Inspur group
Inspur group
Inspur group
Inspur group
找出导轨附带的螺丝,将前、后固定架上与角轨对应的的第二孔位固定好 重复上述操作,将另一个导轨安装到机柜。
Inspur group
快速使用指南2U 服务器产品 V2.0第一部分:索引请根据下列索引,参考相应随机资料,进行指导操作。
本产品支持操作系统如下(根据所选的配置不同,所支持的操作系统种类不同):Windows Server 2003(SP2)Redhat 5系列(/u1/u2/u3)SUSE EL 10(/SP1/SP2/SP3)Windows Server 2008第三部分:上架安装1、本指南将帮助您了解如何在浪潮服务器机柜或兼容标准工业机柜中安装浪潮2U服务器。
服务器安装与维护 PPT课件
▪ 图为RAID 0完成截图 仅供参考
Windows Server 2003系统安装
▪ 1、启动计算机,按“Delete”键进入计算 机主板BIOS界面,进行启动设置。
▪ 2、按“F10”键保存并退出BIOS设置。
▪ 3、重新启动计算机,进入Windows Server 2003安装界面,开始运行Windows Server 2003安装程序。
▪ 24、继续复制文件。
▪ 25、安装开始菜单项 。
▪ 26、注册组件。
▪ 27、删除安装系统过程中的临时文件。
▪ 28、重新启动计算机,显示Windows Server 2003登录界面,安装完成。
▪ 安装配置好服务器软件系统,经测试能够 正常使用后,用GHOST软件备份好服务器 系统。备份文件本机一份,光盘或移动存 储一份。
组建RAID 1磁盘阵列
▪ 为保证硬盘数据安全,在安装操作系统前,将硬 盘组成RAID 1磁盘阵列
▪ 进入BIOS,在advanced选项里,把ATA/IDE设 置为enhanced
组建RAID 1磁盘阵列
▪ 接着把下面的“Intel Raid Technology”选项, 把其设为“Enabled”,就可以在BIOS中打开 RAID功能了
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControl SetServices项进行查找,通过查看各服务的名称、 对应的执行文件来确定是否是后门、木马程序等。
▪ 6.查看相关日志 ▪ 运行eventvwr.msc,粗略检查系统中的相
2023年OTII 2U服务器技术规范
目录版权声明 (I)编制说明 ................................................................. I I 前言 . (I11)一、Mii (1)二、术语、缩略语 (1)三、总体要求 (2)四、配置要求 (2)(一)单路服务器规格 (2)(二)双路服务器规格 (4)五、设计要求 (5)(一)机框 (5)1. 规格尺寸 (5)2. 前面板布局 (6)3. 后面板布局 (7)4. 按钮和指示灯 (8)5. 上架安装 (9)(二)部件 (9)1. 逻辑框图 (9)2. CPU (10)3. ...................................................H6. 加速硬件 (12)7. 时钟和同步(可选) (13)8. IO模块(可选) (14)(三)电源 (15)1. ∙'J (15)2. 转换效率 (15)3. 冗余和热插拔 (15)4∙全和保护.・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・155. 电源管理 (15)(四)风扇 (16)1. 规格尺寸 (16)2. 冗余和热插拔 (16)3. 风扇调速 (16)六、环境要求 (16)七、劄里要求 (17)(一)带外管理功能 (17)1. 资产管理 (17)2. 部件信息管理 (17)3. 传感器监控 (18)4. 电源和风扇管理 (18)5. 故障告警 (19)7.其他功能 (20)(二)带内管理功能 (20)八、软件兼容性 (21)OTII(OpenTeIecomITInfraStr11Ct11re)即电信开放IT基础设施项目,隶属于中国最大的开源硬件组织一开放数据中心委员会(ODCC)。
PowerEdge 2950提供了三个硬盘协同工作,我们可以从前面板将这三个硬盘取出随意更换,不过由于日后三块硬盘要协同建立RAID5数据保护系统,所以一旦系统建立就不要随意更换了,否则重新建立所需时间会比较长。(如图7)
PowerEdge 2950使用的硬盘是SAS接口的由seagate公司出品的,硬盘是3.5英寸热插拔硬盘,转速达到15000转,容量是146G。(如图8)
PowerEdge 2950后面板提供的接口更多,从左向右依次是VGA接口,USB接口和两个千M以太网卡接口,同时在右边提供了双电源接口,保证设备具备双路供电系统让PowerEdge 2950可以更稳定的运行,电源的冗余也是服务器有别于普通计算机的一大特点。(如图4)
至此我们就完成了DELL服务器PowerEdge 2950的全部安装和初始化工作,总体来说服务器相比普通台式机在安装过程和初始化步骤上有所区别,针对磁盘的设置会比较多,例如RAID系统建立等。当然如果拥有厂商提供的安装向导的话我们就可以更加高效的完成上述工作,因此笔者也建议各位网络管理员尽可能的通过厂商安装向导光盘来完成安装工作,这样也可以避免故障和不明问题的发生。
除了常规接口外在下排接口上方提供了扩展插槽,我们可以从图中看到写有PCI 2,PCI 3的字样,在日后运行过程中我们可以通过这些插槽针对PowerEdge 2950服务器进行升级。(如图5)
2U4路超高密度戴尔PE R810服务器拆解外观设计戴尔PowerEdge R810在外观设计上有强烈的戴尔特点,与戴尔此前推出的第十一代服务器其他产品如戴尔R710一脉相承(感兴趣的朋友可以看一下《设计优秀管理方便戴尔R710服务器评测》)。
戴尔PowerEdge R810的控制部分设计与其他的戴尔机架式服务器没有什么不同,都包括了电源开关、USB接口、VGA接口和一个用于系统设置和故障诊断的LED 显示屏,通过这个显示屏用户可以了解并进行服务器的基础硬件设置,如iDRAC卡的IP地址、网卡IP等等,而当系统硬件故障时该显示屏会变为黄色,并用简洁的语句提示用户出错的部位,减少诊断时间。
戴尔PowerEdge R810而在VGA接口的下边,是一个快速服务器代码的小牌,其可以插入服务器内部,不影响用户平时的使用,而当服务器出现故障时用户可以拨打戴尔的技术服务热线,输入上面的快速服务代码,呼叫中心便会迅速将电话转接到相应负责的工程师,实现快速响应,戴尔的电话支持是自身的一大特点,与同类厂商相比更显人性化,这与其一直以来坚持的电话直销体系不无关系。
戴尔PowerEdge R810的控制面板在LED显示屏的下面是一个光驱位,在本次送测的产品中没有配备光驱,但用户在购买时可以选购,光驱的安装也相当方便,无需借助螺丝刀等工具,服务器设计有托架,用户直接插入即可,非常简单。
