圣剑传说玛娜攻略 Adventures of Mana流程图文攻略



由于担心兽人进攻圣都两人来到被结界封印着的瀑布之洞,在此遇到第一个伙伴凯文,凯文讲述了自己的经历后加入,(凯文也是兽人啊,而村子也是被兽人……迪兰和菲娅莉居然对凯文米起一点的疑心,也太轻易相信别人了吧+_+),菲娅莉运用精灵之力将结界打开(不过打开结界的方式怎么貌似是用糖块加血呢,,呵呵), 进入洞窟,在洞窟中救了失足落下崖的夏洛特,这小LOLI走路不长眼….在简单讲述自己的经历后小丫头就跑开了. 穿过洞窟,来到了圣都的上光之神殿,与光之祭司见面,菲娅莉会讲明来意。原来,玛娜之力正急速地消失,女神担心八只神兽争脱封印而出,便派遣四个精灵下界去寻找掌管时间和元素以及看守神兽的八位精灵,以了解玛娜之石(マナスト-ン)的情况, 最后,光之祭司告知在瀑布之洞上方,是光之精灵威路·奥·威斯珀(ウィル·オ·ウィスプ)的所在之处,怎么办???再回去呗> <
现在会失去一名同伴,建议让队中最弱的人去调查那日记,留下较强的人来对付BOSS(偶是留下的主角迪兰原因是凯文变身后攻击要比迪兰强很多,安吉拉有光属性的魔法正好对暗属性的这个BOSS有特效,所以只好留下迪兰^ ^)来到甲板进行BOSS战,BOSS弱点是光,胜利后暗精灵出现,被诅咒的伙伴归队,但是幽灵船。。。主角被甩到了火山岛ブッカ上.来到ダ-クプリ-ストの村整理一下装备吧并且能得到打听到山上的断崖处的巨石,可以打开通往火山的路的消息,来到山顶调查石头使用土精灵力量打开密道进入岸边的洞窟,在最深处遇到邪眼的伯爵,其见状不妙,居然引发火山爆发,自己逃走!主角正慌张时,大海龟游了过来,将大家救出火山岛ブッカ.


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16(128) 32
32(128) 24(192) 24(208) 48(224)
24 8 8
麻痹粉 铁锈粉 墓场土 灰 毛团 针 镜子碎片 羊毛 破卷轴 草虫馒头 章鱼虫





8 8 32(-) 16 8 8 24(-) 16(248) 16 8(160) 8(220)
剪刀 治愈之爪 死者之爪 吸血牙 微瞳 睡瞳 愚瞳 危瞳 怒瞳 滞瞳 邪瞳 恶瞳 天使羽毛 漆黑羽毛 透明羽毛 蝴蝶翅膀 燃烧羽毛 天马羽毛 香油 龙血 强酸 圣水 以太 水银 臭气 绝叫 龙息 少女的叹息 电素 苔藓 麦穗 烤毛虫 烤蝙蝠 硫磺 毒粉 催眠粉

果实-食物 暗
果实-食物 暗
肉-食物 未知
肉-食物 未知
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32 24 8 32 32 8(-) 16 24 24(-) 16 24 8 8(-) 64 64 24 8 16 64 64 32 64(-) 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 24(-) 8(-) 32(-)




























