liver图Ⅸ-23肝背面The liver. Dorsal aspect8前腔静脉precaval vein9肝右叶right lobe of liver10肝左叶left lobe of liver11肝中叶middle lobe of liver12肝尾叶caudate lobe of liver图Ⅸ-24胃The stomach图Ⅸ-25胃壁内面The wall of stomach. Inner surface1食管esophagus2胃小弯lesser curvature of stomach 3幽门pylorus4十二指肠duodenum5胃底fundus of stomach 6贲门cardia7胃大弯greater curvature of stomach 9皮区cutaneous region8胃体body of stomach图Ⅸ-26泌尿、生殖器官(♂)The urinary and genital organs(♂)10肾静脉renal vein11后腔静脉postcaval vein12股直肌rectus femoris muscle13内收肌adductor medial muscle14阴囊scrotum15肾上腺adrenal gland16肾kidney17输尿管ureter18精囊seminal vesicle19脂肪fat20膀胱 urinary bladder21阴茎penis图Ⅸ-27生殖器官(♂)The genital organs(♂)1输尿管ureter 2精囊seminal vesicle 3前列腺 prostate 4肾 kidney5膀胱urinary bladder 6精索spermatic cord 7阴茎8阴囊scrotum图Ⅸ-28泌尿、生殖器官(♀)The urinary and genital organs(♀)5膀胱urinary bladder4肾 kidney9肾上腺adrenal gland 10卵巢ovaryl1输卵管uterine tube 12阴道vagina13剑突xiphoid process 14肾静脉renal vein 15后腔静脉postcaval vein 16子官uterus图Ⅸ-29生殖器官(♀)The genital organs(♀)1肾静脉renal vein 2后腔静脉postcaval vein 3卵巢ovary 4输卵管uterine tube5髂总静脉common iliac vein 6脂肪fat7肾kidney 8子宫uterus9阴道10阴门vulva图Ⅸ-30脑与脊髓背面(1)The brain and spinal cord. Dorsal aspect(1)11大脑cerebrum 12小脑绒球flocculus of cerebellum 13颈膨大cervical enlargement 14背斜方肌trapezius dorsi muscle 15腰骶膨大lumbosacral enlargement 16终丝filum terminate17嗅球olfactory bulb 18小脑cerebellum19小脑蚓vermis 20背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle 21腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 22脊髓圆锥conus medullaris图Ⅸ-31脑与脊髓背面(2)The brain 图Ⅸ-32脑与脊髓腹面The brain andand spinal cordDorsal aspect (2) spinal cord .Ventral aspect1大脑炎 cerebrum 2小脑蚓vermis 3腰骶膨大lumbosacral enlargement 4嗅球 olfactory bulb 5小脑cerebellum 6小脑绒球flocculus of cerebcllurn 7颈膨大cervical enlargement 8脊髓圆锥conus medullaris 9终丝filum terminate 10脊神经spinal nerve II 视神经optic nerve12延髓medulla oblongata图Ⅸ-33后肢内侧面The posterior limb. Medial aspect13腹直肌rectus abdoininis muscle14腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 15股直肌rectus femoris muscle 16阴茎penis 17 阴囊scrotum 18内收肌 adductor medial muscle 19坐骨神经sciatic nerve20趾深屈肌flexor digitorum profundus muscle 21腓肠肌 gastrocnemius muscle在野医人 收集制作感谢丁香园提供生物交流平台!。



小鼠解剖图图Ⅸ-1整体骨骼侧面观The skeleton. Lateral view图Ⅸ-2整体骨骼背面观The skeleton. Dorsal view1背肋dorsal rib 2胸椎thoracic vertebra3颈椎cerical vertebra 4顶间骨interparietal bone 5顶骨parietal bone 6额骨frontal bone7鼻骨nasal bone 8锁骨clavicle9肩胛骨scapula 10肱骨hemerus11髌骨patella 12腰椎lumbar vertebra13荐椎sacral vertebra 14尾椎caudal vertebra15坐骨ischium 16髂骨ilium17股骨femur 18腓骨fibula19胫骨tibia 20跖骨metatarsal bone21趾骨digital bone 22胸肋sternal rib23头骨skull 24指骨digital bone25桡骨radius图Ⅸ-3背柱背面The vertebral column. Dorsal aspect1枢椎axis3第II 胸椎 I Ith thoraac vertebra 5第6腰椎 6th lumbar vertebra 7闭孔obturator foramen 9第7颈椎 seventh cervical vertebra 1l 背肋dorsal rib 13髂骨 ilium 15坐骨 ischimn 2胸椎thoracic vertebra 4第1腰椎 I st lumbar vertebra 6耻骨pubis 8寰椎atlas 10胸肋 sternal rib 12第4 腰椎4th lumbar 14荐椎 sacral vertebra 16尾椎 caudal vertebra图Ⅸ-4胸廓背面The thorax.Dorsal aspect指骨digital bone 1718掌骨metacarp at bone腕骨carpal bone 1920桡骨radius尺骨ulna 22三角突起deltoid process 21鼻骨nasal bone 2324额骨frontal bone顶骨parietal bone 2526顶间骨interparietal bone 肱骨hemerus 28肩胛骨scapula 27图Ⅸ -5前肢骨内侧面The bone of 图Ⅸ-6后肢骨外侧面The bone of anterior Iimb.Medial