戴尔PowerEdge R810配备的硬盘由于内部设计的原因,戴尔PowerEdge R810的前面板设计分成了上下两个部分,下面的部分完全是散热孔。
这款服务器提供了6个2.5英寸的硬盘位,本次送测的机器配备了4个转速15K的6Gb SAS硬盘,单盘容量147G。
戴尔PowerEdge R810后面板接下来我们再来看一下其后面板的设计,戴尔PowerEdge R810的后面板提供了不少的I/O接口,包括四个板载的千兆网络端口,两个USB接口、VGA接口、串口等,而除此之外,这款产品还提供了iDRAC Enterprise卡,除了一个百兆的管理网络端口之外还提供了一个SD卡插槽,可以放置操作系统宕机之后的紧急状态启动的备用系统,应对突发状况,而另外一个就是这款送测的产品提供了一个万兆的网卡,对于高性能网络来说非常必要。
2U4路超高密度戴尔PE R810服务器拆解外观设计戴尔PowerEdge R810在外观设计上有强烈的戴尔特点,与戴尔此前推出的第十一代服务器其他产品如戴尔R710一脉相承(感兴趣的朋友可以看一下《设计优秀管理方便戴尔R710服务器评测》)。
戴尔PowerEdge R810的控制部分设计与其他的戴尔机架式服务器没有什么不同,都包括了电源开关、USB接口、VGA接口和一个用于系统设置和故障诊断的LED 显示屏,通过这个显示屏用户可以了解并进行服务器的基础硬件设置,如iDRAC卡的IP地址、网卡IP等等,而当系统硬件故障时该显示屏会变为黄色,并用简洁的语句提示用户出错的部位,减少诊断时间。
戴尔PowerEdge R810而在VGA接口的下边,是一个快速服务器代码的小牌,其可以插入服务器内部,不影响用户平时的使用,而当服务器出现故障时用户可以拨打戴尔的技术服务热线,输入上面的快速服务代码,呼叫中心便会迅速将电话转接到相应负责的工程师,实现快速响应,戴尔的电话支持是自身的一大特点,与同类厂商相比更显人性化,这与其一直以来坚持的电话直销体系不无关系。
戴尔PowerEdge R810的控制面板在LED显示屏的下面是一个光驱位,在本次送测的产品中没有配备光驱,但用户在购买时可以选购,光驱的安装也相当方便,无需借助螺丝刀等工具,服务器设计有托架,用户直接插入即可,非常简单。
戴尔PowerEdge R810配备的硬盘由于内部设计的原因,戴尔PowerEdge R810的前面板设计分成了上下两个部分,下面的部分完全是散热孔。
这款服务器提供了6个2.5英寸的硬盘位,本次送测的机器配备了4个转速15K的6Gb SAS硬盘,单盘容量147G。
戴尔PowerEdge R810后面板接下来我们再来看一下其后面板的设计,戴尔PowerEdge R810的后面板提供了不少的I/O接口,包括四个板载的千兆网络端口,两个USB接口、VGA接口、串口等,而除此之外,这款产品还提供了iDRAC Enterprise卡,除了一个百兆的管理网络端口之外还提供了一个SD卡插槽,可以放置操作系统宕机之后的紧急状态启动的备用系统,应对突发状况,而另外一个就是这款送测的产品提供了一个万兆的网卡,对于高性能网络来说非常必要。
一、功能和特点1. 远程管理:2U服务器面板可以通过网络远程管理服务器,无需物理接触服务器,方便管理员进行远程配置、监控和故障排除。
2. 电源管理:通过2U服务器面板,管理员可以对服务器的电源进行管理,包括开关机、重启、电源状态监控等功能。
3. 硬件监控:2U服务器面板可以监控服务器的硬件状态,如CPU温度、风扇转速、电源功耗等,并及时提供报警和通知功能,保证服务器的正常运行。
4. 远程控制:除了远程管理和监控功能外,2U服务器面板还支持远程控制服务器的操作系统,包括远程登录、文件传输、虚拟光驱等功能,方便管理员对服务器进行维护和操作。
5. 安全性:2U服务器面板提供了安全认证和权限控制功能,只有经过授权的管理员才能够访问和管理服务器,保障了服务器的安全性。
二、优势1. 空间占用小:2U服务器面板的设计考虑了机箱的尺寸限制,因此在保持丰富功能的同时,尽量减小了空间占用,为服务器的硬件组件留下更多空间,提高了服务器的整体性能。
2. 省电节能:2U服务器面板具备电源管理功能,可以对服务器的电源进行有效控制,避免不必要的能源浪费,达到省电节能的目的,降低服务器运行成本。
3. 管理便捷:2U服务器面板提供了统一的管理界面,管理员可以通过一个面板对多台服务器进行管理,简化了管理流程,提高了工作效率。
4. 故障排除迅速:通过2U服务器面板提供的远程管理和监控功能,管理员可以及时发现服务器的故障和异常,以便快速进行排除和修复,提高了服务器的可靠性和可用性。
三、使用场景1. 数据中心:对于大型的数据中心来说,2U服务器面板是管理和维护服务器的重要工具,可以提高管理员的工作效率,减少维护成本,并确保数据中心的稳定运行。
ThinkSystem DE 系列 2U 和 4U 机柜 硬件安装与维护指南说明书
DE 系列硬件概述 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 前视图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 后视图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 DE2000 系列的规格. . . . . . . . . . . . 9 DE4000 系列的规格. . . . . . . . . . . 13 DE6000 系列的规格. . . . . . . . . . . 19 驱动器存储架的规格 . . . . . . . . . . 24
第二版 (2019 年 12 月) © Copyright Lenovo 2019. 有限权利声明:如果数据或软件依照美国总务署(GSA)合同提供,则其使用、复制或公开受编号为 GS-35F-05925 的 合同条款的约束。
安全 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Læs sikkerhedsforskrifterne, før du installerer dette produkt. Lees voordat u dit product installeert eerst de veiligheidsvoorschriften. Ennen kuin asennat tämän tuotteen, lue turvaohjeet kohdasta Safety Information. Avant d'installer ce produit, lisez les consignes de sécurité. Vor der Installation dieses Produkts die Sicherheitshinweise lesen.