Starting InstructionsWhen you first begin your game you will need to choose a character (male or female). Then you can choose which type of weapon you would like use. You can buy all weapon types early in the game so you don’t have to worry about what type you choose now. However, choosing and sticking with the 1H Sword until level 99 is a good bet if you want to get decent, well rounded stats.Or, try the following advanced pattern for near perfect stats:•1H Sword » Level 83•Staff » Level 96•Hammer » Level 99Now you need to choose a section on the World Map where you would like to begin. Take a look at the image on the right to see where you can start in order to follow the rest of this Walkthrough. Move the map cursor to the top right corner. Now move the cursor 2 spaces to left and then 3 spaces down. You should see water in the left-most column in the 2nd space from the top and in the right-most column in the 3rd space from the top. Press X twice to proceed.The next screen that loads is a 3/4 view of the map that you just selected (the map is rotated about 45 degrees to right). Now you need to place your Mailbox AF somewhere on this map to create your Home. To be able to follow this walkthrough you should place the Mailbox in the bottom-most row in the 3rd space from the left. You will now automatically enter your Home. (See Map/Land Guide for exact placement of the AF’s)You are now in the upstairs bedroom of your brand new Home. If you ever need to save your game you can come back here and talk to your bed to access the save menu. The following map will show you where everything is located in your Home.When you are finished exploring, talk to the Sprouting in Section 1 of the above map. He will eventually give you the Colorblocks AF. Exit out to the World Map and get ready to place the Colorblocks on the map to begin your first Event: Niccolo’s Business Unusual.Maps/AF Placement WalkthroughStarting MapThere’s a ton of configurations that you can use to complete The Legend of Mana and get all of the goodies along the way. For this Walkthrough I have chosen the ‘Round the Tree Again mapconfiguration from the “Map/Artifact Placement Guide, version 2.5” found at GameFaqs.To place your AF’s (Artifacts) efficiently you will need to pick a decent location on the starting world. Click on the image to the right to see where to begin in order to follow this walkthrough.1Mailbox Home14 Trembling Spoon Underworld2Colorblocks Domina15Skull Lantern Norn Peaks3Wheel Luon Highway16Dragon Bone Bone Fortress4Flame Gato Grottoes17Frozen Heart Fieg Snowfields5 Ancient Tablet Mindas Ruins18 Brooch of Love Lucemia6Bottled Spirit Ulkan Mines19Sword of Mana Tree of Mana7Broken Doll Junkyard20Rusted Anchor Polpota Harbor8 Jade Egg Mekiv Caverns21Golden Seed Orchard9Moon’s Mirror Tower of Leires22 Torch of Coral Madora Beach10Stone Eye Lake Kilma23Tome of Magic Geo11Firefly Lamp Lumina24Green Cane White Forest12 Medallion Jungle25Pirate’s Hook SS Buccaneer13Sand Rose Duma Desert26 Jumi’s Staff Bejewled City1 Niccolo's Business UnusualInstructions:Place the Colorblocks AF in the space directly above your Home to create Domina. Enter Dominayou will see a little conversion at the top of the screen… ignore it for now and leave this first area through the top path.In the next area you will see a crazy looking Rabbit/Cat character named Niccolo. Talk to him, tell him you are Not Afraid of the bandits, and tell him Yes when he asks you to help him. You have now started your first event!Niccolo asks you to take him to see Teapo. Go back to the center of town near the entrance to Domina and enter the bottom-most door of the building in the lower left. Teapo is the one that looks like a “tea pot”. Talk to him and Niccolo will give you the Wheel AF.After the conversation, exit the building and exit the area through the bottom path. Exit out to the World Map and place the Wheel AF directly to the left of your Home to create Luon Highway. Enter Luon Highway.Proceed through Luon Highway with the following directions:•Right•Right•Upper Right at Fork•Right•RightWhen prompted choose Throw Candy and get ready to begin your first Boss fight. After you win you will get some useless items from Niccolo and then he should give you the Flame and Medallion AF’s.2 The Little SorcerersInstructions:When you leave your house after completing your first Event, you will trigger this Event. After the little conversation, enter Domina.On the Domina Map head to the point at the far left. This will take you to the Outskirts of