aspectposterior teral aspect 29肱骨头head of humerus31肩胛冈spine of scapula33大转子greater trochanter35胫侧髁tibiale condyle37胫骨tibia 3839股骨头head of femur41跟骨calcaneus 4243趾骨digital bone30肘突elbow process 32肩带pectoral girdle 34 股骨 femur 36髌骨 patella 跖骨metatarsal bone 40腓骨fibula 跗骨 tarsal bone图Ⅸ-7整体肌腹面观The muscles. Ventral view二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle 2肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle 1腹直肌rectus abdominis muscle 34股动脉femoral artery咬肌masseter muscle 56颌下腺submandibular gland 胸浅肌prectoral superficialis muscle 78前锯肌serratus anterior muscle 剑突xiphoid process 10腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 9阴茎penis 12阴囊scrotum 11图Ⅸ-8整体肌背面观The muscles.Dorsal view13耳提肌levator auricularis muscle15肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle17股直肌rectus femoris muscle19背斜方肌trapezius dorsi muscle21半腱肌semitendinosus muscle 14颈阔肌platysma 16背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle 18锁骨提肌levator claidalis muscle 20臀浅肌gluteus superficialis muscle图Ⅸ-9口腔The oral cavity图Ⅸ-10颈肌与胸肌The muscle of neck and pectoral muscle1门齿incisor tooth 2硬腭hard palate 3软腭soft palate 4舌根root of tongue 5舌体body of tongue 6舌尖apex of tongue 7颞浅动脉superficialtemporal artery 8二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle 9胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle 10肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle 11胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle 12二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle 13咬肌masseter muscle 14胸骨舌骨肌stemohyoid muscle 15肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle 16前锯肌serratus anterior muscle图Ⅸ-11胸、腹腔器官(1)The organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities(1)1肺lung 2 膈diaphragm 3肝中叶middle lobe of liver 4肝右叶right lobe of liver 5小肠small intestine 6股动、静脉femoral artery and vein sternomastoideus muscle 7胸乳突肌8胸腺thymus 9心heart 10肝左叶left lobe of liver I1胃stomach 12脾spleen 13结肠colon 14膀胱urinary bladder图Ⅸ-12胸、腹腔器官(2)The organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities (2)1肺lung 2 膈diaphragm 3肝中叶middle lobe of liver 4肝右叶right lobe of liver 5小肠small intestine 6股动、静脉femoral artery and vein sternomastoideus muscle 7胸乳突肌8胸腺thymus 9心heart 10肝左叶left lobe of liver I1胃stomach 12脾spleen 13结肠colon 14膀胱urinary bladder15气管trachea 16咬肌masseter muscle图Ⅸ-13胸腔器官The organs in the thoracic cavity1气管trachea2胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle 3肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle4肺lung 5膈 diaphragm6肝中叶 middle lobe of liver 7肝右叶 right lobe of Iiver8二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle 9咬肌masseter muscle 10二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle 11胸腺thymus 12心heartleft lobe of liver 13肝左叶 14胃stomach图Ⅸ-14心腹面(1)The heart. Ventral aspect(1)15右心房right atrium 16右心室right ventricle 17喉 larynx18左心房left atrium 19左心室left ventricle 20心尖cardiac apex气管trachea 4肺lung 5膈 diaphragm1图Ⅸ-15心腹面(2)The heart. Ventral aspect (2)图Ⅸ-16心背面The heart. Dorsal aspect21右锁骨下动脉right subclavian artery 22前腔静脉precaval vein 23右心耳right auricle 24冠状沟coronary sulcus25颈总动脉common carotid artery 26左锁骨下动脉left subclavian artery 27主动脉aorta28肺动脉pulmonary artery 29左心耳left auricle30左冠状动脉left coronary artery 31肺静脉pulmonary