今天跟大家谈谈如何搭建2U 8盘位存储服务器,解决为中小企业在硬件方面硬件投入的问题.很多中小型企业的员工时常存储的文件内型较多,还有管理层对员工所访问的文件权限有所限制,种种特殊的要求是每个企业所提出的疑难困惑,究竟什么样的配置才能满足这些企业的要求呢?首先得从硬件着手,为什么呢?硬件的配置是对企业的访问量大小有直接影响。
西安唯本电子信息技术有限公司杨经理告诉我们,他们公司定制研发的2U服务器机箱唯本2U R23608P表面上看是有8个热插拔盘位,其实是10个盘位,他们的机架式服务器机箱内置2个2.5寸SSD盘位,这样更好的解决了企业在硬盘盘位上的纠结了,因为机架式服务器的价格跟硬盘位的数量有一定的关系,薛工程师说他们公司的机箱内置的硬盘盘位刚好为企业服务器安装各种操作系统,现在多数定制组装服务器都采用读取速度非常快的固态硬盘做操作系统盘,这样买8盘位机架式服务器就可以最大支持24TB容量了,普通服务器机箱就不能做到这一点。
服务器的安装和调试详细图解1.安装DNS服务组件默认情况下Windows Server 2003(SP1)没有安装DNS服务组件,用户需要手动添加,操作步骤如下所述:第1步,在“控制面板”中打开“添加或删除程序”窗口,并单击“添加/删除Windows组件”按钮,打开“Windows组件安装向导”对话框。
在安装过程中需要提供Windows Server 2003系统安装光盘或指定安装文件路径,如图1所示。
给主板上螺丝钉7、安装供电线缆线缆最后需要固定,要注意不要让线缆触碰到风扇,以免引起故障8、USB前置数据线有USB线和GND线两部分组成(注意排线顺序不能弄错,否则会导致USB端设备损坏)9、安装USB前置数据线要注意的是如图所示,前置线要紧靠边框,带字的一面要面向机箱散热孔边框,GND线是图示中左边的那根黑线,最右边的红色线是USB V+ 线10、安装USB前置数据线完毕后要注意固定好线缆11、安装插线 POWER-LED(此线要切开)、HDD-LED、POWER-SW、RESET-SW、NIC1、NIC2对应的实物图如下12、硬盘数据线安装位置(因为只用到两张盘,所以只接图示位置即可)在下图线上,已经标注了连线的顺序。
2U服务器安装图解1. 介绍在本文档中,我们将详细说明如何正确地安装一台2U服务器。
2. 准备工作在开始之前,请确保已经准备好以下物品:- 一个适用于该型号服务器的机架或支架。
- 所需数量的螺丝和其他固定件。
- 相应规格及容量的硬盘、内存等组件(根据实际需要)。
3. 安装过程步骤1:打开机箱门并检查内容物是否完整。
步骤2:选择合适位置放置你要安装这台服务器设备,在此基础上确定所选区域有足够空间供给后期使用以及散发出来产生高温时候能得到良好排风效果.步骤3: 小心提起主板, 并插入CPU芯片至相应槽位上.图例:[图片]4. 连接电源线确认连接方式无误后即可通电启动测试运行情况5.配置BIOS设置按下DEL键进入bios界面,进行相应的设置6. 安装操作系统根据实际需求选择合适的操作系统,并按照安装向导完成相关步骤。
8. 配置防火墙和安全性设置为了保护您的数据和服务器免受潜在威胁,请配置防火墙并采取其他必要措施提高服务器的安全性。
11. 结束语感谢您使用本文档所提供的2U服务器安装图解指南。
12、本文档涉及附件:- 图片文件:包含示意图等图片素材13、法律名词及注释:- CPU芯片: 中央处理器(Central Processing Unit)是电子计算机中心思考运行核心, 是整个主板上最关键也是负责所有数学/逻辑运算任务.- BIOS: 基本输入输出系统(Basic Input/Output System)是一种固化在计算机主板上的固件,它包含了开机自检、硬件初始化以及启动操作系统等功能。
戴尔 PowerEdge R815 四路2U机架式服务器 产品说明书
性能优化技术Dell PowerEdge R815是为实现高价值、高性能目标而全新设计的一款服务器,不但提供可靠的基础,而且平衡搭配最新AMD 皓龙处理器技术,以求实现稳定性、一致性和超高性价比。
从坚固的金属硬盘托架与排列有序的布线,到交互式液晶显示屏、双SD 虚拟机管理程序模块和嵌入式诊断程序,所有组件在设计和构建时都以提高服务器可靠性和可用性为宗旨。
戴尔在提升其可靠性流程方面采取了以下措施:• 采用完善的验证和测试流程,使产品设计更加耐用 • 确认每个供应商是否满足严格的质量标准• 实施“单人负责制”(one-touch)构建流程,确保由一个人全权监督服务器的整个构建过程,执行更严格的质量控制• 确保每台配置完整的戴尔服务器在出厂之前都经过反复测试• 引进统一服务器配置器(USC),它无需介质便可提供持久的嵌入式诊断,有助于最大限度地缩短停机时间• 采用坚固耐用的工业材料,以延长产品的生命周期• 通过添加双内置故障安全SD 模块(可在虚拟机管理程序级别提供故障转移功能)等特性来逐代提高冗余性除了以上这些质量措施之外,所有第11代服务器的外接端口、电源与LED 指示灯或液晶显示屏都布置在相同的位置,不但能使用户获得更加熟悉而高效的使用体验,同时也方便他们执行安装和部署。
高效的基础架构空间、电力以及散热能力的限制,加之能源成本的不断提高,使IT 部门面临严峻挑战。
戴尔最新的Dell PowerEdge 服务器将能效作为一项设计标准,同时还能实现您的基础架构所要求的性能及预算目标。
PowerEdge R815机箱配备高效风扇,可根据服务器工作负载的需求调整转速。
S2206 (2U24) MS-S312服务器系统用户指南说明书
S2206 (2U24) MS-S312 Server SystemUser Guide2ContentsRevision V1.0, 2023/04Contents Regulatory Notices .......................................................................................................4Copyright and Trademarks Notice ..............................................................................5Technical Support.........................................................................................................5Safety Information ........................................................................................................6System Specifications ..................................................................................................7System Overview . (8)S2206-03 .................................................................................................................8S2206-04 .................................................................................................................8System LED Indicators ...............................................................................................11Motherboard Overview ...............................................................................................12Motherboard Connector ............................................................................................13Power Connector ..................................................................................................13Storage Connector ................................................................................................15FPC Connector ......................................................................................................17Box Header ...........................................................................................................19Motherboard Jumper .................................................................................................24Motherboard Expansion Slot .....................................................................................25Getting Started ............................................................................................................26Necessary Tools ...................................................................................................26Safety Precautions ................................................................................................26System Setup ..............................................................................................................27Drive Bay (27)Installing 2.5" HDD/ SSD ......................................................................................27System Cover ..............................................................................................................28Removing System Cover (28)CPU & Heatsink (29)Installing CPU & Heatsink (30)Memory (33)Recommended Memory Population (34)Installing Memory Modules (35)M.2 M Key (36)Installing M.2 M Key (36)PCIe Add-in Card (37)Installing PCIe Add-in Card (37)Installing Riser Card Assembly (38)System Fan (39)Installing 2U Fan (39)Installing 2U Fan Cage (40)Air Duct (41)Installing Air Duct (41)Power Supply Unit (PSU) (42)Installing PSU (42)3ContentsRegulatory NoticesWEEE StatementUnder the European Union (“EU”) Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Directive 2012/19/EU, products of “electrical and electronic equipment” cannot be discarded as municipal waste anymore and manufacturers of covered electronic equipment will be obligated to take back such products at the end of their useful life. Chemical Substances InformationIn compliance with chemical substances regulations, such as the EU REACH Regulation (Regulation EC No. 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and the Council), MSI provides the information of chemical substances in products at: https:///global/indexCE ConformityHereby, Micro-Star International CO., LTD declares that this device is in compliance with the essential safety requirements and other relevant provisions set out in the European Directive.FCC-A Radio Frequency Interference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limitsfor a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. Notice 1The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. Notice 2Shielded interface cables and AC power cord, if any, must be used in order to comply with the emission limits.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:∙This device may not cause harmful interference, and∙This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.4Regulatory NoticesBattery InformationPlease take special precautions if this product comes with a battery.∙Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer.∙Avoid disposal of a battery into fire or a hot oven, or mechanically crushing or cutting of a battery, which can result in an explosion.∙Avoid leaving a battery in an extremely high temperature or extremely low air pressure environment that can result in an explosion or the leakage of flammable liquid or gas.∙Do not ingest battery. If the coin/button cell battery is swallowed, it can cause severe internal burns and can lead to death. Keep new and used batteries away from children.European Union:Batteries, battery packs, and accumulators should not be disposed of asunsorted household waste. Please use the public collection system toreturn, recycle, or treat them in compliance with the local regulations. BSMI:廢電池請回收For better environmental protection, waste batteries should be collectedseparately for recycling or special disposal.California, USA:The button cell battery may contain perchlorate material and requiresspecial handling when recycled or disposed of in California.For further information please visit:/hazardouswaste/perchlorate/ Copyright and Trademarks NoticeCopyright © Micro-Star Int’l Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. The MSI logo used isa registered trademark of Micro-Star Int’l Co., Ltd. All other marks and names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners. No warranty as to accuracy or completeness is expressed or implied. MSI reserves the right to make changes to this document without prior notice. Technical SupportIf a problem arises with your product and no solution can be obtained from the user’s manual, please contact your place of purchase or local distributor. Alternatively, please visit https:///support/ for further guidance.5Copyright and Trademarks NoticeSafety Information∙Always read the safety instructions carefully.