Domina. Proceed to the upper left of this area and you will see a cool looking pumpkin patch and two sorcerers.Battle the two kids and dodge their magical attacks. After the battle tell Bud that you want him to be your apprentice.Upon Completion:Return home, talk to Lil' Cactus, go downstairs (watch him write the Event on the leaf), and go back upstairs to save your game before continuing.3 The Monster CorralInstructions:Enter Domina. Go to the point on the far left of the Domina Map again. Take the upper left path and you will meet Duelle the onion guy.Listen to his directions and catch the monster egg running around the area. After you catch the egg the Mail Pelican will take it back to your Monster Corral in your back yard. Listen to Duelle’s instructions to learn how to raise pet monsters.Note:You need to wait a few Game Day’s before a monster egg will hatch. To speed up this process, just go to the World Map and keep running back and forth(move your character to different lands). Every land that you cross causes one day to pass.4 The Wisdom of GaeusInstructions:Enter Domina. Go to the Inn(the top left door in the center of town). Enter the room on the right on the bottom floor. Talk to Daena and say that Souls are Forever. Tell her that you will go with her to see Gaeus and she will join your party.Enter Luon Highway and follow theses directions to get to Gaeus:•Right•Right•Lower Right at Fork•Right•Right•RightTalk to Gaeus and Daena will give the Forbidden Ring which will share experience with all of your party members.5 The Mana OrchardsInstructions:After you have talked to Gaeus you can now start this Event. Go out the front door of your house and take the path to the Lower Left.Defeat the four Lullabuds and Trent will grow out of the ground. Trent is a tree that can grow Produce from seeds that you give him.Talk to Trent to give him some seeds. In order to complete this Event you need to wait a few game days until Trent has fully grown some Produce. Wait until the Produce is ripe, stand underneath the item you want to pick, and press X to pick it. Put the Produce in the big wooded box to end this simple Event.Note:You need to wait a few Game Day’s before produce will ripen. To speed up this process, just go to the World Map and keep running back and forth(move your character to different lands). Every land that you cross causes one day to pass.6 Diddle's LetterInstructions:Enter Domina. Go to the Park with the Fountain and talk to Diddle. He’ll leave the screen; follow him and then re-enter the Park and talk to Capella. Leave the screen, go to the Outskirts of Domina (far left point), and come back to the Park to talk to Capella again. Follow him to the center of town and talk to the Sproutling.Go to the Inn(the upper left door in the center of Domina) and listen to the conversation. Talk to Miss Yuka and then go to the Outskirts of Domina(that far left point on the Domina Map). Listen to the conversation with the Mail Pelican. Go to the World Map and then return to the Outskirts of Domina again. Talk to the Mail Pelican and she’ll tell you to go to the Highway.Enter Luon Highway, and go to the second fork:•Right•Right•Lower Right•RightThere will be a letter at the fork in the path. Tell Capella to read it and go to the Lower Left, and then Left to find Diddle. Tell him that Capella read the Letter. Go into the caves and use these directions:•Lower Left•Lower Left•Talk to Capella•Upper LeftFight the Giga Rex and after the the battle you get a Gator Skin(keep it for a later Event).7 The Flame of HopeInstructions:Place the Flame AF in the space directly to the left of Luon Highway to create Gato Grottoes. Enter Gato Grottoes.On the Gato Grottoes Map enter the point on the Right. Follow these directions:•Watch the Sproutling and the Nun and take the Upper Right Path•Talk to Rubens at the fork and take the Right Path•Watch the Sproutling run away•Return to the fork and take the Left Path•Talk to the character in the Temple of Healing•Return to the fork and go Right•Return to the Temple of Healing to see The Inspector leave•Go back to the terrace area and watch as Rubens is killed by the NunThe Inspector will ask you to help him find the criminal, Sandra so offer to help him.Return to the Gato Grottoes Map and go to the point on the Left to get to the Cliffs. Follow the trail of leaves to get to the Waterfall and the Nest. Watch Sandra leave to end this event.8 Niccolo's Business Unusual: 2Instructions:Enter Gato Grottoes. Go to the Item Shop and talk to Niccolo. Agree to