vein32心中静脉middle cardiac vein 33后腔静脉postcaval vein 34冠状窦coronary sinus35背面室间沟dorsal interventricular groove15右心房 16right atrium 右心室right ventricle 18左心房left atrium 19左心室left ventricle 20心尖cardiac apex胸骨舌骨肌stemohyoid muscle 12肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle 膈diaphragm 4肝liver 3空肠jejunum 6股动、静脉femoral artery and vein 5阴囊scrotum 8咬肌masseter muscle 7胸乳突肌stemomastoideus muscle 910胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle 剑突xiphoid process 1112胃stomach 脾spleen 14结肠colon 13坐骨神经sciatic nerve 1516阴茎penis4肝liver 17膀胱 urinary bladder 5空肠jejunum 18股直肌rectus femoris muscle 7阴囊scrotum 19回肠ileum 13脾spleen 20后肠系膜动脉posterior mesenteric artery 14结肠colon 21股薄肌gracilis musele 16阴茎penis12小肠small intestine 肋弓costal arch 3 4阴道vagina 肾 kidney 5 脂肪fat 6肝liver 7 卵巢ovary 8子宫uterus 9 直肠rectum 10膀胱3 肾 kidney 11后腔静脉postcaval vein12剑突xiphoid process 5脂肪fat6肝liver 13肾上腺adrenal gland 10膀胱urinary bladder 14 输尿管ureter图Ⅸ-21肝、胃与脾The liver,stomach and spleen图Ⅸ-22肝腹面The liver. Ventral aspect1 食管esophagus2 幽门pylorus3 肝liver4 胃底fundus of stomach5 胃体body of stomact6 脾spleen 7胰pancreas8前腔静脉precaval vein 9肝右叶right lobe of liver 10肝左叶left lobe of liver 11肝中叶middle lobe of liver图Ⅸ-23肝背面The liver. Dorsal aspect8前腔静脉precaval vein 9肝右叶right lobe of liver 10肝左叶left lobe of liver 11肝中叶middle lobe of liver 12肝尾叶caudate lobe of liver图Ⅸ-24胃The stomach图Ⅸ-25胃壁内面The wall of stomach. Inner surface1 食管esophagus2胃小弯lesser curvature of stomach 3幽门pylorus4十二指肠duodenum 5 胃底fundus of stomach6贲门cardia7胃大弯greater curvature of stomach 8胃体body of stomach 9皮区cutaneous region图Ⅸ-26泌尿、生殖器官(♂)The urinary and genital organs(♂)10肾静脉renal vein11后腔静脉postcaval vein12股直肌rectus femoris muscle 13内收肌adductor medial muscle 14阴囊scrotum15肾上腺adrenal gland 16肾kidney 17输尿管ureter18精囊seminal vesicle 19脂肪fat20膀胱 urinary bladder 21阴茎penis图Ⅸ-27生殖器官(♂)The genital organs(♂)1输尿管ureter 2精囊seminal vesicle3前列腺 prostate 4肾 kidney5膀胱urinary bladder 6精索spermatic cord7阴茎8阴囊scrotum图Ⅸ-28泌尿、生殖器官(♀)The urinary and genital organs(♀)5膀胱urinary bladder 9肾上腺adrenal gland l1输卵管uterine tube 13剑突xiphoid process 15后腔静脉postcaval vein4肾 kidney 10卵巢ovary 12阴道vagina14肾静脉renal vein 16子官uterus图Ⅸ-29生殖器官(♀)The genital organs(♀)肾静脉renal vein 12后腔静脉postcaval vein 卵巢ovary 4输卵管uterine tube 3髂总静脉common iliac vein 56脂肪fat 肾kidney 8子宫uterus 7阴道910阴门vulva图Ⅸ-30脑与脊髓背面(1)The brain and spinal cord. Dorsal aspect(1)11大脑cerebrum 12小脑绒球flocculus of cerebellum 13颈膨大cervical enlargement 14背斜方肌trapezius dorsi muscle 15腰骶膨大lumbosacral enlargement 16终丝filum terminate 17嗅球olfactory bulb 18小脑cerebellum19小脑蚓vermis 20背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle 21腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 22脊髓圆锥conus medullaris图Ⅸ-31脑与脊髓背面(2)The brain 图Ⅸ-32脑与脊髓腹面The brain andand spinal cordDorsal aspect (2) spinal cord .Ventral aspect1大脑炎 cerebrum 2小脑蚓vermis 3腰骶膨大lumbosacral enlargement 4嗅球olfactory bulb 5小脑cerebellum 6小脑绒球flocculus of cerebcllurn7颈膨大cervical enlargement 8脊髓圆锥conus medullaris 9终丝filum terminate 10脊神经spinal nerve II 视神经optic nerve12延髓medulla oblongata图Ⅸ-33后肢内侧面The posterior limb. Medial aspect13腹直肌rectus abdoininis muscle14腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 15股直肌rectus femoris muscle 16阴茎penis 17 阴囊scrotum 18内收肌 adductor medial muscle 19坐骨神经sciatic nerve20趾深屈肌flexor digitorum profundus muscle 21腓肠肌 gastrocnemius muscle在野医人收集制作感谢丁香园提供生物交流平台!。