∙Keep this User’s Manual for future reference.∙Keep this equipment away from humidity.∙Lay this equipment on a reliable flat surface before setting it up.∙The openings on the enclosure are for air convection hence protects the equipment from overheating. Do not cover the openings.∙Make sure the voltage of the power source and adjust properly before connecting the equipment to the power inlet.∙Place the power cord such a way that people can not step on it. Do not place anything over the power cord.∙Always unplug the power cord before inserting any add-on card or module.∙All cautions and warnings on the equipment should be noted.∙Never pour any liquid into the opening that could damage or cause electrical shock.∙If any of the following situations arises, get the equipment checked by service personnel:∙The power cord or plug is damaged.∙Liquid has penetrated into the equipment.∙The equipment has been exposed to moisture.∙The equipment does not work well or you can not get it work according to User’sManual.∙The equipment has dropped and damaged.∙The equipment has obvious sign of breakage.∙Do not leave this equipment in an environment unconditioned, storage temperature above 60°C (140°F), it may damage the equipment.6Safety Information7 System SpecificationsSystem OverviewS2206-0324 x 2.5” NVMeHot-Swap Drive BaysS2206-0416 x 2.5” NVMeHot-Swap Drive Bays8 x 2.5” SATAHot-Swap Drive Bays8System Overview9System Overview10System Overview11System LED IndicatorsSystem LED IndicatorsSystem Power Button/ LEDSystem Reset Button UID Button/ LED ! System Status LEDM.2 Activity LEDNIC Link LED12Motherboard Overview13Motherboard ConnectorPSU_PWR1~2: CRPS Power ConnectorThese CRPS (Common Redundant Power Supplies) connectors allow you to connect a power supply. To connect the power supply, ensure that the plug is inserted in the proper orientation and that the pins are aligned. Then firmly push down the power supply into the connector.GPU_PWR1~6: GPU Power ConnectorThese connectors provide power output to GPUs.HDD_PWR1~2: HDD BP Power ConnectorGPU_PWR4GPU_PWR5HDD_PWR2HDD_PWR1HDD_PWR3: Rear HDD BP Power ConnectorMake sure that all power connectors are securely connected to the power supply to ensure stable operation of the motherboard.14Motherboard Connector15Motherboard ConnectorJMCIO1~4: MCIO 4i ConnectorThese are right-angle 38-pin Mini Cool Edge IO (MCIO) connectors, which support PCIe 4.0 x4 16GT/s and SATA 3.0 6Gb/s interfaces. A JSATA_NVME_SW1 jumper can be used to switch signals between SATA and PCIe NVMe (Default).JMCIO5, JMCIO6: MCIO 8i ConnectorThese are vertical 74-pin Mini Cool Edge IO (MCIO) connectors, which support PCIe 4.0 x8 16GT/s interface .JSLIM4X_1: Slimline SAS 4i ConnectorThis is 38-pin Slimline SAS 4i connector, which support PCIe 3.0 x4 8GT/s interface .M2_2M2_1MSD1MSD2JMCIO1JMCIO2JMCIO3JSLIM4X_1JMCIO4JMCIO6JMCIO5M2_1, M2_2: M.2 Slot (M Key, PCIe 3.0 x2, 2280)The M.2 slot supports solid-state drive (SSD). For Installation procedure, please refer.to “System Setup > M.2 M Key"MSD1, MSD2: Micro SD Card Slot16Motherboard ConnectorFPC ConnectorA Flexible Printed Circuit (FPC) connector connects a flexible printed circuit or flat ribbon cable to a PCB. FPC connectors are also referred to as flat flexible cable (FFC) connectors or ribbon connectors. Their slim and lightweight design makes them ideal for electronic devices and equipment that require space-saving solutions.JFP1: Front Panel FPC ConnectorThe front panel connector is provided for electrical connection to the front panel17Motherboard ConnectorJUSB2: USB FPC ConnectorThis port is backward-compatible with USB 2.0 devices and supports data transfer18Motherboard ConnectorBox HeaderF2U-1~6: 2U System Fan Power Connector19Motherboard Connector20Motherboard ConnectorJCHASSIS1: Chassis Intrusion HeaderThis connector connects to the chassis intrusion switch cable. If the chassis is opened, the chassis intrusion mechanism will be activated. The system will record this status and show a warning message on the screen. To clear the warning, you must enter theBIOS utility and clear the record.Normal(default)JCHASSIS1Trigger the chassis intrusioneventJUSB1: USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-A Connector The USB (Universal Serial Bus) port is for attaching USB devices such as keyboard, mouse, or other USB-compatible devices. It supports