help him.Go to the Gato Grottoes Map and head to the Cave. Then go directly to the Waterfall. Niccolo will collect some stuff in this area. Leave this area by taking the Right Path. Go back into the WaterfallArea and stand on the log for about 30-60 seconds so that a Faerie appears. Talk to it. Niccolo will reward you with Lucre, a Bun and the Broken Doll AF.9 Teatime of DangerInstructions:Place the Ancient Tablet AF to the space directly to the Right of your Home to create the Mindas Ruins. Enter the Mindas Ruins.Talk to Duelle and follow these directions:•Go Up•Go Left to get to a junction•Keep going Left until you get past the save statue•Go Up into the Flowerling Room. Talk to the Flowerling to get a total of three•Talk to the Top Flowerling to move it to the Right•Talk to the Bottom Flowerling to move it to the Left•Go back to the junction and take the Bottom Right Path•Go Left and through the gates to the Lower Left•Talk to the Flowerling, and set the other two to be on the Right•Go Right•Go to the Upper Left•Talk to the Flowerling and exit on the Left•Go through the gates on the Upper Left•Set both Flowerlings to be on the Right•Go through the gates on the Lower Left•Go to the Upper Left and talk to the Flowerling•Go through the gates on the Upper Left•Move the Bottom Flowerling to the Left•Go Down through the gates•Talk to the Flowerling and she’ll open the gate to the ruins•Go Left•Go Left•Go LeftDefeat the boss to end this event.10 Mine Your Own BusinessInstructions:Note: If you’re going to do “The Seven Wisdoms” quest, it is imperative that you take Bud (that dude from the Little Sorcerers Event) with you on this one. (This will trigger the Seven Wisdoms Event but that is ok, don’t worry about finishing it until later.)Place the Bottled Spirit AF in the space directly to the Right of the Mindas Ruins to create the Ulkan Mines. Enter the Ulkan Mines.Follow these directions to navigate through this Event:•Go Right•Enter the Top Room to get to Watt’s Workshop•Talk to Pokiehl to begin looking for Watts•Leave the Workshop and go to the Lower Right•Go Down the Stairs and into the next area•Go to the Lower Left corner and Down the Stairs•Go to the Upper Left•Go to the Upper Left•Go to the Upper Left and then Up the Stairs•Go Down the Path to find your way to Watts•Talk to Watts three times and you will be attackedDefeat the monster to end this event.11 Watts Drops the HammerInstructions:Enter the Ulkan Mines. Go into Watts’ Workshop and talk to him about his lost hammer. Go back to the entrance of the Mines and talk to the pole to have the Dudbear Express take you to Digger’s Hideout. Pick up the Hammer that is laying on the ground and leave the room.Look at the map to see how to get back to Watts. When you return the hammer to Watts and you are finished with this event.12 Path of the BlacksmithInstructions:Go to the Workshops Area to the Left of your Home. Look at the map to see where they are located. Watts will be there building a blacksmith room. Ask him every question to end the event.Upon Completion:Return home, talk to Lil' Cactus, go downstairs (watch him write the Event on the leaf), and go back upstairs to save your game before continuing.13 The Infernal DollInstructions:Place the Broken Doll AF in the space directly above the Ulkan Mines to create the Junkyard. Enter the Junkyard.As soon as your enter the Infernal Doll will run off. Talk to the Jack-in-the-Box and he’ll tell you the way through the Junkyard. Follow these directions to get to the Doll:•Upper Right•Lower Right•Upper Right•Right•Upper Left•Right•RightDefeat the enemies to end this event.14 The Lost PrincessInstructions:Enter Domina. Go into the Pub and talk to the guy(Elazul) staring at the girl(Rachel). Side with Elazul to have him join you. Talk to Rachel again and she will give you the Jade Egg AF. If you choose to stick up for Rachel then Elazul will leave. Exit out to the Domina Map and Elazul should pop up and ask you if he can go with you. It doesn’t matter what you say, he will automatically join. If Elazul does not show up, re-enter and exit Domina until he does.Place the Jade Egg AF in the space directly above the Junkyard to create the Mekiv Caverns. Enter the Mekiv Caverns.To find Pearl follow these directions:•Lower Right•Lower Right•Right•Lower Left•Lower Left•LeftDefeat the Yeti to end this event.15 Daddy's BroomInstructions:Note: This event does not always happen at the same time but it will happen when all of the above requirements are met.When you come Home to find your Cactus