小鼠解剖图(完整版)图Ⅸ-1 整体骨骼侧面观The skeleton. Lateral view图Ⅸ-2 整体骨骼背面观The skeleton. Dorsal view1 背肋dorsal rib2 胸椎thoracic vertebra3 颈椎cerical vertebra4 顶间骨interparietal bone5 顶骨parietal bone6 额骨frontal bone7 鼻骨nasal bone8 锁骨clavicle 9 肩胛骨scapula 10 肱骨hemerus 11 髌骨patella 12 腰椎lumbar vertebra 13 荐椎sacral vertebra 14 尾椎caudal vertebra 15 坐骨ischium 16 髂骨ilium 17 股骨femur 18 腓骨fibula 19 胫骨tibia 20 跖骨metatarsal bone 21 趾骨digital bone 22 胸肋sternal rib 23 头骨skull 24 指骨digital bone 25 桡骨radius图Ⅸ-3 背柱背面The vertebral column. Dorsal aspect1 枢椎axis2 胸椎thoracic vertebra3 第II 胸椎I Ith thoraac vertebra4 第 1 腰椎I st lumbar vertebra5 第6 腰椎6th lumbar vertebra 6 耻骨pubis7 闭孔obturator foramen8 寰椎atlas9 第7 颈椎seventhcervical vertebra 10 胸肋sternal rib 1l 背肋dorsal rib 12 第 4 腰椎4th lumbar 13 髂骨ilium 14 荐椎sacral vertebra 15 坐骨ischimn 16 尾椎caudal vertebra图Ⅸ-4 胸廓背面The thorax.Dorsal aspect17 指骨digital bone 18 掌骨metacarp at bone 19 腕骨carpal bone 20 桡骨radius 21 尺骨ulna 22 三角突起deltoid process 23 鼻骨nasal bone 24 额骨frontal bone 25 顶骨parietal bone 26 顶间骨interparietal bone 27 肱骨hemerus 28 肩胛骨scapula图Ⅸ-5 前肢骨内侧面The bone of 图Ⅸ-6 后肢骨外侧面The bone of anterior Iimb.Medial aspect posterior teral aspect29 肱骨头head of humerus 30 肘突elbow process31 肩胛冈spine of scapula 32 肩带pectoral girdle33 大转子greater trochanter 34 股骨femur35 胫侧髁tibiale condyle 36 髌骨patella 37 胫骨tibia 38 跖骨metatarsal bone 39 股骨头head of femur 40 腓骨fibula 41 跟骨calcaneus 42 跗骨tarsal bone 43 趾骨digital bone图Ⅸ-7 整体肌腹面观The muscles. Ventral view1 二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle2 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle3 腹直肌rectus abdominis muscle4 股动脉femoralartery 5 咬肌masseter muscle 6 颌下腺submandibular gland 7 胸浅肌prectoral superficialis muscle 8 前锯肌serratus anterior muscle 9 剑突xiphoid process 10 腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 11 阴茎penis 12 阴囊scrotum图Ⅸ-8 整体肌背面观The muscles.Dorsal view13 耳提肌levator auricularis muscle 14 颈阔肌platysma 15 肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle 16 背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle 17 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 18 锁骨提肌levator claidalis muscle 19 背斜方肌trapeziusdorsi muscle 20 臀浅肌gluteus superficialis muscle 21 半腱肌semitendinosus muscle图Ⅸ-9 口腔The oral cavity图Ⅸ-10 颈肌与胸肌The muscle of neck and pectoral muscle1 门齿incisor tooth2 硬腭hard palate3 软腭soft palate4 舌根root of tongue5 舌体body of tongue6 舌尖apex of tongue7 颞浅动脉superficial temporal artery8 二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle9 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle 10 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle 11 胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle 12 二腹肌前腹anterior belly ofdigastric muscle 13 咬肌masseter muscle 14胸骨舌骨肌stemohyoid muscle 15 肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle 16 前锯肌serratus anterior muscle图Ⅸ-11 胸、腹腔器官(1)The organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities(1)1 肺lung2 膈diaphragm3 肝中叶middle lobe of liver4 肝右叶right lobe of liver5 小肠small intestine6 股动、静脉femoral artery and vein7 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle8 胸腺thymus9 心heart 10 肝左叶left