up to 5 Gbit/s (SuperSpeed) data transfer rate.JIPMB1: IPMB Box HeaderJTPM1: SPI TPM Module Box HeaderThis connector connects to a TPM (Trusted Platform Module) module (optional).JTPM121Motherboard ConnectorJFP_VGA1: Front VGA Header22Motherboard ConnectorFBP_I2C_1, RBP_I2C_1, RBP_I2C_2: I2C Box HeaderI2C connectors are used to connect to the System Management Bus (SMBus). FBP_I2C_1 is for front HDD backplane, and RBP_I2C_1, RBP_I2C_2 are for rear HDDFBP_I2C_123Motherboard Connector24Motherboard JumperMotherboard Jumper⚠ImportantAvoid adjusting jumpers when the system is on; it will damage the motherboard.JSPI_MUX1JSATA_NVME_SW1PCIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express) SlotsThe PCI Express slots support PCIe interface expansion cards.OCP (Open Compute Project) LAN Mezzanine SlotThe slots allows the deployment of a wide variety of additional networking options through OCP Mezzanine Ethernet cards.⚠ImportantWhen adding or removing expansion cards, make sure that you unplug the power supply first. Meanwhile, read the documentation for the expansion card to configure any necessary hardware or software settings for the expansion card, such as jumpers, switches or BIOS configuration.25Motherboard Expansion Slot∙All information is subject to change without prior notice.∙The system photos are provided for demonstration purposes only. The appearance and internal view of your system may vary depending on the model you purchased. Necessary ToolsScrewdriver PliersTweezers Anti-Static GlovesSafety PrecautionsThe following precautions should be observed while handling the system:∙Place the system on a flat and stable surface.∙Do not place the system in environments subject to mist, smoke, vibration,excessive dust, salty or greasy air, or other corrosive gases and fumes.∙Do not drop or jolt the system.∙Do not use a power adapter other than the one enclosed with the system.∙Disconnect the power cord before performing any installation procedures on thesystem.∙Do not perform any maintenance with wet hands.∙Prevent foreign substances, such as water, other liquids or chemicals, fromentering the system while performing installation procedures.∙Use a grounded wrist strap before handling system components such as CPU,Memory, HDD, expansion cards, etc.∙Place system components on a grounded antistatic pad or on the bed that came with the components whenever the components are separated from the system.26Getting StartedBefore removing or installing any components, make sure the system is not turned on or connected to the power.Drive BayInstalling 2.5" HDD/ SSD1. Engage two embossed pins into the side dimples on the HDD/ SSD.2. Carefully push down the other side of the HDD/ SSD until another two embossed pins and side dimples lock it into place.3. With the lever open, insert the 2.5” HDD/ SSD assembly vertically into the drive bay until the locking lever is engaged.4.Push in the lever to lock it into place.27System SetupSystem CoverRemoving System Cover1. Remove the screws securing the system on both sides.2. To remove the top cover panels, press down on the release latches on both sidesand then slide them to the front or back side of the system.28System Cover29CPU & HeatsinkCPU & HeatsinkUse appropriate ground straps, gloves and ESD mats to protect yourself fromelectrostatic discharge (ESD) while installing the processor.⚠Important∙Overheating will seriously damage the CPU and system. Always make sure the cooling fan can work properly to protect the CPU from overheating. Make sure that you apply an even layer of thermal paste (or thermal tape) between the CPU and the heatsink to enhance heat dissipation.∙While replacing the CPU , always turn off the power supply or unplug the power supply’s power cord from the grounded outlet first to ensure the safety of CPU. ∙Do not touch the CPU socket content to avoid damage.∙Whenever CPU is not installed, always protect your CPU socket pins with the plastic cap covered.∙Please refer to the documentation in the CPU cooler package for more details about the CPU cooler installation.∙Read the CPU status in BIOS.30CPU & HeatsinkImages are for illustration purposes only; actual parts may vary.1.2. it gently until it is fully open.3. Lift the rail frame by gripping the lift tabs near the front edge of the rail frame. ∙As both frames are spring-loaded, keep a tight grip on them while lifting to avoid an abrupt swinging motion.4. Pull the external cap upward through the rail guides on the rail frame to remove it.5. Grip the handle of the carrier frame and slide it downward with the flanges and the rail guides aligned.