missing from his pot, go back to the ground level and talk to Lisa. She’ll talk about her missing broom and then the Cactus will return to your room. Go upstairs and talk to him and then go back downstairs to talk to Bud. Bud will join you.Enter the Junkyard and follow these instructions:•Upper Right•Lower Right•Upper Right•Right•Upper Left•Right•RightFight and defeat the Gremlin to end this event.16 The Looking-Glass TowerInstructions:Place the Moon’s Mirror AF in the space directly above Gato Grottoes to create the Tower of Leires. Enter the Tower of Leires.When you first enter the area you will see Pearl. Talk to her take her into the tower with you. The first thing you must do is take Pearl up to the 11th Floor. You will find 2 rooms with teleportation crystals in them that will help you on your way. Look at the map of the Tower of Leires to help you get to the top or follow these directions:•Right•Left•Left (2nd floor)•Right•Upstairs (3rd floor)•Left•Upstairs (4th floor)•Right•Upstairs (5th floor)•Down•Left•Upstairs (6th floor)•Left•Upstairs (7th floor)•Right•Upstairs (8th floor)•Lower Left•Enter Large Door•Search crystal and leave room•Left•Upstairs•Follow the hall until you get to the Room of Fate•EnterWhen you get to the 11th floor you will have to fight the Iron Centaur. After the battle you will need to escort Pearl out of the tower. Follow these directions to get out:•Fall out of the railing on the 11th floor to get to the 5th floor•Use the stairs to climb the rest of the way down.When you get to the bottom floor you need to fight the Jewel Beast. After your victory you will get the Frozen Heart AF.17 The Gorgon EyeInstructions:Place the Stone Eye AF in the space directly above the Tower of Leires to create Lake Kilma. Enter Lake Kilma.Talk to the penguins and answer them with “What?”. Then, head to area 16 on the map of LakeKilma to find and defeat the Gorgon’s Eye.18 Professor Bomb's LabInstructions:Enter the Junkyard Talk to the guy at the entrance to teleport to Professor Bomb’s Lab. Talk to him and tell him that you will help him find his Golem. To get out of the Junkyard follow these instructions:•Left•Lower Left•LeftEnter Lake Kilma. The Golem will be in the first area and will leave through the Upper Left. Follow him, fight him, and defeat him.19 Golem Go Make 'emInstructions:Go to the Workshops Area to the Left of your Home. The Professor will be there and explains how to use your new golem facility that he built. He will give you the Golem Encyclopedia that you need to read for a test that you must take.Here are the answers to the test:• A• B• A• A• A• B• A• A• B• A20 Faeries' LightInstructions:Place the Firefly Lamp AF in the space directly to the Left of the Mekiv Caverns to create the town of Lumina. Enter Lumina.The Western section of Lumina is a Tavern and the Northern section is the Shopping District. Head north to the Shopping District and go to the Upper Right. Enter Monique’s Lamp Shop and talk to her. Gilbert will show up and offer to help her sell six lamps. Exit the shop and talk to him. He’ll buy three of the lamps make you sell the other three to the locals.Go to the Tavern in the Western region of Lumina and talk to the guy that looks like a puzzle piece.He will teach you the language of the Dudbears. You need to sell your three lamps to the Dudbears by speaking to them and answering their questions. Here are the locations of the Dudbears and answers you must give to sell the lamps:Dudbear near Puzzle guy:• B• B• A• CDudbear near Capella:• A• B• B• A• CDudbear in Shopping District:• B• B• A• CGo back to the Lamp Shop and talk to Gilbert. Go inside the shop, watch the scene, leave the shop, and talk to Monique after she leaves. Go back into the shop after the scene to end this event.21 Huntin' Du'CateInstructions:Place the Medallion AF in the space directly above the Mekiv Caverns to create the Jungle. Enter the Jungle.Talk to the dude(Sotherbee) in the first area. Go Right and return immediately to try to catch the Lilipea. Follow the Lilipea to the Right and talk to it. Keep following it and it will lead you to a guy that will cast a spell to keep you from getting lost.Go back to the entrance and follow these instructions:•Right•Right•Upper Right•Right•Upper Right•Talk to Skippie•Up•Talk to the dude at the throne•Down•Lower Right•Left to find Skippie. Tell him that you’ll help him.•Upper Left to find Hamson. Tell him you will help him.