lobe ofliver I1 胃stomach 12 脾spleen 13 结肠colon 14 膀胱urinary bladder图Ⅸ-12 胸、腹腔器官(2)The organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities (2)1 肺lung2 膈diaphragm3 肝中叶middle lobe of liver4 肝右叶right lobe of liver5 小肠small intestine6 股动、静脉femoral artery and vein7 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle8 胸腺thymus9 心heart 10 肝左叶left lobe ofliver I1 胃stomach 12 脾spleen 13 结肠colon 14 膀胱urinary bladder15 气管trachea 16 咬肌masseter muscle图Ⅸ-13 胸腔器官The organs in the thoracic cavity1 气管trachea2 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle3 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle4 肺lung5 膈diaphragm6 肝中叶middle lobe of liver7 肝右叶right lobe of Iiver8 二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle9 咬肌masseter muscle 10 二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle 11 胸腺thymus 12 心heart 13 肝左叶left lobe of liver 14 胃stomach图Ⅸ-14 心腹面(1)The heart. Ventral aspect(1)1 气管trachea 4 肺lung 5 膈diaphragm 15 右心房right atrium 16 右心室right ventricle 17 喉larynx 18 左心房left atrium 19 左心室left ventricle 20 心尖cardiac apex图Ⅸ-15 心腹面(2)The heart. Ventral aspect (2)图Ⅸ-16 心背面The heart. Dorsal aspect21 右锁骨下动脉right subclavian artery22 前腔静脉precaval vein 23 右心耳rightauricle24 冠状沟coronary sulcus 25 颈总动脉common carotid artery26 左锁骨下动脉left subclavian artery 27 主动脉aorta28 肺动脉pulmonary artery29 左心耳left auricle30 左冠状动脉left coronary artery31 肺静脉pulmonary vein 32 心中静脉middle cardiac vein33 后腔静脉postcaval vein 34 冠状窦coronary sinus35 背面室间沟dorsal interventricular groove15 右心房right atrium16 右心室right ventricle18 左心房leftatrium19 左心室left ventricle20 心尖cardiac apex图Ⅸ-17 腹腔器官(1)The organs in the abdominal cavity(1)1 胸骨舌骨肌stemohyoid muscle2 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle3 膈diaphragm4 肝liver 5 空肠jejunum 6 股动、静脉femoral artery and vein 7 阴囊scrotum 8 咬肌masseter muscle 9 胸乳突肌stemomastoideus muscle 10 胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle 11 剑突xiphoid process 12 胃stomach 13 脾spleen 14 结肠colon 15 坐骨神经sciatic nerve 16 阴茎penis图Ⅸ-18 腹腔器官(2)The organs in the abdominal cavity (2)4 肝liver5 空肠jejunum 7 阴囊scrotum 13 脾spleen 14 结肠colon 16 阴茎penis 17 膀胱urinary bladder 18 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 19 回肠ileum 20 后肠系膜动脉posterior mesenteric artery 21 股薄肌gracilis musele图IX-19 腹腔器官(3)The organs in the abdominal cavity (3)1 肋弓costal arch2 小肠small intestine3 肾kidney4 阴道vagina5 脂肪fat6 肝liver7 卵巢ovary8 子宫uterus9 直肠rectum 10 膀胱图IX -20 腹腔器官(4)The organs in the abdominal cavity (4)3 肾kidney 5 脂肪fat 6 肝liver 10 膀胱urinary bladder 11 后腔静脉postcaval vein 12 剑突xiphoid process 13 肾上腺adrenal gland 14 输尿管ureter图Ⅸ-21 肝、胃与脾The liver,stomach and spleen图Ⅸ-22 肝腹面The liver. Ventral aspect1 食管esophagus2 幽门pylorus3 肝liver4 胃底fundus of stomach5 胃体body of stomact6 脾spleen7 胰pancreas8 前腔静脉precaval vein9 肝右叶right lobe of liver 10 肝左叶left lobe of liver 11 肝中叶middle lobe of liver图Ⅸ-23 肝背面The liver. Dorsal aspect8 前腔静脉precaval vein 9 肝右叶right lobe of liver 10 肝左叶left lobe of liver 11 肝中叶middle lobe of liver 12 肝尾叶caudate lobe of liver图Ⅸ-24 胃The stomach图Ⅸ-25 胃壁内面The wall of stomach. Inner surface1 食管esophagus2 胃小弯lesser curvature ofstomach 3 幽门pylorus 4 十二指肠duodenum 5 胃底fundus of stomach 6 贲门cardia 7 胃大弯greater curvature of stomach 9 皮区cutaneous region 8 胃体body of