∙CPUs are shipped from the factory with pre-assembled carrier frames.∙Make sure the flanges of the carrier frame are firmly loaded on the rails beforeDo not touch thesocket content! 6. Grip the lift tabs at the front edge of the rail frame with the carrier frame loaded,then gently lower it to engage the carrier’s latching mechanism to the sockethousing.31CPU & Heatsink7. Push the retention frame downward and use a torque screwdriver to tighten theTorque Screwdriver SettingsScrew Head: Torx T20Torque: 12.5-15 kgf·cm**12.5-15 kgf·cm= 122.6~147 N·m= 10.9~13 lbf·in8. thermal paste to thebottom center of the heatsink. (Skip this step if there is pre-applied thermal paste.)9. Lower the heatsink until it rests firmly in place after aligning the six screw holeson its bottom with the motherboard’s studs.10. T ighten all screws in diagonal sequence with a torque screwdriver.∙To avoid damaging the fins of the heatsink, always grip the heatsink along the axis of the fins. Holding a heatsink along the side might damage its fins or solder.∙Confirm if your heatsink is firmly installed before turning on your system.#1#232CPU & Heatsink33MemoryMemoryCPU0_DIMM_G1CPU0_DIMM_H1CPU0_DIMM_I1CPU0_DIMM_J1CPU0_DIMM_K1CPU0_DIMM_L1CPU0_DIMM_F1CPU0_DIMM_E1CPU0_DIMM_D1CPU0_DIMM_C1CPU0_DIMM_B1CPU0_DIMM_A1CPU1_DIMM_G1CPU1_DIMM_H1CPU1_DIMM_I1CPU1_DIMM_J1CPU1_DIMM_K1CPU1_DIMM_L1CPU1_DIMM_F1CPU1_DIMM_E1CPU1_DIMM_D1CPU1_DIMM_C1CPU1_DIMM_B1CPU1_DIMM_A1CPU1CPU034MemoryRecommended Memory PopulationCPU1CPU0ImportantThere should be at least one DDR5 DIMM populated.35MemoryInstalling Memory Modules1. Open the side clips to unlock the DIMM slot.2. Insert the DIMM vertically into the slot, ensuring that the off-center notch at the bottom aligns with the slot.3. Push the DIMM firmly into the slot until it clicks and the side clips automatically close.4.Verify that the side clips have securely locked the DIMM in place.⚠ImportantYou can barely see the golden finger if the memory module is properly inserted in the DIMM slot.36M.2 M KeyM.2 M KeyInstalling M.2 M Key⚽ Video DemonstrationWatch the video to learn how toInstall M.2 SSD.2. Secure the M.2 SSD inplace with the supplied M.2 screw.1. Insert your M.2 SSDinto the M.2 slot at a 30-degree angle.PCIe Add-in CardInstalling PCIe Add-in Card1. Loosen the screws on the riser bracket to remove the filler panels.2. Align the PCIe add-in card with the connector on the riser card, and insert it until it is fully seated.3. Tighten the screws to securely fix the PCIe add-in card in place.⚠ImportantThe procedure for installing PCIe add-in cards are the same for all the riser slots.337PCIe Add-in CardInstalling Riser Card Assembly1. Make sure the key slots on the rear edge of the riser card assembly are aligned withthe mounting pins on the rear edge of the system (indicated by the red circle in the image below).2. Insert the riser card assembly into the PCIe slot on the system board.3. Tighten the screws on the rear side of the system to secure the riser card assembly.38PCIe Add-in CardSystem FanThe server system is equipped with six 60 x 60 x 38mm hot-swappable system fans that provide primary airflow to maintain optimal cooling and prevent overheating. The fan features include:∙Tachometer on each fan allows BMC to monitor the system’s status in real-time.∙An integrated BMC firmware automatically adjusts fan speed based on the system’s thermal status to maintain optimal performance.∙An integrated fault LED on the top of each fan lights up red in case of a failure, simplifying issue identification.∙Fans are mounted within a fan cage that can be easily removed for cable routing, simplifying maintenance and upgrading for efficient operation. Installing 2U Fan1. With the connectors aligned, press the fan release tabs and slide the fan into the slot.2.39System FanInstalling 2U Fan Cage1. Press the release tabs and lift the fan to remove it from the cage.∙Ensure all cables are clear of the fan cage installation area before proceeding.2.40System FanAir DuctThe server system offers two air duct options: a pre-installed standard air duct and a GPGPU air duct available as an accessory.Installing Air Duct⚠Important∙The type of air duct used with the system depends on the processor heatsink and add-in cards installed in the system.