•Keep going RightFight and defeat Du’Cate to get a 500 Lucre reward. Choose to give the money to the others to get the Sand Rose AF.22 The Murmuring ForestInstructions:Enter the Jungle. Use the Psychic Service to go to the Courtyard of Rain. Open the chest, defeat the enemies, and talk to Selkie to cast a spell on you.Go back to the entrance and use the Psychic Service to go to the Forest Ruins. Go to the Lower Left to have the faeries teleport you to the Entrance.Use the Psychic Service to go to the Forest Ruins again and this time go Up. Talk to Selkie and have the spell removed. Offer to help Selkie.Go Down to the save room and go to the Lower Left. Watch Escad beat up the Faeries. Talk to him and go keep going Left.Tell the Punkmaster that you want to fight, then defeat him.23 Two TorchesInstructions:Enter Gato Grottoes. Go to the Temple of Healing and work your way to the Dreamweaving Room in the far back. Talk to Daena and she’ll let you in. Watch the scene between Escad and Matilda. Leave the room. Follow the Nun back into the room. Talk to Daena and agree to help her.Exit out to the Gato Grottoes Map and head for the Dungeons. Talk to Escad and tell Daena to take you to the Sealed Room. Battle Spriggan and defeat him.24 In Search of FaeriesInstructions:Enter Gato Grottoes. Go to the Dreamweaver Room and talk to Matilda. Agree to look for Daena. Enter Lake Kilma and go to area 16 on the map of Lake Kilma to get to Tote.Talk to Tote and follow these directions:•Lower Right•Lower Right (Talk to Daena)•Left•Down•Left (Daena attacks Irwin)•Lower Left•LeftDefeat the Boreal Hound to end this event.25 Pokiehl: Dream TellerInstructions:Enter the Ulkan Mines. Talk to Pokiehl and kid Escad will appear. Go Right and then Right again to talk to Pokiehl. Tell him you are in a hurry and he’ll show you a dream world. Do not leave the Mines now or you will fail this Event.While in the Dream World go Right, Lower Right to get to the stairs. Talk to Pokiehl and answer “Yes”. Keep going right to get to another set of stairs and go down. After the conversation you will leave the Dream World. You will now need to choose between Escad or Daena. If you Choose Daena, Escad will attack you.26 Star-Crossed LoversInstructions:Enter Gato Grottoes. Go to the Dreamweaving Room to trigger this event. A long scene will happen and everyone will be taken to the Mindas Ruins.Follow these instructions:•Right•Right•Right•Left (above ground)•Go through the Gates•Set both Flowerlings on the Right•Right•Go through the Gates•Pay Niccolo to go to the Temple of Winds•Up the stairsYou need to choose between Escad and Daena again. Who ever you choose you must fight the other.27 Diccolo's Business Unusual: 3Instructions:Enter Lumina. Go to the Shopping District and enter the item shop. Talk to Niccolo and agree to help him.Enter the Mindas Ruins and follow these instructions:•Up•Upper Left•Left•Left•Up•Set the Flowerlings to be in the Upper Left and Lower Right•Down•Lower Left•Upper Left•Lower Left•Left•Upper LeftNiccolo will chase the Psychokinesis dude until it runs away. Now you have to get out of the Ruins. Follow these instructions:•Right•Lower Left•Right•Set the Bottom Flowerling to be in the Right•Left•Left•Right•Upper Left•Set the Bottom Flowerling to be in the Left•Lower Right•Lower Right•Right•Lower Left•Upper Left•Set the Top Flowerling to be in the Left•Right•Right•Upper Right•Lower Left•Right28 Reach for the StarsInstructions:Place the Sand Rose AF in the space directly to the right of Lake Kilma to create the Duma Desert. Enter the Duma Desert.Agree to help the Students and then follow these instructions:•Right•Lower Right•Upper RightTalk to the students and choose to go through them. Exit at the Top of the screen and follow these instructions:•Lower Left•Up•Through the students•Left•LeftTell Kathinja that you are ready and get ready to fight 2 Axe Beaks.29 Instruments 101Instructions:Head to the Workshops Area to the left of your Home. Inside your will find a student that has built you an Instrument Workshop. Learn how to catch Spirits and get Coins to end this Event.30 The Fallen EmperorInstructions:Place the Trembling Spoon AF in the space directly above the Jungle to create Underworld. Enter Underworld.Talk to the Stone to teleport to the inside. Have Larc join you and follow these instructions:•Left•Right•Right•First Doorway•Up•Right•Lower Left•Right•Enter the first door to get to Olbohn’s Study and talk to him a few times•Talk to the Shadole to get to the Baptismal Chamber•Talk to the Shadole in the Upper Left corner to have it cast Baptism of Fire•Lower Left•Lower Left•Head Right to the Second