stomach图Ⅸ-26 泌尿、生殖器官(♂)The urinary and genital organs(♂)10 肾静脉renal vein 11 后腔静脉postcaval vein 12 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 13 内收肌adductor medial muscle 14 阴囊scrotum 15 肾上腺adrenal gland 16 肾kidney 17 输尿管ureter 18 精囊seminal vesicle 19 脂肪fat 20 膀胱urinary bladder 21 阴茎penis图Ⅸ-27 生殖器官(♂)The genital organs(♂)1 输尿管ureter2 精囊seminal vesicle3 前列腺prostate4 肾kidney5 膀胱urinarybladder 6 精索spermatic cord 7 阴茎8 阴囊scrotum图Ⅸ-28 泌尿、生殖器官(♀)The urinary and genital organs(♀)4 肾kidney5 膀胱urinary bladder 9 肾上腺adrenal gland 10 卵巢ovary l1 输卵管uterine tube 12 阴道vagina 13 剑突xiphoid process 14 肾静脉renal vein 15 后腔静脉postcaval vein 16 子官uterus图Ⅸ-29 生殖器官(♀)The genital organs(♀)1 肾静脉renal vein2 后腔静脉postcaval vein3 卵巢ovary4 输卵管uterine tube5 髂总静脉common iliac vein6 脂肪fat7 肾kidney8 子宫uterus9 阴道10 阴门vulva图Ⅸ-30 脑与脊髓背面(1)The brain and spinal cord. Dorsal aspect(1)11 大脑cerebrum 12 小脑绒球flocculus of cerebellum 13 颈膨大cervical enlargement 14 背斜方肌trapezius dorsi muscle 15 腰骶膨大lumbosacral enlargement 16 终丝filumterminate 17 嗅球olfactory bulb 18 小脑cerebellum 19 小脑蚓vermis 20 背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle 21 腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 22 脊髓圆锥conus medullaris图Ⅸ-31 脑与脊髓背面(2)The brain 图Ⅸ-32 脑与脊髓腹面The brain and and spinal cordDorsal aspect (2) spinal cord.Ventral aspect1 大脑炎cerebrum2 小脑蚓vermis3 腰骶膨大lumbosacral enlargement4 嗅球olfactory bulb5 小脑cerebellum6 小脑绒球flocculus of cerebcllurn7 颈膨大cervicalenlargement 8 脊髓圆锥conus medullaris 9 终丝filum terminate 10 脊神经spinal nerve II 视神经optic nerve 12 延髓medulla oblongata图Ⅸ-33 后肢内侧面The posterior limb. Medial aspect13 腹直肌rectus abdoininis muscle 14 腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 15 股直肌rectus femoris muscle 16 阴茎penis 17 阴囊scrotum 18 内收肌adductor medial muscle 19 坐骨神经sciatic nerve 20 趾深屈肌flexor digitorum profundus muscle 21 腓肠肌gastrocnemius muscle在野医人收集制作感谢丁香园提供生物交流平台!。



图Ⅸ-1整体骨骼侧面观The skeleton. Lateral view图Ⅸ-2整体骨骼背面观The skeleton. Dorsal view1背肋dorsal rib 2胸椎thoracic vertebra3颈椎cerical vertebra 4顶间骨interparietal bone 5顶骨parietal bone 6额骨frontal bone7鼻骨nasal bone 8锁骨clavicle9肩胛骨scapula 10肱骨hemerus11髌骨patella 12腰椎lumbar vertebra 13荐椎sacral vertebra 14尾椎caudal vertebra 15坐骨ischium 16髂骨ilium17股骨femur 18腓骨fibula19胫骨tibia 20跖骨metatarsal bone 21趾骨digital bone 22胸肋sternal rib23头骨skull 24指骨digital bone25桡骨radius图Ⅸ-3背柱背面The vertebral column. Dorsal aspect1枢椎axis3第II胸椎I Ith thoraac vertebra5第6腰椎6th lumbar vertebra7闭孔obturator foramen9第7颈椎seventh cervical vertebra1l背肋dorsal rib13髂骨ilium15坐骨ischimn2胸椎thoracic vertebra4第1腰椎I st lumbar vertebra6耻骨pubis8寰椎atlas10胸肋sternal rib12第4腰椎4th lumbar14荐椎sacral vertebra16尾椎caudal vertebra图Ⅸ-4胸廓背面The thorax.Dorsal aspect17指骨digital bone 18掌骨metacarp at bone 19腕骨carpal bone 20桡骨radius21尺骨ulna 22三角突起deltoid process 23鼻骨nasal bone 24额骨frontal bone25顶骨parietal bone 26顶间骨interparietal bone 27肱骨hemerus 28肩胛骨scapula图Ⅸ -5前肢骨内侧面The bone of 图Ⅸ-6后肢骨外侧面The bone of anterior Iimb.Medial aspect posterior teral aspect29肱骨头head of humerus 30肘突elbow process31肩胛冈spine of scapula 32肩带pectoral girdle33大转子greater trochanter 34 股骨 femur35胫侧髁tibiale condyle 36髌骨 patella37胫骨tibia 38跖骨metatarsal bone39股骨头head of femur 40腓骨fibula41跟骨calcaneus 42跗骨 tarsal bone43趾骨digital