∙If you are using 1U CPU height heatsink or thermosyphon and GPGPU add-in cards, replace the standard air duct with the GPGPU air duct.To install the air duct, align the pins on the front edge of the air duct with the holes on the fan wall, then lower the air duct into place until it is securely seated.41Air DuctPower Supply Unit (PSU)The server system supports two power supplies that can be easily inserted and removed from the rear side of the system without the need for tools.⚠Important∙Both power supplies must be identical and both power cords should be connected.∙Failing to connect both power supplies could result in CPU throttling. Installing PSU1. Remove the PSU blank.2. Slide the PSU into the chassis bay until the release latch snaps into place.3. Connect the power cable to the PSU power outlet.42Power Supply Unit (PSU)。
全程图解服务器的安装服务器:HP DL380 G4机器样式:HP - 2U机架式操作目的:安装阵列及系统标准配置:3.4G双核至强CPU、1G ECC内存、没有硬盘、集成6I阵列卡下面是整个装机过程以及设置安装系统:这机器标配不带硬盘,不带软驱。
1、开机,当自检出现下面信息的时候按F8!2.上面提示信息说明,进入阵列卡的配置程序需要按 F8 进入阵列卡的配置程序。
可以看到机器阵列卡的配置程序有4个初始选项:Create Logical Drive 创建阵列View Logical Driver 查看阵列Delete Logical Driver 删除阵列Select as Boot Controller 将阵列卡设置为机器的第一个引导设备(DL380进去只显示前三个)3.进入"Create Logical Drive"的界面,可以看到4部分的信息(1)Available Physical Drives列出来连接在此阵列卡上的硬盘。
(2)Raid Configurations有3种选择 RAID 5,RAID 1 (1+0),RAID 0。
(3)Spare把所选择的硬盘作为热备的硬盘(4)Maximum Boot partition最大引导分区的设置,可以有两个选项提示:DL380系列机器必须配RAID!那怕你是只有一个硬盘.也得配RAID0 要不然用光盘引导的安装的时候会找不到硬盘..在这里.如果有两个硬盘..可用上下方向键选项.按空格键确认..这时候选中的硬盘前面[ ]中会出现个X...选中两个硬盘后选右面的RAID级别..只有一个硬盘时只能选RAID0 也就是说.当硬盘出错的时候.数据全没了..如果有两个硬盘的时候.推荐做RAID 1 这样最起嘛.数据安全.4. 按回车进行确认,提示已经创建一个RAID 0的阵列5.按"F8"进行保存。
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2U4路超高密度戴尔PE R810服务器拆解外观设计戴尔PowerEdge R810在外观设计上有强烈的戴尔特点,与戴尔此前推出的第十一代服务器其他产品如戴尔R710一脉相承(感兴趣的朋友可以看一下《设计优秀管理方便戴尔R710服务器评测》)。
戴尔PowerEdge R810的控制部分设计与其他的戴尔机架式服务器没有什么不同,都包括了电源开关、USB接口、VGA接口和一个用于系统设置和故障诊断的LED 显示屏,通过这个显示屏用户可以了解并进行服务器的基础硬件设置,如iDRAC卡的IP地址、网卡IP等等,而当系统硬件故障时该显示屏会变为黄色,并用简洁的语句提示用户出错的部位,减少诊断时间。
戴尔PowerEdge R810而在VGA接口的下边,是一个快速服务器代码的小牌,其可以插入服务器内部,不影响用户平时的使用,而当服务器出现故障时用户可以拨打戴尔的技术服务热线,输入上面的快速服务代码,呼叫中心便会迅速将电话转接到相应负责的工程师,实现快速响应,戴尔的电话支持是自身的一大特点,与同类厂商相比更显人性化,这与其一直以来坚持的电话直销体系不无关系。
戴尔PowerEdge R810的控制面板在LED显示屏的下面是一个光驱位,在本次送测的产品中没有配备光驱,但用户在购买时可以选购,光驱的安装也相当方便,无需借助螺丝刀等工具,服务器设计有托架,用户直接插入即可,非常简单。
戴尔PowerEdge R810配备的硬盘由于内部设计的原因,戴尔PowerEdge R810的前面板设计分成了上下两个部分,下面的部分完全是散热孔。
这款服务器提供了6个2.5英寸的硬盘位,本次送测的机器配备了4个转速15K的6Gb SAS硬盘,单盘容量147G。
戴尔PowerEdge R810后面板接下来我们再来看一下其后面板的设计,戴尔PowerEdge R810的后面板提供了不少的I/O接口,包括四个板载的千兆网络端口,两个USB接口、VGA接口、串口等,而除此之外,这款产品还提供了iDRAC Enterprise卡,除了一个百兆的管理网络端口之外还提供了一个SD卡插槽,可以放置操作系统宕机之后的紧急状态启动的备用系统,应对突发状况,而另外一个就是这款送测的产品提供了一个万兆的网卡,对于高性能网络来说非常必要。
内部设计戴尔PowerEdge R810整体设计整洁,走线合理,所有的线缆都被整齐地贴在两侧的,丝毫不显凌乱。
戴尔PowerEdge R810的风扇与戴尔之前的产品一样采用了模块化设计,无需工具,打开两侧的卡扣就可以轻松整体取下,而单个的风扇也可以方便地更换,可维护性非常不错。
双SD模块戴尔为这一代的产品配备了双SD模块,其中可以存储虚拟化程序,比如VMware的ESXi 等,开机就可以实现虚拟化配置,而双SD卡实现冗余,可在虚拟机管理程序级别提供故障转移,保障系统可靠性。
双SD模块的安装接下来我们再来看戴尔R810在处理器方面的设计,戴尔PowerEdge R810是一款四插槽的服务器产品,支持Nehalem-EX系列处理器。
至强E6540处理器至强E6540处理器背面至强E6540是一款六核心处理器产品,支持超线程,最大可以达到12个线程,主频2GHz,通过睿频加速最大可以达到2.266 GHz,QPI总线速率6.4 GT/秒,配备了18 MB的三级缓存,TCP功耗105W。
取下I/O部分之后戴尔 PowerEdge R810在I/O扩展性方面的表现值得称道,其为用户提供了6个扩展插槽,除了两个连接在主板上的两个X8 PCI-E插槽之外还通过提升板提供了4个内存插槽,其中提升板1提供了一个X8 PCI-E插槽和一个X4 PCI-E插槽,提升板2提供了两个X8 PCI-E 插槽。
万兆网卡>>6内部设计四与总结回顶部在我们前面照片中出现的电池就是为这块RAID卡供电,这款RAID卡在数据缓存方面使用了一条容量512M的DDR2 800内存,并提供了外接电池供电,外接电池可以保证数据在内存上的安全性,如遇到突发时间电力中断之后,外接电池可以保证缓存上还没有来得及写入硬盘的数据保留72小时,等电力供应正常之后再写入硬盘,这也在一定程度上保证了数据的安全性。
I/O模块接口取下RAID卡之后,我们会看到在RAID卡下方有一个黑色的小模块,实际上,这就是服务器的BMC模块,它与后面覆盖有黑色绝缘膜的外接接口一起提供高级的iDRAC Enterprise卡功能。
iDRAC卡说到这里,我们有必要对iDRAC Enterprise卡做一介绍。
iDRAC是Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller的缩写,即集成式戴尔远程访问控制器。
这款R810配备的是戴尔新一代的iDRAC 6企业卡,这是戴尔在新的第十一代服务器上的重要改变之一,在戴尔的第十一代服务器所使用的iDRAC 6管理卡分为了两个版本,分别叫做iDRAC6 express 和iDRAC6 enterprise,iDRAC6 express相当于BMC的图像化,iDRAC6 enterprise的功能更全面,在功能上与上一代的DRAC 5相似,而在iDRAC6 enterprise上会有专用的VFlash插口,在该插口中插入存储有操作系统的SD卡,可实现在紧急状态下的系统启动等功能。
总结:作为一款使用最新的四路服务器产品,戴尔 PowerEdge R810在2U的机箱内实现了四路设计,超高的密度使得其成为了云时代数据中心的绝佳选择,而戴尔 PowerEdge R810也并没有因为密度问题而减少在内存及I/O方面的扩展性能,其设计了多达32条的内存插槽,实现了前无古人的内存密度,而多大6个I/O接口的设计也使得用户无需担心I/O受限拿开导风罩,我们就可以看到戴尔PowerEdge R810的内存设计,戴尔为这款产品设计了相当高规格的配置,四路插槽,每个插槽配备有8个内存插槽,整体有32个内存插槽,相当有气势,而我们拿到的这款送测的产品也是顶级配置,满配32条4G DDR3-1066内存,整体容量达到了128G。
戴尔PowerEdge R810采用了创新型的设计,设计相当巧妙,其把硬盘和控制模块设计成了抽屉的样式,打开两边的卡扣就可以轻松地推出,怎么样,有创意吧!独特的抽屉设计机箱壁上画箭头的就是抽屉的卡扣。