Doorway•Right•Right•First DoorwayFight and defeat Hitodama to end this event.31 Diddle Had It!Instructions:Enter Lumina. Go to the Tavern in the western section and talk to Capella and Diddle. Leave and return to that area to have Diddle leave. Return home and go back out to the World Map to have four Shadoles enter Lumina.Go back to Lumina and talk to Capella. He will leave. Leave the area and watch Diddle get taken hostage.Enter Underworld and you’ll be teleported to the lowest level.DON’T TALK TO POKIEHL or you may fail this Event.Chase Capella and Diddle but do not touch any of the Shadoles or you will teleport back to the beginning. Follow these instructions:•Left•Go through two groups of the Shadoles•Go through two long rooms•Go past the Shadoles that disappear (Be careful, they are still there)•Go past the Shadoles that disappear (note the locations)Defeat the Ape Mummy to end this Event. Be sure to not enter Domina after this event, just go directly Home and move on to the next Event.32 The Seven WisdomsInstructions:You already started this event but here is how you finish it:Wisdom 1: Gaeus Take Bud to the Luon Highway and talk to the hippo-like creature(Boink). Have him teleport you to the fork and keep going right to find Gaeus.Wisdom 2: Tote Take Bud to Lake Kilma and head to the cliff to find Tote the turtle.Wisdom 3: Rosiotti Take Bud to the Jungle and use the psychic service to go to the Forest Ruins. Go up from that screen to get to Rosiotti.Wisdom 4: Pokiehl You already did this one.Wisdom 5: Olbohn Take Bud to Underworld and touch the stone. Go left, upper right, right, up, up, upper right, lower left and far right. Go in the door to get to Olbohn. To get back out talk to the Shadole and have it bring you to the entrance. Talk to the Shadole there to have him take you to the surface.Wisdom 6: Selva Take Bud to Gato Grottoes. If you have talked to the other 5 Wisdoms, Selva will be at the fork right before the Temple of Healing.Bring Bud back home to end this event.33 The Guardian of WindsInstructions:Place the Skull Lantern AF in the space directly to the Left of Underworld to create Norn Peaks. Enter Underworld take Larc with you.Now enter Norn Peaks and follow these directions:•Right•Right•Right•Talk to the Windcallers in the Upper Right side of Town•Exit Upper RightNow you need to fight the 3 Windcallers. Follow these directions to get to the first one:•Upper Right•Upper RightThe second one can be found here:•Upper Left•Left•Upper Left•LeftThe third is here:•Right•Lower Right•Right•Upper Right•Right•Lower Right•Upper RightNow you need to go past a statue that only disappears after you beat the 3 Windcallers. You can find it here:•Lower Left•Left•Upper RightNow you need to get to Akravator. You can find him here:•Right•Upper Right•Left•LeftDefeat Akravator to end this event.34 The Field TripInstructions:Place the Dragon Bone AF in the space directly to the Left of the Norn Peaks to create the BoneFortress. Enter the Bone Fortress.Talk to the student in the middle of the screen. You need to get 3 ingredients from the students in the next area. Go Right. The student in blue along at the top has the Faerie Scales. The male Flowerling in the Lower Right has the Starsparkles. A purple Flowerling near the Middle Right side has the Silver Spotted Mushrooms. Take the ingredients back to the student in the first area to end the Event.35 The Ghost of NemesisInstructions:Before leaving your Home, make sure you stop by your Monster Ranch and grab a pet as you’ll need a 3 person/creature party to complete this Event.Enter Underworld. Take Larc with you.Enter the Bone Fortress and go right in the first area. Beat up the Skeletal Soldier and search the skull to be allowed to enter it. Go on inside.Search a stool in the entrance to set off a trap. Your party will now be separated and you’ll need to find them hidden somewhere in the fortress. To get to your pet follow these directions:•Down•Left•Search the Skull•Left•Search the Knight•RightHead back to the main room to take the elevator:•Left•Lower Right•Lower Left•Right•Search the Left Stool•Go inside the elevator•Go to the 3rd Floor (battle Sierra)After the battle, pick up the key and go back into the Elevator. Go to the 2nd Floor and follow these instructions:•Left•Search the Knight•Left•Get Larc back into your partyGo back to the Elevator and go to the 1st Floor. Search the Lower Left stool and enter the Elevator again. Go to the 3rd Floor and head Left to fight Deathbringer.After the battle go Right to fight 2 Jabaras.。