bone1二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle 2肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle3腹直肌rectus abdominis muscle 4股动脉femoral artery5咬肌masseter muscle 6颌下腺submandibular gland7胸浅肌prectoral superficialis muscle 8前锯肌serratus anterior muscle9剑突xiphoid process 10腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 11阴茎penis 12阴囊scrotum13耳提肌levator auricularis muscle 14颈阔肌platysma15肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle 16背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle17股直肌rectus femoris muscle 18锁骨提肌levator claidalis muscle 19背斜方肌trapezius dorsi muscle 20臀浅肌gluteus superficialis muscle 21半腱肌semitendinosus muscle图Ⅸ-9口腔The oral cavity图Ⅸ-10颈肌与胸肌The muscle of neck and pectoral muscle1门齿incisor tooth 2硬腭hard palate 3软腭soft palate 4舌根root of tongue 5舌体body of tongue 6舌尖apex of tongue 7颞浅动脉superficial temporal artery 8二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle 9胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle 10肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle 11胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle 12二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle 13咬肌masseter muscle 14胸骨舌骨肌stemohyoid muscle 15肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle 16前锯肌serratus anterior muscle图Ⅸ-11胸、腹腔器官(1)The organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities(1)膈diaphragm1肺lung 2 3肝中叶middle lobe of liver 4肝右叶right lobe of liver5小肠small intestine 6股动、静脉femoral artery and vein7胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle 8胸腺thymus9心heart 10肝左叶left lobe of liverI1胃stomach 12脾spleen13结肠colon 14膀胱urinary bladder图Ⅸ-12胸、腹腔器官(2)The organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities (2)15气管trachea 16咬肌masseter muscle1肺lung 2 膈diaphragm 3肝中叶middle lobe of liver 4肝右叶right lobe of liver 5小肠small intestine 6股动、静脉femoral artery and vein 7胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle 8胸腺thymus 9心heart 10肝左叶left lobe of liver I1胃stomach 12脾spleen 13结肠colon 14膀胱urinary bladder图Ⅸ-13胸腔器官The organs in the thoracic cavity1气管trachea2胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle3肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle4肺lung5膈 diaphragm6肝中叶middle lobe of liver7肝右叶right lobe of Iiver8二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle9咬肌masseter muscle10二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle 11胸腺thymus12心heart13肝左叶left lobe of liver14胃stomach图Ⅸ-14心腹面(1)The heart. Ventral aspect(1)15右心房right atrium 16右心室right ventricle 17喉 larynx18左心房left atrium 19左心室left ventricle 20心尖cardiac apex 1气管trachea 4肺lung5膈 diaphragm图Ⅸ-15心腹面(2)The heart. Ventral aspect (2)图Ⅸ-16心背面The heart. Dorsal aspect21右锁骨下动脉right subclavian artery22前腔静脉precaval vein23右心耳right auricle24冠状沟coronary sulcus25颈总动脉common carotid artery26左锁骨下动脉left subclavian artery27主动脉aorta28肺动脉pulmonary artery29左心耳left auricle30左冠状动脉left coronary artery31肺静脉pulmonary vein32心中静脉middle cardiac vein33后腔静脉postcaval vein34冠状窦coronary sinus35背面室间沟dorsal interventricular groove19左心室left ventricle20心尖cardiac apex15右心房right atrium16右心室right ventricle18左心房left atrium1胸骨舌骨肌stemohyoid muscle 2肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle3膈diaphragm 4肝liver5空肠jejunum 6股动、静脉femoral artery and vein 7阴囊scrotum 8咬肌masseter muscle9胸乳突肌stemomastoideus muscle 10胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle 11剑突xiphoid process 12胃stomach13脾spleen 14结肠colon15坐骨神经sciatic nerve 16阴茎penis5空肠jejunum 7阴囊scrotum 13脾spleen 14结肠colon 16阴茎penis17膀胱 urinary bladder 18股直肌rectus femoris muscle 19回肠ileum 20后肠系膜动脉posterior mesenteric artery 21股薄肌gracilis musele 4肝liver1肋弓costal arch 2小肠small intestine 3 肾 kidney 4阴道vagina5脂肪fat 6肝liver7卵巢ovary 8子宫uterus9直肠rectum 10膀胱3 肾 kidney 5脂肪fat6肝liver 10膀胱urinary bladder 11后腔静脉postcaval vein12剑突xiphoid process 13肾上腺adrenal gland 14输尿管ureter图Ⅸ-21肝、胃与脾The liver,stomach and spleen图Ⅸ-22肝腹面1食管esophagus2幽门pylorus3肝liver4胃底fundus of stomach5胃体body of stomact6脾spleen7胰pancreas8前腔静脉precaval vein9肝右叶right lobe of liver10肝左叶left lobe of liver11肝中叶middle lobe of liver图Ⅸ-23肝背面The liver. Dorsal aspect8前腔静脉precaval vein9肝右叶right lobe of liver10肝左叶left lobe of liver11肝中叶middle lobe of liver12肝尾叶caudate lobe of liver图Ⅸ-24胃The stomach图Ⅸ-25胃壁内面The wall of stomach. Inner surface1食管esophagus2胃小弯lesser curvature of stomach 3幽门pylorus4十二指肠duodenum5胃底fundus of stomach 6贲门cardia7胃大弯greater curvature of stomach 9皮区cutaneous region8胃体body of stomach图Ⅸ-26泌尿、生殖器官(♂)The urinary and genital organs(♂)10肾静脉renal vein11后腔静脉postcaval vein12股直肌rectus femoris muscle13内收肌adductor medial muscle14阴囊scrotum15肾上腺adrenal gland16肾kidney17输尿管ureter18精囊seminal vesicle19脂肪fat20膀胱 urinary bladder21阴茎penis图Ⅸ-27生殖器官(♂)The genital organs(♂)1输尿管ureter 2精囊seminal vesicle 3前列腺 prostate 4肾 kidney5膀胱urinary bladder 6精索spermatic cord 7阴茎8阴囊scrotum图Ⅸ-28泌尿、生殖器官(♀)The urinary and genital organs(♀)5膀胱urinary bladder4肾 kidney9肾上腺adrenal gland 10卵巢ovaryl1输卵管uterine tube 12阴道vagina13剑突xiphoid process 14肾静脉renal vein 15后腔静脉postcaval vein 16子官uterus图Ⅸ-29生殖器官(♀)The genital organs(♀)1肾静脉renal vein 2后腔静脉postcaval vein 3卵巢ovary 4输卵管uterine tube5髂总静脉common iliac vein 6脂肪fat7肾kidney 8子宫uterus9阴道10阴门vulva图Ⅸ-30脑与脊髓背面(1)The brain and spinal cord. Dorsal aspect(1)11大脑cerebrum 12小脑绒球flocculus of cerebellum 13颈膨大cervical enlargement 14背斜方肌trapezius dorsi muscle 15腰骶膨大lumbosacral enlargement 16终丝filum terminate17嗅球olfactory bulb 18小脑cerebellum19小脑蚓vermis 20背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle 21腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 22脊髓圆锥conus medullaris图Ⅸ-31脑与脊髓背面(2)The brain 图Ⅸ-32脑与脊髓腹面The brain andand spinal cordDorsal aspect (2) spinal cord .Ventral aspect1大脑炎 cerebrum 2小脑蚓vermis 3腰骶膨大lumbosacral enlargement 4嗅球 olfactory bulb 5小脑cerebellum 6小脑绒球flocculus of cerebcllurn 7颈膨大cervical enlargement 8脊髓圆锥conus medullaris 9终丝filum terminate 10脊神经spinal nerve II 视神经optic nerve12延髓medulla oblongata图Ⅸ-33后肢内侧面The posterior limb. Medial aspect13腹直肌rectus abdoininis muscle14腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 15股直肌rectus femoris muscle 16阴茎penis 17 阴囊scrotum 18内收肌 adductor medial muscle 19坐骨神经sciatic nerve20趾深屈肌flexor digitorum profundus muscle 21腓肠肌 gastrocnemius muscle在野医人 收集制作感谢丁香园提供生物交流平台!。































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1. 掌握小鼠的抓取和固定方法;
2. 掌握小鼠的解剖方法;
3. 熟悉脏器系数的测定方法
4. 了解一般实验动物的抓取和固定方法
5. 了解一般实验动物的生物样本的采集方法
1. 小鼠的抓取和固定








图1 图2 图3




图4 图5
2. 小鼠的处死方法




3 .小鼠解剖步骤





小鼠体重(g) =
脏器系数 = 某器官重量 / 小鼠体重
肝脏的脏器系数 =
卵巢的脏器系数 =。