GB 圣剑传说

GB 圣剑传说





























神剑传说最终幻想外传攻略 Adventures of Mana流程图文攻略

神剑传说最终幻想外传攻略 Adventures of Mana流程图文攻略

神剑传说最终幻想外传攻略 Adventures of Mana流程图文
神剑传说最终幻想外传攻略,下面就分享Adventures of Mana流程图文攻略给大家,希望这篇攻略对有在玩这款游戏的小伙伴们有所帮助。

游戏简介:Adventures of Mana《圣剑传奇最终幻想外传》是1991年发售的GB版的完全重制版,游戏的画面与操作都得到了全新的优化,并且本次还特别收录了由伊藤贤治创作的混编曲目。














PSP《玛娜传奇2:没落学园与炼金术士们携带版》全攻略系统 1 游戏的进行方式游戏中以周为单位推进游戏,玩家要在指定的时间内完成所赋予的课题才能顺利的推进剧情。

2 有关课题游戏中拥有各种类型的课题,完成课题后委托人会给与评价,每一章得到一定数目的评价点数后即可顺利进入每章结尾的EVENT并顺利结束该周,评价分为优,良,中。




3 探索&战斗探索:搜集素材的最主要途径。

1 直接采取:包括开宝箱,捡道具袋,采摘果实(,转出3个相同图形则有BONUS素材) 2 钓鱼:是个小游戏,只要在中间的金色圆圈按下○键即可。

战斗:游戏没有等级制度,提升能力只能靠装备更高等级的装备和通过开启个人素材执照盘来提升,另外,积累一定数量的战斗角色的MAX HP/MP会提升。



4 调和要调和先要有配方书,配方书可以通过宝箱,关键敌人掉落,购买部购买等等方式获得,之后收集到对应的素材即可调和。









一、帝国:南方之镇→北方之镇→古代寺院→皇帝宫殿打败马休飞天骑士2 之後白飞龙就可以骑使用风之太鼓,A键上升、B键下降、十字键控制方向(东、西、南、北),小心飞晕了方向。









举个例子:比如初期就能获得的材料龙息,含有能量24 无任何属性在武器本身光属性1、火属性1、总共属性大于等于3时能触发勇者的SP特效效果为武器的力量攻+25%、技巧攻+25%。



















全120个迷宫视频攻略:点击进入支线任务攻略:点击进入第一座塔Follow the Sheikah Slate / シーカーストーンの示す場所《塞尔达传说荒野之息》开篇,林克从回生之祠(The Shrine of Resurrection)苏醒。

在遗迹内获得西卡石板(Sheikah Slate / シーカーストーン)。



沿着出门右转的山坡下去,路上听到旁白,告诉我们前往某地,地点已在西卡石板的地图上标出(按“—”打开地图 )。








如果你能爬上钟楼的顶尖(掌握耐力的使用技巧),会发现一只小精灵,它会给你一颗种子:コログのミ / Korok Seed。






第2页:4个试炼之祠展开【4个试炼之祠】The Isolated Plateau / 閉ざされた台地这个主线任务需要玩家完成4个试炼之祠的挑战。




















-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4、回到过去的法帝斯,首先先把修道院的宝物取走。









《新约圣剑传说》全攻略 - 电玩巴士3

《新约圣剑传说》全攻略 - 电玩巴士3

《新约圣剑传说》全攻略 - 电玩巴士您现在的位置:电玩巴士 >> GBA >> 攻略 >> GBA 游戏攻略 >>文章正文《新约圣剑传说》全攻略战胜后不精灵出现,说他在日光浴的时候突然遭到别人袭击,被师了法变成那样。















0-0-0-2 2-3-4-0 0-0-1-0 1-2-3-0
0-1-1-5 5-7-9-1 1-1-2-0 2-4-6-0
1-1-2-8 1-2-3-11 1-0-0-1
8-10-14-2 11-14-19-
3 8-3-4-0
2-2-3-1 3-3-4-1 2-0-1-0
3-6-9-1 5-9-12-1 3-2-3-0
0-0-0-0 0-1-0-1
0-0-0-0 0-0-0-0 0-1-0-1 0-1-0-1 0-0-0-1 0-1-0-2 0-1-0-2 0-1-1-3 1-1-1-3 -
0-0-0-3 0-0-0-6
0-0-0-3 0-0-0-5 0-0-0-7 0-0-0-9 0-0-0-9 0-0-0-11 0-0-0-15 0-0-0-18 0-0-0-21 0-0-0-23 0-0-0-3 0-0-0-4 0-0-0-3 0-0-0-18 0-0-0-18 0-0-0-18
0-0-0-1 4-4-4-0 1-1-0-0 1-2-2-0
0-0-0-2 6-6-6-0 1-1-1-0 2-3-3-0
1-1-1-3 8-8-8-1 2-2-1-0 3-5-5-0
1-1-1-5 2-2-2-6 2-2-2-7 2-2-2-8 3-3-3-9
2-0-1-3 14-5-8-1 4-1-1-0 6-3-5-0
4-1-2-6 0-0-0-0
2 3-3-3-0
8-3-3-1 1-0-0-0
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圣剑传说玛娜攻略 Adventures of Mana流程图文攻略圣剑传说玛娜攻略,下面就分享Adventures of Mana流程图文攻略给大家,希望这篇攻略对有在玩这款游戏的小伙伴们有所帮助。

游戏简介:Adventures of Mana《圣剑传奇最终幻想外传》是1991年发售的GB版的完全重制版,游戏的画面与操作都得到了全新的优化,并且本次还特别收录了由伊藤贤治创作的混编曲目。











